2012 Information Competitions And Contests Of Markham Fair What can you do to help? !"#$%&'()*+*), - . /# # 012# 34/0 5# 788#88 Please Note: 5# 0 9 - /0 - 5# :&;&:5/< Lead By Example . = - . > ? 0 Please Wash Your Hands: 5#> 0 Always wash your hands before handling food. Mission Statement: forum whose focus is to continue to promote and research the needs of - programs to meet those needs while @ while encouraging care and protection For Additional Information Contact: :&;&:5/<-5#- AB+0+C+ !%&'$()*+*), !%&'$()&;)'; # "# ! " 2012 Homecraft, Agricultural & Light Horse Prize Book Closing Date for all Entry Forms (located in centre of this book) September 13th, 2012 by 8:00 p.m. *Except where otherwise indicated* / 44 *&:*9 : *&:*0 D 5 2 *&:*5#2F 2 *&:*G0 D 5 3 *&:: I 5 3 5#5*&:* 4 45*&:* 4 *&:*F 5 *&:*/ 5 >< L< ; 4+,5#B 4L4 40 G4 4:M :& 4* :& 4+/ / :* 4)/ :+ 4'2#L0 :) 4( L0 :, 4,A :% 4;4 23 4%0 24 4:&4A 27 4::O! 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G -- 5FD - - # # # - 9.5# 9 9 # G D 5#B -9 9 9 effort goes into organizing and running such an amazing com 9## @B / C - #X 9 1. !5$ 9F*&:: \D FC 5#Z4 # 5#4/ 0 9 9 5# O# 5 4 4 - /<O#G XD 4 9 G. 9.. - Z /A 5#9 *&::5# B 45# :(' 5<-G0 *&:* 9# 9# # # # D 0 <5@ . # D 0 0 < 9 1. 4 / 211-*&::5# page 3 Markham Mayor 2012 Stouffville Mayor 2012 X D ? 5 /5#-9 . *&:*5# X*&:*5#? 9# 5#X 45 / 5# 9 . Z - M X#- -- #- - - 5# - # Z-# #. - #-M - -FF-#0- 5 #5 # -9. #1 . # # . #- - 5-9 9 . ? /D -5#D - - - 1 A 9 1-#-# # / 9 *&:*5# - Z? O 44- #4 5 X 5 page 4 Markham & East York Agricultural Society Past President: <5 President for 2012: 0< 1st Vice-president: B 2nd Vice-president: [X Finance Chairperson: B> 3 Year Term B 2G 5G FB 0< /X 2 Year Term F C B 2B B G0 [X 1 Year Term 2/ >F B> XG 5 B FX Junior Directors /-F 2G -[ 5- 25-/ < Past President: 5X President for 2012: < 1st Vice-President: / 2nd Vice-President: /G Secretary: C2 2012 Committees Administration Committees Administration:20!%&'()&;'%'$-B !(),+&%+,*)$-/->F-[ -BG-[G -2 G -2B-F5-<5-[5- /0-0< -F4-F 4-0 < -[X Admissions & Passes: 0< !%&'*%):);'$-C !%&'),+**(*$-2!%&'*%)*',,$-2 .-2 -C -2- >F-BG-0G -G- / [-C[-2B-25-55- / < -5< -C4-4 4-5 Admissions & Passes Support Committee: 0< !%&'*%):);'$-C !%&'),+**(*$- 2!%&'*%)*',,$-//-F- BF-A F-B-< -C# -B11 -2G- 5#1G-C -5C - 5C -CA-F0 -. 4->4- 4--/ -5X#-5X# Advertising/Promotion/Public Relations: BG!%&'()&;+'*$-/X!%&'*&%%%*:$-2 -2/1-G/ -BF- < >-5#1G-5G - [-/B-CB-5 -[ 5-C D2-B 0 -G0-2 0-C< -0X-[X Archives: 5/#!%&'),:');'$-< >- 2G-> [-10 # Awards: F 4!%&'()*+(+*$- 2#- 2-BG-CB-2B-F5- /0->4-5B4X-5 4-FX-/X Buildings & Maintenance:<5!%&'()&:&;&$- C B!(),'(,%(:,$-/->- 5# #-[G -2G -40 - 0< Clean up & Gates: 2B!%&'*%)+:,%$-F !):(%%,%(%($-C -G4 Concessions:[X!%&'()*%+&%$-F4 !%&'%+((;,+$-/-[2-2/- >F-[G -2G -C - 2B-CB-FB-<B-B- 40 -<5-/5-0< - X Curriculum Guide: 5G !%&''&'(&%'$- 2-[-BG-AG - [-AB-[5-4-F X-/X Directors Lunch: XG !):(,&%;':,$-[ 5!%&';;;(++($-[ 5!(),((;(,,;$- B2#-/F#-[-X #-BG-5G -/G- 5G -G -5 BF-5B- B-AB-F5-5F- 25-55-5->0 - <-F< -C4-/X- 5X# Emergency/Police Services:F 4!%&'()* +(+*$-40 !%&';;;%),)$-F!%&' '%:'(('$->F-[G -C[-2 B-5-<#<-F4-24- <X Executive:-0< !%&'()*)';)$-B - B>-2G -<5-[X Finance: B>!%&'('';))%$-B - [-[G -2B-2B- <B-F5-/0-20- 0< -F4-5 Goodwill: BG!%&'$()&;+'*-F5L F5!%&'()&+,&,$ Governance: BG!%&'()&;+'*$-20 !%&'()&;'%'$-[-< >-B >-[G -2G -5G - 0[ -2B-5 B -2B-F B-B-2B-<5-F5-[ page 5 5-40 -0< -0< -F4- F 4-FX-/X-[X Grounds & Landscape: B!%&';(*+&*%$-2 G -!%&';'*+:%*$->-< 2-2 / ->F-CF#-5# #-[G -G-5C -FB-<B-<5-C< -0< -<< -2 4-C4-2-< -[X Information Booth: 5 B !%&'*%)))(:$-B -2#-42- 2-2#- 2#-F2#-B2#- 2-52- 2-X2-/#- 0F -/F>-FF-=#- B-X #-CG-F G-BG -5G -AG - 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=-4 X-/X /0!%&'()&,&,,$-F 0X-F2B-5[0=4 F5 Activities Committees Activities During The Year: <5!%&'()& :&;&$-52-2-// -[ -<-B -X #-[ -BG-2G -B G - [-[-/ [-C[- C B-CB-2B-<B-F5- [5-5-5A-G0 - C0 4-B0 -B 0 - 0 -0< -.4-X-F X Agricultural Exhibits: [!%&';;;:*+'$- X<!,&')+,*+):$-B2-= /-BG-XG -2G - 5G -[-[5-5 A- D/-40 -0< -> =-FX-/X Ambassadors: >4!%&'()*+(+*$-5B 4X!%&''',+:*,$-G1 !%&'),( ,'*)$-B 2 - 2#-B / -[ F -[-<-X G -BG -[ [ -[B-A B-[ 5-F5B-25- 0-[0-4< -F 4-4 4< -/4#1-C=G- <X-FX-5X# Baby Place: Z4!%&'),*:;')$-X2- FF.-4F -F>-/G- G5[1-C5#1-B5 -2 5 -B 5 -55 -0- <-B<-[<- 4-/C 4-F4-54-C4-B 4#-C Entertainment-Contests: /B!%&'*%)+:,%$- CB!(),*%++(+*$-0G -2C -C [-/ B-<#B-[B1-[A#- 5A-5A-<C -[ X Fair Shop: FX!%&'('';:,%$-5B 4X!%&''',+:*,$- 2#-/ 211-4/-[F -F F#-B11 -X #-XG ->B-[ 5-25-/ 4#1-C4--4X- 5X-<X Friday Night Show: C D2!%&'),*:+;*$-B B D2!%&'),*:+;*$/B!%&'*%)+:,%$ BF-B11 -CB-2B-[ G -F D2-5 - -2 4-C4-FX Horse Pull: L[B !%&'%;'+&';$-4 ->-< 2-<G- G -2C -< B -F5- 0-2< -/4-4 Opening Ceremonies: 0< !%&'()*)';)$- 0F -<B-F5-B0 -F 4->4 page 6 2B!(),%%+*&&%$-/ -BG-5G -1B- CB-/X Special Attractions: 2G !%&';'*+:%*$- /B!%&'*%)+:,%$-[G !%&';'*:::%$- /->--2 -<2- X2-G/#->F-B - B>-0G -4[ -4 [ - C[-/[-F[-5[-C B- >B-2B-CB-FB-< B-B-C5#-/5-45- 20-C< -F4-- /-5-<#X-[X Special Displays: F5!%&'()&+,&,$-/ -5 -22-5# #-C -2#-F#->-XG- [G-GG->B -GB - < B -2B -5B -2B-< 5-<5 -50- < - >< -F4-B4-/4-2 X -4X -FX-C X Tractor Pull: 2X!%&'*%)&'(%$->- C 2-<2-42-<F-F F-/F>-2> -4>-] >-FG-FG-FG- 5G-AB-<<-/ -< - Agricultural Committees Beef Cattle: 4X!%&'('';:,%$-<X !%&''',+:*,$-F -G -40 Commercial Displays: 9 < !%&'),+%,*+$- #G-C#X Dairy Cattle: / < !%&'*%):);'$-/F - [-2G -0G -2B- F5-0< -F4 Goats: =# !):(,*+;%*:$-42#-> G-C5-<=# Grain/Small Seeds/Hay: 0G !%&';;;:&%+$- 5 -/ -2G -[ B -C#X Heavy Horses: 20!%&'()&;'%'$-4 G !%&';'*%'&:$-F2-2>-4 G-CB-F5-45 Light Horses: /0!%&'()&,&,,$-20 !%&'()&;'%'$-G0!%&'()&+*;%$-22# - 2-C/--2 - /-5 ->-. G- 4G# -[G -5B-[B-5 5-2#0-[0-B0-5# 0-<0-F<-0<-< <-C< -X= Potatoes: #G!%&'()%'')%$-5#G-< G-XG-4<-G4 Poultry & Small Livestock:0[ !%&'),;**()$- < !%&'%;'%&':$-C/-4> -2G-B [ -5[ - B- / 5-45-C 5X -< 5X -[ <-5#<-<<-4 <-F4-44-[ Roots & Vegetables: 9 < !%&'),+%,*+$- X !%&'),++%&:$-5A-C<- 0 <-=#< -C-<X Sheep: F4!%&'%+((;,+$-<2#!%&';;, &:)'$-2# -5#-2G -2 B-B4#- -FX 4-H Club:5G !%&''&'(&%'$- 2# !%&'),(*:%+$-2#-/#< - FF-[-BG-/ G-BG -AG -[5-5 X# 4-H Club (Special Displays)7F4!%&'%+((;,+$- / < !%&'*%):);'$-2G !%&';;;:&%+$- <2#-[-C -B - [ -/ -5G -2B- <5-/5-[5-40 -0 < -0< Building Committees General Exhibits Building: <!):(,:('(:;$- BG-0G -<B-/ -20#-X<-9 < - 5X Homecraft Building: <!):(,:('(:;$-4 2 !%&'*%)'&,,$-5-!%&'()*++,($- F>-<#B->5-CA -<<-B 4#-4-/4-/4-F 4-<4-X4-F -=#- C#X Livestock Building: F4!%&'%+((;,+$-< 2#-<2#-[2#-X2#-/ -2G -2G -2B-F 0 -/ < Old Macdonald’s Barn: <5!%&'()&:&;&$-0 < !%&'()*)';)$-/-[ -> -C -4-.#-B# #-##2-[ 2-B2- 2-2->2-[2-4 2-2/# -F-CF#- F-4F- -G -[ -5# #-FG-FG-2 G -G -FC -C - /[-F[-/[-C B- B-2B-1B-CB-F B-F5-[ 5-<5-< 5-[5-F D2-> D2-B B D2->0 -40 -201#-C < -[ < -<< -4< - / < -0< -4<-44 -/ 4-B4-2 -C -C -5# -[=#-/X-C X-.X Homecraft Committees Antiques: / !%&';'*('%+$-22# !%&'*%)&';'$-=#F-2F-C ->-A>-9G -C B-410#-0-40-5< -C 4->3 -#= #-4 X Art: AB!%&'),:(&*;$-C< !%&' ()&&%'($-= ->2#-F2-0 2-[/-C /-5/ -4 F-4F-C-2G-= G ->[-0B< -5-C A# 11-0-<<-0X Christmas Collections: [G!%&'*%):*'($ /!%&',;,%&&*$-B/-> /-F F^-FF->F-/ -B -FG->G- [-5[-CB-B- page 7 FA -F0-F4-B 4-/-4=-CX - 4X Country Baking & Preserves: /G!%&'()* :()'$-4 G !%&'()&'*%)$-<G -4 -G -0-/ 2- >2-2-/ 2-#- /G-0>-F[-G[- 5B- B -[B -[B - B1B-/B-G5[-1 5#-55#-[5-F5-5 A -CA -0#-20 -[< - O< -B< /-C<-/ 4- / -< -C=#-FX- XX Crafts: F5 !%&'*%)&+:%$-9<!%&' *%)+:'&$-2 -22 -B/- 5Z/-=#/-G-5 B -54#-X4--< X- >X Demonstrators: 0[!):()%,,+)&$-/ F>!):(*;+:;):$-54!%&'*%)',+:$ Eighteen & Under:5X !%&'*%)((*%$-C 2!%&'),%)))%$-F-[ -= -2-22-B 2-5 2-<2-C2-[2-22- 52-/ -F/ -]/ - B/ -// -F/ - / -</#-2/1-CG-5 G-4G-2G -B G -X 5-05 -.5-15- /5-45- 5-. 0-= #G-[0-0 0#-B41-/X -/ X -C X -5X -X Flowers & Plants: 5A!%&'()%';*)$- C=G!%&'()&*:;,$-A -4 /#-2 -F -BG - BC -Z5#-05-F< - /<-5<1#- 4-F - 4 X-0X Historical: C!%&'*+:&*)*$-2- X/ 5-B/-C - 5 -4 G-/ G- GG-BG -2G-> [- 5 B -5-G5-[4 - F4->-->3 Needlecraft: /F>!):(*;+:;):$-< !%&'*%):);'$-F2#-X2-<2 - 42#-G2#-2#-F/- FF.-/-5# -FB5- 5 B -/5-C< -B4- =4 -54-F X Photography: <!%&'*+,'))+$-2 F#-5X-/2-C2-C 2-=2-C2-2/ - 2/ -/F#-CF#-5 F#-4F#-5> -4> -5 5- 5>-[ A-[ -B 4-FX-4X-CX- XG-.X-X-G X-CMX-BX-AX- AX School Children: ! "#$ 24-- 2-52- 22-52-C# -G>- 5G-4[ -B[#-45- 25-55-[5-20#- C< -[ <->4 -54 - 04 -4 -[4#-24#- 41-CX-/X-BX- FX1 #B Seniors: 0 !%&'*%))'(&$-5!%&'*%) ,%;&$F-52-F21# - C2-5/-B F-BG -0 G -> [-4 [-4[#-C B#-=B -5B#-/ -40- C< -4< ->4-0-F -5-XX ->] #- A ] # Special Needs: 25 !%&'),:&(%,$0 -< -52-C1 - 5G -XG -0#G -/ 5-459-25-45- 5-95 -45 -. -/ -01-44- C-[= General Rules & Regulations 012# M # Violation Of Rules . 012# - ./- 1 -1 . - . 5# . Liability . 4 #.4 -Z- .- -Z . .8 4 Photographs 5#/5 5# 5##- 5#2 5#- 5# Closing Date For Entry Forms September 13, 2012 by 8:00 p.m. . 4 Making Entries -012#- ; M . 8 9 M- 5# #5# .5# ! $ on or by September 13th, 8:00 p.m. (Entry tags should be ready for pickup by the following Thursday). After September 13th, no additional entries or changes to entries can be accepted Exhibitor Entry Fee . M_'&&. . *' 0 #M 5#= -5 /_:&&& #$% & '% Payment Of Prize Money 01M(& 5#A1 Unworthy Exhibits C 1 . 9 5# # Competition 9 / . M-C. 8 : -* No ties will be allowed. Decision Of Judges/Committee A. Z -/ 5 Z - .# C C -.- 9 -./ # Exhibitor Passes . 