ECN-RX--05-050 REFORMING OF METHANE OVER CIRIA AND PEROVSKITE-BASED CATALYSTS Subtitle J. Boon F.P.F. van Berkel E.R. Stobbe Posterpresentatie 15th World Hydrogen Energy Conference June 27-July 2, 2004 Yokohama, Japan JANUARY 2005 Reforming of Methane over Ceria and Perovskite-Based Catalysts Jurriaan Boon, Frans P.F. van Berkel, Erwin R. Stobbe Unit Fuel Cell Technology Energy Research Centre of the Netherlands P.O. Box 1, 1755ZG Petten THE NETHERLANDS E-mail: Abstract The influence of the nature of the support on the activity of rhodium-based catalysts in the catalytic reforming of methane has been studied. Based on the variety of applications of methane reforming a selection of supports was made including fluorites, perovskites and aluminum oxide. In the absence of rhodium, the perovskite and fluorite supports, i.e. SrFe0.67Co0.33O3+•, La0.6Sr0.4Co0.2Fe0.8O3+•, Ce0.8Gd0.2O1.9+•, and CeO2-ZrO2 all showed activity for the total combustion of methane but proved to be poor reforming catalysts. Impregnation of the fluorite and alumina supports with rhodium provided active catalysts for the reforming of methane. The activity of perovskite-supported rhodium appeared to depend strongly on the reducibility of the perovskite. Rhodium supported on La0.77Sr0.13MnO3+• is a reasonably active catalyst, but it deactivates rapidly. Rhodium supported on mixed valence oxides SrFe0.67Co0.33O3+• or La0.6Sr0.4Co0.2Fe0.8O3+• is hardly more active than the bare support. Application of other metals active in reforming such as platinum, ruthenium, nickel, or palladium on La0.6Sr0.4Co0.2Fe0.8O3+• lead to surprisingly low catalytic activity. For supported rhodium catalysts a relation is suggested between reducibility of the support materials and catalytic activity for the reforming of methane, which is presently under further investigation. Keywords: methane catalytic partial oxidation, methane steam reforming, ceria, perovskite, rhodium-based catalysts 1. Introduction A significant part of the fuel cell and membrane research activities at ECN (Energy Research Centre of the Netherlands) involves the reforming of fossil fuels and related hydrocarbons. These research areas include the production of nitrogen-free synthesis gas by means of oxygen transport membranes, fuel processing to provide clean hydrogen for fuel cell applications, and internal reforming of hydrocarbons in solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs). Reforming is used here as a comprehensive term, referring to the conversion of hydrocarbons with oxygen, steam or carbon dioxide to synthesis gas. The conversion of hydrocarbons to synthesis gas comprises a network of reactions. For methane, several reactions can be involved, i.e. the direct catalytic partial oxidation (1), complete combustion (2), methane steam reforming (3) and CO2 reforming (4) followed by the water-gas shift reaction (5). 2CH4 + O2 • 2CO + 4H2 (CPO) (1) CH4 + 2O2 • CO2 + 2H2O (‘total combustion’) (2) CH4 + H2O • CO + 3H2 (SR) (3) CH4 + CO2 • 2CO + 2H2 (CDR) (4) CO + H2O • CO2 + H2 (WGS) (5) CPO SR 100% conversion CH4 (%) conversion CH4 (%) 100% 80% 60% 40% 20% 0% 80% thermodynamics LSCF CZ CGO SFC 60% 40% 20% 0% 300 400 500 600 700 temperature (°C) 800 900 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 temperature (°C) Figure 1. Methane conversion for CPO and SR over bare carriers With respect to methane CPO there is still debate on the question whether syngas is formed by the direct reaction (1) or through a sequence of combustion (2) and reforming reactions (3) and (4). The partial oxidation reaction is catalysed by supported noble metals, [1-4] nickel, [2-7] cobalt, [7] iron, [7] ceria, [4] pyrochlores [2] and perovskites. [2] Many metals, including