TURKEY COUNTRY REPORT Turkish Council of Shopping Centers and Retailers Mehmet T. NANE Chairman 1 2 CONTENT I. DEMOGRAPHIC INDICATORS of TURKEY a. DEMOGRAPHIC INDICATORS FOR RETAIL b. INCOME DISTRIBUTION OF THE POPULATION c. INCOME DISTRIBUTION & FMCG EXPENDITURE II. INDICATORS OF RETAIL a. MACROECONOMIC INDICATORS of RETAIL b. SHOPPING CENTERS SECTOR IN TURKEY c. AMPD RETAIL INDEX by NIELSEN III. MACROECONOMIC INDICATORS of TURKEY a. CURRENT SITUATION b. FORECAST c. EXPORT AND FOREIGN TRADE in TURKEY d. TAX RATES in TURKEY e. WORLD BANK PRIVATE SECTOR INDICES RANKING 3 TURKEY: A BRIDGE BETWEEN TWO WORLDS Turkey facilitates the accession of East to West and West to East through TEM highway, And North to South and South to North through the straits And now comes the Marmaray underground tunnel to make the continents come closer 4 TURKEY: A BRIDGE BETWEEN TWO WORLDS There are around 950 million people living in 3 hours flight distance to Istanbul. 5 I. DEMOGRAPHIC INDICATORS of TURKEY 6 I. DEMOGRAPHIC INDICATORS of TURKEY Î YOUNG & EDUCATED POPULATION 73 MILLION POPULATION 15-64 years 0-14 years 0-25 years Average age: 67% 26% 44% 28,5 Second largest population in Europe Youngest population in Europe With 24,7 million people in labour force, 4th largest labour market in Europe Every Year: 730.000 Graduates From High Schools, 450.000 Graduates From 161 Universities 7 Source: TurkStat I. DEMOGRAPHIC INDICATORS of TURKEY A. DEMOGRAPHIC INDICATORS FOR RETAIL Young population signals room to go in household expenditure According to Shopper Index Research; 60% of the shopping center visitors are below 30 years of age. Highest shopping frequency: 15-25 years of age Highest average spending: 25-34 years of age Source: IPSOS- KMG 8 I. DEMOGRAPHIC INDICATORS FOR TURKEY B. INCOME DISTRIBUTION OF THE POPULATION Total private consumption expenditure in 2008: 534 Billion USD ANNUAL DISPOSABLE INCOME DISTRIBUTION IN TURKEY 2008 45.000 40.000 38.186 35.000 30.000 25.000 20.251 20.000 15.567 12.773 15.000 10.730 10.000 9.117 7.661 6.337 5.027 5.000 3.207 1st %10 2nd %10 3rd %10 4th %10 5th %10 6th %10 7th %10 8th %10 9th %10 10th %10 Source: TurkStat 9 I. DEMOGRAPHIC INDICATORS FOR TURKEY C. INCOME DISTRIBUTION & FMCG EXPENDITURE INCOME DISTRIBUTION & FMCG EXPENDITURE Upper 28,1% 45,1% Upper-Middle 22,7% Middle Lower-Middle Lower 22,1% 19,2% 15,7% 16,6% 10,9% 6,2% 13,5% Income Distribution FMCG Expenditure 10 Source: Nielsen II. INDICATORS OF RETAIL 11 II. INDICATORS OF RETAIL Î Total turnover in 2010: $171 BILLION; 75 BILLION IN ORGANIZED RETAIL Î Sales areas have reached 23 MILLION SQUARE METERS Î 1,8 MILLION employees in total in 2010, 520.000 employees in organized retail Î NUMBER 7 RETAIL SECTOR IN EUROPE, Î NUMBER 10 RETAIL SECTOR IN THE WORLD Î NUMBER 5 IN FOOD SPENDING IN EUROPE Î NUMBER 8 IN NON-FOOD SPENDING IN EUROPE Sources:TCSCR, Cushman& WakefIeld and DeloItte Reports. 12 II. INDICATORS OF RETAIL a. MACROECONOMIC INDICATORS of RETAIL TURNOVER (BILLION USD) 2009 2010 2011 e ORGANIZED RETAIL 72 75 (4% GROWTH) 79 (5% GROWTH) TOTAL RETAIL 148 171 180 GROWTH RATE – 2011 H1 FOOD 1% NON-FOOD 12% APPAREL 14% 13 II. INDICATORS OF RETAIL a. MACROECONOMIC INDICATORS of RETAIL EMPLOYMENT 2009 2010 2011 e ORGANIZED RETAIL 450.000 520.000 (15% GROWTH) 615.000 (16% GROWTH) GROWTH RATE – 2011 H1 FOOD NON-FOOD APPAREL TOTAL RETAIL 1.81 MILLION 1.83 MILLION 1.85 MILLION 8% 16% 27% 14 II. INDICATORS OF RETAIL a. MACROECONOMIC INDICATORS of RETAIL RETAIL SALES AREA ORGANIZED RETAIL STORES: 2009 On average, 13 new stores every day 2010 On average, 20 new stores every day ORGANIZED RETAIL STORES & SALES AREA: 2009 40.000 10 million m2 2010 48.000 12 million m2 2011e 55.000 14 million m2 GROWTH RATE – 2011 H1 FOOD NON-FOOD APPAREL 10% 23% 33% 15 II. INDICATORS OF RETAIL b. NUMBER of SHOPPING CENTERS IN TURKEY Source: JLL 16 II. INDICATORS OF RETAIL b. SHOPPING CENTERS SECTOR IN TURKEY EU average for GLA per 1000 capita is 172 sq m. 17 II. INDICATORS OF RETAIL b. SHOPPING CENTERS SECTOR IN TURKEY Turkey ranks 2nd in Europe for the highest GLA in the pipeline, after Russia. 