Introduction - Royal Caribbean

No other part of the world is so richly embellished in history, culture, and spectacular scenery as in Europe. Your cruise vacation will take
you to some of the most exciting ports in Europe. The days ashore present an invitation to adventure, education, and enjoyment. Organized
Shore Excursions give you the opportunity to explore the many fascinating places you will want to see. To ensure the best possible
sightseeing, Royal Caribbean has planned a varied program of excursions ranging from simple to sophisticated, in tune with existing
conditions in each port. These excursions are arranged and operated by independent agencies, with experienced guides to escort you. This
brochure lists the descriptions of the available Shore Excursions at each port of call. Most Shore Excursions may be purchased in advance.
Certain excursions are limited in the total number of participants; therefore, for your convenience, we recommend you advance purchase.
Also, please note that all tour duration times are approximate and can change without prior notice.
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General Information
When should I reserve my Shore Excursions?
This brochure contains brief descriptions of tours available. Please book your excursions as soon as possible since some shore excursions
can accommodate only a limited number of participants. Tours are sold on a first-come, first serve basis and we recommend that you
purchase them in advance of your cruise in order to avoid disappointment. An order form is included with this brochure. Royal Caribbean
must receive the order form and payment at least 20 days before sailing. You will be notified if a tour of your choice is not available. On
board, you may purchase tours through the interactive TV system in your stateroom (if available), by booking form dropped at the
excursion desk or directly at the Shore Excursion Office during the hours advertised in the ships daily program.
How can I book shore excursions in advance via the Internet?
You can purchase your shore excursions online by visiting our website, at any time. To pre-book an excursion,
you will need your cruise reservation number (obtained from your travel agent or reservation agent), ship name, and sailing date. Once you
have completed your purchase, an immediate recap of the selected tours will be provided along with a final e-mail confirmation when your
credit card purchase is approved. Your purchased tour ticket(s) will be delivered to you in your cabin. Kindly note that you have up to 10
days prior to your sail date to purchase your shore excursions on-line. Once within the 10-day sail date deadline, the booking system is
closed and tours are no longer available for pre-booking. From this point, all guests must book their excursions on board the vessel on a
first-come, first-serve basis. Your stateroom attendant will deliver your purchased ticket(s) to your stateroom on the evening of boarding. If
you do not receive your tickets in your stateroom, please inquire at the Shore Excursion Office as soon as possible.
What is a Tender Port of Call?
There are some ports where the ship remains at anchor. Either the ship's boats (tenders) or local boats will be used to transport you back
and forth between the ship and shore.
What do Shore Excursions include?
Shore Excursions include transportation according to the itinerary, meals, refreshments, guides, and entrance fees as indicated. Fares for
Shore Excursions are subject to change without notice. All prices quoted are based on tariffs and exchange rates current at the time of
printing, and are subject to increase with or without previous notice consequent upon any increase in the basic tariff and/or exchange
fluctuations, which may accrue prior to commencement of the tours.
Prices of shore excursions are quoted per person and generally include available local transportation, ranging from coaches, taxis, limousines,
and boats. Meals and local taxes are included where specified. Where tours are operated by car, 2 to 3 persons are allocated to each vehicle.
Prices do not include any expenses incurred in returning to the ship should it be elected to leave the group before the tour is completed.
When and where do Shore Excursions depart?
Most tours will meet in a lounge on board the ship prior to departing. When the ship is at anchor, staff will be on hand to assist you to the
departure point.
Timings have been established according to information received from the local Agents but are subject to alterations should the vessels
arrival time at the port be delayed or circumstances arise whereby the itinerary for a particular excursion must, necessarily, be amended.
Guests should be mindful of the fact that at ports where the ship lies at anchor, the afternoon excursions commence from the dockside, not
the ship. Guests should, therefore, allow at least 30 minutes for the tender ride to shore.
When booking more than one tour in a day, please allow at least 60 minutes between the return of the first tour and the departure of the
second tour.
Tour departure times may vary from those listed on the order form, especially in ports where the ship must tender guests ashore. Please
check your tour tickets for the time and location of departure. No announcements for the tours will be made on board the ship.
Is it possible to miss the Ship?
All guests are required to be back aboard ship no later than 30 minutes prior to the scheduled departure time, which is listed in the Cruise
Compass and posted at the gangway. The scheduling of all Shore Excursions conforms to this requirement. If you leave a tour en route;
however, it will be your responsibility to secure transportation and return to the pier on time. If for any reason a ship's excursion is
delayed, the ship will be notified and await the tour's return.
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What type of transportation is used for Shore Excursions?
Standards of transport vary considerably; however, Shore Excursions utilize the best quality transportation possible in each port. Airconditioned vehicles are not always available nor do all tour buses have restroom facilities on board. Please note that some countries have
local restrictions and/or zoning laws that prohibit the use of the on board facilities and prohibit the idling of engines while parked at the
various venues. The air-conditioning systems may not be to North American standards. Please also bear in mind that cars, taxis or minibuses may be used in some ports where coaches are not available or are limited.
What if I wish to take the same coach as my family or friends?
Guests wishing to travel with friends should proceed to the point of departure as indicated on your shore excursion tickets, as this will help
the tour staff to allocate space in the same vehicle.
What if I wish to tour on my own?
Guests who do not join these prearranged shore excursions must, therefore, rely on whatever transportation equipment might be available,
and they are advised that the drivers are not under supervision. Such drivers may not be informed of the sailing hour of the ship and it is not
certain that they will follow routes that are more desirable. In addition, considering the limited transportation facilities in some ports, relief
cars may not be obtainable in case of breakdowns along the road. Tours are the best way of seeing the country during a stay at a cruise port
of call and they have been arranged so the guests see as much of interest as possible.
Refunds for independent tour arrangements will not be provided in the event of cancelled/missed ports.
Will transportation be available from the ship to city centers?
Many ports are not located in the city center. For the convenience of guests, a shuttle bus service has been arranged (for a nominal fee) in
those ports (where applicable) that are located approximately 1 mile or more away from the closest city center and do not have adequate
local transportation available. This service is set up to complement local transportation, and guests are welcome to utilize local services,
when and where available. Details of which ports will have a charged shuttle service will be advised on board the ship. Tickets will be
available for sale only on board.
How should I tip our Guide/Driver?
Extending a gratuity to your guide or driver is strictly optional; however, in some countries, these personnel may anticipate that if you are
pleased with their services, you will reward them in a monetary way. A commonly accepted guideline is USD $3.00 per person for a halfday tour and USD $5.00 per person for a full-day tour.
How can I find out more about the ports we'll be visiting?
During your cruise, informative Port Explorer videos will be shown on a selected television channel in your stateroom. A Port Explorer
pamphlet with general information and a city map highlighting Places of Interest will also be delivered to your cabin. For additional
independent information, please consult the onboard Discover Shopping Guide.
Will I miss meals when I go ashore?
Most tour departure times complement the ships meal service hours, so you can enjoy your meal aboard and then go ashore. However, if
you take more than one tour in a day, your return on board may not coincide with meal hours. You will be informed of meal times before
arrival in each port. Full day tours include meals where indicated.
What should I wear?
Some countries may have more conservative ideas about dress than you are accustomed. So as not to offend local opinion, it is suggested
that you dress conservatively. It is suggested when visiting places of worship (temples, mosques, etc.), you should avoid wearing shorts,
tank tops or revealing clothing. Guests should wear comfortable walking shoes at all times. When visiting ruins or walking on cobblestone
streets, wear rubber-soled shoes. It is also smart to wear a sun hat, protective sunscreen, and sunglasses.
Will I have time to shop?
Whenever possible, shopping time has been allocated within the framework of the excursions. However, tours are not designed for shopping
and time is limited.
How do I pay for Shore Excursions on board?
The only way to pay for Shore Excursions on board is through your shipboard credit system for which you sign up after boarding the ship.
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*Children's tickets are available on some tours for guests aged 4 years to 12 years (inclusive). Guests aged 13 and over will be charged the
adult price. A parent or guardian must accompany guests under 18 years of age. Infants 3 years and under will be carried free of charge,
subject to them not occupying a seat.
Prices included herein are subject to change at any time. We suggest booking your excursions at for current prices.
How strenuous are the Shore Excursions in each port of call?
Most of the cities you will be visiting during your cruise vacation were built without regard for the modern conveniences and freedoms we
may take for granted today. They offer quaint, narrow, cobblestone streets, and large bustling walkways that have been in existence long
before the advent of motorized transportation. To preserve their antiquity, many cities and old towns are pedestrian-only, and may not be
conveniently accessible for guests with mobility impairments. All of the Shore Excursions require some degree of mild, moderate, or
strenuous walking. Likewise, venues that have grand entryways, multiple stories, and sprawling gardens, make stair-climbing a necessity.
To assist our guests, we have rated each Shore Excursion within this brochure by the amount of walking and stair climbing needed to fully
participate in the excursion as indicated by the tour description.
The Shore Excursions presented in this brochure require the guests to use a coach or other forms of transfer which will require you to step
up 2 to 3 steps, approximately 10 inches high each. Most (but not all) coaches used can accommodate collapsible wheelchairs to be stored
in the luggage compartment underneath the coach. However, it should be noted that escorts, drivers, guides, and shipboard staff are not
obliged to lift guests into the vehicles. Lift-vans and/or coaches are not available in all ports of call. Tendering may preclude guests in
wheelchairs from going ashore at certain ports of call. For further information, please check with the Shore Excursion Office on board
immediately upon arrival.
Due to the various celebrations taking place during the year 2008, kindly note that certain circumstances may arise where the tour content
or itinerary may have to be altered without prior notice. This is beyond the control of either the local tour operator or Royal Caribbean
Please note there are certain excursions that for safety reasons, age, weight, and/or height restrictions apply. The individual vendors impose
these restrictions and Royal Caribbean International must comply accordingly.
Guests wishing activity type tours (i.e. biking, kayaking, hiking, etc.) should be in excellent health and make themselves aware of the
physical, age, and fitness requirements before making a value judgment as to whether or not to participate. Any guest with limitations, or
who have had recent surgery, pregnancy, or are taking prescription drugs, should check with the excursion office before booking any
activity type tours.
By booking the excursion, you are also confirming that you and your party are in good physical and mental condition and have no history
of seizures, dizziness, fainting, heart conditions or respiratory problems. You also confirm that no one is taking medicine that carries a
warning about impairment of physical or mental abilities.
For the comfort of all our guests, smoking is not permitted aboard any sightseeing vehicle or transport.
Kindly note the below symbols act only as a guideline and guests must make their own judgment regarding participating in tours.
To fully participate may require leisurely walking over primarily even surfaces. There may be a limited number of steps, a minimal amount
of cobblestones or uneven surfaces, and some standing for extended periods of time.
To fully participate may require extended periods of walking over even and uneven surfaces, steep terrain and/or water activity in a slight
current. There may be steps, inclines, cobblestone surfaces, and extended periods of standing. Participants with physical limitations
should take this into account.
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To fully participate may require extended periods of physical exertion, extensive walking, climbing, or biking. There may be numerous
steps, inclines, cobblestones, and other rough terrain throughout the excursion. These excursions are the most active and have been designed
for participants in excellent health and very good physical condition.
Most tour departures complement the ship's meal service hours. If a meal is served on an excursion, it will be designated with this symbol.
Dress Code
Conservative attire is recommended when going ashore on this tour. No exposed shoulders or knees. Short pants and tank tops are not
Time permitting, limited shopping is available during the tour.
All participants on this tour are required to complete a waiver and/or release form. This document will be distributed by the tour operator
prior to commencing the tour.
Light Snack
If a light snack or refreshment is served on an excursion, it will be designated with this symbol.
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Terms and Conditions
Royal Caribbean International reserves the right to cancel any Shore Excursion due to inclement weather conditions, or for any other reason
whatsoever, and shall not be liable for any loss whatsoever to guests by reason of such cancellation. Full refunds will be made to guests
holding tickets for canceled Shore Excursions.
The Tour Operator reserves the right to withdraw any tours due to lack of demand and to make any alterations deemed advisable for the
comfort of guests, bearing in mind the convenience and best interest of each group.
Itineraries are expected to be operated as described in the brochure but the right is reserved to change or omit a place to be visited or the
sequence of the tour, in accordance with conditions or circumstances prevailing at the time of tours, with or without previous notice; bearing
in mind the convenience and best interest and safety of guests. The right is also reserved to decline, to accept, or retain any person as a
member of any party at any time.
Personal Possessions
Personal articles such as coats, cameras, handbags, etc., are the guest's responsibility. Do not leave your possessions unattended at any
Shore Excursions are operated by reputable local agencies and have been thoroughly checked by Royal Caribbean International for full
interest and value. Shore Excursions are offered for sale by Royal Caribbean International as a convenience to our guests. While great care
has been taken to offer the finest excursions available in each port, these tour services are provided by independent tour operators and
Royal Caribbean International will not be responsible or liable for any loss, damage, injury, costs or delays resulting from, or in connection
with, your use of these services. Royal Caribbean International acts only as the agent of the supplier of these services and does so on the
express condition that no liability of any kind, howsoever caused, shall attach to Royal Caribbean International or its agents, servants or
employees in connection with or arising there from.
All tickets, coupons, and vouchers issued by Royal Caribbean International for Shore Excursion arrangements made on behalf of guests are
expressly subject to the terms and conditions of the person or company providing such transportation facilities ashore.
Refunds of Prepaid Excursions
Any refund request of prepaid excursions received by Royal Caribbean International 10 days prior to sailing will be made in full (unless
noted otherwise). Refund requests made on board after the Shore Excursion Office closes ticket sales for that particular port will not be
Refund of Excursions Purchased On Board
Tours purchased on board may be refunded at any time prior to the Shore Excursion Office closing ticket sales for that particular port.
Refund requests made on board after the Shore Excursion Office closes ticket sales for that particular port will not be accommodated. If
notice of cancellation is received after closing date and hour, a refund can be assured only in the event of the ticket being resold.
Closing times will be published in the Cruise Compass. No refunds will be made for failure to use all of the described services included in
the tour price. Should any tour have to be abandoned due to difficulties en route, the best possible refund will be arranged according to the
circumstances. Please note that tour lengths noted in this brochure are approximate.
No refunds are made to any guest who might cancel, deviate, leave, or otherwise not utilize all of the services scheduled to be provided by
an excursion. Members of any excursion who elect to leave the automobiles or motor coaches, in the shopping area, or elsewhere, must
provide their own transportation at their own expense back to the landing place of the vessel. Should any such excursion; however, be
abandoned through force majeure the best possible refunds will be arranged according to the circumstances.
Cancellations and Refunds of Overnight Excursions and Flightseeing Tours
Overnight Excursions and Flightseeing tours may be canceled and the full tour price refunded at any time up to 30 days prior to the sailing
date of the cruise. A 10% cancellation fee will be applied to all cancellations made from 30 days to 15 days prior to the sailing date of the
cruise. Due to the booking requirements in the countries visited, no cancellations or changes may be made within 14 days prior to the sailing
date of the cruise, or on board the ship.
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Shore Excursions are subject to cancellation or modification, depending on the number of guests participating. In the event of a tour
cancellation or modification, the Shore Excursion Manager and/or staff will give advance notice. Certain tours have a minimum-booking
requirement, or must be limited to a maximum number of participants. If the minimum number for participation is not achieved, the
excursion will be cancelled. In this event, an alternative may be offered; otherwise, a full refund will be given.
