THUCYDIDES' HESPERIA 75 (2006) SOURCES S25~540 Pages AND THE SPARTAN AT PLAN PYLOS To W. K. Pritchett ABSTRACT account of the Spartan-Athenian conflict at Pylos contains inaccuracies that demonstrate that the historian had not visited Thucydides' topographical the site. Emendation is unwarranted, in part because the historian's erroneous account of the topography harmonizes with his account of the Spartans' plan to block the entrances toNavarino Bay. The actual topography, however, makes the reported plan impossible. The Spartans apparendy intended to fight a inside the bay and therefore stationed hoplites naumachia with the Athenians on the island of stem from his failure Sphakteria.Thucydides, misconceptions to visit the site and his on reliance tendentious sources. Peloponnesian of the Spartan-Athenian conflict at Pylos and description in the in southwestern 425 has elicited great Sphakteria P?loponn?se a interest and good deal of consternation.1 The detailed but problematic Thucydides' use of autopsy and raises important questions about Thucydides' K. Pritchett, the foremost scholar of Greek topography and recently has concluded from his examination of the account that narrative sources.2 W. warfare, took part in some part of the engagement and wrote from no a On the other less student of than hand, personal autopsy."3 Thucydides A. W. Gomme concluded that the historian had never visited the site.4 "Thucydides 1.1 must thank Jeffrey Henderson, Strassler and Robert Joseph Roisman, for useful and suggestions vigorous criticism of my to James thanks I owe views. Sickinger, special not who only improved the paperwith criticism and but suggestions, most patient also served and knowledgeable views on the subject American School and 1993, 2. The bibliography on the Pylos is large, beginning works of Grundy campaign important Burrows 1896, and their guide at hand) of Classical pp. 6-29. The latter, along with Pritchett 1994, pp. 145-177, supplants earlier work on the topography, on which see alsoMcDonald and Rapp 1972 andDavis 1998. Other important discussions includeWilamowitz 1921; Gomme 1937, pp. 125-131; 1956,. Studies at Athens pp. 33-41; and Rubincam 2001. 3. Pritchett 1994, p. 176. subsequent 1965, dards he has set in the fields of Greek The the 1896 finance, publications, discussed in Pritchett that I can acknowledge my great debt toW. K. Pritchett for the inspiration stan he has provided and the imposing ? with pp. 482-489; Wesdake 1974; Kagan 1974, pp. 218-259; Wilson 1979; Baus laugh 1979; Lazenby 1985, pp. 113 123; Strassler 1988; 1990; Roisman epigraphy, as a to the site. I also hope (despite his different warfare, topography, and calendars. 4. Gomme 1956, p. 484; see also 1974 and Rubincam 2001. Wesdake and Burrows Grundy disagreed on the same point, with Grundy (1896, p. 21) writing that "any one who has seen the neighborhood of Pylos can have no had reasonable never been doubt that Thucydides there himself," while LOREN 526 To \ Proteica. 11 km) i *" "-J /\^J II SAMONS J. Voidokoilia Bay Osmanaga Lagoon Pylo( V^^1^ IN A Modern Pylos Figure 1.Map Sphakteria, After Pritchett showing Pylos, and Navarino Bay. 1965, p. 143, pi. 1 Such radically different conclusions by scholars of this caliber offer cold comfort to anyone intending to enter the debate. In fact, one must admit that the text as it stands contains elements that suggest the use of (if not personal autopsy) and topographical of a quality and quantity to cast doubt on this fails to make conclusion (or on the text itself).5 For example, Thucydides located north of Pylos, a bay of the small bay (Voidokoilia) any mention that offered potential access (friendly or hostile) to Demosthenes' troops and therefore must have figured into any alleged Spartan plans to defeat in detail the Athenians (Fig. I).6 Because of such anomalies, described to account either tried scholars have often below, by explain Thucydides' detailed firsthand and narrative accounts anomalies to interpret the text via the topography or by emending the attempting text so that it conforms to the locale.7 Iwish to approach the problem from a different angle, taking my lead in his study of the battle of Mara from a suggestion made by Gomme thon. Gomme that, in attempting to reconstruct the battle, we s account what those who took part in in Herodotos maintained should first accept and whom the campaign Herodotos Burrows (1896, p. 76) concluded that "Thucydides does indeed describe the last battle have failed (cf. Burrows that he can hardly exactly to have been on the spot" so 1897, p. 9). 1956, dokoilia p. 484. Pritch ett (1994, p. 160) does not believe Voi interviewed to have been noting campaign, him allowed depth center similar 5. Cf. Grundy 1896, pp. 42-47. 6. Cf. Gomme could have that a factor have in the He across makes a role, and this would seem to be a compelling to discount the need to control tainly played not therefore its shallow to "wade of it in 1960-63." observation would the a (pp. 170-172), entrance about the northern however, east of the ... to Navarino Bay ("just cer which channel proper"; p. 170), reason Voidokoilia (and tomention account of the tactical it in any situation); also n. 21, below. 7. See respectively, e.g., 1988 and Bauslaugh 1979. Strassler see SOURCES THUCYDIDES' AND THE SPARTAN PLAN 527 Iwish to begin known (or believed) actually happened.8 Following Gomme, with what all those who served at Pylos would have known, and then ask could have written the account we possess given these how Thucydides "facts" known to his informants. The basic facts that we possess about this are that an Athenian episode the Spartans and Athenians force occupied the rocky headland of Pylos, then fought a sea battle inNavarino Bay, and the Spartans were defeated. This defeat resulted in the stranding of a large group of Spartan hoplites on the island of Sphakteria, where they had been before stationed the battle. we are told we may as by Thucydides Gauging what against what sume his informants knew and the itself, I argue here that topography account at least in part on that the historian relied suggests Thucydides' sources (who themselves Peloponnesian possessed firsthand and that the historian himself had no firsthand knowledge information) that the of the topography or of the campaign. I also hope to demonstrate tendentious at Pylos relied on a to engage the Athenians in a plan a to Navarino Bay rather than plan block the harbor as records. Spartan strategy naumachia within Thucydides THUCYDIDES' ACCOUNT In 425 the Athenian fleet with Eurymedon, having deposited the former a on small force the promontory of Pylos, con and general Demosthenes tinued northward to Zakynthos.9 The approach of Peloponnesian ships, had avoided notice of the Athenian navy, then caused Demosthenes to his compatriots to send a message in the fleet. Thucydides relates the as follows: episode which ?'xi xcov Il??,07tovvr|oic?v ?7teK7i?u7t?i ?r|uoo0?vri? Se 7tpoG7C?,?Ovxcov (p6aaot? ?uo voc?? ?yy??A,ai E?puiaiSovxi Kai xo?? ?v xa?? vauoiv ?v Zock?vGcoi AGrrva?oic Ttape?vai ?? xo? y/op?ou KivSuveuovioc. (4) Kai ai u?v vfje? Kax? x?vp? enXzov Kax? x? ?7t?oxaX,|i?va U7C??rjuooG?vou?