Here - Jinjun Chen

The Second International Conference on Big Data Science and Engineering
(BDSE2013) The Sixteenth International Conference on Computational Science and
Engineering (CSE2013)
The Thirteenth IEEE International Conference on Computer and Information
Technology (CIT2013)
The Tenth International Conference on Embedded Software and
3-5 December 2013
Sydney Australia
Organised by
Lab for Cloud Computing and Distributed Systems
University of Technology Sydney, Australia
Sponsored by
IEEE and IEEE Computer Society
IEEE CS Technical Committee on Scalable Computing (TCSC)
Supported by
School of Systems, Management and Leadership
iNEXT: UTS Research Centre for Innovation in IT Services and Applications
Joowing Australia Pty Ltd
IBM Sydney Australia
Table of Contents
Program at a Glance
Page 1-3
Keynote Speech
Page 4-12
Reception on 2 December 2011
Page 13
Sessions and Papers on 3 December 2013
Page 13-16
Sessions and Papers on 4 December 2013
Page 17-20
Sessions and Papers on 5 December 2013
Page 21-24
Conference Committees of BDSE2013
Page 25-28
Conference Committees of CSE2013
Page 29-31
Conference Committees of CIT2013
Page 32-34
Conference Committees of ICESS2013
Page 35-36
Conference Venue Maps
Page 37
Paper presentation time slot: 20 minutes
Keynote time slot: 60 min
Poster: through the whole conference period
Presentation facilities: provided by the conference venue
Wireless Internet: provided by the conference venue
UTS Security: dial 6 from any internal phones, or 1800 249 559 from your mobile
Program at a Glance
Monday 2 December 2013
Pre-Registration (Level 4, CB02 – Building 2)
Welcome Reception (Essen Restaurant, address: 133-135 Broadway, Ultimo NSW 2007)
Tuesday 3 December 2013
Registration (Level 4, CB02 – Building 2)
Opening and Welcome (CB02.04.13)
A/Prof Jinjun Chen, University of Technology Sydney, Australia
Keynote Address 1: (CB02.04.13)
Speaker: Prof. Albert Zomaya
Title: Adaptable Resource Allocation in Cloud Computing Systems
Chair: Prof. Andrzej Goscinski
Keynote Address 2: (CB02.04.13)
Speaker: Prof. Mark Sanderson
Title: Twenty years of web search – where to next?
Chair: A/Prof. Jinjun Chen
Morning Tea (Level 4, CB02 – Building 2)
Session 1A:
Lunch (Level 4, CB02 – Building 2)
Keynote Address 3: (CB02.04.13)
Speaker: Prof. Zhizhang Chen
Title: Can We Unify Numerical Methods with a Single Mathematical Framework?
Chair: Dr. Bahman Javadi
Afternoon Tea (Level 4, CB02 – Building 2)
Session 2A:
Session 1B:
Session 2B:
Session 1C:
Session 2C:
Session 1D:
Session 1E:
Session 2D:
Session 2E:
Sessionir: TBD (TBD, TBD)
1 Wednesday 4 December 2013
Registration (Level 4, CB02 – Building 2)
Keynote Address 4: (CB02.04.13)
Speaker: Prof. Ivan Stojmenovic
Title: Big data in social networks
Chair: Dr. Young Choon Lee Keynote Address 5: (CB02.04.13)
Speaker: Prof. Laurence T. Yang
Title: A Data-as-a-Service Framework for Cyber-Physical-Social Big Data
Chair: Shui Yu
Morning Tea (Level 4, CB02 – Building 2)
Session 3A:
Lunch (Level 4, CB02 – Building 2)
Keynote Address 6: (CB02.04.13)
Speaker: Prof. Jian Pei
Title: Towards Connecting Big Data with Many People
Chair: Prof. Ivan Stojmenovic
Afternoon Tea (Level 4, CB02 – Building 2)
Session 4A:
Session 3B:
Session 3C:
(CB02.05.37) (CB02.05.38)
Session 4B:
Session 4C:
(CB02.05.37) (CB02.05.38)
Session 3D:
Session 3E:
Session 4D:
Session 4E:
Banquet (Cruise dinner. Boarding address: 32 The Promenade, King Street Wharf 5,
Sydney, NSW 2000, Australia). NB: We will gather at Level 4, CB02 outside the
keynote room at 6:30pm. Then, we walk for the banquet.
2 Thursday 5 December 2013
Registration (Level 4, CB02 – Building 2)
Keynote Address 7: (CB02.04.13)
Speaker: Prof. Yang Xiang
Title: Classifying Big Network Traffic Data: From Theory to Practice
Chair: Prof. Laurence T. Yang
Keynote Address 8: (CB02.04.13)
Speaker: Prof. Michael Blumenstein
Title: Solving the world's problems through Computational Intelligence - challenges at the
frontiers of Pattern Recognition research
Chair: A/Prof. Jinjun Chen
Morning Tea (Level 4, CB02 – Building 2)
Session 5A:
Session 5B:
Session 5C:
Session 5D:
Session 5E:
(CB02.05.37) (CB02.05.38)
Lunch (Level 4, CB02 – Building 2)
Keynote Address 9: (CB02.04.13)
Speaker: TBC
Title: TBC
Chair: TBC Afternoon Tea (Level 4, CB02 – Building 2)
Session 6A:
Session 6B:
Session 6C:
Session 6D:
Session 6E:
(CB02.05.37) (CB02.05.38)
3 Keynote Speech
Professor Ivan Stojmenovic
University of Ottawa, Canada
Big data in social networks
Big data deal not only with the size of data but also their complexity. Social network may have data of
manageable size, but deriving structural properties and useful information can be challenging and requires
new approaches. Further, information gathered from social networks, even with small size data, could be
more useful than ‘big data’ collected from regular operations, and may have profound impact on human
behavior. Sources of ‘social’ big data include mobile crowd-sensing, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube
etc. This talk describes a space–crossing community detection method to mining social friendship,
integrating physical proximity and access point community. We then describe similarity detection and
access point spreading based data forwarding scheme which benefits from the novel community structure.
Finally, we discuss social cooperation in vehicle social networks.
Short Bio: Ivan Stojmenovic received his Ph.D. degree in mathematics. He is Full Professor at the
University of Ottawa, Canada. He held or holds regular and visiting positions in Saudi Arabia
(Distinguished Adjunct Professor at the King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah), China (Tsinghua University,
DUT, Beihang), Serbia, Japan, USA, Canada, France, Mexico, Spain, UK (as Chair in Applied
Computing at the University of Birmingham), Hong Kong, Brazil, Taiwan, and Australia. He published
over 300 different papers, and edited seven books on wireless, ad hoc, sensor and actuator networks and
applied algorithms with Wiley. He is editor-in-chief of IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed
Systems (2010-3), and founder and editor-in-chief of three journals. He is Associate Editor-in-Chief of
Tsinghua Journal of Science and Technology, steering committee member of IEEE Transactions on
Emergent Topics in Computing, and editor of IEEE Network, IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing,
IEEE Transactions on Computers, ACM Wireless Networks and some other journals. Stojmenovic is on
Thomson Reuters list of Highly Cited Researchers (from 2013; <300 computer scientist), has h-index 60,
top h-index in Canada for mathematics and statistics, and >14000 citations. He received five best paper
awards and the Fast Breaking Paper for October 2003, by Thomson ISI ESI. He received the Royal
Society Research Merit Award, UK (2006), and Humboldt Research Award, Germany (2012). He is
Tsinghua 1000 Plan Distinguished Professor (2012-5). He is Fellow of the IEEE (Communications
Society, class 2008), and Canadian Academy of Engineering (since 2012), and Member of the Academia
Europaea (The Academy of Europe), from 2012 (section: Informatics). He was IEEE CS Distinguished
Visitor 2010-11 and received 2012 Distinguished Service award from IEEE ComSoc Communications
Software TC. He received Excellence in Research Award of the University of Ottawa 2009. Stojmenovic
chaired and/or organized >60 workshops and conferences, and served in >200 program committees. He
was program co-chair at IEEE PIMRC 2008, IEEE AINA-07, IEEE MASS-04&07, founded several
workshop series, and is/was Workshop Chair at IEEE ICDCS 2013, IEEE INFOCOM 2011, IEEE
MASS-09, ACM Mobihoc-07&08.
4 Keynote Speech
Professor Albert Zomaya
Director, Centre for Distributed and High Performance Computing
University of Sydney, Australia
Adaptable Resource Allocation in Cloud Computing Systems
Cloud Computing is among the fastest growing topics in computing research today. Although the idea of
offering computational power as a service is not novel, it did not publically become available before
Clouds. Clouds are fundamentally different from their predecessors (Grids/Clusters) and thus require
specific expertise to be properly utilized. Today, there are literally hundreds of cloud providers in all
shapes and sizes. Computing needs (applications) have also become increasingly diverse. In this talk, I
will describe challenges with the dynamicity and heterogeneity of resources and the diversity of
applications from resource management perspective. Then, I will discuss how we can turn these
challenges into opportunities for cloud systems’ efficiency.
Short Bio: Albert Y. ZOMAYA is is currently the Chair Professor of High Performance Computing &
Networking and Australian Research Council Professorial Fellow in the School of Information
Technologies, The University of Sydney. He is also the Director of the Centre for Distributed and High
Performance Computing which was established in late 2009. Professor Zomaya is the author/co-author of
seven books, more than 400 papers, and the editor of nine books and 11 conference proceedings. He is the
Editor in Chief of the IEEE Transactions on Computers and serves as an associate editor for 19 leading
journals. Professor Zomaya is the recipient of the Meritorious Service Award (in 2000) and the Golden
Core Recognition (in 2006), both from the IEEE Computer Society. Also, he received the IEEE TCPP
Outstanding Service Award and the IEEE TCSC Medal for Excellence in Scalable Computing, both in
2011. Professor Zomaya is an ACM Distinguished Speaker, a Chartered Engineer, a Fellow of AAAS,
IEEE, IET (U.K.), and a Distinguished Engineer of the ACM.
5 Keynote Speech
Professor Jian Pei
Simon Fraser University, Canada
Towards Connecting Big Data with Many People
Big data has posted grand challenges, and at the same time, has presented grand opportunities for data
management and analytics research, development, and applications. In this talk, I will review some of
our exciting ongoing research on big data analytics under the central theme of connecting big data with
many people by enabling innovative analysis on big data. Particularly, I will present our persistent effort
on developing context-aware, on-demand data mining techniques and platforms, and novel data analysis
methods. Moreover, I will showcase some of our successful engagements to critical applications, such as
healthcare informatics, web search, and network security informatics.