Additional Information
GUIDE SERVICES AND TRANSPORTATION EQUIPMENT: In certain interesting but off the beaten track places, professional guides
are at a premium. The best available and obtainable guides of competence are engaged. It is exceptional for drivers of public hire vehicles to
speak any language but their own. Transportation equipment used for the shore excursions is the best available in the ports of call. In some
ports, it is not possible to obtain buses or taxis equipped with air conditioning or bus or taxis with air conditioning that meets North
American standards.
When choosing a tour, please keep in mind that you are a visitor in a foreign country; some luxuries to which you are accustomed may not
be available. To get the most out of your excursion, please notice, feel, experience, and enjoy the local cultures, conditions, and customs.
With the popularity of some ports of call, the excursion itineraries and order of the actual tour may be changed at the discretion of the local
operator, with or without notice, in order to give the best service possible under the prevailing local conditions.
NIGHT EXCURSIONS vary throughout the world's cruise ports. Many hotels have international-type acts, others national dances or
folklore shows. Some ports are renowned for nightlife while others are more conservative. We aim to take you to the most generally
accepted shows, but do not expect to find Paris standards at every port of call. Check the charges before ordering extra refreshments,
photographing, or recording.
ENTRANCE FEES: Entrance fees to all museums and sites are included in the price of the respective shore excursions unless otherwise
stated. Occasionally, a small extra charge is levied if photographs are taken, and this is not included.
WITHDRAWAL OF TOURS: The right is reserved to withdraw any tour, to limit membership in any tour, or to make alterations in the
operation of any tour, which may be deemed advisable for the safety or convenience of guests.
ITINERARIES are expected to be operated as described in the brochure but the right is reserved to change or omit a place to be visited or
the sequence of the tour, in accordance with conditions or circumstances prevailing at the time of tours, with or without previous notice,
bearing in mind the convenience and best interest and safety of guests. The right is also reserved to decline, to accept, or retain any person
as a member of any party at any time.
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St. Petersburg, Russia
The order of the tours and the exact route/itinerary may vary depending upon where the vessel will dock and local conditions.
The best quality transportation has been obtained for the excursions in St. Petersburg; however, the vehicles' air-conditioning
system may not be to North American standards. Not all venues, museums, and attractions are air-conditioned; therefore, guests
should dress accordingly. Comfortable walking shoes are recommended for every shore excursion.
Important Information Regarding Visa Requirements in Russia.
During your two-day visit to St. Petersburg, a very special program of excursions has been planned. Guests who have purchased
one of the available excursions will not require a visa while on that particular excursion. If you would like to visit St. Petersburg
after taking a tour, you will need to obtain a Russian visa.
Please be advised that without a visa, shoreside visitation is limited to the period of the excursion and you will not be permitted
to leave the ship outside of excursion hours. If you do have a visa, we still recommend advance purchase of excursions as some
tours have limited capacity.
Guests who wish to sightsee independently or sightsee outside of Royal Caribbean shore excursion hours MUST obtain an
individual Russian Visa before leaving home. Should you wish to obtain an individual visa for Russia, you will need to have the
contracting company (tour agent or travel agency) provide you with the necessary Visa Support Letter and documentation. It will
then be necessary to contact the visa service of your choice, such as Passport Express where you can call for, e-mail or download
information, forms and fees or the Russian Embassy for the procedures to follow.
Guests who have not purchased one of the available excursions, do not possess a Russia visa, or whose visa is not properly
supported by the proper documentation will not be permitted ashore in St. Petersburg by local Russian Immigrations.
Guests on an independent car or van excursion purchased from Royal Caribbean do not need an individual visa to participate in
this program.
All nationalities should consult their appropriate consulate to define their needs for this call. Visas cannot be issued on board
the ship. In order to receive a Russian visa, a guest must have a valid passport, which does not expire within 30 days of the last
day of the cruise.
Independent Car or Van Excursions: In addition to the normal assortment of excursions, Royal Caribbean offers guests a chance to
explore St. Petersburg and the countryside via private car or van with a driver and qualified English or foreign language-speaking guide.
Please refer to the Independent Car or Van Excursions for more information about this program.
Shopping and Currency Regulations: Due to the evolving political and economic situation in Russia, persons visiting the country must
adhere to regulations concerning the use of foreign currency and the purchase of some items in St. Petersburg. Once on board the ship, you
will be advised of the current policies concerning shopping and currency regulations.
For a select shore excursion to be provided in another language (i.e. Spanish, French, German and/or Italian), the required minimum of 25
guests must be met. Please contact the Shore Excursion office directly on board the vessel for further details.
PZ01 - River & Canals of St. Petersburg with Peter & Paul Fortress
ADULT: 343.28 / CHILD: 196.16 SEK
DURATION: 3 Hours 45 Minutes Approx.
The special atmosphere of St. Petersburg is created by the main river of the city, the Neva River, and many other rivers and
canals. Board your coach for a short transfer to a boat pier where you will begin your river journey. During Peter the Great's
time the Neva River was the key point of Russian political and military ambitions, which resulted in the 25-year Northern War
with Sweden. This river gave Russia access to Western Europe; and for centuries, it was one of the main trade routes for the
country. Nevertheless, Peter the Great foresaw a greater destiny for the Neva River - to carry on its shoulders the city whose
beauty was to rival all other European capitals. Following Peter's plan, the rivers were to turn into the main streets of the city,
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the most aristocratic ones. The famous Romanovs' winter residence, palaces of the courtiers, and elegant administrative
buildings designed by the best architects of time appeared along the banks. While drifting along the main river and canals you
can see a lot of historical landmarks: Peter and Paul Fortress -- the birthplace of the city, on one of the islands in the delta,
numerous monuments of glory and victory, the famous Bronze Horseman, the Rostral Columns, and picturesque draw bridges
of St. Petersburg.
The coach will take you to Peter and Paul Fortress, originally constructed in 1703 as a military stronghold. Since no enemy has
ever penetrated the city's defenses, no enemy has ever fired it upon. Consequently, the fortress was turned into a political
prison. Throughout its history the fortress held such famous prisoners as the celebrated writer Dostoevsky, participants of
the 1825 Decembrist uprising, and political activists Maxim Gorky and Leon Trotsky, as well as the elder brother of Vladimir
Ilyich Lenin. You will visit the Peter and Paul Cathedral that contains the sarcophagi of the Russian Emperors from Peter the
Great through Nicholas II, as well as the tombs of other members of the royal family. The cathedral impresses you with its
magnificent gilded iconostasis. Return coach transfer to the pier and your vessel.
Note: Guests must be able to walk approximately 0.5 mile over cobblestone surfaces with a few steps. Camera and video fees
for the Fortress are included in the tour cost. Flash photo restrictions might apply in the Cathedral. Participants should take
care while entering/exiting the river boats. There are a lot of steps on the boat pier and it is not accessible to wheelchairs.
PZ02 - Local Life Experience: Metro Ride, Kuznechny Market
ADULT: 269.72 / CHILD: 159.38 SEK
DURATION: 3 Hours 30 Minutes Approx.
Begin your experience of today ¶
s Russia with a short drive to one of the underground stations. The St. Petersburg Subway or
Metro is acclaimed as one of the best in the world for its efficiency, cleanliness and its architecture. Each station has its own
unique design. Older stations are richly decorated and new ones are simple and modern but not less impressive. Leave the
Metro at one of the Central Stations and follow your guide to the Kuznechny Food Market. Enjoy exploring the large variety
of fare as well as the lively atmosphere. Next, board your coach and visit one of the best restaurants in the center of St.
Petersburg where you will be welcomed with a friendly cup of tea.
Note: Guests must be able to walk approximately 0.5 mile over uneven and cobblestone surfaces with approximately 40 - 60
steps. Due to the walking and stair climbing involved on this tour, it is not recommended for guests with walkers or
wheelchairs. Time permitting; guests will have approximately 30 minutes for shopping while at the Kuznechny Market.
PZ03 - Lenin & The Russian Revolution
ADULT: 380.06 / CHILD: 208.42 SEK
DURATION: 3 Hours 45 Minutes Approx.
On this tour you will learn about the evolution of Russia and its politics as you visit some of the most important sites
pertaining to Lenin and the Bolshevik Party. Departing from the pier your drive takes you to the city area where you'll pass
Decembrists Square, home of the "Bronze Horseman" monument, and the University Embankment. You'll pass Peter and Paul
Fortress en route to the Kshesinskaya Mansion. From this vantage point, you will have an excellent view of the River Neva,
the Hermitage, and the gilded spire of Peter and Paul Fortress.
Kshesinskaya Mansion, now a Museum of Political History, is the former home of prima ballerina Kshesinskaya. In February
1917, it became the seat of the Council of Soldier's and Worker's Deputies. From the balcony of the mansion, Lenin gave his
famous political speech in April 1917, known as a program of peaceful transition from the bourgeois democratic revolution to
the socialist one. Your tour of the mansion will feature a visit to the offices of Lenin, and an exhibition on the evolution of
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Russia and its politics.
A photo stop will be made at the Battleship Aurora, whose guns signaled the start of the 1917 Bolshevik Revolution. There
you may have the opportunity to barter with local souvenir vendors before continuing past the Finland Station and the
Tauride Palace en route to the Smolny Institute. Your guide will point out the historical significance of each location.
The Smolny Institute, originally built as a school for girls from aristocratic families, became the headquarters of the Bolshevik
Revolution in October 1917 and where Lenin resided and worked following the communist takeover. In this location, Lenin
signed the first decrees and orders of the Soviet government. You will visit the Lenin Museum and tour the rooms in which
Lenin lived, worked and slept.
Your next stop will be by the ornate and colorful Church of Our Savior on Spilled Blood, where you will have time for
photographs and shopping at the nearby craft market.
Note: Guests must be able to walk approximately 0.5 mile over even surfaces. There are 133 steps to climb at the Smolny
Institute and 57 steps at the Kshesinskaya Mansion. There will be approximately 20 minutes of souvenir shopping at the local
craft market near the "Church of Our Savior on Spilled Blood." Tour order may vary but all listed sites will be covered.
PZ04 - The Last Romanovs
ADULT: 1,035.97 / CHILD: 606.87 SEK
DURATION: 8 Hours 30 Minutes Approx.
This tour traces the history of the Romanovs, highlighting the palaces of the Tzars and tracking their turbulent political
history. You'll pass along the outskirts of the city en route to the luxurious summer palaces of the Romanovs.
A short drive through the Russian countryside will take you to the Palace of Pavlovsk, one of Russia's most beautifully
restored palaces. Catherine the Great presented the land of Pavlovsk to her son Paul, who then began construction of what
was to become the grandest of all Russian palaces. Pavlovsk's ground covers an area of 1,500 acres, making it one of the
largest landscaped parks in Europe. The construction of the palace began in 1777 by Charles Cameron, an admirer of antiquity.
Decoration of the interior contains some elements of ancient Greek and Roman styles. Reception halls are richly adorned with
marble statues of the 1st century AD. You will visit the state apartments, the Hall of Knights, the Hall of Peace and the Hall of
War connected with Greek Hall and others. After the tour in the palace, you will take a short walk to the Palace Restaurant,
where a Russian lunch will be served. Following lunch, you will board your coach for the 30-minute transfer to Pushkin,
originally known as Tzar's Village.
Catherine's Palace, designed by Rastrelli, has a stunning facade of nearly 1,000 feet long adorned with gold and white
ornaments. You will be guided through the various lavishing rooms, including the Grand Throne Room, a masterpiece of the
Baroque style, the State Dining Room, the Amber Room, the Blue Drawing Room, and others. After the tour in the Palace, you
will take a short walk through the gardens towards the coach park where you will be able to have a look at the local souvenirs.
Reboard your coach for a short drive to Alexander's Palace, the last official royal residence. In 1906 after the royal family
realized that their only son Alexis had hemophilia, they made a decision to leave St. Petersburg's Winter Palace and settle
down in the former summer residence, Alexander's Palace, where they stayed during their last years until the fall of the
monarchy. In the 12 halls opened after the restoration, you will see costumes and private belongings of Nicholas II and his
Note: Each palace requires approximately 0.5 mile of walking over even and uneven surfaces with approximately 200 steps.
Special shoe covers must be worn when touring the palaces. Camera and video fees are included in the tour cost. Flash photos
are usually not permitted in areas displaying paintings. Photography in Alexander's Palace is allowed and photography and
video fees are included in the tour price. There is limited shopping at Tsarskoye Selo (Pushkin). Tour order may vary but all
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listed sites will be covered. Time permitting; you will have approximately 20 minutes for souvenir shopping in the flea market
behind Catherine's Palace.
PZ06 - Palaces & Their Owners
ADULT: 1,189.22 / CHILD: 760.12 SEK
DURATION: 9 Hours 30 Minutes Approx.
The Russian Tzars often retreated to the cool countryside to escape the city's summer heat, building palaces that could
compete with Europe's grandest. Peterhof Palace attests to the pomp, pageantry, and extravagance of Russia's ruling class.
Petrodvorets, located 22 miles west of St. Petersburg, is one of the most delightful of all palaces to visit in the area. Built in
1723 as a summer home of Peter the Great, it was intended to rival Versailles. Originally designed by French architect
Alexandre Leblond, architect to King Louis XIV, the Grand Palace was later altered by Bartolomeo Rastrelli under the direction
of Peter's daughter, Elizabeth, to reflect the Russian baroque style. The Grand Palace crowns the hill above the park and during
the visit see the Gala Staircase and walk through many of the lavish rooms and galleries, filled with original furniture,
chandeliers, and paintings. As you climb the gilded staircase, your guide will point out how the palace was reconstructed after
World War II using the skills of master artisans and historians. Highlights include the Chesma Hall, the Throne Room,
Western and Eastern China Studies, the Partridge Drawing Room with its silk-covered walls and Peter's simple and beautiful
study with its fantastic 14 carved oak panels.
After visiting the Grand Palace, you will proceed to the Gold Room, located in the Wing Under the Coat of Arms, adjacent to
the Grand Palace. You have a unique opportunity to have a look at the newly restored rooms, reviving the epoch of Catherine
the Great and some other Russian Monarchs. The exhibition demonstrates a really rare items - private belongings of the Royal
family - Catherine the Great saddle, a golden box that once held the baptismal clothes of members of the Romanov family, a
silver mirror used by all the tsarinas after Catherine the Great, a big number of diplomatic and private gifts and many other
things, including family costumes, that after the revolution were given to some theatres, where they were used by singers of
various sizes, as the director of the museum described it.
From the marble terrace at the park's entrance, you will enjoy a grand view of the painstakingly constructed lower gardens.
You'll wander through the lower gardens and view the magnificent fountains. Peter himself drafted the layout of the 300-acre
park, including the spectacular system of fountains that cascade throughout the gardens. The elaborate system includes 4
cascades as well as 173 fountains, with the Samson Fountain considered the most impressive. Sixty-four of the fountains
require no pumping stations and have remained unchanged since 1721. The Grand Cascade is one of the most impressive
fountain complexes in the world and was reopened in 1995 after five years of restoration. After a walk in the garden, you will
rejoin your coach for the drive back to St. Petersburg where a Russian lunch will be served in a local restaurant.