nickel, cobalt, iron, and group VIII metals, are known to catalyse steam reforming (SR). [4] More recently, it has been reported that gadolinia-doped ceria [8] and nickel-containing perovskite [9] are active as SR catalysts. CDR is catalysed by iron and cobalt, [3,4] as well as nickel and noble metals. [3,4,10] While many different substrates can be used as catalyst support, potential applications in the field of oxygen transport membranes and internal reforming in SOFCs would clearly benefit from the direct use of oxygen permeable support materials as the catalyst support. [6,8,11-14] Moreover, oxide-conducting supports have been associated with both low carbon formation under typical process conditions [6,8,13,15-17] and high activity attributed to strong metal-support interactions. [1] The present paper aims at evaluating the influence of support materials like ceria and perovskite materials on the catalytic behaviour of rhodium catalysts for the reforming of methane. Table 1. Composition, supplier and BET-surface of the selected support materials Support material BET-surface area Supplier 2 [m /gr] Perovskites SrFe0.67Co0.33O3+• (SFC) <1 Praxair Special Ceramics La0.6Sr0.4Co0.2Fe0.8O3+• (LSCF) 6.4 Praxair Special Ceramics La0.80Ca0.13Cr0.97O3+• (LCC) not measured Praxair Special Ceramics La0.77Sr0.13MnO3+• (LSM) 6.9 Praxair Special Ceramics Fluorites Ce0.8Gd0.2O1.9+• (CGO) 39.1 Praxair Special Ceramics CeO2/ZrO2 (30%wt./70%wt.) (CZ) 61 ECN Alumina •-Al2O3 (AL) 4–5 Nabaltek 2. Experimental 2.1 Catalyst Preparation CO - thermodyn. 100% carbon selectivity (%) CO2 80% CO (thermo) carbon monoxide CO2 (thermo) carbon dioxide 60% 40% 20% CO 0% 300 CO2 - thermodyn. 400 500 600 700 800 900 temperature (°C) Figure 2. Carbon selectivity (moles of CO or CO2 produced / moles of CH4 converted) towards CO and CO2 for CPO over bare LSCF The different support materials have been summarised in Table 1. Rhodium catalysts were prepared by incipient wetness impregnation of the support material with Rh(NO3)3 solution (Alfa Aesar), resulting in a final content of 1%wt Rh. After drying, the catalysts were calcined at 400°C. In addition a series of LSCF-supported metal catalyst was prepared using the same procedure as above with metal salts, i.e. Pt (Pt(NO3)2, Merck), Ru (Ru(NO)(NO3)x(OH)y, Aldrich), Ni (Ni(NO3)2, Merck), Pd(Pd(NO3)2, Aldrich), each yielding a metal loading of 1 %wt. All catalysts were tested in a sieve fraction of 0.2120.425 mm. 2.2 Reforming experiments Experiments were carried out in a microflow reactor setup containing a quartz reactor tube of 4 mm internal diameter. Nitrogen-diluted gas feeds were applied at a total flow of 100 ml/min. The reactor was filled with 100 mg of the respective catalyst to a height of several millimetres. The outlet gas composition was measured online with an Advance Optima Multi-gas analyser set detecting CH4, CO2, CO (URAS14 module) and H2 (Caldos17 module) and an online Micro-GC system equipped Poraplot and Molsieve 5A columns detecting CO2, C2H4, C2H6, C3H6, C3H8, CH4, and CO. HSC chemistry software package version 5.11 [18] was used for thermodynamic calculations. For these calculations the formation of coke was suppressed, assuming coke free operation during the experiments. Catalytic partial oxidation of methane CPO experiments were conducted in 2 ml/min of methane, 5 ml/min of air, and balance nitrogen (to 100 ml/min). The reaction was started at 300°C after which the temperature was raised up to 900°C and again lowered down to 300°C, in steps of 40°C. During every step, the reaction system was allowed to stabilise for about 25 minutes before the outlet gas composition was sampled. Steam reforming of methane SR experiments were conducted