Human impact on wildlife populations within a

Human impact on wildlife populations within a protected
Central African forest
Allard Blom1,2, Robert van Zalinge1, Eugene Mbea3, Ignas M. A. Heitko«nig1
and Herbert H. T. Prins1
Tropical Nature Conservation andVertebrate Ecology Group,Wageningen University, Bornsesteeg 69, 6708 PD,Wageningen,
the Netherlands, 2Department of Anthropology, State University of NewYork at Stony Brook, Stony Brook, NY 11794, U.S.A.,
Dzanga-Sangha Project,WorldWildlife Fund, B.P.1053, Bangui, Central African Republic
This paper addresses the e¡ect of human activities on the
density of large mammals in the Dzanga-Ndoki National
Park and the adjacent Dzanga-Sangha Reserve in the
Central African Republic.
Between six and eight 20 km long permanent transects
were walked on a monthly basis from January 1997 to
August 1999 to assess large mammal populations as well
as human intrusion. There were no obvious seasonal or
monthly trends in elephant, gorilla or non-human primate densities.
Overall, it appears that human activities negatively
in£uence the distribution of most of the large forest animals in Dzanga-Sangha. Elephants in particular were signi¢cantly less common in areas used by humans, but
also other species such as non-human primates showed
lower densities closer to the main road and the town of
Bayanga.This studycon¢rms the ¢ndings of previous studies that roads have a negative impact on wildlife populations.
Results of this study stress the need for conservation of
large uninterrupted forest blocks to maintain wildlife
populations at normal levels. Simply creating roads, even
within a protected Central African forest, is likely to have
negative impacts on wildlife populations.
Key words: Central Africa, conservation, monitoring,
Cet article s' intëresse aux e¡ets des activitës humaines
sur la densitë des grands mammife©res dans le Parc
Correspondence: Allard Blom, ECOFAC, B.P. 15115, Libreville,
Gabon. E-mail:
# 2004 African Journal of Ecology, Afr. J. Ecol., 42, 23^31
National de Dzanga-Ndoki et de la Rëserve de DzangaSangha qui lui est contigue«, en Rëpublique centrafricaine.
De janvier1997 a© aouªt1999, on a parcouru chaque mois
de 6 a© 8 transects permanents de 20 kilome©tres de long
pour faire une ëvaluation des populations de grands
mammife©res et aussi des intrusions humaines. On n'a
constatë aucune tendance saisonnie©re ou mensuelle
pour la densitë des ëlëphants, des gorilles ou des autres
Partout on constate que les activitës humaines ont une
in£uence nëgative sur la distribution de la plupart des
gros animaux de foreªt a© Dzanga-Sangha. Les ëlëphants
ëtaient signi¢cativement moins communs dans les zones
frëquentëes par les hommes, mais d'autres espe©ces aussi,
comme les primates, prësentaient des densitës moindres
plus pre©s de la route principale et de la ville de Bayanga.
Cette ëtude con¢rme les rësultats d'autres ëtudes qui avaient montrë que les routes avaient un impact nëgatif sur
les populations sauvages.
Les rësultats de cette ëtude soulignent la nëcessitë de
prëserver de grands blocs forestiers continus pour garder
les populations sauvages a© leur niveau normal. Le simple
fait de construire des routes, meªme au sein d'une foreªt
protëgëe d'Afrique centrale, est susceptible d'avoir un
impact nëgatif sur les populations sauvages.
Recent studies on protected areas carried out in Central
African forests highlight that even these areas are not
free of human disturbance, and that wildlife even in protected areas can easily be exploited beyond sustainable
levels (Noss, 1995, 1998). An assessment of the protected
areas in the Central African Republic (Blom, 2001)
24 Allard Blom et al.
illustrates that human disturbance is an important
threat to the e¡ectiveness of many of these protected
As Tutin et al. (1995) pointed out, survey data are
essential for conservation and management of the protected areas. It is important to estimate numbers, but it
is probably even more important to monitor trends in
order to establish whether the populations are stable,
declining or increasing over time. The objective of the
study presented here was to determine the e¡ect of local
human populations on the density and distribution of
wildlife within such a protected area, the Dzanga sector
of the Dzanga-Ndoki National Park and the adjacent area
of the Dzanga-Sangha Dense Forest Special Reserve in
south-western Central African Republic (Fig.1). Other
studies have analysed species distributions by comparing regions with varying levels of human disturbance
(Tutin & Fernandez, 1984; Prins & Reitsma, 1989; White,
1994; Fitzgibbon, Mogoka & Fanshawe, 1995; Oates,
1996; Hall et al., 1998; Remis, 2000), but few have actually tried to quantify the relationship in a more detailed
manner (but see Barnes et al., 1997; Lahm et al., 1998 for
notable exceptions). By looking at the in£uence of
human activities on a range of di¡erent species, we hope
to obtain a better understanding of human impact
on the Dzanga-Sangha protected area complex. In
Fig1 The Dzanga sector of the
Dzanga-Ndoki National Park (Central
African Republic) with transect locations.
