THE HIGH SCHOOL OF FASHION INDUSTRIES MAY, 2010 T H E H I G H S C H O O L O F FA S H I O N IN D US T R I E S WHERE WE DESIGN THE FUTURE IMPORTANT DATES MAY, 2010 MAY 14, 2010 PUBLIC FASHION SHOW MAY 19, 2010 INDUSTRY FASHION SHOW MAY 31, 2010 MEMORIAL DAY NO SCHOOL The Final Stretch… Remember that 3rd Marking Period grades (out in June) are the final marks that appear on student transcripts. If a student did poorly on his/ her 2nd marking period report card (distributed on May 5th), he/ she should see the teacher immediately to ask for make up work. Additional questions or concerns should be referred to the guidance counselor. Dear Fashion Families, Wishing you all a glorious May and all that it brings. This is an exciting season at HSFI with special events abounding. The Fashion Show will be held on May 14th. Please try to attend the culminating project of the senior fashion design students--it promises to be a fabulous show. This past week, students completed the Advanced Placement Examinations this past week. Our students, especially our freshmen and sophomores, are seriously reviewing for the Regents and RCT examinations. It is my expectation that our statistics will be quite good. It's important that students review for these examinations. Please encourage your son or daughter to attend the review session that are held at HSFI after school or on Saturdays. As I have said to you in the past, I know how challenging and exhilarating it can be to raise teenagers. Please never get deterred by your teenager's upsetness when he or she says to you something such as, "Oh mom/dad, you're the only one who is asking to speak to Mary's parents before you'll let me go to the party". I assure you, mothers and fathers, guardians and parents-in-kind out there, you are not the only parent who is asking. Keep strong, give clear and developmentally appropriate expectations, be as consistent as you can be, and continue to love them unconditionally. When your patience is about to run out, reach out to other parents. And never forget, we are always here to help. Hilda Nieto PARENT OF SENIORS--URGENT MESSAGE May, 2010 Per the Division of Financial Operations of the Department of Education, as of May 5th 2010, Ms. Medina, the senior advisor, can no longer accept split money orders. What does this mean? Any payment towards any senior activity (i.e. Prom, Senior Trip, Senior Dues) MUST be paid on a SEPARATE MONEY ORDER. Please Note: Senior Dues and Prom Payments are due. THANK YOU! THE HIGH SCHOOL OF FASHION INDUSTRIES Page 2 JUNE 2010 GRADUATION GRADUATION DATE: FRIDAY, JUNE 25th Important Note: Graduating Students 10:00 A.M. are given only 5 Hunter College tickets each for family and friends. 69th Street Between Lexington and Park We must adhere to the Hunter College auditorium capacity policies. Mandatory Rehearsals will take place in June. Students will receive notification later this month. Tickets and caps and gowns will be given at these times. ! Seniors must pass all their classes in order to be eligible for June graduation. If you are concerned about your child’s progress, please contact his/ her guidance counselor IMMEDIATELY. LIBRARY NEWS! Annual Author Visit: Emma McLaughlin author of Nancy Diaries and her new teen book Real Real with Deborah Gregory author of Cheetah Girls and Catwalk series. Developed with Ms. Frey, Fashion teacher a trip to fashion diva's studio, Martha Stewart. Rolled out Google Apps to select Math classes: Ms. Wang, Ms. Kilpacki, Mr. Fucarina while instructing students how to use their online spread sheets for