in 5 ml/min of methane, 5 ml/min of steam, and balance nitrogen (to 100 ml/min). The reaction was started at 400°C after which the temperature was raised up to 925°C and again lowered down to 400°C, in steps of 35°C. During every step, the reaction system was allowed to stabilise for about 25 minutes before the outlet gas conversion CH4 (%) 100% 80% CGO, CZ, and AL with 1%wt. Rh 60% 40% 20% pure carriers thermodynamics CGO C-Z Rh/CGO Rh/CZ Rh/AL 0% 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 temperature (°C) Conversion thermodyn. CGO CZ Rh/CGO Rh/CZ Rh/AL 300°C (up) 0% 0% 29% 31% 5% 300°C (dn) 31% 0% 0% 3% 11% 1% 625°C (up) 30% 27% 96% 95% 95% 625°C (dn) 94% 23% 26% 93% 95% 95% 900°C (up) 38% 42% 100% 100% 100% 900°C (dn) 100% 38% 42% 100% 100% 100% Figure 3. Conversion of methane for CPO over bare carriers CGO and CZ and over Rh/CGO, Rh/CZ, and Rh/AL composition was sampled. 3. Results 3.1 Activity of metal oxides for the reforming of methane (CPO and SR) Activity plots of the various bare oxide supports (not impregnated with rhodium) are shown in Figure 1. For CPO conditions, a methane conversion level of approximately 25% is reached for temperatures below 750°C, with only total combustion products carbon dioxide and steam appearing. Above approximately 750°C, reforming starts to take place, converting the remaining unconverted methane with carbon dioxide and steam to carbon monoxide and hydrogen. The selectivity plot of CPO over bare LSCF in Figure 2, which is also typical for other the carrier oxides examined, confirms this hypothesis. The selectivity towards carbon dioxide decreases in favour of the selectivity towards carbon monoxide only when the temperature is further increased above 750°C. As expected from these CPO experiments, the results for SR (also shown in Figure 1) show that bare oxide supports are only able to catalyse the steam reforming reaction (SR) above approximately 750°C. 3.2 Effect of the support on Rh catalyst performance for methane reforming (CPO) Activity plots of the conversion of methane under CPO conditions using oxide supports impregnated with rhodium as catalyst are shown in Figure 3 for the fluorite and alumina support materials and in Figure 4 for the perovskite support materials. Rhodium supported on either CGO, CZ, or AL is an active catalyst for the reforming of methane, reaching thermodynamic equilibrium already at temperatures as low as 400°C. For the perovskites, the situation is more complex. Rh/SFC showed to be a poor catalyst. Its behaviour resembles the behaviour of bare carriers and the addition of rhodium only results in a small improvement in methane conversion. Rh/LSCF performs slightly better during heating. However, even for temperatures as high as 900°C thermodynamic conversion of methane is not reached and upon the subsequent decrease in temperature, conversion CH4 (%) 100% ← Rh/LCC → Rh/LSM 80% thermodynamics Rh/LSCF Rh/SFC Rh/LCC Rh/LSM 60% 40% 20% Rh/LCC → 0% 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 temperature (°C) Conversion thermodyn. Rh/LSCF Rh/SFC Rh/LCC Rh/LSM 300°C (up) 0% 0% 0% 5% 300°C (dn) 31% 0% 0% 0% 0% 625°C (up) 47% 12% 0% 93% 625°C (dn) 94% 25% 10% 94% 41% 900°C (up) 91% 42% 100% 94% 900°C (dn) 100% 90% 42% 100% 93% Figure 4. Conversion of methane for CPO for Rh/perovskite catalysts. All catalysts except for Rh/LCC are more active (i.e., a higher conversion) during the initial increase in temperature than during the subsequent decrease in temperature. Rh/LSCF is only slightly more active than bare LSCF. The only perovskites-supported rhodium catalysts that reach thermodynamic equilibrium are Rh/LSM and Rh/LCC. Rh/LSM is readily activated from 400°C upwards; the conversion of methane