- oi 8? AaKe?a?uovioi ? xcoi rcapeoKeuaCovxo X?i%iouocxi Tipoa?aAowcec Kax? xe yfjv Kai Kax? 6a?,aaaav, ??Jti?ovxe? pa?ico? aipT|0?iv o?ko8?ut|uxx 8i? xa^?cov cipyaajLi?vov Kai ?vopcoTtcov ?A?yuw ?v?vxcov. (5) 7tpoa8?Y?U?voi 8? Kai xfrv arc? xfj? ZaK?vBoi) xcov ?xxikc?v vecov ?ori6?iav ?v vcoi ?i%ov, r\v apa XOU?lU?VO? ?jl?p?p^ai, O7CC0? ?AXOGl,Kai XO\)? ?G7TAOD? UT]TCpOX?pOV ?? a?x?v. (6) r\ yap vfjGo? r\ ?cpopuioaooai xe x?v ?au?va ZcpaKXTjp?aKa^oujievri 7tapaxe?voi)aa Kai ?yy?? 7coi?? Kai 87tiKei|i?vri ?vupov xo?? ecnXovq axevou?, xfji u?v Suo?v Lif| fi xo?? ?Onvaioi? veo?v oiarcAoDv Kax? xo xr?viouxx xcov ?6r|vaicov 8. Gomme dotos's p. 34: "[of Hero we of Marathon] 1962, account should believe, if possible?if sense, that atMarathon would add to discard is?what would that we all who have are not any element itmakes took part I known." licensed of the battle accounts simply by Herodotos it does because or not Thucydides "make sense" to us (and I do not believe Gomme meant to we should do so). imply that events do occur, and thus Inexplicable other factors internal (such consistency) as the narrative's must also be Kai xfjv II?aov, xfji to bear on senseless brought apparently items in any account. 9. For Demosthenes' formal posi tion here, cf. Hornblower 1991, p. 516; 1996, p. 152 (general elect); andGomme 1956, pp. 437-438 (prob ably a private citizen). LOREN J. SAMONS II ?? rcpo? xnv aXXr\v nrceipov okx?) r\ ?vv?a* ??,ci)8r|? te Kai axpi?ric 7caaa urc' ?pnuia? nv Kai u?yeGo? rcepi rc?vxe Kai S?m oxaSiou? poi? ?uCrrv (7) xo?? ji?v ouv ?anXovq xa?? vauaiv ?vxutp xnv Se v?aov ?uE?Xov xauxuv (po?oujxevoi \ir\ ?? auxfj? x?v K^fiaew T??XejLiov ?? a?xrjv Kai napa acp?ai Tcoicovxai, onX?xaq oie?i?aaav uxxtaaxa. xnv nrceipov ?Xkovc; ?xac^av. (8) ouxcd y?p xo?? AOnvaioi? xf|v xe ouk ?^ouaav vfjaov Tto^euiav ?aeaBai xf|v xe nrceipov, ajio?aaiv ?aicA^ou x? xo? rcpo? (x? y?p a?x?.c xfj? IT?A,ou ?c^a) rc??ayoc; ?Xi^ieva ?vxa oux ??^eiv o0ev ?puxouEvoi cbcpe^naouoi xo?? a?xcov) acpe?? 8? aveu xe vauucc%ia? Kai Kiv8?vou eKTCotaopicnaeiv x? xcop?ov Kax? x? e?K?c, a?xou xe ouk ev?vxoc Kai 81' o?iyn? rcapaaKeur?? Kaxei?T||LiU?Vov. (9) ?>c 8' eS?Kei auxo?? xauxa, Kai Sie?i?aCov ?? xnv vfjaov xo?? onX?xaq a7toKAr|pc?>aavxec arc? rc?vxcov x?v X6%(?v. Kai Sie?naav jx?vKai ??Aoi rcp?xepov Kax? SiaSoxnv, oi 8? xe?,euxa?oi Kai ?yKaxa?J|<p0?vxe? e'?Koai Kai xexpaK?aioi naav Kai E?^ xe? o? rcepi a?xo??- n.p%e8? a?xcov 'Ercix?Sa? ? MoAxS?pou. fleet sailed in, Demosthenes found time the Peloponnesian two ships to inform Eurymedon to send out unobserved and the on board the fleet at of the Athenians Zakynthos danger of Pylos summon to to and them his assistance. (4) The ships hastened on Before but their voyage in accordance with the message of Demosthenes, to and assault the fort land the Lakedaimonians sea, by prepared ease awork constructed in haste and hoping to capture with men. (5)Meanwhile, as they expected the a occupied by few Athenian they intended, if they ships to bring aid from Zakynthos, failed to take the place before, to block up the entrances to the to anchor harbor, so that itmight not be possible for the Athenians inside it. (6) For the island called Sphakteria, stretching along in a line close in front of the harbor, at once makes it safe and its entrances narrow, with a passage for two ships on the side nearest and for eight or nine on fortifications, Pylos and the Athenian rest of the mainland. The whole island was that side next to the not being inhabited and trackless and covered inwoods through its length was about 15 stades. (7) The inlets the Lakedaimonians intended to close with a line of ships placed close together, with turned toward the sea.Meanwhile, fearing that the enemy might make use of the island to operate against them, they carried over hoplites onto it and stationed others along the main their prows land. (8) In this way the island and the mainland would be hostile as there was no territory to the Athenians, point of disembarkation (for since the parts of Pylos itself outside the entrance on the side would not have of the open ocean had no harbor, [the Athenians] own men), a out from whence starting they might help their place and they themselves either a sea battle or [the Spartans], without danger would in all likelihood take the place [Pylos] by siege, there no being grain there and the place having been occupied with meager preparations for war. (9) This being determined they carried over to the island the hoplites, chosen by lot from all the companies. and sources thucydides' the spartan plan 529 Some others had crossed over before in successive parties, but these ones were cut in the 420 number and their helot attendants. off, last, son of the Molobros commanded them.10 Epitadas informs us that the Spartans, taking stock of the situation Thucydides had occupied the promontory after the Athenians of Pylos, intended to take the hastily built and weakly garrisoned fortifications by storm. Failing fleet bringing aid to arrive shortly, this, since they expected an Athenian the Spartans planned to block up both entrances to the harbor in order from coming to anchor in it.11There follows a of Sphakteria and the two supposedly narrow entrances to description the (northern) entrance, near the site of Pylos, was large the bay within: two ships sailing in together, the (southern) passage, eight to admit enough to prevent the Athenians or nine to block these entrances with ships (8.6). The Spartans wished placed side by side and tightly packed.12 But fearing that the Athenians troops might "make war" from Sphakteria against them, they disembarked on the island, so that both the mainland and the island would be "hostile to the Athenians. territory" is self-explanatory The Spartan strategy as presented by Thucydides and practicable given the small size of the entrances to the bay as recorded in the text. Yet the account contains several major (and minor) topographi cal anomalies. The first major anomaly, as we have seen, is the historian's to mention failure needed the small bay of Vbidokoilia?located to be blocked off if the Athenians were just north of to be isolated. Pylos?which A second anomaly relates toThucydides' conception of the tactical impor tance of the island of Sphakteria (see below). Finally, amajor error appears in his description of the southern entrance to the harbor: the distance between so far from end of Sphakteria and the mainland,13 admitting ca. 1,200 m and "could not entrance for only eight or nine is actually ships, have been blocked even by the whole Peloponnesian fleet."14 the southern 4.8.3-9 lO.Thuc. lation based on rev. T. E. Wick, 11. Here that I follow the to which the limen trans (OCT); that of R. Crawley, New York 1982. account never ditional "inner" Strassler standard view explain indicates any kind harbor. As noted and others what might have though Strassler (1988) has argued that the term should write to a kind of small Thucydides is in fact Navarino Bay southeast the usage of limen