GEAC agenda 11/6/2012 Item 8 O'Donnell, Ken From: Sent: To: Subject: Attachments: Monday, July 16, 2012 9:49 AM O'Donnell, Ken [WARNING : MESSAGE ENCRYPTED] Acceptance of Excelsior College Examinations and UExcel Exams ECEs and UExcel Exams Working Together_071512.docx; Excelsior_College_Exam_Users Guide_July 13, 2012.pdf; 2011_Excelsior_College_Exams_Technical_Handbook.pdf; UExcel_registration_guide_July 15, 2012.pdf; UEuexcel_technical_guide_2011.pdf Good Morning Ken, I have attached a revised synopsis of the Excelsior College and UExcel Exam credit‐by‐exam programs (changes appears in bold) that you wanted to present to your committee in the Fall 2012. I have also attached new editions of the Excelsior College Examinations Registration and Information: A User's Guide; Excelsior College Technical Handbook for 2011, UExcel Exam Registration Guide, and the UExcel Exam Technical Handbook. Please let me know if there is any additional information you may need to present to your committee. We are looking forward to a favorable decision that Excelsior College Examinations and UExcel Exams will become accepted in transfer to the California Community College system. ‐ Barbara A. Wells Interim Director of Testing Services Excelsior College 7 Columbia Circle Albany, NY 12203 888‐647‐2388 ext. 166 518‐464‐8591 (See attached file: ECEs and UExcel Exams Working Together_071512.docx) (See attached file: Excelsior_College_Exam_Users Guide_July 13, 2012.pdf) (See attached file: 2011_Excelsior_College_Exams_Technical_Handbook.pdf) (See attached file: UExcel_registration_guide_July 15, 2012.pdf) (See attached file: UEuexcel_technical_guide_2011.pdf) This message and any attachments contain confidential Excelsior College information intended for the specific individual and purpose. If you are not the intended recipient, you should notify the College and delete this message. Any disclosure, copying, distribution or inappropriate use of this message is strictly prohibited. 1 Excelsior College is accredited - Page 1 of 2 GEAC agenda 11/6/2012 Item 8 Text larger Search News & Events Home About Us Programs Courses Credit by Exam Costs and Financing Excelsior College » About Us » Why Excelsior? » Accreditation Submit Que Contact Us & Help Admissions 1 Navigation Accreditation Excelsior College is accredited by the Middle States Commission on Higher Education, 3624 Market Street, Philadelphia, PA 19104. (267-284-5000). The Middle States Commission on Higher Education is an institutional accrediting agency recognized by the U.S. Secretary of Education and the Council for Higher Education Accreditation. All the College’s academic programs are registered (i.e., approved) by the New York State Education Department. Middle States Reaccreditation Report Nursing Degrees The associate, bachelor's, and master's degree programs in nursing at Excelsior College are accredited by the National League for Nursing Accrediting Commission (NLNAC), 3343 Peachtree Road NE, Suite 850, Atlanta, GA 30326, 404-975-5000. The NLNAC is a specialized accrediting agency for nursing recognized by the U.S. Secretary of Education and the Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA). Business Degrees Excelsior College has received specialized accreditation for its business programs through the International Assembly for Collegiate Business Education (IACBE), 11374 Strang Line Rd., Lenexa, KS 66215; 913-631-3009; The IACBE is a specialized accrediting agency recognized by the Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA). The business programs in the following degrees are accredited by the IACBE: Bachelor of Science in Accounting (NYS CPA track) and Bachelor of Science in Business. Electrical Engineering Technology and Nuclear Engineering Technology – Bachelor's Degrees The bachelor’s degree programs in electrical engineering technology and nuclear engineering technology are accredited by the Engineering Technology Accreditation Commission of ABET, Inc., 111 Market Place, Suite 1050, Baltimore, MD 21202, 410-347-7700. ABET is a specialized accrediting agency recognized by the Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA). Recognition Nursing The National League for Nursing (NLN) designated the Excelsior College School of Nursing a 2011-2016 NLN Center of Excellence in Nursing Education in recognition of the College’s sustained achievements in creating environments that promote student learning and professional development. The American Assembly for Men in Nursing (AAMN) presented their 2006, 2007, 2009, and 2011 Best School of Nursing award to the Excelsior College School of Nursing. The Master of Arts in Liberal Studies The Master of Arts in Liberal Studies program has been accepted into full membership by the Association of Graduate Liberal Studies Programs (AGLSP). Excelsior College Examinations The American Council on Education’s College Credit Recommendation Service (ACE CREDIT) has evaluated and recommended college credit for Excelsior College® Examinations. Excelsior College Examinations in nursing are the only nursing exams evaluated and recommended for credit by ACE CREDIT. 