follows the thermodynamic equilibrium conversion. However, deactivation is observed from 650°C upwards and during the decrease in temperature. The activity of Rh/LCC remains poor until apparent activation occurs around 900°C. During cooling the methane conversion over Rh/LCC matches thermodynamic equilibrium in the temperature region of 600°C till 900°C. 3.3 Effect of the supported metal on LSCF catalyst performance for the reforming of methane Since the poor performance of Rh/LSCF might be caused by a specific interaction between rhodium and the perovskite support, the interaction between several alternative metals and the LSCF perovskite was examined. The methane conversion for CPO over Rh/LSCF, Pt/LSCF, Ru/LSCF, Ni/LSCF, and Pd/LSCF is shown in Figure 5. No improvement is made upon replacement of rhodium by other group VIII metals, as Rh/LSCF is most active during the increase in temperature and all catalysts perform equally during the decrease in temperature. 4. Discussion From CPO experiments it is clear that all of the bare oxide supports are active in the combustion of methane between approximately 500°C and 800°C. In this range full oxygen conversion is achieved with CO2 and H2O being the main reaction products. However, their activity in reforming is low. CPO and SR experiments over these bare oxides show some reforming activity (SR and/or CDR) only at temperatures above 750°C, conversion CH4 (%) 100% 80% thermodynamics Rh/LSCF Pt/LSCF Ru/LSCF Ni/LSCF Pd/LSCF 60% 40% 20% 0% 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 temperature (°C) Conversion thermodyn. Rh/LSCF Pt/LSCF Ru/LSCF Ni/LSCF Pd/LSCF 300°C (up) 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 300°C (dn) 31% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 625°C (up) 47% 36% 27% 25% 40% 625°C (dn) 94% 25% 24% 24% 21% 28% 900°C (up) 91% 67% 84% 73% 80% 900°C (dn) 100% 90% 66% 83% 72% 78% Figure 5. Conversion of methane for CPO over Rh, Pt, Ru, Ni, and Pd supported on LSCF. All catalysts are more active (i.e., a higher conversion) during the initial increase in temperature than during the subsequent decrease in temperature. however never reaching thermodynamic equilibrium. The activity for total combustion of methane of the oxide supports manifested in this study is well known in literature. [19-21] Whereas the bare oxide supports display similar behaviour as catalyst for CPO and SR reactions, remarkable differences in catalyst performance appear when rhodium is applied onto these supports. Impregnation of AL, CGO, and CZ with rhodium yields highly active CPO and SR catalysts. The conversion of methane reaches the thermodynamic equilibrium conversion at temperatures as low as 350°C, which is in accordance with literature data of Rossignol et al. [1] who have proven both Rh/CGO and Rh/AL to be active catalysts for CPO of methane. Rhodium supported on LSM provides a catalyst that rapidly deactivates and rhodium on LCC apparently needs activation at elevated temperatures before catalytic activity is observed. Finally, the activity of LSCF and SFC is only slightly improved by the addition of rhodium. In literature, it is known that rhodium supported on irreducible oxides provides successful reforming catalysts. Ruckenstein and Wang [2] showed that rhodium supported on reducible oxides is a poor catalyst for reforming methane, especially when compared to rhodium supported on irreducible oxides. This might be due to the formation of suboxides that migrate over the exposed metal surface, thereby decreasing the number of active metal sites. Also, the catalytic activity for methane reforming of nickel and ruthenium supported on irreducible perovskites has been demonstrated. [6,12,13] Rhodium supported