Information-Theoretic Semantic Multimedia Indexing

Information-Theoretic Semantic Multimedia Indexing
João Magalhães1, Stefan Rüger1,2
Department of Computing
Imperial College London
South Kensington Campus
London SW7 2AZ, UK
Knowledge Media Institute
The Open University
Walton Hall
Milton Keynes MK7 6AA, UK
To solve the problem of indexing collections with diverse text
documents, image documents, or documents with both text and
images, one needs to develop a model that supports heterogeneous
types of documents. In this paper, we show how information
theory supplies us with the tools necessary to develop a unique
model for text, image, and text/image retrieval. In our approach,
for each possible query keyword we estimate a maximum entropy
model based on exclusively continuous features that were preprocessed. The unique continuous feature-space of text and visual
data is constructed by using a minimum description length
criterion to find the optimal feature-space representation (optimal
from an information theory point of view). We evaluate our
approach in three experiments: only text retrieval, only image
retrieval, and text combined with image retrieval.
Categories and Subject Descriptors
H.3.1 [Content Analysis and Indexing]: Abstracting methods.
General Terms
Algorithms, Measurement, Experimentation.
Multimedia indexing, minimum description length, multi-modal
categorization, information retrieval.
Demand for techniques that handle both text and image based
documents is increasing with the wide spread of search
applications. It is impossible to conceive nowadays a world
without systems that allow us to search for specific news articles,
scientific papers, or information in general. Users want more: they
want to submit the same query to search for text documents,
visual documents, or documents with both media, e.g.,
photographs with captions, video shots (keyframes and speech).
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CIVR'07, July 9-11, 2007, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Copyright 2007 ACM 978-1-59593-733-9/07/0007 ...$5.00.
To achieve this, a new breed of information retrieval models is
required: one that seamlessly integrates heterogeneous data. We
propose an information retrieval model that can simultaneously
model text-only documents, image-only documents, and
documents with both text and images.
1.1 Information Theory and Multimodal Data
The objective of the proposed information retrieval model is to
create a single text and image model of each keyword from a
given query vocabulary. Prior to estimating a text and image
model for each keyword, we must first process the input text and
image data, after which we can estimate the model of a given
query keyword.
Both types of data have very different characteristics: while text
data is typically sparse and high-dimensional, visual data is
usually dense and low-dimensional (note that adjectives high and
low are used to contrast the different data that we are dealing
with). Information theory [9] provides us with a set of information
measures that not only assess the amount of information that one
single source of data contains, but also the amount of information
that two sources of data have in common. After selecting the
optimal text feature space and the optimal image feature-space
with the minimum description length (MDL) criterion we merge
both feature spaces and obtain a unique continuous feature space
for text and visual data. Note we use “optimal” in this paper from
an information theory point of view.
Once we have the optimal continuous feature space we estimate a
maximum entropy model for each keyword present on the query
vocabulary. To avoid over-fitting, a Gaussian prior on the
parameters prevents situations where one single feature inserts
bias in the model.
1.2 Contributions
In this paper we propose a maximum entropy model for each
query keyword based on text and image features that were
optimally pre-processed (from an information theory point of
view). In contrast with previous maximum entropy contributions
that work with only discrete and/or positive valued features, we
use real-valued features allowing richer features to be included in
our framework.
In our view, the first most important contribution in our approach
is the ability to seamlessly integrate heterogeneous data (text only
documents, image only documents, and documents with both text
and images) in a unique information retrieval model that borrows
strong statistical foundations from information theory.
The second most important contribution is in terms of information
retrieval system scalability. As will be discussed later, the
framework has a very low computational cost for indexing and
searching, and it can easily scale with the number of keywords in
the vocabulary. Last but not least, the retrieval precision of the
algorithm is in the same range as other state-of-the art algorithms.
This paper is organised as follows: Section 2 contrasts our work
with previous work. In Section 3 we describe how text is handled
as sparse data, and images as dense data; Section 4 describes the
maximum entropy model implementation. Section 5 presents
experiments and results. We conclude by discussing the proposed
information-theoretic framework characteristics.
In text retrieval the search process is triggered by a text query that
can be compared directly to the corpus of the documents in the
collection. Since we want to offer a common query interface for
both text and images we need to define a common vocabulary of
keywords to query all possible types of documents. Therefore the
present work is related to text categorization, image annotation
and multimodal content annotation. We will now look at these
three areas with a view to seamlessly integrate text and image
data on the same framework.