here, Pylos. On the likelihood that this "cove" was smaller in antiquity, see Pritchett pp. 149-151,153-154,158.1 and the report we and oversights stands suggest that even visit to refer be understood "cove" al itself, of 1994, would that Thucydides' report that emphasize to the Spartans intended ultimately a area. "in the limen1 suggests large fight to me Strassler has suggested (pers. that the term limen might be comm.) used to refer (alternately) cove to the bay and the in the account, which is strictly possible; but Thucydides' takes attempted above, to have the topography given I am attempting versely, how Thucydides could refers of ad of the channel happened of the area. Con come did not some confusion site himself, results when we compare the actual meaning who that placed "prow to prow" (avxircptp clearly demonstrates that the word supports 14. Gomme's the entrance 1979, pp. 73-75, poi?). Pritchett (1994, pp. 147-149) p. 2, n. 4, and notes the view lower figure. (1956, p. 443; 1896, p. 74), quoted here, rested in part on his mistaken belief that the Peloponnesians intended to sink their vessels in order to block opinion counters Gomme's view effectively to be sunk after the ships were being ca. see also Burrows with Thucydides' report. over the the controversy of ?uCrrv, see Gomme 1956, p. 444, andWilson from that the official 1:100,000 map of Greece the topography 12. For ranged 1979, p. 22, and Bauslaugh who collects the scholarship to Since mis possess. in the text as it the historian have 1,200 to 1,300 m: see Pritchett 1965, to ascertain have refers to ships "closely packed," with toward the enemy. prows facing outward, 13. Scholars' estimates of the width ' (see n. 12, above). regarding But the Peloponnesian fleet's inability to block the channel will stand despite his error on this or on either the point and longer shorter estimates of the southern entrance's width (see n. 45, below). his LOREN 53o J. II SAMONS an attractive emendation of this pas Bauslaugh has proposed the historian from this sage, rescuing major topographical error by suggest an or nine stades" rather than one to entrance of that he refers ing "eight Robert or nine ships."15 Catherine Rubincam, however, has enough for "eight shown that this emendation results in a text that "violates Thucydides' idiom wide of distance."16 Moreover, and practice in giving measurements this emenda tion does not solve the problem of the alleged Spartan strategy reported by the historian. (Nor does it account for the historian's mistaken description is also significantly wider than he allows, entrance, which is about the itself, which length of Sphakteria regarding 24 stades in length rather than "about 15.")17The southern entrance is still far too wide for the Spartans to have closed it up and thus taken Pylos of the northern or his mistake a sea battle."18 "without the historian's text to reconcile it with the actual emending is not licensed in this case, first, because it results in a text topography that is inconsistent with standard Thucydidean practice and, second, Thus, in his and anomalies errors, omissions, topographical were site that his the inaccurate about (and thus, suggest reports as Gomme noted, we should not arbitrarily "correct" one mistake).19 Finally, and most important, emendation of this passage ismethodologically because the other account it is only Thucydides' mistaken belief that the southern narrow and thus could be blocked that supports the relatively that corrects strategy that the historian reports. Any emendation unsound because entrance was Spartan Thucydides' mistake about the size of the southern entrance to the harbor results in a text presenting a patently absurd plan to block a relatively wide entrance with an insufficient number of triremes. To put it differently, the describes depended completely on the Spartan strategy that Thucydides existence of narrow entrances to the bay.20The reported plan thus confirms that the text originally stated that the southern entrance was narrow enough this plan understandable, while emending the text makes nonsense of the rest of the historian's account of the strategy. Therefore, since we are not licensed to emend the text and since the reported Spartan plan was in fact impossible given the actual topography, we must conclude that the tomake the an accurate account did not possess historian of the Spartan strategy for campaign.21 15. Bauslaugh Pritchett 1979; 1994, Hornblower pp. 1996, 16. Rubincam 17.Width by accepted and 167-175, pp. Athenian 159-160. p. 79. of the northern 2001, entrance: Wilson, p. 75; length of the island: Gomme 1956, p. 443, with Pritchett 1965, topographical accept... that "most that impediment scholars there to is no accepting [Thucydides'] description of the of the two sides in respective strategies in the campaign: the Peloponnesians to station in each channel tended ships fleet nian fleet, but of avoiding rather battle altogether 19. Gomme pp. 21-22. notes towards text does not In fact, Thucydides' speak of the Spartans the Athe "contesting" a sea (see below). p. 443. 1956, 20. See also Schwartz [1929] 1960, 18. Contrast Rubincam (2001, p. 78), who now would the open sea, any attempt by the to sail into the bay." facing outwards so as to contest p. 292, Though laugh's p. 22) nected and Burrows he pp. 74-75. to accept Baus Pritchett (1965, 1896, later came emendation, con that Thucydides recognized the "narrow entrances" (4.8.6) with the plan to block them (8.7), and that this problem "cannot be explained as a matter merely in of the numbers Thucydides." Rubincam (2001, p. 79) not emendation rejects Bauslaugh's only on the it "violates Thucy that grounds dides' idiom and practice" but also be cause sions expres Thucydides' qualifying in the passage demonstrate his own reservations the figures of her view that about and because given, "there is no valid reason for assuming thatThucydides' topographic descrip tion rests on autopsy of the area." 21.Wilson (1979, pp. 73-84) main tained thatThucydides (or his source) confused Navarino the southern Bay with entrance the entrance to to the and sources thucydides' the spartan plan 531 or so Bauslaugh has argued that 55 ships arrayed in Peloponnesian the southern entrance "would leave hardly enough room for even a single trireme to pass without touching the oars of the flanking ships."22 But 55 not block this passage, and the scenario that Bauslaugh could actually ships room for Athenian would allow sufficient the envisions tactics.23 Thus a blockade remains an Spartan plan for anomaly given the real most have agreed that and this is since particularly troubling topography, a at not if received present Thucydides, Pylos himself, good deal of his information about the campaign from those who were present, including alleged must As the commanding officer on the spot, Demosthenes have had some idea of what the Spartans had intended, and certainly after the Spartan prisoners were taken alive he could have learned something Demosthenes.24 about the Peloponnesian himself also spent time among plan. Thucydides after his exile