
The tubular design and analysis system offers high-performance casing and tubing design and
analysis. Its primary purpose is to determine the stresses, forces, movements, and design factors
that occur as a result of the applied load conditions on tubular strings. Based on these
calculations the program can propose a minimum-cost string for a given well based on the input
constraints (design criteria, hole size, installed condition, and load cases).
Results of design and analysis are saved as a wellplan (*.tds). A wellplan can be loaded for
further modifications in another session or loaded to serve as a template for another wellplan.
A special feature is the load case, which allows you to associate one external pressure, one
internal pressure, and one temperature profile as an event. (Fluid friction profiles, wall loss
selection, or a plug can also be defined.) The load case allows you to explore a specific event,
rather than combining a number of factors into a general event.
Load cases are typically generated by the rule set. A rule set that reflects philosophical
differences in design based on company policy and/or geographical location. A rule set defines
acceptable design factors, an installed condition for each string, design load cases, standard hole
sizes, and other factors typically found in a casing design manual.
For more information on rule set customization, contact Schlumberger.
What's New?
New in TDAS 7.4
Flowing simulation
Upgraded flowing simulation to allow simulation of multiple zones
Improved validation
New pump out warning
Ability to run in Windows 7.
Various bug fixes for swifts raised by TDAS 7.3
Added default pipe tolerance to user preferences and tubular catalogs
Ability to populate accessory connection data using the tubing data or the data
from the item above or below
• Ability to swap axes when importing accessory envelope from an image
• Added Vam TOP catalog
New in TDAS 7.1
Flowing pressure and temperature profile for multiple zones
Stacked sealbore packer support
Sand control ruleset
New wellbore schematic with 2D and 3D views
Min. design factor and max. dogleg visualization
New reporting engine and report preview
String movement plot
Loadcase stress plot
Reservoir zone slide
Support for concentric assemblies
New Accessories
Seal Assembly
Service Tool
Torque & Drag
Slackoff chart
Interactive friction factor calibration
Ability to include slackoff and drag chart in reports
Kick tolerance Calculator
Ability to include results in reports
New in TDAS 7.0
User Interface
Multiple packers
Dual string
Open Hole
Completion accessories
Customizable reporting
Integrated tubular and accessory catalogs
New tubular catalogs for GOST and Tenaris
Graphical connection envelope import
Results checked for design factor and envelope violations
WITSML import and export (for WellBuilder, Osprey Risk etc.)
Many usability enhancements
New software infrastructure (.NET 2.x)
Engine / Algorithms
No more hard-coded limits (# of survey pts, strings, load cases)
Horizontal and J-Wells
Multiple plugs
Expansion Joint calculations
Point loads
Pseudo axial loads
New tool length calculation
Buckling for deviated wells (sinusoidal and helical buckling according to Mitchell)
Multiple packers & envelopes
Torque & drag Calculator (Drill Safe engine)
Kick Tolerance Calculator
Tail pipe
Pseudo-axial loads
String movements
Multiple installed load cases
Completion rule set
Revised IPM rule set
Automatic connection envelope generation for standard API connections
PIPESIM integration for calculation of flowing pressure and temperature profiles
Minimum curvature calculations for deviated 3D surveys
Simplification algorithms of profiles and deviation survey for large imported data sets.
Installing the program
The program can be installed parallel to older versions.
For Schlumberger employees no TDAS license is required. However, the software will ask for the
LDAP alias and password in order to enable the use of the program for a period of six month. The
computer has to be connected to SINET in order to access LDAP.
To renew a license, go to Help->About and click on Renew License.
Tubular Analysis
Tubular analysis is based on the concept of a Service Life Model. In a service life model, an initial
condition (base case) is specified and subsequent events (load cases) are superimposed. Design
factors, stresses, forces, and movements are determined for the base case and each load case.
The solutions for each load case are very dependent on the loading and constraints specified in
the base case.
For some designers, the definition of load cases as specific events, such as a surface tubing leak
or 100 bbl kick, is a departure from the common technique of defining a single burst case and a
single collapse case. The traditional method is to reduce several events into a maximum pressure
load. Such a simplification is useful when designing casing and tubing by hand, because it
reduces the number of calculations. Now, by taking care of all of the calculations, it is possible to
design for more complicated events. One consequence of this change in design paradigm is that
you can now accurately determine the biaxial and triaxial design factors because the axial forces
are calculated with real pressure loads rather than composite, worst case pressure loads. The
service life model allows you to consider the impact of each event separately.
Tubular Design
The tubular design system assembles the minimum cost string design based on the specified
constraints (design criteria). The cost of a tubular is automatically calculated using a pricing
algorithm. The algorithm includes the effect of size, wall, grade, and connection on cost. The
prices are relatively correct, but because of local and global fluctuations in tubular costs they are
not absolutely correct.
The tubular design system is used in the Load Cases workflow step when the user omitted to
select a pipe in the Tubulars workflow step and the design mode was set to Auto Select Pipes or
to Least Cost. The Auto Select Pipes mode will selected missing pipes, the Least Cost mode will
replace all pipe by the least cost design. The design system can also be accessed through
Tools|Tubular Design.
Make sure that you have at hand the appropriate data required.
Well Setup
Input basic data, including selection of a rule set, to be used by the expert system to create load
cases, create a tubing design, and to analyze the components of that design. Add missing pipes
to user pipe catalog.
Load Case Generator
Create load cases for casing and completion and auto select missing pipes using the least cost
design system.
Examine the resulting tubing design and the analysis of it. Modify elements to customize results
as desired. Run tubular design system in order to find a fitting pipe. Continue to examine results,
modify elements, and rerun design and analysis as required.
Select which parts to be included in the report. Generate and convert to PDF.
Before you begin...
Before creating a wellplan, you should have available:
• Physical data about the well, such as environment, depth, formation information (pore
pressure and fracture gradient), and static temperature.
Note: You can generate default values for formation and temperature.
If the well is deviated, data from a 2D or 3D survey. Data in tabular ASCII format can be copied
and pasted into the application or imported from Excel or LAS files.
Key Features
Key features are:
Rule set based load case generation for casing and tubing strings
Calculations of loads, stresses and movements for every load case
Detection of design problems and extensive reporting
Least-cost string calculation
Built-in tubular catalogs
following key results will be calculated:
Axial force
Burst load and design factor
Collapse load and design factor
Tension load and design factor
Compression load and design factor
Von Mises stress (VME) and design factor
Hoop stress
Axial stress
Bending stress
Tubing to packer force
Packer to casing force
Effective force
Buckling neutral point
Buckling critical force
Maximum tool length
Bending pitch and dog leg
Movement and if movement constraint was hit
Temperature derating of pipe
Advanced Features
following advanced properties will be calculated:
Connection envelopes for standard API connections
Determination if load is inside an envelope (packer, accessory or connection)
Type of buckling (sinusoidal and helical buckling)
Pseudo tension load and design factor
Pseudo compression load and design factor
Bouyancy force
Buckling force
Ballooning force
Temperature force
Friction Force
Shear force for expansion joint and packer
Hook load and down hole load (Torque & Drag)
Drag chart
Kick tolerance
Load case pressure and temperature profiles
Least cost tubular design
TVD based on minimum curvature
Known Problems
friction is not considered except forces calculated from the friction profile
requires measured depth to be entered relative to original RKB
The Torque & Drag calculator does not consider friction from helical buckling
No Mandrel movement allowed after packer slip engagement
Create a New Case Study
1. If in the start window, select the unit system to be used and press create. Otherwise, use
2. Input the wellplan data under the Well Setup workflow header. Use the Import buttons to
import data from files (e.g. from WITSML, EXCEL, ASCII).
Create load cases and check results.
Open a Case Study
1. If in the start window, use the browse button to open a existing study. Otherwise, use
2. Check results in Output Summary.
Note: The program can open TDAS 5.X (*.wp) and TDAS 6.X (*.wpf) wellplan files
Hot Keys
The standard hot-key feature is supported. That is, whenever a letter is underlined in the interface
(for example, in a menu item or a dialog), pressing that letter simultaneously with the Alt key
invokes the corresponding action.
Status bar
Across the bottom of the main interface is a status bar that provides:
For some components, such as icons, locating the pointer over the component produces
a message.
For some components, such as fields in a dialog, clicking the pointer on the component
produces a message.
On the right, maximum and minimum recommended values for the currently-active field
or cell.
Clicking on the status bar will navigate to the problem / issue when the text is underlined.
Error Messages
Error messages are displayed in the log window. The last message will also be shown in the
status bar. Double clicking on a message with / separators will navigate to the screen which is
relevant to issue.
To guide the user to the error or warning the appropriate workflow steps have an error symbol
or a warning symbol
Undo / Redo
It supports full undo and redo. The undo / redo can be accessed through the Edit menu, through
the toolbar or shortcut keys (Ctrl-Z / Ctrl-Y) or the tool bar icons
Default Values and Green Check Mark
Defaults values are shown in blue color. To reset a field / property to the default, clear the field
and press return.
Workflow steps which have a user entered values will have a green check mark to indicate the
the default or system generated values have been modified.
Unit System
The unit system can be found under Tools->Options.
Preset Unit Systems
It comes with preset unit systems: Oilfield, Metric, Russian and Candian.
Custom Unit System
To create your own unit system go to Tools->Options->Advanced.
Selected the unit system closest to your custom one and press the plus button to create a copy.
Renamed the unit system and selected the units.
The Option screen can be found under Tools->Options.
• Basic Options: Select unit system and enable / disable featues. Set defaults values for the
well reference. Set the advanced user option to see more properties for tubulars. Use Reset
Preferences to Defaults to reset all options to defaults.
• Show Wellbore Schematic to Scale: if enabled, the schematic will show depths to scale
by default.
• Show MD on Formation Profiles: If enabled, an MD column for depths is shown in the
formation profiles (Pore Pressure, Fracture Gradient, Static Temperature).
• Show Torque & Drag Calculator: If enabled, the torque and drag calculator can by used
from the side panel.
• Show Kick Tolerance Calculator: If enabled, the kick tolerance calculator can by used
from the side panel.
• Show Catalog Torque Ratings: Torque is not yet supported, but you can enter the data in
the catalog.
