Chair in International Management International Management 1st Class -17.09.2015 Thomas Keil Chair in International Management Today‘s Agenda • Course organization • Your expectations • Course structure and requirements • Exam • Q&A Seite 2 Chair in International Management Who we are Seite 3 Chair in International Management Course organization • 14 sessions • Thursdays (17.09.15 – 17.12.15), 14:15 – 15:45 • Attendance in class is not mandatory; however, the exam will be at least partly based on material only discussed in class. • No podcasts. Seite 4 Chair in International Management Contact and office hours All questions to: Office hours: by appointment All questions are welcome, however to maximize everybody's learning and minimize misunderstandings, we expect you to ask questions (both on the content and on possible administrative issues such as process/grading and else) during the class (when everybody is still sitting and listening) or submit these via email. Seite 5 Chair in International Management Course objectives After the course, the participant should 1. understand the economic, financial, organizational and political factors affecting international businesses, 2. know basic strategic and operational choices in international management, and 3. understand and appreciate differences between managing domestic and international businesses. Seite 6 Chair in International Management Your expectations Please fill out the expectations sheet! Seite 7 Chair in International Management Course structure and requirements In-class sessions Independent reading Examination Seite 8 Chair in International Management In-class sessions Fourteen in-class sessions on key topics of international management Complementary to book (key concepts will be introduced, additional topics, examples, applications) Guest lectures (also exam relevant) Check possible in-class session schedule updates on the Chair’s page: Attendance is not mandatory but expected (Exam partly based on in-class sessions) Seite 9 Chair in International Management Materials and Communications Slides, additional readings, announcements will be posted on the Chair’s webpage: The materials are password protected. No OLAT. Seite 10 Chair in International Management In-class sessions 17.09.2015 Course introduction 24.09.2015 Introduction to International Management 01.10.2015 Theories of International Management 08.10.2015 Political economy and economic development and international management 15.10.2015 Culture and international management 22.10.2015 Global capital markets and foreign exchange markets 29.10.2015 Economic integration and international management, guest: Jan Atteslander 05.11.2015 Strategy of international business 12.11.2015 Global procurement in multinational organizations, guest: Marianna Zangrillo 19.11.2015 Internationalization and international entry 26.11.2015 Organization and international cooperation 03.12.2015 Accounting and finance across borders, guest: Alessandro Miolo 10.12.2015 Global human resource management 17.12.2015 Global marketing and R&D Seite 11 Chair in International Management Teaching Material Charles W.L. Hill, 2014, International Business: Competing in the Global Marketplace, 10th Global edition, ISBN 9780077163587. Seite 12 Chair in International Management Exam The exam is scheduled on: 07.01.2016, 14-16hrs in room RAI-G-041 Exam requirements – In class sessions – Textbook contents – Charles W.L. Hill, 2014, International Business: Competing in the Global Marketplace, 10th Global edition, ISBN 9780077163587. Seite 13 Chair in International Management Exam preview - structure Three building blocks I Short questions to test knowledge of key concepts II Short essay questions to test the ability to synthesize topics and make connections among concepts III Longer essay questions to test transfer beyond lecture content and application to practical situations Page 14 Chair in International Management Short questions - Examples Briefly identify and explain the key dimensions of organizational architecture. [max 10 lines; 5 points] Explain the concept of comparative advantage according to David Ricardo. Use a graph to illustrate your explanation. [max 10 lines; 5 points] Briefly explain the concept of culture shock. [max 10 lines; 5 points] Page 15 Chair in International Management Essay questions - Examples Discuss which organizational structures fit with the four international strategies according to Bartlett and Ghoshal. [max 1 page; 10 points] Compare acquisitions and alliances as alternative entry strategies and discuss pros and cons of each strategy. What strategy would you suggest to a Swiss engineering firm contemplating entry into the Chinese market? Give reasons. [max 1 page; 10 points] Page 16 Chair in International Management Application focused essay question - Example WTO agrees global trade deal worth $1tn Ministers from 159 countries have reached a deal intended to boost global trade at a meeting in Bali, Indonesia. The World Trade Organization's first comprehensive agreement involves an effort to simplify the procedures for doing business across borders. It also improves duty-free access for goods sold by the world's poorest countries. The deal, which could add about $1tn to world trade, gives developing nations more scope to increase farm subsidies. "For the first time in our history, the WTO has truly delivered" said WTO chief Roberto Azevedo, as the organization reached its first comprehensive agreement since it was founded in 1995. It is worth spelling out what is not the focus of this agreement: traditional rules on tariffs or taxes on imported goods. Dealing with them has been the focus of past trade rounds - but not for this deal. The core of this agreement is what is called trade facilitation. This is about reducing the costs and delays involved in international trade. It is often described as "cutting red tape". Some analysts suggest the benefits could be large. An influential research institute in Washington has put the potential gains to the world economy at close to 20 million jobs. It also estimates the cost of administrative barriers as double the cost of tariffs. More importantly, the agreement succeeded in rebalancing the power game between emerging countries and developed countries. An important aspect of the Bali package deals with enabling poor countries to sell their goods more easily. In what is the only part on tariffs in the agreement, rich countries and the more advanced developing countries have agreed to cut tariffs and reduce quota limits on products from the poorest nations. The rich countries have also agreed to help the poorer WTO members with implementing this agreement. EU trade commissioner Karel De Gucht told the BBC that if the poorest nations "have more trading capacity it will also result in more investment in logistics and infrastructure". But campaigners describe the plan as weak. Nick Dearden of the World Development Movement said: "If the US and EU really wanted to tackle global poverty, they would have made the least-developed-countries package much stronger." Read the case above. What implications do you expect this agreement to have on international trade given what you have learned during the course? Compare this agreement to different forms of regional economic integration. [max 2 pages; 20 points] Page 17 Chair in International Management Housekeeping Show respect for others and be on time. Computers, iPads and similar devices are allowed to take notes but not for chatting. No mobile phone use during class. Questions either during class or via email. Assessment based upon facts therefore all exams should contain only student number and no other personal information. Please do all communication in English. All administrative matters addressed to Stevo Pavićević: Seite 18 Chair in International Management Questions? Page 19 Chair in International Management Thank You Page 20