in 424/3 (5.26.5), and so one must as the Peloponnesians sume that the historian the Spartans about their intentions questioned was so great Pylos.25 Yet the disaster of the Pylos campaign for Sparta to exculpate that it would not be surprising if some Spartans attempted themselves by coloring the facts, perhaps presenting a story that in some way made their defeat more explicable.26 Before exploring this possibility, let us state some general assumptions. First, the Spartans would never have occupied the island of Sphakteria if lose control of the surrounding waters, for this they thought they would would mean the isolation of their men on the island (the very thing that after the Athenians defeated them in the naval battle in the happened at Second, the Spartans can never have intended to "block up" (euxpap^ai: 4.8.5) or "close" (kat|G?iv: 4.8.7) the southern entrance to the an bay, impossible operation. Third, the Spartans cannot, therefore, have bay: 4.13-14). formed any plan that required closing the harbor to the Athenians. Fourth, since they cannot have blocked the harbor's southern entrance, they cannot have expected to take the place "without a sea battle or danger" (4.8.8); at most they may have planned to meet the Athenian fleet in the relatively more constricted waters27 between the southern end of the island and the smallVoidokoilia Bay, just north of (see n. 6, above; see also Wilson Pylos and Beardsworth 1970, and cf. Grundy en Voidokoilia's 1896, pp. 21-22). trance, however, or nine triremes writes who abreast see Pritchett waters: not would allow to enter 1994, pp. eight its 160-161, not however, would difficulty, or assistance prevented resupply at of the men (even if inconvenient) Such have unless Pylos via Voidokoilia tans blocked the landings. 22. Bauslaugh 23. Strassler tactics necessary below. p. 213; and to block 1979, 1988, the Spar an area, of ships see n. 45, e.g., Schwartz and Pritchett Thucydides' Athenian 25. That tioned 1994, pp. was 174 to restricted sources. he would ques a lack of require (1.1.1) in the first place. Gomme 125-131) a similar con reached pp. 292-294) cf. Burrows clusion; (1896, pp. 74-75; that the 1897, p. 9), who believed in themselves captured Spartans vented this "excuse" for their dilemma. seems to me scenario extremely the Spartans who returned unlikely: a to Sparta needed plausible explana tion for the failed plan, while those This not have inconsistent curiosity psychologically to "write the war" with the decision pp. 26. Schwartz ([1929] 1960, 1960, [1929] (1921) argued that account them would (1937, the neces demonstrated sity of Spartan (aswell asAthenian) informants p. 4. p. 202. For Athe the number See, 176.Wilamowitz that "passage may have been into this due to a lower difficult" bay water level in 425 and protruding rocks. nian 24. pp. 293-294; Gomme 1956, pp. 485 486; Silhanek 1970;Westlake 1974, for the campaign. captured and held inAthens wanted an excuse for their the tactic of 27. Cf. Hdt. Aesch. to the free ascription of motive Spar tans" in this account and to the possi stem from bility that this may "conjec was part (p. 167). not surrender, them on for the island. Horn blower (1996, p. 160) refers to "much ture" on Thucydides' placing Pers. 8.60, Thuc. 1.74.1, on this tactic 412-414 and at Salamis. This aspect of the battle in 480 1994, obviously p. 64. well known: see Kennelly LOREN 532 J. SAMONS II and try to prevent any attempted entrance by battle. Fifth, we should presume that the Spartans knew an Athenian fleet would eventu men at us that were to arrive relieve the tells ally Pylos; Thucydides they even not if and did the the fleet expect expected (4.8.5), Peloponnesians to return as swiftly and Sophokles from Zakynthos with Eurymedon mainland as it did, they surely knew that Athenian ships would arrive from some quarter. Thucydides implies that the Spartans believed they might capture the arrived to help them, and enemy garrison at Pylos before any Athenians it does seem that the fleet with Eurymedon returned much sooner than the Spartans had anticipated. Thucydides reports that the Spartans had as the sent ships to fairly distant Asine for wood (for siege machines) just fleet arrived (?v xo?xcoi: 4.13.1-2).28 The quest for wood implies Athenian that the Spartans thought that they had time to construct and employ such equipment, while the dispatch of their ships indicates that they did not expect an Athenian fleet to arrive quickly. Perhaps they did not know to send two ships out with messages that Demosthenes had managed just before Pylos was cut off, or they did not know the precise location of the Athenian fleet, expecting that it had continued northward from Zakynthos (4.8.3). But if the Spartans believed that they had enough time to build and employ siege equipment, why did they station forces on Sphakteria? After all, what possible advantage could accrue to the Spartans from plac men ing these on the island? THE TACTICAL IMPORTANCE OF SPHAKTERIA on was ill conceived has been main stationing Spartans Sphakteria tained by Schwartz, Kagan, and Gomme. Gomme, however, later came to believe that the plan to occupy the island was not "sowrongly conceived, That move could be though it turned out badly," arguing that the justified because of the necessity to provide safe landing places for the triremes (i.e., not a troops, but a place where the boats might simply place for disembarking be beached and dried).29 There were, however, almost none of these landing on one on the landward side of the island, which Sphakteria?only places no ships?and certainly explains why the Spartans stationed there had or the not enough to provide either the Athenians Spartans with "a base" where they might drag ashore numerous triremes.30 Since the Athenians could not launch triremes from Sphakteria, island harm the Spartans? Even Athenians on how could their control of the armed with missile more than harass any Spartans Sphakteria could do little to close the island to offer them targets. anchoring enough sailing or an Athenian could neither aid force occupying Sphakteria nor attack the at its compatriots Spartans, despite Thucydides' Pylos Indeed, these "fears" may report of Spartan fears about this contingency. men were stranded on to well have been invented help explain how the Thus, of Thucydides' (see below). The vagueness language (4.8.7, cf. 8.4) about Spartan fears that the Athenians might (literally) "make war an otherwise very detailed account, suggests on them" from Sphakteria, in the island the western Gulf: shore see Gomme 1996, p. 450, and Hornblower 167. evidence and the mod p. Literary ern sea trials of the reconstructed 1956, trireme that ancient suggest Olympias at least could sustain speeds of a 105-km in knots. Thus, journey triremes 5-7 one daywould have been (strictly) see Morrison, possible: weapons lies on 28. Asine of the Messenian Coates, and Rankov 2000, pp. 102-106,259-267. See also and travel Strassler times 29. Gomme esp. p. 130, with 1990 for this for distances campaign. 