LL OG G KE U ALO ALL LAS UEN AV G OG IL L AV KE LL AV CH DG E UR AV ON YS NN AV AV A AD AV ON NC TA RI RI A NT AV AV ID RE AN AN T NO ER 00 SH 26 25 A NI OR 00 27 LIF 1 CA Electric Vehicle Charging Stations 7 77 Service and Delivery Only 85 5 Loading Zone MI LL RD Truck Route 90 1 AV E IA OR N CA LIF 00 24 PA GE Inset 2 97 Vehicle Exclusion Zone 5 No Parking Zone 65 0 75 5 For more information on designated cart routes, cart R 83 A parking, and other details related to 8pedestrian zone 5 M 45 OS access, please refer to the Pedestrian 92 Zone Access W 5 95 Y Protocol and Map: transportation.stanford.edu/pedzone 0 Online Parking and Transportation Related Maps transportation.stanford.edu/maps 97 University Telephone Operator5 650.723.2300 25 -31 Map revised September 2015 by Maps & Records and Parking & Transportation Services. COPYRIGHT © Board of H Trustees of Stanford University. AN Reproduction only with permission of the of Maps and Records. SOffice EN All Rights Reserved. W 10 Y 10 01 50 5 5 26 0 55 AV DA VA NE JA CA RA ER ND MA A N LN AV SH 00 MI GR 70 24 AV CA Gate /60Pneumatic Bollard / Restricted Access AV E LL EG E CO 50 24 RD ED 16 EL Pedestrian Zone / RestrictedALVehicular Access ST 51 AV 650.328.7851 M 14 E Gas Station E 15 EG LL CO C NE AMB R W MA IDG E YF AV IE LD LN ON Car-Sharing Vehicle AS CTtransportation.stanford.edu/zipcar H S T AV ST 14 AV RD 650.833.8060 NT RD AN FO LN E SS RO HE E FO AN ST Car Rental AU LN FA RM RU NN IN G PIN EH ILL CT AM AL RD ND LA LE AV OR D ST Construction 50 5 K SA N AV E DO CO RO NA RE S DO 13 R CHphone) Emergency: 9-1-1 (9-9-1-1 from a campus ST www.cityofpaloalto.org/fire Athletic Fields LO M FE SANTA 12 BI Fire Department OL WILB UR W Y LN LL WE CO ONA RD Emergency: 9-1-1 (9-9-1-1 from a campus phone) police.stanford.edu OX F CAM ARGUELLO MAL L ST GER Police Department Scale = Distance in Miles L 0 1/8 1/4 11 SE SA AV E AV RK CT HVisitor Center ST 650.723.2560 ES AST DR E PUS ALL EZ M GALV IN 10 WE Permit Parking Lot Number AS RN LAS T NA S DUE R LO M ITA D LOM ITA CT L- # BA WY UEN MAL ARG UEL LO L SEQU OIA W Y Y RIS W EL MO R SAMU RO BL ED R CAMPUS DR WEST RD KS N O LIN PA ST VEZ GAL L MAL ITA LOM GOVERNOR'S AVE O LN D W R SAN J U SJ Permit FO UEN LAS AXIS NOR TH-S OUT H VIA P ALO U ORT EGA A VI EST DR W AVE PUS CAM AL OLES RE ARB O LOS IN LN D M S TR CA PA M ON EL PA H RM TE 9 ES Permit Disability Parking H S Any Tstate-issued disability parking placard or plate is PA RKcommuter, residential, considered valid in any disabled, BL service vehicle, metered or visitor parking space. VD Payment and observation of time limits is required in some locations as posted. For more information, please refer to: transportation.stanford.edu/ada H JEN KINS CT FA BO R F. S. O 8 D A AV E A IR SO Permit RC J RE C 7 SH Permit OX L EM AV AL M FR V LA N BI I HI RS NE 6 EA Permit Many lots are signed only at the entrance. In "shared" lots (e.g., those posted "EA or C") you may park with either permit designated. G AY LA D RA VA AL 5 S AN 4 IE AT LV LP SA VA 3 EY 2 D LV 1 COOKS LN AB RR SE See reverse side for building and street index MAP PART # D223957719 F ST W RO IPE UN LANE L T EA LN LANE IT A L OM J y swa res Mill xp ge ll E Pa hi ia Map effective 2/25/2016 O O DR OR NN O O’C CAPISTRANO WY J K A (unless otherwise posted) 24 hours, 7 days S INSET2 TA MI LO LS S ST I RT NE PU A H Z Permit AV Serra TE GALVE Z ST LO W EL L AV CO LE RI CH Mariposa PO Cobb Track & Angell Field M AM PAN G TE MAL L AV LE EL VI L M ST LASUEN DUE NA S T AV E CH UR CH ILL L AL M L AL M Stanford Athletics Shop CA F N ITA M LO M PAL M DR M DR PAL R MD PAL ST Masters Grove C Permit AL Resident MParking N A RL A NO BIT CO Bing Concert Hall Hammer Throw A Permit MuwekmaNeukom Tah-Ruk AV BuildingE Storey E Sigma Columbae NT Owen Chi MO A Mars Drell IR M ON O’ C WY 6am - 4pm, M-F (unless otherwise posted) ES EUM Rogers AV MUS Maloney Laird Q. Field L-97 Cagan Varsity Stadium Lot D V LE Braun Music JA A Center V William H. NO L-95 Ticket Office M RO Roth Way Garage McMurtry Building Rodin ROT HW Sculpture Y Lorry Garden Lokey Labs Keck Science Mudd Organic Chemistry Chemistry Stauffer I M SA IL Ueland Field O CD NE LSO NR