Spotlight on CSAP: Third Grade Literacy

Spotlight on CSAP:
Third Grade Literacy
Denver Public Schools
Division of Teaching and Learning
Spotlight on CSAP: Literacy
Notes for Teachers
Spotlight on CSAP: Literacy is a supplemental resource for teaching key test‐taking strategies. It should not replace the literacy curriculum for reading and writing workshop. For students to do well on CSAP, they need daily, comprehensive literacy instruction so they become proficient readers, writers, and thinkers. What’s Included in Spotlight on CSAP: Literacy ƒ Chart identifying frequently tested CSAP framework items ƒ CSAP: Key Strategies ƒ Reintroduction of DPS Success in Literacy (2005) o Summary chart aligning lessons to standards and literacy and test‐taking strategies o Lessons o Passages (at the end of the unit) o Questions (at the end of the unit) ƒ Reintroduction of CSAP Writing Unit—Grade 3 (2003) o Summary chart aligning lessons to standards and writing and test‐taking strategies o Released items o Lessons When to Use These Materials ƒ Spotlight on CSAP: Literacy may be used to supplement the literacy curriculum. Teachers have adapted and used Success lessons during: o Small group instruction o In‐school tutoring or extra assistance programs o After‐school tutoring o Supplemental whole group instruction o Study hall or electives Building CSAP Vocabulary ƒ Each lesson in DPS Success in Literacy adds CSAP words or phrases to a CSAP word wall, which students need to both understand and read on their own in the CSAP directions or questions. The purpose is to teach the concept and put words on a word wall, so students learn to read the words as well. The CSAP word wall can be a bulletin board or just chart paper dedicated to that purpose. Words should be written on sentence strips and put on the word wall after they have been taught. Have students read the word wall every now and then to become automatic with reading these words. 2
If you wish to address other words, you might follow the format of the CSAP word wall lessons, based on Isabel Beck’s vocabulary lessons: o Introduce the words. o Give a student‐friendly definition. o Give an example of the word and, if applicable, an example of how the word would be used on CSAP. o Have students think about examples. o Put the word on the word wall and refer to it when appropriate. Building “Test Sophistication” Strategies ƒ Build charts with your students of powerful CSAP test‐taking strategies. Chart examples are included in the lessons, but adapt them for your students and add their ideas in their own language. ƒ If you have texts from your classroom that would work well for independent strategy practice, please include them in your lessons, where possible. ƒ
The purpose is to teach students strategies, not get the right answers. Powerful ways to help students learn strategies include: o Think‐alouds and modeling about how to use strategies; o Guided practice with students; o Support for students as they work in pairs or alone; o Discussions about the thinking they did to come up with their answers; and o Analyzing test questions and being explicit about strategies. Information About the Lessons and Materials ƒ Some students are already in classes using DPS Success. Teachers may use these lessons as templates with other CSAP‐like passages and questions, including DPS Benchmark Assessments. Other passages and questions can be found in test preparation materials (e.g., CSAP Coach, Show What You Know) or CSAP released items from CDE at ƒ
DPS Success in Literacy was first introduced in 2005. Copies of Soaring Scores by Steck‐Vaughn were distributed to every classroom. This version includes the grade level Teacher’s Guide and selected passages and questions. It also has the Key Strategies Chart that identifies the test‐
taking and literacy strategies addressed in each lesson. ƒ
In many lessons, teacher talk is presented in italics. This teacher talk is meant to model the thinking‐aloud teachers can do to support student understanding. All of the teaching points move from being modeled to guided practice to independent or partner practice. 3
% of Test
Total Points
Write in complete sentences
Use capitalization at the beginning of sentences, for proper nouns,
and for the pronoun “I”
Use correct punctuation to end sentences (. ? !)
Spell correctly
% of Test
Total Points
Write and speak for a variety of purposes and audiences
Organize writing with beginning, middle, and end or with main ideas
and supporting details
Use appropriate choice of words to communicate clearly
Third Grade Writing CSAP—2007
Write and speak using conventional grammar, usage, sentence
structure, punctuation, capitalization, and spelling
Use correct grammar (noun and simple verb)
Total Points
% of Test
Third Grade Reading CSAP—2007
Use a full range of strategies to comprehend materials (for example,
directions, nonfiction material, rhymes and poems, stories)
Summarize text passages
Identify main idea and find information to support particular ideas
Draw inferences using contextual clues
Find sequence of steps
Fit materials into an organization pattern (for example, chronological
Use word recognition skills and resources (for example, phonics,
context clues, picture clues, reference guides, roots, prefixes and
suffixes of words) for comprehension
CSAP: Key Strategies
Key Strategy Key Phrases Used in CSAP Identifying •
Main Ideas and Supporting Details •
Summarizing A good title for this story/article would be… Teaching Strategies •
Think Aloud—“Main ideas are the most important ideas that an author is giving about a particular topic. Details are the smaller pieces of information that tell something about the main idea. When you read, find the main idea by looking for a big idea, the thing the story is mostly about. If there is no sentence that states the main idea directly, tell yourself what you think the main idea might be. Look for details that support the main idea.” (Scholastic, Literacy Place, 223) •
To Find the Main Idea The best title for this story/article would be… This story/article/poem is mostly about… The most important idea in this story/article is… •
State the main idea •
Write a sentence/paragraph that tells what the article/story is mostly about •
Write a sentence/paragraph that summarizes the story or article •
Put events/items/steps in the correct order •
Compare and/or contrast… o
Read the first paragraph. Think to yourself: This story/article seems to be mostly about __________. o
Read through the rest of the story or article. Stop after each paragraph to state briefly what the paragraph is about. o
After you finish, check to see if most of the paragraphs are about the topic in Step 1. If they are, that topic is the main idea and the ideas in the paragraphs are the details. If not, go back to Step 1 and try again to identify what the story/article is mostly about. Strategy for Summarizing—Narrative Texts •
Using a Story Map (see story map graphic organizer)—To summarize, I need to decide what the most important events are in this story. I know this is a story about ______________ (characters from the story map) whose problem is _____________ (from the story map). The story takes place _______________ (setting from the story map). The story begins when _______________ (from the story map). Next, ________________________________. Then, _______________________________. The problem is solved when _______________. Strategy for Summarizing—Expository Texts •
Using a Graphic Organizer (see graphic organizer)—To summarize, I need to decide what the most important events are in this article/passage. I know this article/passage is about ______________ (refer to graphic organizer) because there are many details about ____________ included in the article/passage. To summarize, I want to pick out only the most important ones. I read that _____________ (from graphic organizer). I also read that ______________ (again from graphic organizer). Another important thing I read was that ____________ (also from graphic organizer). So to 5
summarize, this article/passage is about ____________. Locating Specific Information in Text •
According to the article… •
According to the author/poet… •
Choose the word that best answers the question •
Explain “item in quotation/italicized items” contained in the article or story •
The questions can help readers know what the author considers important. You may want to read the questions before you read the text so you can keep the questions in mind as you read. They can help you focus on the important parts of the text •
Look for key words in questions that might help you find answers to the questions. •
Look for different kinds of questions: o
“Right There” Questions—The answer to these questions are “right there” in the passage. To find the answer, students recall information from or refer back to the passage. Put items/steps in the correct order Example: Who gave Mary the new blue dress? •
In the article/poem/story, it ________________ Signal Words for “Right There” Questions: Who, what, when, where, one reason (e.g., one reason the author likes pizza is…) •
__________________ most likely tells… •
Use examples from the story… •
What would be the best place to explain… •
Which of these indicates… o
“Think and Search” Questions—These questions can be answered looking back in the passage in more than one place. Students assemble information for the answer. Example: How was Mary’s dress different from Elena’s dress? Signal Words for “Think and Search” Questions: Number words (e.g., find two ways); the same, similar, different, (e.g., how are the two kinds of rocks the same); compare, contrast (e.g., compare the two girls’ dresses). o
“Author and You” Questions—These questions are often the hardest questions because they can’t be answered simply be reading the passage. Students need to use what they already know, plus what they learn from the passage, to answer. Example: How did Elena probably feel when she got her new dress? Signal Words for “Author and You” Questions: Why, what do you think (e.g., What do you think Elena will do with her new dress?); what might happen (e.g., what do you think might happen next?) •
Build student awareness of these different kinds of questions by having students identify the different types of questions on the practice tests and circling the questions in different colors. 6
Understanding Vocabulary Give students tips to help them find answers to the questions more quickly: o
Answers about when and where a story takes place are often found at the beginning of a passage. o
Answers about the problem in the story are often found in the middle of the passage. o
Answers about how the problem was solved are often found at the end of the passage •
Underline number words (e.g., give three examples) to make sure to give as many answers as the question asks. •
Look for quotation marks or italicized words. The exact words will probably appear in the story or article. Find the exact words in the text to figure out the answer. •
Which of these words mean the same as _______________ •
After students become thoroughly familiar with a story or poem, ask students to circle or jot down some words that someone in their grade might not know. •
What does the word __________ mean in this sentence/story/article •
Model for students how to use the context to arrive at a possible meaning for the word. Show students how to check their predictions by plugging their synonym back into the original text to see if it makes sense. •
Which of these words indicate ___________ •
Have students practice using their new word when writing and discussing books. 7
Grade 3 Reading Key Strategies
Lesson Page Standard 1 NF 11 1 1 NF 11 1 2 NF 15 1 2 NF 15 1 3 NF 18 1 3 NF 18 1 4 NF 20 1 4 NF 20 1 5 NF 23 1 5 NF 23 1 6 NF 27 1 6 NF 27 1 1 F 38 1 CSAP Assessment Framework/
Strategies Find information to support particular ideas Use word recognition skills for comprehension Find information to support particular ideas Use word recognition skills for comprehension Find information to support particular ideas Use word recognition skills for comprehension Find information to support particular ideas Use word recognition skills for comprehension Find information to support particular ideas Use word recognition skills for comprehension Find information to support particular ideas Use word recognition skills for comprehension Summarize text passage
1 F 38 4 Stop and Think
1 F 2 F 38 42 1 1 Find information to support main idea
Summarize text passage
2 F 42 4 Stop and Think
2 F 3 F 42 45 1 1 Find information to support main idea
Summarize text passage
3 F 45 4 Stop and Think
3 F 4 F 45 48 1 1 4 F 5 F 48 50 1 1 Find information to support main idea
Identify main idea and find information
to support Draw inferences using context
Identify main idea and find information
to support 8
Test‐Taking Strategy Genre Understanding the question
Test format Nonfiction
Understanding the question
Understanding the question
Completing graphic organizers
Completing graphic organizers
Completing graphic organizers
Answering with written responses Reading directions and questions Answering with written responses Reading directions and questions Answering with written responses Reading directions and questions Answering multiple‐choice questions Answering with written responses Fiction
CSAP Assessment Framework/
Strategies Draw inferences using context
Lesson Page Standard 5 F 50 1 6 F 54 1 6 F 54 1 1 P 1 P 65 65 1 1 2 P 2 P 68 68 4 1 3 P 70 1 Draw inferences using context
Rereading to visualize and determine mood Draw inferences; interpretative reading
Rereading to visualize and determine mood Draw inferences using context
3 P 70 4 Make comparisons
3 P 4 P 70 72 1 1 Rereading to visualize and feel mood
Draw inferences using context
4 P 72 4 Make comparisons
4 P 1 W 72 80 1 2 2 W 88 2 2 W 3 W 88 92 2 2 3 W 4 W 4 W 92 94 94 2 3 3 Rereading to visualize and feel mood
Develop ideas and content with relevant details Write in a variety of modes—explanatory paragraph Organizing writing
Write in a variety of modes—explanatory paragraph Organizing writing
Use correct grammar
Use correct conventions of print
Identify main idea and find information
to support Draw inferences using context
Test‐Taking Strategy Genre Reading directions and questions completely Answering with written responses Reading directions and questions completely Rereading to support answers
Rereading to support answers
Reviewing multiple choice strategies Following directions; right number of examples Reviewing multiple choice strategies Following directions; right number of examples Using what you know about writing Writing to a prompt Poetry
Writing to a prompt Writing
Editing tasks Writing
Denver Public Schools
Success in
Grade 3
Unit 1—Nonfiction
Reading and Writing
Spring 2006
Teacher’s Guide
Lesson 1—“How to Make a Clay Pot”
CSAP Assessment Frameworks
Find information to support particular idea
Use word recognition skills and resources for comprehension
Unit 1—Expository Text
Test-Taking Strategy
Understanding the question
Test format
Welcome students to DPS Success and have them introduce themselves to each other, if appropriate.
Explain what will be involved in DPS Success.
o We will spend time talking about strategies you already know how to use for CSAP and learning
some new strategies to help you show what you know even better.
Vamos a dedicar un tiempo para hablar sobre las estrategias que ya conocen ustedes para
usarlas con el CSAP y para aprender nuevas estrategias que les ayuden a demostrar todavía
mejor lo que saben.
o Structure and time frame (school-specific)
Days of the week and times
Incentives for attending regularly (school-specific)
Daily structure
CSAP language review
Practice time
This section will start tomorrow because of time spent on the Welcome and Introduction.
Denver Public Schools 2006
Grade 3
Success in Literacy
Reading Strategy/CSAP Framework Mini-Lesson: Understanding Text Features
Reading texts of different types, such as a newspaper (for example, articles, sports section, movie section), magazine, cereal box, McDonald’s menu, classroom textbook, or other everyday reading materials
ƒ Chart paper
Have you ever noticed all the many ways material is presented for us to read? Sometimes when we think of
reading, we think it must be done with a book. Books certainly do involve reading, but you actually read all day
long. Let’s look at some of the many different types of reading you do. Look at these materials I give you with a
partner and talk about how the reading looks. You might want to compare it to the way a novel you are reading
in your classroom looks.
¿Han notado alguna vez las muchas formas en que se presenta el material para que leamos? Algunas veces,
cuando hacemos planes para leer, pensamos que se debe hacer con un libro. Es cierto que los libros son
para leer, pero de hecho ustedes leen durante todo el día. Examinemos los muchos tipos diferentes de
lectura que hacen ustedes. Vean con un compañero estos materiales que les doy y hablen cómo se ve la
lectura. Podrían querer comparar esto con la forma en que se ve la novela que están leyendo en su salón de
1. Pass out various reading materials. Help students see differences by comparing it to traditional
narrative text layout. Students work in pairs to discuss text features and layout.
2. Lead discussion in the differences students have observed, focusing on layout differences, such as
bold print, diagrams, illustrations, charts, size of text, spacing, and/or text placement.
3. Make a chart of different text features on chart paper. Talk about reasons for different text features:
These different features are there for specific purposes: to highlight the importance of things, to
illustrate certain points, or to inform readers. It is important for us to read all of the different text
when we read nonfiction.
Estas características diferentes están ahí con propósitos específicos: para resaltar la importancia de
las cosas, para ilustrar ciertos puntos, o para informar a los lectores. Es importante que leamos
todo el texto cuando leemos temas que se refieren a hechos reales.
4. Post the chart in the room upon completion as a reference for future lessons.
Denver Public Schools 2006
Grade 3
Success in Literacy
The chart might look something like this one:
1. Size of print
2. Boldness of print
3. Charts, diagrams, pictures, illustrations
4. Spacing of text
5. Captions
What have we learned from looking at these reading materials? The act of reading can be different depending
upon materials we read. Depending upon what we read, we must automatically adjust how we do our reading
and direct our attention to different things. We need to read different features for different types of reading.
Turn to page 22 in your booklets to the article titled “How to Make a Clay Pot.” What do you notice about this
reading material?
¿Qué hemos aprendido después de ver estos materiales de lectura? El acto de leer puede ser diferente
dependiendo de los materiales que leemos. Dependiendo de lo que leemos, debemos ajustar automáticamente
la forma en que hacemos nuestra lectura, y dirigir nuestra atención a cosas diferentes. Necesitamos leer
diferentes características para diferentes tipos de lectura. Vayan a la página 22 de su folleto al artículo que
tiene como título “Cómo hacer una olla de barro”. ¿Qué es lo que notan en este material de lectura?
Class discussion. The purpose of this article is to tell you how to take clay and make it into a pot. Important
things to notice about this text before you start reading are 1) the article is arranged in a series of steps, and
2) pictures help you understand the directions. By writing this way, the author makes it easier for you to
understand what he has to say. As a reader, you need to pay attention to the steps and pictures.
El propósito de este artículo es decirles cómo tomar el barro y convertirlo en una olla. Las cosas importantes
que hay que notar acerca de este texto antes de que ustedes empiecen son: 1) el artículo está organizado en
una serie de pasos, y 2) las ilustraciones te ayudan a entender las instrucciones. Escribiendo de esta manera
el autor hace que sea más fácil para ti entender lo que tienen que decir. Como lector, necesitas poner
atención a los pasos y a las ilustraciones.
Reading “How to Make a Clay Pot
Let’s think about what this article might tell us. From the title, I think we are going to learn how to
make a clay pot. Have you ever made anything out of clay before?
Vamos a pensar en lo que podría decirnos este artículo. Por el título que tiene, yo pienso que vamos
a aprender cómo hacer una olla de barro. ¿Han hecho ustedes antes alguna cosa de barro?
2. I’m going to read the introduction to this article. I’d like you to follow along with me as I read.
Voy a leer la introducción de este artículo. Quiero que sigan conmigo lo que leo.
a. Who can tell me what this section says?
¿Quién me puede decir lo que dice esta sección?
b. Before you start to make the pot, what do you have to do to the clay?
Antes de que empiecen a hacer la olla, ¿qué tienen que hacerle al barro?
c. Why do you think it would be important to get the bubbles out?
¿Por qué piensan que sería importante sacarle las burbujas?
3. Now look at the picture next to Step 1. What do you think we will find out in Step 1?
Ahora miren la ilustración que está junto al Paso 1. ¿Qué piensan que vamos a averiguar en el
Paso 1?
Student predictions. Let’s read it together to see. Were we right?
Vamos a leer juntos para ver. ¿Tuvimos razón?
4. Look at the picture in Step 2. What will we read about in Step 2?
Miren la ilustración del Paso 2. ¿Sobre qué vamos a leer en el Paso 2?
Student predictions. Read text. Discussion follows regarding whether predictions were confirmed or
5. Look at the picture in Step 3. Follow same procedures as above.
6.2006Look at Step 4. Do we know what this Grade
step will
will happen
Denver Public Schools
3 be about? Why is it harder to predict what
in Literacy
in Step 4? Right—there’s no picture! Do 5you see why it’s so important to notice the pictures? Read
Step 4 together. Talk about how diagrams help understand the reading.
Look at the picture in Step 3.
Miren la ilustración del Paso 3.
Follow same procedures as above.
Look at Step 4. Do we know what this step will be about? Why is it harder to predict what will happen
in Step 4? Right—there’s no picture! Do you see why it’s so important to notice the pictures?
Miren el Paso 4. ¿Sabemos sobre qué será este Paso? ¿Por qué es más difícil hacer una predicción
de lo que pasará en el Paso 4? Correcto— ¡no hay una ilustración! ¿Ven por qué es tan importante
fijarnos en las ilustraciones?
Read Step 4 together. Talk about how diagrams help understand the reading.
Test-Taking Mini-Lesson: Understanding the Question
For the next several days, we are going to really look at the questions we have to answer after we read a
passage. Often students know the answer to a question, but they misunderstand what the question is asking, so
they fail to get credit for that question. If we understand some basic question words, it makes it much easier to
do well on any type of test. Let’s begin by looking at some examples of questions in the article we read today.
Turn to page 24.
Durante los próximos días vamos a ver con atención las preguntas que tenemos que contestar después de
leer un pasaje. Muchas veces los estudiantes saben la respuesta de una pregunta, pero entienden mal lo que
está pidiendo la pregunta, de manera que no obtienen crédito en esa pregunta. Si entendemos algunas de las
palabras básicas de las preguntas, es mucho más fácil salir bien en cualquier tipo de prueba. Vamos a
empezar viendo algunos ejemplos de preguntas en el artículo que leímos hoy. Vayan a la página 24.
Now we are going to talk about how to know what kind of information the question needs for an answer. We’re
not going to answer the questions until tomorrow. Today we’re just going to try to figure out what the question
is asking us. Read question 9 with me silently while I read it aloud. A “why” question needs to be answered
with a reason. If you want to go to McDonald’s tonight for dinner and your parents say no, you will probably
ask them why. You would want to know their reason for saying no. So when we have a “why” question, we
have to have an answer that tells the reason. So for question 9 when we answer, our answer will have to be the
reason a pot must be fired.
Ahora vamos a hablar acerca de cómo podemos saber qué clase de información necesita la pregunta en
nuestra respuesta. No vamos a contestar las preguntas sino hasta mañana. Hoy solamente vamos a tratar de
entender lo que nos pide la pregunta. Lean en silencio la pregunta 9 conmigo mientras yo la leo en voz alta.
Necesitamos contestar con una razón una pregunta de “por qué”. Si quieren ir a McDonald’s esta noche y
sus papás les dicen que no, probablemente ustedes les preguntarán ¿por qué? Ustedes querrán saber la
razón que tienen ellos para decir que no. Así es que cuando contestemos la pregunta 9, nuestra respuesta
tendrá que ser la razón por la que la olla debe cocerse a fuego.
Let’s look at a different type of question. Look at question 11. Notice that the word dent is underlined, which
means that the word dent is very important in this question. I know it’s a vocabulary question because the last
part of the question asks what the word means.
Vamos a examinar ahora otro tipo diferente de pregunta. Miren la pregunta 11. Fíjense que la palabra
abolladura está subrayada, lo que quiere decir que la palabra abolladura es muy importante en esta
pregunta. Sé que es una pregunta de vocabulario porque la última parte de la pregunta pide que digamos
qué quiere decir la palabra.
Every day for the next couple weeks, we’re going to talk about questions in any type of test and what kind of
information you need to answer them.
Durante las próximas dos semanas todos los días vamos a hablar sobre preguntas que pueden venir en
cualquier tipo de prueba y sobre qué clase de información necesitan ustedes para contestarlas.
Debrief with students by having each of them tell you one thing they learned today. You might have them all
stand up. Once they have said something, they sit down. The rules are simple: The “what they learned” should
focus on reading or test-taking as opposed to information contained in the passage, and no one can repeat what
has been said before. An alternative activity would be to have them turn and talk to a partner about what they
learned today.
Denver Public Schools 2006
Grade 3
Success in Literacy
Lesson 2—”How to Make a Clay Pot”
CSAP Assessment Frameworks
Find information to support particular idea
Use word recognition skills and resources for comprehension
Test-Taking Strategy
Understanding the question
Sentence strips
Unit 1—Expository Text
Our CSAP words for today are instructions and directions. Usually in the CSAP Reading test, they include a
passage with instructions or directions on how to do something. Instructions and directions tell us steps we
need to take to do things, such as make or cook something. The steps are always listed in sequence and often
text features, such as numbers for the steps and pictures, help you follow the instructions and directions. An
example of instructions and directions from my life would be when I use a cookbook to make something for
dinner—I have to follow the recipe instructions in the order they are given. Can you think of some instructions
or directions you have used in your life?
Nuestras palabras de CSAP para hoy son instrucciones y direcciones. En la prueba de Lectura del CSAP
generalmente incluyen un pasaje con instrucciones o direcciones sobre cómo hacer algo. Las instrucciones
y las direcciones nos dicen qué pasos necesitamos tomar para hacer cosas, como formar algo o cocinar algo.
Los pasos están siempre ordenados en secuencia y muchas veces las características del texto, como los
números de los pasos y de las ilustraciones, les ayudan a ustedes a seguir las instrucciones y las direcciones.
Un ejemplo de instrucciones y direcciones tomado de mi vida, sería cuando uso un libro de recetas de cocina
para hacer algo para la cena – Tengo que seguir las instrucciones de la receta en el orden que se señala.
¿Pueden pensar en algunas instrucciones y direcciones que hayan usado ustedes en su vida?
Something important to know about instructions and directions is that you need to read them more than once.