1937, pp. 125-131, n. 1 (for the quota tion), and pp. 200-201; Schwartz [1929] 1960, pp. 290-293; Kagan 1974, pp. 230-231. 30. See Strassler 1988, p. 201; cf.Wilson 1979, pp. 106-109, and Pritchett 1965, p. 27. and sources thucydides' the plan spartan 533 himself had no clear idea precisely how an Athenian that Thucydides of the island would threaten the Peloponnesians.31 occupation that "the strategic importance of Sphakteria is Pritchett has written often overlooked," citing examples from the Greek War of Independence.32 on mod But I do not think that this 19th-century campaign (predicated ern long-range missile to in is situation the entirely analogous weapons) no on Sphakteria could or attack the mainland than Bay a at is A could the attack Athenians moreover, trireme, only Pylos. they in from when afloat and and the could sail Athenians motion, weapon to to launch an attack with Prote, the small island to the northwest, Pylos antiquity. Hoplites, peltasts, more command the entrance or archers stationed to Navarino a small loss of time. In any event, the manning and launching of any only triremes on Sphakteria (had this even been possible) would have Athenian been observed from the mainland. The tactical and strategic situations in 425 b.c. seem significantly different from those in a.d. 1827. It is of course possible that a Spartan force initially occupied Sphakteria in order to gather wood, water, or other materials, and that some hoplites oversee the work of the helots.33 However were present this may simply to some to at small station least be, it is certain that the Spartans needed forces on Sphakteria to act as lookouts against enemy vessels approaching the area and to provide information about the Athenians the occupying of of The northern high ground Pylos itself.34 Sphakteria provide heights and thus point for both types of information-gathering, a few men) was necessary if the commander (by Spartan to have this kind of intelligence. wished use of Nonetheless, supposed Spartan fears about the Athenian Sphak inThucydides' teria "to make war on them" clearly present a conundrum the best vantage their occupation account. Like the mistake about the southern entrance to the harbor and the Bay to the north, this issue is tied to the historian's to the Spartan strategy. But conception of the topography and its relation from since Spartans on Sphakteria could neither prevent the Athenians omission of Vbidokoilia nor attack the men at entering the harbor Pylos, and since any Athenian of the force there would have faced the same limitations, occupation on some or tactical consideration island must have rested other strategic by Thucydides. we must ask ourselves what on Again, advantage the Spartans Sphak on were cut teria provided. Without the the island off from ships, Spartans the other Peloponnesian forces, and thus could offer no naval assistance. on To the argument that they were there to prevent an Athenian landing unreported 31. Unless tence of the sen the placement a fear that the Athenians implies on the island might vessels: blockading p. 201, who believes assail the putative cf. Strassler such gather a called helots "wooded and track less," so the idea that some Spartan as to Asine) forces went there (as well For noted, however, the large size and special nature (chosen by lot) on island unreasonable. in the since changes foliage antiquity, see Pritchett 1965, p. 27. As a referee real possibility. 32. Pritchett 1965, p. 23. 33. Thucydides (4.8.6 and 29.3) the is not wood for this paper 1988, a blockade to of the Spartan force ultimately stranded that this force was the island suggest there for reasons other than overseeing (see n. 50, below). 34.1 owe this observation wife, Jamie, who during the to my to of posting the necessity at the the high ground I cannot end of Sphakteria. on northern accept, as do some (e.g., Lazenby 1985, p. 118), that the Spartans "failed to post watchers along the coast to warn of the approach of theAthenian fleet" and thus were The our visit site noted a lookout have surprised by the Athenians. on would Spartans Sphakteria view of almost had an excellent the entire theater of operations. 534 LOREN II SAMONS J. the island, one may raise two objections: (1) such a landing, as we have no material seen, would have offered the Athenians advantage (in terms of relieving their comrades at Pylos), so it is unclear why they would have a or the to the trouble of landing Spartans put themselves not in and the did fact it; (2) attempt to prevent the opposing Spartans Athenians from landing or even post guards at any potential landing sites on the island.35 Thus, the Athenians landed in secret and with apparent attempted the final battle on Sphakteria (4.31.1). had already been taking their lunches ease before The Athenians before on the island for that is how this point the fire that eventually burned (4.30.2), seems difficult to imagine that a force of only Sphakteria began.36 Indeed, it 420 hoplites (4.8.9,38.5) and their helot attendants could have prevented a in force on an island as large as Sphakteria.37 Of landing of Athenians not at first know how many Spartans occupied Demosthenes did course, reports that Demosthenes initially thought Sphakteria. While Thucydides that the number of enemy troops was smaller than it eventually proved to be (4.30.3), he nonetheless describes the Athenians' original view of as "full the mainland and the island of hoplites" (4.13.3). Demosthenes, therefore, may have believed that a very large force occupied the island, and thus did not attempt a landing (where Spartan hoplites would have the sea battle in the harbor.38 over the Athenians) during the advantage In short, the Spartan force stationed on Sphakteria could not prevent on the island (as an Athenian was meant Thucydides implies it landing to do) nor could it assist in the alleged Spartan blockade plan, which was a significant force of impossible. I conclude that the Spartans stationed on some reason. other hoplites Sphakteria for THE SPARTAN PLAN above discussion suggests that the Spartan forces on Sphakteria formed a of part Spartan plan (other than blocking the bay's entrances) about which us return to was misinformed. Recalling Gommes principle, let Thucydides events themselves. After receiving a request description of the Thucydides' for aid from Demosthenes, the main Athenian force, having arrived at Pylos The and finding from Zakynthos 35. Of course, as one the situation paper noted, the Spartans harbor the and their men were the men ceive no fleet. We assistance can only cut off on was not been on changed in the battle an Athenian Preventing at that point landing it had where of this after lost the naval island. now referee the re the Spartan from assume, therefore, that the Spartans had concluded on the island was the force stationed that insufficient landing. 36. to prevent Thucydides an Athenian (4.30.2) the fire as unintentional 1956, 37. Cf.Wilson difficulties. there A could (ockovto?); character (4.30.3). landing would Demos not want pp. 472,488-489. 