AD L-9 L-96 Galvez Lot M Cantor Arts Center LL IM South Bike route to HI PAC 12 Palo Alto/Bryant St. Shing Fairchild SOM Stock Farm MAYChurch Bud Klein FIELillDAve. RC Steuber Plaza Clubhouse Loading Lorry Lokey AVE U Center Center L Garage Rugby L-16 H Dock Stem Cell L Chuck C Paloma A Visitor Stadium Klein Field Avery L-15 Taylor Research M Frost R Mirlo 1700 James H. OTH HFD D Restricted Center Grove Building at Sunken Plaza L Doyle Family Alondra WY AV Amphitheater 1742 Clark Area Music (SIM1) NA IA Rugby Clubhouse Diamond Center Avery 1766 DO Rehearsal UO Boyd & Jill Smith C Q Arrillaga M Taube Facility Aquatic Bio Family Stadium Stauffer II Old L-20 SE Johnson M Family Quad Center STOCK FA Alumni Chemistry Field SA L-17 Koret CorduraBirchOak Poplar N SLoading Tennis Varsity Field Automotive RM RD Laurel Center VC R Dock Building Plaza Hall Nora Stadium D Athletics Hockey Turf Juniper Innovation Children's D Gates Littlefield Suppes Ventura Acacia Softball R Center Facility Paul Allen Ctr. Computer Storage Stanford Dan Elliott Under Arrillaga Field L-21 of the Center Arrillaga Gilbert Herrin for Integ. Sys. Science 228 Hall Hall LVD Auxiliary House Buildings L Construction Knight Stanford Practice Field Family L Environmental ESF Labs KB Biological Annex Center for Library A Wadsworth Community Stanford Field Building Sports Ctr Y M PAR Safety Annex Conservation Sciences Herrin The Oval (CCSC) (SAL) Sports and Sand Paul G. MEM Price David Siebel Field Pine Facility L-19 Volleyball L-99 Stanford Dining, ER ORIA Facility Recreation Taube Allen Hall Packard William R. Hall Jordan Maples Stadium L WY AV Hospitality Bleeker SERRA ST Building Quad Elect. Lathrop South & Aux. Pavilion 340 Montag Ford Hewlett Serra SERRA Parking & Puichon Acorn Redwood Cedar Eng. Biology Library MAL Shriram Center Hall Plaza VIA Teaching Grove House Polya Hall Hall Barnes Arrillaga Transportation L Sand PUE Gunn Bioengineering & 79 Greenhouses L-83 Siebel Varsity Hall B Center 82 L Sequoia Gymnasium Services Spruce O Mulberry Chemical Engineering Spilker Carnegie 78 Volleyball Memorial (SIEPR) LBRE Ford Credit Golf Training Hall 81 House and Weight Zambrano Hall SEAR 83 Engineering Margaret Math Hall & Aud. Forsythe Cypress Institution CEMEX Bass Corp. Yard Union Center Hall/NorthAuditorium SVIL SEQ Complex Room and Applied Varian Hall Corner Jordan Jacks Center Landau Hall Bldg LE R 80 77 Courtyard McClatchy (420) 84 Oberndorf Physics Sciences Faculty (460) (380) D Central Economics G 327 315 Gunn Event Center Burnham Olmsted Road N (120) Wallenberg Dohrmann Building SEAR Physics and Building HU 85 DI Energy Y2E2 SVILL L-93 Via Ortega LM Astrophysics Pavilion Staff Housing Jen-Hsun Memorial (160) History SI Graduate School West E RD Grove L-22 E C 86 76 EAST RD 90 Garage Facility R 341 333 100 110 Court 71 I -WES Business; of Huang T D Corner L-87 89 370 90 T 70 Art Gallery 170 Knight Management NA Moore AXIS 72 TE 91 Engineering Ctr. (200) Y O Lou Henry W S 1 Center T Faculty B Materials 88 H S SV TH Recycling KNIG Under 10 75 McClelland LM Hoover Bldg. C RD Rsrch. MBA Building Knight OB 92 O Center Construction Hoover Building Class of 1968 Main Quad 73 East Management 360 80 L-25 Hulme 69 68 McCullough 97 URN 93 Tower Herbert (see INSET 2 20 240 Fire SERBuilding Patterson Center Garage L-81 98 C HEPL Bambi T R Gas Dept. A ST Building at upper right) 70 Hoover CRO Encina Hall Skilling 67 Barnes South Green 99 THE Station Police Geology 64 96 Mem. Bldg. 60 Bing R 94 Hall, Highland GSB SW Arrillaga Outdoor O’Donohue Family 65 Corner Earth Durand Y Stanford Under 50 40 30 250 Dept. AB Wing Education Memorial 66 Encina 100 55 Construction Stanford Educational Farm Mitchell (320) Tower Sciences 106 R Green SAN SK 310 Golf Course 101 AM and Recreation ELE 95 Church Earth TA T Commons SC PAN Schwab 105 INS CT Library East CTIO ERE AMA Sciences Peterson ESC Roble Field Garage, Center Language Abrams T MAL Residential Schiff SA L O NEE Hoskins 107 104 54 School of Koret Wing Under Construction L 58 (550) 530NDIDO M 300 Corner N RR Freshman-Sophomore Center Crothers 56 1 Manzanita d.school (260) Terman 62 ALL 53 D Roble Gym Education Park Q 57 College