When I follow a recipe, I read it over and over to make sure I am doing it right. So if you have to read a
passage on CSAP that has directions or instructions, make sure you reread it as you answer the questions.
Algo importante que hay que saber acerca de las instrucciones y direcciones es que necesitan ustedes leerlas
más de una vez. Cuando sigo las instrucciones de una receta, la leo una y otra vez para asegurarme que la
esté haciendo correctamente. Así es que si ustedes tienen que leer un pasaje del CSAP que tenga direcciones
o instrucciones, asegúrense de volver a leerlas para contestar las preguntas.
Put the two words on the CSAP word wall.
Reading-Strategy/CSAP Framework: Understanding Different Types of Reading Material (Text Layout)
Connection to Lesson 1
Review the importance of attending to all the text and text features. Stress the fact that things that look
“different” in the text are there for a purpose and make the reading easier to understand.
Denver Public Schools 2006
Grade 3
Success in Literacy
First, you are going to reread this passage with a partner. Remember as you read it, you should pay attention
to the pictures that go along with the directions.
Primero van a volver a leer este pasaje con un compañero. Recuerden que, al estar leyéndolo, deben poner
atención a las ilustraciones que van con las instrucciones.
If students are not used to reading in partners, talk with them about how to stay on task and help each other.
For students who need more scaffolding to read the selection, read with them in a small group. All students
should be refreshed on the content of the passage to be able to answer the questions and participate in the
following discussion.
Test-Taking Mini-Lesson: Review—Understanding the Question
Discuss questions 9–11 with children, modeling thinking aloud so they understand the process of
working through the question to the correct answer. Question 9 is done in this manner as demonstrated
a. Now let’s look at question 9 on page 24. I’m going to think aloud about how I would go about
answering this question. First, I need to read the question aloud: “Why do you need to fire your
pot?” I notice that it is a “why” question we talked about yesterday. I know that for “why”
questions, I need to find a reason.
Ahora vamos a ver la pregunta 9 de la página 24. Voy a pensar en voz alta en cómo contestaría
yo esta pregunta. Primero necesito leer la pregunta en voz alta: “¿Por qué necesitas cocer tu
olla?” Noto que ésta es una pregunta de “por qué” de la que hablamos ayer. Sé que en las
preguntas de “por qué” necesito buscar una razón.
b. Now I’m going to read the choices.
Ahora voy a leer las opciones.
Read each choice aloud.
c. I know the answer isn’t B, because you wouldn’t put your thumb into a hot pot, so I can eliminate
that answer right away.
Sé que la respuesta no es B porque uno no pondría el dedo gordo en una olla caliente, así que
puedo eliminar esa respuesta de inmediato.
d. The next thing I need to do is go back and read the step about firing the pot, so I can be sure I
pick the right choice. I know that firing a pot is the last thing you do, so I am going to go to Step 4
and reread it. I better reread the whole step. The last line says, “It’s important to fire your pot,
so it won’t lose its shape,” which tells me that the answer must be C.
Lo que necesito hacer en seguida es volver y leer el paso acerca de cocer la olla, de modo que
pueda estar seguro de que escojo la opción correcta. Yo sé que la última cosa que hace uno es
cocer a fuego la olla, así es que voy a irme al Paso 4 para volver a leerlo. Es mejor que vuelva a
leer todo el paso. El ultimo renglón dice: “Es importante cocer tu olla para no vaya a perder su
forma”, lo que me dice que la respuesta debe ser C.
e. In your CSAP notebooks, write down the number 9 and answer C.
En su cuaderno de CSAP anoten el número 9 y la respuesta C.
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Grade 3
Success in Literacy
Turn to question 10. What do you need to do to answer this question?
Vayan a la pregunta 10. ¿Qué necesitan hacer para contestar esta pregunta?
a. First you need to read the question carefully to analyze what the test-maker wants you to do.
Primero, necesitan leer la pregunta con cuidado para analizar lo que quiere que haga uno el
que hizo la prueba.
Show students that the question 10 tells where to look for the answer (Step 2).
b. Next you need to go to Step 2 and read all of Step 2 before you complete this question.
Después necesitan ir al Paso 2 y leer todo el Paso 2 antes de hacer esta pregunta.
c. In your notebooks, write down the number 10, then write your answer. You may work with a
partner for this question.
En su cuaderno de notas, anoten el número 10, después escriban su respuesta. Pueden trabajar
con un compañero para esta pregunta.
In question 11, point out that the word dent is underlined. Discuss with students how to recognize
important words in both the passage and question stems (e.g., underlined, bolded, italicized). Any
accented word should be viewed with great importance. Students may need to use both the text and
the graphic to arrive at the correct answer. Have students work through this question in partners.
Ask three or four students the answer, not indicating if they are correct or not, then review the answer.
Question 12 is difficult. Students will have to read through both Steps 2 and 3 to find the answer.
For the remaining time, have students work together in partners to answer questions 13–16. Monitor their
process for getting the answers as opposed to getting the right answers. Tomorrow’s lessons include reviewing
all these questions.
Have students turn and talk with a partner about what they are thinking about answering questions. Proceed
with group sharing after partner sharing.
Have students write a strategy they plan to use on CSAP in their CSAP notebooks (e.g., read the question
carefully, go back to the passage, use the pictures).
Denver Public Schools 2006
Grade 3
Success in Literacy
Lesson 3—”How to Make a Clay Pot”
CSAP Assessment Frameworks
Find information to support particular idea
Use word recognition skills and resources for comprehension
Test-Taking Strategy
Understanding the question
Sentence strips for word wall
Unit 1—Expository Text
Our CSAP word for today is selection. You will have to understand and read this word because it is a common
word in CSAP directions. CSAP usually uses the word selection to mean the story or passage you just read.
For example, CSAP directions might say, “In this selection, the author…,” which means they are directing you
to go back to what you just read.
Nuestra palabra de CSAP para hoy es pasaje. Van a tener que entender y leer esta palabra porque es una
palabra común en las instrucciones del CSAP. Por o general, el CSAP usa la palabra pasaje para referirse a
la historia o selección de lectura que acaba uno de leer. Por ejemplo, las instrucciones en el CSAP podrían
decir: “En este pasaje, el autor…”, lo que quiere decir que le están dirigiendo a uno para que regrese a lo
que acaba uno de leer.
Put the word on the CSAP word wall.
Reading Strategy/CSAP Framework Mini-Lesson: Understanding Different Types of Reading Material
(Text Layout)
Connection to Previous Lessons
Review the importance of attending to all the text and pictures. Stress the fact that things that look “different”
in the text are often there to make the reading easier to understand. Have students identify the unique text
features in “How to Make a Clay Pot.”
Test-Taking Mini-Lesson: Review—Understanding the Question
Today we are going to share our thinking and strategies we used to answer questions 13–16.
Hoy vamos a compartir lo que pensamos y las estrategias que usamos para contestar las preguntas 13 a 16.
1. Check to make sure students completed all the questions in the article. If they didn’t, allow more time
to complete. Those students who are finished should review their answers for accuracy.
2. Work through questions 13–16, again employing the think-aloud technique to demonstrate the process
for arriving at the answer.
3. Question 13: Discuss how students can quickly find the answer to the question because the words
plastic wrap help them hone in on Step 3, which shows the plastic wrap. Caution students about two
answers that are direct opposites of each other (answers B and D). Students need to watch wording
4. Question 14: The underlined word last is important in this question. Discuss how the last step is likely
to be towards the end of the passage. Notice that the words last stage are actually in the passage.
Discuss the words steps and stage and how they don’t say the same but mean the same.
5. Question 14: This is an inference question. The passage states that the clay ball should be held in one
hand, so the answer is around a handful. Students can also use the diagram to answer the question.
6. Question 16: This is an inference question. Key words in the question have to do with how the pot will
be different. The answer is not stated at all in the passage, and the elimination process will work best to
get the answer. One comparison to make is that when something gets dry, such as bread, it gets hard.
Denver Public Schools 2006
Grade 3
Success in Literacy
Discuss with students:
ƒ What have they learned about the test format? What have they learned about the wording of
questions? Important words in a question?
ƒ Have them turn and talk about two things they have learned that will help them on CSAP, then have
them write them in their CSAP notebooks.
Denver Public Schools 2006
Grade 3
Success in Literacy
Lesson 4—”The Deep Sleepers”
Unit 1—Expository Text
CSAP Assessment Frameworks
Find information to support particular idea
Use word recognition skills and resources for comprehension
Test-Taking Strategy
Completing graphic organizers
Sentence strips for word wall
Our CSAP word for today is article. Articles are nonfiction passages that give information about something.
Magazines and newspapers have articles on different things. CSAP questions often refer to their nonfiction
passages as articles. They might say, “in this article…” or “according to the article.” It is important for you
to read this word and know it refers to the piece you just read.
Nuestra palabra de CSAP para hoy es artículo. Los artículos son pasajes sobre temas que se refieren a
hechos reales que nos dan información acerca de algo. Las revistas y los periódicos tienen artículos sobre
diferentes cosas. Muchas veces las preguntas del CSAP les llaman artículos a sus pasajes sobre hechos
reales. Podrían decir: “en este artículo…”, o “según el artículo…”. Es importante que lean ustedes esta
palabra y que sepan que se refiere al pasaje que acaban de leer.
Denver Public Schools 2006
Grade 3
Success in Literacy
Reading-Strategy/CSAP Framework Mini-Lesson: Using Context Clues to Determine Word Meaning
ƒ Overhead of the bear sleeping on page 27
ƒ Chart tablet
ƒ Sticky notes
Often you come across words you don’t know when you read an article or story. Sometimes you can figure
them out from pictures, diagrams, or what you know about words. Also, sometimes clues are in the passage
itself that help you determine the words’ meanings. These are called context clues. When we say context,
we mean the clue comes from the story itself. Using context clues is like being a reading detective. What does
a detective do? Your job as readers is to use the clues to figure out new words. Sometimes clues are in the same
sentence as the word you don’t know. Sometimes they are in the sentence before or after.
Muchas veces, cuando leen un artículo o una historia, se encuentran ustedes con palabras que no conocen.
Algunas veces pueden hallar la explicación al ver las ilustraciones, los diagramas, o deducirla por lo que
saben ustedes acerca de las palabras. También algunas veces en el pasaje mismo hay pistas que nos ayudan
a determinar el significado de las palabras. A esto se le llama pistas del contexto. Cuando decimos contexto,
queremos decir que la pista viene de la historia misma. Usar pistas del contexto es como ser un detective de
la lectura. ¿Qué hacen los detectives? La tarea de ustedes, como lectores, es usar las pistas para explicarse el
significado de las palabras nuevas. Algunas veces las pistas están en la misma oración, antes o después.
How good a reading detective are you? As we read through our next passage, we are going to think about the
clues that help us figure out new vocabulary words.
¿Qué tan buenos detectives de lectura son ustedes? Al estar leyendo nuestro siguiente pasaje, vamos a
pensar acerca de las pistas que nos ayudan a explicarnos el significado las palabras nuevas de vocabulario.
Our first context clue about this passage is this picture.
Nuestra primera pista del contexto sobre este pasaje es esta ilustración.
Put up overhead of bear sleeping. This picture is from the article we are going to read. Using this picture as a
clue, what do you predict the story will be about?
Esta imagen está tomada del artículo que vamos a leer. Usando esta imagen como pista, ¿qué predicciones
pueden ustedes hacer sobre de qué se tratará la historia?
What if I tell you the title of this story is “The Deep Sleepers?”
¿Qué tal si les digo que el título de esta historia es “Los animales que duermen profundamente”?
Write the title under the picture of the bear. Now use the title as a second clue to guess what the story is about.
Ahora usen el título como una segunda pista para adivinar de qué se trata la historia.
1. Read “The Deep Sleepers,” as students follow in their own texts. Have students put a sticky note by
any vocabulary word they come to that they don’t know. Have them pay particular attention to any
word in bold. Explain what bold type looks like.
2. Stop after each paragraph and think aloud about what has been read. This Stop and Think strategy will
be directly taught in the weeks to come, so direct instruction is not necessary. Modeling will subtly
introduce the strategy to students.
3. Have students be “reading detectives.” Talk about some new vocabulary words in the passage:
hibernate hibernar, thaw deshielo (bolded), autumn otoño, burrow madriguera, and temperature
temperatura. On a chart tablet through discussion with students, map the words with their clues. Do
the first two as a teacher-directed think-aloud. See below for context clues.
Denver Public Schools 2006
Grade 3
Success in Literacy
Students may work in partners on the remaining vocabulary words. Have them put sticky notes next to words in
the passage that support their answer. They use these clues as detectives to figure out the meaning of the words.
1. hibernate: deepest sleepers
2. thaw: cold as their surroundings, all winter long until the spring
3. autumn: September, squirrels dig burrows (begin to prepare)
4. burrow: squirrels dig them
5. temperature: falls from 95 to 35 degrees; if our body temperature fell 60 degrees, it would kill us
As a group, complete the discussion of using context clues to determine the meanings of unknown vocabulary
Students tell their partners what it means to be a “reading detective.” Have them grade themselves. Lead
discussion with the question, “How can you use context clues to be a better reader tomorrow?”
¿Cómo pueden usar las pistas del contexto para ser mejores lectores mañana?
Denver Public Schools 2006
Grade 3
Success in Literacy
Unit 1—Expository Text
Lesson 5—”The Deep Sleepers”
CSAP Assessment Frameworks
Find information to support particular idea
Use word recognition skills and resources for comprehension
Test-Taking Strategy
Completing graphic organizers
Sentence strips for word wall
Select a word from the directions you think your students need to learn. Give a friendly definition and an
example of how that word might be on CSAP. Add it to the word wall.
Denver Public Schools 2006
Grade 3
Success in Literacy
Reading-Strategy/CSAP Framework Mini-Lesson: Using Context Clues to Determine Word Meaning
ƒ Overhead of the bear sleeping on page 27
ƒ Chart tablet
Connection to Lesson 1: Review that context clues help you determine the meaning of what you read. Use the
overhead of the bear picture as an example. Lead a discussion about why the author chose the picture of the
sleeping bear to go with this story. Why didn’t he choose a picture of a girl jumping rope? How is the bear a
“clue” about what the story is about? This is an example of how the clue (the sleeping bear) foreshadows what
the passage is about (hibernation).
Test-Taking Mini-Lesson: Completing Graphic Organizers (Web)
ƒ Incomplete overhead of characteristics of hibernators
ƒ Blank overhead
Sometimes on a test, you have a diagram you must complete using information from what you read. Part of the
information might be filled in. Sometimes you have to do the whole picture yourself. Some information, such as
the title, will always tell you what information you need. Your job is to find the information and fill it in.
An important thing to notice is how many blank lines there are to complete. If there are three, then there must be
three answers to the diagram. Do not leave any blank. If you only find one answer, then you won’t get credit.
We’re going to do one together. The type of diagram we are doing today is called a web.
Algunas veces, en una prueba tienen ustedes un diagrama que deben completar usando información tomada
de lo que han leído. Parte de la información podría incluirse al llenar los espacios. Algunas veces ustedes
tienen que hacer solos todo el panorama. Alguna información, como el título, siempre les dirá a ustedes qué
información necesitan. Su tarea es buscar la información y llenar los espacios. Una cosa importante en la
que hay que fijarse es cuántos renglones en blanco hay que llenar. Si hay tres, entonces debe haber tres
respuestas para el diagrama. No dejen nada en blanco. Si encuentran solamente una respuesta, entonces no
les darán crédito. Vamos a hacer uno juntos. El tipo de diagrama que vamos a hacer hoy se llama web
Refer to the incomplete overhead provided at the end of this lesson.
Notice that our web describes what real hibernators do. Two answers are given and three are blank lines,
which means there are five things all together that real hibernators do. There is also a key in the question in
the words, real hibernators. Look for those words in the passage and raise your hands when you find them. Is
one of those things that their bodies become colder? They do not even move? Then you have probably found
the answer. What other three things do I need to fill in my web?
Observen que nuestra web describe lo que hacen los animales que en verdad hibernan. Se dan tres
respuestas y hay tres renglones en blanco, lo que quiere decir que hay cinco cosas que hacen los animales
que en verdad hibernan. Hay también una clave en la pregunta en las palabras animales que en verdad
hibernan. Busquen esas palabras en el pasaje y levanten la mano cuando las encuentren. ¿Una de esas
cosas es que su cuerpo se pone más frío? ¿Ni siquiera se mueven? Entonces tal vez hayan encontrado la
respuesta. ¿Con qué otras tres cosas necesito llenar los renglones de mi web?
Complete web together. Remember the number of total answers gives you a clue to help you find the answers.
In our example, we had to find five things that describe real hibernators, which are the only five similar items
in the passage.
Acuérdense que el número total de respuestas les da una pista para ayudarles a encontrar las respuestas. En
nuestro ejemplo, teníamos que buscar cinco cosas que describieran a los animales que realmente hibernan,
que son las únicas cinco cosas semejantes en el pasaje.
Students will now reread “The Deep Sleepers” either individually or in pairs. As always, ensure that every
child has access to the text to complete the questions, so small group instruction might be necessary for those
who struggle with grade-level material.
In partners, students should answer questions on pages 28–29. They can use sticky notes to mark the evidence
for their answers. Teachers might continue this activity in small groups, if necessary.
Denver Public Schools 2006
Grade 3
Success in Literacy
Have students talk about the web. How does using a web help you think about hibernators? How might you use
a web if you had to write a paragraph about different places in your school? What would the title of your web
be? What “branches” would your web include?
¿En qué forma usar una web les ayuda a pensar en los animales que hibernan? ¿Cómo podrían ustedes
usar una web si tuvieran que escribir un párrafo sobre diferentes lugares de su escuela? ¿Cuál sería el título
de su web? ¿Qué “ramas” incluiría su web?
After partner discussion, convene as one group and complete a web together at the board of places in your
Denver Public Schools 2006
Grade 3
Success in Literacy
Most do not even move
La mayor parte ni siquiera se
What real hibernators
Lo que hacen los animales
que en verdad hibernan
Their bodies get cold.
Su cuerpo de pone frío.
Denver Public Schools 2006
Grade 3
Success in Literacy
Lesson 6—”The Deep Sleepers”
CSAP Assessment Frameworks
Find information to support particular idea
Use word recognition skills and resources for comprehension
Test-Taking Strategy
Completing graphic organizers
Sentence strips for word wall
Unit 1—Expository Text
Our CSAP word for today is web, which means a type of diagram where you fill in information about a certain
topic. You might see a CSAP question where you have to identify body parts of a fish. There would be a
diagram of the fish. You would have to use what you read in the passage to label the fish correctly. When you
have to complete a diagram like a web on CSAP, all the information you need will be given in the reading.
You must have the same number of answers as there are lines for you to write.
Nuestra palabra de CSAP para hoy es web que quiere decir un tipo de diagrama en el que uno llena la
información acerca de cierto tema. Podrían ustedes ver alguna pregunta en el CSAP en la que tienen que
identificar ls partes del cuerpo de un pez. Sería un diagrama del pez. Ustedes tendrían que usar lo que
leyeron en el pasaje para rotular correctamente el pez. Cuando hayan terminado un diagrama como una
web de CSAP, toda la información que necesitan se les dará en la lectura. Deben ustedes tener el mismo
número de respuestas que el número de renglones en blanco para que escriban.
Reading-Strategy/CSAP Framework Mini-Lesson: Using Context Clues to Determine Word Meaning
Connection to Previous Lessons
As an example, refer to page 22 of “How to Make a Clay Pot.” Have students locate the bold type word dent.
Review how you have to be a “reading detective” to figure out unknown words. Have students identify context
clues that help them determine the meaning of the word dent.
Test-Taking Strategy: Finding Information to Support Particular Ideas
As we answered questions after our readings, I asked you to put sticky notes by parts of the reading that
allowed you to answer the question, or in other words, the proof for what you answering. Finding evidence or
proof for your answers is an important test-taking strategy. You will be able to find the proof for almost every
answer. Sometimes you have to use what you already know, in addition to that proof and make an inference.
Most times answers are stated directly in the reading. You need to be careful readers to get the answer right,
and you need to be careful readers on the passage, questions, and answer choices. Let’s do some practice in
finding information to give evidence or proof for our answers.
Cuando estábamos contestando preguntas después de nuestras lecturas, les pedí que pusieran papelitos
adhesivos en las partes de la lectura que les permitían que ustedes contestaran la pregunta; en otras
palabras, la prueba de lo que están contestando. Encontrar pruebas de sus respuestas es una estrategia
importante para hacer las pruebas. Ustedes podrán encontrar la prueba de casi cada una de sus respuestas.
Algunas veces tienen que usar lo que ya saben, además de esa prueba y hacer una deducción. La mayor
parte de las veces, las respuestas están expresadas directamente en la lectura. Necesitan ser lectores muy
cuidadosos para tener la respuesta correcta, y necesitan leer con mucho cuidado al leer el pasaje, las
preguntas y las opciones de respuestas.
1. Have students review what has been read about hibernators. Review the term web and use the topic
hibernators animales que hibernan as the central theme. Construct a web on the board of the
information they compile.
2. Discuss question 17 together to demonstrate finding information or “proof” for their answers. Draw
attention to the bolded word first and discuss how it helps students limit where to look for the answer.
One suggestion might be to put the question on an overhead, so students can see the question and text
easily without flipping back and forth. This inference question is not directly stated in the passage.
Sticky notes would go next to sentences three and four. Discuss how sometimes students must pull
information together from different places.
Denver Public Schools 2006
Grade 3
Success in Literacy
Working in pairs, students continue answering questions in their CSAP notebooks, putting sticky
notes by the support for their answers.
Discuss questions 18–23. Talk with students about where the support or proof is for answers they
came up with.
a. Question 18: The bolded word, not, is important. This question asks what is not true, which can
be tricky for students to understand. The answer is in the third paragraph.
b. Question 19: This answer is indirectly stated. Paragraph 1, sentence 1 states that winter is a tough
time for animals, which is as close to the question statement as anything in the passage.
The answer follows. All students may need help with this question.
c. Question 20: Remind students that context clues can help them determine the meaning of
unknown words. The context clue for the word thaw is in the question stem.
Question 21: Answer is in paragraph 1, sentence 4.
Question 22: Answer is in paragraph 6, sentence 3.
Question 23: Students need to locate the paragraphs about squirrels (paragraphs 4–5) and
determine that after the squirrel digs a burrow, the only thing the squirrel actually does is roll up
into a tight ball. Make sure students select the one thing that the squirrel does and not extraneous
information about the animal.
Students discuss how successful they were in using the test-taking strategy of finding information to support
their answers. Did they get most of the answers right?
Have students put this strategy down in their CSAP notebooks.
Denver Public Schools 2006
Grade 3
Success in Literacy
Instrucciones: Lee las instrucciones que están abajo. Después contesta las
preguntas 9 a 16.
Cómo hacer una olla de barro
Con práctica, cualquiera puede hacer una olla sencilla de barro. Todo
lo que necesitas es algo de barro o arcilla, un pedazo de envoltura de
plástico, y una superficie extendida y plana para trabajar sobre ella.
Empieza con un pedazo de barro como del tamaño de una manzana.
Aprieta el barro para que salgan las burbujas de aire que tenga.
Después vele dando forma al barro (arcilla) para hacer una bola suave y
redonda. Así es como todas las ollas
de barro empiezan a formarse.
PASO 1: Detén la bola de barro
en una mano. Presiona hacia abajo
el barro con el dedo gordo de tu otra
mano. Haciendo esto, se formará una
abolladura honda en el barro. Ten
cuidado de que tu dedo gordo no
llegue hasta el fondo cuando
Nivel C
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PASO 2: Mantén tu dedo gordo dentro de la
abolladura. Aprieta suavemente el barro entre tu
dedo gordo y los otros dedos. Vele dando vuelta
despacio a la olla al mismo tiempo que
presionas el barro. Esto hace que la abolladura
se haga más ancha y que los lados se hagan más
delgados y más altos. Asegúrate que el fondo de
tu olla esté plano. Si el fondo no está plano, tu
olla se va a tambalear.