1F: -*&:* 4 -5# -F:&-*&:* . . .# Erroneous Entries Prize Ribbons 4 9. / 4-/ / ./ Z 01 71st- 2nd-3rd-4th-5th-6th# Applying For Prize Money Protests . # 5# (7&& - 9 _'&& 4 ! _*'&& -- 4 $ Arrival Of Exhibits Weather 9- M -4 1 Pets A > -.7 # - @ # M Errors 4 - - 012# . - - 4 4 . 1 .B # Privacy Offensive Or Dangerous Exhibits Additional Rules 5#L O#4!`5#b$ - 0 00 788#88 3 - . - Judging // # C < < 5#4 For Homecraft Sections 1 - 12 5# following: . #. 2 Z 11 4- C8/ / / / F / page 9 . G2>. 2- -4 *'-*&:* :*%7&&- .4 %-:&:*4 4 8/ A. G 2>. 2(7+& 4-4+&*&:* (7+&;7&&-all items must be picked up. > . D ! $ . *( *, *; *% +& +: +* /`2##b! $ B F :* 0Z 50# / # Homecraft Sections Section 1 - Antiques Classes #33-38 (collectibles articles circa 1932-1962) ++ 9 +) > +' /!$ +( 5 C#2. +, /# +; 40 A<#! :%'&$ / 7/ !%&';'*('%+$22#!%&'*%)&';'$ Special Awards generously sponsored by: 2 - General Rules & Regulations as well as the following: Additional Rules: Z ;& :%+*:%(* Z 2 A / . F . G2 -4-*,:*7&&%7&& 4-4+&(7+&;7&& * Closing date for entry forms:Thursday, September 13th, 2012 by 8:00 p.m.* Will be strictly enforced. Clarkson Auctions, Stouffville: j*%_*' j*&5 _:' j,G_:& Reid’s Antiques, Stouffville: j:'2 !A 2# $_*& j+&0Z_:' j+*/ #_:& Betty Devenport Memorial: j*_*& j+'/!$_:' j:+/_:' Reesor Family in Canada j*)/b2b_*& Section 2 - Art Prize Money / j:+*7 1st_'&&@2nd_)&&@3rd_+&&@4th_*&& / 7AB!%&'),:(&*;$ C< !%&'()&&%'($ Classes #1-32 (antiques – articles 80 years or older): : 2#D * Farm machine wrench + 5# ) 4 ' BXX: ( F:%:; , G ; > % :& CC# :: :* China cream and sugar :+ / :) [ :' 2 !A 2# $ :( Curling iron :, /# :; `b:* :% O #`b *& Mesh change purse *: Pill carrier ** /# *+ 4<:%+& *) /`2b *' X:* 2 - additional rulesG- 7 * Closing date for entry forms:Thursday, September 13th, 2012 by 8:00 p.m.* Will be strictly enforced. Additional Rules for all Art Divisions: Any artwork that does not comply with the rules will not be accepted. 0 ## 2 . G2 -4*':*7&&%7&& reclaimed on Sunday, September 30th between 6:30 and 8:00 p.m. / A#Flat Artwork Only Adult Art Division Additional Rules to this Division: A1# 2 - framed. / # @ F 0 +(b !%:$ :& Glass or plexiglass 1 .*)b!(:$ -- # #! #$ D # > #/ Z G *'v _'&&. :; Z-A 5 :( :% 0#- ZA *& 0--- Z A *: - ** D - Prize Money Classes #1-13: 1st_,&&@2nd_(&&@3rd_'&&@4th_)&& 5#> _*'&&2 4 5#> _*&&&2 X 5#> _*&&&2 : B84 4- # 1 including frame:;b!)'$ * B84 B- # 1 including frame:;b!)'$ side + 5.5 ) Z- ' - ( 0- , 2-- ; - -L - % - Z :& - Z :: /--- Z :* 7/G -#() :+ - Awards: 5#> _*'&&2 4 5#> _*&&&2 X 5#> _*&&&2 Awards (Excluding Class #22): Junior Art Division Additional Rules to this Division: :+ F+: -*&:* 2 0 7 52 2 A:;b!)($ A#:b ! $ A / 0 A7 #!#$ D # F *'v _'&&. # Z Prize Money Classes #23-32: 1st_(&&@2nd_'&&@3rd_)&&@4th_+&& Intermediate Art Division *+ D - *) -- ZA A1# *' / - :; - F+: -*&:* *( #- ZA . must be sturdily matted *, 0 - ZA or framed. *; B- ZA # @ A *% 5- ZA 0 24” (61 cm) on the !.7-#-$ - Please note age restrictions for #30, #31 & #32 0 *)b!(:$ (Children 9 years of age or under may also enter in F any of the above classes.) 0 A7 +& Z-% F+: -*&:*A #!#$ D # +: Z-, *'v F+: -*&:*A _'&&. +* Z-' # F+: -*&:*A Z Additional Rules to this Division: 2 / F > G 9 Awards (Excluding Class #23): Prize Money Classes #14-22: 1st_(&&@2nd_'&&@3rd_)&&@4th_+&& 5#> _*'&&2 4 5#> _*&&&2 X 5#> _*&&& 5/ j+&-+:L+*_:&&& :) - ZA :' ---> ZA :( 0 - ZA “Youth Poster Competition” - See Section 11 :, Z-A 5 :) (Youth Section, Class #92 & #93) :: Section 3 Christmas Collections :) :' :( :, /7[G!%&'*%):*'($ /!%&',;,%&&*$ Before entering this section, please refer to the additional rules for Homecraft, as well as the following: :; :% *& * Closing date for entry forms:Thursday, September 13th, 2012 by 8:00 p.m.* Will be strictly enforced. *: ** *+ Additional Rules: *) . 2 *'v _'&&.D / X# * 4 Z F A . G2 -4*':*%7&&- 4+&(7+& ;7&&! .D M$ X > A !$ G Christmas themes only. Prize Money Classes #1-50: 1st_(&&@2nd_)&&@3rd_+&&@4th_*&& *' *( *, *; *% +& +: Adult - Classes #1-32: +* : / !.:)b$ A * / !A.*)b$ + / !A.*)b$ ) / !A.*)b$ ' Oframed Christmas hanging door/wall - ---!5.*)b.+(b$ ( Ounframed Christmas hanging door/ - - --!A.*)b.+(b$ 5 , O/ 8 !.*)b.+(b$ ; / !- --#-$5 % / - :& / :: / # - :* / #- . !A# $ :+ / . !A.:*b$ / - / M / M / # / # / -Z# / !A.+(b-$ / Z / 2!$ / !5.:'b.:;b$ / !F .:;b Mbuilding & decorations to be totally edible$ / -!- - # --$!F .:;b Mcreation and decorations to be totally edible$ / #!.(bcreation and decorations to be totally edible$ G/ >/no computer work or graphics!.(by%b$ A G/ >/using computer work or graphics and/or scrapbooking items! .(by%b$A / !.:)b$ G/ !$ !A.:+b.::b.(b.$ / !A.:;b.:;b-:)b$ / ! ---$ Children’s Christmas Corner Classes #33-50: ++ +) +' +( +, +; +% )& ): )* )+ )) )' )( ), ); :* / ! (L,$ / ! ;L%$ / ! :&:*$ / ! :+L:)$ / ! :':;$ / - .:&b! (L,$ / - .:&b! ;L%$ / - .:&b! :&:*$ / - .:&b! :+:)$ 4-.:&b. ! (%$ ./ ! (L,$ ./ ! ;L%$ ./ ! :&:*$ / ## totally edible including decorations! (%$!F .:&b M$ / ## totally edible including decorations! :&:*$!F .:&b M$ / house and decorations to be totally edible! :+:;$!F .:;b M$ )% /D / ! :&:)$ Unframed!5. 1:*b.*)b$ '& G/ Z! :):;$ * + Special Awards: ) Robert Smith Financial 2 4>/8/ 7/ Choice The Village Grocer 2 />/ Markham Vision Centre 2 / /> Controtech Valves 2 XGF>/ Stouffville Florist 2 X>/ Comtech Trading Company /D 4%L3> True North Nutrition /D 4:&_*'&& Quattro Renovations 4.! (L,$> Old Firehall Confectionery 4.! ;L%$ Old Firehall Confectionery 4.! :&:*$ Old Firehall Confectionery T/ >G ! :+:;$ Carpet One Floor & Home T>/#/#G ! (%$ T>/#/#G ! :&:*$ ' ( , ; % :& :: :* :+ :) :' :( :, :; :% *& Section 4 - Crafts *: /F5 !%&'*%)&+:%$@ 9<!%&'*%)+:'&$ ** Before entering this Section, please refer to the additional rules for Homecraft, as well as the following: +, %$%-.&/0- 12/1%322& + % Additional Rules: 2 / F > G 7:% No Christmas Themes A# : X# * good condition 0 No Saw-Tooth Hangers #must A . G2 Tuesday, Sept. 25th between 12 noon and 9:00 pm Sunday, September 30th between 6:30 and 8:00 pm *) *' *( *, *; *% +& +: +* ++ +) +' Prize Money Classes #1-44: 1st_,&&@2nd_'&&@3rd_)&&@4th_+&& : *+ +( A @ !A.*)b$ +, :+ - !A.*)bB.*)bX.:;bG$ !A.*)b$ X #() !A.:;b.:;b.$ - # !A.*)b.+(b$ G- !A.*)b.*)b$ Z ZNo beading! !A.:*b.:*b$ No jewelry! # `Xb8 note paper No computer work or graphics.!A .(b.;b$ # `Xb8 - # !A. (b.;b$#() {!A.;b$ !A.;b.:&b$ #!A.:'b$ M No needlework.!A.*)b.+(b$Name the technique. - !A.*)b.+(b$ -:::; !A.*)b.+(b$ - No plastic canvas.!A.*)b.+(b$ 3!A.:*b.:;b$ A !A.:;b$ !#- $Name the technique.!A.*)b.+(b$ { !.)by)b$ A A A !A.:*b$ -#A !A.**b$ 2!A.**b$ A !A.:&b.:*b$ !A.'b.,b$ !. ;b.;b$ +; Doll & Clothes !A.*'b$ securely fastened to outside edge of +% !$ !A.:;b.:;b$ ! - - )& #! $ $0 !.:)b.:)b$ D ): .8# name !A.;b.:&b$ )* !.;b.;b$ > )+ # # # !A.*:by:(b$#() G . '&} )) Charity ToyG-Note: These # - # 0 45#/ 0 Special Awards: j'2 1Z-- Best In Show: 5#>=/ _*'&& Tom Rimmer Memorial: 5#>=/ plate and most of all please# Z _*'&&j: Oda Pritzker Award: _*'&&j*: Specials: 1: Tim Clark Flowers:>/j:, * `4 b Babs Robinson Award /D / Read Carefully:<G!j,$/4 Markham Fair Award_:&&&j; !j'%$#() D !j*'$ # Markham Fair Award _:&&&j% D #8 Hempen Jewellers >j:* Harry James Group_*'&&j( F Z Harry James Group_*'&&j:( - Harry James Group_*'&&j+* - Harry James Group _*'&&j*( Midas/Drml AF >/50#j*& The Facial Room>/ 5j+: Refrigeration Division The Workshop ->j:; 0 @ - The Workshop ->j)* The Workshop>j)+ Prize Money Classes #1-7: 1st_(&&@2nd_'*'@3rd_)'&@4th_+*' Section 5 - Baking & Preserves (Formerly Domestic Science) //7/G!%&'()*:()'$@ 4 G !%&'()&'*%)$-<G Before entering this Section, please refer to the additional rules for Homecraft, as well as the following: / F Thursday September 13, 2012 by 8:00 p.m.5# . G2uesday September 25th, 12 noon to 9 p.m<. Sunday September 30th 6:30 to 8:00 p.m. !. $ Additional Rules & Information: A. 2 A 4 > / # F 7/# #+'&:' *' - _'&&.D : * + ) ' ( , B50 0#0 /0 Butterscotch Pie - meringue topping / //0 00 < G Tarts 1 /534 ] Prize Money Classes #8-9: 1st_(&&@2nd_'*'@3rd_)'&@4th_+*' ; 2 !+$ % Special: 55!+$ Pies A Baked in pie plate of choice. securely fastened to outside :) !$ ! - -$ D name +: Special: /2~)b.;b Prize Money Classes #10-14: 1st_(&&@2nd_'*'@3rd_)'&@4th_+*' Quick Breads :& :: :* :+ :) B .- 1 5 . 1 / /M# A# )b.;b (&}!j*($ F j'/ Special: /0Hand Woven 0! $ 00! $ 2#0 20! $ Special Award: Reesor Family In Canada j::!0 $ Prize Money Classes #32-39: 1st_(&&@2nd_'*'@3rd_)'&@4th_+*' Best Pie In Show: 1 +* ++ A 5 . +) Cut to the approx. 1#/# +' ;b M Must +( / +, +; Prize Money Classes #15-24: 39. 1st_(&&@2nd_'*'@3rd_)'&@4th_+*' Cakes :' :( :, :; :% *& *: ** *+ *) /#~# 4/#~# 2/#~# B//#1!%b:&b$ # //# ~# Special: </#~# 0#/#~# //## ~ # >//# #7 /B/#~ # Best Cake In Show: 1 / B~)b.;b 02B ~)b.;b >1BB~)b.;b /]B- ~)b.;b !+$ 25 !+$ /5 !+$ Special: F# !*$Z /8 Cookies 5 . / Must Prize Money Classes #40-46: 1st_'&&@2nd_)&&@3rd_+&&@4th_*&& )& ): )* )+ >4/# !+$ ///# !+$ F4M !+$ Special: #. 'bZ\D F C )) 4/# !+$ )' /# !+$ )( /5/# !+$ Freezer Jams Breads & Rolls 5 ZZ*'&* # C Must 7 Z MA 5 .- 1 2 No bread maker machine products- Prize Money Classes #25-31: 1st_(&&@2nd_'*'@3rd_)'&@4th_+*' Prize Money Classes #47-50: 1st_'&&@2nd_)&&@3rd_+&&@4th_*&& *' BX2~)b.;b D *( B(&}XX2 ~)b.;b *, 4F22~)b.;b *; XX2 !