# 2004 African Journal of Ecology, Afr. J. Ecol., 42, 23^31
Human impact on wildlife populations 25
particular, we consider the e¡ect of distance from the
main road and town, and the protection status of the
area on mammal densities.
The surveys (Blom et al., 2001; Almas­ i et al., in prep.)
and results of the ¢rst 20 months, from January 1997 to
August 1999, of the ecological monitoring programme
presented here concentrate on large mammals and
human traces, as it is assumed that large mammals are
good indicators for trends associated with hunting
and other human activities (Barnes et al., 1991, 1993,
1995a,b). As such, they provide an appropriate indicator
for the e¡ectiveness of the protection programme carried
out by the Dzanga-Sangha project (Blom, 1999).
Study area
The Dzanga-Sangha Special Dense Forest Reserve
(3159 km2) and the adjacent Dzanga-Ndoki National
Park (sector Dzanga, 495 km2; sector Ndoki, 727 km2)
together form the Dzanga-Sangha protected area complex, which lies in the south-western Central African
Republic (CAR; Fig.1). Besides a diverse rain-forest £ora
and fauna (Fay et al., 1990; Blom, 1993a,b; Harris, 1994;
Beresford et al., in prep.), the area has one of the
highest documented densities of western lowland gorillas (Gorilla g. gorilla) and forest elephants (Loxodonta
africana cyclotis) in Africa (Carroll, 1986a,b,c, 1988a,b
1997; Fay, 1989, 1991a,b; Blom et al., 2001; Almas­ i et al.,
in prep.).
The Dzanga-Ndoki National Park is a strictly protected
area, allowing only limited access for research and tourism. The Dzanga-Sangha Dense Forest Special Reserve
functions as a bu¡er zone for the national park by allowing the use of natural resources in a sustainable manner
(Carroll, 1992). The human population density in this
area is estimated at one person per square kilometre
(Gonda Ngbalet, 1995; Blom, unpublished data). Most
people living in the area are dependent on wildlife as a
source of daily protein.
Duikers and most other wildlife may be legally hunted
within the reserve by the owners of licensed ¢rearms or
by traditional means such as nets and spears. The meat
is then consumed directly, bartered or sold. Transportation of meat and hides to markets outside the reserve is
illegal, but di¤cult to control. The use of cable snares,
which kill indiscriminately, is prohibited, although
widely used by local hunters, and is currently being
practised at unsustainably high levels for three species
# 2004 African Journal of Ecology, Afr. J. Ecol., 42, 23^31
of duikers: Cephalophus callipygus, C. dorsalis and C. monticola (Noss, 1998).
The forest structure in the study area is a patchwork of
primary forest habitats, including stands of monodominant forest of Gilbertiodendron dewevreii, and secondary
forest with large quantities of herbaceous undergrowth.
Light gaps which are created by natural tree fall or elephant activity (Carroll, 1986c) represent almost 9.5% of
the forest habitat (Almas­ i et al., in prep.). Also, selective
logging carried out from 1971until the early eighties created disturbed forest habitats, and herbaceous vegetation is abundant along abandoned logging roads.
The climate is tropical and the year is characterized by
a dry season of 3 months (December^February) and a
long rainy season with a relative drier period in June^
July. Mean annual rainfall is 1365 mm in Bayanga
(Carroll, 1997). Temperature varies little over the year
with an average of 26.4 8C. Mean monthly minimum
temperatures vary from 20.6 to 22.9 8C, and mean
monthly maximum temperatures vary from 28.4 to
35.7 8C (Carroll, 1997).