• Set Default Formation on New Study: If a new study is created, default profiles for
formation are calculated from mud weights.
• Advanced Users: This enabled detailed axial load reports and ability to change some
pipe options like ACCR.
• Show Pseudo Axial Forces: Design factors are calculated for pseudo axial forces.
• Show API Window Plot: Enable / disable the API window on triaxial plots.
• Show Detailed Tables: If enabled, the reports show all rows. If disabled, reports show
collapsed tables with can be expanded with the + sign on top of the table.
• Min Resolution: Use this option to force node to be generated with distance specified.
• Pipe Defaults: Use this option to default the tubular OD tolerance and tubular wall
• Feedback Email Id: This email ID is used when the user sends a feedback file using
File->Send To -> Send Feedback and File
• Catalogs: Select the catalog to load. The number of selected catalogs affects the
performance and memory usage. The default selected catalog is Tubular Pipe. The User
Catalog Folder sets the location in which user catalogs are stored. User catalogs will not be
removed when the application is uninstalled / reinstalled.
Reports: Select the default report items. Selected MMS Report only in case it is needed.
Well Reference
The well reference contains general well information:
Well Data: Project name, field and well name, contact etc.
Lithology: indicate whether the material you will be drilling through is primarily Hard
Rock or Soft Rock. This selection is used to calculate the default fracture gradient. It also
determines the installed condition of the conductor--cemented or driven.
Well Type: indicate whether the well is Development of Exploratory. Designation of the
well as Exploratory allows more severe drilling load cases to be developed than does the
Development designation. The well type is used to define the default gas kick intensity
(0.5 ppg for development, 1ppg for exploratory).
Completion Type: Producing or injection. This options is used to generate either
producer or injector load cases.
Casing Design Rules: Load case generator for casing strings. See also Rule Sets.
Completion Design Rules: Load case generator for completion strings. See also Rule Sets.
Well Trajectory
The well trajectory allows you to load and view trajectory parameters. It is opened from the
workflow panel under Well Setup by selecting Well Trajectory.
To set physical data:
1. Toggle Offshore ON or OFF (default).
If ON, the Offshore panel becomes active; continue.
If OFF, all full strings reference 0 ft to the kelly bushing height.
2. At Water Depth, enter the actual value.
3. At Wellhead Location, select whether the well is Platform or Subsea.
4. At Elevation Referernce, enter the reference datum name and the elevation of the
reference point to either ground level (GL) for onshore wells or mean sea level (MSL) for
offshore wells. All measured depths will be relative to the reference datum.
To enter trajectory data:
1. Enable the Deviation Survey check box. Note that the first row always starts at 0
measured depth and 0 true vertical depths.
2. Select the type of deviation survey. The data to be entered varies according to the type of
survey: 2D or 3D. You can set the default survey type under Options.
3. Select Import... in order to import a trajectory from Excel® spreadsheet or ASCII file or
enter the data manually. You may also use copy and paste the contents into the data
Trajectory Simplification
In order to reduce the number of output nodes in the results it is recommended to simplify 3D
trajectories using the Simplify check box. This option will be available for more than 20 survey
points (3D only). The simplification algorithm is based on minimum curvature.
Trajectory Interpolation
In order to increase the number of survey points for a smoother trajectory enable the Interpolate
check box. This option will be available for less than 20 survey points (3D only).
Well Trajectory Plot
The well trajectory can be viewed as vertical section (using a projection angle defined by the first
and last point of the survey) or as a plan view.
Trajectory Interpolation
For 2D surveys, the program interpolates TVD values assuming a straight lines between
trajectory points. This mode is compatible with TDAS 6.
For 3D surveys, the program interpolates TVD values according to minimum curvature.
Maximum Dog Leg Severity Calculation
For 3D surveys the program allows the calculation of maximum dog Leg severity. However, this
mode is not recommended for sparse surveys with just a couple of points.
Creating a tubular scheme
The next step is to provide a tubular scheme.
Create the tubular scheme in the order in which each string is to be run into the well. Note that
the entries must be logical—for example, the tubular strings must be able to fit inside one
another. Watch the status window; if you select an invalid value, you receive a message to that
You are strongly urged to enter all well strings here, even if you intend only to design one string.
Many of the load cases generated by the expert system depend on the placement and mud
weights used for subsequent strings.
If you need to telescope the string, use the Tapered Section feature available from the drop down
menu in the String Type column.
If necessary, use the horizontal and vertical slider bars to access all parts of the table.
To create a tubular scheme:
1. Click on Tubulars in the workflow panel.
2. Add a row to the table (or several, if you plan several entries).
3. In each row, select from the drop-down menu the String Type you wish to define. For
tapered string sections select the Tapered Section type.
4. In each row, select from the drop-down menu the outside diameter (OD) for that string
5. Enter the MD Top (if applicable) and MD Bottom values.Note: MD depths must be
entered relative to original RKB.
For Conductor, Surface, Intermediate Casing, all Tiebacks, Production Casing, the MD
Top must be 0 for any onshore well and for any off-shore-platform well.
The measured depth of the bottom of a drilling tieback and production tieback must
match the top of a liner. A Top depth is also required for all strings when a Subsea well
is selected. For non subsea well the default value for the top depth is 0 ft for casing and
THF for tubing.
6. Enter the mud weight to be used to run the string.
7. From the drop-down menu, indicate by Yes or No if sour service is required.
If you select YES, the pipe grade is restricted to limits described in NACE MR0175.
Grades are limited to minimum acceptable temperatures based on the static
temperature you entered.
8. Enter the percent of wall loss resulting from drill string wear or corrosion anticipated for
each string type.
Note: Wall loss is not the same as wall tolerance.
In case the pipe is know, select the a pipe from either the properties or catalog panel.
Pore Pressure
The pore pressure and the fracture gradient are primarily used to develop load cases.
Pore pressure is often used as the external pressure profile in burst-type load cases.
The equivalent mud weight represents the density of a full column of fluid (0-TVD) that would
result in the same pressure. If a non-zero surface pressure is defined, the equivalent mud weight
at the first interval is infinite. The most common use of the equivalent mud weight field is when
entering pore pressure or fracture gradient data.
The parameters entered here result in a pressure profile named PORE PRESSURE.
To set default formation values enable the default pore pressure check box. The application
generates a set of values for pore pressure and fracture gradient based on previously-entered
information (for example, mud weight) and on a database of reasonable formation values at given
depths for the Gulf of Mexico. Even if you are not working with Gulf of Mexico data, the defaults
produced can be easily edited.
Fracture Gradient
The fracture gradient is used to develop pressure and kick loads.
The equivalent mud weight represents the density of a full column of fluid (0-TVD) that would
result in the same pressure. If a non-zero surface pressure is defined, the equivalent mud weight
at the first interval is infinite. The most common use of the equivalent mud weight field is when
entering pore pressure or fracture gradient data.
The parameters entered here results in a pressure profile named FRACTURE GRADIENT.
To set default formation values enable the default fracture gradient check box. The program
generates a set of values for pore pressure and fracture gradient based on previously-entered
information (for example, mud weight) and on a database of reasonable formation values at given
depths for the Gulf of Mexico. Even if you are not working with Gulf of Mexico data, the defaults
produced can be easily edited.
Static Temperature
The parameters entered here result in a temperature profile named STATIC TEMPERATURE.
To set default formation values enable the default static temperature check box. The program
generates a set of values based on previously-entered information (for example, on KB and water
depth) and on a database of typical temperatures at given depths for the Gulf of Mexico. The
static temperature prediction assumes a 1.4° F/ft g radient in the formation.
Reservoir Zones
Enter here the reservoir, perforation and fluid data, if available. For dual string, two flow paths
have to be defined.
The default perforation depth is bottom of wellbore.
Enter the accessories and packer in the Completion workflow step. By setting the depth of an
accessory or packer the tubing will be auto inserted below and above the item if auto fill pipe is
enabled. If auto fill pipe is disabled, all items tubular items have to be inserted manually.
New accessories / packers have to be inserted at the nearest accessory above or below.
Use the property panel to enter the properties for a selected accessory / packer. The specific set
of accessories supported are:
Safety Valve
Safety Joint
Gas Lift Mandrel
Expansion Joint
Flow Control Valve
Cross Over
Seal Assembly
Service Tool
Use the Generic accessory type for all other accessories.
It distinguishes between a sealbore packer and a tubing mounted packer. Sealbore packer have
a seal assembly specified by packer seal diameter and seal assembly ID. Seal assemblies can
move independent from the pipe below the packer (e.g. tail pipe).
Note: Even if the seal assembly is not allowed to move, the axial force calculations are different
than for a tubing mounted packer with continuous tubing through the packer. If the tubing passes
through the sealbore packer, enable the "Continuous Tubing" option.
Auto Fill Pipe
The auto fill pipe option will make it easier to enter a completion without repeated selection of
pipes between accessories. It will automatically fill the space between accessories with pipes as
specified in the tubular section.
Automatic Depth Calculations
The string editor calculates top and bottom depth and length automatically if they haven't been
set explicitly. Calculated values will show up in blue color. User entered values in black.
An error will be generated if there is a conflict between two entered depths.
Depth Reference
A depth can be calculated relative to another item by setting the depth reference property to the
referenced item and setting the offset relative to the selected item. The calculation either uses the
top, bottom or center of the referenced item in order to calculate the depth for MD top, MD
bottom, or center of the target item.
An error will be generated if a circular reference is detected.
The completion can be divided into multiple assemblies e.g. lower gravel packer, workstring and
tubing. Assemblies can be concentric, which means that the bottom of one assembly can be
inside another assembly. Load cases are always defined on the most upper assembly. Pressure
and temperature profiles have to be defined for all assemblies. The annular pressure profile will
be available to define pressures between casing and lower assemblies.
Sealbore Packer and Seal Assembly
TDAS allows the user to set up a sealbore packer with seal assembly in two different ways. The
calculation and the results are the same for both options.
The user can only set the sealbore packer in the completion. The seal assembly is implicitly
specified by setting packer seal diameter and seal assembly ID.
