4/8/13 ADLs acumen The Foundation for Building insight Healthcare ideas OAHCP Spring Conference attention 2013 reach expertise depth agility talent Objectives 1. Participant will be able to verbalize an example of how ADLs affect Nursing Home reimbursement. 2. Participant will verbalize what the abbreviation RUG stands for. 3. Participant will know what an ADL aspect means. 4. Participant will understand the difference between the definition of Limited Assistance and Extensive Assistance. 1 4/8/13 Definitions (Webster s & Medicine Net.com) ü ADLs refer to a common, everyday tasks, performance of which is required for personal self-care & independent living. ü Things we normally do in daily living including any daily activity we perform for self-care such as feeding ourselves, bathing, dressing and grooming. o This ability or inability to perform these ADLs can be used as a practical measure of ability /disability Activities of Daily Living In healthcare ADLs a term used to refer to daily self-care activities within an individual s place of residence. 2 4/8/13 ADL measurements are used 1. Qualify for private insurance policies & or programs v Often a trigger for benefits or payment options 2. Federal legislation proposed for public insurance plans to do the same. 3. In some NH helps determine placement within a facility 4. May help categorize a disease process National & International Surveys Measuring the ability of elderly people to perform their ADLs and how are they being conducted. Do we get consistent estimates? Recent studies suggest NO 3 4/8/13 Studies Studies from the early 1980s and 1990s. Policy makers & insurance want to know: 1. How many persons age 65 & older have ADL problems? 2. How many have ADL problems by each type of activity? How many elderly have more than a threshold number of ADL problems? Not all surveys use the same list of ADLs Time Study (STRIVE) ü CMS national NH time study used to establish RUG IV model or PAYMENT ü Began on-site data collection spring 2006 ü Finished in late summer 2007 ü Statistics came from 205 NH ü 15 states, 12,000 residents ü Evaluation of STRIVE date ultimately = PPS RUG-IV model for payments (& many states use case-mix payment systems for Medicaid reimbursement.) 4 4/8/13 Case Mix System ü Medicare & Medicaid payment system consists of 3 components: 1. Staff time measures: Collected time from all direct care staff 2. Resident Assessments 3. Cost calculations of resources RUG RUG = Reimbursement Utilization Group 5 4/8/13 6 4/8/13 RUG scores ü ADL index required to qualify for RUG CMI Example: Pneumonia & Fever HE1 = $353.07/day (ADL=2-16) CA1 = $208.81/day (ADL = 0-1) Difference of: $144.26/day Resident stays 14 days = $2,019.64 X 5 residents = $10,098.20 Mistake x 1 month = ? Late loss ADLs ü People retain their functional ability in these 4 areas the longest. 1. 2. 3. 4. Bed mobility Transfers Eating Toilet use 7 4/8/13 Section G of the MDS 3.0 ü 11 ADLs in the assessment (MDS 3.0) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Bed Mobility Transfers Walk in room Walk in corridor Locomotion on unit Locomotion off unit 7. Dressing 8. Eating 9. Toilet use 10. Personal hygiene 11. Bathing ADLs MUST Be Right….. 1. RUGs = Dollars 2. Resident changes are identified – potential Significant Changes 3. Your Care is Rated 4. Resident and Family Confidence 8 4/8/13 Quality Measures and 5 Star Rating Developed to help the consumer to understand quality care in NH . A clinical performance measure or efficiency of care ü Quality Measures ü 5 Star Rating - how your facility is ranked v Res. showing significant declines quarter to quarter? ERRORS…….. 1. ADL documentation is completed – how? 2. Document correctly – how? 3. Why do we want our residents to be SO good? 4. Common mistakes? 5. ADLs always important BUT when most important? 