averaging. Students now school email for school work. eg. Kim Jones Celebrated National Teachers Day where 25 beautiful photograph coffee table Ralph Lauren books were raffled off. Judith Dahill, Librarian CONGRATULATIONS ARE IN ORDER… 70 HSFI students took one or more AP Exams in 3 subject areas last week. Congratulations to them and to their teachers: Ms. Adamczyk (English Literature) Ms. McGowan (U.S. History) 2010 GLOBAL HISTORY REGENTS TUTORING SCHEDULE LOCATION: TEACHERS’ CAFETERIA – 8TH FLOOR TIME: MONDAY / TUESDAY / WEDNESDAY / THURSDAY 3:45 – 4:30 SATURDAYS - TIMES TO BE ANNOUNCED DATE DAY OF WEEK REVIEW TOPIC MAY 4 TUESDAY EMPIRES – GOLDEN AGES MAY 5 WEDNESDAY EARLY CIVILIZATIONS / BELIEF SYSTEMS MAY 6 THURSDAY EMPIRES – GOLDEN AGES --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------MAY 10 MONDAY MIDDLE AGES / RISE OF ISLAM MAY 11 TUESDAY RENAISSANCE / REFORMATION MAY 12 WEDNESDAY MIDDLE AGES / RISE OF ISLAM MAY 13 THURSDAY RENAISSANCE / REFORMATION --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------MAY 17 MONDAY SCIENTIFIC REV. / ABSOLUTISM / ENLIGHTENMENT MAY 18 TUESDAY FRENCH REVOLUTION / NAPOLEON MAY 20 THURSDAY FRENCH REVOLUTION / NAPOLEON MAY 22 SATURDAY PRACTICE TEST #1 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------MAY 24 TUESDAY IND. REVOLUTION / IMPERIALISM / WORLD WAR I MAY 25 WEDNESDAY RUSSIAN REVOLUTION / WORLD WAR II MAY 26 THURSDAY IND. REVOLUTION / IMPERIALISM / WORLD WAR I --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------JUNE 1 TUESDAY END OF COLONIES / END OF COLD WAR JUNE 2 WEDNESDAY COLD WAR JUNE 3 THURSDAY COLD WAR JUNE 5 SATURDAY PRACTICE TEST #2 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------JUNE 7 MONDAY GLOBAL HOTSPOTS JUNE 8 TUESDAY INTERDEPENDENCE / GLOBAL CONCERNS JUNE 9 WEDNESDAY GLOBAL HOTSPOTS JUNE 12 SATURDAY PRACTICE TEST #3 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FINAL REVIEW SESSION - DAY BEFORE THE REGENTS MONDAY, JUNE 14TH 8:45 AM REGENTS EXAMINATION TUESDAY, JUNE 15TH 8:45 AM 2010 SCIENCE REGENTS TUTORING SCHEDULE Tutoring Begins May 11th! Earth Science: Tuesdays and Wednesdays Period 10 Room 319 Living Environment: Tuesdays and Thursdays Period 10 Room 519 Student should see their teacher for a complete topic calendar! TEP ROLLS ON! As part of the TEP Program, we are e-mailing or texting parents when their children arrive late to school. If you have not provided us with your contact information, please send the following to Ms. Wright at Your Child’s Name Your e-mail Address and/or Your cell number with provider (we must have the provider in order to send you a text). A Note about Summer School Letters home to those students in need of summer school will be sent in June. It is VERY important that students in need of summer school attend in order to ensure a timely graduation. Summer School dates to be determined. JUNE 15 TUESDAY 9:15 A.M. JUNE 16 WEDNESDAY 9:15 A.M. JUNE 17 THURSDAY 9:15 A.M. JUNE 18 FRIDAY 9:15 A.M. JUNE 21 MONDAY 9:15 A.M. JUNE 22 TUESDAY 9:15 A.M. JUNE 24 WEDNESDAY REGENTS SCHEDULE JUNE 2010 9:15 A.M. 1:15 P.M. 1:15 P.M. RCT IN U.S. HISTORY AND GIVERNMENT RCT MATHEMATICS ALGEBRA 2/ TRIGONOMETRY 1:15 P.M. SPANISH REGENTS PHYSICAL SETTING/ EARTH SCIENCE RE IN U.S. HISTORY AND GOVERNMENT 1:15 P.M. RCT IN WRITING RCT IN READING RCT IN SCIENCE GEOMETRY INTEGRATED ALGEBRA RCT IN GLOBAL STUDIES PHYSICAL SETTING/ PHYSICS COMPREHENSIVE ENGLISH: SESSION TWO 1:15 P.M. LIVING ENVIRONMENT COMPREHENSIVE ENGLISH: SESSION ONE MATHEMATICS B 1:15 P.M. RE IN GLOBAL HISTORY AND GEOGRAPHY PHYSICAL SETTING/ CHEMISTRY