Proceed with your sightseeing and drive through the city's most picturesque areas to arrive at Moyka River Embankment
where one of the four private Yusupov's palaces is located. The Yusupovs were one of the richest families in Russia. Their
palaces in St. Petersburg were filled with treasures - a large collection of Old Masters, which is currently a part of the
Hermitage collection, porcelain, and jewelry. You will see the famous Marble Staircase commissioned in France and the
Reception Halls with original furniture and decoration. The Yusupovs, being admirers of ballet and opera, had a magnificent
private theatre built in the palace. Its Baroque decoration was intended to rival the famous Kuvellie Theatre in Munich. The
Palace became known as the place of Rasputin's assassination. You will be escorted by your guide to the private Yusupov's
rooms in the basement where Felix Yusupov treated Rasputin to the cakes and wine with poison. A short transfer will return
you to the ship.
Note: Guests must be able to walk approximately 2 miles over gravel paths, cobblestones, and even surfaces with
approximately 200+ steps. Comfortable walking shoes are recommended. Special shoe covers must be worn touring the
Peterhof Palace. Camera and video fees for each palace are included in the tour cost. Flash photos restrictions might apply in
certain rooms. Please be aware that the Peterhof fountains are subject to maintenance work without advance notification. Time
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permitting; you will have approximately 30 minutes for souvenir shopping at the flea market behing the Grand Palace.
PZ12 - Car - Panoramic Sights/Hermitage/Shopping
ADULT: 2,421.35 / CHILD: 2,421.35 SEK
DURATION: 4 Hours Approx.
The tour price is per vehicle, not per person. For those guests who want to experience St. Petersburg in a small group, you can
tour the city and surrounding areas via private car or van. A driver with an English-speaking guide will accompany you during
the program you have selected. (Foreign language guides may be requested but may incur additional fees.) We have compiled
specific itineraries to help maximize your time in port. Listed below and on the following page, you will find the information
needed to pre-reserve your private car or van.
Pre-reserving: In order for Royal Caribbean International; to make all of the necessary arrangements, advance reservations are
strongly recommended for this service due to limited availability of both vehicles and guides. Actual vehicle type may vary
depending on availability and final number of guests participating per vehicle.
General Information: Three (3)-passenger cars or ten (10)-passenger vans can be arranged for your private half-day or full-day
excursion. This is a private tour; thus, the family or group of friends who accompany you should agree to share the cost.
Royal Caribbean International will not match up persons requesting an excursion to form a private group for a car or van.
Please note that a party of two or three must pre-reserve a car, not a van.
Cars and vans should only be pre-reserved by one individual per party, since Royal Caribbean International places orders per
vehicle. The entire cost of the vehicle will be charged to that person's credit card details and cannot be divided amongst the
party by Royal Caribbean International. A tour ticket will be issued and delivered onboard the ship to the stateroom of the
guest booking this tour.
All group participants (in the vehicles) who have pre-reserved a vehicle through Royal Caribbean International Explorations
Office will not require an individual Russian visa to participate in this program, unless otherwise stipulated through the
Russian Consulate or Embassy in their specific country.
Where To Go: Onboard the ship, the Explorations Office will request the names of each individual in your party. This
information is required to allow your party to disembark the ship for the tour. Please provide this information promptly to
avoid being denied participation by the local authorities. Private vehicle arrangements are non-refundable after confirmation of
the individuals in your party has been provided to the Explorations Office. If you have any questions, the Explorations Office
will be able to assist you accordingly.
St. Petersburg is a large city with the same traffic and construction problems found in any other large metropolitan area. Please
keep in mind that you must consider travel time, venue location, and crowding when making your tour selections. Since many
venues are likely to be visited by other tour groups, please note that you may experience crowding at some locations that is
beyond the control of the local agents or Royal Caribbean International.
Lunch Note: The full-day private car or van excursions in St. Petersburg do not include lunch. However, your guide can assist
you in choosing a local restaurant suitable for lunch. Kosher food is available in St. Petersburg. It is customary to invite the
guide to dine with you, covering his or her expenses. This way, the guide can assist you in ordering and provide an
opportunity for you to discuss those subjects concerning St. Petersburg, which may be of interest to you. Your driver will
provide his own lunch and remain with the car or van during this time.
In addition, on the day of your private tour, your guide will help organize your itinerary, make recommendations and advise
you as to any unusual requests. It cannot be guaranteed that the same guide will escort you on both the AM and PM
departures (if 2 are taken) or Day 1 and Day 2 departures (if 2 are taken).
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Please keep in mind: Cars hold a maximum of 3 persons. Vans hold a ma ximum of 10 persons. A party of 2 or 3 must prereserve a car only. Vans are reserved for groups of 4 to 10 guests.
Entrance fees (1 venue for half-day options and 2 venues for full-day options), photography and video fees are included for
the venues incorporated on your selected itinerary (except where noted otherwise). Meals, refreshments, and gratuities are not
included. Visits to the Hermitage's Gold Room are only performed by pre-arranged appointments and are not included in the
listed Hermitage visit with a private vehicle. Photography in St. Isaac's Cathedral is permitted. No deviations can be made in
length of tour or departure time. Subway fees are not included. Video recordings are restricted at Yusupov Palace.
PZ13 - Peterhof: Imperial Palaces & Villas
ADULT: 1,127.92 / CHILD: 766.25 SEK
DURATION: 8 Hours Approx.
This tour is specially designed to introduce you aristocratic world of Russia, some centuries ago, with its grandeur of court
ceremonies and idyll of private life. A one-hour drive will take you to Peterhof, the town of palaces, fountains, and parks, and
the most brilliant of all the summer residences of the Russian tzars. It is located on the coast of the Gulf of Finland and was
conceived by Peter the Great to rival Versailles in splendor and indeed, one could spend the whole day enjoying the
extravaganza of the fountain display. Peterhof was officially opened in 1721 and has a commanding view over the Lower Park
and the Gulf beyond. The Palace has change considerably over the decades: some of the rooms are in Rastrelli's flamboyant
baroque style, others in later reworks by Velton. The main Staircase is adorned with gilded carvings and leads into a suite of
staterooms. The staterooms are sumptuously appointed especially the opulent Throne Room used in the past for great
receptions and official ceremonies. Peter's Oak Study is one of the few rooms to have survived unaltered from the days of
Peter the Great. Some of the oak panels are originals by Nicolas Pineau.
The grounds of Peterhof include the Upper and Lower Park and a number of delightful little palaces built as private residences
of the tsars: Monplaisir and adjoining it is Catherine's Wing, Marli Palace built for the tzars' guests and the Hermitage
conceived as a private dining venue for the tsar and his friends. While not as lavish as those of the Grand Palace, their
interiors are still very impressive.
The Grand Palace commands a breathtaking view of the Grand Cascade, which is justly considered the chief delight of the
grounds. The Grand Cascade is fed by the underground springs of the Ropsha hills about 13 miles away. The water from the
basin flows into the Gulf of Finland through a canal lined by 22 fountains. The Grand Cascade comprises 3 waterfalls, and
avenue for 64 fountains and 37 gilt statues. The largest fountain of Peterhof is Samson Rending The Jaws Of A Lion. It is a
symbolic representation of Russia's victory over Sweden in the Northern War. Noted Russian sculptures including Martos
and Shubin, worked to create this stunning cascade. A great variety of fountains concentrated in the Lower Park include
Chess Board Hill cascade, Golden Hill cascade, Adam and Eva fountains with statues by Bonazza, the Sun fountain and lots of
others. All the fountains are naturally fed by gravity. The estate was totally occupied during the World War II and the
fountains were destroyed. Since then, nearly all the damage has been repaired in the postwar restoration. After a pleasant walk
in the garden, you will have a lunch in a local restaurant.
Following lunch a short transfer will take you to Alexandria Park, located on the Gulf of Finland. The Cottage Palace
constructed in 1826 - 1829, as a private residence of Nicholas I and his wife Alexandra is renown for its cozy atmosphere of a
family house with a tremendous amount of private belongings. The Pseudo-Gothic style that was in fashion in the early XIX
century is reflected in the facade as well as in the decoration of the interior and furniture. The Palace is full of original china,
glass, paintings and bronze clocks. A white rose, a romantic Alexandra's emblem, is the main motif of decoration of her rooms.
You will visit Alexandra's study, Library, The Grand Drawing Room, the Grand and Small Reception Halls, Private Rooms of
Nicholas I and his sons and daughters.
Note: Guests must be able to walk approximately 1.5 miles over gravel paths, cobblestones and even surfaces with
approximately 200+ steps. Comfortable walking shoes are recommended. Special shoe covers must be worn touring the
Peterhof Palace. Camera and video fees each palace are included in the tour cost. Flash photos restrictions might apply in
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certain rooms. Please be aware that the Peterhof fountains are subject to maintenance work without advance notification.
PZ17 - Hermitage Museum
ADULT: 465.88 / CHILD: 257.46 SEK
DURATION: 3 Hours 30 Minutes Approx.
The Hermitage Museum, located on Palace Square, is one of the worlds greatest treasuries of fine and applied art with over 3
million exhibits. Located on the banks of the Neva River the Winter Palace is home to the Hermitage Museum. The enormous
complex comprises five buildings and displays some of the world's greatest art treasures. Today, the Hermitage contains more
than 3 million exhibits, which rival the Louvre and Prado in architectural, historical, and artistic magnificence. The Winter
Palace itself is an incomparable work of art. The contoured ceilings, precious woods, chandeliers, magnificent halls,
staterooms, and elaborate staircases represent the utmost in opulence and beauty. The guided tour of the museum will include
the Gala Suite of apartments, the Malachite Room, the Small Hermitage, Italian Masters, Dutch and Flemish art, and French
Impressionists. At the end of the visit, view the Palace Square and the 156-foot tall monument to victory over Napoleon.
The Hermitage Museum is a must see on your visit to St. Petersburg. Due to time constraints, your tour will not include all the
exhibits, but rather a concentration of the more popular areas. The approximate time spent in the museum is 1.5 - 2 hours.
Note: Guests must be able to walk approximately 0.75 mile over even surfaces. There is limited seating inside the museum and
no air-conditioning. There are approximately 120 steps covering 2 stories. There are 2 wheelchair accessible lifts, however, 4 - 7
steps must be traversed to reach them. Lifts go to the first floor only. Large carry bags, umbrellas, and heavy coats are not
permitted, and must be checked prior to entering the museum. Camera and video fees for the Hermitage Museum are included
in the tour cost. Flash photos are not permitted. There are small gift shops and stalls throughout the museum.
PZ18 - Tsarskoye Selo (Pushkin)
ADULT: 380.06 / CHILD: 208.42 SEK
DURATION: 4 Hours Approx.
Tsarskoye Selo, also known as the Tzar's Village or Pushkin, is the site of Catherine's Palace. It was the home of the imperial
family from the time of Peter the Great to the fall of the tzars and contains an immense collection of artworks and furnishings.
Pushkin is located approximately 17 miles south of St. Petersburg where in a 1,482-acre park stands Catherine the Great's
opulent summer residence. Designed in the mid-18th century by Rastrelli, and named in honor of Peter the Great's wife, it was a
summer residence of the imperial family from the time of Peter until the fall of the monarchy in 1917. The palace's stunning aqua
facade is nearly 1,000 feet long and adorned with gold and white ornaments. Renowned for its splendid fairytale interior with
the finest of furnishings and china, it is now open as a museum. You will be guided through the various lavish rooms,
including the Throne Room, State Dining Room, Reception Room, Blue Drawing Room, Picture Gallery and others. Although
the palace was nearly destroyed during WWII, it has been magnificently restored to its original splendor.
Following your visit of the palace interior, you will have a 30 to 45-minute tour of the palace gardens before your 1 hour return
to the ship. The grounds comprise some 1,482 acres of landscaped gardens and parkland, and contain other works by Rastrelli,
such as the Hermitage, the Grotto that borders the Great Pond. The park, extending east and south of the palace, is in two
parts. The French Garden is laid out in geometric patterns in front of the east facade and the landscaped English Garden with
its Great Pond to the south. Catherine the Great was responsible for the creation of the English Garden in 1768. Scattered
across the large expanse of the park are several pavilions, monuments, and bridges in a variety of styles.
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Note: Guests must be able to walk approximately 0.5 mile over gravel paths and even surfaces with approximately 45 steps.
Special shoe covers must be worn when touring the palace. Camera and video fees for Catherines Palace are included in the
tour cost. Flash photos are usually not permitted in areas displaying paintings. There is a gift store in the palace and local
vendors near the bus park. Tour order may vary but all listed sites will be covered.
PZ19 - Peterhof: Park & Fountains (exterior only)
ADULT: 331.02 / CHILD: 183.90 SEK
DURATION: 4 Hours 15 Minutes Approx.
The Russian Tzars often retreated to the cool countryside to escape the city's summer heat, building palaces with immense
gardens there that could compete with Europe's grandest. Peterhof Palace attests to the pomp, pageantry, and extravagance of
Russia's ruling class.
Petrodvorets, located 22 miles west of St. Petersburg and on the Gulf of Finland, is one of the most delightful of all palaces to
visit in the area. Built in 1723 as a summer home of Peter the Great, it was intended to rival Versailles. Originally designed by
French architect Alexandre Leblond, architect to King Louis XIV, the Grand Palace was later altered by Bartolomeo Rastrelli
under the direction of Peter's daughter, Elizabeth, to reflect the Russian baroque style. It is difficult to believe that when the
Germans were driven out of the area towards the end of the World War II, everything was in ruins. Painstaking work, using old
plans, photographs and descriptions made it possible to recreate the famous palace and park with fountains that are included
in the UNESCO catalogue of the world's most precious historical sights.
From the marble terrace at the park's entrance, you will enjoy a grand view of the painstakingly constructed lower gardens.
Peter himself drafted the layout of the 300-acre park, including the spectacular system of fountains that cascade throughout
the grounds. The elaborate system includes 4 cascades as well as 173 fountains, with the Samson Fountain considered the
most impressive. All of the fountains require no pumping stations and have remained unchanged since 1721. The Grand
Cascade is one of the most impressive fountain complexes in the world and was reopened in 1995 after five years of
restoration. Your guide will escort you through other beautiful sections of the gardens to see the Lion Cascade, the Pyramid
Fountain, the Golden Mountain Cascade, and trick fountains of Peter the Great to view the facades of the numerous small
palaces scattered around the grounds. Following your visit of the palace grounds, you will have a 1-hour return to the ship,
dependent upon traffic.
Note: Guests must be able to walk approximately 1.5 miles over gravel paths, cobblestones and even surfaces with
approximately 200 steps. Guests are required to walk approximately 0.25 mile from the coach parking area to the Park's main
entrance. Please be aware that the Peterhof fountains are subject to maintenance work without advance notification. No
interior visit to the Peterhof Palace will be made on this tour.This tour will operate in all weather conditions so participants
should take appropriate weather gear (jacket or umbrella) with them. Due to the walking involved in this tour, it is not
recommended for guests with walkers or wheelchairs.
PZ20 - Grand St. Petersburg with Hermitage
ADULT: 1,127.92 / CHILD: 698.82 SEK
DURATION: 9 Hours Approx.
Founded by Tzar Peter I in 1703, St. Petersburg is the second largest city in Russia, boasting some of the worlds finest art
museums and opulent palaces. This easy sightseeing drive will provide a good overview of St. Petersburg, formerly the capital
of Imperial Russia. Driving through the area, your guide will call attention to the splendid architecture and fascinating history
of the city. The mighty Neva River and a number of smaller rivers flow through St. Petersburg, dividing it in a series of islands
connected by some 360 bridges. Former palaces line the numerous waterways and canals and onion dome cathedrals are part
of the cityscape. Some of the attractions seen during the drive may include the Academy of Arts, the University, the
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monumental Rostral Columns, and the Church of Our Savior on Spilled Blood. Proceed past the Peter and Paul Fortress, the
Cruiser Aurora, the Admiralty, the Winter Palace, the Bronze Horseman and the Palace Square.