The other option is to set the sealbore packer and the seal assembly explicitly. In this case the
"Seal Assembly ID" is not set in the sealbore packer properties. This only works if the sealbore
packer is the first item of the assembly. See example below:
Seal assembly:
Sealbore packer:
Well Schematic Panel
The well schematic panel shows a graphic of the casing and completion items. The content is
context sensitive.
Well Setup / Tubulars context: All active strings are shown.
Well Setup / Completion context: Only the completion is shown, with outer casing
grayed out.
Analysis / String context: The current string is shown, with outer casing grayed out.
Analysis / Load Case -> Load tab context: The current string is shown with annotation
specific for the load case (internal / external pressure, plug and packer states), with outer
casing grayed out.
Analysis / Load Case / Profile tab context: The current string is shown with annotation
specific for the load case (internal / external pressure, plug and packer states), with outer
casing grayed out. The schematic is synchronized with the profile plot (shown to scale in
either TVD or MD)
Use the context menu (right click) of the schematic to switch between different views. To zoom in
vertical view, drag to top or bottom depth label to the required zoom position. To zoom in 3D,
press middle mouse button and move mouse. To rotate in 3D, press left mouse button and move
mouse. To move in 3D, press right mouse button and move mouse.
Plot Panel
The plot panel shows a plot graphic for well trajectory or pressure and temperature profiles. In the
latter case the graphic will be synchronized with the well schematic.
Property Panel
The property panel will list properties of the current selected item.
All wellbore items have a minimum of properties, which are
Top and bottom measured depths (MD)
Outside and inside diameter (OD / ID)
Length / Make-Up Length
Depth reference. See also Completion
See also
Tubular Properties
Packers General
Catalog Panel
Use the catalog panel to choose a pipe, accessory or packer from the catalog.
Use the filter drop down menu at each column to narrow down the list.
About the Calculator
The Torque & Drag Calculator can be used with DrillSAFE (Drilling Office) or SandCADE torque
& drag engine.
DrillSAFE versus SandCADE
The DrillSAFE engine uses a stiff model (stiffness considered when calculating friction in bends)
and ignores the friction due to buckling. The SandCADE engine uses a soft model (stiffness not
considered) and considers the friction due to buckling.
The DrillSAFE engine will most likely give more accurate results for hock load when running the
string. In case of buckling, the DrillSAFE engine may give wrong answers.
The SandCADE engine is the preferred engine for slack off calculations since it considers friction
due to helical buckling
Single point torque and drag analysis includes the following features:
Calculation of hook load
Calculation of pickup or slackoff force at surface and downhole.
Calculation of movements at surface and downhole.
It is applicable to an arbitrary three-dimensional wellbore
Calculation the axial forces along the drill string
Calculation the sinusoidal buckling load along the drill string
Calculation of the rotating torque along the drill string
Determination of the neutral point location
Calculation of different stress quantities in order to prevent fatigue failure and plastic yield
failure: Axial stress, Torsional stress, Bending stress and Von Mises stress.
Multiple Point Torque and Drag (MTAD) analysis includes the option to perform runs with
varying friction factors for calculation of Hook loads and surface torques over a range of
user-specified bit measured depths while tripping, sliding, or reaming.
Neutral Reference versus Sliding Reference
To calculate relative movements and surface loads the calculator can use either sliding or neutral
reference hook load. The sliding reference is the hook load just before any slack off / pickup
applied, whereas the neutral reference is the hook load when the friction load is removed from the
string (e.g. through rotating). In other words, the sliding reference hook load already contains the
load to overcome friction, whereas the neutral load doesn't.
The surface load is the difference between reference hook load and the current hook load.
If the string is lowered until set down and then slack off is applied, use the sliding reference to
calculate how much load has to be slacked off at surface after set down.
How to use it?
Single Point Torque and Drag Analysis
Calculation Mode
1. choose the operation mode: Slackoff, Pickup or Rotating
2. enter the current run depth in Location of Interest MD. If the packer set option is enabled,
only the string above the packer will be used for T&D calculations.
3. enter pickup / slackoff force at surface or string bottom (Location of Interest MD) or enter
desired movement at location.
4. Enter friction factors for cased and open hole. The open hole friction factor will only be
visible if location of interest is in the open hole section.
5. All other values will be calculated.
Calibration Mode (see also Calibrating from Actual Data)
1. choose the operation mode: Slackoff, Pickup or Rotating
2. choose the reference mode: Neutral load (no friction in string), or sliding
3. enter the current run depth in Location of Interest MD
4. In slackoff or pickup mode enter hock load and pickup/slackoff at location
5. The friction factor will be calculated (Cased Hole only)
Multiple Point Torque and Drag
1. Go to the Multi Point Analysis tab.
2. Enter actual data (optional)
3. Enter friction factors to be plotted
4. Go to Plots tab and select Drag Chart
Calibrating from Actual Data
1. Go to the Multi Point Analysis tab
2. Enter actual data
3. Go to Plots tab and select Calibration
Change friction factors to match actual data
About the Calculator
The calculator determines the kick tolerance for a casing string (except most inner casing).
It implements the procedure for calculating kick tolerance as described in IPM-PR-WVI-009.
How to use it?
Please see IPM-PR-WCI-009
Kick Tolerance: The maximum volume of influx that can be circulated out without breaking
down the weakest formation. (Presumed to be at the last casing shoe, if no other information
is available).
Kick Detection Threshold: The minimum volume of influx that can be detected by the kick
detection system of the specific casing and as determined by the most recent field tests by the
personnel on the rig.
The minimum kick tolerance shall be three times the rig’s kick detection threshold. The kick
tolerance shall be calculated as follows (IPM standard IPM-ST-WCI-011).
Kick Intensity: The increase in mud density required to balance the formation pressure of a kick.
Rule Sets
A rule set that reflects philosophical differences in design based on company policy and/or
geographical location. A rule set defines acceptable design factors, an installed condition for each
string, design load cases, standard hole sizes, and other factors typically found in a casing design
The detailed description of the rule set can be found in the documents found in the installation
TDAS 7 Rule Set (General)
Schlumberger-IPM Rule Set
Schlumberger-Completions Rule Set
Sand Control Rule Set
Rule Sets
A rule set that reflects philosophical differences in design based on company policy and/or
geographical location. A rule set defines acceptable design factors, an installed condition for each
string, design load cases, standard hole sizes, and other factors typically found in a casing design
The detailed description of the rule set can be found in the documents found in the installation
Tubular Designer Rule Set (General)
Load Case Generation
Load cases are generated in the Design->Load Cases workflow step. The generated load cases
are displayed in a tree with properties on the right to customize the properties used for
generation. Pressing the create button will add the load cases to case study.
By default all load cases are checked for generation. Once the load cases have been generated
on the load case screen is visited again, only the load cases that have changed are checked.
Load cases that don't exists on the current design are not checked. Load cases that have not
changed are grayed out.
After the load cases are added to the study, the tubular design system is executed to selected
pipes. Three modes are available:
None: Don't run the design engine. The user has to select all pipes manually.
Auto Select Pipes: Only pipes not selected by the user are selected by the design
system using the least-cost method.
Least Cost: The current pipes are removed and new pipes are selected by the design system
using the least-cost method.
Tubular Design System
The tubular design system can be accessed through Tools->Tubular Design. The tubular design
systems calculates a string design based on the input constraints (design criteria, hole size,
installed condition, and load cases).
Two design modes are available:
• Auto Select Pipes: Only pipes not selected by the user are selected by the design system
using the least-cost method.
• Least Cost: The current pipes are removed and new pipes are selected by the design
system using the least-cost method.
To constrain the search to a catalog select the catalog, grades, and connections in the property
The design criteria is defined by following properties:
Design Factors
MD: Measured depth of the string model (set at Design Criteria).
OD: Outside diameter of the pipe (set at Design Criteria).
Design Limits
Max Weight: The maximum weight you wish design system to consider; for example, if
you wish to maintain an 8.5" drift in 9-5/8" casing, you set the Max. Wt to 53.5).
Max Coupling OD: The maximum outside diameter of the coupling to be used with the
Min. Section Length: The shortest-allowable length of casing or tubing that can be run
as a separate section.
Note: If you set Max Num Sections to a value of 1, Min Section Length is ignored by
the design system..
Max Num Sections: The maximum number of sections you wish to allow in creating the
string. There is a logical relationship between this value and Min Section Length.
Pipe Defaults
OD Tolerance: The amount of variance allowed in the outside diameter of the pipe. If
this value is 1.01 and the pipe’s outside diameter is 14 inches, the pipe’s OD can be
14.14 inches (1.01 x14=14.14). The program uses the OD tolerance to calculate all
pipe body stresses. The default OD tolerance is determined as in table below:
Wall Tolerance: The lowest percentage of the stated wall thickness that is acceptable.
API standards allow a maximum deviation of thinning of 12.5%; therefore the smallest
value that you probably should have in this field is 87.5% (0.875) (1.0 minus 0.125).
Thus if the wall thickness (see Pipe String) is 0.488 inches, you are willing to accept
pipe having places where the wall thickness is as little as 0.427 inches (0.875 x
Note: You should not decrease wall tolerance; but if you increase it, you are placing
more stringent requirements on the pipe to be used in this part of the string. For
example, if you increase this value to 90%, no place in the pipe wall can be thinner than
0.439 inches (0.9 x 0.488=0.439).
Wall Loss: Anticipated removal of pipe body material due to drilling wear or corrosion,
expressed as a percentage of the nominal wall thickness removed. Because calculates
wear as a uniform removal of material, the reduction in performance is usually very
conservative. You are recommended to use values between 5% and 15%. The initial
value comes from the parameters you entered as in Tubulars when you created the well
ACCR: Keep at NO unless you have really good reason to change it. Use YES
causes to increase collapse resistance when the pipe is in compression and is against
API 5C3. (automatically reduces the collapse rating when the pipe is in tension.)
Material: The pipe body and coupling material.
Note: The default installation includes only low alloy carbon steel grades. If you
change the pipe catalog(s) used to one for material other than steel, the design systems
cannot find any pipes.
Temperature derating: choice of None and one or more options dependent on the
option selected at Material. Keep at None unless you anticipate a temperature in the
hole at any point of greater than 250° F (121° C). If such temperatures are to be
encountered, set the derating scheme.