Short Bio: Jian Pei is currently a professor at the School of Computing Science at Simon Fraser
University, Canada. He received a Ph.D. degree in Computing Science from the same school in 2002,
under Dr. Jiawei Han’s supervision. His research interests can be summarized as developing effective
and efficient data analysis techniques for novel data intensive applications. Particularly, he is currently
interested in various techniques of data mining, information retrieval, data warehousing, online analytical
processing, and database systems, as well as their applications in social networks, network security
informatics, healthcare informatics, business intelligence, and web search. His research outcome has been
adopted by industry production systems. He has published prolifically in premier academic venues. His
publications have been cited more than 20,000 times. His research has been supported in part by many
government agencies, such as Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC)
and the National Science Foundation (NSF) of the United States, and many industry partners, such as
Microsoft, Hewlett-Packard Company (HP), IBM Corporation, SAP Business Objects, Pacific Blue Cross,
Fortinet, and the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce (CIBC). Currently, his priority in research is on
developing industry relations and collaboration, and transferring his technologies to industry
applications. He is also actively serving the professional communities. He is current the editor-in-chief
of IEEE Transactions of Knowledge and Data Engineering, and an associate editor or editorial board
member of several premier journals in his areas. He has played key roles in many top academic
conferences. He is a director of ACM SIGKDD and an ACM Distinguished Speaker. He received
several prestigious awards.
6 Keynote Speech
Professor Mark Sanderson
RMIT University, Australia
Twenty years of web search – where to next?
This year, (2013) marks the 20th anniversary of the first public web search engine JumpStation launched
in late 1993. For those who were around in those early days, it was becoming clear that an information
provision and an information access revolution was on its way; though very few, if any would have
predicted the state of the information society we have today. It is perhaps worth reflecting on what has
been achieved in the field of information retrieval since these systems were first created, and consider
what remains to be accomplished. It is perhaps easy to see the success of systems like Google and ask
what else is there to achieve? However, in some ways, Google has it easy. In this talk, I will explain why
Web search can be viewed as a relatively easy task and why other forms of search are much harder to
perform accurately.
Search engines require a great deal of tuning, currently achieved empirically. The tuning carried out
depends greatly on the types of queries submitted to a search engine and the types of document
collections the queries will search over. It should be possible to study the population of queries and
documents and predictively configure a search engine. However, there is little understanding in either the
research or practitioner communities on how query and collection properties map to search engine
configurations. I will present the some of the early work we have conducted at RMIT to start charting the
problems in this particular space.
Another crucial challenge for search engine companies is how to ensure that users are delivered the best
quality content. There is a growth in systems that recommend content based not only on queries, but also
on user context. The problem is that the quality of these systems is highly variable; one way of tackling
this problem is gathering context from a wider range of places. I will present some of the possible new
approaches to providing that context to search engines. Here diverse social media, and advances in
location technologies will be emphasized.
Finally, I will describe what I see as one of the more important challenges that face the whole of the
information community, namely the penetration of computer systems to virtually every person on the
planet and the challenges that such an expansion presents.
Short Bio: Professor Mark Sanderson works at the School of Computer Science and Information
Technology at RMIT University. He is a researcher in information retrieval (IR) (e.g. web search engines).
He is particularly interested in evaluation of search engines, but also works in geographic search, cross
language IR (CLIR), summarisation, image retrieval by captions, word sense ambiguity. Professor
Sanderson is Associate Editor of ACM Transactions on the Web, IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and
Data Engineering, and of Information Processing and Management. He is co-editor of Foundations and
Trends in Information Retrieval. He was the general Chair of ACM SIGIR in 2004 and a PC Chair of
ACM SIGIR 2009 & 2012.
7 Keynote Speech
Professor Zhizhang Chen
The University of Electronic Science and Technology of China
Dalhousie University, Canada
Can We Unify Numerical Methods with a Single Mathematical Framework?
Science and Engineering Problems are often described by mathematic models for accurate analysis,
simulation and design.These mathematic models are usually presented with mathematic equations.
However, the equations cannot be simply solved for the most of the time due to irregular boundaries and
inhomogeneous materials. The only way is then to employ numerical methods to find approximate
solutions and many numerical methods have been and are being developed. They have not been paid
much attention to until two decades ago when computing power and memory of modern computers were
increased dramatically. Such development of computer technology has led to emerging of an even larger
number of numerical methods that confuse users and make understanding of them challenging and
Despite many varieties of the numerical methods that have been developed, we observe that they are
essentially seeking approximate solutions in discrete domains. Based on this observation and by using
numerical methods that are developed for electromagnetic problems as the examples, I will show the
possibility of unifying various numerical methods under a common mathematic framework –the method
of weighted residuals (MWR). From there, I conclude that although we may appear to have developed or
are developing different numerical methods, we are in fact minimizing the weighted residuals of the
expanded approximating solutions。The presented unifying mathematic framework presents the direction
and guidelines in developing new numerical methods that cater to specific types of problems and in
formulating a possible universal numerical computing platform.
Short Bio: Dr. Chen obtained the B.Eng. degree in Radio Engineering from Fuzhou University of China,
the M.A.Sc. degree in Radio Engineering from Southeast University of China, the Ph.D. degree in
Electrical Engineering from the University of Ottawa, Canada. He is currently with the University of
Electronic Science and Technology of China, on a (sabbatical) leave from the Department of Electrical
and Computer Engineering, Dalhousie University of Canada where he presently a Professor and the
Department Head. Dr. Chen’s main research interest is in the areas of applied electromagnetics,
microwave, antennas and wireless technologies and applications. He has published more than 200
refereed journal and conference papers, 26 industrial reports, and holds or applied for 4 patents. He was
the recipient of 2005 Nova Scotia Engineering Award, 2005-2010 Dalhousie Killam Chair Professorship
and 2013 IEEE Canada R.A. Fessenden Medal. Dr. Chen is a Fellow of the Canadian Academy of
Engineering and the IEEE.
8 Keynote Speech
Professor Michael Blumenstein
School of Information and Communication Technology
Griffith University, Australia
Solving the world's problems through Computational Intelligence - challenges at the
frontiers of Pattern Recognition research
The quest to develop intelligent systems that exhibit the behaviour of their biological counterparts has
yielded decades of inspired investigation. Recently, a number of significant outcomes have been proffered
in the domain of pattern recognition research, however despite tremendous progress in the field, a number
of challenges still remain. These include the inherent difficulties in replicating the biological complexities
of the human brain, but also relate to the practical problems of having rapid and convenient access to realworld data, the ability to effectively manipulate, process and classify unknown records, as well as the
efficient management of large quantities of categorised information. This presentation explores the
groundbreaking developments in the areas of computer vision, automated pattern recognition and
artificial intelligence in the context of real-world problems that are underpinned by the need to apply
accurate data for training and processing.
A number of applications are presented including research into automated document analysis systems
(such as video-based text processing, multi-script handwriting recognition and signature verification), in
addition to the development of automatic systems for monitoring the activities of visitors at our beaches
and coastal zones, as well as technologies for preventing the deterioration and collapse of bridges, and
finally software that can be used for the early diagnosis and treatment of such brain disorders as
Parkinson's disease. Further discussion is dedicated to the future of pattern recognition systems and
possible directions for attaining the goal of conscious machines.
Short Bio: Michael Blumenstein is a Professor and Head of the School of Information and
Communication Technology at Griffith University, where he previously served as the Dean (Research) in
the Science, Environment, Engineering and Technology Group.
Michael is a nationally and internationally recognised expert in the areas of automated Pattern
Recognition and Artificial Intelligence, and his current research interests include Document Analysis,
Multi-Script Handwriting Recognition and Signature Verification. He has published over 132 papers in
refereed books, conferences and journals. His research also spans various projects applying Artificial
Intelligence to the fields of Engineering, Environmental Science, Neurobiology and Coastal Management.
Michael has secured internal/nationally competitive research grants to undertake these projects with funds
exceeding AUD$4.3 Million. Components of his research into the predictive assessment of beach
conditions have been commercialised for use by local government agencies, coastal management
authorities and in commercial applications.
Following his achievements in applying Artificial Intelligence to the area of bridge engineering (where he
has published widely and has been awarded federal funding), he was invited to serve on the International
Association for Bridge and Structural Engineering’s Working Commission 6 to advise on matters
pertaining to Information Technology. Michael is the first Australian to be elected onto this committee. In
addition, he was previously the Chair of the Queensland Branch of the Institute for Electrical and
Electronic Engineers (IEEE) Computational Intelligence Society. He is also the Gold Coast Chapter
Convener and a Board Member of the Australian Computer Society's Queensland Branch Executive
Committee as well as the Chairman of the IT Forum Gold Coast and a Board Member of IT Queensland.
Michael currently serves on the Australian Research Council's (ARC) College of Experts on the
Engineering, Mathematics and Informatics (EMI) panel. In addition, he has recently been elected onto the
Executive of the Australian Council of Deans of Information and Communication Technology (ACDICT).
9 Michael also serves on a number of Journal Editorial Boards and has been invited to act as General Chair,
Organising Chair, Program Chair and/or Committee member for numerous national/international
conferences in his areas of expertise.
In 2009 Michael was named as one of Australia’s Top 10 Emerging Leaders in Innovation in the
Australian’s Top 100 Emerging Leaders Series supported by Microsoft. Michael is a Fellow of the
Australian Computer Society and a Senior Member of the IEEE.
10 Keynote Speech
Professor Laurence Yang
Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China
St Francis Xavier University, Canada
A Data-as-a-Service Framework for Cyber-Physical-Social Big Data
The booming growth and rapid development in embedded systems, wireless communications, sensing
techniques and emerging support for cloud computing and social networks have enabled researchers and
practitioners to create a wide variety of Cyber-Physical-Social (CPS) Systems that reason intelligently,
act autonomously, and respond to the users’ needs in a context and situation-aware manner. The CPS
systems are the integration of computation, communication and control with the physical world, human
knowledge and sociocultural elements. It is a novel emerging computing paradigm and has attracted wide
concerns from both industry and academia in recent years.
Generally, CPS systems collect massive data (Volume) from the physical world by various physical
perception devices (Variety) in structured /semistructured/unstructured format and respond the users’
requirements immediately (Velocity) and provide the proactive services (Veracity) for them in physical
space or social space. These collected big data are normally high dimensional, redundant and noisy, and
beyond the processing capacity of the computer systems.
This talk will present our latest research about a Data-as-a-Service framework which includes data
representation, dimensionality reduction, processing and proactive service layers aiming at representing
and processing the big data generated from CPS systems and providing more valued smart services.
Corresponding case studies in some applications such as smart home will be shown to demonstrate the
feasibility and flexibility of the proposed framework.
Short Bio: Dr. Laurence T. Yang is a professor at School of Computer Science and Technology, Huazhong
University of Science and Technology, China and Department of Computer Science of St. Francis Xavier
University, Canada. His current research includes parallel and distributed computing, embedded and
ubiquitous/pervasive computing, Cyber-Physical-Social Systems and Big Data.
He has published numerous papers in various refereed journals, conference proceedings and book chapters in the
above areas including around 150 international journal papers such as IEEE and ACM Transactions. He has been
involved actively in conferences and workshops as a program/general/steering conference chair and numerous
conference and workshops as a program committee member. He served as the vice-chair of IEEE Technical
Committee of Supercomputing Applications (2001-2004), the chair of IEEE Technical Committee of Scalable
Computing (2008-2011), and the chair of IEEE Task force on Ubiquitous Computing and Intelligence (2009-now).
