22 DAIRY & BEEF AUSTRALIA INDEX AT BACK. Please use product codes when ordering DAIRY & BEEF LOW POWER DEMAND The new DuraProd prodder technology reduces power demand without any reduction in output. Batteries are reduced to four x ‘C’ cell, and the rechargeable unit lasts longer than previous models. MADE IN USA DuraProd (battery powered) with 34cm shaft with 59cm shaft with 85cm shaft battery pack cpt 210 467 210 468 210 469 210 471 $299.00 $309.00 $319.00 $99.95 The battery-powered DuraProd features state-ofthe-art technology, embodied in a superior design prodder. With only four ‘C’ batteries required, the new unit is lighter and more comfortable to use than any other prodder available. The DuraProd features an easy-change battery pack which clips directly onto the handle (motor) unit. The DuraProd is supplied complete with four special heavy-duty Hot-Shot ‘C’ batteries and shaft. All previous model Hot-Shot shafts will fit the new model. If you require a longer shaft (110cm, 130cm) it is best to purchase the handle unit only, and the shaft of your choice. Shaft only 34cm 59cm 85cm 205 248 205 249 205 250 MADE IN USA CHARGER SET NOT INCLUDED Rechargeable with 34cm shaft with 59cm shaft with 85cm shaft cpt handle excl shaft extra power pack only base unit (nil charger) 240v charger 12v vehicle lead battery pk (non-rechargeable) 210 473 210 475 210 476 210 479 210 480 210 481 205 242 205 241 210 471 $429.00 $439.00 $449.00 $429.00 $225.00 $139.00 $69.00 $44.95 $99.95 The Rechargeable DuraProd is the premium prodder available in the world today. This unit features stateof-the-art technology incorporated in the most intelligently designed prodder available. The unit is light and powerful, and will withstand the worst conditions of use. All previous model Hot-Shot shafts will fit the new model. If you require a longer shaft (110cm, 130cm) it is best to purchase the handle unit only, and the shaft of your choice. The NiCad rechargeable power pack is interchangeable with the standard DuraProd battery pack, which can be ideal as a back-up. NB: Base unit, charger unit or power lead are not included with the prodder. These must be purchased separately. Both the 240v charger and the 12v vehicle lead from previous ‘Green’ model Hot-Shot prodders, are compatible with DuraProd. $44.95 $52.95 $59.95 Shaft lengths quoted are over-all from prodder body flange to tips. Shafts are made of polycarbonate, an amazing material that will bend incredibly without breaking. If you do manage to break one, replacement is simple and at reasonable cost. Copyright © 2015. All rights reserved. PRODDER FARMHAND™.... PRODDER DURAPROD.... FARMHAND™ PRODDERS Farmhand™ is Shoof’s own brand. These very reliable prodders pass all of our user requirements, and are available at excellent prices. Output is 6900v. Available as regular battery powered (yellow) or as 240v rechargeable (red). Both units can cope with short-term immersion in water. (Water resistant to IV45.) Both feature On/Off master switches which prevent accidental use, and eliminate any residual shock. The finish is excellent with smooth roundcornered mouldings, with no cavities to collect dirt. A quick wipe down with a wet cloth and they look like new again. Handle units are lightweight. Shafts are polycarbonate and feature an O-ring seal to ensure contacts stay dry. These prodders are very suitable for use by hard-working truckies and drovers. We guarantee them. Yellow (Battery Powered) cpt with 57cm shaft cpt with 83cm shaft repl’t 57cm shaft repl’t 83cm shaft 213 959 213 960 213 937 213 939 $94.95 $99.95 $27.95 $32.95 The yellow prodder is powered by 4 ‘C’ cells (supplied) located in a fully-sealed compartment. Weight 680gm. PRICE REDUCED Rechargeable Conversion kit complete 214 732 $379.00 This handy kit can be used to upgrade your batterypowered DuraProd to a rechargeable unit. The kit includes a rechargeable NiCad power pack, base unit, 240v charger and 12v lead. Your DuraProd battery pack can still be used as a back-up power supply. (Prodder not included). Red Rechargeable cpt with 57cm shaft cpt with 83cm shaft repl’t 57cm shaft repl’t 83cm shaft repl’t batt pack opt’l 12v charger 213 962 213 963 213 937 213 939 218 325 214 423 $139.00 $145.00 $27.95 $32.95 $54.95 $25.95 Fully-sealed rechargeable battery. Supplied complete with 240v charger, which connects into an external plug on the handle unit. The NiMH battery is resistant to memory, and over-charging, and should last 500 cycles. A red light indicates charging and a green light indicates charging is complete. A full charge from flat will take 8-10 hours. Weight 600gm. NB: For optimum battery life, run fully flat occasionally, and try not to continually over-charge. CIRCUIT ISOLATION TECHNOLOGY CIT is a patented circuit design that as near as possible eliminates the possibility of the user receiving accidental shocks, even when working in wet and difficult conditions. CIT is incorporated in all DuraProd prodders. COMPLETELY SEALED CIRCUITRY The DuraProd motor unit is completely sealed in epoxy, protecting it from any chances of deterioration or damage. The motor unit comprises the whole handle unit excluding the battery pack. Contacts and spark gap are sealed for life. Handy complete 213 932 $42.95 A very handy prodder from Farmhand™ with a high power output. Powered by 4 ‘AA’ batteries. Excellent feature is the thumb-operated On/Off switch. Handy pocket size. Weight only 275gm. Supplied complete. Prices listed include GST, and include delivery on orders over $229.00 value, except all W.A., and products marked Plus Freight. Prices and specifications can change without notice. Shoof International Pty Ltd. 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