+$ *% >1/2 !*$ +& /< 2~)b.;b ), ); )% '& :' Special: < C1 4C1 F4C1 C1 !$ Jams And Jellies AB-4 5 Z*'&* #Z C must @ Z M A Assorted Home-Made Products Prize Money Classes #51-60: 1st_'&&@2nd_)&&@3rd_+&&@4th_*&& ': '* '+ ') '' '( ', '; '% 4C < C <0C 5 5. 0C <4C Special: C 0C4 / (& >C Preserved Fruits And Pickles 5 1'&& Z* # C must 7 Z MA Prize Money Classes #61-73: 1st_'&&@2nd_)&&@3rd_+&&@4th_*&& (: (* (+ () (' (( (, (; (% ,& ,: ,* ,+ ;* ;+ ;) ;' 2#/ #: (b / + 5 01(b Special:< <0G ~ portion in a small glass container 86. Theme Atlantic Canada Hostess Gift ' #:*b -:*b;b.7- - - # - X Z # Cake Decoration / j;,%*ZF ;&} 3 optional .;b amateurs only. Prize Money Classes #87-92: 1st_:'&&@2nd_:&&&@3rd_;&&@4th_(&& ;, ;; ;% %& %: %* 0 0 0 0 /4! $ 220# 4 - 4/0# 0#2 F0# !$ Special: 0< ]< 4 5/!$ 44T Special: \D FC G/# Special: //# /#men only 5#/# 4/# "4, .(& & '( ( Specials: : * 4 D Men Only A # B .- 1-/Z 1 - Prize Money Classes #74-81: 1st_(&&@2nd_'*'@3rd_)'&@4th_+*' ,) ,' ,( ,, ,; ,% ;& ;: / Prize Money Classes #82-86: 1st_,&&@2nd_(&&@3rd_'&&@4th_)&& Footnote: X# .7 - 0 # 4 !5$ 0 - Fair President’s Special ///# !+$ Special: 0#5 !+$ /2/9!+$ 0# '&&pint 1 Z X2)b.;b A L2 4# '&&pint 1 Z 1 in the SpecialTimbercreek Golf- :( Section 6 - Flowers & Plants /7 5A!%&'()%';*)$Flowers/Plants Classes 1-62 C=G!%&'()&*:;,$ Arrangements Classes 63-82 2 - additional rules for Homecraft#- following: +, %$%-.&/0- 12/1%322& + % Additional Rules: Recognized growers are not permitted to enter in a class. 2 . ./ :(* / XM - . F 0 . + 5# A G > A G . Z 9 B C / +(-+,-'*-')-''-'(-';-'%-L(&must be "$%+;<= front of entry tag). [ 0 / (+;* B A {/ (+-('-(;,,-;:;* 5 A A - -- - -# - - { Z- { 0 M \ *' - _'&&. < . >. 2 on Tuesday, Sept. 25th between 12 noon and 9:00 p.m. and may be reclaimed on Sunday, September 30th between 6:30 and 8:00 p.m. Tips For Exhibitors: B>4# *&b 4 F - - -- 1 - Annual: L - ` b Biennial7 M Perennial: .- .- - - Spike: { - - Stem Or Stalk: { 9 - Spray:{ - -{ - - . Cut Specimen Classes ! $ Prize Money Classes #1-37: 1st_'&&@2nd_)&&@3rd_+&&@4th_*&& : + : * 0!5 F $+ : + 2:* { ) Calendula - 3 stems Chrysanthemums Must Be Outdoor Garden Variety. ' / 4+ ( / 4F+ , / F+ ; / = :+b % / ' :& F:(b :: F:)b(b :* F:)b(b :+ F+ )b !$ :) F+ )b!$ :' F <#!> $+ :( !{$+ :, >: :; > : # :% B+ *& 5' *b *: 5' :b*b ** 5' :b*b *+ 5' :b!$ *) A 2M *' 0 =' *( 0 + *, 0+ *; 4+ *% 4+ +& 4=+ # +: 4{+ +* 4{:.;b- .:*b ++ 40 2M +) ]B+ :+8)b +' ]5' :+8)b +( =+ + : :, must be named on front of entry tag. +, =02+ + :must be named on front of entry tag. Window Boxes: Prize Money Classes #38-40: 1st_''&@2nd_)'&@3rd_+'&@4th_*'& Trailing Or Climbing Plants: (Container not to exceed 30” in length - inside measurement). ', X2. (Must be hanging - please provide your own hanger.) '; 5.G0* +; = 5. ( hanging - Must Be Named On Front Of Entry Tag. +% 2 # # '% /0>0 age - Must Be Named On Front Of Entry Tag. )& /> (& /0>0 Bloom - Must Be Named On Front Of Entry Tag. Roses (: G2!2$44 Note:5 :8*+8)ZG(* `0F b. 4 G.:(b44 4 0j+)5 Arrangement Classes ! $ Prize Money Classes #63-80: Prize Money Classes #41-45: 1st_,&&@2nd_(&&@3rd_'&&@4th_)&& 1st_'&&@2nd_)&&@3rd_+&&@4th_*&& Classes 63-82 Helpful Hints: ): < G: )* < 04!5$: )+ < 5!04$: )) < )' < 2:{ { 3 { #! { # { $ Miniatures: Potted Plant Classes (+ `55 bT { 'b () `24b { 'b (' ` b { 'b Prize Money Classes #46-60: 1st_''&@2nd_)'&@3rd_+'&@4th_*'& Silk Flower Arrangements: Flowering Plants In Bloom: (Container not to exceed 12” - inside measurement. No hanging plants). )( = - ), = - ); 2! $ )% 2! $ !211B11-<-$ '& 9 ': 9 '* 0No trailing or climbing plants. Must Be Named On Front Of Entry Tag. Plants Grown Principally For Foliage: (Container not to exceed 12” - inside measurement. No hanging plants.) '+ / ') 0A2No trailing or climbing plants. Must Be Named On Front Of Entry Tag. Planters: (Container not to exceed 16” - inside measurement.) '' 5.G0+ Must Be Named On Front Of Entry Tag. '( 5. 0+ Must Be Named On Front Of Entry Tag. !AB 5 / A used when needed) (( `GF2b # (, GX4. Fresh Flower Arrangements: !A $ 0 <A4( (; ` 5#bT # #-{ (% `G499 bT ,& # ,: `/0bL ,* `/bT ,+ `X bT ,) `4 b ,' `2b { ,( `B1F b ,, `G 5b Dried Flower Arrangements: !A{ $ ,; `5 2b ,% `4b # ;& `22 #b # { Fresh Flower Arrangements: ;: T { 44 :; ;* . / { 44 Specials: See Class #61 York Downs Garden Centre Ltd. %,:%[<-3 >/ 71st_*&&&@2nd_:'&&@3rd_:&&& See Class #62 Reesor Family in Canada 1st_*&&& See Class #81 Candlelight and Memories Fine Gifts & Tea Room (:%;54-4 >/ 71st_*&&&@2nd_:'&& See Class #82 Markham Fair Special 1st_:&&&@2nd_'&& Markham Fair Awards And Rosettes: C /T2 _:&&& C /T2 4_'&& C /T2 +;-+%)&_'&& C /T2 _:&&& *&:*G0 -< TT< > A G 2 all the rules pertaining to the A4 9 _*' _'&& . C 41 [ Z 11 4- C8/ / B . G2 -4*':*%7&&- 4-4+&(7+&;7&& 5 A# one year , Please { 7j*%- j;*-j;;Lj::+ Knitting Classes #1-34 ***Sample Yarns To Be Attached To Each Item*** Prize Money Classes #1-29: 1st_,&&@2nd_(&&@3rd_'&&@4th_)&& Articles to be knit only No ribbons or cords on any baby items. All articles must be new and unused. Richters, Goodwood41G0 : 2D !2O$ 4 * F :; _+&&&>/0X/ :(& + 2D !$ _*&&&>/*0X/ :(& ) 2!A.)'b.(&b.$ ' /D Sheridan Nurseries, Markham ( /D 1*( _+&&&>/0X/ (+;& , /D 1;:* _*'&&>/*0X/ (+;& ; /D 1*( % /D 1;:* Vera Clarkson Memorial :& 0 1:* L 2 =_*'&& :: /D :* 5 5 1 :+ BD D 4 :) 0 8 T 1 //F>!):(*;+:;):$ :' BD 8D 4 0#() < !%&'*%):);'$ :( 2 4- :, T T L - 7 :; :% 4 # * Closing date for entry forms:Thursday, September *& BD # 13th, 2012 by 8:00 p.m.* Will be strictly enforced. *: 5D D # - ** 5D D # # - Additional Rules: AM *+ 0# 2 >@=% K";%X%" *) Chemo Cap - ,%% attached to every exhibit. Samples must be ap5#4G proximately 1” x 1”. Cutting of samples off seam *' 07AO#G Aallowances is allowed. A9/3BLF 1 / M -. ! 1+($ M *( 1 F 0 *, 0 A# *; /F AF 9 *% # Fair Theme/ Section 7 - Needlecraft :% Men Only +& # All Articles Must Be New And Unused. '* Prize Money Classes #31-32: 1st_::&&@2nd_:&&&@3rd_%&&@4th_;&& Tatting Class #53 ***Sample Yarns To Be Attached To Each Item*** Prize Money Class #53: 1st_,&&@2nd_(&&@3rd_'&&@4th_)&& ***Sample Yarns To Be Attached To Each Item*** +: !5 1);b.(&b.$ +* B! 1+(b.)&b$ All Articles Must Be New And Unused. '+ Prize Money Class #33-34: 1st_,&&@2nd_(&&@3rd_'&&@4th_)&& Sewing Classes #54-88 Youth Classes #33-34 Prize Money Classes #54-83 1st_,&&@2nd_(&&@3rd_'&&@4th_)&& ***Sample Yarns To Be Attached To Each Item*** !:;$ ***Sample Yarns To Be Attached To Each Item*** ++ [F +) [ Crochet Classes #35-52 ***Sample Yarns To Be Attached To Each Item*** Prize Money Classes #35-48: 1st_,&&@2nd_(&&@3rd_'&&@4th_)&& All Articles Must Be New And Unused. No Ribbons Or Cords On Any Baby Items. +' +( +, +; +% )& ): )* )+ )) )' )( ), ); 2 2!A.)'b.(&b.$ /D T 1:* Poncho One pair of slippers FT(bT:*bT FT:+bT:;bT 1 Pair of pot holders !A.+(b T M$ #O Crocheted Chemo Cap - %%- 5#4G /F AF < Prize Money Classes #49-51 1st_::&&@2nd_:&&&@3rd_%&&@4th_;&& All Articles Must Be New And Unused )% .! $ 1 );by(&b '& B!+(by)&b$ ': ! 1);by(&b$ Youth Class #52 !:;L3 $ ***Sample Yarns To Be Attached To Each Item*** Prize Money Class #52: 1st_,&&@2nd_(&&@3rd_'&&@4th_)&& All Articles Must Be New And Unused. ') D T( LTNo Sets '' >D T:* LT { D # , 12/1) '( #D G 4# Children (See Additional Page For Pattern) ', /D G4/#() '; /D G '% C# 1T1 (& Z T 1 (: B F (* G (+ 0 () G T:* (' G T8 (( BD (, 4 (; 0 (% \ TM ,& 4* ,: 1#() ,* / ,+ ,) ,' [T ,( G T ,, \TM ,; \<MNo Long Arm ,% / !B :*b{$ ;& / !:*bT:;b{$Fair Theme Atlantic Canada ;: Chair cushion - #() ;* ;+ /F #4 Youth Classes (Age 18 & Under Only) #84-88 ***Sample Yarns To Be Attached To Each Item*** Prize Money Classes #84-88: 1st_,&&@2nd_(&&@3rd_'&&@4th_)&& All Articles Must Be New And Unused. ;) 0 ;' 0 :&&}4#[ G page 20 ;( B Fair theme - Atlantic Canada. ;, ;; 4 Embroidery Classes #89-94 ***Sample Floss/Ribbon To Be Attached To Each Item*** Prize Money Classes #89-94: 1st_,&&@2nd_(&&@3rd_'&&@4th_)&& All Articles Must Be New And Unused. ;% 4 8# %& %: %* B 1 %+ %) One pair of guest towels with counted cross-stitch design Quilting Classes #95-122 All Articles Must Be New And Unused. >>>@=% %";[ must be attached to each entry*** Please write quilt pattern name, and approximate number of hours to complete, on back of entry tag. Long Arm Quilting refers to any type of quilting done on a machine other than a table top domestic sewing machine. Prize Money Classes #95-97: 1st_;&&@2nd_,&&@3rd_(&&@4th_'&& %' / M#!:*b:;b{$ %( \ 1 %, \ 1 Quilting Classes #98-116 ***Sample Fabrics To Be Attached To Each Item*** Prize Money Classes #98-115: 1st_*&&&@2nd_:'&&@3rd_:&&&@4th_;&& %; MT 1 %% GMMT !A)'b.''b$ :&&GMM M!A)'b.''b$ :&:GM!B *&b.*&b$ :&*GM!>*&b.*&b- ,*b.,*b$5 :&+GM5 MT !>);b.,*b$ :&)GMM !>);b.,*b- ,*b.%&b$ :&'5MM No Long Arm!A)'b.''b$ :&(5MM0 No Long Arm.!A)'b.''b$ :&,5M5 M!>);b.,*b$ No Long Arm. :&;5MT!B *&b.*&b$ No Long Arm :&%5MT!>*&b.*&b- )&b.)&b$No Long Arm5 ::&5M!>)&b.)&b ,*b.,*b$No Long ArmT . :::5MM!>);b.,*b- ,*b.%&b$No Long Arm. ::*<M#() ::+XTFair Theme - Atlantic Canada. MM M--M^-!> *&b.*&b- ,*b.,*b$ No Long Arm ::)BMT 1 ::'\MNew! ::(\L - M- New! Rules For O.A.A.S. Quilt Competition Classes #117-122: 4 4 ## General Conditions for both Hand Quilted and Machine Quilted Quilt Competitions >/ \Z2 4 F / *&:*. 