1979, p. 107, on the to imply that he launched his attack only after the fire had allayed his fears few men not that Demosthenes' way the assault on Pylos stationed a prevent here landing men itself held (Thuc. off 4.9 perhaps ate the effects of the that understandably to wishing palli fire on his decision to land Athenian forces, Demosthenes may have said that only after he saw even more nu that the Spartans were merous than he had thought did he decide force might the Spartan be rela tively large. (On the fire and its possible effects on Demosthenes' Roisman 1993, Demosthenes 12). 38. Later, a to make thenes on the long island of Sphakteria in the before?because could izes see Gomme and crucial? island and the island full of hoplites, "the mainland fore attempting forces Spartan their number) at Athenians attacked strategic, see plans, In any case, pp. 37-39.) could take his time be a on landing, since the (whatever Sphakteria no threat to the posed and in the end were Pylos, and for political and captured reasons. not tactical, sources thucydides' and the spartan plan 535 ships in the harbor and not sailing out, at a loss as to come to anchor," spent the on the desert island they might night on of Prote, "not far off" (Thuc. 4.13.3).39 Although Spartans stationed and the [Spartan] where could have seen the Athenian fleet approaching Sphakteria undoubtedly for kilometers several before its the made arrival, Pylos Peloponnesians no effort to effect their supposed blockade on this day. Indeed, as plan at the Lakedaimonians reports, even on the next morning to nor to out meet entrances the neither block of the sail and tempted bay the Athenian forces on the open sea, but rather, "having neglected to close their ships and prepared "if anyone sailed in, to up the harbor," manned Thucydides in the harbor' (4.13.4; emphasis added). a or imagine Spartan force of extreme laziness inepti area on tude ifwe believe that even after the Athenian reached the ships the previous day they took no trouble to effect their putative plan "to block" the bay.40 By not sailing out of the harbor to meet the Athenians, on the Spartans risked the possibility of an Athenian landing Sphakteria on the Athenians did the seaward side of the island: (and eventually land fight Now we must 4.31).41 As the Spartans did not take the time to convey their troops back to the mainland spent on Prote, we during the night that the Athenians can only conclude that they did not feel that the Athenian fleet's presence an men on we have to threat the As posed unacceptable Sphakteria. already men on not would have left those the island unless concluded, they they that the bay would remain safe territory for Peloponnesian ships therefore reach their troops on the island) and the only way could (which to ensure was Spartan control of the bay by naval battle. believed decision to leave the Spartan force on Sphakteria, therefore, sug that the Spartans intended to do precisely what everyone knew they gests had done?engage the Athenian fleet in a naval battle within the bay. Per The in the relatively constricted haps they planned to close with the Athenians area between the southern end of and the mainland, and thus Sphakteria take advantage of a situation that would render somewhat more difficult the naval tactics of outflanking (the periplous) or breaking the line (the diekplous) and ramming amidships.42 The Athenians' actions atNaupaktos and Phormion's speech (Thuc. 2.86-92, especially 89.8) show that even a fairly broad area such as the entrance to the Gulf of Corinth standard Athenian (more than a kilometer enough to disadvantage 39. Prote (ca. 11 km from Pylos) be seen from the Pylos promon may Pritchett 1994, tory and Sphakteria: p. 160, n. 27. 40. One the Athenians morning off guard. that might hypothesize so in the attacked early the Spartans were caught occu the Spartans' However, that of Sphakteria and their excellent pation view of the area (n. 34, above) make this extremely unlikely. does not Moreover, say that actually 1974, surprised. Cf. Westlake sees the who but pp. 212,216, problem, Thucydides were they and a half wide) could be considered Athenian forces.43 concludes that Thucydides that implies were surprised Spartans (although he admits that they would have had the of the Athenian ample warning and attack). Roisman approach that the p. 36) also concludes were surprised. 41. This was a fleet's (1993, Spartans factor, negligible since there would have been however, to little reason for the Athenians give to risk their aboard up superiority ship a land battle with on the Spartans in the event of a successful Sphakteria: naval engagement, they would cut off the Spartan in the event forces would forces on of a defeat, be constricted and Sphakteria, their own trapped on a hostile island. 42. Cf. Pritchett 1994, pp. 172-173, and Morrison, 43. Phormion's there made and Rankov Coates, 2000, pp. 67-68. n. 45, below. For the tactics, tremendous (in disadvantageous most Lakedaimonian see victory waters) surely command ers sea battles with the Athe leery of see Strassler nians: 115. 1990, pp. Ill, LOREN 536 II SAMONS J. was small Spartans may have concluded that the bay itself enough in any case, it is smaller than the open ocean and the Athenians; had the added advantage of the surrounding shores, against which Athe The to hinder nian ships and troops might be driven. Given the Spartan occupation of Sphakteria, all of this shoreline (with the exception of the southern bit of was now "hostile territory to the Athenians" (4.8.8 and above). That Pylos) this apparent advantage proved illusory can tell us nothing, for we must that the Spartans overestimated their ability to confront the possibility defeat the Athenians in a sea battle by making gave them. use of the minor advantage that their position In short, a naval battle must have been part of the Spartan plan, Thucy He relates an impossible dides' assertion to the contrary notwithstanding. to the harbor and from anchoring close Athenians up prevent Spartan plan there, informing us would take the place 8? aveu xe vauua%ia? 4.8.S).44 As we have that the Spartans thought that "in all likelihood they a sea battle or [Pylos] by siege without danger" (cyeiq Kai kiv8?vou eKrcotaopicr|aevv x? %cop?ovKax? x? c?k?c, noted, even if the Spartans had arrayed 58 of their 60 vessels abreast in the southern channel, there would have been enough room for the Athenian fleet to engage them and to effect the diekplous, though the more difficult than in open waters.45 A battle operation would have been of some type?it not be avoided by this must be emphasized again?could some scholars have recognized that the putative Spartan strategy. Indeed, must have planned to fight to prevent easy access to the bay for Spartans a the Athenians, description of plan explicitly designed despite Thucydides' to avoid such combat.46 em (1979, pp. 81-82), to eiico? the Kax? phrase phasizing to the whole clause, suggests applies means that Thucydides only that the 44. Wilson that Spartans "hoped" or they "thought would probably" avoid a battle. The phrase degree ity and a is stronger than that, implying of confidence based on