He was in the steering committee of IEEE/ACM Supercomputing (SC-XY) conference series (2008-2011), and
currently is in the National Resource Allocation Committee (NRAC) of Compute Canada (2009-now).
In addition, he is the editors-in-chief of several international journals. He is serving as an editor for many
international journals. He has been acting as an author/co-author or an editor/co-editor of more than 25 books from
well-known publishers. The book “Mobile Intelligence” from Wiley 2010 received an Honorable Mention by the
American Publishers Awards for Professional and Scholarly Excellence (The PROSE Awards). He has won several
Best Paper Awards (including IEEE Best and Outstanding Conference Awards such as the IEEE 20th International
Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications (IEEE AINA-06), etc); one Best Paper
Nomination; Distinguished Achievement Award, 2005, 2011; Canada Foundation for Innovation Award, 2003. He
has been invited to give around 25 keynote talks at various international conferences and symposia.
11 Keynote Speech
Professor Yang Xiang
School of Information Technology
Deakin University, Australia
Classifying Big Network Traffic Data: From Theory to Practice
With the arrival of Big Data Era, properly utilizing the power of big data is becoming essential for the
strength and competitiveness of businesses and organizations. We are facing grand challenges from big
data from different perspectives, such as processing, communication, security, and privacy. In this talk,
we discuss the challenges in classifying big network traffic data and our solutions to the challenges. The
significance of the research lies in the fact that each year the network traffic increase exponentially on the
current Internet. Traffic classification has wide applications in network management, from security
monitoring to quality of service measurements. Recent research tends to apply machine-learning
techniques to flow statistical feature based classification methods. In this talk, we propose a series of
novel approaches for traffic classification, which can improve the classification performance effectively
by incorporating correlated information into the classification process. We analyze the new classification
approaches and their performance benefit from both theoretical and empirical perspectives. Our work has
significant impact on wide applications..
Short Bio: Professor Yang Xiang received his PhD in Computer Science from Deakin University,
Australia. He is currently a full professor at School of Information Technology, Deakin University. He is
the Director of the Network Security and Computing Lab (NSCLab). His research interests include
network and system security, distributed systems, and networking. In particular, he is currently leading
his team developing active defense systems against large-scale distributed network attacks. He is the
Chief Investigator of several projects in network and system security, funded by the Australian Research
Council (ARC). He has published more than 130 research papers in many international journals and
conferences, such as IEEE Transactions on Computers, IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed
Systems, IEEE Transactions on Information Security and Forensics, and IEEE Journal on Selected Areas
in Communications. Two of his papers were selected as the featured articles in the April 2009 and the
July 2013 issues of IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems. He has published two books,
Software Similarity and Classification (Springer) and Dynamic and Advanced Data Mining for
Progressing Technological Development (IGI-Global). He has served as the Program/General Chair for
many international conferences such as ICA3PP 12/11, IEEE/IFIP EUC 11, IEEE TrustCom 13/11, IEEE
HPCC 10/09, IEEE ICPADS 08, NSS 11/10/09/08/07. He has been the PC member for more than 60
international conferences in distributed systems, networking, and security. He serves as the Associate
Editor of IEEE Transactions on Computers, IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems,
Security and Communication Networks (Wiley), and the Editor of Journal of Network and Computer
Applications. He is the Coordinator, Asia for IEEE Computer Society Technical Committee on
Distributed Processing (TCDP). He is a Senior Member of the IEEE.
12 BDSE2013/CSE2013/CIT2013/ICESS2013 Program
Monday 2 December 2013
Pre-Registration (Level 4, CB02 – Building 2)
Welcome Reception (Essen Restaurant, address: 133-135 Broadway, Ultimo NSW 2007)
Tuesday 3 December 2013
Registration (Level 4, CB02 – Building 2)
Opening and Welcome (CB02.04.13)
A/Prof Jinjun Chen, University of Technology Sydney, Australia
Keynote Address 1: (CB02.04.13)
Speaker: Prof. Albert Zomaya
Title: Adaptable Resource Allocation in Cloud Computing Systems
Chair: Andrzej Goscinski
Keynote Address 2: (CB02.04.13)
Speaker: Prof. Mark Sanderson
Title: Twenty years of web search – where to next?
Chair: Jinjun Chen
Morning Tea (Level 4, CB02 – Building 2)
Session 1A:
Lunch (Level 4, CB02 – Building 2)
Keynote Address 3: (CB02.04.13)
Speaker: Prof. Zhizhang Chen
Title: Can We Unify Numerical Methods with a Single Mathematical Framework?
Chair: Bahman Javadi
Afternoon Tea (Level 4, CB02 – Building 2)
Session 2A:
Session 1B:
Session 2B:
Session 1C:
Session 2C:
Session 1D:
Session 2D:
Session 1E:
Session 2E:
Sessionir: TBD (TBD, TBD)
Session 1A:BDSE2013 (CB02.04.13) – Big Data Science and Engineering
Session Chair: Wanchun Dou
Stream Processing of Scientific Big Data on Heterogeneous Platforms – Image Analytics on Big Data in
Seyyed Mahdi Najmabadi, Michael Klaiber, Zhe Wang, Yousef Baroud, Sven Simon
Video Structural Description: a Semantic based Model for Representing and Organizing Video
Surveillance Big Data
Xu Zheng, Luo Xiangfeng
A Clustering-based Collaborative Filtering Approach for Mashups Recommendation over Big Data
Rong Hu, Wanchun Dou, Jianxun Liu
Relational Database Design Patterns
Ramzi Haraty, Georges Stephan
A Consumer-Oriented Service Selection Method for Service-based Applications in the Cloud
Taotao Wu, Shaoqian Zhang, Xiaotong Wu, Wanchun Dou
Sessionir: TBD (TBD, TBD)
Session 1B: CSE2013 (CB02.05.37) – Computational Science and Engineering
Session Chair: Khaled M. Khan
Nonlinear Support Vector Machines for Solving the PMC-Based System-Level Fault Diagnosis Problem
13 Mourad Elhadef
Secure Cloud Services: Matrix multiplication revisited
Khaled M. Khan, Mahboob Shaheen
A Load-Balancing Force Decomposition Scheme for Parallel Simulation of Chemical Dynamics with
Multiple Inter-Atomic Force Models
Yu Zhuang, Rohini Rajagopalan, William Hase, Upakarasamy Lourderaj
Aircraft Landing Problem: An Efficient Algorithm for a Given Landing Sequence
Abhishek Awasthi, Oliver Kramer, Jörg Lässig
Developing a Lean Mass Customization Based Manufacturing
Andres Ojamaa, Vahur Kotkas, Margarita Spichakova, Jaan Penjam
Session 1C: CIT2013 (CB02.05.38) – Computer and Information Technology
Session Chair: Sung-Hwan Kim
Similarity Assessment of Program Samples Based on Theory of Fuzzy
Yuxiang Li, Yinliang Zhao, Bin Liu
Performance Improvement using Self-Link-Breakage Announcement in Wireless Ad-Hoc Networks
Hyun-Ho Shin, Seungjin Lee, Byung-Seo Kim
Load-prediction scheduling for Computer Simulation of Electrocardiogram on a CPU-GPU PC
Wenfeng Shen, Lianqiang Sun, Daming Wei, Weimin Xu, Xin Zhu, Shizhong Yuan
A Fast Searching for Similar Text using Genomic Read Mapping Method
Chang Seok Ock, Sung-Hwan Kim, Haesung Tak and Hwan Gue Cho
Sentiment Analysis and Summarization of Twitter Data
Seyed-Ali Bahrainian, Andreas Dengel
Session 1D: ICESS2013 (CB02.05.39) – Embedded Software and Systems
Session Chair: Taotao Wu
Investigating the Impact Factors for Event Detection using Web Search Engines
Xu Zheng, Luo Xiangfeng
Specifying Time Constraints of Cyber Physical Systems Based on Clock Theory
Bingqing Xu, Lichen Zhang
AASMP – Android Application Server for Mobile Platforms
Jian-Hong Liu, Jing Chen, Yi-Li Wu, Pei-Li Wang
Improving GPOS Real-time Responsiveness using vCPU Migration in an Embedded Multicore
Virtualization Platform
Tsung-Han Lin, Hitoshi Mitake, Tatsuo Nakajima
Specifying and Modeling Railway Cyber Physical Systems by the Extension of AADL
Lichen Zhang
Sessionir: TBD (TBD, TBD)
Session 1E: MR.BDI2013 (CB02.05.40) – Map Reduce and Big Data Infrastructure
Session Chair: Xuyun Zhang
Memoization of Materialization points
Mareike Höger and Odej Kao
Dynamic Profiling and Feedback Framework for Reduce-side Join
Makoto Nakayama, Kenichi Yamazaki, Satoshi Tanaka and Hironori Kasahara
Using MapReduce for High Energy Physics Data Analysis
Fabian Glaser, Helmut Neukirchen, Thomas Rings and Jens Grabowski
Moim: A Multi-GPU MapReduce Framework
Mengjun Xie and Kyoung-Don Kang
Session 2A: BDSE2013 (CB02.04.13) – Big Data Science and Engineering
Session Chair: Godfried Toussaint
Agricultural Production System based on IoT
Meonghun Lee, Jeonghwan Hwang, Hyun Yoe
A Preference-Aware Service Recommendation Method on Map-Reduce
Shunmei Meng, Xu Tao, Wanchun Dou
Topics And Terms Mining in Unstructured Data Stores
Richard Lomotey, Ralph Deters
Secure and Controlled Sharing of Data in Distributed Computing
Danan Thilakanathan, Shiping Chen, Surya Nepal, Rafael Calvo
Subset Selection Classifier (SSC): a training set reduction method
14 Zubair Shah, Abdun Naser Mahmood, Mehmet Orgun
Multi-tenant Database Access Control
Haitham Yaish, Madhu Goyal
A Descriptive Big Data Model Using Grounded Theory
Marco Pospiech, Carsten Felden
ionir: TBD (TBD, TBD)
Session 2B: CSE2013 (CB02.05.37) – Computational Science and Engineering
Session Chair: Curtis Dyreson
Securing Mobile Devices from DoS Attacks
Udaya Tupakula, Vijay Varadharajan
What to Reuse?: A Probabilistic Model to Transfer User Annotations in a Surveillance Video
Omar Florez, Curtis Dyreson, Junaith Shahabdeen
An Acceleration Toolkit of Matlab based on Hybrid CPU/GPU Clusters
Tyng-Yeu Liang, Jyun-Kai Wu, Yu-Chih Chen
An Application-level Synchronous Checkpoint-Recover Method for Parallel CFD Simulation
Xiaoguang Ren, Xinhai Xu, Yuhua Tang, Xudong Fang
Applying Erasure Codes for Fault Tolerance in Cloud-RAID
Maxim Schnjakin, Tobias Metzke, Christoph Meinel
Aspects of Data Quality That Cause Impact on Business Intelligence Systems
Patrícia Freitas, Everson Reis, Wanderson Michel, Mauro Gronovicz, Marcio Rodrigues
Ray-Tracing-Based Geospatial Optimization for Heterogeneous Architectures Enhancing Situational