Vidalakis 103 U ILLE Hall Crothers Toyon L-79 Dining 108 Galvez Field Adams M Renovation Site N Gardner John C 540 520 CF Robinson Clock T 59 52 Humanities Modular Crothers Memorial Gibbons DU D L E AR 500 Tower Courtyard YA 61 McFarland Sterling Quad EAST Hall Housing Lagunita New Theme Residence Lyman Y LA Dining SAN Mech.560 Crothers Grove LE Assignments (Treat) Residence - West, L ND Studio 4 60 Quillen 111 TA T Meyer Lantana Graduate Ricker Potter HFD Mark Taper Arrillaga Eng. 570 Branner Manzanita Barnum Stanford CTR Thornton 49 CT Under Construction ST Family E Dining R Escondido Dining Admin. Center 50 Res. Lab ESA Center Residences 112 Green Daily Commons Hall Center 110 Dining New L-29 Lagunita Governor’s Adelfa Studio 3 HFD West Campus S Lyman Press (MERL) 610 T Village 590 Manzanita Residence - East Commons Naranja Branner Eucalipto Murray Commons / Old Bldg. Corner Sweet Tennis Courts 36 120 HFD Park Lantana Under Windhover 35 Larkin 113 Studio 6 Bollard Castaño Fire Construction Granada Lagunita Papua 115 Red 118 North Twain Union Commons Truck Hall Marx W Beefeaters 3 New L-75 Hse. L-77 Kimball Canfield Studio 34 114 ILL Court Ujamaa A L-31 Middle Larkin L-37 Anderson Yost Stanford Barn North Guinea Hall Castaño IA 2 121 Guest LANE L Lakeside West 39 Studio 5 Clubhouse Bookstore Court 117 Sculpture Black Stanford Avanti Earth MS Equestrian 33 Little Arguello E Humanities Twain Jenkins Cottages Dining Ujamaa B Miller Garden SCO Community HFD 38 G Roble A White CERAS 7 Center Dining East Stable OVER NDID ST Services 42 116 155 Brick Center NG Park Post 122 32 Trancos L-27 NOR'S Griffin O Center 123 124 Elliott Lieberman Soto Plaza LA HallRoble Stern R L-33 EL Barn 31 D Stable HFD AVE 41 Tresidder Office Harmony Blackwelder Package NE Kennedy Arroyo Program L SOUT 16 BLAC House CT 40 L Ctr 4 H Grove Donner HallBurbank Union Dinkelspiel KWE 17 125 HFD Admin. Center Law School 3 LDE Auditorium Cedro Faculty 15 RC Kingscote Serra Casa Wilbur Hall W 18 30 T Kennedy Graduate Braun Music William H. L-63 Gardens Club EL BOW Zapata Housing Rinconada Dining WY DOIN Center Neukom Residences Maint. LE 19 28 29 LAGUNITA DR CO TT 2 3 L Graduate Covered N O Annex MuwekmaHastorf SL Otero Golf Rosse Building BB Rogers Junipero R Community 1 A Riding Tah-Ruk EY L-71 Kennedy ES Munger NE N Golf L-35 Driving Brest Bechtel Center A Housing R 27 Commons CI Ring 1 Okada CO 20 ST Wilbur Field L TH Mirrielees Hall Graduate Storey Driving International Mariposa L-39 4 A L Maint. HFD Range N ND Center 127 CK 160 21 Garage S 26 Rehnquist Residence Center Columbae Range O Graduate T C OMST 130 ID Studio 1 128 Courtyard Serra Package Ctr Facility Sigma O Village PR 129 131 Owen Jacobson- Student 2 HFD 25 R L-62 Chi Center Escondido 132 To Sorensen Services IN D Rainbow Escondite MAYFIELD AV Mars 238 237 202 CE Int 579 Drell HFD 133 142 South Cottage 23 24 E Building School Lagunita ers TO 235 135 134 143 201 Pepper 141 Mirlo Paloma Haas 236 L-53 22 136 N 233 or via Al tate HFD Alondra 144 Tree Center Buttery 234 ST San pin 28 Xanadu Sigma O 137 576 House Fairclough Florence Moore Levin BE Hacienda Nu Koret 232 Bailey Commons dH eR 0 Bing 229 Vaden Delta La Casa Loro L-69 138 228 Pavilion RL Hall Cardenal Tower L-59 ill R d Lake Golf HFD Italiana Nursery House Health Field Delta Bolivar 207 IN Timoshenko 140 Dining Hillel-Ziff Pi Gould d 227 House (Robert L-41 Pro Shop House School ST Center 139 Delta Gavilan Beta 206 Faisan Center 226 225 Moore N) Center Lathrop JUN D Phi HA 223 Hammarskjöld 224 L-61 Gate House 209 BOB L-40 IPE L-43 R 221 RV L-65 PL Cowell RO (Robert LL 222 208 Terra E A Golf 211 SER AL Moore S) CH RD Houses ZAP Escondido 220 RA MIT Clubhouse 218 TA 210 L-67 Lasuen ST Student Willis CE BLV L-42 Elementary The RD Theta AR Pearce HFD 670 672 Jerry D 216 PE Housing School ST Knoll H 217 Rains Breer L-44 Delta Mitchell 214 Mgmt. Kappa Bik AN Z Houses Chi Library E O Alpha H er M Houses 215 30 Alta Road 212 L-51 Phi YN 680 To A Kappa L-46 Theta Bo anov oute VER Sig 213 Grove YF Int O l P er to Alpha TA ST Kappa N W IE ark St ers To F L Artist's L-45 Stanford A Sigma Kairos CO AN S Pa ./ tat oo Stanford Phi LD Center for