probabil "in all likeli be rendered should hood" also maintains away sailed squadron first day, the (now (velsim.). Wilson that after the Athenian on to Prote the very sanguine) Spartans apparently that they "had gone have believed may for writes that this good" (p. 82). Wilson was not so unreasonable since the Athenians one "would entrance only, to enter have if the (by had Spartans blocked the Sikia [northern] channel) a A,iur|v the from shores the small were of which area at Pylos) (apart manned by Spartan hoplites, in face of a fleet half would as large again not be clear as their own [sic]. It to the Athenians to have anywhere they would their ships, or what would anchor they the A,iur|v" (p. 81). In gain by entering that fails to allow forAthe all thisWilson nian in their confidence naval ity (60 Peloponnesian vessels hardly an to obstacle forming 50 Athenian insuperable see Thuc. 2.86-92 ships: over fleets of victories for Phormion's 47 and 77 shipswith a force of only 20 and triremes) Athenian to position: the Athenians on Pylos their way into appreciate to rescue the bay had the (4.8.7). On K?.fjoew in which ships attempted plous, their opponents' line through to turn on their flanks, and Rankov Coates, hardly the diek to sail in order cf.Morrison, 2000, pp. 43,53 cf.Whitehead the periplous, 1987, I cannot accept his conclusion although the tactic em that the periplous was the that Athenian vessel ployed by For to force the Peloponnesian fleet (Wesdake 1974, p. 216, n. 4). Since have realized this, as qualify 54; Lazenby 1987; andHolladay 1988. the men and defeat the action would and loosely, superior turned man the Spartans must cannot have they a stationary merchant to ram a trireme in pur around in order suit InWhitehead's 2.91). or other obstacle (Thuc. believed that theAthenian fleet had no or that in all likelihood "gone for good" there would be no naumachia. to effect the maneuver. necessary the merchantman the contrary, 45. For the number of vessels neces Wilson and Beardsworth 1970; and Wilson 1979, 15 m per Allowing oarsweep including for error, it would margin ca. 1,200 m wide. Even to fill a channel in this case the pursuing Athenian ca. trireme, and a healthy take about 80 triremes vented trireme view, was On pre from maintaining its speed andmaking for the (now exposed) side of the turning an area, see Morrison, sary to block and Rankov 2000, pp. 58-59; Coates, pp. 73-76. third vessel the channel could only be said to be "blocked" lose forward would necessarily ship, which momentum in the act of about. coming 46. E.g., Pritchett n. 42: "If we are to to Lakedaimonian purpose was to keep 1994, p. 173, any credibility their generalship, the Athenians give sources thucydides' and the spartan plan 537 If the Spartans planned to fight in the bay, we can finally understand the reason for the contingent left on Sphakteria. During the sea battle in the bay, itwould be their duty to present a shore at once friendly to their own forces and hostile to the Athenians (4.8.8). In this way they resembled force on the island of Psyttaleia at the battle of Salamis (Hdt. the Persian or 8.76,95).47 Athenian ships stragglers swimming from wrecks would thus have no safe place to retreat to during the battle, while the Peloponnesians to the nearest might make their way possible shore. Thus, the plan of the two elements with the battle of Salamis: control Spartans may have shared in a relatively constricted area.48 of a nearby island and naval engagement text Such a plan may also help explain the anomaly in Thucydides' over closing the entrances of the a to bay, for Spartan plan fight in the harbor, especially in the southern passage, would benefit from blocking ves entrance. This action would prevent Athenian sels from outflanking the Spartan fleet arrayed in the southern entrance. It seems see this necessity or to unlikely, however, that the Spartans failed to effect this part of their plan, and that therefore the Athenians "proceeded the smaller northern an immediate against them by each inlet" (4.14.1, emphasis added), gaining tactical advantage that helped decide the issue in their favor. Indeed, the failure of the Spartans to block the northern entrance, despite the obvious so to force an engagement in the southern passage, importance of doing to the the that intended battle within the harbor suggests fight Spartans itself rather than within the southern entrance.49 to risk It was a piece of bravado on both sides: the Spartans willing their hoplites on the island as part of a plan to seek a naval victory against a the Athenian fleet, and the Athenians sailing into bay with shores almost entirely controlled by the enemy, where the wreck of any ship would mean almost certain disaster for all the men aboard. The Spartan plan proved the weaker, perhaps because the Spartans were not as quick as they might their vessels and meeting in the more have been inmanning the Athenians constricted waters plan), or more (if this was their Sphakteria and the mainland because the itself which (in probably, bay they intended to room to the Athenians their enough employ superior naval between fight) offered skills. The upshot of the Spartan defeat was the isolation of the homoioi on an event that must have been all the more execrable to the Sphakteria, from entering the bay." He also writes ... with (p. 173): "Fifty eight ships ... would prows facing the enemy a formidable have presented array. was better At the least, the position than fighting in the open sea off Sphakteria or in the bay itself, the only alternatives." 47. On the possible disinformation the Athenian action on surrounding see Fornara 1966. Land Psyttaleia, were not used to troops infrequently 2.90.3 support naval forces: e.g., Thuc. 6, 7.70.1; see Morrison, Coates, Rankov 2000, pp. 60, 75-76. and course 48. Of differences great the two battles. on with Sphakteria the at Persians the (4.36.3: Thermopylai in 425 are compared explicitly Spartans with Leonidas's cf. 7.71.7 for a forces); comparison cuse with 49. of the Athenians the Spartans It is also possible at at Syra Pylos. that the Spar tanswished to fight theAthenians the northwest corner of Navarino resemble con Strassler's ception [1988] of a plan to protect the implicitly compares the Thucydides Athenians some ways there were between in Bay, in front of their position just assailing corner of the southeast (A Pylos. in here would engagement planned so-called cove harbor southeast see n. 11, above, Pylos; and Beardsworth 1970 significance of and cf.Wilson for the tactical of this area.) A successful here, after all, landing by the Athenians would have allowed the rescue of Dem osthenes' constricted southern forces, than entrance. and the area was the bay more itself or the how Thucydides, report such a plan, and its estimated usefulness (based on the cannot actual topography) the explain account. in problems Thucydides' ever, does not LOREN 538 J. II SAMONS because it could have been prevented by removing the Peloponnesians men on the remove these men can previous night. The decision not to a a sea battle