Initially, ¢ve line transects (3^7; Fig.1) were placed in the
Dzanga sector of the Dzanga-Ndoki National Park (Blom
et al., 2001; Almas­ i et al., in prep.). To this was added the
western limit of the Dzanga sector of the national park,
which is in the form of a transect. The transects were
20 km in length, and were placed perpendicular to the
average drainage £ow. In this way, the variation in
habitat was accounted for as much as possible. Thus, all
the transects ran parallel to the Nola-Lindjombo Road
and to all human settlements in the study area (Fig.1).
The transects were spaced randomly, with the exception
of the park limit. During March and April 1998, two
additional transects, 1 and 2, were placed in the reserve
From January 1997 to August 1999, monthly surveys
focused on estimating distribution and relative abundance of wildlife and human disturbance. Each transect was walked every month (with the exception of
two transects during March 1999) at an even pace by
at least one researcher and two BaAka pygmy trackers,
sometimes accompanied by one or two guards and
additional trackers. An e¡ort was made to remove all
snares and cartridges that were encountered. Each of
the pre-established transects of 20 km was sub-divided
26 Allard Blom et al.
into 500 m blocks, giving 40 blocks in total. Distances
from the central point of each transect to the main
road, Nola-Lindjombo, were measured using a satellite
photo of the study area. During the monthly surveys,
the observers noted the following signs for each
500 m block:
1 Total number (old and new) of elephant dung piles
seen from the transect line.
2 Presence or absence of ape nest.
3 Presence of non-human primates: each species of
monkey (seen or heard) and/or apes (feeding remains,
traces/tracks, seen or heard).
4 Human presence and type of presence:
Hunting: snare, cartridge
Traditional hunting: net
Honey gathering: tree cut, open hive
Other: footprints, camps, trails, etc.
The following statistical analyses were used (Sokal &
Rohlf, 1995; SPSS, 1997): linear regression and the F-test
of signi¢cance to analyse the impact of transect distance
from the town of Bayanga and the main road; Pearson's
correlation coe¤cient of signi¢cance to examine how
certain variables co-vary or are interdependent; t-test
for comparisons between means for trimestrial as well
as the dry season versus wet season values; paired sample t-test for comparisons between monthly means for
We used spss 8.0 statistics software (SPSS, 1997) to
analyse the data. Tests were either one-tailed or twotailed depending on the hypothesis, with a 5% level of
Fluctuations over time
The ¢rst six transects, which were monitored consistently from the beginning of the study, were used to
show the monthly £uctuations in the number of blocks
with elephant dung, ape nests or human sign (Fig. 2).
The total number of elephant dung piles per month on
the ¢rst six transects was signi¢cantly higher in 1998
than in 1997 (paired sample t-test, two-tailed, df ˆ11;
t ˆ 2.641; P < 0.05). However, no di¡erences were
apparent between the ¢rst 8 months of 1998 and 1999
(paired sample t-test, two-tailed, df ˆ 7; t ˆ 0.039; NS).
The same result was obtained when we compared
the number of blocks with elephant dung between 1997
and 1998 (paired sample t-test, two-tailed, df ˆ11;
t ˆ 3.657; P < 0.005), but likewise, no di¡erences were
apparent between the ¢rst 8 months of 1998 and 1999
(paired sample t-test, two-tailed, df ˆ 7; t ˆ 0.171; NS).
The number of blocks with ape nests per month
showed the opposite trend, with 1997 being signi¢cantly
higher than 1998 (paired sample t-test, two-tailed,
df ˆ11; t ˆ 5.568; P < 0.001) and again signi¢cantly
higher in 1998 than in 1999 (paired sample t-test, twotailed, df ˆ 7; t ˆ 3.507; P ˆ 0.010). The number of blocks
with human sign and the number of blocks with nonhuman primates did not show any signi¢cant di¡erences
between 1997 and 1998 (paired sample t-test, two-tailed,
df ˆ11; t ˆ 0.750; NS and t ˆ 1.884; NS, respectively).
The latter showed an almost signi¢cant trend (P ˆ 0.086),
Fig 2 Total number of blocks with
indicators (elephant dung piles, ape nests,
non-human primates and human signs) for
the first six transects per month.
