Dampak Pengenaan Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction of Chemical (REACH) terhadap Ekspor Non Migas Indonesia di Pasar Uni Eropa Diterbitkan Oleh Puslitbang Perdagangan Luar Negeri Kementerian Perdagangan Republik Indonesia, 2009 Dampak Pengenaan Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction of Chemical (REACH) terhadap Ekspor Non Migas Indonesia di Pasar Uni Eropa Tim Penyusun Penanggung Jawab: Hari Widodo Peneliti: Yosua H Simanjuntak Umar Fakhrudin Tarman Aditya Paramita Alhayat Pembantu Peneliti: Sri Mulyati Rakiman Tenaga Ahli: Duddy Roesmara Donna Arif Muhammad Yusuf PUSAT PENELITIAN DAN PENGEMBANGAN PERDAGANGAN LUAR NEGERI BADAN LITBANG PERDAGANGAN KEMENTERIAN PERDAGANGAN REPUBLIK INDONESIA 2009 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Uni Eropa adalah salah satu negara tujuan utama ekspor Indonesia. Perkembangan ekspor non migas Indonesia ke Uni Eropa pada tahun 2008 mengalami peningkatan menjadi sebesar US$ 15,37 milyar atau meningkat sebesar 15,18% di bandingkan tahun sebelumnya. Komoditi ekspor non migas Indonesia ke Uni Eropa berdasarkan HS 9 digit antara lain : Copper Ores, CPO, SIR 20, Furniture. Dalam menghadapi perkembangan perdagangan bahan kimia dan penggunaan secara aman bahan kimia, Uni Eropa mengeluarkan suatu peraturan baru yang dinamakan dengan Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction of Chemical. Tujuan peraturan tersebut adalah untuk alasan kesehatan dan keselamatan pekerja maupun masyarakat umum; pengamanan lingkungan; serta mengelola persaingan dan pengembangan industri kimia. Disamping itu, peraturan tersebut tidak hanya untuk pendaftaran bahan kimia itu sendiri tetapi juga terhadap derivative maupun artikel yang mengandung bahan kimia. Sebagai pelaksanaan peraturan tersebut dibentuk suatu lembaga yang dinamakan European Chemical Agency. Peraturan tersebut dapat dikatakan sebagai hambatan perdagangan. Hambatan perdagangan yang dikenal saat ini adalah hambatan tarif dan non tarif. Kedua hambatan tersebut dapat mempengaruhi aliran barang dan jasa, sekaligus dapat pula melindungi industri dalam negeri dari persaingan yang tidak sehat atau mendorong industri "bayi". Yang masuk dalam hambatan non tarif seperti pembatasan kuantitatif impor, variable import levies, harga impor minimum, lisensi impor, berbagai kemudahan untuk State Trading Enterprise (BUMN), baik State Trading Enterprise ekspor maupun impor, serta batasan alasan kesehatan. Dengan pemberlakuan Registration, Evaluation, Authorization And Restriction Of Chemical tentunya berdampak terhadap eksportir/eksportir produsen (perusahaan ekspor) sebagai pelaku utama ekspor Indonesia ke Uni Eropa. Untuk mendapatkan informasi dari eksportir/eksportir produsen tentang dampak tersebut, dilakukan survey ke beberapa daerah penelitian. Dari tabulasi yang disusun dapat dikatakan bahwa secara umum peraturan tersebut belum mempengaruhi ekspor Indonesia ke Uni Eropa karena sampai saat ini masih bisa berjalan normal dan jika terjadi penurunan ekspor pada tahun 2009 lebih disebabkan oleh krisis global. Walaupun demikian, sosialisasi oleh pemerintah dirasakan masih kurang karena beberapa perusahaan merasa bahwa informasi tentang adanya sosialisasi yang dilakukan instansi terkait tidak sampai ke i perusahaan yang bersangkutan. Ketika dilakukan kunjungan kerja ke Belanda, diperoleh informasi yang sama tentang dampak yaitu proses arus barang tidak terhambat secara langsung. Hambatan arus barang hanya dilakukan dengan cara penarikan peredaran di pasaran jika disinyalir barang tersebut berbahaya bagi manusia dan lingkungan. Dapat diinformasikan pula bahwa hingga saat ini belum diketahui adanya perusahaan Indonesia yang mensuplai bahan kimia atau campuran kimia atau produk yang mengandung bahan kimia yang harus didaftarkan dalam rangka pre-registrasi maupun registrasi baik atas nama perusahaan bersangkutan maupun melalui Only Reprensentative. Berdasarkan notulensi rapat nasional Helpdesk for REACH No. 1421/IAK/12/2008 tanggal 2 Desember 2008, PT Surveyor Indonesia yang merupakan badan usaha milik negara (BUMN) diminta berlaku sebagai Only Representative (OR) untuk membantu industri-industri dalam negeri untuk memasuki pasar Uni Eropa di bawah naungan mekanisme Registration, Evaluation, Authorization And Restriction Of Chemical. Namun hingga saat ini, Indonesia belum memiliki Only Representative. Perkembangan Korea Selatan dalam menghadapi isu dan segala sesuatu yang berhubungan dengan Registration, Evaluation, Authorization And Restriction Of Chemical (REACH) di Korea Selatan dikoordinasikan di bawah Ministry of Knowledge Economy (MKE). Selanjutnya Registration, Evaluation, Authorization And Restriction Of Chemical (REACH) memberikan wewenang ke The Korea Institute of Industrial Technology (KITECH). KITECH adalah lembaga penelitian yang dibiayai pemerintah untuk membantu pengembangan teknologi Industri UKM di Korea Selatan termasuk membantu dalam menanggapi dan mengambil langkah terkait Registration, Evaluation, Authorization And Restriction Of Chemical (REACH). Salah satu bidang di The Korea Institute of Industrial Technology (KITECH) yang memiliki tugas pokok untuk membantu pengusaha/ perusahaan-perusahaan Korea Selatan dalam menghadapi/memenuhi peraturan-peraturan internasional terkait dengan lingkungan, termasuk Registration, Evaluation, Authorization And Restriction Of Chemical (REACH) adalah Business Service Center for Global Environmental Regulation (BSCGER) yang didirikan pada Bulan Desember 2006. Tugas pertama yang dilakukan Business Service Center for Global Environmental Regulation (BSCGER) adalah memberikan informasi sebanyak dan seluas mungkin mengenai REACH. Selain penyebaran informasi Business Service Center for Global Environmental Regulation (BSCGER) juga melakukan pembekalan dan pelatihan; ii menyediakan data material dan menyediakan jasa konsultasi serta mengumpulkan data dari perusahaan-perusahan dan mengkombinasikan data yang diperoleh dari database mengenai supply chain kemudian menyebarkannya data-data tersebut pada perusahaan-perusahaan sebagai bahan perusahaan memenuhi persyaratan Registration, Evaluation, Authorization And Restriction Of Chemical (REACH) mengenai penyediaan data supply chain. Quantitative structure activity relationship merupakan suatu project dari Business Service Center for Global Environmental Regulation mengenai suatu model matematis yang menghubungkan pengukuran kuatitatif dari suatu struktur kimia terhadap physical property atau dampak biologinya (misal: titik akhir toxicological). Informasi ini dapat dimafaatkan pengusaha guna memprediksi struktur bahan kimia dan dampak kimianya dari suatu produk yang mereka produksi. Korea Selatan pada saat ini memiliki 6 (enam) Only Representative di Uni Eropa. Masing-masing Only Representative terdiri dari 10 – 100 perusahaan. Saat ini terdapat sekitar 440 perusahaan Korea Selatan yang terdaftar melalui Only Representative Korea (tidak termasuk perusahaan Korea yang masuk melalui Only Representative Uni Eropa). Only Representative Korea Selatan menyediakan jasa untuk melakukan pre registrasi dan registrasi tidak hanya untuk perusahaanperusahaan di Korea Selatan, namun juga perusahaan-perusahaan dari negara lain yang berminat. Saat ini negara lain yang melakukan pre registrasi melalui Only Representative Korea Selatan adalah perusahaan dari China, Thailand, dan Malaysia. Salah satu keuntungan yang diperoleh dengan menggunakan Only Representative diluar Only Representative Uni Eropa adalah harga yang relative lebih murah dalam mendaftarkan perusahaan. Dalam menganalisis kebijakan Non Tariff Measure seperti Registration, Evaluation, Authorization And Restriction Of Chemical menggunakan ex-ante analysis karena kebijakan tersebut baru berjalan. Kebijakan tersebut baru dalam fase pendaftaran sehingga dampaknya belum dirasakan oleh eksportir maupun importir. Rekaan dampak akan kebijakan ini diperlukan forward looking impact (pendeskripsian dampak ke depan) dengan menggunakan metodologi ex-ante analysis. Metodologi ex-ante analysis ini diawali dari sebuah titik data awal yang dipandang paling stabil dan dipandang tidak dipengaruhi oleh shock yang ada di luar. Data yang diestimasi seharusnya melihat kondisi data yang tidak begitu fluktuatif dan dipandang pada kondisi normal. iii Pemilihan tahun 2007 juga melalui pertimbangan keberadaan data harga pada tingkat internasional. Keberadaan data harga internasional didapatkan melalui World Integrated Trade Solution yang disediakan oleh UNCTAD. Harga internasional sangat penting dalam pengukuran Nominal Tariff Equivalent. Keberadaan harga internasional dihitung dari unit value yang ada pada negara yang memproduksi paling efisien. Pemilihan data harga referensi sangat penting karena akan menentukan tingkat tarif equivalent yang akan dihitung dalam penghitungan Nominal Tariff Equivalent. Perdebatan dalam penelitian Nominal Tariff Equivalent sering terjadi pada pemilihan data harga referensi yang ada (Lairds 2009). Pemilihan data harga referensi yang optimal seharusnya adalah harga pada negara yang dapat memproduksi barang dan jasa paling efisien di pasar internasional. Data harga kadang sulit didapatkan untuk per produk dan berdasarkan HS yang ada. Proxy terbaik adalah unit value dari ekspor dunia pada barang itu. World Integrated Trade Solution menyajikan data-data itu sehingga Nominal Tariff Equivalent dapat diestimasi dengan baik. Penelitian ex-ante cost benefit kadang dihadapkan pada kesulitan melakukan estimasi pada ongkos yang akan diderita oleh produsen ataupun konsumen sebagai objek estimasi tersebut. Peraturan tersebut akan menimbulkan beberapa ongkos bagi produsen, eksportir, dan importir Indonesia. Ongkos-ongkos tersebut dapat berupa ongkos perijinan yang harus ditanggung oleh importir, ongkos evaluasi zat-zat kimia tertentu, ongkos laboratorium, ongkos negosiasi, dan ongkos transaksi. Selain itu penghitungan ongkos harus dilakukan secara hati-hati karena akan menimbulkan over-estimate pada penelitian tersebut. Estimasi harus didasarkan pada ketepatan setiap ongkos dengan dasar pengetahuan dan deskripsi yang jelas akan opportunity cost yang diderita oleh importir maupun eksportir akibat penerapan peraturan tersebut. Opportunity cost dapat berupa pendapatan yang hilang karena pengurusan ijin, pengujian laboratorium, dan ketertahanan barang di pelabuhan atas perijinan tersebut. Penghitungan opportunity cost juga merupakan anggapan ongkos secara arbitrase oleh peneliti sehingga banyak sekali menimbulkan perdebatan yang sengit untuk mendapatkan suatu estimasi yang tepat. Estimasi biaya-biaya yang dihitung oleh penelitian ini menggunakan asumsi pembiayaan yang harus ditanggung oleh importir apabila dia mendaftarkan sebagai individual submission. Pendaftaran untuk individual submission merupakan ongkos termahal sehingga tidak begitu memberikan hasil yang terlalu optimistis terhadap iv hasil estimasi penghitungan Nominal Tariff Equivalent-nya. Penghitungan Nominal Tariff Equivalent ditaruh pada posisi yang tinggi agar apabila ternyata importir menggunakan peluang dan ruang lain selain individual submission maka dampak ini dapat diminalisasikan. Peluang kebijakan dapat dilihat dampaknya apabila importir melakukan improvisasi pendaftaran dengan metode lain. Berdasarkan metodologi di atas kajian ini menghasilkan hasil sebagai berikut: 1. Indonesia mengekspor sebanyak 3851 HS ke Uni Eropa dan hampir 1.413 hingga 1.912 HS terkena katagori yang harus melalui prosedur peraturan tersebut. Berdasarkan sensitivity analysis terhadap kandungan kimia yang ada, HS yang terkena prosedur peraturan tersebut sangat sensitif terhadap kandungan kimia yang dianggap berbahaya. Kenyataan ini terjadi karena HS yang teridentifikasi dapat lebih dari 1 ton zat kimia yang diidentifikasi oleh European Chemical Agency sebagai zat yang berbahaya, maka zat tersebut harus melalui prosedur REACH. 2. Apabila kandungan kimia sebanyak 10 persen pada masing-masing HS dianggap sebagai zat kimia berbahaya dan harus didaftarkan proses REACH maka terdapat 1.413 HS atau 36,69 persen yang dapat masuk katagori terkena proses REACH. 3. Apabila kandungan kimia sebanyak 20 persen pada masing-masing HS dianggap sebagai zat kimia berbahaya dan harus didaftarkan proses REACH maka terdapat 1.556 HS atau 40,41 persen yang dapat masuk katagori terkena proses REACH. 4. Apabila kandungan kimia sebanyak 30 persen pada masing-masing HS dianggap sebagai zat kimia berbahaya dan harus didaftarkan proses REACH maka terdapat 1.640 HS atau 42,59 persen yang dapat masuk katagori terkena proses REACH. 5. Apabila kandungan kimia sebanyak 100 persen pada masing-masing HS dianggap sebagai zat kimia berbahaya dan harus didaftarkan proses REACH maka terdapat 1.556 HS atau 49,65 persen yang dapat masuk katagori terkena proses REACH. Namun hal yang menjadi perhatian utama analisis ini adalah nilai ekspor yang terkena REACH. Nilai ekspor yang terkena REACH ternyata memiliki dampak yang jauh lebih hebat. Nilai ekspor Indonesia ke Uni Eropa sebesar US$ 13.344 milyar. 1. Apabila kandungan kimia sebanyak 10 persen pada masing-masing HS dianggap sebagai zat kimia berbahaya dan harus didaftarkan proses REACH maka terdapat US$ 13.292 milyar atau 99,61 persen yang dapat masuk katagori terkena proses REACH. v 2. Apabila kandungan kimia sebanyak 20 persen pada masing-masing HS dianggap sebagai zat kimia berbahaya dan harus didaftarkan proses REACH maka terdapat US$ 13.310 milyar atau 99,74 persen yang dapat masuk katagori terkena proses REACH. 3. Apabila kandungan kimia sebanyak 30 persen pada masing-masing HS dianggap sebagai zat kimia berbahaya dan harus didaftarkan proses REACH maka terdapat US$ 13.319 milyar atau 99,81 persen yang dapat masuk katagori terkena proses REACH. 4. Apabila kandungan kimia sebanyak 100 persen pada masing-masing HS dianggap sebagai zat kimia berbahaya dan harus didaftarkan proses REACH maka terdapat US$ 13.332 milyar atau 99,91 persen yang dapat masuk katagori terkena proses REACH. Berdasarkan estimasi Nominal Tariff Equivalent dengan asumsi perhitugan, maka kajian ini menyimpulkan hal-hal sebagai berikut: 1. Apabila kandungan kimia sebanyak 10 persen pada masing-masing HS dianggap sebagai zat kimia berbahaya dan ongkos yang harus ditanggung oleh importir karena REACH adalah 34,62 persen. 2. Apabila kandungan kimia sebanyak 20 persen pada masing-masing HS dianggap sebagai zat kimia berbahaya dan ongkos yang harus ditanggung oleh importir karena REACH adalah 47,44 persen. 3. Apabila kandungan kimia sebanyak 30 persen pada masing-masing HS dianggap sebagai zat kimia berbahaya dan ongkos yang harus ditanggung oleh importir karena REACH adalah 84,57 persen. 4. Apabila kandungan kimia sebanyak 100 persen pada masing-masing HS dianggap sebagai zat kimia berbahaya dan ongkos yang harus ditanggung oleh importir karena REACH adalah 104,32 persen. Pengenaan ongkos REACH jelas memberikan dampak penurunan pada daya saing produk Indonesia di negara tujuan. Pengenaan ongkos hampir mendekati dua kali lipat harga yang ada akan menekan ketertarikan masyarakat Uni Eropa terhadap produk Indonesia. Penurunan daya saing produk Indonesia jelas terlihat pada masingmasing produk yang ada. Berdasarkan analisis kajian ini dengan metode Nominal Tariff Equivalent kami mengidentifikasi 20 produk terbesar yang terkena Nominal Tariff Equivalent lebih vi dari 100 persen untuk kandungan kimia yang tercatat European Chemical Agency sebesar 10 persen adalah sebagai berikut: Beberapa produk strategis Indonesia ternyata terkena paling hebat adalah chewing gum yang harus menanggung ongkos berkisar 424 kali lipat harga barang ekspor tersebut apabila produk ini mengandung 10 persen zat kimia yang harus didaftarkan dan melalui proses REACH. REACH sungguh memberatkan eksportir Indonesia apabila ongkos tersebut dialihkan oleh importir ke eksportir. Berdasarkan hasil analisis di atas jelas bahwa produk yang akan terkena adalah produk industri yang diekspor ke Uni Eropa. Hampir 1234 hingga 1694 HS akan terkena REACH dengan masing-masing skenario. Kesimpulan dari laporan kajian adalah di bawah ini: 1. Penerapan peratura Registration, Evaluation, Authorization And Restriction Of Chemical di pasar Uni Eropa yang merupakan salah satu pasar utama ekspor Indonesia tidak dapat dihindari. 2. Registration, Evaluation, Authorization And Restriction Of Chemical dapat dikatakan menambah biaya produksi karena setiap produsen yang akan memproduksi, memasarkan maupun mengimpor suatu bahan kimia murni maupun terkandung dalam suatu bahan kimia harus melalui registrasi terlebih dahulu. 3. Penerapan Registration, Evaluation, Authorization And Restriction Of Chemical dalam jangka pendek tidak menghambat arus barang masuk termasuk impor dari Indonesia. 4. Hasil analisa data sekunder menunjukkan bahwa jika tidak melakukan pendaftaran mengakibatkan jumlah produk (HS) yang dilarang masuk ke Uni Eropa meningkat, sehingga nilai ekspor pun ikut menurun. Demikian pula jika disetarakan dengan tarif, jumlah produk (HS) yang dikenakan biaya Registration, Evaluation, Authorization And Restriction Of Chemical yang tinggi meningkat pula. 5. Sosialisasi penting untuk dilaksanakan supaya eksportir yang melakukan ekspor ke Uni Eropa dapat memahami secara utuh bahwa Registration, Evaluation, Authorization And Restriction Of Chemical dapat memberikan dampak terhadap ekspor mereka. Dari hasil kesimpulan yang ada kajian ini memeberikan Rekomendasi sebagai berikut : vii 1. Lebih mengefektifkan peran Registration, Evaluation, Authorization And Restriction Of Chemical Helpdesk yang ada di Indonesia 2. Harus dilaksanakannya sosialisasi yang lebih efektif dan menyeluruh mengenai Registration, Evaluation, Authorization And Restriction Of Chemical bagi seluruh stakeholder yang berkepentingan dengan ekspor ke Uni Eropa. 3. Perlu dibentuk partnership antara importer Uni Eropa dengan eksportir Indonesia dalam menyajikan informasi produk 4. Perlu dibentuk Only Representative yang akan mewakili eksportir Indonesia dalam melakukan pendaftaran terkait Registration, Evaluation, Authorization And Restriction Of Chemical 5. Pemerintah perlu mendorong eksportir untuk meningkatkan kualitas (terkait penggunaan bahan kimia yang aman) produknya secara terus menerus dalam rangka meningkatkan ekspor non migas Indonesia di pasar Uni Eropa dan meminimalkan kerugian akibat Registration, Evaluation, Authorization And Restriction Of Chemical. 6. Pemerintah perlu menyampaikan usulan kerjasama dengan Komisi Uni Eropa dalam hal peningkatan kualitas melaui program capacity building dan asistensi untuk membantu meningkatkan kualitas Laboratorium di Indonesia agar memiliki standar good laboratory practice. 7. Pemerintah perlu menyampaikan usulan kelonggaran terkait pendaftaran Registration, Evaluation, Authorization And Restriction Of Chemical. viii KATA PENGANTAR Puji syukur kepada Tuhan Yang Maha Esa yang atas bimbingan-Nya buku laporan Kajian Dampak Pengenaan Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction of Chemical (REACH) terhadap Ekspor Non Migas di Pasar Uni Eropa yang merupakan salah satu kajian di Puslitbang Perdagangan Luar Negeri pada tahun anggaran 2009 dapat diselesaikan tepat waktunya. Adapun tujuan penyusunan kajian ini untuk mengidentifikasi fakta dan realita pelaksanaan REACH; mengetahui pemahaman eksportir/ eksportir produsen Indonesia mengenai REACH; dan mengetahui dampak kinerja ekspor non migas Indonesia ke Uni Eropa setelah pengenaan regulasi REACH di Uni Eropa sertamemberikan masukan atas rumusan Kebijakan dan Strategi dalam mengantisipasi dampak pengenaan regulasi REACH terhadap Ekspor non migas Indonesia di Uni Eropa Dengan selesainya penyusunan kajian ini, tidak lupa kami mengucapkan terima kasih kepada berbagai pihak yang telah mendukung proses pengumpulan data, informasi dan pemikiran yang berkaitan dengan kajian ini . Demi sempunanya kajian ini, kami sangat terbuka menerima masukan-masukan dan saran-saran karena kami menyadari bahwa laporan ini masih perlu penyempurnaan. Akhir kata semoga laporan “Kajian Dampak Pengenaan Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction of Chemical (REACH) terhadap Ekspor Non Migas di Pasar Uni Eropa” ini bermanfaat bagi para pembaca. Jakarta, Desember 2009 Tim Penyusun ix DAFTAR ISI Halaman EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ............................................................................................... i KATA PENGANTAR .................................................................................................. ix DAFTAR ISI .................................................................................................................. iv DAFTAR TABEL .......................................................................................................... xii DAFTAR GAMBAR ..................................................................................................... xiii BAB I PENDAHULUAN ....................................................................................... I-1 1.1. Latar Belakang.................................................................................... I-1 1.2. Tujuan Penelitian................................................................................ I-3 1.3. Output……………………………………………………………... I-3 1.4. Dampak…………………………………………………………….. 1.5. Sistematika Penulisan………………………………………………. BAB II TINJAUAN PUSTAKA DAN LANDASAN TEORI ................................. II - 1 2.1. Teori Perdagangan Internasional......................................................... II - 1 2.1.1. Teori Merkantilisme...................................................................... II - 1 2.1.2. Model Richardian.......................................................................... II - 2 2.1.3. Model Heckscher-Ohlin................................................................ II - 2 2.1.4. Model Gravitasi............................................................................ II - 2 2.1.5. Model Keunggulan Kompetitif..................................................... II - 3 2.2. Daya Saing Komoditi............................................................................. II - 4 2.3. Hambatan Perdagangan......................................................................... II - 4 2.4. Hambatan Non-Tarif dan Price Wedge 2.5. Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction of Chemical II - 6 (REACH) 2.5.1. Cara Kerja REACH....................................................................... II - 7 2.5.2. Evaluasi REACH.......................................................................... II - 10 2.5.3. Otorisasi REACH.......................................................................... II - 11 2.5.4. Restriksi REACH.......................................................................... II - 11 2.6 Penelitian Sebelumnya............................................................................ II - 12 x BAB III BAB IV METODE PENELITIAN.................................................................... III - 1 3.1. Kerangka Pemikiran dan Metode Analisa............................................. III - 1 3.2. Data dan Pengumpulan Data ............................................................... III - 4 DAMPAK PENGENAAN REGISTRATION, EVALUATION, AUTHORIZATION AND RESTRICTION OF CHEMICAL (REACH) TERHADAP EKSPOR NON MIGAS INDONESIA DI PASAR UNI EROPA IV - 1 4.1. Gambaran Umum Perdagagan Indonesia – Uni Eropa........................ IV - 1 4.2. Pemahaman Eksportir/Eksportir Produsen Indonesia Mengenai Registration, Evaluation, Authorization And Restriction Of Chemical (REACH)............................................................................ 4.3. IV - 2 Registration, Evaluation, Authorization And Restriction Of Chemical (REACH) : Fakta dan Realita............................................. IV - 8 4.3.1. Pre-registrasi dan Registrasi......................................................... IV - 9 4.3.2 Evaluasi......................................................................................... IV - 14 4.3.3 Otorisasi dan Restriksi.................................................................. IV - 14 4.3.4 .Only Representative (OR)............................................................ IV - 16 4.4. REACH vs. Perdagangan dan Kondisi Indonesia............................... IV - 17 4.5. Pelaksanaan REACH oleh Korea Selatan (Benchmarking)................. IV - 19 4.6. Dampak REACH terhadap Ekspor Non Migas Indonesia.................. IV - 23 KESIMPULAN DAN REKOMENDASI V-1 5.1. Kesimpulan ........................................................................................ V-1 5.2. Rekomendasi ...................................................................................... V-1 DAFTAR PUSTAKA .................................................................................................... D-1 BAB V LAMPIRAN........................................................................................................................ L - 1 xi DAFTAR TABEL Halaman Tabel 4.1.1. Perkembangan Ekspor Indonesianke Beberapa Mitra Dagang, 2004 -2008 .....................................................................................................................IV-1 Tabel 4.1.2. Perkembangan Ekspor Indonsia ke Uni Eropa Hs 6 (enam) digit Tahun 2004-2008……………………………………………………………....... IV-2 Tabel 4.6.1. Daftar HS yang termasuk 20 Besar yang Mengalami Beban NTE > 100% apabila Kandungan Kimia subject to REACH sebesar 10% ..................... IV – 27 Tabel 4.6.2. Dampak NTE Kandugan Kmia Subject to REACH............................. ..... IV- 28 xii DAFTAR GAMBAR Halaman Gambar 3.1. Kerangka Pemikiran ...................................................................... III - 1 Gambar 4.2.1. Cara Ekspor ke Uni Eropa ............................................................. IV - 4 Gambar 4.2.2. Pengetahuan Eksportir/Eksportir Produsen mengenai REACH........................................................................................... IV -5 Gambar 4.2.3. Sumber Informasi REACH............................................................. IV - 6 Gambar 4.2.4. Pengetahuan Mengenai Status Importir Uni Eropa terait REACH IV - 7 Gambar 4.2.5. Langkah Tindak Lanjut yang dilakukan pengusaha terkait REACH........................................................................................... Gambar 4.5.1. IV - 8 Perdagangan Bahan Kimia Uni Eropa dengan Korea Selatan ............................................................................................................. IV - 19 Gambar 4.6.1. Jumlah HS kandungan Kimia subject to REACH………………….. IV - 24 Gambar 4.6.2. Dampak Nilai Ekspor Kandunagan Kimia subject to REACH…….. IV - 25 xiii BAB I PENDAHULUAN 1.1. Latar Belakang Uni Eropa adalah salah satu negara tujuan utama ekspor Indonesia, total ekspor non migas Indonesia ke pasar Uni Eropa periode 2004-2008 meningkat rata-rata sebesar 14,12% per tahun. Ekspor non migas Indonesia pada tahun 2008 mengalami peningkatan menjadi sebesar US$ 15,37 milyar atau meningkat sebesar 15,18%. Sedangkan pangsa ekspor ke Uni Eropa pada tahun yang sama sebesar 14,24%. Komoditi Ekspor non migas Indonesia ke Uni Eropa berdasarkan HS 9 digit antara lain : Copper Ores, CPO, SIR 20, Furniture. Saat ini pasar Uni Eropa merupakan kesatuan pasar dari 27 negara Eropa dengan total populasi 500 juta jiwa dan hampir mencapai 20% ekspor dan impor dunia. Amerika Serikat merupakan mitra terbesar, diikuti Cina dan Rusia. Uni Eropa menjadi pasar bebas bergeraknya manusia, barang, jasa dan modal diantara negara anggota. Menghilangkan preferensi atau membatasi atau membekukan transaksi dagang dengan negara mitra karena alasan hak asasi manusia atau standar kebiasaan internasional merupakan alat yang dipakai untuk kebijakan luar negerinya. Sementara itu, perkembangan ekspor non migas Indonesia dipengaruhi oleh faktor dalam negeri yang secara umum sedikit berbenturan dengan kebutuhan dalam negeri, sehingga diberlakukan pembatasan dan pungutan ekspor untuk komoditi tertentu seperti CPO, kulit, dan lain-lain. Sedangkan faktor dari luar juga mempengaruhi kinerja ekspor non migas Indonesia seperti Uni Eropa dengan dikeluarkannya Regulation (EC) No. 1907/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council tentang Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction of Chemical (REACH). Ide besar membuat regulasi tersebut karena Uni Eropa mengalami kesulitan untuk tidak hanya mengenai identifikasi, tetapi juga mengenai permintaan tanggung jawab produsen terhadap produk yang dihasilkan dan dijual ke Uni Eropa. Ini merupakan perkembangan sejak 1981, dimana bahanbahan kimia yang sudah teridentifikasi sebesar 100.106 produk dengan I-1 tambahan produk baru kimia sebanyak 4.000 produk. (APOLIN News, Edisi Agustus 2008). REACH adalah peraturan baru yang diterbitkan Uni Eropa tentang bahan–bahan kimia dan penggunaan secara aman bahan kimia tersebut. REACH memiliki tujuan untuk kesehatan dan keselamatan pekerja maupun masyarakat umum; pengamanan lingkungan; dan mengelola persaingan dan pengembangan industri kimia. Lembaga yang menangani REACH adalah European Chemical Agency (ECHA). REACH tidak hanya merupakan pendaftaran bahan kimia itu sendiri namun juga derivative maupun artikel yang mengandung bahan kimia. Berdasarkan data BPS, diperkirakan terdapat komoditi ekspor non migas Indonesia yang akan terkena dampak REACH, antara lain: TPT; lemak & minyak hewan/nabati; produk kimia; karet & barang dari karet; kayu, barang dari kayu. REACH sudah diberlakukan mulai 1 Juni 2007, dan kegiatan preregistration sudah mulai pada 1 Juni s/d 1 Desember 2008. Seluruh produsen dan importir yang tidak melakukan pre-registration sesuai periode tersebut, tidak dapat memperoleh kemudahan dari transisi pelaksanaan peraturan REACH. Berdasarkan uraian tersebut diatas, dirumuskan pertanyaan pokok sebagai berikut: 1. Bagaimanaka fakta dan realita pelaksanaan REACH? 2. Bagaimankah pemahaman eksportir/ eksportir produsen Indonesia mengenai REACH? 3. Bagaimanakah dampak kinerja ekspor non migas Indonesia ke Uni Eropa setelah pengenaan regulasi REACH di Uni Eropa? 4. Bagaimanakah kebijakan dan strategi untuk mengantisipasi dampak pengenaan regulasi REACH terhadap ekspor non migas Indonesia di Uni Eropa? Oleh karena itu, untuk menjawab pertanyaan pokok tersebut perlu dilakukan Kajian mengenai Dampak Pengenaan Registration, Evaluation, Authorization, and Restriction of Chemical (REACH) terhadap Ekspor Non Migas Indonesia di Pasar Uni Eropa. I-2 1.2. Tujuan Penelitian Tujuan Kajian ini adalah: 1. Mengidentifikasi fakta dan realita pelaksanaan REACH. 2. Mengetahui pemahaman eksportir/ eksportir produsen Indonesia mengenai REACH. 3. Mengetahui dampak kinerja ekspor non migas Indonesia ke Uni Eropa setelah pengenaan regulasi REACH di Uni Eropa. 4. Merumuskan Kebijakan dan Strategi dalam mengantisipasi dampak pengenaan regulasi REACH terhadap Ekspor non migas Indonesia di Uni Eropa 1.3. Output Tersusunnya laporan mengenai Dampak diimplementasikanya peraturan REACH di Uni Eropa terhadap ekspor non migas Indonesia serta rumusan strategi agar Indonesia dapat mengantisipasi dampak yang akan terjadi akibat adanya REACH dan melaksanakan berbagai langkah untuk memenuhi persyartan REACH 1.4. Dampak Hasil penelitian ini diperkirakan akan memberikan dampak sebagai berikut: 1. Bagi pemerintah, hasil kajian ini dapat bermanfaat sebagai bahan masukan dalam perumusan kebijakan dalam mensosialisasikan peraturan yang memepengaruhi ekspor non migas dalam hal ini adalah REACH dan sebagai bahan untuk program asistensi capacity building dalam mengembagkan fasilitas perdagangan dan ekspor; 2. Bagi industri dan pelaku ekspor, stakeholder memperoleh gambaran dan informasi mengenai REACH dan hal apa saja yang dapat dipersiakan dan dilakukan terutama dalam mempertahankan ekspor maupun alternatifnya. I-3 1.5. Sistematika Penulisan Penelitian ini akan mengikuti sistematika penulisan sebagai berikut: BAB I PENDAHULUAN 1.1. Latar Belakang 1.2. Tujuan Penelitian 1.3. Output 1.4. Dampak 1.5. Sistematika Penulisan BAB II TINJAUAN PUSTAKA DAN LANDASAN TEORI 2.1. Teori Perdagangan Internasional 2.1.1. Teori Merkantilisme 2.1.2. Model Richardian 2.1.3. Model Heckscher-Ohlin 2.1.4. Model Gravitasi 2.1.5. Model Keunggulan Kompetitif 2.2. Daya Saing Komoditi 2.3. Hambatan Perdagangan 2.4. Hambatan Non-Tarif dan Price Wedge 2.5. Registration, Evaluation, Authorization, and Restriction of Chemical (REACH) 2.5.1. Cara Kerja REACH 2.5.2. Evaluasi REACH 2.5.3. Otorisasi REACH 2.5.4. Restriksi REACH 2.6. Penelitian Sebelumnya I-4 BAB III METODE PENELITIAN 3.1. Kerangka Pemikiran dan Metode Analisa 3.2. Data dan Pengumpulan Data BAB IV DAMPAK PENGENAAN REGISTRATION, EVALUATION, AUTHORIZATION AND RESTRICTION OF CHEMICAL (REACH) TERHADAP EKSPOR NON MIGAS INDONESIA DI PASAR UNI EROPA 4.1. Gambaran Umum Perdagangan Indonesia - Uni Eropa 4.2. Pemahaman Eksportir/Eksportir Produsen Indonesia Mengenai Registration, Evaluation, Authorization And Restriction Of Chemical (REACH) 4.3. Registration, Evaluation, Authorization And Restriction Of Chemical (REACH): Fakta dan Realita 4.3.1. Pre-registrasi dan Registrasi 4.3.2. Evaluasi 4.3.3. Otorisasi dan Restriksi 4.3.4. Only Representative (OR) 4.4. REACH vs. Perdagangan dan Kondisi Indonesia 4.5. Pelaksanaan REACH oleh Korea Selatan (Benchmarking) 4.6. Dampak REACH terhadap Ekspor Non Migas Indonesia BAB V KESIMPULAN DAN REKOMENDASI 5.1. Kesimpulan 5.2. Rekomendasi DAFTAR PUSTAKA LAMPIRAN I-5 BAB II TINJAUAN PUSTAKA DAN LANDASAN TEORI 2.1. Teori Perdagangan Internasional Perdagangan internasional adalah perdagangan yang dilakukan oleh penduduk suatu negara dengan penduduk negara lain atas dasar kesepakatan bersama. Penduduk yang dimaksud dapat berupa antar perorangan (individu dengan individu), antara individu dengan pemerintah suatu negara atau pemerintah suatu negara dengan pemerintah negara lain. Di banyak negara, perdagangan internasional menjadi salah satu faktor utama untuk meningkatkan GDP. Perdagangan internasional turut mendorong industrialisasi, kemajuan transportasi, globalisasi, dan kehadiran perusahaan multinasional. Alasan pertama negara-negara berdagang adalah karena mereka berbeda satu sama lain. Bangsa-bangsa di dunia ini, sebagaimana halnya individuindividu, selalu berpeluang memperoleh keuntungan dari perbedaan-perbedaan di antara mereka melalui suatu pengaturan sedemikian rupa sehingga setiap pihak dapat melakukan sesuatu secara relatif lebih baik. Kedua, negara-negara berdagang satu-sama lain dengan tujuan untuk mencapai apa yang lazim disebut sebagai skala ekonomis (economics of scale) dalam produksi. 2.1.1. Teori Merkantilisme Merkantilisme, adalah teori perdagangan klasik, berkembang pada masa Abad XVI – XVII. Teori ini merupakan suatu falsafah ekonomi berlandaskan pada keyakinan bahwa suatu negara dikatakan makmur apabila memiliki sejumlah besar harta berupa emas. Emas diperoleh dari hasil perdagangan. Oleh karena itu, kemakmuran negara dapat meningkat dengan jalan meningkatkan ekspor dan mengurangi impor. Pemerintah sebagai pemegang kekuasaan suatu negara memiliki campur tangan dalam mengurangi impor. Secara umum pembatasan impor dilakukan dengan jalan menerapkan tarif impor dan pembatasan impor dengan bentuk quota. II - 1 2.1.2. Model Ricardian Model Ricardian memfokuskan pada kelebihan komparatif negara untuk mengkhususkan dalam memproduksi apa yang mereka paling baik produksi. Tidak seperti model lainnya, rangka kerja model ini memprediksi dimana negara-negara akan menjadi spesialis secara penuh dibandingkan memproduksi bermacam barang komoditas. Juga, model Ricardian tidak secara langsung memasukan faktor pendukung, seperti jumlah relatif dari buruh dan modal dalam negara. 2.1.3. Model Heckscher-Ohlin Model Heckscgher-Ohlin dibuat sebagai alternatif dari model Ricardian dan dasar kelebihan komparatif. Mengesampingkan kompleksitasnya yang jauh lebih rumit model ini tidak membuktikan prediksi yang lebih akurat. Bagaimanapun, dari sebuah titik pandangan teoritis model tersebut tidak memberikan solusi yang elegan dengan memakai mekanisme harga neoklasikal kedalam teori perdagangan internasional. Teori ini berpendapat bahwa pola dari perdagangan internasional ditentukan oleh perbedaan dalam faktor pendukung. Model ini memperkirakan kalau negara-negara akan mengekspor barang yang membuat penggunaan intensif dari faktor pemenuh kebutuhan dan akan mengimpor barang yang akan menggunakan faktor lokal yang langka secara intensif. Masalah empiris dengan model H-o, dikenal sebagai Pradoks Leotief, yang dibuka dalam uji empiris oleh Wassily Leontief yang menemukan bahwa Amerika Serikat lebih cenderung untuk mengekspor barang buruh intensif dibanding memiliki kecukupan modal. 2.1.4. Model Gravitasi Model gravitasi perdagangan menyajikan sebuah analisa yang lebih empiris dari pola perdagangan dibanding model yang lebih teoritis diatas. Model gravitasi, pada bentuk dasarnya, menerka perdagangan berdasarkan jarak antar negara dan interaksi antar negara dalam ukuran ekonominya. Model ini meniru hukum gravitasi Newton II - 2 yang juga memperhitungkan jarak dan ukuran fisik diantara dua benda. Model ini telah terbukti menjadi kuat secara empiris oleh analisa ekonometri. Faktor lain seperti tingkat pendapatan, hubungan diplomatik, dan kebijakan perdagangan juga dimasukkan dalam versi lebih besar dari model ini. 2.1.5. Model Keunggulan Kompetitif Menurut Michael Porter (1990), suatu negara memperoleh keunggulan daya saing jika perusahaan yang ada di negara tersebut kompetitif. Daya saing suatu negara ditentukan oleh kemampuan industri melakukan inovasi dan meningkatkan kemampuannya. Porter menawarkan Diamond Model sebagai tool of analysis sekaligus kerangka dalam membangun resep memperkuat daya saing. Garis besar Teori Porter, menyatakan bahwa empat jenis variabel akan mempunyai dampak atas kempampuan perusahaan-perusahaan lokal di suatu negara untuk menggunakan sumber-sumber negara itu guna memperoleh keunggulan kompetitif: 1. Kondisi-kondisi permintaan sifat dasar dari permintaan domestik. Apabila para pelanggan sebuah perusahaan sedang mempunyai permintaan, ia akan memproduksi produk yang berkualitas tinggi dan inovatif, dan akan memperoleh keunggulan kompetitif dimana tekanan domestik lebih kecil. 2. Kondisi-kondisi faktor- level dan komposisi faktor produksi. Kekurangan karunia alam telah menyebabkan bangsa-bangsa melakukan investasi dalam penciptaan faktor-faktor lanjutan, seperti pendidikan angkatan kerjanya, pelabuhan bebas dan sistim komunikasi maju, untuk memungkinkan industri-industri mereka bersaing secara global. 3. Industri-industri terkait dan pendukung–para pemasok dan jasa dukungan industri. 4. Strategi, struktur dan persaingan perusahaan–perluasan persaingan domestik, adanya hambatan masuk, serta organisasi dan gaya manajemen perusahaan. Perusahaan-perusahaan yang terkena persaingan berat di pasar-pasar domestiknya, secara konstan akan II - 3 meningkatkan efisiensinya, yang membuat mereka lebih kompetitif secara internasional. Porter membangun teori dengan meneliti industri-industri (manufakturing) di beberapa negara yang memiliki kemiripan dalam hal komparatif relatif. Identifikasi terhadap industri-industri yang ternyata memiliki daya saing walaupun mereka datang dari negara yang secara alamiah tidak berlimpah sumber daya. Tetapi sumber daya bukanlah satu-satu-nya faktor yang dapat meningkatkan daya saing industri suatu negara, dan Porter telah merumuskan model bagaimana, daya saing dapat tercipta, oleh faktor-faktor penentu yang lain. 2.2. Daya Saing Komoditi Kualitas merupakan elemen utama bagi peningkatan daya saing suatu produk. Suatu produk dapat lebih mudah memenangkan tingkat persaingan yang kian ketat di pasaran bila kualitas selalu terjaga. 2.3. Hambatan Perdagangan Liberalisasi ditandai salah satunya dengan penurunan atau bahkan penghapusan hambatan perdagangan berupa tarif maupun non tarif. Hambatan perdagangan penting untuk dihapuskan karena tanpa hambatan dapat mendorong arus pergerakan barang dan jasa (flow of goods and services). Berdasarkan salah satu putaran perundingan di WTO yaitu Putaran Uruguay, negara maju memotong besaran tarif sampai sepertiga sedangkan negara berkembang memotong tarif sampai paling besar hanya 40%. Sebelum Putaran Uruguay, rata-rata tarif produk manufaktur di negara maju adalah 6,2% dan negara berkembang adalah 20,5%. Sesudah Putaran Uruguay, rata-rata tarif di negara maju 3,7% dan di negara berkembang 14,4%. Hambatan non tarif seperti kuota, perijinan dan spesifikasi teknis juga secara bertahap dihapuskan tetapi tidak secepat penurunan tarif. Hambatan perdagangan dapat digolongkan dalam dua kelompok yaitu hambatan tarif (tariff barrier) dan hambatan bukan tarif (nontariff barrier). Kebijakan TB atau NTB sama-sama dapat mempengaruhi aliran barang dan jasa, sekaligus dapat melindungi industri dalam negeri dari persaingan yang tidak sehat atau mendorong industri "bayi". Namun, hambatan tarif dipandang lebih II - 4 transparan serta mampu memberi kepastian terhadap mitra dagang yang melakukan impor atau ekspor. WTO telah menyusun rambu-rambu perdagangan yang terkait dengan pilar akses pasar. Hambatan perdagangan hanya dikenal dengan rejim tarif. Seperti yang telah disebutkan sebelumnya bahwa semua hambatan nontarif dirubah menjadi tarif atau disebut juga tarifikasi. Hambatan tarif dianggap sebagai satu-satunya perlindungan yang paling transparan dan menjadi sumber penerimaan buat pemerintah suatu negara. Berbagai hambatan nontarif (NTB) wajib untuk dihapus atau dikonversi ke tarif. Yang masuk NTB adalah pembatasan kuantitatif impor, variable import levies, harga impor minimum, lisensi impor, berbagai kemudahan untuk STE, baik STE ekspor maupun impor, serta batasan nontarif lainnya seperti alasan kesehatan. Tingkat tarif di negara maju memang relatif rendah, namun mereka semakin getol menggunakan hambatan nontarif dengan alasan kesehatan manusia, hewan dan tumbuhan yang tercakup dalam sanitary and phytosanitary (SPS). Tariff Rate Quota adalah bentuk hambatan perdagangan, tetapi relatif lebih transparan, dan bukan sebagai quantitative restriction. Alasannya, karena TRQ masih membuka pasar dan menerapkan tarif. Tarif ditetapkan lebih rendah dalam kuota (in-quota), dan lebih tinggi di luarnya (out-quota), sehingga TRQ dianggap lebih transparan dan tidak menutup pasar. Di samping instrumen tarif atau TRQ, dikenal juga safeguard. Safeguard merupakan perlindungan sementara guna mengatasi serbuan impor. Kalau tidak dilindungi, maka akan berpengaruh buruk terhadap industri domestik. Kadangkadang safeguard disebut juga sebagai pasal pengecualian (escape clause), pengecualian dari kewajiban (obligation) dalam keadaan khusus. Perlindungan itu bisa dilakukan dengan meningkatkan tingkat tarif yang lebih tinggi dari yang telah dicatat (bound tariff) atau membatasi impor (import restriction). Namun penggunaannya harus memenuhi persyaratan seperti yang tertuang dalam Agreement on Safeguards dan Article XIX GATT 1994. Dalam Agreement on Safeguards disebutkan bahwa safeguard tidak boleh dilakukan tanpa investigasi terlebih dahulu, termasuk perlunya dengar pendapat publik (public hearing)6 dan pengumuman publik (public notice)7. Di samping itu diatur juga jangka waktunya dan besaran impor kuota. Namun, kepada negara II - 5 berkembang diberikan perlakuan khusus yaitu tidak boleh diterapkan ketentuan safeguard, manakala impor dari negara berkembang tidak melebihi 3 persen atau memenuhi ketentuan de minimis (Gallagher, 2000; Das, 2000). Perlindungan sementara untuk produk pertanian selain mengacu ke Agreement on Safeguards, juga mendapatkan perlindungan khusus yang disebut Special Safeguards (SSG). Ini tercantum dalam Pasal 5 (yang berisi 9 ayat) Perjanjian Pertanian WTO. Dalam Schedule of Commitment tercantum jenis-jenis produk yang mendapatkan SSG. Di luar produk yang telah tercatat tersebut, suatu negara dapat melakukan perlindungan sementara, namun harus tunduk pada ketentuan Article XIX GATT 1994 dan Agreement on Safeguard. Perlindungan melalui SSG dan Agreement on Safeguard ternyata sulit diimplementasikan oleh negara berkembang dan sering terlambat karena memerlukan waktu yang lama serta biaya yang besar untuk pembuktian adanya injury. 2.4. Hambatan Non-Tarif dan Price Wedge Kebijakan perdagangan dapat dinilai kinerja dan efektifitasnya dengan menggunakan banyak teori. Salah satu teori adalah price wedge approach (Lairds 2009). Price wedge approach memperkenankan kita untuk menghitung dampak penerapan suatu hambatan non tarif dapat diketahui dampaknya terhadap pengenaan harga impor barang ke suatu wilayah perekonomian (Lairds 2009). Conden (1966) menjelaskan bahwa penerapan suatu kebijakan perdagangan akan menimbulkan suatu ongkos bagi barang atau jasa. Perbedaan harga barang dan jasa dibandingkan dengan harga barang dan jasa pada persaingan sempurna merupakan dampak sebuah penerapan kebijakan yang ada. Penghitungan ongkos dan biaya selalu memperhitungkan opportunity cost dari alokasi penggunaan pembiayaan yang ada (Fane and Conden 1966). Analisis biaya yang meliputi penghitungan opportunity cost memang kadang memiliki kelemahan. Mark (2009) menjelaskan metode ini lebih eksplisit dan riil dibandingkan dengan metode-metode yang lain. Lairds (2009) menjelaskan bahwa penelitian yang menggunakan metode ini dipandang cukup mahal dan sangat rumit dilakukan. Estimasi-estimasi lain jelas memberikan gambaran yang kurang riil tetapi lebih mudah dilakukan. II - 6 2.5. Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction of Chemical (REACH) REACH merupakan gabungan aturan-aturan Uni Eropa berkaitan substansi kimia yang sebelumnya telah diatur dalam undang-undang lain. Dua tujuan utama REACH adalah mengembangkan perlindungan terhadap kesehatan manusia dan lingkungan dari resiko penggunaan bahan kimia dan pada saat yang sama memperkuat daya saing industri kimia Uni Eropa. Tujuan REACH selaras dengan kerangka kerja pembangunan berkelanjutan yang sebelumnya telah disepakati, antara lain:  Perlindungan terhadap kesehatan manusia dan lingkungan  Pemeliharaan dan penguatan daya saing industri kimia Uni Eropa  Pencegahan perpecahan pasar internal Uni Eropa  Peningkatan transparansi  Integrasi dalam kesepakatan-kesepakan internasional  Promosi non-animal testing  Keterkaitan dengan kewajiban internasional Uni Eropa dalam organisasi perdagangan dunia (WTO). 2.4.1. Cara Kerja REACH REACH didisain agar industri memastikan bahan-bahan kimia yang diproduksi dan dijual di pasar Uni Eropa tidak berdampak buruk bagi kesehatan manusia atau lingkungan. Industri harus mengetahui substansi kimia yang digunakan dan mengatur resiko potensial yang mungkin timbul. REACH akan membentuk sistem tunggal bagi zat “terdaftar” dan “baru”; zat yang tergolong non-phase-in (tidak diproduksi atau dipasarkan sebelum penerapan REACH) dan zat phasein (yang tercantum dalam EINECS, atau yang telah diproduksi dalam komunitas, namun tidak dipasarkan di pasar Komunitas dalam waktu 15 tahun terakhir atau disebut no longer polymer sesuai Directive 67/548). Elemen dasar yang dijelaskan dalam Pandangan Umum Dewan (Council’s Common Position) antara lain: II - 7 1. Semua zat yang termasuk dalam undang-undang ini kecuali telah diatur dalam undang-undang lain. 2. Registrasi mengharuskan pabrik dan importer zat-zat kimia memperoleh informasi relevan berkaitan zat-zat tersebut dan menggunakan data yang tersedia agar produksi berjalan aman. 3. Pengurangan tes menggunakan hewan vertebrata dilakukan dengan pemakaian data bersama antar anggota. 4. Informasi yang memadai tentang bahaya dan resiko serta petunjuk pengelolaan zat-zat kimia akan berguna dalam pengaturan supply chain. 5. Pengguna akhir termasuk dalam sistem pengaturan. 6. Evaluasi dilakukan oleh European Chemical Agency (ECHA) untuk menilai kelayakan proposal pengejuian yang dibuat oleh industri atau untuk melihat keterkaitan dengan persyaratan registrasi. ECHA juga akan meng-koordinasi penilaian zat oleh otoritas untuk investigasi zat-zat kimia dengan resiko aman. Penilaian ini dapat digunakan kemudian untuk mempersiapkan proposal restriksi atau otorisasi. 7. Zat-zat kimia yang tergolong bahan berbahaya akan dikendalikan oleh otoritas, ECHA akan mempublikasikan daftar zat-zat tersebut. Aplikan harus menunjukkan resiko yang ditimbulkan penggunaan zat-zat tersebut telah dikontrol sepenuhnya atau manfaat sosioekonomis penggunaan melebihi resiko yang ditimbulkan. Aplikan juga harus mencari ketersediaan substitusi zat atau teknologi yang sesuai terhadap penggunaan zat-zat tersebut. Jika tersedia, maka aplikan harus menyiapkan rencana substitusi, namun jika tidak, aplikan harus menyediakan informasi berkaitan kegiatan riset dan pengembangannya. Komisi ECHA dapat mengubah atau membatalkan otorisasi sebelumnya jika substitusi tersedia. 8. Restriksi menyediakan prosedur untuk mengatur industri yang memasarkan atau menggunakan zat-zat berbahaya menyesuaikan terhadap kondisi perijinan atau pelarangan. Restriksi sebagai media pengamanan untuk mengatur resiko Komunitas yang mungkin tidak cukup dikontrol. II - 8 9. ECHA akan mengatur aspek teknis, sains, dan administrasi sistem REACH di level komunitas yang bertujuan untuk memastikan REACH berfungsi dengan baik dan memiliki kredibilitas bersama semua stakeholders. 10. Klasifikasi dan labelisasi zat-zat berbahaya akan membantu promosi kesepahaman dalam industri terhadap klasifikasi zat yang ada. Bagi beberapa zat yang sangat berbahaya dimungkinkan harmoniasi klasifikasi yang luas dalam komunitas oleh otoritas. 11. Akses informasi menggabungkan sistem penyediaan informasi online internet, sistem permintaan akses informasi dan aturanaturan khusus REACH guna melindungi informasi bisnis yang tergolong rahasia. (reach_in_brief_dec2006_final_en.pdf) Kewajiban umum industri dan importer zat-zat kimia adalah mendaftar ke ECHA untuk tiap zat kimia yang diproduksi atau diimpor tiap tahun sebesar 1 ton atau lebih. Kesalahan mendaftar berakibat pelarangan produksi atau impor. Registrasi berarti kemauan industri untuk mengirim:  dokumen teknis untuk zat-zat sebanyak 1 ton atau lebih, dan  laporan keamanan kimia untuk zat-zat sebanyak 10 ton atau lebih. Bagi zat dengan kuantitas 1 – 10 ton, zat non-phase-in dan zat phase-in yang memenuhi satu atau dua kriteria dalam Annex III yakni: zat yang potensial CMR (Carcinogen, Mutagen, Reprotoxic - Toxic to reproduction) kategori 1 atau 2, persisten, bioakumulatif dan toxic (PBT) atau sangat persisten dan sangat bioakumulatif (vPvB) atau zat yang potensial berbahaya bagi kesehatan atau lingkungan dan digunakan secara luas diprioritaskan untuk memberikan informasi (sesuai Annex VII) beserta informasi lain yang tersedia. Zat lain yang tidak diatur dalam Annex III harus memberi informasi physicochemical dan (eco) toxicological yang relevan. Informasi yang diperoleh lewat pengujian Annex (VII dan VIII) untuk zat dengan kuantitas 10 – 100 ton harus diberikan kepada ECHA beserta segala informasi yang dimiliki registran. Informasi yang diperoleh dari pengujian aplikasi Annex VII dan VIII terhadap zat dengan kuantitas lebih dari 100 ton harus diberikan ke ECHA pada saat II - 9 registrasi. Jika industri atau importer belum memiliki informasi yang dibutuhkan Annex IX dan bagi zat dengan kuantitas sama atau lebih dari 1000 ton Annex X maka proposal pengujian harus diberikan untuk proses registrasi. Perusahaan yang bermaksud registrasi zat phase-in diminta untuk melakukan pra-register antara 12 - 18 bulan setelah penerapan REACH. Hal ini diperlukan untuk memfasilitasi pertukaran data dan mengurangi resiko penggunaan percobaan hewan vertebrata dan seterusnya mengurangi biaya bagi industri. Data yang diperoleh dari pengujian bagi zat phase-in dan non-phase-in terhadap hewan vertebrata dipertukarkan dengan pembayaran tertentu. Mekanisme komunikasi dibuat untuk memudahkan industri dan importir menyepakati studi bersama terhadap hewan vertebrata. Informasi pengujian yang tidak menggunakan percobaan hewan vertebrata (misal studi in vitro dan QSARs) hanya dipertukarkan sesuai permintaan registran potensial. 