2014 - 2015 University of Wisconsin – Stevens Point Division of Student Affairs With every “right” comes responsibility and, as a member of the campus community, you are expected to respect others and follow the rules and policies established by the university community. Students at the University of Wisconsin - Stevens Point (UWSP) are members of the University community as well as the larger surrounding community. Students have the responsibility to conduct themselves in a thoughtful and lawful manner and must comply with the UWSP’s student conduct standards. The State of Wisconsin does not allow alcohol consumption by anyone less than 21 years of age. UWSP has designed a comprehensive program to address violations of the institution’s alcohol and other drug policies. There are three components to our prevention and intervention program: universal prevention, selective prevention, and indicated prevention. The sanctioning grid that follows is a guide for students to help them make informed decisions about their conduct involving substances, as well, as provide a firm foundation for UWSP adjudicating officers. This document is a living document and will be reviewed annually to ensure its effectiveness and relevance. Student conduct is of concern to more than the adjudicating officers—community members, neighbors, law enforcement, court system, and local health care practice are strongly in support of UWSP increasing responsibility for students. Further, UWSP, as part of its compliance with the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act, will benefit from demonstrating an effort to treat similar cases similarly. UWSP Alcohol, Drug, and Tobacco Sanctioning Grid Universal Prevention: Think About It Program; online alcohol education (to be completed by all new students in Sept. /Oct. or Jan. /Feb.). Failure to complete sanction results in a referral to the PACE program and a $75 course fee. Intervention: Predetermined Sanctions--The following table indicates MINIMUMS as well as a list of possible enhancements based upon the incident.* Incident Student found not responsible for violation First Violation Minimum Sanction required for ALCOHOL VIOLATION No sanction; however, follow-up letter describing incident and suggestions for future behavior. Letter may include: not in presence of alcohol until 21, no bottles in room, etc. 1. Financial restitution (if damages are incurred) 2. Judicial Educator Module 5: Personal Decision Making 3. Educational Component: (PACE) Personal Alcohol Control through Exploration class ($75 program fee & follow up meeting) Minimum Sanction required for DRUG VIOLATION No sanction; however, follow-up letter describing incident and suggestions for future behavior. Letter may include: not to be in presence of drugs or personal decision making. 1. Judicial Educator Module 5: Personal Decision Making 2. Educational Component: Marijuana 101 – an online marijuana education exercise, 6 lessons, 3 hours ($75.00 program fee plus follow up meeting with the Student Health Promotion Office) 3. Parental/legal guardian Notification by letter Minimum Sanction required for TOBACCO VIOLATION No sanction; however, follow-up letter describing incident and suggestions for future behavior. Letter may include: this sanction grid and the tobacco free policy. Non-compliance with sanctions 1. Formal Written Warning to abide by University Policies 1. Re-enrollment and additional charges for PACE or Marijuana 101 2. Course registration block UWSP Alcohol, Drug, and Tobacco Sanctioning Grid Incident Second Violation Third Violation Referred to the Dean of Students Office for adjudication Minimum Sanction required for ALCOHOL VIOLATION 1. Financial restitution (if damages are incurred) 2. Parental/legal guardian notification by letter 3. Educational Component: BASICS* Brief Alcohol Screening and Intervention for College Students (first 60-min meeting; personal inventory; second 60-min meeting; $125 program fee) 4. Alcohol use reflection paper Minimum Sanction required for DRUG VIOLATION 1. Parental/legal guardian notification by phone with student 2. Educational Component: CASICS--Cannabis Screening and Intervention for College Students (first 60-min meeting; personal inventory; second 60-min meeting; $125 program fee) 3. On campus residence hall relocation 4. Drug use reflection paper Minimum Sanction required for TOBACCO VIOLATION 1. Educational Component: Judicial Educator Module 16: Smoking. (program fee $25) following up meeting w/SHPO Non-compliance with sanctions 1. Re-enrollment and additional charges for BASICS or CASICS 2. Parental/Legal Guardian notification by phone 3. Course registration block 1. 