4 8 M F 9 >/ - M < / 2 C >/\ 4/ / 4 F 3# 4M . 4/M 8/ 4 / @= ;@\;]= - Classes #117-121 M . 2 M +*)b ! M .$ Hand Quilting Classes #117-121: Prize Money Classes #117-121: 1st_+&&&@2nd_*'&&@3rd_*&&&@4th_:'&& ::,\ ::;\ M ::%\.MT + M *: :*&\M :*:\M M M M Machine Quilting - Class #122 Only To Be Done By Machine @;@= ^ _\;`{_]] Competition - Class 122 M . 2 M :%*b / M :**\T TM Awards: |}% <@;X~ : / j'%-(&-()-(,-,&-,'-;)-;(-%& Art of Fabric!0#$0 : *7/ j:&'-:&;-::&-::+ Art of Fabric!0#$0 :* 2 [/ j:+* Coulson Award_*'&&/ j%% Debbie Dixon Award _:'&&/ j++ Grace Third Award T_:'&&/ j;' Katherine Kwan Award_:'&&/ j:( Katherine Kwan Award _+'&&/ j:&+ Marian Ashbridge_:'&&2 7 / j;%%) Needlecraft Committee Award_*&&& /D Reesor Family in Canada Award_*'&&/ j::, Wendy Bell Award_:'&&/ j'* * Closing date for entry forms:Thursday, September 13th, 2012 by 8:00 p.m.* Will be strictly enforced. Additional Rules: 5 2 !+$ / / *' _'&&. F 1 < . G2 -4*':*%7&&- 4-4+& (7+&;7&& < . . Prize Money Classes #1-79: 1st_(&&@2nd_)&&@3rd_+&&@4th_*&& Division 1 *Residents In A 24-Hour Nursing Care Facility* Christmas Collection Classes #1-4 : * + ) / / / / Needlework Classes #5-11 ' ( , ; % :& :: 2 # # A [ M:*b.:*b 4# F /# # Crafts Classes #12-28 :* :+ :) :' :( :, :; :% *& *: ** *+ *) *' *( *, *; Section 8 - Seniors N.B. Please Note That There Are Two Divisions For @<>~ / 70 !%&'*%))'(&$L5 !%&'*%),%;&$ < > F F / F F## 0 F/ .:*b F F{ 0 ;b X. :*b.:*b Z:*b.:*b Photography Class #29 2 4- Additional Homecraft Rules as well as the following: *% 4`49B#b page 23 Creative Writing Classes #76-79 Open – 12” X 12” Or Less Creative Writing Classes #30-34 +& +: +* ++ +) F !$ :*b.:*b ,( ,, ,; ,% Awards: 100 Years And Over Classes #35-36 Open – 12” X 12” Or Less +' # +( :*b.:*b Grecian Place Hair Salon F * Committee’s Choice F :_*'&& Committee’s Choice F *_*'&& Division 2 *Exhibitor Must Be 75 Years Of Age Or Older* Independent Living Community Centres Christmas Collection Classes #37-41 +, +; +% )& ): / # / / / / Needlework Classes #42-64 )* )+ )) )' )( ), ); )% '& ': '* '+ ') '' '( ', '; '% (& (: (* (+ () [ # 2 # 2 ## /## 1 /D # D # # F(b:*b 4* #! $ 4 # 0 F :*b 4# 4# 2 # GL # 2 = F # Crafts Classes #65-75 (' (( (, (; (% ,& ,: ,* ,+ ,) ,' :&b.:&b A#! $ 0 F/ .:*b #:*b ;b X. :*b.:*b F TZ:*b.:*b Section 9 – Photography /<!%&'*+,'))+$-2F#- 5X 2 4- Additional Rules For Homecraft - ing: * Closing date for entry forms:Thursday, September 13th, 2012 by 8:00 p.m.* Will be strictly enforced. Please take special note: > . 2:&'4 4**Z. this reason no entries will be accepted after 5 p.m. Saturday. Xno entries for other sections can F 5#F0 /X -C*'- *&:*:*7&: -4 :+-*&:* Additional Rules: 0 2 A A / 5 1'b.,b F Maximum mount size must not exceed 11” x 14” unless otherwise stated. page 24 - # = # = ##. A. * + ) ' ( , ; % :& 4 ! $ 0 0 / + ! 1$ Z ::b.:)b0 5 4 9 #() 0D Junior & Intermediate Division > . '&} G A5#1 9 *' _'&&. C 0 . ! $- F/ . !'&(;$ '&(;X - [ 0 # (7+&;7+& 5# 4o...just which portion is the hook and which portion is the loop? !:; 4+&-*&:*$ Black and White Classes #11-12 Additional Rules to this Division: 0 1 +~b.'b 2 5 1 .::b.:)b Prize Money Classes #11-12: 1st_)'&@2nd_)&&@3rd_+'&@4th_+&&@5th_*'& 0 :: O :* 0D / Intermediate Division !:+:; 4+&-*&:*$ Additional Rules to this Division: #= 2 0 1 +b.'b / 5 1 .::b.:)b #= # # `CbG# `b` b# 04 ` b- `11b`b= **Note: Exhibitors please supply your own Velcro®.** Junior Division #1-10 !:* L 4+&-*&:*$ Additional Rules to this Division: #= 2 0 1 +~b.'b / Mount size should be not larger than 8” x 10”unless otherwise stated. (NEW for 2012) Prize Money Classes #13-23: 1st_)'&@2nd_)&&@3rd_+'&@4th_+&&@ 5th_*'& 0 Colour Classes # 13-23 :+ :) :' :( :, :; :% *& *: ** 4 X B 4 4 4 A 4 Flower / / + ! 1$ Z::b. :)b 10 *+ 0D Prize Money Classes #1-10: 1st_)&&@2nd_+'&@3rd_+&&@4th_*'&@5th_*&& 0 Z Open Print Division ! $ Colour Classes #1-10 #= : B Additional Rules to this Division: page 25 2 / 0 1 'b.,b F 5 1 .::b.:)b Prize Money Classes #24-49: 1st_(&&@2nd_'&&@3rd_)&&@4th_+&&@5th_*&& F Open Black & White: Classes #24-29: *) *' *( *, *; *% Tree G0!40 B$ 4 4 `< O b 0D / > Open Colour Classes #30-49 +& +: +* ++ +) +' +( +, +; +% )& ): )* )+ )) )' )( ), /8 4 X2 / 4 05# / X <B /#() 4> <{ 4 2 4 4 / + ! 1$ Z ::b.:)b 10 ); 0D / )% 0 1)b.:&b- .::b.:)b 1: Open Digital Division Additional rules to this Division: . 04 4 ! /F$4 4:+-*&:*0 @ # 4*'-*&:* 2 5#F0/X -C*,-*&:* :*7&: -4:+- *&:* # -4:+-*&:* / C0>!C0>$ 1 ()&.);&. .:&*).,(;. - - - :*. of the image using a colour that will not distract from the . M F F / F ZD - - !- - $ - M 570 7"# 5#! $ 0 D A- 0A0 send an e-mail with attachments from more than one .4 ! ;52$ @="; _ _]";]|<] ‘DCS093562’), to: ‘50_bsmith’ (‘50’ is the class number, ; |K%|";K_| your last name)4 7 G - - #M - D! $ 5# Prize Money Classes #50-68: 1st_''&@2nd_)'&@3rd_+'&@4th_*'&@ 5th_:'& '& ': '* '+ ') '' '( ', '; '% (& (: (* (+ () (' page 26 Child/children 4 X 5 5 Church G0!40 B$ 05# 9 `b <B F 4 Flower <O (( Crops (, /#() (; 0D / Section 10 – Special Needs /725 !%&'),:&(%,$- Senior’s Division 55 + 2 4- additional rules for Homecraft as well as the following: Additional Rules to this Division: #= 2 0 1 )b.(b 1 .::b.:)b / F '' * Closing date for entry forms:Thursday, September 13th, 2012 by 8:00 p.m.* Will be strictly enforced. Additional Rules 4 -5 0 2 4- C4F / . D Prize Money Classes #69-75: #.-. 1st_(&&@2nd_'&&@3rd_)&&@4th_+&&@5th_*&& !$ Colour F %_;]__ !5#-:&;&:5/<-5#- AB+0 (% /8 +C+$.7%&'()&;)'; ,& ,: # ,* G ****Entries made through schools do not require ex,+ 4 hibitor fees and passes will not be issued. ,) <O ,' / + ! 1$ N.B. School should have school name & address on Z entry form. Entries submitted by individuals will require 25 cents per entry. Entry forms must be at the ::b.:)b0 Fair Grounds by September 13, 2012 by 8:00 p.m. .. ./ Special Awards: Note the following times for the delivery of exhibCack Addison Memorial Trophy7 its: / >. `2 CF b 25#> -4 Dave Morrison Memorial Trophy: *:+7+&'7+&4-4 `2 9F b **%7&&:&7&& Please note: T. Hurley Trophy: we will be unable to accept late entries. `2 2#LX0b > Pick-Up Of Exhibits: . # David S.Tsubouchi Trophy: > 4+&-(7+& `2 /0 / b ;7&& Markham Fair Committee Trophy: G 5#M / `2 F4b 9 0 Marjorie Boorne Memorial Trophy: . `2 4F b Prize Money Classes #1-63: 1st_)&&@2nd_+'&@3rd_+&&@4th_*'&@5thL6th < @ 0< Junior Division: !:) $ Junior Arts & Crafts (Not Hand Over Hand) - Classes #1-20 : * + ) ' ( , ; % :& page 27 X A.:&b 0 0 A.(b.(b F{5*b)b 2 / - 8 /A.(b M 0 #A.:&b.:&b +M #- :: 0 - !$ :* / :+ <#8G :) 2 :' 2 :( 0-8 /A.::b.:)b :, 2## :; /!8$ # :% 0 *& F-A.::b.:)b Junior Arts & Crafts (Hand Over Hand) - Classes #21-25: !X# $ *: //A. ::b.:)b ** 0A.::b.:)b *+ =A.::b.:)b *) >-! $ *' / ::by:)b Senior Arts and Crafts Hand Over Hand - Classes #46-51: )( //A. ::b.:)b ), 0A.::b.:)b ); 4A. ::b.:)b )% 4 / '& = - ': / Senior Photography - Classes #52-53: ! #$ '* 0A.;'b.::b '+ / * A .;'b.::b Senior Creative Writing - Classes #54-56: ') 0 - '' XD - '( F4 Junior Creative Writing - Classes 26-27 *( X4= - - *, F454= - Junior Photography - Classes #28-29 Any Age Needlework - Classes #57-59: ! #$ *; 0A.;'b.::b *% Collection of at least 2 photos on one theme - attrac A.;'b.::b ', '; -## '% <# Senior Division !:) $ Senior Arts and Crafts (Not Hand Over Hand) - Classes #30-45: +& +: +* ++ +) +' +( +, +; +% )& ): )* )+ )) )' G- 2##/ [ /FF=F!Z $ 4#0 >- # 2 / # X#A. :*b X#- A.:*b /-A. :*b.:*b 0 0-A.::b.:)b 0-/A .::by:)b /A. Community Support Entries - Classes #60-61 ! #$9 #7#! - - -$ (& # (: # Group Projects - Classes# 62-63: (* F/A .*D.)D (+ /A .*D.)D Special Merit Awards: _;]_*'&& ]_*'&& Tunnard Family_*'&&!95/ L<$ Vollett Family _*'&& Osborne Family (2) _*'&& Markham Sunrise Rotary_*'&& Seeley-Warr Family _*'&& Laura and Andrew Fidler_*'&& Committee’s Choice Awards !+$_*'&& *; Open Class #1 Section 11 - Youth ! L$ /75X !%&'*%)((*%$- C2!%&'),%)))%$ 4 . / :&:' F+:-*&:* 2 - additional rules for homecraft as well as the following: : /# ; 1#/# +b!(8,'$ *b!'$ * Closing date for entry forms:Thursday, September 13th, 2012 by 8:00 p.m.* Will be strictly enforced. Additional Rules: The winner will be entered into the competition at District #5 in November 2012. More details will be given to the winner. 4 Z :; 4+&-*&:* 2 A# / X# F #. .Please state the exhibitor’s age on the entry form. ../ > >. -4*'-*&:*:*7&& %7&&A. >. (7+&4-4+&-*&:* G . ! $534 . 9 # 1# C A. . [ *'v _'&&. Youth Poster Competition - Classes # 2 - 4 Special Awards: O.A.A.S. Judging Standards: : *& *+& +/)& )\8:& The Town Crier of Markham Trophy FC X 5# ::L The Town Crier of Markham Trophy FC X 5# :&L The Town Crier of Markham Trophy FC X 5# 'L Smucker Foods of Canada Co. 4#D `<b2# _:&&& - _(&& _)&&1 # :&L3::L @ _'&&&1 # Reesor Family in Canada_:&&&L< !/ j(,$ Markham Guild of Village Crafts !F< 5$ _*'&&L< !/ j)+$ Old Curiosity Tea Shop - _*'&&L< !/ j+'$ Old Curiosity Tea Shop - _*'&&L< !/ j(;$ M 5# #M Prize Money Classes #1-103: 1st _+'&@2nd _+&&@3rd_*'&@4th _*&&@ 5th & 6th< 5 0 17.7:*b.:;b!+&.)($@7 ::b.:,b!*;.)+$Each entry must be mounted on a black art card with a 2” border. * `0b!C[>)$ + `0b!>';$ ) `0b!>%:*$ F F _:&&& 11 4 ! 