Additional Profile Details - University of Southern Maine

Faculty Commons Coordinator: Judy Spross, PhD, RN, FAAN
Additional Profile Details
What I am currently teaching
NUR 100 Introduction to Nursing (Fall 2013)
This course orients students to the expectations of college life and baccalaureate education.
Career opportunities in health care are explained as well as the historical and contemporary
perspectives on the nature and scope of nursing. Other topics include skills of communication,
critical thinking and the relationship between professional nursing and the broad base of
theoretical and empirical knowledge derived from the behavioral and physical sciences and the
NUR 608 Applied Theories of Advanced Interpersonal Skills (Spring 2014)
Theories of communication, group, family/developmental, stress, consultation and crisis are
examined as they relate to interpersonal relations. The emphasis is on the acquisition of
advanced communication skills and strategies for analyzing effective and ineffective
communication. Self-reflection is an underlying thread when applying a range of theories to
Examination of selected ethical frameworks and their application to practice are the focus of
this course. Exemplars are used to illustrate how the principles of ethics can guide decision
making when a clinical, organizational, interprofessional or research dilemma occurs. Emphasis
is on development of the leadership qualities necessary for the implementation of the DNP role.
Chaplaincy Institute of Maine (ordained interfaith minister, 2012) Portland, ME
Boston College, PhD in nursing
Virginia Commonwealth University, MS in nursing (clinical nurse specialist)
Villanova University, BS in nursing
University of Alabama, Birmingham , Post-master’s coursework in Oncology Nursing Education
Recent Grants
National Science Foundation: WIDER Planning for Evidence-Based Teaching at USM (submitted
July 2013; PI Dan Stasko)
SAMHSA: Incorporating SBIRT Training in the Curricula of the Graduate Programs in Nursing,
Social Work, and Educational Counseling (submitted June 2013; PI John Gale)
Selected Publications
Peer Reviewed Publications
Solomons, N.M. & Spross, J.A. (2011). Evidence-based practice barriers and facilitators from a
continuous quality improvement perspective: An integrative review. J Nurs Manage. 19 (1): 109-120.
(institutional change)
Richeson, N., Spross, J.A., Lutz, K. & Peng, C. (2010). A Pilot Study of the Use of Reiki in Community
Dwelling Older Adults. Research in Gerontological Nursing. 3(3), 187-199. doi:10.3928/1940492120100601-01 (symptom management/holistic health)
Dawson, R., Sellers, D.E., Spross, J.A., Jablonski, E.S., Hoyer, D.R., Solomon, M.Z. (2005). Do patients’
beliefs act as barriers to effective pain management behaviors and outcomes in cancer patients with
cancer-related or non-cancer related pain? Oncology Nursing Forum. 32: 363-374. (pain management
and institutional change)
Dawson, R., Spross, J.A., Jablonski, E.S., Hoyer, D.R., Sellers, D.E., Solomon, M.Z. (2002). Probing the
paradox of patients' satisfaction with inadequate pain management. Journal of Pain and Symptom
Management. 23: 211-220.
Spross, J.A., (2001). Harnessing power and passion: Lessons from pain management leaders and
literature. Innovations in End-of-Life Care, 3 (1): (on-line journal)
Spross, J.A. & Heaney, C.A. (2000). Shaping advanced nursing practice in the new millennium. Seminars
in Oncology Nursing, 16 (1): 12-20.
Spross, J. A. (1996). Coaching patients through pain and suffering. In Human Suffering. Ed. by B.R.
Ferrell. Boston: Jones and Bartlett. (pain management)
Spross, J.A., McGuire, D.B., & Schmitt, R.M. (1990). Oncology Nursing Society; Position Paper on Cancer
Pain (Guest Editorial). Oncology Nursing Forum, 6: 825.