2.4.2. Evaluasi REACH Dua tipe evaluasi bertujuan: 1. Evaluasi dossier: ECHA akan mengecek kualitas registrasi dossier: ï‚· Cek kesesuaian (compliance): ECHA mengecek kesesuaian registrasi dossier dengan persyaratan yang diperlukan sesuai undang-undang. Minimal 5% dossier akan dicek. II - 10 ï‚· Cek proposal pengujian: bertujuan untuk mencegah pengujian yang tidak perlu menggunakan hewan, misal pengulangan tes, dan tes berkualitas rendah. Selanjutnya, ECHA akan mengecek proposal pengujian yang diberikan sebagai bagian dari registrasi sebelum pengujian dilakukan. ECHA juga akan mengundang pihak ketiga untuk memberi pendapat yang mungkin menolak pengujian menggunakan hewan vertebrata. 2. Evaluasi zat: ECHA berkoordinasi dengan otoritas berwenang di negara-negara anggota Uni Eropa dapat bertanya lebih lanjut kepada industri tentang resiko yang potensial terhadap kesehatan manusia atau lingkungan. ECHA bersama negara-negara anggota Uni Eropa membuat panduan prioritas zat yang perlu diuji lebih lanjut. ECHA akan menerbitkan rencana kegiatan bergulir komunitas dalam website guna identifikasi negara anggota yang bertugas mengevaluasi zat-zat prioritas tersebut. 2.4.3. Otorisasi REACH Zat-zat yang berbahaya perlu diatur dalam otorisasi sebelum masuk ke pasar di Uni Eropa. Zat yang diatur dalam otorisasi yakni: ï‚· CMR kategori 1 dan 2 ï‚· PBT, vPvB, dan ï‚· Zat yang terbukti secara ilmiah berbahaya terhadap kesehatan manusia dan lingkungan. 2.4.4. Restriksi REACH Semua aktivitas yang menggunakan zat yang tidak direstriksi diperbolehkan dalam skema REACH kecuali zat tersebut termasuk dalam sistem otorisasi. REACH mengatur pemakaian zat “lama” dan “baru”, serta menyederhanakan aturan-aturan EU dengan mengganti 40 aturan saat ini dengan sistem tunggal bagi semua jenis zat kimia berjumlah hampir 30.000 jenis. II - 11 Manfaat penerapan REACH bagi kesehatan publik didasarkan pada estimasi Bank Dunia. Penyakit yang ditimbulkan oleh bahan kimia diasumsikan 1% dari seluruh penyakit di EU. Asumsi pengurangan 10% penyakit-penyakit tersebut, akan mengurangi 0.1% keseluruhan penyakit di EU. Ini ekivalen dengan 4,500 kematian yang dapat terhindara dari sebab penyakit kanker. Dengan dasar € 1 juta per jiwa, maka manfaat potensial REACH mendekati € 50 milyar dalam periode 30 tahun. 2.6. Penelitian Sebelumnya Studi yang dilakukan oleh Saqib, et.al (2005), menemukan terjadinya kenaikan non-tariff measures terhadap produk ekspor India ke ASEAN dan Sri Lanka. Kenaikan itu bervariasi, dengan kenaikan lebih tinggi terjadi ke tujuan ekspor Indonesia, Filipina, Malaysia, dan Thailand daripada ke Singapura, Vietnam, dan Srilanka. Hambatan terbesar terkait penerapan hambatan teknis SPS (Sanitay and Phytosanitary). Hambatan tersebut bervariasi sesuai standar negara anggota ASEAN, sehingga menyulitkan produk India (misal: kacang) masuk ke pasar ASEAN. Produk daging India juga kesulitan masuk ke pasar ASEAN karena adanya permintaan terhadap proses produksi yang diskriminatif terhadap usaha kecil dan menengah. Studi ini juga mengindikasikan adanya hambatan terhadap sertifikasi, registrasi dan pengujian mutu barang; sehingga merekomendasikan Kesepahaman Bersama (Mutual Recognition Agreement) antara India dan negara-negara ASEAN untuk mengurangi biaya transaksi yang terjadi karena duplikasi pengujian dan sertifikasi. Hambatan non-tarif dalam perdagangan tidak hanya monopoli negara maju. Sesuai dengan studi yang dilakukakn oleh Deb, K.U. (2006), negara maju dan berkembang bersama-sama menerapkan Rules of Origin (RoO) dan NonTariff Measures (NTM) terhadap negara-negara terbelakang. Uni Eropa, Amerika Serikat, dan Jepang sebagai contoh negara-negara maju bersama-sama India dan Thailand sebagai contoh negara-negara berkembang, menerapkan aturan tersebut terhadap impor produk pertanian dari negara-negara terbelakang yakni: Bangladesh dan Kamboja. Perlakuan tersebut menyebabkan hambatan dalam perdagangan antar negara. II - 12 Selama dekade terakhir, perdagangan untuk pertumbuhan dipercaya menjadi penggerak pembangunan ekonomi. Terdapat perbedaan pendapat antara ekonom dan ahli lingkungan, dimana ekonom berpedoman bahwa perluasan pasar domestik ke internasional tidak hanya meningkatkan porsi pasar tiap negara namun juga meningkatkan kompetisi antar negara dan efisiensi penggunaan sumberdaya alam yang langka. Ahli lingkungan sebaliknya, menurut mereka biaya sesungguhnya perdagangan internasional adalah menipisnya sumberdaya alam dan menurunnya kualitas lingkungan. Penelitian ini dilakukan oleh Khalil et.al. (2006), dengan menggunakan teknik JohansenJuselius co-integration dalam menentukan dinamika jangka pendek data perekonomian Pakistan tahun 1972-2002. Dalam jangka panjang, perdagangan global akan berbahaya bagi kualitas lingkungan di negara berkembang karena negara-negara maju menempatkan teknologi buruk di negara-negara berkembang. Kesimpulan dari studi ini menyarankan pemerintah untuk mendisain kebijakan ekonomi yang sesuai untuk menjadi lingkungan. II - 13 BAB III METODE PENELITIAN 3.1. Kerangka Pemikiran dan Metode Analisa Kegiatan “Kajian Dampak Pengenaan Registration, Evaluation, Authorization, and Restriction of Chemical (REACH) terhadap Ekspor Non Migas Indonesia di Pasar Uni Eropa” ini hendak melihat dua hal utama yaitu dampak kebijakan REACH terhadap kinerja ekspor non-migas Indonesia ke pasar Uni Eropa dan menyusun strategi dan arah kebijakan ekspor sebagai antisipasi atas assessment dampak kebijakan Registration, Evaluation, Authorization, and Restriction of Chemical (REACH) tersebut. Untuk itu metode penelitian ini didasarkan pada tujuan utama tersebut. Secara umum, sebuah kebijakan baru akan menghasilkan: hasil-manfaat-dampak terhadap pemangku kepentingan (stakeholders) yang terlibat dalam kebijakan tersebut. Urutan hasil-manfaat-dampak dapat menjadi acuan untuk merumuskan dampak lebih akurat. Hasil didefinisikan sebagai segala sesuatu yang langsung mencerminkan berfungsinya suatu kebijakan. Dalam hal ini jika kebijakan Registration, Evaluation, Authorization, and Restriction of Chemical (REACH) dijalankan secara penuh maka hasil yang didapatkan tentunya adalah proses pendaftaran, evaluasi, otorisasi dan pembatasan atas ekspor komoditas non-migas ke pasar Uni Eropa. Manfaat adalah benefit yang didapatkan ketika kebijakan ini dijalankan secara optimal. Mengutip latar belakang dalam kebijakan Registration, Evaluation, Authorization, and Restriction of Chemical (REACH) ini, benefit yang diharapkan secara umum adalah mengawasi timbulnya bahaya bagi kesehatan manusia, hewan dan lingkungan atas produk-produk kimia yang diekspor ke pasar Uni Eropa. Penilaian atas manfaat terhadap stakeholders secara umum juga mencakup lawan dari manfaat ini, disadvantage. Dalam konteks ini manfaat yang dirasakan oleh masyarakat konsumen Uni Eropa sangat mungkin sejalan dengan resiko yang akan dihadapi oleh para eksportir komoditas dalam lingkup Registration, Evaluation, Authorization, and Restriction of Chemical (REACH) tersebut di seluruh dunia. III - 1 Selanjutnya, dampak dapat didefinisikan sebagai pengaruh yang ditimbulkan dari manfaat kebijakan tersebut. Dampak juga menggambarkan aspek makro dari kebijakan ini dalam aspek jenis komoditas, wilayah, dan bahkan dunia. Masing-masing aspek ini akan berkorespondensi dengan stakeholders yang selanjutnya dapat menjadi basis penilaian manfaat. Misalnya dalam konteks komoditas, maka stakeholder yang terkena dampaknya adalah para eksportir. Adapun wilayah, dalam perspektif eksportir lokal, maka otoritas Indonesia adalah salah satu stakeholder yang perlu melakukan assessment terhadap dampak kebijakan ini pada diri mereka. Dan selanjutnya, dalam konteks global, dampak tidak langsung dan lanjutan dari kebijakan Registration, Evaluation, Authorization, and Restriction of Chemical (REACH) tersebut misalnya dalam bentuk trade diversion akan berdampak pada stakeholder lain yaitu mitra dagang Indonesia non-Uni Eropa. Pada tahap awal, setidaknya terdapat dua jenis resiko yang kemudian akan tercermin dalam dampak dari Registration, Evaluation, Authorization, and Restriction of Chemical (REACH) tersebut, yaitu (i) meningkatnya biaya produksi tetap dan (ii) produk yang mengandung bahan kimia tersebut bisa saja tidak dapat di pasarkan di wilayah Uni Eropa. Resiko pertama ini bersumber pada penambahan biaya dari proses pendaftaran, evaluasi, dan otorisasi. Resiko pertama ini akan tercemin pada daya saing komoditas. Resiko kedua, terjadi ketika limitasi atau restriksi ekspor terjadi saat sebuah komoditas tidak memenuhi persyaratan dalam Registration, Evaluation, Authorization, and Restriction of Chemical (REACH). Dalam perspektif domestik, hal ini tetap saja baik jika terjadi pengalihan ekspor (trade diversion), dan sebaliknya jika tidak. Muara dari dua resiko ini adalah kinerja ekspor Indonesia ke Uni Eropa. Untuk itu pendekatan atau metode penelitian yang dapat dilakukan adalah analisis Nominal Tariff Equivalent dengan pendekatan ex-ante analysis. Analisis ex-ante adalah analisis yang menggunakan data-data sekarang untuk melihat dampak sebuah kebijakan ke depan dengan asumsi-asumsi perubahan yang sudah ditentukan dan disepakati (Marks 2009). Metodologi untuk menghitung dampak penerapan kebijakan non tarif masih relatif statik dibandingkan permodelan kebijakan tarif. Balassa (1969) telah berusaha menggunakan metode price wedge untuk menghitung dampak suatu kebijakan non tarif. Penghitungan ini cukup konvensional tetapi memiliki III - 2 kelebihan dalam menggambarkan proxy dampak akan kebijakan non tarif (Laird 2009). Kelemahan metodologi ini adalah pendeskripsian dan gambaran umum keadaan di lapangan kadang tidak mudah didapatkan sehingga diperlukan juga data-data lapangan secara langsung dan dilakukan survey yang memakan biaya yang cukup banyak (Laird 2009). Metode lain yang sering digunakan dalam menghitung dampak Non Tariff Barrier adalah dengan mengestimasi residual pada gravity model terhadap ekspor non migas suatu negara dengan masing-masing negara mitra dagangnya. Kelemahan analisis ini adalah analisis ini lebih bersifat ex-post analysis. Ex-post analysis adalah analisis yang dapat dilakukan apabila suatu kebijakan telah dilakukan dan diimplementasikan. Metode ini sangat efektif untuk mengestimasi suatu evaluasi kebijakan yang ada. Secara rinci beberapa komponen analisis Nominal Tariff Equivalent memperhitungkan hal-hal sebagai berikut: 1. Penghitungan ongkos termasuk opportunity cost 2. Ex ante analysis 3. Sensitivity analysis Dalam menganalisis kebijakan Non Tariff Measure seperti Registration, Evaluation, Authorization, and Restriction of Chemical (REACH) ini jelas bahwa peneliti harus menggunakan ex-ante analysis karena kebijakan Registration, Evaluation, Authorization, and Restriction of Chemical (REACH) baru berjalan. Kebijakan Registration, Evaluation, Authorization, and Restriction of Chemical (REACH) baru dalam fase pendaftaran sehingga dampaknya belum dirasakan oleh eksportir maupun importir. Rekaan dampak akan kebijakan ini diperlukan forward looking impact (pendeskripsian dampak ke depan) dengan menggunakan metodologi ex-ante analysis. Metodologi ex-ante analysis ini diawali dari sebuah titik data awal yang dipandang paling stabil dan dipandang tidak dipengaruhi oleh shock yang ada di luar. Data yang diestimasi seharusnya melihat kondisi data yang tidak begitu fluktuatif dan dipandang pada kondisi normal. Penelitian ini memilih data pada tahun 2007 karena dipandang data pada tahun ini dampak krisis global masih dianggap belum begitu berjalan bagi ekspor non migas Indonesia. Pemilihan tahun 2007 melalui juga pertimbangan keberadaan data harga pada tingkat internasional. Keberadaan data harga internasional didapatkan III - 3 melalui World Integrated Trade Solution (WITS) yang disediakan oleh UNCTAD. Harga internasional sangat penting dalam pengukuran Nominal Tariff Equivalent (NTE). Keberadaan harga internasional dihitung dari unit value yang ada pada negara yang memproduksi paling efisien. Pemilihan data harga referensi sangat penting karena akan menentukan tingkat tarif equivalent yang akan dihitung dalam penghitungan Nominal Tariff Equivalent (NTE). Perdebatan dalam penelitian Nominal Tariff Equivalent (NTE) sering terjadi pada pemilihan data harga referensi yang ada (Lairds 2009). Pemilihan data harga referensi yang optimal seharusnya adalah harga pada negara yang dapat memproduksi barang dan jasa paling efisien di pasar internasional. Data harga kadang sulit didapatkan untuk per produk dan berdasarkan HS yang ada. Proxy terbaik adalah unit value dari ekspor dunia pada barang itu. World Integrated Trade Solution (WITS) menyajikan data-data itu sehingga Nominal Tariff Equivalent (NTE) dapat diestimasi dengan baik. Penelitian ex-ante cost benefit kadang dihadapkan pada kesulitan melakukan estimasi pada ongkos yang akan diderita oleh produsen ataupun konsumen sebagai objek estimasi tersebut. Peraturan Registration, Evaluation, Authorization, and Restriction of Chemical (REACH) akan menimbulkan beberapa ongkos bagi produsen, eksportir, dan importir Indonesia. Ongkosongkos tersebut dapat berupa ongkos perijinan yang harus ditanggung oleh importer, ongkos evaluasi zat-zat kimia tertentu, ongkos laboratorium, ongkos negosiasi, dan ongkos transaksi. Selain itu penghitungan ongkos harus dilakukan secara hati-hati karena akan menimbulkan over-estimate pada penelitian tersebut. Estimasi harus didasarkan pada ketepatan setiap ongkos dengan dasar pengetahuan dan deskripsi yang jelas akan opportunity cost yang diderita oleh importir maupun eksportir akibat penerapan Registration, Evaluation, Authorization, and Restriction of Chemical (REACH) tersebut. Opportunity cost dapat berupa pendapatan yang hilang karena pengurusan ijin, pengujian laboratorium, dan ketertahanan barang di pelabuhan atas perijinan tersebut. Penghitungan opportunity cost juga merupakan anggapan ongkos secara arbitrase oleh peneliti sehingga banyak sekali menimbulkan perdebatan yang sengit untuk mendapatkan suatu estimasi yang tepat. III - 4 Estimasi biaya-biaya yang dihitung oleh penelitian ini menggunakan asumsi pembiayaan yang harus ditanggung oleh importir apabila dia mendaftarkan sebagai individual submission. Pendaftaran untuk individual submission merupakan ongkos termahal sehingga tidak begitu memberikan hasil yang terlalu optimistis terhadap hasil estimasi penghitungan Nominal Tariff Equivalent-nya. Penghitungan Nominal Tariff Equivalent ditaruh pada posisi yang tinggi agar apabila ternyata importir menggunakan peluang dan ruang lain selain individual submission maka dampak ini dapat diminalisasikan. Peluang kebijakan dapat dilihat dampaknya apabila importir melakukan improvisasi pendaftaran dengan metode lain. Nominal Tariff Equivalent sebenarnya diambil dari dasar penghitungan Nominal Rate of Protection (Marks 2009). Marks (2009).menjelaskan bahwa Nominal Rate of Protection adalah proporsi dari harga dengan suatu biaya kebijakan proteksi melebihi harga persaingan sempurna. Penentuan harga persaingan sempurna selalu menimbulkan suatu pertanyaan besar. Nominal Rate of Protection dan Nominal Tariff Equivalent kadang akan bernilai sama apabila pajak atau tarif yang dari hulu ke hilir sama (Marks 2009, Corden 1966). NRPj = Pj ï€ Pj* Pj* , Dasar penghitungan ini dimodifikasi dengan ongkos atau biaya yang ditimbulkan karena penerapan Non Tariff Measures (NTMs). Masing-masing Non Tariff Measures akan menimbulkan ongkos riil secara finansial dan shadow cost. Penghitungan shadow cost akan dihitung berdasarkan opportunity cost yang muncul karena adanya penerapan Nominal Tariff Equivalent tersebut. Perijinan dan segala sesuatu yang merupakan ongkos dari adanya aturan dan persyaratan akan menimbulkan ongkos kepatuhan atau cost of compliance (Marks 2009). Ongkos kepatuhan ini tentu saja dapat berupa nominal dari harga jumlah waktu yang hilang apabila menggunakannya untuk memproduksi barang dan jasa yang serupa (Marks 2009). Ongkos kepatuhan merupakan salah satu ongkos yang dapat diidentifikasi di antara ongkos-ongkos lainnya. Ongkos-ongkos lain tentunya juga akan timbul dalam penerapan Non Tariff Measures. Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction of III - 5 Chemical (REACH) menimbulkan ongkos-ongkos yang begitu banyak. Selain ongkos kepatuhan Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction of Chemical (REACH) juga menimbulkan ongkos hilangnya kesempatan atau opportunity lost. Kesempatan untuk ikut masuk dalam perdagangan memerlukan estimasi yang cukup rumit. Kesempatan bersaing menimbulkan subjektifitas peneliti sehingga cenderung tidak diperhitungkan sebagai ongkos. Ongkos kepatuhan adalah satu-satunya ongkos yang paling mudah untuk diestimasi dengan data-data pendukung yang ada. Data-data makro dan mikro ekonomi masing-masing perusahaan tersedia secara sekunder di dalam catatan statistik. Kebijakan-kebijakan perdagangan biasanya harus mengadopsi berbagai macam data-data makroekonomi untuk melakukan proxi terhadap kondisi mikroekonomi. Keistimewaan Nominal Tariff Equivalent adalah hitungan ini mencerminkan tambahan harga yang harus ditanggung oleh supplyer sehingga daya saing produk dapat berubah dibandingkan dengan para pesaingnya. Pesaing akan memiliki keuntungan untuk melakukan penetrasi pasar yang lebih apabila dia mendapatkan pesaing yang harganya jauh lebih mahal. Cost competitiveness merupakan keunggulan yang mudah dilihat oleh peneliti dibandingkan market share. Penghitungan daya saing dari harga juga memberikan indikator perubahan kondisi persaingan antara pemain yang patuh terhadap peraturan dan yang tidak patuh. Pemain yang patuh akan menunjukkan kepatuhannya dan memiliki kesempatan bermain di pasar (Varian 2006). Hambatan pasar yang timbul karena peraturan menjadikan pemain patuh memenuhi persyaratan utama dalam peraturan tersebut. Lemons problems akan hilang dengan diberikannya suatu permit atau ijin (Varian 2006). Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction of Chemical (REACH) memiliki dua hambatan perdagangan atau pasar. Ijin atau permit memiliki suatu kekuatan terhadap pesaing yaitu entitlement power (kekuatan pengakuan) dan enrichment power (kekuatan pengayaan). Kekuatan pengakuan memberikan dampak pada pengakuan hukum terhadap suatu barang dan jasa yang beredar. Kekuatan pengayaan juga memberikan suatu dampak penetrasi pasar yang kuat untuk lebih dari pesaingnya. Secara singkat, skema kerangka pemikiran dapat dilihat di bawah ini. III - 6 Ekspor Non Migas Indonesia ke Uni Eropa Regulasi REACH Analisa Perubahan Kinerja Ekspor Non Migas Nominal Tariff Equivalent Assesment biaya produksi Rumusan Strategi Dan Kebijakan Dampak Penerapan REACH Terhadap Ekspor Non Migas Indonesia di Pasar Uni Gambar 3.1. Kerangka Pemikiran 3.2. Data dan Pengumpulan Data Pelaksanaan kajian memerlukan data baik primer dan sekunder maupun yang digunakan untuk analisa kuantitatif dan kualitatif. Data diperoleh dari beberapa lembaga terkait di dalam negeri juga di luar negeri. Data sekunder diperoleh dari dokumen atau arsip tertulis, laporan hasil penelitian, dan publikasi lainnya. Dokumen yang (misalnya) hanya berupa catatan pribadi responden, mengikuti pendapat Poplin (1979), tetap bisa dinilai sebagai data penting dalam penelitian survey seperti pada penelitian ini. Data sekunder yang diperlukan merupakan data time series selama 5 (lima) tahun yaitu periode tahun 2004-2008 Data primer diperoleh dari pencatatan di lapangan melalui wawancara dan pengamatan atas kejadian-kejadian yang secara langsung dapat diikuti III - 7 peneliti. Wawancara dilakukan terhadap responden sample. Wawancara terhadap responden dilakukan dengan dua cara, yaitu dengan berpedoman pada daftar pertanyaan yang sudah disiapkan secara terstruktur (kuesioner) (Poplin, 1979); dan yang hanya berpedoman pada daftar pertanyaan kunci (key questions). Teknik diskusi dilakukan untuk menggali pemahaman lebih dalam tentang suatu gejala atau kejadian, yang memungkinkan peneliti mengetahui aspek ideografis (Von Wright, 1979) yaitu suatu kejadian yang berkaitan dengan kegiatan ekspor. Hasil wawancara dengan berpedoman dengan key questions dan diskusi dicatat dalam catatan lapangan, atau dikenal sebagai note taking (Bailey, 1982). III - 8 BAB IV DAMPAK PENGENAAN REGISTRATION, EVALUATION, AUTHORIZATION AND RESTRICTION OF CHEMICAL (REACH) TERHADAP EKSPOR NON MIGAS INDONESIA DI PASAR UNI EROPA 4.1. Gambaran Umum Perdagangan Indonesia - Uni Eropa Sektor Perdagangan mencatat bahwa Uni Eropa merupakan kelompok mitra perdagangan luar negeri Indonesia terbesar setelah ASEAN, baik sebagai negara tujuan ekspor maupun sebagai negara pengimpor. Total perdagangan Indonesia–Uni Eropa pada tahun 2008 mengalami peningkatan menjadi sebesar US$ 26,01 milyar atau tumbuh sebesar 23,7% dari tahun sebelumnya. Sementara itu, pangsa perdagangan Indonesia-Uni Eropa mencapai 9,5% dari total nilai perdagangan Indonesia dengan seluruh mitra dagang. Sedangkan perkembangan ekspor Indonesia ke Uni Eropa selama 2004-2008 mengalami peningkatan yaitu meningkat rata-rata sebesar 15,8% per tahun atau dengan total ekspor sebesar US$ 15,45 milyar pada tahun 2008. Pangsa ekspor Indonesia ke Uni Eropa mencapai 11,3% dari total ekspor Indonesia. Tabel 4.1.1. Perkembangan Ekspor Indonesia ke Beberapa Mitra Dagang, 2004–2008 (US$Milyar) NEGARA 2004 2007 2008 TREND 2004-2008 PERUBAHAN 08/07 SHARE 2008 2008 JAN-JUL 2009 PERUBAHAN JEPANG 15.96 23.63 27.74 14.7% 17.4% 20.2% 16.63 9.54 -42.6% ASEAN 12.99 22.29 27.17 19.9% 21.9% 19.8% 16.67 11.95 -28.3% UNIEROPA 9.09 13.34 15.45 14.1% 15.8% 11.3% 8.98 7.24 -19.4% AMERIKASERIKAT 8.77 11.61 13.04 10.0% 12.2% 9.5% 7.72 5.94 -23.1% SINGAPURA 6.00 10.50 12.86 19.9% 22.5% 9.4% 7.96 5.00 -37.2% REP.RAKYATCINA 4.60 9.68 11.64 24.9% 20.3% 8.5% 7.37 5.93 -19.6% SUBTOTAL 57.42 91.06 107.90 16.7% 18.5% 78.8% 65.32 45.60 -30.2% LAINNYA 14.17 23.04 29.12 19.0% 26.4% 21.2% 17.61 14.16 -19.6% DUNIA 71.58 114.10 137.02 17.2% 20.1% 100.0% 82.92 59.76 -27.9% Sumber:Badan Pusat Statistik,diolah Departemen Perdagangan IV- 1 Ekspor Non Migas Indonesia ke Uni Eropa beragam terdiri dari ekspor hasil pertanian, hasil pertambangan, dan hasil industri. Ketiga ragam ekspor tersebut antara lain: karet; ikan; buah-buahan; batu permata; tekstil, kimia organik. Perkembangan keragaman ekspor Indonesia tidak menunjukkan perkembangan yang sama. Tabel 4.1.2. Perkembangan Ekspor Indonesia ke Uni Eropa HS 6 (enam) digit Tahun 2004-2008 TREND (% ) PANGSA (% ) HS6 URAIAN 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 JAN-SEP PERTUMB. (% ) 151110 PALM OIL AND ITS FRACTIONS, CRUDE, 325.19 NOT CHEMICALLY 381.39 MODIFIED 487.93 709.05 1,404.69 42.57 9.14 945.79 852.21 -9.89 270112 BITUMINOUS COAL, WHETHER OR NOT 245.22 PULVERIZED, 464.21BUT NOT 654.82 AGGLOMERATED 403.95 775.56 24.16 5.05 503.35 438.75 -12.83 400122 TECHNICALLY SPECIFIED NATURAL RUBBER 304.77 (TSNR) 265.30 IN PRIMARY 507.39 FORMS 592.36 OR IN PLATES, 725.22 SHEETS28.88 OR STRIP 4.72 584.91 219.62 -62.45 151190 PALM OIL AND ITS FRACTIONS, REFINED 238.60 BUT NOT 284.44 CHEMICALLY 284.93 MODIFIED 458.76 679.51 29.32 4.42 534.11 293.54 -45.04 260300 COPPER ORES AND CONCENTRATES 453.69 784.24 976.77 1,183.50 598.64 10.14 3.89 509.79 695.45 36.42 151321 PALM KERNEL OR BABASSU OIL AND222.44 THEIR FRACTIONS, 224.31 CRUDE, 219.55 NOT 280.56 CHEMICALLY 454.86 MODIFIED 17.99 2.96 331.64 168.52 -49.19 640319 SPORTS FOOTWEAR (OTHER THAN SKI 229.78 FOOTWEAR) 297.08 NESOI,404.43 WITH OUTER 398.57 SOLES OF 446.83 RUBBER, PLASTICS, 17.63 LEATHER 2.91OR COMPOSITION 323.85 284.09 LEATHER AND -12.28 UPPERS OF LEATHER 090111 COFFEE, NOT ROASTED, NOT DECAFFEINATED 88.52 174.29 181.58 177.21 396.21 35.18 2.58 313.62 233.24 -25.63 940360 WOODEN FURNITURE, NESOI 269.37 345.88 319.63 357.20 349.89 5.71 2.28 276.53 209.56 -24.22 270119 COAL, OTHER THAN ANTHRACITE OR 21.63 BITUMINOUS, 51.43WHETHER 193.21 OR NOT169.45 PULVERIZED, 253.30 BUT NOT AGGLOMERATED 84.28 1.65 167.99 223.57 33.08 844331 MACHINES WHICH PERFORM TWO OR195.24 MORE OF 299.11 THE FUNCTIONS 164.47 OF PRINTING, 216.96 COPYING 248.36 OR FACSIMILE 1.62 TRANSMISSION, 1.62 186.52 CAPABLE 166.24 OF CONNECTING -10.88 TO AN AUTOMATIC DATA PROC 151311 COCONUT (COPRA) OIL AND ITS FRACTIONS, 93.45 CRUDE, 156.87NOT CHEMICALLY 64.29 202.06 MODIFIED 220.49 21.77 1.43 195.86 68.81 -64.87 640399 FOOTWEAR, WITH OUTER SOLES OF RUBBER, 35.30 PLASTICS 40.76 OR COMPOSITION 76.64 163.08 LEATHER 198.98 AND UPPERS 62.34 OF LEATHER1.29 NESOI, NOT 142.33 COVERING 124.17 THE ANKLE-12.76 852580 TELEVISION CAMERAS, DIGITAL CAMERAS 175.46 AND193.18 VIDEO CAMERA 154.43 RECORDERS. 218.68 193.02 3.20 1.26 146.62 182.54 24.50 440929 NON-CONIFEROUS;OTHER 73.88 80.42 151.83 152.33 167.49 25.55 1.09 132.81 100.07 -24.65 230660 PALM NUT OR KERNEL OILCAKE AND 53.33 OTHER SOLID 53.42 RESIDUES 67.29 RESULTING 123.84 FROM THE 162.02 EXTRACTION 35.84OF PALM NUTS 1.05 OR KERNELS, 126.07 WHETHER 59.02 OR NOT -53.19 GROUND OR IN PELLETS 852721 RADIOBROADCAST RECEIVERS FOR MOTOR 110.46 VEHICLES, 120.69 COMBINED 97.14 WITH 153.34 SOUND RECORDING 135.83 OR 6.75 REPRODUCING0.88 APPARATUS, 100.52 NOT CAPABLE 48.61 OF OPERATING -51.64 WITHOUT OUTSIDE POW 382490 PRODUCTS, PREPARATIONS AND RESIDUAL 0.01 PRODUCTS 0.05 OF THE 0.01 CHEMICAL 3.56OR ALLIED 125.61INDUSTRIES, 986.93INCL. THOSE 0.82 CONSISTING 53.50 OF MIXTURES 88.56 OF NATURAL 65.53 PRODUCTS, N.E.S . (EX 382319 FATTY ACIDS, INDUSTRIAL, MONOCARBOXYLIC; 60.75 49.52 ACID OILSFROM 73.08 REFINING 76.68 (EXCL. 125.34 STEARIC ACID, 20.75OLEIC ACID0.82 AND TALL 97.74 OIL FATTY 69.38 ACIDS) -29.02 030613 SHRIMPS AND PRAWNS, INCLUDING IN 114.77 SHELL, COOKED 132.62 BY STEAMING 159.16 137.85 OR BY BOILING 122.26IN WATER,1.66 FROZEN 0.80 98.65 67.19 -31.89 SUB TOTAL 3,311.88 4,399.22 5,238.59 6,179.00 7,784.12 22.74 50.64 5,772.23 4,593.13 -20.43 LAINNYA 5,638.00 5,880.67 6,721.45 7,055.15 7,585.97 8.07 49.36 5,741.88 5,058.82 -11.90 TOTAL NON MIGAS 8,949.88 10,279.89 11,960.04 13,234.15 15,370.09 14.27 100.00 11,514.11 9,651.95 -16.17 04-08 2008 2008 2009 Sumber: BPS (diolah) 4.2. Pemahaman Eksportir/Eksportir Produsen Indonesia Mengenai Registration, Evaluation, Authorization And Restriction Of Chemical (REACH) Pemberlakuan Registration, Evaluation, Authorization And Restriction Of Chemical (REACH) bagi Indonesia yang merupakan salah satu negara pengekspor berbagai komoditas ke Uni Eropa tentunya sangat berpengaruh terutama terhadap eksportir/eksportir produsen (perusahaan ekspor) sebagai pelaku utama pengekspor Indonesia ke Uni Eropa. Untuk itu, menjadi sangat penting untuk mengetahui sejauhmana pengetahuan dan pemahaman pelaku ekspor ke Uni Eropa terkait dengan Registration, Evaluation, Authorization And Restriction Of Chemical (REACH). IV- 2 Berdasarkan hasil survey tentang pemahaman ekspor/eksportir produsen tentang Registration, Evaluation, Authorization And Restriction Of Chemical (REACH) yang dijadikan responden diperoleh beragam pendapat. Survey dilaksanakan di 4 (empat) kota besar Propinsi yaitu : Surabaya, Medan, Manado, dan Makassar. Pelaksanaan survey dilaksanakan dengan membatasi subjek survey yaitu hanya dilakukan untuk perusahaan yang melakukan ekspor ke Uni Eropa dan komoditas yang diekspor adalah bukan barang atau komoditi dasar (raw material) tanpa melalui proses kimiawi tertentu. Perusahaan yang disurvey diantaranya adalah perusahaan yang bergerak di komoditas karet (ban), tepung kelapa, kayu olahan, minyak goreng, CPO, karbon arang. Kesulitan besar yang dihadapi dalam pelaksanaan survey adalah dimana beberapa perusahaan sulit untuk memberikan informasi karena adanya kekhawatiran bahwa hasil survey mempengaruhi pajak perusahaan. Hambatan lain yang dihadapi adalah masih belum adanya persepsi mengenai definisi bahan kimia. Dari survey diketahui bahwa sebagian besar yaitu separo dari perusahaan yang melakukan ekspor ke Uni Eropa dilakukan melalui broker atau trader sehingga perusahaan tidak mengetahui secara pasti siapakah pembeli dan yang memasarkan produk mereka di pasar Uni Eropa. 28% -nya langsung melakukan aktivitas ekspor melalui importir di Uni Eropa, sementara itu sisanya melakukan aktivitas ekspornya dengan cara selain melalui broker dan langsung dengan importir. IV- 3 Langsung ke importir di Uni Eropa 28% Lain-lain 22% Melalui broker 50% Gambar 4.2.1. Cara Ekspor Ke Uni Eropa Menyangkut pengetahuan terkait Registration, Evaluation, Authorization And Restriction Of Chemical (REACH), ketika ditanyakan tentang tahu-tidaknya diimplementasikannya regulasi baru bernama Registration, Evaluation, Authorization And Restriction Of Chemical (REACH) di Uni Eropa, didapatkan jawaban yang relative tidak mengkhawatirkan. Kondisi tersebut dapat dijelaskan bahwa dari sejumlah perasahaan yang disurvey, yaitu sekitar 44% diantaranya mengetahui adanya Registration, Evaluation, Authorization And Restriction Of Chemical (REACH). Perusahaan yang mengetahui adanya Registration, Evaluation, Authorization And Restriction Of Chemical (REACH), pada umumnya adalah perusahaan yang memiliki keterkaitan atau anak perusahaan atau cabang perusahaan yang berkedudukan atau berkantor pusat di wilayah negara anggota Uni Eropa. Sedangkan untuk perusahaan eksportir CPO merupakan perusahaan yang sudah cukup konsern terkait isu dengan tidak dimasukkannya CPO dalam pengecualian untuk registrasi Registration, Evaluation, Authorization And Restriction Of Chemical (REACH) sementara itu, untuk jenis minyak IV- 4 nabati lain seperti minyak kedelai dan minyak jagung masuk dalam pengecualian kewajiban pendaftaran Registration, Evaluation, Authorization And Restriction Of Chemical (REACH) yang tertera pada Annex IV sebelum dilakukan amandemen. Tahu 44% Tidak Tahu 56% Gambar 4.2.2. Pengetahuan Eksportir/ Eksportir Produsen mengenai REACH Dari sejumlah perusahaan yang mengetahui adanya Registration, Evaluation, Authorization And Restriction Of Chemical (REACH), diperoleh informasi bahwa sekitar 49%-nya mengetahui adanya overview tentang Registration, Evaluation, Authorization And Restriction Of Chemical (REACH) melalui internet untuk mendapatkan informasi adanya regulasi tersebut di Uni Eropa terkait dengan pendaftaran bahan kimia dan kandungan bahan kimia dalam suatu bahan. Informasi lain yang diperoleh perusahaan tentang overview regulasi Registration, Evaluation, Authorization And Restriction Of Chemical (REACH) adalah melalui asosiasi perusahaan sebesar 13%, instansi pemerintah melalui sosialisasi sekitar 13% serta lain-lain (seperti tukar informasi antar pengusaha) sebesar 25%. Walaupun demikian, sosialisasi melalui pemerintah masih dirasakan masih kurang karena beberapa IV- 5 perusahaan merasa bahwa informasi tentang adanya sosialisasi yang dilakukan instansi terkait tidak sampai ke perusahaan yang bersangkutan. Selain itu, di beberapa kesempatan wawancara saat melaksanakan survey, diketahui bahwa pengusaha menganggap bahwa Registration, Evaluation, Authorization And Restriction Of Chemical (REACH) tidak mempengaruhi ekspor mereka ke Uni Eropa karena sampai saat ini masih bisa berjalan dan jika terjadi penurunan ekspor pada tahun 2009, disebabkan oleh krisis global. Kondisi tersebut juga sejalan dengan informasi yang didapatkan melalui survey di salah satu negara anggota Uni Eropa yaitu Belanda, dimana hingga saat ini, proses arus barang tidak dihambat secara langsung dengan Registration, Evaluation, Authorization And Restriction Of Chemical (REACH). Hambatan arus barang hanya dilakukan dengan penarikan peredaran di pasaran jika disinyalir barang tersebut berbahaya bagi manusia dan lingkungan. Instansi pemerintah 13% Lain - lain 25% Asosiasi 13% Internet 49% Gambar 4.2.3. Sumber Informasi REACH Sejalan dengan cara sebagaian besar eksportir dalam melakukan ekspor ke Uni Eropa, hubungan eksportir Indonesia dengan importirnya di Uni Eropa juga ditunjukkan dengan informasi tentang pengetahuan eksportir mengenai status importir Uni Eropa dalam melakukan registrasi Registration, IV- 6 Evaluation, Authorization And Restriction Of Chemical (REACH). Lebih dari separuh yaitu sekitar 72% eksportir tidak mengetahui bahwa importir Uni Eropa sudah atau belum melakukan registrasi Registration, Evaluation, Authorization And Restriction Of Chemical (REACH). Kondisi tersebut menunjukkan bahwa eksportir Indonesia kurang memiliki relasi dan kerjasama dengan importir Uni Eropa. Tahu importir sudah melakukan registrasi 0% Tahu importir belum atau tidak melakukan registrasi 28% Tidak tahu importir sudah mendaftar/be lum 72% Gambar 4.2.4. Pengetahuan Mengenai Status Importir Uni Eropa terkait REACH Disamping itu, terkait dengan keharusan registrasi menurut ketentuan Registration, Evaluation, Authorization And Restriction Of Chemical (REACH) membutuhkan data–data dari suplay chain terutama data bahan kimia, sifat kimiawinya, penggunaan serta penanganannya. Hasil survey menunjukkan bahwa tidak satupun perusahaan telah mengirimkan dan diminta mengirimkan kelengkapan tersebut di atas ke importir bersangkutan. Bahkan sekiatr 78% dari perusahaan yang disurvey tidak tahu mengenai ada tidaknya permintaan kelengkapan mengenai data bahan kimia tersebut. IV- 7 Diminta menyampaikan dokumen kelengkapan untuk keperluan importir meregistrasi REACH 0% Tidak diminta untuk menyampaikan dokumen kelengkapan terkait REACH 22% Tidak tahu 78% Gambar 4.2.5. Langkah tindak Lanjut yang dilakukan pengusaha terkait REACH 4.3. Registration, Evaluation, Authorization And Restriction Of Chemical (REACH): Fakta dan Realita Registration, Evaluation, Authorization And Restriction Of Chemical (REACH) telah diimplementasikan semenjak 1 Juni 2007 yang kemudian dilanjutkan dengan proses pre registrasi yang memasuki batas akhir pada tanggal 1 Desember 2008. Proses Pre-registrasi dimaksudkan untuk mendapatkan data awal mengenai bahan kimia apa saja yang beredar di wilayah Uni Eropa. Proses Pre-registrasi hanya dilaksanakan dengan menyampaikan daftar bahan kimia serta data awal mengenai kode, sifat kimia dan penggunaannya tanpa data uji laboratorium. Pre-registrasi diwajikan untuk bahan kimia dengan tonase dibawah 1 (satu) ton per tahun. Per tanggal 1 Januari 2010, proses registrasi sudah mulai dilaksanakan untuk bahan kimia/kandungan bahan kimia dengan tonase lebih dari 1.000 (seribu) ton dan atau untuk bahan kimia/kandungan bahan kimia yang bersifat menyebabkan kanker (Carcinogen), menyebabkan mutasi (mutagen) serta beracun bagi reproduksi (reprotoxic). Demikian pula dengan Carcinogen, mutagen, reprotoxic dengan tonase 1 ton/tahun dan atau untuk bahan kimia/kandungan IV- 8 bahan kimia yang bersifat racun dan berbahaya bagi organisme maupun lingkungan perairan (R50/53) dengan tonase 100 ton pertahun. Informasi tentang tahapan pelaksanaan Registration, Evaluation, Authorization And Restriction Of Chemical (REACH) adalah sebagai berikut : 4.3.1. Pre-registrasi dan Registrasi Seluruh produsen dan importir yang tidak melakukan pre-registrasi sesuai periode tersebut, tidak dapat memperoleh kemudahan dari transisi pelaksanaan peraturan Registration, Evaluation, Authorization And Restriction Of Chemical (REACH). Dalam hal ini, siapapun yang tidak melakukan pre-registasi tidak dapat melakukan aktivitasnya di Uni Eropa setelah memasuki masa registrasi. Transisi yang dimaksud adalah kelonggaran untuk tetap melakukan distribusi, pemasaran maupun importansi ke pasar Uni Eropa tanpa melakukan registrasi selama banyaknya bahan kimia yang didistribusikan, dipasarkan, dan diimpor masih belum melebihi batas tonase yang ditetapkan. Disamping itu, seperti halnya terungkap melalui wawancara dengan stakeholder dan lembaga yang terkait dengan Registration, Evaluation, Authorization And Restriction Of Chemical (REACH) di Finlandia bahwa saat memasuki masa registrasi, setiap perusahaan yang telah pre-register dan kriteria tonasenya masuk dalam kewajiban untuk di daftarkan dapat tetap melakukan kegiatannya bersamaan dengan proses registerasi, sedangkan untuk perusahaan yang tidak melakukan register maka harus melakukan register terlebih dahulu baru kemudian bisa melakukan aktivitasnya. Sebagai gambaran penjelasan diatas dapat dilihat di ilustrasi di bawah ini: ï‚· Masa pre-register adalah 1 Juni – 31 Desember 2008 ï‚· Masa registrasi untuk tonase >1 ton/tahun : 31 Desember 2010 IV- 9 Tonase Tonase Status Register Tahunan Tahunan Status pres.d Perusahaan Keterangan pada 2008 pada 2010 register 31 Desember (ton/th) (ton/th) 2010 Setelah tanggal 31 Desember 2010 dapat perusahaan >1 Ya melakukan aktivitas A baru bisnis setelah registrasi disetujui Setelah tanggal 31 Desember 2010 tidak persahaan dapat melakukan >1 Tidak B baru aktivitas bisnis sampai melakukan registrasi dan disetujui Setelah tanggal 31 Desember 2010 masih <1 >1 Ya Ya C dapat melakukan aktivitas bisnis Setelah tanggal 31 Desember 2010 masih dapat melakukan <1 >1 Ya Tidak D aktivitas bisnis dan pada waktu bersamaan melakukan registrasi Setelah tanggal 31 Desember 2010 dapat <1 >1 Tidak Ya melakukan aktivitas E asal registrasi sudah disetujui Setelah tanggal 31 Desember 2010 tidak <1 >1 Tidak Tidak F dapat melakukan aktivitas bisnis Masa registrasi sudah dimulai awal tahun 2009, meskipun terdapat kriteria pengecualian pendaftaran untuk beberapa senyawa kimia sebagaimana terdapat dalam Annex IV dan Annex V, namun banyak hal dalam prakteknya menunjukkan bahwa regulasi Registration, Evaluation, Authorization And Restriction Of Chemical (REACH) merupakan impedimen yang cukup signifikan bagi perdagangan. Meskipun tidak langsung terasa imbasnya bagi eksportir seperti halnya Indonesia, namun IV- 10 untuk jangka panjang dan melihat perkembangan yang ada, kondisi tersebut perlu diperhatikan karena semangat dasar regulasi Registration, Evaluation, Authorization And Restriction Of Chemical (REACH) adalah no data, no market. Maksud dari pernyataan no data, no market adalah jika perusahaan yang berkewajiban untuk mendaftar dalam hal ini baik manufaktur, importir, maupun distributor di Uni Eropa tidak melakukan registrasi sebelum masa registrasi berakhir maka perusahaan tersebut tidak dapat memasukkan, menggunakan maupun memasarkan bahan kimia maupun produk (artikel) yang mengandung bahan kimia yang didaftarkan wajib didaftarkan di pasar Uni Eropa. Kenyataan di lapangan, sebagaimana disampaikan oleh beberapa stakeholder di Finlandia dan sebagaimana telah pula dikonfirmasikan kepada European Chemical Agency (ECHA), menunjukkan bahwa proses pendaftaran dilakukan menurut kaidah per bahan kimia (substance) per perusahaan dan per penggunaan. Anak Perusahaan juga tidak dapat menginduk pada perusahaan besarnya, misalnya Unilever pusat yang berkedudukan di wilayah Uni Eropa telah meregistrasikan senyawa A, maka Unilever Indonesia harus tetap meregistrasikan senyawa A yang diekspor ke Uni Eropa. Rapatnya tenggang waktu untuk pelaksanaan pendaftaran cukup menyita perhatian perusahaan. Disamping itu, kelengkapan dokumen persyaratan untuk pendaftaran Registration, Evaluation, Authorization And Restriction Of Chemical (REACH) sangat banyak dan kompleks sehingga setiap perusahaan memerlukan bantuan orang yang cukup expertis terutama di bidang Kimia, Hukum dan Teknologi Informasi (IT). Tenaga Ahli Teknologi Informasi (IT) diperlukan untuk menyiapkan dan menjalankan sistem komputasi perusahaan karena untuk memenuhi seluruh dokumen Registration, Evaluation, Authorization And Restriction Of Chemical (REACH) digunakan sistem komputerisasi dengan bentuk software IUCLID dan REACH IT. Perlu bagi perusahaan untuk dapat mengintegrasikan seluruh sistem yang ada. Adapun ahli Kimia jelas diperlukan karena IV- 11 Registration, Evaluation, Authorization And Restriction Of Chemical (REACH) merupakan pendaftaran terkait bahan kimia dan ahli hukum diperlukan karena berhubungan dengan regulasi maka segala bentuk pertanggungjawabannya harus merujuk pada tata hukum yang berlaku dan dibawa ke pengadilan. Dokumen kelengkapan pendaftaran Registration, Evaluation, Authorization And Restriction Of Chemical (REACH) antara lain berupa chemical safety data maupun chemical safety report. Dua dokumen tersebut diantaranya memuat informasi mengenai siafat kimia, sifat fisik, penggunaan, serta penanganan bahan kimia yang didaftarkan. Informasi tersebut harus didasarkan pada data – data uji laboratorium. Laboratorium yang hasil ujinya dapat digunakan untuk melengkapi data pendaftaran haruslah dari laboratorium yang sudah memiliki standar good laboratory practice (GLP). Perusahaan yang tidak dapat melampirkan data–data laboratorium dapat menggunakan data laboratorium yang digunakan oleh perusahaan lain. Data dari perusahaan lain tersebut dapat diperoleh melalui suatu forum yang disebut substance information exchange forum (SIEF). Dokumen pendaftaran tersebut haruslah juga dilengkapi dengan kadar atau dosis bahan kimia dalam suatu bahan, campuran maupun produk. Dalam dokumen tersebut juga diwajibkan untuk memasukkan informasi yang disebarkan bagi customer. Feedback dari customer terkait penanganan dan penggunaan bahan kimia juga harus dimasukkan dalam dokumen tersebut. Kendala dalam mekanisme penyampaian dokumen adalah bahwa penyampaian informasi kadar atau dosis bahan kimia dalam suatu bahan, campuran maupun produk akan membuka informasi internal perusahaan yang menjadi rahasia perusahaan. Banyak perusahaan di Uni Eropa yang melakukan pengolahan lanjut terhadap apa yang mereka impor dan juga untuk satu jenis bahan bisa diperoleh berbagai macam penggunaan yang spesifik antar satu perusahaan dengan perusahaan lainnya. IV- 12 Kendala lain yang sangat penting adalah terkait biaya dimana seluruh aspek persiapan, pengumpulan informasi dan proses pendaftaran tidak luput dari biaya yang sangat tinggi. Biaya untuk pendaftaran saja berkisar antara 10.000 - 15.000 Euro. Biaya lain yang harus dikeluarkan diantaranya adalah biaya untuk menginventarisasi seluruh bahan kimia yang digunakan untuk proses produksi dan bahan kimia atau kandungan bahan kimia tersebut pada produk jadi. Biaya selanjutnya adalah untuk mendapatkan data–data uji laboraorium, bila menggunakan data uji dari perusahaan lain maka perlu membeli data tersebut. Proses pembelian data adalah melalui substance information exchange forum (SIEF) yang mana untuk masuk menjadi anggota substance information exchange forum (SIEF) haruslah mengeluarkan biaya yang tidak sedikit pula. Berpartisipasi dalam substance information exchange forum (SIEF) adalah merupakan kewajiban bagi para registrant (pendaftar) Registration, Evaluation, Authorization And Restriction Of Chemical (REACH). Keikutsertaan dalam substance information exchange forum (SIEF) biasanya menggunakan pihak ketiga untuk mewakili perusahaan dalam forum dengan tujuan agar rahasia perusahaan terutama dalam hal komposisi penggunaan bahan kimia tidak bocor. Tujuan lain dari adanya substance information exchange forum (SIEF) adalah agar perusahaan yang akan dan sudah mendaftar dapat memutuskan suatu kesepakatan mengenai kesamaan nama, label dan pengkodean bahan kimia yang sampai saat ini masih terdapat perbedaan terutama dalam nama baik dari sisi pengusaha, pasar maupun European Chemical Agency (ECHA) sebagai lembaga yang berwenang. Kendala bagi perusahaan dalam partisipasi di substance information exchange forum (SIEF) selain kendala biaya dan kemungkinan bocornya rahasia perusahaan adalah substance information exchange forum (SIEF) sifatnya adalah hampir merupakan bentuk kerjasama antar perusahaan dengan produk yang sama. Di Finlandia, bentuk kerjasama tersebut sangat IV- 13 tipis batasannya dengan bentuk kartel yang merupakan pelanggaran menurut peraturan persaingan usaha. Pendaftaran Registration, Evaluation, Authorization And Restriction Of Chemical (REACH memang khusus untuk bahan kimia, sehingga untuk produk yang mengandung bahan kimia, pendaftrannya adalah setiap bahan kimia yang membentuk produk tersebut. Kriteria menghitung bahan yang harus didaftarkan yang terkandung dalam produk dijelaskan dalam dokumen ECHA mengenai petunjuk singkat Registration, Evaluation, Authorization And Restriction Of Chemical (REACH) pada pendaftaran bahan kimia dalam artikel/produk (Guidance on requirements for substances in articles, http://guidance.echa.europa.eu/guidance_en.htm). 4.3.2. Evaluasi Proses Evaluasi juga akan dilakukan oleh European Chemical Agency (ECHA) terutama untuk beberapa senyawa kimia yang belum diketahui secara lengkap seluruh sifat dan keamanannnya termasuk untuk senyawa–senyawa baru. Proses ini menuntut adanya uji laboratorium ulang. Kelemahan yang ada adalah bahwa hasil evaluasi subyektif menurut hasil uji oleh Registration, Evaluation, Authorization And Restriction Of Chemical (REACH). Jika terjadi perbedaan, maka pendaftar hasilnya dianggap berbeda perlu melakukan proses pendaftaran ulang. Untuk waktu ke depan, proses evaluasi merupakan masa yang paling membutuhkan banyak sumber daya dan penuh tantangan. Evaluasi akan memunculkan otorisasi bahkan hingga restriksi. Proses tawar menawar dalam evaluasi juga memerlukan banyak biaya terutama dalam proses uji laboratorium, pembuktian melalui studi ilmah dan hingga perdebatan di pengadilan. 4.3.3. Otorisasi dan Restriksi Tahapan lain dalam Registration, Evaluation, Authorization And Restriction Of Chemical (REACH) adalah Otorisasi. Otorisasi adalah pemberian keluangan bagi suatu perusahaan untuk memproduksi, mengimpor, memasarkan atau menggunakan suatu bahan kimia yang dianggap sangat berbahaya menurut kriteria Substances Very High Concern (SVHC) yaitu yang bersifat bioaccumulative, carcinogens, mutagens dan IV- 14 reproductive toxicants. Selain itu, bahan kimia tersebut belum dapt digantikan oleh bahan kimia yang lain. Otorisasi akan diberikan hanya untuk jangka waktu 5 (lima) tahun dan akan direview ulang. Apabila sudah terdapat bahan kimia pengganti yang lebih aman, maka otorisasi akan dicabut. Proses untuk mendapatkan otorisasi juga tidak lepas dari biaya termasuk unuk perpanjangan mendapatkan otorisasi. Untuk senyawa – senyawa dengan kriteria Substances Very High Concern (SVHC), ada beberapa ketentuan yang harus dilaksanakan. Jika senyawa itu merupakan senyawa untuk campuran dan preparasi harus melakukan beberapa hal sebagi berikut: ï‚· Jika preparasi berbahaya menurut Directive 1999/45/CE, suplayer harus menyediakan material safety data sheet (MSDS) kepada customer-nya menurut Annex II ï‚· Jika preparasi tidak berbahaya menurut Directive 1999/45/CE E, suplayer harus menyediakan material safety data sheet (MSDS) kepada customernya jika diminta dan apabila mengandung setidak tidaknya satu senyawa yang bersifat Persisting, Bioaccumulable, Toxic (PBT) dan very Persisting, very Bioaccumulable (vPvB) atau Very High Concern (VHC) dengan konsentrasi sama dengan atau diatas 0,1% dari berat total. Sementara jika senyawa untuk artikel/produk adalah: ï‚· Jika suatu produk mengandung senyawa Very High Concern (VHC) dengan konsentrasi diatas 0,1% berat, suplayer harus menyediakan informasi yang menjelaskan penggunaan artikel dengan aman dan juga menyediakan nama senyawa Very High Concern (VHC) tersebut. ï‚· Jika penerima atau pengguna artikel adalah customer maka suplayer harus meyediakan material safety data sheet (MSDS) jika diminta tidak lebih dari 45 (empat puluh lima) hari sejak permintaan dilakukan. ï‚· Mulai tanggal 1 Juni 2011 seluruh produsen dan importer artikel/produk tersebut harus menotifikasi ke European CHemical Agency (ECHA) jika seyawa yang diotorisasi terdapat dalam artikel. Jangka waktunya adalah 6 (enam) bulan setelah senyawa tersebut dimasukkan ke dalam Annex IV- 15 XIV dan memenuhi kondisi yaitu: (a) Senyawa tersebut bertonase lebih dari 1 ton/tahun dan (b) Senyawa tersebut terkandung dalam artikel dengan konsentrasi diatas 0,1% berat. Hingga saat ini, restriksi sudah terdapat 58 (lima puluh delapan) senyawa kimia yang direstriksi, termasuk restriksi untuk penggunaannya didalam suatu artikel. Penjelasan beberapa senyawa tersebut tercantum didalam Annex XVII. Disamping itu, mulai Bulan Januari 2010 sudah akan dimasukkan 14 (empat belas) senyawa yang menjadi candidate list restriksi. Mengenai senyawa – senyawa dan penggunaannnya yang direstriksi dapat dilihat pada lampiran. 4.3.4. Only Representative (OR) Registration, Evaluation, Authorization And Restriction Of Chemical (REACH) diwajibkan bagi perusahaan Uni Eropa, oleh karena itu proses pendaftaan Registration, Evaluation, Authorization And Restriction Of Chemical (REACH) harus dilakukan oleh perusahaan yang memiliki legal entity Uni Eropa. Bagi perusahaan yang tidak memiliki legal entity atau tidak dapat melakukan sendiri pendaftarannya dapat melakukan pendaftaran dengan menggunakan Only Representative. Only Representative dapat didirikan siapa saja. Adapun sebagai gambaran, biaya pendirian perusahaan di Finlandia dan ber-legal entity Uni Eropa adalah kurang lebih 10.000 Euro. Terkait Registration, Evaluation, Authorization And Restriction Of Chemical (REACH), Only Representative (OR) harus bertanggung jawab terhadap seluruh proses dan segala sesuatu yang terjadi atas pendaftaran perusahaan yang diwakilinya. Apabila dikemudian terjadi sengketa maka Only Representative (OR) sudah harus siap untu mewakili di pengadilan, sebab Registration, Evaluation, Authorization And Restriction Of Chemical (REACH) merupakan regulasi dan segala sesuatuya diselesaikan menurut aturan hukum. Selain itu, Only Representative (OR) juga harus mempunyai kemampuan untuk membuktikan secara ilmiah tenang apa-apa yang dilaporkan. Dalam hal ini mampu atau mempunyai laboratorium yang dapat IV- 16 digunakan untuk melakukan uji ulang terhadap data laboratorium yang dianggap tidak memenuhi ketentuan. 