FORT MCMURRAY CATHOLIC SCHOOLS SUPPLY LIST 2014 – 2015 EARLY ENTRY PROGRAM GRADE THREE 1 pr. non-­‐scuff runners (Velcro or slip-­‐on, no laces) 24 sharpened yellow HB pencils 1 backpack (big enough to hold large hardcover library book) 1 pkg. wax crayons 1 lunch bag or lunch kit 1 pkg. pencil crayons 1 box of Kleenex 2 white erasers 1 coil-­‐bound scrapbook – (Hilroy 20 sheet 35.6 cm x 27.9 cm) 1 pair scissors 1 pkg. of 8 broad tip large washable markers 1 30 cm. ruler (non metal edged) 2 large glue sticks (preferably purple) 2 large glue sticks 1 bottle of white glue 5 exercise books (8 l/2 x 11) 2 refill pkgs. of baby wipes/hand wipes 2 half plain & half ruled scribbler (23.1 cm x 18 cm) 1 pkg. extra large Ziploc storage bags (33 cm. x 39.6 cm.) 2 i nterlined s cribblers ( 23.1 cm x 18 cm) 1 pkg. (24) crayons 2 ruled scribblers (Hilroy 8mm ruled with margin 23.1 x 18 cm) 1 pr. Non-­‐scuff indoor running shoes 1 pencil case/box 1 backpack KINDERGARTEN 1 box of Kleenex 1 pkg. washable markers – broad tipped 1 large coil bound scrapbook – (Hilroy 20 sheet 35.6 x27.9) French/English Dictionary (Gr. 3 French Immersion only) We prefer basic, non-­‐themed supplies. 1 pkg. 24 wax crayons 3 HB pencils (sharpened) 1 notebook (l/2 plain and l/2 interlined) GRADES FOUR TO SIX 1 pr. non-­‐scuff runners (Velcro or slip-­‐on, no laces) 1 backpack (big enough for a large library book) French/English Dictionary (French Immersion only) 1 lunch kit 10 duo tangs (assorted colours) 1 box of Kleenex 2 packages lined paper (750 sheets) 1 duo-­‐tang (3 prong) 24 HB pencils 1 white eraser 5 blue pens 4 large glue sticks 5 red pens 1 bottle white liquid glue (120 ml) 2 highlighters 1 pkg. extra large Ziploc storage bags (33 cm. x 39.6 cm.) 2 w hite e rasers 1 pkg. of pencil crayons 1 package coloured markers GRADE ONE 30 cm. clear plastic ruler (non bendable) 24 sharpened yellow HB pencils 1 pair scissors 1 pkg. wax crayons 1 pencil sharpener (handheld with cover) 1 pkg. sharpened pencil crayons 2 large glue sticks 1 pkg. non-­‐scented washable markers 1 liquid glue (white) 2 white erasers 1 pencil case or box 1 pair scissors basic calculator (non scientific) 1 bottle white glue 1 pair non-­‐scuff indoor running shoes 4 large glue sticks 1 box Kleenex 5 l/2 interlined and l/2 plain scribblers (23.1 cm x 18 cm) Math Protractor (Grade 6 only) 5 solid interlined scribblers 1 pair non-­‐scuff running shoes with grip soles GRADES SEVEN TO NINE 1 box extra large Ziploc bags 1 plastic pencil box 1 Calculator (with sq. root function) 1 lunch bag 1 ruler 1 backpack 1 zippered binder 1 box tissues 2 packs of loose leaf We prefer basic, non-­‐themed supplies, some resources may be 8 dividers pooled and distributed as needed. 1 package of graph paper 10 duo tangs GRADE TWO 1 pack of four scribblers 1 pkg. wax crayons 2 blue or black pens 24 sharpened yellow HB pencils 2 red pens 1 pkg. pencil crayons 2 Sharpie fine tip black 2 white erasers 24 pencils 1 pair scissors 2 white erasers 1 bottle white glue 2 glue sticks 4 large glue sticks 1 pkg. multi-­‐coloured highlighters 3 l/2 plain and l/2 interlined scribblers (23.1 cm x 18 cm) 1 pkg. pencil crayons 5 solid interlined scribblers 1 pair of scissors 1 cm. ruler (non steel edged) 1 geometry set 1 pair non-­‐scuff indoor running shoes 1 pencil sharpener 1 box large Ziploc bags Phys. Ed supplies 1 pencil case/box • Shorts or track pants 1 pencil sharpener (hand held with cover) • Indoor non-­‐scuff running shoes 1 backpack Students are to store extra supplies at home or in their locker. 1 box of Kleenex 2 lined exercise books (23 cm. x 18 cm.) April 2014 Note to parents – Supplies may need to be replenished as necessary.