Drive to St. Isaac's Square and the magnificent St. Isaac's Cathedral. Its dome, coated with more than 200 pounds of pure gold,
dominates the city skyline. Enclosing a space large enough to hold 14,000 people, the walls are heavily ornamented with
marble and precious and semi precious stones as well as 200 mosaics and paintings.
A typical Russian lunch will be served at one of the city's leading hotels or restaurants, after which one of the highlights of St.
Petersburg, the Hermitage Museum, will be visited. The Hermitage occupies the Winter Palace, the winter residence of the
Russian Tzars, as well as four other buildings. Founded in 1764 by Catherine the Great as a private court museum, it has
evolved into the most remarkable collection of art in the world, containing more than 3 million objects of unparalleled
importance. The guided tour will include the State Rooms, and a collection of Western European art featuring Leonardo da
Vinci, Raphael, Titian, Rembrandt, Rubens, Van Dyck (to name but a few) and also many French Impressionists. The Hermitage
tour ends in the Palace Square with its 156-foot high column erected as a monument to the Russian victory over Napoleon.
Note: Guests must be able to walk approximately 0.75 mile over even surfaces with over 200 steps. The Hermitage has limited
interior seating and no air-conditioning. There are approximately 120 steps covering 2 stories. There are 2 wheelchair
accessible lifts; however, 4 - 7 steps must be traversed to reach them. Lifts go to the first floor only. Large carry bags,
umbrellas and heavy coats are not permitted and must be checked before entering the museum. Camera and video fees for the
Hermitage Museum are included in the tour cost. Flash photos are not permitted. There will be limited opportunities to shop at
local street vendors and craft stalls periodically throughout the tour. Tour order may vary but all listed sights will be covered.
PZ21 - Exclusive Hermitage Museum with Gold Room
ADULT: 668.17 / CHILD: 484.27 SEK
DURATION: 4 Hours Approx.
Begin with a short drive through the city to the Hermitage Museum. Located on the banks of the Neva River, the Winter
Palace is home to the Hermitage Museum. The enormous complex comprises five buildings and displays one of the greatest art
treasures. Today, the museum contains more than 3 million exhibits, which rival the Louvre and Prado in architectural,
historical, and artistic magnificence. The Winter Palace itself is an incomparable work of art. This enormous edifice designed
by Bartholomew Rastrelly in the Baroque style comprises of 1800 doors, 1900 windows and 114 staircases. The contoured
ceilings, precious woods, chandeliers, magnificent halls, staterooms and elaborate staircases represent the utmost in opulence
and beauty.
The guided tour in the Winter Palace will include numerous reception halls - the Small Throne Room, the Armorial Hall, the
Grand Throne Hall and the Malachite Room, marvel the exhibits of the 15th - 16th centuries French art as well as works of
Impressionists, with their bright colors of spring gardens, glittering river streams and wind breathing in the trees. Proceed to
the Small Hermitage, famous for its exquisite decoration with marble colonnade, crystal chandeliers and the amazing Peacock
In the Old Hermitage, you will see a collection of Italian Renaissance including masterpieces of Leonardo da Vinci and Rafael.
Your guide will lead you to the New Hermitage, where the 16th - 18th Italian art is presented. The halls with The Dutch
collection are so rich that you can observe Rembrandt's artistic career from his early masterpieces to the very last revelations
of the genius.
The culmination of your day will be a visit to the Golden Treasury Room. The Gold Room presents a significant collection of
archeological finds - the famous Scythian and Greek gold, numerous royal gifts, and a collection of Western European jewelry
made by the most prominent jewelers of the time.
Note: Guests must be able to walk approximately 1.5 miles over uneven and cobblestone surfaces. This tour is not
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recommended for persons who have difficulties walking. The Hermitage has limited interior seating and no air-conditioning.
There are approximately 120 steps covering 2 stories and 2 wheelchair accessible lifts in the Hermitage; however, 4 - 7 steps
that must be climbed first to reach the lifts. There are two lifts in the Hermitage Museum, one of them goes to the second floor
only, the other goes to the second and third floors. Large carry bags, umbrellas and heavy coats are not permitted and must be
checked prior to entering the museum. Camera and video fees for the Hermitage Museum are included in the tour cost. Flash
photos are usually not permitted in areas displaying paintings. There are small gift shops and stalls throughout the museum.
The visit to the Gold Room is only performed by pre-arranged appointments, no exceptions.
PZ22 - City Highlights & Pushkin
ADULT: 1,005.32 / CHILD: 606.87 SEK
DURATION: 9 Hours Approx.
St. Petersburg was created from a wasteland of marshes and islands in the 18th century and remained the capital of Russia for
200 years. During this tour, you will view many of the sights that have made St. Petersburg famous.
Begin with a visit to Catherine's Palace in Pushkin, originally known as Tzar's Village. The Palace's stunning facade is nearly
1,000 feet long and adorned with gold and white ornaments. Renowned for its splendid fairytale interior of fine furnishings and
china, it ranks as one of the masterpieces of world art. Peter the Great presented the estate to his wife Catherine in 1710; it
served until the time of the last Tzar as the imperial family's summer residence. You will be guided through the various lavish
rooms including the Throne Room, the State Dinning Room, the Reception Room, the Blue Drawing Room, and others. During
World War II the palace suffered significant damage; painstaking work restored it to its original splendor. After the tour in the
palace, you will be escorted through a section of the garden decorated with several pavilions, monuments and bridges in a
variety of styles.
A Russian lunch will be served in a local restaurant before continuing your exploration of the city of St. Petersburg. You will
begin your city highlights with a view of the monumental St. Isaac's Cathedral. Its golden dome, coated with more than 200
pounds of gold, dominates the city skyline. You will pass the main square of St. Petersburg with its 156-ft high column erected
as a monument to victory over Napoleon I. You will stop at the Rostral Columns to enjoy a splendid view of the Neva River,
the Hermitage and the golden spire of Peter and Paul Cathedral. You will be guided through Peter and Paul Fortress, which is
considered the birthplace of St. Petersburg. This extensive walled complex includes the Cathedral of Saints Peter and Paul,
now part of the St. Petersburg History Museum. The massive fortifications were built to defend the city; the cathedral became
the burial place of the Tzars starting with Peter the Great. While in the cathedral you will see the tombstones of the Imperial
family including Nicholas II and his relatives.
You will stop at Cruiser Aurora, which signaled the beginning of the Bolshevik Revolution. You will proceed past the Field of
Mars and the Marble Palace before arriving at the Church of the Savior on Spilled Blood where you will stop for photographs
of this exquisitely decorated church that was built on the spot where Alexander II was assassinated in 1881. Continue with a
drive along Nevsky Prospect, the main thoroughfare of St. Petersburg past the Kazan Cathedral and further on out of the city
for the short transfer back to the vessel.
Note: Guests must be able to walk approximately 1.25 miles over gravel paths, cobblestones and even surfaces with
approximately 100 steps. Special shoe covers must be worn touring the Palace. Camera and video fees for Pushkin and the
Fortress are included in the tour cost. Flash photos restrictions might apply in certain rooms. Tour order may vary but all listed
sites will be covered.
PZ23 - Panoramic St. Petersburg Highlights
ADULT: 245.20 / CHILD: 147.12 SEK
DURATION: 3 Hours 30 Minutes Approx.
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Get your bearings with this comprehensive introduction to the imposing grandeur of St. Petersburg during this sightseeing
drive with several photo stops along the way. St. Petersburg rose from the marshy banks of the River Neva to become a
distinctly European city dubbed as Peter the Great's Window to the West. During this fascinating tour, you will view many of
the sights that have made St. Petersburg famous. Drive pass the Winter Palace, the Admiralty, and the Cruiser Aurora, from
which a blank round was fired as a signal for the Bolsheviks assault on the Winter Palace in 1917. See the Field of Mars,
Mariinsky (Kirov) Theater, drive along Nevsky Prospect, the city's main street and pass the impressive St. Isaac's Cathedral
with its immense gold cupola.
Note: Guests must be able to walk approximately 200 yards over cobblestone surfaces with 2 - 5 steps to enter/exit the coach.
No interior visits will be made on this excursion. Tour order may vary in order to avoid traffic congestion.
PZ25 - St. Petersburg Cathedrals
ADULT: 453.62 / CHILD: 239.07 SEK
DURATION: 4 Hours Approx.
On this tour you will visit some of the most significant sites in the heart of St. Petersburg. Drive to St. Isaac Square where you
will visit the Cathedral of St. Isaac of Dalmatia, the former principal church of the Russian Capital. The dome, 331 feet high, is
coated with over 200 pounds of pure gold. The facades are decorated with porticoes, consisting of a large number of columns,
each weighing 114 tons. It is one of the finest architectural monuments of the 19th century designed by French architect
Montferrand. The construction of such an enormous edifice took only 40 years. Inside the Cathedral, you will see a unique
Iconostasis adorned with malachite and lapis lazuli columns and a tremendous number of paintings, sculpture and mosaics by
famous Russian masters.
Reboard your coach for a short transfer to Alexander Nevsky Monastery, one of the most famous in Russia, lying at the south
east end of Nevsky Prospect. The Complex consists of the Church of Annunciation, the Cathedral of the Trinity, the Seminary,
the Communion Building and the Metropolitan House. You will visit the Cathedral of the Trinity and the famous Tikhvin
Cemetery. The Tikhvin Cemetery is where many famous tombs may be seen including Rimsky-Korsakov's, Tchaikovsky's,
Dostoevsky's and Glinka's to name a few. The cathedral is the focal point of the Monastery, constructed between 1776 and
1790, and designed in Neo-Classical style with a central dome and two bell towers. Inside the Cathedral, you will see the
golden sarcophagus with the remains of Alexander Nevsky - the patron saint of St. Petersburg.
You will proceed to the Church of Our Savior on Spilled Blood, adorned with 9 onion domes of gold and ceramics, recently
opened after 25 years restoration. The Church was constructed in 1907 on the spot where Alexander II was assassinated and
imitates Russian architecture of the XVI century. Inside the Church, you will see a number of mosaics that exceed those of the
famous St. Mark's Cathedral in Venice. The Iconostasis, a creation of Russian and Italian artisans, is a masterpiece of stone
carving. You will see the cobblestones with the blood of Alexander II. Above the spot a canopy of black jasper was erected.
Note: Guests must be able to walk approximately 0.5 mile over even surfaces with 20 steps. Conservative dress is required to
enter the monastery. No shorts, short skirts or halter-tops. Tour price includes photo and video charges at St. Isaac's
Cathedral and the Church of Our Savior on Spilled Blood. Photography is not permitted in the functioning church. Tour order
may vary but all listed sites will be covered.
PZ30 - Van - Peter & Paul's Fortress/Church on Spilled Blood
ADULT: 5,486.35 / CHILD: 5,486.35 SEK
DURATION: 4 Hours Approx.
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The tour price is per vehicle, not per person. Please see the information listed under PZ12 Car - Panoramic
Sights/Hermitage/Shopping for further details on this option. Entrance fees for 1 venue, photography and video fees are
included for the venue incorporated on your selected itinerary. Any meals, refreshments, subway fees, or gratuities are not
included. No deviations can be made to the tour length or advised departure time. The tour order; however, can be discussed
on the spot with your guide.
PZ31 - Van - Church on Spilled Blood/Panoramic Sights
ADULT: 5,486.35 / CHILD: 5,486.35 SEK
DURATION: 4 Hours Approx.
The tour price is per vehicle, not per person. Please see the information listed under PZ12 Car - Panoramic
Sights/Hermitage/Shopping for further details on this option. Entrance fees for 1 venue, photography and video fees are
included for the venue incorporated on your selected itinerary. Any meals, refreshments, subway fees, or gratuities are not
included. No deviations can be made to the tour length or advised departure time. The tour order; however, can be discussed
on the spot with your guide.
PZ32 - Van - Pushkin (Exterior)/Pavlovsk (Interior)
ADULT: 5,486.35 / CHILD: 5,486.35 SEK
DURATION: 4 Hours Approx.
The tour price is per vehicle, not per person. Please see the information listed under PZ12 Car - Panoramic
Sights/Hermitage/Shopping for further details on this option. Entrance fees, photography and video fees are included for the
venues incorporated on your selected itinerary. Any meals, refreshments, subway fees, or gratuities are not included. No
deviations can be made to the tour length or advised departure time. The tour order; however, can be discussed on the spot
with your guide. Only the gardens and grounds of Pushkin will be visited. No interior visit of the palace.
PZ33 - Van - Hermitage/Peterhof/Panoramic Sights/Shopping
ADULT: 9,501.50 / CHILD: 9,501.50 SEK
DURATION: 8 Hours Approx.
The tour price is per vehicle, not per person. Please see the information listed under PZ12 Car - Panoramic
Sights/Hermitage/Shopping for further details on this option. Entrance fees for 2 venues, photography and video fees are
included for the venues incorporated on your selected itinerary. Any meals, refreshments, subway fees, or gratuities are not
included. No deviations can be made to the tour length or advised departure time. The tour order; however, can be discussed
on the spot with your guide. A visit to the Hermitage's Gold Rooms is not included in this private vehicle package.
PZ34 - Van - St. Isaac's Cathedral/Peter & Paul's Fortress
ADULT: 5,486.35 / CHILD: 5,486.35 SEK
DURATION: 4 Hours Approx.
The tour price is per vehicle, not per person.Please see the information listed under PZ12 Car - Panoramic
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Sights/Hermitage/Shopping for further details on this option. Entrance fees for stated venues and video fees are included for
the venues incorporated on your selected itinerary. Please note that photos are not permitted in St. Isaac's Cathedral. Any
meals, refreshments, subway fees, or gratuities are not included. No deviations can be made to the tour length or advised
departure time. The tour order; however, can be discussed on the spot with your guide.
PZ35 - Van - Hermitage/Pushkin/Panoramic Sights/Shopping
ADULT: 9,501.50 / CHILD: 9,501.50 SEK
DURATION: 8 Hours Approx.
The tour price is per vehicle, not per person. Please see the information listed under PZ12 Car - Panoramic
Sights/Hermitage/Shopping for further details on this option. Entrance fees for 2 venues, photography and video fees are
included for the venues incorporated on your selected itinerary. Any meals, refreshments, subway fees, or gratuities are not
included. No deviations can be made to the tour length or advised departure time. The tour order; however, can be discussed
on the spot with your guide. A visit to the Hermitage's Gold Rooms is not included in this private vehicle package.
PZ43 - Hermitage & Peterhof
ADULT: 1,176.96 / CHILD: 760.12 SEK
DURATION: 9 Hours 30 Minutes Approx.
An approximate one-hour drive will take you to Peterhof, the town of Palaces, fountains, parks and the most brilliant of all the
summer residences of the Russian tsars. Conceived by Peter the Great to rival Versailles, the complex was officially opened in
1721. Explore the Palace with its opulent staterooms and priceless art. See the breathtaking Grand Cascade, a series of 64
fountains, 37 gilt statues and 3 waterfalls. Following a Russian lunch, return to the heart of the city to visit the famous
Hermitage Museum. Discover Russias largest art museum with an astounding collection of over 2 million pieces of art.
