Programme Brochure

BA (Hons)
Applied Social Science
Full-time (with day/evening delivery mode)
Year 2015
11th Intake
Programme Code: 153-19390
QF Level : 5
QR Registration No: 14/002769/L5
Validity Period: 1 Sep 2014 to 31 Aug 2018
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This programme is accredited by the Hong Kong Council for Accreditation of Academic and Vocational Qualifications to reach
HKQF level 5, which is equivalent to the standing of bachelor’s degrees offered by local universities in Hong Kong. The degree
qualification is formally recognised by the Government for employment purposes within the Civil Service.
This is an exempted programme under the Non-local Higher and Professional Education (Regulation) Ordinance (ref. number:
451254). It is a matter of discretion for individual employers to recognize any qualification to which this programme may lead.
Sheffield Hallam University, in collaboration with the
School of Continuing and Professional Education
(SCOPE), City University of Hong Kong, offers a ONE
year top-up degree programme leading to the award
of Bachelor of Arts (Honours) Applied Social Science.
Sheffield Hallam
Sheffield Hallam is the best* modern university in the
north of England. Choosing to study the BA (Hons)
Applied Social Science with us means you will join
one of the most popular universities in the UK, with
over 34,000 students from more than 100 countries. A
Sheffield Hallam degree is recognised and valued all
over the world.
You will learn from Sheffield Hallam academics who
are experts in their subject areas with industry and
academic experience, so your learning is up-to-date
and relevant. Our strong focus on employability means
we have excellent rates of graduate employment with
Bachelor of Arts (Hons) Applied Social Science
94% of our graduates in work or further study within six
months (HESA 2013).
You will have access to our virtual learning environment
Blackboard which our international students ranked
in the top three in the world for satisfaction
(Student Barometer, autumn 2013). We have
decades of experience of delivering courses
internationally and eight of our subject
areas are ranked in the top 20* in the UK.
A Sheffield Hallam degree gives you
life-long access to a community of
thousands of graduates from all over
the world. You will also be eligible for
a discount if you choose to further your
education with postgraduate study on one
of our programmes in the UK.
* Times and Sunday Times Good University
Guide 2015
Programme Aims
● Provides students with a sound knowledge base in the
applied social sciences
● Helps students develop the key personal and
transferable skills associated with future employment
in a rapidly changing society
● Provides a sound academic base for postgraduate
● Cultivates an open-minded attitude and independent
learning capacity necessary for life-long learning
Special Features
● Tailor-made for social sciences and social work/social
welfare students
● Flexible study mode enabling students to attend
classes in the day-time or evening session
● A smooth and fruitful path to a bachelor degree in 12
● Provides students with a broad-based scholarly
education through a range of core and elective
● Student performance is assessed on the basis of prescribed coursework
● Graduates will be eligible to apply for a range of
postgraduate programmes in the UK and Hong
● Graduates will be fit for a wide range of careers
covering both the public and private sectors
Programme Structure
There are two distinct pathways to facilitate students
to pursue their own specific area of interest, Pathway
(A) Social and Policy Studies and Pathway (B) Human
Services. The credit requirement for each pathway is 180
to be completed in three phases in one calendar year.
Students will need to take SIX core modules and THREE
elective modules, or ONE elective module plus Applied
Pathway (A)
Social and Policy Studies
Pathway (B)
Human Services
Personal Learning Portfolio
Research Methods
Understanding Global Societies
Comparative Politics
Policy Making & Analysis
Comparing Social Issues and Policy in Global Context
Evidence for Welfare Practice
Welfare Rights and Legal Issues
Counselling & Psychotherapy
3 electives / 1 elective module plus Applied Dissertation
* Availability of delivery mode and modules offered are subject. to the enrolment number.
Our Students
The recent cohort of students comes from diverse
backgrounds and the profile is as follows:
Programme Delivery
The approach of this programme is blended learning.
Learning and teaching will be facilitated through a mix
of flown-in teaching sessions delivered by SHU staff and
seminars / workshops / tutorials / day schools conducted
by the CityU staff. In addition, e-learning and discussion
through the Blackboard Virtual Learning Environment will
be employed. However, emphasis is placed upon students
taking responsibility for their own learning. In brief,
students will be expected to undertake independent work
such as information collation and organization, reading
and note-taking from books, articles and other written
sources outside the classroom albeit with the support and
guidance from both the teaching staff and via Blackboard.
Programme Administration
The programme will be administered by the School of
Continuing and Professional Education (SCOPE) in Hong
Kong while the Sheffield Hallam University (SHU) will
monitor the teaching and progress of the programme.
Teaching and Learning
Financial Assistance
Taught by full time well-qualified academic staff from both
Sheffield Hallam University and SCOPE, City University
of Hong Kong. Students can be fully confident that they
will be receiving the highest quality teaching and learning
in the programme.
Classes will normally be held at SCOPE Learning Centres
in Kowloon Tong or in other districts.
Student Support
Students will have access to the CityU Library, CityU
Computing Services Centres and the learning resources
of Sheffield Hallam University, such as the Learning
Centre’s electronic information resources and the virtual
learning environment of the Blackboard.
Students will be recommended for the award of Bachelor
of Arts (Honours) Applied Social Science conferred by
the Sheffield Hallam University upon completion of the
Education Grant and Loans
Admission Requirement
4.Applicants will be selected on the basis of academic
merits and relevant work experience. All applicants will
be informed of the application results. Please contact
CityU SCOPE if you do not receive our decision by late
August 2015
1.Application should be submitted online via www.scope.
2.Application form could also be obtained upon request
from the reception counter of CityU SCOPE.
3.All applications should be submitted on or before the
Deadline for Application
30 June 2015
The Human Services pathway is specifically designed
for graduates with an AD/HD in Human Services, Applied
Psychology, Applied Social Studies (Guidance and
Counselling), Applied Social Sciences (Social Welfare),
Applied Social Sciences (Social Work) or Applied Youth
Programme Commencement
Application fee: HK$140 (to be paid at the time of
An acknowledgement of the application will be
sent to each applicant via email. Enquiries about
the application status can be made at our website
Tuition fee
7 working days after submission of the application form at
: HK$95,000, payable in 3 instalments:
1st instalment : HK$31,700 (due on
2nd instalment : HK$31,700 (due on
2 November 2015)
3rd instalment : HK$31,600 (due on
1 April 2016)
Graduation fee: HK$400 (due on admission)
All fees are non-refundable and non-transferable. In case of
re-assessment and/or extension of the study period, additional
fees will be charged.
Students who are not covered under FASP and NLSPS
can apply for the government loan under the Nonmeans-tested Loan Scheme (NLS). For more details and
enquiries, please call 2150 6223 or visit SFAA’s website:
September 2015
Online Enquiries of Application
School of Continuing and Professional
Location : LG/F., Academic Exchange Building, City University of Hong Kong
: 3442 7768 / 3442 7423
Fax : 3442 0399
Website :
The Social and Policy Studies pathway is specifically
designed for graduates with an AD/HD in the social
sciences from a local university in the areas of Applied
Social Studies, Community Services Management, Public
Administration & Management, Applied Psychology or
Social Work. Graduates from other AD/HD programmes
may also be considered.
Eligible students enrolled in the programme can apply
for government grant and loans under the Financial
Assistance Scheme for Post-secondary Students (FASP)
and Non-means-tested Loan Scheme for Post-secondary
Students (NLSPS) schemes.
Non-means Tested Education Loan