10/19/2012 Excelsior College is accredited - Page 2 of 2 GEAC agenda 11/6/2012 Item 8 Home Policies Military & Veterans Disability Services © 2012 Excelsior College Partners & Alliances Excelsior: The Institution Alumni Donors Downloadable Documents Articles Career Center Community Privacy Notice & Terms of Use Site Map Web Site Feedback 10/19/2012 GEAC agenda 11/6/2012 Item 8 Excelsior College® Examinations and UExcel Exams 1. History of Excelsior College Examinations and UExcel Exams Excelsior College (formerly Regents College) has offered its credit‐by examination program for more than 40 years. UExcel® Exams debuted in 2009 and are developed jointly by Excelsior College and Pearson VUE, so their characteristics are very similar to those of the Excelsior College Examinations. Excelsior College exams provide flexible opportunities to demonstrate college‐level learning in the arts & sciences, business, education, and nursing. These examinations are available in computer‐delivered format through Pearson VUE worldwide. Excelsior College, 7 Columbia Circle, Albany, NY 12203; 888‐ 647‐2388; Examination Line: (888) 723‐9267; and Note: In addition to the examinations listed below, the following examinations were made available on July 2, 2012: Basic Genetics* Principles of Marketing Business Law Workplace Communication with Computers Principles of Management *To be released later this summer Arts & Sciences Introduction to Philosophy Abnormal Psychology Juvenile Delinquency Anatomy & Physiology Life Span Developmental Psychology Bioethics: Philosophical Issues Managerial Accounting Cultural Diversity Earth Science Microbiology English Composition Pathophysiology Ethics: Theory & Practice Psychology of Adulthood & Aging Financial Accounting Research Methods in Psychology Foundations of Gerontology Social Psychology Interpersonal Communication World Conflicts Since 1900 Introduction to Music World Population Business Labor Relations Human Resource Management Introduction to Macroeconomics Organizational Behavior Introduction to Microeconomics Education Literacy Instruction in the Elementary School GEAC agenda 11/6/2012 Item 8 Nursing: Associate’s Degree Level Essentials of Nursing Care: Chronicity Fundamentals of Nursing Essentials of Nursing Care: Health Differences Health Differences Across Life Span 1 Essentials of Nursing Care: Health Safety Health Differences Across Life Span 2 Essentials of Nursing Care: Reproductive Health Health Differences Across Life Span 3 Focused Clinical Competencies Assessment: Head‐to‐ Maternal & Child Nursing toe Assessment and Nursing Process Maternity Nursing (this examination is no Focused Clinical Competencies Assessment: longer available – retired on June 30, 2012) Managing Multiple Patients Transition to the Registered Professional Nurse Focused Clinical Competencies Assessment: Role Participating in Intra/Interdisciplinary Health Care Teams Nursing: Baccalaureate Degree Level Adult Nursing Community‐Focused Nursing Maternal & Child Nursing Management in Nursing (this exam will be retired Psychiatric/Mental Health Nursing on August 31, 2012 and will become an online Research in Nursing course) MBA Foundation Examinations Quantitative Analysis Organizational Behavior Finance Business Ethics Marketing UExcel Exams The UExcel exam program helps students earn college credit and meet lower‐level undergraduate requirements. Created by Pearson and Excelsior College, the new UExcel examination program offers exams in popular introductory college subjects Calculus Physics College Writing Political Science Introduction to Psychology Spanish Language Introduction to Sociology Statistics 2. Acceptance at Other Institutions of Higher Learning Excelsior College and thousands of other colleges and universities recognize the value of Excelsior College and UExcel Examinations as an efficient and affordable way to grant credit, waive requirements, or assign placement for successful completion of one or more of these exams. The American Council on Education’s College Credit Recommendation Service (ACE CREDIT) has evaluated and made college credit recommendations for Excelsior College Examinations and UExcel Exams. GEAC agenda 11/6/2012 Item 8 3. Test Administration and Verification of the Test Taker’s Identity Excelsior College maintains strict exam security in order to ensure the validity of exam results. Since Excelsior College Examinations and UExcel Exams are used to make decisions that have important consequences for both students and institutions, it is extremely important that the exams remain secure at all times. The Excelsior College and UExcel Exams are administered at Pearson VUE Testing Centers worldwide. In addition to verifying acceptable photo ID, Pearson VUE employs during the sign‐in procedures the use of digitized photo, signature, palm vein scan and fingerprints before a student can be admitted to the secure testing room. Digital audio and video surveillance are also used during the testing sessions. 4. How Examinations are Scored Information on how the Excelsior College Examinations and UExcel Exams are developed and scored can be found in their respective technical handbooks: Excelsior College® Examinations Technical Handbook and the A Student Guide to Credit by Examination at Excelsior College and the UExcel Exams Technical Handbook. 