David Richie, James Ross, Song Park, Dale Shires
Technologies for information management of life cycle inventories of the product and service supply
chain in the Brazilian industry
Everson Reis, Plácida Santos
Sessionir: TBD (TBD, TBD)
Session 2C: CIT2013 (CB02.05.38) – Computer and Information Technology
Session Chair: Ki-Il Kim
Towards Cluster-based Real-Time Flow Scheduling in Interference-Aware Wireless Sensor Networksk
Gohar Ali, Seok-Yoon Kang, Kyong Hoon Kim, Ki-Il Kim
A Systematic Product Line Test Derivation from Activity Diagrams
Sungwon Kang, Jihyun Lee
Secure and Oblivious Information Hiding in Binary Image
Zheng Huang, Weidong Kou, Kefei Chen
A New Scheme for Indirect Trust Calculation to Resist Bigmouth Attack in Wireless Ad Hoc Network
Yongkai Zhou, Yi Yuan, Chong Fu, Yun Zhu, Yong Shi, Zhi Xue, Jianhua Li
Routing Design and Analysis of Place Based Opportunistic Networks
Yanliang Liu, Shanshan Lu, Yonghe Liu
Development Risk Assessment in Software Projects using Dependability Models
Alexsandro Melo, Eduardo Tavares, Marcelo Marinho, Erica Sousa, Bruno Nogueira, Paulo Maciel
Dynamic Load Balancing in Real-Time Distributed Transaction Processing
Waqar Haque, Andrew Toms, Aaron Germuth
Sessionir: TBD (TBD, TBD)
Session 2D: ICESS2013 (CB02.05.39) – Embedded Software and Systems
Session Chair: Adrian Johannes
Evaluation of Multi-Threaded Processor Designs for Energy Efficient Embedded Systems
Ran Zhang, Hui Guo
Aspect-Oriented Customization of the Scheduling Algorithm and the Resource Access Protocol of a
Real-Time Operating System
Kazuki Abe, Myungryun Yoo, Takanori Yokoyama
Utilizing Intervals in Component-based Design of Cyber Physical Systems
Steffen Peter, Tony Givargis
Multi-View Approach to Specify and Model Aerospace Cyber-Physical Systems
Lichen Zhang
Distributed Intent: Android Framework for Networked Devices Operation
Yuki Nagahara, Hiroshi Oyama, Takuya Azumi, Nobuhiko Nishio
Priority Based USB Communication: Dual Endpoint between Smart TV & Set-Back Box
jeik kim, Kyung-sik kim, aman deep
15 Certificate-Based Pairwise Key Establishment Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks
Pawani Porambage, Pradeep Kumar, Corinna Schmitt, Andrei Gurtov, Mika Ylianttila
Coordinated Bank and Cache Coloring for Temporal Protection of Memory Accesses
Noriaki Suzuki, Hyoseung Kim, Dionisio de Niz, Bjorn Andersson, Lutz Wrage, Mark Klein,
Ragunathan Rajkumar
Sessionir: TBD (TBD, TBD)
Session 2E: BDSE2013 (CB02.05.40) – Big Data Science and Engineering
Session Chair: Shuzlina Abdul Rahman
Optimizing Big Data in Bioinformatics with Swarm Algorithms
Azuraliza Abu Bakar, Zeti-Azura Mohamed-Hussein
Towards Mining Frequent Patterns in Genome Wide Association
Sofianita Mutalib, Shuzlina Abdul-Rahman, Azlinah Mohamed
Exploring Feature Selection and Support Vector Machine in Text Categorization
Shuzlina Abdul Rahman, Nur Amira Khanafi, Sofianita Mutalib
A Synthetic Information Approach to Urban-scale Disaster Modeling
Samarth Swarup, Kristian Lum, Christopher Barrett, Keith Bisset, Stephen Eubank, Madhav
Marathe, Paula Stretz
Computational Methods for Testing Adequacy and Quality of Massive Synthetic Proximity Social
Huadong Xia, Christopher Barrett, Jiangzhuo Chen, Madhav Marathe
Querying Streaming XML Big Data with Multiple Filters on Cloud
Chi Yang, Chang Liu, Xuyun Zhang, Surya Nepal, Jinjun Chen
Public Auditing for Big Data Storage in Cloud Computing -- A Survey
Chang Liu, Rajiv Ranjan, Xuyun Zhang, Chi Yang, Dimitrios Georgakopoulos and Jinjun Chen
16 Wednesday 4 December 2013
Registration (Level 4, CB02 – Building 2)
Keynote Address 4: (CB02.04.13)
Speaker: Prof. Ivan Stojmenovic
Title: Big data in social networks
Chair: Young Choon Lee Keynote Address 5: (CB02.04.13)
Speaker: Prof. Laurence Yang
Title: A Data-as-a-Service Framework for Cyber-Physical-Social Big Data
Chair: Shui Yu
Morning Tea (Level 4, CB02 – Building 2)
Session 3A:
Lunch (Level 4, CB02 – Building 2)
Keynote Address 6: (CB02.04.13)
Speaker: Prof. Jian Pei
Title: Towards Connecting Big Data with Many People
Chair: Ivan Stojmenovic
Afternoon Tea (Level 4, CB02 – Building 2)
Session 4A:
Session 3B:
Session 3C:
(CB02.05.37) (CB02.05.38)
Session 4B:
Session 4C:
(CB02.05.37) (CB02.05.38)
Session 3D:
Session 3E:
Session 4D:
Session 4E:
Banquet (Cruise dinner. Boarding address: 32 The Promenade, King Street Wharf 5,
Sydney, NSW 2000, Australia). NB: We will gather at Level 4, CB02 outside the
keynote room at 6:30pm. Then, we walk for the banquet.
Sessonir: TBD (TBD, TBD)
Session 3A: BDSE2013 (CB02.04.13) – Big Data Science and Engineering
Session Chair: Vladimir Vlassov
Visual Analytics Framework for Cloud Infrastructure Data
Arun Kejariwal, Winston Lee, Owen Vallis, Jordan Hochenbaum, Bryce Yan
m2r2: A Framework for Results Materialization and Reuse in High-Level Dataflow Systems for Big Data
Vasiliki Kalavri, Hui Shang, Vladimir Vlassov
Swarm Search for Feature Selection in Classification
Simon Fong, Xin-she Yang, Suash Deb
Improving the Accuracy of Incremental Decision Tree Learning Algorithm via Loss Function
Simon Fong, Hang Yang
Discovery and Analysis of Usage Data Based on Hadoop for Personalized Information Access
Dawen Xia, Zhuobo Rong, Yanhui Zhou, Binfeng Wang, Yantao Li, Zili Zhang
Sessonir: TBD (TBD, TBD)
Session 3B: CSE2013 (CB02.05.37) – Computational Science and Engineering
Session Chair: Michela Taufer
Performance Impact of I/O on QMCPack Simulations at the Petascale and Beyond
Stephen Herbein, Michael Matheny, Matthew Wezowicz, Jaron Kroger, Jeongnim Kim, Scott Klasky,
Michela Taufer
A Structure for Sliding Window Equijoins in Data Stream Processing
Hyeon Gyu Kim
Using All-or-Nothing Encryption to Enhance the Security of Searchable Encryption
Wenqi Ma, Qingbo Wu, Yusong Tan, Chunguang Wang, Huaping Hu
Dynamic-Width Reconfigurable Parallel Prefix Circuits
17 Hatem El-Boghdadi
On Efficiently Capturing Scientific Properties in Distributed Big Data without Moving the Data: A Case
Study in Distributed Structural Biology using MapReduce
Boyu Zhang, Trilce Estrada, Pietro Cicotti, Michela Taufer
Session 3C: CIT2013 (CB02.05.38) – Computer and Information Technology
Session Chair: Li Li
Spectrum Allocation Allowed for Total Transmission Rate and Fairness
Xiaodan Chen, Li Li, Lei Li, Hongtao Ling
File Deduplication with Cloud Storage File System
Chan-I Ku, Guo-Heng Luo, Shyan-Ming Yuan
A Key Tree Merge Algorithm in Multi-privileged Groups
Xiaozhuo Gu, Weihua Zhou, Yongming Wang
Threat on Physical Layer Security: Side Channel vs. Wiretap Channel
Peng Luo, Huiyun Li, Guoqing Xu, Lei Peng
Dynamic Adapter Reconfiguration in the context of Business Protocol Evolution
Maryam Eslamichalandar, Kamel Barkaoui, Hamid Reza Motahari-Nezhad
essonir: TBD (TBD, TBD)
Session 3D: ICESS2013 (CB02.05.39) – Embedded Software and Systems
Session Chair: Geetha Prakash
Behavior Modeling of Cyber-Physical System Based on Discrete Hybrid Automata
Qiang Wang, Xingshe Zhou
Intermediate Inverse Image Histogram
Bongkarn Homnan, Watit Benjapolakul
Specifying and Modeling Automotive Cyber Physical Systems
Lichen Zhang
3D Adjacency: A Communication-aware Online Scheduling Algorithm for 2D Partially Reconfigurable
Renfa Li, Yingying Sheng, Yan Liu
Hardware-Based I/O Virtualization for Mixed Criticality Real-Time Systems Using PCIe SR-IOV
Daniel Muench, Ole Isfort, Kevin Mueller, Michael Paulitsch, Andreas Herkersdorf
Session 3E: ACIT2013 (CB02.05.40) – Advances in Computer and Information Technology
Session Chair: ChingShun Lin
Edge Detection and Linking Pattern Analysis Using Markov Chains
Haklin Kimm, Neda Abolhassani, Fenglien Lee
An Enhanced Genetic Programming Approach for Detecting Unsolicited Emails
Shrawan Kumar Trivedi, Shubhamoy Dey
The Identification Service in Health Information Exchange
Lijun Wang, Jianchao Cai
An Analysis of Scripting Languages for Research in Applied Computing
Olugbenga Oluwagbemi, Sanjay Misra, Adewole Adewumi, Folakemi Majekodunmi, Luis FernandezSanz
A Maintainability Spreadsheet-Driven Regression Test Automation Framework
Zhenyu Liu, Qiang Chen, Xu Jiang
Seessionir: TBD (TBD, TBD)
Session 4A: BDSE2013 (CB02.04.13) – Big Data Science and Engineering
Session Chair: Hong Bonghee
A New Exploration to Build Flash-based Storage Systems by Co-Designing File System and FTL
Wenwei Qiu, Nong Xiao, Fang Liu, Zhiguang Chen
A Multi-tenant Database Architecture Design for Software Applications
Haitham Yaish, Madhu Goyal
Privacy Preserving Support Vector Machine using Non-linear Kernels on Hadoop Mahout
Sin Teo, Shuguo Han, Vincent Lee
Reduction of Association Rules for Big Data Sets in Socially-Aware Computing
Woo Sik Seol, Hwi Woon Jeong, Byungjun Lee, and Hee Yong Youn
Self-Healing Spatio-Temporal Data Streams Using Error Signatures
Shigeru Imai, Richard Klockowski, Carlos Varela
A MapReduce and Information Compression based Social Community Structure Mining Method
Songchang Jin, Wangqun Lin, Shudong Li, Aiping Li, Shuqiang Yang
18 Making a Graph Database from Unstructured Text
Yohanes Khosiawan, Seungwoo Jeon, Bonghee Hong
Sessionir: TBD (TBD, TBD)
Session 4B: CSE2013 (CB02.05.37) – Computational Science and Engineering
Session Chair: Shui Yu
Music Enhancement Using Nonnegative Matrix Factorization with Penalty Masking
ChingShun Lin, ZongChao Cheng, DongLiang Shih
A Byzantine Fault Tolerance Model for a Multi-Cloud Computing
Mohammed A. AlZain, Ben Soh, Eric Pardede
Identifying and implementing security patterns for a dependable Security Case - From Security
Patterns to D-Case
Vaise Patu, Shuichiro Yamamoto
A Parallel Multi-Agent Spatial Simulation Environment for Cluster Systems
Timothy Chuang, Munehiro Fukuda
Web Services Mobile Application for Geographically Dispersed Crop Farmers
Richard Lomotey, Ralph Deters
Evaluation on the Performance Fluctuation of Hadoop Jobs in the Cloud
Kento Aida, Omar Abdul-Rahman, Eisaku Sakane, Kazutaka Motoyama
The use of locality information on data intensive parallel file systems
Ricardo Junior, Liria Sato
Implementation of Parallel 1-D FFT on GPU Clusters
Daisuke Takahashi
Sessionir: TBD (TBD, TBD)
Session 4C: CIT2013 (CB02.05.38) – Computer and Information Technology
Session Chair: Asad Masood Khattak
A Study of Parsing Process on Natural Language Processing in Bahasa Indonesia
Elisa Margareth Sibarani, Hendry Nadial, Evy Panggabean, Meryana Siringoringo
SACM: Stateful Access Control Model
Anderson Lima, André L. M. dos Santos, Joaquim Celestino Júnior, Vincent Scarlata, Davi di C.