Studio Community NS Narnia NCISCO CT t t 1047 E A h e Kappa Advanced T Golf Course Recreation Enchanted 28 AN Psi B FR A SA Study in the VI Association Broccoli 0v NJ ZO La MaisonVE ST R Behavioral L-47 Forest (SCRA) UA RA DA Française A NS L-49 Sciences CO ST Haus RT T T AR ST Synergy Observatory LU EAS MO R Mitteleuropa D A D MB Latest version: R IS CAMPUS UT Gardiner Apts. L IA O Roth PINE HIL H Durand transportation.stanford.edu/maps ST S Lathrop ST T C BO Barn AB W R T S D I Y L OI Carnegie Slavianskii Dom LO O N AW Foundation Lou Henry AV AD ST AD EL ESCARP LAN Hoover House E 717 E SP 1704 ST VI AP UA Anderson Collection R RRY WEST DR CAPISTRANO WY QUA CA MP U ENS ION EXT DR S ITA D AV E KAPLAN Lasuen Grove RS TE AS M WELCH RD Q RD QU AR RY DR PALM UR EL DR LA AY Cactus Garden LOM AV E HA M ILT ON AV E HA R DL N AV E TO N LY T Y OR C LAU R BA Y T EV ER ET UN RD QU AR RY G CT DL E AV Mausoleum AL L-18 Angel of Grief RE D RD O KR OA M 16 William R. Sheraton Hewlett Serra SER Hotel VIA RA M Shriram Center PUE Teaching Grove D ALL BLO Bioengineering & OR Center Sequoia W DER Chemical Engineering H Westin EB Spilker RCA IG EM A V B Hotel A ST M Hall H R A Margaret E Math ing E E Engineer E M AV ER S O S R Jordan L H Varian Jacks Corner SEQ SO and AppliedT WEL ST MAP McClatchy (420) Physics C (460) N A (380) PARKING AND CIRCULATION Sciences Courtyard O LM S (120) Wallenberg W Palo Physics Tand A PE Alto S 2015-16 Memorial (160) History Astrophysics Grove R Medical Y2E2 Jen-Hsun T EAST 100 110 Court ST -WES Foundation 370 90 Huang Parking & Transportation Services T AXIS 170 Corner Moore (200) Engineering Materials Parking permit sales, 7:30am - 5pm (M-F) 1 E 10 V A transportation.stanford.edu Rsrch. INA 360 80 Main Quad ENC 650.723.9362 McCullough 240 Town B 20 and Time Limit Parking 20 Minutes 70 Green Country 6am - 4pm, M-F (unless otherwise posted) Skilling Geology Earth Village 60 Bing Sciences Durand Corner 50 40 30 250 W Visitor Pay Parking Wing (320) AV Godzilla 310 Memorial Mitchell 8am - 4pm, M-F (unless RD ER otherwise posted) S 101 Earth To U CADERO Church E LE limits may apply. S , or hour time Language R CON A Arboretum B Sciences M AR Y E DIDO School Peterson Corner Payment options may vary. Koret Grove ST BO 300 M 530 of A (550) (260) L RE Palo Alto For more information, please refer to: L Park PAN d.school Education TU ST AMA High School transportation.stanford.edu/parking_info/VisitorParking Z M 540 Clock C MAL VE 520 L RD BR Bus 500 Tower L 560 Reserved P&TS Authorized GA Mech. Parking YAN On-Street Bus Parking CTR 570 Barnum Eng. T Stanford 24 hours, 7 days 24 hours, 7 days Eucalyptus ST Res. Lab Center Daily Grove Ticket 590 610 (MERL) Motorcycle Parking Canfield Booth Old 6am - 4pm, M-F (unless otherwise posted) Stanford Court El Camino Fire Union Grove Stadium Truck Event Parking Toyon Hse. Clubhouse Bookstore ourt Event Permit Grove New L-96 Galvez Lot D Reserved event parking 6am - 4pm, M-F Guinea White Tresidder M Foster Post Visitor pay parking in (unless otherwise posted) A Grdn Field RI Union Plaza Office non-reserved spaces P Kennedy Stanford OS Law C RD DinkelspielAS Stadium Grove A LD Stadium Commuter Parking Skybox A School NA Auditorium T Fieldhouse IN SA Boswell Scully D C E FG H Ctr. for School of B Health Redwood Clinical Edwards Sciences A Research Hagey Lane Medicine Research & Policy (CCSR) Alway Med School Pediatric Beckman Li Ka Office Bldg. Regenerative Med Center TU O 15 M A 14 CA ND HI Central Process Steam Plant SHCLPCH Steam Plant RE The Oval ST ST EL LL 1610 RD Northwest Data Center Stanford Athletics Sand Hill Fields and Comm. Hub Emergency Pasteur L-7 PAS Visitor TEU A R DR PAGarage STE UR D R Stanford Lucas Center Clinic (MSLS) Grant A 13 AL 1400 1470 1520 1560 Oak Creek Apartments 1618 B 1380 12 RE 1510 1300 1450 WILBUR DR OA K BO Psychiatry L-3 E AK BL L AR L-2 Y W OAK C Y W B K DR REE Y W D E Y Y ER SH W W R O BA Arboretum Children's Center Bank of America Container Store CCLC @ Stanford West 19 10 6 3 VIN 20 WY EYA RD 21 IAN 14 9 770 2 LN 5 R 750 A 18 730 V 13 4 8 780 Johnson Pediatric 17Stanford C. J. Huang Ambulatory 700 7 Building LCH RD Care Center Stanford West 12 800 