5. How Students Who Received Academic Credit for Excelsior College Examinations and UExcel Exams Have Performed in Subsequent Coursework In 2010, the Council for Adult and Experiential Learning (CAEL) completed a comprehensive study of the relationship between prior learning assessment (PLA) and student outcomes (Source: Fueling the Race to Postsecondary Success: A 48‐Institution Study of PLA and Adult Student Outcomes, CAEL, 2010;‐the‐Race ). With support from the Lumina Foundation for Education, CAEL researchers conducted a multi‐institutional study of 62,475 students at 48 colleges and institutions, including Excelsior, to address the following questions: Do adult students who earn PLA credit have better graduation rates, compared with those who did not earn PLA credit? Do they have better persistence? Do they earn their degrees in a shorter period of time? For the purposes of the CAEL study, PLA includes credit‐by‐exam (including ECEs, CLEP®, and other test providers’ CBE programs), individualized student portfolios or portfolio assessment, evaluation of corporate and military training by the American Council on Education (ACE), and program evaluations done by individual colleges of non‐collegiate instructional programs that result in credit awards. Approximately 56% of PLA students in the CAEL study earned a postsecondary degree within seven years, while only 21% of non‐PLA students did so. Nearly 43% earned a bachelor’s degree, compared to only 15% of non‐PLA students. PLA students in the CAEL study had better graduation rates than non‐ GEAC agenda 11/6/2012 Item 8 PLA students regardless of institutional size, level (i.e., 2‐year or 4‐year), or organizational structure (i.e., private for‐profit, non‐profit, or public). With respect to student characteristics, PLA students graduated from college at higher rates than non‐PLA students regardless of the student’s age, gender, race or ethnicity, and financial aid status. More than half of all PLA students who had not yet earned a degree by the end of 2008 accumulated 80% or more of the credits towards a degree, while only 22% of non‐ PLA students with no degree had made similar progress towards their degree. PLA students earning bachelor’s degrees saved an average of between 2.5 months and 10.1 months of time in earning their degrees, compared to non‐PLA students earning degrees. ECE and UExcel exams work together Credit for subjects in which students are knowledgeable, but have no college credit, can be gained through successful completion of the Excelsior College’s exclusive series of examinations, developed by some of the nation’s most distinguished faculty, which can be used to earn upper and lower level college credit. UExcel exams cover subjects in the lower college level and have been developed through an alliance with Pearson VUE, the global leader in computer‐based testing in information technology and academic, government and professional testing programs around the world. Unlike other credit‐by‐examination options, when students pass the Excelsior College exams and UExcel exams, they earn college credit on a transcript from Excelsior College, a private, non‐profit institution of higher learning, regionally accredited by the Middle States Commission on Higher Education. GEAC agenda 11/6/2012 Item 8 UExcel Credit-by-Exam Program Candidate Registration Guide ® Turn Knowledge into Credit with UExcel Preparation resources: UExcel offers a complete • suite of resources including free content guides, recommended textbooks, practice exams and online tutorials. What is UExcel? UExcel is a convenient and cost-effective credit-byexamination (CBE) program. Credit-by-examination allows you to prove your knowledge, gained through independent study or prior knowledge, by taking an exam. Unlike other credit-by-examination options, when you pass UExcel exams, you earn college credit on a transcript from Excelsior College, a private, non-profit institution of higher learning, regionally accredited by the Middle States Commission on Higher Education. UExcel is a unique alliance between Pearson, the world’s leading education company, and Excelsior College. It is the only lower-level CBE program developed and administered by a regionally accredited institution of higher learning. UExcel exams provide candidates with distinct benefits: Save time: Reduce time to graduation by testing • out of courses. Save money: Meet degree requirements more • quickly while saving thousands of dollars on tuition. No hidden costs: UExcel exam fees are all• inclusive. There are no hidden ‘seat fees’ or other administration costs. Prove you are prepared: Demonstrate your • mastery of post-secondary coursework. Global reach: UExcel exams are available at nearly • 4,200 test centers around the world, making them convenient for everyone. Convenient test times: Take exams at a time that • fits your schedule. Earn college credit, not just a score: When • you pass UExcel exams, you earn college credit on a transcript that may be transferred to the institution of your choice. Other CBE programs award only a score – not an actual grade on a transcript. Furthermore, that score may only result in advanced placement. Immediate test results: Receive test results and a • letter grade immediately after completing an exam. Free transcripts: Order unlimited free official • transcripts from Excelsior College to send to the colleges or universities of your choice. Integrated technology: Allows for easy exam • registration, either online or via phone. Your appointment is confirmed immediately, and you can sit for your exam within minutes of scheduling. • Enhanced customer service: Centralized service centers provide convenient answers all your questions. Whether you want to schedule a test or have questions about transcripts, we offer a single source to assist you. Copyright © 2011 UExcel. “UExcel” is a registered trademark of Excelsior College. All rights reserved. The American Council on Education’s College Credit Recommendation Service (ACE CREDIT) has evaluated and made college credit recommendations for UExcel examinations. GEAC agenda 11/6/2012 Item 8 Who can benefit from taking UExcel exams? • International students can take UExcel exams before leaving their home country to demonstrate their ability to succeed at a U.S.