Sampaio, Inácio C. Alves
Nonbinary LDPC Decoder Design and Implementation on FPGA Platform
Tony Tsang
Virtual Network Resource Allocation Considering Dependability Issues
Victor Lira, Eduardo Tavares, Stenio Fernandes, Paulo Maciel, Ricardo Martins
Context-aware Search in Dynamic Repositories of Digital Documents
Asad Masood Khattak
A Novel Taxonomy of Black-hole Attack Detection Techniques in Mobile Ad-Hoc Network (MANET)
Ahmed Sherif, Maha Elsabrouty, Amin Shoukry
Comparing the Reputation of Researchers Using a Profile Model and Scientific Metrics
Cristiano R. Cervi, Renata Galante, José Palazzo M. Oliveira
WAGE: Weighting with AHP, grey numbers, and Entropy for Multiple-Criteria Group Decision Making
Kyung Hwan Oh, Hyung Ku Kang, Jong Chang Park, and Hee Yong Youn
Sessionir: TBD (TBD, TBD)
Session 4D: ICESS2013 (CB02.05.39) – Embedded Software and Systems
Session Chair: M A Hannan
Monoprocessor Real-Time Scheduling of Data Dependent Tasks with Exact Preemption Cost for
Embedded Systems
A new RTA based scheduling algorithm for Mixed-Criticality systems
Long Li, Renfa Li, Lida Huang, Renfei Wu, Lining Zeng
Sipping from the Firehose
John Burger, Matthew Burdett, Jeffrey Hall
ExCHARON: Improved Modeling Language for Cyber-Physical Systems based on CHARON
Younghun Han, Sungwon Kang, Jinhyun Kim
Local-Memory-Based Integrity Checking for Embedded Systems
Ning Li, Tatsuo Nakajima
Analysis and Modeled Design of One State-Driven Autonomous Passing-through Algorithm for Driverless
Vehicles at Intersections
Kailong ZHANG, Arnaud De La FORTELLE, Dafang ZHANG, Xiao WU
19 Fault Detection in Wireless Sensor Networks: A Machine Learning Approach
Ehsan Ullah Warriach, Kenji Tei
A Novel Architecture to Identify the Microprocessor Chips by Implanting Timing-Fault Execution Unit
huang xiaoping, an jianfeng
Sessionir: TBD (TBD, TBD)
Session 4E: CIT2013 (CB02.05.40) –Computer and Information Technology
Session Chair: Martin Balík
A Device Abstraction Framework for the Robotic Mediator collaborating with Smart Environments
Young-Ho Suh, Kang-Woo Lee, Eun-Sun Cho
Finding High-Influence Leader based on Local Metrics
Li Yang, Sha Ying, Shan Jixi, Jiang Bo, Wu Jianjun
Using the multiple knapsack problem to model the problem of virtual machine allocation in cloud
Silvio Roberto Martins Amarante, Filipe Maciel Roberto, André Ribeiro Cardoso, Joaquim Celestino
Region partition using user mobility patterns based on topic model
Feng Xiang, Lai Tu, Benxiong Huang, Xiaojun Yin
An Effective Method of 1-D Bar Code Image Identification
Yong Xu, Huabing Dong, Yuhui Quan, Yue Yuan
Generic Ontology-based Model for Adaptive Web Environments: A Revised Formal Description
Explained within the Context of its Implementation
Martin Balík, Ivan Jelínek
Maximum Likelihood Estimation of Gaussian Mixture Models using PSO for Image Segmentation
Tran Khoa
20 Thursday 5 December 2013
Registration (Level 4, CB02 – Building 2)
Keynote Address 7: (CB02.04.13)
Speaker: Prof. Yang Xiang
Title: Classifying Big Network Traffic Data: From Theory to Practice
Chair: Laurence T. Yang Keynote Address 8: (CB02.04.13)
Speaker: Prof. Michael Blumenstein
Title: Solving the world's problems through Computational Intelligence - challenges at the
frontiers of Pattern Recognition research
Chair: Jinjun Chen
Morning Tea (Level 4, CB02 – Building 2)
Session 5A:
Session 5B:
Session 5C:
Session 5D:
Session 5E:
(CB02.05.37) (CB02.05.38)
Lunch (Level 4, CB02 – Building 2)
Keynote Address 9: (CB02.04.13)
Speaker: TBC
Title: TBC
Chair: TBC Afternoon Tea (Level 4, CB02 – Building 2)
Session 6A:
Session 6B:
Session 6C:
Session 6D:
Session 6E:
(CB02.05.37) (CB02.05.38)
Seessionir: TBD (TBD, TBD)
Session 5A: BDSE2013 (CB02.04.13) – Big Data Science and Engineering
Session Chair: Godfried Toussaint
On Measures of Binary Sequence Complexity and their Application to Pattern Analysis
Godfried Toussaint
A Framework for Online Hot Event Discovery on the Web
Yang Liu, Xiangfeng Luo
Managing and Analysing Big Audio Data for Environmental Monitoring
Jinglan Zhang, Kai Huang, Mark Cottman-Fields, Anthony Truskinger, Paul Roe, Shufei Duan,
Xueyan Dong, Michael Towsey, Jason Wimmer
A DT-SVM Strategy for Stock Futures Prediction with Big Data
Dingxian Wang, Xiao Liu, Mengdi Wang
Migration Validity of WS-BPEL Instances Revisited
Wei Song, Gongxuan Zhang, Xiaoxing Ma, Hao Hu
5Ws Model for BigData Analysis and Visualization
Jinson Zhang, Mao Lin Huang
Sessionir: TBD (TBD, TBD)
Session 5B: CSE2013 (CB02.05.37) – Computational Science and Engineering
Session Chair: Praveen Madiraju
A System Implementation of Interruption Management for Mobile Devices
William Vilwock, Praveen Madiraju, Sheikh Iqbal Ahamed
Synthesizing Social Proximity Networks by Combining Subjective Surveys with Digital Traces
Huadong Xia, Jiangzhuo Chen, Madhav Marathe, Henning Mortveit, Marcel Salathe
Intelligent and Efficient Web-based Middleware for Data Management in Motif Finding in Gene
Sajid Hussain, Samuel Adeogun, Bright Dotu, Laurence Yang
Session 5C: CIT2013 (CB02.05.38) – Computer and Information Technology
Session Chair: Johannes Herrmann
Digital Channel Capacity Calculation Using Augmented Ordered Binary Decision Diagrams
Johannes Herrmann, Sieteng Soh
21 High-Precision and Practical Localization Using Seawater Movement Pattern and Filters in Undewater
Wireless Networks
Sungryul Kim, Younghwan Yoo
Wireless Sensor Network Prototype for Solid Waste Bin Monitoring with Energy Efficient Sensing
Md. Abdulla Al Mamun, M. A. Hannan, Aini Hussain, Hassan Basri
IBUOV, a Provably Secure Identity-based UOV Signature Scheme
Wuqiang Shen, Shaohua Tang, Lingling Xu
The impact of the buffer unit on the performance in 802.11 Wireless LANs
Jinbang Chen, Wei Zhang, Guillaume Urvoy-Keller
essionir: TBD (TBD, TBD)
Session 5D: ICESS2013 (CB02.05.39) – Embedded Software and Systems
Session Chair: She-I Chang
An Embedded NIDS with Multi-Core Aware Packet Capture
Chia-Hao Hsu, Sheng-De Wang
Risk Assessment Mechanism for Personal Information Operations – Case Study by Hospital
She-I Chang, Jung-Jei Su, Hsing-Jung Li
Optimised Application Specific Architecture Generation and Mapping Approach for Heterogeneous 3D
Michael Opoku Agyeman, Ali Ahmadinia
Sessionir: TBD (TBD, TBD)
Session 5E: ACIT2013 (CB02.05.40) – Advances in Computer and Information Technology
Session Chair: Sanjay Misra
Application Based Handover:An Energy-efficient Approach for Heterogeneous Networks
Farnaz Farid, Seyed Shahrestani, Chun Ruan
On the Improved Performance of Luby Transform codes over Selective Repeat ARQ in Turbulent Free
Space Optical Links
Geetha Prakash, Muralidhar Kulkarni, Sripati Acharya, Anuj Nayak
An Empirical Validation of the complexity of code changes and bugs in predicting the release time of
open source software
K K Chaturvedi, V B Singh, P Bedi, S Mishra
Quantitative Quality Model for Evaluating Open Source Web Applications: Case Study of Repository
Adewole Adewumi, Sanjay Misra, Nicholas Omorebge
Session 6A: BDSE2013 (CB02.04.13) – Big Data Science and Engineering
Session Chair: Simon Fong
Data File Layout Inference Using Content-Based Oracles
Reid Phillips, Wing-Ning Li, Craig Thompson, Wesley Deneke
Automatic Composition of ETL Workflows from Business Intents
Wesley Deneke, Wing-Ning Li, Craig Thompson
Mining Websites Preferences on Web Events in Big Data Environment
Junyu Xuan, Xiangfeng Luo, Jie Lu
Social sentiment detection of event via microblog
Xinzhi Wang, Xiangfeng Luo, Jinjun Chen
A Flexible Data Model for Multi-tenant Databases for Software as a Service
Indrani Gorti, Nematollaah Shiri, Thiruvengadam Radhakrishnan
A Flexible GridFTP Client for Scheduling of Big Data Transfers
Esma Yildirim
An Improved Regularized Latent Semantic Indexing with L1/2 Regularization and Non-negative
Yong Chen, Hui Zhang, Yuan Zuo, Deqing Wang
SAFAL: A MapReduce Spatio-temporal Analyzer for UNAVCO FTP Logs
Kathleen Hodgkinson, Abdelmounaam Rezgui
Session 6B: DCPIS2013 (CB02.05.37) – Big Data and Cloud Computing in Public and Business Services
Session Chair: Singee Teo
OAMS: A Highly Reliable Metadata Service for Big Data Storage
Jiang Zhou, Weiping Wang, Dan Meng, Xiaoyan Gu and Jie Jiang
22 Determine the hardware choice to improve HDFS performance deployed in a commodity cluster
Youwei Wang, Weiping Wang and Dan Meng
DIFTSAS: a DIstributed Full Text Search and Analysis System for Big Data
Bo Li, Mingyu Chen, Jinchao Zhang, Kunpeng Wang and Meng Dan
Locality Based Data Partitioning in MapReduce
Chunguang Wang, Yusong Tan and Wenzhu Wang
PT: A Lightweight Job Scheduler with Remote Interface for Multiprocessors
Qingquan Wang, Rui Wang, Tao Liu and Yi Liu
Using paralleled-PEs method to resolve the bursting data in distributed stream processing system