Anisotropy: Keep at NO. Select YES only if the CRA (corrosion-resistant alloy)
material is cold-worked to increase its yield strength. Anisotropy occurs when material
yield strength properties are different in the three principal directions (axial—lengthwise
down pipe; hoop—circumference of pipe; radial—across diameter of pipe) because the
material is cold-worked. The VME design factor decreases when YES is selected.
Packers General
A downhole device used in almost every completion to isolate the annulus from the production
conduit, enabling controlled production, injection or treatment. A typical packer assembly
incorporates a means of securing the packer against the casing or liner wall, such as a slip
arrangement, and a means of creating a reliable hydraulic seal to isolate the annulus, typically by
means of an expandable elastomeric element. Packers are classified by application, setting
method and possible retrievability.
In order to calculate the load on the packer the Load Calculation property should be set to the
packer type used. For more information see Packers (String Model Output)
Tubing Mounted
Packer Seal Diameter – the inside diameter of the seal sleeve. This determines the
piston area on which lower annulus differential pressure acts to load the packer shear
Packer ID – the inside diameter of the packer.
Setting Pressure – the tubing pressure which is held at the end of the setting sequence
to ensure that the packer element is fully packed off, creating a seal.
Initial Slip Set – the pressure at which the packer first starts to set. Screws shear in the
lower piston, the piston travels downward, and anchors the bottom of the slips against the
Sealbore Packer
Packer Seal Diameter – the inside diameter of the seal sleeve. This determines the
piston area on which lower annulus differential pressure acts to load the packer shear
Packer Bore ID – the inside diameter of the packer.
Seal Assembly ID – the inside diameter of the seal assembly
Seal Assembly Weight - the weight of the seal assembly
Shear Release Force: Maximum axial force on seal assembly before shear out.
Packer Envelope
The packer envelope defines a working range of the packer. For Schlumberger packers a safety
factor is already built in. For third party packers this might not be the case. In this case a smaller
envelope has to be inserted which contains the safety margin.
See also Packers (String Model Output)
Conditions After Set
The conditions after set define the installed conditions of the installed load (or last installed load
case in case of multiple installed load cases).
Continuous Tubing: Set this flag on seal bore packer if tubing is continuous through
packer (as in tubing mounted packer) or tubular item below the packer is connected to
the seal assembly.
Pickup(+) / Slackoff(-): Axial adjustment after packer is set.
Max Seal Movement Up: Maximum allowed seal movement upwards after the packer is
set. Should be 0 for tubing mounted packer.
Max Seal Movement Down: Maximum allowed seal movement downwards after the packer is
set. Should be 0 for tubing mounted packer.
Packer States
A tubing mounted packer can have two states:
Not Set: Completion string is free to move at packer depth.
Set: Completion string can't move at packer depth
A sealbore packer can have three states:
Not Set: Completion string is free to move at packer depth.
Set:Completion string can't move at packer depth and the seal assembly / service tool is
still locked with the packer. Calculations are the same as a tubing mounted packer, which
means that the weight of the string below the packer is held by the string above the
Set Released: Weight / load of completion string below the packer is held by the packer. The
seal assembly / service tool was released. Movement of seal can be set to free to move above
the packer (but can also be set to no movement). Note: Even so in the case of no movement
allowed, the state is the not the same as the Set state, since the weight of the string below is not
held by the string above.
Generic Accessory
Use the generic accessory for accessories not listed in the accessory type drop down menu.
The application models Pump-out plug, Pump-out sub and Tubing shear plug/sub as plugs. The
user has the ability to set its state (open/closed) per load case. Multiple plugs are allowed in the
same string.
If the plug is closed in the load, it will be reported in the output narrative if the internal differential
pressure across the plug exceeds the derated shear pressure. The program assumes that the
pressure rating decreases linearly as a function of the yield stress of the material. The results still
assume that the plug is in position
Formation Isolation Valve (FIV)
A monobore completion valve used as a downhole lubricator valve, typically is run below a
permanent completion packer.
The program models ball type valves, combination seal type valve, flapper type valve and sleeve
type valve as FIV. The user has the ability to set its valve state (open/closed) per load case.
Multiple FIVs are allowed in the same string.
If the FIV is closed in the load, it will be reported in the output narrative if the internal pressure
across the valve exceeds the differential pressure rating.
Note: AFIV are not considered in the current version.
Safety Joint
A weak spot in the drillstring. Such a weak spot sometimes is intentionally put into the drillstring
so that if tension in the drillstring exceeds a predetermined amount, the safety joint will part and
the rest of the drillstring will be salvageable. A safety joint is commonly included in fishing strings
and drillstem testing equipment, where the fish may be successfully caught by the fishing
assembly, but tension to free the fish may
prove insurmountable. By having the safety joint
in the hole, the fishing company representative knows where the fishing string will part and what
will be needed to latch onto the top of this additional fish.
The program models tension safety joints as safety valves. The user can only set safety joints in
the tubing strings (safety joints are not available for use in the casing). Multiple safety joints are
allowed in the same string.
It will be reported in the output narrative if the total calculated shear force exceeds the derated
shear force capacity
Rotary safety joints and compression safety joints are not considered in the current
If the seal diameter is equal to the OD of the tubing, there is no dimensional data
required. On the other hand, if the seal diameter is not equal to the tubing OD the seal
diameter will be required. It assumes that the shear force capacity decreases linearly as
a function of the yield stress of the material. The result still assumes that the joint stays
Safety Valve
A downhole device that isolates wellbore pressure and fluids in the event of an emergency or
catastrophic failure of surface equipment. The control systems associated with safety valves are
generally set in a fail-safe mode, such that any interruption or malfunction of the system will result
in the safety valve closing to render the well safe. Downhole safety valves are fitted in almost all
wells and are typically subject to rigorous local or regional legislative requirements.
The program models tubing retrievable and wireline retrievable as safety valves. The user has the
ability to set its valve state (open/closed) per load case. Multiple safety valves are allowed in the
same string.
If the Safety Valve is closed in the load, it will be reported in the output narrative if the internal
pressure across the valve exceeds the differential pressure rating.
Gas Lift Mandril
The program models conventional, non-orientating and orientating as gas lift mandrels. The user
can only set gas lift mandrels in the tubing strings (gas lift mandrels are not available for use in
the casing). Multiple gas lift mandrels are allowed in the same string.
It will be reported in the narrative if the activation pressure has been exceeded at the gas lift
A placeholder for temporary plugs.
Expansion Joint
The program models PBR with the seals on tubing, PBR with the seals on the PBR, Overshot
with the seals on lower member and Overshot with the seals on the overshot as expansion joints.
The user has the ability to set its state (pinned/sheared) per installed load.
Stroke: length from fully closed to fully open while still maintaining pressure integrity.
Some variations of Expansion joint allow the joint to be “pinned” or “Pre-spaced” Open (not
necessarily fully open, it could be pre-spaced 2ft open etc). When pinned open, compression or
tension typically tend to act to shear the pins, however when pinned fully closed, only tension
forces typically will act to shear the pins [a load shoulder would take the compressive load]
Use the ESP accessory to model electric submersible pumps. The ESP accessory appears
The screen accessory is used in the rule sets in order to generate pressure profiles with no
differential pressure across the screen.
Service Tool
Use the service tool to model sand control jobs. Seal assembly have a Fits Bore ID property for
hole size checks and show a seal on the schematic. It has two states:
Open - unplugged
Closed - plugged
Seal Assembly
Use the seal assembly to model seals. Seal assembly have a Fits Bore ID property for hole size
checks and show a seal on the schematic.
The crossover accessory is used when the connection between two items are incompatible.
Tubular Properties
The application does not allow you to modify a pipe. Instead, you have to create a new pipe in
the pipe catalog and select the pipe afterwards.
A pipe is defined by following properties.
Nominal weight of pipe body
Wall thickness of pipe body
Grade of pipe (selected from the available catalogs)
Connection between this and next pipe (selected from the catalogs specified for
use in this wellplan)
Note: You may want to review the discussion of connectors.
Material of pipe (selected from the catalogs specified for use in this wellplan)
Temperature Derate: choice of None and one or more options dependent on the
option selected at Material. Keep at None unless you anticipate a temperature in
the hole at any point of greater than 250° F (121° C). If such temperatures are to be
encountered, you are highly recommended to select a temperature yield derating
model. See Temperature derating.
Wall Loss: Anticipated removal of pipe body material due to drilling wear or
corrosion, expressed as a percentage of the nominal wall thickness removed.
Because calculates wear as a uniform removal of material, the reduction in
performance is usually very conservative. You are recommended to use values
between 5% and 15%. Initial value comes from the parameters you entered at
Tubulars scheme when you created the well plan.
Sour Service: If this flag is enabled, the min. temperature for sour service is
checked for every load case.
ID: OD - 2 * wall thickness
Drift ID: the drift ID of the pipe.
Coupling OD: The outside diameter of the coupling. Must be greater than or
equal to the outside diameter of the pipe body.
Pipe Standard: The pipe standard used to calculate ratings and derating.
Catalog: Name of catalog
The Pipe Ratings provides the basic material and performance properties for each string section
in the model. Top and Bottom MD (measured depth) are set on the Pipe String tab and are
The rating values, drawn from the catalogs, are affected by certain changes to Pipe String; for
example, any changes to the pipe OD (outside diameter), wall, grade, or connection is likely to
result in a change in the ratings.
Ratings include:
If a proprietary grade material is named and a generic connection is selected, all of the
performance properties can be generated by entering the yield and tensile values.
Note: Properties are calculated per API Spec 5C3 when possible.
Rating Causes
The program combines the ratings of pipe body and connections into a single systems by using
the minimum rating for every rating type. The rating cause describes which rating value was
used. The causes are:
Pipe Body (B): Rating of pipe body
Coupling (F): Rating of connection
Ring Seal (R): Rating of ring seal.
User Defined (U): Burst pressure cause is not known.
Yield (Y)
Plastic (P)
Transition (T)
Elastic (E)
User Defined (U)
Pipe Body (B): Rating of pipe body
Jump Out (J): Rating of connection
User Defined (U): Axial force cause is not known
Bending (S): Rating of bending
(M): Rating of male connection
(F): Rating of female connection
Wall Tolerance: The lowest percentage of the stated wall thickness that is acceptable.