12 months University Disciplinary Probation 2. On campus residence hall relocation 3. Parental/legal guardian notification via phone call by the Dean of Students Office 4. Financial restitution (if damages are incurred) 5. Signed statement of suspension 6. Educational Component: Referral to UWSP AODA Counselor ($175 program fee) or external agency referral 1. 12 months University Disciplinary Probation 2. Residence Hall contract termination (If a residential living student) 3. Parental/legal guardian notification via phone call by the Dean of Students Office 4. Signed statement of suspension 5. Educational Component: Drug Check Up @ Counseling Center ($175 program fee) or external agency referral 1. 3 months University Probation 2. Educational Component: Tobacco Program with Center for Prevention (program fee $75) (Educational Component) 3. 5 Hours University/Community Service 4. 2 page reflection paper on “The Effects of Tobacco on Health” 1. Referred to the Dean of Students Office for adjudication UWSP Alcohol, Drug, and Tobacco Sanctioning Grid Incident Fourth Violation or Possession with intent to deliver (drugs) 1. Referred to the Dean of Students Office for adjudication 3. 2. 4. 5. Fifth Violation Referred to the Dean of Students Office Minimum Sanction required for ALCOHOL VIOLATION Suspension from UWSP for 12 months Cancellation of housing contract, no refund Financial restitution (if damages are incurred) Parental/legal guardian notification via phone call by the Dean of Students Office 12 months disciplinary probation upon return 1. Referred to the University Administrative Hearing Board for adjudication Minimum Sanction required for DRUG VIOLATION 1. Suspension from UWSP for 12 months 2. Cancellation of housing contract, no refund 3. Parental/legal guardian notification via phone call by the Dean of Students Office 4. 12 months disciplinary probation upon return Minimum Sanction required for TOBACCO VIOLATION 1. Educational Component: Meeting with Student Health (program fee $125) Non-compliance with sanctions 1. Referred to the Dean of Students Office for adjudication 1. Referred to the University Administrative Hearing Board for adjudication Minimum Readmission Requirements If a student is to be readmitted to the University after nonacademic misconduct, specific re-enrollment conditions will apply before and after being accepted. 12-month probation upon readmission Must complete assessment with outside agency and submitted to DOS before reacceptance Any student that has been previously suspended for alcohol or drug related violations, and has been readmitted to UWSP, then violates any alcohol or drug policy after readmission will be referred to the University Administrative Hearing Board for adjudication. If you require medical transport due to substance abuse, you will be referred directly to the Dean of Students Office**. Minimum sanctions include: University Disciplinary Probation Parental notification via phone call by Dean of Students Office Substance use assessment Follow-up meetings with the Dean of Students * As each situation is unique, sanctions maybe increased beyond the minimum, but would never be less than the minimum. Sanctions may or may not be duplicated. UWSP Alcohol, Drug, and Tobacco Sanctioning Grid ** Good Samaritan Guide: In cases of severe intoxication and/ or alcohol/ drug overdose, the primary concern is the health and safety of the individual(s) involved. If an intoxicated student is in need of medical assistance, it is the university’s priority to assist without punitive consequence. In some cases, the intoxicated individual(s), or an individual/group who assists, may not be subject to action by the Dean of Students Office. This does not excuse or protect those who flagrantly or repeatedly violate University of Wisconsin System, UWSP Community Rights & Responsibilities Handbook, and/or the UWSP Residence Hall policies in regards to alcohol. The Good Samaritan guide is intended to apply to cases of alcohol overdose. If other infractions occur, such as assault or property damage, the clause does not apply. *** Students or members of the community who observe a medical or other emergency are obligated to call for help. If the "Good Samaritan" who places a call for help is found to be in violation of a housing policy, the fact that they placed the call will be considered a mitigating circumstance if sanctions are imposed on the Good Samaritan. *** If the situation is deemed necessary by University Personnel, Protective Services or Stevens Point Police Department may be notified and respond to any situation. The Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs and Dean of Students Office is charged with implementing the necessary processes for the success of these minimum sanctions.