-based university. Homeschooled students can validate the • knowledge they have acquired and prove to admission departments that they are capable of college-level work. They may even earn credit toward general education requirements or achieve advanced placement at colleges and universities nationwide. High school students can demonstrate academic • preparation at the post-secondary level, setting themselves apart from other applicants and proving they have college-level knowledge. They may earn college credit or advanced placement by passing exams. Adult learners can save money on college tuition, • bypass general education requirements and validate knowledge they have previously acquired. Military service members can meet degree • requirements while on active duty by taking a UExcel exam at or near their military installation. Section 1 — Before You Take a Test Getting Started 1. Determine which exam you want to take. The UExcel program currently offers eight exams in the following subject areas: Calculus, College Writing, Physics, Political Science, Psychology, Sociology, Spanish Language, and Statistics. Short descriptions and the amount of equivalent credit are provided below. For more detailed information about the exams, specific content areas, study resources, and sample items, you can download the exam content guides from 2. Register for a UExcel exam The easiest way to register is to go online at From here you can create your student profile, find a test center most convenient for you, and register for an exam. The process is simple and takes only minutes. During the registration process you will be asked to pay the $95 testing fee using a Visa, MasterCard, American Express, or JCB credit card. Once you have completed the registration process you will receive an e-mail confirming the date, time, and location of your test. You may also register for a test by calling a Pearson VUE call center: 888.224.6383 (in the Americas) 00.6038319.1085 (in the Asia Pacific Region) 44.161.855.7455 (in Europe, Middle East, and Africa) NOTE: You will have a six-month eligibility window in which you may schedule and take your exam. List of UExcel Exams The following UExcel exams are currently available. Section 1 – Before you take a test................. page 2 Getting 2 List of UExcel 2 Preparing for UExcel 4 Registration 5 Section 2 – On the day of the test................. page 6 Admission to the 6 Taking the 7 Academic Honesty and Test 7 Section 3 – After the test................................ page 8 Grade Reports and 8 Using UExcel Examinations at Other Colleges and 9 MAT150 Calculus 4 credits The UExcel examination in Calculus measures knowledge and understanding of material typically taught in the first semester of a lower-level sequence in Calculus. The content of the examination corresponds with course offerings commonly called Calculus I. The examination assumes a familiarity with Precalculus topics including algebra, trigonometry, and functions. It tests for a knowledge of facts and terminology, an understanding of concepts and theories, and the student’s ability to apply this knowledge and understanding in an analysis of problems in business, the sciences, and engineering. (Multiple-choice examination.) 2 GEAC agenda 11/6/2012 Item 8 ENG110 College Writing 3 credits PSY101 Introduction to Psychology 3 credits The UExcel examination in College Writing corresponds to an introductory, one-semester course in College Writing. It measures the ability to persuade a reader to pursue a specified course of action, using personal knowledge and experience to support a proposal and to analyze and respond appropriately to written text that represents opposing viewpoints, using the Modern Language Association (MLA) style of citation. In general, the examination measures the ability to organize knowledge, ideas, and information; to adopt rhetorical strategies such as narration, illustration, explanation, and description in appropriate ways; to adopt and maintain a tone and point of view appropriate for a specified audience and rhetorical situation; to develop and maintain a controlling idea and a coherent organization; and to write within the rhetorical, syntactic, and mechanical conventions of Standard Written American English. (Extended response examination.) The UExcel examination in Introduction to Psychology measures knowledge and understanding of the material typically taught in a one-semester, three-credit, lowerlevel Psychology survey course. The examination measures knowledge and understanding of the theories and principles of general psychology and the ability to apply this information to examples from everyday life. The content of the examination consists of 11 major categories: The Science of Psychology, Biological Influences on Behavior, Sensation and Perception, Consciousness, Learning and Memory, Motivation and Emotion, Cognition and Intelligence, Human Development, Personality, Psychological Disorders and Therapy, and Social Psychology. No prior course work in psychology is assumed. (Multiple-choice examination.) PHY140 Physics 6 credits The UExcel examination in Physics measures knowledge and understanding of material typically taught in a two-semester, lower-level (lecture only) algebra/ trigometry-based Physics course sequence. The content of the examination corresponds with course offerings commonly called Physics I & II. The examination assumes a familiarity with units and conversion; scientific notation and orders of magnitude; algebra, trigonometry, and graphing techniques. The examination tests for a comprehensive