API standards allow a maximum deviation of thinning of 12.5%; therefore the least value
that you probably should have in this field is 87.5 % (100.0-12.5). Thus if the wall
thickness is 0.488 inches, you are willing to accept pipe having places only 0.427 inches
(0.875 x 0.488=0.427).
Note: Never decrease wall tolerance. Be aware that if you increase wall tolerance, you
are placing more stringent requirements on the pipe to be used in this part of the string.
For example, if you increase wall tolerance to 90%, no place the pipe wall can be thinner
than 0.439 inches (0.9 x 0.488 = 0.439).
OD Tolerance: The amount of variance allowed in the outside diameter of the pipe. If
this value is 1.01 and the pipe outside diameter is 14 inches, the pipe can be 14.14
inches (1.01 x14=14.14). This tolerance is important to ensuring room for tools in the
The defaults for Wall and OD tolerance are determined as given in table below:
+ 0.031
-12.5 %
+ 1.0 %
-12.5 %
ACCR: Keep at NO unless you have really good reason to change it. Use YES
causes to increase collapse resistance when the pipe is in compression and is against
API 5C3. (automatically reduces the collapse rating when the pipe is in tension.)
Anisotropy: Keep at NO. Select YES only if the CRA (corrosion-resistant alloy) is
cold-worked to increase its yield strength. Anisotropy occurs when material yield
strength properties are different in the three principal directions (axial—lengthwise down
pipe; hoop—circumference of pipe; radial—across diameter of pipe) because the
material is cold-worked. VME design factor decreases when YES is selected.
Remember: Changing any of these values can cause inconsistencies to arise that preclude you
from completing an analysis. For example, lengthening a string may cause load cases to
become invalid; changing the connection may not allow sufficient clearance to fit in the original
hole size, and so on. Be sure that you understand clearly the relationships among the values
and other parts of the program before you make modifications to them.
ISO 10400 Collapse
To enable ISO 10400 collapse calculations set the standard on the tubular properties to KGT.
The application includes the option to compute collapse strength according to ISO10400 annex
(more details can be found on ISO10400 documentation).
The Klever generalised Tamano (KGT) equations for ultimate collapse strength are summarised
∆pult = {(∆pe ult + ∆py ult) – [(∆pe ult - ∆py ult) + 4∆pe ult∆py ultHult] } / [2(1 - Hult)],
where ∆p is interpreted as a pressure difference po – pi, and
pe ult = kels 2E / [(1 - ν2)(Dave/tc ave)(Dave/tc ave - 1) ],
py ult = kels 2fy(tc ave/Dave)[1 + tc ave/(2Dave)], (E.3)
Dave average pipe outside diameter
E Young’s modulus
fy yield strength of a representative tensile specimen
Hult a decrement factor
kels down rating factor for elastic collapse strength in a limit state equation, calculated
here to be 1,089
kyls down rating factor for elastic collapse strength in a limit state equation, calculated
here to be 0,9911
pe ult ultimate pressure for elastic collapse
pi internal pressure
po external pressure
pult ultimate collapse pressure
py ultultimate pressure for yield collapse
tc ave actual average pipe wall thickness
ν Poisson’s ratio
The decrement factor Hult is given by
Hult = 0,127 ov + 0,003 9 ec – 0,440 rs/fy + hn, Hult ≥ 0,
Dave average pipe outside diameter
Dmax maximum pipe outside diameter
Dmin minimum pipe outside diameter
ec eccentricity as a percent, (eccentricity = 100 (tc max − tc min ) / tc ave)
fy yield strength of a representative tensile specimen
hn stress-strain curve shape coefficient
ov ovality as a percent, (ovality = 100 (Dmax - Dmin) / Dave)
rs residual stress (compression at ID face is negative)
tc ave actual average pipe wall thickness
tc max actual maximum pipe wall thickness
tc min actual minimum pipe wall thickness
hn is taken as zero for all Q&T grades other than N80. This implies that the stress-strain curves
for these grades are sharp-kneed, such that no correction is required. For N80, however, it was
found necessary to set hn to 0,055 in order to obtain the correct TRL.
Navigation and Selection
The analysis tree show a hierarchical view of the string models and load cases. Selecting a tree
node in the input tab will show the input data for the node, selecting a tree node in the output tab
will show the results for the node. Once a node is selected moving between input and output will
not change the current selected node.
The shortcut to move between input and output is Alt-Right key (output) and Alt-Left key (output).
Editing the Tree
Right clicking on a node will show a context menu. The operations for a input node are
• Copy
New Load Case
Goto Output
Move Up / Move Down
String specific actions are:
• Delete Load Cases
Set Inactive / Set Active
Load case specific actions are:
• Disable / Enable (Exclude / include from results)
Paste as Installed Load (in case of load case copy)
Paste as Load Case (in case of installed load case copy)
String Model Introduction
A string model is a proposed section of casing or tubing designed to meet the criteria you have
The application allows you to create copies of string models (alternate models) in order to
compare designs. Alternate models are set to an inactive state. It will do the same calculations as
for an active string. However, the output summary will only consider only the active models.
Creating a string model
String models are created when editing the Tubulars screen.
Use the tree context menu to create or copy a new alternate string model.
Hole Size
The hole size profile is used for determination of the pitch of the helix when buckling occurs. It is
also used to determine the packer-to-casing forces for tubing.
Remember that the hole size (or drift ID when available from outer casing) must safely
accommodate not only the pipe body but the connection as well (the clearance between the
coupling outside diameter (OD) and hole size must be greater than 0.2 inches).
If possible, use the default hole size option. When enabled, the hole size is calculated from the ID
of the outer strings.
Generic Hole Size for Casing
If there are no outer string for a casing section, the hole size profile is based on the casing OD and
the resulting hole size is determined by the table below.
Pipe OD (in)
Hole Size (in)
<= OD
OD + 10
<= OD <
<= OD <
<= OD <
<= OD <
<= OD <
<= OD <
<= OD <
<= OD <
<= OD <
<= OD
< 22.000
<= OD
< 18.625
<= OD
< 16.000
<= OD
< 13.375
<= OD
< 10.750
<= OD
< 9.625
<= OD
< 8.625
<= OD
< 7.750
<= OD
< 6.625
<= OD
< 5.500
<= OD
< 5.000
<= OD
< 4.500
< 4.000
OD + 1
Generic Hole Size for Tubing
If there are no outer string for a tubing section, the hole size profile is based on the tubing OD and
the resulting hole size is determined by the table below. Due to the variety of completion options
available today (i.e. dual, multi-packer, multi-lateral, etc.), it is very important that the user carefully
check the generated hole size profile to insure that it represents the true geometrical constraint for
the tubing.
Tubing OD (in)
Hole Size (in)
< 2.063
<= OD
< 2.375
<= OD
< 2.875
<= OD
< 3.500
<= OD
< 5.000
<= OD
< 5.500
<= OD
< 7.625
<= OD
< 8.625
<= OD
<= 9.625
< OD
Default Hole Size for Outer String
In case the ID is no defined for an outer string section, the hole size is determined from the
OD of the outer string section according to table below:
Outer String OD (in)
Hole Size (in)
<= OD
<= OD
< 30.000
<= OD
< 26.000
<= OD
< 24.000
<= OD
< 18.625
<= OD
< 16.000
<= OD
< 13.375
<= OD
< 11.750
<= OD
< 10.750
<= OD
< 9.625
<= OD
< 8.625
<= OD
< 7.625
<= OD
< 7.000
<= OD
< 6.625
<= OD
< 5.500
< OD
< 5.000
Load Case Introduction
A load case represents a specific set of physical parameters used to test the least-cost design
model for soundness. Their impact is presented in the Output interface.
The initial set of load cases is generated from the rule set you selected when you created the
The installed load case is the base case—that is, a special load case that describes the installed
condition of the string.
The parameters used in a load case include:
Temperature profile (required).
Internal pressure profile (required).
External pressure profile (required).
Whether it has internal plugs and, if so, where in the string the plugs are located
Whether you wish the system to consider wall loss for the load case being developed
Internal fluid friction profile (optional)
External fluid friction profile (optional)
You can create, modify, rename, and delete load case via the tree context menu. You can
include or exclude a load case from string design by right clicking on the Load Cases node for
that string.
You can also create, modify, and delete temperature and internal and external pressure profiles
used in the load cases.
See also Profiles Introduction
Installed (Base) Load Case
The Installed Load case, or base load case, defines the initial pressure and temperature profiles
and provides the cementing or landing details (top of cement, pick-up and slack-off weights,
upward or downward motion allowed). Selected load cases are combined with the base load case
to determine the forces, stresses, and movements that result.
Proper definition of the base load case is critical to modeling the later service loads on the string
because the forces calculated for each load case depend on the base case parameters. The
temperature at which the cement sets is often the most difficult to predict and should get special
attention when setting up the Installed Load. In the case of multiple cemented intervals, the
specified temperature profile is used for all intervals.
The installed load for a casing string is slightly different than for a tubing string. Floats open or
closed are only defined a casing strings. Installed plugs and accessory states are only defined a
tubing string.
Note: If a float is open or the string is not plugged at bottom, you must make sure that
pressures match at the bottom in case is is not cemented.
Cements / Intervals
An interval specifies the location of cement, stuck points, and axial adjustments to the string.
The top interval depth is defined by the String Model. Axial adjustments (slackoff [-] or pickup
[+]) are made from the top to the specified depth. Be very careful when inserting a new depth,
since this represents a "stuck point" whether the interval is cemented or not.
The data provided here is what the expert system has calculated for installation of the
currently-selected string segment. The Cement tab is a spreadsheet correlating measured depth
(MD), cementing or lack thereof, and pickup/stackoff weight.
If a string is partially cemented in, the spreadsheet typically has two rows—one for the cemented
length and one for the un-cemented length. If any part of a string segment is cemented in, there is
obviously no pickup or stackoff, and this field is 0.
To set Pipe Movement Allowed
There are two components: Up and Down. If the string is cemented at any point, no movement
is possible and these fields are inactive.
To specify unlimited movement, enter a large number (9999 inches is typically
used by the ruleset) in both the Up and Down fields.