Founded by Catherine II in 1764, the collection is housed in four buildings, the most impressive of them being the Winter
Note: Guests must be able to walk approximately 2.25 miles over gravel paths, cobblestones and even surfaces with
approximately 200+ steps in Peterhof and approximately 120 steps covering 2 stories in the Hermitage. Comfortable walking
shoes are recommended. Special shoe covers must be worn touring the Peterhof Palace. Camera and video fees for each palace
are included in the tour cost. Flash photos restrictions might apply in certain rooms. Large carry bags, umbrellas and heavy
coats are not permitted in the palaces, and must be checked prior to entering the museums. Please be aware that the Peterhof
fountains are subject to maintenance work without advance notification.
PZ44 - Russian Museum & Church on the Spilled Blood
ADULT: 453.62 / CHILD: 239.07 SEK
DURATION: 4 Hours Approx.
This unique tour offers a detailed study of Russian artistic ideas, culture and a thorough understanding of Orthodox tradition.
Explore the Russian Museum, a treasure house to the worlds largest collection of Russian art. See an unparralled collection of
the Russian masters through the centuries. Next, a short walk will take you one of the most famous landmarks in St.
Petersburg, the Church of Resurrection on the Spilled Blood. The multicolored, onion-domed church was built on the spot
where Emperor Alexander II was assassinated in 1881. Inspired by St. Basil in Moscow, the church is richly decorated with a
mind-boggling 7000 square meters of mosaics. After your visit to the magnificent church, browse the famous local Flea Market
located just across the street.
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Note: Guests must be able to walk approximately 1 mile over various surfaces with approximately 15 - 40 steps. Camera and
video fees for Church on the Spilled Blood are included in the tour cost. Flash photo restrictions might apply in certain rooms.
Time permitting; guests will have approximately 40 minutes for shopping in the Flea Market.
PZ47 - Walking Tour of St. Petersburg
ADULT: 245.20 / CHILD: 147.12 SEK
DURATION: 3 Hours 30 Minutes Approx.
Transfer from the pier to the downtown area of St. Petersburg, and en route you will enjoy views of St. Nicholas Naval
Cathedral, a unique 18th century Russian Orthodox Church, the famous Mariinsky Theatre of Opera and Ballet, St. Isaac's
Cathedral, and finally the Bronze Horseman, the most famous monument to the founder of St. Petersburg - Peter the Great, an
equestrian statue created by the famous French sculptor Etienne Maurice Falconet. The monument was meant to be a tribute
by Catherine the Great to her famous predecessor. According to a 19th century legend, enemy forces will never take St.
Petersburg while the "Bronze Horseman" stands in the middle of the city. During the Second World War, the statue was not
taken down, but was protected with sand bags and a wooden case. In that way, the monument survived the 900-day siege of
Leningrad virtually unhurt.
From this square, you start your walk along the Neva River embankment towards the main square of the city. On your way,
you will enjoy the sights on the Neva's opposite bank including the Academy of Arts, the Menshikov Palace, the impressive
building of Peter the Great's 12 Ministries, the Academy of Sciences, and The Chamber of Curiosities which houses the
Museum of Ethnography and Anthropology. Pass by a monument to Peter the Great making a boat that was erected on the
sight of the 18th century Admiralty Shipyard where Peter I himself used to work every day.
Proceed to Palace Square, which is considered the city's main square and serves as an example of the marriage of different
styles in the most elaborate way. On the northern side of the square stands the Baroque Winter Palace (built in 1754-62 by
Bartalomeo Rastrelli). Across the square, on the southern side, there is a classical yellow-and-white building of the former
Imperial Army General Staff (built in 1819-29 by Carlo Rossi), whose triumphant chariot announces victory over Napoleon, the
theme enhanced by the Alexander Column in the center of the square, dedicated to Alexander I.
Reboard the coach and proceed across the Neva River to view the walls of the Peter and Paul Fortress - the birthplace of St.
Petersburg, and later the most severe Russian political prison. You will pass by the Field of Mars, the famous Summer Gardens
of Peter the Great and Emperor Paul's Mikhailovsky Castle and to finally reach the Cathedral of Our Savior on the Spilled
Blood. This Old Russian-style church was built on the spot where Emperor Alexander II was assassinated on March 1, 1881.
Built in 1883-1907, the church is designed in the spirit of sixteenth-and-seventeenth century Russian architecture, inspired
particularly by St Basil Cathedral on Red Square in Moscow.
Debark the coach for another walk along an 18th century canal to the Square of Arts dominated by the famous monument to
Alexander Pushkin by sculptor Mikhail Anikushin. The square itself is a remarkable architectural ensemble and has become
one of the most important cultural centers of the city. There you will find the world-known Russian Museum, the Museum of
Ethnography, Academic Maly Theater of Opera and Ballet, and the State Philharmonic Society. The coach will be waiting on
the square to take you back to the ship along the city's main street - Nevsky Prospect.
Note: Guests must be able to walk approximately 2 miles over even surfaces, inclines and steps. Comfortable walking shoes are
recommended. Due to its nature, this tour is not suitable for guests with walkers or wheelchaires. Time permitting; guests will
have approximately 30 minutes for souvenir shopping during the tour.
PZ48 - Pushkin & Peterhof: Suburbs of St. Petersburg
ADULT: 1,066.62 / CHILD: 668.17 SEK
DURATION: 9 Hours 30 Minutes Approx.
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This tour will provide an opportunity to admire the superb 18th century palace and park ensembles and summer residences of
the Russian emperors created by the order of Peter the Great.
Tsarskoe Selo (Pushkin) is surrounded by a romantic park with arbors, pavilions, grottoes and ancient statues. The Park and
Palace ensemble of Tsarskoye Selo (Tsar's Village) is an exquisite monument of Russian art and culture. In the course of two
centuries, Pushkin became the summer residence of Russian Tsars. During this period, the most famous architects, painters
and artisans of the time created that fantastic world whose splendor equals the most magnificent and richest residences of
Europe. The oldest structure in Tsarskoye Selo is Catherine Palace, which forms the center of the whole ensemble.
Empresses Catherine I, Elizabeth and Catherine II who owned the palace in the 18th century paid much attention to its
construction and decoration. Hundreds of talented architects, painters, horticulturists embodied the tsarinas' fantasies,
designs and personal tastes. All Russian monarchs lived, worked, granted audiences and arranged diplomatic receptions for
foreign ambassadors, gala balls and masquerades in the gorgeous halls of the Catherine Palace.
The gem of the Catherine's Palace is the Amber Room that was once considered to be the "Eighth Wonder of the World." The
amber wall panels were presented to Peter the Great in 1717 by King Friedrich Wilhelm. The panels were made of small pieces
of amber, decorated with mouldings in amber and weighed 800 kg. The panels were too heavy to dismantle and evacuate into
safety when World War II broke out. They were looted by the Nazis, dispatched into Germany, and never seen again.
Preserved photographs and archives helped the Russian art experts to fashion thin amber pieces so that they exactly match
the originals in shape and color and to curve fine ornaments, thus recreating the legendary work of art. After the tour of the
Catherine Palace and Park, lunch will be served in one of the local restaurants where you'll find a selection of hearty Russian
A one-hour drive will take you to Peterhof - a jewel of the Russian art, a town of parks, palaces, and fountains. The
architectural and art ensemble of Peterhof made the Russian art world famous. The parks and palaces of the former country
residence of the Tsars created by the remarkable skill and talent of the architects, gardeners, sculptors and painters glorify the
triumph of Russia and establishment of her marine dominion. This is a rare chance to see grand marine landscapes, exquisite
palaces, shady alleys, sparkling jets of vigorous fountains, the succulent lawns and the perfection of gilded and marble
statues. During the tour, you will visit the centerpiece of both the Lower Park and the Upper Garden - the magnificent Grand
Palace that stands on a natural terrace facing the sea. To this day, the palace retains the appearance that it acquired in 1745-55
after reconstruction work was carried out by the outstanding representative of Baroque architecture, Bartolomeo Francesco
Rastrelli. The interiors of the palace - the Throne Hall, Peter the Great's Oak study (carved by Nicolas Pineau), the Chinese
Lobbies, the Portrait Hall, the White Dining-Room and others - are all masterpieces of decorative and applied art. The palace
houses collections of Russian and European paintings, sculpture, furniture, porcelain and crystal ware. From the marble
terrace of the Grand Palace, there is a magnificent view over the Grand Cascade, made up of numerous waterfalls, 64 fountains
and 37 statues. The largest fountain of Peterhof is Samson Rending the Jaws of a Lion. It is a symbolic representation of
Russia's victory over Sweden in the Northern War. Noted Russian sculptors including Martos and Shubin, worked to create
this stunning cascade. Return to the ship via the same route.
Note: Guests must be able to walk approximately 2.25 miles over gravel paths, cobblestones and even surfaces with
approximately 250 steps. Please be aware that the Peterhof fountains are subject to maintenance work without advance
notification. Special shoe covers must be worn when touring the palaces. Camera and video fees for both palaces are included
in the tour cost. Flash photos are usually not permitted in areas displaying paintings. There is a gift shop in the palace and
local vendors near the bus park. This tour will operate in all weather conditions so participants should take appropriate
weather gear (jacket or umbrella) with them. Due to the extensive walking involved in this tour, it is not recommended for
guests with walkers or wheelchairs.
PZ50 - Car - Peterhof/Shopping
ADULT: 2,421.35 / CHILD: 2,421.35 SEK
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DURATION: 4 Hours Approx.
The tour price is per vehicle, not per person. Please see the information listed under PZ12 Car - Panoramic
Sights/Hermitage/Shopping for further details on this option. Entrance fees for 1 venue, photography and video fees are
included for the venue incorporated on your selected itinerary. Any meals, refreshments, subway fees, or gratuities are not
included. No deviations can be made to the tour length or advised departure time. The tour order; however, can be discussed
on the spot with your guide.
PZ51 - Car - Pushkin/Shopping
ADULT: 2,421.35 / CHILD: 2,421.35 SEK
DURATION: 4 Hours Approx.
The tour price is per vehicle, not per person. Please see the information listed under PZ12 Car - Panoramic
Sights/Hermitage/Shopping for further details on this option. Entrance fees for 1 venue, photography and video fees are
included for the venue incorporated on your selected itinerary. Any meals, refreshments, subway fees, or gratuities are not
included. No deviations can be made to the tour length or advised departure time. The tour order; however, can be discussed
on the spot with your guide.
PZ52 - Car - Yusupov Palace/Panoramic Sights/Shopping
ADULT: 2,421.35 / CHILD: 2,421.35 SEK
DURATION: 4 Hours Approx.
The tour price is per vehicle, not per person. Please see the information listed under PZ12 Car - Panoramic
Sights/Hermitage/Shopping for further details on this option. Entrance fees for 1 venue, photography and video fees are
included for the venue incorporated on your selected itinerary. Please note that video recordings are restricted in Yusupov
Palace. Any meals, refreshments, subway fees, or gratuities are not included. No deviations can be made to the tour length or
advised departure time. The tour order; however, can be discussed on the spot with your guide.
PZ53 - Car - Peter & Paul's Fortress/Church on Spilled Blood
ADULT: 2,421.35 / CHILD: 2,421.35 SEK
DURATION: 4 Hours Approx.
The tour price is per vehicle, not per person. Please see the information listed under PZ12 Car - Panoramic
Sights/Hermitage/Shopping for further details on this option. Entrance fees for 1 venue, photography and video fees are
included for the venue incorporated on your selected itinerary. Any meals, refreshments, subway fees, or gratuities are not
included. No deviations can be made to the tour length or advised departure time. The tour order; however, can be discussed
on the spot with your guide.
PZ54 - Car - St. Isaac's Cathedral/Peter & Paul's Fortress
ADULT: 2,421.35 / CHILD: 2,421.35 SEK
DURATION: 4 Hours Approx.
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The tour price is per vehicle, not per person. Please see the information listed under PZ12 Car - Panoramic
Sights/Hermitage/Shopping for further details on this option. Entrance fees for stated venues and video fees are included for
the venues incorporated on your selected itinerary. Please note that photos are not permitted in St. Isaac's Cathedral. Any
meals, refreshments, subway fees, or gratuities are not included. No deviations can be made to the tour length or advised
departure time. The tour order; however, can be discussed on the spot with your guide.
PZ55 - Car - Church on Spilled Blood/Panoramic Sights
ADULT: 2,421.35 / CHILD: 2,421.35 SEK
DURATION: 4 Hours Approx.
The tour price is per vehicle, not per person. Please see the information listed under PZ12 Car - Panoramic
Sights/Hermitage/Shopping for further details on this option. Entrance fees for 1 venue, photography and video fees are
included for the venue incorporated on your selected itinerary. Any meals, refreshments, subway fees, or gratuities are not
included. No deviations can be made to the tour length or advised departure time. The tour order; however, can be discussed
on the spot with your guide.
PZ56 - Car - Pushkin (Exterior) & Pavlovsk (Interior)
ADULT: 2,421.35 / CHILD: 2,421.35 SEK
DURATION: 4 Hours Approx.
The tour price is per vehicle, not per person. Please see the information listed under PZ12 Car - Panoramic
Sights/Hermitage/Shopping for further details on this option. Entrance fees, photography and video fees are included for the
venues incorporated on your selected itinerary. Any meals, refreshments, subway fees, or gratuities are not included. No
deviations can be made to the tour length or advised departure time. The tour order; however, can be discussed on the spot
with your guide. Only the gardens and grounds of Pushkin will be visited. No interior visit of the palace.
PZ57 - Car - Hermitage/Peterhof/Panoramic Sights/Shopping
ADULT: 4,597.50 / CHILD: 4,597.50 SEK
DURATION: 8 Hours Approx.
The tour price is per vehicle, not per person. Please see the information listed under PZ12 Car - Panoramic
Sights/Hermitage/Shopping for further details on this option. Entrance fees for 2 venues, photography and video fees are
included for the venues incorporated on your selected itinerary. Any meals, refreshments, subway fees, or gratuities are not
included. No deviations can be made to the tour length or advised departure time. The tour order; however, can be discussed
on the spot with your guide. A visit to the Hermitage's Gold Rooms is not included in this private vehicle package.
PZ58 - Car - Hermitage/Pushkin/Panoramic Sights/Shopping
ADULT: 4,597.50 / CHILD: 4,597.50 SEK
DURATION: 8 Hours Approx.
The tour price is per vehicle, not per person. Please see the information listed under PZ12 Car - Panoramic
Sights/Hermitage/Shopping for further details on this option. Entrance fees for 2 venues, photography and video fees are
included for the venues incorporated on your selected itinerary. Any meals, refreshments, subway fees, or gratuities are not
included. No deviations can be made to the tour length or advised departure time. The tour order; however, can be discussed
on the spot with your guide. A visit to the Hermitage's Gold Rooms is not included in this private vehicle package.
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PZ60 - Car - Hermitage/St. Isaac's/Panoramic Sights/Shopping
ADULT: 4,597.50 / CHILD: 4,597.50 SEK
DURATION: 8 Hours Approx.
