School of Social Ecology & Program in Public Health 2010

School of Social Ecology & Program in Public Health
2010-2011 Transfer Orientation
Congratulations and welcome to the School of Social Ecology! We are excited that you will be joining us
as a student this upcoming fall. The next step is to attend Orientation. Attending is mandatory – we
cover important degree requirements and then you register for Fall Quarter classes . Bring transcripts
so we can help you decide what classes you need. Again, attending an Orientation Session is
mandatory to enroll in Fall Quarter classes.
Transfer Orientation Sessions
Submit final (official) copies of your transcripts to the UCI Admissions Office as soon as possible. IGETC
(Intersegmental General Education Transfer Curriculum) must be completed before classes begin in the
fall. You are subject to UCI General Education if IGETC is not complete prior to matriculation at UCI.
Please be on time to your advising session as space is limited and rescheduling may not be possible. All
sessions are held in Social Ecology Building I in the Computer Lab.
The dates/times for Transfer Advising Sessions for all majors (this includes Public Health) in Social
Ecology are:
Monday, June 21
p.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Here is a link to a map and directions to UCI:
Tuesday, June 22
9 a.m. – 12 noon
Wednesday, June 23
Park in SSPS. Give yourself about 20 minutes to
2 p.m. – 5 p.m.
find parking and walk over to SE I. Be on time –
Thursday, June 24
we go over a lot of information at the beginning,
1:30 p.m. – 4:30 p.m.
so you will have to reschedule for another
session if you are late.
Friday, June 25
* A Transfer Success Program is offered on the
1 p.m. – 4 p.m.
starred dates to the right. Transfer Success is a
Monday, June 28
program held by the University as a whole that
1:30 p.m. – 4:30 p.m.
assists in educating transfer students on campus
Tuesday, June 29
resources. It does not include academic
1p.m. – 4 p.m.
advising, which is why we have an orientation
Thursday, July 1
session right after Transfer Success on Sessions
1:30 p.m. – 4:30 p.m.
6 and 9. To register for Transfer Success, visit
Friday, July 9
their website at
1:30a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Monday, July 12
9 a.m.-12 noon
+ Public Health majors are encouraged to
Tuesday, July 13
attend sessions marked with a +.
9a.m.-12 noon
Monday, July 19
Sign up for an Orientation Session
Continue to check back with us as online sign-ups will be available soon. Sign up at least 24 business
hours prior to your session.
Things you need for your session...
1. Activate your UCI Net ID prior to attending the session. You can activate it online: This is very important! Your UCI Net ID needs to be
activated in order to register for classes. Also, you might notice that we have placed a hold on your
records. (You may have seen this if you have activated your UCI NetID and logged into WebReg - the
UCI class registration system.) Please don't worry about this. It is being used as a tool to help us
allow you to register when we see you for advising.
2. Money - for parking ($7.00 for an all day parking permit). Purchase an all-day parking permit at
the kiosk in the Social Science Parking Structure off Campus Dr. and Stanford.
3. College transcripts - transfer students are required to bring a copy of any transcripts
(unofficial is fine) in case we have not received copies from the UCI Admissions Office.
4. Pen and paper - to take notes.
5. 2010-2011 UCI Course Catalogue (strongly recommended) - you may purchase a copy of the UCI
General Catalogue at the UCI Bookstore.
6. Take Placement Tests at Testing Center (This is specifically for Public Health majors):
As a public health major, it is important that you make sure you take the placement test for Calculus if you
have not already completed this course via AP course credit or at a community college. Public Health
Science majors will also need to take the Chemistry placement test, unless you completed the series at
a community college. Visit UCI’s placement testing website: If you can, try to take these tests before
your advising session so you will be able to register correctly. The testing center offers specific tests on
certain days so please make sure to plan early.
Things to do in preparation for Fall Quarter...
1. Get your picture taken for your UCI ID Card at UCI ITEMS (Student Center).
2. Purchase your 2010-2011 UCI General Catalogue at the UCI Bookstore. Take time to review the
Catalogue; it has official UCI policies and information about specific degree requirements. It also has a
section called “Information for Admitted Students,” which is helpful.
3. Purchase your UCI parking permit if you will be commuting to UCI and parking in any campus
lots. You can buy it online at
4. Take a Campus Tour or walk through campus to familiarize yourself with building/room locations.
Good luck! We look forward to meeting you.
Best Wishes,
Office of Student Services, School of Social Ecology