Baojian Zhou, Zhongzhi Luan, Jieqian Wu and Ming Xie
Research and Implementation of MapReduce Programming Oriented Graphical Modeling System
Wulun Du, Depei Qian, Ming Xie and Wei Chen
Elastic Resource Allocation in the Cloud
Jieqian Wu, Baojian Zhou, Depei Qian and Ming Xie
A Framework for Earth System Model Application Monitoring
Ran Yan, Jieqian Wu, Yibo Xie, You Meng and Depei Qian
onir: TBD (TBD, TBD)
Session 6C: CIT2013 (CB02.05.38) – Computer and Information Technology
Session Chair: Matheus Aguiar
Efficient Locality Sensitive Clustering in Multimedia Retrieval
Jinpeng Yue, Wei Zhang, Hong Hu, Zhongzhi Shi
Virtualize for Architecture Sustainability in Industrial Automation
Hongyu Pei Breivold, Anton Jansen, Kristian Sandström, Ivica Crnkovic
A Case Study Comparison of Variability Representation Mechanisms with the HeRA Product Line
Hwi Ahn, Sungwon Kang, Jihyun Lee
SDM-Go: an Agent for Go with an Improved Search Process Based on Monte-Carlo Tree Search and
Sparse Distributed Memory
Matheus Aguiar, Rita Julia
Hierarchical Segment Learning Method for Road Objects Extraction And Classification
Tejy Kinattukara, Brijesh Verma
Anycast routing based on the node degree for ad hoc and sensor networks
Satoru Ohta, Hiroki Makita
Load Balancing for Real-time, Location-based Event Processing on Cloud Systems
Sungmin Yi, Hyoseok Ryu, Yon Dohn Chung
Effect of Varying Hidden Neurons and Data Size on Clusters, Layers, Diversity and Accuracy in Neural
Ensemble Classifier
Chien-Yuan Chiu, Brijesh Verma
Sessionir: TBD (TBD, TBD)
Session 6D: CIT2013 (CB02.05.39) – Computer and Information Technology
Session Chair: Xiao Chen
Traffic Identification in Semi-known Network Environment
Xiao Chen, Jun Zhang, Yang Xiang, Wanlei Zhou
An User Demand Uncertainty based Approach for Cloud Resource Management
Adrian Johannes, Nazanin Borhan, Jinjun Chen
Customer Requirement Patterns for Software Vendors
Kousik Sankar, Aneesh Krishna
Modeling and Mitigation of Faults in Cyber-Physical Systems with Binary Sensors
Volkan Gunes, Steffen Peter, Tony Givargis
A Distributed Data Allocation Algorithm for Biological Databases
Gustavo Tonini, Frank Siqueira
New Components with on-line Control to Improve Harmony Search
Maria-Cristina Riff, Nicolas Rojas, Elizabeth Montero
Situation Awareness Based on Dempster-Shafer Theory and Semantic Similarity
Zhong Yuan Li, Jong Chang Park, Byungjun Lee, and Hee Yong Youn
Association Link Network Based Core Events Discovery on the Web
Yang Liu, Nazanin Borhan, Xiangfeng Luo, Hui Zhang, Xiang He
A Tool for Scientific Provenance of Data and Software
Anna V. Ceguerra, Peter V. Liddicoat, Wojtek J. Goscinski, Steve Androulakis, Simon P. Ringer
23 Session 6E: ACIT2013(CB02.05.40) – Advances in Computer and Information Technology
Session Chair: Gridaphat Sriharee DR Code: The Two Dimensions Barcode supporting high rate data recovery
Wiwat Sriphum, Preecha Noiamka, Detchasit Pansa
Indoor Navigation using Semantic Symbolic Information
Gridaphat Sriharee
ICDM: An Encrytion that Supports Unlimited Times Homomorphic Arithmetic Operations on Encrypted
Pan Yang, XiaoLin Gui, Jing Yao, Jiancai Lin, Feng Tian
Study of Resource Utilization in IEEE 802.15.4 Wireless Body Sensor Network, Part I: The need for
Amir Hossein Moravejosharieh, Ehsan Tabatabaie Yazdi
Resource Allocation for Femtocell Network in FFR Based Frequency Allocation Environment
Jeong Gon Kim, Won Geon Bae
What we use to predict a mobile-phone user’s status in campus?
Fei Sun, Jun Zhang, Lai Tu, Benxiong Huang
Statistical Context-sensitive Spelling Correction using Typing Error Rate
Minho Kim, Jingzhi Jin, Aesun Yoon, Hyuk-Chul Kwon
24 BDSE2013 Organizing and Program Committees
Honorary Chairs
Ramamohanarao Kotagiri, The University of Melbourne, Australia
Albert Zomaya, The University of Sydney, Australia
General Chairs
Jian Pei, Simon Fraser University, Canada
Xian-He Sun, Illinois Institute of Technology, USA
Xuemin Lin, University of New South Wales, Australia
General Vice-Chairs
Jiannong Cao, Poly. University Hong Kong, China
Zahir Tari, RMIT University, Australia
Rajkumar Buyya, The University of Melbourne, Australia
Program Chairs
Jinjun Chen, University of Technology, Sydney, Australia
Surya Nepal, CSIRO, Australia
Massimo Cafaro, University of Salento, Lecce, Italy
Workshop Chairs
Rajiv Rajan, CSIRO, Australia
Xuyun Zhang, University of Technology Sydney, Australia
Steering Committee
Albert Zomaya, The University of Sydney, Australia
Ivan Stojmenovic, University of Ottawa, Canada
Geoffrey Fox, Indiana University, USA
Runhe Huang, Hosei University, Japan
Jinjun Chen, University of Technology Sydney, Australia (Chair)
Schahram Dustdar, Vienna University of Technology, Austria
Jian Pei, Simon Fraser University, Canada
Manish Parashar, Rutgers University, USA
Minyi Guo, Shanghai Jiaotong University, China
Jie Wu, Temple University, USA
Laurence T. Yang, St Francis Xavier University, Canada (Chair)
Local and Finance Chairs
Chang Liu, University of Technology Sydney, Australia
Conference Secretary and Web Chair
Xuyun Zhang, University of Technology Sydney, Australia
Program Committee
Eiko Yoneki, Computer Laboratory, University of Cambridge, UK
Tomasz Bednarz, CSIRO, AU
Vineet Chadha, Huawei Innovation Center, San Jose, CA. USA
Wei Song, Nanjing University of Science and Technology, China
Gunter, Saake University of Magdeburg, Germany
Liangliang Cao, IBM, USA
Roberto Di Pietro, Roma Tre University of Rome, Italy
Ting Yu, North Carolina State University, USA
Yihua Huang, Nanjing University, China
Philip Carns, Argonne National Laboratory, USA
Andy Twigg, Oxford University, UK
Zhanhuai Li, Northwestern Polytechnical University, China
Yoshiharu Ishikawa, Nagoya University, Japan
25 Hesham Hallal, University of Tabuk, Saudi Arabia
Hong-Linh Truong, Vienna University of Technology, Austria
Samuelson W. Hong, Oriental Institute of Technology, Taiwan
Philippe Cudre-Maroux, MIT-CSAIL, USA
Gregorio Martinez Perez, University of Murcia, Spain
Rainer Stotzka, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany
Rajdeep Bhowmik, Cisco Systems, Inc., USA
Simon Fong, University of Macau, Macau
Ismailcem Budak Arpinar, University of Georgia, USA
Dickson Chiu, Dickson computer systems, Hong Kong
Byron Choi, Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong
Chaoyi Pang, CSIRO, Australia
Paul Rosen, University of Utah, USA
Ching-Hsien Hsu, Chung Hua University, Taiwan
Xian-Sheng Hua, Microsoft USA
Jun Huan, University of Kansas, USA
H. Howie Huang, George Washington University, USA
Fabrice Huet, INRIA-I3S-CNRS, France
Ilkay Altintas, University of California, San Diego, USA
Ankit Agrawal, Northwestern University, USA
Rajendra Akerkar, Western Norway Research Institute, Norway
Reda Alhajj, University of Calgary, Canada
Roberto Baldoni, University of Rome, Italy
Daniela Oliveira, Bowdoin College, USA
Ai-Chun Pang, National Taiwan University, Taiwan
Jen-Wei Hsieh, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taiwan
Chang Liu, University of Technology Sydney, Australia
Wesley M. Gifford, IBM T. J. Research Center, USA
Pi-Cheng Hsiu, Academia Sinica, Taiwan
Henric Johnson, BTH, Sweden
Chin-Laung Lei, National Taiwan University, Taiwan
Souhwan Jung, SSU, South Korea
Jinhee Cho, Army Research Lab., USA
Jianfeng Zhan, Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Aameek Singh, IBM Almaden, USA
Ting Wang, IBM T.J. Watson, USA
Geoffrey Fox, Indiana Univ., USA
Andrzej Goscinski, Deakin Univ., Australia
Danilo Ardagna, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
Sébastien Tixeuil, Université Pierre et Marie Curie
Ziliang Zong, Texas State University, USA
Yi Fang, Santa Clara University, USA
Yibo Xue, Tsinghua University, P.R.China
Chi Yang, University of Technology Sydney, Australia
Zvi Lotker Ben, Gurion University, Israel
Ziliang Zong, Texas State University, USA
Yi Fang, Santa Clara University
Yibo Xue, Tsinghua University, P.R.China
Yanmin Zhu, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China
Zhi-Hua Zhou, Nanjing University, China
Bin Zhou, University of Maryland Baltimore County
Ming Zhao, Florida International University, USA
Aidong Zhang, University of Buffalo, USA
Xin Yuan, Florida State University, USA
Yiming Ying, University of Exeter, UK
Philip Yu, University of Illinois, Chicago
26 Qi Yu, Rochester Institute of Technology, USA
Haiqin Yang, Chinese University of Hong Kong
Ramin Yahyapour, GWDG University of Goettingen, Germany
Jianliang Xu, Hong Kong Baptist University, China
Jinbo Xu, Technological Institute at Chicago, USA
Jun Xu, Microsoft Research Asia, China
Yinglong Xia, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, USA
Kenneth Hawick, Massey University, New Zealand
Ajay Gupta Western, Michigan University, USA
Nour Ali, University of Brighton, U.K.