The tour price is per vehicle, not per person. Please see the information listed under PZ12 Car - Panoramic
Sights/Hermitage/Shopping for further details on this option. Entrance fees for 2 venues and video fees are included for the
venues incorporated on your selected itinerary. Please note that photos are not permitted in St. Isaac's Cathedral. Any meals,
refreshments, subway fees, or gratuities are not included. No deviations can be made to the tour length or advised departure
time. The tour order; however, can be discussed on the spot with your guide. A visit to the Hermitage's Gold Rooms is not
included in this private vehicle package.
PZ61 - Car - Peterhof/Pushkin/Shopping
ADULT: 4,597.50 / CHILD: 4,597.50 SEK
DURATION: 8 Hours Approx.
The tour price is per vehicle, not per person. Please see the information listed under PZ12 Car - Panoramic
Sights/Hermitage/Shopping for further details on this option. Entrance fees for 2 venues, photography and video fees are
included for the venues incorporated on your selected itinerary. Any meals, refreshments, subway fees, or gratuities are not
included. No deviations can be made to the tour length or advised departure time. The tour order; however, can be discussed
on the spot with your guide.
PZ62 - Car - St. Isaac's/Peter & Paul's Fortress/Church on Spilled Blood
ADULT: 4,597.50 / CHILD: 4,597.50 SEK
DURATION: 8 Hours Approx.
The tour price is per vehicle, not per person. Please see the information listed under PZ12 Car - Panoramic
Sights/Hermitage/Shopping for further details on this option. Entrance fees for the stated venues, photography (where
permitted) and video fees are included for the venues incorporated on your selected itinerary. Please note that photos are not
permitted in St. Isaac's Cathedral. Any meals, refreshments, subway fees, or gratuities are not included. No deviations can be
made to the tour length or advised departure time. The tour order; however, can be discussed on the spot with your guide
PZ63 - Van - Panoramic Sights/Hermitage/Shopping
ADULT: 5,486.35 / CHILD: 5,486.35 SEK
DURATION: 4 Hours Approx.
The tour price is per vehicle, not per person. Please see the information listed under PZ12 Car - Panoramic
Sights/Hermitage/Shopping for further details on this option. Entrance fees for 1 venue, photography and video fees are
included for the venue incorporated on your selected itinerary. Any meals, refreshments, subway fees, or gratuities are not
included. No deviations can be made to the tour length or advised departure time. The tour order; however, can be discussed
on the spot with your guide. A visit to the Hermitage's Gold Rooms is not included in this private vehicle package.
PZ65 - Van - Peterhof/Shopping
ADULT: 5,486.35 / CHILD: 5,486.35 SEK
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DURATION: 4 Hours Approx.
The tour price is per vehicle, not per person. Please see the information listed under PZ12 Car - Panoramic
Sights/Hermitage/Shopping for further details on this option. Entrance fees for 1 venue, photography and video fees are
included for the venue incorporated on your selected itinerary. Any meals, refreshments, subway fees, or gratuities are not
included. No deviations can be made to the tour length or advised departure time. The tour order; however, can be discussed
on the spot with your guide.
PZ66 - Van - Pushkin/Shopping
ADULT: 5,486.35 / CHILD: 5,486.35 SEK
DURATION: 4 Hours Approx.
The tour price is per vehicle, not per person. Please see the information listed under PZ12 Car - Panoramic
Sights/Hermitage/Shopping for further details on this option. Entrance fees for 1 venue, photography and video fees are
included for the venue incorporated on your selected itinerary. Any meals, refreshments, subway fees, or gratuities are not
included. No deviations can be made to the tour length or advised departure time. The tour order; however, can be discussed
on the spot with your guide.
PZ67 - Van - Yusupov Palace/Panoramic Sights/Shopping
ADULT: 5,486.35 / CHILD: 5,486.35 SEK
DURATION: 4 Hours Approx.
The tour price is per vehicle, not per person. Please see the information listed under PZ12 Car - Panoramic
Sights/Hermitage/Shopping for further details on this option. Entrance fees for 1 venue, photography and video fees are
included for the venue incorporated on your selected itinerary. Please note that video recordings are restricted in Yusupov
Palace. Any meals, refreshments, subway fees, or gratuities are not included. No deviations can be made to the tour length or
advised departure time. The tour order; however, can be discussed on the spot with your guide.
PZ69 - Van - Hermitage/St. Isaac's/Panoramic Sights/Shopping
ADULT: 9,501.50 / CHILD: 9,501.50 SEK
DURATION: 8 Hours Approx.
The tour price is per vehicle, not per person. Please see the information listed under PZ12 Car - Panoramic
Sights/Hermitage/Shopping for further details on this option. Entrance fees for 2 venues and video fees are included for the
venues incorporated on your selected itinerary. Please note that photos are not permitted in St. Isaac's Cathedral. Any meals,
refreshments, subway fees, or gratuities are not included. No deviations can be made to the tour length or advised departure
time. The tour order; however, can be discussed on the spot with your guide. A visit to the Hermitage's Gold Rooms is not
included in this private vehicle package.
PZ70 - Van - Peterhof/Pushkin/Shopping
ADULT: 9,501.50 / CHILD: 9,501.50 SEK
DURATION: 8 Hours Approx.
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Last Updated: Saturday, April 26, 2008 3:14 PM (Eastern)
The tour price is per vehicle, not per person. Please see the information listed under PZ12 Car - Panoramic
Sights/Hermitage/Shopping for further details on this option. Entrance fees for 2 venues, photography and video fees are
included for the venues incorporated on your selected itinerary. Any meals, refreshments, subway fees, or gratuities are not
included. No deviations can be made to the tour length or advised departure time. The tour order; however, can be discussed
on the spot with your guide.
PZ71 - Van - St. Isaac's/Peter & Paul's Fortress/Church on Spilled Blood
ADULT: 9,501.50 / CHILD: 9,501.50 SEK
DURATION: 8 Hours Approx.
The tour price is per vehicle, not per person. Please see the information listed under PZ12 Car - Panoramic
Sights/Hermitage/Shopping for further details on this option. Entrance fees for stated venues, photography (where permitted)
and video fees are included for the venues incorporated on your selected itinerary. Please note that photos are not permitted
in St. Isaac's Cathedral. Any meals, refreshments, subway fees, or gratuities are not included. No deviations can be made to
the tour length or advised departure time. The tour order; however, can be discussed on the spot with your guide.
PZ78 - Constantine Palace - Residence of the Russian President
ADULT: 845.94 / CHILD: 729.47 SEK
DURATION: 4 Hours 30 Minutes Approx.
Travel to one of the most majestic palaces in the vicinity of St. Petersburg, the Constantine Palace. Once a neglected jewel in
the dazzling necklace of St. Petersburg's historical suburbs, the Constantine Palace was nearly destroyed in World War II and
now has been restored to its original splendor. After the ravages of German occupation, only the palace walls were left
standing, all interior decoration was gone. No effective restoration had been undertaken until 2001 when Russian President
Vladimir Putin ordered the palace to be converted into a presidential residence in St. Petersburg. It is now officially the Palace
of Congress used to host government functions.
The renovated Constantine Palace hosted more than fifty heads of state during St. Petersburg tercentenary celebrations in
2003. Three years later, in July 15-17 2006, it hosted the 32nd G8 summit. Only few can boast to have visited this presidential
maritime residence. Begin your tour in the park of the Constantine Palace and continue to the monument of Peter the Great.
Upon entering the palace, proceed to its largest hall, the Blue Hall that presents a fine example of the Russian classicism, full of
quiet dignity and laconic chic, and preserves the memory of its noble owners. Certainly worth seeing is the Belvedere Hall,
probably the most interesting room of the palace. The central decorative feature of the Belvedere Hall is the spiral wooden
staircase that leads to the open terrace located in the tour mounting the Constantine palace. The beautiful view of St.
Petersburg and Peterhof opens from the windows of the Belvedere Hall. There, Presidents Putin and Bush met for their
bilateral negotiations.
The western part of the palace that used to comprise private rooms of the Grand Duke's family now houses the representative
part of the Palace of Congress - private quarters of the Russian President and protocol sitting rooms - the Waiting Chamber,
the Chestnut Study, the Crimson Drawing-room, the Salon, Rosy and Blue Drawing-rooms, Picture Gallery, Flower Bedroom
and the Boudoir of the First Lady.
Following the tour, descend into the former wine cellars of the Constantine Palace where the famous collection of Tokay wines
have been kept since the time of Empress Elizabeth. The present-day wine collection of the Constantine Palace numbers 13
thousand bottles. Experienced sommeliers will tell you many interesting facts about wine and teach you how to distinguish
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good wine from excellent wine. The final touch of your tour will be an unforgettable wine tasting.
Note: Guests must be able to walk approximately 2 miles over various surfaces with 500+ steps inside the palace and wine
cellar. Conservative attire (no tank tops or shorts) that covers both the shoulders and knees is suggested for this tour. Limited
shopping opportunities are available on this tour. Please note that being the residence of the Russian President, the
Constantine Palace is subject to closures without prior notice. This is beyond the control of the local tour agent and Royal
Caribbean International. Tour sequence may be altered to avoid congestion but always covering the mentioned sites. Due to
the nature of this tour, it is not recommended for guests with walkers or wheelchairs.
PZ79 - Pushkin, City Highlights & Kazan Cathedral
ADULT: 974.67 / CHILD: 576.22 SEK
DURATION: 9 Hours Approx.
Catherine Palace in Tsarskoye Selo (Tsar's Village) is surrounded by a romantic park with arbors, pavilions, grottoes and
statues. The palace's interiors reflect various art styles, mainly, Baroque and Classicism. Begin your tour of the palace with the
Great staircase by Monighetty that takes you to the staterooms on the first floor. The gem of the Catherine Palace is certainly
the Amber Room that was once considered to be the "Eighth Wonder of the World." The 11-foot-square hall walled with
amber and other semiprecious stones vanished in the wake of World War II. Preserved archives helped the Russian art experts
to fashion thin amber pieces to exactly match the original in shape and color, thus recreating the legendary work of art.
After the tour of the Catherine Palace and park, lunch will be served in one a local restaurant where you'll find a rich selection
of tasty Russian cuisine. Your coach will then return you to the city. During your city tour, you will visit the Kazan Cathedral,
located on the main street Nevsky Prospect, which attracts the attention of every visitor by its stately view and elegant
proportions of the dome and colonnades. The cathedral was named after a "miracle-making" icon of Our Lady of Kazan, which
the church housed till the early 1930s. The Bolsheviks closed the cathedral for services in 1929, and from 1932 it housed the
Museum of History of Religion and Atheism. After the dissolution of the Soviet Union, regular services were resumed in the
cathedral. Since 2004, the famous icon of Our Lady of Kazan is back in the cathedral.
After your visit, continue your city tour with a photo stop at the St. Isaac's Square dominated by the majestic Saint Isaac
Cathedral with the 4th largest dome in the world. In the center of the Square is a monument to Nicholas the First. Pass the
Palace Square, the main square of the city, beautifully balanced and proportioned around the Alexander Column. On the
square's northern side stands the picturesque Baroque Winter Palace, a former imperial residence. Drive across the Neva River
and view the Spit of Vasilievsky Island, flanked by two Rostral Columns, which were originally lighthouses. In front of you is
the Peter and Paul Fortress, the first structure of the city. The coach drives past the Artillery Museum and passes along the
Petrograd side where Art Nouveau architecture flourished at the end of the 19th century. The next stop is at the Aurora
cruiser, which signaled the start of the revolution in 1917 by firing a single blank shot from its bow gun.
The coach proceeds to one of the main landmarks of St. Petersburg, the Church of Resurrection on the Spilled Blood. This
marvelous Old Russian-style church was constructed on the spot where Emperor Alexander II was assassinated on March 1,
1881. You will pass the Decembrists Square. The square is dominated by a superb work of sculpture, the magnificent
equestrian statue of Peter the Great. At the conclusion of your comprehensive city sightseeing, your coach will return you to
the ship.
Note: Guests must be able to walk approximately 2 miles over various surfaces with 100 steps. Special shoe covers must be
worn touring the Palace. Camera and video fees for Pushkin are included in the tour cost. Flash photos restrictions might
apply in certain rooms. Time permitting; guests will have approximately 15 minutes outside of Catherine's Palace for shopping
and browsing. Due to the nature of this tour, it is not recommended for guests with walkers or wheelchairs. Tour sequence
may be altered to avoid congestion but always covering the mentioned sites.
PZ80 - Rivers & Canals of St. Petersburg & Yussupov Palace
ADULT: 453.62 / CHILD: 269.72 SEK
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DURATION: 3 Hours 45 Minutes Approx.
The Yusupov family line goes back at least as far as the Romanovs. Crimean merchants of Tartar extraction, the family's wealth
rivaled that of the Tsar himself, with some believing the Yusupovs to be richer. As a favorite of the Felix Yusupov, the palace
was decorated lavishly exemplifying his wealth and eccentric lifestyle. Once, while in Italy, Felix admired a beautiful white
marble staircase and offered to purchase it. Unfortunately, for Yusupov, the owner refused to sell. Not to be disappointed,
Yusupov purchased the whole palace, dismantled the staircase and shipped it to St. Petersburg where it sits in his favorite
palace today. It was in this palace that Prince Felix Yusupov, had conspired to kill a man whom he regarded a real threat to the
future of the Russian Empire. Gregory Rasputin, a peasant who had gained control over the tsar's family through his alleged
supernatural powers, was murdered at the Yusupov Palace and his death was as mysterious as his life. Your guide will escort
you to the cellar, where 'Madame Tussauds' style wax statues reenact that tragic tea party for you. You will also descend the
palace's famous Italian marble staircase to the private theater, sumptuously decorated in the rococo style.
Following the tour of the palace, you will experience a canal cruise where the boat will glide along the canals passing by the
embankments with palaces and theaters, museums and private homes. The boat cruises past St. Isaac's Cathedral built in 1858.
This is one of the largest churches in the world with a huge gold dome. Further along the Moika is a group of yellow buildings
that form the Teachers Training University. At the time of Catherine the Great it used to house the orphanage instituted by the
empress. Next is the Stroganov Palace, a baroque masterpiece of Rossi, Count Stroganov, who was the president of the
Academy of Arts and a noted collector. The Stroganovs amassed their huge fortune through the monopoly they held on salt.
The boat cruises under the Choir Bridge. It takes its name from the Choir Hall located nearby. A cruise along the Moika and
the Neva Rivers is another chance to appreciate history and splendid architecture of this beautiful city. At the conclusion of
your scenic tour, rejoin your coach for the return trip to the pier.
Note: Guests must be able to walk approximately 1 mile over flat and cobblestone surfaces with 100 steps. There are a lot of
steps on the boat pier and it is not accessible to wheelchairs. Participants should take care while entering/exiting the
riverboats. The top decks of the boats are not open for guests' usage due to the close proximity to the bridges. Camera fees for
Yusupov Palace are included in the tour cost. Flash photo restrictions might apply in certain rooms. Videos are not permitted.
Due to the stair climbing involved on this tour, it is not recommended for guests with walkers or wheelchairs. Tour sequence
may be altered to avoid congestion but always covering the mentioned sites.
PZ95 - Hidden Pearls of Peterhof
ADULT: 1,189.22 / CHILD: 827.55 SEK
DURATION: 7 Hours 30 Minutes Approx.
Your tour begins as your coach takes you to Peterhof, the town of palaces, fountains and gardens. Conceived by Peter the
Great to rival Versailles, this is the most brilliant of all the summer residences of the Russian Tsars. On your way, you will see
different parts of the city including the new areas of St. Petersburg as well as the countryside. Among the numerous sights
you will enjoy the recently completed complex at Strelna, officially known as the State Palace of Congresses. It consists of the
restored and reconstructed Constantine Palace and its surrounding garden. Today many high-level negotiations of the
Russian government are held in its beautiful interiors.
