the Phoenix The hills road student newspaper - summer edition 3 NEWS Grexit: What happened, what now, and what next Ruby Osman What is Grexit? Activist Bree Newsome has climbed a 30 foot flag pole in South Carolina in order to Greece’s elections early this year. Running on a series of wildly popular anti-austerity policies, Tsipras promised to Everything you wanted to know about the Greek debt crisis: The News in Self-driving cars 30 Seconds Nathan Makalena renegotiate the bailout and put an end to the “humanitarian crisis” he claimed was plaguing Greece. So what’s going on in Greece? Despite falling short of a majority by just two seats, nevOn the 30th June, Greece became the first developed country ertheless the party has had a huge impact on the country’s to ever miss an International Monetary Fund (IMF) repay- politics. Whilst Tsipras is still holding out on negotiations, ment. The default was not only a marker of the country’s much as promised, he faces a growing issue: the longer he struggling finances, it also threatened Greece’s position in refuses to agree to E.U compromises, the more his country’s the Eurozone - a prospect that’s led to economic turmoil economy, as well as its people, suffer the consequences. remove a Confederate Flag. The flag, which was being flown over the State House, sparked controversy in light of the racially motivated attack at Emmanuel Church earlier that week. The flag has since been Google have started road testing their latest self driving car on the roads around California. This newer, smaller prototypes will be driving 10,000 miles a week and signify another expanse from the company into the autonomous motoring industry. replaced. It’s been six years and over a million miles since Google started their project on self driving cars but it hasn’t been an easy road. Despite not being involved in any ‘serious accidents’ the company has been across the country. plagued by accusations and rumors the topic has been covered in Ever since May, when the government announced they mostly negative light by the world’s’ media. The safety of Google’s self What happens next? driving cars have been a popular subject for press in both the US and wouldn’t be able to pay back the loan, citizens have been withdrawing savings in their billions, threatening the As time goes by there are increasingly few options for already unstable banks, and many have taken to the streets Greece. A referendum, which will be held on July 5, plans in protest. Tourism - a vital part of Greece’s economy - is to ask voters whether they support the harsh terms laid out flatlining and shortages of food and medicine are being by creditors or not. A no vote is widely assumed to mark reported across the country. With banks all but closed, for Greece’s exit from the Eurozone. A yes vote, opposed by the moment Greece finds itself in economic limbo. Syriza, would likely result in fresh national elections and a restart to the talks with creditors. How did this happen? The party now claims it’s waiting for the result before During the financial crisis of 2008, Greece was struck resuming negotiations once again, however this hasn’t particularly badly. Along with the revelation that ministers stopped rumours that Greece could be turning its back on had been understating their deficit for years beforehand, the Eurozone, instead seeking help from Russia or China. UK with news sources from Business Insider and Forbes through to The Daily Mail and the Telegraph quick to dismiss the idea. Headlines such as “Why Self-Driving Cars Might Make People Sick” (Forbes Visitors at Grantchester’s historic Orchard Yet for Greece’s people themselves, whatever the result the sector’s version of “you can’t sit with us”. referendum brings, the situation looks bleak. “The choice,” this month after a naked man “rampaged” through the cafe. According to witnesses, he then proceeded to “taunt a dog” on all fours before jumping into the river. Monetary Fund injected a vital €240 billion into the economy, but they came with strict conditions. Huge budget cuts - much to Greece’s despair. So wasn’t that the end of it? Not really. The bailouts didn’t solve Greece’s problems as much as buy them some time. Five years later the country is still struggling with soaring unemployment and a shrinking economy - and as long as this continues, there’s little chance for Greece to get back on its feet and start paying off its loans. Minister Yanis Varoufakis an in-depth analysis. It was found that in every case the other driver had been at fault and there was no evidence of any received injury. This combined with the newly in built safety features of Google’s latest model, including a 25 mile per hour speed cap and a required Prince donates money one”. Controversial: Outgoing Greek Finance published 19/06/15 six of the more serious accidents were covered in swift expanse. bankruptcy. Two generous bailouts from the International and steep tax rises plunged the country into severe austerity In a report by the California Department of Motoring Vehicles ‘safety driver’ at all times leaves the road ahead looking bright for one woman claims, “is between a sudden death or a slow Inevitably it didn’t take long before Greece was veering into (Telegraph 04/06/15). Tearooms were met with a shock earlier Greece suddenly found itself shut out from borrowing in financial markets - effectively the international banking 08/04/15) and “Google self-driving car involved in another crash” Ruby Osman A Kickstarter campaign to fund the Greek Bailout has been started by British shoe-seller Thom Feeney. Aiming to provide a bailout “by the people, for the people”, the campaign would need €30 from every E.U citizen to reach its €1.6 billion target. A Saudi billionaire has promised to donate his $32 billion wealth to charity over the coming years. Prince Alwaleed bin Talal, a business magnate, plans to channel his fortune through his own organisation, Alwaleed Philanthropies. The donation will be used to fund programmes focusing on promoting health, gender equality and intercultural understanding. “With this pledge, I am honouring my life-long commitment to what matters most – helping to build a more peaceful, equitable and sustainable world for generations to come” the prince claimed in a statement. “Philanthropy is a personal responsibility, which I At the same time, Greece’s citizens have been growing embarked upon more than three decades ago and is an intrinsic part increasingly sick of the austerity measures brought by the of my Islamic faith.” bailout, hence the recent rise of political party Syriza. Although the prince has set no deadline for donating all the funds, he is modelling his pledge on the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, And what exactly is Syriza? having already worked with Gates on a polio eradication programme. The prince’s donation is “an inspiration to all of us working in Syriza, under their leader Alexis Tsipras, seized control in philanthropy around the world”, Gates claims. Election 2015: The Big Picture Election 2015 The Queen’s Speech Soman Nadim it to live a life with dignity after retirement. The Queen also addressed the issues faced by Britain regarding immigration and proposed plans to improve from the current situation. For this she brought up Britain’s membership of the EU and the plans of her government to have a referendum in the coming years. The reason Mr Skinner did not make his remarks to Black The moment every student and teacher in the country had Rod was because there is no longer one large party in the been waiting for, the former secretary of state for education opposition side as the SNP have had a clean sweep this time Michael Gove wearing leggings and down on one knee. This around. The SNP demanding more powers to Scotland will had nothing to do with his history in the education ministry, give this government a hard time in the next parliament and but it was his duty to present the speech written by the newly they had a lot of concerns regarding the Queen’s speech. formed government to Her Majesty the Queen. The event started with the usual proceedings part of which was Black One of the unmissable moments was the smirk on George Rods trip down to the House of Commons where the door Osborne’s face when the Queen talked about the long term was slammed ahead of him. Unfortunately this year the economic plan. The plan that has been on every conservative remarks from Dennis Skinner were missing on the arrival of politician’s lips since Mr Brown left 10 Downing Street. the Black Rod, which is usually a major part of the rituals of The opposition has never been convinced that the plan has the event. All the members were then escorted down to the worked, but the next five years will speak for themselves.The House of Lords where the queen summoned her Lords and Queen also repeatedly mentioned it and the whole nation the members of commons. wants to hear about the economic stability and success of the The Queen started the speech by presenting the vision Great Britain. for her government and outlining the first few long term objectives for the coming years. These included reducing Labour has been arguing about how the Conservative’s eco- the deficit, increasing living standards and achieving full nomic plan has failed, with the rise in foodbanks throughout employment. The Queen also spoke about the apprenticeship the country, but let’s see how the next five years pan out. 5 Labour Party Post-Mortem Jake Davies asks what went wrong direction. The Queen finally ended by praying for the nation’s success. Gordon Brown carried out a much-needed fiscal stimulus package to jolt the economy after the 2008 crash. Using the same economic principles, the party made the right decision in their 2015 manifesto to cut the budget deficit during times of moderate growth. On the morning of May 8th, the Labour Party awoke to an It is also simplistic to blame Labour’s wipe out in Scotland election result that left the party with a net loss of 26 seats on the Scottish National Party (SNP) outstripping Labour from 2010 and the resignation of leader Ed Miliband. from the left. In fact, the SNP have been more fiscally conservative than the Conservatives: they have held back The causes of the defeat were a long time coming. ‘Middle spending on universities and hospitals while in power in England’ regards Labour as economically incompetent. Scotland. Instead, Labour was defeated in Scotland because Meanwhile, the party has suffered from the rise of the it represented the Westminster establishment; Scottish voters SNP in Scotland and the challenge posed by UKIP to their were wooed by Sturgeon’s battle cry of a “strong Scottish traditional support base. Whoever wins the leadership voice” in Parliament. contest following Miliband’s resignation, needs to address the complexities behind Labour’s loss. Meanwhile, Labour shed votes to UKIP south of the border because they were seen as a metropolitan elite out-of- So far, the four potential Opposition leaders have ducked touch with the working-class. In a number of decisive facing up to these deep-rooted problems. The debate around marginal constituencies, the Tories triumphed as a result the party’s failure has been, instead, framed around a Blairite of UKIP surges eating into the Labour support base. Key belief that the party lost because Miliband fought the Labour target seats in the Midlands, such as Nuneaton and election from the left and thus, lost the support of ‘middle Warwickshire North, both witnessed an increase in the England.’ Subsequently, the leadership candidates have UKIP vote of 14% , allowing the Conservatives to hold their attacked policies such as the restoration of the 50p top rate of seats. Ex-Labour voters’ disgruntlement with the party is income tax, freezing energy bills and the so-called ‘mansion also rooted in their laxity over immigration when in power. tax ’ for being too left-wing, in a vain attempt to reclaim the Labour’s attitude was typified in 2010, when Gordon Brown ‘centre ground.’ publicly referred to lifelong Labour supporter Gillian Duffy as “bigoted” for airing a question on the topic. programmes set up by the previous government and the new steps to be taken to lead those programmes in the right should defend and continue their Keynesian instincts. That is a politically foolish strategy as they were some of the Labour can no longer ignore this UKIP surge. To begin with, party’s most popular manifesto policies among voters. they must stop mocking the concerns of 3.8 million voters as “bigoted” and instead, engage in a proper debate. Other things that the Queen discussed were the ideals of her government, her government not being the one for the rich few, but a government which stands by every member of the nation. This was mentioned when she spoke about legislations to be brought forward to abolish income tax for minimum wage workers working up to 30 hours per week and freezing any rise in income tax and national insurance contribution for the full five year term. Her Majesty the Queen also mentioned the projects that the next government will work on including the northern power station and the High Speed rail projects in the country. Alongside these she also supported Britain’s effort to enhance partnership with China and India in terms of trade. Ghost of election present and past. George Osbourne, Ed Miliband and Tony Blair attend the cenotaph memorial. Crucially, attacking ‘left-wing’ policies ignores the funda- English votes for English laws was one of the controversial mental reason that cost Labour ‘middle England.’ While To regain ‘middle England’, Labour must be careful not to parts of the agenda, though the Queen mentioned it in very the Miliband brothers were fighting over leadership from ditch some of their most popular policies while they rebuild soft words saying, “changes will create fairer procedures to May-September 2010, the party allowed the Conservative trust regarding their fiscal management. They also have to ensure that decisions affecting England and Wales can be HQ to perpetuate the unchallenged myth that Labour’s win back support from SNP and UKIP who feel the Party is taken only with the consent of the majority of the members overspending caused the global financial crash in 2008. out-of-touch. The best solution to this latter problem may of parliament representing constituencies in those parts Labour have been playing catch-up ever since. The party be political decentralisation. If Labour want to reach out to of the country”. On the other hand, she also supported the has consistently lagged behind the Tories in the polls over lost communities, then rebooting a grass-roots movement devolving of a wide range of powers to Scotland and Ireland. economic management. By the time of the election, the gap could go some way to bridging the gap. Steps like choosing A lot of emphasis was placed on the reforms in the NHS and between the two parties’ economic rating was double-digits, candidates from voluntary activism as oppose to thinktanks especially on its working on a seven day basis, only time can a position from which no opposition party has ever won. may dispel the public’s frustration over career politicians, detached from the populace . After all, electoral success is be a judge of how this turns out to be. There was also a lot of significance on mental healthcare and the precautions to be The gap would not have narrowed if Miliband had listened the sum of its parts. The Labour leadership candidates would taken to improve and stabilise institutions working for it. She to the left’s voice and completely refuted austerity for the do well to recognise these complexities. stressed the importance of bringing in measures to improve election. That strategy would have alienated ‘middle Eng- basic state pension and stabilizing it to help people living off land’ further. It would also be economically foolish. Labour 6 Propagandist or progressive: social media as an opinion mediator Charis Taylor A few years ago, the trigger-phrase ‘social media’ would cause a myriad of mental associations to flit through the reader’s head: relationship, friendship, communication, advice, popularity,...many other, mainly positive, associations. Jihadist, propaganda, Islamic State, and political manipula- tion are now winners in our queue of mental associations. media accounts to give the world population a running to, as site directors say, “let off steam” whilst “shining a light But what is the true reason behind this new political and patter on his daily movements, displaying himself as an on [the] pervasive problem” of sexism in the film industry. militant wordset? average citizen burdened a façade of political greatness: Here we see the use of social media, not for the exploitation Last year, at the outset of the Ukraine Crisis, US President, Modi’s heavily-tweeted 2015 visit to China’s President, Xi of political propaganda, but to mediate freedom of speech in Barack Obama, tweeted the Russian government, accusing Jinping, earned him 46000 followers on the Chinese Twitter non-political citizens. them of violating a treaty against the re-armament of nuclear equivalent, Weibo. The Indian think tank, IWCA calls this a missiles. The majority of tweets contained evidence and “rare feat by a foreign leader”. Modi took selfies with Jinping, Considering the recent use of social media – the Islamic nuggets of information. Russian newspaper, Russia Today, but the real purpose of their newly-formed friendship was State’s terrorizing and brainwashing of unsuspecting, then used the contents of these tweets to accuse Obama of “a sign of the two nations competing” to show off their exploitable people; President Modi’s more underhand use instigating an “infowar” to “discredit” Russian reputation. so-called “soft power”. of Twitter and Weibo to win unswerving political support. These unqualified negatives can be balanced against the This spin-doctoring of Twitter-mediated information for the sole purpose of political propaganda is simply the surface of However, the media can be used to forge support groups commonplace day-to-day uses of social media; setting an ever-growing nest of social media-related brainwashing. and pools of like-minded people. This is a model of ‘liberté, up online communities (notably, ‘S*** People Say To égalité, fraternité’ – the most heavily fought for benefit Women Directors’), or innocuous ‘chats’ on Facebook and Propaganda goes deeper than chauvinistic media assertions; of democracy. A (literally) stellar example of this is the WhatsApp. social media accounts are being exploited for, potentially, Hollywood director-run blog, ‘S*** People Say To Women more subtle propagandist thought manipulation. The Indian Directors’. Started in May of last year, the sole purpose of So, is social media propagandist, or progressive? You’ll have President, Narendra Modi, is using multiple personal social this blog is for the collective group of female film directors to answer that one. Comment: will peace ever prosper? Grace Zeid Will peace ever prosper? Peace: sadly to millions of us in this small planet, this seams a foreign concept. Gunshots that replace birdsong, screams that become new lullabies and missiles that shoots into the sky like demented metal kites that soar into the oblivion. And then there’s the blood; the blood that wounds and kills and spills recklessly, and is an ever present flag of war that stains clothes, hearts and sadly memories. There is a famous painting called ‘The Massacre of the innocents’ painted by Peter Paul Rubens in the early 17th Century. It depicts a scene of murder and pain and children slain whilst mothers shriek in revolt. These scenes are no longer just paint on a canvas; they are reality to thousands of mothers, fathers, children and families: the innocents. Prayers and hopes, and wishes won’t sustain peace. It won’t even cause a dent in the war. We need action, practical action to sustain peace. Reflecting upon the history of medicine, I learnt that throughout most of our past, we have not Obituary: Charles Kennedy 1959-2015 Dale Hargrove - President, HRSFC Lib Dems principle and while many politicians followed the spin of the media and Tony Blair’s cabinet, Kennedy stood strongly against military action based on his principles known what has caused disease, suffering, and pain, until certain revolutionar- Charles Kennedy was well known for leading the Liberal Democrats in the 2001 and and the lack of evidence provided by Blair’s government. It cannot be overstated ies in ‘The Renaissance’ allowed us to see differently. We eventually learnt that 2005 elections achieving the party’s best results in 80 years when it won 62 seats. He as to how brave Charles Kennedy was in publically opposing the Iraq war as the prevention is better than cure, and the quality of medicine, technology and had got into politics at a fairly young age, including joining Glasgow University’s stu- Conservative party, Labour party and increasing rumours in parliament that the medical science improved rapidly. This is what we need now. We need a Peace dent union where he was studying politics and philosophy. The union only allowed Liberal Democrats would be in favour of the Iraq war and other senior Liberal Renaissance. We need change. Living in a wealthy, peaceful country, it is easy male students to join and when Charles Kennedy became president of the student Democrat figures were also pressing Charles Kennedy to be in favour of the Iraq war. to forget and become unwillingly selfish. An occasional advert from ‘Water union he ensured it allowed women to join as well as men for the first time. However it was through Kennedy’s strong stance in opposition that was not only a Aid’ or ‘Save the Children’ will pop up on our screens causing a brief surge of Charles Kennedy won the seat known as Ross, Cromarty and Skye in the 1983 great moment for himself but for the Liberal Democrat party as a whole, which went guilt and urge to help, but this is shortly followed by our program starting and general election when he was just 23 for the Social Democrat Party (which later on to get its best ever result in an UK election. It goes without saying that Kennedy so our selfish, materialistic, and greedy characteristics can feed once again. merged with the Liberals to form the Liberal Democrats), therefore making him the will be truly missed by not only Liberal Democrats, but by all who support freedom We are not living in pain. We are not surrounded by it. But does that mean we youngest MP in the house of commons in that election. and equality. should just sit back? Even though Kennedy was an extremely charismatic and highly popular leader of In the current Israel-Gaza conflict, since the start of Operation Protective the Liberal Democrat party, his alcoholism did cause him to be forced from the Edge on 7 July 2014, 77 per cent of fatalities have been civilians. Of the 138 leadership and brought him to a low in his extraordinary political career. killed when the report by the UN was completed, 36 were children, and 1,361 A key issue that Kennedy performed very well on was the Scotland referendum of Palestinians had been injured. This is one small aspect of this conflict, and 2014, alike his party Charles Kennedy supported and campaigned for Scotland to there have been many others, this report just highlights a needle in a haystack. stay within the United Kingdom and he was very pleased with the referendum result. Can peace ever return to conflict stricken areas? Many people will say no as He had told the “No” campaigners to stay positive throughout the referendum. ‘those that fight will forever remain fighters’. I believe differently. Peace can return, and I know one day it will, but that day will seem even further away if One of Kennedy’s finest moments was in 2003 when he was the only major party we just sit here and pray and hope and dream. Prayers may ignite belief, hope leader to openly oppose the Iraq war, Kennedy used the facts at the time presented may allow us to dream, but dreams will always remain dreams. We need to do by the UN weapons inspector to support his position as the inspector was confident all we can, and we need to act now before it is too late. that all the weapons of mass destruction were destroyed. Kennedy was a man of 7 Comment: coding for girls - too #distractingly sexy? Kirsten Rooney At the start of the year, coding came up in conversation, and I mentioned I was teaching myself to code. I was sat in a group of boys, and the majority took computing. I was immediately met with not only laughter but quiz questions! ‘Yeah right, what language?’, ‘Are you sure you mean code coding?’ and ‘Wow I didn’t know they let girls do that kind of thing, ha-ha!’ Not only were these comments offensive, but sexist. Then it happened again. And again. We all know and have read about the gender inequality in science and technology related fields. This isn’t a new topic, but I just honestly never thought it would affect me. After being quizzed by nearly every person I told (including females, this article is by no means purely aimed at men) I decided to investigate the issue further. When delving into statistics about women in technology fields, numbers vary and statistics for women outside the US are difficult to find. According to ‘Girls Who Code’, a US based non-profit organisation aimed specifically at encouraging girls to code, while 57% of bachelor’s degrees are awarded to women, only 12% of computer science degrees go to women, and that is actually a fall from 37% in 1985! In the field itself (remembering these are only statistics for the US) only 25% of jobs are taken up by women. Answering why this is and why girls typically are less inclined to head towards the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) fields, is difficult as it obviously varies from individual to individual. Yet, there are some major reasons that I know affected my decision not to pursue science at a higher level. Firstly, girls lack exposure to female role models in STEM fields. It’s not that these role models do not exist, far from it; they merely lack accurate media The future of cancer treatment Soman Iqbal For the majority of us cancer is a death sentence. A few decade ago when chemotherapy was first introduced it brought with itself hope for the future. A wide range of cancers have now been classified as treatable, but still there are many which are yet to be cured. The survival rates from cancer have been higher than ever before, but still there is a long way to go before we can find a total cure for it. Finally a few weeks ago a new breakthrough has surfaced and has been wide spread in the media, the new treatment is called immunotherapy. The process works by stimulating either the body’s own cells or by the drug acting directly on the tumour and identifying it as a foreign body to fight against it. It works by inducing, enhancing, or suppressing an immune response by acting against it. The main trials taking place under the observation of The American society of clinical oncology have shown mind blowing results. Patients who had been classified as terminal ill are now leading normal lives. The most lethal types of cancer such as cancer in the kidney, bladder and the neck have been said to be stabilized by it. In some cases patients never have had to come back for a follow up and the rest have just had to have a few extra weekly sessions for a couple of month. Professor Peter Johnson, director of medical oncology at Cancer Research UK said, “The evidence suggests we are at the beginning of a whole new era for cancer treatments. Not for every type of cancer, but for some of the ones we representation and exposure. On a similar vein, the type of coding we are exposed to is highly have struggled with the most.” It’s been on the cover for every newspaper in the last few weeks as this is said to be the future for cancer treatment. Professor Roy Herbst, chief of medical oncology at Yale Cancer Centre in the US, said that immunotherapy could replace chemotherapy as the standard treatment for cancer within the next five years. This is a breakthrough because the body’s own immune system recognises cancerous cells and fights against them. The second barrel in this gun is the fact that it mutates the cells to identify cancerous cells that previously wouldn’t have been identified as cancerous by the body. “For immunotherapies, we’ve never seen tumour shrinkage rates over 50% so that’s very significant to see. This is a treatment modality that I think is going to have a big future for the treatment of cancer.” One of the issues associated with this is the cost of the treatment. As 4 doses of the drug Ipilimumab which are required in a year cost round about £100,000. As there hasn’t been in-depth research for this sort of treatment and the budget isn’t high enough, so there are only a hand full of institutions worldwide which are actually affective. But still the impact these two drugs Ipilimumab and Novolumab have against sever types of tumours is just amazing. Dr Alan Worsley, Cancer Research UK’s senior science information officer, said the combination of ipilimumab and nivolumab represented a “a powerful one-two punch” against advanced melanoma. At the moment as this treatment is not very common yet, the only results we have are from controlled trials and it looks very promising. 