PASO 3: Ahora ya estás listo para
poner a secar tu olla. Pero no es
bueno que se seque muy
rápidamente. Así es que, primero,
cubre la olla con una cubierta de
plástico. Después de unos días,
quítale la cubierta de plástico. La
olla necesitará todavía algunos días
para secarse completamente.
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PASO 4: La última etapa es cocer
tu olla de barro. El cocimiento se
hace en un horno especial que se
llama kiln (horno de calcinación).
Asegúrate de pedirle a una persona
adulta que te ayude en esta etapa. El calor que sale de este horno especial
hace al barro más resistente. Es importante cocer tu olla para que no vaya
a perder su forma.
Nivel C
Instrucciones: Lee cada una de las preguntas con atención. Rellena el círculo
que esté junto a la respuesta correcta, o escribe tu respuesta en los renglones.
9 ¿Por qué necesitas cocer tu olla?
para que se caliente
para que puedas meter tu dedo gordo adentro
para que no pierda su forma
para que se pueda secar más aprisa
10 En el paso 2 le das vuelta despacio a la olla al mismo tiempo que
presionas el barro. ¿Entonces qué debes ver que sucede?
un agujero
una huella
un golpe
un paso
12 En la selección, ¿qué debes hacer después de que te asegures de
que el fondo de tu olla está plano?
Nivel C
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11 El paso 1 dice que debes presionar hacia abajo el barro con tu dedo
gordo. “Esto formará una abolladura honda”. ¿Qué quiere decir la
palabra abolladura?
13 ¿Cuál es el propósito de la cubierta de plástico?
mantener limpia la olla
evitar que la olla se seque muy rápidamente
evitar que la olla se rompa
ayudar a que la olla se seque más rápidamente
14 ¿Cuál de los siguientes pasos viene al último?
secar tu olla
cocer tu olla
hacer una abolladura
darle vueltas a la olla despacio mientras presionas el barro
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15 ¿Qué tan grande debe ser el pedazo de arcilla (barro) cuando
empiezas a apretarlo? ¿Por qué piensas que éste es un buen
tamaño? Usa información de la selección en tu respuesta.
16 ¿En qué manera será diferente tu olla de barro cuando le quitas la
cubierta de plástico?
Estará plana
Estará suave
Estará redonda
Estará dura
Nivel C
Instrucciones: Lee acerca de los animales que hibernan. Después contesta
las preguntas 17 a 23.
Los animales que duermen
Nivel C
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En muchos lugares, el invierno es una temporada difícil para los
animales. La nieve cubre la tierra y es difícil encontrar comida. Algunos
animales se mudan a climas más calientes. Otros animales duermen
durante los meses más fríos, pero sólo unos pocos pueden hibernar de
verdad. Son los animales que duermen más profundamente de todos.
Mucha gente piensa que los osos hibernan, pero esto no es cierto. Los
osos hacen una cama debajo de algún saliente o en alguna cueva. Entonces
se van a dormir cuando hace frío. Los osos tienen un sueño más bien
ligero. Pueden levantarse y caminar por los alrededores durante los días
Los que hibernan de verdad pueden ponerse en un estado misterioso
que es mucho más profundo que el sueño. Su cuerpo puede llegar a
ponerse casi tan frío como sus alrededores. Baja su ritmo de respiración.
Los latidos de su corazón se vuelven más lentos. No comen ni beben. La
mayor parte de los animales que hibernan ni siquiera se mueven. Se
quedan así durante todo el invierno hasta el deshielo de la primavera.
La ardilla de tierra es probablemente la que mejor hiberna de todos.
Durante todo el verano se llena de comida. Para cuando llega septiembre,
pesa lo doble de lo que pesaba en mayo. Va a vivir de esta grasa
acumulada en su cuerpo durante ocho meses.
Cuando llega el otoño, la ardilla de tierra excava y hace una pequeña
madriguera a tres pies debajo de la tierra. Ahí la temperatura siempre será
la misma, aún si estuviera congelando arriba. La ardilla se arrastra a su
pequeño agujero y se hace un rollito formando una bola apretada. Muy
poco a poco los latidos de su corazón empiezan a hacerse más lentos. ¡Van
de 300 latidos por minuto, a solamente cinco! La temperatura del cuerpo
de la ardilla baja de 95ºF a 35ºF. Si la temperatura de nuestro cuerpo
bajara sesenta grados, eso nos mataría. Nadie sabe cómo puede hacer esto
la ardilla de tierra, pero esto funciona así siempre.
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Muchos otros animales se entregan a este sueño profundo. La
marmota, por ejemplo, también hiberna. Algunos murciélagos hibernan,
pero no pasan el invierno entero durmiendo. Los murciélagos no pueden
soportar tener demasiado calor o demasiado frío, usarían su comida muy
rápido. Si les llega demasiado el frío, se mueren. Los murciélagos, algunas
veces, tienen que despertar y mudarse a otro lugar.
La hibernación es un gran misterio. Los científicos no están seguros
de cómo lo hacen los animales. Pero quisieran averiguarlo. Si pudiéramos
aprender a hibernar, los largos viajes por el espacio no nos molestarían.
Simplemente, como la ardilla de tierra, podríamos dormir durante la parte
Nivel C
Instrucciones: Lee con atención cada una de las preguntas. Marca tus
respuestas en la hoja de respuestas. Rellena el círculo que esté junto a la
respuesta correcta o escribe tu respuesta en las líneas que se proporcionan.
17 ¿Cuál de estas preguntas contesta el primer párrafo?
¿Por qué es difícil encontrar comida en el invierno?
¿Qué animales se mudan a climas más cálidos en el invierno?
¿Cuáles son los meses más fríos?
¿Qué hacen los animales cuando llega el invierno?
18 ¿Qué es lo que no sucede cuando hibernan los animales?
Los latidos de su corazón se vuelven más lentos.
Salen a buscar comida.
El ritmo de su respiración se vuelve más lento.
No comen ni beben.
19 ¿Por qué los animales de climas fríos tienen que hibernar? Usa la
información de la historia para contestar.
tiempo de descongelar
tiempo de congelar
tiempo de comer
tiempo de dormir
Nivel C
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20 El artículo dice que los animales que hibernan "se quedan así
hasta el deshielo de la primavera". Por este artículo se puede decir
que la palabra deshielo significa:
21 ¿Qué oración expresa una idea del artículo?
Todos los animales hibernan en el invierno.
La ardilla de tierra es el único animal que hiberna.
Algunos animales hibernan en la primavera en vez del invierno.
Los animales que duermen en el invierno no siempre están hibernando.
22 El murciélago no hiberna como otros animales. El murciélago
no duerme durante todo el invierno.
hace una cama debajo de algún saliente o en una cueva.
excava para hacer una madriguera tres pies bajo la tierra.
hace que la temperatura de su cuerpo baje a 35ºF
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23 Estas ilustraciones cuentan una historia acerca de la ardilla de tierra.
Durante el verano,
se llena de comida.
IEn el otoño, excava para hacer una
¿Qué es lo que hace la ardilla de tierra en seguida?
Nivel C
Denver Public Schools
Success in
Grade 3
Unit 2—Narrative Fiction
Reading and Writing
Spring 2006
Teacher’s Guide
Lesson 1—”The Story of the North Star”
CSAP Assessment Framework
Unit 2—Narrative Fiction
Summarize text passages
Reading Strategies
Stop and Think
Find information to support main idea
Test-Taking Strategies
Answering written responses
Reading directions and questions carefully and completely
Our CSAP words for today are like, alike, and different. Often CSAP questions ask you how something is
like something else or how two things are alike. Then they might ask you how they are different. For example,
“How are cars and bicycles alike? How are they different?”
Nuestras palabras del CSAP para hoy son semejante, parecido y diferente. Frecuentemente, las cuestiones
del CSAP les preguntan en qué forma es semejante una cosa a otra, o si dos cosas son parecidas. Podrían
preguntarles si son diferentes. Por ejemplo, “¿en que se parecen los autos y las bicicletas? ¿En qué son
Let’s add these words to our word wall, because you need to be able to read them and know what the question
is asking you to do when you see these words on the test.
Vamos a agregar estas palabras a nuestra pared de palabras, porque ustedes necesitan poder leerlas y saber
lo que la pregunta les está pidiendo que hagan cuando ven estas palabras en la prueba.
Denver Public Schools 2006
Grade 3
Success in Literacy
Reading Strategy/CSAP Framework Mini-Lesson
Today we are going to learn to Stop and Think when we read. This strategy helps us think about the story
all the way through our reading, so we understand it better at the end. When we Stop and Think, we think
about important ideas and main things that have happened so far in the story. Turn to page 18 to the passage,
“The Story of the North Star.” Remember, we will stop every now and then to talk about what we have just
read, because good readers always Stop and Think about their reading.
Hoy vamos a aprender a detenernos a pensar cuando estemos leyendo. Esta estrategia nos ayuda a pensar
en la historia a todo lo largo de nuestra lectura, de manera que la entendamos mejor al final. Cuando nos
detenemos a pensar, pensamos en ideas importantes y en las cosas principales que hayan sucedido hasta ese
momento en la historia. Vayan a la página 18 del pasaje “La historia de la estrella polar”. Acuérdense,
vamos a detenernos a pensar de vez en cuando y después vamos a hablar sobre lo que acabemos de leer,
porque los buenos lectores siempre se detienen a pensar sobre lo que leen.
1. Talk about the title, the picture, and what the story might be about. Discuss that this story is a myth
about why the North Star is in the sky. Discuss the concept of the North Star and how sailors use it
to guide them.
2. Read through the line “Your ship will be dashed against the rocks” in the middle of page 18.
I am going to model how to Stop and Think about important ideas that have happened so far in the
story. I’m thinking about how Sharon lived near the sea in the North and how she loved the daytime
Voy a mostrarles cómo detenerse a pensar en ideas importantes que han sucedido hasta ahora en la
historia. Voy a pensar en la forma en que Sharon vivía cerca del mar, en el Norte, y cómo le
gustaba el mar durante el día.
But the nighttime sea scared or frightened her, because it was rough and seemed angry. To help
sailors so they wouldn’t crash on the rocks, Sharon stood on the rocks and waved a lamp to warn
ships away. I’m thinking that Peter may want to try to sail the North Sea and other sailors are trying
to warn him. Did anyone else have something they were thinking about this part?
Pero el mar en la noche le asustaba o le daba miedo porque estaba agitado y parecía que estaba
enojado. Para ayudar a los marinos para que no se estrellaran contra las rocas, Sharon se paraba
sobre las rocas y agitaba una lámpara para avisar a los barcos que se alejaran. Estoy pensando en
que Peter podría querer tratar de navegar en el Mar del Norte y otros marineros están tratando de
prevenirlo. ¿Alguien más tuvo algo en qué pensar sobre esta parte?
Have one or two students answer, but hold them accountable to the text. If they go off base, remind
them to stick to what they read in the text.
3. Continue reading the passage through “All the next day, Peter thought about what had happened.”
Let’s Stop and Think again about what is happening in this part. Turn and talk with your partners
about important ideas that happened in this part of the story.
Vamos a detenernos a pensar nuevamente acerca de lo que está sucediendo en esta parte. Volteen y
hablen con su compañero acerca de las ideas importantes que sucedieron en esta parte de la
Have two or three students share again.
4. Finish reading the passage. Discuss the story a few minutes.
5. Debrief the question: How did our Stop and Think strategy help us summarize or figure out important
parts of the story?
¿Cómo nos ayudó nuestra estrategia de detenernos a pensar para resumir o entender las partes
importantes de la historia?
Denver Public Schools 2006
Grade 3
Success in Literacy
Test-Taking Mini-Lesson
Now we are going to talk about test-taking strategies we can use to answer multiple-choice questions. What do
you already know about multiple-choice questions?
Ahora vamos a hablar acerca de estrategias para hacer pruebas, que podemos usar para contestar las
preguntas que nos dan opciones multiples para responder. ¿Qué saben ustedes ya sobre las preguntas que
nos dan opciones multiples para responder?
Get a sense of their background knowledge about multiple-choice questions.
1. Let’s turn to question 5 in the booklet. I am going to think aloud for you how I do this. Pay attention to
what strategies I use to figure out the answer.
Vamos a la pregunta 5 del folleto. Yo voy a pensar en voz alta para que se den cuenta ustedes de
cómo hago esto. Pongan atención en las estrategias que yo use para llegar a la respuesta.
Note: You won’t always do questions in order during these lessons, so you can focus on particular
test-taking strategies.
2. Model the process aloud:
a. First I am going to read the beginning of the question.
Primero voy a leer el principio de la pregunta.
Read, “How was Sharon like the North Star?”
“¿En qué se parecía Sharon a la estrella polar?”
b. I need to Stop and Think here about what the question is asking me to do. When it asks how was
Sharon like the North Star, it tells me I need to think about what is similar between the two.
Aquí necesito detenerme a pensar sobre lo que me pide la pregunta que yo haga. Cuando
pregunta en qué se parecía Sharon a la estrella polar, me dice que necesito pensar en las cosas
que son similares entre ellas dos.
c. Next, I am going to read all of the answers. I know sometimes test-makers try to trick me with
multiple-choice questions and try to make some answers sound right when they really aren’t,
which means I have to read all four answers before I decide.
Después, voy a leer todas las respuestas. Sé que algunas veces los que hacen las pruebas tartan
de confundirme con preguntas en las que puedo escoger de entre varias respuestas y tratan de
hacer que algunas de esas respuestas parezcan correctas cuando en realidad no lo son, lo que
quiere decir que tengo que leer todas las cuatro respuestas antes de decidir.
Read the four answers.
d. Think aloud as you go through the answers:
A. This answer is good, because Sharon guided sailors with her lamp, and in the story, it says
“Sharon shall forever keep watch over sailors” and the “mighty gods put a large star up in
the North sky.” But I know I need to read all of the answers before I mark this one.
Esta respuesta es buena porque Sharon guiaba a los marinos con su lámpara, y la historia
dice “Sharon seguirá por siempre vigilando para cuidar a los marineros” y “los dioses
poderosos colocaron una estrella grande en el cielo del norte”. Pero sé que necesito leer
todas las respuestas antes de marcar ésta.
B. The story doesn’t say Sharon could only be seen at night, so I can eliminate this answer
right away.
La historia no dice que Sharon podía verse solamente en la noche, así que puedo eliminar
esta respuesta desde luego.
C. This answer might be true, but the story doesn’t say it, so I will eliminate it right away too.
Esta respuesta podría ser correcta, pero la historia no lo dice, así es que también la voy a
eliminar ahora mismo.
D. She may have been “very bright,” but I don’t remember the story saying it. I need to skim
through the parts of the story that talk about Sharon.
Puede ser que ella haya sido “muy brillante”, pero yo no recuerdo que la historia lo dijera.
Necesito repasar ligeramente las partes de la historia que hablan sobre Sharon.
Model going back to the story quickly.
No, it doesn’t say it in the story, and it really isn’t an important idea, so I am going to mark A.
No, no lo dice en la historia, y en realidad no es una idea importante, así es que voy a marcar la A.
Denver Public Schools 2006
Grade 3
Success in Literacy
Debrief with students strategies you used. Make a chart of “Test-Taking Strategies for MultipleChoice Questions,” as students list the strategies. Your chart might look like this one:
Test-Taking Strategies for Multiple-Choice Questions
Read the first part of the questions and Stop and Think about what
the question is asking.
Read ALL of the answers before deciding.
Decide which answers can’t be right and don’t mark those answers.
Go back to the story to find evidence.
Mark the answer that makes the most sense with the story.
No time today for this section.
Turn and talk with your partner about “Test-Taking Strategies for Multiple-Choice Questions.”
Which strategies do you usually use when you do multiple-choice questions?
Volteen y hablen con su compañero sobre “Estrategias para hacer pruebas con preguntas en las
que puedo escoger de entre varias respuestas. ¿Qué estrategias usan generalmente ustedes para
contestar preguntas en las que se puede escoger de entre varias respuestas?
In your CSAP notebooks, write at least one strategy you think will really help you with multiple-choice
questions when you take CSAP.
En su cuaderno de CSAP escriban cuando menos una estrategia que piensan que realmente les
ayudará con las preguntas en las que se pueda escoger de entre varias respuestas cuando hagan
el CSAP.
Talk about what they picked and why.
Denver Public Schools 2006
Grade 3
Success in Literacy
Lesson 2—”The Story of the North Star”
CSAP Assessment Framework
Summarize text passages
Reading Strategies
Stop and Think
Finding information to support main idea
Test-Taking Strategies
Answering written responses
Reading directions and questions carefully and completely
Unit 2—Narrative Fiction
CSAP questions often use words such as choose, mostly, and best. A question might say, “Choose the best
answer” or “What is the passage mostly about?” To choose the best answer or what something is mostly
about, we need to think about the main idea of the passage. For example, if I ask you to choose a word that
best describes a clown, you might say “happy.” Or if I ask you to tell me what you mostly do during Reading
Workshop, you might say, “Read books.”
Muchas veces las preguntas del CSAP usan palabras tales como escoge, principalmente y el/la mejor.
Alguna pregunta podría decir: “Escoge la mejor respuesta”, o “¿De qué se trata principalmente el pasaje?”
Para escoger la mejor respuesta o para decir de lo que se trata principalmente algo, necesitamos pensar en
la idea principal del pasaje. Por ejemplo, si les pido a ustedes que escojan una palabra que sea la que mejor
describa a un payaso, podrían decir “feliz”. O si les pido que me digan que es lo que ustedes hacen
principalmente (la mayor parte del tiempo) durante el Taller de Lectura, podrían ustedes decir: “Leer
Have students turn and talk about choosing a word that best describes their teacher and a word that describes
what they mostly do during lunch recess.
Add choose—escoge, mostly— principalmente, and best—el/la mejor to the CSAP word wall.
Connection to Lesson 1: Review of Stop and Think
Yesterday we learned how to Stop and Think when we read, so we understand the story better. We also learned
about strategies to answer multiple-choice questions. Today we will continue to learn to Stop and Think and
how to answer multiple-choice questions.
Ayer aprendimos cómo debemos detenernos a pensar cuando leamos para que podamos entender mejor la
historia. También aprendimos estrategias para contestar preguntas en las que podemos escoger de entre
varias respuestas. Hoy continuaremos aprendiendo a detenernos a pensar y a contestar preguntas en las que
podemos escoger de entre varias respuestas.
First, we are going to reread the story from yesterday. Remember to Stop and Think as you read, so you
understand the story better.
Primero vamos a volver a leer la historia de ayer. Acuérdense de detenerse a pensar al estar leyendo de
manera que puedan entender mejor la historia.
Students read the selection independently or with partners. If students are not used to reading in partners, talk
with them about how to stay on task and help each other. For students who need more scaffolding to read the
selection, read with them in a group or confer.
Denver Public Schools 2006
Grade 3
Success in Literacy
Note: It is okay if students don’t finish the entire selection, since it is a reread to refresh their memories
for the next questions they will answer.
Test-Taking Mini-Lesson: Review of Multiple-Choice Strategies
Today we are going to review strategies to answer multiple-choice questions. What are some
strategies we talked about? Refer to our chart or CSAP word wall if you need to.
Hoy vamos a repasar las estrategias para contestar preguntas en las que podemos escoger de entre
varias respuestas ¿Cuáles son algunas estrategias de las que hablamos? Consulten nuestra tabla o
la pared de palabras del CSAP si necesitan hacerlo.
Guided Practice: Look at question 1 on page 20 in the booklet. We are going to practice answering
this question together.
Miren la pregunta 1 de la página 20 del folleto. Vamos a practicar contestando esta pregunta
a. What should we do first?
¿Qué debemos hacer primero?
(Read the beginning of the question and Stop and Think about what
the question is asking.) Read the question and think aloud with students about what the question
is asking, explicitly referring to the underlined word—mostly.
b. Now what should we do?
¿Ahora que debemos hacer?
(Read all of the answers.) Think aloud as you go through the answers and restate the main idea of
the sentence, then think about which answer most closely matches that idea.
We could restate the question: This story is mainly about who? A could be the correct answer, but
I don’t want to guess, so I need to read all the answers. The answers for B and C are in the story,
but the story is not mostly about them. D doesn’t seem to make sense, since the story isn’t mainly
about them, so I will eliminate it right away.
Podríamos hacer la pregunta con otras palabras. Esta historia se trata principalmente de
¿quién? ‘A’ podría ser la respuesta correcta, pero no quiero adivinar, así que necesito leer
todas las respuestas. Las respuestas dadas en B y C están en la historia, pero la historia no se
trata principalmente de esas cosas. ‘D’ no parece tener sentido, pues la historia no se trata
principalmente de ellos, así que la voy a eliminar ahora mismo.
c. The next thing our chart says to do is “Go back to the story.” We decided that A seems to be
the correct answer, since the story is mostly about Sharon and Peter, but I want to skim the story
just to be sure.
Lo siguiente que dice nuestra carta que hagamos es “Vuelvan a la historia”. Decidimos que A
parece ser la respuesta correcta puesto que la historia trata principalmente de Sharon y Peter,
pero quiero repasar ligeramente la historia sólo para estar segura.
Model skimming the story while thinking aloud about the main characters.
Now you are going to practice multiple-choice strategies with partners.
Ahora ustedes van a practicar estrategias para escoger entre varias respuestas, con compañeros.
Have students work with partners to answer questions 3–4 and 6. Remind them to use the chart of strategies
and CSAP word wall. You may work with a group of students who need more support or confer with partners.
Denver Public Schools 2006
Grade 3
Success in Literacy
Let’s get together and talk about our strategies and thinking. Look at question 3. Who would like
to explain how you worked on this question and how you came up with your answer?
Vamos a trabajar todos juntos para hablar sobre nuestras estrategias y lo que pensamos. Miren la
pregunta 3. ¿Quién quiere explicar la forma en que trabajaron con esta pregunta y cómo llegaron a
esta respuesta?
Have students discuss their thinking and their strategies. If students chose the wrong answer,
talk about how test-makers tried to trick them by giving them more than one possible good answer.
Explain the correct answer and why test-makers wanted them to choose that answer. The purpose here
is to teach strategies and thinking, not just getting right answers!
Add good ideas that students come up with to the chart of strategies (for example, “For vocabulary
questions, substitute the choices for the underlined word and see which one makes the most sense.”).
“En las preguntas de vocabulario, substituyan las opciones que tienen por la palabra subrayada y
vean cuál de ellas hace que la respuesta tenga más sentido.”
Denver Public Schools 2006
Grade 3
Success in Literacy
Lesson 3—”The Story of the North Star”
CSAP Assessment Framework
Unit 2—Narrative Fiction
Summarize text passages
Reading Strategies
Stop and Think
Finding information to support main idea
Test-Taking Strategies
Answering written responses
Reading directions and questions carefully and completely
The word for our CSAP word wall today is setting. A setting tells where something takes place and when
the story takes place. For example, the setting we are in is school, and it’s the afternoon of ________.
La palabra de hoy para nuestras palabras del CSAP es escenario. Un escenario nos dice dónde sucede algo
y cuándo sucede la historia. Por ejemplo, el escenario donde estamos es la escuela, y es en la tarde del
Can anyone else think of a setting? Let’s look at some pictures and decide where and when the setting took
place. Remember to say where and when.
¿Puede alguno de ustedes pensar en algún escenario? Vamos a ver algunas ilustraciones para decidir dónde
y cuándo se desarrolla el escenario. Acuérdense de decir dónde y cuándo.
Add setting to the CSAP word wall.
Denver Public Schools 2006
Grade 3
Success in Literacy
Test-Taking Mini-Lesson: Strategies for Written Responses
We have talked about test-taking strategies we can use to answer multiple-choice questions. Today,
we are going to learn about strategies you can use when a CSAP question asks you to write a written
response. It is important to write something for these questions. I’m going to write that for our first
strategy: “Be sure to write something for the written questions.”