This tour of Peterhof will take you off the beaten path. You will have a unique opportunity to admire the most recent
acquisitions in the Peterhof ensemble and visit the amazing and newly restored Pavilions of Tsar Nicholas I. After the
revolution of 1917 both pavilions were neglected and were almost totally destroyed during WW II. The pavilions are true
architectural masterpieces.
Following the tour of the pavilions, you will proceed to the Imperial Bicycles Museum that presents a collection of bicycles
used by Russian royalty. In the second half of the 19th century when bicycles came into fashion all over Europe, bicycles of
various models were purchased for the members of the Imperial family. The museum also offers you many photos of the
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members of the royal family on their bicycles and costumes they wore while riding.
After the tour of the Imperial Bicycles Museum, lunch will be served in a local restaurant. You will find a selection of hearty
and tasty Russian cuisine. After lunch your tour continues to the Monplaisir Garden designed for the wife of Alexander II,
Empress Maria Alexandrovna. Following your visit to the ornate Bath House of the Empress you will walk in the famous
Peterhof Lower Gardens, a 300-acre fountain park with a number of pavilions and palaces overlooking the Gulf of Finland. You
will see the breathtaking Grand Cascade, the largest fountain ensemble in the world. After the hour-long tour of the grounds,
your guide will lead you to the pier from where a hydrofoil will take you right to the center of St. Petersburg.
Note: Guests must be able to walk approximately 2.5 miles over various uneven surfaces including gravel paths, cobblestone
streets with more than 300 steps. This tour will operate in all weather conditions so participants should take appropriate
weather gear (jacket or umbrella) with them. Due to the walking involved in this tour, it is not recommended for guests with
walkers or wheelchairs.
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Tallinn, Estonia
The tour order and exact route/itinerary may vary depending upon where the vessel will dock and local conditions.
Exterior walking portions of the listed tours will be conducted in all weather conditions (rain or shine). Guests are advised to
take the appropriate weather gear and wear comfortable walking shoes.
For a select shore excursion to be provided in another language (i.e. Spanish, French, German and/or Italian), the required
minimum of 25 guests must be met. Please contact the Shore Excursion office directly on board the vessel for further details.
TL01 - Tallinn Walking Tour
ADULT: 269.72 / CHILD: 147.12 SEK
DURATION: 4 Hours Approx.
Dominated by the influence of the old Hanseatic League, the well-preserved medieval quarter of Tallinn, with its narrow
cobblestone alleyways, is best enjoyed on foot. The Old Town was founded in 1154 and has remained remarkably unchanged.
You'll pass from the port to the Upper Town of Tallinn, where you will disembark the coach at Tall Hermann Tower to begin
your walking tour. You'll stop in the Upper Town near Palace Square, where you will visit the Russian Orthodox Church of St.
Alexander Nevski. Built in the traditional style of Moscow churches of the 17th century, the interior contains a number of
interesting icons and mosaics. A visit will also be made to the famous 13th-century Dome Church (except for Sunday port
visits). After visiting the Russian Orthodox Church and the Dome Church, you will walk a short distance for a beautiful
panoramic view of the Lower Town with its towers and steeples rising above cluster of red-tiled roofs.
After touring the Upper Town, you will enter the Lower Town through the 15th-century Short Leg Gate, where youll pass St.
Nicholas Church, one of Tallinn's oldest monuments. On Long Street, youll pass the Brotherhood of Blackheads, a former
merchant organization whose house is noted for its renovated 16th-century Renaissance facade. Nearby, you will see the Holy
Ghost Church of 1316. In the Lower Town, you will have a short stop in Town Hall Square, the center of Tallinn's network of
old streets, to see the Town Hall. Completed in 1404, and preserved almost fully intact in its original Gothic form, this structure
still serves as the City Hall. Your walking tour will end near the Viru Gate, where you will have the option to stay in town or
return to the ship via coach.
Note: Guests must be able to walk approximately 2 miles over uneven surfaces and cobblestone streets, several inclines with
approximately 90 steps. Visitation to the interior of the Dome Church is not possible on Sundays due to regularly scheduled
church services and functions. There are limited opportunities to shop at the Viewpoint. Guests may stay in town at the end of
the tour and make their own way back to the vessel. Tour order may vary but all mentioned sights will be covered.
TL02 - Tallinn Highlights
ADULT: 269.72 / CHILD: 147.12 SEK
DURATION: 4 Hours Approx.
This excursion combines a short walking tour of the highlights of Tallinn that can only be enjoyed on foot, as well as a scenic
panoramic tour of the city's major attractions and surrounding area.
Depart from the pier for a sightseeing drive to Tallinn's historic center. En route, you will pass Kadriorg Park, the main
recreation area of Tallinn, founded by Peter the Great in honor of his wife Catherine. You will have a photo stop at the Song
Festival Grounds, host to the Estonian Song festivals that are held every five years with up to 30,000 performers singing to a
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capacity of 300,000 spectators. You'll pass the well-preserved 16th century ruins of St. Bridget's Convent and the Forest
Cemetery as you travel to the Olympic Yachting Complex located outside the city in the district of Pirita where you will stop for
A short drive follows to Tallinn's Old Town where ancient walls and tower gates can be seen. Upon arrival at Tall Hermann
Tower, you will disembark the coach for a short walk up Toompea Hill to Palace Square where you can view the baroque
Toompea Castle, now housing the Estonian Parliament. You'll visit the Russian Orthodox Church of St. Alexander Nevski. Built
in the traditional style of Moscow churches of the 17th century, the interior contains a number of gold icons and mosaics. A
visit will also be made to the famous 13th-century Dome Church also known as St. Mary's Cathedral (except for Sunday port
visits). Inside the church more than 100 medieval coats of arms are normally on display. After visiting the Russian Orthodox
Church and the Dome Church, you will walk a short distance for a beautiful panoramic view of the Lower Town with its towers
and steeples rising above the cluster of red-tiled roofs.
Note: There are limited shopping opportunities available. Guests may stay in town at the end of the tour. There is
approximately 1 mile of walking over cobblestone streets, several up and down inclines with 30 steps. Visitation to the interior
of the Dome Church is not possible on Sundays due to regularly scheduled church services and functions. Tour order may
vary but all mentioned sites will be covered.
TL03 - Panoramic Tallinn
ADULT: 214.55 / CHILD: 110.34 SEK
DURATION: 3 Hours Approx.
This tour is designed for those guests who would enjoy seeing Tallinn from the comforts of a coach. You'll pass through
Kadriorg Park en route from the port to the city of Tallinn. A highlight of the park is the Song Festival Grounds, with an
amphitheater specially built for the popular Estonian Song Festival. You will pass by the Forest Cemetery where distinguished
Estonians are buried amongst the pine trees before continuing on to Pirita, the beachside location of the yachting complex
built for the 1980 Olympic Games. From this vantage point, the 16th century ruins of St. Bridget's Convent can be seen.
A short drive follows where ancient walls and tower gates come into view. Arriving at the Great Coast Gate of Tallinn, you will
observe the magnificent "Stout Margaret" Cannon Tower. You'll stop for photographs at the Tall Hermann Tower, from where
you will have the option to walk the short distance up Toompea Hill to Palace Square, to view from the outside the baroque
Toompea Castle, now housing the Estonian Parliament. You may also visit the Alexander Nevski Cathedral, which dominates
the city skyline. Departing from Tall Hermann Tower, you will continue past the original city walls built in 1229. You will then
proceed past St. Kaarli's Church, the Estonian Opera and the Hotel Viru, Tallinn's premier hotel located just outside the Old
Town enroute to the port.
Note: You will have the option of staying in town or returning to the ship at the conclusion of your tour. There are
approximately 50 yards of walking over even surfaces with 15 steps. The walking portion at Tall Hermann Tower is optional
and at your discretion. Tour order may vary but all mentioned sites will be covered.
TL05 - Countryside Cycling & Old Town Walking
ADULT: 429.10 / CHILD: 429.10 SEK
DURATION: 5 Hours Approx.
Depart from the pier for a drive to Rocca al Mare Open-Air Museum where you will collect your bicycles to begin your cycling
adventure. Cycle with the guide through the picturesque area of Kakumäe and within the boundaries of the Open-Air
Museum, stopping for commentaries during the circuit. Enjoy refreshments of tea, coffee, and a traditional pastry at the
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Museum Inn. You will have limited time for shopping at the small gift shop before rejoining the coach for the short drive to
Tallinn's Old Town, where ancient walls and tower gates can be seen.
At Tall Hermann Tower, begin the walking portion of the tour with a short walk up Toompea Hill to Palace Square. Visit the
Alexander Nevski Cathedral, which dominates the city skyline. Inside are numerous gold icons and mosaics. Continue by
passing Kiek in de Kok Tower to descend into Lower Town and Town Hall Square where free time is allotted to view the
Gothic Town Hall. Walk along Viru Street to Viru Gates where you will have shopping opportunities at the Muurivahe knitwear
market or at the nearby bookstores, clothing shops or the shops of applied arts on Viru Street before rejoining the coach for
the transfer to the ship.
Note: There are approximately 2.5 miles (4 km) of cycling over grass, gravel and metal surfaces on this tour. Guests must be
able to walk approximately 1 mile (1.6 km) over cobblestone surfaces, gravel paths and steep inclines with 15 - 20 steps.
Participants must be in good physical condition, comfortable using hand brakes and be confident on a bicycle. Participants
must be at least 60 inches (150 cm) in height. Participants should be aware that there are certain inherent risks involved in any
cycling or walking excursion. A parent or guardian must accompany children under the age of 18 years. Please wear the
appropriate walking or sports shoes and dress comfortably. This tour will operate rain or shine; therefore, participants should
take the appropriate weather gear with them, carry a backpack for belongings and take extra bottled water to stay hydrated
during the ride. Time permitting; guests will have approximately 30 minutes of shopping time while on Viru Street.
TL07 - Best of Tallinn with Concert & Lunch
ADULT: 490.40 / CHILD: 361.67 SEK
DURATION: 6 Hours Approx.
This full-day tour starts with a visit to the Song Festival Ground where a short stop will provide you with an impression of the
Song Festivals that are held on the grounds every five years where up to 30,000 performers sing to a capacity of 300,000
spectators. Continue to Pirita, the beachside location of the yachting complex built for the 1980 Olympic Games where also the
16th century ruins of St. Bridget's Covent can be seen. A short drive follows to Tallinn's Upper Town, passing ancient walls,
tower gateways, and disembark the coach at Tall Hermann Tower from which flies the national blue, black and white flag. Walk
up Toompea Hill to Palace Square to view the baroque Toompea Castle, now the residence of the Estonian Parliament, and to
visit the Russian Orthodox Alexander Nevski Cathedral, a dominating feature of Upper Town's city skyline and home to
numerous golden icons and mosaics. From there, walk along Tallinn's medieval cobblestone streets to visit the gothic Dome
Church, known as St. Mary's Cathedral. Proceed to the scenic viewpoint over the Lower Town rooftops, where there will be
limited time for shopping in the small shops. Descend Short Leg Street to the Lower Town for an independent visit to the
Town Hall Square and view the exterior of the gothic Town Hall. In this square at one of Tallinn's typical Old Town
restaurants, lunch will be served. A special visit to the historic Dominican Monastery is accompanied by a concert of medieval
music in the courtyard. Continue your walk along Catherine's Passage where shopping and browsing opportunities at the local
craft workshops (including glass, leather, millinery and ceramic wares) await you. Return to the coach for the return drive to
the vessel.
Note: Guests must be able to walk approximately 2 miles over uneven surfaces and cobblestone streets, several inclines with
approximately 90 steps. Visitation to the interior of the Dome Church is not possible on Sundays due to regularly scheduled
church services and functions. Time permitting; guests will have approximately 30 minutes for shopping and browsing. Guests
may stay in town at the end of the tour or make their own way back to the ship. Tour order may vary but all mentioned sites
will be covered.
TL09 - Upper Town & Kadriorg Palace
ADULT: 239.07 / CHILD: 122.60 SEK
DURATION: 4 Hours 30 Minutes Approx.
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Depart from the pier for a short drive to Tallinn's Old Town, where ancient walls and tower gates can be seen. At Tall Hermann
Tower walk the short distance up Toompea Hill to Palace Square. Visit the Alexander Nevski Cathedral, which dominates the
city skyline. Inside are numerous gold icons and mosaics. Continue along Tallinn's medieval cobbled streets and visit the
gothic Dome Church, also known as St Mary's Cathedral. Inside the church more than 100 medieval coats of arms are normally
on display. Proceed to the scenic viewpoint over the Lower Town rooftops, where there will also be a short opportunity for
shopping before rejoining the buses.
Continue the tour to Kadriorg Palace, built in 1723 by Peter the Great in honor of his empress wife Catherine I. Its magnificent
scale is enhanced by its setting on several levels, with upper and lower gardens in contrasting styles. The Swan Pond with its
picturesque island and the grottoes in the upper garden are a visual delight. Kadriorg means "Catherine's valley" in Estonian,
although the Tsarina seldom visited the palace. Since the Russian revolution, the ornate palace rooms have been used as an
art museum and following closure in recent years; Kadriorg has now reopened in its former glory. After viewing highlights of
the European art on display, stroll through the Lower Garden to the Rusalka Monument, standing by the sea. This granite rock
supporting a black angel commemorates the sinking in 1893 of the Russian naval ship Russalka, and bears the names of the
172 sailors who lost their lives. From there, the tour returns to the port.
Note: Guests must be able to walk approximately 1 mile over uneven, gravel and cobblestone surfaces, inclines and 25 - 40
steps. Comfortable walking shoes are recommended. Visitation to the interior of the Dome Church is not possible on Sundays
due to regularly scheduled church services and functions. Time permitting; guests will have approximately 20 minutes for
shopping and browsing.
TL13 - Medieval Rakvere & Tallinn
ADULT: 490.40 / CHILD: 361.67 SEK
DURATION: 7 Hours Approx.
Depart directly from the port for a scenic drive through the picturesque Estonian countryside towards one of the oldest towns
of Estonia, Rakvere. On arrival, you will have a short sightseeing tour of the town and after which you will visit the Rakvere
Distillery Museum (Exhibition House), established in the 18th century. Alcohol has been produced in Estonia since the 15th
century and the distillery museum presents the history of producing spirits in Estonia. You will have an opportunity to sample
and purchase the products of the Distillery. For those who wish, a more thorough tasting opportunity will be provided with a
chance to receive a certificate of the 'connoisseur of vodka'.
From the Distillery, continue to Rakvere Castle to explore the 13th century medieval fortress. See the enormous sculpture of a
bull called Tarvas, situated high on the hill next to the castle guarding the town. As you enter the ruins of Rakvere castle take
a step back in time. In the courtyard, see the typical medieval watchtower, stone throwing machines, and fully functioning
cannon. Medieval crafts can be seen such as the blacksmith at work with a chance to join in the experience. A short tour will
be taken around the castle and for those who are feeling brave, a visit can be made to the Torture Chamber and Hell Chamber.