56% of patients have had their Cancers shrunken and or stabilized within twelve months of the treatment. There are a few speculations at the moment regarding the effectiveness of this treatment as some organisations and individuals have stated that the effect is not yet long term. People who had been told before that they had a few months left, no have a few years on their hand. But still it is yet to improve to a permeant solution. This breakthrough will lead to many more which would really shape the future. limited. Chih-Chun Chen, co-founder and CSO of Cambridge Coding Academy and real life professional female coder believes that the root of gender stereotyping in the industry is “because many of the examples pertain to interests or subjects that more boys than girls have exposure to. What people don’t realise is that just because someone can’t code a particular software application, it doesn’t mean that s/he can’t code.” She also reminds us that: “There are many different types of coding and that they require very different skills. For example, if you’re developing the physics engine of a game, you would require a good understanding of physics, but if you’re developing the user interface of a game, physics might be completely irrelevant, and you would instead require an understanding of human psychology. This is where I think people can get put off when they learn to code.” This definitely applies to my experience, as until a few months ago I had no idea that I could make coding relevant for my interest in Humanities subjects. When I asked about her own experience as a female coder, the answer was surprisingly encouraging: The battle against extremism Jake Davies gender or background. But one thing I have experienced is developers assuming I am incompetent because I don’t know all the techie terms. This because I learnt to code later in life than many good developers, who taught themselves how to code at a young age and grew up in the coding community. But just as in the business world, people who know what they are doing never shy away from explaining acronyms and special terms, good developers won’t dismiss newbies to the coding community. “That’s where we’re trying to make a real difference at Cambridge Coding Academy. We want people to be able to learn to code in their own way, to develop and perfect their own specific set violence in two European capital cities: the Charlie Hebdo murders in early January in Paris were followed just over a month later by a gun attack on a free speech debate in a Copenhagen café. Subsequently, the events have reopened the debate about the best approach to combatting extremism. because of their gender. Unfortunately recent comments by Nobel-winning scientist Tim Hunt have proved that sexism in science and technology is alive and well. He spoke recently about his experiences working with women in labs and made the very inflammatory statement: “You fall in love with them (women).They fall in love with you, and when you criticise them, they cry.” While his resignation following these comments is being viewed as a mistake by many, female scientists fought back with humour on Twitter, with many posting photos of themselves in the lab with the hashtag: #distractinglysexy. Now while it’s healthy to respond with humour, how can we truly limit sexism and gender imbalances in science and technology? Easy: try not to go into cardiac arrest when a girl tells you she likes science and technology, it’s getting old. “free speech” appear hypocritical. In 2004, French leaders decided to ban the burqa and any other religious symbols in public. Although it upholds being a secular nation, this regulation can hardly be deemed as liberal and has understandably also criminalized anti-Semitism in any form. Charlie Hebdo itself sacked a French cartoonist in 2008 for making an anti-Semitic remark. Meanwhile, in Denmark, Jyllands-Posten, the newspaper that controversially sanctioned drawings of the Prophet Mohammed in 2005, refused to print cartoons which mocked Jesus Christ. If governments preach “free speech” for one set of people while stifling another, they are in danger of facing a violent backlash. Such inconsistencies increase tensions The Paris murders were particularly offensive for much of the West, not merely among ethnic communities. because of their cold-blooded nature, but because the assassins justified their actions after cartoons depicting the prophet Mohamed were released in the satirical publication Charlie Hebdo. A number of political leaders perceived the violence as an assault on free speech – an important pillar of Western society. The debate on the necessary limits to freedom of expression that followed the Charlie Hebdo murders was welcome. Unfortunately, when it comes to free speech, France, Denmark and indeed the rest of the West, have subsequently failed to analyse the extent to which they practice what they preach. of skills, and then to use these to create the things they want to create.” Thankfully many women like Chih- Chun Chen don’t experience tiresome jokes and jabs Meanwhile, in both France and Denmark, regulations exist that only make cries of angered those Muslims who are unashamed of the faith they practice. France has The first 6 weeks of 2015 witnessed two separate bouts of extremist Islamist “I think I’ve been extremely lucky in my working life so far to never have encountered people who were ignorant enough to make assumptions about my abilities from only considering my powers is that Muslim communities will feel targeted by censorship laws. The attacks in Paris and Copenhagen should come as a warning sign that certain Muslims feel increasingly vilified. In the words of the Middle East blogger Juan Cole , it is an aim of terrorist organisations to “sharpen contradictions” between different communities. Their intent is to widen the gulf between the Muslim community in countries like France and the rest of the population, radicalising more Muslims in the process. Saïd Kouachi, one of the gunmen in the Charlie Hebdo murders, was a disenfranchised young Muslim who grew up in the banlieues of Paris. He was a perfect target for Al-Qaida in Yemen. The Charlie Hebdo attackers are a tragic David Cameron, the British PM who took part in the silent march in Paris example that the terrorist organisations are winning over disaffected youths. following the attacks, serves as an example. The phrase Je suis Charlie was used at the march to defend the publication’s right to freedom of expression. Yet since the elections in May, which returned a Conservative majority, the Queen’s Speech included a Counter-Extremism Bill that makes a mockery of Cameron’s cry to champion freedom of expression. The Bill includes handing unprecedented powers to Ofcom, the government-approved TV regulatory body, to vet and regulate broadcasters deemed to produce extremist content. Such a measure has been attacked by Stephen Wittle, former controller of BBC editorial policy, for undermining “the commitment to freedom of expression enshrined in the … Human Rights Act.” The danger of increasing Ofcom’s So is the best approach to introduce more censorship? This author believes the opposite is true. Rather than drawing up more regulations on free speech, the West should scrap rules that appear hypocritical and increase tensions amongst ethnic communities. Barriers separating communities need to be broken down by dialogue and a strong narrative that challenges extremist ideology. Assaulting the very same freedoms that the West professes to uphold will only weaken the counter narrative. In the words of ex-Tory MP Sayeeda Warsi: “The best defence of freedom is freedom itself.” Not so straight forward: what it is like to question your sexuality Elspeth Davies On one sunny day in May, Irish people were asked whether gay couples should be allowed to marry. Their answer, rather overwhelmingly, was yes. The following month the US Supreme Court ruled that same sex marriage would be legalised across all 50 states, meaning that the 14 states currently with bans will no longer be able to enforce them. With marriage equality legislation arriving around the world, it can be easy to forget that this is not the only goal of the LGBTQ+ movement. While these changes are important and signify great progress, it is possible that they may do little to improve the day to day lives of this group of people. Elspeth Davies talks to members of Hills Road LGBTQ+ Society to explore how easy everyday life is for teenagers who are not heterosexual and whether, despite these leaps and bounds in a positive direction, homophobia is still an issue. On May 23th 2015, my television screen was flooded with celebratory scenes of a long awaited step forward in terms of gay rights in Ireland. It was a day of smiles, tears of joy and rainbow flags all round. With so much positivity on show, it may be easy for heterosexual people to forget the difficult realities of life that those who do not identify as straight may face. As hard as someone who identifies as heterosexual can try, it is debatable whether they will ever truly be able to understand what it is like to question your sexuality. However, someone summed this up incredibly beautifully for me, when they said that “questioning your sexuality is like questioning your name – it is something that has been a part of you that everyone is used to but you start to realise that maybe your name is not actually spelt like that. Then, the more you discover your sexuality, the more you realise that actually is not your name and never has been - everyone has just been calling you that because that is what they assumed you were called.” It became clear to me that this heteronormative manner of automatically assuming a person is straight can be very damaging, and can make the nonstraight community feel that they are in some way “abnormal”. Many told me of how isolating it can feel to realise that you are different from everyone else and the fears that come with that. One person explained how “they thought they knew who they were and how their life was going to be and that was totally turned upside down” after they realised they were not heterosexual. This student said they “struggled” with their sexuality and experienced mental health problems because of this. When asked when they first realised they were not straight, some people mentioned an event that made them rethink their sexuality, such as the girl who played spin the bottle in secondary school and realised she wanted it to land on the girls sometimes more than the guys, or the teenager who fell in love with their best friend, whereas others responded that they have always subconsciously known they were not heterosexual. Some explained how they thought everyone else was feeling the same Society way, and that everyone gets crushes on people of the same gender. One girl said she spent several years telling everyone she knew that Taylor Swift was the most beautiful person on the planet but it still took several years to realise that meant she was not straight. Once a person has realised their sexuality, the next step seems to be the delicate process of “coming out” and everyone had different stories to tell on this matter. The reaction to telling someone about your sexuality seem to vary wildly too. Whether it is the “your sexuality is just a phase” or the “it is okay that you’re gay just don’t touch me or anything” response, it is easy to see why coming out can be a very scary thing to do. However, others said how much of a relief it can feel to tell people something you have kept a secret for so long, and how great it feels to be amongst people who celebrate all sexualities. Although, it is important to note that most people do not just go through the process of coming out once, but many times and to many people over their lifetime, meaning it can be described as “long” and “arduous”. Further complications arise when a person is not gay or straight. Sexualities exist on a spectrum, and people may identify as a wide range of things, including bisexual, pansexual, omnisexual and polysexual. Some explained how this can make things harder, since others may not understand that sexuality is not a black or white thing and that far more than two sexualities exist. One person said that when they told their friend that they identify as bisexual, their friend responded by saying “so you’re gay, right?”