Note: If a physical stop does not exist and the seals can be physically pulled out of
the bore, be sure to specify unlimited (9999 in.) Up movement.
To specify a latched condition, specify 0.0 inches in both the Up and Down fields.
To specify limited motion due to stops, enter values between 0 and 9999 inches in
the Up and Down fields.
Plugs and Accessory States
See Load Case.
Load Case
A load case models an event relative to an installed load.
Point Loads
Multiple point loads can added to a load case to model additional axial forces at specific depths.
Plugs and Accessory States
The plug and accessory state table is used to enter plugs and to set the state of an accessory.
For example, is a safety valve is installed the state can be either set to open or closed.
Derived Loads
Derived loads are auto generated loads from assemblies above.
The generated load uses the annular pressure profile from the load of the assembly above in
order to calculate the external pressure profile.
The external pressure profile from above becomes the internal pressure pressure profile of the
derived load.
Note: Derived loads are only generated when multiple assemblies are defined.
Profiles Introduction
The profile is the fundamental building block that describes the installed condition or subsequent
loading on a casing or tubing string. Internal pressure and external pressure profiles can be
defined using pressure, gradients, or equivalent mud weights. Temperature profiles and fluid
friction pressure profiles can be defined using known values or gradients.
You may also:
• Create a new profile.
• Delete a profile.
• Modify a profile.
Be sure that all profiles (internal pressure, external pressure, temperature, and fluid
pressure) are consistent with string model in which they are intended to be
used. For
vertical and deviated wells, these profiles must be at least as long as the
string model.
For deviated wells, the profiles cannot extend deeper than the bottom
depth of the trajectory.
Measured Depth Profiles
To enter gradient changes at a measured depth location the depth column of the profile has to be
switched to MD. Use the check box next to the MD or TVD label in order to select the appropriate
Note: It is recommended to always enter depths in MD for deviated wells with horizontal sections.
Linked Pressure Profile Sections
For local profiles the program will show the depth for plugs and packers in order to enter pressure
changes across the plug or packer. The location of the pressure changes is very important to
calculate the piston forces.
Local versus Shared Profile
A load case profile may either be shared or local. A local profile is part of the load case and will
be deleted when the load case is deleted. Changes to a local profile will not affect any other load
Shared profile can be shared between several load cases. Once a profile is shared it can not be
edited in the load case anymore. This is to avoid unexpected side effects when changing the
profile. However, the shared profile can be edited under Catalogs -> Profiles.
In order to see plug and packer depths in the profile editor the profile has to be local.
Internal Pressure Profiles
Internal pressure profiles are created by the expert system using data entered when you create
the load cases.
A typical internal pressure profile for the installed load for casing is the displacement fluid
for the cement slurry.
A typical internal pressure profile for the installed load for tubing is the packer fluid the
tubing string is run in with.
You may also:
Create a new profile.
Delete a profile.
Modify a profile.
See Profiles Introduction for a general description.
External Pressure Profiles
External pressure profiles are created by the expert system using data entered when you create
the load cases.
A typical external pressure profile for the installed load for casing is the mud and cement
that occupies the annulus immediately after cementing.
A typical external pressure profile for the installed load for tubing is the packer fluid that
the tubing string is run in with.
You may also:
Create a new profile.
Delete a profile.
Modify a profile.
See Profiles Introduction for a general description.
Annular Pressure Profiles
Annular pressure profiles are used to define the pressure in between casing and lower assembly.
The annular pressure profile is used to generate an external pressure profiles for derived loads
(see Derived Loads)
Temperature Profiles
Temperature profiles are created by the expert system using data entered when you create the
load cases.
• A typical temperature profile for the installed load for casing is the casing temperature
when the cement just begins to set up. The Expert system provides a prediction of this
temperature for you based on the work of I.M. Kutasov and A.K. Taighi.
• A typical temperature profile for the installed load for tubing is the undisturbed static
You may also:
• Create a new profile.
• Delete a profile.
• Modify a profile.
See Profiles Introduction for a general description.
Fluid Friction Profiles
You have the option of setting values for internal fluid friction or external fluid friction or both.
Because friction pressure loss is defined as positive, friction pressure values for upwards flow
(production) are positive (+); and downward flow (injection) is negative (-).
Fluid friction profiles are set individually for each installed load as desired; they are not saved as
data items for selection.
Creating a Profile
Profiles can be created either in load case screen or under Catalog->Profiles. In order to create
an empty profile, press the
button. To make a copy of an existing profile, select the profile
and press the
button. Then change the name. It is recommended to keep the (Local) prefix in
the name in case the profile is a local profile.
Modifying a Profile
Profiles can be created either in load case screen or under Catalog->Profiles. In order to modify a
profile select the profile and make the changes.
Note: Shared profiles can only be edited in the Catalog -> Profiles editor once the profile is used
in more than one load case.
Profile Calculator
If you have edit a value the program will highlight the values in red that are not consistent with
other entries in the table. The highlighted values will be recalculated once the value has been
entered. The values to be recalculated can be selected with the options Above and Below.
Depth Lookup
The profile editor will show a combo box in the depth columns to quickly find depth in the well
Profile Value Lookup
The profile editor will show a combo box in the profile value column (pressure or temperature) to
quickly get values from shared profiles.
Deleting a Profile
Profiles can be created either in load case screen or under Catalog->Profiles. In order to create
an empty profile, press the
load cases.
button. You can only delete a profile that is not used in any of the
Wellbore Schematic
The program will show design errors labels on the wellbore schematic. To navigate to the
problem, click on the label.
See also Well Schematic Panel
Summary Tables
The output summary tables give an overview of all important results in one page.
Underlined texts are hyperlinks to more details.
String model output
Note: If when you created the casing scheme you used the Division feature, each division is
presented across the top of the string model output view. Click on the division you wish to
If you click on a string model in the Output Data Tree, you have access to 10 tabs, each
presenting a different view of the output data for that string. Six of these are pairs, offering
graphical and report versions of the same data:
Minimum Design Factors (DF): Tabular listing of the minimum design factors
(considering all loads) calculated for the currently-selected string model.
Triaxial view: Provides a triaxial equivalent load capacity diagram.
Packers view: Provides packer envelope with packer load points.
Accessories view: Provides accessory envelope with load curves.
Connections view: Provides a plot of the triaxial service load yield envelope for any
API or proprietary tubular connection
Burst/Collapse (B/C) Plot and Table: Provides burst and collapse rating and load
data in two views.
Tension/Compression (T/C) Plot and Table: Presents tension and compression
rating and load data in two views.
Design Factor (DF) Plot and Table: Presents the minimum design factors
(considering all loads) as a function of depth for the currently-selected string model.
Note: Since there are multiple graphs and reports, you can use Window>Cascade or
Window>Tile to view these components simultaneously. Be aware that if you select
Window>Tile, the graphs are not drawn.
These materials are initially presented as tabbed interfaces. You may need to use the right- and
left-pointing arrows at the upper right to scroll horizontally through the tabs.
You can print any of the output tab contents individually by selecting Print.
You can print all of the tabular output reports by selecting Print>Reports.
Minimum DF (String Model Output)
See String model output for an overview of output information.
The Minimum Design Factors tab provides a summary of minimum design factors for the current
pipe model. The table takes the minimum design factor entry from each of the load types (burst,
collapse, tension, compression, and Von Mises [VME]) and presents it with related information.
The keys to the cases are in a table lower in the interface.
The letters A and B stand for "above" and "below."
Note: The cost column (cost/linear unit) does not appear if "Show Cost on Report" on the
Settings interface is toggled OFF.
Triaxial View (String Model Output)
See String model output for an overview of output information.
The TELCAP (Triaxial Equivalent Load Capacity) plot is a two-dimensional VME representation of
the loads and the allowable pipe body service envelope for each string section.
The API Operating Window is shown as a polygon outline of the API operating range for the pipe
body and connection, using the specified design factors. All load cases used in the design are
plotted on the triaxial view. Load cases should fall within the API and VME service envelopes.
If you have multiple pipe sections, these are presented across the top of the triaxial view.
Identical pipe sections are merged into a single plot. Click on the section you wish to examine.
Note: The TELCAP plot does not consider thermal yield derating. If you have selected this
feature, you will notice a difference between the design factors reported and those plotted on the
TELCAP plot. Your design should be based on the design factors reported in the tabular output,
NOT on the TELCAP plot.
Packers (String Model Output)
See String model output for an overview of output information.
The packer envelopes show the working operating range of the packer in different conditions,
which are:
and internal test pressure
For more information please see
HTML Object
The packer load points are calculated by a packer specific logic, as selected by the Load
Calculation property on the packer. The source code for the logic can be found and changed in
the PackerForces directory.
The default load will be the tubing to packer force and differential pressure across the packer.
Accessories (String Model Output)
See String model output for an overview of output information.
The accessory envelopes show the working operating range of an accessory.
If no envelope was defined, a default "Pseudo Envelope" will be created. The pseudo envelope
will be calculated from an VME envelope using a theoretical OD and ID based on yield strength
and internal / external working pressure of the accessory.
Connections (String Model Output)
See String model output for an overview of output information.
The CISO (Connection ISO) plot is a two-dimensional VME representation of the loads and the
allowable connection service envelope for each string division. All load cases used in the design
are plotted on the CISO view. CISO provides a triaxial service load yield envelope for any API or
proprietary tubular connection.
If you toggle CCS (critical cross-section operating envelope) ON, you see an outline of the
minimum of all critical cross-sections.
If you have multiple pipe sections, these are presented across the top of the connections view.
Identical pipe sections are merged into a single plot unless a the envelope was violated. Click on
the section you wish to examine.
You can create a CISO service envelope for a connection.
Movements (String Model Output)
See String model output for an overview of output information.
The movement plot shows the calculated movement at every depth. Note: The accuracy for
interpolated movements (depths that are not in the input) can be misleading when movement is
restricted by a constraint.
Using CISO
Using CISO
The Properties button on the CISO interface opens the Critical Cross-Section Parameters dialog,
which you can use to draw a service envelope.
The workflow is as follows:
Once a design or analysis is completed, a CISO service envelope for the connection can be
created. The following steps are required:
Identify the critical cross-sections (CCS) in the connection. The critical cross-sections
of a connection are normally located at the metal-to-metal seal, the last engaged thread
in the pin or box, the pin or box end, or at the shoulder. These are the cross-sections
where yielding is most likely to first occur under service loading.