4.4. REACH vs. Perdagangan dan Kondisi Indonesia Menurut informasi dari stakeholder di Belanda maupun Finlandia termasuk European Chemical Agency (ECHA), bahwa mekanisme pendeteksian arus barang masuk ke Uni Eropa akan segera diintegrasikan ke dalam sistem kepabeanan Uni Eropa. Salah satu cara deteksinya adalah melalui identifikasi nomor pendaftaran Registration, Evaluation, Authorization And Restriction Of Chemical (REACH). Mekanisme tersebut saat ini masih di bahas di Komisi Uni Eropa. Sampai saat ini, belum ada penghambatan arus barang ataupun restriksi terkait Registration, Evaluation, Authorization And Restriction Of Chemical (REACH). Seluruh bahan kimia maupun artikel/produk yang harus didaftarkan menurut Registration, Evaluation, Authorization And Restriction Of Chemical (REACH) sementara masih bebas di pasaran. Penarikan dari pasar dilakukan jika terdapat laporan bahwa produk tersebut berbahaya dan dapat dibuktikan kebenarannya. Perdagangan Indonesia dalam hal ini ekspor Indonesia memang saat ini mengalami penurunan ke Uni Eropa. Penurunan yang terjadi lebih didasarkan atas kondisi ekonomi global yang mengalami goncangan besar sejak akhir tahun 2008. Namun, dengan perkembangan yang terjadi, terdapat kemungkinan bahwa Registration, Evaluation, Authorization And Restriction Of Chemical (REACH) akan mengakibatkan penurunan ekspor non migas Indonesia ke Uni Eropa beberapa tahun ke depan. Penurunan ekspor tersebut dimungkinkan terjadi bila Registration, Evaluation, Authorization And Restriction Of Chemical (REACH) sudah diintegrasikan dengan mekanisme kepabeanan. Penyebab lain adalah beralihnya importir Uni Eropa ke suplayer lain yang telah memenuhi persyaratan Registration, Evaluation, Authorization And Restriction Of Chemical (REACH) karena Registration, Evaluation, Authorization And IV- 17 Restriction Of Chemical (REACH) dapat merubah jalur suplai chain. Disamping itu, dapat terjadi kemungkinan penurunan daya saing produk ekspor, karena terjadi peningkatan harga. Peningkatan harga tersebut terjadi karena terjadi peningkatan biaya produksi di tingkat produsen sebagai akibat pengalihan atau perubahan bahan kimia untuk produksi. Terkait dengan Registration, Evaluation, Authorization And Restriction Of Chemical (REACH), menurut informasi yang didapatkan dari berbagai sumber, hingga saat ini belum diketahui adanya perusahaan Indonesia yang mensuplai bahan kimia atau campuran kimia atau produk yang mengandung bahan kimia yang harus didaftarkan Registration, Evaluation, Authorization And Restriction Of Chemical (REACH), telah melakukan pre-registrasi maupun registrasi baik atas nama perusahaan maupun melalui Only Reprensentative (OR). Berdasarkan notulensi rapat nasional Helpdesk for REACH No. 1421/IAK/12/2008 tanggal 2 Desember 2008, PT Surveyor Indonesia yang merupakan badan usaha milik negara (BUMN) diminta berlaku sebagai Only Representative (OR) untuk membantu industri-industri dalam negeri untuk memasuki pasar Uni Eropa di bawah naungan mekanisme Registration, Evaluation, Authorization And Restriction Of Chemical (REACH). Namun hingga saat ini, Indonesia belum memiliki Only Representative. Selain itu, saat ini Indonesia masih belum memiliki laboratorium yang berstandar good laboratory practice (GLP) sedangkan untuk memenuhi persyaratan REACH, dokumen hasil uji laboratorium harus dari laboratorium yang berstandar good laboratory practice (GLP). Untuk itu, perlu adanya langkah untuk mempersiapkan itu semua. Sebagaimana hasil diskusi dengan European CHemical Agency (ECHA), bahwa capacity building dan asistensi bisa dilakukan oleh Only Representative (OR) dalam membantu untuk dapat mempersiapkan segala sesuatu yang berhubungan dengan kondisi supaya perusahaan Indonesia bisa memenuhi syarat Registration, Evaluation, Authorization And Restriction Of Chemical (REACH). Akan tetapi, European CHemical Agency (ECHA) dapat IV- 18 melaksanakan capacity building dan asistensi bila mendapat mandat dari Komisi Uni Eropa. Pihak European CHemical Agency (ECHA) mengusulkan agar dilakukan kerjasama antar pemerintah. Dalam hal ini, pemerintah Indonesia perlu untuk mengajukan proposal usulan kerjasama untuk meminta bantuan Uni Eropa untuk dapat memenuhi persyaratan Registration, Evaluation, Authorization And Restriction Of Chemical (REACH). Usulan tersebut perlu juga memasukan permintaan kelonggaran bagi Indonesia terkait dengan pelaksanaan Registration, Evaluation, Authorization And Restriction Of Chemical. 4.5. Pelaksanaan REACH oleh Korea Selatan (Benchmarking) Korea Selatan merupakan mitra dagang terbesar ke delapan Uni Eropa dan Uni Eropa merupakan tujuan ekspor kedua terbesar Korea Selatan. Perdagangan Uni Eropa dengan Korea Selatan mencapai €65 milyar pada tahun 2008 dengan pertumbuhan rata rata tahunan sekitar 7,5% pada periode 2004-2008. Dalam perdagangan bahan – bahan kimia, Korea Selatan mencatat telah mempunyai pangsa 2,5% total ekspor bahan kimia Uni Eropa dan 1.2% total impor bahan kimia Uni Eropa. 3.0 2.5 2.0 Kimia Anorganik Dasar 0.28 0.35 Polimer € Milyar 0.35 1.5 0.64 1.0 0.05 Consumer Chemicals 0.67 0.5 0.94 0.02 0.18 0.28 Ekspor ke Korea Selatan Impor dari Korea Selatan 0.0 Specialties Petrokimia Sumber : CEFIC Gambar 4.5.1 Perdagangan Bahan Kimia Uni Eropa dengan Korea Selatan IV- 19 Isu dan segala sesuatu yang berhubungan dengan Registration, Evaluation, Authorization And Restriction Of Chemical (REACH) di Korea Selatan dikoordinasikan di bawah Ministry of Knowledge Economy (MKE). Selanjutnya Ministry of Knowledge Economy (MKE) memberikan wewenang ke The Korea Institute of Industrial Technology (KITECH). The Korea Institute of Industrial Technology (KITECH) adalah lembaga penelitian yang dibiayai pemerintah untuk membantu pengembangan teknologi Industri UKM di Korea Selatan termasuk membantu dalam menanggapi dan mengambil langkah terkait Registration, Evaluation, Authorization And Restriction Of Chemical (REACH). Salah satu bidang di The Korea Institute of Industrial Technology (KITECH) yang memiliki tugas pokok untuk membantu pengusaha/ perusahaan-perusahaan Korea Selatan dalam menghadapi/memenuhi peraturan-peraturan internasional terkait dengan lingkungan, termasuk Registration, Evaluation, Authorization And Restriction Of Chemical (REACH) adalah Business Service Center for Global Environmental Regulation (BSCGER). Business Service Center for Global Environmental Regulation (BSCGER) pada awal pendiriannya di Bulan Desember 2006 merupakan institusi khusus yang menangani Registration, Evaluation, Authorization And Restriction Of Chemical (REACH) sebagai “Korea Registration, Evaluation, Authorization And Restriction Of Chemical (REACH) Business Center”. Hal ini menunjukkan betapa tingginya kepedulian pemerintah Korea Selatan sejak awal mula dalam mendukung pengusahanya guna menghadapi Registration, Evaluation, Authorization And Restriction Of Chemical (REACH). Tugas pertama yang dilakukan Business Service Center for Global Environmental Regulation (BSCGER) adalah dengan memberikan informasi sebanyak mungkin dan seluas mungkin. Selain penyebaran informasi Business Service Center for Global Environmental Regulation (BSCGER) juga melakukan pembekalan dan pelatihan; menyediakan data material dan menyediakan jasa konsultasi. IV- 20 Business Service Center for Global Environmental Regulation (BSCGER) juga bertugas untuk mengumpulkan sebanyak mungkin data terkait Registration, Evaluation, Authorization And Restriction Of Chemical (REACH), peraturan, persyaratan, bahan-bahan kimia yang ada dalam peraturan Registration, Evaluation, Authorization And Restriction Of Chemical (REACH), mengkoleksi data dari perusahaan-perusahan mengkombinasikan data yang diperoleh dari database mengenai supply chain kemudian menyebarkannya data-data tersebut pada perusahaanperusahaan sebagai bahan perusahaan memenuhi persyaratan Registration, Evaluation, Authorization And Restriction Of Chemical (REACH) mengenai penyediaan data supply chain. Beberapa sarana dan prasarana yang digunakan Business Service Center for Global Environmental Regulation (BSCGER) untuk menyebarkan informasi adalah: o Penyediaan website khusus terkait informasi Registration, Evaluation, Authorization And Restriction Of Chemical (REACH) o Konsultasi online o Guidance (Pembimbingan) o Education and consultation on the spot o Seminar, workshop, expo o “Steering committee” yang bertugas untuk membuat solusi terkait Registration, Evaluation, Authorization And Restriction Of Chemical yang terdiri dari 62 (enam puluh dua) organisasi terkait, termasuk pemerintah, pengusaha, akademisi, lembaga penelitian (terutama mengenani good laboratory practice/GLP untuk laboratorium). Business Service Center for Global Environmental Regulation (BSCGER) melaksanakan dua kursus utama terkait pendidikan dan pelatihan Registration, Evaluation, Authorization And Restriction Of Chemical (REACH), pertama basic course dan yang kedua management course. Basic course berisikan informasi dasar terkait Registration, Evaluation, Authorization And Restriction Of Chemical (REACH) yaitu: pemahaman IV- 21 mengenai Registration, Evaluation, Authorization And Restriction Of Chemical (REACH) tentang informasi dan dampak; compliance according to industrial sectors; dan notifikasi. Adapun management course merupakan pelatihan terkait langkah-langkah dalam mengikuti Registration, Evaluation, Authorization And Restriction Of Chemical (REACH), mencakup pelatihan terkait: o Identifikasi substance (bahan material produk) dan labeling o Penyiapan pre-registrasi dan registrasi Registration, Evaluation, Authorization And Restriction Of Chemical o Tekhnik pengumpulan data material o Clasifikasi dan labeling o SIEF dan aktifitasnya o Registrasi substansi baru o REACH, regulasi lain yang mirip dari negari lain o Aplikasi program Quantitative structure activity relationship o Penyiapan Chemical Safety Report) o Cara membuat kontrak dengan Only Representative Quantitative structure activity relationship merupakan suatu project dari Business Service Center for Global Environmental Regulation mengenai suatu model matematis yang menghubungkan pengukuran kuatitatif dari suatu struktur kimia terhadap physical property atau dampak biologinya (misal: titik akhir toxicological). Informasi ini dapat dimafaatkan pengusaha guna memprediksi struktur bahan kimia dan dampak kimianya dari suatu produk yang mereka produksi. Sekitar 21% dari perusahaan di Korea Selatan adalah UKM. Terkait dengan mempersiapkan UKM Korea Selatan yang memiliki ekspor ke Uni Eropa, selain dengan memberikan pendidikan dan pelatihan, pemerintah Korea Selatan juga menghubungi seluruh UKM yang ada untuk memberikan informasi dan mengajak pengusaha untuk mengikuti prosedur REACH. Namun demikian UKM Korea Selatan lebih memilih untuk tidak IV- 22 melanjutkan ekspornya ke Uni Eropa dikarenakan biaya prosedur yang sangat mahal. Korea Selatan pada saat ini memiliki 6 (enam) Only Representative di Uni Eropa. Masing-masing Only Representative terdiri dari 10 – 100 perusahaan. Saat ini terdapat sekitar 440 perusahaan Korea Selatan yang terdaftar melalui Only Representative Korea (tidak termasuk perusahaan Korea yang masuk melalui Only Representative Uni Eropa). Only Representative Korea Selatan menyediakan jasa untuk melakukan pre registrasi dan registrasi tidak hanya untuk perusahaan-perusahaan di Korea Selatan, namun juga perusahaan-perusahaan dari negara lain yang berminat. Saat ini negara lain yang melakukan pre registrasi melalui Only Representative Korea Selatan adalah perusahaan dari China, Thailand, dan Malaysia. Salah satu keuntungan yang diperoleh dengan menggunakan Only Representative diluar Only Representative Uni Eropa adalah harga yang relative lebih murah dalam mendaftarkan perusahaan. 4.6. Dampak REACH terhadap Ekspor Non Migas Indonesia Berdasarkan metodologi dan langkah-langkah yang diambil terhadap penghitungan Nominal Tariff Equivalent (NTE) di atas kajian ini menghasilkan hasil sebagai berikut: a. Sebagian besar ekspor non migas Indonesia cenderung terkena Indonesia mengekspor sebanyak 3.851 HS ke Uni Eropa dan hampir 1.413 hingga 1.912 HS terkena katagori yang harus melalui prosedur REACH. Berdasarkan sensitivity analysis terhadap kandungan kimia yang ada, HS yang terkena prosedur REACH sangat sensitif terhadap kandungan kimia yang dianggap berbahaya. IV- 23 5 ,0 0 0 Jumlah HS 4 ,0 0 0 3 ,0 0 0 2 ,4 3 9 2 ,2 9 7 2 ,2 1 3 1 ,9 4 2 1 ,4 1 3 1 ,5 5 6 1 ,6 4 0 1 ,9 1 2 20% 30% 100% 2 ,0 0 0 1 ,0 0 0 10% K a n d u n g a n K i m i a su b j e c t to R E A C H H S s u b je c t t o R E A C H H S n o t s u b je c t t o R E A C H Sumber : Hasil Analisa Gambar 4.6.1 Jumlah HS Kandungan Kimia subject to REACH Kenyataan ini terjadi karena HS yang teridentifikasi dapat lebih dari 1 ton zat kimia yang diidentifikasi oleh ECHA sebagai zat yang berbahaya, maka zat tersebut harus melalui prosedur REACH. a) Apabila kandungan kimia sebanyak 10 persen pada masing-masing HS dianggap sebagai zat kimia berbahaya dan harus didaftarkan proses REACH maka terdapat 1.413 HS atau 36,69 persen yang dapat masuk katagori terkena proses REACH. b) Apabila kandungan kimia sebanyak 20 persen pada masing-masing HS dianggap sebagai zat kimia berbahaya dan harus didaftarkan proses REACH maka terdapat 1.556 HS atau 40,41 persen yang dapat masuk katagori terkena proses REACH. c) Apabila kandungan kimia sebanyak 30 persen pada masing-masing HS dianggap sebagai zat kimia berbahaya dan harus didaftarkan proses REACH maka terdapat 1.640 HS atau 42,59 persen yang dapat masuk katagori terkena proses REACH. d) Apabila kandungan kimia sebanyak 100 persen pada masing-masing HS dianggap sebagai zat kimia berbahaya dan harus didaftarkan proses REACH maka terdapat 1.556 HS atau 49,65 persen yang dapat masuk katagori terkena proses REACH. b. Sebagian besar ekspor non migas Indonesia cenderung terkena REACH masing-masing skenario IV- 24 Hal yang menjadi perhatian utama analisis ini adalah nilai ekspor yang terkena REACH. Nilai ekspor yang terkena REACH ternyata memiliki dampak yang jauh lebih hebat. Nilai ekspor Indonesia ke Uni Eropa sebesar US$ 13.344 milyar. Sumber : Hasil Analisa Gambar 4.6.2. Dampak Nilai Ekspor Kandungan Kimia subject to REACH a) Apabila kandungan kimia sebanyak 10 persen pada masing-masing HS dianggap sebagai zat kimia berbahaya dan harus didaftarkan proses REACH maka terdapat US$ 13.292 milyar atau 99,61 persen yang dapat masuk katagori terkena proses REACH. b) Apabila kandungan kimia sebanyak 20 persen pada masing-masing HS dianggap sebagai zat kimia berbahaya dan harus didaftarkan proses REACH maka terdapat US$ 13.310 milyar atau 99,74 persen yang dapat masuk katagori terkena proses REACH. c) Apabila kandungan kimia sebanyak 30 persen pada masing-masing HS dianggap sebagai zat kimia berbahaya dan harus didaftarkan proses REACH maka terdapat US$ 13.319 milyar atau 99,81 persen yang dapat masuk katagori terkena proses REACH. IV- 25 d) Apabila kandungan kimia sebanyak 100 persen pada masing-masing HS dianggap sebagai zat kimia berbahaya dan harus didaftarkan proses REACH maka terdapat US$ 13.332 milyar atau 99,91 persen yang dapat masuk katagori terkena proses REACH. Berdasarkan estimasi Nominal Tariff Equivalent dengan asumsi yang tertera pada sub bab ini, maka kajian ini menyimpulkan hal-hal sebagai berikut: a) Apabila kandungan kimia sebanyak 10 persen pada masing-masing HS dianggap sebagai zat kimia berbahaya dan ongkos yang harus ditanggung oleh importir karena REACH adalah 34,62 persen. b) Apabila kandungan kimia sebanyak 20 persen pada masing-masing HS dianggap sebagai zat kimia berbahaya dan ongkos yang harus ditanggung oleh importir karena REACH adalah 47,44 persen. c) Apabila kandungan kimia sebanyak 30 persen pada masing-masing HS dianggap sebagai zat kimia berbahaya dan ongkos yang harus ditanggung oleh importir karena REACH adalah 84,57 persen. d) Apabila kandungan kimia sebanyak 100 persen pada masing-masing HS dianggap sebagai zat kimia berbahaya dan ongkos yang harus ditanggung oleh importir karena REACH adalah 104,32 persen. Pengenaan ongkos REACH jelas memberikan dampak penurunan pada daya saing produk Indonesia di negara tujuan. Pengenaan ongkos hampir mendekati dua kali lipat harga yang ada akan menekan ketertarikan masyarakat Uni Eropa terhadap produk Indonesia. Penurunan daya saing produk Indonesia jelas terlihat pada masing-masing produk yang ada. Berdasarkan analisis kajian ini dengan metode Nominal Tariff Equivalent kami mengidentifikasi 20 produk terbesar yang terkena Nominal Tariff Equivalent lebih dari 100 persen untuk kandungan kimia yang tercatat European Chemical Agency sebesar 10 persen adalah sebagai berikut: IV- 26 Tabel 4.6.1. Daftar HS yang termasuk 20 Besar yang Mengalami Beban NTE>100 % Apabila Kandungan Kimia subject to REACH sebesar 10 % No HS 1 170410 2 230990 3 731814 4 720390 5 293040 6 050800 7 291570 8 681019 9 761490 10 700312 11 853669 12 251512 13 440130 14 480100 15 283650 16 251710 17 251749 18 722300 19 853400 20 350610 Desc Chewing gum containing sugar, except medicinal Animal feed preparations nes Screws, self-tapping, iron or steel Spongy ferrous prods,or iron havg a minimum purity by weight of 99.94% Methionine Coral&sim mat,shellfsh shell,cuttl bone,echinoderm unwk unshp pdr&wast Palmitic acid, stearic acid, their salts and esters Tiles,flagstones&similar articles of cement/concrete/artificial stone Strandd wire,cables,plaitd bands&the like or alum,not elect insul,nes Cast/rolled sheet, non-wired, coloured/opacified etc Electrical plugs and sockets, for a voltage not exceeding 1,000 volts Marble & travertine,merely cut,by sawing or otherwise into blocks etc Sawdust and wood waste and scrap Newsprint, in rolls or sheets Calcium carbonate Pebbles, gravel, broken or crushed stone used for aggregates etc Granules,chippings & powder nes,of 25.15 or 25.16 heat-treated or not Wire of stainless steel Printed circuits Glues/adhesives of all kinds in pack of a net weight not exceedg 1 kg Sumber : BPS,(diolah) Beberapa produk strategis Indonesia ternyata terkena paling hebat adalah chewing gum yang harus menanggung ongkos berkisar 424 kali lipat harga barang ekspor tersebut apabila produk ini mengandung 10 persen zat kimia yang harus didaftarkan dan melalui proses REACH. REACH sungguh memberatkan eksportir Indonesia apabila ongkos tersebut dialihkan oleh importir ke eksportir. Rangkuman dampak REACH dapat dilihat pada tabel dibawah ini secara rinci; adalah sebagai berikut: IV- 27 Tabel 4.6.2. Dampak NTE Kandungan Kimia subject to REACH Chemical Content Subject to REACH Criteria Item 10% Total HS ekspor Indonesia HS subject to REACH Nilai ekspor Indonesia ke EU Nilai ekspor Indonesia subject to REACH Share of value of export subject to REACH Share of HS subject to REACH Average NTE yang berpengaruh Number of product NTE > 100 percent Share number of product NTE > 100 percent HS HS USD million USD million percentage percentage percentage HS percentage Agriculture and fisheries subject to REACH Total HS agriculture to EU Agriculture and fisheries subject to REACH Agriculture and fisheries subject to REACH Total HS agriculture to EU Agriculture and fisheries subject to REACH Non Agriculture and fisheries subject to REACH Total HS Non agriculture to EU Non Agriculture and fisheries subject to REACH Non Agriculture and fisheries subject to REACH Total HS Non agriculture to EU Non Agriculture and fisheries subject to REACH HS HS percentage USD million USD million percentage HS HS percentage USD million USD million percentage 3851 1413 13.344,55 13.292,14 99,61% 36,69% 34,62% 396 28,03% 10% 179 449 39,87 2670,21 2673,73 99,87% 1234 3402 36,27 10621,93 10670,82 99,54 20% 30% 3851 1556 13.344,55 13.310,25 99,74% 40,41% 47,44% 406 26,09% 3851 1640 13.344,55 13.319,19 99,81% 42,59% 84,57% 418 25,49% 20% 30% 191 449 42,54 2670,71 2673,73 99,89% 1365 3402 40,12 10639,54 10670,82 99,71 196 449 43,65 2671,13 2673,73 99,90% 1444 3402 42,45 10648,06 10670,82 99,79 100% 3851 1912 13.344,55 13.332,28 99,91% 49,65% 104,42% 433 22,65% 100% 218 449 48,55 2671,51 2673,73 99,92% 1694 3402 49,79 10660,77 10670,82 99,91 Sumber : Hasil Analisa Berdasarkan hasil analisis di atas jelas bahwa produk yang akan terkena adalah produk industri yang diekspor ke Uni Eropa. Hampir 1234 hingga 1694 HS akan terkena REACH dengan masing-masing skenario. IV- 28 BAB V Kesimpulan dan Rekomendasi 5.1. Kesimpulan 1. Penerapan ketentuan Registration, Evaluation, Authorization And Restriction Of Chemical di pasar Uni Eropa yang merupakan salah satu pasar utama ekspor Indonesia tidak dapat dihindari. 2. Dalam mengambl langkah mengenai REACH perlu kerjasama antar instansi pemerintah mengingat REACH dikaitkan dengan bidang kimia, laboratorium, kesehatan, lingkungan, hukum dan perdagangan. 3. Registration, Evaluation, Authorization And Restriction Of Chemical dapat dikatakan menambah biaya produksi karena setiap produsen yang akan memproduksi, memasarkan maupun mengimpor suatu bahan kimia murni maupun terkandung dalam suatu bahan kimia harus melalui registrasi terlebih dahulu. 4. Hasil Survey menunjukkan bahwa Eksportir masih sangat kurang memperoleh informasi mengenai REACH. 5. Penerapan Registration, Evaluation, Authorization And Restriction Of Chemical dalam jangka pendek tidak menghambat arus barang masuk termasuk impor dari Indonesia. 6. Hasil analisa data sekunder menunjukkan bahwa jika tidak melakukan pendaftaran mengakibatkan jumlah produk (HS) yang dilarang masuk ke Uni Eropa meningkat, sehingga nilai ekspor pun ikut menurun. Demikian pula jika disetarakan dengan tarif, jumlah produk (HS) yang dikenakan biaya Registration, Evaluation, Authorization And Restriction Of Chemical yang tinggi meningkat pula. 7. Sosialisasi penting untuk dilaksanakan supaya eksportir yang melakukan ekspor ke Uni Eropa dapat memahami secara utuh bahwa Registration, Evaluation, Authorization And Restriction Of Chemical dapat memberikan dampak terhadap ekspor mereka. V-1 5.2. Rekomendasi 1. Lebih mengefektifkan peran Registration, Evaluation, Authorization And Restriction Of Chemical (REACH) Helpdesk yang ada di Indonesia yang dikordinasikan di bawah Departemen Perindustrian dalam menyampaikan seuruh informasi mengenai REACH 2. Harus dilaksanakannya sosialisasi yang lebih efektif dan menyeluruh mengenai Registration, Evaluation, Authorization And Restriction Of Chemical bagi seluruh stakeholder yang berkepentingan dengan ekspor ke Uni Eropa. 3. Perlu dibentuk partnership antara importer Uni Eropa dengan eksportir Indonesia dalam menyajikan informasi produk 4. Perlu dibentuk Only Representative (OR) yang akan mewakili eksportir Indonesia dalam melakukan pendaftaran terkait REACH 5. Pemerintah perlu mendorong eksportir untuk meningkatkan kualitas (terkait penggunaan bahan kimia yang aman) produknya secara terus menerus dalam rangka meningkatkan ekspor non migas Indonesia di pasar Uni Eropa dan meminimalkan kerugian akibat REACH. 6. 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Presented MOT Republic of Indonesia June 2009 World Integrated Trade System (WITS), 2008. D-3 DAFTAR NTE TERTINGGI UNTUK 500 KOMODITAS JIKA 10% KANDUNGAN BAHAN KIMIA SUBJECT TO REACH NO. HS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 251710 252100 251749 680421 250840 261800 310100 251511 251690 400219 071410 251741 440110 291529 690490 510119 282720 251520 491191 720390 230690 690100 290711 850519 560392 321519 120720 283650 680100 854449 630900 251400 170111 680292 720450 391000 253090 240130 720690 390920 080131 847340 720712 720719 120890 Deskripsi N_2007 Data V_2007 FOB 2007 NTE after REACH 10% Pebbles, gravel, broken or crushed stone, of 97709 a kind commonly 144465used for 0.68 concrete aggregates, 6947.2%for road me Limestone flux; limestone and other calcareous 6079 stone, of22264 a kind used0.27 for the manufacture 6108.1% of lime or cem Other 350358 380332 0.92 4135.7% Of agglomerated synthetic or natural diamond 3884081 39376 98.64 4104.0% Other clays 1988 10572 0.19 2560.1% Granulated slag (slag sand) from the manufacture 500989of iron 952542 or steel. 0.53 2352.9% Animal or vegetable fertilisers, whether or not 247141 mixed together 132799 or chemically 1.86 treated;2222.5% fertilisers produce Crude or roughly trimmed 51065 18440 2.77 2008.7% Other monumental or building stone 20507 29208 0.70 1713.4% Other 356211 13192 27.00 1576.7% Manioc (cassava) 326438 130652 2.50 1542.4% Of marble 258406 244043 1.06 1424.0% Fuel wood, in logs, in billets, in twigs, in faggots 92342 or in similar 90840 forms 1.02 1262.5% Other 791063 40535 19.52 1141.5% Other 8154 11904 0.68 1009.9% Other 251452 21007 11.97 1007.5% Calcium chloride 48081 24774 1.94 944.2% Ecaussine and other calcareous monumental35594 or building54334 stone; alabaster 0.66 921.6% Pictures, designs and photographs 202155 84051 2.41 877.8% Other 46876 12431 3.77 869.9% Other 219150 205500 1.07 806.8% Bricks, blocks, tiles and other ceramic goods 36224 of siliceous 13727 fossil meals (for 2.64example, kieselguhr, 714.7% tripolite o Phenol (hydroxybenzene) and its salts 3218727 376678 8.55 675.9% Other 758578 17730 42.78 615.1% (1996-) Weighing more than 25 g/m² but not 930313 more than31289 70 g/m² 29.73 606.4% Other 10052123 348970 28.81 575.5% Cotton seeds 5805 10529 0.55 558.7% Calcium carbonate 2000 14080 0.14 542.1% Setts, curbstones and flagstones, of natural975737 stone (except 1074338 slate). 0.91 507.9% Other 4590923 117318 39.13 500.3% Worn clothing and other worn articles. 2597209 749551 3.47 474.0% Slate, whether or not roughly trimmed or merely 11030cut, by21505 sawing or otherwise, 0.51 into blocks 462.1% or slabs of a re Cane sugar 65876 23574 2.79 414.3% Other calcareous stone 55105 25993 2.12 389.0% Remelting scrap ingots 109660 43920 2.50 383.0% Silicones in primary forms. 479707 27936 17.17 380.0% Other 9183 41854 0.22 379.3% Tobacco refuse 2041050 686892 2.97 368.6% Other 123471 51463 2.40 357.9% Melamine resins 32556 11521 2.83 351.9% (1996-) In shell 141799 20266 7.00 350.0% Parts and accessories of the machines of heading 141487684.72 10861 130.27 342.1% Other, of rectangular (other than square) crosssection 110024 66103 1.66 338.8% Other 72085 32709 2.20 332.8% Other 6650 20000 0.33 327.3% L-1 DAFTAR NTE TERTINGGI UNTUK 500 KOMODITAS JIKA 10% KANDUNGAN BAHAN KIMIA SUBJECT TO REACH NO. HS 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 854420 853810 210120 392310 030342 030380 110620 441090 140490 240399 270810 480439 701790 330190 730429 854190 440810 090121 400130 040410 848299 420329 843890 870850 050800 392113 330290 392390 482210 392010 730900 732620 180620 190540 844849 300420 140190 170290 441850 121299 251512 071290 441011 660390 481910 Deskripsi N_2007 Data V_2007 FOB 2007 NTE after REACH 10% Coaxial cable and other coaxial electric conductors 997012 36591 27.25 325.1% Boards, panels, consoles, desks, cabinets and 349618 other bases 14734 for the goods 23.73of heading 85.37, 320.2% not equipped Extracts, essences and concentrates, of tea 305266 or maté, and26244 preparations 11.63 with a basis of these 301.2% extracts, ess Boxes, cases, crates and similar articles 8346819 864668 9.65 293.3% Yellowfin tunas (Thunnus albacares) 341070 48280 7.06 293.2% Livers and roes 272265 21100 12.90 290.0% Of sago or of roots or tubers of heading 07.14 10440 21801 0.48 279.3% Other 32930 23135 1.42 271.8% Other 605260 411982 1.47 258.2% Other 4446937 170944 26.01 256.5% Pitch 21700 20000 1.09 246.3% Other 60096 21987 2.73 236.3% Other 856412 24407 35.09 236.1% Other 946254 43417 21.79 233.4% (1996-) Other 119205 21337 5.59 225.3% Parts 3132350 15483 202.31 224.5% Coniferous 11092356 2740655 4.05 217.6% Not decaffeinated 408772 29454 13.88 215.4% Balata, gutta-percha, guayule, chicle and similar 95594 natural 17654 gums 5.41 213.2% Whey and modified whey, whether or not concentrated 19313 11000 or containing1.76 added sugar or other 209.9% sweetening Other 204085 11817 17.27 209.1% Other 497661 13149 37.85 204.7% Parts 3002177 44635 67.26 202.4% Driveaxles with differential, whether or 31089438 not provided2020304 with other transmission 15.39 components 201.9% Coral and similar materials, unworked or simply 272727 prepared 146905 but not otherwise 1.86 worked; shells 201.5% of molluscs, Of polyurethanes 544567 43238 12.59 201.3% Other 373600 11116 33.61 196.4% Other 1120993 131191 8.54 193.0% Of a kind used for winding textile yarn 632124 208906 3.03 185.9% Of polymers of ethylene 2953861 757502 3.90 185.4% Reservoirs, tanks, vats and similar containers 276235 for any material 25420(other10.87 than compressed184.8% or liquefied gas), Articles of iron or steel wire 50324 10450 4.82 170.3% Other preparations in blocks, slabs or bars weighing 230017 more 40802 than 2 kg or 5.64 in liquid, paste,166.8% powder, granular Rusks, toasted bread and similar toasted products 47072 11563 4.07 164.7% Other 1322450 35933 36.80 163.9% Containing other antibiotics 4804807 19890 241.57 160.4% Other 1519736 517484 2.94 157.4% Other, including invert sugar and other sugar97949 and sugar syrup 55010blends 1.78 containing in the 157.2% dry state 50 % by Shingles and shakes 38343 17248 2.22 151.8% Other 359249 172985 2.08 150.0% Merely cut, by sawing or otherwise, into blocks 94590 or slabs163345 of a rectangular 0.58(including square) 149.7% shape Other vegetables; mixtures of vegetables 294790 64544 4.57 142.1% (1996-2001, 2007-) Of wood :-- Waferboard,85882 including oriented 86765 0.99 141.2% Other 38518 11741 3.28 134.0% Cartons, boxes and cases, of corrugated paper 2132062 or paperboard 711236 3.00 133.9% L-2 DAFTAR NTE TERTINGGI UNTUK 500 KOMODITAS JIKA 10% KANDUNGAN BAHAN KIMIA SUBJECT TO REACH NO. HS 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 481920 400591 030624 390930 481110 380992 190219 152000 110720 681099 440130 640610 560890 853890 442190 260300 071090 720230 690290 200520 390190 030614 750300 090830 030510 853620 721049 392030 730890 551349 200559 670411 441300 330749 670490 030379 120220 481840 680223 290545 850990 350610 482390 271290 732392 Deskripsi N_2007 Data V_2007 FOB 2007 NTE after REACH 10% Folding cartons, boxes and cases, of noncorrugated 222205 paper 51543 or paperboard 4.31 131.7% Plates, sheets and strip 68783 15057 4.57 131.5% Crabs 1966625 230754 8.52 131.0% Other aminoresins 101360 25009 4.05 130.9% Tarred, bituminised or asphalted paper and paperboard 18396 12437 1.48 130.1% Of a kind used in the paper or like industries 36960 18902 1.96 129.6% Other 976302 511004 1.91 128.1% (1996-) Glycerol, crude; glycerol waters and 1556829 glycerol lyes. 3076974 0.51 126.6% Roasted 32175 39000 0.83 124.6% Other 704357 809456 0.87 122.9% Sawdust and wood waste and scrap, whether 227499 or not agglomerated 1762099 in0.13 logs, briquettes, 120.7% pellets or similar f Uppers and parts thereof, other than stiffeners 46522664 1251357 37.18 119.3% Other 109591 10567 10.37 116.9% Other 7239398 181134 39.97 116.4% Other 1752886 745103 2.35 114.4% Copper ores and concentrates. 1.18E+09 4.59E+08 2.58 114.3% Mixtures of vegetables 62183 34867 1.78 112.6% Ferrosilicomanganese 18538 16100 1.15 112.4% Other 933278 432774 2.16 105.8% Potatoes 108484 44459 2.44 105.4% Other 41315 17065 2.42 101.8% Crabs 390315 35926 10.86 101.7% Nickel waste and scrap. 505864 31540 16.04 99.3% Cardamoms 156315 20086 7.78 96.4% Flours, meals and pellets of fish, fit for human 92599 consumption 12371 7.49 96.0% Automatic circuit breakers 1921423 43614 44.06 95.7% Other 17730 20995 0.84 94.8% Of polymers of styrene 493975 115000 4.30 93.0% Other 57304 18263 3.14 90.5% Other woven fabrics 447982 35705 12.55 90.2% Other 224298 153988 1.46 89.9% Complete wigs 4209819 32580 129.21 89.5% Densified wood, in blocks, plates, strips or 30774658 profile shapes. 18657440 1.65 89.3% Other 536243 69968 7.66 88.0% Of other materials 1840973 60883 30.24 85.1% Other 1893977 829725 2.28 84.5% Shelled, whether or not broken 57527 32710 1.76 82.3% Sanitary towels and tampons, napkins and napkin 169610liners 29415 for babies and 5.77 similar sanitary articles 80.0% Granite 260740 274369 0.95 79.4% (1996-) Glycerol 2203591 2089059 1.05 77.0% Parts 527876 39118 13.49 75.7% Products suitable for use as glues or adhesives, 76708 put up for 11323 retail sale as 6.77 glues or adhesives, 75.7% not exceedin Other 1416778 550855 2.57 75.4% Other 167903 141773 1.18 74.6% Of cast iron, enamelled 485803 79840 6.08 74.3% L-3 DAFTAR NTE TERTINGGI UNTUK 500 KOMODITAS JIKA 10% KANDUNGAN BAHAN KIMIA SUBJECT TO REACH NO. HS 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 260600 680210 200110 730840 170230 230990 441840 551219 390521 071331 640699 080410 850490 800110 391590 711311 081330 320414 741999 840999 481930 701890 481730 853690 731210 091010 293040 840991 681019 854890 090500 151800 290516 680291 630710 481960 520513 681599 732690 853710 621220 480890 151710 720918 290519 Deskripsi N_2007 Data V_2007 FOB 2007 NTE after REACH 10% Aluminium ores and concentrates. 276965 2962200 0.09 73.5% Tiles, cubes and similar articles, whether or769976 not rectangular 1524650 (including0.51 square), the largest 73.1% surface area o Cucumbers and gherkins 85116 56990 1.49 72.0% Equipment for scaffolding, shuttering, propping 64560 or pitpropping 21403 3.02 71.5% Glucose and glucose syrup, not containing fructose 76334 or containing 144250 in the 0.53 dry state less than 70.6% 20 % by weigh Other 216733 217449 1.00 70.2% Shuttering for concrete constructional work219261 98684 2.22 70.0% Other 2668514 119637 22.31 69.9% (1996-) In aqueous dispersion 266383 153649 1.73 69.5% Beans of the species Vigna mungo (L.) Hepper 42132 or Vigna radiata 22899 (L.) Wilczek 1.84 69.3% Of other materials 1604358 86800 18.48 68.1% Dates 53250 15000 3.55 67.9% Parts 5905946 299586 19.71 67.1% Tin, not alloyed 8429662 571580 14.75 65.2% Of other plastics 1056072 1812645 0.58 62.6% Of silver, whether or not plated or clad with 8862949 other precious 28810 metal 307.63 61.2% Apples 127648 69203 1.84 60.6% Direct dyes and preparations based thereon102004 18148 5.62 60.6% Other 498949 25121 19.86 60.4% Other 593608 35608 16.67 59.2% Sacks and bags, having a base of a width of4633846 40 cm or more 1809044 2.56 59.1% Other 397240 30503 13.02 56.2% Boxes, pouches, wallets and writing compendiums, 28382 of paper 10169 or paperboard, 2.79 containing 54.5% an assortment o Other apparatus 13471264 403617 33.38 54.2% Stranded wire, ropes and cables 1257803 437158 2.88 54.0% Ginger 261424 109377 2.39 53.8% Methionine 38868 15000 2.59 53.6% Suitable for use solely or principally with 13253829 sparkignition internal 791007 combustion 16.76 piston engines 53.4% Other 286174 1068824 0.27 52.6% (1996-) Other 589627 14857 39.69 51.3% Vanilla. 1201791 83577 14.38 50.6% Animal or vegetable fats and oils and their 10846094 fractions,13162915 boiled, oxidised,0.82 dehydrated, sulphurised, 49.9% blown, p Octanol (octyl alcohol) and isomers thereof 2806759 1750000 1.60 49.4% Marble, travertine and alabaster 1559458 1231749 1.27 48.6% Floorcloths, dishcloths, dusters and similar cleaning 495972 cloths 72874 6.81 48.3% Box files, letter trays, storage boxes and similar 275752 articles, 75105 of a kind used 3.67 in offices, shops 47.2% or the like Measuring less than 232.56 decitex but not902844 less than 192.31 234473 decitex (exceeding 3.85 43 metric 46.6% number but n Other 334914 325902 1.03 45.2% Other 1861345 410756 4.53 44.4% For a voltage not exceeding 1,000 V 1459975 21049 69.36 44.2% Girdles and pantygirdles 554308 10572 52.43 44.2% Other 57893 35220 1.64 43.8% Margarine, excluding liquid margarine 19476 21434 0.91 43.1% (1996-) Of a thickness of less than 0.5 mm 76822 129985 0.59 42.4% Other 3194165 1578080 2.02 42.3% L-4 DAFTAR NTE TERTINGGI UNTUK 500 KOMODITAS JIKA 10% KANDUNGAN BAHAN KIMIA SUBJECT TO REACH NO. HS 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 481940 870893 761290 940190 480990 392069 190420 401290 030613 550110 080450 390690 390730 380510 440890 490199 870880 732619 391729 621600 960630 741012 750110 320411 081090 200490 520611 761520 611430 870870 091030 200892 060390 830590 420321 330690 340211 392350 280300 240120 847590 520100 721041 520511 854290 Deskripsi N_2007 Data V_2007 FOB 2007 NTE after REACH 10% Other sacks and bags, including cones 8528286 3015652 2.83 42.1% Clutches and parts thereof 133944 19399 6.90 41.1% Other 173400 24087 7.20 40.6% Parts 17513516 1790331 9.78 40.5% Other 22805 18854 1.21 40.3% Of other polyesters 6529093 2350653 2.78 40.2% (1996-) Prepared foods obtained from unroasted 81545cereal 31082 flakes or from 2.62 mixtures of unroasted 39.4% cereal flak Other 147345 53772 2.74 39.1% Shrimps and prawns 1.38E+08 22613944 6.10 38.7% Of nylon or other polyamides 63366 17188 3.69 38.1% Guavas, mangoes and mangosteens 103699 54606 1.90 38.0% Other 1939049 783761 2.47 37.6% Epoxide resins 73313 19757 3.71 37.6% Gum, wood or sulphate turpentine oils 1941373 2529301 0.77 37.3% Other 2977794 784343 3.80 36.6% Other 409743 52331 7.83 36.6% Suspension shockabsorbers 145127 18177 7.98 36.5% Other 303221 87335 3.47 36.4% Of other plastics 1433369 219131 6.54 36.0% Gloves, mittens and mitts. 5446107 161595 33.70 35.0% Button moulds and other parts of buttons;1006458 button blanks41081 24.50 34.3% Of copper alloys 168548 18636 9.04 34.2% Nickel mattes 84863456 8100884 10.48 33.1% Disperse dyes and preparations based thereon 8830358 1501638 5.88 33.0% Other 66127 47190 1.40 32.6% Other vegetables and mixtures of vegetables 170568 88289 1.93 32.2% Measuring 714.29 decitex or more (not exceeding 14371414 metric 57414 number)2.50 32.1% Sanitary ware and parts thereof 150908 15414 9.79 32.0% Of manmade fibres 723608 20873 34.67 32.0% Road wheels and parts and accessories thereof 26290071 5339997 4.92 31.5% Turmeric (curcuma) 52702 21763 2.42 31.3% Mixtures 13532 18445 0.73 30.3% Other 121406 18040 6.73 28.6% Other, including parts 37420 10536 3.55 28.5% Specially designed for use in sports 5657318 126708 44.65 28.3% Other 136552 38386 3.56 26.3% Anionic 1168807 882779 1.32 26.1% Stoppers, lids, caps and other closures 462120 131242 3.52 26.0% Carbon (carbon blacks and other forms of carbon 38156not elsewhere 37000 specified 1.03 or included). 25.7% Tobacco, partly or wholly stemmed/stripped 15985093 3771380 4.24 25.6% Parts 595484 11553 51.54 25.5% Cotton, not carded or combed. 21710 22933 0.95 25.4% Corrugated 1100 11630 0.09 25.0% Measuring 714.29 decitex or more (not exceeding 70260414 metric 298211 number)2.36 24.5% Parts 3265989 17224 189.62 23.7% L-5 DAFTAR NTE TERTINGGI UNTUK 500 KOMODITAS JIKA 10% KANDUNGAN BAHAN KIMIA SUBJECT TO REACH NO. HS 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 340290 760820 731815 160420 760429 481830 940370 611190 720839 520299 151319 291735 080132 731290 520621 720837 760200 330129 620990 847990 320412 291612 540771 520512 720838 283322 761490 721070 630391 400110 481720 481950 720299 151211 190230 380690 720826 180400 390940 550510 853222 940320 722850 940390 551211 Deskripsi N_2007 Data V_2007 FOB 2007 NTE after REACH 10% Other 86039 54817 1.57 23.3% Of aluminium alloys 218983 46734 4.69 23.1% Other screws and bolts, whether or not with 11345909 their nuts2497279 or washers 4.54 22.8% Other prepared or preserved fish 67430 19560 3.45 22.7% Other 5164122 1100923 4.69 22.1% Tablecloths and serviettes 57373 26097 2.20 21.3% Furniture of plastics 1744513 378821 4.61 21.0% Of other textile materials 3085297 117357 26.29 20.8% (1996-) Of a thickness of less than 3 mm 264426 510548 0.52 20.4% Other 1288949 1418963 0.91 20.2% Other 981257 1120979 0.88 20.1% Phthalic anhydride 1276921 1059999 1.20 19.8% (1996-) Shelled 2288847 488620 4.68 19.8% Other 18900 16314 1.16 19.6% Measuring 714.29 decitex or more (not exceeding 6094414 metric 13084 number)4.66 18.9% (1996-) Of a thickness of 4.75 mm or more but 52915 not exceeding 9798810 mm0.54 18.8% Aluminium waste and scrap. 544333 350430 1.55 18.7% Other 24958002 760186 32.83 17.7% Of other textile materials 736710 35872 20.54 17.4% Parts 566447 28158 20.12 17.4% Acid dyes, whether or not premetallised, and 2652062 preparations 321847 based thereon; 8.24 mordant dyes 16.9% and preparatio Esters of acrylic acid 1210354 742120 1.63 16.7% Unbleached or bleached 73796 11229 6.57 16.4% Measuring less than 714.29 decitex but not472510 less than 232.56 175096 decitex (exceeding 2.70 14 metric 15.9% number but n (1996-) Of a thickness of 3 mm or more but635675 less than 4.75 1210809 mm 0.53 15.8% Of aluminium 65000 500000 0.13 15.5% Other 361781 82014 4.41 15.4% Painted, varnished or coated with plastics 20737 26348 0.79 15.0% Of cotton 1153676 128266 8.99 14.8% Natural rubber latex, whether or not prevulcanised 1529569 869709 1.76 14.6% Letter cards, plain postcards and correspondence 380415cards 69176 5.50 14.4% Other packing containers, including record sleeves 325060 124517 2.61 14.3% Other 169409 113477 1.49 14.0% Crude oil 285250 350000 0.82 13.6% Other pasta 2753835 2092163 1.32 12.8% Other 49600 32000 1.55 12.4% (1996-) Of a thickness of 3 mm or more but110028 less than 4.75 214479 mm 0.51 12.2% Cocoa butter, fat and oil. 1.06E+08 22893838 4.62 12.0% Phenolic resins 231840 156000 1.49 12.0% Of synthetic fibres 2184493 2279750 0.96 12.0% Aluminium electrolytic 4121471 225952 18.24 11.9% Other metal furniture 4970004 1179120 4.22 11.7% Other bars and rods, not further worked than30945 coldformed 21981 or coldfinished 1.41 11.4% Parts 3038876 1058594 2.87 10.9% Unbleached or bleached 193789 31145 6.22 10.9% L-6 DAFTAR NTE TERTINGGI UNTUK 500 KOMODITAS JIKA 10% KANDUNGAN BAHAN KIMIA SUBJECT TO REACH NO. HS 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 090412 560811 200811 481820 151329 391722 847329 090411 392119 830400 480100 340600 200990 731511 731442 151311 848410 291714 560311 520912 442110 691490 382312 870891 390120 170410 390311 821599 851690 121190 680229 392111 854430 853641 480300 190590 481190 732391 732310 151110 830890 071190 400122 390330 700991 Deskripsi N_2007 Data V_2007 FOB 2007 NTE after REACH 10% Crushed or ground 38979 10520 3.71 10.6% Made up fishing nets 3330587 529841 6.29 10.1% Groundnuts 80253 44373 1.81 9.9% Handkerchiefs, cleansing or facial tissues and 343130 towels 199872 1.72 9.8% Other 34189567 39666862 0.86 9.6% Of polymers of propylene 8149270 2639808 3.09 9.4% Other 4918733 126872 38.77 9.4% Neither crushed nor ground 25036238 6034045 4.15 9.4% Of other plastics 93481 17561 5.32 9.1% Filing cabinets, cardindex cabinets, paper trays, 112235 paper rests, 24220 pen trays, 4.63 officestamp stands8.5% and similar of Newsprint, in rolls or sheets. 126250 250899 0.50 8.5% Candles, tapers and the like. 1191194 541413 2.20 8.2% Mixtures of juices 37695 44960 0.84 7.5% Roller chain 74650 14002 5.33 7.1% Coated with plastics 33318 32946 1.01 7.1% Crude oil 2.02E+08 2.81E+08 0.72 7.0% Gaskets and similar joints of metal sheeting605610 combined with 28747 other material 21.07 or of two or more 6.9%layers of m Maleic anhydride 376702 277000 1.36 6.9% (1996-) Weighing not more than 25 g/m² 1242488 501586 2.48 6.9% 3thread or 4thread twill, including cross twill64103 20604 3.11 6.6% Clothes hangers 108142 29531 3.66 6.4% Other 1477597 1156942 1.28 6.2% (1996-) Oleic acid 2804089 3260807 0.86 6.2% Radiators 8457623 739713 11.43 5.9% Polyethylene having a specific gravity of 0.94 5665862 or more3994999 1.42 5.7% Chewing gum, whether or not sugarcoated 75721 15848 4.78 5.5% Expansible 85700 58200 1.47 5.5% Other 4295771 431085 9.97 5.5% Parts 3155240 347349 9.08 5.2% Other 733959 190111 3.86 5.0% Other stone 3424306 6445692 0.53 4.8% Of polymers of styrene 109841 39919 2.75 4.3% Ignition wiring sets and other wiring sets of 1471703 a kind used113508 in vehicles, aircraft 12.97 or ships 4.3% For a voltage not exceeding 60 V 3320316 123739 26.83 4.2% Toilet or facial tissue stock, towel or napkin136433 stock and similar 115958paper of1.18 a kind used for household 4.1% or sanit Other 882324 376257 2.35 3.6% Other paper, paperboard, cellulose wadding 54367 and webs of27257 cellulose fibres 1.99 3.5% Of cast iron, not enamelled 301219 132273 2.28 3.4% Iron or steel wool; pot scourers and scouring 691051 or polishing 197392 pads, gloves3.50 and the like 3.3% Crude oil 7.09E+08 1.11E+09 0.64 2.9% Other, including parts 528574 45474 11.62 2.8% Other vegetables; mixtures of vegetables 10990 17399 0.63 2.4% Technically specified natural rubber (TSNR) 5.92E+08 2.92E+08 2.03 2.3% Acrylonitrilebutadienestyrene (ABS) copolymers 2415196 1396805 1.73 2.2% Unframed 310483 269003 1.15 2.1% L-7 DAFTAR NTE TERTINGGI UNTUK 500 KOMODITAS JIKA 10% KANDUNGAN BAHAN KIMIA SUBJECT TO REACH NO. HS 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 382311 760612 190110 170211 720917 760711 731021 720916 180100 521021 010110 030319 030419 030421 030422 030429 030499 060210 090611 090619 190531 190532 200929 200931 200941 220210 220290 220300 220820 251310 251620 293499 293920 380850 380891 381700 382561 392049 400921 400922 401031 401039 401110 401120 401140 Deskripsi N_2007 Data V_2007 FOB 2007 NTE after REACH 10% (1996-) Stearic acid 7688351 9135256 0.84 1.8% Of aluminium alloys 1225157 354654 3.45 1.8% Preparations for infant use, put up for retail sale 55742 15675 3.56 1.3% (1996-) Containing by weight 99 % or more 282160 lactose, expressed 175000 as anhydrous 1.61 lactose, calculated 1.2% on the d (1996-) Of a thickness of 0.5 mm or more but 423567 not exceeding 718093 1 mm 0.59 0.9% Rolled but not further worked 52454 15949 3.29 0.7% Cans which are to be closed by soldering or crimping 51133 24888 2.05 0.5% (1996-) Of a thickness exceeding 1 mm but 424231 less than 3 mm 719415 0.59 0.4% Cocoa beans, whole or broken, raw or roasted. 