Spross, J.A., McGuire, D.B., & Schmitt, R. (1990). Oncology Nursing Society's Position Paper on Cancer
Pain Part 1, Oncology Nursing Forum, 17 (4): 595-614, 1990; Part 2, 17 (5): 751-760, 1990; Part 3, 17 (6):
Longo, M; Spross, J.A.; & Locke, A. (1990) Identifying major concerns of persons with AIDS: A replication.
Clinical Nurse Specialist, 4 (1): 21-26.
Books/Book Chapters
Spross, J.A. (2014). Conceptualizations of advanced practice nursing. In Advanced Practice Nursing: An
Integrative Approach. 5th edition. Edited by A.B. Hamric, C.M. Hanson, M.F. Tracy, & E. O'Grady. St.
Louis: Elsevier Saunders. (advanced practice nursing)
Spross, J.A. & Babine, R. (2014). Expert guidance and coaching. In Advanced Practice Nursing: An
Integrative Approach. 5th edition. Edited by A.B. Hamric, C.M. Hanson, M.F. Tracy, & E. O'Grady. St.
Louis: Elsevier Saunders. (advanced practice nursing) (Rhonda Babine is a USM grad)
Spross, J.A. & Lawson, M.T. (2009). Conceptualizations of advanced practice nursing. In Advanced
Practice Nursing: An Integrative Approach. 4th edition. Edited by A.B. Hamric, J.A. Spross,. & C.M.
Hanson, St. Louis: Elsevier Saunders, pp. 33-74 .
Spross, J.A. (2009). Expert coaching and guidance. In Advanced Practice Nursing: An Integrative
Approach. 4th edition. Edited by A.B. Hamric, J.A. Spross, & C.M. Hanson. St. Louis: Elsevier Saunders,
pp. 159 -190.
Spross, J.A. & Hanson, C.M. (2009). Clinical, professional and systems leadership. In Advanced Practice
Nursing: An Integrative Approach. 4th edition. Edited by A.B. Hamric, J.A. Spross, & C.M. Hanson, St.
Louis: Elsevier Saunders, pp. 249-282.
Hanson, C.M. & Spross, J.A. (2009). Collaboration. In Advanced Practice Nursing: An Integrative
Approach. 4th edition. Edited by A.B. Hamric, J.A. Spross,. & C.M. Hanson, St. Louis: Elsevier Saunders,
pp. 283-314.
Spross, J. A. (1996). Coaching patients through pain and suffering. In Human Suffering. Ed. by B.R.
Ferrell. Boston: Jones and Bartlett. (pain management)
Dawson, R., Spross, J.A., Jablonski, E.S., Hoyer, D.R., Sellers, D.E., Solomon, M.Z. (2002). Probing the
paradox of patients' satisfaction with inadequate pain management. Journal of Pain and Symptom
Management. 23: 211-220.
Spross, J.A., (2001). Harnessing power and passion: Lessons from pain management leaders and
literature. Innovations in End-of-Life Care, 3 (1): (on-line journal)
Spross, J.A. & Heaney, C.A. (2000). Shaping advanced nursing practice in the new millennium. Seminars
in Oncology Nursing, 16 (1): 12-20.
Spross, J.A., McGuire, D.B., & Schmitt, R.M. (1990). Oncology Nursing Society; Position Paper on Cancer
Pain (Guest Editorial). Oncology Nursing Forum, 6: 825.
Spross, J.A., McGuire, D.B., & Schmitt, R. (1990). Oncology Nursing Society's Position Paper on Cancer
Pain Part 1, Oncology Nursing Forum, 17 (4): 595-614, 1990; Part 2, 17 (5): 751-760, 1990; Part 3, 17 (6):
Norton, S.F. & Spross, J.A. (1994). From advanced practice to academia: Developmental tasks and
strategies for role socialization. Journal of Nursing Education, 33 (8): 373-375. (advanced practice and
Longo, M; Spross, J.A.; & Locke, A. (1990) Identifying major concerns of persons with AIDS: A replication.
Clinical Nurse Specialist, 4 (1): 21-26.