Hemos hablado de las estrategias para rendir examen que podemos utilizar para contestar las
preguntas de elecciones múltiples. Hoy, vamos a aprender estrategias que se pueden utilizar cuando
una pregunta de CSAP (Programa de Evaluación de los Alumnos de Colorado) les pide escribir
una respuesta escrita. Es importante escribir algo para estas preguntas. Voy a escribir para nuestra
primera estrategia: “Estar seguro de escribir algo para las preguntas escritas.”
Let’s turn to question 7 in the booklet. I am going to think aloud for you how I do this. Notice the
strategies I use.
Vamos a la pregunta 7 del folleto. Voy a pensar en voz alta para que vean cómo hago esto. Fíjense
en las estrategias que uso.
Model the process aloud:
1. First, I am going to read the question and Stop and Think about what it is asking me to do,
which is just like what we did with multiple-choice questions.
Primero voy a leer la pregunta y voy a detenerme a pensar en lo que me están pidiendo que
haga, que es precisamente lo que hicimos con las preguntas en que se puede escoger de entre
varias respuestas.
Read the first sentence and remind students that the setting of the story tells where and when it
takes place. Read aloud the question, emphasizing the word setting. Ask students to point to the
chart that follows the question.
2. This chart will help us answer the question about the setting of the story. I know the test-makers
want me to look at the circled word—setting, then write an answer in each box.
Esta tabla nos va a ayudar a contestar la pregunta acerca del escenario de la historia. Sé que
las personas que hacen las pruebas quieren que yo vea la palabra encerrada en un círculo –
escenario, después, que escriba una respuesta en cada recuadro.
3. I need to carefully read the questions in each box. The first box asks where the story takes place,
and the second box asks when the story takes place.
Necesito leer cuidadosamente las preguntas de cada recuadro. El primer recuadro pregunta
dónde se desarrolla la historia, y el segundo recuadro pregunta cuándo se desarrolla la
4. I am going to skim through the first few paragraphs at the beginning of the story.
Voy a repasar ligeramente los primeros párrafos que están al principio de la historia.
Model thinking aloud as you determine where the story takes place. I need to figure out where
this story takes place, so as I skim the first few paragraphs, I notice that Sharon lived near the sea
in the North, and as I skim further, I notice that Peter sailed to the Sea of the North, so my answer
must be the Sea of the North.
Necesito averiguar dónde se desarrolla esta historia, así es que si repaso los primeros párrafos,
me doy cuenta de que Sharon vivía cerca del mar, en el Norte,, y si repaso más adelante, me
doy cuenta de que Peter zarpó hacia el Mar del Norte, así es que mi respuesta debe ser el Mar
del Norte.
5. Think aloud as you write the answer on the same type of graphic organizer on an overhead or
n the board. Emphasize that they need to stay in the lines so their tests can be scored.
6. Finally, I am going to reread to make sure what I wrote makes sense.
Finalmente, voy a volver a leer para estar segura de que lo que escribí tiene sentido.
Denver Public Schools 2006
Grade 3
Success in Literacy
Debrief with students the strategies you used on the “Test-Taking Strategies for Written Response
Questions.” Your chart might look something like the chart below.
Test-Taking Strategies for Written Response Questions
Be sure to write answers for all of the questions!
Read the question and Stop and Think about what the question is asking.
Look at the chart or the lines you need to fill in. Make sure you know
how you are supposed to fill them out.
Go back to the story to find evidence for your answers.
Write your answers in the space given. Don’t go outside the lines.
Reread your answer to see if it makes sense.
Have students work with partners to answer questions 2 and 7 on pages 20–21 in writing. Remind them to use
the strategies on the chart and tell them you want them to be able to defend their answers with evidence from
the story.
Have students talk about their thinking and why they wrote what they wrote for their answers. Their answers
will vary a lot, so you might need to:
ƒ Go back and model strategies to answer written response questions, if their answers don’t make sense.
ƒ Have them think about which pair’s answers seem to be the best and why.
Have them write a strategy they think will be helpful for them to use on CSAP in their CSAP notebooks.
Denver Public Schools 2006
Grade 3
Success in Literacy
Lesson 4—”The Cats for Mrs. Lovelace”
CSAP Assessment Frameworks
Identify main idea and find information to support particular ideas
Draw inferences using contextual clues
Test-Taking Strategy
Unit 2—Narrative Fiction
Answering multiple-choice questions
Today we are reading a new story. CSAP often asks questions about the main idea of the story, which means
you need to think about the most important idea in the story, not small details. The title often gives us a clue of
what the main idea is. The title of this story is “The Cat For Mrs. Lovelace.” What might be the main idea?
When you read some of the key phrases below in CSAP questions, know that they are asking you to think about
the main idea.
Hoy vamos a leer una nueva historia. Frecuentemente el CSAP hace preguntas acerca de la idea principal de
la historia, lo que quiere decir que ustedes necesitan pensar en la idea más importante de la historia, no en los
pequeños detalles. El título con frecuencia nos da una pista de cuál es la idea principal. El título de esta
historia es: “El gato para la Sra. Lovelace”. ¿Cuál podría ser la idea principal? Cuando lean algunas de las
frases clave de preguntas del CSAP, que se mencionan abajo, sepan que les están pidiendo a ustedes que
piensen en la idea principal.
o What would be a good title for this story?
¿Cuál sería un buen título para esta historia?
o This story is mostly about…
Esta historia es principalmente acerca de…
o The most important idea in this story is…
La idea más importante de esta historia es…
Let’s add main idea and good title to our CSAP word wall, so we remember they refer to the same kind of question.
Vamos agregar idea principal y buen título a nuestra padred de palabras del CSAP p ara que podamos recordar
que se refieren al mismo tipo de pregunta.
Denver Public Schools 2006
Grade 3
Success in Literacy
Reading Strategy/CSAP Framework Mini-Lesson
Today we are going to start a new story. Every story has a main idea. To understand the story, you need to
figure out the main idea of the story and details that support the main idea. The main idea of a story is the most
important idea of the story. It is the main point the author wishes to make. Main ideas can come at the
beginning, middle, or end of a story. Sometimes the main idea is clearly stated, but most of the time, you have
to figure it out yourself. CSAP often asks questions about the main idea of a story. Today we are going to Stop
and Think as we review the main idea of a story, so we understand the meaning of the story.
Hoy vamos a empezar una nueva historia. Cada historia tiene una idea principal. Para entender la historia,
ustedes necesitan deducir la idea principal y los detalles que apoyan a la idea principal. La idea principal de
una historia es la idea más importante de la historia. Es el punto principal en el que el autor quiere hacer
resaltar. Las ideas principales pueden venir al principio, en la parte de enmedio o al final de la historia.
Algunas veces la idea principal se expresa claramente, pero la mayor parte de las veces, uno mismo tiene
que deducirla. El CSAP a menudo hace preguntas acerca de la idea principal de la historia. Hoy vamos a
detenernos a pensar al repasar la idea principal de una historia para que entendamos lo que quiere decirnos
la historia.
1. Turn to page 40, “The Cat for Mrs. Lovelace.” Have students predict what they think the story will be
about and why they think that. Write their predictions on chart paper or on the chalkboard.
2. Have students read silently as you read the selection. Remember to stop at least two times during the
reading, so students can Stop and Think about details that support the main idea. Have them talk with
their partners about what they were thinking.
3. Finish reading the passage. Discuss the story a few minutes.
4. Debrief the question: How did thinking about the main idea and supporting details help you understand the story?
¿En qué forma pensar en la idea principal y en los detalles de apoyo les ayudó a entender la
Test-Taking Mini-Lesson: Review of Multiple-Choice Strategies
Now we are going to review the multiple-choice test-taking strategies we talked about last week.
Vamos ahora a repasar las estrategias para resolver las pruebas con opciones múltiples de las que hablamos
la semana pasada.
Refer to the “Test-Taking Strategies for Multiple-Choice Questions” chart.
Let’s read the strategies together. With a partner, talk about which test-taking strategy is hard for you and
which one is easy.
Vamos a leer juntos las estrategias. Con un compañero, hablen sobre cuál de las estrategias para hacer
pruebas es difícil y cuál es fácil.
Have two or three children share out.
Have students answer questions 1–2 and 5–7 with partners.
When students have answered all the questions, have partners team with another set of partners and
explain which strategies they used to choose their multiple-choice answers.
While students are working together on answering the multiple-choice questions, you may work with a group
of students who need more support.
Have students discuss as a whole group the strategies they used to answer the questions. Add any new
strategies they might have come up with to the chart of strategies.
Denver Public Schools 2006
Grade 3
Success in Literacy
Lesson 5—”The Cats for Mrs. Lovelace”
CSAP Assessment Frameworks
Identify main idea and find information to support particular ideas
Draw inferences using contextual clues
Test-Taking Strategies
Answering written responses
Reading directions and questions carefully and completely
Unit 2—Narrative Fiction
One important reading strategy you already do a lot, maybe without even knowing it, is to make inferences,
which means you guess about something by noticing clues. For example, if your friend was walking down the
hall whistling and smiling, you might make an inference that he or she is feeling happy because of those clues.
Turn and talk to your partners about an inference you made today when you found out what was going to be
for lunch. Can you think of any other inferences you made today? We make inferences a lot when we read.
When we read, we put together clues the text gives us with what we know from our background knowledge,
which helps us make inferences. CSAP questions often require that you make inferences to answer them,
so it is important to read carefully for clues.
Let’s add inferences to our CSAP word wall.
Una estrategia importante de la lectura que ustedes ya hacen mucho, tal vez sin siquiera saberlo, es hacer
deducciones, lo que quiere decir que uno supone algo cuando uno nota las pistas. Por ejemplo, si su amigo
iba caminando por el corredor silbando y sonriendo, pueden ustedes hacer la deducción, debido a esas pistas
o señales, de que su amigo se siente feliz. Volteen y hablen con su compañero acerca de alguna deducción
que hizo cada uno de ustedes hoy cuando se enteraron qué iba a haber hoy para el almuerzo. ¿Pueden
pensar en otras deducciones que hicieron hoy? Nosotros hacemos muchas deducciones cuando leemos.
Cuando leemos, vamos juntando las pistas que nos da el texto con lo que ya sabemos y que tomamos de
nuestras experiencias y conocimientos, lo cual nos ayuda a hacer deducciones. Con frecuencia, las
preguntas del CSAP requieren que uno haga deducciones para poder contestarlas, así es que es importante
leer cuidadosamente para fijarnos en las pistas.
Vamos a agregar deducciones a nuestra pared de palabras del CSAP.
Reading Strategy/CSAP Framework Mini-Lesson
Yesterday we talked about the main idea of a story and reviewed some strategies to answer multiplechoice questions. Today we will think about making inferences and how this strategy helps us figure
out things ourselves. Think about inferences you made today as you reread the story from yesterday.
Remember to Stop and Think as you read, so you understand the story better. Every time you Stop
and Think, notice inferences you make as you figure out the story by finding important ideas and clues
and connecting them to your background knowledge.
Ayer hablamos de la idea principal de una historia y repasamos algunas estrategias para contestar
preguntas en las que se puede escoger entre varias respuestas. Hoy vamos a hablar sobre cómo
hacer deducciones y cómo nos ayuda esta estrategia a explicarnos las cosas. Piensen en las
deducciones que hicieron hoy mientras leemos nuevamente la historia de ayer. Acuérdense de
detenerse a pensar al ir leyendo para que puedan entender mejor la historia. Cada vez que se
detienen a pensar, noten las deducciones que sacan al estarse explicando la historia, buscando las
ideas y pistas importantes y conectándolas con los conocimientos que ya tienen ustedes.
Have students put at least two sticky notes where they Stop and Think.
Debrief with them after their reading about inferences they noticed they were making.
Denver Public Schools 2006
Grade 3
Success in Literacy
Note: It is okay if students don’t finish the entire selection, since it is a reread to refresh their memories for
the next questions they will answer. Students read the selection independently or with partners. For students
who need more scaffolding to read the selection, read with them in a small group or confer with them about
reading strategies.
Test-Taking Mini-Lesson
Yesterday, we talked about the main idea of a story and reviewed some strategies to answer multiple-choice
questions. Today, we are going to talk about written response questions, which ask you to write to answer
the question. Read the question carefully, so you know exactly what it is asking.
Ayer hablamos de la idea principal de una historia y repasamos algunas estrategias para contestar
preguntas en que podemos escoger de entre varias respuestas. Hoy vamos a hablar de las preguntas con
respuestas escritas, que les piden que escriban para contestar la pregunta. Lean con atención la pregunta de
manera que sepan qué es exactamente lo que les pide.
Let’s look at our “Test-Taking Strategies for Written Response Questions” chart.
Vamos a ver nuestra tabla de “Estrategias para hacer una prueba, para contestar preguntas que piden una
respuesta escrita”.
Do a shared reading of the chart. Let’s practice the strategies by doing a question together. This question is
not included with the passage, but is included on page 12 in this guide, so you can make a transparency or write
it on a chart.
Would you like to have Mrs. Lovelace as your grandmother?
Explain why or why not.
1. Read the question aloud.
2. Point out that this question has two parts, and both parts need to be answered. When I read a question,
I always ask myself, “How many parts are in this question?”
Cuando leo una pregunta, siempre me pregunto: “¿Cuántas partes hay en esta pregunta?”
Add “How many parts?” to the
“Test-Taking Strategies for Written Response Questions” chart.
3. Model how you would think through answering the question.
a. The first part asks us to think about what kind of grandmother Mrs. Lovelace would make before
we say yes or no.
La primera parte nos pide que pensemos en qué clase de abuelita sería la Sra. Lovelace, antes
de que digamos sí o no.
b. Have students turn and talk with partners about how they might answer the first part of the
question and why.
c. The second part of the question asks us to give reasons why or why not. We need evidence
from the story to back up our opinion, so we need to skim for details we can write that support
our answer. Write your answer in your notebooks.
La segunda parte de la pregunta nos pide que demos las razones de por qué sí o por qué no.
Necesitamos probar nuestra respuesta. Escriban su respuesta en su cuaderno.
d. Have students share what they wrote.
e. Debrief with students some strategies they used and add them to the chart of “Test-Taking
Strategies for Written Response Questions.”
Denver Public Schools 2006
Grade 3
Success in Literacy
Have students work with partners to answer question 3, using strategies modeled during the mini-lesson.
While students work together to answer the written response question, you may work with a group of
students who need more support.
Have students share what they wrote. Talk to the students who didn’t include two examples about
how important it is for them to give the number of examples the question asks for. A common CSAP
mistake, it’s a reason students get lower scores. Add this strategy to the chart.
Have students add new strategies to their CSAP notebooks.
Denver Public Schools 2006
Grade 3
Success in Literacy
“The Cats for Mrs. Lovelace”
Practice Question
Would you like to have Mrs. Lovelace as your grandmother?
¿Te gustaría tener como abuelita a la Sra. Lovelace?
Explain why or why not.
Explica por qué sí o por qué no.
Denver Public Schools 2006
Grade 3
Success in Literacy
Lesson 6—”The Cats for Mrs. Lovelace”
CSAP Assessment Frameworks
Unit 2—Narrative Fiction
Identify main idea and find information to support particular ideas
Draw inferences using contextual clues
Test-Taking Strategies
Answering written responses
Reading directions and questions carefully and completely
This week, we talked about main idea and making inferences. Another important reading strategy is being able to
compare and contrast important ideas and your inferences to understand the story. When you compare and contrast
two things, you think about ways they are alike and different. If I compared and contrasted dogs and cats, I would
say they are alike because _____, and they are different because _______. Think of two other animals and compare
and contrast them. CSAP questions might ask you to compare and contrast in the directions.
Esta semana hablamos sobre la idea principal y cómo hacer o sacar deducciones. Otra estrategia importante para
la lectura es poder comparar y hacer un contraste con las ideas importantes y sus deducciones para entender la
historia. Cuando comparan y hacen un contraste entre dos cosas, piensan ustedes en qué son semejantes y
diferentes esas cosas. Si comparamos y ponemos en contraste a los perros y a los gatos, yo diría que son
semejantes porque _______________ y que son diferentes porque ______________. Piensen en otros dos
animales y compárenlos y pónganlos en contraste.
Let’s add compare and contrast to our word wall and put them next to like, alike, and different, because they
mean the same thing.
Vamos a agregar comparar y poner en contraste a nuestra pared de palabras, y vamos a ponerlas junto a
semejante, parecido y diferente, porque tienen el mismo significado.
Denver Public Schools 2006
Grade 3
Success in Literacy
Reading Strategy/CSAP Framework Mini-Lesson
Yesterday, we talked about making inferences. You make inferences when you compare (decide how things are
alike) and contrast (decide how things are different) all the time. You compare your clothes with your friend’s
clothes; you compare one video game to another game. You also contrast all the time. You see how your hair
is different from your friends; how your family is different from other families. Turn and talk to your partners,
comparing and contrasting what you are wearing today.
Ayer hablamos de hacer deducciones. Ustedes hacen deducciones cuando comparan (deciden en qué son
parecidas las cosas) y ponen cosas en contraste (deciden en qué son diferentes las cosas) todo el tiempo.
Ustedes comparan su ropa con la ropa de su amigo/a, comparan un juego de video con otro juego. También
ponen cosas en contraste todo el tiempo. Ven cómo es diferente su pelo del de sus amigos, o cómo es diferente
la familia de ustedes a otras familias. Volteen y hablen con sus compañeros comparando y poniendo en
contraste la ropa que ustedes usan hoy.
Make a two-column chart that looks like the one below:
Write down several answers.
Let’s practice this strategy in our reading today. We are going to compare and contrast Marco Polo,
Columbus, and Max.
Vamos a practicar esta estrategia en nuestra lectura de hoy. Vamos a comparar y poner en
contraste a Marco Polo, Cristóbal Colón y a Max.
Make a chart or transparency similar to the above example.
Let’s reread the story, starting with the last sentence on the first page. As you read, Stop and Think
about how the cats are alike and different.
Vanos a volver a leer la historia, empezando con la última oración de la primera página. Al estar
leyendo, deténganse a pensar en qué son parecidos y diferentes los gatos.
Work with students as they complete the chart.
o As you go through the chart, reinforce the vocabulary of compare (alike) and contrast (different).
o Have students ask themselves, “How are the cats alike, and how are they different?’
“¿En qué se parecen los gatos y en qué son diferentes?”
o Have students share their thinking.
Test-Taking Mini-Lesson
Knowing how to compare and contrast ideas when you read helps you understand the story better and helps
you answer CSAP questions. Today, we are reviewing strategies to answer written-response questions.
What are some strategies we talked about yesterday? Refer to our chart if you need to.
Saber cómo comparar y cómo poner en contraste las ideas cuando estén leyendo, les ayuda a entender mejor
la historia y les ayuda a contestar las preguntas del CSAP. Hoy vamos a repasar las estrategias para
contestar preguntas que piden respuestas escritas. ¿Cuáles son algunas estrategias de las que hablamos
ayer? Consulten nuestra tabla si necesitan hacerlo.
Review “Test-Taking Strategies for Answering Multiple-Choice Questions.”
Have students answer question 3 with partners.
When students have answered the question, have partners team with another set of partners and
explain which strategies they used to answer this question.
While students work together to answer the written response question, you may work with a group of students
who need more support.
Have students discuss as a whole group the strategies they used to answer the questions.
Denver Public Schools 2006
Grade 3
Success in Literacy
Instrucciones: Lee esta historia acerca de la Estrella Polar. Después contesta las
preguntas 1 a 8.
La Historia de la Estrella Polar
Nivel C
This page may not be reproduced without permission of Steck-Vaughn.
Hace mucho tiempo, cuando la gente creía que dioses poderosos
gobernaban el mundo, una niña que se llamaba Sharon vivía cerca del mar,
en el norte. Sharon se iba caminando al mar todos las mañanas. Y, en las
tardes, el mar traía pececitos para que visitaran a Sharon y bailaran
alrededor de los dedos de sus pies. A Sharon le encantaba el mar a la luz
del día.
Pero no le gustaba el mar agitado de la noche que chocaba contra las
rocas. El mar de noche asustaba a Sharon porque era un mar enojado.
Trataba de hacer pedazos a los barcos que navegaban demasiado cerca de
las rocas. Así es que, todas las noches Sharon se paraba en las rocas y
agitaba su lámpara para avisar a los barcos que se mantuvieran alejados.
En uno de esos barcos había un marinero que se llamaba Peter. Peter
era un estudiante al que le encantaba el mar. Todos los días estudiaba sus
lecciones y todas las noches navegaba en su barco. Navegar en el Mar del
Sur era como navegar en un lago tranquilo. Pero Peter oyó que el Mar del
Norte era muy diferente.
"Nunca navegues en el Mar del Norte", los otros marineros le
advertían a Peter. "Tu barco sería lanzado contra las rocas".
Peter era un joven curioso. Quería saber cómo era el Mar del Norte.
Navegó y navegó alejándose hacia el Norte. Ahí el mar era turbulento, y
el barco de Peter subía y bajaba rápidamente en el agua. Peter vio que una
lámpara brillaba en la oscuridad. "¡Aléjate de aquí! ¡Aléjate de aquí!" le
gritaba la lámpara.
Peter recordó lo que le habían dicho los marineros sobre las rocas.
Peter dirigió su barco hacia el Sur, alejándose del peligro. Sabía que la
lámpara había salvado a su barco de estrellarse contra esas rocas.
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Durante todo el día siguiente Peter pensó en lo que había sucedido.
Quería saber quién le había salvado la vida. Peter navegó toda la noche,
buscando las rocas y la lámpara. No las pudo encontrar porque Sharon estaba
enferma con fiebre que le había dado por estar en el aire frío de la noche
En la noche siguiente le subió más la fiebre a Sharon y se puso peor.
Temía que ya nunca iba a poder salvar barcos otra vez. Esa noche Peter llevó
su barco al Mar del Norte nuevamente. Buscó una vez más a su amiga con la
lámpara. No pudo encontrar a su amiga, pero el mar furioso encontró a su
barco. Peter intentó alejarse de las rocas, pero ya era muy tarde. Solamente
uno de los marineros de Peter escapó y se salvó.
El marinero les dijo a los dioses poderosos lo que había sucedido. Les
contó lo de las rocas y acerca de la lámpara que había salvado a su barco antes.
Les contó cómo Peter navegó para tratar de encontrar a su amiga que tenía una
Los dioses sabían que Sharon había estado parada en las rocas para avisar
a los barcos que se alejaran del peligro. Dijeron: "Sharon seguirá por siempre
vigilando para cuidar a los marineros". Entonces los dioses poderosos
colocaron una estrella grande en el cielo del Norte. Hicieron que brillara más
intensamente que ninguna otra estrella.
Desde ese día, los marineros miraron a la Estrella Polar. Y todavía ahora
la estrella los guía y los protege en sus viajes por el mar.
Nivel C
Instrucciones: Lee con atención cada una de las preguntas. Rellena de negro
el círculo que esté junto a la respuesta correcta, o escribe tu respuesta en l
os renglones.
1 ¿De quién trata principalmente la historia?
De Sharon y Peter
De Sharon y los dioses poderosos
De Peter y los dioses poderosos
De Peter y el marinero
2 ¿Qué pensaba Sharon sobre el mar de noche?
3 ¿Qué palabra describe mejor a Sharon?
En la historia los marineros le advirtieron a Peter: "Tu barco será lanzado
contra las rocas". ¿Qué quiere decir lanzado en esta oración?
Nivel C
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5 ¿En qué se parecía Sharon a la Estrella Polar?
Guiaba y protegía a los marineros.
Solamente se podía ver de noche.
Se mantenía a distancia de la gente.
Era muy brillante.
6 ¿En qué era diferente el Mar del Sur del Mar del Norte?
El Mar del Sur era de agua salada, mientras que el Mar del Norte era de agua dulce.
El Mar del Sur era tranquilo, mientras que el Mar del Norte era agitado.
El Mar del Norte era de agua salada, mientras que el Mar del Sur era de agua dulce.
El Mar del Norte era tranquilo, mientras que el Mar del Sur era agitado.
7 El escenario de una historia nos dice dónde y cuándo sucede.
¿Cuál es el escenario de esta historia? Llena los recuadros que
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¿Dónde sucede la historia?
