Name __________________________________ NOTES 16.4 EVIDENCE OF EVOLUTION Period _______ Date ____________ Seat _____ Comparative Embryology: The study of the similarities and differences among various organisms during embryonic development. A. Rabbit B. Human Homologous Structures: Structures that are similar In different species of common ancestry. C. Chicken Different functions Pharyngeal pouches Analogous Structures: Features (like wings) of different species that are similar in how they function (flight), but the structures of the features are different (covering: skin, feathers, chitin). Pharyngeal pouches in embryos can develop into gill arches ____________________ (fish) or straining device sea squirts (____________________) or the jaw, middle ear Humans bones, and rings of the trachea (____________). Sea squirt 5 cm 1 Skin Feathers Layers of chitin Name __________________________________ NOTES 16.4 EVIDENCE OF EVOLUTION Vestigial Structures: Period _______ Date ____________ Seat _____ Atavistic Structures: The reappearance of a trait that has been lost during evolution. A structure that is reduced in size and has little or no original function. Whale hip Snake hip Black Vine Weevil fused wing covers Skink (useless legs) Human tail with vertebrae Ostrich wings Dog Dolphin with hind fins Supernumerary nipples in humans DNA Common Genetic Code: All living cells use _________ and RNA to make _________________ and pass on Proteins genetic information. The genetic code is nearly the same ______________ for all living things. Human Nictitating membrane 2 Name __________________________________ NOTES 16.4 EVIDENCE OF EVOLUTION Period _______ Date ____________ Seat _____ A molecule found in Homologous molecules: different species that has a similar structure and estimates function. Inherited anomalies: Mutations and viral insertions that are inherited from a common ancestor. Cytochrome C is found in all living cells. It is involved in cellular respiration. Works fine! Origin of pseudogene sweets All of the cats above cannot taste __________________. deletion Each has an identical 247 base-pair _________________ in their Tas1r2 (taste receptor) gene. This causes a frame-shift ___________________ mutation, which results in a stop premature ___________ codon. The cats inherited this common _____________. ancestor condition from a _____________ Yeast inserted the human Cytochrome C. Scientists ___________ gene ____________into other organisms and found functioned that the protein ___________________ very well. 100% The Cytochrome C amino acid sequence is ______ identical in both humans and chimpanzees. Identical viral insertions appear in different __________ species at the same locations within their _______. These animals DNA inherited these insertions from a common ancestor. ____________ Hemoglobin is a protein in the blood that transports oxygen to cells. 100% The hemoglobin amino acid sequence is ______ identical in both humans and chimpanzees. Insertions 3 Name __________________________________ NOTES 16.4 EVIDENCE OF EVOLUTION Period _______ Date ____________ Seat _____ Age of the Earth: Radiometric dating estimates the age of the Earth to be about 4.5 billion years old. Not for dating rocks, but good for organic artifacts like: Iceman = 5,300 ya Kennewick man = 10,000 ya Cro Magnon fire pit = 28,000 ya Useful for dating age of the earth U =75% 0 half-lives (rock crystallizes) U =50% 1 half life (710 myo) 0.5 half-lives (355 million years old) U =12.5% 3 half lifes (2,130,000,000 myo Or 2.31 byo) 4 Sea shells are between 355 – 370 mya Trilobites are between 485 – 510 mya 355 mya Name __________________________________ NOTES 16.4 EVIDENCE OF EVOLUTION Whale Evolution ankle Double pulley ___________ bones called astragalus are found pronghorn in 35 myo whales and modern ________________ antelopes. The same structure can be seen in the hind foot of a 33 myo Basilosuarus ________________________ whale. This evidence suggests distantly whales and pronghorns are _________________ related. blowhole The evolution of the _________________ in whale-like creatures over time to its current position at the top of dolphin the head as shown in a modern __________________. 5 Period _______ Date ____________ Seat _____