MoMAExh_0902a_902b_MasterChecklist �XH. ItIfD:t ~xtl. /c.E-F-lli-{,S I'1I1ST£lZ- (AMSTSeDAM, /Jo/VOl/<'EfVlOVC- T>US~E:LPol!l=, LONDON) This isthe checklist for the exhibition Claes Oldenburg at The Museum of Modern Art September 25 to November 23, 1969 MoMAExh_0902a_902b_MasterChecklist Catalogue of the Exhibition Three-dimensional Objects The works are grouped in categories according to their themes, which succeed one another in roughly chronological order; however, the various categories tend to overlap somewhat in date. Within each group, the arrangement is in order of the making of each piece, according to information supplied by Ihe artist, who has also advised on the titles. Certain drawings related to specific works are shown with them. The majority, however, are exhibited in the Paul J. Sachs Gallery on the third floor of the Museum, where a number of notebook pages (uncatalogued), ranging in date from 1954to 1969, are also shown unmounted in cases. In dimensions, height precedes width and depth. For a number of objects, the measurements given are variable, because of the nature of the materials, or because the objects may be arranged in different positions. Milkweed Pods. Collected 1954; mounted 1959 {pq,/~ Milkweed pods, nail, wire on wood base, painted with latex and cas ein.Bvz x4Y4 inches x3'1~1i Owned by the artist (IV '/ OAJL '/ ) The Street Developed out of Oldenburg's graffitilike sketches made along the Bowery and elsewhere on New York's Lower East Side, the figures, signs, and objects for The Street are constructed out of various discarded or fragile materials. The Street was first presented in a two-part exhibition with Jim Dine at Ihe Judson Gallery, January 30-March 17, 1960 (nos. 2-9). Oldenburg exhibited a second version in a one-man show at the Reuben Gallery the lollowing May. (Related drawings, nos. 126-141) Showings: Museum of Modern Art, N. Y. : Sept. 22 - Nov. 23, 1969 Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam: January 18 - March 15,1970 Kunsthalle, Dusseldorf: April 14 - May 24, 1970 Tate Gallery, London:June 22 - August 15, 1970 Woman's Leg (,959 ) (;;9, /0/9 Newspaper soaked in wheat paste over wire frame, painted For Reproductions of works in Oldenburg show PLEASE SEE: Rose, Barbara. CLAES OLDENBURG.New York, Museum of Modern Art, 1970. with casein, 381/2 x 16V2 X 10 inches Collection Raymond Saroff, New York (NY ONLY) C-E-L-I-N-E, Backwards(1959) (gr;,9'l"lNewspaper soaked in wheat paste over wire frame, painted with casein,a8% )( II 5 iFlsl-1es3D:'ffg s: 40 '/4 ",:::l T I~/I as')" Owned by the artist II Street Head, I ("Big Head"; "Gong")6959) (pC(. 8/(p Newspaper soaked in wheat paste over wire frame, painted with casein, 61 Va X 64 x 13% inches Collection Mr. and Iy1rs~ Burto~ JTremaine, Meriden, Connecticut (IVY ONLY.! 0 ,erCflj) Cf 5 "Empire" ("Papa") Ray Gun. 1959 Newspaper soaked in wheat paste over wire frame, painted) with casein, 403/, x q,93/4 X 13V, inches (;11,/ ONLY (Owned bytheartist) 1'1uSeUM Of HoOF-(2J\J AP-r 6 Street Ray GUns(1959-1960) (pq./O;;lo Various materials and objects fixed in glue and plaster, painted with enamel and casein, mounted on wood, 16V, x 13'14 x 4 inches Collection Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Scull, New York (ivY ONL,\J) 7 Sireet Head, II ("Pear"){i 960) Burlap and paper ba~s, fixed in win1 ,and metal band, 55x31J<~ iRsRes "1qi/4 x: ;;J.f5 17-- \( -;;<3/4-11 Collection Richard Bellamy, New York ('NY ) b'l, 103r cardboard, wood, string, ONL-'1) 8 Streel Chick(1960 Burlap, muslin, painted with casein, 120x38x 15 inches Collection Samuel J. Wagstaff, Jr., Detroit 9 Sireel Head, III (Profile with Hat)·C960) (ptf,qqqBurlap garbage bag filled with newspaper, painted with casein, 76 x 46 x 7 inches Owned by the artist Flags Oldenburg spent the summer of 1960 in Provincetown, Massachusetts. The compositions that he made there from scrap wood and other materials picked up on the beach, as well as related works, are known as "flags" because of the stripes prominent (Relaled drawing, in some of them. no. 130) 10 Cemelery Flag (Provincetown).6960) Scrap wood, 141/2 x 8 x 6 inches Collection Raymond Sarafl, New York 11 "Kornville" Flag (Provincetown)(1960) Scrap wood, 191/4 x 17 X 3/4 inches Collection Raymond Sarofl, New York (/'IYOIV!-Y) (,q,ID/6 (IVy oN!-~J 12 Heel Flag (Provincetownl(i960) (yqlqq~ Assemblage of worn heel, scrap wood, string, 5% x 9Y2 x 1 Y2 inches Owned by the artist MoMAExh_0902a_902b_MasterChecklist ------------------=~ ... 25 White Shirt and BlueTie qqt3 13 USA Flag. 1960 {j)Cf, Muslin soaked in plaster over wire frame, painted with tempera, 2t ltOQ)('JJ(i! i!=l8F18S ~3D5f'5 X '3'S/f, 23=//-a 17 Iron. 1961 (PQ,/Olb Muslin soaked in plaster over wire frame, enamel, 66 x 44 x 8 inches Chrysler Art Museum, Provincetown, 56 /4- x painted with Massachusetts (NYONL~) Owned by the artist The Store On his return from Provincetown, Oldenburg began sketching food and various kinds of merchandise displayed in neighborhood shops of the Lower East Side. Using the same subjects, he made a number of reliefs, fragments of signs and advertisements, and other common objects, some of which were included in a group show "Environments, Situations, Spaces" at the Martha Jackson Gallery in the spring ot1961. In December 1961, Oldenburg opened The Store in his studio at 107 East Second Street; its inventory consisted of pieces from the Martha Jackson show, plus about sixty new pieces, mostly free-standing (nos. 14-29). A second version of The Store, which opened at the Green Gallery on Fifty-seventh Street in September 1962, marked the first appearance of Oldenburg's giant objects and soft sculpture (nos. 31-43). In addition to a group of small objects made for his one-man show at the Galerie Ileana Sonnabend in Paris, 1964 (nos. 56-59), there area number of objects relating to the theme of The Siore which date from 1963 to 1967 (nos. 44-55). (Retated drawings, nos. 145-156) enamel, 29 x 38 x 4 inches Collection Mr. and Mrs. Robert Breer, Palisades, New York (gq 20 Ice-Cream Sandwich (Ice-Cream Cake). 1961 ·/'f5S Muslin soaked in plaster over wire frame, painted with enamel, 293/4 x 35% x 9 inches Collection Letty Lou Eisenhauer, New York Renee Lachowsky, q. L) 29 OfVL'I) (N" DNLi) Brussels sri )( -43 Is ,.",r.:/ B1;+, enamel, 69% x 34114 x 83k inches The Museum of Modern Art, New York (gift of G. David Thompson, 1961) New Jersey '/.2.' over wire frame, painted with (NY ONLY) {N'I ONLY) Open Tin of Anchovies (Sardine Can with 2 Sardines on Paper 28 Bag). 1961 (p /00 S a. Burlap and muslin soaked in plaster, painted with enamel, 21'2 Jl11 J' 1Q iASASS i,31$ Il.. )4~/~x: 3~/'6:t Collection Mrs. Claes Oldenburg, New York 23 Cash Register. 1961 IJ;q.l634Muslin soaked in plaster over wire frame, painted with enamel, 26" 21 "a1 inches 35 x 2.0 15 Girls' Dresses Blowing in the Wind (Two Girls' Dresses). 