¿Cuándo sucede la historia?
8 ¿Cómo les ayuda la Estrella Polar a los marineros?
Nivel C
Instrucciones: Lee esta historia que se trata de escoger una mascota.
Después contesta las preguntas de la 1 a la 7.
El gato para la Sra. Lovelace
Escrita por Mary Jane Hopkins
Nivel C
This page may not be reproduced without permission of Steck-Vaughn.
La Sra. Lovelace era una abuelita. Tenía una linda sonrisa y unos ojos
muy alegres. Pero estaba solitaria. Sus hijos y sus nietos y sus bisnietos
se habían mudado muy lejos de ahí.
Una noche se sentó en su silla mecedora y se puso a tejer. Escuchaba
el sonido metálico clic-clic de las agujas para tejer. Escuchaba el crujir
scuic-scuic de la silla mecedora. Su casita, pequeñita era muy silenciosa.
"Ya sé", se dijo ella. "¡Me voy a hacer de una mascota para tener
quién me acompañe!"
Al día siguiente la Sra. Lovelace puso un anuncio en el periódico.
Se solicita: Un Gato
De cualquier color - De cualquier clase
Esa tarde la Sra. Lovelace escuchó una gran conmoción en la puerta
del frente de su casa. "¿Quién está ahí?", preguntó.
De pie, en los escalones, había tres muchachos. Cada uno de ellos
tenía un gato.
"Éste es Marco Polo", dijo el primer niño. "¡Es el gato más
hermoso del mundo!"
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Marco Polo era un gato persa, grande y blanco, con ojos tan azules
como un cielo de verano. Su pelambre era largo y esponjado.
"Qué bonito eres", dijo la Sra. Lovelace.
"Éste es Columbo", dijo el segundo niño. "Es el gato más inteligente
del mundo".
Columbo era un gato siamés, lustroso, de color crema, con unos ojos
tan verdes como los prados en la primavera. Su abrigo era sedoso y
"Te ves muy inteligente", dijo la Sra. Lovelace.
"Y éste es Max", dijo el tercer muchacho. "Es nada más un gato de
Max era café y blanco y negro. Tenía pelo corto y desaliñado. Sus
ojos eran amarillos. Tenía la cola torcida.
"Ay Dios mío", dijo la Sra. Lovelace. "¿Con cuál me quedaré?"
Los niños le sugirieron que se quedara con los tres gatos esa noche.
Ya volverían al día siguiente para saber cuál era su decisión.
Esa noche la Sra. Lovelace se puso cómoda en su silla mecedora.
Mientras tejía observaba a los tres gatos.
Marco Polo, el gato persa, quería mostrarle a la Sra. Lovelace lo
hermoso que era. Se lavó con su delicada lengua rosada hasta que su
abrigo blanco se vio como una bola de nieve esponjada. Se pavoneaba
frente a la Sra. Lovelace. Su magnífica cola se contoneaba al caminar.
Estaba seguro de que ella le escogería a él.
"¡Qué hermoso eres!"
Columbo, el gato siamés, quería mostrarle a la Sra. Lovelace lo
inteligente que era. Cuando la bola de estambre resbaló de la falda de la
Sra. Lovelace, cayendo al piso, vio que tenía una oportunidad.
Rápidamente enrolló el estambre para hacer una bola impecable, apretada,
y se la devolvió a la Sra. Lovelace.
"¡Qué inteligente eres!"
Fue entonces cuando Max, el gato de callejón, brincó sobre el regazo
de la Sra. Lovelace. Ella vio que la bola de estambre se enrollaba bajo su
silla, y hasta se le fue una puntada. Max simplemente se enroscó en su
suave y calientito regazo y cerró los ojos. Se restregó la cabeza en la
mano de la Sra. Lovelace y ronroneó feliz.
Al día siguiente regresaron los niños. "¿Con qué gato se va a quedar
usted?" preguntaron. "¿Ya se decidió?"
"Sí", dijo la Sra. Lovelace. "Me he decidido". Miró a los tres gatos y
sonrió. Sus ojos se veían muy felices. "Marco Polo me mostró la belleza.
Columbo me enseño inteligencia. Pero es con Max con quien me
voy a quedar, pues él me demostró cariño".
Nivel C
Instrucciones: Lee cada una de las preguntas con atención. Marca tus
respuestas en la hoja de respuestas. Rellena de negro el círculo que
corresponda a la respuesta correcta o escribe tu respuesta en una hoja
separada de papel.
1 Esta historia se trata principalmente de
Marco Polo.
la Sra. Lovelace.
2 ¿Por qué fue tan difícil para la Sra. Lovelace decidir con qué gato se iba a
No le gustaba ninguno de los gatos.
Le gustaban los gatos inteligentes y los tres eran inteligentes.
Le gustaban los gatos hermosos, pero ninguno de estos gatos era hermoso.
Le gustaban los tres gatos.
3 3. ¿En qué aspectos era Max diferente a Marco Polo y a Columbo? Da dos
ejemplos tomados de la historia en tu respuesta.
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Nivel C
4 4. Si tú fueras la Sra. Lovelace, ¿con qué gato te hubieras quedado?
Explica por qué.
5 La historia sucede
en el parque.
en una exhibición de gatos.
en la casa de la Sra. Lovelace.
en un refugio para animales.
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6 La historia dice: "Esta tarde la Sra. Lovelace escuchó una gran
conmoción en la puerta del frente de su casa". La palabra conmoción
quiere decir
7 ¿Cuál es la idea principal de esta historia?
Un gato que demuestra cariño es mejor que un gato hermoso o inteligente.
Todos los gatos son iguales.
Los gatos tienen los mismos nombres que tienen las personas.
A la gente le gustan los gatos que son hermosos e inteligentes.
Nivel C
Denver Public Schools
Success in
Grade 3
Unit 3—Poetry
Reading and Writing
Spring 2006
Teacher’s Guide
Lesson 1—”Black Hole”
CSAP Assessment Framework
Draw inferences using contextual clues
Reading Strategy
Rereading to visualize and feel the mood
Test-Taking Strategy
Rereading to support answers
Unit 3—Poetry
Today we are going to start a unit on poetry. I’m going to add poem and poetry to our CSAP word wall,
because you need to be able to read those words in the directions. What do you know about poetry already?
Hoy vamos a empezar una unidad sobre poesía. Voy a agregar las palabras poema y poesía a nuestra pared
de palabras de CSAP, porque necesitan ustedes poder leer estas palabras en las instrucciones. ¿Qué saben
ya sobre la poesía?
Have them turn to page 30 in Soaring Scores. How do you know right away it’s a poem, just by looking at it?
When authors write poetry, they arrange their words differently on the page, so we can tell right away it is
a poem. By arranging the words in certain ways, authors are better able to set a mood or paint a picture.
Authors choose their words very carefully for poems because poems are shorter than stories. Many poems
contain rhythm and rhyme, but not all of them do.
¿Cómo se dan cuenta de inmediato que se trata de un poema simplemente al verlo? Cuando los autores
escriben poesía, arreglan sus palabras en forma diferente en la página, de tal modo que podamos decir de
inmediato que lo que vemos es un poema. Disponiendo las palabras en cierta forma, los autores pueden
crear mejor un estado de ánimo o representar un cuadro. Los autores escogen sus palabras con mucho
cuidado para los poemas porque los poemas son más cortos que las historias. Muchos poemas contienen
ritmo y rima, pero no todos.
Often CSAP questions on poetry ask about lines that rhyme. A phrase in the directions might ask, “Which line
or word rhymes with _______?” When you see these words in a question, you need to go back to the poem to
find the line or word the question refers to, then find what rhymes with it.
Muchas veces las preguntas de CSAP sobre poesía le piden a uno que hable acerca de renglones (versos)
que rimen. Alguna frase de las instrucciones puede preguntar: “¿Qué renglón (verso) o qué palabra rima
con ________________?” Cuando vean ustedes estas palabras en una pregunta, necesitan volver a leer el
poema para buscar el renglón o la palabra a que se refiere la pregunta, después hay que encontrar lo que
rime con ese renglón o palabra.
Add these words to the CSAP word wall.
Denver Public Schools 2006
Grade 3
Success in Literacy
Reading Strategy/CSAP Framework Mini-Lesson: Rereading Poetry to Visualize and Feel the Mood
We have talked a lot about the Stop and Think strategy, which is important for you to do when you
read poetry, as well, but poems are often so short you can reread them several times. Rereading
a poem helps you visualize the picture the author is painting with words and gives you sense of the
mood of the poem. Sometimes it is even helpful to whisper read a poem to yourself, so you can listen
to the words of the poem.
Hemos hablado mucho sobre la estrategia de Detenerse a Pensar, que es importante que hagan
ustedes cuando lean una poesía también; pero muchas veces los poemas son tan cortos que pueden
leerlos varias veces. Volver a leer un poema les ayuda a visualizar el cuadro que el autor está
pintando o representando con palabras y les da a ustedes un sentido de la atmósfera del poema.
Algunas veces es útil hasta leer en voz muy baja el poema para uno mismo, de manera que uno
pueda escuchar las palabras del poema.
Direct students to read the poem and Stop and Think after each stanza. Then tell them to reread
the poem at least two more times and try to visualize the picture and feel the mood. Students read
the selection independently or with partners. For students who need more scaffolding to read the
selection, read with them in a group or confer.
Discuss what they visualized and why (using the text) as a whole group. Talk about the feeling or
mood the author created, using the text to support answers.
It is okay if students don’t finish the entire selection, since it is a reread to refresh their memories for the next
questions they will answer.
Test-Taking Mini-Lesson: Rereading
Denver Public Schools 2006
When you take a test on poetry, it is really easy to go back to the poem and reread it to support
your answers, since poems are usually pretty short. We will practice that strategy today.
Cuando uno hace una prueba sobre poesía, es realmente fácil volver al poema y volver a leerlo
para apoyar nuestras respuestas pues en general los poemas son bastante cortos. Hoy vamos a
practicar esa estrategia.
Guided Practice: Have them turn to question 24. I’m going to think aloud as I use the rereading
strategy. First, I need to think about what the question is asking me to do: figure out what happens
to the star after it gets too fat and too hot. I know the star starts to get fatter and hotter near the
beginning of the poem, so I am going to reread the poem to find out what happens next.
Voy a pensar en voz alta al estar usando la estrategia de volver a leer. Primero necesito pensar
sobre lo que la pregunta me pide que haga: imaginarme lo que le pasa a la estrella después de
que se pone muy gorda y muy caliente. Sé que la estrella empieza a ponerse más gorda y más
caliente cerca del principio del poema, así es que voy a volver a leer el poema para descubrir lo
que sucede después.
Reread the poem, emphasizing “may pop and bang!” and “one day it’s there, the next it’s not!”
“¡puede reventar y explotar! and “¡un día la encontramos ahí, al día siguiente desapareció!”
and write the answer on an overhead or the board. Rereading the poem helped me make sure I
could figure out what happened next in the poem.
Volver a leer el poema me ayudó a asegurarme que pude descubrir lo que sucedió después en el
Grade 3
Success in Literacy
Turn to question 28.
Vayan a la pregunta 28.
a. What should we do first?
¿Qué debemos hacer primero?
(Read the beginning of the question and Stop and Think about what the question is asking.)
Make sure students understand what this comparison question is asking.
b. Next, what should we do?
¿Después qué debemos hacer?
(Read all of the answers.)
c. Next, we will use the rereading strategy to make sure we can support our answer. Do that now.
Después, usaremos la estrategia de volver a leer para asegurarnos de apoyar nuestra
respuesta. Hagan eso ahora.
d. Discuss their answers and why they wrote what they did, using the text.
Now you are going to practice the rereading strategy with partners.
Ahora van ustedes a practicar con compañeros la estrategia de volver a leer.
Have students work with partners
to answer questions 27 and 29. Remind them to use the chart of strategies. Work with students who need
more support in groups or confer with partners.
Let’s get together and talk about our strategies and thinking. Turn to question 27. Who would like
to explain how you worked on this question and how you came up with your answer?
Vamos a reunirnos para hablar sobre nuestras estrategias y qué pensamos. Vayan a la pregunta 27.
¿Quién quiere explicar cómo trabajó con esta pregunta y cómo llegó a su respuesta?
Have students discuss their thinking and strategies. If students chose the wrong answer, talk about
how test-makers tried to trick them by giving them more than one possible good answer. Explain the
correct answer and why test-makers wanted them to choose that answer. The purpose here is to teach
strategies and thinking, not just getting right answers!
Do question 29 the same way.
Have students talk about how the rereading strategy helped them. Discuss any other strategies
that might have surfaced.
Denver Public Schools 2006
Grade 3
Success in Literacy
Lesson 2—”Black Hole”
CSAP Assessment Framework
Draw inferences using contextual clues—interpretive reading
Unit 3—Poetry
Reading Strategy
Rereading to visualize and feel the mood
Test-Taking Strategy
Rereading to support answers
On CSAP, you often find questions that ask “Why do you think_________?” When you read that kind of
question, go back to the poem (or story or article) and find information that helps explain why you think
the way you do. It is important to include information from the text to support what you think. Today, we will
learn about “why do you think” questions. Let’s add that phrase to our word wall.
En el CSAP muchas veces se encuentran ustedes con preguntas que les dicen: “¿Por qué piensas que
______________________?” Cuando lean ustedes esa clase de preguntas, vuelvan al poema (o a la historia,
o al artículo) y busquen la información que ayude a explicar por qué piensan ustedes en esa forma. Es
importante incluir información en el texto para apoyar lo que ustedes piensan. Hoy vamos a aprender
acerca de las preguntas “¿por qué piensas..?” Vamos a agregar esa frase a nuestra pared de palabras.
Denver Public Schools 2006
Grade 3
Success in Literacy
Test-Taking Mini-Lesson: Review of Rereading
We have talked about how important it is to reread poems to support our answers. We will practice
that strategy again today.
Hemos hablado acerca de lo importante que es volver a leer los poemas para apoyar nuestras
respuestas. Hoy vamos a practicar esa estrategia nuevamente.
4. Turn to question 25.
Vayan a la pregunta 25.
a. What should we do first?
¿Qué debemos hacer primero?
(Read the beginning of the question and Stop and Think about
what the question is asking.) Make sure students understand what the question is asking.
Think aloud what the question is asking if students aren’t clear.
b. Next, what should we do?
¿Después qué debemos hacer?
(Read all of the answers.)
c. Next, we will use the rereading strategy to make sure we can support our answer. Do that now.
En seguida, vamos a usar la estrategia de volver a leer para asegurarnos que podamos
apoyar nuestra respuesta. Hagan eso ahora.
d. Discuss their answers and why they put what they did, using the text.
5. Repeat the process with question 26.
Sometimes we also have to use our background knowledge or our own experiences to help us,
along with the rereading strategy.
Algunas veces también tenemos que usar los conocimientos que ya tenemos desde antes, o nuestras
propias experiencias, para ayudarnos, junto con la estrategia de volver a leer.
6. Have students read the directions for question 30 to themselves. Ask them what the question is
asking. Point out that the question is a “Why do you think” question, so they have to think on
their own. Also, it says “give an example from your own experience.”
7. Have students fill out the chart independently or in pairs.
8. Debrief what students wrote and why.
Reading Strategy/CSAP Framework Mini-Lesson: Reading Poetry Aloud with Dramatic Interpretation
One way to practice understanding poems better is to read them out loud as a performance, which helps us feel
the mood and think about what the author is trying to say. For example, with this poem, we might read the first
stanza this way.
Una forma para practicar la mejor comprensión de los poemas es leerlos en voz alta como una actuación, lo
que nos ayuda a sentir la atmósfera y pensar en lo que trata de decir el autor. Por ejemplo, con este poema,
podríamos leer la primera estrofa de esta forma.
Model how to read it dramatically, using gestures.
Now with partners, think about how you would read the rest of the poem if you were performing it. Think about
the mood the author is trying to create. Practice different ways and add movements if you like.
Ahora con sus compañeros piensen cómo leerían el resto del poema si lo estuvieran presentando o
actuando. Piensen en la atmósfera que el autor está tratando de crear. Practiquen diferentes formas y
añadan movimientos si quieren.
Have students read their interpretations of the poem out loud. Talk about how their dramatic readings made
the poem clearer.
Denver Public Schools 2006
Grade 3
Success in Literacy
Lesson 3—”Deserted”
CSAP Assessment Framework
Draw inferences using contextual clues
Make comparisons
Reading Strategy
Rereading to visualize and feel the mood—dramatic reading
Test-Taking Strategies
Reviewing multiple-choice strategies, including rereading the poem
Following directions: Writing the right number of examples
Unit 3—Poetry
CSAP questions might ask you to talk about the reasons a writer chose certain words or phrases. This type of
question ask you to think about what the author is trying to have you learn, think about, or feel. Other questions
that ask about what the author is trying to have you learn, think about, or feel are “What is the author’s main
reason?” and “What does the writer believe?” I am going to put these phrases on our CSAP word wall.
Las preguntas del CSAP podrían pedirles que hablen acerca de las razones que tiene el autor para escoger
ciertas palabras o frases. Este tipo de preguntas les pide que piensen en lo que el autor está tratando de que
ustedes aprendan, piensen o sientan. Otras preguntas que tratan acerca de lo que el autor está tratando de que
ustedes aprendan, piensen o sientan, son: “¿Cuál es la razón principal del autor?” y “¿Qué cree el escritor?”
Voy a poner estas frases en nuestra pared de palabras del CSAP.
Reading Strategy/CSAP Framework Mini-Lesson: Rereading Poetry to Visualize and Feel the Mood—
Dramatic Reading
As we read today’s first poem, we’re going to pay special attention to comparisons the author makes.
The author is going to compare two things you might not usually think are similar.
Mientras leemos el primer poema de hoy, vamos a poner especial atención en las comparaciones
que hace el autor. El autor va a comparar dos cosas que generalmente podrían pensar ustedes que
no son similares.
Have students turn to page 52, “Deserted.” Direct students to read the poem with partners and Stop and
Think after each line, thinking about what the writer might be comparing the house to. Ask students to
answer question 23 based on their partner reading. Discuss answers with the whole group. Note that in
test questions, you may also see the words same and alike when the question is about comparisons.
We have learned about how important it is to reread poems several times. In fact, we learned
t is really helpful to read poems dramatically out loud to understand the mood of the poem better.
Of course, when you take CSAP, you can’t read out loud, but you can try to hear that kind of reading
in your head when you read it on the test.
Hemos aprendido la importancia que tiene volver a leer los poemas varias veces. De hecho,
aprendimos que en verdad es útil leer los poemas en forma dramática y en voz alta, para entender
mejor la atmósfera del poema. Claro que cuando toman ustedes el CSAP no pueden leer en voz
alta, pero pueden tratar de oír esa clase de lectura en su mente cuando la lean en la prueba.
Ask students to reread the poem and prepare it for a performance, with movements if they like.
Have students perform the poem. Talk about the feelings they get across as they perform the poem.
Talk about how it helps them understand the poem and the author’s purpose for writing it better.
Test-Taking Mini-Lesson: Review of Multiple-Choice Strategies
Review multiple-choice strategies by practicing question 24 together. Remind them to use the strategies
during practice time.
Have students do questions 26–27 and 29 in pairs or independently.
Denver Public Schools 2006
Grade 3
Success in Literacy
Have students share out their answers and their thinking.
Talk about how reading the poem dramatically helped them answer the questions.
Have them add another strategy to their lists in their CSAP notebooks, as appropriate.
Denver Public Schools 2006
Grade 3
Success in Literacy
Lesson 4—”Deserted”
CSAP Assessment Framework
Draw inferences using contextual clues
Make comparisons
Reading Strategy
Rereading to visualize and feel the mood—dramatic reading
Test-Taking Strategies
Reviewing multiple-choice strategies, including rereading the poem
Following directions: Writing the right number of examples for short constructed-response questions
Unit 3—Poetry
Poets sometimes use comparison techniques called metaphors and similes. If the writer uses a metaphor,
he or she compares two things that don’t seem to go together. One example is “the clouds are cotton candy.”
If the writer uses a simile, he or she makes comparisons using the words like or as, such as “the clouds are
as fluffy as cotton candy.”
Algunas veces los poetas usan técnicas de comparación llamadas metáforas y símiles. Si el escritor usa una
metáfora, compara dos cosas que no parece que se lleven entre sí. Un ejemplo es “las nubes son algodones
de dulce”. Si el escritor usa un símil, el escritor hace comparaciones usando las palabras como o tan, como
en “las nubes son tan esponjosas como los algodones de dulce”.
Let’s try making some comparisons ourselves.
Vamos a tratar de hacer comparaciones.
ƒ The snow is as white as _________________.
La nieve es tan blanca como _______________________.
ƒ The star is ____________________.
La estrella es __________________.
Work on examples as long as it seems appropriate for your students.
Test-Taking Strategy: Following Directions: Writing the Right Number of Examples for Short
Constructed-Response Questions
Sometimes when a CSAP question asks you to write an answer, it directs you on how many examples to include
in your answer. It is important that you write as many examples as it asks for. One way students lose points on
CSAP is that they don’t write enough examples.
Algunas veces, cuando alguna pregunta del CSAP les pide que escriban una respuesta, les indica cuántos
ejemplos deben incluir en su respuesta. Es importante que escriban todos los ejemplos que les piden. Una
forma en que los estudiantes pierden puntos en el CSAP es porque no escriben suficientes ejemplos.
1. Have students read question 25. Talk about what it is asking them to do. Talk about how important
it is to give two ways or examples the house and the man are alike.
2. Model or do a guided practice on rereading the poem to support the answer. Model writing one
example on an overhead or the board. Ask them if you are through. (No, you need two examples.)
Have students write two examples in their notebooks. They can use your model as their first one,
but they need to add another one of their own. Debrief.
3. Have students turn to question 28. Because this question is so difficult, do it as another guided
practice, rather than having students do it on their own. Repeat the steps of reading the question and
thinking about what it is asking you to do. Refer to the CSAP word wall, if necessary. Then have
students reread the poem and write their answers. When you have them debrief, make sure everyone
has written an opinion response supported by text examples.
Denver Public Schools 2006
Grade 3
Success in Literacy
Reading Strategy/CSAP Framework Mini-Lesson: Rereading Poetry to Visualize and Feel the Mood—
Dramatic Reading
Materials: Poetry books or selected poems
ƒ We have learned about how important it is to reread poems several times. In fact, we learned
it is really helpful to read poems dramatically out loud to understand the mood of the poem better.
Of course, when you take CSAP, you can’t read out loud, but you can try to hear that kind of reading
in your head when you read it on the test. Today, we have a selection of poems and poetry books
to practice reading aloud together. With a partner, choose a poem to dramatize. Look out for some
poetry elements we’ve already noted on the CSAP word wall.
Hemos aprendido la importancia que tiene volver a leer los poemas varias veces. De hecho,
aprendimos que en verdad es útil leer los poemas en forma dramática y en voz alta, para entender
mejor la atmósfera del poema. Claro que cuando toman ustedes el CSAP no pueden leer en voz
alta, pero pueden tratar de oír esa clase de lectura en su mente cuando la lean en la prueba. Hoy,
tenemos una selección de poemas y libros de poesía para practicar la lectura en voz alta todos
juntos. Con un compañero, escojan un poema para dramatizarlo. Fíjense para ver si encuentran
algunos elementos de la poesía que ya hemos anotado en la pared de palabras del CSAP.
ƒ Ask students to reread the poems and prepare them for a performance, with movements if they like.
ƒ Have students perform the poems. Talk about the feelings that they get across as they perform the
poems. Talk about how it helps them better understand the poems and the author’s purpose for writing
it. Talk about the variety of poetry elements they notice in each poem.
Students have already shared out their answers and their thinking.
Talk with them about any new strategies they learned today (e.g., writing the right number of
examples, using background knowledge or other resources).
Denver Public Schools 2006
Grade 3
Success in Literacy
Instrucciones: Lee este poema acerca de los agujeros negros. Después contesta las
preguntas de la 24 a la 30.