# 2004 African Journal of Ecology, Afr. J. Ecol., 42, 23^31
Human impact on wildlife populations 27
Table 1 Regression between distance from the main road and ecological or disturbance variables as dependant variables, Dzanga-Sangha,
F-value 1997
( df ˆ 5)
Elephant dung piles ^ distance
from main road
Blocks with elephant dung
piles ^ distance from main road
Blocks with ape
nests ^ distance from main road
Blocks with human sign ^ distance
from main road
Blocks with traditional
hunting ^ distance from main road
Blocks with hunting sign ^ distance
from main road
Blocks with non-human
primates ^ distance from main road
F-value 1998
(df ˆ 5)
F-value Apr^Dec 1998
(df ˆ 7)
F-value Jan^Aug
1999 (df ˆ 7)
72.559 1.873
anova; P < 0.05, P < 0.01, P < 0.005.
with 1998 being higher than 1997, but the ¢rst 8 months
of 1999 were signi¢cantly lower than 1998 (paired sample t-test, two-tailed, df ˆ 7; t ˆ 3.512; P ˆ 0.010). Human
sign increased signi¢cantly between 1998 and 1999
(paired sample t-test, two-tailed, df ˆ 7; t ˆ 5.451;
P ˆ 0.001).
Distance from road
Table1 indicates that the number of blocks with nonhuman primates present was dependent on the distance from the main road, but only signi¢cant in 1998.
The relation between distance from the main road and
Fig 3 The relation between distance from
the main road and dependant variables
(with n ˆ 32 for all transects, except the
two closest to the main road (n ˆ16); block
primates refer to signs of non-human
primates present (see Methods).
# 2004 African Journal of Ecology, Afr. J. Ecol., 42, 23^31
monthly average number of blocks with non-human
primates (all months combined) is best presented as a
linear regression (y ˆ 0.1471x ‡ 5.4886; R 2 ˆ0.7181).
The number of blocks (Fig.3) with elephant dung piles
and the total number of dung piles showed a tendency
to increase with the distance from the main road
when all the transects were taken into consideration.
As illustrated in Fig.3, elephant density does not exhibit a linear relationship with distance, but shows a sudden increase after about 10 km away from the main
The frequency of ape nests was not related to distance
from the main road (Table1). Additionally, signs of
28 Allard Blom et al.
Table 2 Regression between human sign and dependant variables, Dzanga-Sangha, CAR
No. of elephant dung
piles ^ human sign
Blocks with elephant
dung piles ^ human sign
Blocks with ape nests ^ human sign
Blocks with non-human
primates ^ human sign
F-value 1997
(df ˆ 5)
F-value 1998
(df ˆ 5)
F-value Apr^Dec 1998
(df ˆ 7)
F-value Jan^Aug 1999
(df ˆ 7)
anova; P < 0.05, P < 0.01, P < 0.005.
human activities (including hunting) were not signi¢cantly more common closer to the main road (Table1).
Human presence
The presence of human sign in the forest seemed to in£uence the distribution of elephants, as the number of
blocks with human sign showed a negative regression
with the number of elephant dung piles in 1998 and
1999 and with the number of blocks with dung in 1997
and 1998 (Table 2). In contrast, presence of non-human
primates was not related to human signs in the forest
(Table 2).
Although there was a signi¢cant negative regression
of overall human presence on elephant dung piles, when
looking speci¢cally at hunting signs and elephant dung
piles, there was no relationship. Additionally, no relation
was found between hunting sign and blocks with elephant dung piles, ape nests or non-human primate sign
(Table 3).
Gorilla densities appear to have decreased between 1997
and 1999, as the number of blocks with ape nest per
transect decreased signi¢cantly between 1997 and 1998
and again between 1998 and 1999. This is surprising as
there were no other indications ^ carcasses from natural
death or poaching, researcher observations at the Bai
Hokou and Mongambe sites inside the Dzanga sector ^
supporting this decline.
Non-human primate densities might increase with
distance from the main road, as the number of blocks
with non-human primates present per transect increased signi¢cantly with distance from the main road
in1998, but did not do so in either1997 or1999. However,
an alternative explanation is that as the presence of
non-human primates was detected by either sound or
sight, it might be that, in fact, the non-human primates
were more cryptic near the main road as opposed to
being at lower densities.
Table 3 Regression between hunting sign and dependant variables
No. of elephant dung
piles ^ hunting sign
Blocks with elephant dung
piles ^ hunting sign
Blocks with ape
nests ^ hunting sign
Blocks with non-human
primates ^ hunting sign
F-value 1997
(df ˆ 5)
F-value 1998
(df ˆ 5)
F-value Apr^Dec 1998
(df ˆ 7)
F-value Jan^Aug 1999
(df ˆ 7)
anova; P < 0.05, P < 0.01 P < 0.005.
