ACC 140 - Wake Technical Community College

Wake Technical Community College
Business Technologies Division
Course Syllabus ACC 140 Payroll Accounting
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Required Text/Supplies
If you prefer a hard copy of the book:
Payroll Accounting 2012, 23rd Edition
With CengageNOW with eBook Printed Access Card
ISBN: 9781133288411
If you prefer an e-book: ISBN:
Students will need to use the Internet and both Microsoft Excel and Word in this course.
Course Usage of Blackboard
Copies of the course syllabus and major assignments may be found on Blackboard. You are
responsible for regularly checking the online resources, which are accessed through (opens in a new window).
Course Description
This course covers federal and state laws pertaining to wages, payroll taxes, payroll tax forms,
and journal and general ledger transactions. Emphasis is placed on computing wages;
calculating social security, income, and unemployment taxes; preparing appropriate payroll tax
forms; and journalizing/posting transactions. Upon completion, students should be able to
analyze data, make appropriate computations, complete forms, and prepare accounting
entries using appropriate technology.
Student Learning Objectives
Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
1. Recognize the laws that influence the hiring process;
2. Categorize available various fringe benefit programs;
3. Calculate gross pay;
4. Calculate and record withholdings and payments for these benefits;
5. Calculate federal, state and local income tax withholdings for an employee, as well as
other employee deductions and benefits
6. Calculate unemployment tax liability under the Federal and state unemployment tax
7. Prepare payroll tax forms;
8. Record the payroll in a payroll register;
9. Transfer information from the payroll register to the employees’ earnings records;
10. Prepare payroll accounting journal entries;
11. Post payroll accounting journal entries to the proper general ledger accounts; and,
12. Demonstrate appropriate use of technology in performing the above tasks.
Prerequisite(s): ACC 115 or ACC 120 and CIS 110 or CIS 111
Corequisite(s): None
Credit Hours: 2
Assignments and Grading Policy
Due dates and assignments can be found on the course schedule/outline.
Plan 1: The average of all test/quiz grades will comprise a minimum of 50% of the final
grade. The Chapter 7 project will comprise a maximum of 20% of the final grade. Other
assignments will comprise a maximum of 35% of the final grade. Other assignments may
include any combination of the following components: study tools, homework, internet
research, payroll software application project, and/or the continuing problem.
Plan 2: The average of all test/quiz grades will be a minimum of 50% of the final grade. Other
assignments will comprise a maximum of 50% of the final grade. Other assignments may
include any combination of the following components: study tools, homework, internet
research, continuing problems, and/or payroll software application project.
A = 90-100 B = 80-89 C = 70-79 D = 60-69 F = 59 or less
Final Exam Date/Time/Location (TBA)
College Policies and Campus Resources
Email Policy
Wake Tech requires that every student use the provided e-mail account for
all school related correspondence. Your instructors will not respond to e-mail from any other
source. Do not forward e-mail to other accounts. Replies sent from most
forwarded e-mail will not appear to come from your account and will not be
acknowledged by your instructor. This is a strictly enforced school policy. Please review e-mail
information carefully. If you have questions or concerns regarding your Wake Tech e-mail,
contact Distance Education Support for guidance.
Code of Conduct
It is the student's responsibility to abide by Wake Tech's Student Code of Conduct (opens in a
new window) Free Adobe Acrobat PDF
reader download opens in a new window
Violation of the Student Code of Conduct will result in disciplinary action. The Code of Conduct
includes the Academic Integrity Policy.
Attendance Policy
It is the student’s responsibility to abide by the Wake Tech Attendance Policy (opens in a new
window) (p. 39).
Disability Support Services
Disability Support Services is available for students who require academic accommodations due
to any physical, psychological, or learning disability. To determine eligibility, contact the office
at 124 Holding Hall or call 866-5670 (TDD 779-0668). Disability Support Services web page
(opens in a new window)
Core Values
In keeping with the college’s mission statement, this course will promote Wake Tech’s core
institutional values.
Accountability is essential for an environment of learning. Those who are accountable stand by
their words and actions, taking full responsibility for what they create and for what they
contribute to the community.
Respect is a prerequisite for enhancing learning. Community members who respect themselves
and others help create a safe, yet open, climate of learning.
Instructor and students will foster an environment that actively promotes taking responsibility
for one’s actions and obligations.
Critical Thinking
Instructor and students will strive actively to improve the critical thinking skills of analysis,
synthesis, and evaluation-both in academics and in everyday actions.
Instructor and students will strive actively to ensure clear understanding in both written and
oral communications.
Instructor and students will strive to develop collaborative skills required in achieving team
Revised: 5/17/12
Tentative Schedule ACC 140 Payroll Accounting
(Note: subject to change with fair notice.)
Chapter 1: The Need for Payroll & Personnel Records
Chapter 2: Computing Wages & Salaries
Chapter 3: Social Security Taxes
Chapter 4: Income Tax Withholding
Chapter 5: Unemployment Compensation Taxes
Chapter 6: Analyzing & Journalizing Payroll Transactions
Chapter 7: Payroll Project