Clemens Grelck, University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands
Kartik Gopalan, Binghamton University, USA
Aris Gkoulalas-Divanis, IBM Research-Ireland, Ireland
C. Lee Giles, The Pennsylvania State University, USA
Aditya K. Ghose, University of Wollongong, Australia
Roman Y. Shtykh, Waseda University, Japan
Rong Ge, Marquette University, USA
Massih Amini, Università Joseph Fourier, France
James Cheng, Chinese University of Hong Long, China
K. Selcuk Candan, Arizona State University, USA
Valentina Emilia Balas, Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia
Robert van Engelen, Florida State University, USA
Frederic Desprez, INRIA, France
Ying Ding, Indiana University, USA
Wanchun Dou, Nanjing University, China
Rafal Angryk, Montana State University, USA
Noel De Palma, University Joseph Fourier, Grenoble
Maarten de de Rijke, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Ernesto Damiani, University of Milan, Italy
Kenneth Chiu, SUNY Binghamton, USA
Shiping Chen, CSIRO, Australia
Shu-Ching Chen, Florida International University
Ming-Syan Chen, National Taiwan University, Taiwan
Enhong Chen, University of Science and Technology of China, China
Lijun Chang, University of New South Wales, China
Rong Chang, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, USA
Umit Catalyurek, The Ohio State University, USA
Jiannong Cao, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kon
Christof Bornhoevd, SAP,USA
Peter Baumann, Jacobs University, Germany
James Bailey, The University of Melbourne, Australia
Amy Apon, Clemson University, USA
Yang Song, IBM Research at Almaden, USA
Lakshmish Ramaswamy, University of Georgia, USA
Huafei Zhu, I2R, A*STAR, Singapore
Liana Fong, IBM Research
Suren Byna, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, USA
Yokota Haruo, Tokyo Institute University, Japan
Gagan Agrawal, Ohio State University, USA
Aris Anagnostopoulos, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy
Cédric Archambeau, University College London, UK
Pavan Balaji, Argonne National Laboratory, USA
Mario Bravetti, University if Bologna, Italy
Miyuki Nakano, Tokyo Univ., Japan
Mustafa Canim, IBM Research, USA
Xuyun Zhang, University of Technology Sydney, Australia
27 Abhishek Chandra, University of Minnesota, USA
Maria Potop-Butucaru, Université Pierre et Marie Curie, France
Keke Chen, Wright State University, USA
Bin Cui, Beijing University, China
Gilles Fedak, INRIA, University of Lyon, France
Karl Fuerlinger, LMU Munich, Germany
Simson L. Garfinkel, Naval Postgraduate School, USA
Dimitrios Georgakopoulos, CSIRO ICT Center, Canberra
William Gropp, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA
Le Gruenwald, University of Oklahoma ,USA
Bingsheng He, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Ya Zhang, Shanghai Jiaotong University, China
Feida Zhu, Singapore Management University
Nianjun (Joe) Zhou, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, USA
28 CSE2013 Organizing and Program Committees
General Chairs
Ai-bing Yu, The University of New South Wales, Australia
Sotirios G. Ziavras, New Jersey Institute of Technology, USA
Jinjun Chen, University of Technology Sydney, Australia
Program Chairs
Parimala Thulasiraman, University of Manitoba, Canada
Yunquan Zhang, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
Luc Giraud, INRIA, France
Alfredo Cuzzocrea, University of Calabria, Italy
Workshop Chairs
Ruppa K. Thulasiram, University of Manitoba, Canada
Yanzhen Qu, Colorado Technical University, USA
Myungho Lee, Myong Ji University, Korea
Kaijun Ren, National University of Defence Technology, China
Steering Committee
Laurence T. Yang (Chair), St Francis Xavier University, Canada
Hai-xiang Lin, Delft University of Technology, Netherlands
Rodrigo F. de Mello, ICMC, University of São Paulo, Brazil
Keqiu Li, Dalian University of Technology, China
Finance Chair
Jinjun Chen, University of Technology Sydney, Australia
Local Chair
Chang Liu, University of Technology Sydney, Australia
Conference Secretary and Web Chair
Xuyun Zhang, University of Technology Sydney, Australia
PC Members
Sabri Pllana, University of Vienna, Austria
Iwona Pozniak-Koszalka, Wroclaw University of Technology, Poland
David Bernholdt, Oak Ridge National Laboratories, USA
Kengo Nakajima, University of Tokyo, Japan
Frederic Magoules, Ecole Centrale Paris, France
Ladjel Bellatreche, ISAE-ENSMA, France
Christos Bouras, University of Patras, Greece
Jerome Darmont, University of Lyon 2, France
Eric Gregoire, CRIL-CNRS and University of Artois, France
Ching-Hsien Hsu, Chung Hua University, Taiwan
Yangqiu Song, Microsoft Research Asia, China
Fan Wang, Microsoft, USA
Shiming Xiang, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
Songhua Xing, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, USA
Bin Zhou, University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC), USA
Silvia Bertoluzza, IMATI, CNR, Italy
Pasqua D'Ambra, ICAR, CNR, Italy
Bozidar Sarler, University of Nova Gorica, Slovenia
Daniel Grosu, Wayne State University, USA
Ladislav Hluchy, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava, Slovakia
Craig A Lee, Aerospace Corporation, USA
29 Calvin J. Ribbens, Virginia Tech, USA
Lizhe Wang, Chinese Academy of Sciences,
Ramin Yahyapour, GWDG, Germany
Tadashi Dohi, Hiroshima University, Japan
Mourad Elhadef, Abu-Dhabi University, United Arab Emirates
Karthik Pattabiraman, University of British Columbia, Canada
Sushmita Ruj, University of Ottawa, Canada
Frank Dehne, Carleton University, Canada
Peter Pacheco, University of San Fransisco, USA
Antonio Gomez Iglesias, CSIRO, Australia
G. Jourjon, NICTA Sidney, Australia
N. Melab, University of Lille, France
C. Phillips, Sandia National Laboratories, USA
Daniela di Serafino, Second University of Naples, Italy
Paul Townend, University of Leeds, UK
Cristina Alcaraz, NIST, USA
Ernesto Exposito, LAAS-CNRS, France
Kewei Sha, Oklahoma City University, USA
Farhan Siddiqui, Walden University, USA
Ming-Fong Tsai, Industrial Technology Research Institute of Taiwan, Taiwan
Neeraj Kumar, Thapar University, India
Nicolas Sklavos, Technological Educational Institute of Patras, Greece
Ravi Jhawar, Universita degli Studi di Milano, Italy
Giovanni Livraga, Universita degli Studi di Milano, Italy
Carlos Maziero, UTFPR, Brazil
Meng Yu, Virginia Commonwealth University, USA
Rashid Ali, Taif University, Saudi Arabia
Sandeep Chandana, University of Calgary, Canada
Jianhua Chen, Louisiana State University, USA
Jyh-Horng Chou, National Kaohsiung First University of Science and Technology, Taiwan
Pierpaolo D'Urso, University of Rome "La Sapienza", Italy
Tzung-Pei Hong, National University of Kaohsiung, Taiwan
Chih-Chin Lai, National University of Kaohsiung, Taiwan
Pascal Lorenz, University of Haute Alsace, France
Paulo Salvador, University of Aveiro, Portugal
Jorge Sa Silva, University of Coimbra, Portugal
Bruno Zarpelao, UNICAMP, Brazil
Sherali Zeadally, Univ. of the District of Columbia, USA
Antonio Gentile, University of Palermo, Italy
Frank Singhoff, Brest University, France
Houcine Hassan, Polytechnic University of Valencia, Spain
Paolo Bientinesi, RWTH Aachen University, Germany
Dana Petcu, West University of Timisoara, Romania
Luca Becchetti, University La Sapienza of Rome, Italy
Curtis Dyreson, Utah State University, USA
Yuxiong He, Microsoft Research, USA
Jari Toivanen, University of Jyvaskyla, Finland
Schahram Dustdar, TU Wien, Austria
Gideon Juve, USC Information Sciences Institute, USA
Radu Prodan, University of Innsbruck, Austria
Andrea Bondavalli, University of Florence, Italy
Manish Parashar, Rutgers,
Michael Wrinn, Intel, USA
Vencent Boyer, Universidad Autonoma de Nuevo Leon, Mexico
San-Yih Hwang, National Sun Yat-Sen University, Taiwan
Lu Liu, University of Derby, UK
30 Ioannis Anagnostopoulos, University of Central Greece, Greece
Oladayo Bello, Monash University (South Africa campus), South Africa
Ibrahim Kamel, University of Sharjah, UAE
Daniele Puccinelli, University of Applied Sciences of Southern Switzerland, Switzerland
Enrique Cabello, University Rey Juan Carlos, Spain
David Garcia Rosado, Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha, Spain
Marianthi Theoharidou, AUEB, Greece
Chun-Hao Chen, Tamkang University, Taiwan
Zehua Chen, San Jose State University,USA
Masahiro Inuiguchi, Osaka University, Japan
Kai Lin, Dalian University of Technology, China
31 CIT2013 Organizing and Program Committees
General Chairs
Mohammed Bennamoun, The University of Western Australia, Australia
Andrzej Goscinski, Deakin University, Australia
Michael Blumenstein, Griffith University, Australia
Program Chairs
Jinjun Chen, University of Technology Sydney, Australia
Jian Cao, Shanghai Jiaotong University, China
Jemal Abawajy, Deakin University, Australia
Jaime Lloret Mauri, Polytechnic University of Valencia, Spain
Program Vice-Chairs
Bahman Javadi, The University of Western Sydney, Australia
Young Choon Lee, The University of Sydney, Australia
Chadi Aoun, University of Technology Sydney, Australia
Workshop Chairs
Shuangxi Huang, Tsinghua University, China
Jyh-haw Yeh, Boise State University, USA
Ji Zhang, The University of Southern Queensland, Australia
Steering Committee
Daming Wei (Chair), Professor Emeritus, University of Aizu, Japan
Laurence T. Yang (Chair), St. Francis Xavier University, Canada
Goutam Chakrabarty, Iwate Prefectura lUniversity, Japan
Hai Jin, Huazhong Univ. of Science and Technology, China
Xiangjian He, University of Technology Sydney, Australia
Chunming Qiao, The State University of New York, USA
Chang-Sung Jeong, Korea University, Korea
Qun Jin, Waseda University, Japan
Xingang Liu, ESTC, China
Geyong Min, University of Bradford, UK
George A. Papadopoulos, University of Cyprus, Cyprus
Bofeng Zhang, Shanghai University, China
Local and Finance Chairs
Chang Liu, University of Technology Sydney, Australia
Conference Secretary and Web Chair
Xuyun Zhang, University of Technology Sydney, Australia
PC Members
Franck Assous, Ariel University Center, Israel
Amelia Badica, University of Craiova, Romania
