DiMenna-Nyselius Library Resources History of the Cold War DICTIONARIES, ENCYCLOPEDIAS, AND GENERAL WORKS Cold War America 1946-1990 Ref E 741 .G76 2003 Examines various aspects of life in the United States between 1946-1990. Includes statistics. Cold War, 1945-1991 Ref D 839.5 C65 1992 3 volume set. The first two vols. offer biographical entries of over 250 important figures. Volume 3 covers major events, concepts, & terms that dominated the Cold War. Includes chronology, bibliography, & guide to archives. Cold War Culture: Media & the Arts, 1945-1990 Ref E169.12 S39 1998 People, works of art & literature, movements & influences in American culture that significantly reflected or responded to the Cold War are covered in this source. The Cold War Reference Guide Ref D 843 S3365 1997 Provides a general history, chronologies, biographies, and a selected bibliography. Dictionary of American Foreign Affairs Ref E 183.7 F58 1993 Dictionary of American History Ref E 174 .D52 2003 Encyclopedia of American Foreign Policy Ref E 183.7 E52 2002 In-depth essays by scholars who are experts in their field. Encyclopedia of Arms Control and Disarmament Ref JX 1974 .E57 1993 Encyclopedia of Conflicts Since World War II Ref D 843 E46 1999 4 volume set that describes & analyzes over 150 of what the editors deem to be the most important post-WWII conflicts. Signed articles are followed by a bibliography. Encyclopedia of the Cold War Ref D 843 A668 1994 Encyclopedia of U.S. Foreign Relations Ref E 183.7 E53 1997 1,024 articles, providing in-depth treatment to major topics. Numerous maps, charts, and figures. Detailed chronology covering U.S. foreign relations. Europe Since 1945: An Encyclopedia Ref D 1058 E8754 2001 Historical Dictionary of the Cold War Ref D 843 S547 2000 World History: A Dictionary of Important People, Places, & Events from Ancient Times to the Present Ref D 9 W47 1994 Up-to-date general reference dictionary for history. Yesterday and Today: A Dictionary of Recent American History Ref E 838.6 H62 Covers major and minor events since the end of WWII. BIBLIOGRAPHICAL RESOURCES American Foreign Relations since 1600: A Guide To the Literature Ref E 183.7 .A547 2003 The Columbia Guide to the Cold War Ref E 744 .K696 1998 Narrative essays, glossary, chronology, and bibliography are all included in this volume. Dwight D. Eisenhower: A Bibliography of His Times and Presidency Ref E 836 L4 1991 Covers books, dissertations, and articles that chronicle foreign and domestic events of his careers. Includes chronology. Harry S. Truman: A Bibliography of His Times and Presidency Ref E 836 L4 1991 Bibliographic guide to materials written by chroniclers of the Truman era. Origins, Evolution, and The Nature of the Cold War: An Annotated Bibliographic Guide Ref E 183.8 S65 B52 1986 References works that focus upon the nature of the Cold War and interpretations of its origins. DOCUMENTS American Foreign Policy Ref JX 1416 A47 Documentary History of Arms Control and Disarmament Ref JX 1974 D84 Documents related to arms control and disarmament from all periods of history. Documents of American Diplomacy Ref E 183.7 D63 2002 Documents on American Foreign Relations Ref JX 231 D6 Covers the years of 1938-1970; name changed to: Documents on American Foreign Relations: A Documentary Record Ref JX 231 D61 Documents on International Affairs D 442 .S82 Source for the official documents and statements of foreign leaders. Library has 1935-1961. The Dynamics of World Power: A Documentary History of United States Foreign Policy, 1945-1973 E 744 .S395 Volume 2 provides documents on postwar American foreign policy with Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union. Europe Transformed: Documents on the End of the Cold War Ref D 849 F685 1990 Source for critical treaties and agreements, mandates, official proposals, and draft materials for arms control negotiations. Also, includes important proposals and statements by political leaders. Foreign Relations of the United States Ref JX 233 A3 Compilation of major public documents on American foreign policy. Covers 1919-1968. Recently published volumes available online: http://www.state.gov/r/pa/ho/frus/ Historic Documents Ref E 839.5 H57 Documents on a wide range of topics that the editors consider to be the most important issues of the