. Another student told me that she thinks that her parents will decide that she is either straight or gay at some point, as if her parents think they know her sexuality better than she does. Sadly, reports of this kind of biphobia were not as rare as one may hope and these prejudices can even come from other members of the LGBTQ+ community. We must also not forget that other factors, including race, gender identity and class, can also affect someone’s experience of coming out and how they are treated in today’s society. Questioning your sexuality is complex enough, without having to deal with discrimination from others. Thankfully, some students reported that they had never directly been the victim of homophobia, although many put this down to living in a progressive city like Cambridge. However, homophobia is not non-existent. Someone recalled how homophobia “defined most of their time at secondary school”, although often this was unconscious. Others explained how much easier it would be to be straight and how they wish sexuality were a choice. The truth remains that a person cannot choose their sexuality and that questioning this part of you can be a daunting and complex process. Please see the “Amigos” feature for wise words of advice for both people who are questioning their sexuality and straight people who would like to be an ally of the LGBTQ+ movement. We should not cover the realities of what it is like to question your sexuality in rainbow-coloured sugar, though many of the stories told to me do have happy endings of acceptance, self-love and diversity. Once people have got over the first hard step of accepting themselves, then they can move forwards towards hoping others will accept them too. It is important to note that achieving marriage equality is not the only objective of the LGBTQ+ movement, and that it is possible this change will have little effect on the everyday life of people affected by these issues. However, though we clearly 9 Advice for LGBTQ+ Students and Allies still have a lot more work to do, recent legislation changes around who needs it, I really do. But unfortunately that isn’t the reality, the world seem to be a step towards truly celebrating diversity. so often we have to make do elsewhere. Don’t get me wrong, Things are just not as straight forwards as some may think. there’s absolutely no harm in getting involved with the NHS Remember that Hills Road LGBT+ Society is open to anyone, mental health services as soon as possible, and it’s the only way allies and LGBTQ+ people alike. Feel free to come along to our you’re going to get medication if you need it. But thanks to lack meetings every Friday in G106 and contact George Fletcher at of funding and staff I’ve been on a waiting list for NHS therapy with any questions. for a year and a half now, and that doesn’t look to be changing Thank you so much to members of the society who shared their anytime soon. If you find yourself in a similar situation (and stories with me – you are all amazing. far too many people do) your only option is to get support else- This edition has been focussed on what it is like to question your where. I strongly recommend reaching out to family and friends sexuality. Next, this series will cover questioning your gender to begin with, scary though that may feel. They may have been Elspeth Davies identity, as well as the issue of amatonormativity. through similar experiences, and could direct you towards local Following on from Elspeth Davies’ article on the realities of being an charities that offer support for young people with mental health LGBTQ+ student here at Hills, members of the LGBT+ Society offer problems. It’s also really worth doing your research and looking their wise words of advice to people who may be questioning their for more information online. A huge host of articles on coping sexuality. with various mental illnesses can be found with very little effort, 1) often with better advice than a GP could give you. The Mind be really productive as you can “think yourself into a corner” if you charity’s website is a good place to start. spend too much time dwelling on it yourself, but choose who you talk to Love yourself wisely. Yes, I know it’s a cliché. But in a world where society shames 2) people (especially women) for having confidence in themselves; derstand what you’re feeling and who have been through it themselves. the media actively encourages our insecurities to sell us 3) Over the last five years of Conservative/Lib Dem coalition, the unnecessary products; and mental health issues of all kinds are different partners. It can take a while to find what you identify as and if NHS budget for child and adolescent mental health services stigmatised, self love is a powerful tool to fight back with. Don’t you come out the other side and realise that you were straight all along, (CAMHS) was cut by £50 million. The future of mental health listen to what Katie Hopkins and the Daily Mail say. Don’t listen that’s fine too. Also, it is okay not to know exactly what your sexuality is, spending looks ever bleaker for the next 5 years, with austerity to the government when they try to scapegoat you for their own since sexuality is fluid and, if you chose to label your sexuality, finding very much still on the Conservative’s agenda. Given that their incompetence in supporting young people. Know that you can the right one can take time. austerity plans are arguably unfairly skewed to benefit the rich always reach out to those around you. Life isn’t easy sometimes, 4) Relax. Everything is okay. over the poor, it’s ironic that certain people still hold the belief and we all deserve the best help we can get. 5) Things do get better. Youth mental health: looking after yourself Sam Hall that mental health issues are made up by privileged people without real problems to complain about. The reality is that mental health problems don’t discriminate - anyone can struggle with them, and those being oppressed by society in general are at the most risk. Here are 4 ways you can take care of your own mental Privilege as a coconut shy Discussing what you are going through with someone can Remember that there are other people out there who un- Do not worry about questioning and experimenting with It is also important to offer advice here to straight people who would like to be allies of the movement for LGBTQ+ rights, as the role of an ally may not be as simple as first thought. Here are some things you can do in order to offer your support. Elspeth Davies 1) Accept that you are struggling Imagine a coconut shy. People line up in order to throw balls at mind that you cannot completely understand what someone is going There still a huge amount of stigma surrounding mental health the coconuts on the platforms at the front. They are arranged in through if you have never been through the same thing, though gaining problems and sometimes even health professionals won’t take three lines, with the first row of people a couple of metres from knowledge and understanding will help. you seriously when you ask for help. The first time I went to the coconuts, the second a couple of metres from that and the 2) a GP with concerns that I was depressed, I was told that my third a further few metres away. In order to win, all they have to or values that you may have heard from the media, or even other behaviour was perfectly normal for a teenager and I’d grow out do is knock the coconuts off the platforms with their ball. When LGBTQ+ people, aren’t necessarily shared by the whole community. of it without support. He meant well, of course, and after all they told not to move from where they are and to launch their balls, 3) just don’t have the resources to help every single teenager who the people at the back exclaim that this is not fair. But, that is not intended to cause offense. comes their way. But what I heard was ‘you’re making a big deal just how the game works, so everyone throws their balls from 4) out of emotions that everyone experiences.’ My response was where they are. Most but not all of the people on the front row conversation going. The best thing an ally can do is normalise it for to feel ashamed for making a mountain out of a molehill, and manage to knock coconuts off the podiums with their balls. By others who don’t understand. suppress the symptoms of my illnesses. But the fact of the matter contrast, only a couple of people stood at the back are able to 5) is this: If you believe that you need help, you need help. With 1 in do this. that this may not mean they want their sexuality known to everyone and 4 people in the UK struggling with some form of mental health Of course, only the people at the back complained about the in all situations. You should never “out” someone to anyone else without issue, and almost every one of those people who I’ve spoken to unfairness of the situation. All the people at the front could see explicitly asking their permission first. wishing they’d reached out and been diagnosed sooner, it really were the coconuts in front of them and so they failed to recog- 6) is that simple. nise the advantage they had over the others. This is exactly how to what they have to say. If someone tells you that something is hom- Talk about it privilege works. Privilege is the term used to describe societal ophobic/transphobic then listen to them and stop doing it, they know In a society that seeks to silence the voices of young people, one advantages that benefit certain groups of people over others. better than you do. Also remember that you are an ally to the movement of the most powerful things you can do is speak out. Mental These groups experiencing advantages may be white, cisgender, not a part of it and it is important to recognise your place. illness is no more to be ashamed of than physical illness; it’s heterosexual, able-bodied, male or from a favourable class. One just more stigmatised. Not only that, David Cameron needs to of the trickiest things about this situation is that those who are know that he can’t get away with further massive cuts to the benefitting often fail to fully recognise their privilege from their mental health system and he needs to know that we won’t back sheltered place in society. down. His approach to austerity endangers the lives of the most The people at the front need to turn round and look behind vulnerable members of society including the homeless, jobless, them. Not so they can feel guilty about the advantages they and those with disabilities, and we cannot let it slide. have been given over others, but because everyone needs to Seek help outside the NHS understand the way injustice in this system works in order to fix I wish the NHS had enough resources to give support to everyone it. We all deserve the same chance to win coconuts. health despite lack of support from the government. Try and find out as much as possible. Although, bear in Listen to everyone, and be aware that definitions, outlooks Call others out if they say a snide comment, even if it was Keep talking about the LGBTQ+ movement and keep the If someone comes out to you, it is important to understand Take a back seat. Don’t speak over queer people, and listen Useful Links: Good FQA on bisexuality - index.php/HomePage Another great website with a good FAQ bit - http://www. Laci Green has a good LGBTQ+ bit under playlists - https://www. LGBT helpline - 10 diseases such as cancer and dementia. This is a huge investment, but only a ripple in the ocean. The global pharmaceutical industry generated $1.1 trillion in revenues in 2014 alone. Yet however fast this technology is being developed, drug creation is stunted by a long and lengthy process. In the United States, it takes an average of 12 years for an experimental drug to travel from the laboratory to your medicine cabinet. That is, if it makes it - only 5 in 5,000 drugs that enter preclinical testing progress to human testing. Only one of these five drugs that are tested on people is then approved, leaving the chance for a new drug to actually make it to market only 1 in 5,000. These are terrible odds, and if it was a horse I would recommend you withdrawing your bet! But, this isn’t a horse, these are medicinal drugs that impact lives, with the power to determine whether you die or survive. But there is a simple fact unknown to many. Old drugs aren’t dispensable – they remain vital tools for combatting disorders, disease and infections. Raloxifene, for example,s was a drug which was initially developed to treat osteoporosis (a condition which affects bone strength) but since 2007 it has been used to reduce the risk of invasive breast cancer in postmenopausal women. Protesters and police clash in the USA Raloxifene is not a singular case however, as Thalidomide has also Black lives matter George Pheby right now. So, I mean, it’s not a game, but it’s either continue redeemed itself from destructive early beginnings. The infamous to deal with not being able to just live like a regular person, drug started out as a sedative in the late fifties, and soon doctors were and dream, and have an opportunity, or get up and do prescribing it to prevent nausea in pregnant women, causing thousands of something about it. And we decided to do something.” severe birth defects. However in 