# 2004 African Journal of Ecology, Afr. J. Ecol., 42, 23^31
Human impact on wildlife populations 29
As found in the previous studies in Central Africa
(Barnes & Jensen, 1987; Barnes et al., 1991), in DzangaSangha, elephant densities increase with distance from
the main road as both the total number of dung piles
per transect as well as the number of blocks with dung
piles per transect increase with distance from the NolaLindjombo road.
Contrary to our expectations, no relation was found
between distance from the main road and human presence. In theory, this may be because signs of human
presence include hunters as well as researchers and
anti-poaching patrols. The latter two groups used areas
inside the park well away from the roads. However, this
explanation is unlikely. When we analysed only clear
signs of non-traditional hunting (snares and cartridges)
or traditional hunting (nets), we still did not detect a
decline with distance from the road. An alternative
explanation is that the hunters may compensate for the
lower densities of prey near the roads and move further
into the forest. It is also possible that anti-poaching
patrols have led to a di¡usion of human activities, as
any concentration of humans or long-term residency
are more likely to be detected by the patrols. Still, it is
likely that hunters do travel along the main road and
that their and other disturbances do contribute to the
decline in the abundance of most wildlife close to the
Elephant densities seem to decrease with increasing
human presence, but not speci¢cally with hunting
presence. Gorilla densities seem una¡ected by human
presence and hunting pressure. Non-human primate
presence does not seem to be a¡ected by increased
human presence or hunting presence.
Although the monitoring data showed, as expected,
that there is a strong negative relation between the distance from the main road and the abundance of elephants and non-human primates, it was surprising to
¢nd no similar relation for gorilla nests. A possible explanation is that gorillas are not hunted often and thus
coexist in close proximity with the humans, as they do
around the hotel at park headquarters, the ¢eld camp at
Salcapa and the Nouabale-Ndoki National Park headquarters, just across the border in Congo (Quammen,
2000; Ruggiero, 2000). The decrease in gorilla numbers
in Dzanga is potentially linked to an increase in elephant
numbers. Competition between the two species has been
reported previously (Plumptre, 1996), and displacement
has been observed (Blom, personal observation). This
# 2004 African Journal of Ecology, Afr. J. Ecol., 42, 23^31
potential change warrants close monitoring and further
study in the following years.
Overall, this study con¢rms the negative impact roads
can have on wildlife populations. This stresses the need
for conservation of large intact forest blocks without
any roads to maintain wildlife populations at normal
levels. It also shows that logging, even low-impact forestry, simply by creating roads, is likely to have negative
impacts on wildlife populations, as the impact of roads
is evident even within a relatively well-protected area.
Of course, this applies likewise to all other roads, even
those maintained for patrols in protected areas.
Increased access for patrolling might not outweigh these
negative impacts.
The results underline the importance of a monitoring
programme to detect changes in wildlife populations
and their inter-relationship with human activities and
presence. Baseline data on animal densities as well as a
monitoring programme may provide the opportunity to
better understand the relationship between logging,
hunting and wildlife. A better understanding of this relationship is vital for conservation in Central Africa, where
more and more of the forest is being invaded by logging
companies, often closely followed by hunters.
This work was supported by the Dzanga-Sangha Project,
speci¢cally through funding from the World Wildlife
Fund, Inc. and grants from the World Wide Fund for Nature, Germany and the United States Fish and Wildlife
Service. Several students working on this programme
received student grants from the FONA Foundation,
Lucie Burgers Foundation for Comparative Behaviour
Research and the Wageningen University Foundation.
We would also like to thank the ¢eld team, consisting of
the permanent ¢eld sta¡, students, volunteers and all
the BaAka trackers. Thanks are also due to Chloe Cipolletta (Bai Hokou) and her sta¡ for generous support and
data sharing. Furthermore, we would like to thank Chloe
Cipolletta, Arend Brunsting, Caroline Tutin, Je¡erson
Hall, Lee White, Peter Walsh, Richard Carroll, Richard
Barnes, Guy Rondeau, Lisa Steel, Gerrit Gort, Alfred
Stein, Han Ol¡ and Natasha Shah for their assistance
and useful comments and suggestions. Finally, we would
like to thank the entire Dzanga-Sangha Project sta¡ and
the WWF sta¡ in Bangui,Washington and Frankfurt for
their support.
30 Allard Blom et al.
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(Manuscript accepted 6 January 2003)