1a61 Collection Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Selle, Chicago (i.:YONLV) Muslin soaked in plaster over wire frame, ~ainted.J)'ith (;'1, !OOf!:J h 3/4,,1-0 enamel,4h 41 A 6\', iliCliCS X (po/'6 (p9.'ffJ d. Collection Mrs. Claes Oldenburg, New York 24 Roast. 1961 Muslin soaked in plaster over wire frame painted with I/4-"dl?i./M' >- i(P"h enamel,l4li17 g' 16 Red Tights (Red Tights with Fragment 9).1961 fI> I Collection Dr. and Mrs. Biliy Kluver, Berkeiey Heights, Muslin soaked in plaster over wire frame, painted with Collection in plaster high x 20 inches diameter Collection Professor Hantord Yang, New York .,\ (NY()N ...~/ 21 Stockinged Thighs Framed by Skirt!! 961} {j)q.8i>rMuslin soaked in plaster over wire frame, painted with enamel, 34% x 413/8 x 6 inches Collection Mr. and Mrs. Horace H. Solomon, New York (N'I (trj 27 Two Loaves of Bread, One Cut. 1961 (pq.c, 3S (l--C Muslin soaked in plaster over wire frame, painted with enamel;a)4'l'B x 15x7Y, inches; b-cut loaf) 10Y, inches dJ'1. (,If, fjf-( (pQ'/02'Ta,-/r fpq.tO.3fi enamel, 36 x 24 x 5 inches Collection Samuel J. Wagstaff, Jr., Detroit 19 39Cenls. 1961 "l(P/ Muslin soaked in plaster over wire frame, painted with 22 Store Ray GUn(1961) (PI; Ql'8 Muslin soaked in plaster over wire frame, painted with 14 Mannikin Torso: Two-Piece Bathing Suit. 1960 tpq.q/'l Muslin soaked in plaster over wire frame40 paintlid YJith o tempera,a!!" )[11141 ilililolss -:;9//4- x/5 /rs >..~~/! It 26 Blouse. 1961 Burlap soaked (pq,lo'J.l 18 Green Legs with Shoes. 1961 Muslin soaked in plaster over Wirj frame, painted with enamet M'lX \9di I C;("'1 g" 33"'/3 i-, gl/4-" Collection Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Scull, New York (NY O/llL'I) enamel, 22 x 22 x 7 inches Karl Strbher Collection, 1968, Darmstadt (Big White Shirt with BIUeTie).Q961) Muslin soaked in plaster over wire frame,!ainted with f) 1 11 enamel, 116x 31 X 19 ir.:JS~85 ~J /8 "/5 /VteJI. ~ Collection Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Scull, New York. O(l/L'I) -a... Souvenir: Woman Figure with Salt-and-Pepper-Shaker Breasts (Times Square Figure). 1961 {Pq,IO;;"(P Burlap soaked in plaster, painted with enamel, 133/4 inches high (including base) x 6 x 93/4 inches Collection Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. SCUll, New York (/'IY OM.-'I) 30 Freighter and Sailboat.!l96~ (i;q, 99'1 a.-6Muslin filled with shredded foam rubber, painted with spray enamel, 1e)( e8 )( 11! telles. Made as a prop' for Store Days, 11 Owned by the artist PI , (}.q A /.;l '/:1.- " 31 The Stove (Assorted Food on a Stove)(1962\ iJ;q.lOCJ.j Muslin and burlap soaked in plaster, painted' with enamel; utensils and stove; 58 x 28 x 27V2 inches Collection Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. SCUll, New York (IVY 0(1/1-,/) 32 Pastry Case, II (Assorted Pastries in a Case)(i962) &;<1,9'iSCf Muslin and burlap soaked in plaster, painted with enamel, in glass and metal case, 20 x 30 x 14 inches Coliection Mr. and Mrs. Morton G. Neumann, Chicago (Ny ONLY) MoMAExh_0902a_902b_MasterChecklist , tr . 33 Glass Case with Pies (Assorted Pies in a Case). 196£ 1P1. 5.:U Burlap soaked in plaster and formed in 6 pie tins, in glass and metal case, 18314x 12% x 10Ya inches Collection Me. and Mrs. Leo Castelli, New York 34 Blue Men's Hal. 1962 09.'i5d5 Felt hat soaked in plaster, painted with enamel, 5'1, x 12 x 10 inches Collection Mr. and Mrs. S. Brooks Barron, with Everything Detroit (Dual Hamburgers). 43 .Soft Calendar for the Monlh of August (August Calendar). (1962) (;'1.'1qo Canvas filled with shredded foam rubber, painted with Liquitex and enamel, 42 • 12" i"e"S6 4;1 x: f;;1 3/-r X e 1962 Collection with kapok, 6% x 13'/8 x 9V, inches Collection Mrs. Leon Kraushar, Lawrence, ONLY) (pq. 40 Floor-Cake (Giant Piece of cake:(i 962) (Pq 9\30 Canvas filled with pieces of foam rubber, painted with Liquitex and latex, 6e-.H~ 555 3/'iJ X 1/4 Collection Philip Johnson, New Canaan, Connecticut (/'Jt jersey stuffed a-g ~0914 4B Toy Biplane. 1963 Burlap soaked in plaster over wire frame, painted with enamel,4 inches high; on painted wood disk 10Y, inches ONLY) Jonathan Mr. and Mrs. Bagley Wright, Seattle II 'I) 53 Pickle Slices in Jar 963-196~ Oiq·985 Canvas filled with kapok, painted with Llquitex, New York (p'l. diameter Collection with 52 Giant Blue Shirt with Brown Tie.(963) (P'1. 8 /S' Cotton fabric and canvas filled with kapok, plexiglass "buttons," chromed-metal rack with wheels, 635/8 x 74% x (I.;y ONL. ';), 24% inches overall (Collection Mr. and Mrs. Ian W. Beck, New York) fvlR. PETER M./3~AtJT 47 Ice-Cream Soda, with Cookie. 1963 IO-r~;J. Plaster formed in soda glass, painted with enamel, plate, metal spoon, 111J2 inches high; on painted tray 133J4 x 10114 inches Collection Dr. and Mrs. Sydney L. Wax, Downsview,..0ntario ) (/1J y OIV L-Y '!q ~5'6:7/& e. 51 GiantWedgeofPecan Pie. 1963 (0'1. 'fi!.'f';1 a-Ir Muslin soaked in plaster over wire frame, wood, painted enamel, 143/8x 50V2 X 203/4 inches a /2'1 O/IIL'!) 50 Soft Fur Good Humors. 1963 969 a~- on waoc:J base Fake fur filled with kapok, wood paintep wilh en'lrl)J'\I~; 4 units, ./ each19 eVE HZ!:il"1stwt@5 aUh~ I<;J/4'J.{· """'f.Jf8'( io . On tJ..10~eM Irving Blum Gallery, Los Angeles base ;;I,I/z x I f9 'T /f! 1\ -:; "I/s • 46 Banana SundaeC 963) (JJq.44D -d: Plaster formed in sundae glass, painted with enamel, plate, metal spoon, 9118 inches high x 7V8 inches diameter Collection Edward M. Plunkett, New York a-d. &f g;;l8' a-t/.- (j 45 Baked Potato, II. 1963 (RCI. Sqq Burlap soaked in plaster, painted with enamel, 39 Floor-Burger (Giant Hamburger). 1962 (JIq.5iJ,.;< Canvas filled with pieces of foam rubber and paper cartons, painted with Liquitex and latex, 52 iCO"86 Ai§A x 84 ics,,"s di""stci "/4' 1.1 ';, qOl..lldl~. (Irrcq) Art Gallery of Ontario, Toronto , 4 ~/13 H. Newman, Ch icago wood, lBV, x 127/8 x 9'1, inches Collection Eleanor Ward, New York of Modern Art, New York (Philip Johnson 3B Giant Ice-Cream Cone. 1962 (PQ·Q4-4 Muslin soaked in plaster over wire frame, painted with enamel, 133/8 x 371/2 x 131/4 inches Collection Mr. and Mrs. Michael Sonnabend, Paris . Mrs. Albert tiR. 37 Battleship: Centerpiece for a Party. 1962 (j)'f. gali> Burlap soaked in plaster over wire frame, painted with enamel, 17 x 353/8 x 18% inches Collection Mr. and Mrs. S. Brooks Barron, Detroit (ivy 29 inches (including wood base) Collection Conrad Janis, New York Collection Burlap soaked in plaster, painted with enamel, 7 x 14'14 x 85/,)3;:;.(,.1. inches; painted wood base '14 x 16 V, x 8 inches. From an 44 Soft Calendar for January (January Calendar). 1963 f:;;} advertisement Canvas filled with kapok, painted with Liquitex, mounted on The Museum Fund, 1962) 49 Giant BLT (Bacon, Lettuce and Tomato Sandwich)U 963 ) {pCl, Vinyl filled with kapok, wood painted with Liquitex, 32 x 39 x Floor-Cone (Giant Ice-Cream Cone).