1998, Thalidomide found a new use as a treatment for leprosy and in 2006 it was approved for multiple myeloma, As peaceful protesters raise their fists outside the Baltimore allows them to be victimised and consumed by a legal Unfortunately, as powerful as the sentiment of these activists a bone marrow cancer. Police Department during a march and vigil for Freddie system in which being poor is equivalent to an unwritten may be, the response from corporate state power has, so far, So why is this important? The reason why these redeemed drugs are so Gray, it has become clear: the quotidian murders of black crime. The United States’ prison-industrial complex, which done nothing to tackle America’s consistent injustice. Mil- significant is that they show pharmaceutical companies that the stashes of persons by US police forces have birthed a new movement is largely composed of ethnic minorities, is a boom industry, itarised police, elaborate propaganda campaigns, wholesale ‘ineffective’ drugs stored in our cupboards could actually be significant. of young black militants, with a distinct vision of justice with mass incarceration of poor people who happen to have surveillance of all US citizens, and a court system devoid These are drugs that have passed safety tests, and although they have for those who have lost their lives at the hands of systemic committed petty crimes being the elite’s solution to the “war of legal protection for the poor and those who speak out failed to successfully treat their targeted disease, this doesn’t mean that racism. By both honouring the dead and protesting for on poverty”. against a corrupt system are but a few methods for creating they can’t be used to treat something else. Doing so will require academia, the living, the young activists of the Black Lives Matter In his 2004 book Death Blossoms, former Black Panther fear and, most importantly, passivity. the pharmaceutical industry, government agencies and patient advocacy movement are leading the charge towards a society based on activist and political prisoner Mumia Abu-Jamal wrote, “Do non-racist democracy. you see law and order? There is nothing but disorder, and Yet despite all this opposition is emerging from America’s sufficient funding. After all, a single drug can cost billions to develop. instead of law there is the illusion of security. It is an illusion ramshackle internal communities that house the poor. Is Queen Victoria is quoted as saying “We are not interested in the possibil- It seems it is finally being understood that the subordination because it is built on a long history of injustices: racism, it possible that the US is experiencing the starting point of ities of defeat. They do not exist.” Both Thalidomide and Raloxifene have of ethnic minorities in the United States is not merely a re- criminality and the genocide of millions. Many people say a revolution? If this is the case, then Chris Hedges is most found a new purpose, proving that perhaps pharmaceutical companies sult of institutionalised racism, white supremacy and chronic it is insane to resist the system, but actually, it is insane not likely correct when he says, “The next great revolutionary should not be so quick to accept defeat, especially when toying with the poverty, but also emerges from the violence and rampant to.” It seems that with the streets of Baltimore, Ferguson, in America won’t look like Thomas Jefferson. He or she will aspects of life and death. destruction inherent within the framework of corporate and even cities outside of the US becoming lined with look like Lupe Fiasco.” capitalism. Activists are recognising that it is only through activists, who retain a vision for a better tomorrow, there is a the exploitative dynamics of capitalism that the systemic flicker of hope, and Abu-Jamal’s call is being answered with oppression of entire groups of people continues. The Black vigour and vehemence. In fact, his call is being answered by Lives Matter protesters have acknowledged the futility of bonds of solidarity, comprised of people of myriad colours, attempting to influence electoral politics, legislative reform religions, languages, countries of origin and belief systems. and the decisions of the courts, and have even become disillusioned with the meaningless rhetoric of the country’s black Hip Hop artist and co-founder of Hands Up United, representatives. Instead, direct action and civil disobedience T-Dubb-O, recently sat down with war journalist Chris are being used for change; to call to account the corporate Hedges to discuss the involvement of his organisation in state that has refused to address or, seemingly, even consider the protests, and how they have established close alliances the repression of the working poor and persistent police state with other anti-racist militants in Europe, Latin America violence against unarmed people of colour. and Palestine. “In my city every day, [the] police is pulling somebody over, harassing them, extorting them,” T-Dubb-O Poverty is a necessity for capitalism. With no large, desper- told Hedges. “Because that’s what it is—it’s legal extortion. ate, vulnerable labour-pools, there is no market of workers When a government is making 30 to 40 percent of their for the ruling classes to exploit. In the United States, yearly budget off of tickets, fines and imprisonment, it’s these huge pools of workers are largely composed of the extortion. It’s the same thing the mob did in the ’20s. So marginalised ethnic minorities of the nation, who are seen as we fight. We can’t go back to normal lives. We get followed, degenerates, rather than a product of their system. harassed, death threats, phones tapped, social media watched, they hack into our emails, hack into our social The status retained by those in this unfortunate situation media account, we all got FBI files. They know we [are] here groups to work together, in conjunction with talented researchers and Reuse, reduce, recycle? Teaching old drugs new tricks Grace Zeid We are in a new renaissance of medicine. Technology is developing thick and fast in our world and we are both in awe and struggling to keep up. With major improvements in health care and public health, people are living longer and defeating illnesses and diseases that they never could have years ago. Recently, the Chancellor of the Exchequer, George Osborne, announced that a partnership led by the Medical Research Council will invest over £230 million in a range of revolutionary technologies aimed at identifying the causes of 11 this summer A pressing matter Elspeth Davies In the height of exam season, I found relief in a much underrated hobby. I sought solace by discovering the beauty of flower pressing and realised a love for this calming and old-fashioned hobby. I invite you to try it too so here is my simple guide to pressing flowers. I use two great methods to dry flowers. The first method is the old fashioned way. Place your flowers between sheets of newspaper, and then sandwich these between heavy books. Check them after a week (although they make take longer). The chunkier the flower, the longer the drying process will take. Only remove them from in between the books when they are completely dry. The second method uses the microwave. First, arrange the flowers in between sheets of kitchen roll in order to soak up excess moisture (after using all the kitchen roll, I discovered that toilet roll works equally as well as a cheaper alternative so in this case arrange the a window display, there are many things you can create with these pressed flowers. This is a great way to capture the vibrancy of summer for your pleasure all year round. Top tips: • Some flowers close at night and open gradually through- out the morning so choose your time of harvest carefully. I like to pick flowers in stages throughout the morning so I end up with a selection of flowers, each opened to a slightly different extent. • Put them in water immediately after cutting to avoid wilting. • Remove the stamens from flowers with obvious stamens, such as lilies, so the pollen does not stain. • If you do not have flowers in your garden, weeds work well! There is something wonderfully metaphorical about making something beautiful from flowers that are normally killed. Buttercups and daisies are a good start, and remember that you can also make some amazing things from drying vibrant leaves too. flowers on cleverly arranged bog roll). Then sandwich these between sheets of newspaper. Next, find a ceramic tile or glass plate or container that has a large, flat bottom and is safe to microwave. Put the prepared flowers under your container and microwave this for 30 to 60 seconds at a time. You should remove the flowers from the microwave and cool them in between heating sessions to ensure that they do not get too hot. Continue this process until they are completely dry. Disclaimer: The Phoenix does not take responsibility for any toilet roll-fuelled microwave fires that may result if you wander off/get distracted by Queens’ Greatest Hits whilst microwaving half the vegetation in your garden. Please take your safety seriously. Be it sticking them on greetings cards, or laminating them to make How to make the most of open days Kate Watson Signing up for an open day is near enough the best thing you can do to prepare for making a university application. Cliché though it sounds, visiting the site in the flesh and ‘getting a feel for the place’ is exactly what you need in order to feel confident and assured when applying. No university prospectus can tell you how you will feel when you test the waters for the first time. You read about its prestige, how well it could suit you, how 95% of students are ‘content with their studies there’ but then you arrive and it just does not feel right. So that’s why they’re important- but how do you make the most of one? First up, be organised. Make sure you book into your subject talks, most others for accommodation and student life work on a first come first served basis. It’s also important that you print out a booking confirmation, so that you can simply swipe in your barcode on arrival and save the hassle of queuing for hours to register manually. If you know you’ve got specific interests or hobbies you want to pursue at university, ensure to take a look around the society’s HQ. Most universities offer sports clubs, performing arts groups and a student counselling body. Accommodation is another key component- worth visiting, worth considering. Do you want an en suite? Shared room? Self-catering? At most universities, students move outside of halls after their first year; they start to rent shared houses outside the university grounds. This opens up another integral part of university life- your surroundings. When visiting a university, make time to check out your local area. With all this taken on board, you’re sure to feel prepared for the UCAS process. All you need now is some summer reading and to type that dreaded first sentence. The ultimate thirst quencher Alice Perry Inspired by The National Trust Complete Traditional Recipe Book Makes 6 glasses To serve: Ingredients: Ice cubes 3 unwaxed lemons Mint leaves or borage 75g granulated or lump sugar flowers and leaves 750ml water First, slice the lemons and put them in a food processor with granulated or lump sugar. Mix until you have a fairly fine pulp: the processing ‘pulls’ the natural oils from the lemons. Put the mixture in a glass jug and gradually add the water. Chill overnight before use. Serve with ice cubes and a sprig of mint or borage. Try your best to visit the places you’re most likely to spend time in at university, be that the library, canteen or students’ union. If possible, have a chat with students who are helping out; they’ll give you insiders details like which club nights are the most worthwhile. The lemonade will keep for two to three days in the fridge. 