9069362 4819138 1.88 0.3% Plain weave 108308 13497 8.02 0.1% (2002-) Purebred breeding animals 250530 69712 3.59 0.0% (2002-) Other 95404 24100 3.96 0.0% (2007-) (- Fresh or chilled:)-- Other 621343 163903 3.79 0.0% (2007-) (- Frozen fillets:)-- Swordfish (Xiphias 171350 gladius) 53492 3.20 0.0% (2007-) (- Frozen fillets:)-- Toothfish (Dissostichus 590590spp.)433202 1.36 0.0% (2007-) (- Frozen fillets:)-- Other 9127432 3040109 3.00 0.0% (2007-) (- Other:)-- Other 1309092 1470221 0.89 0.0% Unrooted cuttings and slips 1061853 413543 2.57 0.0% (2007-) (- Neither crushed nor ground:)-- Cinnamon 3589661 (Cinnamomum 4583582 zeylanicum 0.78 Blume) 0.0% (2007-) (- Neither crushed nor ground:)-- Other 155339 274742 0.57 0.0% (2002-) Sweet biscuits 45933 14891 3.08 0.0% (2002-) Waffles and wafers 725402 274152 2.65 0.0% (2002-) Other 126852 73243 1.73 0.0% (2002-) Of a Brix value not exceeding 20 74208 103492 0.72 0.0% (2002-) Of a Brix value not exceeding 20 7838342 10534902 0.74 0.0% Waters, including mineral waters and aerated 76614 waters, containing 14845 added 5.16sugar or other sweetening 0.0% matt Other 366248 92427 3.96 0.0% Beer made from malt. 59756 68099 0.88 0.0% Spirits obtained by distilling grape wine or grape 175812 marc 92960 1.89 0.0% (2007-) - Pumice stone 2173 17304 0.13 0.0% (2007-) - Sandstone 7770 11308 0.69 0.0% (2002-) Other 4989786 662979 7.53 0.0% (2007-) - Alkaloids of cinchona and their derivatives; 7860246 salts 111681 thereof 70.38 0.0% (2007-) - Goods specified in Subheading Note 9506558 1 to this Chapter 424418 22.40 0.0% (2007-) (- Other:)-- Insecticides 385708 247621 1.56 0.0% (2002-) Mixed alkylbenzenes and mixed alkylnaphthalenes, 1217676 1276820 other than 0.95 those of heading 27.07 0.0% or 29.02. (2002-) Mainly containing organic constituents 15476 78960 0.20 0.0% (2002-) Other 108052 34422 3.14 0.0% (2002-) Without fittings 1129874 631194 1.79 0.0% (2002-) With fittings 155096 199280 0.78 0.0% (2002-) Endless transmission belts of trapezoidal 3406108 crosssection 317680 (V belts), 10.72 Vribbed, of an outside 0.0% circumf (2002-) Other 1046155 150765 6.94 0.0% Of a kind used on motor cars (including station 1.15E+08 wagons 39048187 and racing cars) 2.96 0.0% Of a kind used on buses or lorries 966822 405760 2.38 0.0% Of a kind used on motorcycles 1664974 576052 2.89 0.0% L-8 DAFTAR NTE TERTINGGI UNTUK 500 KOMODITAS JIKA 10% KANDUNGAN BAHAN KIMIA SUBJECT TO REACH NO. HS 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 401150 401161 401162 401163 401192 401199 401212 401310 401320 401390 410411 410419 410441 410449 410530 410712 410719 411310 411330 420211 420212 420219 420221 420222 420229 440210 440290 440725 440726 440729 440791 440795 440799 440921 440929 441114 441210 441231 441232 441239 441294 441510 441860 441871 441872 Deskripsi N_2007 Data V_2007 FOB 2007 NTE after REACH 10% Of a kind used on bicycles 36314492 6683689 5.43 0.0% (2002-) Of a kind used on agricultural or forestry 3931982 vehicles 1654385 and machines 2.38 0.0% (2002-) Of a kind used on construction or industrial 7298932 handling 3379414 vehicles2.16 and machines and having 0.0% a rim size (2002-) Of a kind used on construction or industrial 65445 handling 23796 vehicles2.75 and machines and having 0.0% a rim size (2002-) Of a kind used on agricultural or forestry 32993 vehicles11430 and machines 2.89 0.0% Other 6605766 2353666 2.81 0.0% (2002-) Of a kind used on buses or lorries 13317 16584 0.80 0.0% Of a kind used on motor cars (including station 1021783 wagons356999 and racing cars), 2.86buses or lorries 0.0% Of a kind used on bicycles 8894129 1736696 5.12 0.0% Other 521945 188588 2.77 0.0% (2002-) Full grains, unsplit; grain splits 356875 45424 7.86 0.0% (2002-) Other 1512649 225466 6.71 0.0% (2002-) Full grains, unsplit; grain splits 4102974 215762 19.02 0.0% (2002-) Other 5531626 595152 9.29 0.0% (2002-) In the dry state (crust) 3303333 108974 30.31 0.0% (2002-) Grain splits 1439377 59672 24.12 0.0% (2002-) Other 3749037 115740 32.39 0.0% (2002-) Of goats or kids 1357511 65331 20.78 0.0% (2002-) Of reptiles 614476 10272 59.82 0.0% With outer surface of leather, of composition 1629715 leather or 93569 of patent leather 17.42 0.0% With outer surface of plastics or of textile 6323546 materials 936772 6.75 0.0% Other 402114 38508 10.44 0.0% With outer surface of leather, of composition 6314150 leather or213923 of patent leather 29.52 0.0% With outer surface of plastic sheeting or of4744586 textile materials 204620 23.19 0.0% Other 771330 81124 9.51 0.0% (2007-) - Of bamboo 605234 3765181 0.16 0.0% (2007-) - Other 2229231 6854107 0.33 0.0% (1996-) Dark Red Meranti, Light Red Meranti 9648458 and Meranti 4250480 Bakau 2.27 0.0% (1996-) White Lauan, White Meranti, White Seraya, 42707 Yellow 33684 Meranti and 1.27Alan 0.0% (1996-) Other 3554125 3736396 0.95 0.0% Of oak (Quercus spp.) 53318 52681 1.01 0.0% (2007-) (- Other:)-- Of ash (Fraxinus spp.) 7841 11692 0.67 0.0% Other 555768 479941 1.16 0.0% (2007-) (- Non-coniferous:)-- Of bamboo 158317 249191 0.64 0.0% (2007-) (- Non-coniferous:)-- Other 1.52E+08 1.24E+08 1.23 0.0% (2007-) (- Medium density fibreboard (MDF):)-45935 Of a thickness 29947exceeding 1.539 mm 0.0% (2007-) - Of bamboo 497723 377053 1.32 0.0% (2007-) (- Other plywood, consisting solely 57957252 of sheets 57732531 of wood (other than 1.00 bamboo), each0.0% ply not exceed (2007-) (- Other plywood, consisting solely of16488 sheets of wood 12980(other than 1.27 bamboo), each0.0% ply not exceed (2007-) (- Other plywood, consisting solely 32218548 of sheets 29332250 of wood (other than 1.10 bamboo), each0.0% ply not exceed (2007-) (- Other:)-- Blockboard, laminboard 77927869 and battenboard 46788531 1.67 0.0% Cases, boxes, crates, drums and similar packings; 591578 cabledrums 533192 1.11 0.0% (2007-) - Posts and beams 5111778 4452718 1.15 0.0% (2007-) (- Assembled flooring panels:)-- For1980575 mosaic floors 1779896 1.11 0.0% (2007-) (- Assembled flooring panels:)-- Other, 58962993 multilayer 28963458 2.04 0.0% L-9 DAFTAR NTE TERTINGGI UNTUK 500 KOMODITAS JIKA 10% KANDUNGAN BAHAN KIMIA SUBJECT TO REACH NO. HS 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 441879 460121 460122 460129 460192 460194 460211 460212 460219 480254 480255 480256 480257 480258 480262 480524 480591 481013 481019 481022 481092 482369 530500 540211 540219 540245 540246 540247 570190 570239 570242 570320 570330 570590 600290 600522 600532 600533 600590 600622 600631 600690 610120 610130 610190 Deskripsi N_2007 Data V_2007 FOB 2007 NTE after REACH 10% (2007-) (- Assembled flooring panels:)-- Other 37784699 19630250 1.92 0.0% (2007-) (- Mats, matting and screens of vegetable 48737materials:)-29928 Of bamboo 1.63 0.0% (2007-) (- Mats, matting and screens of vegetable 128613materials:)-43661 Of rattan 2.95 0.0% (2007-) (- Mats, matting and screens of vegetable 599193materials:)-88489 Other6.77 0.0% (2007-) (- Other:)-- Of bamboo 310333 49462 6.27 0.0% (2007-) (- Other:)-- Of other vegetable materials 141461 31320 4.52 0.0% (2007-) (- Of vegetable materials:)-- Of bamboo 3886793 2330771 1.67 0.0% (2007-) (- Of vegetable materials:)-- Of rattan 8203168 3900444 2.10 0.0% (2007-) (- Of vegetable materials:)-- Other1750786 689634 2.54 0.0% (2002-) Weighing less than 40 g/m² 322062 341098 0.94 0.0% (2002-) Weighing 40 g/m² or more but not 16830223 more than 21114337 150 g/m², in rolls 0.80 0.0% (2002-) Weighing 40 g/m² or more but not 52485852 more than 66437781 150 g/m², in sheets 0.79 with one side not 0.0% exceeding 4 (2002-) Other, weighing 40 g/m² or more55440243 but not more 65246842 than 150 g/m² 0.85 0.0% (2002-) Weighing more than 150 g/m² 1125832 1219027 0.92 0.0% (2002-) In sheets with one side not exceeding26604 435 mm and 32844 the other0.81 side not exceeding 297 0.0%mm in the (2002-) Weighing 150 g/m² or less 178037 247453 0.72 0.0% (2002-) Weighing 150 g/m² or less 16327 16507 0.99 0.0% (2002-) In rolls 21047231 24653940 0.85 0.0% (2002-) Other 10490715 7642946 1.37 0.0% (2002-) Lightweight coated paper 3514073 4500556 0.78 0.0% (2002-) Multiply 111863 187820 0.60 0.0% (2007-) (- Trays, dishes, plates, cups and the 4229234 like, of paper 1184562 or paperboard:)-3.57 Other 0.0% (2007-) Coconut, abaca (Manila hemp or Musa 93566 textilis Nee), 54294 ramie and 1.72 other vegetable textile 0.0% fibres, no (2007-) (- High tenacity yarn of nylon or other33663 polyamides:)-20951Of aramids 1.61 0.0% (2007-) (- High tenacity yarn of nylon or other 1951033 polyamides:)-654520Other 2.98 0.0% (2007-) (- Other yarn, single, untwisted or 4061244 with a twist1098402 not exceeding 3.70 50 turns per metre:)-0.0% Other, of nyl (2007-) (- Other yarn, single, untwisted or 4115419 with a twist2426387 not exceeding 1.70 50 turns per metre:)-0.0% Other, of po (2007-) (- Other yarn, single, untwisted or 2037556 with a twist1086209 not exceeding 1.88 50 turns per metre:)-0.0% Other, of po Of other textile materials 96449 33296 2.90 0.0% Of other textile materials 72739 36525 1.99 0.0% Of manmade textile materials 862698 108300 7.97 0.0% Of nylon or other polyamides 100886 40698 2.48 0.0% Of other manmade textile materials 79864 45293 1.76 0.0% #N/A 79926 20449 3.91 0.0% (2002-) Other 83317 10077 8.27 0.0% (2002-) Dyed 76000 11200 6.79 0.0% (2002-) Dyed 3920773 214747 18.26 0.0% (2002-) Of yarns of different colours 1352600 809885 1.67 0.0% (2002-) Other 122785 18415 6.67 0.0% (2002-) Dyed 88143 18321 4.81 0.0% (2002-) Unbleached or bleached 360095 129308 2.78 0.0% (2002-) Other 10913933 2833241 3.85 0.0% Of cotton 1746363 94736 18.43 0.0% Of man-made fibres 10940356 506568 21.60 0.0% Of other textile materials 8848927 595047 14.87 0.0% L - 10 DAFTAR NTE TERTINGGI UNTUK 500 KOMODITAS JIKA 10% KANDUNGAN BAHAN KIMIA SUBJECT TO REACH NO. HS Deskripsi 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 610220 610230 610290 610310 610322 610323 610329 610332 610333 610339 610342 610343 610349 610413 610419 610422 610432 610433 610439 610442 610443 610449 610452 610459 610462 610463 610469 610510 610520 610590 610610 610620 610690 610711 610719 610721 610819 610821 610822 610829 610831 610832 610891 610892 610910 Of cotton Of man-made fibres Of other textile materials (2007-) - Suits Of cotton Of synthetic fibres Of other textile materials Of cotton Of synthetic fibres Of other textile materials Of cotton Of synthetic fibres Of other textile materials Of synthetic fibres Of other textile materials Of cotton Of cotton Of synthetic fibres Of other textile materials Of cotton Of synthetic fibres Of other textile materials Of cotton Of other textile materials Of cotton Of synthetic fibres Of other textile materials Of cotton Of manmade fibres Of other textile materials Of cotton Of manmade fibres Of other textile materials Of cotton Of other textile materials Of cotton Of other textile materials Of cotton Of manmade fibres Of other textile materials Of cotton Of manmade fibres Of cotton Of manmade fibres Of cotton N_2007 2847407 1330411 8712673 115329 530050 166768 705660 1058819 330270 1299552 5389408 5755755 7483499 514576 2742106 2815899 523828 354292 2526931 2657916 2128474 1134319 511442 589936 10017001 3167035 3283749 22125032 6660652 8947548 20497741 6708559 7112027 4446217 561679 1643841 264083 1173146 8332650 725442 2879515 1562626 270283 350840 54206696 Data V_2007 160270 74603 398726 18674 47834 16716 40474 55250 18364 80438 391764 413275 485736 43231 193150 169008 25817 24114 137510 155040 79863 53914 22013 24825 677063 183677 182787 1134901 324364 694497 922594 301266 357388 315693 59500 142864 29032 114856 223475 87166 217514 124626 22857 19690 3182372 FOB 2007 17.77 17.83 21.85 6.18 11.08 9.98 17.43 19.16 17.98 16.16 13.76 13.93 15.41 11.90 14.20 16.66 20.29 14.69 18.38 17.14 26.65 21.04 23.23 23.76 14.79 17.24 17.96 19.50 20.53 12.88 22.22 22.27 19.90 14.08 9.44 11.51 9.10 10.21 37.29 8.32 13.24 12.54 11.82 17.82 17.03 NTE after REACH 10% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% L - 11 DAFTAR NTE TERTINGGI UNTUK 500 KOMODITAS JIKA 10% KANDUNGAN BAHAN KIMIA SUBJECT TO REACH NO. HS Deskripsi 496 497 498 499 500 610990 611011 611019 611020 611030 Of other textile materials (2002-) Of wool (2002-) Other Of cotton Of manmade fibres N_2007 66733127 1265007 493172 92526679 65590364 Data V_2007 3397362 73443 27577 6153215 4404834 FOB 2007 19.64 17.22 17.88 15.04 14.89 NTE after REACH 10% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% L - 12 DAFTAR NTE TERTINGGI UNTUK 500 KOMODITAS JIKA 20% KANDUNGAN BAHAN KIMIA SUBJECT TO REACH NO. HS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 252100 251710 251749 680421 250840 261800 310100 251511 251690 071410 400219 251741 440110 690490 251520 291529 282720 510119 720390 491191 230690 690100 283650 120720 290711 850519 251400 560392 321519 680100 253090 854449 630900 120890 170111 680292 720690 390920 720450 720712 391000 110620 240130 080131 720719 847340 853810 Deskripsi N_2007 Data V_2007 FOB 2007 NTE after REACH 20% Limestone flux; limestone and other calcareous 6079 stone, of22264 a kind used0.27 for the manufacture 8240.1% of lime or cem Pebbles, gravel, broken or crushed stone, of 97709 a kind commonly 144465used for 0.68 concrete aggregates, 7892.7% for road me Other 350358 380332 0.92 4332.2% Of agglomerated synthetic or natural diamond 3884081 39376 98.64 4111.2% Other clays 1988 10572 0.19 3717.5% Granulated slag (slag sand) from the manufacture 500989of iron 952542 or steel. 0.53 2571.8% Animal or vegetable fertilisers, whether or not 247141 mixed together 132799 or chemically 1.86 treated; fertilisers 2369.5%produced Crude or roughly trimmed 51065 18440 2.77 2227.0% Other monumental or building stone 20507 29208 0.70 2070.6% Manioc (cassava) 326438 130652 2.50 1623.6% Other 356211 13192 27.00 1606.9% Of marble 258406 244043 1.06 1516.8% Fuel wood, in logs, in billets, in twigs, in faggots 92342 or in similar 90840 forms 1.02 1493.5% Other 8154 11904 0.68 1354.2% Ecaussine and other calcareous monumental35594 or building54334 stone; alabaster 0.66 1295.7% Other 791063 40535 19.52 1151.8% Calcium chloride 48081 24774 1.94 1057.6% Other 251452 21007 11.97 1035.4% Other 46876 12431 3.77 977.3% Pictures, designs and photographs 202155 84051 2.41 959.1% Other 219150 205500 1.07 870.5% Bricks, blocks, tiles and other ceramic goods 36224 of siliceous 13727 fossil meals (for 2.64example, kieselguhr, 824.3% tripolite or Calcium carbonate 2000 14080 0.14 821.3% Cotton seeds 5805 10529 0.55 788.2% Phenol (hydroxybenzene) and its salts 3218727 376678 8.55 680.2% Other 758578 17730 42.78 621.2% Slate, whether or not roughly trimmed or merely 11030cut, by21505 sawing or otherwise, 0.51 into blocks 615.9% or slabs of a re (1996-) Weighing more than 25 g/m² but not 930313 more than31289 70 g/m² 29.73 611.4% Other 10052123 348970 28.81 576.7% Setts, curbstones and flagstones, of natural975737 stone (except 1074338 slate). 0.91 535.1% Other 9183 41854 0.22 521.3% Other 4590923 117318 39.13 502.7% Worn clothing and other worn articles. 2597209 749551 3.47 484.4% Other 6650 20000 0.33 469.9% Cane sugar 65876 23574 2.79 457.6% Other calcareous stone 55105 25993 2.12 436.7% Other 123471 51463 2.40 417.8% Melamine resins 32556 11521 2.83 417.6% Remelting scrap ingots 109660 43920 2.50 409.2% Other, of rectangular (other than square) crosssection 110024 66103 1.66 402.5% Silicones in primary forms. 479707 27936 17.17 386.4% Of sago or of roots or tubers of heading 07.14 10440 21801 0.48 385.7% Tobacco refuse 2041050 686892 2.97 379.4% (1996-) In shell 141799 20266 7.00 369.3% Other 72085 32709 2.20 366.5% Parts and accessories of the machines of heading 141487684.72 10861 130.27 344.1% Boards, panels, consoles, desks, cabinets and 349618 other bases 14734 for the goods 23.73of heading 85.37,328.0% not equipped w DAFTAR NTE TERTINGGI UNTUK 500 KOMODITAS JIKA 20% KANDUNGAN BAHAN KIMIA SUBJECT TO REACH NO. HS 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 854420 441090 270810 210120 030342 030380 392310 040410 140490 480439 240399 730429 701790 330190 400130 854190 090121 050800 440810 848299 420329 392113 843890 870850 330290 170290 732620 392390 190540 482210 730900 392010 441011 441850 251512 481110 180620 140190 844849 660390 121299 300420 380992 110720 720230 071290 440130 Deskripsi N_2007 Data V_2007 FOB 2007 NTE after REACH 20% Coaxial cable and other coaxial electric conductors 997012 36591 27.25 327.9% Other 32930 23135 1.42 325.4% Pitch 21700 20000 1.09 312.2% Extracts, essences and concentrates, of tea 305266 or maté, and26244 preparations 11.63 with a basis of these 309.6% extracts, esse Yellowfin tunas (Thunnus albacares) 341070 48280 7.06 300.6% Livers and roes 272265 21100 12.90 299.1% Boxes, cases, crates and similar articles 8346819 864668 9.65 295.6% Whey and modified whey, whether or not concentrated 19313 11000 or containing1.76 added sugar or other 273.2% sweetening Other 605260 411982 1.47 268.2% Other 60096 21987 2.73 266.8% Other 4446937 170944 26.01 257.9% (1996-) Other 119205 21337 5.59 241.7% Other 856412 24407 35.09 238.7% Other 946254 43417 21.79 235.7% Balata, gutta-percha, guayule, chicle and similar 95594 natural 17654 gums 5.41 232.4% Parts 3132350 15483 202.31 225.2% Not decaffeinated 408772 29454 13.88 220.4% Coral and similar materials, unworked or simply 272727 prepared 146905 but not otherwise 1.86 worked; shells 219.0% of molluscs, Coniferous 11092356 2740655 4.05 219.0% Other 204085 11817 17.27 218.5% Other 497661 13149 37.85 208.7% Of polyurethanes 544567 43238 12.59 204.9% Parts 3002177 44635 67.26 203.1% Driveaxles with differential, whether or 31089438 not provided2020304 with other transmission 15.39 components 202.3% Other 373600 11116 33.61 201.5% Other, including invert sugar and other sugar97949 and sugar syrup 55010blends 1.78 containing in the dry198.6% state 50 % by Articles of iron or steel wire 50324 10450 4.82 198.6% Other 1120993 131191 8.54 197.5% Rusks, toasted bread and similar toasted products 47072 11563 4.07 193.9% Of a kind used for winding textile yarn 632124 208906 3.03 193.6% Reservoirs, tanks, vats and similar containers 276235 for any material 25420(other10.87 than compressed or 191.3% liquefied gas), o Of polymers of ethylene 2953861 757502 3.90 190.0% (1996-2001, 2007-) Of wood :-- Waferboard,85882 including oriented 86765 0.99 184.7% Shingles and shakes 38343 17248 2.22 184.3% Merely cut, by sawing or otherwise, into blocks 94590 or slabs163345 of a rectangular 0.58(including square)184.1% shape Tarred, bituminised or asphalted paper and paperboard 18396 12437 1.48 178.4% Other preparations in blocks, slabs or bars weighing 230017 more 40802 than 2 kg or 5.64 in liquid, paste, powder, 174.1%granular Other 1519736 517484 2.94 165.4% Other 1322450 35933 36.80 165.2% Other 38518 11741 3.28 164.1% Other 359249 172985 2.08 161.3% Containing other antibiotics 4804807 19890 241.57 160.7% Of a kind used in the paper or like industries 36960 18902 1.96 160.0% Roasted 32175 39000 0.83 157.5% Ferrosilicomanganese 18538 16100 1.15 156.9% Other vegetables; mixtures of vegetables 294790 64544 4.57 156.1% Sawdust and wood waste and scrap, whether 227499 or not agglomerated 1762099 in0.13 logs, briquettes, pellets 153.4% or similar f DAFTAR NTE TERTINGGI UNTUK 500 KOMODITAS JIKA 20% KANDUNGAN BAHAN KIMIA SUBJECT TO REACH NO. HS 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 400591 481920 390930 481910 190219 681099 721049 152000 030624 071090 560890 390190 442190 640610 853890 200520 260300 690290 730890 030510 030614 090830 200110 200559 750300 392030 120220 170230 853620 260600 330749 551349 680223 441300 271290 670411 071331 030379 350610 670490 481840 730840 080410 441840 721041 680210 230990 Deskripsi N_2007 Data V_2007 FOB 2007 NTE after REACH 20% Plates, sheets and strip 68783 15057 4.57 150.3% Folding cartons, boxes and cases, of noncorrugated 222205 paper 51543 or paperboard 4.31 149.4% Other aminoresins 101360 25009 4.05 144.4% Cartons, boxes and cases, of corrugated paper 2132062 or paperboard 711236 3.00 139.0% Other 976302 511004 1.91 138.9% Other 704357 809456 0.87 137.4% Other 17730 20995 0.84 136.6% (1996-) Glycerol, crude; glycerol waters and 1556829 glycerol lyes. 3076974 0.51 133.2% Crabs 1966625 230754 8.52 133.0% Mixtures of vegetables 62183 34867 1.78 131.4% Other 109591 10567 10.37 128.7% Other 41315 17065 2.42 126.5% Other 1752886 745103 2.35 120.2% Uppers and parts thereof, other than stiffeners 46522664 1251357 37.18 119.6% Other 7239398 181134 39.97 116.9% Potatoes 108484 44459 2.44 116.6% Copper ores and concentrates. 1.18E+09 4.59E+08 2.58 114.3% Other 933278 432774 2.16 109.6% Other 57304 18263 3.14 108.4% Flours, meals and pellets of fish, fit for human 92599 consumption 12371 7.49 108.3% Crabs 390315 35926 10.86 105.1% Cardamoms 156315 20086 7.78 104.1% Cucumbers and gherkins 85116 56990 1.49 103.3% Other 224298 153988 1.46 103.0% Nickel waste and scrap. 505864 31540 16.04 101.8% Of polymers of styrene 493975 115000 4.30 99.6% Shelled, whether or not broken 57527 32710 1.76 99.5% Glucose and glucose syrup, not containing fructose 76334 or containing 144250 in the 0.53 dry state less than 20 97.9% % by weigh Automatic circuit breakers 1921423 43614 44.06 96.3% Aluminium ores and concentrates. 276965 2962200 0.09 95.8% Other 536243 69968 7.66 94.2% Other woven fabrics 447982 35705 12.55 92.9% Granite 260740 274369 0.95 90.2% Densified wood, in blocks, plates, strips or 30774658 profile shapes. 18657440 1.65 90.1% Other 167903 141773 1.18 89.9% Complete wigs 4209819 32580 129.21 89.8% Beans of the species Vigna mungo (L.) Hepper 42132 or Vigna radiata 22899 (L.) Wilczek 1.84 89.6% Other 1893977 829725 2.28 89.1% Products suitable for use as glues or adhesives, 76708 put up for 11323 retail sale as 6.77 glues or adhesives, 88.7% not exceeding Of other materials 1840973 60883 30.24 86.9% Sanitary towels and tampons, napkins and napkin 169610liners 29415 for babies and 5.77 similar sanitary articles 86.6% Equipment for scaffolding, shuttering, propping 64560 or pitpropping 21403 3.02 86.2% Dates 53250 15000 3.55 84.7% Shuttering for concrete constructional work219261 98684 2.22 83.1% Corrugated 1100 11630 0.09 82.8% Tiles, cubes and similar articles, whether or769976 not rectangular 1524650 (including0.51 square), the largest surface 82.7% area o Other 216733 217449 1.00 82.3% DAFTAR NTE TERTINGGI UNTUK 500 KOMODITAS JIKA 20% KANDUNGAN BAHAN KIMIA SUBJECT TO REACH NO. HS 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 482390 081330 290545 732392 390521 481730 850990 293040 151710 681019 551219 640699 320414 391590 850490 480990 800110 720918 091010 200892 741999 711311 840999 481930 080450 701890 480890 481960 731210 401290 853690 840991 630710 854890 680291 090500 681599 290516 151800 720837 550110 520513 520100 190420 390730 870893 520611 Deskripsi N_2007 Data V_2007 FOB 2007 NTE after REACH 20% Other 1416778 550855 2.57 81.2% Apples 127648 69203 1.84 81.0% (1996-) Glycerol 2203591 2089059 1.05 80.6% Of cast iron, enamelled 485803 79840 6.08 80.6% (1996-) In aqueous dispersion 266383 153649 1.73 79.6% Boxes, pouches, wallets and writing compendiums, 28382 of paper 10169 or paperboard, 2.79 containing an assortment 79.2% of Parts 527876 39118 13.49 77.9% Methionine 38868 15000 2.59 73.2% Margarine, excluding liquid margarine 19476 21434 0.91 72.2% Other 286174 1068824 0.27 71.8% Other 2668514 119637 22.31 71.0% Of other materials 1604358 86800 18.48 70.0% Direct dyes and preparations based thereon102004 18148 5.62 69.8% Of other plastics 1056072 1812645 0.58 69.3% Parts 5905946 299586 19.71 67.6% Other 22805 18854 1.21 66.2% Tin, not alloyed 8429662 571580 14.75 66.1% (1996-) Of a thickness of less than 0.5 mm 76822 129985 0.59 65.0% Ginger 261424 109377 2.39 63.1% Mixtures 13532 18445 0.73 62.6% Other 498949 25121 19.86 62.5% Of silver, whether or not plated or clad with 8862949 other precious 28810 metal 307.63 61.3% Other 593608 35608 16.67 61.0% Sacks and bags, having a base of a width of4633846 40 cm or more 1809044 2.56 60.7% Guavas, mangoes and mangosteens 103699 54606 1.90 59.2% Other 397240 30503 13.02 58.8% Other 57893 35220 1.64 57.3% Box files, letter trays, storage boxes and similar 275752 articles, 75105 of a kind used 3.67 in offices, shops or the 56.4% like Stranded wire, ropes and cables 1257803 437158 2.88 56.1% Other 147345 53772 2.74 54.6% Other apparatus 13471264 403617 33.38 54.4% Suitable for use solely or principally with 13253829 sparkignition internal 791007 combustion 16.76 piston engines 53.9% Floorcloths, dishcloths, dusters and similar cleaning 495972 cloths 72874 6.81 53.5% (1996-) Other 589627 14857 39.69 53.0% Marble, travertine and alabaster 1559458 1231749 1.27 52.9% Vanilla. 1201791 83577 14.38 52.9% Other 334914 325902 1.03 52.3% Octanol (octyl alcohol) and isomers thereof 2806759 1750000 1.60 51.9% Animal or vegetable fats and oils and their 10846094 fractions,13162915 boiled, oxidised,0.82 dehydrated, sulphurised, 51.7% blown, po (1996-) Of a thickness of 4.75 mm or more but 52915 not exceeding 9798810 mm0.54 50.9% Of nylon or other polyamides 63366 17188 3.69 50.2% Measuring less than 232.56 decitex but not902844 less than 192.31 234473 decitex (exceeding 3.85 43 metric number 49.4% but no Cotton, not carded or combed. 21710 22933 0.95 49.3% (1996-) Prepared foods obtained from unroasted 81545cereal 31082 flakes or from 2.62 mixtures of unroasted 49.2% cereal flake Epoxide resins 73313 19757 3.71 48.2% Clutches and parts thereof 133944 19399 6.90 47.5% Measuring 714.29 decitex or more (not exceeding 14371414 metric 57414 number)2.50 47.2% DAFTAR NTE TERTINGGI UNTUK 500 KOMODITAS JIKA 20% KANDUNGAN BAHAN KIMIA SUBJECT TO REACH NO. HS 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 621220 732690 761290 340290 830590 200490 853710 091030 290519 731290 732619 081090 481940 490199 870880 280300 392069 390690 270900 940190 380510 720839 741012 030613 440890 391729 721070 761520 283322 621600 960630 060390 320411 750110 611430 160420 481830 870870 330690 340211 392350 071190 520621 420321 722850 520511 847590 Deskripsi N_2007 Data V_2007 FOB 2007 NTE after REACH 20% Girdles and pantygirdles 554308 10572 52.43 Other 1861345 410756 4.53 Other 173400 24087 7.20 Other 86039 54817 1.57 Other, including parts 37420 10536 3.55 Other vegetables and mixtures of vegetables 170568 88289 1.93 For a voltage not exceeding 1,000 V 1459975 21049 69.36 Turmeric (curcuma) 52702 21763 2.42 Other 3194165 1578080 2.02 Other 18900 16314 1.16 Other 303221 87335 3.47 Other 66127 47190 1.40 Other sacks and bags, including cones 8528286 3015652 2.83 Other 409743 52331 7.83 Suspension shockabsorbers 145127 18177 7.98 Carbon (carbon blacks and other forms of carbon 38156not elsewhere 37000 specified 1.03 or included). Of other polyesters 6529093 2350653 2.78 Other 1939049 783761 2.47 Petroleum oils and oils obtained from bituminous 8000minerals, 64000 crude. 0.13 Parts 17513516 1790331 9.78 Gum, wood or sulphate turpentine oils 1941373 2529301 0.77 (1996-) Of a thickness of less than 3 mm 264426 510548 0.52 Of copper alloys 168548 18636 9.04 Shrimps and prawns 1.38E+08 22613944 6.10 Other 2977794 784343 3.80 Of other plastics 1433369 219131 6.54 Painted, varnished or coated with plastics 20737 26348 0.79 Sanitary ware and parts thereof 150908 15414 9.79 Of aluminium 65000 500000 0.13 Gloves, mittens and mitts. 5446107 161595 33.70 Button moulds and other parts of buttons;1006458 button blanks41081 24.50 Other 121406 18040 6.73 Disperse dyes and preparations based thereon 8830358 1501638 5.88 Nickel mattes 84863456 8100884 10.48 Of manmade fibres 723608 20873 34.67 Other prepared or preserved fish 67430 19560 3.45 Tablecloths and serviettes 57373 26097 2.20 Road wheels and parts and accessories thereof 26290071 5339997 4.92 Other 136552 38386 3.56 Anionic 1168807 882779 1.32 Stoppers, lids, caps and other closures 462120 131242 3.52 Other vegetables; mixtures of vegetables 10990 17399 0.63 Measuring 714.29 decitex or more (not exceeding 6094414 metric 13084 number)4.66 Specially designed for use in sports 5657318 126708 44.65 Other bars and rods, not further worked than30945 coldformed 21981 or coldfinished 1.41 Measuring 714.29 decitex or more (not exceeding 70260414 metric 298211 number)2.36 Parts 595484 11553 51.54 45.9% 45.8% 45.6% 45.5% 45.4% 45.1% 44.9% 44.5% 44.4% 44.3% 44.1% 43.7% 42.9% 42.3% 42.2% 42.0% 41.2% 41.0% 40.9% 40.9% 40.5% 39.7% 39.1% 38.8% 38.8% 37.7% 37.5% 37.3% 36.0% 35.4% 35.2% 34.9% 33.7% 33.3% 33.2% 32.8% 32.7% 32.2% 31.9% 31.1% 30.5% 30.5% 29.5% 28.7% 28.1% 27.5% 26.8% DAFTAR NTE TERTINGGI UNTUK 500 KOMODITAS JIKA 20% KANDUNGAN BAHAN KIMIA SUBJECT TO REACH NO. HS 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 760820 030375 720826 240120 151319 540771 090412 390311 520299 380690 291735 854290 720299 720838 731815 760429 760200 731442 940370 200990 611190 291612 761490 080132 480100 520512 481950 151211 481720 390940 847990 620990 480220 400110 330129 200811 320412 630391 392119 520912 731511 480620 481820 480300 190230 551211 550510 Deskripsi N_2007 Data V_2007 FOB 2007 NTE after REACH 20% Of aluminium alloys 218983 46734 4.69 26.6% Dogfish and other sharks 8704 11105 0.78 26.4% (1996-) Of a thickness of 3 mm or more but110028 less than 4.75 214479 mm 0.51 26.0% Tobacco, partly or wholly stemmed/stripped 15985093 3771380 4.24 25.9% Other 981257 1120979 0.88 25.4% Unbleached or bleached 73796 11229 6.57 25.3% Crushed or ground 38979 10520 3.71 24.7% Expansible 85700 58200 1.47 24.6% Other 1288949 1418963 0.91 24.3% Other 49600 32000 1.55 24.3% Phthalic anhydride 1276921 1059999 1.20 23.9% Parts 3265989 17224 189.62 23.9% Other 169409 113477 1.49 23.9% (1996-) Of a thickness of 3 mm or more but635675 less than 4.75 1210809 mm 0.53 23.4% Other screws and bolts, whether or not with 11345909 their nuts2497279 or washers 4.54 23.3% Other 5164122 1100923 4.69 23.2% Aluminium waste and scrap. 544333 350430 1.55 22.4% Coated with plastics 33318 32946 1.01 22.4% Furniture of plastics 1744513 378821 4.61 22.2% Mixtures of juices 37695 44960 0.84 21.5% Of other textile materials 3085297 117357 26.29 21.5% Esters of acrylic acid 1210354 742120 1.63 21.2% Other 361781 82014 4.41 21.0% (1996-) Shelled 2288847 488620 4.68 20.7% Newsprint, in rolls or sheets. 126250 250899 0.50 20.5% Measuring less than 714.29 decitex but not472510 less than 232.56 175096 decitex (exceeding 2.70 14 metric number 20.0% but no Other packing containers, including record sleeves 325060 124517 2.61 20.0% Crude oil 285250 350000 0.82 19.9% Letter cards, plain postcards and correspondence 380415cards 69176 5.50 19.7% Phenolic resins 231840 156000 1.49 19.5% Parts 566447 28158 20.12 18.7% Of other textile materials 736710 35872 20.54 18.4% Paper and paperboard of a kind used as a base 59361 for photosensitive, 54244 heatsensitive 1.09 or electrosensitive 18.4% pape Natural rubber latex, whether or not prevulcanised 1529569 869709 1.76 18.1% Other 24958002 760186 32.83 17.9% Groundnuts 80253 44373 1.81 17.7% Acid dyes, whether or not premetallised, and 2652062 preparations 321847 based thereon; 8.24 mordant dyes and 17.7% preparatio Of cotton 1153676 128266 8.99 16.5% Of other plastics 93481 17561 5.32 15.9% 3thread or 4thread twill, including cross twill64103 20604 3.11 15.7% Roller chain 74650 14002 5.33 15.2% Greaseproof papers 71529 52389 1.37 15.1% Handkerchiefs, cleansing or facial tissues and 343130 towels 199872 1.72 15.0% Toilet or facial tissue stock, towel or napkin136433 stock and similar 115958paper of1.18 a kind used for household 15.0% or sanit Other pasta 2753835 2092163 1.32 14.6% Unbleached or bleached 193789 31145 6.22 14.5% Of synthetic fibres 2184493 2279750 0.96 14.3% DAFTAR NTE TERTINGGI UNTUK 500 KOMODITAS JIKA 20% KANDUNGAN BAHAN KIMIA SUBJECT TO REACH NO. HS 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 830400 481190 170410 940320 940390 340600 853222 442110 180400 560811 291714 720917 190110 760711 560311 731021 720916 200830 391722 151329 090411 392111 847329 691490 732391 680229 320810 848410 382312 440910 121190 700600 700991 720825 151311 170211 390120 870891 821599 732310 851690 190590 521021 854430 140110 680690 720854 Deskripsi N_2007 Data V_2007 FOB 2007 NTE after REACH 20% Filing cabinets, cardindex cabinets, paper trays, 112235 paper rests, 24220 pen trays, 4.63 officestamp stands and 14.3% similar off Other paper, paperboard, cellulose wadding 54367 and webs of27257 cellulose fibres 1.99 13.7% Chewing gum, whether or not sugarcoated 75721 15848 4.78 13.4% Other metal furniture 4970004 1179120 4.22 12.7% Parts 3038876 1058594 2.87 12.6% Candles, tapers and the like. 1191194 541413 2.20 12.4% Aluminium electrolytic 4121471 225952 18.24 12.4% Clothes hangers 108142 29531 3.66 12.2% Cocoa butter, fat and oil. 1.06E+08 22893838 4.62 12.2% Made up fishing nets 3330587 529841 6.29 11.7% Maleic anhydride 376702 277000 1.36 11.6% (1996-) Of a thickness of 0.5 mm or more but 423567 not exceeding 718093 1 mm 0.59 11.4% Preparations for infant use, put up for retail sale 55742 15675 3.56 11.0% Rolled but not further worked 52454 15949 3.29 11.0% (1996-) Weighing not more than 25 g/m² 1242488 501586 2.48 10.9% Cans which are to be closed by soldering or crimping 51133 24888 2.05 10.9% (1996-) Of a thickness exceeding 1 mm but 424231 less than 3 mm 719415 0.59 10.8% Citrus fruit 76990 91085 0.85 10.5% Of polymers of propylene 8149270 2639808 3.09 10.1% Other 34189567 39666862 0.86 10.0% Neither crushed nor ground 25036238 6034045 4.15 9.9% Of polymers of styrene 109841 39919 2.75 9.9% Other 4918733 126872 38.77 9.8% Other 1477597 1156942 1.28 9.5% Of cast iron, not enamelled 301219 132273 2.28 8.9% Other stone 3424306 6445692 0.53 8.6% Based on polyesters 54972 18281 3.01 8.4% Gaskets and similar joints of metal sheeting605610 combined with 28747 other material 21.07 or of two or more8.1% layers of m (1996-) Oleic acid 2804089 3260807 0.86 7.9% Coniferous 88064 129545 0.68 7.5% Other 733959 190111 3.86 7.5% Glass of heading 70.03, 70.04 or 70.05, bent, 148191 edgeworked, 78023 engraved,1.90 drilled, enamelled or otherwise 7.4% wo Unframed 310483 269003 1.15 7.4% (1996-) Of a thickness of 4.75 mm or more 188056 353690 0.53 7.3% Crude oil 2.02E+08 2.81E+08 0.72 7.1% (1996-) Containing by weight 99 % or more 282160 lactose, expressed 175000 as anhydrous 1.61 lactose, calculated 6.9%on the dr Polyethylene having a specific gravity of 0.94 5665862 or more3994999 1.42 6.6% Radiators 8457623 739713 11.43 6.5% Other 4295771 431085 9.97 5.9% Iron or steel wool; pot scourers and scouring 691051 or polishing 197392 pads, gloves3.50 and the like 5.8% Parts 3155240 347349 9.08 5.8% Other 882324 376257 2.35 5.6% Plain weave 108308 13497 8.02 5.5% Ignition wiring sets and other wiring sets of 1471703 a kind used113508 in vehicles, aircraft 12.97 or ships 5.5% Bamboos 100405 67602 1.49 5.3% Other 57256 56582 1.01 5.3% (1996-) Of a thickness of less than 3 mm 170448 336402 0.51 5.0% DAFTAR NTE TERTINGGI UNTUK 500 KOMODITAS JIKA 20% KANDUNGAN BAHAN KIMIA SUBJECT TO REACH NO. HS 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 520624 853641 390330 830890 382311 381230 760612 030329 520922 151110 560314 720853 400122 390410 760611 390110 482110 390760 630491 180100 200799 381210 630419 701399 010110 030319 030419 030421 030422 030429 030499 060210 090611 090619 190531 190532 200929 200931 200941 220210 220290 220300 220820 251310 251620 293499 293920 Deskripsi N_2007 Data V_2007 FOB 2007 NTE after REACH 20% Measuring less than 192.31 decitex but not less 48833 than 12517537 decitex (exceeding 2.78 52 metric number 4.9%but not e For a voltage not exceeding 60 V 3320316 123739 26.83 4.8% Acrylonitrilebutadienestyrene (ABS) copolymers 2415196 1396805 1.73 4.1% Other, including parts 528574 45474 11.62 4.1% (1996-) Stearic acid 7688351 9135256 0.84 3.5% Antioxidising preparations and other compound 135471 stabilisers 58528 for rubber2.31 or plastics 3.5% Of aluminium alloys 1225157 354654 3.45 3.2% Other 1125182 533490 2.11 3.1% 3thread or 4thread twill, including cross twill 119098 17339 6.87 3.0% Crude oil 7.09E+08 1.11E+09 0.64 2.9% (1996-) Weighing more than 150 g/m² 283730 77248 3.67 2.8% (1996-) Of a thickness of 3 mm or more but325117 less than 4.75 632050 mm 0.51 2.3% Technically specified natural rubber (TSNR) 5.92E+08 2.92E+08 2.03 2.3% Poly(vinyl chloride), not mixed with any other 401060 substances 442000 0.91 2.3% Of aluminium, not alloyed 308695 92623 3.33 2.0% Polyethylene having a specific gravity of less 2380109 than 0.941818682 1.31 1.8% Printed 322327 83584 3.86 1.7% Poly(ethylene terephthalate) 2906612 2307266 1.26 1.4% Knitted or crocheted 938203 120584 7.78 1.0% Cocoa beans, whole or broken, raw or roasted. 9069362 4819138 1.88 0.8% Other 20927 25042 0.84 0.6% Prepared rubber accelerators 56965 24200 2.35 0.4% Other 619577 142400 4.35 0.3% Other 1286559 538196 2.39 0.2% (2002-) Purebred breeding animals 250530 69712 3.59 0.0% (2002-) Other 95404 24100 3.96 0.0% (2007-) (- Fresh or chilled:)-- Other 621343 163903 3.79 0.0% (2007-) (- Frozen fillets:)-- Swordfish (Xiphias 171350 gladius) 53492 3.20 0.0% (2007-) (- Frozen fillets:)-- Toothfish (Dissostichus 590590spp.)433202 1.36 0.0% (2007-) (- Frozen fillets:)-- Other 9127432 3040109 3.00 0.0% (2007-) (- Other:)-- Other 1309092 1470221 0.89 0.0% Unrooted cuttings and slips 1061853 413543 2.57 0.0% (2007-) (- Neither crushed nor ground:)-- Cinnamon 3589661 (Cinnamomum 4583582 zeylanicum 0.78 Blume) 0.0% (2007-) (- Neither crushed nor ground:)-- Other 155339 274742 0.57 0.0% (2002-) Sweet biscuits 45933 14891 3.08 0.0% (2002-) Waffles and wafers 725402 274152 2.65 0.0% (2002-) Other 126852 73243 1.73 0.0% (2002-) Of a Brix value not exceeding 20 74208 103492 0.72 0.0% (2002-) Of a Brix value not exceeding 20 7838342 10534902 0.74 0.0% Waters, including mineral waters and aerated 76614 waters, containing 14845 added 5.16sugar or other sweetening 0.0% matte Other 366248 92427 3.96 0.0% Beer made from malt. 59756 68099 0.88 0.0% Spirits obtained by distilling grape wine or grape 175812 marc 92960 1.89 0.0% (2007-) - Pumice stone 2173 17304 0.13 0.0% (2007-) - Sandstone 7770 11308 0.69 0.0% (2002-) Other 4989786 662979 7.53 0.0% (2007-) - Alkaloids of cinchona and their derivatives; 7860246 salts 111681 thereof 70.38 0.0% DAFTAR NTE TERTINGGI UNTUK 500 KOMODITAS JIKA 20% KANDUNGAN BAHAN KIMIA SUBJECT TO REACH NO. HS 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 380850 380891 381700 382561 392049 400921 400922 401031 401039 401110 401120 401140 401150 401161 401162 401163 401192 401199 401212 401310 401320 401390 410411 410419 410441 410449 410530 410712 410719 411310 411330 420211 420212 420219 420221 420222 420229 440210 440290 440725 440726 440729 440791 440795 440799 440921 440929 Deskripsi N_2007 Data V_2007 FOB 2007 NTE after REACH 20% (2007-) - Goods specified in Subheading Note 9506558 1 to this Chapter 424418 22.40 0.0% (2007-) (- Other:)-- Insecticides 385708 247621 1.56 0.0% (2002-) Mixed alkylbenzenes and mixed alkylnaphthalenes, 1217676 1276820 other than 0.95 those of heading 27.07 0.0% or 29.02. (2002-) Mainly containing organic constituents 15476 78960 0.20 0.0% (2002-) Other 108052 34422 3.14 0.0% (2002-) Without fittings 1129874 631194 1.79 0.0% (2002-) With fittings 155096 199280 0.78 0.0% (2002-) Endless transmission belts of trapezoidal 3406108 crosssection 317680 (V belts), 10.72 Vribbed, of an outside 0.0%circumfe (2002-) Other 1046155 150765 6.94 0.0% Of a kind used on motor cars (including station 1.15E+08 wagons 39048187 and racing cars) 2.96 0.0% Of a kind used on buses or lorries 966822 405760 2.38 0.0% Of a kind used on motorcycles 1664974 576052 2.89 0.0% Of a kind used on bicycles 36314492 6683689 5.43 0.0% (2002-) Of a kind used on agricultural or forestry 3931982 vehicles 1654385 and machines 2.38 0.0% (2002-) Of a kind used on construction or industrial 7298932 handling 3379414 vehicles2.16 and machines and having 0.0% a rim size (2002-) Of a kind used on construction or industrial 65445 handling 23796 vehicles2.75 and machines and having 0.0% a rim size (2002-) Of a kind used on agricultural or forestry 32993 vehicles11430 and machines 2.89 0.0% Other 6605766 2353666 2.81 0.0% (2002-) Of a kind used on buses or lorries 13317 16584 0.80 0.0% Of a kind used on motor cars (including station 1021783 wagons356999 and racing cars), 2.86buses or lorries 0.0% Of a kind used on bicycles 8894129 1736696 5.12 0.0% Other 521945 188588 2.77 0.0% (2002-) Full grains, unsplit; grain splits 356875 45424 7.86 0.0% (2002-) Other 1512649 225466 6.71 0.0% (2002-) Full grains, unsplit; grain splits 4102974 215762 19.02 0.0% (2002-) Other 5531626 595152 9.29 0.0% (2002-) In the dry state (crust) 3303333 108974 30.31 0.0% (2002-) Grain splits 1439377 59672 24.12 0.0% (2002-) Other 3749037 115740 32.39 0.0% (2002-) Of goats or kids 1357511 65331 20.78 0.0% (2002-) Of reptiles 614476 10272 59.82 0.0% With outer surface of leather, of composition 1629715 leather or 93569 of patent leather 17.42 0.0% With outer surface of plastics or of textile 6323546 materials 936772 6.75 0.0% Other 402114 38508 10.44 0.0% With outer surface of leather, of composition 6314150 leather or213923 of patent leather 29.52 0.0% With outer surface of plastic sheeting or of4744586 textile materials 204620 23.19 0.0% Other 771330 81124 9.51 0.0% (2007-) - Of bamboo 605234 3765181 0.16 0.0% (2007-) - Other 2229231 6854107 0.33 0.0% (1996-) Dark Red Meranti, Light Red Meranti 9648458 and Meranti 4250480 Bakau 2.27 0.0% (1996-) White Lauan, White Meranti, White Seraya, 42707 Yellow 33684 Meranti and 1.27Alan 0.0% (1996-) Other 3554125 3736396 0.95 0.0% Of oak (Quercus spp.) 53318 52681 1.01 0.0% (2007-) (- Other:)-- Of ash (Fraxinus spp.) 7841 11692 0.67 0.0% Other 555768 479941 1.16 0.0% (2007-) (- Non-coniferous:)-- Of bamboo 158317 249191 0.64 0.0% (2007-) (- Non-coniferous:)-- Other 1.52E+08 1.24E+08 1.23 0.0% DAFTAR NTE TERTINGGI UNTUK 500 KOMODITAS JIKA 20% KANDUNGAN BAHAN KIMIA SUBJECT TO REACH NO. HS 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 441114 441210 441231 441232 441239 441294 441510 441860 441871 441872 441879 460121 460122 460129 460192 460194 460211 460212 460219 480254 480255 480256 480257 480258 480262 480524 480591 481013 481019 481022 481092 482369 530500 540211 540219 540245 540246 540247 570190 570239 570242 570320 570330 570590 600290 600522 600532 Deskripsi N_2007 Data V_2007 FOB 2007 NTE after REACH 20% (2007-) (- Medium density fibreboard (MDF):)-45935 Of a thickness 29947exceeding 1.539 mm 0.0% (2007-) - Of bamboo 497723 377053 1.32 0.0% (2007-) (- Other plywood, consisting solely 57957252 of sheets 57732531 of wood (other than 1.00 bamboo), each ply0.0% not exceedi (2007-) (- Other plywood, consisting solely of16488 sheets of wood 12980(other than 1.27 bamboo), each ply0.0% not exceedi (2007-) (- Other plywood, consisting solely 32218548 of sheets 29332250 of wood (other than 1.10 bamboo), each ply0.0% not exceedi (2007-) (- Other:)-- Blockboard, laminboard 77927869 and battenboard 46788531 1.67 0.0% Cases, boxes, crates, drums and similar packings; 591578 cabledrums 533192 1.11 0.0% (2007-) - Posts and beams 5111778 4452718 1.15 0.0% (2007-) (- Assembled flooring panels:)-- For1980575 mosaic floors 1779896 1.11 0.0% (2007-) (- Assembled flooring panels:)-- Other, 58962993 multilayer 28963458 2.04 0.0% (2007-) (- Assembled flooring panels:)-- Other 37784699 19630250 1.92 0.0% (2007-) (- Mats, matting and screens of vegetable 48737materials:)-29928 Of bamboo 1.63 0.0% (2007-) (- Mats, matting and screens of vegetable 128613materials:)-43661 Of rattan 2.95 0.0% (2007-) (- Mats, matting and screens of vegetable 599193materials:)-88489 Other6.77 0.0% (2007-) (- Other:)-- Of bamboo 310333 49462 6.27 0.0% (2007-) (- Other:)-- Of other vegetable materials 141461 31320 4.52 0.0% (2007-) (- Of vegetable materials:)-- Of bamboo 3886793 2330771 1.67 0.0% (2007-) (- Of vegetable materials:)-- Of rattan 8203168 3900444 2.10 0.0% (2007-) (- Of vegetable materials:)-- Other1750786 689634 2.54 0.0% (2002-) Weighing less than 40 g/m² 322062 341098 0.94 0.0% (2002-) Weighing 40 g/m² or more but not 16830223 more than 21114337 150 g/m², in rolls 0.80 0.0% (2002-) Weighing 40 g/m² or more but not 52485852 more than 66437781 150 g/m², in sheets 0.79 with one side not 0.0% exceeding 43 (2002-) Other, weighing 40 g/m² or more55440243 but not more 65246842 than 150 g/m² 0.85 0.0% (2002-) Weighing more than 150 g/m² 1125832 1219027 0.92 0.0% (2002-) In sheets with one side not exceeding26604 435 mm and 32844 the other0.81 side not exceeding 2970.0% mm in the u (2002-) Weighing 150 g/m² or less 178037 247453 0.72 0.0% (2002-) Weighing 150 g/m² or less 16327 16507 0.99 0.0% (2002-) In rolls 21047231 24653940 0.85 0.0% (2002-) Other 10490715 7642946 1.37 0.0% (2002-) Lightweight coated paper 3514073 4500556 0.78 0.0% (2002-) Multiply 111863 187820 0.60 0.0% (2007-) (- Trays, dishes, plates, cups and the 4229234 like, of paper 1184562 or paperboard:)-3.57 Other 0.0% (2007-) Coconut, abaca (Manila hemp or Musa 93566 textilis Nee), 54294 ramie and 1.72 other vegetable textile 0.0% fibres, not (2007-) (- High tenacity yarn of nylon or other33663 polyamides:)-20951Of aramids 1.61 0.0% (2007-) (- High tenacity yarn of nylon or other 1951033 polyamides:)-654520Other 2.98 0.0% (2007-) (- Other yarn, single, untwisted or 4061244 with a twist1098402 not exceeding 3.70 50 turns per metre:)-- Other, 0.0% of nyl (2007-) (- Other yarn, single, untwisted or 4115419 with a twist2426387 not exceeding 1.70 50 turns per metre:)-- Other, 0.0% of pol (2007-) (- Other yarn, single, untwisted or 2037556 with a twist1086209 not exceeding 1.88 50 turns per metre:)-- Other, 0.0% of pol Of other textile materials 96449 33296 2.90 0.0% Of other textile materials 72739 36525 1.99 0.0% Of manmade textile materials 862698 108300 7.97 0.0% Of nylon or other polyamides 100886 40698 2.48 0.0% Of other manmade textile materials 79864 45293 1.76 0.0% #N/A 79926 20449 3.91 0.0% (2002-) Other 83317 10077 8.27 0.0% (2002-) Dyed 76000 11200 6.79 0.0% (2002-) Dyed 3920773 214747 18.26 0.0% DAFTAR NTE TERTINGGI UNTUK 500 KOMODITAS JIKA 20% KANDUNGAN BAHAN KIMIA SUBJECT TO REACH NO. HS 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 600533 600590 600622 600631 600690 610120 610130 610190 610220 610230 610290 610310 610322 610323 610329 610332 610333 610339 610342 610343 610349 610413 610419 610422 610432 610433 610439 610442 610443 610449 Deskripsi (2002-) Of yarns of different colours (2002-) Other (2002-) Dyed (2002-) Unbleached or bleached (2002-) Other Of cotton Of man-made fibres Of other textile materials Of cotton Of man-made fibres Of other textile materials (2007-) - Suits Of cotton Of synthetic fibres Of other textile materials Of cotton Of synthetic fibres Of other textile materials Of cotton Of synthetic fibres Of other textile materials Of synthetic fibres Of other textile materials Of cotton Of cotton Of synthetic fibres Of other textile materials Of cotton Of synthetic fibres Of other textile materials N_2007 1352600 122785 88143 360095 10913933 1746363 10940356 8848927 2847407 1330411 8712673 115329 530050 166768 705660 1058819 330270 1299552 5389408 5755755 7483499 514576 2742106 2815899 523828 354292 2526931 2657916 2128474 1134319 Data V_2007 809885 18415 18321 129308 2833241 94736 506568 595047 160270 74603 398726 18674 47834 16716 40474 55250 18364 80438 391764 413275 485736 43231 193150 169008 25817 24114 137510 155040 79863 53914 FOB 2007 1.67 6.67 4.81 2.78 3.85 18.43 21.60 14.87 17.77 17.83 21.85 6.18 11.08 9.98 17.43 19.16 17.98 16.16 13.76 13.93 15.41 11.90 14.20 16.66 20.29 14.69 18.38 17.14 26.65 21.04 NTE after REACH 20% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% DAFTAR NTE TERTINGGI UNTUK 500 KOMODITAS JIKA 30% KANDUNGAN BAHAN KIMIA SUBJECT TO REACH NO. HS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 251710 252100 251749 250840 680421 261800 310100 251511 251690 400219 440110 071410 251520 251741 510119 690490 282720 291529 491191 720390 560392 251400 230690 690100 720690 854449 283650 120720 290711 850519 720719 321519 680100 253090 630900 120890 720712 720450 030342 170111 240130 680292 080131 390920 391000 030380 140490 Deskripsi N_2007 Data V_2007 FOB 2007 NTE after REACH 30% Pebbles, gravel, broken or crushed stone, of 97709 a kind commonly 144465used for 0.68 concrete aggregates, 9661.5% for road me Limestone flux; limestone and other calcareous 6079 stone, of22264 a kind used0.27 for the manufacture8523.1% of lime or cem Other 350358 380332 0.92 4682.6% Other clays 1988 10572 0.19 4489.2% Of agglomerated synthetic or natural diamond 3884081 39376 98.64 4124.0% Granulated slag (slag sand) from the manufacture 500989of iron 952542 or steel. 0.53 2717.8% Animal or vegetable fertilisers, whether or not 247141 mixed together 132799 or chemically 1.86 treated; fertilisers 2467.5% produced Crude or roughly trimmed 51065 18440 2.77 2372.5% Other monumental or building stone 20507 29208 0.70 2308.8% Other 356211 13192 27.00 1677.8% Fuel wood, in logs, in billets, in twigs, in faggots 92342 or in similar 90840 forms 1.02 1647.5% Manioc (cassava) 326438 130652 2.50 1627.1% Ecaussine and other calcareous monumental35594 or building54334 stone; alabaster 0.66 1583.8% Of marble 258406 244043 1.06 1578.6% Other 251452 21007 11.97 1545.1% Other 8154 11904 0.68 1170.3% Calcium chloride 48081 24774 1.94 1133.2% Other 791063 40535 19.52 1054.0% Pictures, designs and photographs 202155 84051 2.41 1048.8% Other 46876 12431 3.77 1013.3% (1996-) Weighing more than 25 g/m² but not 930313 more than31289 70 g/m² 29.73 1007.4% Slate, whether or not roughly trimmed or merely 11030cut, by21505 sawing or otherwise, 0.51 into blocks or 941.1% slabs of a re Other 219150 205500 1.07 913.0% Bricks, blocks, tiles and other ceramic goods 36224 of siliceous 13727 fossil meals (for 2.64example, kieselguhr, 897.4% tripolite or Other 123471 51463 2.40 775.6% Other 4590923 117318 39.13 718.5% Calcium carbonate 2000 14080 0.14 687.8% Cotton seeds 5805 10529 0.55 625.4% Phenol (hydroxybenzene) and its salts 3218727 376678 8.55 614.7% Other 758578 17730 42.78 578.8% Other 72085 32709 2.20 564.9% Other 10052123 348970 28.81 553.2% Setts, curbstones and flagstones, of natural975737 stone (except 1074338 slate). 0.91 504.2% Other 9183 41854 0.22 491.4% Worn clothing and other worn articles. 2597209 749551 3.47 486.4% Other 6650 20000 0.33 468.4% Other, of rectangular (other than square) crosssection 110024 66103 1.66 461.3% Remelting scrap ingots 109660 43920 2.50 457.8% Yellowfin tunas (Thunnus albacares) 341070 48280 7.06 456.6% Cane sugar 65876 23574 2.79 456.1% Tobacco refuse 2041050 686892 2.97 445.0% Other calcareous stone 55105 25993 2.12 390.8% (1996-) In shell 141799 20266 7.00 389.1% Melamine resins 32556 11521 2.83 386.6% Silicones in primary forms. 479707 27936 17.17 382.2% Livers and roes 272265 21100 12.90 361.1% Other 605260 411982 1.47 356.1% DAFTAR NTE TERTINGGI UNTUK 500 KOMODITAS JIKA 30% KANDUNGAN BAHAN KIMIA SUBJECT TO REACH NO. HS 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 110620 853810 847340 050800 854420 270810 210120 441090 480439 392310 040410 701790 090121 240399 730429 843890 481110 330190 440810 854190 400130 482210 190219 121299 392010 870850 848299 400591 844849 180620 330290 420329 392113 170290 732620 190540 392390 730900 640610 300420 481920 721049 251512 140190 441011 660390 442190 Deskripsi N_2007 Data V_2007 FOB 2007 NTE after REACH 30% Of sago or of roots or tubers of heading 07.14 10440 21801 0.48 345.5% Boards, panels, consoles, desks, cabinets and 349618 other bases 14734 for the goods 23.73of heading 85.37, not 333.1% equipped w Parts and accessories of the machines of heading 141487684.72 10861 130.27 333.0% Coral and similar materials, unworked or simply 272727 prepared 146905 but not otherwise 1.86 worked; shells315.4% of molluscs, Coaxial cable and other coaxial electric conductors 997012 36591 27.25 315.2% Pitch 21700 20000 1.09 313.9% Extracts, essences and concentrates, of tea 305266 or maté, and26244 preparations 11.63 with a basis of these305.2% extracts, esse Other 32930 23135 1.42 297.1% Other 60096 21987 2.73 287.2% Boxes, cases, crates and similar articles 8346819 864668 9.65 286.0% Whey and modified whey, whether or not concentrated 19313 11000 or containing1.76 added sugar or other 258.8% sweetening Other 856412 24407 35.09 252.6% Not decaffeinated 408772 29454 13.88 245.2% Other 4446937 170944 26.01 240.4% (1996-) Other 119205 21337 5.59 239.8% Parts 3002177 44635 67.26 230.7% Tarred, bituminised or asphalted paper and paperboard 18396 12437 1.48 226.2% Other 946254 43417 21.79 225.7% Coniferous 11092356 2740655 4.05 224.9% Parts 3132350 15483 202.31 223.7% Balata, gutta-percha, guayule, chicle and similar 95594 natural 17654 gums 5.41 219.9% Of a kind used for winding textile yarn 632124 208906 3.03 217.5% Other 976302 511004 1.91 216.5% Other 359249 172985 2.08 213.8% Of polymers of ethylene 2953861 757502 3.90 213.4% Driveaxles with differential, whether or 31089438 not provided2020304 with other transmission 15.39 components 211.4% Other 204085 11817 17.27 211.3% Plates, sheets and strip 68783 15057 4.57 210.7% Other 1322450 35933 36.80 206.9% Other preparations in blocks, slabs or bars weighing 230017 more 40802 than 2 kg or 5.64 in liquid, paste, powder, 205.9% granular Other 373600 11116 33.61 204.9% Other 497661 13149 37.85 204.3% Of polyurethanes 544567 43238 12.59 202.6% Other, including invert sugar and other sugar97949 and sugar syrup 55010blends 1.78 containing in the dry 200.6% state 50 % by Articles of iron or steel wire 50324 10450 4.82 198.7% Rusks, toasted bread and similar toasted products 47072 11563 4.07 195.7% Other 1120993 131191 8.54 193.1% Reservoirs, tanks, vats and similar containers 276235 for any material 25420(other10.87 than compressed or liquefied 187.2% gas), o Uppers and parts thereof, other than stiffeners 46522664 1251357 37.18 186.5% Containing other antibiotics 4804807 19890 241.57 184.2% Folding cartons, boxes and cases, of noncorrugated 222205 paper 51543 or paperboard 4.31 180.3% Other 17730 20995 0.84 175.2% Merely cut, by sawing or otherwise, into blocks 94590 or slabs163345 of a rectangular 0.58(including square)170.6% shape Other 1519736 517484 2.94 168.9% (1996-2001, 2007-) Of wood :-- Waferboard,85882 including oriented 86765 0.99 167.6% Other 38518 11741 3.28 165.5% Other 1752886 745103 2.35 165.0% DAFTAR NTE TERTINGGI UNTUK 500 KOMODITAS JIKA 30% KANDUNGAN BAHAN KIMIA SUBJECT TO REACH NO. HS 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 200110 720230 110720 441850 440130 681099 390930 260300 380992 481910 200520 030624 071290 441840 560890 611430 750300 152000 071090 030614 853890 680210 390190 120220 690290 680223 730840 030510 200559 730890 732392 670490 260600 392030 090830 271290 030379 721041 481730 800110 551219 551349 482390 681599 441300 853620 230990 Deskripsi N_2007 Data V_2007 FOB 2007 NTE after REACH 30% Cucumbers and gherkins 85116 56990 1.49 164.5% Ferrosilicomanganese 18538 16100 1.15 162.9% Roasted 32175 39000 0.83 161.1% Shingles and shakes 38343 17248 2.22 161.0% Sawdust and wood waste and scrap, whether 227499 or not agglomerated 1762099 in0.13 logs, briquettes, pellets 153.3% or similar f Other 704357 809456 0.87 147.0% Other aminoresins 101360 25009 4.05 146.1% Copper ores and concentrates. 1.18E+09 4.59E+08 2.58 142.9% Of a kind used in the paper or like industries 36960 18902 1.96 142.5% Cartons, boxes and cases, of corrugated paper 2132062 or paperboard 711236 3.00 137.5% Potatoes 108484 44459 2.44 136.8% Crabs 1966625 230754 8.52 136.5% Other vegetables; mixtures of vegetables 294790 64544 4.57 134.4% Shuttering for concrete constructional work219261 98684 2.22 124.2% Other 109591 10567 10.37 124.0% Of manmade fibres 723608 20873 34.67 121.3% Nickel waste and scrap. 505864 31540 16.04 120.4% (1996-) Glycerol, crude; glycerol waters and 1556829 glycerol lyes. 3076974 0.51 119.7% Mixtures of vegetables 62183 34867 1.78 117.3% Crabs 390315 35926 10.86 116.5% Other 7239398 181134 39.97 116.4% Tiles, cubes and similar articles, whether or769976 not rectangular 1524650 (including0.51 square), the largest 116.1% surface area o Other 41315 17065 2.42 114.4% Shelled, whether or not broken 57527 32710 1.76 111.7% Other 933278 432774 2.16 111.0% Granite 260740 274369 0.95 110.9% Equipment for scaffolding, shuttering, propping 64560 or pitpropping 21403 3.02 110.6% Flours, meals and pellets of fish, fit for human 92599 consumption 12371 7.49 109.2% Other 224298 153988 1.46 103.9% Other 57304 18263 3.14 103.5% Of cast iron, enamelled 485803 79840 6.08 103.2% Of other materials 1840973 60883 30.24 100.2% Aluminium ores and concentrates. 276965 2962200 0.09 98.3% Of polymers of styrene 493975 115000 4.30 97.8% Cardamoms 156315 20086 7.78 97.5% Other 167903 141773 1.18 97.5% Other 1893977 829725 2.28 97.4% Corrugated 1100 11630 0.09 96.0% Boxes, pouches, wallets and writing compendiums, 28382 of paper 10169 or paperboard, 2.79 containing an assortment 95.9% of Tin, not alloyed 8429662 571580 14.75 95.7% Other 2668514 119637 22.31 94.6% Other woven fabrics 447982 35705 12.55 92.2% Other 1416778 550855 2.57 91.9% Other 334914 325902 1.03 91.6% Densified wood, in blocks, plates, strips or 30774658 profile shapes. 