4$ /-1 O.A.A.S. Prizes: : 7_*'&&M@*7_:'&&@+_:&&& F A- - # Special for Preschool is “The Queen’s Diamond Jubilee” ' F\ ( 5##\ , 5##\ Special Section for 10 & Under is “The Queen’s Diamond Jubilee.” ; 5#FC % 5#FC4 \ :& 5#\D FC ( 5 Special Section for 11 & over is “The Queen’s Diamond Jubilee.” :: 5#\ :* 5# \A.*)b :+ 5#\D FC( &5 The 2012 theme for pre-school is “Atlantic Canada” Preschool section (5 years and under) - Classes #14-30. Please make sure that the work is page 29 done by the child with parents supervising only :) F :' F :( 5# :, 5# 0 :; / :% F *& F3 *: / A .::b.:)b ** F *+ 5# *) 5# *' 5# # *( F D *, F#3 *; 5# *% 5# +& 5# A.:8* 2 2 ') F # '' F '( 5# A.;:8*.:: ', B A# A.:;b.:;b '; 5# # '% 5# -A.:*b (& 5# (: 5# (* 5#D (+ 5# () 5# . (' / / The 2012 Theme For 11 and over is: “Atlantic Canada” 11 & over - Classes: #66-100 Remember to read directions carefully - don’t be +; ***Check #1 if you would like to enter chocolate chip cookies to compete with other fairs at the District #5 Convention. You must win at Markham Fair to 10 & under - Classes: #31-65 qualify.***/# ) Remember to read directions carefully - don’t be (( +; (, 4) (; F C ***Check #1 if you would like to enter chocolate chip cookies to compete with other fairs at the District (% :8*# C #5 Convention. You must win at Markham Fair to ,& :8*# C qualify.*** ,: F#- C +: /# ) ,* F `>> +* # ++ <[ M T) ,+ / # ,) /## ,' #1 - +) 4 ) ;:8*b.::b +' :8*/#T C - +( :8*/#T C ,( 5# +, F# C ,, / . ,; 5# # A +; 5# .:*b.(b.(b +% 5# )& 5#3 ,% X A.:&& words A.:*b ;& 5# ): 5#< )* 5#A.:*b.:*b.:*b ;: / A .:8* 2 2 )+ F ##`> ;* / > b ;+ //11 )) / 41.:8* ;) 5#A.:;b sheet of Bristol Board ;' )' // ;( /# A.+&.+& ;, B A.:;b.:;b )( 5# D 5 ;; 5#- ), F M!G- A.:8* 2 2 $ ;% 5# 5 ); F # )% F## %& 5# '& 5# ### %: F ': 5# %* 5#D . '* '+ 5# A.:8* %+ /## %) //A.:8* 2 2/ 2 2 The 2012 Theme For 10 & under is: “Atlantic Canada” page 30 %' %( %, %; %% / / 5#:*b.:*b.:*b 5# 5# - F *&:*X # Z - Curriculum Resource Planner 788 #8 %&'()*9<!%&' ()*+*),$ 1/2 sheet of Bristol = 36 cm X 56 cm. Writing Categories #1 – 8 Section 12 - School Children // 724 7 "# 2 4- General Rules & Regulations5# following: Please Note The Following: All Work Must Be Done By Student! 5#M /5 A 2 A 2 . 0 M 1- M0 . / 6/3 4 -5#-:&;&:5/<- 5#- B+0+C+June 30th See Item J. F , 6787> . 25#> !5/5 <$Friday, September 21st between the hours of 3:30 p.m. and 5:30 p.m. or on Saturday, September 22nd, between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 10:00 a.m. sharp. , 6323/>. 2Tuesday, September 25th, between the hours of 4:00 and 8:00 p.m. Schools must pick up exhibits between 6:30 and 7:30 p.m. on Sunday, September 30th. Alternately, exhibits may be picked up on Monday, October 1st, between 4:00 and 5:30 p.m. Exhibits will not be kept after October 4th. > . D 5# and must be the work of the exhibitor. The pupil # C:- 4 # G A# 9 1 1 C The student or class name and school must be printed on the back of the entry. Each entry (excluding writing categories) must have an entry tag with the exhibitor’s name and school attached to the upper right hand corner. %&'()*9< Prize Money - Categories #1-81: 1st_+&&@2nd_*,'@3rd_*'&@4th_**'@'_*&&@ 6th_:,' A . No Added Decorations Or Borders. Submit writing by June 30th. Please note Rule C. : >:0`\ b * >*0`2#2bGX * + >+X`/b/ < ) >)X`2 bC<5 ' >'X`XG 4Xb/ < ( >(X`5b< , >,X`G #b0C ; >;X` /b= Art Categories #9-13 A . No Border Allowed. % A L[0`//2! $b :;b.*)b!)''.(:$ :& > :*0`34b:;b.*)b !)''.(:$ #() :: > +)0`// `5#b:;b.*)b!)''.(:$ :* > '(0`X4 b::b.:,b !*;.)+$:*b.:;b!+&'.)''$ :+ > ,;0/ =>12” x 12”!+&'.+&'$ #() Projects Categories #14-18 X# A A . 9: :) A -[>: !*$ -;:8*b.::b!*:'.*;$ !*$ 8 :' >* !)$ -;:8*b .::b!*:'.*;$ `Bb#() :( > +) !)$ - ;:8*b.::b!*:'.*;$ `5 b :, > '( !)$ - ;:8*b.::b!*:'.*;$ ` b :; > ,; !)$ - ;:8*b.::b!*:'.*;$8 `5 9 /b Spelling Bee 4+: Mural Categories #19 - 23 )( > ';F . A 41*D. )b!:&$ )D!(:.:**$+D.(D!%:'.:;+$ ), > *-+)!$ ^;;="@= X seasonal theme using paper only . Children Only. :*b.:;b!+&'.)''$ :% A `0b ); > '(# *& [>:`b .:*b *: > *+`/ b .:;b!+&'.)''$ ** > )'`/D A< b#() )% > ,;# *+ > (-,;`/b . :*b.:;b!+&'.)''$ Poster Categories #24 - 29 '& > '(#oneX# :*b.:;b .:*b.:;b !+&'.)''$ A . !+&'.)''$ No Borders. ': > ,;#one*) A [T`G4# b .:*b.:;b *' > :*`4b !+&'.)''$ *( > +)`44b '* A -[-> :) *, > '(`FD2b .:*b.:;b *; > ,;`94b !+&'.)''$ *% > );T `/ '+ > '; G bZ- 5#;:8*b.::b!*:'.*;$ # A7 4 ') > :)+F '' > '; self supHome or School Entries porting.:'b!+;$ Categories #30-79 '( > :)/ All work must be done independently by one student. .'b.,b!:*,.:,,$ %_;]_} #() ; ', A -[-> :) j+&,%A( '; > '; +& A [ # '% [-> :* Eyes must be usable. !- $ { +: > :* # 1 #() Eyes must be usable. (& > +-)'!- +* > +) # $ 0 Eyes must be usable. (: > (-,;!- ++ > '( # 4$ 0 Eyes must be usable. Figure Drawing #62-66: +) > ,; # Eyes must be usable. Drawn ::b.:,b!*;.)+$ +' A [ :*b.:;b!+&'.)''$ .:*b.:;b!+&'.)''$ 5 --real life +( [>+ A A .:*b.:;b!+&'. )''$#() (* A [ +, > )( . (+ > :* :*b.:;b!+&'.)''$#() () > +) +; > :*A.(b.%b (' > '( !:'.*+$ (( > ,; +% > +)F 5#0 Open Specials Categories #67-79: )& > '(/ 1 All work must be done independently by one student. ): > +)5## %_;]_ )* > ,;F . 9; ;:8*b.::b!*:'.*;$ )+ A -[-> :*5# Only one entry per child in each of categories #67-79. (, )) > );handmade{ !# $ (; +F0 ! $ )' [>)/ Note: Awards section - (% . .:'b!+;$ :*b!+&'$ page 32 ,& B :&b!*')$ ,: {!$ .;b!*&'$ ,* . :*b.:;b!+&'.)''$ ,+ .:*b. :;b!+&'.)''$ ,) 3 # -## 5 #() ,' / #A ,( 3 .- G ,, 5# ,; 5# A. :*b!+&'$#() ,% 5 .:;b !)''$Note: Awards Section Crops And Vegetables Sections # 13, 14, 15: 2 4 - General Rules & Regulations as well as the following: Additional Rules: >. 2-4 /D 4- -4*'- )7&&;7&& . . 2 : / / / F . >. 2 - -4*'- :*7&& %7&& A. (7+&4- 4+& 2 . > / 74:+-*&:*; *' _'&& . G GZ42#-5L- 0+) ;& 4 Work Of Student Or Students Only. ;: 0 #() Section 13 Grain/Small Seeds/Corn/Hay Awards: /70G !%&';;;:&%+$ 2 4- General Rules as well as the Crop And Vegetable 0 7 . >. 2 -4*':*%7&& Open Specials Categories #80-81: Howard Cosburn Memorial 74!_*&& $ First Student Canada: 74 Boag Family Award 72 4/ j(,,% !_*'&& $ Girl Guides Of Canada72 4j;& Mastermind Educational72 4 A -[-> :) Unionville Shoppers Drug Mart 72 4> '; Murray Brown Construction 72 54j,%!_*'&& $ Helen & Maurice Hamill Memorial 7/ j*%!_*'&& $ Green Acres Outdoor Education Centre 7/j(; Markham Printing - #() 72 45/ j:%*+ Additional Rules: > :&#!**$ 2 :+:;!',$ / >*&:*2 - *&::. :)} F > 4 ,#!:' $ G :;!,$ / / Prize Money - Classes #1-9: 1st_:'&&@2nd_:*&&@3rd_:&&&@4th_;&&@ 5th_(&& : * + ) ' ( , ; % XX G4X 2( 2* 4 Canola </ X2 Reesor Seed & Grain Special: _*&&&>/ 7 XX-4X-4 page 33 Stewart Watson Memorial Award: / j:( / j,:: _+'>/7: Prize Money Classes #1-6: 1st_:'&&@2nd_:*&&@3rd_:&&&@4th_;&&@ 5th_(&& Championship Ribbon Classes 1-9 Prize Money - Classes #10-12: 1st_:'&&@2nd_:*&&@3rd_:&&&@4th_;&&@ 5th_(&& : * + ) 0 -[ 0 -< <- 0 -A>A- named ' 0 --- ( 0 -O#> :& X :: Oat sheaf :* 2 Prize Money - Classes #13-28: 1st_:&&&@2nd_%&&@3rd_;&&@4th_,&&@ 5th_(&& Awards: 401/< >/.*& :+ : ,'} :) : ,'} :' : ,'} :( : '&}'&} :, *,'} :; *,'} Championship Ribbon Classes 13-18 :% 4 *& >:& *: :& # Corn Special: St. Lawrence Grains _,'&&. / j:%*:!. . / j:%-j*&j*:$ Points awarded as follows: : 7' @*7) @ +7+ @)7* @'7: ** G: *+ / : - :# *) 2: : *' 2: * Prize Money Classes #7-11: 1st_,&&@2nd_'&&@3rd_)&&@4th_+&&@ 5th_*&&@6th_:&& , -' ; < -' % B-' :& O#>-' :: A=-' AWARD: /< Prize Money Class #12: 1st_:&&&@2nd_(&&@3rd_'&&@4th_)&&@ 5th_+&&@6th_*&& :* B AWARD: 4 0B Section 15 Roots & Vegetables / 79 < !%&'),+%,*+$@X !%&'),++%&:$ 2 4- General Rules as well as the Crop And Vegetable 0 7 . >. 2 -4*':*%7&& 4-H CLASSES (#26-28): 5 .)G/ *( >/:& *, 5.2 *; : G Section 14 - Potatoes * Closing date for entry forms:Thursday, September 13th, 2012 by 8:00 p.m.* Will be strictly enforced. /7#G!%&'()%'')%$ 2 4- General Rules, Crop And Vegetable Rules, as well as the following: Prize Money - Classes #1-54: 1st_,&&@2nd_(&&@3rd_'&&@4th_)&& : * + Additional Rules: ) . / j:( *& ' ( / j,:: ' , 2 ; / 0 ,;1 % F Note: M-- :& :: # :* / j,::70 / :+ * Closing date for entry forms:Thursday, September 13th, 2012 by 8:00 p.m.* Will be strictly enforced. page 34 2 ' 2* 2 4 :M /-* / -* /-* / -' -:8*b / -' -:8*b /{* / * /- --' /- - =-' /9-' # # :) :' :( :, :; :% *& *: ** *+ *) *' *( *, *; *% +& +: +* ++ +) +' +( +, +; +% )& ): )* )+ )) )' )( ), ); )% '& ': '* '+ ') / -* / -* > ; [* B# ' 5 # * O/#:& :b 4 ' :b :& :b =:& :b #: 0 + :8*b 0 -' 0 -'; 0' --*&::*&:* crop 0' --*&::*&:* crop 0# 0#/C# BA Z0 0#0-* 0#25. < -' 4M 0--* 4M 2-* 4M 4-* 4M G->-* 4M TG-2-* 4M G- -* 4M 0#- - 4{* !$B(b , , B M-- ' =5* X * X B (b ]*-+&!:*b$ ]*-+&!:*b$ - -* - Prize Money - Classes #55-56: 1st_:*&&@2nd_%&&@3rd_,&&@4th_(&& '' /# -)# + '( ;= M :- Prize Money - Class #57: 1st_*&&&@2nd_:;&&@3rd_:'&&@4th_:*&& ', +&b.+&b A- Awards: Markham Fair Rosette 0#/C# B!j+:$ G 4M 0#!j):$ >= !j',$ B !j)'$ B X!j':$ <X -54017 B X!j':$ X -57 2 C# B!j+:$ Special PrizeG 4M 0#!j):$ Poultry And Small Livestock Sections: 16 Poultry - Standard 17 Poultry - Bantam 18 Pigeons 19 Doves 20 Rabbits 21 Eggs /70[ !%&'),;**()$- < !%&'%;'%&':$ Before entering this Section, please refer to General Rules & Regulations as well as the following: Additional Rules: mustX -4 *(- )7&&;7&& (7&&4-4 +&A > (7&&0 . ,7+& 4-4+&. #5- : :&7&&:* 2 / 4:+ ;A / - # . ? F C 4 . '&v -$5.00 Exhibitor Fee - > B;& . . . G ','. -. 