12 Culture Review: Woolf Works Madelein Pulman-Jones reviews the ballet Last year I went to see the exhibition, “Virginia Woolf: Art, Life, Vision”, at the National portrait gallery. A year later, having studied her fluid prose in Mrs Dalloway within an inch of its life, the idea of the culmination and presentation of a life, or a life’s work, is still fascinating to me. One can’t help but think of the passage in “Mrs Dalloway”, “holding her life in her arms which, as she neared them, grew larger and larger in her arms, until it became a whole life, a complete life, which she put down by them and said, ‘This is what I have made of it! This!’” That’s how the exhibition seemed to me, a jumbled conglomeration of thoughts, feelings, ideas and works that went together to make a life – or as close as we will ever be able to be to the life of artist, Virginia Woolf. I was content with that, until “Woolf Works”. “Woolf Works” is a “triptych” of new ballets directed and choreographed by Wayne McGregor. Each of the three new ballets, which are all set to new music composed by Max Richter, attempts to encapsulate simultaneously the essence of one of “Woolf ’s Works” as well as capture the overarching narrative of both her creative and personal life. The first ballet entitled, “I Now, I Then”, is based upon Woolf ’s 1925 novel, Mrs Dalloway. The second, “Becomings” is based on her gender exploratory work, “Orlando”. The final ballet “Tuesday” is based upon Woolf ’s experimental work, “The Waves”, as well as the last moments of her own life. The concept is a novel one, not least since Woolf has been both lauded and critiqued for her “literary” and apparently “cerebral” writing style. What are we to do with her stories without the words that so inherently make them distinctive? “A fearless plunge into the full wave of Woolf ’s artistic vision” and are not nearly as rigid as one may think - that they are in fact as fluid as Woolf ’s indirect discourse itself, or whatever she wanted them to be. The greatest surprise for the Woolf-acquainted audience member may be that Woolf ’s prose, in comparison with the numerous film adaptations, is most satisfyingly brought to life in the form of dance, which seems at face value to be the art form farthest from her own artistic vision. This device of the use of short verbal prologues to the ballets is continued in the third, at the beginning of which a recording of Gillian Anderson reading Woolf ’s suicide note was played. This leaves us with the unnerving question of whether Woolf ’s complex feeling was best expressed in her letter, or whether the letter is merely the surface of the deep waters the following ballet plunges us into. The first ballet is an extraordinarily faithful portrayal of the novel Mrs Dalloway. The pivotal Clarissa Dalloway is portrayed by two ballerinas, one representing youthful Clarissa, the other the aged Clarissa. This decision highlights the way that the choreographer has played with the boundaries of memory and time, ever present in the form of a ticking clock, as well as the “irrevocable” chimes of Big Ben. One sees Woolf ’s image of the “leaden circles [dissolving] in the air” everywhere in McGregor’s work. The simple set is characterised by three large wooden squares, the shadows of which, fading and strengthening with the masterful lighting designed by dancer Lucy Carter, evoke not only this visceral spection of her work. Gillian Anderson’s uncharacteristically image, but also the passing of time and the strength and unaffected reading of Woolf ’s suicide note does not seem weakness of memory. The tightness of this work is such that gratuitous or disrespectful as I had imagined, it seemed in this motif not only manifests itself in the symbolism of the place and at peace with the slow-motion wave film that acted set design, but also in the folk-like circular dances which as a point of comparison throughout for the wave-like cho- too, in turn, dissolve as the characters drift apart with the reography. The third ballet is a full ten minutes shorter than inevitable end of adolescence, and the end of Clarissa’s party. the other two, and it feels it. It doesn’t have the sprawling If the first ballet was a tribute to memories and the flow all-encompassing nature of the other two, and it shouldn’t. of time, the second, “Becomings” was an attack against it. There is no need to over-explain tragic moments, and Wayne Opening with sharp bursts of light, a stage scattered with an McGregor understood this. entirely new cast in imposing gold Elizabethan court apparel Woolf was never a stranger to interplay between the arts. She was revealed. This ballet was filled with sharp movements at one time stated that “painting and writing have much to and the theme of change which manifested itself not only tell each other.” Though we can find little about her thoughts in the fluidity of the dancers and the blurred lines of the on dance, it is evident that when Woolf attempted to evoke movements of the two sexes, but also in the lighting design. the fluidity of the soul in her work, she was also influenced Cool blue bolts of lasers created, coupled with the dry ice, by the fluidity of expression. This trio of ballets captures all chilling barriers evocative of panes of glass, through which of this incredibly. The only sadness is that its run has now the dancers pushed, as though breaking down the barriers unfortunately ended. Hopefully, however, its popularity between sexes and eras. and innovation have meant that people will have thought of “Orlando” is a novel usually remembered for its inno- looking at Woolf and her work in a new light. vative view of androgyny and its parallels with Woolf ’s relationship with Vita Sackville-West, however the Royal Ballet saw it more as a novel within which all boundaries Firstly, we are not left without words entirely (as is traditionally the case with ballet). The first starts with a recording of an old Woolf interview about the life of words. In the interview Woolf states: “Words, English words, are full of echoes, of memories, of associations. They have been out and about, on people’s lips, in their houses, in the streets, in the fields, for so many centuries. And that is one of the chief difficulties in writing them today – that they are stored with other meanings, with other memories, and they have contracted so many famous marriages in the past.” This recording establishes the main objective of the work, which is to emphasise that words are like any other art form were experimented with. Just as in the first ballet, Woolf ’s impressionistic modernist style was evoked through art direction as well as ballet. Single spotlights scattered the stage while dancers stumbled in and out of the light, giving us brief impressions of their individual stories, much like the impressionist paintings Woolf was influenced by. At the end of this ballet, the lasers that had been used throughout were shone into the audience to create a web of lasers that touched all corners of the historic Royal Opera House, breaking not only the metaphorical boundaries of the Woolfian text, but also the rules of audience interaction of traditional theatre and ballet. The last ballet was the final crash of the wave of Woolf ’s oeuvre, a devastating yet satisfying full stop to the retro- Fusion Festival Eden Harbud reflects on “something truly special” A matter of days ago on Saturday 27th June something truly special happened. This day marked the end of a huge journey that myself and my colleagues, Finn and Jack, have been on together for the past 9 months as interns in the performing arts department. If we did our marketing correctly then hopefully you already know what this is about... Yes of course it was Fusion Theatre Festival! A festival created by young people, for young people (that’s you guys). For those who don’t know, Fusion was a 12 hour festival of theatre, music, dance, art work and comedy. The day was spread over 2 brilliant venues being The Robinson Theatre (here at Hills) and Cambridge Junction, who we are incredibly grateful to be in a partnership with. Considering that there were around 20 performances throughout the day, the list of people to thank is in the hundreds and could take up an entire article in itself! One useful surprise was that it turns out that our organisational skills are actually on top form and so it ended up being a wonderful day. We even saw some of you there! Many of you were even involved in the festival as a performer or a steward. In some cases both! All we can say to those people now is thank you so much. You know who you are. We honestly couldn’t have done Fusion without your support and we hugely appreciate your help. Hills Road related performances included “Metamorphosis” performed by lower sixth enrichment students, Elevation Youth Dance Company & “Scouting for Boys” by upper sixth drama and theatre studies students. Many of the other acts also had ex students involved! I’m happy to say that the day was a success and many thoroughly enjoyed themselves. 13 If you couldn’t make it to Fusion this year then have no fear! We really want this to be an annual event, so keep your eyes peeled for Fusion 2016! To keep updated then like our page on Facebook or follow us on Twitter @fusioncambridge. E3 2015 Nathan Makalena conclusion, this year’s E3 has left me with a positive feeling who the true villain really is and if the intentions of our for the upcoming year of video games. Although it always heroes were truly just. I always enjoy and recommend films does and I’m always left feeling betrayed and disappointed, that make you question how much you truly root or hate video game developers don’t let me down. the characters conveyed throughout the story. The story is What used to just come down to power struggle between wild, almost crazy at points, but the fantastic Joss Whedon What’s next for us? Now that the mammoth that is Fusion Nintendo and Sega has opened up to many other companies (known for Firefly, Buffy the Vampire Slayer) is able to pull has been tackled to the ground, our next mammoth is the as seen by this years busy conference line-up. Each company off the light-hearted joy of the modern superhero flick, Edinburgh Fringe Festival. We 3 and a group of 6 others stepped up to the plate to show off their latest attractions create Temper Theatre, who featured in the scratch showcase whilst critics and panderers lined up to give their own takes of Fusion performing an extract of our current show on what was on show. Highlights included the inevitable TRIBE. The show is currently in development and I’m so sequels of popular franchises (Fallout 4/Just Cause 3), the excited to see the finished product. To anyone who may be reintroduction of old fan favourites (Star Wars Battlefront/ in Edinburgh this August, we will be performing between Star Fox Zero) as well as some promising new announce- the 16th and 21st in the incredible venue of Zoo Southside ments from the indie scene (Mighty No. 9/ Cuphead). Fans (main house). We hope to see you there! But afterwards we’ll of all genres were positively hyped by the shows put on by be back - you may very well see these faces again... the big name companies including guest performances from Review: Avengers Age of Ultron Chiedza Lunga Pele and Jason Derulo. Everyone’s favorite childhood games This is certainly a movie for those in need of some high ac- June 15th-18th marked this year’s Electronic Entertainment developer (unless you were the weird Sonic kid) Nintendo tion, nonsensical fun. The movie begins mid-battle, instantly Expo. Better known as E3 this prestigious tech fair boasts the were back again to show off their newest innovations. throwing the audience head first into the movie, which I did most interesting and exciting advancements into technology Announcements contained mostly nostalgic characters with love, even though initially I was completely unaware of what and gaming for the upcoming year. Now that it’s finished it new games in the Metroid, Mario and Legend of Zelda series was going on. Despite the negatives of this film, it is still a is time to look back over the event and see what we have in respectively. In addition the re introduction of the Nintendo bold, bright action packed romp that most could enjoy. World Championship for a special 25th anniversary allows All the beloved characters are back with the same Tony all keen gamers to try their hand at becoming a nintendo Stark (Robert Downey Jr.) wise-cracks and Thor’s (Christian master. Meanwhile, the forefront of gaming technology is Hemsworth) misguided charm. It’s a welcoming sight, with also advancing. Oculus Rift have dominated the Virtual Re- the Hulk (Mark Ruffalo) being further developed, helping ality market and with the addition of new touch controllers soothe the pain of the ‘always angry’ line that angered to improve the immersive nature of the experience, they’re so many comic fans. The heartthrob villain Loki (Tom still keeping up with the more traditional form of computer Hiddleston) was greatly missed in this film, but the new gaming. The market for virtual reality is also finally seeing villains of Maximoff twins Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch, some worthy competition, Sony announced ‘Project whose incredible range of powers of super speed and mind Morpheus’ whilst HTC spoke of their ongoing venture with control, make them formidable adversaries. The new power Valve to produce the ‘Vive’. As this three horse race begins of mind control shown by Scarlet allow us to explore the to gain speed the only real winners will be consumers who minds of the beloved Avengers, learning more about their at the end of the day will have an awesome virtual reality loyalties and ambitions, giving great joy to those like me who world to explore from the comfort of their own home. In relish in expanded character arcs. It causes us to question store to look forward to. whilst allowing audiences to ponder the political aims of both villain and hero alike. However, once I’d been able to calm down from all the CGI action that was gracing the screen and begin to readjust, I began focusing on the story, I was bombarded with characters new and old, cameos, and so many little nods to the audience I started to worry if Joss Whedon’s neck was beginning to ache from it all. Not to say that the content was unwanted, the appearance of Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch was a very welcome one, with such interesting characters being introduced into this part of Marvel’s universe adding to the before seen as rather flat lore of the Avengers world. However, even if all the new characters, appearances and locations were great, which they were, cramming them into what seems to be a generous two hour film didn’t fare well. The main problem I had with the film is that so many great characters get to little screen time, due there being far too many people. Let it be said, I did love this movie and strongly recommend it to anyone, seeing so many aspects that could appeal to several people. However, be warned that so many aspects may fall flat to dedicated audiences once the veil of well-designed action and high octane fun is removed. “High-action, nonsensical fun” 14 Review: The Gaming words Children Act by of caution Ian McEwan Molly Mead Ian McEwan – The Children Act – Released in 2014, McEwan’s latest novel explores the moral dilemma of Judge Fiona Maye as she is forced to reach a judgement concerning the future of Leukaemia sufferer, 17 year old Jehovah Witness, Adam. His refusal of a lifesaving blood transfusion on religious grounds, and Fiona’s consequent battle between