(1962) Canvas filled with pieces of foam rubber and paper cartons, painted with Liquitex and latex, 120 inches long x 36 inches diameter (pII,9SD (Iv\, (jl/.L./ ~ _ . (Sidney Janis Gallery, New York) 'PMlp JolAiI1S0>1 42 Giant Blue Men's pants(i962) (pq.45/ Canvas filled with shredded foam rubber, painted with Liquitex and latex, wood hanger, 60 x 28% x 6% inches Collection William W. Harris, San Francisco (NY ONLY) 35 Restaurant Dinner: Meatballs.G 962) ~ If, /00 qa-o Burlap soaked in plaster, painted with enamel; porcelain and glass; 5V, inches high (including wood base) x 1B x lB inches Collection Mr. and Mrs. Stephen D. Paine, Boston (/'{)loNL'i) 36 Two Cheeseburgers, a-tr,\ D. Scull, New York (NY oNI.-'i) in glass jar, 10 inches high x 6 inches diameter Collection Professor Hanford Yang, New York 54 Shoestring Potatoes Spilling trotn a Bag (Falling Shoestring Potatoes). 1966 (pq,8/f5lL-fr Canvas filled with kapok, painted with glue and Liquitex, 108 x46 x42 inches Walker Art Center, Minneapolis (NYOt'JL-I) 55 Giant Loaf of Rai~n Brjad, Sliced (Raisin Bread: 5 Slices and End, 42 Raisins) (1967 a--f Canvas filled with shredded foam rubber, painted with glue and Liquitex, 46 x 96 x 40 inches (including plywood base) ) Collection Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Helman, SL Louis (NV DNL'I r... 9.q 76 56 Glace en degustation (Ice-Cream in Process of Being Consumed).l!964) &9. ~ 3D t-L ~d-Plaster painted with tempera, metal spoon, 3 Va x 93J4 x 6 inches Albright-Knox Art Gallery, Buffalo (gift of Seymour H. Knox) &1 ONL.Y) MoMAExh_0902a_902b_MasterChecklist 57 Pain et fromage (Bread and Cheese).(1964) (pq, <j{pD a.-CPlaster over wire frame, formed in corrugated cardboard, painted with tempera, 33/4 x 213k x 8% inches; on plate 19114inches long Collection Gerard Bonnier, Stockholm (pCI,ql'ra. - 58 Oeufs "Vulcania" (Eggs "Vulcania"). 1964 LPlaster formed in corrugated cardboard over eggshells, painted with tempera, on plate, 4 inches high x 11V4 inches diameter overall Collection David Whitney, New York eN'! ONl--'l) -dM 59 Viandes (Meat Counter).(i 964) (iJq.q;]3 a.. Plaster formed in canvas, painted with tempera, porcelain plates, marble-top base, 37 x 37 x 16 inches overall Collection Dr. Hubert Peeters, Bruges The Home The theme of The Home was initiated with the Bedroom Ensemble (no. 60), constructed in Los Angeles late in 1963 and shown at the Sidney Janis Gallery in January 1964. For a number of years Oldenburg continued to make pieces related to The Home, in "hard," "soft," and "ghost" versions, and in sizes ranging from normal to gigantic. (Related drawings, nos. 157-162) 60 Bedroom Ensemble.(1g63) (sJ<i.99.;:<" Wood, vinyl, metal, fake fur, and other materials; in room, 10 feet high x 17 x 21. Bed, 24 x 102 x 84Y2 inches; chair, 27 x 42 x 45 inches: dresser, 34V2 x 90 X 77V2 inches; two bedside tables, each 36 x 36 x 16V2 inches; other items, including two lamps, purse, "leopard" coat, rug, "p,aintings" Sidney Janis Gallery, New York (NY OM..:';) 61 Pool Shapes. 1964 (P'1:/6/:3 Plexiglass mounted on formica, over composition board, painted with lacquer, 48 x 60 inches. Copy of an advertisement with type removed Private collection (JIll. AMIY J>ot<l€/Z. ~~(JDN) 62 GiantToothpasteTube.1964 {PtJ, IDI4 a.-fr Vinyl over canvas filled with kapok, wood, metal, cast plastic, I 2SYzJl66H17il"l8tolss 13~/fS X /4-/\ =fltJ," a=1 Private collection (HR. AI.IJN"POW'lJL, /--bNDCN) a .. 63 Soft Washstand(1966) (<9. bVinyl filled with kapok, wood, painted with Liquitex, chromedmetalrack,EE, 8. ,,28iliclld O!Jx8{P1!8X (q'1/fJ Collection Dr, Hubert Peeters, Bruges 69 Soft paY-Te)ePhOJe-"Ghost" Version (Model "Ghost" Telephone)\,1963 (pq,G{j)1 Muslin filled with apok, painted with Liquitex, mounted on wood panel covered with muslin, 49% x 22% x 11314 inches Collection John and Kimiko Powers, Aspen, Colorado 70 Soft pay-Telephone.(i963) Vinyl filled with kapok, m04nted..\ln ;;ainted 46V, x 19 x 12 Inches 411>"/6 x 01..0 l't X. Collection William Zierler, 64 Soft Toilet-"Ghost" Version (Model "Ghost" Toilet). 1966 rJ;q.qgr Canvas filled with kapok, wood, painted with Liquitex, metal 71 softTypewritei."G~sj;:. o«. rack,-51 x 33 x 28 inches; painted wood base, 10 x 16 x 16 inches The Albert A. List Family Collection (;1/1 oNCI) 66 Soft Medicine cabine{i966) (pCl.96+ Vinyl filled with ~'lP94c painted with Liquitex, wood, metal rack,35Y2 x 24 x ~fnches Harry N. Abrams Family Coliection, New York DNL. OIY (1 wood, painted 1968, Darmstadt with Typewriter). Liquitex, (NY, AM ,I..) 72 Soft Toaster. 1964 (j; 9. 15<; 5 C<.-e Vinyl filled with kapok, wood "handles" and "toast," painted with Liquitex, 113/8 x 203/4 x 11'Vainches; on formica base, 3% x 18% x 14 inches Coilection Ellen H. Johnson. Oberlin, Ohio (IVY ONI..Y) M. '1) 'iz- tiD kapok, 9 x 27V, x 26 inches Karl Strober Collection, 65 SoftToilet(1966) MS4'3 Vinyl filled with ~apok, painted with Liquitex, wood, chromedmetal rack, 50Y2 x 32% X 30Ya inches; painted wood base, 5 x 38 x 29 inches ) Collection Mr. and Mrs. VictorW. Ganz, New York (NYONLV New York Version (Model "Ghost" '+1 0963) Canvas filled with wood panel, 8 '/z." 67 Soft Scale 966) (oq,q "i '18)<. 00, ;;)'6 Vinyl filled with kapok, plexigl~ss "dial," .j~ x 2Qx 2~ ilielles ( The Helman Gallery, SI. Louis) HR:>, Si£Pflz ~ t-, iV"~IN'i.R. 68 Soft Bathtub (Soft TUb)(1966) (p,?,<f(pfi Vinyl, reinforced with sheets of poiyurethane, painted with Liquitex, wood, rubber, 30 x 80 x 30 inches Colie9~on,Mr. and Mrsl!.~~ger Davidsp'~; Toronto (iJi 0"'1..'1) ( rWl.Jn'clf W.,VI r'-""-' /1'1lu, /ftJR. ON11>) /;;1. Electrical and Mechanical Objects Objects representing various electrical and mechanical appliances are often related to the theme of The Home, although they also include other kinds of equipment, such as typewriters and pay-telephones. Again, these are in "hard," "soft," and "ghost" versions, and in differing scales, (Related drawings, nos. 163-172) 73 Electric Oullet-Hard MOde(1964) q 7-1 Cardboard, pen and ink, pencil, spray enamel, 48 x 29 x 5 inches Collection Mr. and Mrs. Arnold B. Glimcher, New York (IJ t ONL'1) 74 Electric Outlet with Plug. 1964 (PC?, 8yD O ..,1r Painted wood, 47V, x 28% x 6 inches; plug, 7 x 15 x 11 inches •I Coilection Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. Solomon, New York (A/Y OA/L,// 75 Soft Light Switches-"Ghost" Version (Model "Ghost" Light Switches) (1964) (jf1,Q8'l Canvas filied with kapok, painted with Liqultex, mounted on wood panel covered with canvas, 52 x 52 x gYa inches ) Kari Stroher Collection, 1968, Darmstadt (NY, AM, L a-c.. 76 LightSwitches-Hard Version(1g64) fRq,S53 Painted wood, formica, metal, 473/4 x 473/4 x 113/4 inches, Collection Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ladas, New York tJll ' /1 (NY ONI-'I/ MoMAExh_0902a_902b_MasterChecklist 85 Giant Soft Fan (original model). 1967 {pq,'6{;4Cardboard, styrofoam, mounted on wood, 28 x 15 x 13114 77 Sketch for ~ Soft Fan. 1965 Paper, rope, painted with enamel, 26 x 15V, x 12 inches; mounted on painted wood board, 35V, x 15 x 12 inches overall Collection inches . Collection Mrs. Mary Gayley Strater, New York(IVY Oll-~Y) 86 Fred Mueller, New York 92 Plug for Giant Soft Fan (hard model). 