Text categorization models pre-process data by removing stopwords and rare words, stemming, and finally term-weighting. Due
to the high-dimensional feature space of text data most text
categorization algorithms are linear models such as naïve Bayes
[26], maximum entropy [28], Support Vector Machines [19],
regularized linear models [44], and Linear Least Squares Fit [40].
Joachims [19] applies SVMs directly to the text terms. Text is
ideal for applying SVMs without the need of a kernel function
because data is already sparse and high-dimensional. Linear
models fitted by least squares such as the one by Yang et. al [40]
offer good precision, and in particular regularized linear methods,
such as the one we propose and the one by Zhang and Oles [44],
perform similarly to SVMs, with the advantage of yielding a
probability density model. The maximum entropy classification
model proposed by Nigam [28] defines a set of features that are
dependent on the class being evaluated while we use a unique set
of features for all keywords. The proposed maximum entropy
framework has the same characteristics and performance of linear
models (logistic regression, least squares) with the crucial
advantage that while these approaches have no automatic
mechanism to select a vocabulary size we use the minimum
description length principle to select its optimal size.
Yang [39], and Yang and Liu [41] have compared a number of
text classification algorithms and reported their performances on
different text collections. Their results indicate that k-Nearest
Neighbour, SVMs, and LLSF are the best classifiers. Note that
nearest neighbour approaches have certain characteristics (see
[14]) that make them computationally too complex to handle
large-scale indexing.
The simplest image annotation models deploy a traditional multiclass supervised learning model and learn the class-conditional
probability density distribution of each keyword w given its
training data x . Bayes law is used to model p ( x | w ) , the
features data density distribution of a given keyword. Several
techniques to model p ( x | w ) with different types of
probability density distributions have been proposed: Yavlinsky
et al. [43] deployed a nonparametric distribution; Carneiro and
Vasconcelos [7] a semi-parametric density estimation; Westerveld
and de Vries [37] a finite-mixture of Gaussians; while Vailaya et
al. [36] apply a vector quantization technique. Density based
approaches are among the most successful ones. However, density
distributions are not adequate for text because the density models
do not get enough support from such sparse data.
Other types of approaches are based on a translation model
between keywords and images (global, tiles or regions). Inspired
by automatic text translation research, Duygulu et al. [10]
developed a method of annotating images with words. First,
regions are created using a segmentation algorithm like
normalised cuts. For each region, features are computed and then
blobs are generated by clustering the image features for these
regions across an image collection. The problem is then
formulated as learning the correspondence between the discrete
vocabulary of blobs and the image keywords. Following the same
translation approach [11, 17, 20] have developed a series of
translation models that use different models for keywords
(multinomial/binomial) and images representations (hard
clustered regions, soft clustered regions, tiles).
Hierarchical models have also been used in image annotation such
as Barnard and Forsyth’s [3] generative hierarchical aspect model
inspired by a hierarchical clustering/aspect model. The data are
assumed to be generated by a fixed hierarchy of nodes with the
leaves of the hierarchy corresponding to soft clusters. Blei and
Jordan [6] propose the correspondence latent Dirichlet allocation
model; a Bayesian model for capturing the relations between
regions, words and latent variables. The exploitation of
hierarchical structures (either of the data or of the parameters)
increases the number of parameters (model complexity) to be
estimated with the same amount of training data.
Maximum entropy models have also been applied to image
annotation [2, 18] and object recognition [21]. All these three
approaches have specific features for each class (keywords in our
case) which increases the complexity of the system. It is curious
to note the large difference in precision results between [18] and
[2], we believe that it is related to the lack of regularization and to
a differing number of features. These approaches were not as
successful as density estimation based models as maximum
entropy works best in a high-dimensional sparse feature spaces.
The proposed maximum entropy framework tackles this problem
by expanding the feature space in a similar spirit to Hoffman’s
probabilistic Latent Semantic Indexing [15].
These single-modality based approaches are far from our initial
goal but by analysing them we can see which family of models
can be used to simultaneously model text, image, and multi-modal
content. Each modality captures different aspects of that same
reality, thus carrying valuable information about each keyword of
the vocabulary. The simplest approach to multi-modal analysis is
to design a classifier per modality and combine the output of these
classifiers. Westerveld, et al. [38] combine the visual model and
the text model under the assumption that they are independent,
thus the probabilities are simply multiplied. Naphade and Huang
[27] model visual features with Gaussian Mixtures Models
(GMM), audio features with Hidden Markov Models (HMM) and
combine them in a Bayesian network.