following the law and resisting her heart, can’t help but provoke the reader to question their own morals. The real dilemma arises because Adam is just shy of 18 yrs. old, at which age he would be free to decide his own future. The novel is highly relevant to us as sixth-form students as it explores the border between childhood and adulthood, alongside the concepts of independent thought and decision. Adam’s emotional conflicts are beautifully and sensitively explored to make them highly relatable: from trying to be dutiful to his parent’s beliefs, to experiencing intense fear that by refusing the blood transfusion he will be ending his life, leaving all the possibilities that the future held, untouched. This compelling novel eludes the reader until the last page, exploring theme such as, difficult decisions, responsibility, duty and fear, it is highly relatable, a definite page turner and has characters that haunt you months after you’ve read the last line. particularly prone to framerate dropping, character models dissolving to reveal grotesque cheekbones and jawlines and unresolved connectivity issues in online modes within the game. In reality all of this could have been fixed if another few months development had taken place, although this would Nathan Makalena have then caused the game to be pushed forward to the first What do Assassin’s Creed Unity, Battlefield Hardline and Watch- quarter of 2015 and since Christmas is the biggest sales point dogs all have in common? Well after much hype and preorder of the year for the games industry Ubisoft would never have let incentives, they all opened on Day 1 to game-breaking bugs and this happen. Decisions like these from companies have led to restricted experiences unlike the ones advertised to gamers earlier thousands of disappointed fans and mediocre reviews which is in the year during events such as E3. This behaviour is going a shame when their games are halfway to being good. unpunished by the games industry and it’s beginning to turn The real message here is to not be whipped up in the hype and away die hard fans and lose this form of media the respect and make an uninformed purchase on a game you aren’t even sure legitimacy it deserves. if you really want. The market has seen a lull of new releases Preordering used to serve a purpose. There often just wouldn’t be in these spring months but soon shows like E3 will be putting enough physical copies of a game, especially for niche titles, so on demos and screenings of this year’s big releases. However, if you didn’t preorder you risked not getting the game, or having these are ONLY MARKETING MATERIAL and you won’t to potentially wait for weeks. However, as the industry took off have a full idea of what the game is like until the press copies and titles release millions of copies to hundreds of thousands of are sent out just prior to release. Let others be disappointed for stores worldwide this demand has dropped off. The only reason you so you don’t have to and instead make the right decision, publishers push preorders so heavily still is to ensure they have that although if I do preorder Call of Duty 12 now I do get the money upfront before either press copies have been released or it’s Ultra-Shooty Death Cannon… I mean, no one else will have been released wholesale, this means that no matter the quality of that come September so it really does seem worth it *click*. the game they still have your money. Rant over. The most infamous example of this occurring recently was in 2013 when Aliens: Colonial Marines opened to an average MetaCritic time leading up to the release showing teaser trailers and demo reels that ended up being nothing like the final product. The resulted in a more than underwhelming experience. In the end, a suit was filed claiming false advertising of Gearbox and Sega’s behalf which Sega settled by agreeing to pay 1.25 million dollars. Now whilst this is an extreme example there are still cases of problems like this up until this day. Assassin’s Creed Unity was Callum Bains celebrates a timeless breakfast classic It is beloved by the nation, acting as a favourite breakfast meal, a tasty lunchtime snack and, if you are truly infatuated with its doughy allure, a supper substitute. I am, of course, talking about toast. The process of heating sliced bread and spreading margarine (or butter if that’s your fancy) across it had been practised for centuries but it was not until 1893 that modern toast fully emerged, as this year marked the invention of the first electric toasters will have an adjustable toasting time which should be set a better texture for spreading than bread made from whole grain at 2 – 2.5 minutes. To preserve the toastiness the spread should flour (brown bread) and toasts faster. If your allegiance to bread be applied as quickly as possible. This not only makes it easier to type is very strong then the safest, and usually most satisfying, spread but also means the toast is warm when you eat it. option is to stick with your regular bread type. What’s put on the toast has a huge impact. The most popular and Toast will continue to be an international favourite food, until rewarding spread is margarine because of its ease-of-use and large overpopulation threatens grain supplies and the golden age of supply. Equally, unlike butter, it does not involve the complication toast is brought to an end. Until then, by considering the four of pre-heating. Other condiments (jam, marmalade and marmite, fundamental dynamics of toast (toastiness, spread, thickness and to name but a few) involve completely different practices, which type of bread) you can ensure you make the perfect slice of toast I would not dare comment on from fear of being ridiculed and every time. After all, toast is the best thing since sliced bread. alienated by the separate condiment communities if a mistake was made. toaster. Profound? Possibly. Revolutionary? Yes. World-shattering? I think so. The thickness of the bread should also be considered. Like all the important things in life, bigger is better. Many people are unaware Despite the extensive time that has passed since then - time that has allowed the art of toast-making to flourish and grow - people are still incapable of making the perfect slice of toast. Many people are even unaware of the four dynamics that must be taken into that various sizes of pre-sliced bread are available and the optimum thickness is ¾ of an inch (perhaps thicker than you had imagined). This allows the spread to completely soak into the bread and disperse the taste across the entire surface. account. The debate of White Bread v. Brown Bread is one that still rages The most important issue to consider when toasting is the “toastiness” of the bread. Toast too much and the bread will turn into a crisp platter of carbon; toast too little and the bread will remain flaccid so a spread cannot be properly applied. Almost all modern at the Tate Modern Francesco Dernie score of 45%. Sega and Gearbox the games creators spent a lot of game released was dysfunctional, poorly written and coded which A toast to toast Sonia Delaunay in the doughy community and is often a personal issue. When toasting, your feelings towards the bread types are unlikely to change, as the underlying taste will remain constant. It is a known A slice of toast with optimum thickness but only satisfactory fact, however, that bread made from wheat flour (white bread) has toastiness Delaunay’s work is a bold and vibrant visionary experience, saturated with geometric shapes and colours. Her journey into fashion and textiles is juxtaposed with her more famous paintings, serving to give a fuller and more rounded exhibition of her life’s endeavours. The exhibition closes on the 9th August. Well worth a visit. ***** 15 2. The Secret Garden Party The Secret Garden Party (SGP) appears to be the most popular British festival amongst Hills Road students. It is renowned for its 1. Lattitude edgy house music scene and all night-raves. Feel free to release your inner eccentric; this year’s dress code is ‘childish things’. By far the safest festival, Latitude is ideal for young children or new-festival goers. It prides itself on being ‘more than just a When: 23rd-26th July music festival’, so if you take a trip, be sure to make the most of its eclectic poetry, theatre and dance. How much: £180 Where: Cambridgeshire at Mill Hill Field, Abbots Ripton Line-up: Jungle, The Cat Empire, Caravan Palace, Marika Hackman, Darwin Deez Where: Henham Park near Southwold in Suffolk When: 16-19th of July How much: £200 Line-up: Alt-J, James Blake, Warpaint, SBTRK, The Vaccines 3. Reading and Leeds Of the five, Reading and Leeds are the most hard-core festivals in that they don’t offer only soft grunge music, instead making their mark in the rock genre. That said, they remain immensely popular amongst young people who prefer listening to alternative music, shown in their most recent line-up. Where: Reading- Little John’s Farm on Richfield Avenue Leeds- Bramham Park, near Wetherby When: 28th-30th August How much: £215 Line-up: Mumford and Sons, The Libertines, Jamie T, The Wombats, Azealia Banks Headlining the Headliners Alice Perry proposes the top 5 UK music festivals this summer 4. Wilderness Wilderness is the place to go if you’re looking for a culturally enriching countryside retreat; swim in the lake, learn how to meditate and try your hand at forging metal. Oh, and there’s music too. Where: Cornbury Park, Oxfordshire When: 6th-9th August How much: £190 Line-up: Björk, Ben Howard, Roisin Murphy, Nick Mulvey, Nils Frahm 5. Bestival This vibrant, lively festival is definitely worth hopping on a coach then ferry then coach for. Beautiful location, whacky daytime activities and truly great music- what more could you ask for? Where: Robin Hill Country Park, Isle of Wight When: 10th-13th September How much: £195 Line-up: Tame Impala, Rudimental, Mark Ronson, FKA Twigs, Little Dragon College update Blind Date 16 Student Council Update What have your elected representatives been up to this term? The Phoenix sent Milly and Louis for a coffee, here’s what happened next... Charities Hannah Foley Louis on Milly Milly on Louis As Charities Officer it’s my job to ensure that students are aware of issues and that the college helps to What were you hoping for? First impressions? the mental health charities; MIND and Centre 33. We are also helping with the MINDEd raffle at the Someone nice to spend time Kind of quiet, a little bit shy perhaps, but with seemed very polite. support a range of causes. Recently, the Charities Committee has been organising how we can support Leavers Ball. Treasurer Taha Khan I’m Taha Khan, the new Treasurer. Since I have been appointed Treasurer, I have been a main contrib- First impressions? What did you talk about? I was very anxious at first but Just the general getting to know each place, I stepped up and took on the communications officer duties for a short time to keep the council she was very easy to talk to other kind of stuff – subjects, likes and a tight budget whilst trying to work through my exams at the same time. which put me at ease. dislikes, whether or not Haverhill actually exists (I’m told it does), Shrek. Any awkward moments? utor in appointing a communications officer and their subcommittee. Whilst this process was taking running smoothly. I have also been hard at work in organising the summer event with the difficulties of Welfare & Equality Elspeth Davies My biggest project so far has been co-founding Amigos, our new student-led support system. I am I had to be reminded to buy her Any awkward moments? also working on a number of projects with LGBT+ Society and FemSoc and can’t wait to launch more a drink. Surprisingly very few. asexuality and sexual consent. What did you talk about? Describe him/her in three words: Studies, hobbies, Shrek This is a really mean question! Clever, old-school (ie. music tastes, and not being Describe her in 3 words: awareness and support campaigns next year, especially focussed around the topics of gender identity, Communications Alice Gilby The Student Council’s Media and Communications team have been working hard on advertising for the upcoming Summer Event; making posters, choosing clips for promotional videos, and organising coverage for the event itself. On top of this, we are working towards a longer-term goal of improving a modern day arse-hole), intriguing. communications with the student body via updating our existing social media platforms, as well as What do you think she/he made of you? Environment Gorgeous, charismatic, affable expanding them. What do you think she made of I think he thought I was a bit of a ditz, you? Hopefully nice to talk to. because I said I did double maths and This term I set up the environment committee, a dedicated bunch of students who have been working then failed to add up to 4. Hopefully I was We will be pushing ahead with our healthy living project in September, and begin advertising cycling Would you meet again? interesting, but I tend to come out with Yes 100% some really weird things, so I may have just baffled him Would you meet again? Maybe, I think we’d get on well as friends Francesco Dernie on several projects across the college, from auditing recycling bins to researching toilet roll dispensers. bursaries to the lower sixth. Also in September, we hope to roll out Fresh Fruit Fridays! 