18657440 1.65 90.9% Automatic circuit breakers 1921423 43614 44.06 90.6% Other 216733 217449 1.00 90.3% DAFTAR NTE TERTINGGI UNTUK 500 KOMODITAS JIKA 30% KANDUNGAN BAHAN KIMIA SUBJECT TO REACH NO. HS 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 170230 080410 330749 290545 741999 350610 481840 840999 030613 560749 190420 670411 071331 090500 290516 640699 151710 761290 760429 540771 081330 390521 960630 200892 850990 293040 750110 520611 391590 320414 392069 401290 850490 681019 240120 480990 870870 091010 732690 270900 731210 840991 391729 481960 870893 830590 720918 Deskripsi N_2007 Data V_2007 FOB 2007 NTE after REACH 30% Glucose and glucose syrup, not containing fructose 76334 or containing 144250 in the 0.53 dry state less than 20 90.0% % by weigh Dates 53250 15000 3.55 89.0% Other 536243 69968 7.66 88.1% (1996-) Glycerol 2203591 2089059 1.05 86.3% Other 498949 25121 19.86 86.3% Products suitable for use as glues or adhesives, 76708 put up for 11323 retail sale as 6.77 glues or adhesives, not 85.1% exceeding Sanitary towels and tampons, napkins and napkin 169610liners 29415 for babies and 5.77 similar sanitary articles 84.8% Other 593608 35608 16.67 84.5% Shrimps and prawns 1.38E+08 22613944 6.10 84.2% Other 75384 44169 1.71 83.8% (1996-) Prepared foods obtained from unroasted 81545cereal 31082 flakes or from 2.62 mixtures of unroasted 83.5% cereal flake Complete wigs 4209819 32580 129.21 83.1% Beans of the species Vigna mungo (L.) Hepper 42132 or Vigna radiata 22899 (L.) Wilczek 1.84 81.8% Vanilla. 1201791 83577 14.38 81.4% Octanol (octyl alcohol) and isomers thereof 2806759 1750000 1.60 80.1% Of other materials 1604358 86800 18.48 76.0% Margarine, excluding liquid margarine 19476 21434 0.91 73.8% Other 173400 24087 7.20 73.3% Other 5164122 1100923 4.69 72.6% Unbleached or bleached 73796 11229 6.57 72.3% Apples 127648 69203 1.84 71.8% (1996-) In aqueous dispersion 266383 153649 1.73 71.2% Button moulds and other parts of buttons;1006458 button blanks41081 24.50 71.2% Mixtures 13532 18445 0.73 69.3% Parts 527876 39118 13.49 67.9% Methionine 38868 15000 2.59 66.7% Nickel mattes 84863456 8100884 10.48 65.2% Measuring 714.29 decitex or more (not exceeding 14371414 metric 57414 number)2.50 64.9% Of other plastics 1056072 1812645 0.58 64.1% Direct dyes and preparations based thereon102004 18148 5.62 63.8% Of other polyesters 6529093 2350653 2.78 63.7% Other 147345 53772 2.74 62.4% Parts 5905946 299586 19.71 61.8% Other 286174 1068824 0.27 61.4% Tobacco, partly or wholly stemmed/stripped 15985093 3771380 4.24 60.8% Other 22805 18854 1.21 60.5% Road wheels and parts and accessories thereof 26290071 5339997 4.92 60.3% Ginger 261424 109377 2.39 59.9% Other 1861345 410756 4.53 58.2% Petroleum oils and oils obtained from bituminous 8000minerals, 64000 crude. 0.13 57.2% Stranded wire, ropes and cables 1257803 437158 2.88 57.0% Suitable for use solely or principally with 13253829 sparkignition internal 791007 combustion 16.76 piston engines 56.9% Of other plastics 1433369 219131 6.54 56.7% Box files, letter trays, storage boxes and similar 275752 articles, 75105 of a kind used 3.67 in offices, shops or the 55.8% like Clutches and parts thereof 133944 19399 6.90 55.8% Other, including parts 37420 10536 3.55 55.3% (1996-) Of a thickness of less than 0.5 mm 76822 129985 0.59 54.7% DAFTAR NTE TERTINGGI UNTUK 500 KOMODITAS JIKA 30% KANDUNGAN BAHAN KIMIA SUBJECT TO REACH NO. HS 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 080450 711311 481930 390690 480890 741012 701890 731442 520511 550110 853690 731290 440910 520513 630710 680291 830400 091030 290519 950661 151800 854890 720837 340290 200490 490199 761520 390730 520100 940190 520621 853710 392350 480220 440890 621220 732619 560311 481940 151319 081090 481950 283322 280300 200811 520622 380510 Deskripsi N_2007 Data V_2007 FOB 2007 NTE after REACH 30% Guavas, mangoes and mangosteens 103699 54606 1.90 54.3% Of silver, whether or not plated or clad with 8862949 other precious 28810 metal 307.63 54.3% Sacks and bags, having a base of a width of4633846 40 cm or more 1809044 2.56 54.1% Other 1939049 783761 2.47 53.7% Other 57893 35220 1.64 53.5% Of copper alloys 168548 18636 9.04 53.4% Other 397240 30503 13.02 52.8% Coated with plastics 33318 32946 1.01 52.5% Measuring 714.29 decitex or more (not exceeding 70260414 metric 298211 number)2.36 52.5% Of nylon or other polyamides 63366 17188 3.69 51.7% Other apparatus 13471264 403617 33.38 51.2% Other 18900 16314 1.16 49.3% Coniferous 88064 129545 0.68 49.2% Measuring less than 232.56 decitex but not902844 less than 192.31 234473 decitex (exceeding 3.85 43 metric number 48.9% but no Floorcloths, dishcloths, dusters and similar cleaning 495972 cloths 72874 6.81 48.2% Marble, travertine and alabaster 1559458 1231749 1.27 47.0% Filing cabinets, cardindex cabinets, paper trays, 112235 paper rests, 24220 pen trays, 4.63 officestamp stands and 46.7% similar off Turmeric (curcuma) 52702 21763 2.42 46.2% Other 3194165 1578080 2.02 46.0% Lawn-tennis balls 2098686 431211 4.87 45.9% Animal or vegetable fats and oils and their 10846094 fractions,13162915 boiled, oxidised,0.82 dehydrated, sulphurised, 45.7% blown, po (1996-) Other 589627 14857 39.69 45.3% (1996-) Of a thickness of 4.75 mm or more but 52915 not exceeding 9798810 mm0.54 43.5% Other 86039 54817 1.57 43.2% Other vegetables and mixtures of vegetables 170568 88289 1.93 42.6% Other 409743 52331 7.83 42.4% Sanitary ware and parts thereof 150908 15414 9.79 42.0% Epoxide resins 73313 19757 3.71 41.9% Cotton, not carded or combed. 21710 22933 0.95 41.1% Parts 17513516 1790331 9.78 40.9% Measuring 714.29 decitex or more (not exceeding 6094414 metric 13084 number)4.66 40.3% For a voltage not exceeding 1,000 V 1459975 21049 69.36 40.2% Stoppers, lids, caps and other closures 462120 131242 3.52 39.6% Paper and paperboard of a kind used as a base 59361 for photosensitive, 54244 heatsensitive 1.09 or electrosensitive 39.3% pape Other 2977794 784343 3.80 39.2% Girdles and pantygirdles 554308 10572 52.43 38.9% Other 303221 87335 3.47 38.8% (1996-) Weighing not more than 25 g/m² 1242488 501586 2.48 37.3% Other sacks and bags, including cones 8528286 3015652 2.83 36.7% Other 981257 1120979 0.88 36.7% Other 66127 47190 1.40 35.7% Other packing containers, including record sleeves 325060 124517 2.61 35.2% Of aluminium 65000 500000 0.13 34.5% Carbon (carbon blacks and other forms of carbon 38156not elsewhere 37000 specified 1.03 or included). 34.2% Groundnuts 80253 44373 1.81 34.1% Measuring less than 714.29 decitex but not 4602631 less than 232.56 1927358 decitex (exceeding 2.39 14 metric number 34.0% but no Gum, wood or sulphate turpentine oils 1941373 2529301 0.77 33.9% DAFTAR NTE TERTINGGI UNTUK 500 KOMODITAS JIKA 30% KANDUNGAN BAHAN KIMIA SUBJECT TO REACH NO. HS 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 621600 870880 330690 720839 170410 520512 630391 720299 080132 441400 761490 160420 760820 721070 090412 140420 551211 731815 320411 847590 030375 060390 760200 481720 420321 854290 481830 071190 291612 340211 611190 720838 130239 720826 847329 722850 442110 940330 481190 732391 480300 200990 520299 151329 961210 380690 340220 Deskripsi N_2007 Data V_2007 FOB 2007 NTE after REACH 30% Gloves, mittens and mitts. 5446107 161595 33.70 33.5% Suspension shockabsorbers 145127 18177 7.98 33.5% Other 136552 38386 3.56 32.9% (1996-) Of a thickness of less than 3 mm 264426 510548 0.52 32.6% Chewing gum, whether or not sugarcoated 75721 15848 4.78 32.6% Measuring less than 714.29 decitex but not472510 less than 232.56 175096 decitex (exceeding 2.70 14 metric number 32.2% but no Of cotton 1153676 128266 8.99 31.7% Other 169409 113477 1.49 31.3% (1996-) Shelled 2288847 488620 4.68 31.2% Wooden frames for paintings, photographs, 7214246 mirrors or3251273 similar objects. 2.22 31.2% Other 361781 82014 4.41 30.5% Other prepared or preserved fish 67430 19560 3.45 29.5% Of aluminium alloys 218983 46734 4.69 29.0% Painted, varnished or coated with plastics 20737 26348 0.79 29.0% Crushed or ground 38979 10520 3.71 28.9% Cotton linters 17402 41337 0.42 28.5% Unbleached or bleached 193789 31145 6.22 28.4% Other screws and bolts, whether or not with 11345909 their nuts2497279 or washers 4.54 28.4% Disperse dyes and preparations based thereon 8830358 1501638 5.88 27.8% Parts 595484 11553 51.54 27.1% Dogfish and other sharks 8704 11105 0.78 26.7% Other 121406 18040 6.73 26.6% Aluminium waste and scrap. 544333 350430 1.55 24.6% Letter cards, plain postcards and correspondence 380415cards 69176 5.50 24.5% Specially designed for use in sports 5657318 126708 44.65 24.4% Parts 3265989 17224 189.62 24.2% Tablecloths and serviettes 57373 26097 2.20 24.1% Other vegetables; mixtures of vegetables 10990 17399 0.63 24.0% Esters of acrylic acid 1210354 742120 1.63 23.8% Anionic 1168807 882779 1.32 23.7% Of other textile materials 3085297 117357 26.29 23.1% (1996-) Of a thickness of 3 mm or more but635675 less than 4.75 1210809 mm 0.53 22.7% Other 6030400 1124040 5.36 22.7% (1996-) Of a thickness of 3 mm or more but110028 less than 4.75 214479 mm 0.51 22.3% Other 4918733 126872 38.77 22.2% Other bars and rods, not further worked than30945 coldformed 21981 or coldfinished 1.41 22.0% Clothes hangers 108142 29531 3.66 21.9% Wooden furniture of a kind used in offices 12240454 5874672 2.08 21.5% Other paper, paperboard, cellulose wadding 54367 and webs of27257 cellulose fibres 1.99 20.6% Of cast iron, not enamelled 301219 132273 2.28 20.5% Toilet or facial tissue stock, towel or napkin136433 stock and similar 115958paper of1.18 a kind used for household 20.5%or sanit Mixtures of juices 37695 44960 0.84 20.5% Other 1288949 1418963 0.91 20.3% Other 34189567 39666862 0.86 20.0% Ribbons 1222507 45312 26.98 19.9% Other 49600 32000 1.55 19.6% Preparations put up for retail sale 136809 188992 0.72 19.5% DAFTAR NTE TERTINGGI UNTUK 500 KOMODITAS JIKA 30% KANDUNGAN BAHAN KIMIA SUBJECT TO REACH NO. HS 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 760711 870891 392119 291735 190230 390311 732310 851690 821599 940370 170211 330129 292390 180400 480100 390940 550510 030749 940381 340600 960321 400110 853222 620990 847990 630493 320412 680229 151211 282612 560811 160520 391722 853650 700991 390120 731511 200819 481820 520912 480620 630239 940429 200899 691490 521021 291714 Deskripsi N_2007 Data V_2007 FOB 2007 NTE after REACH 30% Rolled but not further worked 52454 15949 3.29 18.7% Radiators 8457623 739713 11.43 18.5% Of other plastics 93481 17561 5.32 18.5% Phthalic anhydride 1276921 1059999 1.20 18.2% Other pasta 2753835 2092163 1.32 18.1% Expansible 85700 58200 1.47 18.1% Iron or steel wool; pot scourers and scouring 691051 or polishing 197392 pads, gloves3.50 and the like 17.8% Parts 3155240 347349 9.08 17.8% Other 4295771 431085 9.97 17.8% Furniture of plastics 1744513 378821 4.61 17.7% (1996-) Containing by weight 99 % or more 282160 lactose, expressed 175000 as anhydrous 1.61 lactose, calculated 17.6% on the dr Other 24958002 760186 32.83 16.8% Other 43537 25162 1.73 16.6% Cocoa butter, fat and oil. 1.06E+08 22893838 4.62 16.1% Newsprint, in rolls or sheets. 126250 250899 0.50 15.9% Phenolic resins 231840 156000 1.49 15.9% Of synthetic fibres 2184493 2279750 0.96 15.2% Other 9532171 3653085 2.61 14.8% (2007-) (- Furniture of other materials, including 72700621 cane, 29568015 osier, bamboo2.46 or similar materials:)--14.8% Of bamboo Candles, tapers and the like. 1191194 541413 2.20 14.7% Tooth brushes, including dental-plate brushes 45180 20681 2.18 14.5% Natural rubber latex, whether or not prevulcanised 1529569 869709 1.76 13.8% Aluminium electrolytic 4121471 225952 18.24 13.6% Of other textile materials 736710 35872 20.54 13.4% Parts 566447 28158 20.12 12.7% Not knitted or crocheted, of synthetic fibres 1216086 209000 5.82 12.7% Acid dyes, whether or not premetallised, and 2652062 preparations 321847 based thereon; 8.24 mordant dyes and 12.7% preparatio Other stone 3424306 6445692 0.53 12.6% Crude oil 285250 350000 0.82 12.3% Of aluminium 910000 1000000 0.91 11.6% Made up fishing nets 3330587 529841 6.29 11.6% Shrimps and prawns 30011160 4341629 6.91 11.5% Of polymers of propylene 8149270 2639808 3.09 11.2% Other switches 86656230 2544354 34.06 10.9% Unframed 310483 269003 1.15 10.9% Polyethylene having a specific gravity of 0.94 5665862 or more3994999 1.42 10.7% Roller chain 74650 14002 5.33 10.5% Other, including mixtures 22294 11850 1.88 10.3% Handkerchiefs, cleansing or facial tissues and 343130 towels 199872 1.72 10.3% 3thread or 4thread twill, including cross twill64103 20604 3.11 10.3% Greaseproof papers 71529 52389 1.37 10.1% Of other textile materials 1665372 179063 9.30 9.7% Of other materials 342453 108063 3.17 9.4% Other 269561 430478 0.63 9.4% Other 1477597 1156942 1.28 9.2% Plain weave 108308 13497 8.02 9.2% Maleic anhydride 376702 277000 1.36 9.1% DAFTAR NTE TERTINGGI UNTUK 500 KOMODITAS JIKA 30% KANDUNGAN BAHAN KIMIA SUBJECT TO REACH NO. HS 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 200830 940390 190110 691190 320810 630140 392020 940320 720917 720916 731021 950670 382312 090411 950300 730719 340219 400700 151790 940350 151311 960810 870810 700600 370790 961310 392111 720825 940179 848410 960340 940180 121190 940340 950430 960910 291611 190590 720890 392490 240110 590320 392690 380590 291736 854430 140110 Deskripsi N_2007 Data V_2007 FOB 2007 NTE after REACH 30% Citrus fruit 76990 91085 0.85 9.1% Parts 3038876 1058594 2.87 8.9% Preparations for infant use, put up for retail sale 55742 15675 3.56 8.2% Other 341257 103813 3.29 7.7% Based on polyesters 54972 18281 3.01 7.5% Blankets (other than electric blankets) and travelling 724445 rugs, 174885 of synthetic 4.14 fibres 7.4% Of polymers of propylene 6302847 2529328 2.49 7.2% Other metal furniture 4970004 1179120 4.22 7.2% (1996-) Of a thickness of 0.5 mm or more but 423567 not exceeding 718093 1 mm 0.59 6.9% (1996-) Of a thickness exceeding 1 mm but 424231 less than 3 mm 719415 0.59 6.9% Cans which are to be closed by soldering or crimping 51133 24888 2.05 6.7% Ice skates and roller skates, including skating 1708320 boots with 143801 skates attached 11.88 6.7% (1996-) Oleic acid 2804089 3260807 0.86 6.3% Neither crushed nor ground 25036238 6034045 4.15 6.3% (2007-) Tricycles, scooters, pedal cars and54906542 similar wheeled 7307684 toys; dolls'7.51 carriages; dolls; other toys; 6.2% reduce Other 2335878 614521 3.80 6.2% Other 50000 50000 1.00 6.2% Vulcanised rubber thread and cord. 107573 35376 3.04 6.1% Other 8884974 8757166 1.01 5.9% Wooden furniture of a kind used in the bedroom 19389886 8039381 2.41 5.8% Crude oil 2.02E+08 2.81E+08 0.72 5.8% Ball point pens 854871 54594 15.66 5.6% Bumpers and parts thereof 3136064 486892 6.44 5.5% Glass of heading 70.03, 70.04 or 70.05, bent, 148191 edgeworked, 78023 engraved,1.90 drilled, enamelled or otherwise 5.4% wo Other 76475 11298 6.77 5.2% Pocket lighters, gas fuelled, nonrefillable 4645520 1221799 3.80 5.1% Of polymers of styrene 109841 39919 2.75 5.1% (1996-) Of a thickness of 4.75 mm or more 188056 353690 0.53 4.6% Other 25094325 7046028 3.56 3.1% Gaskets and similar joints of metal sheeting605610 combined with 28747 other material 21.07 or of two or more2.9% layers of m - Paint, distemper, varnish or similar brushes 1218304 (other than 249540 brushes of subheading 4.88 9603.30); paint 2.5%pads and Other seats 76452662 28805317 2.65 2.4% Other 733959 190111 3.86 2.3% Wooden furniture of a kind used in the kitchen 1731751 789014 2.19 2.2% Other games, operated by coins, banknotes 2003788 (paper currency), 193367discs or 10.36 other similar articles, other 2.1% than b Pencils and crayons, with leads encased in 11581767 a rigid sheath 1520489 7.62 2.1% Acrylic acid and its salts 33197496 28583915 1.16 1.9% Other 882324 376257 2.35 1.7% Other 57957085 80720504 0.72 1.7% Other 2230714 711452 3.14 1.4% Tobacco, not stemmed/stripped 25078011 8015764 3.13 1.0% With polyurethane 800892 72895 10.99 1.0% Other 8577942 2624052 3.27 0.9% Other 51498 66152 0.78 0.4% Terephthalic acid and its salts 25213224 30289020 0.83 0.1% Ignition wiring sets and other wiring sets of 1471703 a kind used113508 in vehicles, aircraft 12.97 or ships 0.0% Bamboos 100405 67602 1.49 0.0% DAFTAR NTE TERTINGGI UNTUK 500 KOMODITAS JIKA 30% KANDUNGAN BAHAN KIMIA SUBJECT TO REACH NO. HS 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 680690 720854 520624 853641 390330 830890 382311 381230 760612 030329 520922 151110 560314 720853 400122 390410 760611 390110 482110 390760 630491 180100 200799 381210 630419 701399 010110 030319 030419 030421 030422 030429 030499 060210 090611 090619 190531 190532 200929 200931 200941 220210 220290 220300 220820 251310 251620 Deskripsi N_2007 Data V_2007 FOB 2007 NTE after REACH 30% Other 57256 56582 1.01 0.0% (1996-) Of a thickness of less than 3 mm 170448 336402 0.51 0.0% Measuring less than 192.31 decitex but not less 48833 than 12517537 decitex (exceeding 2.78 52 metric number 0.0% but not e For a voltage not exceeding 60 V 3320316 123739 26.83 0.0% Acrylonitrilebutadienestyrene (ABS) copolymers 2415196 1396805 1.73 0.0% Other, including parts 528574 45474 11.62 0.0% (1996-) Stearic acid 7688351 9135256 0.84 0.0% Antioxidising preparations and other compound 135471 stabilisers 58528 for rubber2.31 or plastics 0.0% Of aluminium alloys 1225157 354654 3.45 0.0% Other 1125182 533490 2.11 0.0% 3thread or 4thread twill, including cross twill 119098 17339 6.87 0.0% Crude oil 7.09E+08 1.11E+09 0.64 0.0% (1996-) Weighing more than 150 g/m² 283730 77248 3.67 0.0% (1996-) Of a thickness of 3 mm or more but325117 less than 4.75 632050 mm 0.51 0.0% Technically specified natural rubber (TSNR) 5.92E+08 2.92E+08 2.03 0.0% Poly(vinyl chloride), not mixed with any other 401060 substances 442000 0.91 0.0% Of aluminium, not alloyed 308695 92623 3.33 0.0% Polyethylene having a specific gravity of less 2380109 than 0.941818682 1.31 0.0% Printed 322327 83584 3.86 0.0% Poly(ethylene terephthalate) 2906612 2307266 1.26 0.0% Knitted or crocheted 938203 120584 7.78 0.0% Cocoa beans, whole or broken, raw or roasted. 9069362 4819138 1.88 0.0% Other 20927 25042 0.84 0.0% Prepared rubber accelerators 56965 24200 2.35 0.0% Other 619577 142400 4.35 0.0% Other 1286559 538196 2.39 0.0% (2002-) Purebred breeding animals 250530 69712 3.59 0.0% (2002-) Other 95404 24100 3.96 0.0% (2007-) (- Fresh or chilled:)-- Other 621343 163903 3.79 0.0% (2007-) (- Frozen fillets:)-- Swordfish (Xiphias 171350 gladius) 53492 3.20 0.0% (2007-) (- Frozen fillets:)-- Toothfish (Dissostichus 590590spp.)433202 1.36 0.0% (2007-) (- Frozen fillets:)-- Other 9127432 3040109 3.00 0.0% (2007-) (- Other:)-- Other 1309092 1470221 0.89 0.0% Unrooted cuttings and slips 1061853 413543 2.57 0.0% (2007-) (- Neither crushed nor ground:)-- Cinnamon 3589661 (Cinnamomum 4583582 zeylanicum 0.78 Blume) 0.0% (2007-) (- Neither crushed nor ground:)-- Other 155339 274742 0.57 0.0% (2002-) Sweet biscuits 45933 14891 3.08 0.0% (2002-) Waffles and wafers 725402 274152 2.65 0.0% (2002-) Other 126852 73243 1.73 0.0% (2002-) Of a Brix value not exceeding 20 74208 103492 0.72 0.0% (2002-) Of a Brix value not exceeding 20 7838342 10534902 0.74 0.0% Waters, including mineral waters and aerated 76614 waters, containing 14845 added 5.16sugar or other sweetening 0.0% matte Other 366248 92427 3.96 0.0% Beer made from malt. 59756 68099 0.88 0.0% Spirits obtained by distilling grape wine or grape 175812 marc 92960 1.89 0.0% (2007-) - Pumice stone 2173 17304 0.13 0.0% (2007-) - Sandstone 7770 11308 0.69 0.0% DAFTAR NTE TERTINGGI UNTUK 500 KOMODITAS JIKA 30% KANDUNGAN BAHAN KIMIA SUBJECT TO REACH NO. HS 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 293499 293920 380850 380891 381700 382561 392049 400921 400922 401031 401039 401110 401120 401140 401150 401161 401162 401163 401192 401199 401212 401310 401320 401390 410411 410419 410441 410449 410530 410712 410719 411310 411330 420211 420212 420219 420221 420222 420229 440210 440290 440725 440726 440729 440791 440795 440799 Deskripsi N_2007 Data V_2007 FOB 2007 NTE after REACH 30% (2002-) Other 4989786 662979 7.53 0.0% (2007-) - Alkaloids of cinchona and their derivatives; 7860246 salts 111681 thereof 70.38 0.0% (2007-) - Goods specified in Subheading Note 9506558 1 to this Chapter 424418 22.40 0.0% (2007-) (- Other:)-- Insecticides 385708 247621 1.56 0.0% (2002-) Mixed alkylbenzenes and mixed alkylnaphthalenes, 1217676 1276820 other than 0.95 those of heading 27.07 0.0% or 29.02. (2002-) Mainly containing organic constituents 15476 78960 0.20 0.0% (2002-) Other 108052 34422 3.14 0.0% (2002-) Without fittings 1129874 631194 1.79 0.0% (2002-) With fittings 155096 199280 0.78 0.0% (2002-) Endless transmission belts of trapezoidal 3406108 crosssection 317680 (V belts), 10.72 Vribbed, of an outside 0.0%circumfe (2002-) Other 1046155 150765 6.94 0.0% Of a kind used on motor cars (including station 1.15E+08 wagons 39048187 and racing cars) 2.96 0.0% Of a kind used on buses or lorries 966822 405760 2.38 0.0% Of a kind used on motorcycles 1664974 576052 2.89 0.0% Of a kind used on bicycles 36314492 6683689 5.43 0.0% (2002-) Of a kind used on agricultural or forestry 3931982 vehicles 1654385 and machines 2.38 0.0% (2002-) Of a kind used on construction or industrial 7298932 handling 3379414 vehicles2.16 and machines and having 0.0% a rim size (2002-) Of a kind used on construction or industrial 65445 handling 23796 vehicles2.75 and machines and having 0.0% a rim size (2002-) Of a kind used on agricultural or forestry 32993 vehicles11430 and machines 2.89 0.0% Other 6605766 2353666 2.81 0.0% (2002-) Of a kind used on buses or lorries 13317 16584 0.80 0.0% Of a kind used on motor cars (including station 1021783 wagons356999 and racing cars), 2.86buses or lorries 0.0% Of a kind used on bicycles 8894129 1736696 5.12 0.0% Other 521945 188588 2.77 0.0% (2002-) Full grains, unsplit; grain splits 356875 45424 7.86 0.0% (2002-) Other 1512649 225466 6.71 0.0% (2002-) Full grains, unsplit; grain splits 4102974 215762 19.02 0.0% (2002-) Other 5531626 595152 9.29 0.0% (2002-) In the dry state (crust) 3303333 108974 30.31 0.0% (2002-) Grain splits 1439377 59672 24.12 0.0% (2002-) Other 3749037 115740 32.39 0.0% (2002-) Of goats or kids 1357511 65331 20.78 0.0% (2002-) Of reptiles 614476 10272 59.82 0.0% With outer surface of leather, of composition 1629715 leather or 93569 of patent leather 17.42 0.0% With outer surface of plastics or of textile 6323546 materials 936772 6.75 0.0% Other 402114 38508 10.44 0.0% With outer surface of leather, of composition 6314150 leather or213923 of patent leather 29.52 0.0% With outer surface of plastic sheeting or of4744586 textile materials 204620 23.19 0.0% Other 771330 81124 9.51 0.0% (2007-) - Of bamboo 605234 3765181 0.16 0.0% (2007-) - Other 2229231 6854107 0.33 0.0% (1996-) Dark Red Meranti, Light Red Meranti 9648458 and Meranti 4250480 Bakau 2.27 0.0% (1996-) White Lauan, White Meranti, White Seraya, 42707 Yellow 33684 Meranti and 1.27Alan 0.0% (1996-) Other 3554125 3736396 0.95 0.0% Of oak (Quercus spp.) 53318 52681 1.01 0.0% (2007-) (- Other:)-- Of ash (Fraxinus spp.) 7841 11692 0.67 0.0% Other 555768 479941 1.16 0.0% DAFTAR NTE TERTINGGI UNTUK 500 KOMODITAS JIKA 30% KANDUNGAN BAHAN KIMIA SUBJECT TO REACH NO. HS 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 440921 440929 441114 441210 441231 441232 441239 441294 441510 441860 441871 441872 441879 460121 460122 460129 460192 460194 460211 460212 460219 480254 480255 480256 480257 480258 480262 480524 480591 481013 Deskripsi N_2007 Data V_2007 FOB 2007 NTE after REACH 30% (2007-) (- Non-coniferous:)-- Of bamboo 158317 249191 0.64 0.0% (2007-) (- Non-coniferous:)-- Other 1.52E+08 1.24E+08 1.23 0.0% (2007-) (- Medium density fibreboard (MDF):)-45935 Of a thickness 29947exceeding 1.539 mm 0.0% (2007-) - Of bamboo 497723 377053 1.32 0.0% (2007-) (- Other plywood, consisting solely 57957252 of sheets 57732531 of wood (other than 1.00 bamboo), each ply 0.0% not exceedi (2007-) (- Other plywood, consisting solely of16488 sheets of wood 12980(other than 1.27 bamboo), each ply 0.0% not exceedi (2007-) (- Other plywood, consisting solely 32218548 of sheets 29332250 of wood (other than 1.10 bamboo), each ply 0.0% not exceedi (2007-) (- Other:)-- Blockboard, laminboard 77927869 and battenboard 46788531 1.67 0.0% Cases, boxes, crates, drums and similar packings; 591578 cabledrums 533192 1.11 0.0% (2007-) - Posts and beams 5111778 4452718 1.15 0.0% (2007-) (- Assembled flooring panels:)-- For1980575 mosaic floors 1779896 1.11 0.0% (2007-) (- Assembled flooring panels:)-- Other, 58962993 multilayer 28963458 2.04 0.0% (2007-) (- Assembled flooring panels:)-- Other 37784699 19630250 1.92 0.0% (2007-) (- Mats, matting and screens of vegetable 48737materials:)-29928 Of bamboo 1.63 0.0% (2007-) (- Mats, matting and screens of vegetable 128613materials:)-43661 Of rattan 2.95 0.0% (2007-) (- Mats, matting and screens of vegetable 599193materials:)-88489 Other6.77 0.0% (2007-) (- Other:)-- Of bamboo 310333 49462 6.27 0.0% (2007-) (- Other:)-- Of other vegetable materials 141461 31320 4.52 0.0% (2007-) (- Of vegetable materials:)-- Of bamboo 3886793 2330771 1.67 0.0% (2007-) (- Of vegetable materials:)-- Of rattan 8203168 3900444 2.10 0.0% (2007-) (- Of vegetable materials:)-- Other1750786 689634 2.54 0.0% (2002-) Weighing less than 40 g/m² 322062 341098 0.94 0.0% (2002-) Weighing 40 g/m² or more but not 16830223 more than 21114337 150 g/m², in rolls 0.80 0.0% (2002-) Weighing 40 g/m² or more but not 52485852 more than 66437781 150 g/m², in sheets 0.79 with one side not exceeding 0.0% 43 (2002-) Other, weighing 40 g/m² or more55440243 but not more 65246842 than 150 g/m² 0.85 0.0% (2002-) Weighing more than 150 g/m² 1125832 1219027 0.92 0.0% (2002-) In sheets with one side not exceeding26604 435 mm and 32844 the other0.81 side not exceeding 297 0.0% mm in the u (2002-) Weighing 150 g/m² or less 178037 247453 0.72 0.0% (2002-) Weighing 150 g/m² or less 16327 16507 0.99 0.0% (2002-) In rolls 21047231 24653940 0.85 0.0% DAFTAR NTE TERTINGGI UNTUK 500 KOMODITAS JIKA 100% KANDUNGAN BAHAN KIMIA SUBJECT TO REACH NO. HS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 252100 251710 680421 251749 250840 261800 310100 251690 251511 510119 440110 251520 400219 071410 291529 282720 251741 120720 720390 690490 283650 491191 251400 560392 720712 321519 230690 391000 690100 720690 854449 290711 854420 680100 850519 170111 253090 720719 630900 030342 080131 390920 120890 240130 480439 270810 720450 Deskripsi N_2007 Data V_2007 NTE after REACH FOB 2007 100% Limestone flux; limestone and other calcareous 6079 stone, of22264 a kind used0.27 for the manufacture 10807.4% of lime or cem Pebbles, gravel, broken or crushed stone, of 97709 a kind commonly 144465used for 0.68 concrete aggregates, 9028.8%for road me Of agglomerated synthetic or natural diamond 3884081 39376 98.64 5111.3% Other 350358 380332 0.92 4787.7% Other clays 1988 10572 0.19 4127.9% Granulated slag (slag sand) from the manufacture 500989of iron 952542 or steel. 0.53 2761.6% Animal or vegetable fertilisers, whether or not 247141 mixed together 132799 or chemically 1.86 treated;2546.2% fertilisers produced Other monumental or building stone 20507 29208 0.70 2500.8% Crude or roughly trimmed 51065 18440 2.77 2489.8% Other 251452 21007 11.97 1768.9% Fuel wood, in logs, in billets, in twigs, in faggots 92342 or in similar 90840 forms 1.02 1721.2% Ecaussine and other calcareous monumental35594 or building54334 stone; alabaster 0.66 1693.7% Other 356211 13192 27.00 1643.4% Manioc (cassava) 326438 130652 2.50 1628.3% Other 791063 40535 19.52 1619.9% Calcium chloride 48081 24774 1.94 1194.1% Of marble 258406 244043 1.06 1175.8% Cotton seeds 5805 10529 0.55 1157.4% Other 46876 12431 3.77 1106.6% Other 8154 11904 0.68 1069.0% Calcium carbonate 2000 14080 0.14 1064.5% Pictures, designs and photographs 202155 84051 2.41 1029.5% Slate, whether or not roughly trimmed or merely 11030cut, by21505 sawing or otherwise, 0.51 into blocks 956.3% or slabs of a re (1996-) Weighing more than 25 g/m² but not 930313 more than31289 70 g/m² 29.73 947.0% Other, of rectangular (other than square) crosssection 110024 66103 1.66 851.8% Other 10052123 348970 28.81 801.2% Other 219150 205500 1.07 690.1% Silicones in primary forms. 479707 27936 17.17 641.6% Bricks, blocks, tiles and other ceramic goods 36224 of siliceous 13727 fossil meals (for 2.64example, kieselguhr, 628.7% tripolite or Other 123471 51463 2.40 617.4% Other 4590923 117318 39.13 579.5% Phenol (hydroxybenzene) and its salts 3218727 376678 8.55 567.9% Coaxial cable and other coaxial electric conductors 997012 36591 27.25 513.8% Setts, curbstones and flagstones, of natural975737 stone (except 1074338 slate). 0.91 509.7% Other 758578 17730 42.78 505.4% Cane sugar 65876 23574 2.79 496.6% Other 9183 41854 0.22 494.0% Other 72085 32709 2.20 493.5% Worn clothing and other worn articles. 2597209 749551 3.47 470.1% Yellowfin tunas (Thunnus albacares) 341070 48280 7.06 469.8% (1996-) In shell 141799 20266 7.00 457.8% Melamine resins 32556 11521 2.83 407.2% Other 6650 20000 0.33 394.3% Tobacco refuse 2041050 686892 2.97 392.6% Other 60096 21987 2.73 391.6% Pitch 21700 20000 1.09 389.9% Remelting scrap ingots 109660 43920 2.50 388.8% DAFTAR NTE TERTINGGI UNTUK 500 KOMODITAS JIKA 100% KANDUNGAN BAHAN KIMIA SUBJECT TO REACH NO. HS 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 330190 680292 140490 030380 110620 847340 050800 392310 853810 210120 090121 441090 481110 040410 701790 190219 200110 190540 440130 180620 440810 420329 843890 240399 640610 392390 481920 730429 854190 121299 441840 392010 400130 870850 482210 848299 721049 844849 720230 400591 390930 330290 390190 071290 730900 441011 732620 Deskripsi N_2007 Data V_2007 NTE after REACH FOB 2007 100% Other 946254 43417 21.79 349.4% Other calcareous stone 55105 25993 2.12 346.6% Other 605260 411982 1.47 337.3% Livers and roes 272265 21100 12.90 334.5% Of sago or of roots or tubers of heading 07.14 10440 21801 0.48 319.7% Parts and accessories of the machines of heading 141487684.72 10861 130.27 317.9% Coral and similar materials, unworked or simply 272727 prepared 146905 but not otherwise 1.86 worked; shells 310.1% of molluscs, Boxes, cases, crates and similar articles 8346819 864668 9.65 303.6% Boards, panels, consoles, desks, cabinets and 349618 other bases 14734 for the goods 23.73of heading 85.37, 297.5% not equipped w Extracts, essences and concentrates, of tea 305266 or maté, and26244 preparations 11.63 with a basis of these 291.4% extracts, esse Not decaffeinated 408772 29454 13.88 261.4% Other 32930 23135 1.42 259.6% Tarred, bituminised or asphalted paper and paperboard 18396 12437 1.48 255.5% Whey and modified whey, whether or not concentrated 19313 11000 or containing1.76 added sugar or other 241.8% sweetening Other 856412 24407 35.09 241.1% Other 976302 511004 1.91 240.0% Cucumbers and gherkins 85116 56990 1.49 236.7% Rusks, toasted bread and similar toasted products 47072 11563 4.07 234.5% Sawdust and wood waste and scrap, whether 227499 or not agglomerated 1762099 in0.13 logs, briquettes, 234.2% pellets or similar f Other preparations in blocks, slabs or bars weighing 230017 more 40802 than 2 kg or 5.64 in liquid, paste,232.7% powder, granular Coniferous 11092356 2740655 4.05 230.0% Other 497661 13149 37.85 229.1% Parts 3002177 44635 67.26 226.4% Other 4446937 170944 26.01 226.0% Uppers and parts thereof, other than stiffeners 46522664 1251357 37.18 225.3% Other 1120993 131191 8.54 223.4% Folding cartons, boxes and cases, of noncorrugated 222205 paper 51543 or paperboard 4.31 222.5% (1996-) Other 119205 21337 5.59 220.6% Parts 3132350 15483 202.31 213.5% Other 359249 172985 2.08 213.3% Shuttering for concrete constructional work219261 98684 2.22 210.4% Of polymers of ethylene 2953861 757502 3.90 207.6% Balata, gutta-percha, guayule, chicle and similar 95594 natural 17654 gums 5.41 204.6% Driveaxles with differential, whether or 31089438 not provided2020304 with other transmission 15.39 components 203.0% Of a kind used for winding textile yarn 632124 208906 3.03 202.9% Other 204085 11817 17.27 202.8% Other 17730 20995 0.84 200.4% Other 1322450 35933 36.80 199.2% Ferrosilicomanganese 18538 16100 1.15 196.6% Plates, sheets and strip 68783 15057 4.57 194.0% Other aminoresins 101360 25009 4.05 192.8% Other 373600 11116 33.61 191.1% Other 41315 17065 2.42 187.0% Other vegetables; mixtures of vegetables 294790 64544 4.57 175.1% Reservoirs, tanks, vats and similar containers 276235 for any material 25420(other10.87 than compressed175.0% or liquefied gas), o (1996-2001, 2007-) Of wood :-- Waferboard,85882 including oriented 86765 0.99 173.0% Articles of iron or steel wire 50324 10450 4.82 172.2% DAFTAR NTE TERTINGGI UNTUK 500 KOMODITAS JIKA 100% KANDUNGAN BAHAN KIMIA SUBJECT TO REACH NO. HS 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 300420 392113 140190 170290 442190 750300 440890 681099 110720 251512 380992 611430 441850 660390 853620 681599 690290 200520 853890 551349 260600 260300 730840 560890 481910 030624 290545 030614 152000 151710 800110 120220 870870 350610 071090 721041 441300 090830 340290 730890 680223 190420 680210 481960 081330 230990 580610 Deskripsi N_2007 Data V_2007 NTE after REACH FOB 2007 100% Containing other antibiotics 4804807 19890 241.57 168.3% Of polyurethanes 544567 43238 12.59 168.3% Other 1519736 517484 2.94 164.6% Other, including invert sugar and other sugar97949 and sugar syrup 55010blends 1.78 containing in the 161.2% dry state 50 % by Other 1752886 745103 2.35 160.5% Nickel waste and scrap. 505864 31540 16.04 156.1% Other 2977794 784343 3.80 152.3% Other 704357 809456 0.87 149.9% Roasted 32175 39000 0.83 148.2% Merely cut, by sawing or otherwise, into blocks 94590 or slabs163345 of a rectangular 0.58(including square) 143.5% shape Of a kind used in the paper or like industries 36960 18902 1.96 142.8% Of manmade fibres 723608 20873 34.67 142.8% Shingles and shakes 38343 17248 2.22 141.1% Other 38518 11741 3.28 135.5% Automatic circuit breakers 1921423 43614 44.06 130.6% Other 334914 325902 1.03 130.5% Other 933278 432774 2.16 130.1% Potatoes 108484 44459 2.44 125.2% Other 7239398 181134 39.97 123.1% Other woven fabrics 447982 35705 12.55 122.6% Aluminium ores and concentrates. 276965 2962200 0.09 120.2% Copper ores and concentrates. 1.18E+09 4.59E+08 2.58 119.8% Equipment for scaffolding, shuttering, propping 64560 or pitpropping 21403 3.02 118.7% Other 109591 10567 10.37 118.4% Cartons, boxes and cases, of corrugated paper 2132062 or paperboard 711236 3.00 117.6% Crabs 1966625 230754 8.52 114.4% (1996-) Glycerol 2203591 2089059 1.05 114.1% Crabs 390315 35926 10.86 113.4% (1996-) Glycerol, crude; glycerol waters and 1556829 glycerol lyes. 3076974 0.51 112.8% Margarine, excluding liquid margarine 19476 21434 0.91 109.0% Tin, not alloyed 8429662 571580 14.75 108.4% Shelled, whether or not broken 57527 32710 1.76 107.4% Road wheels and parts and accessories thereof 26290071 5339997 4.92 107.2% Products suitable for use as glues or adhesives, 76708 put up for 11323 retail sale as 6.77 glues or adhesives, 104.9% not exceeding Mixtures of vegetables 62183 34867 1.78 104.9% Corrugated 1100 11630 0.09 104.4% Densified wood, in blocks, plates, strips or 30774658 profile shapes. 18657440 1.65 103.9% Cardamoms 156315 20086 7.78 103.3% Other 86039 54817 1.57 101.5% Other 57304 18263 3.14 99.5% Granite 260740 274369 0.95 99.3% (1996-) Prepared foods obtained from unroasted 81545cereal 31082 flakes or from 2.62 mixtures of unroasted 98.7%cereal flake Tiles, cubes and similar articles, whether or769976 not rectangular 1524650 (including0.51 square), the largest 97.9% surface area o Box files, letter trays, storage boxes and similar 275752 articles, 75105 of a kind used 3.67 in offices, shops or 97.4% the like Apples 127648 69203 1.84 96.8% Other 216733 217449 1.00 96.8% Woven pile fabrics (including terry towelling 2487676 and similar211858 terry fabrics) 11.74 and chenille fabrics 96.6% DAFTAR NTE TERTINGGI UNTUK 500 KOMODITAS JIKA 100% KANDUNGAN BAHAN KIMIA SUBJECT TO REACH NO. HS 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 960630 170230 392030 482390 670490 091010 330749 200559 030510 480990 732392 481730 551219 271290 140420 030379 670411 520621 520512 480220 481930 030613 540771 720839 080410 741999 830400 481840 720918 840999 490199 090500 071331 560311 711311 731815 282612 320414 290516 640699 871200 560749 760429 830590 480890 401290 720837 Deskripsi N_2007 Data V_2007 NTE after REACH FOB 2007 100% Button moulds and other parts of buttons;1006458 button blanks41081 24.50 94.9% Glucose and glucose syrup, not containing fructose 76334 or containing 144250 in the 0.53 dry state less than 94.5% 20 % by weigh Of polymers of styrene 493975 115000 4.30 94.5% Other 1416778 550855 2.57 94.2% Of other materials 1840973 60883 30.24 93.1% Ginger 261424 109377 2.39 92.3% Other 536243 69968 7.66 91.6% Other 224298 153988 1.46 90.8% Flours, meals and pellets of fish, fit for human 92599 consumption 12371 7.49 90.2% Other 22805 18854 1.21 88.6% Of cast iron, enamelled 485803 79840 6.08 88.4% Boxes, pouches, wallets and writing compendiums, 28382 of paper 10169 or paperboard, 2.79 containing an 86.2% assortment of Other 2668514 119637 22.31 86.0% Other 167903 141773 1.18 85.1% Cotton linters 17402 41337 0.42 83.5% Other 1893977 829725 2.28 82.9% Complete wigs 4209819 32580 129.21 81.0% Measuring 714.29 decitex or more (not exceeding 6094414 metric 13084 number)4.66 79.9% Measuring less than 714.29 decitex but not472510 less than 232.56 175096 decitex (exceeding 2.70 14 metric 78.7% number but no Paper and paperboard of a kind used as a base 59361 for photosensitive, 54244 heatsensitive 1.09 or electrosensitive 78.0% pape Sacks and bags, having a base of a width of4633846 40 cm or more 1809044 2.56 77.5% Shrimps and prawns 1.38E+08 22613944 6.10 77.5% Unbleached or bleached 73796 11229 6.57 74.2% (1996-) Of a thickness of less than 3 mm 264426 510548 0.52 74.1% Dates 53250 15000 3.55 72.4% Other 498949 25121 19.86 71.6% Filing cabinets, cardindex cabinets, paper trays, 112235 paper rests, 24220 pen trays, 4.63 officestamp stands 69.6% and similar off Sanitary towels and tampons, napkins and napkin 169610liners 29415 for babies and 5.77 similar sanitary articles 68.2% (1996-) Of a thickness of less than 0.5 mm 76822 129985 0.59 68.0% Other 593608 35608 16.67 66.9% Other 409743 52331 7.83 65.7% Vanilla. 1201791 83577 14.38 65.1% Beans of the species Vigna mungo (L.) Hepper 42132 or Vigna radiata 22899 (L.) Wilczek 1.84 65.0% (1996-) Weighing not more than 25 g/m² 1242488 501586 2.48 64.8% Of silver, whether or not plated or clad with 8862949 other precious 28810 metal 307.63 64.6% Other screws and bolts, whether or not with 11345909 their nuts2497279 or washers 4.54 64.6% Of aluminium 910000 1000000 0.91 64.3% Direct dyes and preparations based thereon102004 18148 5.62 64.3% Octanol (octyl alcohol) and isomers thereof 2806759 1750000 1.60 62.7% Of other materials 1604358 86800 18.48 61.8% Bicycles and other cycles (including delivery 46763286 tricycles),9952432 not motorised.4.70 61.7% Other 75384 44169 1.71 61.4% Other 5164122 1100923 4.69 61.1% Other, including parts 37420 10536 3.55 61.0% Other 57893 35220 1.64 60.9% Other 147345 53772 2.74 60.7% (1996-) Of a thickness of 4.75 mm or more but 52915 not exceeding 9798810 mm0.54 60.5% DAFTAR NTE TERTINGGI UNTUK 500 KOMODITAS JIKA 100% KANDUNGAN BAHAN KIMIA SUBJECT TO REACH NO. HS 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 290519 520611 391590 520622 091030 731210 200892 761290 750110 850990 390521 760711 293040 392069 840991 550110 520511 850490 130239 240120 731442 732690 283322 681019 520513 081090 390730 741012 390690 270900 950661 200490 481830 870893 170410 722850 391729 480100 392119 482090 701890 853690 080450 902620 854290 440910 760820 Deskripsi N_2007 Data V_2007 NTE after REACH FOB 2007 100% Other 3194165 1578080 2.02 60.2% Measuring 714.29 decitex or more (not exceeding 14371414 metric 57414 number)2.50 58.1% Of other plastics 1056072 1812645 0.58 58.0% Measuring less than 714.29 decitex but not 4602631 less than 232.56 1927358 decitex (exceeding 2.39 14 metric 56.3% number but no Turmeric (curcuma) 52702 21763 2.42 56.3% Stranded wire, ropes and cables 1257803 437158 2.88 55.2% Mixtures 13532 18445 0.73 55.0% Other 173400 24087 7.20 54.9% Nickel mattes 84863456 8100884 10.48 54.9% Parts 527876 39118 13.49 54.8% (1996-) In aqueous dispersion 266383 153649 1.73 54.4% Rolled but not further worked 52454 15949 3.29 54.2% Methionine 38868 15000 2.59 53.2% Of other polyesters 6529093 2350653 2.78 52.7% Suitable for use solely or principally with 13253829 sparkignition internal 791007 combustion 16.76 piston engines 51.6% Of nylon or other polyamides 63366 17188 3.69 50.8% Measuring 714.29 decitex or more (not exceeding 70260414 metric 298211 number)2.36 49.1% Parts 5905946 299586 19.71 48.9% Other 6030400 1124040 5.36 48.3% Tobacco, partly or wholly stemmed/stripped 15985093 3771380 4.24 47.9% Coated with plastics 33318 32946 1.01 47.4% Other 1861345 410756 4.53 46.9% Of aluminium 65000 500000 0.13 46.5% Other 286174 1068824 0.27 45.7% Measuring less than 232.56 decitex but not902844 less than 192.31 234473 decitex (exceeding 3.85 43 metric 45.0% number but no Other 66127 47190 1.40 45.0% Epoxide resins 73313 19757 3.71 45.0% Of copper alloys 168548 18636 9.04 44.4% Other 1939049 783761 2.47 43.9% Petroleum oils and oils obtained from bituminous 8000minerals, 64000 crude. 0.13 43.9% Lawn-tennis balls 2098686 431211 4.87 43.8% Other vegetables and mixtures of vegetables 170568 88289 1.93 42.6% Tablecloths and serviettes 57373 26097 2.20 42.5% Clutches and parts thereof 133944 19399 6.90 42.5% Chewing gum, whether or not sugarcoated 75721 15848 4.78 42.4% Other bars and rods, not further worked than30945 coldformed 21981 or coldfinished 1.41 41.7% Of other plastics 1433369 219131 6.54 41.3% Newsprint, in rolls or sheets. 126250 250899 0.50 41.2% Of other plastics 93481 17561 5.32 40.8% Other 744421 248659 2.99 40.7% Other 397240 30503 13.02 40.7% Other apparatus 13471264 403617 33.38 39.7% Guavas, mangoes and mangosteens 103699 54606 1.90 38.9% For measuring or checking pressure 777987 30346 25.64 38.7% Parts 3265989 17224 189.62 38.6% Coniferous 88064 129545 0.68 37.2% Of aluminium alloys 218983 46734 4.69 36.1% DAFTAR NTE TERTINGGI UNTUK 500 KOMODITAS JIKA 100% KANDUNGAN BAHAN KIMIA SUBJECT TO REACH NO. HS 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 940190 940330 731290 760200 520100 380690 481940 481720 151800 680291 630710 854890 901831 090412 621600 621220 630391 380510 761520 870880 291612 392350 853222 060390 853710 851690 940169 847990 551211 854011 160420 280300 870891 721070 481950 890110 732619 030375 151329 151319 920590 380991 520912 481820 340600 180400 330690 Deskripsi N_2007 Data V_2007 NTE after REACH FOB 2007 100% Parts 17513516 1790331 9.78 36.0% Wooden furniture of a kind used in offices 12240454 5874672 2.08 36.0% Other 18900 16314 1.16 35.9% Aluminium waste and scrap. 544333 350430 1.55 35.9% Cotton, not carded or combed. 21710 22933 0.95 35.5% Other 49600 32000 1.55 34.9% Other sacks and bags, including cones 8528286 3015652 2.83 34.8% Letter cards, plain postcards and correspondence 380415cards 69176 5.50 34.6% Animal or vegetable fats and oils and their 10846094 fractions,13162915 boiled, oxidised,0.82 dehydrated, sulphurised, 34.6% blown, po Marble, travertine and alabaster 1559458 1231749 1.27 34.6% Floorcloths, dishcloths, dusters and similar cleaning 495972 cloths 72874 6.81 33.5% (1996-) Other 589627 14857 39.69 32.7% Syringes, with or without needles 257761 19587 13.16 32.5% Crushed or ground 38979 10520 3.71 32.5% Gloves, mittens and mitts. 5446107 161595 33.70 31.9% Girdles and pantygirdles 554308 10572 52.43 31.2% Of cotton 1153676 128266 8.99 30.9% Gum, wood or sulphate turpentine oils 1941373 2529301 0.77 29.3% Sanitary ware and parts thereof 150908 15414 9.79 29.2% Suspension shockabsorbers 145127 18177 7.98 29.0% Esters of acrylic acid 1210354 742120 1.63 28.5% Stoppers, lids, caps and other closures 462120 131242 3.52 28.5% Aluminium electrolytic 4121471 225952 18.24 28.0% Other 121406 18040 6.73 26.8% For a voltage not exceeding 1,000 V 1459975 21049 69.36 26.8% Parts 3155240 347349 9.08 26.8% Other 24814779 9020778 2.75 26.3% Parts 566447 28158 20.12 26.0% Unbleached or bleached 193789 31145 6.22 25.7% Colour 5622591 2323654 2.42 25.7% Other prepared or preserved fish 67430 19560 3.45 25.1% Carbon (carbon blacks and other forms of carbon 38156not elsewhere 37000 specified 1.03 or included). 25.1% Radiators 8457623 739713 11.43 25.0% Painted, varnished or coated with plastics 20737 26348 0.79 24.9% Other packing containers, including record sleeves 325060 124517 2.61 24.6% Cruise ships, excursion boats and similar 57737500 vessels principally 29095030 designed 1.98 for the transport of24.4% persons; ferryb Other 303221 87335 3.47 24.2% Dogfish and other sharks 8704 11105 0.78 24.2% Other 34189567 39666862 0.86 24.1% Other 981257 1120979 0.88 24.0% Other 5394605 80632 66.90 23.9% Of a kind used in the textile or like industries 320670 279297 1.15 23.8% 3thread or 4thread twill, including cross twill64103 20604 3.11 23.4% Handkerchiefs, cleansing or facial tissues and 343130 towels 199872 1.72 23.2% Candles, tapers and the like. 1191194 541413 2.20 23.1% Cocoa butter, fat and oil. 1.06E+08 22893838 4.62 22.9% Other 136552 38386 3.56 22.8% DAFTAR NTE TERTINGGI UNTUK 500 KOMODITAS JIKA 100% KANDUNGAN BAHAN KIMIA SUBJECT TO REACH NO. HS 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 390120 200811 481190 961210 847590 080132 200819 441400 060290 854442 480620 821599 847329 761490 320411 720299 330510 030199 340211 390311 903289 420321 871495 340220 630493 621139 720826 732310 720838 731511 391722 151620 630492 940370 940360 940161 090111 442110 611190 950790 071190 940429 940381 870322 480300 940389 481890 Deskripsi N_2007 Data V_2007 NTE after REACH FOB 2007 100% Polyethylene having a specific gravity of 0.94 5665862 or more3994999 1.42 22.8% Groundnuts 80253 44373 1.81 22.3% Other paper, paperboard, cellulose wadding 54367 and webs of27257 cellulose fibres 1.99 21.2% Ribbons 1222507 45312 26.98 21.2% Parts 595484 11553 51.54 21.2% (1996-) Shelled 2288847 488620 4.68 20.9% Other, including mixtures 22294 11850 1.88 20.6% Wooden frames for paintings, photographs, 7214246 mirrors or3251273 similar objects. 2.22 20.4% (1996-) Other 357587 251015 1.42 20.3% (2007-) (- Other electric conductors, for a voltage 1853190not exceeding 106476 1,000 17.40 V:)-- Fitted with connectors 20.0% Greaseproof papers 71529 52389 1.37 19.9% Other 4295771 431085 9.97 19.2% Other 4918733 126872 38.77 18.8% Other 361781 82014 4.41 18.6% Disperse dyes and preparations based thereon 8830358 1501638 5.88 18.6% Other 169409 113477 1.49 18.1% Shampoos 114225 55953 2.04 17.7% Other 1414570 237836 5.95 17.6% Anionic 1168807 882779 1.32 17.1% Expansible 85700 58200 1.47 17.1% Other 1506290 51044 29.51 17.1% Specially designed for use in sports 5657318 126708 44.65 16.9% Saddles 1272674 270505 4.70 16.7% Preparations put up for retail sale 136809 188992 0.72 16.1% Not knitted or crocheted, of synthetic fibres 1216086 209000 5.82 15.5% Of other textile materials 607543 35158 17.28 15.0% (1996-) Of a thickness of 3 mm or more but110028 less than 4.75 214479 mm 0.51 14.7% Iron or steel wool; pot scourers and scouring 691051 or polishing 197392 pads, gloves3.50 and the like 14.4% (1996-) Of a thickness of 3 mm or more but635675 less than 4.75 1210809 mm 0.53 14.0% Roller chain 74650 14002 5.33 13.8% Of polymers of propylene 8149270 2639808 3.09 13.7% Vegetable fats and oils and their fractions 3759859 4667866 0.81 13.7% Not knitted or crocheted, of cotton 176265 31567 5.58 13.6% Furniture of plastics 1744513 378821 4.61 13.4% Other wooden furniture 3.57E+08 1.64E+08 2.18 13.2% Upholstered 18709224 5894532 3.17 13.1% Not decaffeinated 1.77E+08 1E+08 1.77 13.1% Clothes hangers 108142 29531 3.66 13.0% Of other textile materials 3085297 117357 26.29 13.0% Other 586814 110955 5.29 12.7% Other vegetables; mixtures of vegetables 10990 17399 0.63 12.3% Of other materials 342453 108063 3.17 12.1% (2007-) (- Furniture of other materials, including 72700621 cane, 29568015 osier, bamboo2.46 or similar materials:)-11.9% Of bamboo Of a cylinder capacity exceeding 1,000 cc but31253 not exceeding 18436 1,500 cc 1.70 11.6% Toilet or facial tissue stock, towel or napkin136433 stock and similar 115958paper of1.18 a kind used for household 10.8% or sanit (2007-) (- Furniture of other materials, including 24334359 cane, 28116705 osier, bamboo0.87 or similar materials:)-10.8% Other Other 1199561 524624 2.29 10.8% DAFTAR NTE TERTINGGI UNTUK 500 KOMODITAS JIKA 100% KANDUNGAN BAHAN KIMIA SUBJECT TO REACH NO. HS 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 290517 030749 520299 732391 200990 620990 060499 170211 080119 190230 320412 870332 292390 190490 871310 550510 291735 330129 151211 960321 390940 871680 854160 700991 160520 900110 890790 210111 400110 853650 940171 720827 853929 870410 292242 853931 854150 871640 920120 940151 680229 761519 920600 560811 630239 903180 620799 Deskripsi N_2007 Data V_2007 NTE after REACH FOB 2007 100% Dodecan-1-ol (lauryl alcohol), hexadecan-1-ol 1149446 (cetyl alcohol) 957470 and octadecan-1-ol 1.20 (stearyl10.5% alcohol) Other 9532171 3653085 2.61 10.4% Other 1288949 1418963 0.91 10.4% Of cast iron, not enamelled 301219 132273 2.28 10.4% Mixtures of juices 37695 44960 0.84 10.3% Of other textile materials 736710 35872 20.54 10.3% Other 65788 88079 0.75 10.2% (1996-) Containing by weight 99 % or more 282160 lactose, expressed 175000 as anhydrous 1.61 lactose, calculated 10.1% on the dr (1996-) Other 562443 650974 0.86 9.9% Other pasta 2753835 2092163 1.32 9.5% Acid dyes, whether or not premetallised, and 2652062 preparations 321847 based thereon; 8.24 mordant dyes8.9% and preparatio Of a cylinder capacity exceeding 1,500 cc but 115448 not exceeding 150171 2,500 cc 0.77 8.9% Other 43537 25162 1.73 8.7% Other 791270 581301 1.36 8.4% Not mechanically propelled 1202285 151049 7.96 7.9% Of synthetic fibres 2184493 2279750 0.96 7.2% Phthalic anhydride 1276921 1059999 1.20 7.2% Other 24958002 760186 32.83 7.0% Crude oil 285250 350000 0.82 7.0% Tooth brushes, including dental-plate brushes 45180 20681 2.18 7.0% Phenolic resins 231840 156000 1.49 6.9% Other vehicles 212670 63103 3.37 6.7% Mounted piezoelectric crystals 4220253 23999 175.85 6.6% Unframed 310483 269003 1.15 6.6% Shrimps and prawns 30011160 4341629 6.91 6.5% Optical fibres, optical fibre bundles and cables 647757 13233 48.95 6.2% Other 21600 34500 0.63 6.2% (1996-) Extracts, essences and concentrates945599 154484 6.12 6.1% Natural rubber latex, whether or not prevulcanised 1529569 869709 1.76 5.4% Other switches 86656230 2544354 34.06 5.0% Upholstered 3841730 879423 4.37 4.3% (1996-) Of a thickness of less than 3 mm 509481 993140 0.51 4.3% Other 1956401 334828 5.84 4.2% Dumpers designed for offhighway use 3679650 549068 6.70 3.5% Glutamic acid and its salts 7426670 7749829 0.96 3.5% Fluorescent, hot cathode 1692473 170093 9.95 3.3% Other semiconductor devices 3692528 18724 197.21 3.2% Other trailers and semitrailers 465505 126802 3.67 3.2% Grand pianos 4046222 499128 8.11 3.1% (2007-) (- Seats of cane, osier, bamboo or similar 1.1E+08 materials:)-38399930Of bamboo 2.86 or rattan 3.0% Other stone 3424306 6445692 0.53 2.9% (1996-) Other 4734193 731564 6.47 2.6% Percussion musical instruments (for example, 5259645 drums, xylophones, 688034 cymbals, 7.64 castanets, maracas). 