Quick relaxation and breathing exercises (page 1 of 2)

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Author: Linda Robson
Role: Occupational Therapist
Date written: March 2012
Last reviewed: April 2015
Review date: April 2018
Version: 1.1
Code: PI0939
Quick relaxation and
breathing exercises (page 1 of 2)
The following exercises are quick, easy relaxation techniques and
breathing exercises for managing anxiety or if you are having difficulty
7/11 breathing technique
• take a deep breath in through your nose - try to do this to a count
of 7
• breathe out slowly through your mouth - try to do this to a count of
• repeat 2 or 3 times.
Abdominal breathing
• lie on your back with one hand on your chest and the other on your
• take a deep breath in so that you can feel your hand being pushed
upwards by your stomach
• notice how the chest then rises to push the other hand upwards
• as you slowly breathe out notice your hands then follow the chest
and stomach back down
• repeat 2 or 3 times.
Positive suggestions
• close your eyes
• take a few deep breaths consciously to slow down your breathing
• repeat the following directions silently over and over in your mind
○○ “I will feel more & more confident each day”
○○ “I will feel calmer each day”
○○ “I will feel more in control each day”.
Deep breathing exercise
• take a deep breath in and hold it to a count of 5
• as you breathe out slowly through your mouth think of the word
‘relax’. Take another deep breath in to a count of 5
• as you breathe out say to yourself ‘relax’
• repeat the above for a total of 5 deep breaths.
Wessex Rehabilitation Centre
 01722 336262 ext. 2370
© Salisbury NHS Foundation Trust
Salisbury District Hospital, Salisbury, Wiltshire SP2 8BJ
Quick relaxation and breathing exercises (2 of 2)
Blowing into an imaginary balloon
• imagine holding a red balloon to your mouth
• start to breathe out long, deep breaths into the balloon, as if you are trying to blow it up
• each time you breathe out, imagine you are blowing all of your worries, anxieties or tension
into the balloon
• Imagine tying a knot in the balloon and releasing it to float away.
Progressive relaxation
• close your eyes
• starting at your toes and working upwards focus on each part of your body in turn
• imagine each body part becoming limp and heavy as you focus on it
• visualise tension leaving the body as you focus on each part.
Wessex Rehabilitation Centre
Tel: 01722 336262 ext. 2370
© Salisbury NHS Foundation Trust
Salisbury District Hospital, Salisbury, Wiltshire SP2 8BJ