Mohamed Bakhouya, University of Technology of Belfort Montbeliard, France
Zhao Baokang, National University of Defense Technology, China
Ranieri Baraglia, ISTI-CNR, Italy
Reneta Barneva, State University of New York at Fredonia, USA
Nik Bessis, University of Derby, UK
David Camacho, Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, Spain
Hsing-Lung Chen, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taiwan
Zhiyuan Chen, University of Maryland Baltimore County, USA
Myrian Costa, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Raphael Couturier, University of Franche Comte, France
32 Alfredo Cuzzocrea, National Research Council (CNR), Italy
Gennaro Della Vecchia, National Research Council, Italy
Laure Erwin, CERN, Switzerland
Adina Magda Florea, Politehnica University of Bucharest,
Franco Frattolillo, Universita del Sannio, Italy
Debasis Giri, Haldia Institute of Technology, India
Harald Gjermundrod, University of Nicosia, Cyprus
Dorian Gorgan, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Daniel Grosu, Wayne State University, USA
Haiwu He, INRIA, LIP, ENS Lyon, France
Thomas Hinze, Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus, Germany
Jang-Eui Hong, Chungbuk National University, Korea
Chun-Hsi Huang, University of Connecticut, USA
Jingshan Huang, University of South Alabama, USA
Mohamed Jemni, University of Tunis, Tunisia
Wenjing Jia, Univeristy of Technology, Sydney, Australia
Wenbin Jiang, Huazhong University of Sci. and Tech. ,China
Kamen Kanev, Shizuoka University, Japan
Yeongkwun Kim, Western Illinois University, USA
Vitaly Klyuev, University of Aizu, Japan
Igor Kotenko, Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia
Kenichi Kourai, Kyushu Institute of Technology, Japan
Riccardo Lancellotti, University of Modena, Italy
Carson Leung, University of Manitoba, Canada
Yu Lei, University of Texas at Arlington, USA
Kuan-Ching Li, Providence University, Taiwan
Xiang Lian, University of Texas - Pan American, USA
Justin Lipman, Intel at Shanghai, China
Lei Liu, University of Bradford, UK
Joan Lu, University of Huddersfield, UK
Giancarlo Mauri, Universita di Milano Bicocca, Italy
Eduard Mehofer, University of Vienna, Austria
Manki Min, South Dakota State University, USA
Quang Vinh Nguyen, University of Western Sydney, Australia
Dusica Novakovic , London Metropolitan University,UK
Jae Oh, Syracuse University, USA
Satoru Ohta, Toyama Prefectural University, Japan
Marcin Paprzycki, Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland
Elvira Popescu, University of Craiova, Romania
Radu Prodan, University of Innsbruck, Austria
Massimiliano Rak, Second University of Naples, Italy
Yurii ROGOZHIN, Academy of Sciences, Moldova
Demetrios G Sampson, University of Piraeus & CERTH, Greece
Romulo Silva de Oliveira, Federal University of Santa Catarina, Brazil
Frank Siqueira, INE-UFSC, Brazil
Alin Stefanescu, University of Pitesti, Romania
Jonathan Z. Sun, University of Southern Mississippi, USA
Qing Tan, Athabasca University, Canada
Uwe Tangen, Ruhr-Universitat Bochum, Germany
Nicolae Tapus, Politehnica University of Bucharest, Romania
Ruppa Thulasiram, University of Manitoba, Canada
Juan Tourino, University of A Coruna, Spain
Stefan Trausan-Matu, University of Colorado at Boulder and the National Center for Atmospheric Research, USA
Henry Tufo, University of Colorado at Boulder and the National Center for Atmospheric Research, USA
Mirko Viroli, University of Bologna, Italy
Shawn X. Wang, California State University, Fullerton, USA
33 Yanwei Wu, Western Oregon University, USA
Yu-Chi Wu, National United University, Taiwan
Yuni Xia, Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis, USA
Zhiyong Xu, Suffolk University, USA
Chao-Tung Yang, Tunghai University, Taiwan
Yun Yang, Tunghai University, Taiwan
Seongwook Youn, University of Southern California , USA
Muhammad Younas, Oxford Brookes Univ, UK
Pingpeng Yuan, Huazhong University of Sci. and Tech., China
Filip Zavoral, Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic
Bofeng Zhang, Shanghai University, China
Jun Zhao, Shanghai Jiaotong University, China
himing Zhao, University of Amsterdam, Netherlands
Lihong Zheng, Charles Sturt University, Australia
Hong Zhou, Saint Joseph College, USA
Daniel Andresen, Kansas State University, USA
Hamid Reza Arabnia, University of Georgia, USA
Farhad Arbab, CWI, The Netherlands
Siegfried Benkner, University of Vienna, Austria
Slobodan Bojanic, Polytechnic University at Madrid, Spain
Angelo Brayner, University of Fortaleza, Brazil
Peter Cappello, University of California at Santa Barbara, USA
Valentin Cristea, Politehnica University of Bucharest, Romania
Paloma Diaz, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain
Mick Hobbs, Deakin University, Australia
Constantine Katsinis, Drexel University, USA
Haklin Kimm, East Stroudsburg University of Pennsylvania, USA
Hitoshi Kitazawa, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Tech., Japan
Satoshi Kurihara, Osaka Univ., Japan
Laurent Lefevre, University of Lyon, France
Alexander I. Legalov, Krasnoyarsk State Technical University, Russia
Chang Liu, Ohio University, USA
Tian Hong Loh, National Physical Laboratory (NPL), UK
Alba Cristina Melo, CIC- UnB, Brazil
Gennadiy Nikishkov, University of Aizu, Japan
Sascha Ossowski, University Rey Juan Carlos, Spain
Marion Oswald, Technical University of Viena, Austria
Cheong Hee Park, Chungnam National University, South Korea
Ron Perrott, Queen's University, UK
Dana Petcu, Western University of Timisoara, Romania
Kurt Sandkuhl, Jonkoping University, Sweden
Toshiharu Sugawara, Waseda University, Japan
Luis Javier Garcia Villalba, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain
Qin Xin, Simula Research Laboratory, Norway
Jie Yang, Shanghai Jiaotong University, China
Ran Zheng, Huazhong University of Sci. and Tech., China
Xingquan Zhu, Florida Atlantic University, USA
34 ICESS2013 Organizing and Program Committees
General Chairs
Mohammed Atiquzzaman, University of Oklahoma, USA
Marco Di Natale, Scuola Superiore S. Anna, Italy
George A. Papadopoulos, University of Cyprus, Cyprus
Program Chairs
Xiaorong Li, A*STAR, Singapore
Chin-Feng Lai, National llan University, Taiwan
Shui Yu, Deakin University, Australia
Program Vice Chairs
Feng Xia, Dalian University of Technology, China
Jian Wu, Zhejiang University, China
Supeng Leng, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China
Workshop Chairs
Khaled M. Khan, Qatar University, Qatar
Dakai Zhu, University of Texas at San Antonio, USA
Lie-Huang Zhu, Beijing Institute of Technology, China
Steering Committee
Laurence T. Yang (Chair), St. Francis Xavier University, Canada
Zhaohui Wu (Chair), Zhejiang University, China
Yann-Hang Lee, Arizona State University, USA
Xiangke Liao, National University of Defence Technology, China
Edwin Sha, University of Texas at Dallas, USA
Zili Shao, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong
Xingshe Zhou, Northwestern Polytechnical University, China
Local and Finance Chairs
Chang Liu, University of Technology Sydney, Australia
Conference Secretary and Web Chair
Xuyun Zhang, University of Technology Sydney, Australia
PC Members
Luca Abeni, University of Trento, Italy
Rajendra Boppana, University of Texasat San Antonio, USA
Alessio Bechini, University of Pisa, Italy
Jing Chen, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan
Albert Cheng, University of Houston, USA
Masoud Daneshtalab, University of Turku, Finland
Rajiv Gupta, University of California Riverside, USA
Houcine Hassan, University Politiecnicade Valencia, Spain
Seongsoo Hong, Seoul National University, Korea
Pao-Ann Hsiung, National Chung Cheng University, Taiwan
Miaoqing Huang, University of Arkansas, USA
Yo-Ping Huang, National Taipei University of Technology, Taiwan
Shih-Hao Hung, National Taiwan University, Taiwan
Pablo Ibanez, Universidadde Zaragoza, Spain
Eugene John, University of Texasat San Antonio, USA
Shinpei Kato, Carnegie Mellon University, USA
Seon-Wook Kim, Korea University, Korea
Jihong Kim, Seoul National University, Korea
35 Yunhuai Liu, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
Alexander Metzner, Regensburg University, Germany
Daniel Mosse, University of Pittsburgh, USA
Jogesh Muppala, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, China
Thomas Nolte, Malardalen University, Sweden
Gang Quan, Florida International University, USA
Shangping Ren, Illinois Institute of Technology, USA
Julio Sahuquillo, Universidad Politecnicade Valencia, Spain
Dimitrios Serpanos, University of Patras, Greece
Muhammad Shafique, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany
Frank Singhoff, Brest University, France
Sara Tucci, CEA, France
Robert van-Engelen, Florida State University, USA
Tullio Vardanega, University of Pavia, Italy
Shige Wang, General Motors, USA
Jason Xue, City University of HongKong, China
Manuel Acacio, University of Murcia, Spain
Ching-Hsien Hsu, Chung Hua University, Taiwan
Ching-Lung Su, National Yunlin University of Science and Technology, Taiwan
Lorenzo Verdoscia, ICAR National Research Council, Italy
Gu Zonghua, Zhejiang University, China
Qingxu Deng, Northeastern University, China
Luca Fanucci, University of Pisa, Italy
Luis Gomes, Universidade Nova Lisboa, Portugal
Hui Guo, The University of New South Wales, Australia
Chin-Fu Kuo, National University of Kaohsiung, Taiwain
Alberto Macii, Politecnicodi Torino, Italy
Tatsuo Nakajima, Waseda University, Japan
John O'Donnell, University of Glasgow, UK
Qixin Wang, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, HongKong
Kailong Zhang, Northwestern Polytechnical University, China
Guojing Cong, IBM Watson Research Center, USA
Ye-Qiong Song, INPL-ENSEM, France
Gregorio Martinez, University of Murcia, Spain
Ruixuan Li, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, P.R.China
Jiayin Li, University of Pittsburgh, USA
36 Appendix 1. Location of conference venue:
Address: Level 4, UTS Building 2, 15 Broadway, Ultimo, Australia
37 Appendix 2. Banquet boarding address (half hour walk from conference
32 The Promenade, King Street Wharf 5, Sydney, NSW 2000, Australia
Tel: (02) 8296 7222