on reducible mixed valence perovskite oxides (B = Fe, Co in ABO3) is a poor catalyst for methane reforming, so apparently the reducibility of the support has a strong influence on the activity for methane reforming. Figure 6 shows the reducibility of the carrier materials under investigation (or materials that are chemically similar) expressed as the oxygen nonstoichiometry as a function of the oxygen partial pressure at 800°C. (La,Ca)CrO3+•, (La,Sr)MnO3+•, and (Ce,Gd)O1.9+• become oxygen deficient only at very low oxygen partial pressures (p(O2) below 10-14 bar). On the other hand, (La,Sr)(Fe,Co)O3+• perovskites are oxygen deficient already at atmospheric oxygen partial pressure and their oxygen deficiency increases rapidly when the oxygen partial pressure is lowered. The former, less easily reducible oxides, seem to show better activity for methane reforming compared to the latter. Further research is presently carried out to elucidate the nature of the relation between reducibility and catalytic activity. These findings may have strong implications for the intended application of the different materials. (La,Sr)(Co,Fe)O3+•, often used as oxygen transport membrane, does not seem to be attractive as catalyst support for the production of synthesis gas. Rhodium supported on LCC may prove to be a reforming catalyst in the anode compartment of SOFCs. Finally, ceria based materials are of interest for internal reforming in SOFCs and for fuel processing applications. It might also perform well in combination with oxygen transport membranes. 5. Conclusion Catalytic activity of rhodium based catalysts for catalytic partial oxidation and steam reforming of methane depends strongly on the nature of the support. Bare oxidic support materials SrFe0.67Co0.33O3+•, La0.6Sr0.4Co0.2Fe0.8O3+•, Ce0.8Gd0.2O1.9+•, and CeO2-ZrO2 have been tested and shown to catalyse the total combustion reaction of methane to carbon dioxide and steam. Rhodium supported on •-Al2O3, CeO2-ZrO2, and Ce0.8Gd0.2O1.9+• yields active catalysts for the reforming of methane. Both Rh/La0.77Sr0.13MnO3+• and Rh/La0.80Ca0.13Cr0.97O3+• show significant potential for catalysis of the reforming of methane. When rhodium is supported on SrFe0.67Co0.33O3+• or La0.6Sr0.4Co0.2Fe0.8O3+•, the catalytic activity is only slightly improved when compared to the bare oxides. The poor catalytic activity for methane reforming over La0.6Sr0.4Co0.2Fe0.8O3+•-supported rhodium catalysts seems not to be specifically related to the rhodium-perovskite interaction since application of platinum, ruthenium, nickel, or palladium onto La0.6Sr0.4Co0.2Fe0.8O3+• leads to a similarly poor increase of the reforming activity as well. The reforming activity of rhodium catalysts, and possibly of other (noble) metal catalysts as well, seems to be inhibited by reducible support materials, a phenomenon on which further research is presently taking place. La0.9Ca0.1CrO3+δ (X) 0 δ [-] Ce0.8Gd0.2O1.9+δ (o) La0.6Sr0.4Co0.2Fe0.8O3+δ (n) -0.2 La0.8Sr0.2MnO3+δ ( ) -0.4 La0.2Sr0.8Co0.8Fe0.2O3+δ (¡) -0.6 -25 -20 -15 -10 -5 0 log( p(O2 ) / p0 ) [-] Figure 6. Oxygen nonstoichiometry, expressed as the value of • for (La,Ca)CrO3+•, (Ce, Gd)O1.9+•, (La,Sr)MnO3+•, and (La,Sr)(Co,Fe)O3+• as a function of the oxygen pressure (p0 = 105 Pa) at 800°C [22-25] 6. References [1] C. Rossignol, T. Krause, and M. Krumpelt, AIChE Spring National Meeting, New Orleans, 2002. [2] E. Ruckenstein and H. Y. Wang, Journal of Catalysis , 1999, 187, 151-159. [3] M. M. V. M. Souza and M. Schmal, Catalysis Letters, 2003, 91, 11-17. [4] S. C. Tsang, J. B. Claridge, and M. L. H. Green, Catalysis Today, 1995, 23, 3-15. [5] J. Barbero, M. A. Peña, J. M. 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