Un agUjero negroa
escrito por J. Patrick Lewis
Una estrella que es sencillamente
demasiado gorda como para quedar colgada
lejos en el espacio,
puede reventar - y explotar.
Sus entrañas llegan a estar
con un calor llameante
Un día la encontramos ahí,
al día siguiente desapareció!
Y nadie sabe
por qué exactamente,
pero en el techo
del cielo,
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El agujero que se traga
la luz de la estrella
es grande como el día
y negro como la noche.
Nivel C
Instrucciones: Lee con atención cada una de las preguntas. Rellena el círculo que
esté junto a la respuesta correcta, o escribe tu respuesta en los renglones.
24 ¿Qué le sucede a una estrella después de que se pone demasiado
gorda y demasiado caliente?
Se hace más grande.
Se revienta
Se vuelve un sol.
Se vuelve más brillante.
25 Tú sabes que éste es un poema porque
tiene un ritmo y rima (en inglés)
no tiene muchas palabras.
te dice lo que le pasa a una estrella.
tiene un título y el nombre del escritor.
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26 ¿Cuál de las siguientes frases se refiere al sentido del tacto?
se revienta y explota
con calor llameante
luz de la estrella
negro como la noche
27 En el poema, ¿qué renglón rima con “luz de las estrellas”?
Nivel C
Instrucciones: Lee el poema que está abajo. Después contesta las preguntas
de la 23 a la 29.
escrita por Madison Cawein
La vieja casa se recarga en un árbol
como lo hace un viejo en un bastón.
El viento de la noche, en su viejo porche,
suena como una risa hueca.
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Nivel C
Instrucciones: Lee cada una de las preguntas con atención. Marca tus
respuestas en la hoja de respuestas. Rellena el círculo que corresponda a la
respuesta correcta o escribe tu respuesta en una hoja separada de papel.
23 En el poema, el escritor compara una casa con
una nube.
un árbol.
un porche.
un hombre.
24 Sabes que éste es un poema porque
te dice cómo se ve una casa vieja.
no tiene muchas palabras.
tiene ritmo y rima.
tiene un título y el nombre del escritor.
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25 Escribe dos cosas en las que se parecen la casa y un hombre viejo.
Escribe una o dos oraciones.
26 En el poema, ¿en qué son iguales el porche y el hombre viejo?
Son corpulentos.
Son viejos.
Son enojones.
Son felices.
Nivel C
27 Otra palabra que podría haber usado el escritor que significa lo
mismo que bastón, es
28 ¿Por qué piensas que el escritor le llamó “Abandonada” a este
29 ¿Qué renglón del poema rima con “Como un viejo en un bastón”?
La vieja casa se recarga en un árbol.
Como un becerrito de ojos cafés.
Suena como una risa hueca.
El viento de la noche está en su viejo porche.
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Nivel C
Denver Public Schools
Success in
Grade 3
Unit 4—Writing
Reading and Writing
Spring 2006
Teacher’s Guide
Lesson 1
CSAP Assessment Framework
Develop ideas and content with relevant details
Test-Taking Strategy
Unit 4—Writing
Using what you know about writing
A paragraph is a group of sentences that tell about one main topic. The first sentence usually identifies the topic
or main idea. The other sentences give details or facts about it.
Un párrafo es un grupo de oraciones que hablan sobre un tema principal. La primera oración generalmente
identifica el tema o la idea principal. Las otras oraciones dan detalles o hechos acerca del tema o idea.
Have students turn to the first paragraph from “A Cat for Mrs. Lovelace” on page 40. Read it aloud. This a
paragraph. All of the sentences are about Mrs. Lovelace. The first sentence tells the main idea of the
paragraph—Mrs. Lovelace was a grandmother. The other sentences give more details about Mrs. Lovelace.
What else do you notice about paragraphs? Talk with your partner.
Éste es un párrafo. Todas las oraciones hablan sobre la Sra. Lovelace. La primera oración habla de la idea
principal del párrafo—La Sra. Lovelace era una abuelita. Las otras oraciones dan más detalles sobre la Sra.
Lovelace. ¿Qué más les notaron ustedes a los párrafos? Hablen con su compañero.
On CSAP, questions often ask you to read or write a paragraph. What is important to remember about
paragraphs? Let’s put the word paragraph on our word wall.
En el CSAP, las preguntas muchas veces les piden a ustedes que lean o escriban un párrafo. ¿Qué es
importante recordar sobre los párrafos? Vamos a poner la palabra párrafo en nuestra pared de palabras.
Denver Public Schools 2006
Grade 3
Success in Literacy
Test-Taking Mini-Lesson: Using What We Already Know about Writing for CSAP
Today we are going to look at the writing part of CSAP. You will be asked to write some short
paragraphs. When you write on CSAP, it is important to use what you have learned in Writing
Workshop this year.
Hoy vamos a ver la parte escrita del CSAP. Se les pedirá a ustedes que escriban unos párrafos
cortos. Cuando escriban en el CSAP, es importante que usen lo que ya han aprendido este año
en el Taller de Escritura.
This year, we have talked about what makes writing good. Let’s review some characteristics of good
Este año hemos hablado sobre lo que hace una buena composición. Vamos a revisar algunas
características de la buena escritura de una composición.
Use either a chart or rubric developed by your class, or if your class does not have a chart or rubric,
create one with the characteristics listed below. Read through the characteristics and discuss.
Organize with a beginning, middle, and end that makes sense
Organicen con un principio, parte media y final que tengan
Focus—small moment; main idea
Enfoque—momento pequeño, idea principal
Details that make the writing more interesting
Detalles que hagan más interesante lo que se escribe
Interesting language
Lenguaje intertesante
Good beginning
Buen principio
Have students turn and talk about how they use these characteristics in their own writing.
Make sure you include these characteristics of good writing in all your writing, including when
you write for CSAP.
Asegúrense de incluir estas características de la buena escritura en todo lo que escriban, inclusive
cuando escriban para el CSAP.
Using what you already know about writing will help you on CSAP. On CSAP, your writing is scored
on a rubric. To get top points, you need to do the following things.
Si usan ustedes lo que ya saben acerca de escribir composiciones, eso les ayudará en el CSAP.
En el CSAP les calificarán lo que escriben de acuerdo con una guía para calificar. Para obtener
los mejores puntos, necesitan hacer las siguientes cosas:
Have a chart of the following rubric or make student copies.
Denver Public Schools 2006
Grade 3
Success in Literacy
Rubric Criteria
Criterio para la guía
Content (focus,
Possible 2 points
2 puntos posibles
Has a main topic
Tiene un tema principal
Has details that are interesting and grab the reader
Tiene detalles interesantes y atrae la atención del lector
Has ideas that go together
Tiene ideas que van juntas
Stays on topic
Se mantiene en el tema
(order or
of ideas)
(orden o arreglo
de ideas)
Possible 1 point
1 punto posible
Has ideas that are in order and make sense
Tiene ideas que están en orden y tienen sentido
word choice,
sentence structure)
(voz, palabras
estructura de las
Possible 1 point
1 punto posible
Has complete sentences
Tiene oraciones completas
Shows an interest in the topic
Muestra interés en el tema
Uses different beginning words for sentences (for example, not
all beginning with the word “Then”)
Usa diferentes palabras de inicio en las oraciones (por ejemplo,
no todo empieza con la palabra “Después”)
Has ideas that are explained clearly with descriptive and/or
powerful words
Tiene ideas que explica claramente con palabras descriptivas
y/o vigorosas
Language Usage
Reglas de uso del
Possible 1 point
1 punto posible
Has capital letters and correct punctuation in almost all the right
Tiene letras mayúsculas y puntuación correcta en casi todos
los lugares correctos
Has almost all the words spelled correctly
Casi todas las palabras tienen buena ortografía
Has subjects and verbs that go together and sound right
Tiene concordancia entre los sujetos y los verbos y suenan bien
*Kid-friendly rubric from the Colorado Department of Education at
Look back at the “What Makes Writing Good?” chart. Help students make connections between what
they do in Writing Workshop that will help them score points on the CSAP rubric.
Denver Public Schools 2006
Grade 3
Success in Literacy
Writing Strategy/CSAP Framework Mini-Lesson: Using the Rubric to Analyze Writing
We are going to use this rubric to think about this third graders’ paragraph.
Vamos a usar esta guía para pensar en este párrafo para estudiantes de tercer grado.
Use the five-point third grade paragraph from CDE released items on page 5 in this guide.
ƒ Read the prompt and paragraph aloud.
ƒ Model for students how to use the rubric to think about this student’s writing. Let’s look at the
content. He has a main topic in the first sentence when he says, “Something that makes me happy
is my dog.” Then he writes details about how his dog makes him happy. Talk with your partner about
what makes his details interesting. Another thing a paragraph needs is to have all the ideas go
together. Let’s see if all his ideas are about his dog. Yep, all his ideas go together. The last point on
the rubric asks if the paragraph stays on topic.
Vamos a ver el contenido. Tiene un tema principal en la primera oración cuando dice: “Algo que
me hace feliz es mi perro”. Después escribe detalles sobre la forma en que lo hace feliz su perro.
Hablen con su compañero acerca de lo que hace que sus detalles sean interesantes. Otra cosa que
necesita un párrafo es hacer que todas las ideas vayan juntas. Vamos a ver si todas sus ideas son
acerca de su perro. Sí, todas sus ideas van juntas. El último punto de la guía pregunta si el párrafo
se mantiene en el tema.
Reread the prompt. Did he describe something that made him happy? Did he explain why it made him
¿Describió él algo que lo hizo feliz? ¿Explicó por qué eso lo hizo feliz?
Point out to students the importance of answering everything the prompt asks.
ƒ Go through the other points on the rubric, having students turn and talk often.
Read aloud the prompt and paragraph from the four-point sample on page 6 in this guide. This sample scored
one point for each area: content, organization, style, and language usage. Have students work in pairs to use
the rubric to look for evidence of good writing in the paragraph.
Have students discuss how the CSAP rubric or rubrics like the one in their classroom can help their writing.
Denver Public Schools 2006
Grade 3
Success in Literacy
Writing Prompt—Five-Point Example
Denver Public Schools 2006
Grade 3
Success in Literacy
Sugerencias para escribir—Ejemplo de cinco puntos
¿Qué te hace feliz? Escribe un párrafo en el que describas algo que te haga feliz y explica por qué
te hace feliz eso.
Puedes usar el espacio que está abajo para hacer planes de lo que vas a escribir.
Tiene como seis meses de edad
Es tierna
Mi perra
Es amistosa
Se llama Bandit
Brinca sobre mí
Algo que me hace feliz es mi perra. Mi perro es una perra y se llama Bandit (Bandolera).
Una razón por la que me hace feliz es que es muy amistosa. También es muy tierna. Mi
perra tiene como seis meses de edad. A Bandit le encanta brincar sobre la gente. Algunas
veces la tengo que llevar a pasear. Bandit es una mezcla de Bluehealer y Rottweiler. Es
negra, blanca y gris. Me dieron esta perra cuando mi otro perro se murió. Ayer mi papa
le trajo un juguete Nuevo. El juguete Nuevo es un hot dog. Estas son algunas rezones
por las que mi perra me hace feliz.
Denver Public Schools 2006
Grade 3
Success in Literacy
Writing Prompt—Four-Point Example
Denver Public Schools 2006
Grade 3
Success in Literacy
Sugerencias para escribir—Ejemplo de cuatro puntos
¿Qué te hace feliz? Escribe un párrafo en el que describas algo que te haga feliz y explica por qué
te hace feliz eso.
Puedes usar el espacio que está abajo para hacer planes de lo que vas a escribir.
La razón por la que mi abuelita me hace feliz es lo que hace de comer… mmm. …
delicioso!!! Mi abuelita es alta, me gusta correr a donde está ella y abrazarla.
Mi abuelita me lleva con ella. Casi siempre le corto el pasto y le ayudo con Chaliko.
Le ayudo a cocinar y cuando tuvo un accidente, yo. Me hizo sentir bien ayudarla.
Denver Public Schools 2006
Grade 3
Success in Literacy
Lesson 2
CSAP Assessment Framework
Write in a variety of modes—explanatory paragraph
Unit 4—Writing
Writing Strategy
Organizing writing into logical arrangement of ideas
Test-Taking Strategy
Writing to a prompt
Today’s CSAP word is prompt. When you write for CSAP, a prompt is a few sentences that explain what you
need to write about. Some of you have written to prompts, such as “What is your favorite season? Why is it
your favorite?” Can you think of a prompt you have written to?
La palabra del CSAP para hoy es sugerencia. Cuando escriben ustedes para el CSAP, una sugerencia
consiste en unas pocas oraciones que explican sobre qué necesitan escribir. Algunos de ustedes han escrito
cuando les dan sugerencias como “¿Cuál es tu estación favorita del año? ¿Por qué es tu favorita?” ¿Pueden
pensar en alguna sugerencia sobre la que hayan escrito?
We are going to add prompt to our CSAP word wall. It is important that you write what the prompt asks.
Vamos a agregar sugerencia a nuestra pared de palabras de CSAP. Es importante que escriban lo que les
piden las sugerencias.
Denver Public Schools 2006
Grade 3
Success in Literacy
Test-Taking Mini-Lesson
On CSAP, you will be asked to write some paragraphs and a longer piece in which you write a draft
and revise it for the final copy. In both kinds of writing, a prompt tells you what to write about.
In Writing Workshop, you may have learned to use R-U-P-R when writing to a prompt. Remember
in R-U-P-R:
En el CSAP, se les pedirá que escriban algunos párrafos y un trozo más largo, en el que escriban
un borrador y lo revisen para que quede una copia final. En ambas clases de composición, la
sugerencia les dice sobre qué van a escribir. En el Taller de Composición puede ser que hayan
aprendido a usar R-U-P-R cuando escriban sobre una sugerencia. Recuerden, en R-U-P-R:
o R stands for read. Read the prompt once.
La R es la letra inicial de read (lee, en inglés). Lee la sugerencia una vez.
o U stands for underline. Underline the format, audience, topic, and purpose.
La U es la letra inicial de underline (subraya, en ingles). Subraya el formato, el auditorio,
el tema y el propósito.
In some CSAP prompts, audience and purpose are not identified. Tell students that if they are
not identified in the prompt, they should think of the CSAP scorers as their audience and the
purpose is to show the CSAP scorers all they know about writing.
o P stands for plan. Think about how you will organize your ideas and what details to include.
La P es la letra inicial de la palabra planifica. Piensa en la forma en que vas a organizar tus
ideas y qué detalles vas a incluir.
o R stands for reread and revise. After you have written your piece, reread the prompt and make
sure you answered all the parts in the prompt.
La R es la letra inicial de las palabras relee y revisa. Después de que hayas escrito tu trabajo,
relee (vuelve a leer) la sugerencia y asegúrate de que hayas contestado todas las partes de la
Let’s use RUPR to understand the prompt on the top of page 38.
Vamos a usar RUPR para entender la sugerencia que está al principio de la página 38.
1. Read the prompt aloud.
2. Model how you would underline the format (tell), audience (CSAP scorers), topic (why this
person is such a good friend to you), and purpose (to show why you are the best for the job).
3. Think aloud who you might write about. Talk about how you might organize your ideas and
what details you might include.
4. Have students turn and talk about who they might write about and how they might organize their ideas.
5. Have a few students share their ideas.
Denver Public Schools 2006
Grade 3
Success in Literacy
Writing Strategy/CSAP Framework Mini-Lesson
Now I have to write my paragraph. I know what I want to write, but I need to make sure I write it
in an organized way, so my readers understand. I know it is important to have a beginning, middle,
and end that make sense. This simple graphic organizer helps me get my thoughts in order and
reminds me to think of lots of specific examples and details to make my paragraph more interesting.
Ahora tengo que escribir mi párrafo. Sé lo que quiero escribir, pero necesito asegurarme de que lo
escriba lo haga en forma organizada, para que mis lectores puedan entender. Sé que es importante
tener un principio, una parte media y un final que tenga sentido. Este organizador gráfico sencillo
me ayuda a poner mis pensamientos en orden y me recuerda que tengo que pensar en muchos
ejemplos y detalles específicos para hacer que mi párrafo sea más interesante.
(BEGINNING) Topic Sentence:
ƒ Detail 1:
ƒ Detail 2:
ƒ Detail 3:
(END) Conclusion:
Think aloud how you would use this graphic organizer.
6. Whenever I write a paragraph, I start with a topic sentence that lets my readers know what
I am going to write about. I’ll write about why my friend Lynn is such a good friend to me.
Siempre que escribo un párrafo empiezo con una oración que describe el tema, que permite
que mis lectores sepan sobre qué voy a escribir. Voy a escribir acerca de por qué mi amiga
Lynn es tan buena amiga conmigo.
7. For the first detail, I’m going to write about one thing that makes Lynn such a good friend.
She always remembers my birthday, and she thinks of ways to make it special for me.
Maybe I could give a specific example, so it is more interesting for my readers.
Para el primer detalle, voy a escribir sobre una cosa que hace de Lynn una buena amiga. Ella
siempre se acuerda de mi cumpleaños, y piensa en maneras para hacerlo especial para mí. Tal
vez podría yo dar un ejemplo específico, de modo que sea más interesante para mis lectores.
8. For the second detail, I’m going to write about another thing that makes Lynn such a good friend.
She always makes me laugh, and she’s fun to be around. Again, I can write a specific example
to make it more interesting, like the time we couldn’t stop laughing at the movies.
Para el segundo detalle, voy a escribir sobre otra cosa que hace que Lynn sea tan buena amiga.
Ella siempre me hace reír y es divertido andar con ella. De nuevo, puedo escribir algún ejemplo
específico para hacerlo más interesante, como la vez en que no pudimos parar de reírnos
en el cine.
9. For the third detail, I’ll write another reason. Lynn always is willing to help me. Again, I’ll write
some examples to make it more interesting.
Para el tercer detalle, voy a escribir otra razón. Lynn siempre está queriendo ayudarme.
Otra vez, escribiré algunos ejemplos para hacerlo más interesante.
10. For the conclusion, I need to remind my readers what I’m writing about and repeat the ideas
in my topic sentence, so I’ll end by writing that I’m lucky to have Lynn for a friend, because
she’s thoughtful, funny, and always willing to help me out.
Para la conclusión, necesito recordarles a mis lectores sobre qué estoy escribiendo y repetir las
ideas que están en mi oración que contiene la idea principal, así que voy a terminar mi
composición escribiendo que tengo suerte de tener a Lynn como amiga, porque es amable,
divertida y siempre tiene voluntad para ayudarme.
ƒ Have students reread the prompt and check that everything they underlined is addressed in their
paragraphs. Have students discuss if anything needs revision.
ƒ Write a quick paragraph referring back to your graphic organizer. Now, the graphic organizer helps keep
me organized, but I need to make sure I add those specific examples, so my paragraph is interesting.
Escriban un párrafo cortito consultando su organizador gráfico. Ahora, el organizador gráfico me
ayuda a ser organizado, pero necesito asegurarme de agregar esos ejemplos específicos para que mi
párrafo sea interesante.
Denver Public Schools
Success in Literacy
ƒ Have them look at the CSAP rubric toGrade
see if3 anything needs revision.
Have students work in pairs to practice independently with the prompt that was modeled above. Have them use
RUPR to read the prompt and the graphic organizer to plan their paragraphs.
1. Read aloud the prompt on the top of page 60 (R).
2. Have partners underline the topic and format (U).
3. Have partners talk about what they would write about. Who is a good friend? Why is this person
a good friend to them? Have them write their ideas on the graphic organizer (P).
4. Then have them reread and revise (R) to make sure they answered all parts of the prompt.
5. Have them write a paragraph using the ideas and organization from their graphic organizers.
Have students discuss how RUPR and the graphic organizer helped them know what to write and how to
organize their ideas. Have them write in their CSAP notebooks one strategy they used in their writing today.
Denver Public Schools 2006
Grade 3
Success in Literacy
Lesson 3
CSAP Assessment Framework
Write in a variety of modes
Writing Strategy
Unit 4—Writing
Organizing writing into logical arrangement of ideas
Test-Taking Strategy
Writing to a prompt
Most CSAP prompts tell you what to write. For example, in the last prompt, you were asked to write a
paragraph. Sometime the prompt says to write in the “format of a letter.” The format is the type of writing.
The format could be a paragraph or letter or instructions. What are some other formats?
La mayor parte de las sugerencias del CSAP les dicen qué hay que escribir. Por ejemplo, en la primera
sugerencia, se les pidió que escribieran un párrafo. Algunas veces la sugerencia les dice que escriban con el
“formato de una carta”. El formato es la forma de escribir. El formato podría ser un párrafo o una carta, o
instrucciones. ¿Cuáles son algunos otros formatos?
We are going to add the word format to the CSAP word wall. We will also write some types of formats.
Let’s make a list.
Vamos a agregar la palabra formato a la pared de palabras del CSAP. Vamos también a escribir algunos
tipos de formato. Vamos a hacer una lista.
Include story, article, and directions on your word wall.
Denver Public Schools 2006
Grade 3
Success in Literacy
Test-Taking Mini-Lesson
Today we have a new prompt on page 39. Let’s review R-U-P-R.
Hoy tenemos una nueva sugerencia en la página 39. Vamos a revisar el R-U-P-R.
Go through the RUPR steps, reminding students that they need to underline the topic and format. Read
the prompt aloud.
Turn and talk with your partner. What would you underline for the topic and format?
Volteen y hablen con su compañero. ¿Qué subrayarían como tema y formato?
Writing Strategy/CSAP Framework Mini-Lesson
Today you are using a graphic organizer to plan your paragraph, then tell how you would convince
your parents to let you keep the dog. Now turn and talk with your partner about what you can write.
Think of some ideas to convince your parents that you are not too young to have a pet.
Hoy van ustedes a usar un organizador gráfico para planificar su párrafo, después digan cómo
convencerían a sus padres para que los dejen quedarse con un perro. Ahora volteen y hablen con
su compañero sobre lo que pueden escribir. Piensen en algunas ideas para convencer a sus padres
que no son ustedes muy chicos para tener una mascota.
Have some students share their ideas.
Yesterday we talked about organizing our writing so our readers understand. We used this simple
graphic organizer to help us write a paragraph. We can use the same simple organizer to help us
explain our suggestions.
Ayer hablamos sobre lo que escribimos de modo que nuestros lectores nos entiendan. Usamos este
organizador gráfico sencillo para ayudarnos a escribir un párrafo. Podemos usar el mismo
organizador gráfico sencillo para ayudarnos a explicar nuestras sugerencias.
Show students how to use the organizer to write a topic sentence (“I’m not too young to have a pet.”),
then use the “detail” sentences to give reasons to convince their parents to let them keep the dog.
Topic Sentence:
Oración que contiene el tema principal:
Step—Detail 1:
Paso—Detalle 1:
Step—Detail 2:
Paso—Detalle 2:
Step—Detail 3:
Paso—Detalle 3:
Have students write their suggestions and think through how it helps to use the graphic organizer (P).
Then have them reread and revise (R) to make sure they answered all parts of the prompt.
Have them write their paragraph, using their graphic organizers and the CSAP rubric as resources.
When complete, have them work with their partners to use the CSAP rubric to discuss their writing
and identify areas for possible revisions.
Have students discuss how the CSAP rubric helps them figure out how to make their writing better and
encourage them to write in their CSAP notebooks one strategy they used in their writing today.
Denver Public Schools 2006
Grade 3
Success in Literacy
Lesson 4—Editing
CSAP Assessment Frameworks
Use correct grammar
Use correct conventions of print
Test-Taking Strategy
Editing tasks
Unit 4—Writing
Today’s word for the CSAP word wall is grammar. You will often hear people say, “Use good grammar.”
Good grammar is the way language is written in books. It is grammar that often sounds right to our ears.
If I say “I am going to the store,” it sounds right to me and it is good grammar. If I say, “I is going to the
store,” that sentence doesn’t sound right to me and it is bad grammar. I’ll read a few sentences to you.