24 WE Barn Freidenrich Center Apartments 11 777 for Translational 16 27 Research 15 23 801 Lucile 22 900 33 26 Packard 34 WY ASC Children’s 25 K Lucile 29 Hospital, Advanced 35 LAR Under Medicine Packard C 31 1000 Center 28 Construction 900 Children's 1120 Cancer Center Hospital 1130 30 L-13 Blake Wilbur at Stanford 1100 32 Clinic 1160 1150 Heliport Falk 1170 1180 New Stanford Stanford Center Hospital, Hospital Under Construction N AI AM 1540 RD X AR M Arboretum Children's Center INSET1 DR HI D N SA 1 SW R LL CLARK WY ND RA L-1A LAND DR AR C PL ST CI o et ut rk roo Padge e i l r k Bi en e B M ik B Stanford Shopping Center Nordstrom Crate & Barrel Hoover Pavilion L-1A Garage L-1 N 11LN O Y ST ON BA 10 IN W ST M D M A Vi at Palo Alto ST S LE AR CH Hoover Pavilion Garage L-1 AL N Hoover Pavilion (see INSET 1 at upper left) 9 M Neuroscience Health Center M Sh arg ut ue tle ri St te op SO Neuroscience Hoover Health Center Pavilion R T A ER 8 PE ST TS ON EM EY 7 CA A RD RA M ST CO W RL BR YA N 6 EL OS GH AV MacArthur Park RM Hoover Pavilion TA W AV E Downtown Palo Alto 5 DU B AL HE PA LO RI HI 4 RD RE LN A Palo Alto Train Station & Transit Center O IN AR NT M CA PE Stanford Shopping Center N3 LO PA SA EL A A D RS IT Y OO IV E W 2 L 1 FO RE ST W SA BUILDING GRID 30 Alta Road K-3 Acacia F-5 Acorn House F/G-15/16 Advanced Medicine Center (Cancer Center) C-5/6 Anatomy D/E-7 Anderson Collection D-8 Arboretum Children's Center A-9 (also C-1) Arguello, 425, 427, & 429 (Encina Modular A, B, & C) H-10/11 Arrillaga Alumni Center F-10 Art Gallery G-9 Artist's Studio K-3 Automotive Innovation Facility F-2 Bambi G/H-5/6 Barnum Center H-8/9 Barnes F/G-2/3 Bechtel International Center I/J-7 Beckman Center E-5 Bing Nursery School J-13/14 Bing Concert Hall E-9/10 Bing Wing (Green Library) H-9 Biology Greenhouses F/G-3 Birch F-5 Black Community Services Center I-7 Blake Wilbur Clinic C-5 Buildings 1-370 (See Main Quad) G/H-7/8 Buildings 500-610 H-7/8 Bleeker F-2/3 Bolivar House J-10 Bookstore I-8/9 Braun Music Center I-8 Brick Barn I-1 Cantor Arts Center (Museum) D/E-7/8 Carnegie Foundation L-3 Carnegie Institution F/G-4 Cedar Hall F/G-5 Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences K-4 Center for Clinical Sciences Research (CCSR) G-6 Center for Educational Research at Stanford (CERAS) I-9 Center for Turbulence Research (CTR) H-8 Central Energy Facility G-2 Central Process Steam Plant D-3/4 Children's Center of the Stanford Community (CCSC) F-14 C. J. Huang Building B-5 Clinic, Stanford (Boswell) D/E-6 Clock Tower H-8 Clubhouse I-8 Cordura Hall (CSLI) F-4 Credit Union (also branch in Tresidder Union) G-14 Cypress Hall G-5 David Packard Electrical Engineering F/G-6 Dinkelspiel Auditorium I-8 Drell J-9 Durand (William F) Building G/H-6/7 East Wing (Green Library) H-9 Education, School of H-8/9 Elliott Program Center (HFD) I-4/5 Encina Commons H-10 Encina Hall G/H-10 Environmental Safety Facility and ESF Annex F-1/2 Escondido Village Center: Rainbow School J-14 Escondido Elementary School K-14 Escondite Cottage (HFD) J-14 Faculty Club I-7 Fairchild Center E-6 Falk Center C/D-6 Field Conservation Facility F-2 Fire Department G-13 Fire Truck House H/I-7 Forsythe Hall G-5 Freidenrich Center for Translational Research B-5 Frost Amphitheater E/F-9/10 Galvez Modular: Housing Assignments Office H-9 Gas Station H-12 Gates Computer Science F-6/7 Geology Corner (320) G/H-7, also B-14 Gilbert Biological Sciences F-7 Golf Clubhouse J/K-2 Gould Center J-9 Graduate Community Center I/J-13 Graduate School of Business; Knight Management Center: Bass Center, CEMEX Auditorium, Faculty Building East and West, Gunn Building, MBA Class of 1968 Building, McClelland Building, Oberndorf Event Center, Patterson Building, Zambrano Hall G-11/12 Green Earth Sciences G/H-6 Green Library G-9 Gunn (SIEPR) G-10 Haas Center J-9 Hagey Pediatric Regenerative Med E-4/5 Harmony House I-7 Herrin Hall, Herrin Labs F-7 Health Research & Policy (Redwood) E-4 Hansen Experimental Physics Lab (HEPL South) G/H-6 Hillel-Ziff Center J-9 History Corner (200) G-8/9 Hoover Memorial Building, Herbert G/H-9/10 Hoover House, Lou Henry L-8 Hoover Bldg., Lou Henry G-9/10 Hoover Pavilion