knowledge of facts and terminology, an understanding of physical concepts and theories, and the student’s ability to apply this knowledge and understanding to analyze and solve a variety of practical problems. (Multiple-choice examination.) POL170 Political Science 3 credits The UExcel examination in Political Science measures knowledge and understanding of the material typically taught in a one-semester, three-credit, lower-level course in Political Science. The content of the examination corresponds with introductory course offerings such as Introduction to Political Science, Comparative Law, and International Relations. It tests for a knowledge of facts and terminology, an understanding of concepts and theories, and the student’s ability to apply this knowledge and understanding in an analysis of politics, government, and world affairs. (Multiple-choice examination.) SOC105 Introduction to Sociology 3 credits The UExcel examination in Introduction to Sociology measures knowledge and understanding of the material and skills typically taught in a one-semester, undergraduate survey course in a baccalaureate program. The examination content reflects common knowledge drawn from courses with such titles as Introduction to Sociology or General Sociology. No prior knowledge or understanding of sociology is assumed. The examination tests for a knowledge of facts and terminology, an understanding of concepts and forms, and for the student’s ability to apply the concepts learned in an introductory sociology course. (Multiple-choice examination.) SPA102 Spanish Language 6 credits The UExcel examination in Spanish Language measures knowledge and understanding of material typically taught in a two-semester, six-credit elementary course in Spanish. The content of the examination corresponds with course offerings such as Elementary Spanish. The examination assesses basic Spanish language proficiencies in the areas of receptive skills, expressive skills, and cultural skills (applying language proficiencies within authentic cultural contexts), through four question types: listening comprehension (using audio stimuli), reading comprehension, verbal communication, and structures: grammar. (Multiple-choice examination.) 3 GEAC agenda 11/6/2012 Item 8 MAT210 Statistics 3 credits Online Writing Help The UExcel examination in Statistics is based on material typically taught in an introductory, one-semester course in Statistics. It measures knowledge and understanding of the fundamental concepts of descriptive and inferential statistics and is designed to correspond to a service course applicable to many majors. A basic knowledge of algebra is assumed. Questions about the meaning and application of basic statistical ideas are included. (The on-screen calculator is provided as a button in the upper left-hand corner of each question screen. Multiple-choice MY Access!® College: UExcel® Edition is a valuable online learning tool that can help students improve their academic writing skills. It provides writing assignment topics, feedback in five categories, and a complete suite of writer’s tools, including grammar and spelling checkers, a thesaurus, and a writing portfolio. MY Access!® College: UExcel® Edition uses the same scoring engine — called IntelliMetric™ — used to score a College Writing exam at Pearson VUE testing centers. Use it as many times as you wish to practice different aspects of writing and receive detailed feedback. examination.) Preparing for UExcel Examinations Preparing for UExcel Exams Each UExcel examination is a means to document that you have learned material comparable to the content of one or more college-level courses. UExcel exams are developed in cooperation with college faculty, and you should plan to allot the same amount of time for preparation and study as you would if you were taking a college course. These college professors advise that you should plan on spending three hours a week studying for every semester hour of credit you expect to earn. For example, for a three-credit course, you can expect to study nine hours each week for 15-weeks, the length of a typical semester. Online Practice Exams Available for All UExcel Examinations One of the most popular study resources, the online UExcel Practice Exams, enable you to: •Review the types of questions you may encounter on the actual exam. •Practice testing on a computer in a timed environment. Practice whenever and wherever it is convenient for you. •Receive your score immediately after you complete the practice test. •Receive valuable feedback. After testing, you can check online to see how you performed on each question and why your answer was right or wrong. Feedback is not intended to predict your performance on the actual UExcel examination you will take for credit; rather, it will help you to improve your knowledge of the relevant subject and upgrade your test-taking skills. If you wish to use the MY Access!