9 Reimbursement not the only advantage ü Quality of Care Example: Incontinent Residents should be on a Check-and-Change Program . > > This mes sag e has bee n cros s post ed to the follo win g Disc ussi ons: MD S > Con nect ion and LTC Net wor k. > -----------------------------------> > Hell o, > > Pati ent bein g adm itted with acti ve HIV AID S 042 on Med A. > Wha t if any addi tion al codi ng is req uire d to insu re add on reim bur sem ent. > Pati ent is on antr etro viral sare ther e any dru gs or any circ ums tanc es > whe re the facil ity can bill for thes e dru gs outs ide of the PPS bun dle? > > Any onli ne reso urce s that you can refe r me to? > > Tha nks very muc h! > -----------------------------------> Gle nda Hyn es RN > Wes tfiel d MA > -----------------------------------> > 4/8/13 Documentation – ADL Tracker ADL Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Day 7 7a-3p Transfers / / / / / / / 3p-11p Transfers / / / / / / / 11p-7a Transfers / / / / / / / 7a-3p Eating / / / / / / / 3p-11p Eating / / / / / / / 11p-7a Eating / / / / / / / 7a-3p Toileting / / / / / / / 3p-11p Toileting / / / / / / / 11p-7a Toileting / / / / / / / 7a-3p Bed Mob / / / / / / / 3p-11p Bed Mob / / / / / / / 11p-7a Bed Mob / / / / / / / etc 10 4/8/13 Self Performance Codes ü 0= Independent: NO TALK, NO TOUCH ü Staff does no assist, instruct, nor cue: resident does ü All activity ALONE no monitoring, no hands on assistance. (with your eyes, you watched the resident thru the door) 11 4/8/13 ü 1=Supervised: TALK, NO TOUCH ü Staff provides instructions or cueing (verbal), but does not provide physical (hands on) assistance. ü Oversight and cueing staff uses mouth/voice only. ü NO HANDS ü 2= Limited assistance: TALK and TOUCH ü Staff talks to give instructions or cues and touches resident to assist: can be as simple as putting hands on resident s back or holding his/her elbow while walking. Hands used for more than set up, but does not lift any part of the resident. The resident is highly involved, you did some hands on assist but it was NONWEIGHT BEARING 12 4/8/13 ü 3 = Extensive assistance: TALK, TOUCH, and LIFT ü Staff uses muscle power to lift, move, or shift resident. This includes lifting legs into bed, scooting buttocks into positioning in bed, lifting arm to assist in self feeding. The resident performed part of the activity, but WEIGHTBEARING ASSIST (someone lifted a part of the body) was required. ü 4 = Total Dependence: ALL ACTION BY STAFF ü Resident dose not participate at all in any part of the activity being done for him/her. The resident didn t lift a finger to help 13 4/8/13 ü (7= the activity occurred only once or twice) (not for CNA training) ü 8 = the activity didn t occur during the entire shift. ü IF THE STAFF MEMBER HAS TOUCHED THE RESIDENT AT ALL, CODE IS AT LEAST LIMITED ASSIST. Staff Performance 14 4/8/13 ü 0 = No staff performance required, zip, zero, nada. ü 1= set up help only, maybe you undid a cover, set the wheelchair at bedside or set out grooming items 15 4/8/13 ü 2= ONE person. Physically assisted by one person ü 3 = 2 or more physically assisted. 16 4/8/13 ü 8= Activity didn t occur during the whole shift. ADL Aspects or Components Components of an ADL activity. These are listed next to the activity in the item set on the MDS. For example, the components of G0110H (Eating) are eating, drinking, and intake of nourishment or hydration by other means, including tube feeding, total parenteral nutrition and IV fluids for hydration. 17 4/8/13 Components or Aspects of an ADL Example: EATING Eating Drinking Intake of Nourishment or Hydration by other means: v Tube feeding v Parenteral nutrition v IV fluids for hydration Components or Aspects of an ADL Example: Bed Mobility v Moving to & from a lying position v Turns side to side v Positions body while in bed or alternate sleep furniture 18 4/8/13 Components or Aspects of an ADL Example Transfers v How the resident moves between surfaces v To or from: 1. 2. 3. 