2.5% Made up fishing nets 3330587 529841 6.29 2.3% Of other textile materials 1665372 179063 9.30 2.0% Other instruments, appliances and machines 918600 141055 6.51 1.6% Of other textile materials 199052 11516 17.28 1.4% DAFTAR NTE TERTINGGI UNTUK 500 KOMODITAS JIKA 100% KANDUNGAN BAHAN KIMIA SUBJECT TO REACH NO. HS 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 520911 901890 870130 732399 900150 940320 940390 090411 151311 848410 291714 691490 382312 121190 392111 854430 853641 190590 151110 830890 400122 390330 382311 760612 190110 720917 731021 720916 180100 521021 950670 950300 940350 960810 961310 940179 960340 940180 940340 950430 010110 030319 030419 030421 030422 030429 030499 Deskripsi N_2007 Data V_2007 NTE after REACH FOB 2007 100% Plain weave 7162130 1818108 3.94 0.7% Other instruments and appliances 3612219 17972 200.99 0.7% Track-laying tractors 1943000 571208 3.40 0.5% Other 1637204 664930 2.46 0.3% Spectacle lenses of other materials 3180157 110793 28.70 0.2% Other metal furniture 4970004 1179120 4.22 0.0% Parts 3038876 1058594 2.87 0.0% Neither crushed nor ground 25036238 6034045 4.15 0.0% Crude oil 2.02E+08 2.81E+08 0.72 0.0% Gaskets and similar joints of metal sheeting605610 combined with 28747 other material 21.07 or of two or more 0.0%layers of m Maleic anhydride 376702 277000 1.36 0.0% Other 1477597 1156942 1.28 0.0% (1996-) Oleic acid 2804089 3260807 0.86 0.0% Other 733959 190111 3.86 0.0% Of polymers of styrene 109841 39919 2.75 0.0% Ignition wiring sets and other wiring sets of 1471703 a kind used113508 in vehicles, aircraft 12.97 or ships 0.0% For a voltage not exceeding 60 V 3320316 123739 26.83 0.0% Other 882324 376257 2.35 0.0% Crude oil 7.09E+08 1.11E+09 0.64 0.0% Other, including parts 528574 45474 11.62 0.0% Technically specified natural rubber (TSNR) 5.92E+08 2.92E+08 2.03 0.0% Acrylonitrilebutadienestyrene (ABS) copolymers 2415196 1396805 1.73 0.0% (1996-) Stearic acid 7688351 9135256 0.84 0.0% Of aluminium alloys 1225157 354654 3.45 0.0% Preparations for infant use, put up for retail sale 55742 15675 3.56 0.0% (1996-) Of a thickness of 0.5 mm or more but 423567 not exceeding 718093 1 mm 0.59 0.0% Cans which are to be closed by soldering or crimping 51133 24888 2.05 0.0% (1996-) Of a thickness exceeding 1 mm but 424231 less than 3 mm 719415 0.59 0.0% Cocoa beans, whole or broken, raw or roasted. 9069362 4819138 1.88 0.0% Plain weave 108308 13497 8.02 0.0% Ice skates and roller skates, including skating 1708320 boots with 143801 skates attached 11.88 0.0% (2007-) Tricycles, scooters, pedal cars and54906542 similar wheeled 7307684 toys; dolls'7.51 carriages; dolls; other 0.0% toys; reduce Wooden furniture of a kind used in the bedroom 19389886 8039381 2.41 0.0% Ball point pens 854871 54594 15.66 0.0% Pocket lighters, gas fuelled, nonrefillable 4645520 1221799 3.80 0.0% Other 25094325 7046028 3.56 0.0% - Paint, distemper, varnish or similar brushes 1218304 (other than 249540 brushes of subheading 4.88 9603.30);0.0% paint pads and Other seats 76452662 28805317 2.65 0.0% Wooden furniture of a kind used in the kitchen 1731751 789014 2.19 0.0% Other games, operated by coins, banknotes 2003788 (paper currency), 193367discs or 10.36 other similar articles, 0.0% other than b (2002-) Purebred breeding animals 250530 69712 3.59 0.0% (2002-) Other 95404 24100 3.96 0.0% (2007-) (- Fresh or chilled:)-- Other 621343 163903 3.79 0.0% (2007-) (- Frozen fillets:)-- Swordfish (Xiphias 171350 gladius) 53492 3.20 0.0% (2007-) (- Frozen fillets:)-- Toothfish (Dissostichus 590590spp.)433202 1.36 0.0% (2007-) (- Frozen fillets:)-- Other 9127432 3040109 3.00 0.0% (2007-) (- Other:)-- Other 1309092 1470221 0.89 0.0% DAFTAR NTE TERTINGGI UNTUK 500 KOMODITAS JIKA 100% KANDUNGAN BAHAN KIMIA SUBJECT TO REACH NO. HS 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 060210 090611 090619 190531 190532 200929 200931 200941 220210 220290 220300 220820 251310 251620 293499 293920 380850 380891 381700 382561 392049 400921 400922 401031 401039 401110 401120 401140 401150 401161 401162 401163 401192 401199 401212 401310 401320 401390 410411 410419 410441 410449 410530 410712 410719 411310 411330 Deskripsi N_2007 Data V_2007 NTE after REACH FOB 2007 100% Unrooted cuttings and slips 1061853 413543 2.57 0.0% (2007-) (- Neither crushed nor ground:)-- Cinnamon 3589661 (Cinnamomum 4583582 zeylanicum 0.78 Blume) 0.0% (2007-) (- Neither crushed nor ground:)-- Other 155339 274742 0.57 0.0% (2002-) Sweet biscuits 45933 14891 3.08 0.0% (2002-) Waffles and wafers 725402 274152 2.65 0.0% (2002-) Other 126852 73243 1.73 0.0% (2002-) Of a Brix value not exceeding 20 74208 103492 0.72 0.0% (2002-) Of a Brix value not exceeding 20 7838342 10534902 0.74 0.0% Waters, including mineral waters and aerated 76614 waters, containing 14845 added 5.16sugar or other sweetening 0.0% matte Other 366248 92427 3.96 0.0% Beer made from malt. 59756 68099 0.88 0.0% Spirits obtained by distilling grape wine or grape 175812 marc 92960 1.89 0.0% (2007-) - Pumice stone 2173 17304 0.13 0.0% (2007-) - Sandstone 7770 11308 0.69 0.0% (2002-) Other 4989786 662979 7.53 0.0% (2007-) - Alkaloids of cinchona and their derivatives; 7860246 salts 111681 thereof 70.38 0.0% (2007-) - Goods specified in Subheading Note 9506558 1 to this Chapter 424418 22.40 0.0% (2007-) (- Other:)-- Insecticides 385708 247621 1.56 0.0% (2002-) Mixed alkylbenzenes and mixed alkylnaphthalenes, 1217676 1276820 other than 0.95 those of heading 27.07 0.0% or 29.02. (2002-) Mainly containing organic constituents 15476 78960 0.20 0.0% (2002-) Other 108052 34422 3.14 0.0% (2002-) Without fittings 1129874 631194 1.79 0.0% (2002-) With fittings 155096 199280 0.78 0.0% (2002-) Endless transmission belts of trapezoidal 3406108 crosssection 317680 (V belts), 10.72 Vribbed, of an outside 0.0% circumfe (2002-) Other 1046155 150765 6.94 0.0% Of a kind used on motor cars (including station 1.15E+08 wagons 39048187 and racing cars) 2.96 0.0% Of a kind used on buses or lorries 966822 405760 2.38 0.0% Of a kind used on motorcycles 1664974 576052 2.89 0.0% Of a kind used on bicycles 36314492 6683689 5.43 0.0% (2002-) Of a kind used on agricultural or forestry 3931982 vehicles 1654385 and machines 2.38 0.0% (2002-) Of a kind used on construction or industrial 7298932 handling 3379414 vehicles2.16 and machines and having 0.0% a rim size (2002-) Of a kind used on construction or industrial 65445 handling 23796 vehicles2.75 and machines and having 0.0% a rim size (2002-) Of a kind used on agricultural or forestry 32993 vehicles11430 and machines 2.89 0.0% Other 6605766 2353666 2.81 0.0% (2002-) Of a kind used on buses or lorries 13317 16584 0.80 0.0% Of a kind used on motor cars (including station 1021783 wagons356999 and racing cars), 2.86buses or lorries 0.0% Of a kind used on bicycles 8894129 1736696 5.12 0.0% Other 521945 188588 2.77 0.0% (2002-) Full grains, unsplit; grain splits 356875 45424 7.86 0.0% (2002-) Other 1512649 225466 6.71 0.0% (2002-) Full grains, unsplit; grain splits 4102974 215762 19.02 0.0% (2002-) Other 5531626 595152 9.29 0.0% (2002-) In the dry state (crust) 3303333 108974 30.31 0.0% (2002-) Grain splits 1439377 59672 24.12 0.0% (2002-) Other 3749037 115740 32.39 0.0% (2002-) Of goats or kids 1357511 65331 20.78 0.0% (2002-) Of reptiles 614476 10272 59.82 0.0% DAFTAR NTE TERTINGGI UNTUK 500 KOMODITAS JIKA 100% KANDUNGAN BAHAN KIMIA SUBJECT TO REACH NO. HS 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 420211 420212 420219 420221 420222 420229 440210 440290 440725 440726 440729 440791 440795 440799 440921 440929 441114 441210 441231 441232 441239 441294 441510 441860 441871 441872 441879 460121 460122 460129 Deskripsi N_2007 Data V_2007 NTE after REACH FOB 2007 100% With outer surface of leather, of composition 1629715 leather or 93569 of patent leather 17.42 0.0% With outer surface of plastics or of textile 6323546 materials 936772 6.75 0.0% Other 402114 38508 10.44 0.0% With outer surface of leather, of composition 6314150 leather or213923 of patent leather 29.52 0.0% With outer surface of plastic sheeting or of4744586 textile materials 204620 23.19 0.0% Other 771330 81124 9.51 0.0% (2007-) - Of bamboo 605234 3765181 0.16 0.0% (2007-) - Other 2229231 6854107 0.33 0.0% (1996-) Dark Red Meranti, Light Red Meranti 9648458 and Meranti 4250480 Bakau 2.27 0.0% (1996-) White Lauan, White Meranti, White Seraya, 42707 Yellow 33684 Meranti and 1.27Alan 0.0% (1996-) Other 3554125 3736396 0.95 0.0% Of oak (Quercus spp.) 53318 52681 1.01 0.0% (2007-) (- Other:)-- Of ash (Fraxinus spp.) 7841 11692 0.67 0.0% Other 555768 479941 1.16 0.0% (2007-) (- Non-coniferous:)-- Of bamboo 158317 249191 0.64 0.0% (2007-) (- Non-coniferous:)-- Other 1.52E+08 1.24E+08 1.23 0.0% (2007-) (- Medium density fibreboard (MDF):)-45935 Of a thickness 29947exceeding 1.539 mm 0.0% (2007-) - Of bamboo 497723 377053 1.32 0.0% (2007-) (- Other plywood, consisting solely 57957252 of sheets 57732531 of wood (other than 1.00 bamboo), each 0.0% ply not exceedi (2007-) (- Other plywood, consisting solely of16488 sheets of wood 12980(other than 1.27 bamboo), each 0.0% ply not exceedi (2007-) (- Other plywood, consisting solely 32218548 of sheets 29332250 of wood (other than 1.10 bamboo), each 0.0% ply not exceedi (2007-) (- Other:)-- Blockboard, laminboard 77927869 and battenboard 46788531 1.67 0.0% Cases, boxes, crates, drums and similar packings; 591578 cabledrums 533192 1.11 0.0% (2007-) - Posts and beams 5111778 4452718 1.15 0.0% (2007-) (- Assembled flooring panels:)-- For1980575 mosaic floors 1779896 1.11 0.0% (2007-) (- Assembled flooring panels:)-- Other, 58962993 multilayer 28963458 2.04 0.0% (2007-) (- Assembled flooring panels:)-- Other 37784699 19630250 1.92 0.0% (2007-) (- Mats, matting and screens of vegetable 48737materials:)-29928 Of bamboo 1.63 0.0% (2007-) (- Mats, matting and screens of vegetable 128613materials:)-43661 Of rattan 2.95 0.0% (2007-) (- Mats, matting and screens of vegetable 599193materials:)-88489 Other6.77 0.0% RESTRIKSI SENYAWA – SENYAWA KIMIA UNTUK MANUFAKTUR, BERADA DI PASARAN, DAN PENGGUNAAN SENYAWA BERBAHAYA BAIK CAMPURAN MAUPUN TERKANDUNG DALAM SUATU ARTIKEL/PRODUK (Ter Restriksi atau masih Candidate List) Menurut Annex XVII, senyawa yang sudah direstriksi antara lain: Designation of the substance, of the No. group of Conditions of restriction substances or of the mixture Shall not be placed on the market, or used: 1. Polychlorinated terphenyls (PCTs) as substances and in mixtures, including waste oils, or in equipment, in concentrations greater than 50 mg/kg (0,005 % by weight). 2. Chloroethene (vinyl chloride) CAS No 75-01-4 EC No 200-831-0 Liquid substances or mixtures, 3. which are regarded as dangerous according to the definitions in Council Directive 67/548/EEC and — Shall not be used as propellant in aerosols for any use. — Aerosols dispensers containing the substance as propellant shall not be placed on the market. 1. Shall not be used in: — ornamental articles, intended to produce light or colour effects by means of different phases, for example in ornamental lamps and ashtrays, — tricks and jokes, Designation of the substance, of the No. group of Conditions of restriction substances or of the mixture Directive 1999/45/EC. — games for one or more participants, or any article intended to be used as such, even with ornamental aspects. 2. Articles not complying with paragraph 1 shall not be placed on the market. 3. Shall not be placed on the market if they contain a colouring agent unless required for fiscal reasons or perfume or both and if they: — present an aspiration hazard and are labelled with R65 or H304, and, — can be used as fuel in decorative lamps, and, — are packaged in containers of a capacity of 15 litres or less. 4. Without prejudice to the implementation of other Community provisions relating to the classification, packaging and labelling of substances and mixtures, suppliers shall ensure before the placing on the market that the packaging of substances and mixtures covered by paragraph 3, where intended for use in lamps, is marked visibly, legibly and indelibly as follows: “Keep lamps filled with this liquid out of the reach of children”. 4. Tris (2,3 dibromopropyl) phosphate CAS No 126-72-7 1. Shall not be used in textile articles, such as garments, undergarments and linen, intended to come into contact with the skin. 2. Articles not complying with paragraph 1 shall not be placed on the market. Designation of the substance, of the No. group of Conditions of restriction substances or of the mixture 1. Shall not be used in toys or parts of toys where the concentration of benzene in the free state is greater than 5 mg/kg (0,000 5 %) of the weight of the toy or part of toy. 2. Toys and parts of toys not complying with paragraph 1 shall not be placed on the market. 5. Benzene CAS No 71-43-2 EC No 200-753-7 3. Shall not be placed on the market, or used; as a substance and as a constituent of other substances, or in mixtures, in concentrations equal to, or greater than 0,1 % by weight. 4. However, paragraph 3 shall not apply to: (a)motor fuels which are covered by Directive 98/70/EC; (b) substances and mixtures for use in industrial processes not allowing for the emission of benzene in quantities in excess of those laid down in existing legislation. Asbestos fibres a) 6. b) c) 1. The manufacture, placing on the market and use of these fibres and of articles Crocidolite containing these fibres added intentionally is prohibited. CAS No 12001-28-4 However, Member States may exempt the placing on the market and use of Amosite diaphragms containing chrysotile (point (f)) for existing electrolysis installations until CAS No 12172-73-5 they reach the end of their service life, or until suitable asbestos-free substitutes Anthophyllite become available, whichever is the sooner. CAS No 77536-67-5 By 1 June 2011 Member States making use of this exemption shall provide a report to Designation of the substance, of the No. group of Conditions of restriction substances or of the mixture d) e) f) Actinolite the Commission on the availability of asbestos free substitutes for electrolysis CAS No 77536-66-4 installations and the efforts undertaken to develop such alternatives, on the protection Tremolite of the health of workers in the installations, on the source and quantities of chrysotile, CAS No 77536-68-6 on the source and quantities of diaphragms containing chrysotile, and the envisaged Chrysotile date of the end of the exemption. The Commission shall make this information CAS No 12001-29-5 publicly available. CAS No 132207-32-0 Following receipt of those reports, the Commission shall request the Agency to prepare a dossier in accordance with Article 69 with a view to prohibit the placing on the market and use of diaphragms containing chrysotile. 2. The use of articles containing asbestos fibres referred to in paragraph 1 which were already installed and/or in service before 1 January 2005 shall continue to be permitted until they are disposed of or reach the end of their service life. However, Member States may, for reasons of protection of human health, restrict, prohibit or make subject to specific conditions, the use of such articles before they are disposed of or reach the end of their service life. Member States may allow placing on the market of articles in their entirety containing asbestos fibres referred to in paragraph 1 which were already installed and/or in service before 1 January 2005, under specific conditions ensuring a high level of Designation of the substance, of the No. group of Conditions of restriction substances or of the mixture protection of human health. Member States shall communicate these national measures to the Commission by 1 June 2011. The Commission shall make this information publicly available. 3. Without prejudice to the application of other Community provisions on the classification, packaging and labelling of substances and mixtures, the placing on the market and use of articles containing these fibres, as permitted according to the preceding derogations, shall be permitted only if suppliers ensure before the placing on the market that articles bear a label in accordance with Appendix 7 to this Annex. Tris(aziridinyl)phosphinoxide 7. 8. 9. 1. Shall not be used in textile articles, such as garments, undergarments and linen, CAS No 545-55-1 intended to come into contact with the skin. EC No 208-892-5 2. Articles not complying with paragraph 1 shall not be placed on the market. Polybromobiphenyls; Polybromi- 1. Shall not be used in textile articles, such as garments, undergarments and linen, natedbiphenyls (PBB) intended to come into contact with the skin. CAS No 59536-65-1 2. Articles not complying with paragraph 1 shall not be placed on the market. a) 1. Soap bark powder (Quillaja saponaria) and its derivatives containing saponines CAS No 68990-67-0 Shall not be used, in jokes and hoaxes or in mixtures or articles intended to be used as such, for instance as a constituent of sneezing powder and stink bombs. 2. Jokes and hoaxes, or mixtures or articles intended to be used as such, not complying with paragraph 1 shall not be placed on the market. Designation of the substance, of the No. group of Conditions of restriction substances or of the mixture EC 273-620-4 b) Powder of 3. However, paragraphs 1 and 2 shall not apply to stink bombs containing not more than the Helleborus roots of viridis and Helleborus niger c) Powder of the roots of Veratrum album and Veratrum nigrum d) Benzidine and/or its derivatives CAS No 92-87-5 EC No 202-199-1 e) o-Nitrobenzaldehyde CAS No 552-89-6 EC No 209-025-3 f) Wood powder 1,5 ml of liquid. Designation of the substance, of the No. group of Conditions of restriction substances or of the mixture a) Ammonium sulphide CAS No 1213 5-76-1 EC No 235-223-4 b) 10. Ammonium hydrogen sulphide CAS No 12124-99-1 EC No 235-184-3 c) Ammonium polysulphide CAS No 9080-17-5 1. Shall not be used, in jokes and hoaxes or in mixtures or articles intended to be used as such, for instance as a constituent of sneezing powder and stink bombs. 2. Jokes and hoaxes, or mixtures or articles intended to be used as such, not complying with paragraph 1 shall not be placed on the market. 3. However, paragraphs 1 and 2 shall not apply to stink bombs containing not more than 1,5 ml of liquid. EC No 232-989-1 Volatile esters of bromoacetic acids: a) Methyl bromoacetate CAS No 96-32-2 EC No 202-499-2 b) 11. Ethyl bromoacetate CAS No 105-36-2 EC No 203-290-9 c) Propyl bromoacetate CAS No 35223-80-4 d) Butyl bromoacetate 1. Shall not be used, in jokes and hoaxes or in mixtures or articles intended to be used as such, for instance as a constituent of sneezing powder and stink bombs. 2. Jokes and hoaxes, or mixtures or articles intended to be used as such, not complying with paragraph 1 shall not be placed on the market. 3. However, paragraphs 1 and 2 shall not apply to stink bombs containing not more than 1,5 ml of liquid. Designation of the substance, of the No. group of Conditions of restriction substances or of the mixture CAS No 18991-98-5 EC No 242-729-9 2-Naphthylamine 12. CAS No 91-59-8 EC No 202-080-4 and its salts Benzidine 13. 14. CAS No 92-87-5 EC No 202-199-1 and its salts The following shall apply to entries 12 to 15: 4-Nitrobiphenyl Shall not be placed on the market, or used, as substances or in mixtures in CAS No 92-93-3 concentrations greater than 0,1 % by weight Einecs EC No 202-204-7 4-Aminobiphenyl xenylamine 15. CAS No 92-67-1 Einecs EC No 202-177-1 and its salts Designation of the substance, of the No. group of Conditions of restriction substances or of the mixture Lead carbonates: a) 16. b) Neutral anhydrous carbonate Shall not be placed on the market, or used, as substances or in mixtures, where the (PbCO 3 ) substance or mixture is intended for use as paint. CAS No 598-63-0 However, Member States may, in accordance with the provisions of Inter- EC No 209-943-4 national Labour Organisation (ILO) Convention 13 on the use of white lead and Trilead-bis(carbonate)- sulphates of lead in paint, permit the use on their territory of the substance or mixture dihydroxide 2Pb CO 3 -Pb(OH) 2 for the restoration and maintenance of works of art and historic buildings and their CAS No 1319-46-6 interiors. EC No 215-290-6 Lead sulphates: a) PbSO 4 CAS No 7446-14-2 17. EC No 231-198-9 b) Pb x SO 4 CAS No 15739-80-7 EC No 239-831-0 Shall not be placed on the market, or used, as substances or in mixtures, where the substance or mixture is intended for use as paint. However, Member States may, in accordance with the provisions of ILO Convention 13 on the use of white lead and sulphates of lead in paint, permit the use on their territory of the substance or mixture for the restoration and maintenance of works of art and historic buildings and their interiors. Designation of the substance, of the No. group of Conditions of restriction substances or of the mixture Shall not be placed on the market, or used, as substances or in mixtures where the substance or mixture is intended for use: a) 18. — cages, floats, nets and any other appliances or equipment used for fish or shellfish farming, — any totally or partly submerged appliances or equipment; Mercury compounds (b) in the preservation of wood; (c) in the impregnation of heavy-duty industrial textiles and yarn intended for their manufacture; (d) 1. in the treatment of industrial waters, irrespective of their use. Shall not be placed on the market: Mercury 18a. to prevent the fouling by micro-organisms, plants or animals of: — the hulls of boats, (a) in fever thermometers; (b) in other measuring devices intended for sale to the general public (such as CAS No 7439-97-6 manometers, barometers, sphygmomanometers, thermometers other than EC No 231-106-7 fever thermometers). 2. The restriction in paragraph 1 shall not apply to measuring devices that were in use in the Community before 3 April 2009. However Member States may restrict or prohibit the placing on the market of such measuring devices. Designation of the substance, of the No. group of Conditions of restriction substances or of the mixture 3. 4. The restriction in paragraph 1(b) shall not apply to: (a) measuring devices more than 50 years old on 3 October 2007; (b) barometers (except barometers within point (a)) until 3 October 2009. By 3 October 2009 the Commission shall carry out a review of the availability of reliable safer alternatives that are technically and economically feasible for mercury containing sphygmomanometers and other measuring devices in healthcare and in other professional and industrial uses. On the basis of this review or as soon as new information on reliable safer alternatives for sphygmomanometers and other measuring devices containing mercury becomes available, the Commission shall, if appropriate, present a legislative proposal to extend the restrictions in paragraph 1 to sphygmomanometers and other measuring devices in healthcare and in other professional and industrial uses, so that mercury in measuring devices is phased out whenever technically and economically feasible. 1. 19. Arsenic compounds Shall not be placed on the market, or used, as substances or in mixtures where the substance or mixture is intended for use to prevent the fouling by microorganisms, plants or animals of: Designation of the substance, of the No. group of Conditions of restriction substances or of the mixture 2. — the hulls of boats, — cages, floats, nets and any other appliances or equipment used for fish or shellfish farming, — any totally or partly submerged appliances or equipment. Shall not be placed on the market, or used, as substances or in mixtures where the substance or mixture is intended for use in the treatment of industrial waters, irrespective of their use. 3. Shall not be used in the preservation of wood. Furthermore, wood so treated shall not be placed on the market. 4. By way of derogation from paragraph 3: (a) Relating to the substances and mixtures for the preservation of wood: these may only be used in industrial installations using vacuum or pressure to impregnate wood if they are solutions of inorganic compounds of the copper, chromium, arsenic (CCA) type C and if they are authorised in accordance with Article 5(1) of Directive 98/8/ EC. Wood so treated shall not be placed on the market before fixation of the preservative is completed. (b) Wood treated with CCA solution in accordance with point (a) may be Designation of the substance, of the No. group of Conditions of restriction substances or of the mixture placed on the market for professional and industrial use provided that the structural integrity of the wood is required for human or livestock safety and skin contact by the general public during its service life is unlikely: — as structural timber in public and agricultural buildings, office buildings, and industrial premises, — in bridges and bridgework, — as constructional timber in freshwater areas and brackish waters, for example jetties and bridges, — as noise barriers, — in avalanche control, — in highway safety fencing and barriers, — as debarked round conifer livestock fence posts, — in earth retaining structures, — as electric power transmission and telecommunications poles, — as underground railway sleepers. (c) Without prejudice to the application of other Community provisions on the classification, packaging and labelling of substances and mixtures, suppliers shall ensure before the placing on the market that all treated Designation of the substance, of the No. group of Conditions of restriction substances or of the mixture wood placed on the market is individually labelled “For professional and industrial installation and use only, contains arsenic”. In addition, all wood placed on the market in packs shall also bear a label stating “Wear gloves when handling this wood. Wear a dust mask and eye protection when cutting or otherwise crafting this wood. Waste from this wood shall be treated as hazardous by an authorised undertaking”. (d) Treated wood referred to under point (a) shall not be used: — in residential or domestic constructions, whatever the purpose, — in any application where there is a risk of repeated skin contact, — in marine waters, — for agricultural purposes other than for livestock fence posts and structural uses in accordance with point (b), — in any application where the treated wood may come into contact with intermediate or finished products intended for human and/or animal consumption. 5. Wood treated with arsenic compounds that was in use in the Community before 30 September 2007, or that was placed on the market in accordance with paragraph 4 may remain in place and continue to be used until it reaches the end Designation of the substance, of the No. group of Conditions of restriction substances or of the mixture of its service life. 6. Wood treated with CCA type C that was in use in the Community before 30 September 2007, or that was placed on the market in accordance with paragraph 4: — may be used or reused subject to the conditions pertaining to its use listed under points 4(b), (c) and (d), — may be placed on the market subject to the conditions pertaining to its use listed under points 4(b), (c) and (d). 7. Member States may allow wood treated with other types of CCA solutions that was in use in the Community before 30 September 2007: — to be used or reused subject to the conditions pertaining to its use listed under points 4 (b), (c) and (d), — to be placed on the market subject to the conditions pertaining to its use listed under points 4(b), (c) and (d). 1. 20. Organostannic compounds Shall not be placed on the market, or used, as substances or in mixtures where the substance or mixture is acting as biocide in free association paint. 2. Shall not be placed on the market, or used, as substances or in mixtures where the substance or mixture acts as biocide to prevent the fouling by micro-organisms, Designation of the substance, of the No. group of Conditions of restriction substances or of the mixture plants or animals of: (a) all craft irrespective of their length intended for use in marine, coastal, estuarine and inland waterways and lakes; (b) cages, floats, nets and any other appliances or equipment used for fish or shellfish farming; (c) 3. any totally or partly submerged appliance or equipment. 3.Shall not be placed on the market, or used, as substances or in mixtures where the substance or mixture is intended for use in the treatment of industrial waters. 21. 22. Di-μ-oxo-di-n-butylstanniohydrox- Shall not be placed on the market, or used, as a substance, or in mixtures in a yborane/Dibutyltin hydrogen borate concentration equal to, or greater than 0,1 % by weight. C8H19BO3Sn (DBB) However, the first paragraph shall not apply to this substance (DBB) or mixtures CAS No 75113-37-0 containing it if these are intended solely for conversion into articles, among which this EC No 401-040-5 substance will no longer feature in a concentration equal to or greater than 0,1 %. Pentachlorophenol Shall not be placed on the market, or used, CAS No 87-86-5 — as a substance, EC No 201-778-6 — as a constituent in other substances, or in mixtures, in a concentration equal to or and its salts and esters greater than 0,1 % by weight. Designation of the substance, of the No. group of Conditions of restriction substances or of the mixture For the purpose of this entry, the codes and chapters indicated in square brackets are the codes and chapters of the tariff and statistical nomenclature of Common Customs Tariff as established by Council Regulation (EEC) No 2658/87 (*). 1. Shall not be used to give colour to articles manufactured from the following substances and mixtures: (a) — polyvinyl chloride (PVC) [3904 10] [3904 21] [3904 22] — polyurethane (PUR) [3909 50] Cadmium 23. CAS No 7440-43-9 EC No 231-152-8 and its compounds — low-density polyethylene (ld PE), with the exception of lowdensity polyethylene used for the production of coloured masterbatch [3901 10] — cellulose acetate (CA) [3912 11] [3912 12] — cellulose acetate butyrate (CAB) [3912 11] [3912 12] — epoxy resins [3907 30] — melamine — formaldehyde (MF) resins [3909 20] — urea — formaldehyde (UF) resins [3909 10] — unsaturated polyesters (UP) [3907 91] Designation of the substance, of the No. group of Conditions of restriction substances or of the mixture — polyethylene terephthalate (PET) [3907 60] — polybutylene terephthalate (PBT) — transparent/general-purpose polystyrene [3903 11] [3903 19] — acrylonitrile methylmethacrylate (AMMA) — cross-linked polyethylene (VPE) — high-impact polystyrene — polypropylene (PP) [3902 10] (b) paints [3208] [3209] However, if the paints have a high zinc content, their residual concentration of cadmium shall be as low as possible and shall in any event be less than 0,1 % by weight. In any case, whatever their use or intended final purpose, articles or components of articles manufactured from the substances and mixtures listed above coloured with cadmium shall not be placed on the market if their cadmium content (expressed as Cd metal) is greater than 0,01 % by weight of the plastic material. 2. However, paragraph 1 shall not apply to articles to be coloured for safety Designation of the substance, of the Column 1 Designation of the substance, of the group of of No. group substances or of the mixture Conditions of restriction substances or of the mixture reasons. 3. Shall not be used to stabilise the following mixtures or articles manufactured from polymers or copolymers of vinyl chloride: — packaging materials (bags, containers, bottles, lids) [3923 29 10], — office or school supplies [3926 10], — fittings for furniture, coachwork or the like [3926 30], — articles of apparel and clothing accessories (including gloves) [3926 20], — floor and wall coverings [3918 10], — impregnated, coated, covered or laminated textile fabrics [5903 10], — imitation leather [4202], — gramophone records, — tubes and pipes and their fittings [3917 23], — swing doors, — vehicles for road transport (interior, exterior, underbody), — coating of steel sheet used in construction or in industry, — insulation for electrical wiring. In any case, whatever their use or intended final purpose, the placing on the market of the above mixtures, articles or components of articles manufactured from polymers or Designation of the substance, of the No. group of Conditions of restriction substances or of the mixture copolymers of vinyl chloride, stabilised by substances containing cadmium is prohibited, if their cadmium content (expressed as Cd metal) exceeds 0,01 % by weight of the polymer. 4. However, paragraph 3 shall not apply to mixtures and articles using cadmiumbased stabilisers for safety reasons. 5. For the purpose of this entry, “cadmium plating” means any deposit or coating of metallic cadmium on a metallic surface. Shall not be used for cadmium plating metallic articles or components of the articles used in the following sectors/applications: (a) equipment and machinery for: — food production [8210][8417 20][841981] [8421 11] [8421 22] [8422] [8435] [8437] [8438] [847611] — agriculture [841931][842481][8432][8433] [8434][8436] — cooling and freezing [8418] — printing and book-binding [8440] [8442] [8443] (b) equipment and machinery for the production of: Designation of the substance, of the No. group of Conditions of restriction substances or of the mixture — household goods [7321] [8421 12] [8450] [8509] [8516] — furniture [8465] [8466] [9401] [9402] [9403] [9404] — sanitary ware [7324] — central heating and air conditioning plant [7322] [8403] [8404] [8415] In any case, whatever their use or intended final purpose, the placing on the market of cadmium-plated articles or components of such articles used in the ectors/applications listed in points (a) and (b) above and of articles manufactured in the sectors listed in point (b) above is prohibited. 6. The provisions referred to in paragraph 5 shall also be applicable to cadmiumplated articles or components of such articles when used in the sectors/applications listed in points (a) and (b) below and to articles manufactured in the sectors listed in (b) below: (a) equipment and machinery for the production of: — paper and board [8419 32] [8439] [8441] textiles and clothing [8444] [8445] [8447] [8448] [8449] [8451] [8452] Designation of the substance, of the No. group of Conditions of restriction substances or of the mixture (b) equipment and machinery for the production of: — industrial handling equipment and machinery [8425] [8426][8427] [8428] [8429] [8430] [8431] — road and agricultural vehicles [chapter 87] — rolling stock [chapter 86] — vessels [chapter 89] 7. However, the restrictions in paragraphs 5 and 6 shall not apply to: — articles and components of the articles used in the aeronautical, aerospace, mining, offshore and nuclear sectors whose applications require high safety standards and in safety devices in road and agricultural vehicles, rolling stock and vessels, — electrical contacts in any sector of use, where that is necessary to ensure the reliability required of the apparatus on which they are installed. (*) OJ L 256, 7.9.1987, p. 42. Designation of the substance, of the No. group of Conditions of restriction substances or of the mixture 1. Shall not be placed on the market, or used, as a substance or in mixtures. Articles containing the substance shall not be placed on the market. 2. Monomethyl—tetrachlorodi-phenyl 24. By way of derogation, paragraph 1 shall not apply: (a) in the case of plant and machinery already in service on 18 June 1994, until such plant and machinery is disposed of; methane Trade name: Ugilec 141 CAS No 76253-60-6 (b) in the case of the maintenance of plant and machinery already in service within a Member State on 18 June 1994. For the purposes of point (a) Member States may, on grounds of human health protection and environmental protection, prohibit within their territory the use of such plant or machinery before it is disposed of. Monomethyl-dichloro-diphenyl 25. methane Shall not be placed on the market, or used, as a substance or in mixtures. Articles Trade name: Ugilec 121 containing the substance shall not be placed on the market. Ugilec 21 Designation of the substance, of the No. group of Conditions of restriction substances or of the mixture Monomethyl-dibromo-diphenyl methane 26. bromobenzylbromotoluene, mixture of isomers Trade name: DBBT Shall not be placed on the market, or used, as a substance or in mixtures. Articles containing the substance shall not be placed on the market. CAS No 99688-47-8 1. Shall not be used: (a) in any post assemblies which are inserted into pierced ears and other pierced parts of the human body unless the rate of nickel release from such post assemblies is less than 0,2 μg/cm 2 /week (migration limit); (b) in articles intended to come into direct and prolonged contact with the skin such Nickel 27. as: CAS No 7440-02-0 — earrings, EC No 231-111-4 and its compounds — necklaces, bracelets and chains, anklets, finger rings, — wristwatch cases, watch straps and tighteners, — rivet buttons, tighteners, rivets, zippers and metal marks, when these are used in garments, if the rate of nickel release from the parts of these articles coming into direct and prolonged contact with the skin is greater than 0,5 μg/cm 2 / week. Designation of the substance, of the No. group of Conditions of restriction substances or of the mixture (c) in articles referred to in point (b) where these have a non-nickel coating unless such coating is sufficient to ensure that the rate of nickel release from those parts of such articles coming into direct and prolonged contact with the skin will not exceed 0,5 μg/cm 2 / week for a period of at least two years of normal use of the article. 2. Articles which are the subject of paragraph 1 shall not be placed on the market unless they conform to the requirements set out in that paragraph. 3. The standards adopted by the European Committee for Standardisation (CEN) shall be used as the test methods for demonstrating the conformity of articles to paragraphs 1 and 2. 28. Substances which appear in Part 3 of Without prejudice to the other parts of this Annex the following shall apply to entries Annex VI to Regulation (EC) No 28 to 30: 1272/2008 classified as carcinogen 1. Shall not be placed on the market, or used, — as substances, 29. Substances which appear in Part 3 of Annex VI to Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008 classified as germ cell mutagen — as constituents of other substances, or, — in mixtures, for supply to the general public when the individual concentration in the substance or Designation of the substance, of the No. group of Conditions of restriction substances or of the mixture mixture is equal to or greater than: — either the relevant specific concentration limit specified in Part 3 of Annex VI to Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008, or, — the relevant concentration specified in Directive 1999/45/EC. Substances which appear in Part 3 of Annex VI to Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008 classified as toxic to reproduction and listed as follows: — Reproductive toxicant 30. adverse effects on sexual function and fertility or on development or — reproductive toxicant with R60 (May impair fertility) or — R61(May cause harm to the unborn child) listed in Appendix 6 Without prejudice to the implementation of other Community provisions relating to the classification, packaging and labelling of substances and mixtures, suppliers shall ensure before the placing on the market that the packaging of such substances and mixtures is marked visibly, legibly and indelibly as follows: “Restricted to professional users”. 2. By way of derogation, paragraph 1 shall not apply to: (a) medicinal or veterinary products as defined by Directive 2001/82/EC and Directive 2001/83/EC; (b) cosmetic products as defined by Directive 76/768/EEC; (c) the following fuels and oil products: — motor fuels which are covered by Directive 98/70/EC, — mineral oil products intended for use as fuel in mobile or fixed combustion plants, — fuels sold in closed systems (e.g. liquid gas bottles); Designation of the substance, of the No. group of Conditions of restriction substances or of the mixture (d) artists’ paints covered by Directive 1999/45/EC. Designation of the substance, of the No. group of Conditions of restriction substances or of the mixture (a) (b) 1. Shall Creosote; wash oil the market, or used, as substances or in of wood. Furthermore, wood so treated shall not be placed on the market. 2. By way of derogation from paragraph 1: Creosote oil; wash oil  The substances and mixtures may be used for wood treatment in industrial Distillates installations or by professionals covered by Community legislation on the (coal tar), protection of workers for in situ retreatment only if they contain: i. oil EC No 283-484-8 Creosote benzo[a]pyrene at a concentration of less than 50 mg/kg (0,00 5 % by weight), and CAS No 84650-04-4 oil, ii. water extractable phenols at a concentration of less than 3 % by weight. Such substances and mixtures for use in wood treatment in industrial acenaphthene fraction; wash oil CAS No 90640-84-9 EC No 283-484-8EC No 292- (e) on EC No 232-287-5 naphthalene oils; naphthalene (d) placed mixtures where the substance or mixture is intended for the treatment EC No 263-047-8 31. be CAS No 8001-58-9 CAS No 61789-28-4 (c) not installations or by professionals: — may be placed on the market only in packaging of a capacity equal to or greater than 20 litres, — shall not be sold to consumers. 605-3 Without prejudice to the application of other Community provisions on the Distillates (coal tar), upper; classification, packaging and labelling of substances and mixtures, suppliers heavy anthracene oil shall ensure before the placing on the market that the packaging of such Designation of the substance, of the No. group of Conditions of restriction substances or of the mixture (f) (g) CAS No 65996-91-0 EC No substances and mixtures is visibly, legibly and indelibly marked as follows: 266-026-1 “For use in industrial installations or professional treatment only”.  Wood treated in industrial installations or by professionals according to Anthracene oil CAS No 90640-80-5 EC No subparagraph (a) which is placed on the market for the first time or retreated in 292-602-7 situ may be used for professional and industrial use only, for example on Tar acids, coal, crude; crude railways, in electric power transmission and telecommunications, for fencing, phenols for agricultural purposes (for example stakes for tree support) and in harbours CAS No 65996-85-2 EC No and waterways.  The prohibition in paragraph 1 on the placing on the market shall not apply to 266-019-3 (h) Creosote, wood wood which has been treated with substances listed in entry 31 (a) to (i) before CAS No 8021-39-4 EC No 31 December 2002 and is placed on the second- hand market for re-use. 232-419-1 (i) Low temperature 3. Treated wood referred to under paragraph 2(b) and (c) shall not be used: tar oil,  inside buildings, whatever their purpose, alkaline; extract residues (coal),  in toys, low  in playgrounds, temperature coal tar alkaline CAS No 122384-78-5 EC No 310-191-5  in parks, gardens, and outdoor recreational and leisure facilities where there is a risk of frequent skin contact,  in the manufacture of garden furniture such as picnic tables, — for the Designation of the substance, of the No. group of Conditions of restriction substances or of the mixture manufacture and use and any re-treatment of:  containers intended for growing purposes,  packaging that may come into contact with raw materials, intermediate or finished products destined for human and/or animal consumption,  other materials which may contaminate the articles mentioned above. Designation of the substance, of the No. group of Conditions of restriction substances or of the mixture Without prejudice to the other parts of this Annex, the following shall apply to entries Chloroform 32. CAS No 67-66-3 32 to 38. 1. Shall not be placed on the market, or used,  as substances, EC No 200-663-8  as constituents of other substances, or in mixtures in concentrations equal to or greater than 0,1 % by weight, 34. 1,1,2-Trichloroethane where the substance or mixture is intended for supply to the general public and/or is CAS No 79-00-5 intended for diffusive applications such as in surface cleaning and cleaning of EC No 201-166-9 fabrics. 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 35. 2. Without prejudice to the application of other Community provisions on the CAS No 79-34-5 classification, packaging and labelling of substances and mixtures, suppliers shall EC No 201-197-8 ensure before the placing on the market that the packaging of such substances and mixtures containing them in concentrations equal to or greater than 0,1 % by weight is visibly, legibly and indelibly marked as follows: 36. 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane CAS No 630-20-6 “For use in industrial installations only”. By way of derogation this provision shall not apply to: (a) medicinal or veterinary products as defined by Directive 2001/82/EC and Designation of the substance, of the No. group of Conditions of restriction substances or of the mixture Directive 2001/83/EC; (b) Pentachloroethane 37. CAS No 76-01-7 EC No 200-925-1 1,1-Dichloroethene 38. CAS No 75-35-4 EC No 200-864-0 cosmetic products as defined by Directive 76/768/EEC. Designation of the substance, of the No. group of Conditions of restriction substances or of the mixture 1. Shall not be used, as substance or as mixtures in aerosol dispensers where these aerosol dispensers are intended for supply to the general public for entertainment and decorative purposes such as the following:  metallic glitter intended mainly for decoration,  artificial snow and frost,  “whoopee” cushions, 40. Substances meeting the criteria of flammability in Directive 6 7/548/ EEC and classified as flammable, highly flammable or extremely flammable regardless of whether they appear in Part 3 of Annex VI to Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008 or not.  silly string aerosols,  imitation excrement,  horns for parties,  decorative flakes and foams,  artificial cobwebs,  stink bombs. 2. Without prejudice to the application of other Community provisions on the classification, packaging and labelling of substances, suppliers shall ensure before the placing on the market that the packaging of aerosol dispensers referred to above is marked visibly, legibly and indelibly with: “For professional users only”. 3. By way of derogation, paragraphs 1 and 2 shall not apply to the aerosol dispensers Designation of the substance, of the No. group of Conditions of restriction substances or of the mixture 42. Alkanes, C 10 -C 13 , chloro (shortchain chlorinated paraffins) (SCCPs) EC No 287-476-5 CAS No 85535-84-8 referred to Article 8 (1a) of Council Directive 75/ 324/EEC (**). 4. The aerosol dispensers referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 shall not be placed on the market unless they conform to the requirements indicated. _______________________ (**) OJ L 147, 9.6.1975, p. 40. 41. Hexachloroethane Shall not be placed on the market, or used, as substance or in mixtures, where the CAS No 67-72-1 substance or mixture is intended for the manufacturing or processing of non-ferrous EC No 200-666-4 metals. Shall not be placed on the market, or used as substances, or as constituents of other 42. substances or in mixtures in concentrations greater than 1 % by weight, where the Alkanes, C10-C 13 , chloro (short- chain substance or mixture is intended for: chlorinated paraffins) (SCCPs) — metalworking, EC No 287-476-5 CAS No 85535-84-8 — fat liquoring of leather. Designation of the substance, of the No. group of Conditions of restriction substances or of the mixture 1. Azodyes which, by reductive cleavage of one or more azo groups, may release one or more of the aromatic amines listed in Appendix 8, in detectable concentrations, i.e. above 30 mg/kg (0,003 % by weight) in the articles or in the dyed parts thereof, according to the testing methods listed in Appendix 10, shall not be used, in textile and leather articles which may come into direct and prolonged contact with the human skin or oral cavity, such as: — clothing, bedding, towels, hairpieces, wigs, hats, nappies and other sanitary items, sleeping bags, — footwear, gloves, wristwatch straps, handbags, purses/wallets, briefcases, chair 43. Azocolourants and Azodyes covers, purses worn round the neck, — textile or leather toys and toys which include textile or leather garments, — yarn and fabrics intended for use by the final consumer. 2. Furthermore, the textile and leather articles referred to in paragraph 1 shall not be placed on the market unless they conform to the requirements set out in that paragraph. 3. Azodyes, which are contained in Appendix 9, “List of azodyes” shall not be placed on the market, or used, as substances, or in mixtures in concentrations greater than 0,1 % by weight, where the substance or the mixture is intended for colouring textile and leather articles. Designation of the substance, of the No. group of Conditions of restriction substances or of the mixture 1. Shall not be placed on the market, or used, — as a substance, — in mixtures in concentrations greater than 0,1 % by weight. 2. Articles shall not be placed on the market if they, or flame-retarded parts thereof, contain this substance in concentrations greater than 0,1 % by weight. 44. Diphenylether, pentabromo derivative C12H5Br5O 3. By way of derogation, paragraph 2 shall not apply — to articles that were in use in the Community before 15 August 2004, — to electrical and electronic equipment within the scope of Directive 2002/95/EC of the European Parliament and Council (***). __________________________ (***) OJ L 37, 13.2.2003, p. 19. 1. Shall not be placed on the market, or used: — as a substance, Diphenylether, octabromo derivative 45. C12H2Br8O — as a constituent of other substances, or in mixtures, in concentrations greater than 0,1 % by weight. 