® College: UExcel® Edition learning tool, you may purchase a 90-day subscription for $30. To find out more about this service, visit and click on the Resources link at the top of the page. Additional Study Resources We have a variety of other study resources available to help you prepare for your UExcel exam. In addition to the resources below, we continue to explore additional learning activities that will help you prepare for the exam. For the latest list of study resources, please visit • Exam Content Guide Each exam has a free Content Guide that provides general information about the exam, including an examination description, recommended textbook(s), and learning outcomes. Download the free content guides by visiting We strongly advise you to prepare for your examination(s) by studying from the resources recommended in each content guide. • Sample Questions Toward the back of each content guide you will find sample questions that will help you prepare for the exam. The sample questions are representative of the types of questions you will find on the actual exam. 4 GEAC agenda 11/6/2012 Item 8 • Online Tutorial We encourage you to use the online tutorial prior to taking your exam. If you wish to access the tutorial, go to and click on the Computer-Based Testing Tutorial link. A tutorial will not be available at the test center. • Order Textbooks Online You can order the recommended textbooks from our bookstore. You may contact the bookstore by calling 800.325.3252 (US toll-free) or through the Web at • Free Online Courseware and Tutorials Availability of good quality free, noncredit online courses in college subjects is increasing rapidly. Check out one of the following sites for material related to your chosen exam topic. •OpenCourseWare: •NIXTY: • Khan Academy: Registering for a Practice Exam To register for and take UExcel Practice Exams: 1.Check the most up-to-date list of practice exams (available through the Practice Exams link located on 2.Register and pay the $18 fee for the practice exam (visit The practice exam test site is designed to support all major platforms. Re-Registering for a Practice Exam If you re-register for a practice exam, you will receive a different form than the one you were originally given. Note: The practice exams can be only taken once with an option of taking one or two hours to complete. You should plan to complete the practice exams within a single, continuous one- or two-hour period. Once you click the Begin Assessment button, the timer will start. If you do not submit your practice exam within the allotted time chosen, your answers will not be scored and you will forfeit the opportunity to retake this practice exam. Registration Policies Rescheduling or Canceling an Exam You may access the details of an existing exam appointment by logging into your online account at Once you log in, you can verify the date and time of your appointment as well as details about the test center and directions to it. You may also reschedule or cancel an exam online, or by calling the UExcel registration line. The request to cancel/ reschedule must be made 3 business days (a minimum of 72 hours) in advance of your scheduled appointment time. You will be charged $15 each time you reschedule an appointment to test. If your request is made less than 3 business days (72 hours) before your scheduled time, you will not be entitled to a refund. Refunds for UExcel Examinations If you decide not to take an examination for which you are registered and wish to receive a refund, you will need to cancel your examination appointment at least 3 business days (a minimum of 72 hours) in advance of your scheduled appointment time with UExcel online at or by contacting a UExcel call center representative at one of the following numbers: 888.224.6383 (in the Americas) 00.6038319.1085 (in the Asia Pacific Region) 44.161.855.7455 (in Europe, Middle East, and Africa) Either one of these actions will automatically apply a credit (minus a $15 cancellation fee) to the credit card used to register for the exam. Note: If you fail to arrive for your appointment, or fail to reschedule or cancel without giving 3 business days’ notice (a minimum of 72 hours prior to your scheduled test time), you will forfeit your examination fee and be required to register and pay the examination fee again. 5 GEAC agenda 11/6/2012 Item 8 Requests for Accommodations Section 2 - On the Day of the Test Accommodations will be considered for examinees requesting reasonable accommodation(s) due to a disability. Contact UExcel at 888.224.6383 if you are requesting an accommodation. Admission to the Examination Reasonable accommodations provided for computerdelivered testing include: • Additional time (double time/time and a half ) • A reader • A recorder of answers • Scheduled break • Separate room • Special mechanical devices (limited) Limit on Retaking UExcel Examinations A candidate may retake a UExcel exam 60 days after the first attempt, and 120 days after the second and subsequent attempts. A single exam can only be taken 3 times in a given year and a maximum of 4 times overall. You may not retake an exam if you received a grade of “A” on a previous attempt. Be sure to arrive at the Pearson VUE testing center 30 minutes prior to your scheduled appointment time. This will give you adequate time to complete the necessary sign-in procedures. You will be asked to store all of your personal belongings, and you will not be allowed to study while in the waiting area at the Pearson VUE testing center. You are required to bring one (1) valid form of identification with you to the Pearson VUE testing center. Your ID must be current (dated and not expired), must bear your name as it appears on your confirmation letter, and must include your signature and a recent recognizable photograph. In case your photo ID is questioned by the test administrator, please be prepared to present a second current ID bearing your signature and a recent, recognizable photograph. If you do not have the proper ID, you will not be allowed to test. Following are the acceptable forms of photo ID which must be current (dated and not expired): • Driver’s license with signature • Driver’s permit with photo and signature • Employee ID