4. Bed Chair Wheelchair Standing position (excluding to/from bath or toilet) Components or Aspects of an ADL v Transfers on/off toilet (Toileting) v Cleanses self after elimination v Changes pad v Manages ostomy or catheter v Adjusts clothes Do NOT include emptying bedpan, urinal commode, catheter bag or ostomy bag 19 4/8/13 Components or Aspects of an ADL Example Toileting v How resident uses the toilet 1. Room 2. Commode 3. Bedpan 4. Urinal Toileting Scenario: Conflicting? ü Performing an aspect or component of the ADL activity for the resident is = extensive assistance. ü Performing a portion of a component is not – (CMS decided that zipping zippers, snapping snaps, buttoning buttons is limited assistance, not extensive assist because this is classified as a portion or a PART of a component.) 20 4/8/13 Scenario: 3 ways to get Ext Assist 1. Provide weight-bearing assistance at least 3 Xs 2. Perform the entire activity for the resident at least 3 times 3. Perform an entire component or aspect of the activity for the resident at least 3 times In the 7 day look-back period! Toilet Use – Catheter or Ostomy? Section G: Functional Status: (1) Q: How do you code G0110I Toilet Use for residents with a catheter or ostomy? A: Be sure you are assessing both methods of elimination….BOWEL AND BLADDER 21 4/8/13 Catheter or Ostomy Care Resident may require: (1) ü only limited assist with catheter but ü extensive assist transferring on/off the toilet ü Just emptying the catheter or ostomy bag does not count, ü but perineal /skin care does count Teaching ü Rule of Three 22 4/8/13 Rule of Three (*) ü RAI Manual says: When an activity occurs three times at any one given level THEN code that level ü When an activity occurs three times at multiple levels THEN code the most dependent level Example: Resident requires assistance at an extensive level of assistance 3 times and at a limited assistance 3 times then code it as extensive assistance. Activity occurs More than 1 level ?(*) ü But Not Three Times at any ONE level v Episodes of full staff performance are considered to be weight bearing assistance when EVERY episode is full staff performance=Total Dependence (4) v When there are 3 or more episodes of a combination of full staff performance & weightbearing assistance=Extensive Assistance (3) 23 4/8/13 Rule of Three ü Exceptions 1. Total dependence: activity MUST require full assistance EVERY TIME 2. Activity did not occur: activity must NOT have occurred at all or family and/or nonfacility staff provided care 100% of the time for the activity over the entire 7-day period. Rule of Three Scenario: 3 ways to get Ext Assist 1. Provide weight-bearing assistance at least 3 Xs 2. Perform the entire activity for the resident at least 3 times 3. Perform an entire component or aspect of the activity for the resident at least 3 times 24 4/8/13 Teaching (2) ü What does each task or component of each ADL mean . TASK: Ask 5 different CNAs on different shifts what the definition of toilet use means. 25 4/8/13 Teaching Task: Ask your CNAs or LPNs how would you code toileting if you had to empty Mr M s urinal? ü RAI Manual says: Do Not Include Emptying of : 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Bedpan Urinal Bedside commode Catheter bag Ostomy Teaching ü Documentation Tools Task: Ask 3 different CNAs what does it mean for a resident to be in their 7 day look-back period or window . 26 4/8/13 Teaching ü Documentation Task: Tell a CNA or an LPN: I want you to document the most dependent level so I can use the Rule of Three . Teaching- Are These Probing Questions? ü How the resident uses the toilet room? Or commode? Or bedpan? Or urinal? ü How the resident transfers on/off the toilet ü How the resident cleans themselves after elimination ü How the resident changes their pad ü How the resident manages their ostomy or catheter ü How the resident adjusts their clothing before elimination & after elimination 27 4/8/13 Scenario: MEAL Q: Resident completed all of his/her meal independently except the last few bites the CNA fed the resident. How should this ADL be coded for this meal? Scenario: MEAL A: Extensive Assist of one person: 3/2 3 = Extensive Assistance 2 = one staff person was required to assist 28 4/8/13 How would you code? ü Example: a resident who can pull up their pants but need assistance buttoning or zipping their pants? ü Example: a resident who might be able to partially cleanse themselves but not fully cleanse themselves? How would you code? Example: Resident uses a bedpan and when the pan is placed by one CNA the resident helps lift their hips onto the bedpan? 