year. Includes official statements, news conferences, speeches, special studies, and court decisions. (1972 to present) The John F. Kennedy national security files, U.S.S.R. and Eastern Europe: national security files, 1961-1963. Permanent Reserve E 841 .J65 Working files of John F. Kennedy’s special assistant for national security affairs, McGeorge Bundy. Included are memos, cables (telegrams), intelligence reports, correspondence, and special studies. Arranged chronologically within each “Country File”. Includes subject and author index. The Lyndon B. Johnson national security files, U.S.S.R. and Eastern Europe: national security files, 1963-1969. Permanent Reserve E 846 .L85 Working files of Lyndon B. Johnson’s special assistants for national security affairs, McGeorge Bundy and Walt W. Rostow. See previous entry for details. The Origins of the Cold War 1,500 documents that cover Russian-American Relations from 1893-1949. Permanent Reserve E 744 O74 Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States J 80 A283 Official compilation of presidents’ public messages, speeches, and statements. The Rise and Fall of Senator Joseph R. McCarthy Permanent Reserve E 748 M143 R58 Documentary collection that spans the early months of McCarthy’s first term in the Senate in 1947 to Senate condemnation in 1954. ELECTRONIC RESOURCES & PRINT INDEXES America: History and Life 1964 to Present Covers the history and culture of the United States and Canada from prehistoric times to the present. Includes article abstracts and citations to reviews and dissertations. Expanded Academic ASAP 1980 to Present Citations, with 50% full-text, to scholarly and general publications. FirstSearch Collection of 49 databases, including EconLit, PAIS International, and WorldCat. Historical Abstracts 1954 to Present Article abstracts and citations to books and dissertations on the history of the world (except US and Canada) from 1450 to present. History Resource Center: U.S 1985 to Present The History Resource Center: U.S. is an integrated collection of primary documents, secondary reference sources and journal articles covering all areas of U.S. history. JSTOR Contains archive images of approximately 300 searchable scholarly journals in various disciplines (current issues not available). LexisNexis Academic Mostly full-text news, business and law databases. Many US, international newspapers included. Note: New York Times, Washington Post, Official Kremlin International News Broadcasts, The Current Digest of the Post-Soviet Press, and The Current Digest of the Soviet Press. New York Times-Historical 1851 to 2 years ago Offers full page and article images with searchable full text back to the first issue. The collection includes digital reproductions providing access to every page from every available issue. Project Muse Over 200 full-text journal titles from various scholarly publishers. Reader’s Guide to Periodical Literature 1900 to Present Social Sciences FullText 1983 to Present Ref AI 3 R48 (Lowshelving) Covers the latest concepts, trends, opinions, theories, and methods from both applied and theoretical aspects of the social sciences, including the literature of anthropology, economics, geography, law and criminology, political science, social work, and sociology. WEBSITES (DOCUMENTS) Cold War International History Project (CWIHP) http://cwihp.si.edu/default.htm This project, begun in 1991, supports the release & dissemination of Cold War archival material. Search the “Virtual Archives” or Select “Virtual Archive,” directly under the search box, to browse subjects. Excellent primary source material. Cold War Science & Technology Studies Program http://www.cmu.edu/coldwar/index.htm Strongest feature of this site is its extensive list of Cold War bibliographies. National Security Archive http://www.gwu.edu/~nsarchiv/ The National Security Archive(NSA), an independent, nonprofit research organization, seeks to obtain, collect, & disseminate U.S. government documents obtained through use of the Freedom of Information Act. Click on Electronic Briefing Books as one access point. The Parallel history project on NATO and the Warsaw Pact http://www.isn.ethz.ch/php This site seeks to collect documents from the U.S. & its NATO partners as well as the former Soviet Union & its partners. CSM 10/04