In multimedia documents the different modalities contain cooccurring patterns that are synchronised/related in a given way
because they represent the same reality. Synchronization/relation
and the strategy to combine the multi-modal patterns is a key
point of the Semantic pathfinder system proposed by Snoek et al.
[34, 35]. Their system uses a unique feature vector that
concatenates a rich set of visual features, text features from
different sources (ASR, OCR), and audio features. Three types of
classifiers are available: logistic regression (which without
regularization is known to over-fit [8]), Fisher linear discriminant,
and SVMs (offering the best accuracy). The fusion of the different
modalities is possible to be done at different levels and it is
chosen by cross-validation for each concept. The extremely high
computational complexity required to compute the visual features
and to iteratively select the best classifier, the best type of fusion,
and the SVMs parameter optimization are serious drawbacks of
this system. IBM’s Marvel system [1] has a similar architecture
with different learning algorithms to analyse the semantics of
multimedia content. These two approaches offer the best
performance on the TRECVID2005 conference. Both approaches
combine the high-dimensional sparse text features and the lowdimensional dense features on the same feature vector. This might
represent a problem for the optimization procedure because the
information present on each dimension can be very different.
Ideally each dimension should contain the same amount of
information and the data density/sparseness should be similar
across the entire feature space. The first step of our framework
aims at finding this optimal trade-off point by compressing the
text feature space dimension and by expanding the visual feature
space dimension.
In the problem addressed in this paper a collection of d
documents is defined as the set
D =
{( X
), ( X 2 ,W
), ..., ( X d ,W
)} ,
where each document i is identified by the pair ( X i ,W i )
corresponding to the document’s features and its annotations. The
feature vector X i is decomposed into a text feature vector
T i and a visual feature vector V i , and the binary elements of
the vector W i indicate the presence of a given keyword from
the vocabulary of L keywords in a document
= [T
], W
= [ w1i , ...,wLi ] .
Additionally, the elements of the n dimensional text feature
vector and the m dimensional visual feature vector are real
values (not discrete or only positives values)
= [ t1 i , ...,tni ],
= [ v1i , ...,vmi ] .
As discussed in the introduction, text features are very different
from visual features. Processing a joint feature-space with both
text and visual features would require a generic algorithm that
could lead to lower indexing precisions. Moreover, because we
are also targeting single-modality and multi-modality information
indexing, we process each feature-space individually with
algorithms adequate to the specific feature-space characteristics.
To create a unique feature space where keywords are optimally
represented, we transform both original feature spaces into an
optimal unique feature space with a transformation
F (T
) = ⎡⎣⎢ FS (T i ), FD (V
) ⎤⎦⎥ ,
where FS is the multivariate function that transforms sparse
feature spaces (text) and FD is the multivariate function that
transforms dense feature spaces (images). The resulting function
F is the simple concatenation of the other two transformations.
The MDL Principle
The transformations FS and FD change the representation of
the original data into a different representation of the data. As we
will see transformations FS and FD have different strategies to
handle text features and visual features. However, in both cases
there is the problem of selecting the optimal transformation from
the large number of possible transformations and their varying
complexities. In this section we answer questions like “how many
text features?” and “how many visual clusters?” that are usually
addressed by some heuristic method. We employ a minimum
description length criterion [32], to infer the optimal
representation of each feature space as follows.
When changing the representation of the data we compute a
candidate transformation F* that carries an expected error of the
data on the new representation expressed with the squared-error
loss, see [14]:
Err(x ) = E ⎡⎢ ( 1 − F * (x ) ) X = x ⎤⎥
= Irreducible Error + Bias2 + Variance.