17 “To the man of many layers lays who p n o g a sh dr we y wel r e aybe fi M e – h t k “To Bloc her s in G e m toget a s g r e e t onlin harac ome c s e t a cre could ” time? some “To the girl with the joker converse on the I long for you every single day Ely train everyday, just wanted to say I don’t Though the dragon guarding your heart keeps me away think I’ve ever seen a more beautiful girl in When I see your Allstar self I want to be by your side my life. Can I be your Harley Quinn??” Even if we were in a swamp I’d stand full of pride Though your heart may be in a wreck I long for you like Fiona for Shrek Chat over some onion rings?” “To the Parkside girl with golden brown curls, and piercing blue eyes as turquoise as the seas of bora bora, my burdening lust for you pursues. “To the man who made that You defy superlatives, you encapsulate perfection. I shall not compare thee to a summer’s day, for thou art too iconic to be equated to short film about making a movie such natural wonders. for his EP. I have to say I do like Thou must acknowledge, you are the blacksmith of my heart, wielded in your design, your wool coat, and your hair, to be forever your creation and property. and your glasses, and so on and so forth.” I shall be forever waiting for your acquaintance.” “To the cute communist in the hub: I’d invite you over to my place but I don’t believe in private property” D E T T O P S S L L I AT H “To my favourite hipster bean. You play the drums and keep a burn book and explain your feelings using metaphors about meringues. You make me feel like the peakiest of all the French bakery products when I’m with you. Let’s run away together.” 18 Useful Apps Francesco Ridgeway-Bishop reviews apps and websites for students Universities Ruby Osman If you’re thinking of going to university next year, this summer is really the time to ramp up your research. Parents’ patience permitting, it’s a case of the Baker’s Dozen useful apps and websites for students more the merrier when it comes to open days. And that’s not the only way to do your research. Take a taster session. Talk to current students. Get lost in We all know that studying can be a long and difficult process. With this in mind, Francesca Ridgeway Bishop recommends twelve fantastic ways you can use technology in order to help you along the way. Introducing Amigos Motivation! The Writeometer app (available on the Play Store) keeps a log of your writing progress and reminds Starting September next year, Amigos will be a student-led support system that that essay or project for the due date. you to work on projects every day, showing you how many words you need to write a day to finish offers friendly and informal help to any student who would like it. We know that reaching out to student support can be daunting, but by relying on the expertise Forest is an app that encourages you to stay focussed on tasks by allowing you to ‘plant’ a tree. It of the students themselves we hope to offer a team of friendly faces who know will grow for between 30 minutes and two hours, and if you leave the app - say to check Facebook first-hand the struggles being a student can bring. We understand the pain of or respond to a text - it will kill the tree, in order to motivate to you keep your attention on one printer credit. We know exactly which hand-dryers are working in the toilets. task. And we have experienced the pressures of exam season. Because of this, we are in Writing/note taking Our email address - Feel free to contact us with any questions for confidential and impartial advice - nothing is too big or Drop-in sessions every Thursday that you can pop into in whenever you please. We can be found in B102. There are many different things that we can help you with. Be it advice on essay work with you to identify any additional support you may need. Throughout the ing able to keep multiple notebooks and arrange pages by sections. Recording audio simultaneously then maybe consider whether that really is the subject you want to study. while note taking is also possible, helping those who can’t type as fast as teachers can talk. Relaxing Smart Note again is available as either an iOS or an Android app, and is a note taking app that offers handwriting recognition, if you would prefer to write using a stylus instead of typing. Productivity who would like to be an ally to the LGBTQ+ movement. HabitRPG turns projects into a game, allowing you to make tasks into monsters you have to defeat. The better you are at keeping on top of things, the better your character does in the game. Again, this has an Android and iPhone app as well as a web version. StayFocusd, a Google Chrome extension, either completely blocks distracting websites, or only allows you to spend a brief amount of time on them before locking access. Road’s unique torture really ramps up. No doubt you’ll have been inundated with emails throughout the term demanding your mid-project review, your MyStudyLife makes a great planner for use on phones or tablets, condensing a timetable, exam summer checklist and various other files that are lurking half finished on calendar, to do list, and homework diary into one app. time to develop new ideas and try out new things (AO3 gold dust) that’ll make your examiner drool. And if it’s still getting you down, just remember: Jack Kerouac wrote On the Road in less than six weeks. You’ve got this. days. Books - remember those? What was that other thing we used to have? A social life, was it called? Although this is likely to be a fairly pressurised holiday, you’ve got six whole weeks to get what you need to do done. Six weeks is a long time. That’s 181,440 minutes of freedom. There are only so many of those you can spend fretting about that C2 exam. That said, it’s good to keep on top of some work if you can. If you don’t have summer work, try doing a bit of reading on the parts of your course that genuinely interest you. It shouldn’t be too much strain and will put you in great stead for September. Results Day Ruby Osman It doesn’t matter whether the Student Room’s unofficial mark scheme claims you mucked up question 3 - what’s done is done. Your fate is sealed and, hard Sharepoint. Your intentions were good, but life just took over. Never mind: pacing yourself isn’t just to avoid that last-minute panic; it’ll also give you Ruby Osman Really, we can’t tell you how to relax. Try to think back to carefree, exam-less leaving notes on each, and lists can be shared with classmates or partners. is ready to hand in too. So take your time over summer - the advantage to the least you can do is give them something interesting to read. Tell them the to do things you don’t want to do, just for the sake of your personal statement summer and advice both for people who are questioning their sexuality and those page examination of neo-classical literature as long as by October yours you. Admissions tutors will be reading thousands of semi-clone statements, Microsoft’s OneNote allows you to take notes and effortlessly arrange them on pages, as well as be- Kindle Fire to desktop computers. It allows you to set to-dos and link reminders to them, as well as It doesn’t matter if the person next to you has already completed their 300 the way the most important thing is that your statement genuinely is about should give a go? But equally, don’t push it. If you’re having to force yourself technology in order to help them study, what you should be doing with your summer is the time to take control again. don’t staple a fiver to your application form - but once you’ve got these out statements - have they talked about an interesting lecture or book that you Wunderlist is a to-do list app, again available across multiple platforms, from iPhone/iPad to the For the disorganised amongst us, summer is when the pressure from Hills statements - do have a good balance between academia and extracurriculars, feature. through this well-loved newspaper. This edition covers how students can use Ruby Osman Ruby Osman Of course there are some do’s and don’ts when it comes to personal That said, summer should also be a time to try new things. Look at example The Amigos Team is also working with The Phoenix to provide advice to students EP Advice Personal Statements be. If they don’t like it, chances are that wasn’t the course for you. year we will be running workshops on a range of topics, so make sure to keep an eye out for these! weight to research quality. It’s better to identify what you’re looking for from version, and syncs between them all. Adding sketches, photos, and audio to notes is another useful writing, revision tips or stress management - or even how printer credit works - we will do our best to advise you in any way we can. If necessary, we can also student satisfaction, whilst the Times and the Sunday Times will give more Evernote is available as an Android and iOS app, as well as having desktop and web browser too small. 2) - they can be notoriously subjective. The Guardian’s, for example, prioritises reasons why you’re passionate, not the reasons why Google says you should You can contact us via: 1) Try not to fall into the trap of relying on league tables for all your research a university first before heading to the league tables. gives you a picture of a kitten, puppy, or bunny every 100 - 1000 words. Elspeth Davies introduces the new student support service at Hills a unique position to help. the elaborate maze that is the UCAS website. Useful as it may be, there’s no point letting one email dominate your whole summer. Have a think about how it might affect your plans if your results turn out better or worse than expected, but equally give yourself a break. You’ve earned it. OneTab, a Google Chrome extension, allows you to condense multiple tabs into one list that then allows you to restore them individually, as you need them, or all at once. On the day itself, make sure your inbox has room and keep calm. Whether you choose to go into college or not, know that there will be advisors on hand to help you both on August 13, as well as on the mornings of the 14th, 17th, Duolingo is a website (with iOS/Android apps) that teaches you to speak languages! With most European languages included and more being added constantly, it uses a mixture of media to guide you from basic sentences to complex reading, writing, and speaking. If you speak some of the language but aren’t fluent, it tests you on your ability, letting you start from the level you are already at. 18th and 19th. Don’t panic: you’ve got until September 1st before you have to make any concrete decisions. It’ll also help if you try not to think about how terrifying this will all be next year. Good luck. 19 Sport We need to talk about Fifa Nathan Makalena After the arrests of FIFA officials made headlines, a lot happened in the world of football in a very short time. Now that a month has passed, Nathan Makalena looks back over events and at the legitimacy of the ‘non profit organisation’. This history of FIFA corruption, to our knowledge, goes back over a decade when a whistleblower contacted British investigative journalist Andrew Jennings with news of corruption within the organisation, now thirteen years later it looks like the overwhelming size of said illegal activities has come to light. The arrest of seven high ranking officials at the Hotel Laur in Switzerland on May 27th opened the door for countries to question this seemingly unstoppable giant in the world of sports and already Australia, Colombia, Costa Rica and Switzerland are all making their own inquests into top FIFA officials. Above: The England Women’s Football team. The women’s football team brought glory Several major crimes have come out of the investigation, the first chronologically being the events that led to South Africa hosting the 2010 World Cup. Evidence was found that (then) FIFA general secretary had transferred $10million dollars that was given to FIFA by the South African football association to the private accounts of Jack Warner. This on its own is enough to raise questions about the legitimacy of the bidding process for the 2010 World Cup but the fact that $1.6 million of this money was then spent paying off Warner’s personal loans and credit cards, and speculation doesn’t seem like the right word anymore. In fact the bidding process seems to be the area of most interest with authorities with investigations already beginning into the 2014, 2018 and 2022 bids from Brazil, Russia and Qatar respectively. Switzerland started looking into these back in November 2014 after the release of a corruption report by U.S attorney Michael Garcia stating that there were “grounds for suspicion that, in isolated cases, international transfers of assets with connections to Switzerland took place which merit examination by the criminal prosecution authorities”. As investigations go on only time can tell if the future is also riddled with corruption, but with a bleak track record it doesn’t look good. UPDATE: Since the writing of this article there have been some major advances in the FIFA corruption story. On Wednesday 6th of June the testimony of Chuck Blazer, who was a FIFA Executive committee member from 1996-2013, was heard by a New York Court. He admitted to receiving bribes from South Africa related to the hosting of the 2010 World cup as well as the failing bid of Morocco in 1998. In addition the investigation has been officially extended to cover both the 2018 Russia and 2022 Quatar world cup bids. Proof of bribes is only more concrete evidence needed for the improvement of this organisation but the process is taking time. So far Sepp Blatter has not entered North American soil. The trial continues. to the nation. The team had a great start by winning two out of the three matches. This qualified the team for the next stage matches where they won against Norway and Canada. This qualified them for the semi-final against Japan which they lost. Finally they went against Germany to compete for the third place and won the match putting them in third place. Below: Dustin Brown the American tennis player who has stolen the headlines after beating Rafael Nadal in Wimbledon.