AP BIOLOGY SUMMER ASSIGNMENT 2015-2016 Dear AP Biology Students, AP Biology is a very rigorous course designed to introduce you to one of the most fascinating and useful of all modern sciences. Due to the large amount of material that needs to be coved during the year, a summer assignment is essential. The summer assignment will cover the first four chapters of the textbook which are considered prerequisite for the course. What you get out of this class will be based on what you are willing to put into the class. The students who have performed the most successfully in the course and on the AP exam are those students who are willing to work steadily throughout the summer and school year and who are willing to work independently. There isn’t enough time to thoroughly cover all necessary topics in class alone so outside work is a necessity. To complete this assignment, you will need to sign up for the online textbook and the class Edmodo group. I urge you to collaborate with each other but I absolutely do not want to see identical work from any students! Best advice is NOT to wait until the end of summer to start the work!! Sincerely, AP Biology Teacher Harmony Science Academy AP Biology Summer Assignment Grading Rubric 2014-2015 Name: Date: Part Description One A. Paragraph of “What to expect for AP Biology” B. Detailed Description of the 4 Big Ideas Biology Prefixes & Suffixes-The Language of Science Chapter 1 Cornell Notes Chapter 2 Cornell Notes Chapter 3 Cornell Notes Chapter 4 Cornell Notes Chapter 1 Homework Chapter 2 Homework Chapter 3 Homework Chapter 4 Homework Experimental Design & Graphing Format TOTAL Two Three Four Five Comments Possible Points Points Earned 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 600 Accessing the Online Resources *Follow these instructions to get access to the online textbook. We will be using Campbell Biology, 8e. Go to: http://www.pearsonschool.com/access Follow the directions. NEW STUDENT CODE: SSNAST-THUNK-SKELF-TURVY-IBIZA-FAKES *Follow these instructions to get access to the AP Biology (2015-2016) Edmodo site. Go to Edmodo.com Use the group code: uyk4sj On Edmodo you will be able to find power points that correspond to the chapters and the chapter homework in the folders. *Other good online resources bozemanscience.com Crash Course on YouTube AP Biology Summer Assignment 2014-2015 Format The summer assignment should be placed in a 3 ring binder/folder with tabbed and labeled dividers (do not need to be store bought) for each of the five parts. This page (the grading rubric) should be the first page in the binder/folder. Start the summer assignment early and do not try to do the whole assignment at one time! A better strategy is to do smaller parts of the project over a longer period of time. The AP Biology Summer Assignment is due the first week of school. Part One: A. What to expect for AP Biology: In order to get a better understanding of what AP Biology is all about and the expectations for the course, watch the video on the following link and summarize the content in the video in a paragraph. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7INh-DV0G_w&list=PLFCE4D99C4124A27A B. The 4 Big Ideas of AP Biology: In AP Biology this year we will be focusing on 4 Big Ideas. Use the following link to locate the 4 Big Ideas on the College Board website and answer the following questions: https://apstudent.collegeboard.org/apcourse/ap-biology/course-details a. What are the 4 Big Ideas? b. What do you think they mean? Write a detailed description of each of the 4 Big Ideas using your background knowledge and inquiry skills. Part Two: Find the meaning for the prefixes and suffixes and write in the space provided and then write the meaning of the words given in the space provided. Part Three: Read a chapter on the online textbook for understanding. What I mean by this is, after reading the chapter you should have a basic understanding of the main concepts. Your goal is to have a deep understanding of the level one items. (Remember the test: are you able to teach someone the concept?) By completing the process of making cornell notes, class discussion, collaboration activities, lecture, and homework we hope to achieve this goal. Follow the directions for cornell notes. Watch the YouTube video “How to take Cornell notes” by Jennifer DesRochers. Write the level one items as questions on the left side of the notes. Then answer the level one item questions on the right side of the notes. Level one items must be included in your cornell notes, however you can always add left side questions and right side answers. After you complete the cornell notes for chapter one then complete the Homework for that chapter. Then complete the cornell notes for chapter two and the homework for chapter two. So cornell notes should be done before the homework for that chapter. Part Four: Chapter Homework papers should be appropriately labeled and titled with the chapter number and chapter title. Questions for the Chapter Homework should be answered in a complete sentence written in Pen. Pay special attention to what the question is asking. Make sure you understand what the question is asking before attempting to answer the question. Also, pay attention to the task words such as Describe, Speculate, Predict, Justify, Explain, Compare and Define. See the Task Word PowerPoint on Edmodo for meanings of the words or look up on your own. Chapter Homework is one way we prepare for the free response portion of the AP Biology Exam in May. Rubrics will be used to grade the homework and you must have the answers to the question asked in order to receive the points. Part Five: In Part 5 of your summer assignment you will research the components of a GOOD research experiment and design an experiment based around a provided inquiry question. Let’s get started… A. The following is a list of components that must be included in a GOOD research experiment. For each one on the list below you must research what it entails and write a small (1 paragraph) summary. 1. Hypothesis 2. Independent Variable 3. Dependent Variable 4. Control vs. experimental groups 5. Constants 6. Ways to improve VALIDITY and RELIABILITY 7. Data Collection B. Now that you know about the important aspects of a GOOD experiment you need to design a hypothetical experiment and generate predicted data on the inquiry question listed below. The components that you researched in part A MUST be included in your experiment. PLEASE NOTE: YOU DO NOT NEED TO RUN THIS EXPERIMENT. JUST DESIGN AND GENERATE HYPOTHETICAL DATA. Inquiry Question: Do beetle bugs prefer a certain type of food? Biology Prefixes and Suffixes-The Language of Science The main reason students find it difficult to understand science is because of all the hard to write, spell and read words. Actually, scientific vocabulary is a mix of small words that are linked together to have different meanings. If you learn the meanings of the little words, you'll find scientific vocabulary much easier to understand. Find the mean to the following Greek/Latin root words. Word Meaning Word a / an hemo meso hyper leuco hypo aero intra anti -itis amphi lateral aqua / hydro -logy arthro -lysis auto -meter bi / di mono bio morph cephal micro chloro macro chromo multi / poly cide pod cyto -phobia Meaning derm -philia haplo proto ecto (exo) photo endo psuedo epi synthesis gastro sub genesis troph herba therm hetero tri homo zoo, zoa ov -tropism kary -taxis neuro -stasis soma zyg / zygous saccharo phago primi / archea path / pathy phyll sym / syn Once you have completed the above table, use it to develop a definition, in your own words, for each of the following terms. 1. Hydrology __________________________________________________________ 2. Cytolysis __________________________________________________________ 3.Protozoa_____________________________________________________________ 4. Epidermis __________________________________________________________ 5. Spermatogenesis _____________________________________________________ 6.exoskeleton___________________________________________________________ 7. Abiotic ____________________________________________________________ 8. Pathogen ___________________________________________________________ 9. psuedopod __________________________________________________________ 10. Hemophilia _________________________________________________________ 11. Endocystosis _______________________________________________________ 12. herbicide __________________________________________________________ 13. Anaerobic __________________________________________________________ 14. Bilateral ___________________________________________________________ 15. autotroph __________________________________________________________ 16. Monosaccharide _____________________________________________________ 17. Arthropod __________________________________________________________ 18. polymorphic ________________________________________________________ 19. Hypothermia _______________________________________________________ 20. Biogenesis ________________________________________________________________