with the Athenians only be explained by Spartan plan to risk in the bay.50 it remains only to explain Thucydides' If one accepts this conclusion, view of the Spartan plan, for we must face squarely the inadequacy either of his own of the account the historian received or of the presentation research. Thucydides himself can have had little reason to mischaracterize the Spartan plan, especially as the reaction to the Pylos campaign (in the so form of Athenian refusals of Spartan peace offers) demonstrates perfectly a portentous the theme of Athens' account.51 That his "over-reaching," slanted his report is suggested above, but likely informant Demosthenes it is hard to see why he would have invented a false Spartan strategy that or their commander. added little to the glory of the Athenians us, therefore, return to the Spartans themselves, upon whom a for of have relied deal his information about the may Thucydides good Let an Athenian battle. As exile Thucydides would have had difficulty visit as long as the site was held the ing Pylos topography by the not it who until did 409.52 Athenians, sojourn in relinquish Thucydides' and his expressed modus operandi (1.22, 5.26), however, the P?loponn?se assure us that he the account he received from Demosthenes supplemented to examine with data from Peloponnesian informants, who, in to motive him about their had both the and the mislead turn, opportunity intentions at Pylos.53 (All the more was this true in the period before the on were returned as a consequence of the Spartiates captured Sphakteria reasons and alliance of the the 421.) Among peace subsequent Spartans the death or capture of so for the tremendous disaster at Pylos?involving have been widely discussed. It would not have been many hoplites?must and other Athenians odd if blame ultimately came to rest not on the hoplites that had surren (who were still invaluable to the state) or the men that had failed to rescue them, but rather on the Spartan general staff or the commander himself. These men (or this man), in turn, needed a defense for their (his) dered apparent folly.54 One must recognize ers involved 50. It may the crucial problem faced by the Spartan lead how to explain why the Spartiates in the loss at Sphakteria: be that the plan Spartan to fight in the bay did not crystallize until theAthenians arrived (probably sooner than the battle. expected) In that case, have positioned been other purposes n. 34, above), night (perhaps (e.g., but were with on the day before the hoplites on may for Sphakteria as lookouts; left there their forces see over aug mented) as part of the plan to fight it out in the harbor should on the Athenians the next offer day battle. implies that they had a specific (and dangerous?) Lazenby (1985, p. 114) discusses the possibility that units (enomotiai) rather by any event, the fact that the final troops on were stationed "chosen Sphakteria from all the lot (4.8.9) by companies" than See 4.17.4, with wollte, rechtfertigen war, wenn der of the versperrt sources for Thucydides, him Gomme cf. Xen. 1956, p. 484. nun "Ist die Annahme pp. 292-293: so unerh?rt, wirklich dass er durch Bericht get?uscht athenischen nicht see Stroud 1994. 54. Perhaps Hell. peloponne von Sphak die eine zur Bucht die Zug?nge wurden?" On Corinthian the words 13.64.5-7; schlechten teria Torheit einen durch der die Besetzung Flotte 53. See Schwartz [1929] 1960, einer Etwa sischen, selected by Thucydides repeated Spartans, self at 21.2 and 41.4. 52. Diod. wurde? were individuals lot. 51. 1.2.18, In (see n. 33, above). mission Thrasymelidas it was the nauarch (4.11.2) who decided to risk a sea battle with in what to him waters. appeared Brasidas arch here (4.11.4). served the Athenians advantageous as a trier only sources thucydides' and the plan spartan 539 had been left on this island in the first place. captured by the Athenians to fight a naumachia with the Athenians that had intended they Admitting a exposed (in retrospect) their great hubris and poor judgment, if not viola could not justify an tion of Spartan policy.55 Since, then, the commanders actual plan to risk engagement with a large number of Athenian ships?a or surrender of so many Spartiate that they had intended Spartan leaders perhaps maintained hoplites?the or to block up the harbor, and take Pylos "without a naval engagement of the standard kind with This plan comported apparendy Spartan danger." cases at that time of avoiding naumachiat with Athens (except in practice numerical superiority), and made the generals' (or their of overwhelming that led ultimately plan to the death subordinates') mistake one of execution rather than of premeditated folly, a at their own risking homoioi in foolhardy attempt to beat the Athenians game and thus gain the glory attaching to such a victory.56 to conclude that Thucydides, inac It is disturbing presented with information by an elite Spartan source or sources (perhaps after first interviewing Athenians such as Demosthenes), failed to substantiate account by visiting the site himself or by interviewing the Peloponnesian additional Spartan or Athenian informants (or that if he did conduct such curate interviews, he was unable to correct many aspects of the Spartan report that he had already received). Of course, Thucydides might have altered the narrative in the process of completing his work, perhaps Pylos/Sphakteria after he had finally visited the site himself. The account's relatively polished nature, however, forces us to consider the possibility that the historian had given the piece its finishing touches. In the end, it seems most reasonable to conclude that the major prob lems in the narrative stem from Thucydides' failure to examine the area. by his inability to visit Pylos and gather the topographical re that would have exploded the Spartan story, Thucydides a narrow to two block up the seemingly reasonable plan ported supposedly entrances to the harbor. However, the actual topography of the region and Handicapped information the 420 Lakedaimonian tell a different hoplites 55. Strassler (1990, p. 115) argues that official naval in strategy Spartan on this period centered avoiding "open water of maneuver battles with Athe nian one engaged 79), they numerical avoiding existed, when in such enjoyed certain it would the Spartan the the Peloponnesians a battle (Thuc. 3.76 an overwhelming and still adopted superiority tactics. If such defensive that on and notes triremes," occasion on the island of Sphakteria marooned tale. kinds provide commanders a of policy of naval battles another needed reason an explanation for their failed plans at Pylos. 56. Thus, Westlake cludes I very much disagree with con (1974, esp. p. 214), who that there is "no trace of infor mation associated obtained with the direction from anyone closely for responsible on the Pelo of operations [those] side." I would agree, how ponnesian the understood ever, that Thucydides difficulty of obtaining "trustworthy and complete" evidence (p. 226) from his sources (including those from Sparta). 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