card (signature should be clearly displayed and legible) • Military ID card with signature •Passport • State/federal government ID card (to include naturalization card with photo and signature) • Student ID card (with photo and signature which should be clearly displayed and legible) • Voter ID card with photo and signature We cannot accept these forms of ID: • Check cashing card • Credit card of any kind • Classification card • Green card (Permanent Resident Card) • Military Common Access card (CAC) • Social Security card You will be asked to read and complete the Candidate Rules Agreement policy and return it to the Test Administrator. In addition, the Test Administrator will take your digitized photo, signature, and palm vein scan. 6 GEAC agenda 11/6/2012 Item 8 Taking the Examination Completing the Examination UExcel multiple-choice examinations consist of approximately 60 to 120 objective questions, some of which are unscored, pretest questions. You will have (2) hours to complete your UExcel examination and should have ample time to answer all questions within this time frame. Pretest questions will not affect your score on the examination. Simply enter your answers on the computer using either the keyboard or the mouse. When you have finished the exam, you may review all items in sequence or only those you marked for review or purposely left unanswered. However, be aware that if you press the Finish button and exit the review, you will end the exam and not be allowed to return to the questions. The UExcel examination in College Writing consists of two questions and you will have two (2) hours within which to complete this exam. You will be required to use the computer to answer the questions. Certain basic editing features are available, including cut, copy, and paste. Use the scroll bars. A scroll bar appears when a question does not fit on a single screen. Scroll bars may be horizontal or vertical. To scroll through the screen contents for a short distance, click the scroll arrow that points in the appropriate direction or press an arrow key on the right side of your keyboard. To scroll up or down one screen at a time, click within the scroll bar above or below the scroll box. Note: If the examination title on the screen is not the examination you have been scheduled to take, please notify the Test Administrator immediately, before beginning the examination. In addition, should you experience any technical problems with the computer, the Test Administrator should be notified immediately. Breaks You may take unscheduled breaks during the examination. During these breaks; however, testing time will continue to elapse; as a result, you will have less time to complete the exam. After a break, you may not be admitted back into the testing room immediately. Instead, you must wait your turn while the Test Administrator checks in other examinees who have taken breaks. You will be required to provide a palm vein scan each time you enter and exit the testing room. Under no circumstance will you be allowed to go to your locker or leave a test center during a break. If you do leave the testing center, you may not be allowed to complete your examination, and your grade will be invalidated. Grades After you complete an examination, you will be handed a detailed grade report before you leave the testing center. You can also check your grade on the Pearson VUE Web site. To access this information, go to and log in to your online account. Academic Honesty and Test Security We strongly recommend that you review the following policies and procedures relating to the testing process. If you have any questions about these policies, please contact UExcel at Academic Honesty All test takers must agree to abide by the terms of the UExcel Nondisclosure Agreement before taking an examination. This agreement will be presented on screen at the Pearson VUE testing center prior to the start of your examination. Only by accepting the terms of the agreement will you be able to proceed with your examination. If you choose not to accept the terms of this agreement, your examination will be terminated and you will be required to leave the testing center. Refer to for complete policy information. Student behavior will continue to be monitored postadministration, and electronic measures are used to monitor the security of test items and scan for illegal use of intellectual property on the Internet. This monitoring includes surveillance of Internet chat rooms, Web sites, and other public forums. Violators may be prosecuted by Pearson VUE or Excelsior College. Contact Pearson VUE Test Security UExcel places a high value on test security, and Pearson VUE has a Web site where test takers can report any cheating they may have observed during a test session. The site can also be used to report misconduct by a test center employee. This form is located at 7 GEAC agenda 11/6/2012 Item 8 Rules of Conduct and Behavior Plan to arrive at least 30 minutes before your scheduled appointment. If you arrive more than 15 minutes late for your appointment, you may not be allowed to take the exam. The Test Administrator will provide you with an erasable note board that will be collected before you are allowed to leave the testing room. Removal of the erasable note board from the testing center may result in the invalidation of your examination. No testing aids are permitted in the testing room. This includes beepers, calculators, books, pamphlets, rulers, cellular phones, dictionaries, translators, National Technology Services (NTS) hand-held computers, iPods, personal