1967 utJ,8 (;q Cardboard, styrofoam, string, painted with spray enamel and shellacked, mounted on wood, 36V, x 24 x 13V4 inches Collection Mr. and Mrs. Horace H. Solomon, New York (N} O/J(V) 78 Soft Juicit-"Ghost" Version (Model "Ghost" Juicit)(1 965) 'l("E: Canvas filled with kapok, burlap, painted with Liquitex, on 0,9._ wood base covered with canvas, 19 x 18 x 16 inches Collection Me and Mrs. Roger Davidson, Toronto (NtONI-V) 87 GiantSoftFan.1966-1967 6I.OQS,lJ!r Vinyl filled with foam rubber, wood, metal, plastic tubing, 79 SOftJUiCit.~965) (pq,Il>4D a-b: '/ II: I, 120 x 58", x 61'/, inches; cord and plug, 291 V4 inches long Vinyl filled with kapok, fake fur, 22l8"',fz'z->""'1H7L,,..,41<l6-i-iRR<I9,"R,,eess The Museum of Modern Art, New York (The Sidney and Collection Samuel J. Wagstaff, Jr., Detroit ;::J.OI/4-X IS 4" t z n Harriet nih. 81 Soft Dormeyer Mixer(i965) (])q, 8$5" Vinyl filled with kapok, wood, electric cord, 31'/, x 20V, x 12 inches Whitney Museum of American and Jean Lipman Foundation, Art, New York (gift ,?f H?ward Inc.) (,NY ON/....Y) 82 Three-Way Plug-Hard Model(1966) !.PC? 83CP Cardboard, painted with spray enamel; pen and ink, pencil, shellacked; 25V, x 38'/, x 19'/, inches Collection Dr. Hubert Peeters, Bruges sixth being larger than life. (Related crawrnos, nos. 173-176) 89 Soft Airflow-Scale 1 (model). 7V2 inches deep Collection Mr. and Mrs. Horace H. Solomon, . a-d: Light SWltches.(1967) (P9. qS!'p Vinyl filled with kapok, ~2 ifl:8R8S El'lilRi@lc: x 1S iFlShOS dSQfl The AlbertA. List Family Collection (NY ONLY) 6/"/&X 2~,,1Hill'"'" Collection 15'/4 x g"/8" II Mr. and Mrs. Joseph /~111 .I f'I" l!JJb" 1,1, r 'f )r;> (NY OIJl-Y) t4 Collection in sprayed A. Helman, Sf. Louis New York 95 Soft Engine 10\ Airflow with Fan and Transmission-Scale 5 (model)U966j (pq, /0/0 Canvas filled with kapok, impressed with patterns in sprayed 1 enamel,rope,wood,5316 y71h H17r· zt:les /7-)(lzYz'l.. Molded c"-c New York 94 Soft Tires for Airflow-Scale 5 (model). 1965 0;Q, 8& 6 ct.-f Canvas lilled with kapok, impressed with patterns in sprayed enamel; 4 tires (with wheel inside), each 30 inches diameter x 83 Giant Soft Swedish Li9ht;>witches-')'Ghost" Version (Model Collection Mr. and Mrs. Arnold B. Glimcher, New York (),If b/VLY "Ghost" Light Switches)l1966-1968 f..pq, 3 Canvas filled with kapok, painted with Liquitex, 52 inches diameterx15inchesdeep 0$0 SoftAirflow-Scale1.(i965) Pa<"I-ed. Wallraf-Richartz-Museum, Cologne (Ludwig Collection){IJY DNL9 Vinyl filled with kapok, plexiglass, fel~on metal stand,"" 84 Giant Soft Swedish 9 enamel, 42'/4 x 253/4 X 13 inches Harry N. Abrams Family Coliection, (pq,q'1O Canvas filled with kapok, impressed with patterns enamel, on wood stand, 15 x 22 x 12 inches II Radiator. and Fall for i\irflow-Scale 5 (sOft_~del) (Soft Engine Parfs, 1)(1965) r;<{, rc;l a.. Canvas filled with kapok, impressed with patterns in sprql8d enamel, 62 J 21 Jt18iABA86 403/8 A ;(..1-~/6 Jt /4'1&' Collection Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Goodman, Toronto (Barbara Goodman Trust, Stephen Goodman Trust) 96 Profile 1965 Ii L) a-c. (NY O/Y CO The Car (Airflow) Beginning in 1965, Oldenburg has concentrated much of his activity on the theme of the car, based specifically on the Chrysler Airflow of 1935. He has dissected the car and presented it and its parts in various materials, and in six scales-the fifth being the actual size of the car, and the (pq,14-0 Airflow-Scale 5 (hard model). 1965 impressed with patterns in sprayed enamel, 32 " 24 ,,1 g iReRes :3 (1/;9. X 01 3 c;/-K .\./1' Collection, 1968, Darmstadt (NY, AM, 93 Soft Air,Jlow-Scale 2 (model). 1965 c"f.'il83 Canvas filled with kapok, impressed with patterns in sprayed Janis Collection) 80 Four Sof} Dormeyer Mixers-"Ghost" Version (Model "Ghost" 88 Giant Soft Fan-"Ghost'" Version (Model "Ghost" Fa~ir1~l~ Mixers)(j965) /pt(, /D;J..() Canvas filled with foam rubber, painted with Liquitex, wood, Canvas filled with kapok, impressed with patterns ln sprayed /I metal, 120 x 59 x 64 inches; cord and plug, 290 inches long enamel, wood, q;o" ~Ii 21 SgtP' 3'17 X The Museum of Fine Arts, Houston (gift of D. and J. de Me'1i1) Collection Mr. and Mrs. Eugene M. Schwartz, New York /'9" 45 '/4- 91 Radiator for Cardboard, shellacked, Karl stroher Dr. Hubert Peeters, Bruges of Chrysler Airflow. 1968-1969 polyurethane over two-color 32V, x 64 V, inches ) Gemini G.E.L., LosAngeles@1968 CPC;, '1li>g hand-printed lithograph, 35"11 MoMAExh_0902a_902b_MasterChecklist Monuments, Models, Landscapes, and Outdoor Sculpture From 1965 on, Oldenburg has devised a number of proposals for imaginary monuments intended for specific sites. For the most part, these exist only as drawings, and usually in several versions; but some of them have been constructed as threedimensional models (nos. 97-102,105). The first of his monuments to be actually realized, unveiled on the campus of Yale University in May 1969, is here represented by a model (no. 104). (Related drawings, 103 Soft Version of Maquette for a Monument Donated to Chicago by Pablo Picasso. 1968 {PQ,QiJ4 Canvas, rope, painted with Liquitex, 38 inches x 283/4 x 21 inches (adjustable) William N. Copley Collection, Black Press Inc.) (,/Ii f Edged in 104 Monument for Yale University: Lipstick (Model for a Giant Traveling and Telescoping Lipstick with Changeable Parts Showing Three Stages of Extension). 1969 (pq';061 Cardb0,5rd, canvas, glue, painted with enamel, shellacked; tractor,W x 25x 16Y4 inches; lipstick, stage 1,4 inches high x 10V4 inches wide x 8Y2 inches deep; stage 2,14112 inches high; stage 3, 23V, inches high Owned by the artist a-e nos. 177-212) 97 Study for a Ootossal Monument in Times Square, New York: Banana. 1965 (PC(, g'3Of Canvas formed on plaster, wire, metal pipe, wood, 16314 .) inches high (including plaster base) x 9Y, x 8% inches Collection Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Selle, Chicago (NYONI-~ G/?, 98 Soft Manhattan, 1- Postal Zones. 1966 B Q'l Canvas filled with kapok, impressed with patterns in sprayed enamel, wood roc, 79 x 27 x 4 V2 inches overall Albright-Knox Art Gallery, Buffalo (gift of Seymour H. Knox) 99 Soft Manhattan, II-SUbway Map. 1966 (/i. 915 Canvas filled with kapok, impressed with patterns in sprayed enamel, wooden sticks, wood rod, 68 x 32 x 7 inches Collection Mrs. Claes Oldenbur9, New York (#Y O/YLY) 105 Feasible Monument for a City Square: Hats Blowing in the Wind. 1969 Ctf/,q!5'C Canvas, wire, starched with glue, painted with spray enamel, mounted on wood base, shellacked, 18'/2 l( 28 H 89 il'IeFles Collection Lewis Manilow, Chicago 9.'/S A 31~I6>cd.q'/5" c 1. " }We,r.'~ MonumentforSkeppsholmen and Ka,stellDoor Handle and Locks(1966-1967j &q, <;>014 (liY Park, Toronto: 102 Proposed ColossalJw1oD,.ument tor Coronation Drainpipe. 