The first term is the variance of the modelled process and cannot
be avoided. The second term measures the difference between the
true mean of the process and the estimated mean. The third term
is the variance of the estimated model around its mean. The more
complex we make the candidate transformation F* the lower the
bias but the higher the variance. Equation (5) expresses the
transformation bias-variance trade-off: simple transformations can
only represent the training data’s coarse details (high bias)
causing a high prediction error (low variance) because the
transformation ignores important aspects of the data structure;
complex transformations can represent training data structures in
great detail (lower bias) but the prediction error increases (in
variance) because the transformation do not generalise to other
The MDL principle finds the transformation F* that achieves the
best trade-off between the feature space dimensionality and data
representation. The solution is the transformation that minimises
the description length,
DL ( D, F* ) = − DL ( D | F* ) − DL ( F* ) ,
which is the description length needed to represent the data D in
terms of a candidate transformation F* : the description length of
the transformation F* itself, plus the description length needed
to represent the data D on the new feature space.
This section starts by describing the text features that were
extracted from the collection’s documents and then we present
how to transform them to obtain an optimal feature space.
Following traditional information retrieval text processing
techniques [39] we remove stop words and, following Joachims
[19], remove rare words from the text corpus (to avoid overfitting). After this, the Porter stemmer [31] reduces words to their
morphological root. The terms obtained by this process are
weighted by their inverse document frequency [33],
where d is the number of documents in the collection and
DF ( ti ) is the number of documents containing the term ti .
Text features are high-dimensional sparse data, which pose some
difficulties to parametric generative models because each
parameter receives little support from the data. In discriminative
models one observes over-fitting effects because the data
representation might be too optimistic by leaving out a lot of the
underlying data structure information.
To find an optimal representation we define the FS
transformation, which reduces the number of dimensions of a
sparse space with n dimensions into an optimal space with ks
dimensions, as
Fs ( t1 i , ...,tni
⎡ f s ( t i , ...,t i
⎢ 1 1
⎢ s
⎢⎣ fks ( t1 , ...,tn
) ⎤⎥
) ⎥⎥⎦
ks n .
P ( wi , t j )
∑ ∑ P ( wi , t j ) log P ( wi ) P ( t j )
For each term t j , the criterion measures the common entropy
between a given query keyword entropy H ( wi ) and the query
keyword entropy given a term t j , H ( wi | t j ) . Yang and
Pedersen [42] and Gorman [13] have shown experimentally that
this is one of the best criteria for feature selection.
Feature Space Selection
With the terms ranked by their amount of entropy shared with the
query keywords, we can select the most relevant terms by using
the minimum description length criterion:
Sparse Feature Spaces: Text Data
IDF ( ti ) = log d DF ( t ) ,
MU ( wi , t j ) =
Term Selection
To reduce the dimensions we rank the terms t0 , ... , tn by
their importance for the problem classes and select the most
important ones. The criterion to rank the terms (or dimensions) is
the mutual information (referred to as information gain) [32],
expressed by
DL ( D, M θ ) = − log p (T | F S ) +
log d .
The criterion measures the trade-off between the likelihood of the
data D for the model M θ and the model complexity. The MDL
criterion is designed “to achieve the best compromise between
likelihood and … complexity relative to the sample size”, [4]: it
selects automatically the optimal feature space representation that
can be obtained with an average mutual information measure.
Dense Feature Spaces: Visual Data
We now describe the visual features that were extracted from the
collection’s documents and then present the transformation to
obtain the optimal feature space. The low-level features that we
use in our implementation are a Marginal HSV colour feature [29]
with 12 dimensions, a Gabor texture feature [16] with 16
dimensions, and a Tamura texture feature [16] with 3 dimensions.
Images are segmented into 3 by 3 parts (9 tiles) before extracting
the low-level features.
Our visual feature spaces are dense and low-dimensional spaces:
hence, keyword data may overlap increasing class crossinterference. This means that the discrimination between
keywords is difficult and the estimation of a density model is also
less effective due to keyword data overlapping. One solution is to
expand the original feature space into a higher-dimensional
feature space where keywords data overlap is minimal. Thus, we
define F D as the transformation that increases the number of
dimensions of a dense space with m dimensions into an optimal
space with kd dimensions:
FD ( v1i , ...,vmi
⎡ D
⎢ f1 ( v1 , ...,vm
⎢ D
⎢⎣ fkd ( v1 , ...,vm
) ⎤⎥
) ⎥⎥⎦
kd m
Visual Codebook
Unlike most expansion techniques that use a predefined expansion
we learn the expansion function F D by exploring the natural
structure of the data. The expansion function F D is determined
by estimating a density model of the entire dataset to capture its
structure in the form of clusters and use each cluster as a new
dimension. This strategy is similar to probabilistic latent semantic
indexing [15] in the sense that we are estimating a canonical
representation of the feature space.