digital assistants (PDAs), a FLY Pentop computer, bags, and notes. Attempting to tamper with the operation of the computer can result in your dismissal from the examination. A calculator will be available on screen at the test center for examinations requiring one. If at any time during the test you have a problem with your computer or need the Test Administrator for any reason, raise your hand to notify the Test Administrator. Cancellation of Test Grades UExcel exams are delivered in a proctored environment. If you are suspected of giving or receiving any assistance with the test, you may be dismissed from the examination room without being allowed to complete the test. UExcel reserves the right to cancel test grades when there is reason to believe the grades are invalid. Cases of irregularities in the test administration process, falsifying one’s identity, impersonating another examinee (proxy testing), or other student misconduct may result in UExcel cancelling your test grades. When an examinee’s test grade(s) is cancelled, the examinee is always notified prior to UExcel taking this action. Section 3 – After the Test Grade Reports and Transcripts Interpreting your Grade Reports A detailed grade report will be handed to you as you leave the testing center. It will identify the percentage of test items that you answered correctly in each content area. If you wish to retake a failed exam or enhance your performance in a particular content area, you should plan to focus especially on those areas where your level of performance, as indicated by the percentage correct in the content area, is 75% or lower. Please see the information in this document related to Limits on Retaking UExcel Exams. After completing the College Writing examination, you will receive your actual test results or information on when you can expect to receive your results before you leave the test center. Official Examinations Transcript UExcel reports the results of the examinations with a letter grade on an official Excelsior College transcript. Transcripts are released in compliance with the Family Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, with the condition that no third party may be given access to this information without the written consent of the student. If you would like an official transcript listing your UExcel examination(s) sent to an institution, employer, regulatory board, or other organization, you may place an online request by going to For questions regarding the transcript service, please contact Test Administration at Excelsior College at If you have taken UExcel exams only, and have no academic history with Excelsior College, your transcript is free. Candidates with an Excelsior College history must pay the standard $12 transcript fee because both UExcel and Excelsior College Examinations grades are reported on the transcript. Your request will be processed within 5–7 business days. Transcript Rush Fee A Transcript Rush Fee of $30 will be charged for all rush requests. Your rush request will be processed within two-to-three business days of our receipt of your request. If you require a faster turnaround, we can fulfill this requirement if you provide a charge card authorization to have your transcript sent via overnight mail. The charge for overnight mail is $11. 8 GEAC agenda 11/6/2012 Item 8 Using UExcel Examinations at Other Colleges and Universities UExcel examinations are an efficient and affordable way to earn credit, waive degree requirements, or assign placement for successful completion of one or more of these exams. The American Council on Education’s College Credit Recommendation Service (ACE CREDIT) has evaluated and made college credit recommendations for UExcel examinations. The ACE College Credit Recommendation Service office, located in the Center for Lifelong Learning, may also be reached by email at or by phone at 866.205.6267. The ACE CREDIT by Examination review is a thorough process by a team including faculty from relevant academic disciplines and a psychometrician that reviews exams, testing protocols, and procedures to ensure that learning outcomes align with courses currently being taught at accredited institutions. The team also recommends the equivalent amount of academic credit that may be transferable to a college or university. For more information visit Before registering for your exam, verify with your academic department/advisor that their institution will accept the UExcel examination you have selected, since acceptance policies will vary by department within individual institutions. Ask your academic advisor to consider UExcel examinations as a credit-earning option for you and your degree completion plan. You can also address any questions regarding the minimum required grade and/ or the amount of credit awarded for the examination. Colleges are not required to grant the amount of credit recommended by the American Council on Education’s College Credit Recommendation Service (ACE CREDIT) or the UExcel credit-by-exam program. If your desired institution does not yet accept UExcel examinations, ask your academic advisor to consider this credit-earning option. Your advisor may contact the Assessment Unit at Excelsior College at 888.647.2388 (ext. 166) for additional information regarding the ACE CREDIT-evaluated UExcel examination series. Should you or your advisor wish to learn more about the ACE College Credit Recommendation Service, visit the ACE Web site at, then click on the following: • Programs & Services • College Credit Recommendation Service • College & University Services 9