Vision & Planning iPad Plan Implementation Template

Vision & Planning
Plan Implementation Template
March 2013
Donncha Ó Treasaigh © 1
HandBook on Integrating iPads in Schools
Donncha O Treasaigh ©
Donncha Ó Treasaigh - APD Consultant
March 2013
Apple APD Vision & Plan for iPad Deployment
Detailed Vision & Plan with clear roles & responsibilities, checklist and time-frame
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HandBook on Integrating iPads in Schools
Donncha O Treasaigh ©
I nt rodu ct i o n
This document can guide school authorities in deploying the iPad in the most effective way
possible to ensure optimum enrichment in the integration of iPads into a school environment. It is
a guide only, and is subject to change without notice.
It has been compiled, based on the continuing experience of a school (K-12 - Post-Primary school
in a Irish Context). The experiences and ideas of this school form the content of this handbook. It
is strongly advised that schools which use this handbook, also refer to Apple’s Education section
of its website to gain further information and guidance on iOS deployment.
There are four major phases detailed hereunder to assist schools;
A number of diagrams appear in this Handbook which are sourced from the Department of
Education and Early Childhood Development, StateGovernment, Victoria, Australia.
This handbook is being modified by Donncha O Treasaigh and is subject to continued change
without notification.
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HandBook on Integrating iPads in Schools
Donncha O Treasaigh ©
Pha se 1 - Pl a n
Build your knowledge Bank
Phase 1 requires you to research other schools and assess how the iPad has been deployed in
their institutions. It is important to critically assess the areas of success, problems and challenges
the schools encountered and the benefits the iPad has brought to the school.
By carrying out this research you will;
Formulate your vision for iPad in your school to enrich pupil experiences in
Understand the scope of the work to be undertaken
Realise the proper steps and sequence of such steps to achieve success in
Learn how to have responses prepared to offset uncertainty and build consensus
Expand on experience of your own staff in deploying iPad effectively.
Formulate the Vision
The Vision needs to provide purpose and direction to all stakeholders, pupils, parents, staff and
Curriculum considerations and how the quality of teaching and learning will be enriched by the
iPad is essential to the foundations of the Vision. It should also be both short-term (initial
implementation) and long-term (5 year Plan). The Vision needs to involve participation between
pupils, (Student Council) teachers, parents (Parents Council) and school management.
Use the template below, in conjunction with the ‘Dimensions of change’ model to formulate your
own vision.
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HandBook on Integrating iPads in Schools
Vision Template
What are the key skills you
want to see in your vision?
What are the key words you
would like to see?
Who are the benefactors of
this vision?
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HandBook on Integrating iPads in Schools
Donncha O Treasaigh ©
Vision Template
Who are the participants of
the Vision?
What learning outcomes do
we want from using iPad in
our school?
Once you have formulated the Vision, you are now ready to present this to Parents and Pupils.
You can decide on a night for a general Presentation on introducing the iPad in your school,
creating a newsletter, putting a new page on your school website with all the information etc.
The vision also needs to be part of the overall ICT plan for the school. Conducting an audit of the
school’s inventory of ICT equipment and skills of both the staff and pupil cohort is also advisable.
Assess your current ICT infrastructure and identify which elements of that structure can
accommodate the iPad deployment, which aspects will require investment (i.e. Wifi,
Speakers, Projector Cable Adapters etc.)
Does your staff require any additional Apple training?
Have Subject Departments compiled a list of Apps for their subjects?
Has a Project Team been established?
Yes ☐ / No ☐
Is the Project Team in Place?
Yes ☐ / No ☐
Have you visited other schools Yes ☐ / No ☐
where the iPad has been
Have you developed the Vision Yes ☐ / No ☐
for iPad implementation?
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HandBook on Integrating iPads in Schools
Has the vision been evaluated
Yes ☐ / No ☐
by stakeholders?