B-1 Hoover Tower G-9 Housing Maintenance Center and Annex I-13 James H. Clark Center E/F-6 Jen-Hsun Engineering Center G-6 Johnson Pediatric Ambulatory Care Center B-6 Jordan (420) G-7/8 Jordan Quad F-5 Juniper F-5 Keck Science E-7 Knight Building F-9 Knoll, The (CCRMA) K-7 Koret Pavilion J-9 Lake House J-6 Landau Economics G-10 Language Corner (260) H-8 Lathrop Barn L-3 Lathrop Gate House J-3 Lathrop Library F/G-9 Laurel F-5 Law School I-9 Li Ka Shing Center E-5/6 Littlefield Center F-9 Lorry Lokey Labs E-7 Lorry Lokey Stem Cell Research Building (SIM 1) E-5 Lucas Center (MSLS) D-4/5 Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital at Stanford C-6 Main Quad G/H-7/8 Maples Pavilion F/G-12 Margaret Jacks (460) G-8 Mariposa I/J-7 Math Corner (380) G-7 Mausoleum C-8 McClatchy (120) G-8 McCullough G-7 McMurtry Building E-7 Mechanical Engineering Research Lab (MERL) H-7 Medical School Office Building E-4 Medicine, School of: Alway, Edwards, Grant & Lane D/E-5/6 Memorial Church H-8 Memorial Hall & Auditorium F/G-9/10 Mitchell Earth Sciences H-7 Montag Hall F-10 Moore Materials Research G-7 Mudd Chemistry E-7 Mulberry House G-16 Music Rehearsal Facility E/F-12 Neuroscience Health Center A-8 (also B-1) Nora Suppes Hall F-4 Northwest Data Center and Comm. Hub D/E-3/4 Oak F-5 Observatory K/L-3 O’Donohue Family Stanford Educational Farm G/H-2/3 Old Chemistry Building F-7 Old Union H/I-8 Organic Chemistry E-7 Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery (OHNS) Clinic C-5 Owen J-9 Palo Alto Train Station & Transit Center A-3 Parking & Transportation Services F/G-13 Paul G. Allen Building F-6 Paul Allen Center for Integrated Systems Annex F-6 Pepper Tree House J-14 Peterson (d.school) (550) H-7 Physics and Astrophysics G-7 Pine Hall F-5 Price F-3 Police Department G-13 Polya Hall F/G-5 Poplar F-5 Post Office I-8 Press Building H-7 Psychiatry B-8 Puichon F/G-2 Recycling Center G-13 Red Barn I-2 Redwood Hall F-5 Rogers: The Bridge Peer Counseling Center I-7 Sequoia Hall G-7 Serra (589 Capistrano Way) J-7 SHC-LPCH Steam Plant D-7 Shriram Center Bioengineering & Chemical Engineering E-5 Skilling H/G-7 SOM Loading Dock E-4 Spilker Engineering and Applied Sciences G-6 Spruce Hall G-5 Stanford Athletics Shop E-11 Stanford Auxiliary Library (SAL) F-14 Stanford Barn (700 Welch Road) B-7 Stanford Community Recreation Association (SCRA) K-13 H-8 Stanford Daily F-14 Stanford Dining, Hospitality & Auxiliaries D-6 Stanford Hospital I-7 Stanford Humanities Center E/F-7 Stauffer I & II F-3 Storage Buildings K-11 Student Housing Management J-9 Student Services Building H/I-9 Sweet Hall H-6 Thornton Center J-14 Tower House I-7/8 Tresidder Union J-10/11 Vaden Health Center E-12 Varsity Lot G-7 Varian Physics F-4 Ventura Hall E-11 Visitor Center F-2 Wadsworth G-8 Wallenberg (160) I/J-9 William H. Neukom Building F/G-7 William R. Hewlett Teaching Center H/I-6 Windhover G-5/6 Y2E2 GRID RESIDENCE K-7/8 1047 Campus J-10 576 Alvarado K-7 670 Lomita K-7 680 Lomita L-9/10 717 Dolores H/I-10/11 Arrillaga Family Dining Commons J-8 BOB (Robert Moore South) H/I-11 Branner Hall: Branner, Dining J-8 Columbae Cowell Houses: Delta Delta Delta (DDD), Kappa Alpha J/K-11 Theta (KAQ), Pi Beta Phi (PBF),Terra, ZAP Crothers Hall: Crothers, Crothers Memorial, H-10 Crothers Mark Taper Center (HFD) Durand L-9/10 K-6 Enchanted Broccoli Forest G-16 to I-12 & J-14 Escondido Village: 1-36, 38-125 H-15 Escondido Village: Abrams G/H-15 Escondido Village: Barnes H-14 Escondido Village: Hoskins G-15 Escondido Village: Hulme Escondido Village: Kennedy Graduate Residences: Hastorf, I-13/14 Kennedy Commons, Lieberman, Miller, Rosse H-13/14 Escondido Village: McFarland I-13 Escondido Village: Blackwelder H-12/13 Escondido Village: Quillen H/I-12 Escondido Village: Studio 1 - 2 Escondido Village: Studio 3 - 6 H/I-14/15 J-12/13 Escondido South: 127-144 Florence Moore Hall: Admin (HFD), Alondra, Cardenal, J-7 Faisan, Gavilan, Loro, Mirlo, Paloma L-9 Gardiner Apts. Governor’s Corner, Dining Societies: Avanti, Beefeaters, Bollard, Middle Earth I-3 I-5 Governor's Corner, Guest Cottages Governor's Corner, Independent Houses: Murray, H/I-4 EAST (Treat), Yost Governor’s Corner, Sterling