0 4B #4 - 9 A !+:8*b.*b$ purposes until after all judging has been completed, and must be approved by the committee chairman – No exceptions!! 9mportant Notice to Poultry Exhibitors: All poultry must be pollorum tested or come from pollorum free stock, to comply with government regulations in 2012. page 35 Section 16 - Poultry - Standard Section 17 - Poultry - Bantam 2 4- General Rules & Regulations 04B #< 2 4- General Rules & Regulations 04B #< Prize Money - Classes #101-208: 1st_'&&@2nd_)&&@3rd_+&& Prize Money - Classes #209-344: 1st_'&&@2nd_)&&@3rd_+&& Note: .!*$. following: Note: .!*$. following: Classes: Cock Hen Cockerel Pullet Plymouth Rock Barred 101 102 103 104 Classes: Cock Hen Cockerel Pullet Plymouth Rock A.O.C. 105 106 107 108 %$)* 209 210 211 212 Rhode Island Red A.V. 109 110 111 112 %$)*# 213 214 215 216 113 114 115 116 Plymouth Rock A.O.C. 217 218 219 220 117 118 119 120 Rhode Island Red 221 222 223 224 121 122 123 124 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 125 126 127 128 #* 129 130 131 132 233 234 235 236 Australorps 133 134 135 136 237 238 239 240 137 138 139 140 241 242 243 244 ! 141 142 143 144 245 246 247 248 "! 145 146 147 148 ##$& 249 250 251 252 Brahmas A.C. 149 150 151 152 #! 253 254 255 256 153 154 155 156 Brahmas A.O.C. 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 157 158 159 160 #* ! 161 162 163 164 265 266 267 268 ! 165 166 167 168 269 270 271 272 Anconas 169 170 171 172 % 273 274 275 276 #$ $ 173 174 175 176 % 177 178 179 180 % Black 277 278 279 280 %#$& 181 182 183 184 % 281 282 283 284 % 185 186 187 188 '$! 285 286 287 288 '$! 189 190 191 192 ! 289 290 291 292 $ 193 194 195 196 ! 293 294 295 296 "( 197 198 199 200 ( "#*) 297 298 299 300 Modern Game A.C. 201 202 203 204 ( " +$* ! 301 302 303 304 205 206 207 208 ( "#* 305 306 307 308 Game O.E. A.O.C. 309 310 311 312 Game Modern A.C. 313 314 315 316 Japanese A.C. 317 318 319 320 '!( 321 322 323 324 ) ' 325 326 327 328 * 329 330 331 332 , - $ 333 334 335 336 Ameraucana A.C. 337 338 339 340 A.O.V. Bantam properly named 341 342 343 344 page 36 Section 18 - Pigeons Section 19 - Doves 2 4- General Rules & Regulations 04B #< 2 4- General Rules & Regulations 04B #< Prize Money - Classes #400-465: 1st_'&&@2nd_)&&@3rd_+&& Prize Money - Classes #470-490: 1st_'&&@2nd_)&&@3rd_+&& Note: *&:* Note: .!*$. -. ? following: .!*$. 7 Classes: Cock Hen Young Bird Classes: Cock Hen Young Bird )! *- 470 471 472 / -! 400 401 402 )! *$ 473 474 475 / - 403 404 405 )! *% 476 477 478 - 406 407 408 )! * 479 480 481 :- 409 410 411 )! *% 482 483 484 Tumbler A.V. 412 413 414 )! * 485 486 487 Nuns A.C. 415 416 417 A.O.V., properly named 488 489 490 , ; 418 419 420 , (<< 421 422 423 ) 424 425 426 2 4- General -!) 427 428 429 Rules & Regulations 04B ()$ 430 431 432 #< German Beauty Homer A.C 433 434 435 Prize Money - Classes #500-575: )! 436 437 438 1st_'&&@2nd_)&&@3rd_+&& )! #$ 439 440 441 Note: .!*$. )! =$ 442 443 444 following: )! 445 446 447 Sr. Sr. Int. Int. Jr. Jr. 448 449 450 Classes: Buck Doe Buck Doe Buck Doe % ) 451 452 453 D 500 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 509 510 511 ">'? 454 455 456 - 512 513 514 515 516 517 ( 457 458 459 New Zealand 518 519 520 521 522 523 460 461 462 ? 524 525 526 527 528 529 A.O.V. properly named 463 464 465 530 531 532 533 534 535 Section 20 - Rabbits Classes: +$#*F#$ +$ "! ,) > Rex A.C. % , Sr. Buck 536 540 544 548 552 556 560 Classes: +D - named page 37 Sr. Doe 537 541 545 549 553 557 561 Jr. Buck 538 542 546 550 554 558 562 Jr. Doe 539 543 547 551 555 559 563 Sr. Buck 564 568 Sr. Doe 565 569 Jr. Buck 566 570 Jr. Doe 567 571 572 573 574 575 Section 21 - Eggs Dairy Cattle 2 4- General Rules & Regulations 04B #< Prize Money: 1st_)&&@2nd_+&&@3rd_*&& Note: .!*$. following classes: 979 41!($ . #- .# Z Classes #600-604: 4!B$2(&& 4!B$X(&: 2!4$2(&* 2!4$X(&+ !41$/(&) /7/ < !%&'*%));'$ 2F/4 - to the General Rules And Regulations as printed at the 012# 7 < 7 B #2%7&& 2 Health Requirements: 5-<0#= Z . / ._'&&.- _'&&@M M534Late Entry Fee: $10.00 Per Animal. All Entry Fees Are Returned As Prize Monies. F 5#B # M < . * Closing date for entry forms:Thursday, September 13th, 2012 by 8:00 p.m.* Will be strictly enforced. Awards: Phil Johnston - Trophy/40 John Corcoran - Trophy < /40 Wm. J.Thompson - Trophy /20 Roy Crosby - Trophy -< /20 Adolpho Bianchi - Trophy - Champion Pigeon Sid Rapley - Trophy -< /0 Aubrey Neave - Trophy /F Frank Green - Trophy -< /F Fred Binder - Trophy -/< Harry Bourne - Trophy -< /< Herb Johnston - Trophy /3< Norm Carrington - Trophy < /3< Phil Redshaw - Trophy 2 F Thompson & Kortis - Trophy !0$ - Adolpho Bianchi -Trophy !0$ Z. !:( L$. 0-0-<LF - 0 5# Section 23 - Holstein Cattle -4*, ,7+& B2 !0)G$!/ j::$,7:' 2< 72=2- -> 0-/ < C74X 5# / Prize Money: 1st_('&&@2nd_(&&&@3rd_'&&&@4th_)&&&@ 5th_+'&&@6th_+&&&@7th_*'&&@8th*&&& Show Classes - Holstein Cattle : C/25:-*&:*5+:-*&:* * 9/2F:-*&::*;-*&:* + 4/24:-*&::A+&-*&:: ) 4O2C:-*&::+:-*&:: ' CO25:-*&::5+:-*&:: ( 9O2F:-*&:&*;-*&:: , 4O24:-*&:&A+&-*&:& ; C/< % C2 GZ .. :& C. GZ .. Prize Money: $10 cash to all worthy entrants (Class #11) :: B2 !01O#G / 5#$ +; Holstein Awards: Dandyland Holsteins:Trophy XC/ Johnson Family:TrophyX9/ Don Miller & Family:TrophyX4/ Everdale Farms:Trophy X4O/ Coach Lane Farm:Trophy XCO/ Bruce VanderBent:Trophy X9O/ Tomhar Farms:TrophyX4O/ Winchill Farms:Trophy .C/ Milt Savage Memorial:Trophy XC2 G/ Dave Houck Memorial:Trophy XC. G/ Dream Crest Holsteins:Trophy.2 2 Z F > @ G<M 7 5- <-0#= :& . !+$ / . !+$/ -.2 G > 4/ / -. ! $ 8/ / # 4:+- ; Prize Money:1st_('&&@2nd_(&&&@3rd_'&&&@4th _)&&&@5th_+'&&@6th_+&&&@7th_*'&&@8th*&&& Markham Fair Awards: Section 26 – Shorthorn Cattle < 7C/- < 7C< /- 74-4*% :*7&& C72 :* 40 -*&:*GT :+ 40 *&:*2T :) 40 O Prize Money 50% of entry fees – (Class #15): (Entry fee $5.00 - Entries accepted day of show only). :' 4 !*: $ Beef Cattle Junior Royal Heifer Prep. Shorthorn Show: //74X!%&'('';:,%$@ <X!%&''',+:*,$ 22/4 - to the General Rules And Regulations at the front of this 1# 7 Additional Rules: 2 4-4*% 4-4+& 2 B #2%7&& 5#> '7&& 1 / ._'&&.- _'&&@M 1 # M < Additional Rules: G Z C 4_' 9 9 Z ! - - 8-8 $ (Ribbon classes only - for 1st, 2nd & 3rd - Classes #16-21): Showmanship Classes: :( 0!:& $ :, C!:&:* $ :; 9!:+:' $ :% 4!:(*: $ Conformation classes: *& G *: O page 39 Section 28 – All Other Breeds Sheep Sections: 4-4+&:7&& .4 No late entries. C7 2 31 North Country Cheviots 32 Dorset 33 Oxfords 34 Suffolk 35 Short Wool 36 Long Wool Show Classes For All Breeds: : 2/2C: -*&:* + Z * 2O2: -*&::F+:-*&:: + 2O2C: -*&::5+:-*&:: ) 22C: -*&:&F+: -*&:& ' /2C: -*&:* + Z ( G2: -*&::F+: -*&:: , G2C: -*&::5+: -*&:: ; 2C: -*&:&F+:-*&:& *&:*- % C: -*&:& *&:*-- :& 2D G) . - . - . .B.. :: >4!+$ - . . . B . The Markham Fair >/< < /< -2- 2 Ontario Shorthorn Association Awards: 40 G 40 2 >/2T >/T 4/T> / 7F4!%&'%+((;,+$- 2G !%&';'*+:%*$ 4C7>< All Rules And Regulations5# as well as the following: Additional Rules: 44 -4*, :7&& 2 . _'&&. - _+&&- B / / 4:+-; F F (L, / . !*$ .!*$ 4 .!*$4 > 9:& *. -- - 4+'+(-4 X-BX G . / G 9 . . M # C //9 [ 5# :&7&& -4*, '7&&4-4 *% -- 5#-:&;&:5/<-5#- A B+0+C+ Prize Money - Classes #1-6: 1st_''&&@2nd_)'&&@3rd_)&&&@4th_+&&&@ 5th_*'&&@6th_*&&&@7th_:'&&@8th:&&& All breeds show in following Classes: : `Ob!+ $2/ * ! $ 2. + <`Ob!+ $2/ ) <! $ 2. ' >4!2.$ -#- 2 . ! $ ( 2 #!2.$ ) 2 . . page 40 Note: 2>4L2 {# 1 Awards: G24/< X> 4/ Goat Show Prize Money - All Classes: 1st_+&&&@2nd_*'&&@3rd_*&&&@4th_:;&&@5th _:(&&@6th_:+&&@7th_:&&&@8th_;&& Dairy Goat Show 4-4+&:&7&& / 7=# !):(,*+;%*:$ C7 05/ CGS Sanctioned Sections: 38 39 40 41 42 43 Alpine Nubian Saanen Lamancha Other Dairy Breeds Recorded Grade Does 2F>4 - to the General Rules And Regulations at the front of this 1# 7 Section 37 - Market Lambs Show & Sale 4-4*% / 7F4!%&'%+((;,+$- 2G !%&';'*+:%*$ All Rules And Regulations5# as well as the following: Additional Rules: />4 />4 2 . />4 4A A / Additional Rules: ;7&& 4Z -4*, %7+&4+& :7&& F All animals must be in the Livestock Building by 444-4*%. 8:00 a.m. on Sunday, September 30th and no ani*7+& mal shall leave before 5:00 p.m. Any violations will 2 4 mean no prize money sent. #Z / :&7&& 4-4+& - .$5.00, F !:$. _)&& - 5# by _+&& September 13th. # 5# 4 :+-*&:* > ..+ > +} / .:; 4 B4 G 4 : Prize Money: 1st_+&&&@2nd_*'&&@3rd_*&&&@4th 9 9*) +. _:;&&@5th_:'&&@6th_:*&&@7th_:&&&@8th;&& -'&}1 Class: C < : X< > / . 2 [ B No exceptions. B . F>4 dressed in white shirts and white trousers while show4 -# . ): All breeds show in the following classes: : F[+ % * F[% *) - + 5#O:* *) - # ) F*) +( -# ' F+( ' -# ( F' # , 2D G) ! .$ !+$# ; 2 3/ C # . 01 Additional Rule-Section 44: C F 4 Additional Rules-Sections 45, 46, 47: [ /5> /2> B ; Sections 44-46: Champion and Reserve Champion Ribbons for all Sections. Classes: : F[&% * O%*) -# + O:**) -# ) 5*)+( -# ' 5+( ( 2 .D G!) .