language processing [5], text classification [28], image annotation
[18]. Maximum entropy is used in this paper to model query
keywords in the optimal feature space that was discussed in the
previous section. As is shown in [30] maximum entropy models
have an exponential (or log-linear) form
The cluster density models of each visual feature space are
computed with an expectation-maximization (EM) algorithm
which fits a GMM to the data. The expression of a GMM is
P ( wt | T ,V ) =
p(x ) = p ( x | θn ) =
∑ αm p ( x | µm , σm2 ) ,
m =1
where kd is the number of Gaussians (clusters), x is the lowlevel visual features, and θn represents the complete set of model
, and
parameters with component means µm , covariances σm
priors αm . The priors have the convexity constraint
α1,..., αm ≥ 0 and
αm = 1 . The cluster density model is
estimated with an EM algorithm, which forces each cluster to
model a particular and different structural aspect of the data.
Since the algorithmic nature of EM reduces the cross-interference
between clusters each cluster will be a new dimension of the
resulting feature space. To obtain several models with different
numbers of clusters (different model complexities) we estimate a
hierarchal set of density models (GMMs). We developed a C++
implementation of the modified expectation-maximization
algorithm proposed by Figueiredo and Jain in [12]. With minor
modifications this algorithm responds to our needs, see [23]. It
starts with a number of clusters much larger than the true number
of clusters and deletes clusters as they get little support data or
when they become singularities. Once a model is fitted, the
smallest cluster is deleted and the modified EM algorithm
continues with that model as a seed for estimating the next
hierarchal level. The result is a hierarchy of GMMs (and
equivalently a set of F D candidate transformations) with
different number of clusters (resulting dimensions).
Feature Space Selection
Once we have learned a hierarchal set of density models, we let
the minimum description length criterion select automatically the
density model (transformation FD ) that has the informationtheoretic optimal number of clusters (dimensions):
DL ( D, FD (⋅) ) = − log p (V | FD ) +
log d
Note that this process differs from probabilistic latent semantic
indexing [15] in the application of MDL criterion to select the
optimal number of clusters and the creation of hierarchical
Maximum entropy modelling is a statistical learning technique
that has been applied to a great variety of fields, e.g. natural
e βwt ⋅F(T ,V ) ,
Z (T ,V )
where F (T ,V ) is the feature vector, βwt is the weight vector
for keyword wt , and Z (T ,V ) is a normalising factor to ensure
a proper probability.
We implemented the binomial model, where one class is always
modelled relatively to all other classes, and not a multinomial
which would impose a model that does not reflect the reality of
the problem. The multinomial model implies that events are
exclusive and in our problem keywords are not always exclusive.
For this reason, the binomial model is the correct choice for the
problem at hand because documents can have more than one
keyword assigned.
4.1 Over-fitting control: Gaussian Prior
As discussed by Nigan et al [28] and Chen and Rosenfeld [8],
maximum entropy models may suffer from over-fitting. This is
usually because features are high-dimensional and sparse meaning
that the weights can easily push the model density towards some
particular training data points. Zhang and Oles [44] have also
presented a study on the effect of different types of regularization
on logistic regression. Their results indicate that with the adequate
cost function (regularization), precision results are comparative to
SVMs with the advantage of rendering a probabilistic density
The MDL criterion already addresses this problem by selecting
the optimal space complexity. Another more efficient way of
tackling maximum entropy over-fitting is to set a prior on the
weights. As suggested in [28] and [8] we use a Gaussian prior
with mean zero and σ 2 variance to prevent the optimization
procedure from over-fitting.