Quad: Potter, Ricker Dining, Robinson Freshman Sophomore College: Adams, Schiff H-3/4 Governor’s Corner, Suites: Anderson, Griffin, Jenkins, Marx H/I-4 Graduate Package Center J-14 Grove K-9 Hammarskjöld J-10 Haus Mitteleuropa K/L-9 Jerry J/K-6 Kairos K-9 Kappa Alpha (KA) K-6 Kappa Alpha Theta (KAQ) K-11 Kappa Sigma (KS) K-8 Kingscote Gardens I-7 Lagunita Court: Admin (HFD), Adelfa, Eucalipto, Granada, Lakeside Dining, Naranja, Ujamaa A & B H/I-5/6 La Casa Italiana (Robert Moore North) J-8 La Maison Française K-9 Lasuen (HFD) K-8/9 Lyman Graduate Residences: Bldg 1, Bldg 3, Lyman Commons H/I-3 Manzanita Park: Castaño, Dining Commons (HFD), Kimball Hall, Lantana, Lantana/Castaño Commons Humanities Theme Residence H/I-11/12 Mars J-8 Mirrielees I/J-12 Munger Graduate Residence: Bldg 1-4, Jacobson-Sorensen Hall (HFD) I/J-9/10 Muwekma-Tah-Ruk I-8 Narnia K-6 Oak Creek Apartments E-1 Olmsted Road Staff Housing G-16 Pearce Mitchell Houses K-9 Phi Kappa Psi (FKY) K-9 Phi Sig K-8 Rains Houses: 201-202, 206-218, 220-229, 232-238, Bailey, Buttery, Fairclough, Hacienda Commons (HFD), Timoshenko, Willis J/K-12/13 Roble Hall I-6 Roth L-9 Schwab Residential Center: Tower, Vidalakis Dining H-11/12 Sigma Chi (SC) J-8 Sigma Nu (SN) J-8/9 Slavianskii Dom L-10 Stanford West Apartments B-4 Stern Hall: Burbank, Casa Zapata, Donner, Dining, Larkin North & West (HFD) Serra, Twain North & South I-9/10 Storey I/J-8 Synergy K/L-8 Theta Delta Chi (QDC) K-8 Toyon Hall H-10/11 Via Ortega Garage G-5 Wilbur Hall: Admin (HFD), Arroyo, Cedro, Dining, Junipero, Okada, Otero, Rinconada, Soto, Trancos I-10/11 Xanadu J-8 OUTDOOR SPACE GRID Angel of Grief B-8/9 Arboretum Grove B/C-11 Arguello Park I-10 Avery Plaza E-12 Cactus Garden C-7/8 Canfield Court I-9 Dohrmann Grove G-9 El Camino Grove C-12/13 Eucalyptus Grove C-10 Ford Plaza F-10/11 Frost Amphitheater F-9/10 Gibbons Grove H-6/7 John Gardner Courtyard H-9 Kennedy Grove I-7 Koret Park H-9 Koret Plaza F-10/11 Lasuen Grove C/D-9 Levin Field J-8 LBRE Corp. Yard G-13 Masters Grove D/E-13/14 Mausoleum C-8 Memorial Court G-8 Meyer Green I-9 Oval, The F-8 PAC 12 Plaza E-12 Papua New Guinea Sculpture Garden I-6 Rehnquist Courtyard J-9 Roble Field H-5 Rodin Sculpture Garden E-7/8 Serra Grove F-7 SEQ Courtyard G-6 Taylor Grove, Chuck E-11/12 Terman Site H-6 Toyon Grove D-10 White Plaza I-8 Wilbur Field (on Wilbur Field Garage) J-10/11 STREET GRID Abrams Court H-16 Alta Road K-3/4 Alvarado Row J-10 to L-12 Amherst Street L-13/14 Angell Court I-14/15 Arboretum Road A-6 to C-11 Arguello Way and Arguello Mall G-10 to J-10 Avery Mall F-11/12 Ayrshire Farm Lane J-12 Barnes Court G-15 Bay Laurel C/D-2 Blackwelder Court I-12/13 C/D-5 Blake Wilbur Drive G-12/13 Bonair Siding I-9/10 Bowdoin Lane J-12 to L-15 Bowdoin Street L-8/9 Cabrillo Avenue K/L-15/16 California Avenue D-9 to H-12 to L-7 to I-3 Campus Drive I/J-7 Capistrano Way B-4 Charles Marx Way D/E-14/15 Churchill Ave E/F-13/14 Churchill Mall A-5 to C-3 Clark Way I-16 to L-14 College Avenue K/L-14/15 Columbia Street I-13 to J-14 Comstock Circle I/J-15/16 Cornell Street L-8 Cooksey Lane L/K-10/11 Coronado Avenue L/K-8/9 Constanzo Street J-10 Cowell Lane H-9/10 Crothers Way K-14 to L-15 Dartmouth Street L-9/10 Dolores Street H/I-15 Dudley Lane H/I-7/8 Dueña Street B-4/5 Durand Way G-7 East-West Axis A-10 to G-16 El Camino Real L-6/7 El Escarpado H-2/3 Electioneer Road B-12 to B-13 Embarcadero Road A/B-12 Encina Ave H-7/8 Escondido Mall I-10 to J-14 Escondido Road L-11 to L-13 Esplanada Way G-2 to I-1 Fremont Road H-9 to I-9 Galvez Mall B-12 to G-10 Galvez Street L-6 Gerona Road G/H-4/5 Governor's Avenue I-3/4 Governor's Avenue South K-14 to L-16 Hanover Street J-15 to K-16 Harvard Street H-13/14 Hoskins Court G-14/15 Hulme Court H/I-13 Jenkins Court J-1 to L/6 Junipero Serra Boulevard D-5 Kaplan Drive G-11 Knight Way I/J-7/8 Lagunita Drive J/K-10 Lane B J/K-10/11 Lane C I-6 Lane L J-8 Lane W F-9 to I-9 Lasuen Mall F-9 to B-10 Lasuen Street J-3 to K-2 Links Road k-6 to J-7 Lomita Court D/E/F-8 & I-5 to K-7 Lomita Drive G-7 Lomita Mall H-3 to G-4 Los Arboles Avenue E-13 Masters Mall J-6 to L-11 Mayfield Avenue H-13 McFarland Court F-9/10 Memorial Way L-8 Mirada Avenue