$ Meat Goat Show Section 47: Sunday, September 30th at 10:00 a.m. / 7=# !):(,*+;%*:$ C74//^ Classes: : 2##&% * O# + *# ) 5#+ Sections: 44 Commercial Meat Breeding Does 45 Purebred Boer Does 46 Percentage Boer Does 47 Purebred Boer Bucks Champion and Reserve Champion Ribbons for all Sections 25>4 - to the General Rules And Regulations at the front of this 1# 7 Additional Rules: ;7&& %7+&4-4+& 2 All animals must be in the Livestock Building by 8:30 a.m. on Sunday, September 30th and no animal shall leave before 5:00 p.m. Any violations will mean no prize money sent. / ._'&&- _)&& - 5# 4 :3th # F ..+ / .:; 4 4: 9*) +. -'&}1 > . G B No exceptions. 9 . 5>4 # 4 -# . page 42 ; )O5 % +>>5 Heavy Horse Section Entries Close Thursday, September 13th at 8 p.m. Hitch Classes: 4-4*%%7+& / 720!%&'()&;'%'$4G !%&';'*%'&:$ # C 0 -4B Prize Money - Classes #10-11: 1st_;&&&@2nd_,&&&@3rd_(&&&@4th_'&&&@ 5th_)'&&@6th_)&&& Additional Rules: . * / 2 # / Z - 1 M F ._'&&. 1@ 1 ! $7 Halter Class_+&& All Hitch Classes _'&& 4 / 0 > GG 4## - %7+&4-4*% . %7+& X #D cooperation in helping us to get started on time and to # 5#> -4*; G 2 . M 9 - !/$- D < M C All heavy horses.5#M / / M # [ 9 -+ B . _*-&&&-&&&&& :& 2 :: 2 Special Belgian Class (No Entry Fee): Prize Money - Class #12: 1st_:&&&&@2nd_;&&&@3rd_(&&&@4th_)&&&@ 5th_*&&&@6th_*&&&@7th_*&&&@8th_*&&&@ 9th_*&&&@10th_*&&& :* < 2O- L Note of eligibility to Class #12: _+&&&& 2G _:&&&& 0 0 2G *&:*- 2G 5:1 . 2G M < &! %; Section 49 Clydesdale & Shires 4-4*%%7+& Prize Money - Classes #13-21: 1st_('&&@2nd_(&&&@3rd_''&&@4th_'&&&@5th _)'&&@6th_)&&&@7th_+'&&@8th_+&&& Halter Classes: Prize Money - Classes #1-9: 1st_('&&@2nd_(&&&@3rd_''&&@4th_'&&&@5th _)'&&@6th_)&&&@7th_+'&&@8th+&&& :+ :) :' :( :, :; :% *& *: Halter Classes: Hitch Classes: : * + ) ' ( , Prize Money - Classes #22-23: 1st_;&&&@2nd_,&&&@3rd_(&&&@4th_'&&&@5th _)'&&@6th_)&&& Classes: ** / B *+ / G Section 48 - Belgian 4-4*%%7+& *&:* /*&:* O/ * + 25 0F page 43 *&:* /*&:* O/ * + 25 0F )O5 +>>5 Prize Money - Class #42: 1st_:&&&&@2nd_%&&&@3rd_;&&&@4th_,&&&@ 5th_(&&&@6th_'&&& )* /G G Section 50 - Percheron 4-4*%%7+& Prize Money - Classes #24-32: 1st_('&&@2nd_(&&&@3rd_''&&@4th_'&&&@5th _)'&&@6th_)&&&@7th_+'&&@8th_+&&& Halter Classes: *) *' *( *, *; *% +& +: +* *&:* /*&:* O/ * + 25 0F )O5 +>>5 Prize Money - Class #43: 1st_:*&&&@2nd::&&&@3rd_:&&&&@4th_%&&&@ 5th_;&&&@6th_,&&& )+ /4.G G 5# 04 / G _'&&& / Section 52 Special & Hitch Classes Hitch Classes: 2 4 Prize Money - Classes #33-34: 1st_;&&&@2nd_,&&&@3rd_(&&&@4th_'&&&@ 5th_)'&&@6th_)&&& Prize Money - Class #44: 1st_:*'&&@2nd:&&&&@3rd_%&&&@4th_;&&&@ 5th_,&&&@6th_(&&&@7th_'&&&@8th_'&&& ++ 0BF +) 0GF )) < 5 Special Class (Junior Percheron Members Only – Age 18 Yrs. & Under) (Ribbon class only) +' 0O/ Section 51 - Commercial 4-4*%%7+& Prize Money - Class #36: 1st_'&&&@2nd_)'&&@3rd_)&&&@4th_+'&&@ 5th_+&&&@6th_*'&& Halter Classes: +( /G + Hitch Classes: Prize Money - Classes #37-38: 1st_('&&@2nd_(&&&@3rd_''&&@4th_'&&&@ 5th_)'&&@6th_)&&& +, B4/ +; G4/ Prize Money - Classes #39-40: 1st_;&&&@2nd_,&&&@3rd_(&&&@4th_'&&&@ 5th_)'&&@6th_)& +% /B )& /G Prize Money - Class #41: 1st_;'&&@2nd_,'&&@3rd_('&&@4th_''&&@ 5th_)'&&@6th_+'&& ): /3 Prize Money - Class #45: 1st_:'&&&@2nd:*'&&@3rd_%'&&@4th_;'&&@ 5th_,'&&@6th_,&&&@7th_('&&@8th_('&& )' F3 Prize Money - Class #46: 1st_*&&&&@2nd:,'&&@3rd_:'&&&@4th:*'&&@ 5th_:&&&&@6th_;&&&@7th_,&&&@8th_,&&& )( FG G Prize Money - Class #47: 1st_:-&&&@2nd_,'&@3rd_'&&@4th_+'&@5th_*&&@ !_:'& . $ ), A4.G G/ 4 5# M A4.G G/ 4 5#F G Prize Money - Class #48 (No Entry Fee): 1st_)&&&@2nd_+'&&@3rd_+&&&@4th_*'&&@ 5th_*'&&@6th_*'&& ); /C:; C(&})&} ! $ Memorial Award donated by Gord & Aileen Lunau Prize Money - Class #49 1st_;&&&@2nd_,&&&@3rd_(&&&@4th_'&&&@ 5th_'&&&@6th_'&&& page 44 )% !:; $Open to both Draft and Commercial exhibitors. Prize Money - Class #50: 1st_(&&&@2nd_''&&@3rd_'&&&@4th_)'&&@ 5th_)&&&@6th_+'&& '& B / !:; $ Prize Money - Classes #51-52 (No Entry Fee): 1st_*&&&@2nd_:,&&@3rd_:'&&@4th_:+&&@ 5th_:+&&@6th_:*&& ': C4 !,:+ C:-*&:*$ Award donated by J.O. Spang Memorial '* 44 !:)*& C:-*&:*$ Award donated by Ashlane Farms Section 53 - Horse Pull 2 j':j'* -! : $ 7#--- C-# - - -- - -- L - 2Z 0 0 G / 7[LB !%&'%;'+&';$ Rules: 5# //G0 4< 04-4*%*&:*,7&& Please note: 4 (7&& A 0 Prize Money - Classes #1 & 2: 1st_)&&&&@2nd+'&&&@3rd_+&&&&@4th*'&&&@ 5th_*&&&& _:'& . Classes: C4 02Z 2 2G C4 0 2 2G C0 _*'&& : BX0 .:('b ++&& * GX0 . :('b ++&& + 2 G- LG # ) 2 B- LG # Horse Pull Award Sponsors: Heavy Horse Show - Order Of Showing *Please note that the order of showing will be strictly adhered to. 4-4*%%7+& Brood Mare *&:* /*&:* :5 O- 2L4 *5 +5 Commercial Open O5 >>5 0 C4 44 G4/ B4/ < 5 /B FB /G FG 0O/ /4.G F4.G T.*7+& /G FG Commercial Unicorn F3 B C/ B / Schell Country Depot: 1st place X-BX0 Hutchinson Farm Supply: Best Turnout B!_:&&$ Compclaim Management Inc.: Best Teamster B!_:'&$in memory of Murray Wright - who enjoyed the pull at Markham Fair for many years. Copperline Electrical Services>X TB!_:&&$ John Doner Ltd.: 1st- GX0 Pit Haulage: 2 G!_:&&$ Compclaim Management Inc.: Best teamster G!_:'&$in memory of Murray Wright - who enjoyed the pull at Markham Fair for many years. WiseChoice Graphics FX7 G !_:&&&&$ Skelton Truck Lines2 F !_'&$G page 45 4-H Activities Section 54 /75G !%&'$'&'(&%'- 2#!%&'$),(*:%+ -4*' '7&&%7&&4-4 +&(7+&;7&& )G0 Personal Development of Youth. 4-H Wants You! 9 %*:Z)G O Z .( / York<7Livestock F- 2-<0@Fun & Leisure X#-4/ @Food 2# and Farm Machinery 0 4 leadership, environment, conservation and outdoor activities. For more informa)GO#< 54%&'*&%%&)* )G )G ) 2 4- General Rules and Regulations as well as the following: Additional Rules: )G? 2 Entries must 5#)G 5#by September 13th at 8 p.m. (excluding Section 56, entries made day of show) / A M)G - _*&& 4:+Entries received on September 26th or later will be charged a $10.00 late charge. P.I.S. forms must accompany all Dairy and Beef entry forms. All P.I.S. forms must be datestamped June 1, 2012 or earlier by the Provincial Coordinator. F A before 5:00 p.m. on 0 4*+G /)G Someone must be with the animals at all times. > A Prize Money - Class #1: 1st_+&&&@2nd_*'&&@3rd_*&&&@4th_:'&&@ 5th_:&&& Class: : 4-H Club Displays: )G/ O# )GZ*&:: *&:* . )GZ . +D . Z 7 >*& 0*' 5 *' 3 :' \ :' Total 100 Prize Money - Classes #2-7: 1st_*&&&@2nd_:;&&@3rd_:(&&@4th_:)&&@5th _:*&&@6th_:&&& 7_'&& Harvey Brown Memorial 4-H Award: G2 # - 5# 9 )G Class: -O#<)G G * Poster:/ 25)G *&&' O#< )G - O#< #M- 0 8M 2 0 Z 5# - AO#<)G --M + Baking: ># 72#+ )G /# 5#01B )G -] )G # !$ /# Z -- )G>. . j = *:8) {-: # )G )G -:8* # -::8* -: page 46 ) ' ( , -: -:8* -:8* -:8* -:8* -: 9. !{- #-# --- $9 2 /# # # +'& :& / # - Poetry:X(:* )G- . - 0 ;y:&0 Z -- - 0 )G Needlecraft: 5 - GF found on 788#88C M - - Photography:5 + )G #.*&:*)G )G 0 )by(b 1- # 2 - Mascot:/)G45 5 5 .* Z - Awards: John Pike Memorial!/ j($ Sheridan Nurseries!/ j*$ Timber Creek Golf !/ j+$ Section 55: Markham 4-H Dairy Club B 72G -B#G -FG Show: Thursday, September 27th at 11:00 a.m. Prize Money Classes #1-3: _:& Class: ; 4O/ !C:-*&:: +:-*&::$ % CO/ !5:-*&::5+:-*&::$ :& >// Awards: Hulshof Family>/4 Kubota Canada Ltd. >/)G Alliston Feed Service Ltd Section 56: Adult Showmanship Class* Note:4 :7&& - No Show in 2012 - Will resume in 2013 !</ $ : 4 7** 4 # * C4 7)G )G #Z Section 57: York 4-H Beef Club B705 Show: Saturday, September 29th at 11:00 a.m. Prize Money Classes #1-2: _:& Showing order of Beef Calves: Class: : C4 )G %:* C:-*&:* * 44 )G :'*: C:-*&:* + >/4 ) CG!C:-*&:*5+:-*&:*$ ' 4G!C:-*&::F+:-*&::$ ( >/G , 5#5#/F !<$ Section 58: York 4-H Rabbit Club B7B2 Show: Sunday, September 30th at 12:30 pm - Livestock Arena : C4 )G %:) C:-*&:* * 94 T)G :':, Prize Money Classes #1, 2- _:& C:-*&:* Class: + 44 )G :;*: : C4 T)G%:) C:-*&:* C: -*&:* ) >/4 * 44 T)G:'*: Calf Classes: C: -*&:* + >/4 ' CG/ !5:-*&:*L$ ) </T5# ( 9G!F:-*&::*;- ' </T *&:*$ , 4G/ !4:-*&::A+&- ( >/< *&::$ page 47 Section 59: Section 61: York 4-H Chicken Club 4-H Beef Interclub Show Show: Saturday, September 29th at 10:00 a.m. 4-H Calf Interclub Shows 0 7 Entries must 5#)G 4:+; 2 5#-:&;&:5/ <-5#- B+0+C+ / )G O# 8 F )G )G A M)G - _*&& 4:+Entries received on September 26th or later will be charged a $10.00 late charge. P.I.S. forms must accompany all entry forms; all P.I.S. forms must be date-stamped June 1, 2012 or earlier by the Provincial Coordinator. > A '7&& G 0 4*+G / )G 9 Someone must be with the animals at all times Prize Money: 1st_*'&&@2nd_*&&&@3rd_:'&&@4th_:+&&@ 5th_:*&& 7_:&&& Showmanship Classes: : C)G %:) C:-*&:* * 4)G :'*: C:-*&:* + >/4 !<$ Beef Calf Classes: ) CG!C:-*&:*5+:-*&:*$ ' 4G!C:-*&::TF+:-*&::$ ( /G!<$ , 5#T5#/F Section 62: 4-H Lawn Tractor Pull Club Show: Sunday, September 30 at 9:00 a.m. - Racetrack Section 60: **Only open to York 4-H Tractor Pull Club Members** Prize Money: 1st_*&&&@2nd_:'&&@3rd_:*&& 7_:&&& 4-H Dairy Interclub Show Show: Thursday, September 27th at 1:00 p.m. Note: change of time for 2012! Prize Money: 1st_*'&&@2nd_*&&&@3rd_:'&&@4th_:+&&@ 5th_:*&& 7_:&&& : * + ) Showmanship Classes: : AT)G %:: C:-*&:* * C)G :*:) C:-*&:* + 9)G :':, C:-*&:* ) 4)G :;*: C:-*&:* ' >/4 !<$ Dairy Calf Classes: ( CG5:-*&:* , 9GF:-*&:: *;-*&:* ; 4G4:-*&::A+&-*&:: % 4OC:-*&:: +:-*&:: :& CO5:-*&::5+:-*&:: :: >//!<$ Awards: Holstein & Jersey Specials: Dave Houck Plaque/G LC 9 4 O#)G FD )G BX!(&& $ 5X!(&:;&& $ GX!;&::&&& $ 4X!:&&::*&& .$ Light Horse Show Show Committee / 720!%&'()&;'%'$-/0 !%&'()&,&,,$-G0!):(*,):;%,$ Show Announcers: F5 5#0 B12# Show Steward: C2 Show Farrier: 20!