Varicose Veins - The Rockland Vein Center

Easy, Simple,
Varicose Veins
Rockland County
5A Medical Park Drive
Pomona, NY
845 362-0075
Orange County
70 Hatfield Lane, Suite 202
Goshen, NY
845 291-3656
You Want
Veins Gone
Without Surgery,
Pain or Scarring.
How do we get rid of those veins?
The good news is
we have the answer for you...
It’s as simple,
easy and painless
as a flu shot
and there is
NO surgery
at all!
With a simple in-office injection therapy using tiny needles called Sclerotherapy, that’s completely
non-surgical. We just inject an FDA approved medication (sclerosant) solution into the spider
vein in order to cause its disappearance. Most patients find there’s hardly any discomfort. And
you can relax because no surgical incisions are made and anesthesia is not necessary.
So, what are Varicose Veins?
Varicose Veins are swollen and twisted veins that are
visible just under the surface of the skin. They appear
most commonly in the legs, but also can develop in
other parts of the body.Varicose veins usually don’t
cause major medical problems. They require treatment
for pain, skin problems, blood clots, or other complications. People may choose to have cosmetic treatment
to improve the appearance of varicose veins.
Spider Veins are a smaller type of varicose vein.
Spider veins are commonly found on the legs and face,
and they usually resemble a spider web or tree branch
in shape. They can be red or blue. Spider veins are
usually not a medical concern.
Reticular Veins are flat blue veins commonly seen
behind the knees or on the thighs. They are typically
larger than spider veins. Spider veins arise from
reticular veins. Reticular veins need to be
eradicated in order to have a good result from
spider vein treatment.
How successful is
It’s incredible! After a treatment
session that lasts approximately
30 minutes, most patients notice
a 50-90% improvement in the
appearance and symptoms within
a few short weeks. Then, we can
determine if any additional
therapy is needed.
To get started, call today!
Rockland 362-0075
Orange 291-3656
Spider veins are challenging
to eradicate. Results may
vary. Be realistic with
your expectations.
Spider Veins
Varicose Veins
After Treatment
You Want
Veins Gone
Without Surgery,
Pain or Scarring.
How successful is
It’s incredible! After a treatment
session that lasts approximately
30 minutes, most patients notice
a 50-90% improvement in the
appearance and symptoms within
a few short weeks. Then, we can
determine if any additional
therapy is needed.
How do we get rid of those veins?
With a simple in-office injection therapy using tiny needles called Sclerotherapy, that’s completely
non-surgical. We just inject an FDA approved medication (sclerosant) solution into the spider
vein in order to cause its disappearance. Most patients find there’s hardly any discomfort. And
you can relax because no surgical incisions are made and anesthesia is not necessary.
To get started, call today!
Rockland 362-0075
Orange 291-3656
So, what are Varicose Veins?
Spider veins are challenging
to eradicate. Results may
vary. Be realistic with
your expectations.
Varicose Veins are swollen and twisted veins that are
visible just under the surface of the skin. They appear
most commonly in the legs, but also can develop in
other parts of the body.Varicose veins usually don’t
cause major medical problems. They require treatment
for pain, skin problems, blood clots, or other complications. People may choose to have cosmetic treatment
to improve the appearance of varicose veins.
Spider Veins are a smaller type of varicose vein.
Spider veins are commonly found on the legs and face,
and they usually resemble a spider web or tree branch
in shape. They can be red or blue. Spider veins are
usually not a medical concern.
Reticular Veins are flat blue veins commonly seen
behind the knees or on the thighs. They are typically
larger than spider veins. Spider veins arise from
reticular veins. Reticular veins need to be
eradicated in order to have a good result from
spider vein treatment.
Spider Veins
Varicose Veins
After Treatment
Sclerotherapy should not be done if you...
• Are pregnant or nursing. It is not known if the chemical (sclerosant)
causes birth defects or problems with breast milk. • Have a history of
allergy to sclerosant or similar substances. • Have blood clots or
inflammation in the deep leg veins (deep vein thrombosis).
Pre-treatment instructions
• Arrive at least 15 minutes before your scheduled appointment.
• Bring a pair of shorts to wear during the treatment session.
• No aspirin, Ibuprofen or arthritis medications for at least 48
hours before treatment.
• On the day of the procedure, please do not use any creams,
lotions or oils on the skin.
• Please do not shave your legs on the day of or the night before
your sclerotherapy treatment.
• If you need to cancel a session, please call the Rockland Vein
Center Scheduler at (845) 362-5200 as soon as possible or at
least 24 hours before your appointment. If you are late for a
session, it may have to be rescheduled.
• Please notify us if you think you are pregnant.
Are there any possible side effects
to Sclerotherapy?
Sclerotherapy is a remarkably safe technique. Complications can and do
occur. Below is a list of the most common as well as the most
serious complications.
• Burning, stinging, itching at the injection sites and/or muscle cramps
usually go away within 15-30 minutes. Swelling of the injection sites or
of the feet or ankles may occur. This generally resolves in a few days.
• Increased pigmentation (browning) may occur as a treated vein dissolves. This is due to iron deposits in the skin. This usually fades over a
period of time. However, this discoloration may remain permanent in a
small percentage of cases. • “Matting” is an overgrowth of fine caliber
red veins near the areas of injection. This may occur in up to 30% of patients, most go away with time or with further sclerotherapy.
• Formation of small ulcers, usually due to leakage of the chemical solution into the skin.This is rare and they heal with time, but will likely leave
a scar. • Bruising is common and usually fades away within a week or two.
• Allergic reactions are very uncommon and usually self-limited. Rarely,
they can cause serious reactions. • Inflamed vein. This may be treated
with anti-inflammatory medication like Ibuprofen, walking and compression stockings. • Tender, firm bumps - “trapped blood”. These are areas
of treated veins that have closed like a “chain of pearls”. Draining the
contents helps to seal the vein shut and may reduce the chance for
brown discoloration. This is called “de-clotting”.
70 Hatfield Lane, Suite 202
5A Medical Park Drive
Goshen, NY
Pomona, NY
845 291-3656
845 362-0075