4.2 Large-Scale ML Estimation
To estimate the maximum entropy model the weights βwt are the
only variables that need to be computed by minimizing the loglikelihood of the above model over the entire dataset
βwt = arg min ∑ l ( βwt ) ,
i ∈D
where l ( βwt ) is the log-likelihood function, and D is the entire
training set. As discussed previously we use a Gaussian prior to
reduce the over-fitting effect. Thus the log-likelihood function for
a binomial logistic model becomes
⎛ e βwt ⋅F(T i ,V i
l ( β ) = ∑ log ⎜⎜⎜
⎝⎜ Z (T ,V
i ∈D
β Tβ
⎟⎟⎟ − wt wt ,
2σ 2
) ⎠⎟⎟
where wt ( i ) is 1 if the image i has the keyword wt and 0
otherwise, x ( i ) is the low-level visual features of the image i ,
and σ 2 is the Gaussian prior variance. Thus, maximum log-
likelihood model estimation is computed with a quasi-Newton
algorithm that finds the solution to Equation (15) by finding the
root of the first derivative of Equation (16):
∂l ( β )
∑ F ( x i )( wt i
( )
i ∈D
( )
− p ( wt | x ( i ), β ) ) −
. (17)
Newton algorithms need the Hessian matrix to drive the algorithm
into a local maximum solution. The computation of the Hessian
matrix is very complex because the feature space might have up
to around 10,000 dimensions producing the computation of a
10,000×10,000 on each iteration. Thus, algorithms that compute
approximations to the Hessian matrix are ideal for the problem at
hand. The limited-memory BFGS algorithm proposed by Liu and
Nocedal [22] is one of such algorithms that “use curvature
information from only the most recent iterations to construct the
Hessian approximation. Curvature information from earlier
iterations, which is less likely to be relevant to the actual
behaviour of the Hessian at the current iteration, is discarded in
the interest of saving storage”. Malouf [25] has compared several
optimisation algorithms for maximum entropy and found the
limited-memory BFGS algorithm to be the best one. We use the
implementation provided by Liu and Nocedal [22].
To evaluate our information-theoretic framework we tested it on a
text dataset, an image dataset, and a text and image dataset. The
following sections will present these datasets, a baseline
classifier, the experiments, and the results of the evaluation.
5.1 Datasets
Reuters-21578: This is a widely used text dataset which allows
comparing our results with others in the literature. Each document
is composed by a text corpus, a title (which we ignore), and
labelled categories. This dataset has several possible splits and we
have used the ModApte split which contains 9,603 training
documents and 3,299 test documents (the same evaluation setup
used in [19, 26, 28, 44]). Terms appearing less than 3 times were
removed. Only labels with at least 1 document on the training set
and the test set were considered leaving us with 90 labels. After
these steps we ended with 7,770 labelled documents for training.
Corel Images: This dataset was compiled by Duygulu et al.
[10] from a set of COREL Stock Photo CDs. The dataset has
some visually similar concepts (jet, plane, Boeing), and some
concepts have a limited number of examples (10 or less). In their
seminal paper, the authors acknowledge that fact and ignored the
classes with these problems. In this paper we use the same setup
as in [7, 11, 17, 20, 43], which differ slightly from the one used in
the dataset original paper, [10]. The retrieval evaluation scenario
consists of a training set of 4,500 images and a test set of 500
images. Each image is annotated with 1-5 keywords from a
vocabulary of 371 keywords. Only keywords with at least 2
images in the test set were evaluated which reduced the number of
vocabulary to 179 keywords.
TRECVID2005: To test the algorithm on a multi-modal
collection of documents we used TRECVID2005: each document
(a video shot) has text (from speech), images (keyframes) and the
labels from vocabulary of 39 standard keywords rather than the
full 400 LSCOM concepts. Since only the training set is
completely labelled, we randomly split the training English
videos to use as train and test. We considered each document to
be a keyframe plus the text within a window of 6 seconds, and the
retrieval evaluation was done at the document (shot) level. We did
not consider the non-English data because that would require
more time/processing power and the English ASR in these cases
are too noisy (the ASR obtained from speech recognition
followed by machine translation).
5.2 Baseline Naïve Bayes Model
The naïve Bayes text classifier results from the direct application
of Bayes law and from the use of strong independence
assumptions between terms in a document. As discussed by
McCallum and Nigam [26], a document can be represented as an
event model of term presence or term count, leading to the choice
of a binomial or multinomial model respectively. We choose the
multinomial distribution, as the binomial distribution is too
limiting given the probabilistic nature of our problem. The
description of the naïve Bayes implementation used in our
experiments is in [24].
5.3 Experiments and Results
We run retrieval experiments by ranking documents for each
keyword and computing the corresponding average precision. The
mean of the results for all keywords, the mean average precision,
is plotted on figures against the dimension of the feature spaces.
The mark indicates the results with the feature space chosen with
the minimum description length. The regularization parameter
was chosen by cross-validation. The graphs also compare the
maximum entropy framework to a baseline naïve Bayes model.