For each critical cross-section (CCS), determine the critical cross-section area (AC),
the outside diameter (OD), and the inside diameter (ID) of the combined cylinder in
each of the four quadrants:
Quadrant I is defined by internal pressure and tension (upper right).
Quadrant 2 is defined by internal pressure and compression (upper left).
Quadrant 3 is defined by external pressure and compression (bottom-left).
Quadrant 4 is defined by external pressure and tension (bottom-right).
Note that the critical cross section is not necessarily equal to the area formed by the OD and ID.
The Critical Cross-Section Parameters dialog reflects these calculations in its table.
To create a service envelope for a connection:
1. At Type, select the kind of connector with which you are working
For a custom design, select User. Note that the Pipe field is already filled with the current pipe
If you select User, the Total CCS field is active.
If you select any other Type, the Total CCS field is inactive.
This is because a predefined connector design has an already-determined number of critical
cross sections, which consists of the number of CCS in the connector plus one—the yield of the
pipe itself.
The Q1, Q2, Q3, and Q4 fields in the table are populated with calculated values.
2. At CCS at Location, select the critical cross-section with which you are concerned.
If you selected User at Type, the only option is PB (pipe body).
If you select any other Type, the options are PB and the other critical cross sections
presented as numbers
The four typical critical cross-sections analyzed usually include the pipe body, the minimum
cross-section at the seal, the minimum cross-section at the pin, and the minimum cross-section at
the box or coupling.
3. At Total CCS (if you selected User at Type and the field is active), select the number of
critical cross-sections with which you are dealing.
Remember that there is always at least one CCS for Pipe Body.
4. Click on OK.
You return to the CISO plot, which now reflects the parameters you entered at the Critical
Cross-Section Parameters dialog.
B/C Plot (String Model Output)
See String model output for an overview of output information.
The B/C (Burst/Collapse) graph plots the burst and collapse ratings and loads of the current string
against measured depth. The plotting points are load cases considered in the design of the
current string. (For the names of the load cases, consult the B/C table.) The collapse load
should be to the right of (at a greater pressure than) the collapse rating, and the burst load should
be to the left of (at a lesser pressure than) the burst rating.
This information is presented in a more detailed tabular form in the B/C table.
B/C Table (String Model Output)
See String model output for an overview of output information.
The B/C (Burst / Collapse table presents the burst and collapse design values in tabular form in
more detail than is provided by the B/C plot. Here both measured and true vertical depths are
provided, as are the names of the load cases and the design factor.
This information is presented graphically in the B/C plot.
T/C Plot (String Model Output)
See String model output for an overview of output information.
The T/C (Tension/Compression) plot presents compression and tension ratings and loads against
measured depth. The plotting points are load cases considered in the design of the current
string. (For the names of the load cases, consult the T/C table) The compression load should be
to the right of (at a greater force than) the collapse rating, and the tension load should be to the
left of (at a lower force than) the burst rating.
This information is presented in a more detailed tabular form in the T/C table.
T/C Table (String Model Output)
See String model output for an overview of output information.
The T/C (Tension/Compression) table presents the tension and compression design values in
tabular form in more detail than is provided by the T/C plot. Here both measured and true
vertical depths are provided, as are the names of the load cases and the design factor.
This information is presented graphically in the T/C plot.
DF plot (string model output)
See String model output for an overview of output information.
This tab provides a composite plot of the design factors (burst, collapse, tension, compression,
and VME) offered in the individual plots in the string model output interface.
This information is presented in tabular form in DF Table.
DF Table (String Model Output)
See String model output for an overview of output information.
This table provides a composite of the design factors (burst, collapse, tension, compression, and
VME) offered in the individual tables in the string model output interface.
This information is also prevented graphically in the DF Plot.
Movements Table (String Model Output)
See String model output for an overview of output information.
This table provides the data for the movement plot.
Load Case Output
If you click on a load case in the Output Data Tree, you have access to seven tabs, each
presenting a different view of the output data for that load case. Four of these are pairs, offering
a graphical and report version of a data type:
tabular form.
Presents loads and load capacity design factor data for the load case in
Movements: Presents the movements in the string.
Load B/C (Burst/Collapse) Plot and Table: Presents burst and collapse data for the
load case in two views.
Load T/C (Tension/Compression) Plot and Table: Presents tension and
compression data for the load case in two views.
Stress: Presents stress report data for the load case in tabular form.
Buckling: Presents buckling analysis for the load case in tabular form.
Note: Since there are multiple graphs and reports, you can select multiple load cases to
compare plots / tables.
Load (Load Case Output)
See load case output for an overview of output information.
This set of tables provides load information for the current load case for the current string. The
first table offers loads and load capacity design factors at measured and true vertical depths.
"Gradient" represents the fluid density that would be required to develop the pressure change
between subsequent depths..
Design factors are presented for axial, pressure, and VME values. A legend explaining
annotations in the Design Factors portion is available at the end of this display. Note that:
"C" preceding an axial design factor refers to compression.
"T" preceding an axial design factor refers to tension.
"B" preceding a pressure design factor refers to burst.
"C" preceding a pressure design factor refers to collapse.
Below the Loads and Load Capacity Design Factors table is the Narrative area. Here the
program provides a number of statements concerning conditions (such as whether cementing has
occurred and if so to what depth; whether the well is deviated, whether buckling occurs, tubular
movement, and so on).
Note: No narrative statements are created for the Installed Load.
Below the Narrative area occurs the Axial Force Components table; this provides the values from
which axial force is derived at each depth in the load case for the current string.
The restoring force is the force applied by the constraint point to keep the string in the position
defined by the movement constraint in case of hit stop.
The final table is a key to annotation.
Movements (Load Case Output)
See load case output for an overview of output information.
The movement tables reports the actual length changes due to
Point Load
Restore Force
Movements are reported for every interval depth. If movement is restricted by max up and the
down movements (Hit Stop), the "Restore Force" column reports the length change due to the
movement constraint.
Load B/C Plot (Load Case Output)
See load case output for an overview of output information.
The B/C (Burst/Collapse) graph plots the burst and collapse ratings and loads of the current load
case against measured depth as a function of pressure. The plotting points are measured
depths used in the current load case. (For these values, consult the B/C table) The collapse
load should be to the right of (at a lesser pressure than) the collapse rating, and the burst load
should be to the left of (at a lesser pressure than) the burst rating.
This information is presented in a more detailed tabular form in the B/C table.
Load B/C Table (Load Case Output)
See load case output for an overview of output information.
The B/C (Burst/Collapse) table presents the burst and collapse design factors in tabular form in
more detail than is provided by the B/C plot. Here both measured and true vertical depths are
provided, as is the design factor.
This information is presented graphically in the B/C plot.
Load T/C Plot (Load Case Output)
See load case output for an overview of output information.
The T/C (Tension/Compression) plot presents compression and tension ratings and loads against
measured depth. The plotting points are measured depths used in the current load case. (For
these values, consult the T/C table) The compression load should be to the right of (at a greater
force than) the compression rating, and the tension load should be to the left of (at a lower force
than) the tension rating.
Note that the scale of the display may impact visibility; individual nodes may be obscured and
best seen in a printout of the plot. Or use the Right Mouse Button menu option Chart Designer
(X Axis and Y Axis Scales) to modify the scale of the plot to improve visibility.
This information is presented in a more detailed tabular form in the T/C table.
Load T/C table (Load Case Output)
See load case output for an overview of output information.
The T/C (Tension/Compression) table presents the tension and compression design factors in
tabular form in more detail than is provided by the T/C plot. Here both measured and true
vertical depths are provided, as is the design factor.
This information is presented graphically in the T/C plot.
Stress Plot (Load Case Output)
See load case output for an overview of output information.
The Stree Plot tab presents the stress data from the Stress Table tab.
Stress Table (Load Case Output)
See load case output for an overview of output information.
The Stress tab contains a table presenting stress information for the current string and current
load case. Data includes measured and true vertical depth; temperature; internal and external
pressure; hoop, axial, bending, and peak VME stress; and VME design factors for peak and
Buckling (Load Case Output)
See load case output for an overview of output information.
This table provides information on buckling for the current load case and current string. The tool
diameter is used to determine the longest length tool that can geometrically fit inside the buckled
string and still move freely.
Buckling Type: Helical, Sinusodial or both.
Neutral Point: The point in MD (measured depth) at which buckling stops.
Buckling Critical Force: The effective tension at which buckling occurs.
General Report
The Report facility allows to generate a Word report from the results.
Press the Generate button to generate the report.
To select the outputs to be added to the report use the Options tab. The default report setting can
be set under Tools->Options->Report.
MMS Report
The program can generate "The Minerals Management Service" summary report to an Microsoft
Excel spreadsheet. The report has to be enabled under Tools->Options->Report.
Introduction to Catalogs
The catalog can be viewed and edited under the Catalog menu.
After adding a new catalog entry select the catalog in the Tools->Options->Catalog tab. Newly
created catalogs are added by default.
Profile Catalog
The profile catalog will list all shared profiles stored in the case study and the dependencies to
the load cases.
Tubular Catalogs
The application comes with three tubular catalogs:
Tubulars (mainly API pipes)
GOST (Russian casings)
In order to add a new pipe create your own catalog (default User Catalog). When entering the
pipe data the program tries to calculate data according to the standard selected. Calculated
values are displayed in blue.
After adding a new pipe select the catalog in the Tools->Options->Catalog tab. Newly created
catalogs are added by default.
See also Tubular Properties
Packer Catalogs
Use the packer catalog to add packers to be reused in other studies.
To copy a packer from an existing study:
1. open study
2. go to completions
3. select packer
4. open properties panel
copy packer to catalog by selecting the catalog in the Catalog drop menu
Accessory Catalogs
Use the accessory catalog to add accessories to be reused in other studies.
To copy a accessory from an existing study:
5. open study
6. go to completions
7. select accessory
8. open properties panel
copy accessory to catalog by selecting the catalog in the Catalog drop menu
Material Catalog
The material catalog lists all materials and their properties.