1967 (Pq, 'f~ cL-/r Wood, painted with Liquitex, 51 V4 x 323f8 x 11 % inches Wallraf-Richartz-Museum, Coloqne (Ludwig COllection){fI'I 'Nt, ,;. '15" (pq, 15{P a ..b109 Soft Ladder, Hammer, Saw, and Bucket(i967) Canvas filled with foam rubber, starched with glue, painted 1 with Liquitex, mounted on wood, 96 J! 61 Q 1 ~lillil"li6 It C> '/2 It 58 tl4 Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam u>'f.8/4 o a1.6967) 110 Giant Fagends-Scale Canvas filled with polyurethane foam and Hydrocal, painted with Liquitex; 13 pieces, ranging from 19V2 to 41 Vz inches long x 11 inches diameter; painted wood base, 22'/4 x 102 x 88% inches The Kleiner Foundat,on, County Museum of Art) Beverly Hills (courtesy Los Angeles (N'I O(vL~) o. (p qSI 111 Giant Soft Drum Set (min iature sketch)~967) Canvas, rope, wood, on cardboard base, painted with spray enamel, 1Q,,1Q,,11 i, ."es (),,/S/6 X iXo6/i1 A la/ by the artist 9(f{1;Jk,?1 Miscellaneous Objects, 1967-1969 In these recent works, Oldenburg has continued to explore a number ofthemes, often related to those which he has created in other mediums, materials, or dimensions. He has also become interested in objects fabricated by industrial methods (no. 116). (Related drawings, nos. 213-214,218-220) (Cool) version(1967) (pq,IDOO 107 Soft Drainpipe-Blue Canvas, metal, painted with Liquitex, 84 H 196'/2 H Hi iF1el,es (adjustable by pulley) IQ"l'/2.A .i : Owned by the artist B:'Y.>:.ILf'" ) olJl-'1 ~/ /er )( i& Iff Owned 4ilz. )..,.8 il Bronze,39% x 39Va x 5 inches Owned by the artist ONt:;) la,q ..tte». 106 Outdoor Sculpture for The Museum of Modern Art Garden: Bass Pedal for Giant Soft Drum Set (original model). 1967 &9.90;), /c~:V;;tric Mouseitvar~~n UJl89 112 Cardboard, styrofoam, wood, mounted on wood base, painted pa", a 4 ,,1 4< Mchts, ~ab1,cated by (/Vol ONL'~) with spray enamel, 24 x 29'/4 x 15 inchl's LippjncotLEnvirQnlllental Arts, Inc", North rJaven, Connecticut S'dI1CjJflN)~ G"l/-L ..Er<.Y, N1=W '10ILIt:-, Owned by the artist (IVY 6NL'I) 100 Proposed Colossal M~nument for Karlaplan, Stockholm: Wing-nut{1966-1967) (PSI,~8 Wood, painted with Liquitex, 11 " 18 ilieMe, 11.> Yo. Collection Mr. and Mrs. Bagley Wright, Seattle 101 Proposed Colossal holmen, Stockholm: New Yprk (©Letter OIltL- 'I) Red (Hot) version(1967) (pC!, qf.p4 108 Soft DrainpipeVinyl filled with styrofoam vermicellh ~anv~s. metal rack, H'8 x 69" ~5iAe;,es ~b Collection Mr. and Mrs. Roger Davidson, Toronto (Ny ONLY) {pQ,9f5 a.-j'1. 113 Giant Soft Drum Set[1967) Vinyl and canvas, stuffed with shredded foam rubber, painted wood, metal, on wood base covered with formica; chrome metal railing; 9 inslruments (125 pieces), 84 x 72 x 48 inches Collection John and Kimiko Powers, Aspen, Colorado (NY oN~'IJ 114 Souvenir: Loc!'1 Ma\erialS Composed in the Shape of a Ray Gun, Chicag«,.1967/ {PC(. tgq.;L Canvas, string, paper, clothespins, painted with spray enamel, 10% x 93/4 x 17/8 inches; mounted on plexiglass, 18114 x 183/8 inches Collection Mr. and Mrs. Louis A. Tananbaum, New York (NY DNL'I) . l1 MoMAExh_0902a_902b_MasterChecklist 115 Soft SCissors(1968) (jq,I03IP (L-L Canvas filled with kapok, painted with l.iquitex: 7 pieces, ranging from 24 to 72 inches iong; 72 x 35 x 6 inches overall Collection Mr. and Mrs. Thomas G. Terbell, Jr. (courtesy Pasadena Art Museum) 121 Obsessive shapes: falling forms, elephant knees. 1957 CPtf,/O'tf! Collage of fragments cut from magazines, cardboard, 14 V4 x 11 inches Qw(J~-by-t1'leiJr-ti£t 131 Man and Woman Talking(1960) (P'1.84-0 Pen and ink, 11 Ya x 9Va inches Coliection Mrs. Claes Oldenburg, New York and chocolate, mounted on 132 Dra~ng (N'! ONLY) (960) 116 Giant Saw- Hard Version(i 969) tpq, ql1 a-c Laminated wood, aluminum, filled with polyurethane foam, hinged, 144 x 40 x 6V, inches; blade, 1 inch thick The Vancouver Art Gallery, Vancouver, B. C. Drawings The drawings are grouped in categories which are approximately equivalent to those of the three-dimensional objects. In dimensions, height precedes width. Drawings are on paper unless otherwise indicated. Early Drawings and Collages 117 Drawing in "metamorphjc" SVI'?'lPpjjl'(l&' ot plants and machines.(1954) lJ/'!,?5'! Pencil, 8Ve x 63/4 inches Owned by the artist 118 Pen variations with peacock. July 9,1955 Pen and ink, 10 x 77Ja inches Owned by the artist the rendering (P'7,108'J 119 Hazorblade, ~utsheJ.\. Bottle Cap (study ot small objects in light)(1956) '1,&'98 0"/0 Brush and ink and pencil~ ~fY,Sfnc~es Owned by the artist & r,' 120 Obsessive shapes: man's profi!e, gun emplacements, or imagery out of feces. 1957 (pq,/o4lCollage of fragments cut from magazines, mounted on cardboard, 14V4 x 11 inches Owned by the artist (jvy DNI__'1) 122 Self-Portrait. 1958 (pC/, 1044prayon and pencil, 113/4x 9 inches \Q.wned by the artist) ..) 123 Pat Sitting on a Hammock, Lenox. 1959 (pCt. IttJ.. Crayon, 11 va x 17V2 inches Collection Mr. and Mrs. Gosta Oldenburg, New York 125 Pat, Bent Forward, Shaking Her Hair. 1960 Crayon, 14 x 165/8 inches Owned by the artist (NY I>NLY) /0 x. 131/7.-)1 133 "Van "(960) (P'1./t>Oe.. Cardboard, oil wash, and wood, ~x 13 inches Collection Mrs. Claes Oldenburg, New York 135 Street Fragment with Car, and Girl Walkin9.(1960) &9,/050 Cardboard, paper, and turpentine wash, with movable "le9," 31 x 22 inches (09,84;), (omn;,fbt!l~acW21~ ~)L>') 136 "Empire" Sign--with "M" and "I" Deleted.(j'960) &9. /L?L?i3 Cardboard and oil wash, 54 V2 x 2~3/4 inches 0, ".ytheBftist (,AiYOA/L.'J) III'1,S.L~IiES OJ.J:)CNbuR.& New York 137 Street Sign, 1.(1960) (j/f,IOSI Cardboard and oil wash (two sides), 104 x 41 V, inches Owned by the artist (NY ONLY) 127 RayGunPisser(1959) 09,Q3& Pen and ink, 14 x 10 inches Collection Professor Hanford Yang, New York 51s 129 "How meat is hung" (notebook page). Watercolor and ink, 10x 7 inches Owned by the artist (N'I ONL Gallery. 134 Car on a Fragment at Street. 1960 &q.104 q Cardboard, oil wash, and spray enamel, 13V2 x 31 V2 inches Owned by the artist (NY OIJL'I) 124 Pat Sewing.(959) Lo'?ID<h5 Crayon, 11 x 14 inches Owned by the artist 128 "Dubuttet -CelineFrenchmen:(19S.?) Pen and ink, 16\~ x 11<4 iOGP•• <7{0I. Collection Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Sculi, of The Street at Reuben '84-1 Collage: pen and ink on torn newspaper, ~ Owned by the artist (Vtiva k C"lIechOV1 AI iCfi:d,,~ The Street, o/'d R{lY Gun Posters 126 "RayGun."(1959)M.1031 Pen and ink, 16V2 x 13314inches Collection Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Scull, for announcement (p q, 138 "New Forms, New Media, I" (study !OLa)i0ster for the Martha Jackson Gallery). 1960 (pq, D!. Collage: ink and watercolor, 24 x 18Y, inches Collection Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Scull, New York oa (p '1108. j A 11 3/4-'1 New York New YOrk(1960) (g r;.~'19139 Face.6960) (Pq.IO ql Monoprint, 173/4 x 11 'l'a inches ,I Owned by the artist {/lIY 0/111-'11 'I) Flag. 1960 ()'1,IOQIS 130 Bi9 Cardboard Ink on cardboard, 22 x 38 il ,ehes 34 '/"1-" Collection John M. Bransten, San Francisco Ray Gun Poster: Airplane (Pq,10601. 