Do you understand the scope
Yes ☐ / No ☐
of the project and the
complexity involved?
Have you identified the main
Yes ☐ / No ☐
challenges to iPad deployment
in the school?
Have you presented your
Yes ☐ / No ☐
vision to the school Board of
Management for comment and
Is the majority of Staff on-
Yes ☐ / No ☐
Do all teachers involved know
Yes ☐ / No ☐
how to express the vision of
the initiative?
Have the key teachers received Yes ☐ / No ☐
training in features of iPad and
useful Apps for their subject
Is your ICT infrastructure
Yes ☐ / No ☐
Is the appropriate Wifi
Yes ☐ / No ☐
equipment in-place?
Have you created a new page
Yes ☐ / No ☐
on school website with
information on the iPad
Has a Parents Information
Yes ☐ / No ☐
Night taken place?
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HandBook on Integrating iPads in Schools
Donncha O Treasaigh ©
Source: Department of Education and Early Childhood Development, StateGovernment,Victoria, Australia.
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HandBook on Integrating iPads in Schools
Donncha O Treasaigh ©
P h a s e 2 - P re p a ra t i o n
A Project Team needs to be established. Table 1 will help to guide you with this task.
This involves identifying key people, actions and a timeline by which these tasks should be
Roles & Responsibilities
Re-Seller Liaison
Staff Training Liaison
Parent / Pupil Liaison
Ordering iPads
Collection Date for Pupils
Training Date for Pupils
Uploading of Book Apps
Training Date for Staff
Wifi Liaison
Mac Server Installation (If
iPad AUP
Parents Training Night
On-Going Apple Training
(iBook Author, etc.)
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HandBook on Integrating iPads in Schools
Donncha O Treasaigh ©
Once the project team is established, it would also be advisable to examine the costs for the iPad
initiative and outline a time-line for this also. Table 2 can be used to budget for the future. to
decide on a budget and time-line for deployment of iPad.
iPads for Staff
iPad cases
Apple TV Units (Optional)
VGA Cable Adaptors
Mac Server (Optional)
1 only
Wifi (Can be installed on
Phased Basis)
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Total Amount
HandBook on Integrating iPads in Schools
Helpful Time-line Template
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HandBook on Integrating iPads in Schools
Donncha O Treasaigh ©
Phase 3 - Implementation
Staff Training - First iPad Whole-Staff Training Session
It may be useful to carry out a simple activity with staff to ascertain their level of knowledge on
ICT, the iPad’s features and how the device can be and will be used to enrich the subjects they
Move from the left-top to the bottom-right to fill in.
What do I already Know about an iPad and
What do I want to discover about enriching my
how it can enrich my teaching?
teaching with an iPad?
How will I find out how to enrich my teaching
What have I learned about enriching my
with the iPad?
teaching with an iPad?
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HandBook on Integrating iPads in Schools
Donncha O Treasaigh ©
All staff who are provided with an iPad should receive basic training in the features and preinstalled apps (Notes, iCal, Email, Safari, iBooks etc.) that are part of the iPad.
These staff members should then become mentors for all staff who are provided with an iPad.
Peer-learning amongst staff is a good idea in this regard and promotes best practice amongst
teachers. This can be viewed as a Professional Learning Team.
The diagram below is a good guide to how staff can assist each other in developing good
practice when using the iPad to enrich their teaching.
Apps Review Template
It is useful to provide staff with a template for evaluating apps and also to limit the number of
apps that are being used in the school.
There are several good websites which rate the most useful and appropriate apps for pos-primary
- and
A Sample App Review Template is available on
Subject Departments should add a new section to Subject Plans with the heading ‘Recommended
Apps’. This would compliment subject enrichment with ICT.
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Donncha O Treasaigh ©
Phase 4 - Evaluation
The project team should ensure that a regular evaluation is conducted both formally and
informally involving the Board of Management, Parents Council, Student Council and Staff.
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