The low-level visual features are: Marginal HSV colour feature
[29] with 12 dimensions; Gabor texture feature [16] with 16
dimensions; Tamura texture feature [16] with 3 dimensions.
Images are segmented into 3 by 3 parts (9 tiles) before extracting
the low-level features. Text features are processed as described
Results in the Reuters dataset in Figure 1 show that after some
number of terms (space dimension) precision does not increase
because the information carried by these terms are already present
on the previous ones. It is interesting to note that the MDL point
is slightly below the best value because the number of samples is
too small and does not favour more complex models (see the
MDL expression).
Figure 2 shows the retrieval results versus the data representation
complexity for the Corel images dataset. Each point in the curve
is obtained by concatenating different colour and texture
representations with the same number of dimensions (e.g. 100
dimensions for colour plus 100 dimensions for texture).
The precision stabilises after a certain space dimension because
the new dimensions being added to the feature space do not bring
any original information (the same phenomenon shows on the
Reuters dataset). The MDL point is not on top of the curve
because it corresponds to the concatenation of the best
representation of the colour features plus the best representation
of the texture features. Note that in the Reuters case the MDL
point is on top of the curve because there is only a single feature
With the TRECVID dataset we tested our statistical modelling
framework on data with both dense and sparse data. Figure 3
shows the results and it is possible to observe the same
phenomenon that we observed on the other datasets. Note also
that the difference between naïve Bayes and maximum entropy is
not big which we believe is due to the fact of the increasing
number of parameters to estimate.
Mean Average Precision
Naïve Bayes
Space dim ension
Figure 1 – Retrieval results on Reuters-21578.
Mean Average Precision
Max Ent
Naïve Bayes
Space dim ension
Figure 2 – Retrieval results on Corel Images.
Mean Average Precision
Naïve Bayes
Space dim ension
We propose an information-theoretic framework for semantically
indexing text, images and multimedia information. The text,
image, and multimedia models are a multi-modal representation
of a query keyword on an information retrieval system. Text and
visual features are transformed via information theory related
techniques (average mutual information and clustering) into an
optimal representation of the original data with the MDL
criterion. Finally, the query keywords are represented as a
maximum entropy model regularised with a Gaussian prior and
estimated with a quasi-Newton algorithm.
Model selection. The MDL criterion selects the optimal
complexity of a model that faithfully represents data for the given
number of samples. It does not necessarily select the model that
achieves the best results. In some situations cross-validation
might select a model which produces better results for two
reasons: (1) sometimes the assumption that data was generated by
a random process is too weak (there’s a strong bias between the
train and test set) and (2) the number of samples is too low
leading the MDL criterion to select a simpler model.
Precision vs space dimensions. We use MDL to select the
optimal representation of each individual feature space and not
the optimal representation of all feature spaces together.
Individual feature spaces contain redundant information that
already exists on some other feature space. This means that after
merging all new data representations, there will be dimensions
containing related information. To solve this problem one would
have to employ some type of greedy search algorithm that gathers
a feature space with only the useful dimensions, discarding the
redundant ones. Note that this is related to the way we design new
representations of data and not to the way we assess them (in our
case with MDL).
Learning scalability. The high computational cost of the learning
process resides on the clustering of the visual feature space and on
the quasi-Newton algorithm. These learning procedures are
usually done offline and they aim at estimating the keyword
model with the minimum complexity possible which results in a
simple model with a high inference scalability.
Precision. The performed experiments show that our framework
offers a performance in the same range as other state-of-the-art
algorithms. Text and image results are quite good while
multimodal experiments were affected by the noise present on the
speech text and by the higher number of parameters to estimate. It
was not surprising to see that maximum entropy attains better
results than naïve Bayes at the expense of a higher learning cost.
Figure 3 – Multimodal retrieval results on TRECVID2005.
Indexing scalability. In contrast to most maximum entropy
models that have a set of feature functions specific for each
keyword, we have a unique set of features to compute all
keywords probabilities. Obviously, this results in a low
complexity indexing algorithm which is crucial for large-scale
search engines. The clustering of the visual feature space
contributes to this reduction on the computational complexity:
apart from its hierarchical nature, it pursues the same objective as
probabilistic latent semantic indexing [15], which is to
approximate the SVD canonical representation of a feature space.
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