2. Articles shall not be placed on the market if they, or flame-retardant parts thereof, contain this substance in concentrations greater than 0,1 % by weight 3. By way of derogation, paragraph 2 shall not apply: Designation of the substance, of the No. group of Conditions of restriction substances or of the mixture — to articles that were in use in the Community before 15 August 2004, — to electrical and electronic equipment within the scope of Directive 2002/95/EC. 46. (a) Nonylphenol C6 H4(OH)C9 H19 CAS 25154-52-3 EC 246-672-0 (b) Nonylphenol ethoxylates (C2H4O)nC15H24O (a) Nonylphenol C 6 H4(OH)C 9 H 19 46. (b) Shall not be placed on the market, or used, as substances or in mixtures in concentrations equal to or greater than 0,1 % by weight for the following purposes: (1) industrial and institutional cleaning except: — controlled closed dry cleaning systems where the washing liquid is recycled or incinerated, — cleaning systems with special treatment where the washing liquid is recycled or incinerated. CAS 25154-52-3 (2) domestic cleaning; EC 246-672-0 (3) textiles and leather processing except: Nonylphenol ethoxylates (C2 H4 O)n C15 H24 O — processing with no release into waste water, — systems with special treatment where the process water is pre- treated to remove the organic fraction completely prior to biological waste water treatment (degreasing of sheepskin); (4) emulsifier in agricultural teat dips; (5) metal working except: uses in controlled closed systems where the washing liquid is recycled or Designation of the substance, of the No. group of Conditions of restriction substances or of the mixture incinerated; (6) manufacturing of pulp and paper; (7) cosmetic products; (8) other personal care products except: spermicides; (9) co-formulants in pesticides and biocides. However national authorisations for pesticides or biocidal products containing nonylphenol ethoxylates as coformulant, granted before 17 July 2003, shall not be affected by this restriction until their date of expiry. 1. Cement and cement-containing mixtures shall not be placed on the market, or used, if they contain, when hydrated, more than 2 mg/kg (0,0002 %) soluble chromium VI of the total dry weight of the cement. 2. If reducing agents are used, then without prejudice to the application of other 47. Community provisions on the classification, packaging and labelling of substances Chromium VI compounds and mixtures, suppliers shall ensure before the placing on the market that the packaging of cement or cement-containing mixtures is visibly, legibly and indelibly marked with information on the packing date, as well as on the storage conditions and the storage period appropriate to maintaining the activity of the reducing agent and to keeping the content of soluble chromium VI below the limit indicated in 48. Toluene CAS No 108-88-3 EC No 203-625-9 Designation of the substance, of the No. group of Conditions of restriction substances or of the mixture paragraph 1. 3. By way of derogation, paragraphs 1 and 2 shall not apply to the placing on the market for, and use in, controlled closed and totally automated processes in which cement and cement-containing mixtures are handled solely by machines and in which there is no possibility of contact with the skin. 48. Toluene Shall not be placed on the market, or used, as a substance or in mixtures in a CAS No 108-88-3 concentration equal to or greater than 0,1 % by weight where the substance or mixture EC No 203-625-9 is used in adhesives or spray paints intended for supply to the general public. Shall not be placed on the market, or used, as a substance or in mixtures in a Trichlorobenzene 49. concentration equal to or greater than 0,1 % by weight for any use except: CAS No 120-82-1 — as an intermediate of synthesis, or, EC No 204-428-0 — as a process solvent in closed chemical applications for chlorination reactions, or, — in the manufacture of 1,3,5-triamino Designation of the substance, of the No. group of Conditions of restriction substances or of the mixture — 2,4,6-trinitrobenzene (TATB). Polycyclic-aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) (a) Benzo[a]pyrene (BaP) CAS No 50-32-8 (b) Benzo[e]pyrene (BeP) CAS No 192-97-2 (c) Benzo[a]anthracene (BaA) CAS No 56-55-3 (d) Chrysen (CHR) 50. CAS No 218-01-9 (e) Benzo[b]fluoranthene (BbFA) CAS No 205-99-2 (f) Benzo[j]fluoranthene (BjFA) CAS No 205-82-3 (g) Benzo[k]fluoranthene (BkFA) CAS No 207-08-9 (h) Dibenzo[a,h]anthracene (DBAhA) CAS No 53-70-3 1. From 1 January 2010, extender oils shall not be placed on the market, or used for the production of tyres or parts of tyres if they contain: — more than 1 mg/kg (0,0001 % by weight) BaP, or, — more than 10 mg/kg (0,00 1 % by weight) of the sum of all listed PAHs. These limits shall be regarded as kept, if the polycyclic aromatics (PCA) extract is less than 3 % by weight as measured by the Institute of Petroleum standard IP346: 1998 (Determination of PCA in unused lubri-cating base oils and asphaltene free petroleum fractions — Dimethyl sulphoxide extraction refractive index method), provided that compliance with the limit values of BaP and of the listed PAHs, as well as the correlation of the measured values with the PCA extract, is controlled by the manufacturer or importer every six months or after each major operational change, whichever is earlier. 2. Furthermore, tyres and treads for retreading manufactured after 1 January 2010 shall not be placed on the market if they contain extender oils exceeding the limits indicated in paragraph 1. These limits shall be regarded as kept, if the vulcanised rubber compounds do not exceed the limit of 0,35 % Bay protons as measured and calculated by ISO 21461 Designation of the substance, of the No. group of Conditions of restriction substances or of the mixture (Rubber vulcanised — Determination of aromaticity of oil in vulcanised rubber compounds). 3. By way of derogation, paragraph 2 shall not apply to retreaded tyres if their tread does not contain extender oils exceeding the limits referred to in paragraph 1. 4. For the purpose of this entry “tyres” shall mean tyres for vehicles covered by: — Directive 200 7/46/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 5 September 2007 establishing a framework for the approval of motor vehicles and their trailers (****), — Directive 2003/37/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 26 May 2003 on type-approval of agricultural or forestry tractors, their trailers and interchangeable towed machinery, together with their systems, components and separate technical units (*****), and — Directive 2002/24/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18 March 2002 relating to the type-approval of two or three-wheel motor vehicles and repealing Council Directive 92/61/EEC (******). ____________________________________________________________________ (****) OJ L 263, 9.10.2007, p. 1. (*****) OJ L 171, 9.7.2003, p. 1. Designation of the substance, of the No. group of Conditions of restriction substances or of the mixture (******) OJ L 124, 9.5.2002, p. 1. The following phthalates (or other CAS and 1. Shall not be used as substances or in mixtures, in concentrations greater than 0,1 % EC numbers covering the substance): (a) Bis (2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (DEHP) 51. by weight of the plasticised material, in toys and childcare articles. 2. Toys and childcare articles containing these phthalates in a concentration greater CAS No 117-81-7 than 0,1 % by weight of the plasticised material shall not be placed on the market. EC No 204-211-0 3. The Commission shall re-evaluate, by 16 January 2010, the measures provided for (b) Dibutyl phthalate (DBP) in relation to this entry in the light of new scientific information on such substances CAS No 84-74-2 and their substitutes, and if justified, these measures shall be modified accordingly. EC No 201-557-4 4. For the purpose of this entry “childcare article” shall mean any product intended to (c) Benzyl butyl phthalate (BBP) CAS No 85-68-7 facilitate sleep, relaxation, hygiene, the feeding of children or sucking on the part of children. EC No 201-622-7 The following phthalates (or other CAS- and 1. Shall not be used as substances or in mixtures, in concentrations greater than 0,1 % 52. EC numbers covering the substance): by weight of the plasticised material, in toys and childcare articles which can be (a) Di-“isononyl” phthalate (DINP) placed in the mouth by children. CAS No 28553-12-0 and 685 15-48-0 EC No 249-079-5 and 27 1-090-9 (b) Di-“isodecyl” phthalate (DIDP) 2. Such toys and childcare articles containing these phthalates in a concentration greater than 0,1 % by weight of the plasticised material shall not be placed on the market. Designation of the substance, of the No. group of Conditions of restriction substances or of the mixture CAS No 26761-40-0 and 685 15-49-1 EC No 247-977-1 and 27 1-09 1-4 (c) Di-n-octyl phthalate (DNOP) 3. The Commission shall re-evaluate, by 16 January 2010, the measures provided for in relation to this entry in the light of new scientific information on such substances and their substitutes, and if justified, these measures shall be modified accordingly. CAS No 117-84-0 4. For the purpose of this entry “childcare article” shall mean any product intended to EC No 204-214-7 facilitate sleep, relaxation, hygiene, the feeding of children or sucking on the part of children. 1. Shall not be placed on the market, or used, as substances or in mixtures in concentrations equal to or greater than 50 mg/kg (0,005 % by weight). 2. Shall not be placed on the market in semi-finished products or articles, or parts thereof, if the concentration of PFOS is equal to or greater than 0,1 % by weight 53. Perfluorooctane sulfonates (PFOS) calculated with reference to the mass of structurally or microstructurally distinct C8F17SO2X parts that contain PFOS or, for textiles or other coated materials, if the amount of (X = OH, Metal salt (O-M+), halide, amide, PFOS is equal to or greater than 1 μg/ m 2 of the coated material. and other derivatives including polymers) 3. By way of derogation, paragraphs 1 and 2 shall not apply to the following items, nor to substances and mixtures needed to produce them: (a) photoresists or anti-reflective coatings for photolithography processes; (b) photographic coatings applied to films, papers, or printing plates; (c) mist suppressants for non-decorative hard chromium (VI) plating and wetting Designation of the substance, of the No. group of Conditions of restriction substances or of the mixture agents for use in controlled electroplating systems where the amount of PFOS released into the environment is minimised, by fully applying relevant best available techniques developed within the framework of Directive 2008/1/EC (*******); (d) hydraulic fluids for aviation. 4. By way of derogation from paragraph 1, fire-fighting foams that were placed on the market before 27 December 2006 may be used until 27 June 2011. 5. By way of derogation, paragraph 2 shall not apply to articles that were in use in the Community before 27 June 2008. 6. Paragraphs 1 and 2 shall apply without prejudice to Regulation (EC) No 648/2004 of the European Parliament and of the Council (********). 7. As soon as new information on details of uses and safer alternative substances or technologies for the uses becomes available, the Commission shall review each of the derogations in paragraph 3(a) to (d) so that: (a) the uses of PFOS will be phased out as soon as the use of safer alternatives is technically and economically feasible; (b) a derogation can only be continued for essential uses for which safer alternatives do not exist and where the efforts undertaken to find safer Designation of the substance, of the No. group of Conditions of restriction substances or of the mixture alternatives have been reported on; (c) releases of PFOS into the environment have been minimised, by applying best available techniques. 8. The Commission shall keep under review the ongoing risk assessment activities and the availability of safer alternative substances or technologies related to the uses of perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) and related substances and propose all necessary measures to reduce identified risks, including restrictions on marketing and use, in particular when safer alternative substances or technologies, that are technically and economically feasible, are available. _____________________________ (*******) OJ L 24, 29.1.2008, p. 8. (********) OJ L 104, 8.4.2004, p. 1. 2-(2-methoxyethoxy)ethanol (DEGME) 54. CAS No 111-77-3 EC No 203-906-6 Shall not be placed on the market after 27 June 2010, for supply to the general public, as a constituent of paints, paint strippers, cleaning agents, self-shining emulsions or floor sealants in concentrations equal to or greater than 0,1 % by weight. Designation of the substance, of the No. group of Column 2 Conditions of restriction Conditions of restriction substances or of the mixture 1. Shall not be placed on the market for the first time after 27 June 2010, for supply to the general public, as a constituent of spray paints or spray cleaners in aerosol dispensers in concentrations equal to or greater than 3 % by weight. 2. Spray paints and spray cleaners in aerosol dispensers containing DEGBE and not conforming to paragraph 1 shall not be placed on the market for supply to the 2-(2-butoxyethoxy)ethanol (DEGBE) 55. CAS No 112-34-5 EC No 203-961-6 general public after 27 December 2010. 3. Without prejudice to other Community legislation concerning the classification, packaging and labelling of substances and mixtures, suppliers shall ensure before the placing on the market that paints other than spray paints containing DEGBE in concentrations equal to or greater than 3 % by weight of that are placed on the market for supply to the general public are visibly, legibly and indelibly marked by 27 December 2010 as follows: “Do not use in paint spraying equipment”. 1. Shall not be placed on the market after 27 December 2010, as a constituent of 56. Methylenediphenyl diisocyanate (MDI) mixtures in concentrations equal to or greater than 0,1 % by weight of MDI for CAS No 26447-40-5 supply to the general public, unless suppliers shall ensure before the placing on the EC No 247-714-0 market that the packaging: (a) contains protective gloves which comply with the requirements of Council Designation of the substance, of the No. group of Conditions of restriction substances or of the mixture Directive 89/686/EEC (*********); (b) is marked visibly, legibly and indelibly as follows, and without prejudice to other Community legislation concerning the classification, packaging and labelling of substances and mixtures: “— Persons already sensitised to diisocyanates may develop allergic reactions when using this product. — Persons suffering from asthma, eczema or skin problems should avoid contact, including dermal contact, with this product. — This product should not be used under conditions of poor ventilation unless a protective mask with an appropriate gas filter (i.e. type A1 according to standard EN 14387) is used.” 2. By way of derogation, paragraph 1(a) shall not apply to hot melt adhesives. _________________________________ (*********) OJ L 399, 30.12.1989, p. 18. Cyclohexane 57. CAS No 110-82-7 EC No 203-806-2 1. Shall not be placed on the market for the first time after 27 June 2010, for supply to the general public, as a constituent of neoprene-based contact adhesives in concentrations equal to or greater than 0,1 % by weight in package sizes greater than 350 g. Designation of the substance, of the No. group of Conditions of restriction substances or of the mixture 2. Neoprene-based contact adhesives containing cyclohexane and not conforming to paragraph 1 shall not be placed on the market for supply to the general public after 27 December 2010. 3. Without prejudice to other Community legislation concerning the clas¬sification, packaging and labelling of substances and mixtures, suppliers shall ensure before the placing on the market that neoprene-based contact adhesives containing cyclohexane in concentrations equal to or greater than 0,1 % by weight that are placed on the market for supply to the general public after 27 December 2010 are visibly, legibly and indelibly marked as follows: “— This product is not to be used under conditions of poor ventilation. — This product is not to be used for carpet laying.”. 1. Shall not be placed on the market for the first time after 27 June 2010 as a Ammonium nitrate (AN) 58. CAS No 6484-52-2 EC No 229-347-8 substance, or in mixtures that contain more than 28 % by weight of nitrogen in relation to ammonium nitrate, for use as a solid fertiliser, straight or compound, unless the fertiliser complies with the technical provisions for ammonium nitrate fertilisers of high nitrogen content set out in Annex III to Regulation (EC) No 2003/2003 of the European Parliament and of the Council (**********). Designation of the substance, of the No. group of Conditions of restriction substances or of the mixture 2. Shall not be placed on the market after 27 June 2010 as a substance, or in mixtures that contain 16 % or more by weight of nitrogen in relation to ammonium nitrate except for supply to: (a) downstream users and distributors, including natural or legal persons licensed or authorised in accordance with Council Directive 93/1 5/EEC (***********); (b) farmers for use in agricultural activities, either full time or part time and not necessarily related to the size of the land area. For the purposes of this subparagraph: (i) “farmer” shall mean a natural or legal person, or a group of natural or legal persons, whatever legal status is granted to the group and its members by national law, whose holding is situated within Community territory, as referred to in Article 299 of the Treaty, and who exercises an agricultural activity; (ii) “agricultural activity” shall mean the production, rearing or growing of agricultural products including harvesting, milking, breeding animals and keeping animals for farming purposes, or maintaining the land in good agricultural and environmental condition as established under Article 5 of Council Regulation (EC) No 1782/2003 (************); Designation of the substance, of the No. group of Conditions of restriction substances or of the mixture (c) natural or legal persons engaged in professional activities such as horticulture, plant growing in greenhouses, maintenance of parks, gardens or sport pitches, forestry or other similar activities. 3. However, for the restrictions in paragraph 2, Member States may until 1 July 2014, for socioeconomic reasons, apply a limit of up to 20 % by weight of nitrogen in relation to ammonium nitrate for substances and mixtures placed on the market within their territories. They shall inform the Commission and other Member States thereof. _________________________ (**********) OJ L 304, 21.11.2003, p. 1. (***********) OJ L 121, 15.5.1993, p. 20. (************) OJ L 270, 21.10.2003, p. 1. Substances of Very High Concern yang dimasukkan dalam restriction Candidate List NO. SUBSTANCE NAME EC NUMBER CAS NUMBER 1. Anthracene oil 292-602-7 90640-80-5 2. Anthracene oil, anthracene paste, distn. lights 295-278-5 91995-17-4 3. Anthracene oil, anthracene paste, anthracene fraction 295-275-9 91995-15-2 4. Anthracene oil, anthracene-low 292-604-8 90640-82-7 REASON FOR PROPOSAL Persistent, bioaccumulative and toxic; Very persistent and very bioaccumulative; Carcinogen, category 21) Persistent, bioaccumulative and toxic; Very persistent and very bioaccumulative; Carcinogen, category 22); Mutagen, category 23) Persistent, bioaccumulative and toxic; Very persistent and very bioaccumulative; Carcinogen, category 22) Mutagen, category 23) Persistent, bioaccumulative and toxic; Very persistent and very bioaccumulative; POTENTIAL USES The substances are mainly used in the manufacture of other substances such as anthracene and carbon black. They may also be used as reducing agents in blast furnaces, as components in bunker fuel, for impregnating, sealing and corrosion protection. NO. 5. SUBSTANCE NAME Anthracene oil, anthracene paste 6. Pitch, coal tar, high temp. 7. Aluminosilicate Refractory Ceramic Fibres Aluminosilicate Refractory Ceramic Fibres are fibres covered by index number 650-017-00-8 in Annex VI, part 3, table 3.2 of Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008, and fulfil the two following conditions: a) Al2O3 and SiO2 are present within the EC NUMBER 292-603-2 266-028-2 - CAS NUMBER REASON FOR PROPOSAL Carcinogen, category 22) Mutagen, category 23) Persistent, bioaccumulative and toxic; Very persistent and very 90640-81-6 bioaccumulative; Carcinogen., category 22); Mutagen, category 23) POTENTIAL USES Persistent, bioaccumulative and toxic; Very persistent 65996-93-2 and very bioaccumulative; Carcinogen, category 2 Pitch, coal tar, high temp. is mainly used in the production of electrodes for industrial applications. Smaller volumes are dedicated to specific uses such as heavy duty corrosion protection, special purpose paving, manufacture of other substances and the production of clay targets. - Refractory ceramic fibres are used for hightemperature insulation, almost exclusively in industrial applications (insulation of industrial furnaces and equipment, equipment for the automotive and aircraft/aerospace industry) and in fire protection (buildings and industrial process equipment). Carcinogen, category 2 NO. 8. SUBSTANCE NAME following concentration ranges: ï‚· Al2O3: 43.5 – 47 % w/w, and SiO2: 49.5 – 53.5 % w/w, or ï‚· Al2O3: 45.5 – 50.5 % w/w, and SiO2: 48.5 – 54 % w/w, b) fibres have a length weighted geometric mean diameter less two standard geometric errors of 6 or less micrometers (μm). Zirconia Aluminosilicate, Refractory Ceramic Fibres Zirconia Aluminosilicate Refractory Ceramic Fibres are fibres covered by index number 650-017-00-8 in Annex VI, part 3, table 3.2 of Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008, and fulfil the two following conditions: a) Al2O3, SiO2 and ZrO2 are present within the following concentration ranges: ï‚· Al2O3: 35 – 36 % w/w, EC NUMBER CAS NUMBER - REASON FOR PROPOSAL Carcinogen, category 2 POTENTIAL USES Refractory ceramic fibres are used for hightemperature insulation, almost exclusively in industrial applications (insulation of industrial furnaces and equipment, equipment for the automotive and aircraft/aerospace industry) and in fire protection (buildings and industrial process equipment). NO. SUBSTANCE NAME EC NUMBER CAS NUMBER REASON FOR PROPOSAL POTENTIAL USES and ï‚· SiO2: 47.5 – 50 % w/w, and ï‚· ZrO2: 15 - 17 % w/w, b) fibres have a length weighted geometric mean diameter less two standard geometric errors of 6 or less micrometers (μm). 9. 2,4-Dinitrotoluene 10. Diisobutyl phthalate 11. Lead chromate 204-450-0 121-14-2 Carcinogen, category 2 201-553-2 84-69-5 Toxic forreproduction, category 2 7758-97-6 Carcinogen, category 2; Toxic forreproduction, category 1 231-846-0 2,4-dinitrotoluene is used in the production of toluene diisocyanate, which is used for the manufacture of flexible polyurethane foams. The substance is also used as gelatinizing-plasticizing agent for the manufacture of explosives. Diisobutyl phthalate is used polyacrylate and polyacetate dispersions, and as a gelling aid in combination with other plasticisers, which are widely used for plastics, lacquers, adhesives, explosive material and nail polish. Lead chromate is used for manufacturing pigments and dyes, and as a pigment or coating agent in industrial and maritime paint products or varnishes. Further potential uses may be associated with the formulation of detergents and bleaches, photosensitive materials, the manufacture of pyrotechnic powder or the embalming / NO. SUBSTANCE NAME EC NUMBER CAS NUMBER REASON FOR PROPOSAL Lead chromate molybdate 12. sulphate red (C.I. Pigment Red 104) 235-759-9 Carcinogen, category 2; 12656-85-8 Toxic forreproduction, category 1 Lead sulfochromate yellow (C.I. Pigment Yellow 34) 21 5-693-7 1344-37-2 Carcinogen, category 2; Toxic forreproduction, category 1 204-118-5 115-96-8 Toxic forreproduction, category 2 13. 14. tris(2-chloroethyl)phosphate POTENTIAL USES restoring of art products. Lead chromate molybdate sulphate red (C.I. Pigment Red 104) is used as a colouring, painting and coating agent in sectors such as the rubber, plastic and paints, coatings and varnishes industries. Applications comprise the production of agricultural equipment, vehicles and aircraft as well as road and airstrip painting. Lead sulfochromate yellow (C.I. Pigment Yellow 34) is used as a colouring, painting and coating agent in sectors such as the rubber, plastic and paints, coatings and varnishes industries. Applications comprise the production of agricultural equipment, vehicles and aircraft as well as road and airstrip painting. The substance is further used for camouflage or ammunition marking in the defence area. Tris(2-chloroethyl)phosphate is mainly used as an additive plasticiser and viscosity regulator with flame-retarding properties for acrylic resins, polyurethane, polyvinyl chloride and other polymers. Other fields of application are adhesives, coatings, flame resistant paints and varnishes. The main industrial branches to use TCEP are the furniture, the textile and the building industry. DAFTAR HS 6 DIGIT KOMODITAS EKSPOR NON MIGAS INDONESIA KE UNI EROPA (US $ JUTA) TREND (%) PANGSA (%) NO. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 HS6 151110 270112 400122 151190 260300 151321 640319 090111 940360 270119 844331 151311 640399 852580 440929 230660 852721 382490 382319 030613 441294 180400 852190 401110 292241 611020 640411 620342 620520 200820 400121 610990 940381 URAIAN 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 JAN-SEP PERTUMB. (%) PALM OIL AND ITS FRACTIONS, CRUDE, 325.19 NOT CHEMICALLY 381.39 487.93 MODIFIED709.05 1,404.69 42.57 9.14 945.79 852.21 -9.89 BITUMINOUS COAL, WHETHER OR NOT 245.22 PULVERIZED, 464.21 BUT654.82 NOT AGGLOMERATED 403.95 775.56 24.16 5.05 503.35 438.75 -12.83 TECHNICALLY SPECIFIED NATURAL304.77 RUBBER (TSNR) 265.30 IN PRIMARY 507.39 FORMS 592.36OR IN 725.22 PLATES, SHEETS 28.88 OR STRIP 4.72 584.91 219.62 -62.45 PALM OIL AND ITS FRACTIONS, REFINED 238.60BUT NOT 284.44 CHEMICALLY 284.93 MODIFIED 458.76 679.51 29.32 4.42 534.11 293.54 -45.04 COPPER ORES AND CONCENTRATES453.69 784.24 976.77 1,183.50 598.64 10.14 3.89 509.79 695.45 36.42 PALM KERNEL OR BABASSU OIL AND 222.44 THEIR FRACTIONS, 224.31 CRUDE, 219.55 NOT 280.56 CHEMICALLY 454.86MODIFIED 17.99 2.96 331.64 168.52 -49.19 SPORTS FOOTWEAR (OTHER THAN SKI 229.78 FOOTWEAR) 297.08NESOI,404.43 WITH OUTER 398.57 SOLES446.83 OF RUBBER, PLASTICS, 17.63 LEATHER 2.91 OR COMPOSITION 323.85 284.09 LEATHER -12.28 AND UPPERS O COFFEE, NOT ROASTED, NOT DECAFFEINATED 88.52 174.29 181.58 177.21 396.21 35.18 2.58 313.62 233.24 -25.63 WOODEN FURNITURE, NESOI 269.37 345.88 319.63 357.20 349.89 5.71 2.28 276.53 209.56 -24.22 COAL, OTHER THAN ANTHRACITE OR21.63 BITUMINOUS, 51.43WHETHER 193.21OR NOT 169.45 PULVERIZED, 253.30 BUT NOT 84.28 AGGLOMERATED 1.65 167.99 223.57 33.08 MACHINES WHICH PERFORM TWO OR 195.24 MORE OF299.11 THE FUNCTIONS 164.47 OF PRINTING, 216.96 COPYING 248.36 OR FACSIMILE 1.62 TRANSMISSION, 1.62 186.52 CAPABLE 166.24 OF CONNECTING -10.88 TO AN A COCONUT (COPRA) OIL AND ITS FRACTIONS, 93.45 CRUDE, 156.87 NOT CHEMICALLY 64.29 202.06 MODIFIED 220.49 21.77 1.43 195.86 68.81 -64.87 FOOTWEAR, WITH OUTER SOLES OF RUBBER, 35.30 PLASTICS 40.76 OR76.64 COMPOSITION 163.08 LEATHER 198.98AND UPPERS 62.34 OF LEATHER 1.29NESOI, 142.33 NOT COVERING 124.17 THE ANKLE -12.76 TELEVISION CAMERAS, DIGITAL CAMERAS 175.46 AND 193.18 VIDEO CAMERA 154.43 RECORDERS. 218.68 193.02 3.20 1.26 146.62 182.54 24.50 NON-CONIFEROUS;OTHER 73.88 80.42 151.83 152.33 167.49 25.55 1.09 132.81 100.07 -24.65 PALM NUT OR KERNEL OILCAKE AND53.33 OTHER SOLID 53.42RESIDUES 67.29RESULTING 123.84 FROM 162.02 THE EXTRACTION 35.84 OF PALM 1.05 NUTS OR 126.07 KERNELS,59.02 WHETHER OR -53.19 NOT GROUND RADIOBROADCAST RECEIVERS FOR 110.46 MOTOR VEHICLES, 120.69 COMBINED 97.14 WITH 153.34SOUND 135.83 RECORDING 6.75 OR REPRODUCING 0.88 APPARATUS, 100.52 NOT 48.61 CAPABLE OF -51.64 OPERATING PRODUCTS, PREPARATIONS AND RESIDUAL 0.01 PRODUCTS 0.05 OF THE 0.01CHEMICAL 3.56 OR ALLIED 125.61 INDUSTRIES, 986.93 INCL. THOSE 0.82 CONSISTING 53.50 OF88.56 MIXTURES OF 65.53 NATURAL PR FATTY ACIDS, INDUSTRIAL, MONOCARBOXYLIC; 60.75 49.52 ACID OILSFROM 73.08 REFINING 76.68 (EXCL. 125.34 STEARIC 20.75 ACID, OLEIC ACID 0.82AND TALL 97.74OIL FATTY 69.38 ACIDS) -29.02 SHRIMPS AND PRAWNS, INCLUDING114.77 IN SHELL, COOKED 132.62 BY 159.16 STEAMING 137.85 OR BY BOILING 122.26 IN WATER, 1.66 FROZEN 0.80 98.65 67.19 -31.89 Plywood, veneered panels&similar laminated12.46 wood, of blockboard, 10.88 laminboard&battenboard 4.12 77.93 117.07 90.59 0.76 92.43 57.44 -37.86 COCOA BUTTER, FAT AND OIL 46.16 57.42 75.84 105.82 116.35 27.89 0.76 91.92 62.37 -32.14 VIDEO RECORDING OR REPRODUCING 93.05 APPARATUS, 75.45OTHER 144.26 THAN MAGNETIC 70.54 TAPE-TYPE 114.83 3.60 0.75 27.47 245.41 793.50 NEW PNEUMATIC TIRES, OF RUBBER,74.51 OF A KIND79.88 USED ON MOTOR 93.06 CARS 115.46 (INCLUDING 110.42 STATION 12.25 WAGONS AND0.72 RACING 86.22 CARS) 73.42 -14.84 LYSINE AND ITS ESTERS; SALTS THEREOF 79.47 67.06 63.13 78.93 100.21 6.47 0.65 74.24 47.94 -35.43 SWEATERS, PULLOVERS, SWEATSHIRTS, 96.59VESTS AND 93.14 SIMILAR 106.49 ARTICLES 92.53 OF COTTON, 95.52 KNITTED -0.29 OR CROCHETED 0.62 73.14 60.47 -17.33 SPORTS FOOTWEAR, INCLUDING TENNIS 49.49SHOES,41.78 BASKETBALL 22.64SHOES58.39 AND GYM 94.23 SHOES, WITH17.62 OUTER SOLES0.61 OF RUBBER 64.97 OR PLASTICS 71.48 AND UPPERS 10.02 OF TEXT MEN'S OR BOYS' TROUSERS, BIB AND 40.18 BRACE OVERALLS, 45.14 BREECHES 55.53 AND 85.61SHORTS 91.46 OF COTTON, 25.68 NOT KNITTED0.60 OR CROCHETED 68.04 64.23 -5.60 MEN'S OR BOYS' SHIRTS OF COTTON, 57.51 NOT KNITTED 60.58OR CROCHETED 66.52 84.79 90.87 13.33 0.59 69.09 65.69 -4.92 PINEAPPLES, PREPARED OR PRESERVED, 34.60WHETHER 50.32OR NOT47.24 CONTAINING 22.44ADDED88.73 SWEETENING 11.36 OR SPIRIT, NESOI 0.58 71.13 38.16 -46.35 NATURAL RUBBER IN SMOKED SHEETS 34.60 89.56 138.16 112.28 85.88 22.68 0.56 79.24 12.55 -84.16 T-SHIRTS, SINGLETS, TANK TOPS AND34.71 SIMILAR GARMENTS, 42.42 55.98 OF TEXTILE 66.73 MATERIALS 82.43NESOI, KNITTED 24.39 OR CROCHETED 0.54 64.39 62.61 -2.76 Furniture of banboo/rattan. 9.33 13.22 74.36 72.70 75.02 79.91 0.49 62.60 35.95 -42.57 Sumber: BPS, diolah 04-08 2008 2008 2009 DAFTAR HS 6 DIGIT KOMODITAS EKSPOR NON MIGAS INDONESIA KE UNI EROPA (US $ JUTA) TREND (%) PANGSA (%) NO. 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 HS6 441820 940151 611030 470329 620119 401519 950300 852871 850710 480257 441872 621210 871200 720890 620630 540233 441231 720851 940180 850431 382370 853690 640359 852990 401150 870850 480256 640219 551011 381121 620193 610910 160520 URAIAN 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 JAN-SEP PERTUMB. (%) DOORS AND THEIR FRAMES AND THRESHOLDS, 59.09 67.98 OF WOOD 92.84 83.31 74.02 6.76 0.48 58.05 38.55 -33.58 Seats of bamboo/rattan. 119.47 102.39 98.03 109.69 73.83 -8.55 0.48 59.99 46.02 -23.29 SWEATERS, PULLOVERS, SWEATSHIRTS, 87.81VESTS AND 77.16 SIMILAR 85.08 ARTICLES 65.59 OF MANMADE 71.45 FIBERS, -5.59 KNITTED OR0.46 CROCHETED 57.24 55.79 -2.53 CHEMICAL WOODPULP, SODA OR SULFATE, 79.50 OTHER 101.92THAN 110.77 DISSOLVING 110.60 GRADES, 71.21 SEMIBLEACHED -1.37OR BLEACHED, 0.46 NONCONIFEROUS 71.21 20.81 -70.78 MEN'S OR BOYS' OVERCOATS, CARCOATS, 49.46 CAPES, 69.54 CLOAKS 67.72 AND SIMILAR 57.89 ARTICLES 66.78 OF TEXTILE 4.26 MATERIALS0.43 NESOI, NOT 52.64 KNITTED 40.76 OR CROCHETED -22.57 GLOVES, EXCEPT SURGICAL AND MEDICAL 31.99 GLOVES, 40.44 OF VULCANIZED 47.15 50.00 RUBBER, NESOI 66.41 18.21 0.43 50.11 50.18 0.14 Tricycles, scooters, pedal cars & similar wheeled 53.43toys; dolls' 51.29 carriages;48.99 dolls; other54.91 toys; reduced-size 65.39 (scale) models 4.83 & similar recreational 0.43 models 50.26 51.53 2.52 Reception apparatus for televison, Not designed 0.00to incorporate 0.00 a video52.13 display/screen 39.57 63.72 #NUM! 0.41 28.41 117.03 311.94 LEAD-ACID STORAGE BATTERIES OF 17.12 A KIND USED 16.56 FOR STARTING 25.66 PISTON 56.57 ENGINES 63.37 46.91 0.41 51.25 41.99 -18.07 Paper&paperboard, not containing fibres obtained 0.00 by a mechanical/chemi-mechanical 0.00 26.58 55.44 process/of62.94 which not #NUM! > 10% by weight of the 0.41total fibre 46.24 content cons 48.91 5.79 Assembled flooring panels, multilayer 64.33 96.11 116.62 58.96 62.37 -5.35 0.41 49.36 27.78 -43.72 BRASSIERES, WHETHER OR NOT KNITTED 57.86 OR CROCHETED 60.50 67.20 58.50 61.29 0.82 0.40 47.11 48.85 3.69 BICYCLES AND OTHER CYCLES (INCLUDING 17.82 DELIVERY 25.96 TRICYCLES), 33.04 NOT 46.76MOTORIZED 61.25 35.77 0.40 47.50 40.75 -14.23 FLAT-ROLLED IRON OR NONALLOY STEEL 29.23 PRODUCTS, 25.65 600 MM 61.79OR MORE 57.96 WIDE, HOT-ROLLED, 60.40 25.44 NOT CLAD, PLATED 0.39 OR COATED, 52.93 NESOI 5.80 -89.04 WOMEN'S OR GIRLS' BLOUSES, SHIRTS 16.63 AND SHIRT-BLOUSES 18.31 31.83 OF COTTON, 45.55NOT KNITTED 59.46 OR CROCHETED 41.32 0.39 44.40 39.33 -11.42 SYNTHETIC FILAMENT YARN OTHER 43.97 THAN SEWING 52.23THREAD, 54.73 NOT PUT 73.14 UP FOR RETAIL 59.41 SALE, TEXTURED 9.84 YARN 0.39OF POLYESTERS 47.53 22.97 -51.68 PLYWOOD NESOI, VENEERED PANELS91.48 AND SIMILAR 71.02LAMINATED 52.22 WOOD 57.96 WITH AT 58.25 LEAST ONE -10.47 OUTER PLY OF0.38 NONCONIFEROUS 47.65 WOOD, 27.63 NESOI -42.02 FLAT-ROLLED PRODUCTS OF IRON OR22.96 NON-ALLOY 56.34 STEEL, OF 72.97 A WIDTH 75.06 >= 600 MM, 56.79 NOT IN COILS, 23.35SIMPLY HOT-ROLLED, 0.37 51.18 NOT CLAD, 23.44 PLATED OR -54.21 COATED, OF SEATS OTHER THAN OF METAL OR WOODEN 130.07 FRAMES, 115.88 NESOI 93.88 76.45 56.45 -18.82 0.37 46.45 28.51 -38.61 ELECTRICAL TRANSFORMERS NESOI,11.45 HAVING A12.11 POWER HANDING 15.18 CAPACITY 16.91 NOT 54.98 EXCEEDING 41.50 1 KVA 0.36 29.69 72.02 142.53 FATTY ALCOHOLS, INDUSTRIAL 15.73 17.58 22.33 23.49 53.40 31.44 0.35 37.57 20.37 -45.77 ELECTRICAL APPARATUS FOR SWITCHING, 24.85 PROTECTING 37.08 OR 37.25 MAKING 13.47 CONNECTIONS 52.55 TO OR IN4.98 ELECTRICAL CIRCUITS, 0.34 40.72 FOR A VOLTAGE 29.93 NOT EXCEEDING -26.49 1,00 FOOTWEAR, WITH OUTER SOLES AND26.39 UPPERS OF 23.74 LEATHER29.90 NESOI, NOT 23.43 COVERING 52.27 THE ANKLE 14.50 0.34 39.71 44.96 13.23 PARTS (EXCEPT ANTENNAS AND REFLECTORS) 46.77 FOR 19.68USE WITH 6.94RADIO 43.75 TRANSMISSION, 51.68 RADAR, 10.50 RADIO NAVIGATIONAL 0.34 38.49 AID, RECEPTION 53.44 AND TELEVISION 38.82 APP NEW PNEUMATIC TIRES, OF RUBBER,28.84 OF A KIND26.63 USED ON BICYCLES 28.46 36.31 51.54 15.85 0.34 38.48 35.25 -8.40 DRIVE AXLES WITH DIFFERENTIAL FOR 0.02 MOTOR VEHICLES 0.00 9.93 31.09 49.44 1,098.25 0.32 40.97 3.87 -90.56 Paper&paperboard, not containing fibres obtained 0.00 by a mechanical/chemi-mechanical 0.00 23.74 52.49 process/of49.04 which not #NUM! > 10% by weight of the 0.32total fibre 37.57 content cons 29.97 -20.22 SPORTS FOOTWEAR, OTHER THAN SKI-BOOTS 80.78 AND 59.67 CROSS-COUNTRY 52.33 SKI 47.68FOOTWEAR, 48.94 WITH OUTER -11.54 SOLES AND 0.32UPPERS 37.74 OF RUBBER 36.77 OR PLASTICS -2.57NESOI ARTIFICIAL STAPLE FIBER YARN (EXCEPT 31.80 SEWING 28.93 THREAD), 45.61 NOT FOR63.33 RETAIL SALE, 47.82 85% OR 17.35 MORE (WT.) OF0.31 ARTIFICIAL 35.94 STAPLE 27.02 FIBERS, SINGLE -24.80 YARN ADDITIVES FOR LUBRICATING OILS CONTAINING 0.00 0.00 PETROLEUM 0.00OILS OR0.00 OILS OBTAINED 47.40 FROM #NUM!BITUMINOUS 0.31 MINERALS 27.92 18.72 -32.96 MEN'S OR BOYS' ANORAKS, SKI-JACKETS, 35.04WINDBREAKERS 30.95 28.89 AND SIMILAR 36.06ARTICLES 45.85 OF MANMADE 7.15 FIBERS, NOT 0.30KNITTED 35.60 OR CROCHETED 33.45 -6.03 T-SHIRTS, SINGLETS, TANK TOPS AND55.77 SIMILAR GARMENTS 57.13 54.45 OF COTTON, 54.21 KNITTED 45.72 OR CROCHETED -4.40 0.30 34.57 24.35 -29.57 SHRIMPS AND PRAWNS, PREPARED OR 12.10 PRESERVED, 22.41INCLUDING 26.68 PRODUCTS 30.01 CONTAINING 45.64 FISH 34.27 MEAT 0.30 31.07 33.41 7.54 Sumber: BPS, diolah 04-08 2008 2008 2009 DAFTAR HS 6 DIGIT KOMODITAS EKSPOR NON MIGAS INDONESIA KE UNI EROPA (US $ JUTA) TREND (%) PANGSA (%) NO. 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 HS6 330129 620462 847170 151790 880330 640610 940389 920710 844332 090240 160414 442010 441879 611529 151329 442090 844399 920790 090411 392321 847190 890110 441239 940190 620343 903289 550320 840290 550921 870870 550953 481013 848210 URAIAN 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 JAN-SEP PERTUMB. (%) ESSENTIAL OILS, NESOI 15.94 18.57 16.39 24.96 44.26 26.35 0.29 33.87 18.61 -45.06 WOMEN'S OR GIRLS' TROUSERS, BIB AND 18.49BRACE18.83 OVERALLS, 13.76 BREECHES 20.32 AND SHORTS 41.93 OF COTTON, 18.69 NOT KNITTED 0.27 OR CROCHETED 32.24 27.32 -15.26 STORAGE UNITS FOR DIGITAL AUTOMATIC 29.59 DATA-PROCESSING 1.08 56.45 MACHINES. 61.65 41.24 60.21 0.27 8.55 49.27 476.28 EDIBLE MIXTURES OR PREPARATIONS1.65 OF ANIMAL 2.12 OR VEGETABLE 2.59 FATS 8.88 OR OILS37.58 OR OF FRACTIONS 115.59 OF DIFFERENT 0.24 FATS 19.16 AND OILS 18.09 COVERED BY -5.58 HEADINGS PARTS OF AIRPLANES OR HELICOPTERS, 12.29 NESOI 25.58 43.60 65.48 36.55 36.60 0.24 25.98 34.64 33.34 FOOTWEAR UPPERS AND UPPER PARTS, 45.61 EXCEPT53.67 STIFFENERS 55.17 46.52 36.46 -5.74 0.24 28.63 20.35 -28.92 Furniture of other materials, incl. cane, osier,/similar 51.91 materials; 75.88 other than 10.42bamboo/rattan. 24.33 33.23 -18.37 0.22 23.68 67.72 186.01 KEYBOARD MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS,30.70 OTHER THAN 25.14ACCORDIANS, 22.36 THE 25.23 SOUND OF 32.45 WHICH IS PRODUCED 1.15 OR MUST 0.21 BE AMPLIFIED 22.76 15.73 ELECTRICALLY -30.91 Other printers, copying machines & facsimile0.00 machines, whether/not 0.00 combined 0.00 , exclud 68.21the ones32.12 which perform #NUM!two/more of the 0.21 functions of25.69 printing, cop12.43 -51.64 BLACK TEA (FERMENTED) AND OTHER 13.82 PARTLY 13.05 FERMENTED 14.39 TEA, NESOI 18.14 31.40 21.78 0.20 22.71 25.71 13.23 TUNAS, SKIPJACK AND ATLANTIC BONITO 14.67 (SARDA 23.33 SPP), PREPARED 14.28 OR 23.25 PRESERVED, 31.09WHOLE OR 16.17 IN PIECES, BUT 0.20NOT MINCED 23.86 32.51 36.25 STATUETTES AND OTHER ORNAMENTS, 27.37 OF WOOD 31.43 31.24 34.63 31.03 3.55 0.20 24.83 24.91 0.35 Assembled flooring panels (excl. of 4418.71&0.00 4418.72) 0.00 0.00 37.78 31.01 #NUM! 0.20 25.99 16.27 -37.41 Panty hose, tights, stockings, socks & other hosiery, 0.00 & footwear 0.00 without0.00 applied soles, 30.02 of other textile 30.84 materials, #NUM!other than of synthetic 0.20 fibres, 23.15 kn 20.66 -10.74 PALM KERNEL OR BABASSU OIL AND20.59 THEIR FRACTIONS, 13.33 REFINED 10.65 BUT 34.19 NOT CHEMICALLY 30.78 MODIFIED 19.08 0.20 24.70 16.38 -33.68 WOOD MARQUETRY AND INLAID WOOD; 17.54CASKETS 21.02 AND CASES 24.84FOR JEWELRY 61.30 OR30.52 CUTLERY AND 24.33SIMILAR ARTICLES, 0.20 OF 24.99 WOOD; WOODEN 23.02 ARTICLES -7.89 OF FURN Other parts & accessories for printing machinery 0.00excl. 8443.91 0.00 0.25 8.17 29.97 #NUM! 0.19 19.58 26.18 33.71 MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, THE SOUND14.54 OF WHICH19.30 IS PRODUCED 20.20OR MUST 28.44 BE AMPLIFIED 29.73 ELECTRICALLY 19.94 (FOR0.19 EXAMPLE, 22.92 BANJOS,20.91 GUITARS, ACCORDIANS), -8.78 NE PEPPER OF THE GENUS PIPER (BLACK AND 8.63 WHITE), 8.62NEITHER 11.44 CRUSHED 25.04 NOR GROUND 28.82 41.59 0.19 24.28 15.28 -37.04 SACKS AND BAGS (INCLUDING CONES), 23.91 OF POLYMERS 20.26 OF ETHYLENE 22.63 26.35 28.40 6.25 0.18 22.75 10.35 -54.51 OTHER AUTOMATIC DATA PROCESSING 0.61 MACHINES 1.02AND UNITS 0.50 THEREOF; 7.91MAGNETIC 27.84 OR OPTICAL 163.66 READERS0.18 23.44 11.53 -50.82 CRUISE SHIPS, EXCURSION BOATS AND 0.00 SIMILAR VESSELS 0.00 PRINCIPALLY 24.91 57.74 DESIGNED 27.80 FOR THE #NUM! TRANSPORT OF0.18 PERSONS;27.77 FERRY BOATS 0.00 OF ALL-100.00 KINDS Plywood, consisting solely of sheets of wood15.90 (other than 10.72 bamboo,excl. 9.95 of 4412.31 32.22 &4412.32), each 27.55ply not> 624.61 mm thkns 0.18 20.80 9.40 -54.83 PARTS OF SEATS (EXCEPT PARTS OF MEDICAL, 7.30 DENTIST', 6.70 BARBERS' 2.68 AND 17.51 SIMILAR 27.18 SEATS), NESOI 43.21 0.18 20.58 14.27 -30.69 MEN'S OR BOYS' TROUSERS, BIB AND 31.34 BRACE OVERALLS, 34.15 BREECHES 43.54 AND 21.68SHORTS 26.39 OF SYNTHETIC -7.67FIBERS, NOT 0.17 KNITTED 20.25 OR CROCHETED 19.69 -2.81 AUTOMATIC REGULATING OR CONTROLLING 0.07 INSTRUMENTS 0.35 0.39 AND APPARATUS 1.51 (EXCLUDING 26.37 275.30 THERMOSTATS,0.17 MANOSTATS 26.36AND HYDRAULIC 0.09 TYPES), -99.66 NESOI SYNTHETIC STAPLE FIBERS, NOT CARDED, 0.86 COMBED 0.46OR OTHERWISE 3.19 PROCESSED 25.08 26.21 FOR SPINNING, 195.41OF POLYESTERS 0.17 18.59 14.82 -20.27 PARTS FOR SUPER-HEATED WATER BOILERS 0.04 AND0.00 STEAM OR0.06 OTHER VAPOR 0.11 GENERATION 26.04 #NUM! BOILERS (OTHER THAN 0.17 CENTRAL 0.00 HEATING 7.01 HOT 505,900.79 WATER BOILERS) SYNTHETIC STAPLE FIBER YARN (EXCEPT 21.52 SEWING 23.48 THREAD), 28.03 NOT FOR 28.70 RETAIL SALE, 24.79 85% OR MORE 4.95 (WT.) OF0.16 POLYESTERS, 19.88 SINGLE 14.15 YARN -28.85 ROAD WHEELS AND PARTS AND ACCESSORIES 20.61 THEREOF 22.58 FOR 25.51 MOTOR 26.29 VEHICLES 24.61 5.20 0.16 18.74 12.48 -33.42 SYNTHETIC STAPLE FIBER YARN (EXCEPT 21.98 SEWING 17.85 THREAD), 28.71 NOT FOR 27.11 RETAIL SALE, 24.50 UNDER 85% 6.55(WT.) OF POLYESTER 0.16 19.86 MIXED MAINLY 9.55 WITH COTTON -51.90 PAPER AND PAPERBOARD, FOR WRITING, 20.27PRINTING 23.76OR OTHER 13.86GRAPHIC 21.05 USE, NOT 24.24 OVER 10% MECHANICAL 2.39 FIBERS, 0.16 OVER 14.46150 G/M2, 28.59 CLAY COATED, 97.80 IN ROLLS BALL BEARINGS 1.57 0.04 0.36 16.27 23.79 214.03 0.15 19.58 10.46 -46.59 Sumber: BPS, diolah 04-08 2008 2008 2009 DAFTAR HS 6 DIGIT KOMODITAS EKSPOR NON MIGAS INDONESIA KE UNI EROPA (US $ JUTA) TREND (%) PANGSA (%) NO. HS6 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 920110 292700 940179 611090 550922 640419 240110 610610 611595 260400 940169 850610 630533 691110 610510 441890 700510 550410 540710 620349 620590 640391 240120 291611 382311 620469 620339 610290 151800 940161 551321 621111 611212 URAIAN 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 JAN-SEP PERTUMB. (%) UPRIGHT PIANOS 11.41 10.74 17.86 24.42 23.72 25.66 0.15 19.96 14.56 -27.09 DIAZO-, AZO-, OR AZOXY-COMPOUNDS 14.02 17.78 25.02 24.23 23.27 14.15 0.15 17.88 14.52 -18.81 SEATS WITH METAL FRAMES, NOT UPHOLSTERED, 8.97 11.18 NESOI 17.37 25.09 23.17 31.10 0.15 18.79 12.68 -32.53 SWEATERS, PULLOVERS, SWEATSHIRTS, 24.07VESTS AND 25.23 SIMILAR 22.82 ARTICLES 26.04 OF TEXTILE 23.10MATERIALS -0.51NESOI, KNITTED 0.15 OR 17.79 CROCHETED 14.06 -20.99 SYNTHETIC STAPLE FIBER YARN (EXCEPT 18.75 SEWING 17.31 THREAD), 19.48 NOT FOR 22.76 RETAIL SALE, 22.69 85% OR MORE 6.77 (WT.) OF0.15 POLYESTERS, 18.26 MULTIPLE 9.33 OR CABLED -48.92YARN FOOTWEAR, WITH OUTER SOLES OF RUBBER 6.88 OR PLASTICS 6.07 AND 4.63 UPPERS 12.05 OF TEXTILE 22.62MATERIALS, 35.86 NESOI 0.15 12.68 14.61 15.19 TOBACCO, NOT STEMMED/STRIPPED 20.29 32.62 34.21 25.08 22.54 -0.52 0.15 18.01 27.90 54.96 WOMEN'S OR GIRLS' BLOUSES AND SHIRTS 7.59 OF COTTON, 6.60 KNITTED 6.45 OR CROCHETED 20.50 22.35 39.01 0.15 16.58 8.63 -47.94 Other n.e.s. in 61.15, knitted/crocheted, of cotton. 38.24 45.00 42.89 14.05 22.32 -20.08 0.15 16.82 14.67 -12.78 NICKEL ORES AND CONCENTRATES 0.00 4.93 10.03 54.79 22.19 #NUM! 0.14 19.57 12.90 -34.07 SEATS WITH WOODEN FRAMES, NOT 21.06 UPHOLSTERED, 25.96 NESOI17.60 24.81 22.17 0.58 0.14 18.42 13.46 -26.94 MANGANESE DIOXIDE CELLS AND BATTERIES 20.63 (EXCL. 25.68 SPENT). 29.17 26.55 22.14 1.76 0.14 16.63 17.25 3.77 SACKS AND BAGS, FOR THE PACKING OF 7.13GOODS, 19.59 OF POLYETHYLENE 20.97 20.51 OR POLYPROPYLENE 21.34 STRIP 25.07OR THE LIKE 0.14(EXCL. 16.65 FLEXIBLE 12.12 INTERMEDIATE -27.19 BULK CONT CERAMIC TABLEWARE AND KITCHENWARE, 23.68 OF 14.88 PORCELAIN 19.96 OR CHINA 20.76 21.22 1.15 0.14 16.05 11.07 -31.06 MEN'S OR BOYS' SHIRTS OF COTTON, 14.67 KNITTED OR 19.10 CROCHETED 20.93 22.13 21.05 9.08 0.14 16.59 12.78 -22.96 BUILDERS' JOINERY AND CARPENTRY 0.00 OF WOOD, 0.00 NESOI 0.00 20.55 20.37 #NUM! 0.13 15.83 11.93 -24.63 FLOAT GLASS AND SURFACE GROUND4.88 OR POLISHED 6.99 GLASS,7.92 IN SHEETS, 8.48 NONWIRED, 20.27WITH AN35.57 ABSORBENT OR 0.13REFLECTING 13.37 LAYER, 1.90 BUT NOT -85.80 OTHERWISE W ARTIFICIAL STAPLE FIBERS, NOT CARDED, 1.44 COMBED 5.23OR OTHERWISED 9.89 15.01 PROCESSED 20.15 FOR SPINNING, 88.39 OF VISCOSE 0.13 RAYON15.60 14.49 -7.08 WOVEN FABRICS OF SYNTHETIC FILAMENT 34.44 HIGH 33.59 TENACITY 27.14 YARN, OF 24.29 NYLON OR 20.00 OTHER POLYAMIDES -13.16 OR OF 0.13POLYESTERS 16.55 8.87 -46.39 MEN'S OR BOYS' TROUSERS, BIB AND 21.50 BRACE OVERALLS, 27.36 BREECHES 34.27 AND 15.86SHORTS 19.81 OF TEXTILE-6.84 MATERIALS NESOI, 0.13 NOT14.03 KNITTED 10.84 OR CROCHETED -22.70 MEN'S OR BOYS' SHIRTS OF TEXTILE MATERIALS 22.24 29.11 NESOI, NOT 26.49 KNITTED 23.37 OR CROCHETED 19.66 -4.55 0.13 16.35 11.23 -31.30 FOOTWEAR, WITH OUTER SOLES OF RUBBER, 6.66 PLASTICS 6.99 OR COMPOSITION 9.51 12.76 LEATHER 19.27AND UPPERS 31.35 OF LEATHER 0.13NESOI,18.86 COVERING18.80 THE ANKLE -0.37 TOBACCO, PARTLY OR WHOLLY STEMMED/STRIPPED 10.79 13.52 8.81 15.99 18.56 13.33 0.12 12.51 14.15 13.17 ACRYLIC ACID AND ITS SALTS 4.64 10.44 19.18 33.20 18.34 47.80 0.12 15.56 3.83 -75.42 STEARIC ACID, INDUSTRIAL 9.89 10.29 8.56 7.69 18.23 9.76 0.12 12.26 9.11 -25.70 WOMEN'S OR GIRLS' TROUSERS, BIB AND 10.61BRACE11.76 OVERALLS, 16.71 BREECHES 19.21 AND SHORTS 18.03 OF TEXTILE 16.76 MATERIALS 0.12NESOI, 14.27 NOT KNITTED 10.27OR CROCHETED -28.04 MEN'S OR BOYS' SUIT-TYPE JACKETS AND 7.03 BLAZERS 5.40OF TEXTILE 9.45 MATERIALS 8.85 NESOI, 17.80NOT KNITTED 26.50 OR CROCHETED 0.12 12.77 11.00 -13.90 WOMEN'S OR GIRLS' OVERCOATS, CARCOATS, 4.33 CAPES, 10.93 CLOAKS, 28.36ANORAKS, 8.71 SKI-JACKETS 17.50 AND 29.25 SIMILAR ARTICLES 0.11 OF TEXTILE 12.85 MATERIALS 11.38 NESOI, -11.42 KNITTED OR ANIMAL OR VEGETABLE FATS, OILS AND 0.14THEIR FRACTIONS, 0.11 0.20 BOILED, 10.85 OXIDIZED,17.37 ETC.; INEDIBLE 315.83MIXES OR PREPARATIONS 0.11 17.34 OF ANIMAL 0.05 OR VEGETABLE -99.72 FATS SEATS WITH WOODEN FRAMES, UPHOLSTERED, 13.12 18.77 NESOI 31.79 18.71 17.26 5.60 0.11 13.20 10.04 -23.94 WOVEN FABRICS OF POLYESTER STAPLE 13.24FIBERS, 14.95 UNDER 85% 15.40 (WT.) OF16.26 SUCH FIBERS, 17.08 DYED, PLAIN 6.11 WEAVE, MIXED 0.11 WITH 12.88 COTTON,7.22 NOT OVER -43.90 170 G/M2 MEN'S OR BOYS' SWIMWEAR, NOT KNITTED 3.77 OR CROCHETED 3.83 8.03 6.07 16.85 41.23 0.11 12.54 10.14 -19.14 TRACK SUITS, WARM-UP SUITS AND JOGGING 7.82 SUITS 10.05OF SYNTHETIC 10.40 FIBERS, 10.95 KNITTED 16.51 OR CROCHETED 17.11 0.11 12.27 10.80 -11.97 Sumber: BPS, diolah 04-08 2008 2008 2009 DAFTAR HS 6 DIGIT KOMODITAS EKSPOR NON MIGAS INDONESIA KE UNI EROPA (US $ JUTA) TREND (%) PANGSA (%) NO. HS6 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 020890 620640 620432 121220 940159 853650 600690 520812 853890 940350 200941 380610 630260 711311 480255 180500 620293 610822 440725 851829 390110 401310 610190 550951 854460 850790 170310 902830 621143 551411 840490 843149 841391 URAIAN 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 JAN-SEP PERTUMB. (%) MEAT AND EDIBLE MEAT OFFAL, NESOI, 10.50FRESH,10.99 CHILLED OR 15.50 FROZEN17.03 16.48 14.33 0.11 12.76 13.73 7.60 WOMEN'S OR GIRLS' BLOUSES, SHIRTS 12.54 AND SHIRT-BLOUSES 8.31 15.40 OF MANMADE 16.43 FIBERS, 16.17 NOT KNITTED 12.63 OR CROCHETED 0.11 11.84 20.99 77.32 WOMEN'S OR GIRLS' SUIT-TYPE JACKETS 2.19AND BLAZERS 7.88 OF COTTON, 6.97 NOT 6.47KNITTED 16.14 OR CROCHETED 46.24 0.10 10.54 12.17 15.42 SEAWEEDS AND OTHER ALGAE, FRESH8.28 OR DRIED,9.72 WHETHER8.03 OR NOT GROUND 8.16 16.02 12.13 0.10 10.28 11.79 14.68 Seats of cane/osier, other than of bamboo/rattan. 12.81 14.28 14.40 11.34 15.74 1.84 0.10 13.02 7.94 -39.02 ELECTRICAL SWITCHES FOR A VOLTAGE 3.08NOT EXCEEDING 4.16 19.03 1,000 V, NESOI 86.66 15.53 87.18 0.10 13.75 2.60 -81.10 Knitted/crocheted fabrics, n.e.s. in Ch.60 0.04 0.84 5.27 10.91 15.47 321.50 0.10 12.51 3.27 -73.88 WOVEN FABRICS OF COTTON, 85% OR23.53 MORE COTTON 26.97 BY WEIGHT, 30.24 UNBLEACHED, 21.99 15.46 PLAIN WEAVE, -9.91WEIGHING0.10 OVER 10012.23 G/M2 BUT NOT 5.55 OVER 200 -54.62 G/M2 PARTS FOR ELECTRICAL APPARATUS FOR 4.01 ELECTRICAL 3.88 CIRCUITS, 3.40 BOARDS, 7.24 PANELS 14.55ETC. FOR37.73 ELECTRIC CONTROL 0.09 OR11.90 DISTRIBUTION 4.26 OF ELECTRICITY, -64.20 NESO WOODEN FURNITURE (EXCEPT SEATS) 15.34 OF A KIND 15.73 USED IN 20.42 THE BEDROOM 19.39 14.54 1.03 0.09 11.69 11.82 1.15 Pineapple juice, of a Brix value not >20, unfermented 11.27 & not 11.81 containing 13.13 added spirit,7.84 whether/not14.09 containing added 0.38sugar/other sweetening 0.09 matter 10.71 0.88 -91.78 ROSIN 5.31 5.54 15.52 15.38 14.02 34.46 0.09 10.46 9.19 -12.09 TOILET AND KITCHEN LINEN OF COTTON 13.12TERRY15.00 TOWELING 19.89 OR SIMILAR 16.81COTTON 13.89 TERRY FABRICS 2.31 0.09 9.77 7.48 -23.40 JEWELRY AND PARTS THEREOF, OF SILVER 4.62 4.18 4.21 8.86 13.82 34.22 0.09 11.62 3.93 -66.23 Paper&paperboard, not containing fibres obtained 30.38 by a mechanical/chemi-mechanical 43.81 11.09 16.83 process/of13.59 which not > -22.63 10% by weight of the 0.09total fibre8.25 content cons 17.71 114.64 COCOA POWDER, NOT CONTAINING ADDED 16.62 SUGAR 13.11OR OTHER 6.88SWEETENING 9.67 MATTER 13.59 -6.83 0.09 10.19 5.24 -48.57 WOMEN'S OR GIRLS' ANORAKS, SKI-JACKETS, 22.44 WINDBREAKERS 11.34 9.91AND SIMILAR 9.25 ARTICLES 13.44 OF MANMADE -11.56 FIBERS, 0.09 NOT KNITTED 10.56 OR 14.12 CROCHETED 33.71 WOMEN'S OR GIRLS' BRIEFS AND PANTIES 8.92 OF MANMADE 9.00 FIBERS, 10.18 KNITTED 8.33 OR CROCHETED 13.35 7.57 0.09 9.52 13.72 44.12 DARK RED MERANTI, LIGHT RED MERANTI 0.09 AND MERANTI 0.07 BAKAU, 4.67 SAWN 9.65OR CUT 13.33 LENGTHWISE, 343.70SLICED OR BARKED, 0.09 WHETHER 10.36 OR 3.93 NOT PLANED, -62.10SANDED O LOUDSPEAKERS, NESOI 4.89 6.84 11.16 15.34 13.31 32.43 0.09 9.11 8.93 -1.93 POLYETHYLENE HAVING A SPECIFIC GRAVITY 0.12 OF0.01 LESS THAN 0.33 0.94, IN PRIMARY 2.38 FORMS 13.28 356.73 0.09 0.31 7.69 2,344.75 INNER TUBES, OF RUBBER, OF A KIND 4.23 USED ON MOTOR 5.90 CARS 6.66 (INCLUDING 1.02 STATION 13.18WAGONS 5.32 AND RACING CARS), 0.09 BUSES 9.60OR TRUCKS 2.56 -73.31 MEN'S OR BOYS' OVERCOATS, CARCOATS, 4.66 CAPES, 10.44 CLOAKS,10.33 ANORAKS, 8.85 SKI-JACKETS, 12.99AND SIMILAR 20.72 ARTICLES0.08 OF TEXTILE 10.96MATERIALS 6.93 NESOI, -36.80 KNITTED OR CR SYNTHETIC STAPLE FIBER YARN (EXCEPT 10.93 SEWING 8.46 THREAD), 13.14 NOT FOR 16.41 RETAIL SALE, 12.99 UNDER 10.60 85% (WT.) OF POLYESTER 0.08 9.69 MIXED MAINLY 6.79 WITH ARTIFICIAL -29.86 STA INSULATED ELECTRIC CONDUCTORS, FOR 0.35 A VOLTAGE 8.06 EXCEEDING 9.63 1,000 9.19 V 12.76 107.61 0.08 12.76 1.39 -89.14 PARTS OF ELECTRIC STORAGE BATTERIES, 0.02 INCLUDING 0.01 SEPARATORS 0.10 THEREFOR 0.36 12.67 411.18 0.08 10.67 0.23 -97.82 CANE MOLASSES RESULTING FROM THE 0.82EXTRACTION 0.70 OR REFINING 2.63 OF0.19 SUGAR 12.53 51.09 0.08 6.79 6.47 -4.71 ELECTRICITY SUPPLY OR PRODUCTION 1.95 METERS 4.00 6.01 5.22 12.41 48.65 0.08 8.31 8.32 0.22 WOMEN'S OR GIRLS' GARMENTS NESOI, 2.72 OF MANMADE 1.39 FIBERS, 0.85NOT KNITTED 6.79 OR12.36 CROCHETED58.66 0.08 8.41 12.94 53.88 WOVEN FABRICS OF POLYESTER STAPLE 12.95FIBERS, 12.03 UNDER 85% 13.95 (WT.) OF15.31 SUCH FIBERS, 12.28 UNBLEACHED 1.36 OR BLEACHED, 0.08 PLAIN 11.59WEAVE,2.72 MIXED WITH -76.51 COTTON, OV PARTS FOR AUXILIARY PLANT FOR USE 0.05 WITH STEAM 0.00 OR OTHER 0.00 VAPOR 0.00 GENERATING 12.13 BOILERS 121.18 AND CONDENSER 0.08 POWER 8.64UNITS, SUPER-HEATED 6.41 -25.82 AND CENTR PARTS AND ATTACHMENTS, NESOI, FOR 5.81 DERRICKS, 7.18CRANES, 13.89 SELF-PROPELLED 20.36 BULLDOZERS, 11.97 28.26 GRADERS ETC.0.08 AND OTHER 9.48GRADING, 1.74SCRAPING, -81.65 ETC. MACHIN PARTS OF PUMPS FOR LIQUIDS 4.18 4.90 7.08 8.86 11.89 30.75 0.08 9.02 4.39 -51.31 Sumber: BPS, diolah 04-08 2008 2008 2009 DAFTAR HS 6 DIGIT KOMODITAS EKSPOR NON MIGAS INDONESIA KE UNI EROPA (US $ JUTA) TREND (%) PANGSA (%) NO. HS6 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 190190 482010 030759 842310 610462 551012 440810 620453 851890 490110 901819 030429 392092 847160 293920 180320 620452 852713 110630 850423 320411 090810 840734 080111 291570 731815 611211 392329 851850 611510 960910 841899 030749 URAIAN 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 JAN-SEP PERTUMB. (%) MALT EXTRACT; FOOD PRODUCTS OF 8.19 FLOUR, MEAL, 9.20 ETC. WITH 10.25 COCOA9.66 (IF ANY)11.88 UNDER 50% AND 8.25 MILK OR CREAM 0.08 PRODUCTS 9.14 WITH 8.62COCOA (IF-5.64 ANY) UNDER REGISTERS, ACCOUNT BOOKS, NOTEBOOKS, 9.53 ORDER 10.14BOOKS,7.66 RECEIPT BOOKS, 9.16 LETTER 11.87 PADS, MEMORANDUM 3.44 0.08 PADS, DIARIES 9.86 AND SIMILAR 9.89 ARTICLES 0.38 OF PAPE OCTOPUS, FROZEN, DRIED, SALTED OR1.78 IN BRINE 3.93 3.87 7.14 11.86 55.18 0.08 9.51 7.20 -24.31 PERSONAL WEIGHING MACHINES, INCLUDING 0.00 BABY 5.97 SCALES; 7.06 HOUSEHOLD 9.45 SCALES 11.83 #NUM! 0.08 10.03 0.05 -99.48 WOMEN'S OR GIRLS' TROUSERS, BIB AND 3.91BRACE 6.48 OVERALLS,7.50 BREECHES 10.02 AND SHORTS 11.80 OF COTTON, 30.25 KNITTED 0.08 OR CROCHETED 8.48 11.82 39.26 ARTIFICIAL STAPLE FIBER YARN (EXCEPT 13.27 SEWING 11.44 THREAD), 16.94 NOT FOR19.69 RETAIL SALE, 11.65 85% OR MORE 2.86 (WT.) OF0.08 ARTIFICIAL 9.13 STAPLE FIBERS, 5.77 MULTIPLE -36.75 OR CABL VENEER SHEETS AND SHEETS FOR PLYWOOD, 2.96 ETC. 4.68 WHETHER 8.21OR NOT11.09 PLANED, ETC., 11.64 NOT OVER 43.376 MM (.236 IN.) 0.08THICK, 8.31 OF CONIFEROUS 4.69 WOOD -43.55 WOMEN'S OR GIRLS' SKIRTS AND DIVIDED 3.72 SKIRTS5.18 OF SYNTHETIC 10.76 FIBERS, 13.44NOT KNITTED 11.64 OR CROCHETED 38.23 0.08 8.14 12.46 53.08 PARTS OF MICROPHONES, LOUDSPEAKERS, 3.93 HEADPHONES, 4.33 EARPHONES, 3.85 3.98 AUDIO-FREQUENCY 11.57 ELECTRIC 23.04 AMPLIFIERS, 0.08 AND 11.05ELECTRIC 2.46 SOUND AMPLIFIER -77.71 SETS PRINTED BOOKS, BROCHURES, LEAFLETS 4.72 AND SIMILAR 6.95 PRINTED 5.62 MATTER, 6.63 IN SINGLE 11.56 SHEETS, 19.04 WHETHER OR0.08 NOT FOLDED 8.68 6.78 -21.98 ELECTRO-DIAGNOSTIC APPARATUS (AND 12.71 APPARATUS 9.83 FOR11.92 FUNCTIONAL 14.60EXPLORATORY 11.50 EXAMINATION 1.97 OR 0.07 FOR CHECKING 8.34 PHYSIOLOGICAL 7.93 PARAMETERS) -4.98 Fish fillets&other fish meat (excl. of 0304.21-0304.92, 4.62 whether/not 3.45 minced), 2.40 frozen 9.13 fillets 11.47 32.18 0.07 8.38 10.06 20.01 PLATES, SHEETS, FILM, FOIL AND STRIP 3.40 OF PLASTICS, 5.30 NOT SELF-ADHESIVE, 8.20 11.98 NON-CELLULAR, 11.41 38.23 NOT REINFORCED 0.07OR LAMINATED 9.34 ETC., 7.06 OF POLYAMIDES -24.42 INPUT OR OUTPUT UNITS, FOR PERSONAL 10.09 AND MICRO 0.04 COMPUTER 102.70 21.52 11.41 90.99 0.07 4.76 5.20 9.20 Alkaloids of cinchona&their derivatives; salts4.68 thereof 8.62 7.94 7.86 11.38 18.37 0.07 9.08 4.40 -51.53 COCOA PASTE, WHOLLY OR PARTLY DEFATTED 2.56 4.33 3.93 4.28 11.32 34.41 0.07 8.63 6.60 -23.53 WOMEN'S OR GIRLS' SKIRTS AND DIVIDED 2.22 SKIRTS3.58 OF COTTON, 5.86NOT KNITTED 5.60 OR11.30 CROCHETED44.79 0.07 9.49 4.57 -51.86 RADIO-BROADCAST RECEIVERS CAPABLE 0.00 OF OPERATING 0.00 WITHOUT 0.36 AN0.05 EXTERNAL 11.25 SOURCE #NUM! OF POWER, INCL. 0.07 APPARATUS 1.99 CAPABLE 22.99OF ALSO 1,056.85 RECEIVING RA FLOUR, MEAL AND POWDER OF THE PRODUCTS 2.49 OF 3.09 CHAPTER 1.32 8 5.24 11.22 42.46 0.07 8.53 5.47 -35.87 LIQUID DIELECTRIC TRANSFORMERS HAVING 6.01 A POWER 7.29 HANDLING 6.78 CAPACITY 3.68 EXCEEDING 11.12 10,000 5.63 KVA 0.07 8.50 3.51 -58.70 DISPERSE DYES AND PREPARATIONS 16.45 BASED THEREON 9.98 15.00 8.83 11.03 -8.80 0.07 8.76 5.21 -40.54 NUTMEG 8.28 6.61 9.62 13.86 10.88 13.73 0.07 9.09 6.67 -26.60 SPARK-IGNITION RECIPROCATING PISTON 3.43 ENGINES 6.19FOR PROPULSION 8.21 OF 8.36VEHICLES 10.78EXCEPT RAILWAY 29.58 OR TRAMWAY 0.07 STOCK, 7.15 OVER 11.761,000 CC CYLINDER 64.55 CAPA COCONUTS, DESICCATED. 