Mosher Way B/C-4 Museum Way E-8/9 Nathan Abbott Way J/I-9 Nelson Mall E-12 to F-13 Nelson Road D/E-11/12 North Service Road F-6/7 North-South Axis E/F-7 O’Connor Lane I/J-8/9 Oak Road E-4 to G-2 Oak Creek Drive D-1 TO D-3 Oberlin Street J-15 to K-16 Olmsted Road H-12 to J-14 Orchard Lane A-7 Palm Drive A-10 to E-8 Palo Road B-2 Pampas Lane F-13 to G-14 Panama Mall H-6/7 Panama Street F-4 to H-5 Park Ave F-16 Park Boulevard F-16 Pasteur Drive D-3 to D-5 Pear Lane A-1 Pearce Mitchell Place J/K-9 Pine Hill Court K-13 Pine Hill Road L-12/13 Princeton Street J/15 to K-16 Quarry Road A-8 to E-6 Quillen Court H-12/13 Roble Drive I-6 Roth Way E-6 to E-9 Rosse Lane J-13 Running Farm Lane J-13 Salvatierra Street J-9 to K-10 Sam McDonald Mall E/F-11/12 Sam McDonald Road D-13 Samuel Morris Way H-6 San Francisco Court K-11/12 San Francisco Terrace K-11 San Juan Street K/L-9/10 Sand Hill Road A-6 to E-1 Santa Fe Avenue L-13 Santa Teresa Lane H-4 Santa Teresa Street H-3 to I-7 Santa Ynez Street L-8 to K-10 Searsville Road G-2 to G-4 Sequoia Way G/H-6 Serra Mall F-6 to G-10 Serra Street G-10 to F-15 South Service Road G-5/6 Stanford Avenue L-13 to H-16 Stock Farm Road E-1 to F-3 Swain Way C-3 Thoburn Court G/H-14 Valparaiso Street K/L-10 Via Ortega G/F-5/6 Via Palou G/F-6 Via Pueblo F-6 to G-7 Vista Lane K/L-3 Vineyard Lane B-6/7 Welch Road B-7 to E-4 Wellesley Street I-16 Wells Ave A-11/12 Wilbur Way J-11 Williams Street I-16 Yale Street H-16 PARKING GARAGES LOCATION Hoover Pavilion Garage A-8/9 (also B/C-1) Knight Management Center Garage G-11/12 Pasteur Visitor Garage A D-4/5 Roth Way Garage D/E-7 Stock Farm Garage E-3 Via Ortega Garage G-5 Wilbur Field Garage I/J-10/11 PERFORMANCE/MEETING VENUE LOCATION Annenberg Auditorium Cummings Art Baldo Chamber Hall Braun Music Center Bishop Auditorium Grad. School of Bus. Braun Rehearsal Hall Braun Music Center Breer Library K-7 Brest Hall J-9 Campbell Recital Hall Braun Music Center CEMEX Auditorium Zambrano Hall/North Bldg Cubberley Auditorium School of Education Dinkelspiel Auditorium Dinkelspiel Auditorium Jordan Hall Bldg. 420, Main Quad Little Theater Memorial Hall Memorial Auditorium Memorial Hall Nitery, The Bldg. 590, Old Union Pigott Theater Memorial Hall Prosser Theater Memorial Hall Skilling Auditorium Skilling Stauffer Auditorium Herbert Hoover Memorial Bldg. Terman Auditorium Bldg. 500 Turing Auditorium Polya Hall SPORT FACILITY GRID Arrillaga Center for Sports and Recreation F-10/11 Arrillaga Family Sports Center F-11 Arrillaga Gymnasium and Weight Room G-12 Arrillaga Outdoor Education and Recreation Center H-5 Avery Aquatic Center F-12 Boyd & Jill Smith Family Stadium (women's softball) E/F-13 Brick Barn I-1 Bud Klein Clubhouse E-12 Burnham Pavilion (basketball, volleyball, wrestling) G-10 Cobb Track & Angell Field E-11 Covered Riding Ring I/J-2 Dan Elliott Practice Fields (football practice) F-12/13 Doyle Family Rugby Clubhouse E/F-14 Ford Center (aerobics, badminton, basketball, gymnastics, martial arts, wrestling) G-10/11 Foster Field D-11/12 Golf Clubhouse J/K-2 Golf Driving Range Facility I/J-3/4 Golf Pro Shop J-2 Hammer Throw E/F-11/12 IM South E/F-14/15 Johnson Field (men and women’s soccer, women’s lacrosse) F-14 Klein Field at Sunken Diamond E-12/13 Laird Q. Cagan Stadium (men and women’s soccer, E/F-11/12 women’s lacrosse) E-13 Little Stable I-2 Maloney Field (men and women’s soccer, women’s lacrosse) D/E-13 Manzanita Field H-12 Maples Pavilion (basketball and women’s volleyball) F/G-12 Red Barn (stables, riding rings) I/J-2 Sand Hill Fields, Stanford Athletics D/E-2/3/4 Sand Volleyball F/G-11 Siebel Field (football) F-12/13 Siebel Varsity Golf Training Complex F/G-1/2 Softball Field House F-13 Stable I-2 Stadium Fieldhouse D/E-12 Stanford Equestrian Center I-1/2 Stanford Golf Course K-1 Stanford Sand Volleyball Stadium F-13 Stanford Stadium (football) C/D-11/12 Stanford Stadium Skybox D-11 Steuber Rugby Stadium E-13/14 Sunken Diamond (baseball) E-12/13 Taube Family Tennis Stadium F-11 Taube South F-11 Ticket Booth C-11 Ticket Office D/E-12 Ueland Field (men and women’s soccer, women’s lacrosse) D/E-13 Varsity Field Hockey Turf F-13 West Campus Tennis Courts H/I-2/3