$ Show Veterinarian: 5[0!$ Show Photographer: 40 ); Light Horse Show Rules and Regulations :+ 3 - - - .5# 1M/5G - 4A< / . Note:2/ BG 4 :) 4 M >< < / M/ the following: M// 2 8 : 14 5# # -- :' / ---- / 4 Z / - - / 8 / :( 9 M/4- 4 -4 G/ / M 1 - -M/- - M/< # :, . * / 4:(-*&:& - / --- M Z --8 + B/ _+&&G 40/ -0/ _'&& G 0/ -4#/ :; -- _:&&&G 0/ -O / _+&&G 0/ - 4 M9 Unless Stated Otherwise Under Class Heading. . ) 0 . - ZM 8 -8 . ' A . =/- :% 9 45); Z - - .= ( A @=D 4 A. =D , < 8015 CD / *& 4; 94 8= 1-45 M/< % 4/ *: A . / / -Z :& C 4 / Z ** 0 :: 5#>< < `#b/ G 4/ # < :* A. / Z *+ #BG Z - 4 4- 9> Z- *) . . _'&& - .. *' Whips And Use Of Whips: 4 @Z A M 5# (D M . #9 - B/ )*b page 49 #9/ -(D # --.- --Z - . / M 4C-4 4 @ M M1 . F/ / Z. ./ 48 - 44 *( BBG 4 !. $ 0 BG 45#M Section 70 Gymkhana Show (17 YRS. & UNDER) Date:-4*;-*&:* Starting Time: %7&&sharp Shown: 9< Judge: 2 4- > < < 5#- B G 4< 7/ 4:+-*&:*5 B G 45-20-85#-:&;&: 5/<-5#- B+0+C+5#M 5# A4 . These Rules Will Be Strictly Adhered To. O4No adult will take part in any Class . :; C: > :+ :, Senior Age division> :* Junior Age division. Open C4 _ ^;X%=+; . / Show Fees: .7 _'&&. 7 _'&&./ Prize Money: : *+)'( _:&_;_(_)_*_* Awards: *, >#G LM 4C/ < High Point Trophy For Junior Age Division: *&::X75#F-4 High Point Trophy For Senior Age Division: 425 *&::X7 <9 -/ Halters donated by: Campbell Tack 9># ! $ # -- - MAll Events / :&&4 CF / :&:4 4F / :&*B/ <CB C4 / / :&+-:&)-:&'-:&,-:&%-::: / :&+X#0 X C F / / :&'-:&,-:&%-::: / :&)X#M X C F / / :&'-:&,-:&%-::: / :&' 0 CF / :&( 0 4F / :&, MCF / :&; M4F / :&%X 0 CF / ::&X 0 4F / :::X MCF / ::*X M4F / ::+ / / Z - - $ ,>%12/1: - 9 Lunch Break - To Be Announced / ::)// CF / ::'// 4F / ::(4G ! $CF / ::,4G ! $4F / ::;L4CF / ::%L44F / :*&4#<CF / :*:4#<4F / :**5 4 CF / :*+5 4 4F Class order of showing will be as listed above. page 50 Section 71 - Hunter Show /L< Date: 4-4*%-*&:* Cross Rail Warm up: ;7&&%7&& GF XG#F Show Start Time: %7&&sharp. Shown: 99< Judge: Jumper Division / ('2Z *D(b / ((AZ *D%b / (, Z +D+D+b / 2 4- >< < 5#- BG 4< 7 / 4:+-*&:*5 BG 45-20-8 5#-:&;&:5/<-5#- B+0+C+<&% Show Fees: Exhibitor fee:_'&&. Entry fee: _:&&&/ Warm up ticket fee: _:&&& Prize Money: : *+)'( _*&_:'_:&_;_'< 5#BG 4/ Warm up for Cross Rail at 8:00 a.m. Cross Rail Division !Horse and Rider combination competing in this division cannot enter into any other division of the Hunter Show) / '&X#/ / ':/ </ / '*/ </ M /L< G#F / '+0 G# / ')4G# / ''<G# /L< Warm-up for Hunter following Hack Division. Open Hunter Division – Jumps 2’ – 2’ 3” / '(M / ',G / ';GG# /L< Open Hunter Division – Jumps 2’ 3” – 2’ 6” / '%M / (&G / (:GG# /L< Open Hunter Division – Jumps 2’ 6” – 2’ 9” / (*M / (+G / ()GG# Equine Canada Statement Of Principle M/!/$A/- supports adherence to humane treatment of horses in all Z M/ 7 3 - - <M # - - - Z - -. - portation of their horses as well as horses placed in their 0 couraging routine inspection and consultation with health --- / M 9 <M - . # 1D # 9 M <- The standard by which conduct or treatment will be measured is that which a reasonable person, informed and experienced in generally accepted equine training and exhibition procedures, would determine to be neither cruel, abusive nor inhumane. Section 72 Registered Morgan & Saddlebred Horse Show Date: 4-4+&-*&:* Starting time: %7&&sharp Shown: Equine Canada Primary Competition Every class offered herein is covered by the rules and = _ ;;+; and will be held and judged in accordance with said rule book. ': Before entering this section, please refer to the general rules and regulations of markham fair, as well as the light horse show rules on page 49 and as well as the following: 2 5 0 / 4:+-*&:*5 -20-8 5#-:&;&:5<-5#- B+0+C+Make cheques payable to Markham Fair. Breeding Classes – Morgan & Saddlebred / *&&55T / *&:54T / *&*5>T / *&+4T5-4->T Performance Classes - Morgan Class 204 - English Pleasure - Open / *&' 0 A / *&(G0 / *&,X 0 / *&;X 0 A / *&%0 FG T Performance Classes - Saddlebred / *:&+>0#T / *::+>0#0 / *:*+>40 T / *:++>/0 / *:)+>0 8/0 TX / *:' 0 Morgan & Saddlebred Horses - Order of Showing *&&55 *&:54 *&*5> *&+45848> *:'54 C. **:4L5BC. **&4L5X#8C. *&(5G0 *:(5G0 C. **+5G0 4# *:&+>40# **(+>40# 4# *:,5 0 C. 204 - Morgan English Pleasure - Open *&'5 0 A ***5 0 4# *::+>40 *:*+>/0 **,+>40 4# **% 44M *&,5X 0 *&;5X 0 A *:;5X 0 C. **)5X 0 4# *:++>0 L/0 X **;+>0 L/0 X 4# *&%50 FG *:)4 0G *:%50 FC. **'50 F4# =0 1//1/1-% ( *=0 1//1/1-% ( Junior Exhibitor Classes – Morgan & Saddlebred / **:X#8 / ***B Stake Classes - Saddlebred / **,+>0# / **;+>0#0 / **%+>40 / *+&+>0 8/0 X Open To All Breeds / *+:4 M Show fees: Exhibitor fee:_'&&. Entry fee: 7_'&& Performance Classes: _'&& Junior Exhibitor Classes: _+&& Stake Classes:_:& Post Entries: / M Prize Money: : *+)'(,; 2/ 7_:*_%_,_'_+ 0/ _+&_*'_*&_:'_:&_' C./ 7 4#/ 7_)'_+'_*'_*&_:'_:&_'_' Junior Exhibitor Classes - Morgan / *:(4 G / *:,G0 / *:; 0 / *:%X 0 / **&0 F Stake Classes - Morgan Class 223 - English Pleasure - Open / **)G0 / **'X 0 / **(0 FG Section 73 Western Horse Show Date: 4-4+&-*&:* Speed Classes Start Time:A2:7&& Shown: 994<Tthe entire show ring will be used for speed classes only. 2 4- >< < 5#-BG 4< page 52 Homecraft Past Presidents A7No 4/ -Preferably- 4:+-*&:*BG 4 5-20-85#-:&;&:5/ <-5#- B+0+C+5#M 5# Show Fees: Exhibitor fee: _'&&. Entry fee: / 7_'&&/ 4#/ 7 _:&&&/ Prize Money: : *+)'( 0/ _:'_:*_:&_'_'_* 4#/ 7 Speed Classes – Not Before 1:00 p.m. / +)+2< / +))O:):;2< / +)'O:+O L32< / +)(02< / +),4#+F2< _+&&&&T[#FA / +);< / +)%O:):;O < / +'&O:+O L3< / +':FL2# / +'*O:):;O FL2# / +'+O:+O L3FL2# / +')0FL2# / +'' 4 / +'(02 / +',O:):;O 02 / +';O:+O L302 Class 359 - Peewee Pole Bending / +(&4# _:'&&&X# $ .( :%',A> :%';B :%'%B :%(&B :%(:B :%(*G/ :%(+G/ :%()G/ :%(' 4# :%(( 4# :%(,C5 :%(;C5 :%(%/2 :%,&5!/ $2 :%,:GG :%,*GG :%,+[ :%,)[ :%,'9> :%,(9> :%,,X# :%,;>4 :%,%>4 :%;&5ZX :%;:5ZX :%;*C5 :%;+C5 :%;)/X :%;'9 X :%;(F :%;,5X :%;;0F :%;%5 :%%&0 :%%: B :%%*GX :%%+>G :%%)25 :%%'0# :%%(F5 :%%,/F> :%%;54 :%%%4X *&&&5A *&&:AB *&&*4X *&&+B4 *&&)[2 *&&'5 B *&&(20# *&&,<0 *&&;CB *&&%C=G *&:&[B *&::5X F page 53 Phillip Edward Redshaw Markham Fair President 2012 By Myra Chepack /!B $5< -0 A#G C(-:%(& @:%(+FF :%()0D -X< :% 5#<5/<-Z G0D 5 4- 0 2Z 5-5< F5 were fast friends from childhood as were Phil and the Miller 0 -F <5 0 *&:: 5D 2- - 5T< ?0 4 0 0#044 F 44G# 4B G 9 B 5 # 5 *&&% 4! $4F 4 4 - G 4 G);/ 44404;- :%%&04 C- :%;&C F CD <!$ *&:& 5##F[ :%;) [ ^2 2#4 D / # 5F 44 :%%)4 - 0 #- # - 0- Gj,Gj);G 5 # <G *(12/#- ?G :%%+ 2 *&&& 5F D2-0 2 > -0#4 G Z # 9 #0 #- 0D # 0D -# 8 M 2- - ? 0 # 4G#B 45D 2 0 # 0D 5-/!B $:&/ 4<G# F !B$ FB A # `FB b 0D D X < !X$4 to Canada from England as orphans through an organization # 2G - 5 .-0D > 20D > Z ? 0 < 0 G # -- < 0 2-F- 2 0D *&:* 0D < 0!0$ B #! $- < D G -Z 4 Gj);< 0 page 54 5#5# 4 - X -4 0 X!2$ !/.$ 9 !5 $ C#0 0 < # { - G 40 G = G 2- #- 0 < 1 T - - # 5# Presidents Of Markham And East York Agricultural Society Since 1844 Proud to be a part of the Fair Family: :;))X -G0 :;)':;''A :;'(4#95 L :;',4# :;';4# :;'%F< 4-/ 05#A :;(& 5-5 :;(: 5 :;(* 5 :;(+X#B50 :;()GC -4#< :;('G/5>-5 :;((G/5 :;(,C -4#0 :;(;X0 :;(%C #B9 C0 :;,&C # :;,:C :;,*<5 :;,+<5 :;,)# :;,' 5 :;,(<5 :;,,<5 :;,;G< -> :;,%.0 :;;&X/B/5 :;;:C> :;;* 2G :;;+X5#-0 - Champion Plowman :;;)\1 :;;'C/--0G / :;;(G</ A :;;,C >/ Merchant :;;;C >/ Merchant :;;%C0 - :;%&.< :;%:.0 :;%*>> :;%+C C> :;%)B4 :;%'0X2 :;%(X> :;%,C502/9 :;%;>=1G5 >C :;%%F< /= :%&&CB :%&:C9 /9 :%&*CX/ :%&+C #B9 C0 :%&)G :%&'C2> page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page 56 Capt. Herbert Stevenson Adam President of Markham Fair 1912 25/# :%:* C**-:;,+ 4 - G >!>$ 5-Z -:;);- C!> $- C 5- 9 #M G 5 G , <- )&2 /- > - # <</ C*+ :%:'- A- / . /9 G/!2$ *,-:%&, Z- / / 4 !F#$G-/ 9 4>=-0\ 5#- G- 9 /G#4 /-+;+G4 :;,) :;%*%+ XX9 4 - >5- # > / #42#- XX:- %:54A :;%' / 4 - # 5D { -D - - G M {2#5 { . .#- 5# 4 5 - .M# X ? 42#- / 5F:%:: XX- 5# < / >5X5- /D -/ :'-:%(&G >/G- B < G 0#- G #0 :%:*- 0 /#5# Museum staff for their outstanding assistance and generous 91 Main Street, Markham page 57 Markham Fair ( 1912 ) Leading the Way By T. Rogers Gardham (Past President 1977) 9 T . F +F# C /`b = 5#:%:* ## # 7- # O ! - -$9:%:* - - 5#4D 5# !5$ *05X C*)-:%:*` b:%:: 0 - C2>-/- 9 _)-+,%- _';; #_';%!:%:: $. _)+,% _*:-*%&- - _:-,%)_:-&:& /G40 ! - :%:: $C :4=0 X5*=0 F 5#=7XCG-< -C9 - C 5# 7C5 - [#- G-0G< -< -X/ - .0-C2>-</-<C/ X>4 7>4-5.-<2 47 0 # ZG 2X :%:* *-+)9 5 G>/ _'&C2 >45 D 9 :%:* / ` b2 #G 5' - # 9/- 42# =- `b`<2- 5#G4D 2D b XF `2b #5 -- / !'; $/D / # ` 0D- ! $ @ #b/ M Z`9 /49 G # - - #- ## b `b %& F4 B/ `0F5 << F/A<F _)&'-&&&_)'&&b CG0 4:*5 5 G 2#@# '; 5 :&-:%:* :%:*5# `BB</ <F4 2< [Ab> _*-+&)*&@! $ :(-&&&@ T+-'&& 7` 5# -- 5#= F =2/ @B @/@/- @ <@- 9 # - - 9` G 5b- -5XF -Z - - - #D 2 D<3 . -G .-.M. 5 >5F [# 5#D# # >< :*'& . 5# # . FG D . / - 0-G#-40 . - -. - . - :&&& # . # - - --5# OX99 4 7 X +-&&&9 . :'&&5 _')& A+&&& -. -Z 2D D5 /#-`G< Xb5 /# F/- 5#G 4-5# ### # _'&&F <C/ _:;@4B3-_;'@ C> -_:;&@<43- _:;@<X_*& - # !$= page 59 1# M !43$ G /X 52 5 << =-:' . -{ :,' 55.- 5- - - = B##. 5# 2F - - 9 5# < :%:: # ! $:%:* = 5# F Z- !5< $ # C < 5#5 - X 5# - - 1- G # #@ 5#5 @# # ? Prize Book 2012 // 7// /7B> B7FX 7[->G 0 7 0 ( 075#0 01 2#4 5# 4= Z 0 # # ..D # page 60