1.11 5.58 6.90 9.92 10.69 66.72 0.07 8.48 5.16 -39.13 PALMITIC ACID, STEARIC ACID, THEIR4.57 SALTS AND 7.23 ESTERS 8.63 9.86 10.65 22.17 0.07 9.80 3.91 -60.09 THREADED SCREWS AND BOLTS NESOI, 16.14 WITH OR 15.31 WITHOUT13.66 THEIR NUTS 11.35 OR WASHERS, 10.52 OF IRON -10.92 OR STEEL 0.07 8.53 7.87 -7.72 TRACK SUITS, WARM-UP SUITS AND JOGGING 3.49 SUITS 5.50OF COTTON, 5.24 KNITTED 6.55 OR CROCHETED 10.36 26.50 0.07 7.47 5.39 -27.85 SACKS AND BAGS (INCLUDING CONES), 0.92 OF PLASTICS 1.13 NESOI 3.05 5.32 10.28 89.47 0.07 7.60 9.42 23.98 ELECTRIC SOUND AMPLIFIER SETS 9.15 11.50 11.74 13.93 10.10 3.95 0.07 8.48 5.87 -30.71 Graduated compression hosiery (eg. stockings 11.78 for varicose 14.16 veins) & footwear 13.26 without 8.42 applied soles, 9.83knitted/crocheted. -8.43 0.06 8.09 8.54 5.49 PENCILS AND CRAYONS, WITH LEADS 8.62 ENCASED IN 9.36 A RIGID10.10 SHEATH 11.58 9.82 4.86 0.06 8.16 7.28 -10.88 PARTS OF REFRIGERATION OR FREEZING 0.31EQUIPMENT 0.87 AND HEAT 4.01 PUMPS, 6.05NESOI 9.79 141.85 0.06 5.21 13.74 163.64 CUTTLE FISH AND SQUID, FROZEN, DRIED, 4.70 SALTED 6.77 OR IN BRINE 6.21 9.53 9.73 19.69 0.06 8.19 5.72 -30.16 Sumber: BPS, diolah 04-08 2008 2008 2009 DAFTAR HS 6 DIGIT KOMODITAS EKSPOR NON MIGAS INDONESIA KE UNI EROPA (US $ JUTA) TREND (%) PANGSA (%) NO. HS6 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 392310 481940 391722 551311 920290 620442 640299 847330 851761 854442 610620 292250 850780 840690 920590 630231 620112 401162 401699 611120 851822 830300 460212 870891 481019 441400 610690 240210 151620 720260 850440 392690 030623 URAIAN 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 JAN-SEP PERTUMB. (%) BOXES, CASES, CRATES AND SIMILAR 4.54 ARTICLES, 4.37 OF PLASTICS 7.17 8.35 9.73 24.27 0.06 7.19 7.25 0.80 SACKS AND BAGS, NESOI, INCLUDING 2.15 CONES, OF5.77 PAPER, PAPERBOARD, 7.66 8.53 CELLULOSE 9.68WADDING 40.48 OR WEBS OF 0.06 CELLULOSE 7.54 FIBERS 6.55 -13.08 TUBES, PIPES AND HOSES, RIGID, OF POLYMERS 4.87 OF 5.91 PROPYLENE 7.05 8.15 9.63 18.35 0.06 7.24 7.75 7.06 WOVEN FABRICS OF POLYESTER STAPLE 18.96FIBERS, 17.49 UNDER 85% 10.80 (WT.) OF 6.83 SUCH FIBERS, 9.51 UNBLEACHED -20.71 OR BLEACHED, 0.06 PLAIN 7.57WEAVE,4.29 MIXED WITH -43.32 COTTON, NO STRING MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS (GUITARS, 4.18 HARPS 3.46 ETC.), OTHER 4.89 THAN6.77 KEYBOARD 9.48 STRINGED 25.94 INSTRUMENTS 0.06 AND THOSE 7.17PLAYED 7.54 WITH A BOW, 5.12 NESOI WOMEN'S OR GIRLS' DRESSES OF COTTON, 2.44 NOT KNITTED 4.23 OR3.54 CROCHETED 3.41 9.40 28.15 0.06 6.09 7.51 23.33 FOOTWEAR, WITH OUTER SOLES AND12.09 UPPERS OF 11.30 RUBBER OR 9.85 PLASTICS 8.85 NESOI, NOT 9.39COVERING -7.23 THE ANKLE 0.06 5.68 9.19 61.72 PARTS AND ACCESSORIES FOR AUTOMATIC 8.75 DATA 3.34 PROCESSING 12.25 MACHINES 11.11 AND UNITS 9.35 THEREOF, 14.29 MAGNETIC0.06 OR OPTICAL 7.87READERS, 2.06TRANSCRIBING -73.79 MACHIN TELEPONE SETS; BASE STATION 0.00 0.00 0.86 3.82 9.11 #NUM! 0.06 5.39 7.66 42.12 Other electric conductors, for a voltage not > 0.29 1,000 V, fitted 0.79 with connectors 1.04 1.85 9.10 116.25 0.06 6.03 7.68 27.46 WOMEN'S OR GIRLS' BLOUSES AND SHIRTS 2.90 OF MANMADE 2.21 FIBERS, 2.92 KNITTED 6.71 OR CROCHETED 9.07 40.38 0.06 7.58 6.17 -18.60 AMINO-ALCOHOL-PHENOLS, AMINO-ACID-PHENOLS, 4.53 10.69 AND OTHER 12.10 AMINO 8.06COMPOUNDS 8.97 WITH 11.43 OXYGEN FUNCTION 0.06 5.82 3.63 -37.55 STORAGE BATTERIES NESOI 8.24 7.93 9.14 9.14 8.95 3.12 0.06 7.85 4.00 -48.99 PARTS FOR STEAM AND OTHER VAPOR6.61 TURBINES7.95 4.30 6.04 8.94 3.33 0.06 6.42 9.24 43.90 WIND MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS (FOR EXAMPLE, 0.01 CLARINETS, 0.00 0.01 FLUTES, BAGPIPES), 5.39 NESOI 8.85 662.11 0.06 7.42 2.00 -73.02 BED LINEN (OTHER THAN PRINTED) OF8.32 COTTON,11.66 NOT KNITTED 17.07 OR CROCHETED 20.13 8.83 6.86 0.06 7.85 1.78 -77.31 MEN'S OR BOYS' OVERCOATS, CARCOATS, 1.92 CAPES,2.89 CLOAKS AND 2.14 SIMILAR 3.98 ARTICLES 8.80 OF COTTON, 39.99 NOT KNITTED 0.06OR CROCHETED 7.32 13.19 80.10 New pneumatic tyres, of rubber, having a herring-bone/similar 0.00 0.00 tread, of5.06 a kind used 7.30 on construction/industrial 8.78 #NUM! handling vehicles & 0.06 machines & 6.58 having a 4.15 -36.95 ARTICLES OF VULCANIZED RUBBER OTHER 1.21 THAN 4.76 HARD RUBBER, 5.32 NESOI 6.97 8.67 54.08 0.06 6.59 4.11 -37.72 BABIES' GARMENTS AND CLOTHING ACCESSORIES 6.20 9.09 OF COTTON, 10.08 KNITTED 7.88OR CROCHETED 8.58 5.18 0.06 6.38 6.92 8.39 MULTIPLE LOUDSPEAKERS, MOUNTED8.94 IN SAME11.89 ENCLOSURE 10.33 8.22 8.56 -4.44 0.06 5.68 4.84 -14.81 ARMORED OR REINFORCED SAFES, STRONG-BOXES, 5.65 6.93DOORS 6.82 AND SAFE 6.48 DEPOSIT LOCKERS 8.53 FOR7.89 STRONG-ROOMS, 0.06 CASH OR 7.27DEED BOXES 3.26 ETC., AND -55.24PARTS THE Basketwork, wickerwork & other articles, made 14.55 directly to 13.49 shape from10.30 rattan 8.20 8.45 -14.65 0.05 6.80 4.72 -30.62 RADIATORS FOR MOTOR VEHICLES 4.85 5.39 6.29 8.46 8.37 16.67 0.05 6.42 4.61 -28.24 Paper & paperboard of a kind used for writing/printing/other 0.00 0.00 graphic purposes, 11.43 coated 10.49 on one/both 8.33 sides with #NUM! kaolin (China clay)/other 0.05 inorganic 6.11subst 6.87 12.43 WOODEN FRAMES FOR PAINTINGS, PHOTOGRAPHS, 4.07 5.68MIRRORS 8.11 OR SIMILAR 7.21 OBJECTS 8.31 18.16 0.05 6.61 5.34 -19.15 WOMEN'S OR GIRLS' BLOUSES AND SHIRTS 5.43 OF TEXTILE 9.12 MATERIALS 8.48 NESOI, 7.11 KNITTED 8.30 OR CROCHETED 6.18 0.05 5.73 4.73 -17.38 CIGARS, CHEROOTS AND CIGARILLOS,5.08 CONTAINING 5.45TOBACCO 6.38 6.54 8.22 12.12 0.05 6.11 11.46 87.67 VEGETABLE FATS AND OILS AND THEIR 6.90 FRACTIONS, 2.86 HYDROGENATED, 3.00 3.76 INTERESTERIFIED, 8.13 REESTERIFIED 6.18 OR0.05 ELAIDINIZED, 7.43 WHETHER 0.34 OR NOT-95.49 REFINED, NOT FERRONICKEL 10.59 34.47 12.47 8.11 8.13 -17.94 0.05 8.13 10.65 31.08 ELECTRICAL STATIC CONVERTERS 0.42 0.06 0.27 3.60 8.12 172.83 0.05 6.36 50.24 689.38 ARTICLES OF PLASTICS, NESOI 4.90 6.49 7.16 8.58 8.01 13.45 0.05 5.89 5.37 -8.79 SHRIMPS AND PRAWNS, LIVE, FRESH, CHILLED, 0.61 DRIED, 0.46 SALTED 0.44 OR IN BRINE, 0.00 OR COOKED 7.99 BY-17.67 STEAMING OR 0.05 BOILING IN1.50 WATER, NOT 3.28 FROZEN117.90 Sumber: BPS, diolah 04-08 2008 2008 2009 DAFTAR HS 6 DIGIT KOMODITAS EKSPOR NON MIGAS INDONESIA KE UNI EROPA (US $ JUTA) TREND (%) PANGSA (%) NO. HS6 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 392620 620530 610349 691200 842123 620690 151319 841221 940370 711319 420221 851821 851762 610130 391910 160510 410719 721633 610422 293499 940330 610520 540246 850650 871419 620219 520911 621133 610220 610343 090820 540754 291615 URAIAN 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 JAN-SEP PERTUMB. (%) ARTICLES OF APPAREL AND CLOTHING 2.36 ACCESSORIES 5.03 NESOI, 3.95 OF PLASTICS 4.47 7.77 25.44 0.05 5.80 3.98 -31.39 MEN'S OR BOYS' SHIRTS OF MANMADE 17.52 FIBERS, NOT 10.59KNITTED 6.57 OR CROCHETED 6.79 7.77 -18.71 0.05 5.86 6.94 18.57 MEN'S OR BOYS' TROUSERS, BIB AND BRACE 3.52 OVERALLS, 3.49 BREECHES 3.52 AND 7.48SHORTS7.72 OF TEXTILE26.32 MATERIALS NESOI, 0.05 KNITTED 6.40 OR CROCHETED 4.33 -32.22 CERAMIC TABLEWARE, KITCHENWARE, 5.64 OTHER HOUSEHOLD 4.92 7.04 AND TOILET 8.35 ARTICLES, 7.71 OTHER 12.25 THAN OF PORCELAIN 0.05 OR CHINA 6.23 4.57 -26.57 OIL OR FUEL FILTERS FOR INTERNAL COMBUSTION 3.14 3.40ENGINES 4.27 5.14 7.67 24.63 0.05 5.40 6.14 13.78 WOMEN'S OR GIRLS' BLOUSES, SHIRTS4.74 AND SHIRT-BLOUSES 4.74 7.49 OF TEXTILE 7.11 MATERIALS 7.60 NESOI, NOT 14.45KNITTED OR 0.05 CROCHETED 6.05 4.87 -19.52 COCONUT (COPRA) OIL AND ITS FRACTIONS, 5.51 REFINED 2.73 BUT NOT 3.44 CHEMICALLY 0.98 MODIFIED 7.60 -3.73 0.05 7.39 1.16 -84.30 HYDRAULIC POWER ENGINES AND MOTORS, 2.04 LINEAR 4.83 ACTING 10.70 (CYLINDERS) 15.06 7.57 45.68 0.05 7.02 1.65 -76.46 FURNITURE OF PLASTICS, NESOI 0.22 0.49 1.05 1.74 7.49 128.72 0.05 5.46 6.19 13.31 JEWELRY AND PARTS THEREOF, OF PRECIOUS 0.65 METAL 0.65 OTHER 0.65 THAN SILVER 1.37 7.42 75.64 0.05 4.64 2.84 -38.96 HANDBAGS, WHETHER OR NOT WITH SHOULDER 3.62 3.74 STRAP OR 4.03 HANDLES, 6.31 WITH OUTER 7.27SURFACE21.17 OF LEATHER, 0.05 COMPOSITION 5.67 LEATHER 5.36OR PATENT -5.52 LEATHER SINGLE LOUDSPEAKERS, MOUNTED IN3.15 THEIR ENCLOSURES 3.40 3.47 6.83 7.16 26.35 0.05 5.57 3.65 -34.40 MACHINES FOR THE RECEPTION, CONVERSION 3.21 AND 23.99TRANSMISSION 12.89 OR4.68 REGENERATION 7.14 OF VOICE, -0.34 IMAGES OR 0.05OTHER 6.35 DATA (INCL. 2.06 SWITCHING -67.52 AND ROUTIN MEN'S OR BOYS' OVERCOATS, CARCOATS, 2.03 CAPES,8.89 CLOAKS, ANORAKS, 3.43 10.94 SKI-JACKETS, 7.08AND SIMILAR 31.08 ARTICLES0.05 OF MANMADE 5.68 FIBERS, 5.01KNITTED-11.95 OR CROCHETE PLATES, SHEETS, FILM, FOIL, TAPE AND 0.57 OTHER FLAT 0.89 SHAPES 3.10 OF PLASTICS, 3.63 SELF-ADHESIVE, 7.08 IN 90.30 ROLLS NOT OVER 0.05 20 CM6.52 (8 IN.) WIDE 1.26 -80.69 CRAB, PREPARED OR PRESERVED, INCLUDING 15.86 PRODUCTS 3.85 CONTAINING 2.80 3.62 FISH MEAT 7.07 -15.46 0.05 5.46 5.14 -5.98 Leather further prepared after tanning/crusting, 0.00 incl. parchment-dressed 0.00 3.06 leather, of bovine 3.75 (incl. buffalo)/equine 7.06 #NUM!animals, without0.05 hair on, whole 5.58 hid 2.85 -48.97 H SECTIONS OF IRON OR NONALLOY STEEL, 0.00 HOT-WORKED, 0.00 80 0.00 MM OR MORE 5.68 HIGH7.05 #NUM! 0.05 7.05 0.00 -100.00 WOMEN'S OR GIRLS' ENSEMBLES OF COTTON, 0.07 KNITTED 0.13 OR CROCHETED 0.10 2.82 7.02 239.01 0.05 5.02 3.24 -35.49 Nucleic acids&their salts, whether/not chemically 0.13 defined,n.e.s.; 0.00 other heterocyclic 4.46 compounds,n.e.s. 4.99 7.00 #NUM! 0.05 4.67 11.12 137.96 WOODEN FURNITURE (EXCEPT SEATS)5.57 OF A KIND4.13 USED IN OFFICES 4.69 12.24 6.99 16.65 0.05 5.97 3.17 -46.94 MEN'S OR BOYS' SHIRTS OF MANMADE2.24 FIBERS, KNITTED 3.09 OR2.93 CROCHETED 6.66 6.98 35.60 0.05 6.40 2.94 -54.07 Yarn other than high tenacity/textured yarn (excl. 2.79sewing thread), 0.26 single/untwisted/with 0.23 4.12a twist not 6.95 >50 turns per 58.53 metre, of polyesters, 0.05 partially6.40 ori 5.08 -20.66 LITHIUM CELLS AND BATTERIES (EXCL. 3.61 SPENT). 4.75 5.80 5.93 6.89 16.33 0.04 5.33 4.08 -23.34 PARTS AND ACCESSORIES OF MOTORCYCLES 4.09 (INCLUDING 5.36 MOPEDS), 4.69 NESOI 8.01 6.78 15.14 0.04 4.48 3.89 -13.05 WOMEN'S OR GIRLS' OVERCOATS, RAINCOATS, 26.04 CARCOATS, 15.61 CAPES, 4.79 CLOAKS 6.44 AND SIMILAR 6.76 ARTICLES -30.11 OF TEXTILE 0.04 MATERIALS 5.33 NESOI, 4.49NOT KNITTED -15.83 OR CROC WOVEN FABRICS OF COTTON, 85% OR 3.60 MORE COTTON 3.09 BY WEIGHT, 4.47 UNBLEACHED, 7.16 6.74 PLAIN WEAVE, 23.29WEIGHING0.04 OVER 200 G/M2 5.86 1.19 -79.76 MEN'S OR BOYS' GARMENTS NESOI OF 5.84 MANMADE6.02 FIBERS, NOT 1.75KNITTED 2.41 OR CROCHETED 6.68 -6.26 0.04 5.13 4.11 -19.79 WOMEN'S OR GIRLS' OVERCOATS, CARCOATS, 0.98 CAPES, 1.48 CLOAKS, 2.26ANORAKS, 2.85 SKI-JACKETS 6.61 AND 56.26 SIMILAR ARTICLES 0.04 OF COTTON, 3.59 KNITTED 5.20 OR CROCHETED 44.95 MEN'S OR BOYS' TROUSERS, BIB AND BRACE 5.22 OVERALLS, 6.03 BREECHES 6.42 AND 5.76SHORTS6.54 OF SYNTHETIC 4.11FIBERS, KNITTED 0.04 OR CROCHETED 4.82 5.44 12.93 MACE 4.50 7.18 7.95 6.53 6.51 6.64 0.04 5.42 4.76 -12.12 WOVEN FABRICS OF SYNTHETIC FILAMENTS 3.34 NESOI, 2.5585% OR4.52 MORE BY WEIGHT 7.41 OF6.50 TEXTURED27.08 POLYESTER FILAMENTS, 0.04 5.09 PRINTED 5.59 9.92 OLEIC, LINOLEIC OR LINOLENIC ACIDS, 2.56 THEIR SALTS 3.21 AND ESTERS 3.81 3.19 6.49 20.37 0.04 4.67 2.58 -44.76 Sumber: BPS, diolah 04-08 2008 2008 2009 DAFTAR HS 6 DIGIT KOMODITAS EKSPOR NON MIGAS INDONESIA KE UNI EROPA (US $ JUTA) TREND (%) PANGSA (%) NO. HS6 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 392020 610120 940320 130239 590610 152110 420321 292242 293361 852692 950670 620449 761519 841850 401161 721934 854160 520622 281119 852550 901890 540752 340510 610342 420222 382312 854290 482369 521011 854150 610590 850110 853720 URAIAN 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 JAN-SEP PERTUMB. (%) PLATES, SHEETS, FILM, FOIL AND STRIP 2.31 OF PLASTICS, 4.10 NOT SELF-ADHESIVE, 1.54 6.30 NON-CELLULAR, 6.48 28.34 NOT REINFORCED 0.04OR LAMINATED 5.66 ETC., 2.78 OF POLYMERS -50.85 OF PROP MEN'S OR BOYS' OVERCOATS, CARCOATS, 2.55 CAPES,1.32 CLOAKS, ANORAKS, 2.72 1.75 SKI-JACKETS, 6.47AND SIMILAR 23.92 ARTICLES0.04 OF COTTON, 4.71KNITTED 6.36 OR CROCHETED 35.25 METAL FURNITURE, NESOI 2.32 3.32 3.93 4.97 6.42 27.65 0.04 5.07 4.93 -2.69 MUCILAGES AND THICKENERS, WHETHER 1.70 OR NOT 4.09 MODIFIED, 4.04 DERIVED 6.03 FROM VEGETABLE 6.37 PRODUCTS, 35.35 NESOI 0.04 5.08 2.44 -51.89 RUBBERIZED TEXTILE ADHESIVE TAPE, 3.67 NOT OVER 4.18 20 CM IN5.96 WIDTH 6.63 6.37 16.93 0.04 4.94 3.84 -22.14 VEGETABLE WAXES (OTHER THAN TRIGLYCERIDES) 0.00 0.06 2.03 3.21 6.28 649.84 0.04 4.87 3.82 -21.51 GLOVES, MITTENS AND MITTS, DESIGNED 2.74 FOR USE 4.65 IN SPORTS, 4.98OF LEATHER 5.66 OR OF 6.25 COMPOSITION 20.22 LEATHER 0.04 5.05 4.20 -16.70 GLUTAMIC ACID AND ITS SALTS 13.90 16.03 8.88 7.43 6.14 -21.35 0.04 5.06 9.84 94.57 MELAMINE 10.02 14.60 14.25 7.51 6.00 -15.57 0.04 4.57 0.71 -84.34 RADIO REMOTE CONTROL APPARATUS0.90 1.39 0.37 0.00 5.99 #NUM! 0.04 3.45 7.31 111.97 ICE SKATES AND ROLLER SKATES, INCLUDING 0.00 SKATING 0.00 BOOTS 0.36 WITH SKATES 1.71 ATTACHED, 5.93 #NUM! PARTS AND ACCESSORIES 0.04 THEREOF 5.73 0.51 -91.05 WOMEN'S OR GIRLS' DRESSES OF TEXTILE 2.05 MATERIALS 5.63 NESOI, 12.53 NOT KNITTED 8.00 OR CROCHETED 5.93 28.08 0.04 5.04 6.11 21.12 TABLE, KITCHEN OR OTHER HOUSEHOLD 2.41ARTICLES, 3.01 PARTS 3.70 THEREOF, 4.73 OF ALUMINIUM 5.90 (EXCL.25.16 POT SCOURERS 0.04 AND SCOURING 4.61 OR POLISHING 3.92 PADS, -14.94 GLOVES REFRIGERATING OR FREEZING CHESTS, 3.35 DISPLAY5.19 COUNTERS, 7.12 CABINETS, 6.37 SHOWCASES 5.87 AND SIMILAR 14.18 EQUIPMENT, 0.04 NESOI5.82 3.44 -40.80 New pneumatic tyres, of rubber, having a herring-bone/similar 4.53 7.63 tread, of4.72 a kind used 3.93 on agricultural/forestry 5.83 vehicles -1.57 & machines 0.04 5.23 1.53 -70.69 FLAT-ROLLED STAINLESS STEEL PRODUCTS, 0.00 600 MM 0.12 OR MORE 2.55WIDE, 14.58 COLD-ROLLED, 5.83 0.5 #NUM! MM BUT NOT OVER0.04 1 MM THICK 5.64 1.99 -64.75 MOUNTED PIEZOELECTRIC CRYSTALS2.67 3.66 4.19 4.22 5.83 18.56 0.04 4.91 3.26 -33.54 COTTON YARN NESOI, LESS THAN 85%2.61 BY WEIGHT 3.32 OF COTTON, 4.38 NOT PUT 4.60UP FOR 5.82 RETAIL SALE, 21.31 SINGLE COMBED 0.04 YARN,4.56 OVER 14 NM 4.35BUT NOT -4.64 OVER 43 NM INORGANIC ACIDS, NESOI 1.17 1.88 1.99 1.99 5.71 38.14 0.04 4.90 0.83 -83.15 Transmission apparatus for radio-broadcasting/television 0.02 0.13 1.90 1.74 5.67 292.31 0.04 5.55 0.18 -96.72 INSTRUMENTS AND APPLIANCES FOR MEDICAL, 1.50 SURGICAL 2.36 OR 3.03VETERINARY 3.61 SCIENCES, 5.62 NESOI, 35.83 AND PARTS AND 0.04 ACCESSORIES 4.08 THEREOF 6.19 51.60 WOVEN FABRICS OF SYNTHETIC FILAMENTS 5.51 NESOI, 5.0085% OR9.52 MORE BY WEIGHT 4.99 OF5.57 TEXTURED 0.17 POLYESTER FILAMENTS, 0.04 3.74 DYED 3.10 -17.15 POLISHES, CREAMS AND SIMILAR PREPARATIONS 0.01 2.06 FOR FOOTWEAR 8.05 OR LEATHER 6.13 5.55 351.21 0.04 4.05 2.75 -32.04 MEN'S OR BOYS' TROUSERS, BIB AND BRACE 5.33 OVERALLS, 4.35 BREECHES 6.65 AND 5.39SHORTS5.55 OF COTTON,2.99 KNITTED OR CROCHETED 0.04 3.79 6.15 62.18 HANDBAGS, WHETHER OR NOT WITH SHOULDER 4.58 5.63 STRAP OR 5.81 HANDLES, 4.74 WITH OUTER 5.50SURFACE2.00 OF PLASTIC SHEETING 0.04 OR 4.62 OF TEXTILE 1.80MATERIALS -60.96 OLEIC ACID, INDUSTRIAL 1.08 5.35 3.37 2.80 5.50 29.90 0.04 3.21 3.28 2.29 PARTS FOR ELECTRONIC INTEGRATED2.01 CIRCUITS 1.96 AND MICROASSEMBLIES 2.96 3.27 5.49 28.71 0.04 3.54 5.35 51.01 Trays, dishes, plates, cups&the like, of paper/paperboard 1.15 (excl. 1.33 of 4823.61) 2.37 4.23 5.48 53.51 0.04 4.09 4.35 6.36 WOVEN FABRICS OF COTTON, LESS THAN 11.32 85% COTTON 8.31 BY 14.47 WEIGHT, MIXED 6.99 MAINLY 5.43WITH MANMADE -15.14 FIBERS, 0.04 UNBLEACHED, 4.76 PLAIN 1.29WEAVE, WEIGHING -72.81 NOT SEMICONDUCTOR DEVICES, EXCEPT PHOTOSENSITIVE 0.29 0.93 AND2.52 PHOTOVOLTAIC 3.69 CELLS, 5.42NESOI 106.27 0.04 4.27 2.00 -53.17 MEN'S OR BOYS' SHIRTS OF TEXTILE MATERIALS 15.59 26.81 NESOI, KNITTED 22.16 OR CROCHETED 8.95 5.38 -27.56 0.04 4.71 2.43 -48.47 ELECTRIC MOTORS OF AN OUTPUT NOT 8.93 EXCEEDING 10.83 37.5 W 8.28 5.95 5.37 -14.91 0.03 4.27 2.61 -38.95 BOARDS, PANELS, CONSOLES, ETC. WITH 3.51ELECTRICAL 1.64 APPARATUS, 2.00 FOR 5.17 ELECTRIC 5.37 CONTROL22.09 OR DISTRIBUTION 0.03 OF ELECTRICITY, 3.76 3.96 FOR A VOLTAGE 5.07 EXCEEDIN Sumber: BPS, diolah 04-08 2008 2008 2009 DAFTAR HS 6 DIGIT KOMODITAS EKSPOR NON MIGAS INDONESIA KE UNI EROPA (US $ JUTA) TREND (%) PANGSA (%) NO. HS6 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 620443 620439 621600 920600 392069 854430 721933 320412 481930 620192 380210 851770 240399 842131 670420 481022 551319 130231 848180 650610 670411 961310 610831 620323 550932 870830 490900 850490 520523 650590 551611 821599 940171 URAIAN 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 JAN-SEP PERTUMB. (%) WOMEN'S OR GIRLS' DRESSES OF SYNTHETIC 4.71 FIBERS, 3.74 NOT KNITTED 3.78 OR5.31 CROCHETED 5.36 6.26 0.03 4.29 5.96 38.82 WOMEN'S OR GIRLS' SUIT-TYPE JACKETS 7.57AND BLAZERS 2.96 OF TEXTILE 3.40 MATERIALS 6.45 NESOI, 5.35 NOT KNITTED 0.84 OR CROCHETED 0.03 4.23 4.66 10.23 GLOVES, MITTENS AND MITTS, NOT KNITTED 5.05 OR4.13 CROCHETED 4.95 5.45 5.34 3.95 0.03 4.18 5.57 33.03 PERCUSSION MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 4.77 (FOR EXAMPLE, 3.95 DRUMS, 5.03XYLOPHONES, 5.26 CYMBALS, 5.32 CASTANETS, 5.19 MARACAS) 0.03 4.36 2.49 -42.94 PLATES, SHEETS, FILM, FOIL AND STRIP 4.77 OF PLASTICS, 6.31 NOT SELF-ADHESIVE, 5.05 6.53 NON-CELLULAR, 5.32 NOT 2.56 REINFORCED 0.03OR LAMINATED 4.10 ETC., 3.61 OF POLYESTERS -11.90 NESOI INSULATED IGNITION WIRING SETS AND 0.18OTHER WIRING 0.50 SETS 0.03FOR VEHICLES, 1.47 AIRCRAFT 5.29 AND 119.55 SHIPS 0.03 4.38 1.85 -57.92 FLAT-ROLLED STAINLESS STEEL PRODUCTS, 0.00 600 MM 0.11 OR MORE 1.45WIDE, 10.06 COLD-ROLLED, 5.28 OVER #NUM! 1 MM BUT UNDER 0.03 3 MM THICK 5.20 0.71 -86.40 ACID DYES, WHETHER OR NOT PREMETALLIZED, 0.00 0.34 AND PREPARATIONS 1.63 2.65 BASED THEREON; 5.28 #NUM! MORDANT DYES AND 0.03PREPARATIONS 4.38 BASED 2.13 THEREON -51.46 SACKS AND BAGS, HAVING A BASE OF2.10 40 CM (15.75 2.79 IN.) WIDE3.78 OR MORE,4.63 OF PAPER,5.26 PAPERBOARD, 26.44CELLULOSE 0.03 WADDING 3.95 OR WEBS3.01 OF CELLULOSE -23.83FIBERS MEN'S OR BOYS' ANORAKS, SKI-JACKETS, 2.62WINDBREAKERS 1.44 AND 2.06 SIMILAR 3.66ARTICLES 5.26 OF COTTON, 26.18NOT KNITTED 0.03OR CROCHETED 3.62 6.27 73.16 ACTIVATED CARBON 3.59 3.37 5.26 4.92 5.19 11.79 0.03 3.71 3.54 -4.43 PARTS OF TELEPHONE SETS 12.24 2.91 3.85 5.16 5.18 -10.82 0.03 4.24 5.35 26.03 MANUFACTURED TOBACCO AND ITS SUBSTITUTES, 0.00 0.38NESOI; TOBACCO 3.83 EXTRACTS 4.45 5.11 AND ESSENCES #NUM! 0.03 4.09 2.91 -28.93 INTAKE AIR FILTERS FOR INTERNAL COMBUSTION 1.85 2.28 ENGINES2.86 3.92 5.11 29.34 0.03 3.50 4.27 22.14 WIGS, FALSE BEARDS, EYEBROWS AND 1.09 EYELASHES, 0.51 SWITCHES 1.49 AND THE 2.50LIKE, OF5.10 HUMAN HAIR; 59.57ARTICLES OF 0.03HUMAN3.70 HAIR NESOI 6.17 66.51 Paper & paperboard of a kind used for writing/printing/other 0.03 0.00 graphic purposes, 0.00 coated 3.51 on one/both 5.05 sides with #NUM! kaolin (China clay)/other 0.03 inorganic 4.30subst 3.88 -9.74 WOVEN FABRICS OF SYNTHETIC STAPLE 2.93FIBERS EXCEPT 3.69 POLYESTER, 4.24 UNDER 4.79 85%4.99 (WT.) OF SUCH 14.19FIBERS, UNBLEACHED 0.03 3.98 OR BLEACHED, 1.97 WITH-50.49 COTTON, NOT AGAR-AGAR 3.33 2.89 4.04 4.39 4.93 12.75 0.03 3.56 3.07 -13.91 TAPS, COCKS, VALVES AND SIMILAR APPLIANCES 3.24 3.59 FOR PIPES, 4.75 VATS OR4.64 THE LIKE, 4.92 INCLUDING11.53 THERMOSTATICALLY 0.03 CONTROLLED 3.85 3.03 VALVES, NESOI -21.38 SAFETY (INCLUDING SPORTS) HEADGEAR, 3.85 WHETHER 4.22 OR NOT 5.78 LINED OR 9.12 TRIMMED4.88 13.26 0.03 3.46 2.57 -25.58 COMPLETE WIGS, OF SYNTHETIC TEXTILE 4.57 MATERIALS 3.06 3.48 4.21 4.83 4.42 0.03 3.66 3.34 -8.80 POCKET LIGHTERS, GAS FUELED, NONREFILLABLE 2.27 0.51 0.59 4.65 4.83 44.91 0.03 4.25 1.72 -59.58 WOMEN'S OR GIRLS' NIGHTDRESSES AND 4.86PAJAMAS 4.73OF COTTON, 3.14 KNITTED 2.88OR CROCHETED 4.70 -5.47 0.03 3.63 4.68 28.63 MEN'S OR BOYS' ENSEMBLES OF SYNTHETIC 0.10 FIBERS, 0.00 NOT KNITTED 0.03 OR1.78 CROCHETED 4.65 376.88 0.03 3.33 2.83 -15.16 SYNTHETIC STAPLE FIBER YARN (EXCEPT 4.14 SEWING 4.27 THREAD), 5.62 NOT FOR5.59 RETAIL SALE, 4.63 85% OR MORE 5.05 (WT.) OF0.03 ACRYLICS3.76 OR MODACRYLICS, 1.87 MULTIPLE -50.09 OR CA Brakes & servo-brakes; parts thereof, of the motor 1.60 vehicles7.06 of headings3.07 87.01 to 87.05. 1.68 4.61 7.03 0.03 3.06 3.68 20.19 PRINTED OR ILLUSTRATED POST CARDS, 2.76GREETING 3.23CARDS,2.22 MESSAGES3.24 OR ANNOUNCEMENTS, 4.61 10.84 WITH OR WITHOUT 0.03 ENVELOPES 3.87 OR3.07 TRIMMINGS -20.58 PARTS FOR ELECTRICAL TRANSFORMERS, 3.37 STATIC 5.93 CONVERTERS 7.63 AND INDUCTORS 5.91 4.60 6.42 0.03 3.96 2.74 -30.86 COTTON YARN NESOI, 85% OR MORE BY 3.21 WEIGHT1.73 OF COTTON, 1.10 NOT PUT2.73 UP FOR RETAIL 4.60 SALE,12.53 SINGLE COMBED 0.03YARN, OVER 3.25 43 NM2.61 BUT NOT OVER -19.63 52 NM HATS AND HEADGEAR, KNITTED OR CROCHETED, 7.67 7.98 MADE UP7.48 FROM LACE, 6.22FELT OR4.57 OTHER TEXTILE -12.08 FABRIC IN 0.03 THE PIECE 3.76 (NOT IN STRIPS), 2.41 WHETHER -35.87 OR NOT WOVEN FABRICS OF ARTIFICIAL STAPLE 1.40FIBERS, 1.27 CONTAINING 2.0485% OR 1.98 MORE BY WEIGHT 4.53 OF 32.13 SUCH FIBERS, UNBLEACHED 0.03 3.83OR BLEACHED 1.60 -58.26 SPOONS, FORKS, LADLES, CAKE-SERVERS, 4.91 SUGAR3.71 TONGS AND 3.73LIKE KITCHEN 4.30 OR TABLEWARE 4.48 -0.38 OF UNPLATED0.03 BASE METAL 4.09 (NO SETS), 0.94 AND PARTS -77.08THEREOF, SEATS WITH METAL FRAMES, UPHOLSTERED, 0.34 NESOI 1.35 3.31 3.84 4.45 85.38 0.03 3.64 2.70 -25.74 Sumber: BPS, diolah 04-08 2008 2008 2009 DAFTAR HS 6 DIGIT KOMODITAS EKSPOR NON MIGAS INDONESIA KE UNI EROPA (US $ JUTA) TREND (%) PANGSA (%) NO. HS6 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 420212 190230 960720 840991 850410 410449 760612 620620 291590 610463 401691 732393 210690 620319 401031 290519 871496 520532 851190 900150 847050 482020 560811 030619 950590 520299 610469 320417 090611 870530 847329 540761 540774 URAIAN 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 JAN-SEP PERTUMB. (%) TRUNKS, SUITCASES, VANITY CASES AND 8.30 SIMILAR 4.64 CONTAINERS, 5.35 WITH6.32 OUTER SURFACE 4.45 OF PLASTICS -8.95 OR OF0.03 TEXTILE MATERIALS 3.65 5.52 51.03 PASTA, PREPARED, NESOI 0.08 1.00 2.02 2.75 4.44 149.03 0.03 3.08 3.31 7.37 PARTS OF SLIDE FASTENERS 3.82 2.92 3.68 4.25 4.41 6.81 0.03 3.47 2.92 -15.67 PARTS FOR USE WITH SPARK-IGNITION2.17 INTERNAL 2.38 COMBUSTION 2.61 PISTON 13.25 ENGINES4.37 (INCLUDING 36.59 ROTARY ENGINES), 0.03 NESOI 3.17 1.56 -50.61 BALLASTS FOR DISCHARGE LAMPS OR0.01 TUBES 0.01 0.05 0.20 4.31 380.45 0.03 3.79 1.72 -54.58 Tanned/crust hides & skins of bovine (incl. buffalo)/equine 0.21 0.38 animals, without 2.27 hair on,5.53 in the dry state 4.31(crust), whether/not 139.43 split but0.03 not further prep 3.80 0.65 -82.86 ALUMINUM ALLOY RECTANGULAR (INCLUDING 0.00 SQUARE) 0.01 PLATES, 2.06 SHEETS 1.23 AND STRIP, 4.30 OVER #NUM! 0.2 MM THICK 0.03 4.11 0.29 -93.02 WOMENS' OR GIRLS' BLOUSES, SHIRTS1.16 AND SHIRT-BLOUSES 0.20 0.64 OF WOOL OR 6.16FINE ANIMAL 4.29 HAIR,82.82 NOT KNITTED0.03 OR CROCHETED 3.30 4.38 32.73 SATURATED ACYCLIC MONOCARBOXYLIC 2.28 ACIDS,2.05 THEIR ANHYDRIDES, 4.05 4.04 HALIDES,4.27 PEROXIDES21.33 AND PEROXYACIDS; 0.03 THEIR 3.36HALOGENATED, 1.96 SULFONATED -41.70 ETC WOMEN'S OR GIRLS' TROUSERS, BIB AND 5.25BRACE 1.43 OVERALLS,2.55 BREECHES 3.17 AND SHORTS 4.26 OF SYNTHETIC 3.84 FIBERS,0.03 KNITTED 2.56 OR CROCHETED 2.38 -6.93 FLOOR COVERINGS AND MATS, OF VULCANIZED 1.61 1.80 RUBBER OTHER 1.96 THAN2.99 HARD RUBBER 4.23 27.58 0.03 3.20 2.53 -20.87 TABLE, KITCHEN OR OTHER HOUSEHOLD 2.28ARTICLES 2.31AND PARTS 4.38 THEREOF, 3.65 OF STAINLESS 4.16 STEEL 18.08 0.03 2.89 2.56 -11.21 FOOD PREPARATIONS NESOI 0.06 0.13 0.16 1.09 4.15 185.38 0.03 4.11 1.22 -70.43 MEN'S OR BOYS' SUITS OF TEXTILE MATERIALS 15.16 NESOI, 9.53 NOT 8.16 KNITTED OR 8.91CROCHETED 4.12 -23.47 0.03 3.49 1.00 -71.48 Endless transmission belts of trapezoidal cross-section 0.67 (V-belts), 1.33 V-ribbed, 2.66 of an outside 3.41 circumference 4.12 >60cm58.17 but not >180cm, 0.03 of vulcanised3.29 rubber 1.50 -54.50 SATURATED MONOHYDRIC ALCOHOLS, 0.53 NESOI 1.36 2.23 3.19 4.11 63.90 0.03 2.83 1.74 -38.58 PEDALS AND CRANK-GEAR, AND PARTS 2.90 THEREOF2.53 FOR BICYCLES 3.13 AND 3.80 OTHER CYCLES 4.07 NESOI11.46 0.03 3.31 2.61 -21.12 COTTON YARN NESOI, 85% OR MORE (WT.) 6.74 COTTON, 5.14NOT FOR 5.51 RETAIL SALE, 6.14 MULTIPLE 4.07 OR CABLED -7.99 UNCOMBED 0.03 YARN, 3.00 OVER 14 NM 1.74 BUT NOT -42.04 OVER 43 NM PE PARTS FOR ELECTRICAL IGNITION OR 0.11 STARTING 0.43 EQUIPMENT 0.49 USED FOR 1.69 INTERNAL 4.05 COMBUSTION 134.15 ENGINES; 0.03 PARTS FOR2.85 GENERATORS 3.17 AND CUT-OUTS 11.07 USED W SPECTACLE LENSES OF MATERIALS OTHER 2.23 THAN2.56 GLASS 3.28 3.18 4.02 15.00 0.03 3.00 3.34 11.54 CASH REGISTERS 1.41 1.93 2.49 3.53 4.01 30.98 0.03 2.94 5.82 98.23 EXERCISE BOOKS, OF PAPER OR PAPERBOARD 5.56 5.21 5.26 4.89 4.00 -6.94 0.03 3.86 3.75 -2.80 MADE-UP FISHING NETS, OF MANMADE 3.55 TEXTILE 4.55 MATERIALS 3.72 3.33 4.00 -0.75 0.03 3.10 3.00 -3.06 CRUSTACEANS, NESOI, INCLUDING IN 3.51 SHELL, COOKED 2.88 BY STEAMING 0.20 OR 8.40BY BOILING 3.98 IN WATER, 14.12FROZEN 0.03 3.40 0.77 -77.34 FESTIVE (EXCEPT CHRISTMAS), CARNIVAL 3.33 OR OTHER 3.56 ENTERTAINMENT 3.31 3.70 ARTICLES, 3.97 INCLUDING 3.99 MAGIC TRICKS 0.03AND PRACTICAL 2.76 JOKE 4.15 ITEMS; PARTS 50.44 AND AC COTTON WASTE, NESOI 1.81 0.59 1.67 1.29 3.95 26.47 0.03 3.14 2.85 -9.31 WOMEN'S OR GIRLS' TROUSERS, BIB AND 1.31BRACE 1.56 OVERALLS,1.51 BREECHES 3.28 AND SHORTS 3.94 OF TEXTILE 34.31 MATERIALS 0.03NESOI, KNITTED 2.89 OR1.28 CROCHETED -55.71 PIGMENTS AND PREPARATIONS BASED3.50 THEREON3.56 3.38 4.53 3.93 4.86 0.03 3.69 1.64 -55.46 Cinnamon(Cinnamomum zeylanicum Blume) 4.42 & cinnamon-tree 5.17 flowers,4.28 neither crushed/ground 3.59 3.93 -5.80 0.03 3.29 2.16 -34.21 FIRE FIGHTING VEHICLES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3.91 #NUM! 0.03 3.91 0.00 -100.00 PARTS AND ACCESSORIES FOR CASH REGISTERS 3.92 3.89 AND MACHINES 4.92 FOR ACCOUNTING, 4.92 3.91POSTAGE-FRANKING, 2.34 TICKET-ISSUING 0.03 3.05 AND SIMILAR 0.62 MACHINES -79.49 WITH A WOVEN FABRICS OF YARN CONTAINING 4.87>= 85% NON-TEXTURED 4.60 5.41 POLYESTER 4.65 FILAMENTS 3.89 BY -4.29 WEIGHT, INCL.0.03 MONOFILAMENT 3.02 OF >= 2.4067 DECITEX -20.54 AND A MAX WOVEN FABRICS OF SYNTHETIC FILAMENTS 8.50 NESOI, 5.7585% OR6.27 MORE BY WEIGHT 3.97 OF3.85 SYNTHETIC -17.76 FILAMENTS EXCEPT 0.03 POLYAMIDES 3.46 2.05 AND POLYESTERS, -40.68 PRINTED Sumber: BPS, diolah 04-08 2008 2008 2009 DAFTAR HS 6 DIGIT KOMODITAS EKSPOR NON MIGAS INDONESIA KE UNI EROPA (US $ JUTA) TREND (%) PANGSA (%) NO. HS6 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 680229 920120 521111 620463 130190 760429 610442 460211 610711 611693 870810 401199 852290 854011 680421 170390 690810 853222 520822 520832 851711 620721 090210 410530 620891 291736 680299 390760 551419 761490 871310 290711 871120 URAIAN 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 JAN-SEP PERTUMB. (%) MONUMENTAL OR BUILDING STONE AND 1.22 ARTICLES 2.04THEREOF 2.04NESOI, SIMPLY 3.42 CUT3.84 OR SAWN 32.43 WITH A FLAT OR 0.02 EVEN SURFACE, 3.12 OF2.34 STONE NESOI -25.09 GRAND PIANOS 2.86 3.36 3.96 4.05 3.82 7.97 0.02 2.61 2.22 -15.19 WOVEN FABRICS OF COTTON, LESS THAN 0.19 85% COTTON 0.37 BY WEIGHT, 0.79 MIXED 4.72 MAINLY 3.81WITH MANMADE 135.17 FIBERS, 0.02 UNBLEACHED, 3.15 PLAIN 1.16WEAVE, WEIGHING -63.10 OVE WOMEN'S OR GIRLS' TROUSERS, BIB AND 6.17BRACE 4.19 OVERALLS,4.41 BREECHES 4.14 AND SHORTS 3.81 OF SYNTHETIC -9.29 FIBERS,0.02 NOT KNITTED 3.02 OR CROCHETED 2.30 -23.75 NATURAL GUMS, GUM RESINS, RESINS2.75 AND BALSAMS, 2.33 NESOI 2.86 4.54 3.80 14.05 0.02 3.23 1.73 -46.41 ALUMINUM ALLOY BARS, RODS AND PROFILES, 0.81 OTHER 2.48 THAN 4.65 HOLLOW5.16 PROFILES3.79 46.56 0.02 3.07 2.17 -29.20 WOMEN'S OR GIRLS' DRESSES OF COTTON, 2.34 KNITTED 1.91OR CROCHETED 1.80 2.66 3.77 13.71 0.02 3.05 4.69 53.72 Basketwork, wickerwork & other articles, made 7.02 directly to7.36 shape from bamboo 4.67 3.89 3.77 -17.18 0.02 3.04 2.24 -26.19 MEN'S OR BOYS' UNDERPANTS AND BRIEFS 4.31 OF COTTON, 6.07 KNITTED 4.55 OR CROCHETED 4.45 3.74 -5.77 0.02 2.85 2.92 2.65 GLOVES NESOI, MITTENS AND MITTS, 3.11 OF SYNTHETIC 4.01 FIBERS, 4.39 KNITTED3.38 OR CROCHETED 3.72 1.86 0.02 3.05 2.16 -29.12 BUMPERS AND PARTS THEREOF FOR MOTOR 2.75 VEHICLES 3.81 2.88 3.14 3.71 4.10 0.02 3.13 0.34 -89.19 NEW PNEUMATIC TIRES, OF RUBBER, NESOI 2.36 2.76 2.41 6.61 3.70 19.42 0.02 3.42 1.59 -53.40 PARTS AND ACCESSORIES, EXCEPT PICKUP 7.05 CARTRIDGES, 0.91 FOR 17.69SOUND12.46 REPRODUCING, 3.69 SOUND14.09 RECORDING, AND 0.02 VIDEO2.00 RECORDING 4.22 OR REPRODUCING 111.42 APPAR CATHODE-RAY TELEVISION PICTURE TUBES, 0.63 COLOR, 4.57 INCLUDING 4.16 VIDEO 5.62 MONITOR 3.69 CATHODE-RAY 45.53 TUBES 0.02 3.69 0.01 -99.79 MILLSTONES, GRINDSTONES, GRINDING 1.55 WHEELS1.96 AND THE LIKE 2.71 NESOI,3.88 OF AGGLOMERATED 3.65 27.10 SYNTHETIC OR0.02 NATURAL2.87 DIAMOND 1.31 -54.24 MOLASSES RESULTING FROM THE EXTRACTION 0.00 OR 0.00REFINING 0.00OF SUGAR, 0.21NESOI 3.63 #NUM! 0.02 2.53 0.00 -100.00 GLAZED CERAMIC TILES, CUBES AND SIMILAR 3.09 ARTICLES, 3.12 LARGEST 4.38 SURFACE 4.75 AREA 3.58OF WHICH7.37 CAN BE ENCLOSED 0.02 IN A2.88 SQUARE WITH 2.36 SIDES LESS -17.90THAN 7 CM FIXED CAPACITORS NESOI, ALUMINUM 3.90 ELECTROLYTIC 3.96 3.95 4.12 3.54 -1.49 0.02 2.89 1.79 -38.13 WOVEN FABRICS OF COTTON, 85% OR 3.72 MORE COTTON 6.95 BY WEIGHT, 9.17 BLEACHED, 6.25 PLAIN 3.49 WEAVE,-2.33 WEIGHING OVER 0.02 100 G/M2 3.19 BUT NOT0.78 OVER 200 G/M2 -75.47 WOVEN FABRICS OF COTTON, 85% OR 3.20 MORE COTTON 4.16 BY WEIGHT, 4.09 DYED, 4.06PLAIN WEAVE, 3.45 WEIGHING 1.25 OVER 100 0.02 G/M2 BUT 2.61 NOT OVER 1.58 200 G/M2 -39.24 TELEPHONE SETS FOR LINE TELEPHONY 0.00WITH CORDLESS 0.00 HANDSETS. 0.25 2.42 3.44 #NUM! 0.02 1.84 2.75 49.14 MEN'S OR BOYS' NIGHTSHIRTS AND PAJAMAS 0.81 OF 1.30 COTTON, NOT 0.61 KNITTED 0.99OR CROCHETED 3.44 30.07 0.02 3.15 0.44 -86.17 GREEN TEA (NOT FERMENTED) IN IMMEDIATE 0.46 PACKINGS 1.62 OF3.12 A CONTENT 3.19NOT EXCEEDING 3.44 3 KG 59.76 (6.61 LB.) 0.02 2.83 1.69 -40.12 Tanned/crust skins of sheep/lambs, without wool 5.26on, in the2.12 dry state (crust), 0.28 whether/not 3.30 split but3.42 not further prepared -4.07 0.02 3.11 0.68 -78.19 WOMEN'S OR GIRLS' UNDERSHIRTS, BRIEFS, 0.13 PANTIES, 0.20 BATHROBES, 0.05 DRESSING 0.70 GOWNS 3.37 AND SIMILAR 116.88 ARTICLES 0.02OF COTTON, 2.37 NOT KNITTED 4.70 OR 98.33 CROCHETED TEREPHTHALIC ACID AND ITS SALTS 1.96 5.83 26.19 25.21 3.37 29.04 0.02 3.37 1.78 -47.14 WORKED MONUMENTAL OR BUILDING0.90 STONE NESOI, 1.43 OF STONE 2.08 NESOI4.05 3.36 44.41 0.02 2.63 3.05 15.75 POLYETHYLENE TEREPHTHALATE, IN10.18 PRIMARY23.76 FORMS 26.18 2.91 3.35 -35.08 0.02 2.68 1.75 -34.69 WOVEN FABRICS OF SYNTHETIC STAPLE 0.56FIBERS EXCEPT 1.99 POLYESTER, 3.55 UNDER 3.90 85%3.35 (WT.) OF SUCH 53.20FIBERS, UNBLEACHED 0.02 2.81 OR BLEACHED, 1.27 WITH-54.77 COTTON, OVER STRANDED WIRE, CABLES, PLAITED BANDS 0.12 AND 0.00 SIMILAR ARTICLES 0.04 OF0.36 ALUMINUM, 3.33NOT#NUM! ELECTRICALLY INSULATED, 0.02 NESOI 3.33 0.04 -98.91 INVALID CARRIAGES, NOT MECHANICALLY 1.24 PROPELLED 0.57 0.04 1.20 3.31 31.21 0.02 1.97 1.47 -25.48 PHENOL (HYDROXYBENZENE) AND ITS1.11 SALTS 1.76 1.61 3.22 3.29 32.11 0.02 2.55 1.40 -45.06 MOTORCYCLES AND CYCLES WITH AN0.91 AUXILIARY 1.63 MOTOR, 2.76 WITH RECIPROCATING 0.42 3.27 INTERNAL 12.72 COMBUSTION0.02 PISTON ENGINE, 2.98 CYLINDER 2.32 CAPACITY -22.33 OVER 50 Sumber: BPS, diolah 04-08 2008 2008 2009 DAFTAR HS 6 DIGIT KOMODITAS EKSPOR NON MIGAS INDONESIA KE UNI EROPA (US $ JUTA) TREND (%) PANGSA (%) NO. HS6 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 851718 270111 420292 320416 840420 460290 640420 030422 520811 620333 120799 030624 293100 610230 851690 480920 030329 701349 640320 670419 410712 711719 520300 440290 731210 620821 640340 392610 610432 620199 290516 847989 902300 URAIAN 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 JAN-SEP PERTUMB. (%) Other telephone sets, incl. telephones for cellular 0.33networks/for 0.33 other wireless 0.00 networks, 2.48other than3.27 8517.11 & 8517.12 93.65 0.02 3.05 2.57 -15.81 ANTHRACITE COAL, WHETHER OR NOT 0.00 PULVERIZED, 0.00 BUT NOT 2.46AGGLOMERATED 3.20 3.25 #NUM! 0.02 3.25 4.49 38.02 CONTAINER BAGS, BOXES, CASES AND3.92 SATCHELS2.13 NESOI, WITH 2.83 OUTER3.79 SURFACE OF 3.24PLASTIC SHEETING 2.02 OR OF 0.02TEXTILE2.48 MATERIALS 3.32 34.17 REACTIVE DYES AND PREPARATIONS BASED 2.85 THEREON 2.82 3.15 3.88 3.24 5.97 0.02 2.49 5.13 106.39 CONDENSERS FOR STEAM OR OTHER VAPOR 2.59 POWER 0.00 UNITS 0.77 16.76 3.22 #NUM! 0.02 0.18 1.78 860.02 BASKETWORK, WICKERWORK AND OTHER 1.82 ARTICLES 2.27 MADE3.07 DIRECTLY2.97 TO SHAPE,3.22 OF OTHER15.08 THAN VEGETABLE 0.02 MATERIALS; 2.53 ARTICLES 1.53 OF LOOFAH -39.53 FOOTWEAR, WITH OUTER SOLES OF LEATHER 26.06 OR 35.11 COMPOSITION 31.97 LEATHER 2.05 AND UPPERS 3.22 OF TEXTILE -50.46 MATERIALS 0.02 1.11 1.83 65.57 Toothfish (Dissostichus spp.), frozen fillets 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.59 3.21 #NUM! 0.02 2.37 2.08 -12.01 WOVEN FABRICS OF COTTON, 85% OR 6.19 MORE COTTON 8.51 BY WEIGHT, 7.78 UNBLEACHED, 3.85 3.19 PLAIN WEAVE, -19.07WEIGHING0.02 NOT OVER2.55 100 G/M2 3.27 28.62 MEN'S OR BOYS' SUIT-TYPE JACKETS AND 1.74 BLAZERS 3.77OF SYNTHETIC 2.96 FIBERS, 3.84 NOT KNITTED 3.16 OR12.81 CROCHETED 0.02 2.18 2.62 20.13 OIL SEEDS AND OLEAGINOUS FRUITS, 1.82 WHETHER 1.63 OR NOT BROKEN, 2.00 NESOI 4.54 3.15 23.66 0.02 0.29 3.58 1,152.49 CRABS, LIVE, FRESH, CHILLED, DRIED,1.09 SALTED OR 3.13 IN BRINE,1.74 OR COOKED 1.97BY STEAMING 3.09 OR BOILING 17.69 IN WATER, 0.02 NOT FROZEN 2.57 0.72 -71.84 ORGANO-INORGANIC COMPOUNDS, NESOI 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3.09 #NUM! 0.02 1.93 0.29 -85.02 WOMEN'S OR GIRLS' OVERCOATS, CARCOATS, 1.58 CAPES, 1.19 CLOAKS, 1.62ANORAKS, 1.33 SKI-JACKETS 3.09 AND 15.64 SIMILAR ARTICLES 0.02 OF MANMADE 2.44 FIBERS, 1.98 KNITTED -18.83 OR CROCHE PARTS FOR ELECTRIC WATER HEATERS, 4.06 SPACE HEATERS, 0.25 HAIRDRESSING 2.67 3.16APPARATUS, 3.08 FLAT 22.06 IRONS, STOVES,0.02 OVENS, COFFEE 2.26 OR TEA 2.53 MAKERS, 12.13 TOASTERS, E SELF-COPY PAPER, IN ROLLS OVER 36 CM 0.67WIDE OR 1.31 RECTANGULAR 2.75 SHEETS 3.96 WITH 3.05 AT LEAST ONE 51.37SIDE OVER 0.02 36 CM IN UNFOLDED 2.33 STATE 1.01 -56.53 SALMONIDAE NESOI, EXCLUDING FILLETS, 0.15 LIVERS 0.43 AND ROES, 0.26FROZEN1.13 3.03 102.06 0.02 1.99 1.26 -36.93 Other glassware of a kind used for table (other2.16 than drinking 3.74 glasses)/kitchen 4.29 purposes, 3.69other than3.03 of glass-ceramics/lead 6.91 crystal/of 0.02 glass having 2.57 al 3.75 46.10 FOOTWEAR, WITH OUTER SOLES OF LEATHER 2.50 AND 7.43 UPPERS13.21 WHICH CONSIST 13.56 OF LEATHER 3.03 STRAPS 10.36 ACROSS THE 0.02INSTEP 2.58 AND AROUND 1.31 THE BIG-49.30 TOE WIGS, FALSE BEARDS, EYEBROWS AND 1.35 EYELASHES, 2.11 SWITCHES 2.06 AND THE 3.18LIKE, NESOI, 3.02 OF SYNTHETIC 22.33 TEXTILE 0.02MATERIALS 2.26 2.83 25.06 Leather further prepared after tanning/crusting, 0.00 incl. parchment-dressed 0.00 0.04 leather, of bovine 1.44 (incl. buffalo)/equine 3.01 #NUM!animals, without0.02 hair on, whole 2.64 hid 0.05 -98.09 IMITATION JEWELRY NESOI, OF BASE METAL, 0.52 WHETHER 0.27 OR0.28 NOT PLATED 2.48WITH PRECIOUS 3.00 METAL 77.32 0.02 2.47 2.55 3.18 COTTON, CARDED OR COMBED 0.32 0.18 0.30 0.30 2.98 64.19 0.02 2.33 1.15 -50.72 Wood charcoal (including shell/nut charcoal, 1.22 excl. of 440210), 1.61 whether/not 2.00 agglomerated. 2.23 2.98 23.49 0.02 2.28 3.89 70.61 STRANDED WIRE, ROPES AND CABLES,1.48 NOT ELECTRICALLY 2.39 1.69 INSULATED, 1.26 OF IRON2.97 OR STEEL 7.74 0.02 2.15 3.11 44.59 WOMEN'S OR GIRLS' NIGHTDRESSES AND 1.45PAJAMAS 1.18OF COTTON, 1.67 NOT KNITTED 2.49 OR2.94 CROCHETED 24.14 0.02 2.51 1.99 -20.90 FOOTWEAR, WITH OUTER SOLES OF RUBBER, 7.73 PLASTICS, 8.35 LEATHER 13.84 OR COMPOSITION 8.96 2.91 LEATHER -17.17 AND UPPERS 0.02 OF LEATHER, 2.51INCORPORATING 1.41 A-43.81 PROTECTIVE M OFFICE OR SCHOOL SUPPLIES OF PLASTICS 0.85 0.18 0.93 1.43 2.89 56.85 0.02 2.19 1.51 -31.06 WOMEN'S OR GIRLS' SUIT-TYPE JACKETS 0.24AND BLAZERS 0.13 OF COTTON, 0.64 KNITTED 0.52 OR2.89 CROCHETED 88.32 0.02 2.21 1.84 -16.65 MEN'S OR BOYS' ANORAKS, SKI-JACKETS, 31.72WINDBREAKERS 32.58 38.07 AND SIMILAR 2.70ARTICLES 2.88 OF TEXTILE -51.73 MATERIALS0.02 NESOI, NOT 2.61 KNITTED1.95 OR CROCHETED -25.50 OCTANOL (OCTYL ALCOHOL) AND ISOMERS 2.56 THEREOF 2.16 1.49 2.81 2.87 4.95 0.02 2.14 2.11 -1.62 MACHINES AND MECHANICAL APPLIANCES 0.94 HAVING 2.76 INDIVIDUAL 0.47 FUNCTIONS, 3.90 NESOI 2.86 29.33 0.02 1.01 3.57 254.87 INSTRUMENTS, APPARATUS AND MODELS, 0.09 DESIGNED 0.44 FOR DEMONSTRATIONAL 1.38 1.09 PURPOSES, 2.86 UNSUITABLE 118.34 FOR 0.02 OTHER USES, 0.62 AND PARTS 1.63 AND 160.82 ACCESSORIES T Sumber: BPS, diolah 04-08 2008 2008 2009 DAFTAR HS 6 DIGIT KOMODITAS EKSPOR NON MIGAS INDONESIA KE UNI EROPA (US $ JUTA) TREND (%) PANGSA (%) NO. HS6 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 902290 411200 730799 701342 410441 611190 611599 611420 681510 940390 940490 691010 610721 440729 390120 611490 950661 761090 621040 392190 392059 841451 690919 180100 950430 620341 330499 170490 691390 401320 900319 080132 853669 URAIAN 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 JAN-SEP PERTUMB. (%) X-RAY GENERATORS, HIGH TENSION GENERATORS, 0.11 0.26CONTROL 0.28PANELS0.21 AND DESKS, 2.82 SCREENS,86.65 EXAMINATION0.02 OR TREATMENT 1.95 TABLES, 2.98 CHAIRS53.29 ETC.; PARTS A Leather further prepared after tanning/crusting, 0.00 incl. parchment-dressed 0.00 0.05 leather, of sheep/lamb, 0.43 without 2.79 wool #NUM! on, whether/not split, 0.02 other than 2.39 leathe 0.73 -69.48 PIPE OR TUBE FITTINGS, NESOI, IRON OR 0.54NONSTAINLESS 1.21 STEEL 1.42 FITTINGS 1.83NESOI 2.78 44.59 0.02 2.12 1.69 -20.20 Glassware of a kind used for table (other than1.54 drinking glasses)/kitchen 2.09 1.68 purposes, other 2.12than of glass-ceramics 2.77 12.60 , of glass having a0.02 linear coefficient 1.96 2.01 2.50 Tanned/crust hides & skins of bovine (incl. buffalo)/equine 0.00 0.00 animals, without 0.32 hair on,4.10 in the dry state 2.76(crust), #NUM! full grains, unsplit; grain 0.02 splits but2.42 0.35 -85.31 BABIES' GARMENTS AND CLOTHING ACCESSORIES 4.09 2.15 OF TEXTILE 2.01 MATERIALS 3.09 NESOI, 2.75 KNITTED OR -4.23 CROCHETED 0.02 2.20 1.70 -23.00 SOCKS AND HOSIERY NESOI AND FOOTWEAR 0.00 WITHOUT 0.00 APPLIED 0.00 SOLES, 2.30 OF TEXTILE 2.75 MATERIALS #NUM! NESOI, KNITTED 0.02 OR CROCHETED 2.40 2.44 1.99 GARMENTS NESOI, OF COTTON, KNITTED 0.94OR CROCHETED 1.66 1.24 2.34 2.74 28.15 0.02 1.84 4.06 120.86 NONELECTRICAL ARTICLES OF GRAPHITE 0.39 OR CARBON, 1.09 NESOI 1.15 1.81 2.73 55.71 0.02 2.39 1.54 -35.72 PARTS OF FURNITURE, NESOI 8.63 8.26 6.15 3.04 2.73 -28.11 0.02 2.14 1.47 -31.26 ARTICLES OF BEDDING AND SIMILAR FURNISHINGS 1.44 1.72(EXCEPT 4.32 MATTRESSES 2.87 AND SLEEPING 2.73 BAGS), 19.60 FITTED OR0.02 STUFFED 2.30 ETC., INCLUDING 2.32 QUILTS, 0.81 PILLOWS A CERAMIC SANITARY FIXTURES (SINKS,1.77 WASHBASINS, 1.88 BATHS, 2.86 WATER CLOSET 2.78 BOWLS 2.70 AND TANKS, 13.13 ETC.), OF0.02 PORCELAIN 2.26 OR CHINA 2.02 -10.66 MEN'S OR BOYS' NIGHTSHIRTS AND PAJAMAS 1.97 OF 2.83 COTTON, KNITTED 1.95 OR1.64 CROCHETED 2.70 0.91 0.02 2.12 2.14 0.85 TROPICAL WOOD SPECIFIED IN SUBHEADING 1.09 NOTE 0.021 TO THIS 3.70 CHAPTER, 3.55 SAWN OR2.69 CUT LENGTHWISE, 104.53 SLICED 0.02 OR BARKED, 2.35 WHETHER 1.03 OR NOT-56.32 PLANED, SAND POLYETHYLENE HAVING A SPECIFIC GRAVITY 0.00 OF0.06 0.94 OR MORE, 0.00 IN PRIMARY 5.67 FORMS 2.66 #NUM! 0.02 1.77 0.09 -94.69 GARMENTS NESOI, OF TEXTILE MATERIALS 5.49 NESOI, 6.44 KNITTED1.36 OR CROCHETED 2.26 2.64 -22.18 0.02 2.17 0.91 -57.98 LAWN-TENNIS BALLS 3.75 4.09 4.08 2.10 2.63 -12.86 0.02 2.06 1.99 -3.55 ALUMINUM STRUCTURES AND PARTS 0.00 OF STRUCTURES, 0.01 NESOI 0.01 0.63 2.62 666.68 0.02 1.97 1.56 -21.02 MEN'S OR BOYS' GARMENTS, IMPREGNATED, 3.02 COATED, 2.81 COVERED 2.32 OR LAMINATED 0.62 2.62 WITH PLASTICS, -16.36 RUBBER OR 0.02OTHER MATERIALS, 2.20 1.39 NESOI, NOT -36.91 KNITTED OR PLATES, SHEETS, FILM, FOIL AND STRIP 1.02 OF PLASTICS, 1.33 NESOI,1.64 NON-CELLULAR 2.75 PLASTICS 2.62 NESOI 29.96 0.02 2.15 0.89 -58.44 PLATES, SHEETS, FILM, FOIL AND STRIP 0.30 OF PLASTICS, 0.75 NOT SELF-ADHESIVE, 0.88 1.11 NON-CELLULAR, 2.61 60.50 NOT REINFORCED 0.02OR LAMINATED 1.86 ETC., 1.35 OF ACRYLIC -27.00POLYMER FANS, TABLE, FLOOR, WALL, WINDOW,2.16 CEILING OR 3.06ROOF, WITH 2.01 SELF-CONTAINED 3.23 2.60 ELECTRIC MOTOR 4.37 OF AN 0.02 OUTPUT NOT 2.23EXCEEDING 1.86 125 W -16.85 CERAMIC WARES FOR LABORATORY, CHEMICAL 0.06 0.04 OR OTHER0.05 TECHNICAL 0.07 USES, OF2.54 OTHER THAN 119.19 PORCELAIN 0.02 OR CHINA,2.46 NESOI 2.42 -1.64 COCOA BEANS, WHOLE OR BROKEN, RAW 2.68 OR ROASTED 16.68 23.03 9.07 2.53 -6.96 0.02 2.02 10.94 442.72 COIN- OR TOKEN-OPERATED GAMES, OTHER 0.71 THAN 0.34 BOWLING 0.84 ALLEY EQUIPMENT; 2.00 2.52 PARTS AND 53.97 ACCESSORIES0.02 THEREOF 2.19 0.57 -74.10 MEN'S OR BOYS' TROUSERS, BIB AND BRACE 5.11 OVERALLS, 5.46 BREECHES 3.00 AND 2.89SHORTS2.51 OF WOOL OR -18.59 FINE ANIMAL0.02 HAIR, NOT 1.95 KNITTED0.25 OR CROCHETED -86.95 BEAUTY OR MAKE-UP PREPARATIONS0.83 AND PREPARATIONS 0.63 1.00 FOR CARE 1.64 OF THE SKIN 2.50 (EXCLUDING 37.17MEDICAMENTS) 0.02 NESOI, 2.16 INCLUDING 2.23 SUNSCREENS 3.26 AND SUN SUGAR CONFECTIONARY (INCLUDING5.56 WHITE CHOCOLATE), 4.05 2.97 NOT CONTAINING 3.05 COCOA, 2.50 NESOI -17.18 0.02 1.84 2.68 45.24 CERAMIC STATUETTES AND OTHER ORNAMENTAL 1.94 2.18 ARTICLES, 1.95OF OTHER 2.47THAN PORCELAIN 2.47 OR6.25 CHINA 0.02 2.00 3.04 52.21 INNER TUBES, OF RUBBER, OF A KIND 1.12 USED ON BICYCLES 1.65 2.19 8.89 2.47 38.67 0.02 2.13 9.08 326.91 FRAMES AND MOUNTINGS FOR SPECTACLES, 3.59 GOGGLES 3.86 OR THE 3.66 LIKE, OF 2.67 MATERIALS 2.44 OTHER-10.82 THAN PLASTICS 0.02 1.93 0.99 -48.59 CASHEW NUTS, WITHOUT SHELL, FRESH 0.48OR DRIED. 0.79 1.02 2.29 2.43 53.70 0.02 2.03 1.83 -9.98 ELECTRICAL PLUGS AND SOCKETS FOR 0.02 A VOLTAGE 0.14NOT EXCEEDING 0.48 1,000 2.57 V 2.43 249.39 0.02 1.90 0.97 -48.69 Sumber: BPS, diolah 04-08 2008 2008 2009 DAFTAR HS 6 DIGIT KOMODITAS EKSPOR NON MIGAS INDONESIA KE UNI EROPA (US $ JUTA) TREND (%) PANGSA (%) NO. HS6 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 852691 701337 690890 330125 290517 853929 390690 480300 620433 847810 640590 160590 340120 853710 620212 441860 190590 701310 392490 710221 848390 401120 520932 030379 610832 340111 460219 670490 850680 520623 732399 841122 660110 URAIAN 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 JAN-SEP PERTUMB. (%) RADIO NAVIGATIONAL AID APPARATUS 0.13 0.11 0.17 0.28 2.41 97.19 0.02 1.66 2.10 26.55 Other drinking glasses, other than of glass ceramics/lead 1.17 crystal. 1.49 0.43 13.57 2.40 43.97 0.02 1.65 1.19 -28.15 GLAZED CERAMIC FLAGS AND PAVING, 2.92 HEARTH 1.70 OR WALL TILES 1.69 NESOI2.38 2.40 -0.58 0.02 1.98 1.69 -14.63 ESSENTIAL OILS OF MINTS, NESOI 0.01 0.01 0.00 0.80 2.38 #NUM! 0.02 1.79 0.07 -96.24 DODECAN-1-OL (LAURYL ALCOHOL), HEXADECAN-1-OL 1.06 1.00 (CETYL 1.23 ALCOHOL), 1.15 AND OCTADECAN-1-OL 2.36 18.96 (STEARYL 0.02 ALCOHOL) 1.87 1.69 -9.85 ELECTRIC FILAMENT LAMPS, NESOI 2.84 0.71 0.95 1.96 2.36 6.70 0.02 1.70 2.35 38.08 ACRYLIC POLYMERS NESOI, IN PRIMARY 1.01FORMS 1.04 1.55 1.94 2.34 25.87 0.02 1.99 0.89 -55.24 TOILET, FACIAL TISSUE, TOWEL OR NAPKIN 0.04 STOCK 1.30AND SIMILAR 0.35 PAPER, 0.14CELLULOSE 2.33 FIBER WADDING 79.15 AND 0.02 WEBS, IN ROLLS 1.38 OR SHEETS 6.80 OVER 393.77 36 CM (14.17 IN WOMEN'S OR GIRLS' SUIT-TYPE JACKETS 5.65AND BLAZERS 5.90 OF SYNTHETIC 4.21 2.66 FIBERS, NOT 2.32KNITTED -22.74 OR CROCHETED 0.02 1.98 2.34 18.05 MACHINERY FOR PREPARING OR MAKING 0.63 UP TOBACCO, 0.72 NESOI 2.53 2.21 2.32 45.19 0.02 1.50 3.01 100.66 FOOTWEAR NESOI 0.96 1.62 1.08 6.32 2.31 36.72 0.02 2.19 0.79 -63.99 MOLLUSCS AND OTHER AQUATIC INVERTEBRATES 1.86 2.07(CLAMS,1.73 ABALONE,2.33 SCALLOPS, 2.28 SQUID, ETC.), 5.41PREPARED 0.01 OR PRESERVED, 1.69 INCLUDING 1.20 PRODUCTS -29.09 CONTAI SOAP IN FORMS NESOI, INCLUDING POWDERS 1.02 AND 1.72 LIQUIDS1.48 2.85 2.25 23.26 0.01 1.72 1.46 -15.07 BOARDS, PANELS, CONSOLES, ETC. WITH 2.15ELECTRICAL 1.55 APPARATUS, 1.55 FOR 1.46 ELECTRIC 2.24 CONTROL OR 0.13DISTRIBUTION 0.01 OF ELECTRICITY, 1.85 0.27 FOR A VOLTAGE -85.18 NOT EXCE WOMEN'S OR GIRLS' OVERCOATS, RAINCOATS, 3.36 CARCOATS, 3.68 CAPES, 4.88 CLOAKS 1.22 AND SIMILAR 2.23 ARTICLES -17.50 OF COTTON, 0.01 NOT KNITTED 1.39 OR 1.43 CROCHETED2.47 Posts&beams 66.37 102.42 22.73 5.11 2.23 -62.40 0.01 1.84 0.35 -81.09 BREAD, PASTRY, CAKES, BISCUITS AND 0.29 SIMILAR 0.53 BAKED PRODUCTS, 0.69 NESOI, 0.88 AND 2.23 PUDDINGS, 58.40 WHETHER OR NOT 0.01 CONTAINING 1.76 CHOCOLATE, 1.33 FRUIT, -24.38NUTS OR C GLASSWARE, OF GLASS-CERAMICS, OF2.49 A KIND USED 1.61 FOR TABLE, 2.34 KITCHEN, 2.24 TOILET, 2.22OFFICE, INDOOR 1.04 DECORATION 0.01 OR SIMILAR 1.82 PURPOSES 0.97 -46.47 HOUSEHOLD ARTICLES NESOI (OTHER3.61 THAN TABLEWARE 2.50 AND 2.15 KITCHENWARE) 2.23 AND 2.22 TOILET-10.28 ARTICLES, OF PLASTICS 0.01 1.80 0.77 -57.10 DIAMONDS, INDUSTRIAL, UNWORKED0.00 OR SIMPLY4.93 SAWN, CLEAVED 2.23 OR0.00 BRUTED 2.22 #NUM! 0.01 2.22 0.00 -100.00 PARTS FOR TRANSMISSION SHAFTS, BEARINGS 0.31 (HOUSED 0.29 ETC.), 0.46 GEARS,0.62 GEAR BOXES 2.22 ETC., SPEED 60.03 CHANGERS, 0.01 FLYWHEELS, 1.15 PULLEYS, 0.64 CLUTCHES -44.19 AND SHAFT NEW PNEUMATIC TIRES, OF RUBBER, OF 0.89A KIND USED 0.92 ON BUSES 0.94 OR TRUCKS 0.97 2.21 20.48 0.01 0.74 13.21 1,673.90 WOVEN FABRICS OF COTTON, 85% OR 2.02 MORE COTTON 1.72 BY WEIGHT, 0.92 DYED, 1.193-THREAD 2.20OR 4-THREAD -1.89 TWILL, INCLUDING 0.01 CROSS 1.82 TWILL, 0.78WEIGHING -57.28 OVER 200 G/ FISH, NESOI, EXCLUDING FILLETS, LIVERS 1.58 AND ROES, 3.26 FROZEN 4.18 1.89 2.19 1.05 0.01 1.65 1.87 13.40 WOMEN'S OR GIRLS' NIGHTDRESSES AND 0.40PAJAMAS 0.24OF MANMADE 1.22 FIBERS, 1.56 KNITTED 2.19OR CROCHETED 69.85 0.01 1.94 2.01 3.24 SOAP AND ORGANIC SURFACE-ACTIVE3.09 PRODUCTS 3.25 IN BARS OR 2.74OTHER SHAPES 2.52 AND 2.18 PAPER, WADDING -9.11 ETC. CONTAINING 0.01 1.81 SOAP OR1.84 DETERGENT,1.57 FOR TOILET Basketwork, wickerwork & other articles, made 0.00 directly to0.00 shape from vegetable 2.54 materials 1.75 other than 2.17 bamboo&rattan; #NUM! articles of 0.01 loofah 1.87 1.49 -20.40 WIGS, FALSE BEARDS, EYEBROWS AND 0.28 EYELASHES, 0.29 SWITCHES 0.66 AND THE 1.84LIKE, NESOI, 2.15 OF MATERIALS 81.12 OTHER 0.01 THAN SYNTHETIC 1.72 TEXTILES 1.31 OR-23.86 HUMAN HAIR PRIMARY CELLS AND PRIMARY BATTERIES, 0.49 ELECTRIC 2.28 (EXCL. 3.40 SPENT, AND 2.03 THOSE2.14 OF SILVER 32.72 OXIDE, MERCURIC 0.01 OXIDE,1.62 MANGANESE 0.73 DIOXIDE, -54.79 LITHIUM AND COTTON YARN NESOI, LESS THAN 85%3.23 BY WEIGHT 2.52 OF COTTON, 3.82 NOT PUT 2.44UP FOR 2.14 RETAIL SALE, -8.17 SINGLE COMBED 0.01 YARN,1.85 OVER 43 NM 0.86BUT NOT-53.16 OVER 52 NM TABLE, KITCHEN OR OTHER HOUSEHOLD 2.64ARTICLES 1.53AND PARTS 1.15 THEREOF, 1.64 OF IRON 2.13 (NOT CAST) -3.57 AND STEEL (NOT 0.01 STAINLESS), 1.22 NOT 1.17 ENAMELED-4.17 TURBOPROPELLERS OF A POWER EXCEEDING 0.00 1,100 0.82 KW 0.00 0.00 2.13 #NUM! 0.01 2.09 0.00 -100.00 UMBRELLAS, GARDEN OR SIMILAR 1.81 2.05 2.03 2.01 2.13 3.03 0.01 1.72 1.05 -39.25 Sumber: BPS, diolah 04-08 2008 2008 2009 DAFTAR HS 6 DIGIT KOMODITAS EKSPOR NON MIGAS INDONESIA KE UNI EROPA (US $ JUTA) TREND (%) PANGSA (%) NO. 496 497 498 499 500 HS6 URAIAN 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 04-08 2008 441810 WINDOWS, FRENCH-WINDOWS AND THEIR 3.77 FRAMES, 1.74OF WOOD 3.14 1.74 2.11 -10.96 0.01 960340 PAINT, DISTEMPER, VARNISH AND SIMILAR 0.43 BRUSHES 0.82 (OTHER 1.43 THAN ARTISTS' 1.22 ETC.),; 2.11PAINT PADS 42.84AND ROLLERS 0.01 620413 WOMEN'S OR GIRLS' SUITS OF SYNTHETIC 1.46 FIBERS, 3.63 NOT KNITTED 3.45 OR CROCHETED 2.07 2.06 1.23 0.01 950632 GOLF BALLS 0.35 0.62 1.14 2.23 2.06 62.48 0.01 841950 HEAT EXCHANGE UNITS, INDUSTRIAL 0.03 TYPE 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.06 #NUM! 0.01 SUB TOTAL 7,682.14 9,208.95 10,845.64 12,551.31 14,861.66 17.70 96.69 LAINNYA 1,267.74 1,070.94 1,114.40 682.84 508.44 -20.37 3.31 TOTAL NON MIGAS 8,949.88 10,279.89 11,960.04 13,234.15 15,370.09 14.27 100.00 Sumber: BPS, diolah JAN-SEP 2008 1.89 1.41 1.27 1.22 0.00 11,118.64 395.46 11,514.11 2009 0.50 0.97 0.99 1.32 0.56 9,202.04 449.91 9,651.95 PERTUMB. (%) -73.72 -30.88 -21.57 8.44 #DIV/0! -17.24 13.77 -16.17