I. Photosynthesis Overview A. Purpose of photosynthesis: 1. Photos

I. Photosynthesis Overview
b. The electrons are used to ___________________________________________________
A. Purpose of photosynthesis: _____________________________________________________________
_________________________________________________________________________. At the end of the
chain, the e- combine with _______________ to produce ___________
1. Photosynthesis occurs ____________________________________
3. Replacing Electrons
2. Plants need _________ things to make ____________
a. _______________________
a. New electrons supplied by _________________________________________________
b. _______________________
b. The electrons travel through the _______ and power __________________ along the way
c. _______________________
c. NADP+ ______________________________________________
3. Plants produce _______________ and _________________
4. Forming ATP
4. The chemical equation for photosynthesis:
a. H+ pumps create a ___________________________________
b. Gradient causes _____________________________________
B. Two parts to photosynthesis
c. H+ ions power ___________________________________________________________
1. __________________________________________________
a. Takes place in the _______________________________________________
d. ATP synthase makes ATP by _______________________________________________
b. Light energy used to make ___________________ and ___________________
_________________________________________(Adenosine Diphosphate)
c. ___________________ is used and ____________________ is made
III. Dark Reaction, also known as the _________________________ (Doesn’t need light)
2. _________________________________________________
A. Purpose: To make ___________________________
a. Takes place in the ______________________________
1. Uses ____________and ________________from the light-dependent reactions.
b. ATP and NADPH is used _______________________________
2. Where: In the _______________________________________
c. CO2 is used to form ____________________________
B. 3 steps to the Calvin Cycle
II. Light reaction, also called the ________________________________________________________________
A. Four steps of the light reaction
1. _________________________________
a. The pigment _____________________________ absorbs light
b. The energy is used to _____________________________________________________
c. The 2 electrons (e-) in the chlorophyll ________________________________________
2. Producing NADPH
a. Electrons move down the __________________________________________________
1. _________________________________ enters the cycle
2. ATP and NADPH release ______________________ to ____________________ the carbons
3. _______________________________ is formed and leaves the cycle