Lunch will be served at an inn in the courtyard of Rakvere castle where you will have the opportunity to taste the local
Estonian beer. Free time will be given after the lunch for browsing in the courtyard and visiting the souvenir store. From
Rakvere, travel back to Medieval Tallinn to the Tall Hermann Tower where the Estonian blue, black, and white flag flies. Walk
up Toompea Hill to Palace Square, where you will view the Baroque Toompea Castle, now the residence of the Estonian
Parliament. Visit the lovely Russian Orthodox Alexander Nevsky Cathedral, a dominating feature of upper town's city skyline
and home to numerous golden icons and mosaics. Continue along Tallinn's medieval cobbled streets; visit the Gothic Dome
Church, also known as St Mary's Cathedral. Inside the church are more than 100 medieval coats of arms. Enjoy the view of
lower town from the terrace or browse in the small shops before your return drive to the port.
Note: Guests must be able to walk approximately 1.25 miles over uneven surfaces with over 100 steps at the various sites. Time
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permitting; guests will have approximately 20 minutes for shopping and browsing at Rakvere Castle. Visitation to the interior
of the Dome Church is not possible on Sundays due to regularly scheduled church services and functions. Due to the nature
of this tour, it is not recommended for guests with walkers or wheelchairs.
TL14 - Tallinn - City of Contrasts
ADULT: 269.72 / CHILD: 147.12 SEK
DURATION: 3 Hours 30 Minutes Approx.
This tour reveals the many contrasting faces of Tallinn, its differing nature and styles of life. Begin with a drive through the
modern and bustling city center with its banks, shops and offices, and see the preserved wooden churches and houses from
the beginning of the 20th century. While traveling to the apartment district of Lasnamäe, you will notice examples of limestone
construction, the principal stone to be found in Estonia. Limestone has been used here as a building material for a thousand
years. In the 1970's, during the soviet period, Lasnamäe was constructed as a vast residential district. Driving from Lasnamäe
to the Kose-Pirita district, witness a very different type of architecture. View private houses from the 1950 and 60's with their
neat gardens. In Pirita, you can also see the racecourse that has always been popular, even in soviet times. Just across the
Pirita River lie the majestic ruins of St. Bridget's Convent. The largest convent in Old Livonia, St. Bridget's was founded in 1407
as part of a Swedish religious order and functioned until its destruction by Ivan the Terrible's forces in 1577. The remains are
massive, gothic façade and walls of the main building, foundations, cellars, and a cemetery. The coast of the nearby Viimsi
peninsula saw the arrival of its first inhabitants over the two centuries, 1271 and 1471. Habitation developed along the
coastline, and immigrants from Sweden played an important role. Gradually mixed settlements appeared, where side-by-side
with the Swedes lived Estonians and Finns. In the 19th century the lands of Viimsi manor stretched as far as the western shore
of the peninsula from the mouth of Pirita River to Rohuneeme village. During the soviet period Viimsi was the centre of a
prominent collective fish farm. Even today you can see the old farm buildings alongside new houses which are building up
rapidly. The Open Air Museum displays Estonian peasant architecture from the 19th and 20th centuries: it was founded in
1980 within the former Kingu farmstead buildings. There, you will enjoy refreshments in a restaurant overlooking the
picturesque seashore before your return to the ship.
Note: Guest must be able to walk approximately 650 yards over even and grassy surfaces, inclines and 5 - 15 steps.
Comfortable non-slip shoes are recommended. Guests may stay in town at the end of the tour or make their own way back to
the ship. Tour order may vary but all mentioned sites will be covered.
TL15 - Shadows from Soviet Past
ADULT: 269.72 / CHILD: 147.12 SEK
DURATION: 4 Hours 15 Minutes Approx.
This tour aims to explore the less traditional aspects of Tallinn, and to visit venues and sights that are related to its history
especially the city's Soviet past. You will visit the unique submarine, which served in the Soviet forces during World War II.
You will also become familiar with the fight for freedom of the Estonian Republic and see the former KGB house, which was
witness to the tragic past of many Estonians. From the port, drive to the seaplane harbor where historic exhibits of Estonian
navigation are located. Visit the submarine Lembit (constructed in 1937 in the UK), the oldest submarine in the world, which is,
still afloat. Also see the icebreaker Suur TOll, dating back to 1914. Next, your tour takes you to the Old Town where you'll see
the KGB House. The memorial tablet on the wall recalls the tragedies that happened at this infamous house. After seeing the
KGB House, drive to the eastern part of Tallinn where in the Forest Cemetery you will see the grave of the first president of
Estonia, Konstantin Pats. He was the most well known victim of soviet repression. Next to the cemetery soars the TV tower,
which is a memorial to the demonstrations against soviet power at the beginning of the 1990's during the Moscow uprisings.
You'll see a living scene so familiar to everyday Soviet people as you drive back to the city through the vast apartment district
of Lasnamae. Visit the Estonian Museum of Occupation where articles from the everyday lives of Soviet people are displayed:
a phone box, a soviet car -Zaporozets, vouchers for buying food, etc. You will also have an opportunity to listen to the
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memories of a local person who was repressed by the KGB. After visiting the museum, board your motor coach for the return
trip back to the ship.
Note: Guests must be able to walk approximately 1 mile over uneven and gravel surfaces with 50 steps at the various sites.
Comfortable walking shoes are recommended. Tour order may vary between groups but always covering the mentioned sites.
TL16 - Town & Country Life
ADULT: 300.37 / CHILD: 153.25 SEK
DURATION: 4 Hours 30 Minutes Approx.
Your tour begins with Tallinn's Upper Town. Visit Alexander Nevsky Cathedral with its many icons and mosaics, and the 15th
century Dome Church, also known as St Mary's Cathedral. From the nearby viewpoint you can enjoy a wide view over Lower
Town with its church spires, medieval houses and red rooftops. Continue through the western part of Tallinn and out to Esko
farm which specializes in rearing cows, having now approximately one-hundred. The farm was established with eight cows
following the independence of Estonia in 1991 and is owned and managed by one family, aided by a small staff of workers.
They produce cheese and curds from their cows milk which are sold to baker's shops and special cheese restaurants in Tallinn.
You will be invited to taste their products. In 2003 they were awarded a medal for the highest quality of dairy produce as well
as being visited by the President of Estonia. Depart from Esko Farm and travel through Saku, famous for its Saku Brewery to
NOmme. Upon arrival, visit a typical small private house from the 1970s. Enjoy walking around the premises before joining the
hostess for a cup of coffee and homemade cake. Afterwards, reboard your coach for the return trip to the ship.
Note: Guests must be able to walk approximately 0.75 mile over uneven, cobblestone and grassy surfaces, inclines and 15 - 45
steps. Comfortable walking shoes are recommended. Due to the nature of this tour, it is not recommended for guests with
walkers and wheelchairs. There are limited opportunities (approximately 15 minutes) to shop at the Viewpoint. Visitation to the
interior of the Dome Church is not possible on Sundays due to regularly scheduled church services and functions.
TL18 - Bog Hike & Picnic in North Korvemaa
ADULT: 398.45 / CHILD: 245.20 SEK
DURATION: 6 Hours Approx.
Your adventure hike begins with a scenic drive to North-KOrvemaa Landscape Reserve, which was created in 1991 to preserve
the relatively untouched landscapes and ecosystems of Estonia. The region, also called "Estonian Switzerland," is extremely
diverse. Within the reserve, there are steep sided cliffs and plateaus formed by the withdrawal of the glacial sheet 12,000 years
ago. In the hollows between them, there are some 50 forest lakes, bogs and different types of forests. The big stretch of flat
land within the park contains many bogs and is perfect for hiking in summer and for cross-country skiing in winter. During
your bog hike, you will have the opportunity to admire the beautiful scenery of the various Estonia landscapes. Walk on a
boardwalk but if you wish to have a natural experience of a bog, walk across the mosses of bogs following in the footsteps of
your experienced guide. The trip also includes a picnic lunch before your return to the port.
Note: Guests must be able to walk approximately 5 miles over uneven paths. Low heeled, comfortable walking shoes and
comfortable, loose clothing are recommended. This tour will operate in all weather conditions so participants should take
appropriate weather gear with them.
TL19 - Kayak & Walk along Pedassaare Island
ADULT: 459.75 / CHILD: 459.75 SEK
DURATION: 5 Hours 30 Minutes Approx.
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Come and explore the uniqueness of Estonian islands with a sea-kayaking trip. Depart the ship and travel to Valkla, located
about 40 km from Tallinn. Since kayaking requires specific knowledge and skills, there will be two guides at your disposal to
provide you with kayak instructions and information about local nature and culture throughout the tour. Once you are all set,
begin your kayak adventure and paddle to Pedassaare, the highest and most forested island in Kolga Bay. The only
inhabitants on the unspoiled island are the forest keeper and his family. Once on island, take a short walking tour and enjoy a
delicious snack. To conclude your 10 km scenic trip, kayak back to your starting point, the Valkla Seaside Centre to rejoin your
coach for the drive back to Tallinn port.
Note: Guests must be able to walk approximately 1.5 miles along island hiking paths. Guests must be at least 16 years of age
and comfortable handling a kayak and being in the water. Comfortable clothing (swimsuit) that you do not mind getting wet
and items such as sunscreen, hat and towel should be brought with you. Participants should be aware that there are certain
inherent risks involved in any kayaking and hiking excursion. This tour will not operate in inclement weather, as determined by
the local agent. However, participants should be prepared and take appropriate weather gear with them, carry a small backpack
for belongings and take bottled water with them to stay hydrated during the tour. Guests on the afternoon departure (when
available) will need to make alternate lunch arrangements since the departure time conflicts with the onboard dining schedule.
TL20 - Estonian Countryside & Fish Farm Lunch
ADULT: 422.97 / CHILD: 275.85 SEK
DURATION: 4 Hours 30 Minutes Approx.
This tour will delight all those who are interested in nature and fishing at a local Fish Farm. Approximately 25 miles from
Tallinn is the Tuhala Landscape Protection Area where the scenery is enriched by the interesting karst phenomena and rare
plant species. The first stop is at the famous Witch's Well; the 7.8 feet deep Witch's Well is a unique karst spring, a genuine
phenomenon of nature. From time to time the well "boils over" with water spouting into the air at over 27 gallons per second.
Sometimes the well "spits" out fish and frogs. The legend says: when the witches of Tuhala are whisking, the well starts
boiling. Whilst not a regular occurrence, these fantastic happenings have sometimes been witnessed twice in a year,
sometimes every other year. Next to the well is another very rare wonder of nature - the Energy Column, which is one of the
most powerful in Europe. Many people believe it helps to cure a variety of diseases. There is the opportunity to charge
yourself with new energy, before starting your walk to Polli Minizoo. Besides typical Estonian domestic animals, you can also
see some exotic species. After a short bus drive you will arrive at the Oxforell Fish farm where you will have the opportunity to
catch fish (trout) and enjoy lunch from your catch. After lunch you will return to the port.
Note: Guests must be able to walk 650 yards over uneven surfaces with a few steps. Comfortable walking shoes are
recommended. Low heeled, comfortable walking shoes and comfortable, loose clothing are recommended. This tour will
operate in all weather conditions so participants should take appropriate weather gear with them. Due to the nature of this
tour, it is not recommended for guests with walkers or wheelchairs.
TL37 - Glory of Old Tallinn
ADULT: 331.02 / CHILD: 208.42 SEK
DURATION: 4 Hours Approx.
Drive to Toompea Castle, passing ancient walls, tower gateways and disembark the coach at Tall Hermann Tower from which
flies the national blue, black and white flag. In 1500, Tall Hermann achieved its current height of 45.6 meters. Walk up Toompea
Hill to Palace Square. View the baroque Toompea Castle, now the residence of the Estonian Parliament and visit the lovely
Russian Orthodox Alexander Nevski Cathedral, a dominating feature of Upper Town's city skyline, and home to numerous
golden icons and mosaics. The church tower contains Tallinn's grandest church bell ensemble, consisting of eleven bells.
From there, continue along Tallinn's medieval cobbled streets to view the Gothic St Mary's Cathedral. Proceed to the scenic
viewpoint over the Lower Town rooftops from where you can trace the way in which Tallinn's harbor has moved through the
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centuries. There will be a short opportunity for shopping at the small shops. Descend Short Leg Street to the Lower Town and
visit St. Nicholas Church, which was first mentioned in 1315. Dedicated to St. Nicholas, patron saint of merchants and
seafarers. One of the main attractions of the church is the famous Dance of Death, painted by the Lubeck master Bernt Notke
at the end of the 15th century. A short classical music concert will be enjoyed. Then continue by the medieval narrow streets
of Lower town and view the merchants' house of Hanseatic League. On Pikk Street, you will see the House of Great Guild. Only
long distance merchants, the wealthiest citizens could become members of the Great Guild. After that, have a short stop in
Town Hall Square. The Town Hall Square has always played a very important part in the history of Tallinn, being its heart as
well as a medieval market place. The Tallinn Town Hall is one of the few Gothic town halls preserved to such completeness in
Northern Europe. There you will have a short time for shopping before rejoining your coach waiting at Mere Boulevard. You
will have the option to stay in town or return to the ship.
Note: Guest must be able to walk approximately 2 miles over uneven and cobblestone surfaces with approximately 90+ steps.
Comfortable walking shoes and hat are recommended. Visitation to the interior of the Dome Church is not possible on
Sundays due to regularly scheduled church services and functions. Time permitting; guests will have limited time for
shopping during the tour. Guests may stay in town at the end of the tour and make their own way back to the ship. Tour order
may vary but all mentioned sites will be covered.
TL52 - Estonia - Country of Seafarers
ADULT: 269.72 / CHILD: 147.12 SEK
DURATION: 4 Hours 30 Minutes Approx.
This special interest excursion combines the main sites of Tallinn with the history of sea-faring in Estonia. After a short drive
you will depart your coach for walk along the Lower Town cobblestone streets to enjoy the view of Upper Town on your way
to Town Hall Square where you will see the famous Town Hall.
Walking the cobblestones on Pikk Street, you'll see former houses of merchants, characteristic for Hanseatic cities. Also
several merchants' Guilds have been preserved on Pikk Street, the most imposing of which is the House of the Blackheads. At
the end of Pikk Street, you will visit the magnificent Stout Margaret Cannon Tower where Estonian Maritime Museum is
situated nowadays. The museum highlights all-the important sea-faring aspects of Estonia's history, displaying Neolithic
fishing gear, antique diving equipment, artifacts salvaged from old wrecks, and even the entire wheelhouse from a 50's-era
trawler. The extensive museum covers four floors of the historic Fat Margaret Cannon Tower. On the roof of the tower, you
can enjoy a picture-postcard view of the harbor and the Old Town.
Next, rejoin your coach for a drive to the Seaplane Harbor where historic exhibits of Estonian navigation are located. The
Estonian Maritime Museum's ships are a must-see for history buffs, old sea hands and landlubbers alike. You will visit the
submarine Lembit which launched in 1938. The Lembit is a fascinating pre-war relic- the oldest submarine in the world which is
still in afloat and can be towed. Also you will see the ice breaker Suur Toll, dating to 1914, which is Europe's oldest steampowered icebreaker. Return to the ship.
Note: Guests must be able to walk approximately 1 mile over various uneven, cobblestone surfaces with 100+ steps covering 4
floors in the Maritime Museum and additional steps to reach the Submarine Lembit and Ice-breaker Suur Toll. Sturdy,
comfortable shoes are recommended for this tour. Due to the amount of stair climbing involved on this tour, it is not
recommended for guests with walkers or wheelchairs.
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