Put your thumbs up if you think it is good grammar or your thumbs down if you think it is bad grammar.
La palabra de hoy para la pared de palabras del CSAP es gramática. Muchas veces van ustedes a oír que
la gente dice: “Usa una buena gramática.” Buena gramática es la forma en que el lenguaje se escribe
en los libros. La gramática es lo que muchas veces suene bien cuando la oímos. Si yo digo: “Voy a la
tienda,” me suena correcto y es buena gramática. Si digo: “Yo va a ir a la tienda”, esa oración no me suena
correcta y es mala gramática. Les voy a leer algunas oraciones. Levanten el dedo gordo si piensan que lo
que leo tiene buena gramática, o bajen el dedo gordo de desaprobación si piensan que tiene mala gramática.
ƒ The girl told her friend that she wanted to go to the movies.
La niña le dijo a su amiga que quería ir al cine.
ƒ Her friend say she want to go too.
Su amiga dice que ella quieren ir también.
ƒ I likes the Harry Potter movie.
Me gustamos la película de Harry Potter.
ƒ Do you like movies that are scary?
¿Te gustan las películas de horror?
CSAP questions sometimes ask you to correct any mistakes in grammar. Read the sentences to yourself and
decide if they sound right to you. We’ll add grammar to our word wall.
Algunas veces las preguntas del CSAP les piden que corrijan los errores de gramática que haya. Lean las
oraciones en voz baja y decidan si les suenan correctas. Vamos a agregar gramática a nuestra pared de
Note: The purpose of this lesson is to help students become familiar with the language in the directions and
the format of the editing task. There isn’t time in this lesson to teach students about correct grammar.
Denver Public Schools 2006
Grade 3
Success in Literacy
Test-Taking Mini-Lesson
Materials: Transparency of page 57 editing task
In the CSAP writing section, there are some editing tasks. There are two kinds of tasks: One kind has
questions with multiple-choice answers about spelling, punctuation, and grammar. Let’s look at one
question on page 55.
En la sección de composición del CSAP, hay algunas tareas de editar. Hay dos clases de tareas para
hacer: Una clase tiene preguntas en las que se puede escoger de entre varias respuestas sobre
ortografía o deletreo, signos de puntuación y gramática. Vamos a ver una pregunta de la página 55.
Look at the underlined word. We have to decide which answer is best.
Miren la palabra que está subrayada. Tenemos que decidir cuál es la mejor respuesta.
Review the “Test-Taking Strategies for Multiple-Choice Questions” chart. Model thinking through the
choices with the class.
We are going to practice some questions today. When you see them on CSAP, answer them just like
you would answer any other multiple-choice question.
Hoy vamos a practicar con algunas preguntas. Cuando las vean en el CSAP, contéstenlas como
contestarían cualquier pregunta en que se pueda escoger de entre varias respuestas.
Another type of CSAP editing task is on page 57.
Otro tipo de tarea en que hay que editar está en la página 57.
Make a transparency of this page, so students see where to write their corrections.
As you see, this short piece of writing has some words and phrases underlined, which might have
mistakes in spelling, grammar, punctuation, or capitalization. Look carefully at each underlined part.
Read the whole sentence. If you do not find a mistake, write “OK” above the word or phrase that
needs no changes. If you do find a mistake, write the correction in the space above.
Como se ve, este breve pasaje escrito tiene algunas palabras y frases subrayadas, que podrían tener
errores de ortografía, gramática, puntuación, o uso de letras mayúsculas. Hay que mirar
detenidamente cada parte subrayada y leer la oración entera. Si se encuentra un error, se escribe
la corrección en el espacio arriba.
Here are some questions you should ask yourself when you check to see if the underlined words have
any mistakes.
Éstas son algunas preguntas que deben hacerse cuando revisen para ver si las palabras subrayadas
tienen errores.
Make a chart of “Questions for Editing Tasks.”
Is the word spelled correctly?
¿Está escrita con buena ortografía la palabra?
Is it capitalized correctly? (beginning of sentences, proper nouns of names
or places)
¿Están escritas correctamente con mayúscula las palabras (al principio
de la oración, los nombres propios y los jombres de lugares)?
Does it sound right? (verb and noun agreement)
¿Se oye bien? (concordancia entre el verbo y el sujeto)
Is the punctuation correct? (periods, question marks, commas)
¿Tiene una puntuación correcta? (puntos, signos de interrogación,
Read the whole section on page 59 aloud asking students to follow silently.
Then read the first sentence and model going through each question.
Continue thinking aloud for each sentence with an underlined word or phrase.
Denver Public Schools 2006
Grade 3
Success in Literacy
Talk through the answers to the multiple-choice questions and have students discuss strategies they used.
Have them go back through their CSAP notebooks and turn and talk with a partner about how these strategies
will help them on CSAP.
Denver Public Schools 2006
Grade 3
Success in Literacy
Instrucciones: Lee lo siguiente. Después escribe tu párrafo.
This page may not be reproduced without permission of Steck-Vaughn.
Imagínate que tú y tus compañeros de clase fueron al zoológico la semana pasada.
Tu maestra quiere que escribas sobre tu viaje. En los renglones que ves abajo,
escribe una cosa interesante que sucedió en el zoológico. Usa todos los renglones
que necesites. No tienes que escribir en todos los renglones.
Consejo: Lee con atención el tema sobre el que vas a escribir. Después, haz un
plan acerca de lo que quieres escribir. Después, ponte a escribir. Escribe en orden
lo que va sucediendo. Incluye detalles para que sea interesante lo que escribes.
Por último, revisa lo que escribiste y haz lo cambios que se necesiten.
Nivel C
Grade 3 Writing Key Strategies
Lesson Pages Standard 1 104–106 2 2 107–116 2 3 117–139 2 4 140–146 2 5 147 3 6 148–149 3 7 150–151 3 8 152 2 9 153 2 10 154 2 11 155 2 CSAP Assessment Framework/ Strategies 2a: Generate topics and develop ideas
2b: Organize their writing 2c: Choose vocabulary that communi‐
cates; select and use clear language 2a: Generate topics and develop ideas
2a: Generate topics and develop ideas
2b: Organize their writing 2c: Choose vocabulary that communi‐
cates; select and use clear language 2a: Generate topics and develop ideas
2b: Organize their writing 2c: Choose vocabulary that communi‐
cates; select and use clear language 3b: Use correct subject/verb agreement
3e (3c–grade 5): Write in complete sentences 3c (3d –grade 5): Use correct capitalization and punctuation 3d (3e–grade 5): Spell frequently used words; use accurate spelling 2b: Organize writing
2c: Choose vocabulary that communi‐
cates; select and use clear language 2g (grade 5): Develop ideas and content with relevant details, supporting examples, and/or reasons 2g (grade 5): Develop ideas and content with relevant details, supporting examples, and/or reasons 2b: Organize writing
2c: Choose vocabulary that communicates; select and use clear language 98
Test‐Taking Strategy Understanding the rubric Short Constructed Response (SCR) or Extended Constructed Response (ECR) SCR
Writing to prompts Using “Questions to Ask Myself” for revising SCRs SCR
Using “Questions to Ask Myself” for SCR writing: practicing the writing SCR
Strategies for quick editing: point and read SCR
Strategies for quick editing: green light, red light Strategies for quick editing: reading backwards to check spelling Crafting writing: leads in paragraphs to explain or describe Crafting writing: adding details SCR
Crafting writing: using details in paragraphs to explain or describe Crafting writing: endings in paragraphs to explain or describe SCR
Denver Public Schools
Elementary Literacy Program
Curriculum and Instruction
The sections on the CSAP Constructed Responses were developed by:
Sally Hampton, Consultant to DPS
Wendy Downie, Literacy Coordinator
Debbie Milner, Literacy Coordinator
Roxanne Wilderman, Area Specialist
The sections for Spanish-speaking students were developed by:
Diana Gonzalez, Literacy Coordinator
The section on Language Usage was developed by
LaDawn Baity, Area Specialist
Susan Santini, Area Specialist
DPS Elementary Literacy Program
January 2003
The following lessons are designed to support teachers in preparing 3rd
graders for the CSAP Short Constructed Response tasks. The purpose of
the mini-lessons is to help students use what they already know about
writing and transfer their knowledge so that it is helpful on CSAP. These
mini-lessons are not designed to introduce new information to students.
The lessons scaffold student learning so that they include teacher
demonstration, guided practice and independent practice. It may take
several days of lessons to move from teacher demonstration to student
independence. The lessons may be done in both whole group and small group
Short Constructed Response
Mini-Lessons #1-4 will help students understand what is involved in writing
the Short Constructed Response. These first lessons are somewhat similar to
the “demystifying” process discussed in the CSAP Resource Notebook for the
reading portion of the test. Teachers will model how to analyze prompts and
then how to write to them. Students will learn how to analyze other student
writing and then practice writing their own pieces, which they will then
analyze. It is recommended that all students have the opportunity to go
through Mini-Lessons 1-4 for the SCR.
Mini-Lessons #5-7 address editing techniques that students can use on the
SCR to make their writing more readable.
Techniques for Crafting for SCR
Mini-Lessons #8-11 address certain writing craft techniques that will help
students write in a more interesting way and score higher on CSAP. These
mini-lessons were written with the assumption that students have already
studied these techniques in their Writers Workshop. Therefore, they are
DPS Elementary Literacy Program
January 2003
written as reminders to the students of what they have already learned and
as tips for how to use these techniques on the CSAP test. However, since
the DPS writing program is at an early stage in its implementation, many of
these mini-lessons might be new information for your students, rather than
If most of the mini-lesson concepts are new to your students, do not
try to teach everything. You may choose to do only a few of the minilessons, and you may need to spend a few days on each one, rather than just
one session, to help students understand the concept. Make your decisions
on how to use the lessons based on your students’ current writing
understandings and needs. Build on what they know already and teach only a
few new techniques. It’s less confusing for students to have one clear
strategy than several different strategies that are unclear.
Note: There is only one released item (the favorite seasons prompt)
from 3rd grade CSAP. To give students more student samples to
practice analyzing, some released items from the 4th grade CSAP have
been included. There are no released items from the 3rd grade
Escritura, so student samples from Denver Public Schools classrooms
were collected and included in this unit.
DPS Elementary Literacy Program
January 2003
Table of Contents
for Grade 3 SCR Lessons
Mini-Lessons Related to the SCR
Connecting “Features Of Good Test Writing” With What Students
Have Been Studying In Writers Workshop
Writing To Prompts
Using “Questions To Ask Myself” To Look At CSAP Writing Samples
Using The "Questions I Ask Myself" To Write A SSCR Paragraph
Mini-Lessons for Quick Editing
Point and Read
Capitalization and Punctuation
Techniques for Crafting Writing
Leads in Paragraphs to Explain or Describe
Adding Details
Using Details in Paragraphs to Explain or Describe
Endings in Paragraphs to Explain or Describe
DPS Elementary Literacy Program
January 2003
Tell the students that they are going to be spending some time studying the
writing portion of CSAP, just the way they have been studying the reading
portion. Remind them that taking the test is like trying to solve a problem
and that studying the test will help them with the strategies they need to
know to solve the problem.
Show students a copy of the short-constructed response task on CSAP.
When you show them the short-constructed response, explain that they will
be asked to write a paragraph about one topic/idea. They might be asked to
write a story, a description or explanation about something they know, or a
friendly letter.
DPS Elementary Literacy Program
January 2003
“Features of Good Test Writing” chart, charts from Writer’s Workshop,
markers, student writing (see closing)
Connecting to Background Knowledge:
Begin the lesson by saying:
For the next couple of weeks we will be talking about how to go about
writing for the short constructed response (SCR) part of CSAP. You’ll
see how you can use what you have already know about good writing
when you when you take CSAP.
Refer to your classroom attribute chart about “What Makes Writing Good”
and the rubric on “Good Writing,” and review what you have already
discussed. Your chart or rubric probably includes the following
characteristics (although they may be stated somewhat differently.):
Good Beginning
Sequence that makes sense
Interesting Language
Note: If your class has not completed the “Living the Writer’s Life”
unit, you may align it with what you have been teaching during your
Writing Workshop or choose not to do this mini-lesson.
Teaching the Mini-lesson:
• Explain to the students that the CSAP SCR might ask them to write a
story, a letter, an explanation or a description. But the strategies they
already know that characterize good writing will help them on CSAP.
DPS Elementary Literacy Program
January 2003
Put up the following chart:
Features of Good Test Writing
Prompt -Focus -Organization -Details --
Carcterísticas de una Buena escritura en un examen.
“Prompt” Enfocar -Organización -Detalles --
Read through the chart with the class and
Add short descriptors that describe each item in more detail and
Make connections between the items on this list and the attribute
chart/rubric that they have been using.
We’ve been talking but how good writing is organized and makes
sense. Well, good test writing is also organized and makes
At the end of this process, the chart might look something like this:
Features of Good Test Writing
Prompt: The writing does what the prompt asks.
Focus: Every sentence stays on the topic.
Organization: The writing is organized in a clear
way and is easy to follow
Supporting Details: The writing has specific,
interesting details.
Características de una buena escritura en un examen.
“Prompt”: Escribir de acuerdo al tema solicitado.
Cada oración debe ser acerca del
mismo tema.
Organización: El escrito está organizado en forma
clara y fácil de entender.
Apoyando con detalles: El escrito tiene detalles
DPS Elementary Literacy Program
January 2003
To close this lesson reread one of your student’s pieces that IS organized
and focused and has specific, interesting details. Point out these good
features. This will be a concrete way for the students to begin to connect
what they have been learning to what they will need to do on the CSAP.
Remind students that the ideas that have been emphasized all along in
Writer’s Workshop are the same ideas that are emphasized for CSAP:
• Good writing in all genres is organized and focused.
• Good writing in all genres includes specific, interesting details.
DPS Elementary Literacy Program
January 2003
Overhead transparency of SCR prompts, student worksheets with SCR
Connecting to Background Knowledge:
Begin the lesson by saying:
When you write in Writers Workshop you have been choosing your own
ideas to write about. When you write for CSAP, the test-writers tell
you what to write about.
Teaching the Mini-lesson:
• Explain to the students that what the test-writers tell them to write
about is called a prompt. Writing to the prompt is very important; in
fact, if they don’t do what the prompt is asking them to do, they won’t
get any points. There are guidewords in the prompts that will help them.
Some guidewords tell the genre to write in, some tell the content that
they need to include, and some tell the writing features they should
Put a transparency on the overhead of the SCR prompt. "What games do
you like to play? Choose one and describe how to play the game to
someone who has never played it before." or another prompt you have
selected from the Sample Writing Prompts for Practice sheet on the
following page. Read the prompt to the students and ask them to help you
identify the guidewords in the prompt. Underline the guidewords in the
prompt and write beneath the prompt what those guidewords tell them to
Do the same process with another prompt to demonstrate for students
how to analyze what the prompt is asking them to write. This time
engage the students in helping you to determine what the guidewords are
in each prompt.
Guided practice:
DPS Elementary Literacy Program
January 2003
Give the students the Student Worksheet with two prompts on it. Have
students work in pairs to identify the guidewords that tell them what the
prompt is asking them to do.
• Have student pairs share what they came up with during guided practice.
Debrief with your whole group. Talk about how identifying guidewords
will help them when they take CSAP.
DPS Elementary Literacy Program
January 2003
What games do you like to play?
Choose one and describe how to play
the game to someone who has never
played it before.
DPS Elementary Literacy Program
January 2003
A qué juegos te gusta jugar? Escoge
uno y describe cómo jugarlo a alguien
que nunca lo ha jugado anteriormente.
Palabras Guía:
DPS Elementary Literacy Program
January 2003
Teacher Guide
What games do you like to play? Choose one and describe
how to play the game to someone who has never played it
“Choose one and describe” – what I have to do
“games do you like” – topic
" how to play " - what to include
2001 Grade 3 Prompt
Tell about your favorite game. Write a paragraph explaining
why it is your favorite game to play. You do not have to use
all the lines. Just write on as many lines as you need.
Guidewords to point out would include:
“Tell” – what I have to do
“favorite game” – topic
“why” – what to include
2001 Grade 4 Prompt
Circle the picture that shows something you would like to
write about. Now write a paragraph that tells about the
picture you circled.
Guidewords would include:
“tells” – what I have to do
“picture that shows something you would like to write about” – topic
DPS Elementary Literacy Program
January 2003
Guía para el maestro
A qué juegos te gusta jugar? Escoge uno y describe cómo
jugarlo a alguien que nunca lo ha jugado anteriormente.
Palabras Guía:
“Escoge uno y describe”- Qué tengo que hacer
“juegos te gusta jugar”- Tema
“cómo jugarlo”- Qué incluir en el escrito
2001 “Prompt” para 3er. Grado
Dinos acerca de tu juego favorito. Escribe un párrafo
explicando por qué te gusta jugar ese juego. No tienes que
usar todas las líneas. Sólo usa las líneas que sean necesarias
para hacer tu escrito.
Palabras guía:
“Dinos” – Qué tengo que hacer
“tu juego favorito” – Tema
“por qué te gusta jugar ese juego”. Qué es lo que voy a incluir
2001 “Prompt” para 4o.Grado
Encierra en un círculo el dibujo que muestre algo de lo que te
gustaría hablar. Ahora escribe un párrafo en el que digas
algo acerca del dibujo que encerraste en el círculo.
Palabras guía:
“Digas” – Qué tengo que hacer
“dibujo que muestre algo de lo que te gustaría hablar” – Tema
Student Worksheet
DPS Elementary Literacy Program
January 2003
Name _____________________________
Tell about your favorite game. Write a paragraph
explaining why it is your favorite game to play. You
do not have to use all the lines. Just write on as
many lines as you need.
Circle the picture that shows something you would
like to write about. Now write a paragraph that
tells about the picture you circled.
DPS Elementary Literacy Program
January 2003
Hoja de Ejercicio para el Estudiante
Nombre _____________________________
Dinos acerca de tu juego favorito. Escribe un
párrafo explicando por qué te gusta jugar ese
juego. No tienes que usar todas las líneas. Sólo usa
las líneas que sean necesarias para hacer tu escrito.
Palabras Guía:
ver televisión
jugar pelota
Encierra en un círculo el dibujo que muestre algo de
lo que te gustaría hablar. Ahora escribe un párrafo
en el que digas algo acerca del dibujo que
encerraste en el círculo.
Palabras Guía:
DPS Elementary Literacy Program
January 2003
Sample Writing Prompts for Practice
• Describe your bedroom the way you would like it to be.
Describe your ideal playground.
Describe one of your friends so that the reader can picture him or her.
• Describe your favorite place and explain why you like it so much.
What is your favorite animal? Explain why you chose that animal as your
If you could make changes to your school lunchroom, what would you do?
11 What games do you like to play? Choose one and describe how to play the
game to someone who has never played it before.
12 Think of one of the places you go to, such as school, a friend's house, or
your grandmother's house. Tell where you are going and how to get there
from your house.
13 Write directions for how you make your favorite sandwich.
• Write a letter to someone in your class telling them about what you like
best about school. Explain why you think it is the best thing.
Write a letter to a friend. Tell them about your favorite game and how
to play it.
DPS Elementary Literacy Program
January 2003
Muestras de “Prompts” de Escritura para Practicar
Describe cómo te gustaría que fuera tu recámara.
Describe cómo es tu lugar ideal para jugar.
Describe a uno de tus amigos de tal manera que cualquiera que lea tu
escrito pueda hacerse una imagen de él o ella y adivinar de quién se
• Describe cuál es tu lugar favorito y explica por qué te gusta tanto.
Dinos ¿Cuál es tu animal favorito y por qué?.
Si pudieras hacer cambios a la cafetería de tu escuela, ¿Qué cosas
11. ¿A qué te gusta jugar? Escoge un juego que te guste mucho y describe
cómo jugarlo a alguien que nunca lo ha jugado.
12. Piensa en un lugar al que acostumbras ir, como tu escuela, la casa de algún
amigo o familiar. Dinos cómo llegar a ese lugar si te vas desde tu casa.
13. Escribe cuáles son los pasos que sigues para preparar tu sandwich
Escribe una carta a alguien de tu grupo explicándole que es lo mejor de
tu escuela. Explica por qué piensas que eso es lo mejor.
Escribe una carta a un amigo. Dile acerca de tu juego favorito y cómo
DPS Elementary Literacy Program
January 2003
The purpose of this mini-lesson is to introduce the “Questions to Ask
Myself” tool. Using this tool over and over during mini-lessons will help
students internalize the Questions and use them as an internal resource
while they are taking the test.
“Questions to Ask Myself” chart, overhead transparency of prompt.
Connecting to Background Knowledge:
Begin the lesson by saying:
We’ve been talking about how good writers think about their writing
before they start writing, while they write, and even after they finish
a piece of writing. For example, you all say to yourselves something
like, “How am I going to begin my writing so my reader gets interested
right away?” Well, today we are going to learn some questions we can
ask ourselves that will help us think about our writing and that we can
ask ourselves while we write for CSAP.
Teaching the Mini-Lesson:
• Introduce students to the "Questions I Ask Myself" chart. Read
through the Questions. Explain to students that if they ask themselves
these questions before, during and after they write, it will help them
write better on CSAP.
Place the transparency of the prompt "Write a paragraph in which you
describe your favorite season of the year and tell why it is your favorite"
on the overhead.
Ask the students to identify the guidewords and to tell what the prompt
is asking them to write.
Place a transparency of the high scoring released writing sample (Sample
#1) for that prompt on the overhead. Read the paragraph aloud. Ask
the students if they think this writer did a good job writing to the
DPS Elementary Literacy Program
January 2003
prompt. Tell the students that you will show them how to check if he did
a good job by using the Questions.
Model how you would think through the answers to the questions on
the “Questions I Ask Myself” chart. After you model several
questions and answers, have the students participate in the discussion
for the rest of the questions:
What was the topic?
The writer had to think about what he was going to write in the
beginning, middle, and end. Does this paragraph have a good
beginning? An interesting middle? A good end?
Are all the sentences about the topic?
Did he include interesting details or examples? Where?
Did the writer explain "why" the season he chose was his favorite?
Do all the sentences sound right and make sense?
Are most of the words spelled correctly?
Discuss how the Questions helped them check to make sure that the
writer did a good job writing to the prompt.
Place on the overhead a copy of a lower scoring released writing sample
for that prompt (Sample #2). Read the paragraph aloud. Ask the
students if they think this writer did a good job writing to the prompt.
Tell the students that they need to check if he did a good job by using
the Questions.
Go through the Questions again with the students.
Have the students discuss what the writer might have done well and how
they could make this writing better.
Have students work in pairs to rewrite the paragraph to make the writing
better, referring to the Questions as a resource.
Repeat this lesson several times to provide students with opportunities
to internalize the Questions.
DPS Elementary Literacy Program
January 2003
Note: For additional practice, copies of the released items are included for
the prompt "Circle the picture that shows something you would like to write
about. Now write a paragraph that tells about the picture you circled."
• Have some student pairs share their rewritten SCR with the class. As
students share, point out that it was good to have these Questions in
the back of their mind as they rewrote.
Tell the students that before the CSAP test they will have used the
“Questions to Ask Myself” tool so often that they will know what’s on
it by heart. (This is important because during the test the students
do not have access to this sheet or to other tools or resources.)
DPS Elementary Literacy Program
January 2003
For Mini-lesson
Write a paragraph in which you
describe your favorite season of the
year and tell why it is your favorite.
DPS Elementary Literacy Program
January 2003
Para Mini-lección
Escribe un párrafo en el que describas
¿Cuál es la estación del año que más te
gusta y explica por qué es tu
Palabras guía:
DPS Elementary Literacy Program
January 2003
Questions To Ask Myself
Before I Write
• What are the guidewords?
• What is the prompt asking me to do?
• What is my topic?
• What will I say at the beginning, middle and end?
While I Write
• Do I have a beginning, middle and end?
• Are all my sentences about my topic?
• Am I including details and examples that will be interesting
to my reader?
• Do I tell "why" I think or feel something by saying I
think/feel this "because"….