Sharing Tubular Catalogs with Wellbuilder
You need to set the "User Catalog Folder" option under Tools->Options->Catalogs to the
directory in which your own catalogs are stored in order to share your own tubular catalogs with
Wellbuilder or other programs. E.g. if your catalog folder is under D:\Documents\Catalogs, set the
User Catalog Folder option to this path.
Import from TDAS 6 and earlier
TDAS 7 will read TDAS 6 wpf files and TDAS 5 wp file.
Import a Deviation Survey
1. In the Well Trajectory workflow step, press the Import button.
2. In the dialog choose the excel or ascii file to import.
3. Select the template
4. Set the number of header rows
5. Select the column header and unit
Press Import button
Import a Profile
1. In the profile editor, delete the profile data by pressing
2. Press the Import button.
3. In the dialog choose the excel or ascii file to import.
4. Select the template
5. Set the number of header rows
6. Select the column header and unit
Press Import button
Import from WellBuilder
WellBuilder V1
Open the wbm file in the Open file dialog.
WellBuilder V2
1. Create new study (optional)
2. Open Tools->Import
3. Either select witsml file exported from WellBuilder or choose WellBuilder as Server (in
this case the WellBuilder study needs to opened in WellBuilder).
4. Select trajectory and tubulars and other information to import.
5. Press the import button
This import can be repeated in order to reimport changes made in WellBuilder.
Import from WEST
You can import WEST temperature filess (*.wto ).
7. In the profile editor, delete the profile data by pressing
8. Press the Import button.
9. In the dialog choose the ascii file to import.
10. Press Browse and choose as WTO files in the file type filter
11. Select the file
12. Set the number of header rows
13. Select the column header and unit
Press Import button
Import from WITSML
6. Open Tools->Import
7. Either select witsml file exported from or choose WITSML Server (in this case the server
must be available e.g. server application must be running).
8. Select trajectory and tubulars and other information to import.
9. Press the import button
10. This import can be repeated in order to reimport changes.
Open File->Save As and choose WITSML.
Import from Osprey Risk
In order to import from Osprey Risk export first to WITSML and the import the WITSML file
Import / Export a Catalog
In the catalog screen (e.g. Catalogs->Tubulars) use the Import or Export buttons for import /
export to Excel.
Note: The import file must have the same column format as the export file.
Import a Connection Envelope
This example shows how to import a VAM Top envelope for 9-5/8 40#: After import, the pipe is
available in the pipe catalog.
1. Goto Catalogs->Tubular
2. Select the User Pipe catalog or select / create another catalog with write permission.
3. Goto
4. Select Connection Data Sheet
5. Select pipe 9 5/8, 40.00#, L-80, Regular coupling.
6. Display Data
7. Enter pipe properties in catalog row.
8. Select Load Cases Simulator
9. Select pipe 9 5/8, 40.00#, L-80, Regular coupling.
10. Display Data
11. Right click on envelope image and select Copy Image, or use Alt-Prnt Scrn to create a
snapshot from the windo
12. Open property panel, connection tab and press Import.
13. Paste the envelope image
14. Select the units for X and Y axis
15. Select the calibration rectangle and move sides to labeled points. Double click on the axis
labels and enter axis value. See example below.
16. Select the Pick Envelope button
and click inside the envelope until the envelope is
filled out. See below.
17. Select the Import button, or press the Select button
to see the envelope points. In
case of errors delete the envelope curve and repeat the process .
In case the Pick Envelope tool causes problems, select the Polygon button
envelope points manually. Double click on the last point to finish.
and pick the
Analyse a Dual String
1. Enter the long and short string in the Tubulars screen.
2. Enter the dual packers in the Completion screen for long and short string. Make sure that
packers are identical and at same depths. Difference is only the sealbore diameter.
Create the load cases.
Analyze Tail Pipe
Add tubular information in tubulars section (tubing and tail pipe). Add packer in completion and
set depth of packer. Tubular below packer is tail pipe.
Creating a Packer Envelope
Select the packer and goto the Envelope tab in the packer properties panel. Enter the envelope
points and rename the envelope. You can create multiple envelopes for a packer.
Creating a Custom Pipe
See Import a Connection Envelope.
Frequently Asked Questions
HTML Object
An Introduction
Water Injection Using Multiple Packers
Sand Control Example
Dual String Example
HTML Object
HTML Object
HTML Object
HTML Object
An Introduction
Water Injection Using Multiple Packers
Sand Control Example
Dual String Example
HTML Object
HTML Object
HTML Object
The API minimum yield strength of the pipe body; for example, Q-125 has a minimum yield
strength requirement of 125,000 psi I (in accordance with API 5CT).
The minimum tensile strength of the pipe body; for example, Q-125 has a minimum tensile
strength requirement of 135,000 psi (in accordance with API 5CT).
Connectors (Joints)
A joint is the connection used with a casing or tubing string. The following joints are available in
the catalogs provided with the program:
Short 8-round Threaded and Coupled
Long 8-round Threaded and Coupled
Buttress Casing
Extreme-line Casing
External Upset Tubing
Non-upset Tubing
Integral Joint Tubing
These basic API connections have been augmented with several suffixes to indicate various
optional modifications.
Special Clearance coupling OD
Modified with seal ring to improve leak resistance
Higher yield strength coupling
Optional (smaller) OD
Generic connections for casing and tubing connections are used to represent the available
proprietary connections. They are:
MTC Metal-to-Metal Seal Threaded and Coupled—MTC connections are threaded
and coupled (T&C) connections; that is, two pins and two boxes in a connection employing
an end or near-end of pin metal to metal seal to the coupling. In general, MTC connections
have internal and external pressure and tension ratings similar to those of the pipe body.
Examples of MTC connections include but are not limited to NEW VAM, VAM ACE, NKK
3SB, NS-CC, FOX, and Hydril 563.
The coupling OD for MTC will be calculated from API and CISO connection envelopes are
based on VAM ACE.
SLH Slim Line Connection—SLH connections are high-clearance integral of
threaded and coupled connections generally employing metal-to-metal seals with
performance characteristics approaching 80% of the pipe body, but with a connection
OD(W) significantly smaller than that of MTC and MIJ connections. SLH connections are
generally at least 5.0-=10.0 mm or more larger than the pipe outside diameter. Thus the
appropriate running clearance is generally dictated by the pipe body OD (D) and not by the
connection OD (W) as is the case for MTC and MIJ connections. SLH connections are
typically machined on heavily-formed, fold-formed ends. Examples of SLH connections
include but are not limited to Hydril SLX, Atlas Bradford NJO, and VAM SLIJ II.
IFJ Integral Flush Connection—IFJ connections are integral joint connections
machined on plain end or on slightly swaged or crimped ends. IFJ connections usually
mmetal-to-metal seals, essentially always for internal pressures. The connection OD (WO
of an IFJ connection is generally the same as that of the pipe body(D), but can be slightly
larger (usually less than 5.0 mm). IFJ connections generally achieve about 60% of the
performance of the pipe body in tension. Examples of IFJ connections include but are not
limited to: Atlas Bradford ST-L and Hydril SFJ-P.
MIJ Metal-to-Metal Seal Integral Joint—MIJ connections are integral joint
connections (that is, one pin and one box member) machined on hot forged upset ends,
employing an end or near-end of pint metal to metal seal to the box member. MIJ
connections generally achieve performance equal to or greater than the pipe body.
Examples of MIJ connections include but are not limited to: Hydril CS, PH-6, NKK-EL, and
Axial tension rating. Derived from API 5C3 for API connectors. For generic connections, uses
the minimum of either:
The critical cross-section of the connection (pin or box) multiplied by the minimum
tensile strength, OR
The pipe body cross-sectional area multiplied by the "corrected" minimum tensile strength.
Axial compression rating. API does not currently address compression ratings. The program
uses the minimum of either:
The critical cross-section of the connection (pin or box) multiplied by the minimum
yield strength, OR
The pipe body cross-sectional area multiplied by the minimum yield strength.
The API collapse rating is the minimum external pressure that yields an 0.995 reliability rating for
"ribbon" collapse of the pipe body. It is a function of the following factors: D/t (ratio of outside
diameter to wall thickness); yield strength; ovality; eccentricity; and pipe body residual stress. A
user-specified rating can also be defined. Note that while API collapse is not a function of
connection type, generic IFJ connections can be factors in collapse. The IFJ connection
collapse rating is 90% of the API collapse pressure.
The API minimum internal yield pressure (MIYP); usually a function of the minimum yield
strength, wall thickness, wall tolerance, and outside diameter of the pipe body, but may be
reduced due to limitations of the coupling or box. Can also include user-specified rating.
Temperature derating
See also Default temperature derating
A derating scheme compensates for reduced yield strength at higher temperatures. For
example, at 300° F carbon steel experiences a reduction in yield strength of approximately 10%.
Temperature derating is based on the material selected for each pipe section. Some standard
derating models are:
Temperature Derating Model
Design factor
The design factor is the relationship between the rating of a pipe and the load on the pipe in a
specific situation. For example, a pipe might have a collapse rating of 2030 psi. Under a
specific set of conditions (a load case) the collapse load is 1383 psi. The design factor is
1.47--the rating divided by the load. The pipe rating is 47% greater than the load expected to be
put on it for this load case.
The stress around pipe circumference.
From the inside out (internal), a positive value or tensile stress.
From outside in (external), a negative or compressive hoop stress.
Results from buckling around helix or from directional (deviated) well dogleg.
"Axis" of pipe; that is, imaginary line drawn lengthwise through pipe.
Workflow Panel
Wall Tolerance
The lowest percentage of the stated wall thickness that is acceptable. API standards allow a
maximum deviation of thinning of 12.5%; therefore the least value that you probably should have
in this field is 87.5 % (100.0-12.5). Thus if the wall thickness (see Pipe String) is 0.488 inches,
you are willing to accept pipe having places only 0.427 inches (0.875 x 0.488=0.427).
Note: Never decrease wall tolerance. Be aware that if you increase wall tolerance, you are
placing more stringent requirements on the pipe to be used in this part of the string. For
example, if you increase wall tolerance to 90%, no place the pipe wall can be thinner than 0.439
inches (0.9 x 0.488 = 0.439).