140 Ray Gun poster.cl96! Sprayed oil wash on torn paper, 24.18 liv~ ONI.-Y) Owned by the artist 3 iAehes DI q 3/4 } 61./ Y4" MoMAExh_0902a_902b_MasterChecklist ----~~~~~-----~~~~=--150 Store Poster: lfi/jIPOa.·!r 141 "R. G.=" ("Annihllatelllluminate"l1965) Crayon and watercolor, 11 x 18 iI lei les 11'/~ i-.131;J/~/I and Hot Dog. 1961 Collage, watercolor, Collection Professor Owned by the artist Costume and Theater Sketches 142 Nude Figure with American Flag -"A B C HOOray.'V 960 )&'7.653151 Pen and ink and watercolor, 11 x 8Y2 inches Collection Mrs. Claes Oldenburg, New York Mr. and Mrs. Richard 161 Sketch Visualizing "Cap." 1961 Monoprint and watercolor, 24 x 18 inches Owned by the artist (NY D/V'L'!) 1P9/1;~q 146 Stocking Legs, Frozen Custard (studies for Store objects). (1961)tmounted and signed 1963) Collage, crayon, and watercolor, 18% X 23'l'B inches Collection Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. SCUll, New York 148 Pie, 7-Up, Fifteen Cents (studies Collage, crayon, and watercolor, Collection for Store objects). 15 x 20 inches (IiY ()NL,/) Mr. and Mrs. Burton Tremaine, Meriden, 1961 (pQ,Q33 Enamel on newspaper, >'-2-><46-ifle1lell 1(; X. &;).1/ Collection Professor Hanford Yang, New York (f'/ 'I ONt..'i) 149 Silver Torso with Brown Underwear. (IVY ONLY) (for a multiple in (NY D/IlL'i) a Soft Sculpture in the Form of a Pay-Telephone. (NYDNLY) )Hf< . PtTF-i2 165 Study for a Soft Sculpture in the Form of a Toaster. 1963 Crayon and watercolor, 11 Y2 x 131/2 inches ~Prlvate collection, New York (W(~I.JAH S. ZW ler ) Los Angeles H. (lilt O/llL~) Purchase Award) Study for a Sculpture Sidney 167 t Avnet, New York (AU OA/L'/) Ens~mble.l196~9. 9;7.2168 ~'J"/4,. 41) 5/fJ 1963 Q30 (;1/,2'8& ("1'1 OWL '/ 158 Study tor Bed with Bedtables - Bedroom Chalk and spray enamel, ~ Collection Dr. Hubert Peeters, Bruges Be.tlI'Ji t..Pq, 166 Plan tor a Sculpture In the Form of Wall Switches. 1964 Brush and ink, pencil, and pasted paper, 28314x 233/8 inches Whitney Museum at American Art, New York (Neysa McMein (jpq,q tt» 159 Study for Pillows-Bedroom Ensemble. Crayon and ink, 18 x 24 inches Collection Christopher Gibbs, London Bread -"Knackebrad" ~19631 c.q,Q65 Watercolor on newspaper, 42 x 28 inches (Collection Mrs. Nathan Alpers, Los Angeles 10V2 x 81/4)inChes Crayon and watercolor, 24 x 18 inches Collection Mr. and Mrs. Lester Francis {j;Jq,1441- Electrical and Mechan~al DEjects Sketch of a Typewrlte~196:fJ (jq,C(86 163 Pencil and watercolor, 11 x 133/4 inches Collection Karin Bergquist Lindegren, Stockholm (NY ONLY) The Home 157 "The Home" (study for J'Jl0)iteLJor "4 Environments," Janis Gallery)(1963) {j)'f. '(5 (/1.31 t Connecticut page). Paris, 1964 Crayon and watercolor, Owned by the artist 961) 1961 one-man show at Crayon and watercolor, 14 x 16'/4 inches Collection Mr. and Mrs. Michael Blankfort, 156 Candy (notebook 1965 cast iron). 1966 f.pq./4o"'l Pencil and watercolor, 24 x 21 inches Collection Mr. and Mrs. Max Kozloff, New York in the Form of a Shirt (/!- (mounted 1962) Collage, crayon, and watercolor, 23'l'B x 185/B inches Collection Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Scull, New York .' .' 162 Study of a Swedish 154 Cake Wedge. 1962 (jfI,I03[J.. Crayon, 25 x 32% inches Collection Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. SCUll, New York The Siore 145 Interior oIThe Store (sketch for a poster, not executed). 1961'_"0 Crayon and watercolor, 24 x 18118 inches (PC(. (Vt> 0 Collection Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Oldenburg, New York 155 Visualization of a .Giant Sot) Sculpture with Tie. 1963 (p 54- a Soft Sink-Blue. Crayon and watercolor, 23314x 18 inches Collection Paul Bianchini, New York (NY blvd) 164.. Stud~for E. Oldenburg, New York 147 A Sock and Fifteen Cents (studies for Store objects)(; Pie, Cup·Cakes 153 Freighter. 1962 (99.1-Sd. Crayon, 26V2 x 39'/8 inches Collection William W. Harris, San Francisco 144 Striding Fiqure (final study for announcement ofpan"f,.n concert by the Aileen Passloff Dance Company)l1962jY1JD43 Dripped enamel, 17314x 12118 inches Collection wCl,Q3'T and enamel, 20118 x 26% inches Hanford Yang, New York Letters, Newspaper, 152 Biplane (final study for poster ann0,4ncing Green Gallery). 1962 (pq,ID3:J Crayon, 13'/8 x 16% inches Collection Jonathan D. Scull, New York 143 Blue Discs, Big Red Hat (sketch for a dance costujl1e for the Aileen Passloff Dance Company). 1961 ljQ,86'T Pencil and watercolor, 10Ya x 7% inches Collection Mrs. Claes Oldenburg, New York (#Y OA'L'I) (pq, eao 160 BlueToilet.1965 Collage, crayon, and watercolor, 29314x 213/4 inches Collection Dr. Hubert Peelers, Bruges Torn-out ~ in the Form of a Vacuum Cleaner (trom side). 1964 (pq,lOfl Chalk and watercolor, 40 x 26 inches Collection Dr. Hubert Peeters, Bruges Study for a Solt Scu,lp.1~re in the Form of a Burroughs Machine. 1964 (P 'I'T lLfCrayon and watercolor, 18 x 24 inches Collection Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Seile, Chicago Adding MoMAExh_0902a_902b_MasterChecklist 169 Sketch of a 3-Way Plug. 1965 (P'1';039 Crayon and oil wash, 30'1, x 23 inches Collection Samuel J. Wagstaff, Jr., Detroit 178 Proposed Colossal Monument fg,r Grand Army Plaza, New York: Baked Potato. 1965 ",,'(,q 84 Crayon and watercolor, 18 x 21 Y4 inches Collection Mr. and Mrs. Ira Licht, New York (NY ONLY) x 25'1, inches 180 Proposed Monument for the Intersection of Canal Street and Broadway, New York: Block of Concrete, Inscribed with the Names of War Heroes.(1965) (pq. Crayon and watercolor, 11'14 x 17V, inches (/It ONLY) Collection Mr. and Mrs. Dan Flavin, Cold Spring, New York Cleor 172 Study of a Swedish Light SwitCh.(966) {Vi,qCJ.r Chalk and watercolor on cardboard, 58 inches diameter Sidney Janis Gallery, New York til/V Oll/LY J The Car (Airflow) 173 Profile Study of the Airflow. 1965 (pq. 953 Collage, pencil, and watercolor, 22 x 29314 inCheS( Harry N. Abrams Family Collection, New York ) NY ONL.~ . 181 Proposed Colossal Monument for Lower East Side: Ironing Board. 1965 (f)q.C;73 Crayon and watercolor, 213/4 x 29V2 inches Collection Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Goodman, Toronto (Barbara Goodman Trust, Stephen Goodman Trust) 174 Sketch of the Airflow, from a Snapshot (front end). 1965 CJ1,1-"'I& Proposed Colossal Monument for Ellis Island, New York: Crayon and pencil, 30'1, x 22'1, inches 182 Frankturterwith Tomato and Toothpick. 1965 w9,{PS3 Collection John and Kimiko Powers, Aspen, Colorado (Nyo/VLY) Crayon and watercolor, 19'1, x 24 inches Collection Mr. and Mrs. Michael Blankfort, Los Angeles 175 The Airflow-Top and Bottom, Front, Back, Sides, with ,.silhouette of the Inventor (final design for cover of Art News). 183 Propose>! Colossal Mo"",ument for Ellis Island, New York: (1965) ~ q, /04-hm cd 0 (l fJ<'{Jer "[ro,""'- paae« Shrimp{1965j {P'1,50 4Collage with pen and spray snamel,. 