After I’ve Written
• Do I need to change or add something so my sentences
sound right and make sense?
• Did I spell words I know right?
DPS Elementary Literacy Program
January 2003
Preguntas Para Hacerme a mi Mismo (a)
Antes de Escribir
• ¿Cuáles son las palabras guía?
• ¿Qué es lo que me piden hacer en el “prompt”?
Enfocarse (Focus):
• ¿Cuál es el tema?
• ¿Qué voy a decir al principio, en medio y al final?
Durante mi Escritura
• Tengo que ver que tenga un principio, un medio y un final.
• Tengo que cuidar que todas las oraciones tengan relación con
el tema.
• Incluir detalles y ejemplos que sean interesantes para el
• Explicar por qué pienso o siento algo, diciendo por ejemplo:
Yo pienso/siento esto “porque”……. Y dar razones.
Después de que Escribí
Editar o corregir:
• Pensar si necesito cambiar o agregar algo para que tenga
sentido y se pueda entender lo que escribí.
• Revisar si escribí las palabras con buena ortografía.
DPS Elementary Literacy Program
January 2003
Sample #1
Write a paragraph in which you describe your favorite season of
the year and tell why it is your favorite.
My favorit season of the year is spring
because buds come up and flowers.
Another thing that makes it my favorit
season of the year is it's not cold and
because New birdys are born. Last it's
my birthday in the spring So that's why I
like the spring the best season in the
DPS Elementary Literacy Program
January 2003
Muestra # 1
Escribe un párrafo en el que describas cuál es la estación del año
que más te gusta y explica por qué es tu favorita.
La estacion que mas me gusta el es el
invierno porque es cuando cay nieve y
podemos jugar a tirarnos bolas de nieve
en el parque. En el invierno vienen de
visita mis primos y mis tios que viven lejos
y eso tambien me gusta. Pero lo que mas
me gusta es que todos se dan regalos en la
La estación que más me gusta es el invierno porque es cuando cae nieve y
podemos jugar a tirarnos bolas de nieve en el parque. En el invierno vienen de
visita mis primos y mis tíos que viven lejos y eso también me gusta. Pero lo
que más me gusta es que todos se dan regalos en la Navidad.
DPS Elementary Literacy Program
January 2003
Sample # 2
Write a paragraph in which you describe your favorite season of
the year and tell why it is your favorite.
My favorite season of the year is
summer. I like summer because it is hot
and I can play outside I like to play foot
ball, basket ball, Hide and seek.
DPS Elementary Literacy Program
January 2003
Muestra # 2
Escribe un párrafo en el que describas cuál es la estación del año
que más te gusta y explica por qué es tu favorita.
A mi me gusta la primavera porque es
cuando cantaron los pajaritos y salen
todas las flores y a mi me gustan las
flores aunque no puedo tener muchas
porque vivo en un departamento y mi
mamá pone flores en las macetas porque a
ella tambien le gustan las flores.
A mi me gusta la primavera porque es cuando cantan los pajaritos y salen
todas las flores y a mi me gustan las flores aunque no puedo tener muchas
porque vivo en un departamento, pero mi mamá pone flores en las macetas
porque a ella también le gustan las flores.
DPS Elementary Literacy Program
January 2003
Sample #3
Write a paragraph in which you describe your favorite season of
the year and tell why it is your favorite.
My favorite season is summer I like
summer because I can go to the burck or
play with friends I even get a break off
from school that is why I like summer.
DPS Elementary Literacy Program
January 2003
Muestra # 3
Escribe un párrafo en el que describas cuál es la estación del año
que más te gusta y explica por qué es tu favorita.
Mi estacion favorita es el verano. Hace
mucha calor, puedo andar en mi bici, salir
con mi perrito a la caye, puedo ir a nadar
a la alverca, puedo chupar paletas, comer
en los parques, salgo a la calle con mis
amigas y lo mas importante es que por fin
salimos de la escuela y tenemos muchas
vacaciones. Por eso me gusta el verano.
Mi estación favorita es el verano. Hace mucho calor, puedo andar en mi bici,
salir con mi perrito a la calle, puedo ir a nadar a la alberca, puedo chupar
paletas, comer en los parques, salir a la calle con mis amigas y lo más
importante es que por fin salimos de la escuela y tenemos muchas vacaciones.
Por eso me gusta el verano.
DPS Elementary Literacy Program
January 2003
Sample #4
Write a paragraph in which you describe your favorite season of
the year and tell why it is your favorite.
My favorite season is csmus because I git
my buthers sotb and wat when we play in
the sown. My mom ges me and my
buthers Hot cadet. That my favorite
(My favorite season is Christmas because I get my brothers soaked and wet
when we play in the snow. My mom gives me and my brothers hot chocolate.
That's my favorite season.)
DPS Elementary Literacy Program
January 2003
Muestra # 4
Escribe un párrafo en el que describas cuál es la estación del año
que más te gusta y explica por qué es tu favorita.
A mi no me gustan los inviernos porque me
da frio y me yelo, mis manos tambien se
yelan y todo se yela y tengo questar solo
dentrote mi casa poque no me dejan salir.
Me gusta mejor la primavera porque salil
A mi no me gustan los inviernos porque me da frió y me hielo, mis manos
también se hielan y todo se hiela y tengo que estar solo dentro de mi casa
porque no me dejan salir. Me gusta mejor la primavera porque sale el sol.
DPS Elementary Literacy Program
January 2003
Sample A
Circle the picture that shows something you would like to write
about. Now write a paragraph that tells about the picture you
"Ill get the ball," yelled Susi. Alice and Susi were
going outside to play soccer. The warm, yellow sun
streamed continuess sun down on Colorado. The
leaves were a emrald green , and tulips, Lily of the
valley, and butter cups were starting to bloom.
Susi and alice could even smell the beautiful oder.
The soccer ball flew way into the air. Alice caught
it, and bounced the ball on her knee!
"Time to come in, girls! "What a good day!
DPS Elementary Literacy Program
January 2003
Muestra A
ver televisión
jugar pelota
Encierra en un círculo el dibujo que muestre algo de lo que te
gustaría hablar. Ahora escribe un párrafo en el que digas algo
acerca del dibujo que encerraste en el círculo.
A mi me gusta dibujar, talves porque quiero ser una
pintora como mi tia Lupita. Me gusta dibujar
muñecas y casas para mis muñecas, también me
gusta dibujar las montañas y los arboles. Cuando mi
maestra dice que tenemos que dibujar algo yo lo
hago con gusto porque a mi es lo que mas me gusta
hacer y prefiero dibujar que leer. Algunas veces les
ayudo a mis hermanos con su tarea si tienen que
hacer dibujos.
DPS Elementary Literacy Program
January 2003
Sample B
Circle the picture that shows something you would like to write
about. Now write a paragraph that tells about the picture you
Although I like to play a lot, I like to read best.
First, I find a good book and go into my reading
spot. I get comfy and start to read, Sometimes
it's a scary book, sometimes it's a happy book.
Then, when it's almost the end I stop so I can read
the rest in bed. Truly, you can read newspaper,
books, anything!
DPS Elementary Literacy Program
January 2003
Muestra B
ver televisión
jugar pelota
Encierra en un círculo el dibujo que muestre algo de lo que te
gustaría hablar. Ahora escribe un párrafo en el que digas algo
acerca del dibujo que encerraste en el círculo.
Yo escoji ver televisión porque todas las tardes
después de la escuela veo la televisión. Me gustan
ver el pokimon el bar sinson y todas las caricaturas
de la tele. A mi mama le gustan las novelas y a mi pa
el futbol, pero solo tenemos una tele.
DPS Elementary Literacy Program
January 2003
Sample C
Circle the picture that shows something you would like to write
about. Now write a paragraph that tells about the picture you
one day in june I won a gold medle for
drawing a nice picture. Every one
touth it was the needs picture they
have ever sen. That was a master
pecie of mine, so I tock It home.
DPS Elementary Literacy Program
January 2003
Muestra C
ver televisión
jugar pelota
Encierra en un círculo el dibujo que muestre algo de lo que te
gustaría hablar. Ahora escribe un párrafo en el que digas algo
acerca del dibujo que encerraste en el círculo.
Estaba jugando a la pelota solo en el parque y de
repente oi un ruido muy furte en la calle porque dos
carros chocaron, entonces me fui asomar para ver
que paso y mi pelota se fue rodando entre los
carros, yo me fui corriendo detrás de ella para
alcsanzrla y casi me atropellian porque no voltie
para ver si vinian otros carros. Después el carro
que me iva a tropellar choco con otro carro para no
apachurrarme y esa fue el cuento.
DPS Elementary Literacy Program
January 2003
Sample D
Circle the picture that shows something you would like to write
about. Now write a paragraph that tells about the picture you
I was wathing my favrotie tv show and
then the tv went blake.
DPS Elementary Literacy Program
January 2003
Muestra D
ver televisión
jugar pelota
Encierra en un círculo el dibujo que muestre algo de lo que te
gustaría hablar. Ahora escribe un párrafo en el que digas algo
acerca del dibujo que encerraste en el círculo.
Cuando juego con la pelota invito a mis amigos para
hacer un equipo y jugar todos al futbol, me gusta
corre con la pelota y meter goles. Los domingos mi
papa juega futbol conmigo y mis hermanos el nos
enseña como pegarle duro para meter el gol y nos
dice que en la tele el aprendio como jugar futbol.
DPS Elementary Literacy Program
January 2003
(Spanish lesson follows)
Connecting to Background Knowledge:
We have been using the Questions to help ourselves check someone's
writing to make sure it:
• does what the prompt asks,
• is focused,
• has a beginning, middle, and end and
• has interesting details.
Today I am going to show you how we can use the Questions to help
ourselves write paragraphs for CSAP that do what the prompt asks,
are focused, have a beginning, middle, and end, and are filled with
interesting details.
Teaching the Mini-lesson:
Teacher Demonstration - Part 1
• Demonstrate how to write a short constructed response using the
"Questions To Ask Myself” sheet. Put up a transparency of the prompt,
“What is your favorite animal? Explain why you chose that animal as your
• Say something like:
The first question I have to ask myself is, ‘What are the guidewords and
what is the prompt asking me to do?’ I better read the prompt carefully.
The prompt says, " What is your favorite animal? Explain why you chose
that animal as your favorite." I think the guide words are:
“favorite animal” –that's the topic. All my sentences need to be
about my favorite animal.
“explains” That's what I have to do. I have to explain to my
"why you chose that animal" - I need to include my reasons. So I
can't just tell what is my favorite animal. I have to say it is my
favorite BECAUSE….
DPS Elementary Literacy Program
January 2003
So the prompt is asking me to pick my favorite animal and explain to the
reader why I think that animal is my favorite. First I have to decide on a
favorite animal. I like a lot of animals. But the prompt asks ‘what is my
favorite?’ so I have to pick one. I'll pick dogs; I really like dogs.
The next Question asks, ‘What is my topic?’ It is important that I know
for sure what I'm writing about. My topic is dogs and why they are my
favorite animal.
So, now I need to plan. The next Question asks, ‘What will I say at the
beginning, middle and end?’ I think I will draw 3 boxes to help me plan.
In the beginning, I'll say that dogs are my favorite. I don't want to write a
lot on my plan -- just a few words to help me remember when I start writing
my paragraph. Maybe I can start with a question or a description of a dog to
make it more interesting. I think I'll write down some descriptions so I'll
remember to have an interesting beginning.
Big dogs, little dogs
In the middle I need to explain why dogs are my favorite. There are lots of
reasons - they are fun to play with, they go on walks with me, they are
always happy to see me when I come home, and they are good friends. I'll
jot some of these ideas down so that I don't forget.
Big dogs, little dogs
Go on walks
DPS Elementary Literacy Program
January 2003
In the end I have to find a new way to say what I wrote in the beginning. So
I need to find an interesting way to say, "that's why I like dogs the best."
Big dogs, little dogs
Play - Go on walks
Dogs best
Now I'm ready to write. I'll check the Questions to see what I need to
remember while I'm writing. I need to make sure that
• I have a beginning, middle and end.
• All my sentences are about my topic.
• I include details and examples that will be interesting to my
• I tell "why" I think or feel something by saying I think/feel this
Model writing a paragraph in front of the students. Check the Questions
frequently. (You may want to misspell a common word or two so there will
be an opportunity to edit after you finish writing.)
Sample paragraph:
I like big dogs and little dogs. I like dogs with long hair and curly hair. I
even like dogs without any hair at all. Dogs are my favorite animals. There
are lots of reasons to like dogs. Dogs will play with you and will follow you
wherever you want to walk. They are always glad to see you and meet you at
the door with their tail wagging every time you come home. Are there any
other animals that will play Frisbee with you in the park? No animal could be
a better friend. Dogs are the best!
After the writing is complete, model how to use the "Questions To Ask
Myself" to check the writing. I'm going to go back over the Questions to
make sure I didn't forget anything.
The last Question asks:
• Do I need to change or add something so my sentences sound right
and make sense?
• Did I spell words I know right?
DPS Elementary Literacy Program
January 2003
I'm going to go back and read my paragraph very carefully pointing at each
word I read to make sure it makes sense and looks right. Model pointing to
every word and reading it slowly. (See Mini-Lesson #5.)
If I have time, I might be able to make it better. Talk with your partner
about what I might do to make it better. Use one of their ideas to show
students how to put in a carat to add something or how to cross out a word
to add a better one. Tell them it will be very important that if they make
changes, they do it in a way that keeps their paragraph easy to read.
Tell the students that there may not be much time to revise their writing
during the SCR. It will be important for them to do what the prompt tells
them to do, stay focused, and think how to make their beginning, middle, and
end interesting during the first time they write.
Discuss with the students how using the questions helped you think of what
you needed to do before you started writing, during writing, and after
Guided Practice - Part 2
• Give each student a copy of the “Questions To Ask Myself”.
Place on the overhead one of the SCR prompts. (For example: What
games do you like to play? Choose one and describe how to play the game
to someone who has never played it before.) Give each student a copy. In
pairs, have students underline their guidewords and answer “Questions
To Ask Myself” about PROMPTS.
When all the students are clear about what the prompt is asking them to
do, and what their topic is, have them refer to the Questions to plan
their writing to make sure it has a beginning, middle and end. Students
might talk with their writing partners about their plans.
Have students write their paragraph. Encourage them to keep referring
to the Questions to make sure they are including all the important parts.
DPS Elementary Literacy Program
January 2003
When students have finished writing, they should go back and carefully
read to make sure all their sentences make sense and sound right.
Have students work in pairs to check their writing using the Questions to
be sure they included all the important information. Tell them if they
think of something they want to add to make their paragraph better,
they should do so in an easy-to-read way.
For sharing, select students who really did use the Questions for their
writing. Have them read their pieces aloud. Highlight how they used the
questions so students can see how the Questions might be a helpful tool for
DPS Elementary Literacy Program
January 2003
For mini-lesson
What is your favorite animal?
Explain why you chose that animal
as your favorite.
DPS Elementary Literacy Program
January 2003
Para mini- lección
Dinos ¿Cuál es el animal que más te
gusta? Y explica ¿Por qué es tu
Palabras Guía:
DPS Elementary Literacy Program
January 2003
Quick Editing Strategies:
Point and Read
Overhead transparency of a writing piece that either repeats some words or
has left some words out
Connecting to Background Knowledge:
Talk with the students about how important it is to reread their CSAP
pieces after they have written them
• to see if their writing make sense AND
• to see if their writing is readable.
Sometimes when we write, we leave out words or we repeat words
because we are writing quickly. It is very important to reread our
writing to see if we said what we meant to say. One way to check on
this is to use Point and Read.
Teaching the Mini-lesson:
Put a piece of writing on the overhead that either repeats some words or
has some words missing. Demonstrate how to do Point and Read:
“When I want to see if I wrote what I meant to write, I read my
writing over more slowly, pointing to each word as I read. By pointing
to the words instead of just rereading it fast, I notice if I have left
out words or if I have repeated words.” Show them how to do this
and make corrections (inserting words or deleting words) along the
DPS Elementary Literacy Program
January 2003
Strategies for Quick Editing: Capitalization and Punctuation
Overhead transparencies of student or teacher-created writing that have
places to edit for capitalization and punctuation.
Connecting to Background Knowledge:
Talk with the students about how important it is to reread their CSAP
pieces after they have written them
• to see if their writing make sense AND
• to see if their writing is readable.
Tell the students:
You want your reader to be able to read your writing easily. To make
your writing easy to read, use what you know about capitalization,
punctuation, and spelling. Here are some ways to check your writing
when you finish to make sure it is easy to read.
Teaching the Mini-lesson:
Green Light, Red Light
Talk with students about the rules for beginning all sentences with a capital
letter and ending all sentences with a period, a question mark, or an
exclamation point. Explain that these “conventions” are important in helping
their reader to be able to read their writing more easily. It is important on
CSAP to make sure that their writing is very readable.
Using a “gradual release of responsibility” model of teaching (modeling and
thinking aloud, guided practice with the students, and independent practice),
show the students how to use this strategy.
To demonstrate, put a piece of student writing on the overhead, and model
the following process:
I know that on CSAP I need to make sure that my sentences sound
right and are easy to read because I have used correct capitalization
DPS Elementary Literacy Program
January 2003
and punctuation. One way to do this is to use the Green Light, Red
Light procedure. Here’s how I do it:
I look at the first word of the first sentence and underline it in
green. If it is capitalized, I can GO. If it isn’t capitalized, I need to
fix it, and then I can GO.
Next, I find the ending punctuation and circle it in red. This is where
I need to STOP when I read the sentence.
Now I will read the sentence from the green to the red and see if it
sounds right and makes sense.
If there are a lot of words in the sentence, I might have a run-on
sentence, so I need to notice if my voice wants to stop. If it does,
then I need to add some punctuation and capitalize the next word.
Let me try that and see if it sounds better with these changes.
If there are only a few words in the sentence and it doesn’t sound
right, I might not have a complete sentence, so I have to add some
words to make it sound right. Let me try that and see if it sounds
better with the changes.
If it sounds right and makes sense, then I do the process over again
with the next sentence.
(Go back to Step 1 and go through the steps again.)
You can also get into the issue of whether the sentence has the correct
ending punctuation and how to decide if it needs to be a period, question
mark, or exclamation point. (These should be reminders to students of what
they have already discussed this year during the Writers Workshop or the
Skills Block.)
Ask the students how this strategy will help them when they take CSAP. Do
guided practice with more student samples, and have students use this
procedure when they practice writing ECR pieces.
DPS Elementary Literacy Program
January 2003
Quick Editing Strategies: Spelling
Overhead transparencies of student or teacher-created writing that have a
few spelling mistakes.
Connecting to Background Knowledge:
Talk with the students about how important it is to reread their CSAP
pieces after they have written them
• to see if their writing make sense AND
• to see if their writing is readable.
Tell the students;
You want your reader to be able to easily read your writing. To make
your writing easy to read, spell the words you know correctly.
Teaching the Mini-lesson:
Reading Backwards
Explain to the students that sometimes it’s hard to spot spelling mistakes
when reading a piece of writing over because you get so focused on the
meaning of the piece. It’s easier to find spelling mistakes if you take the
meaning out of it by going to the last word of the writing and reading it
Put a piece of student writing up on the overhead that has a few spelling
mistakes and demonstrate how to read it from the last word to the first
word (reading it “backwards”). Show them that if you can’t read a word this
way, it might mean that it is spelled wrong. Circle the word, and try a
spelling strategy, such as:
Say the word slowly, in chunks, and see if you have all of the parts you
hear represented.
DPS Elementary Literacy Program
January 2003
Write the word 2-3 different ways and decide which one looks right.
If it’s a word that was on the Word Wall, try to visualize what it
looked like on the Word Wall.
(Discuss other strategies you may have taught this year for fixing
spelling mistakes.)
Note: This strategy is helpful for fluent readers. If students have
difficulty rereading their writing, do not suggest they read it backwards.
DPS Elementary Literacy Program
January 2003
Techniques for Crafting Writing:
Leads in Paragraphs to Explain or Describe
It’s easier for a reader to understand the information you are about to
provide if you announce the topic at the start. High scoring papers do not
have readers guessing. They make the subject explicit from the start.
Good writers help readers understand what they are trying to say. One way
to do this is by announcing the topic in the lead.
Don’t start your paper by announcing what you plan to do (i.e., “I’m going to
tell you about gardening.”)
Do announce your topic and provide some information about it:
Gardening is fun. It’s fun to grow vegetables and flowers, and it’s also
fun to learn about the way that nature makes things grow.
Soccer is my favorite sport. In order to play soccer well, you need to
be fast, you need to be smart, and you need to work together with
your teammates.
Another good way to get started is to ask a question about your topic.
Good writers often draw readers in with questions.
Think about your topic. Now think about what you’re going to write about
that topic and turn one piece of that information into an opening question.
“Have you ever wondered why so many people garden?”
"Did you ever play soccer?"
DPS Elementary Literacy Program
January 2003
Techniques for Crafting Writing:
Adding Details
#1 - Naming
The more specific an essay is, the more likely it is to receive a high score.
You don’t want to be vague on the CSAP test.
Writers help us with the details they provide. The more specific the detail,
the more we trust the writer as an expert.
In this kind of writing, your expertise counts. Don’t say “huge dog” if you
can name the breed (i.e., “Doberman Pincer”). Don’t say, “sports,” say
“soccer” or “hockey.” In short, name things. Be specific!
#2 - Comparison
Remember that your scorer needs a great deal of help to “see what you are
saying. Make your details as explicit as possible. Comparisons can help a
writer create a mental picture.
Writers compare things all the time. They compare familiar and unfamiliar
things to help us understand the unfamiliar.
Assume your scorer almost “gets” your description but needs a little more
help. Think of the comparison as a way to help the scorer “get it.”
• “Smaller than most other 8 year-olds.”
• “My dog is bigger than a Poodle but smaller than a Doberman Pincer.”
• “Eyes bluer than summer sky.”
• “Our lunchroom is noisier than a rock concert.”
DPS Elementary Literacy Program
January 2003
Techniques for Crafting Writing:
Using Details in Paragraphs to Explain or Describe
When you write an essay to explain something you must provide lots of
details. For example, say you are writing an essay that explains why
something is important to you. It isn’t enough to simply list three or four
reasons that tell why the thing is important. You also have to support or
develop each of your reasons using specific details.
Here are some kinds of detail you should use in your essay:
• Stories from your own life. These often begin with words or phrases
such as “One time” or “When I was.” They contain all the features of
good stories, including dialogue and descriptions of people, places, and
Specific examples. Look for places to use the phrases, “For example” and
“For instance.” “Reading a book is my favorite activity. Sometimes I
feel like I’m actually in the story. For example, when I read Harry
Potter, I felt like I was flying on a broom just like him….”
Descriptions of places, people, actions, or feelings. These descriptions
usually contain “five senses” descriptions. “In fall, I love the sound of
leaves crunching under my feet. The air smells crisp and fresh. The sky
is so blue that it hurts your eyes….”
Naming. Don’t write “I won an award one time.” Instead, write, “In the
fifth grade when I was in Mr. Jones’s class, I won the ‘Speller of the
Year’ award.”
The message is this: Be specific. You know a lot about using details.
Remember that high scoring papers contain lots of specific details.
DPS Elementary Literacy Program
January 2003
Techniques for Crafting Writing:
Endings in Paragraphs to Explain or Describe
Don’t try to pull off a fancy ending. Instead, remember two things:
• The ending has to make sense.
• The ending has to tie up loose ends.
When you’re writing last sentence of your explanatory paragraph, you may do
the following three things:
Restate your main idea in your last sentence.
Use topic words pulled from the prompt when you restate your main idea.
For example, if the prompt ask you to write about your “favorite game,”
be sure that the words “favorite game” show up in your main idea
restatement: “And those are the reasons that soccer will be my favorite
game forever.”
Summarize in list form the reasons you provided in the paragraph. For
example, you might write, “Great climate, mountains, and friendly people
are all reasons why Denver is my favorite place to live.”
DPS Elementary Literacy Program
January 2003