Professional Ethics exam instructions

Bar Professional Training Course
Examination 2014-15
Professional Ethics
Professional Ethics
Multiple Choice and Short Answer Exam
Composition of exam and division of time
1. This exam comprises:
Section A: 20 Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)
Section B: three Short Answer Questions (SAQs)
2. You will have two hours to complete Sections A and B of the exam.
3. How you divide your time between the MCQs and SAQs is a matter for you.
4. Use boxes 1-20 on the MCQ answer sheet to record your answers to the MCQs.
Please give your SAQ answers on the separately provided SAQ answer book. Use a new
section of the SAQ answer book for each of the three SAQs.
1. You MUST NOT remove from the examination centre the question paper, the MCQ answer
sheet or the SAQ answer book.
2. You are NOT allowed to use any materials other than writing materials, an eraser and a
MCQ marking scheme
1. You should use a pencil to answer on the MCQ answer sheet.
2. Each question requires ONLY ONE response and for each correct response one mark is
3. If you give more than one answer per question no mark will be given.
4. If you give no answer for a question, no mark will be given.
5. This exam is not negatively marked (that is, marks will NOT be deducted for wrong
answers or no answer), therefore you are strongly advised to attempt ALL the questions.
Note: The MCQ answer sheet is designed to be machine readable. In the event that you
make a mistake you must rub out that answer. If the final answer choice is unclear this
may result in no marks being awarded for the question.
SAQ marking scheme
1. Each of the three SAQs is divided into a number of sub-questions. The number of individual
points that you are expected to make in answer to a sub-question is indicated by the total
number of marks available for that sub-question, bearing in mind that only full marks, and
not half-marks, are utilised in the Professional Ethics examination.
2. There is no restriction, other than the time available for the exam, on how many points you
are permitted to give for each sub-question. The number of marks indicated for each
sub-question is the maximum that may be awarded and marks are not transferable between
3. In answering SAQs, you will not be required to quote the relevant paragraph number(s) in
the Handbook or other source material. However, you are expected to quote accurately the
Core Duties that are applicable in any sub-part of a question. This exam is intended as a
test of your ability to identify the ethical issues engaged in the questions and then to apply
your knowledge of Professional Ethics in seeking to resolve those issues.
4. The close application of ethical principles to the facts outlined in each scenario is the key
to success in this exam. In order to obtain high or full marks you are advised to write in full
sentences so as to evidence fully your knowledge and understanding of the issues involved
and your evaluation of the correct ethical approach to adopt in the circumstances.
Examiners are looking for answers that clearly demonstrate a full appreciation of the Core
Duties and ethical issues involved. Therefore, answers should provide a detailed
description of these as well as a comprehensive and clearly reasoned explanation in
support of the resolution proposed. As a result, bullet point style answers should be avoided
and such answers may attract no marks in cases where an examiner takes the view that
the ethical issues have not been properly understood.