29 4/8/13 How would you code? Example: Mr. P. uses the bathroom but staff assist Mr. P. to zip his pants, hand him a washcloth, and remind him to wash his hands after using the toilet daily. This occurred multiple times each day during the 7-day look-back period. How would you code? Example: One staff person is cueing four Dementia residents at a table to eat. They all start out independently eating although cueing is frequently needed with two (Resident A & B) and occasionally with the other two (Residents C & D). At one point the staff person uses hand over hand to encourage Resident C to pick up the fork, put food on the fork and put the fork into their mouth. What is the coding for: Resident A, B, C and D? 30 4/8/13 Guided Maneuvering versus Weight-Bearing Assistance ü How do we know? ü Guided Maneuvering: if the resident can lift the fork but staff assistance is just guiding the resident s hand. ü Weight-Bearing Assistance: if the staff member supports some of the weight of the resident s hand while helping the resident to move the fork from the plate to the mouth=ext. assist. How would you code? ü Example: During bed mobility the staff person hands the resident the trapeze bar so the resident can reposition themselves in bed. ü Example: During transfer from the bed to the resident s recliner the CNA hands the resident her walker. 31 4/8/13 How would you code? Example: The resident is from Islamabad. She is in the last stage of her Dementia and is loosing weight. Her daughter, Amina, is with her most of the time. Amina prepares special meals for her mom bringing it to her three times each day and spending a great deal of time encouraging her mom to eat for her. The resident does take small quantities of the food some of the time. How would you code this? How would you code? Example: Mr. T. is in a physically debilitated state due to surgery. Two staff members must physically lift and transfer him to a reclining chair daily using a mechanical lift. Mr. T. is unable to assist or participate in any way during the 7 day look-back period. How would you code? 32 4/8/13 How would you code? Example: Mrs. S required Supervision 5 times in the look back period , while Limited Assistance occurred twice, and Extensive Assistance & Total Assistance each occurred twice. Correct Code: G01101 would be 1 (Supervision) because there were not 3 or more instances of a single higher level May 2013 RAI update clarification Think about that….. Supervision? In the Look Back Period you may find: 1. Limited assist two times 2. Extensive assist two times 3. Total assist two times BUT Supervision anything 3 or higher it would be coded as SUPERVISION. This meets the Rule of three. 33 4/8/13 Responsibilities of ? ü Monitor ALL ADL documentation to ensure accuracy including: v Asking probing questions to ensure components of tasks were considered and the findings in the documentation are identical to the documentation v Look-back period – inaccuracies? v Group education v One to one education Probing questions? Examples: MDS: How is Mrs. Cole doing since her stroke? Are you having to dress her? CNA: She is doing so well. She is back to her old self again. MDS: Wow! You re kidding. She just had her stroke 1 month ago. CNA: I know but she has been trying so hard and has done so well. MDS: That s wonderful! Thank you! 34 4/8/13 Probing Questions ü Think about what probing questions should sound like? ü What are you trying to find out? ü If you are having a difficult time communicating with certain staff members, ask them to show you. Are your ADLs correct in your facility? ü What do you need to initiate in your facility? ü Do your staff understand components or aspects ? ü How do ADLs affect your facility? ü What else? 35 4/8/13 Questions??? Thank You! Carol Smith, RN, BSN, RAC-CT 918-584-2900 csmith@bkd.com 36