18 III. MACROECONOMIC INDICATORS of TURKEY 19 III. MACROECONOMIC INDICATORS of TURKEY a. CURRENT SITUATION 2005-2008: 13% REAL GROWTH in GDP RETAIL TRADE CONSTITUTES 20-22% OF TOTAL GDP AND ORGANIZED RETAIL REPRESENTS 9-10% OF TOTAL GDP Source: TURKSTAT 20 * Values by the end of June 2011. III. MACROECONOMIC INDICATORS of TURKEY a. CURRENT SITUATION SERVICES SECTOR ACCOUNT FOR 60% OF TOTAL ECONOMY SHARE OF ORGANIZED RETAIL IN TOTAL RETAIL IS 44%, THE EU AVERAGE IS 85% Source: TURKSTAT * June 2011. 21 III. MACROECONOMIC INDICATORS of TURKEY a. CURRENT SITUATION Î TOTAL FDI IN 2004-2010: 87,2 BILLION USD CREDIT RATING OF TURKEY IMPROVED: Standards& Poor : BBB- ; positive Moody’s : Positive Fitch: Stable 22 III. MACROECONOMIC INDICATORS of TURKEY b. FORECAST Î EXPECTED 5.6% GROWTH BETWEEN 2005–2050; Î By 2017: EXPECTED TO HAVE THIRD HIGHEST GROWTH RATE 23 AFTER CHINA AND INDIA (OECD) III. MACROECONOMIC INDICATORS of TURKEY b. FORECAST GDP PER CAPITA (PPP ADJUSTED): 2010 15.392 USD 2011 16.926 USD UNEMPLOYMENT RATE: 2010 11,9% 2011 11,0 % 2023 TARGET Year SC number Sales points Employment Organized Total Retail Retail Turnover Turnover (USD) (USD) 2010 263 48.000 520.000 75 billion 171 billion 2023 520 84.000 1.250.000 150 billion 190 billion 24 I. MACROECONOMIC INDICATORS of TURKEY c. EXPORTS & FOREIGN TRADE in TURKEY Manufacturing Industry is %93,4 of Total Exports of Turkey World ranking: 1st in cement exports 2nd in jewelry exports 2nd largest glass producer 1st in boron production 2nd in glass production 4th luxury yachts production 25 I. MACROECONOMIC INDICATORS of TURKEY c. EXPORTS & FOREIGN TRADE in TURKEY TRADE WITH EU TURKEY is EU’s 7th Largest Trade Partner Turkey is: 1st TV, DVD player, Bus manufacturer 2nd largest commercial vehical and cement manufacturer 2nd largest textiles supplier 3rd largest producer of steel and ceramic tiles 3rd largest motor vehicle supplier 26 III. MACROECONOMIC INDICATORS of TURKEY c. EXPORTS & FOREIGN TRADE in TURKEY TRADE WITH EU Turkey is a net exporter of food products and beverages Turkey's agricultural production is equivalent to 40% and 20% of EU25 production of fruits and vegetables respectively. Turkey has an agricultural area equivalent of 23% of the EU-25 Turkey hosts 75% of all plant species in Europe 27 III. MACROECONOMIC INDICATORS of TURKEY c. EXPORTS & FOREIGN TRADE in TURKEY TRADE WITH ASIA Share of Asian countries is above 50 % in 24 sectors 93,4% of bags, suitcases and saddleries, 93% of toys, 92% of bicycles, 87,5% of musical instruments, 86% of sports equipments are from Asian countries 28 III.MACROECONOMIC INDICATORS of TURKEY d.TAX RATES IN TURKEY VALUE-ADDED TAX (VAT) 1% VAT FOR: Grain (wheat, oat, rye), dry fruit 8% VAT FOR: Meat (red meat, chicken, fısh), dairy and animal products Vegetables, fruits, coffee, tea, cacao, cereal, seeds, flour Vegetable oil, animal fat, butter Pastry, soft drinks, liquor Accessories (bag, shoes) and textiles Electronics, furniture, real estate 18% VAT FOR: Other goods and services 29 III.MACROECONOMIC INDICATORS of TURKEY d.TAX RATES IN TURKEY VALUE-ADDED TAX (VAT) 1% VAT FOR: Grain (wheat, oat, rye), dry fruit 8% VAT FOR: Meat (red meat, chicken, fısh), dairy and animal products Vegetables, fruits, coffee, tea, cacao, cereal, seeds, flour Vegetable oil, animal fat, butter Pastry, soft drinks, liquor Accessories (bag, shoes) and textiles Electronics, furniture, real estate 18% VAT FOR: Other goods and services CORPORATION TAX Rate for 2011: 20% 30 III.MACROECONOMIC INDICATORS of TURKEY E. WORLD BANK PRIVATE SECTOR INDICES RANKING CRITERIA Ease of doing business index RANGE TURKEY easiest: 1; hardest: 181 73 Number of start-up procedures to set up a business 6 Time required to set up a business (days) 6 31 WITH VARIOUS OPPORTUNITIES FOR YOU AND YOUR COMPANY, TURKEY IS A COUNTRY WORTHWHILE TO EXPLORE CLOSELY 32 33 SEE YOU IN “THE NEW WORLD THE NEW RETAIL THE NEW CONSUMER” 34