17V2 x 173,4 inches Crayon and watercolor, 12 x 15V2 inches Collection Mr. and Mrs. Max Wasserman, Chestnut Hill, Collection Mr. and Mrs. Dirk Lohan, Chicago (IVY ONU) Massachusetts (N, oNLY) , 176 Patterns used in the sewing of the Soft Radiator, Fan and Fanbelt-Airflow.1967 (yq, /053 Cutouts, felt pen, and spray enamel, 40'1, x 30'/, inches Owned by the artist iRS"! (R'ob-ct+ 187 179 Proposed Colossal Monument for New York Harbor: Pizza for UpperBay.1965 &'/,5;x4 Crayon and watercolor, 113/4 x 173/a inches Collection Mr. and Mrs. Edwin A. Bergman, Chicago (/vY DNL") (pq,/O/{{) 170 Study of a Dormeyer Mixe(1965) Pencil, 30 x 22 inches Collection Emily S. Rauh, S1.Louis (Nf DNLV) 171 Study of a 3-Way PIUg(1966) (pC/.(jC) I Cut-out paper, pencil, and spray enamel, 40 Collection Dr. Hubert Peeters, Bruges 186 proposed Colossal Monument for Times Square, New York: Banana (study for cover of Domus). 1965 (;'1, Crayon and watercolor, 24 x 181/8 inches . (Private collection, London) +(~s()(, (Rv!J ';'~M"1L.V',,,. ivoL?<MN.-. HAHAI 184 Proposed Monument for the Intersection of Canal Street and Broadway, New York: Block of Concrete Inscribed with the Names of War Heroes. 1965 (1Jq. qg.3 Crayon and watercolor, 16 x 12 inches (private collection, New York) AliCia. !Ae88 Monuments and Landscapes 185 Proposed Colossal Monument for;.~.\\n1LalPark North, New 177 Proposed Colossal Monument for the Battery, New York: York: Teddy Bear. 1965 {j;q, (J/(j0 Vacuum Cleaner, View from the Upper Bay. 1965 ~ q,{P~fCrayon and watercolor, 24 x 19 inches Crayon and watercolor, 23 x 29 inches Collection Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Oldenburg, New York Collection Jonathan D. Scull, New York proposed /..bvtc:JOIo1) Ov zw,lfA£JV Colossal Monument for Park Avenue, New York: Good Humor Bar. 1965 U7'1.6SCJ.. Crayon and watercolor, 233/4 x 18 inches Collection Carroll Janis, New York {pq,/()85 188 The Bathroom Group in a Garden Setting. 1965 Crayon, pencil, and watercolor, 26 x 40 inches Moderna Museet, Stockholm 189 Proposed Colossal Monument for the Entrance to Stockholm Harbor: Pivoting Lion. 1966 (pC?, q?-9 Crayon and watercolor, 15 x 181/8 inches Collection K. G. P. Hutten, Stockhoim 190 Proposed Colossal Monument for Thames Estuary: Knee. 1966 {pt{. (3 Crayon and watercolor, 147/8 x 21 Ya inches D. and J. de Menii Collection, Houston '11- 191 Proposed Colossal Monument for Battersea Park, London: Drum Sel. 1966 (P9,Sc:<5 Crayon and watercolor, 22% x 30 inches Collection Mr. and Mrs. Edwin A. Bergman, Chicago 192 Proposed Colossal Monumenl for Toronto: Drainpipe. 1967 Pencil and watercolor, 40 x 26 inches Collection Mr. and Mrs. Harry Klamer, Willowdale, Ontario 193 Base of Colossal Drainpipe Monument &9.98/ U4'Il~ (/V v ONLY ) (Toronto) with Waterfall 1967 CPl. 55'] Crayon and watercolor, 241/2 x 22% inches Collection John and Kimiko Powers, Aspen, Colorado 194 Proposed Colossal Underground Monument: Drainpipe. 1967 Cutout, pencil, spray enamel, and watercolor, 40 x 26 inches Collection Mr. and Mrs. M. Riklis, New York (NY DAlLY) tp9.93.Z MoMAExh_0902a_902b_MasterChecklist Miscellaneous Drawings 1967-1969 213 Study for a Soft Sculpture in the Form of a Drainpipe. 1967 Crayon and watercolor, 30 x 22 inches Collection Dr. and Mrs. William C. Levin, Galveston, Texas 195 Small Monument for a Lond9n Street: Fallen Hat (for Adlai Stevenson). 1967 (pq·4-'tCf Pencil and watercolor, 23 x 32 inches Collection John and Kimiko Powers, Aspen, Colorado 204 Proposed Colossal Monument for Grant Park, Chic~o: Windshield Wiper, Overhead View. 1967 [pq,'395 Crayon and watercolor, 17 x 12V2 inches Collection Louise Ferrari, Houston (IV'! ONL'I) 196 Proposed C~lossal Monument for Thames River:'Thames "Ball."(1967) Crayon, ink, and watercolor on postcard, 31/2x 51/2 inches Collection Carroll Janis, New York 205 Late Submission to the Chicago Tribune Architectural Competition of 1922: Perpendicular Ore Boal.1967 (pQ.94-iJ> Crayon and watercolor, 93,4 x 7 j nches D. and J. de Menil Collection, Houston {/II 'I ONL'I) 197 Beach House for East Hampton, L. I., in the Form of a Doorhandle.1967 {P'? 9{Pf.J... Pencil, 213,4 x 29'l'a inches Collection Carter Burden, New York (/'Ii ONL Y) 198 Proposed Colossal Monument for Thames River: Thames "Ball," View from the River. 1967 108 8 Pencil and watercolor, 26V4 x 40 inches Collection Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. Waddell, New York tpq, 199 Proposed Colossal Monument: Fan in Place of the Statue of Liberty, Bedloes Island. 1967 (PC(,'" Pencil, 26 x 40 inches Collection Ondine Vaughn and Steve Schapiro, New York 1J 200 Proposed Colossal Monument for Park Avenue, New York: Moving Pool Balls. 1967 ~q,94-'1 Pencil and watercolor, 27% x 22 inches D. and J. de Menil Collection, Houston (Nt ONLY) 201 Colossal Fagends in Park Setting, with Man. 1967 Pencil and watercolor, 30 x 22 inches Collection Mrs. Rene d'Harnoncourt, New York G'!, '11-4 (ivy 203 Proposed C,.hapelin the Form of a Swedish Extension 1967 (p'f,(OS+ Crayon and watercolor, ~2 inches Krannert Art Museum, University of Illinois, Champaign Plug. (N,/ONL'9) 214 Fagends in Bag Ash Tray. 1967 (fi. 98 '8 Crayon and watercolor, 30 x 22 inches Collection Mr. and.Mrs. Seymour Propp, New York 215 Study for a Soft Sculpture in the Form of a Giant Lipstick. 1967 Crayon and watercolor, 30 x 22 inches 206 Late Submission to the Chicago Tribune Architectural Collection Mr. and Mrs. S. Allen Guiberson, Dallas Competition of 1922: Clothespin (Version Two). 1967 (pq.541 Crayon, pencil, and watercolor, 2E x 28% iA8~e6 ;;l::J.'Jsx.;),'7 H 216 Dropped Cup of Coffee: Study for "lmage of the Buddha Collection Charles Cowles, New York Preaching" by Frank O'Hara. 1967 ;;l;;< /:::r-, Ur Pencil, crayon, and watercolor, 30V2 x 22114 inches 207 Proposed Colossal Monument to Replace the Washington The Museum of Modern Art, New York (gift of the artist) Obelisk, Washington, D.~: ~~~iors in Motion. 1967 {pq,5!30 Crayon and watercoloG30 ~ 19Vo'inches Collection Philip John£on, New Canaan, Connecticut . ,l (]Ii bNLYt17 Stripper with Battleship: Study for "l~age of the Buddha Preaching" by Frank O'Hara. 1967 aD, Co/!' 208 Deslqn for a Tunnei Entrance in the Form of a Nose. 1968 k9,SI;'J. Pencil,30Va x 22V, inches Crayon and watercolor, 9V, x 8 inches £:p The Museum of Modern Art, New York (gift of Mr. and Mrs. Collection Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Woods, Jr., Rolling Hi'IIS, (lIfD/IJL~) Richard E. Oldenburg) California 209 Museum Design Based on a Cigarette Package. 1968 Pencil, 22 x 30 inches Irving Blum Gallery, Los Angeles (N'I OI'JLi) 210 "8 Tree" (for Alfred Barr). 1969 &9, Pencil and watercolor, 29 x 23 inches Collection Alfred H. Barr, Jr., New York {fq.95~ 218 Study for the Giant Soft Drum Set. 1967 & g,{5(P() Pencil and spray enamel, 30 x 22 inches Collection John and Kimiko Powers, Aspen, Colorado 219 Drum Pedal Study-Schematic Rendering. 1967 (o9,4{5D Pencil and watercolor, 30 x 22 inches Collection John and Kimiko Powers, Aspen, Colorado (IVY 8<:<0 ONL'f) (II- '/ ONLy) OM.i) 202 Colossal Fagends Installed on Dobermann Estate, Westphalia, with Sheep-Fagend Watching. 1967 (pq, 776 Pencil, 261/2 x 40V2 inches Collection Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Selle, Chicago cp9, 'i I ta 211 Proposal for a Skyscraper in the Form of a Chicago Fireplug: Inverted Version. 1969 (p9, 550 Crayon and watercolor, 17V2 x 12 inches Collection Mr. and Mrs. Dirk Lohan, Chicago 212 Study for Feasible Monument: Lipstick, Yale. 1969 Pencil and spray enamel, 167/8 x 113/8 inches Owned by the artist ti>P.S65 220 Drum Pedal Study-Visualization of Collapsed Version. 1967 Pencil, 30 x 22 inches Collection John and Kimlko Powers, Aspen, Colorado 221 Typewrifer Eraser (study for cover of Claes OldenburgDrawings and Prints). 196Q &?'l.l444Crayon and pencil, ~9V8 inches Owned by the artist , ) &Q,65r MoMAExh_0902a_902b_MasterChecklist OLDENBURG WORKS EXHIBITEDAT MOMA,NOT IN CHECKLIST OLDENBURG WORKS EXHIBITED IN EUROPE,NOT IN CATALOG (con t , ) STUDIESFORA BANNERUSINGTHEGEOMETRIC MOUSE.1969. Ink, pencil and crayon, sight 22 5/8 x 28 3/4". Ownedby the artist. 69.1473 MODEL(GHOST)MEDICINECABINET.1966. Canvas filled with kapok, painted with Liquitex, 35 1/2 x 24 x 6 1/2". Collection Modema Museet, Stockholm. 69.1732 SYSTEMOF ICONOGRAPHY. 1969. Pencil, Owned by the artist. 69.1472 OLDENBURG WORKS EXHIBITEDIN EUROPE,NOTIN CHECKLIST FAGENDS,MEDIUM SCALE. (1967). Canvas, urethane foam, synthetic plaster, synthetic polymer paint, Formica, wood, 23 1/2 x 51 x 59 1/2". Collection William Rubin. 70.19Sa-k (NOT EXH. AMSTER.) TWOSMALLRAYGUNS. (1959). Metal, electrical tape, brush bristles and other materials painted with enamel and mounted on paper board, 9 x 6 x 5/8". Collection Mrs. Claes Oldenburg. 69.1499 PROPOSEDCOLOSSAL MONUMENT FORSKEPPSHOLMEN ANDKASTELLHOLME STOCKHOLM: DOORHANDLEANDLOCKS.1967. Wood,cardboard , painted with enamel, 40 1/8 x 30 x 6 7/8". Owned'by the artist. 69.1485 AUTOTIRE WITHFRAGMENT OF PRICE. 1961. Muslin soaked in plaster over wire frame, painted with enamel, 50 3/8 x 51 1/4 x 4 3/4". Collection Mrs. Claes Oldenburg. 69.1004 SOFT TOASTER- "GHOST"VERSION,REPLICAI. 1969. Muslin filled with kapok, painted with Liquitex on muslin base, 13 l/S x IS 1/8 x 11 7/S" on wooden base covered with muslin, painted with Liquitex 2 5/S x 16 l/S x 10 l/S". Ownedby the artist. 69.1486a-d sight 10 3/4 x 13 3/4". SOFT TYPEWRITER.(1963). Vinyl, kapok, wood and plexiglass, 7 7/8"h. x 29 3/S"w. x 27 5/8"d incl. base 2 1/8 x 26 l/S x 27 5/8". Collection Alan P. Power, London (NOTEXH. AMST.) 70.197a-b SKETCHOF TOILET FROMOVERHEAD. 1963. Crayon and watercolor. sight 16 1/2 x 13 7/S". Collection Karl Stroher. 69.943 * SCHIZORAYGUNS. 1965. Plaster and various material fragments, painted with enamel, mounted on paper board, 19 x 17 x 2". Owned by the artist. 69.1056 BOROUGHS ADDER.1965. Crayon and watercolor, Collection Karl Stroher. 69.942 13 7/S x 16 1/2". THEAIRFLOW-TOP ANDBOTTOM, FRONT, BACKANDSIDES. (1965). Collage with pen and spray enamel, comp, 17 1/8 x IS"; sight 27 5/8 x 22 7/S". Collection John and Kimoko Powers. 69.148S PROFILESTUDYOF A TOILETBASE. 1966. Collage, pencil and watercolor, 37 1/2 x 33 3/8". Collection Cy Twombly.69.1712 SKETCHFORT. BASE (TOILET). 1966. Styrofoam, pencil and muslin on composition board, 36 x 36 x 10 1/2". Collection ~Sidney Janis Gallery. 69.1487 '~'--' -t .-~=~~ "--0 t;:; ~ -- ~~.~.-;; ..... 0 LIGHT SWITCHES - HARDVERSION,REPLICAI (BROWN).1969. Painted wood, 48 1/4 x 48 1/4 x 10 l/S" 'd~JtQt1g'?7l;laney JaRioe blilln'Y, New York. 69.1484 Owne toe. ar sf*IRONING BOARD.1964. Wood, cloth, vinyl, nylon, hydrostone. 55 x 7S x 16". Collection Mr. and Mrs. Michael Sonnabend , 70.199a-d (NOTEXH. AMSTER.) SAW (SOFT V.R.5/0N). aeq.)( (lqo{,), It,." oW£IIed b-y il-te SWeOm., "F/t19 Clot"'.. zu>-hs~. LAN1lSCAPE W!TH UGHTHOUSS. T(), 13~ (n. d,) Scra.plLlO~d, '/ II 131- ,S JSJl.4 z l'?-'-~ted Vla.dS -ali\d l-teelmW1 s\"oe, Hr'S,Claes Olde"'\n.J. ...g. (p~.149~ MoMAExh_0902a_902b_MasterChecklist OLDENBURG WORKS NOT EXHIBITED SEED PODS. 1954. Pencil, 10 x 7 3/4" Owned by the artist. 69.897 ELEPHANT. 1963. Crayon, 8 l/Z xlI" Owned by the artist. 69.908 STREET POEM -- "MOON POP". 1959. Ink, 17 7/8 x 18 ". Owned by the artist. 69.85Z JAR OF PICKLES. 1963. Crayon, pencil and watercolor, sheet 11 x 8 l/Z", coap, 8 x 5". Owned by the artist. 69.845 HANGING LEG OR STANDING. (1960). Crayon and ink. 8 1/4 x 5 1/8". Owned by the artist. 69.902 FIRST SOFT CAR AND SHIRT. 1964. Ball-point pen and ink on ruled paper, sheet 11 x 8 1/2"1 comp, 5 x 2 7/8". Owned by the artist. 69.846 OTHER "PILLOW" FIGURES. (1960). Pencil, 11 1/8 x 8 itz», Owned by the artist. 69.900 RAY-GUNS. 1960. Crayon and pencil, sheet 11 x 8 l/Z"1 comp , 6 3/4 x 5". Owned by the artist. 69.901 HALF JACKET - TIE. 1961. Muslin soaked in plaster over wire frame. painted with enamel, 43 J/8 x 29 3/8 x 7 1/8". ~-ned by the artist. 69.1055 IRON. (1961). Crayon on green steno-pad paper, sheet 11 1/8 x 8 5/8" rconp, 8 5/8 x 6". Owned by the artist. 69.844 RED TIGHTS. 1961. Pencil and watercolor on yellow paper, 11 x 8 1/2". Owned by the artist. 69.905 SLICE OF YELLOW PIE (SMALL YELLOW PIE). (1961). Muslin soaked in plaster over wire frame, painted with enamel, 18 3/8 x 16 1/8 x 7 1/4", Owned by the artist. 69.1054 THE STORE. (1961). Brush and ink, sheet 11 x 8 l/Z"lcomp. 4 x 5 3/4". Owned by the artist. 69.904 THE STORE. (1961). Pen, ink and pencil, 11 x 8 1/2". Owned by the artist. 69.903 ABE LINCOLN (a).MONUMENT-MOUSE-PENCIL2PIE (b). 1963. Hall-point pen and ink, sheet 11 x 8 1/2"1 comp.(a),(b) 4 7/8 x 2 3/4". Owned by the artist. 69,906 a-b CHAIR ARCHITECTURES. 1963. Pen and ink, 8 l/Z x 107/8", Owned by the artist. 69.909 MEAT COUNTER AND ICE-CREAM CONE. (1964).Paper collage, watercolor, crayon, pencil, ball-point pen, 11 x 8 srz»; Owned by the artist, 69.851 STANDING SHIRT. (c.1964). Ball-point pen and ink, 11 x 8 1/2". Owned by the artist. 69.847. DORMEYER MIXER. (1965). Ink, ball-point pen, pencil,paper collage on yellow paper, 10 7/8 x 8".Owned by the artist. 69.848 PISA GROUP - COKE AND POTATO CHIPS.(1965). Ball-point pen and paper collage, 11 x 8 l/Z".Owned by the artist. 69.850 PROPOSED COLOSSAL MONUMENT FOR STATEN ISLAND,N.Y.C ••FAN. 1965. Crayon and watercolor ,24 x 19 1/8". Collection Mr. and Mrs. Richard Oldenburg, New York. 69.686 STUDY FOR SOFT MANHATTAN - SUBWAYS. 1965.Crayon and watercolo( Sight 16 3/4 x 14". Owned by the artist. 69.1443 TUB. 1966. Felt pen and crayon, sheet 11 x 8 1/8. Owned by the artist. 69.849 DRUM PEDAL ST1:1DY- FROM A SLINGERLAND DRUM CATALOGUE.1967. Sight 29 x 21 1/2".Collection John and Kimiko Powers. 69.556. SMALL MONUMENT FOR A LONDON STREET - FALLEN HAT (FOR ADLAI STEVENSON). 1967, Crayon and watercolor, sight IS 3/8 x Zl 3/4". Collection John and Kimiko Powers. 69.558