MATH 110 - Techniques of Calculus I Penn State University Spring Semester 2014 Dr. James Hager Office: 211 McAllister Building Phone: 863 – 8753 email: Office Hours: TTH: 1:00-3:00 and By Appointment Textbook: Applied Calculus for the Managerial, Life, and Social Sciences, 9th Edition, by S.T. Tan, available in textbook, hybrid textbook, or eBook formats. All versions are acceptable for this class. The easiest way to purchase your textbook is to navigate to the website and purchase either the hybrid textbook ($112) with EWA or the e-book ($65). Do not purchase both! You may also go to the PSU bookstore and purchase the printtextbook or eBook. All new 9th edition S. T. Tan textbooks or eBooks come bundled with the WebAssign learning environment. If you choose to purchase a used copy of the textbook, you may purchase the WebAssign learning environment directly from the WebAssign website at an additional cost. The WebAssign materials include: 1) a significant number of homework/exercise problems from the chapters covered during the lectures, 2) instructional videos, and 3) step-by-step tutorials. Access to these materials is granted by the license/key included in your textbook/eBook. Although the completion of WebAssign exercises will not be used directly in the calculation of your grades, students are highly encouraged to explore these materials. Based on the usefulness of these learning aids, a goal during the semester is to integrate some of these materials into the classroom lecture discussions. Course Description TECHNIQUES OF CALCULUS I (4) Functions, graphs, derivatives, integrals, techniques of differentiation and integration, exponentials, improper integrals, applications. Students may take only one course for credit from MATH 110, 140, 140A, and 140B. Prerequisite: MATH 022 or satisfactory performance on the mathematics proficiency examination Course Coverage The goal for the course is to cover Chapters 2-6 from the text. Chapter 1 is considered review material for the students. Each student should confirm that they understand the material in Chapter 1 during the first week of the course. Exams Two evening examinations (midterms) will be given. The dates and times of these exams will be as follows: Examination 1: Monday, March 3, 2013 6:30 - 7:45 pm Examination 2: Tuesday, April 8, 2013 6:30 - 7:45 pm Information on the locations and content of these exams will be distributed at a future date. Conflict/Makeup Exams In addition to the regularly scheduled exam, the math department schedules two additional options: a conflict exam for each of the midterms from 5:05 6:20 on the same night as the regularly scheduled exam and a makeup exam scheduled on an evening different from the regularly scheduled exam night. Students who attend the conflict exam will not be permitted to leave before 6:25. Sign-up sheets for both the conflict exam and the makeup exam will be distributed by your instructor during class. If you need to schedule the conflict exam, you must sign up at least one full week ahead of the scheduled exam date. A valid conflict/makeup reason is required to sign up for either of these exams. NOTE: If you miss an exam without an official excuse (such as illness or official university business), then you may be allowed to take a makeup exam, but with an automatic 25% deduction from the grade. To avoid this deduction, you must notify your lecturer, with your official excuse, before the date and time of the exam. This notification may be performed in person, via e-mail, or by telephone. Final Exam The final examination in the course will be comprehensive. It will be given during the university's final examination week, May 5-9, 2014. Do not make plans to leave the university before the end of this week. Travel plans do not constitute an official university excuse for missing an examination or for obtaining a conflict or makeup examination. Conflicts for the final exam are determined by scheduling - any student with a potential final exam conflict situation should apply online before the final exam conflict application period expires. The math department does not offer a makeup exam option for the final exam. Readiness Test A Readiness Test is posted under your Lessons tab in your Angel Math 110 workspace. Since the purpose of the Readiness Test is to test the basic algebraic skills required to be successful in Math 110, it is critical that everyone take the test during the first week of classes. The results of the Readiness Test will not be used in any way during the calculation of your overall course grade. Students who score poorly on this test should work the Chapter 1 self-assessment exercises also included on Angel and, if still finding difficulty with the preparatory materials, strongly consider taking Math 22 before proceeding with Business Calculus. Minimally, all students should review the basic algebraic concepts covered by the test questions during the first week of the semester in preparation for the related Calculus materials. Chapter 1 of your textbook also provides background materials that may be helpful in preparation for the Calculus concepts discussed in Chapters 2 - 6. In-Class Quizzes Several short quizzes will be given throughout the course of the semester during the recitation class. The quiz questions will be similar to the assigned homework problems and the reading done in preparation for class. The purpose of the quizzes is to encourage you to keep up with your preparation (and reward you for doing so). Each quiz will consist of problems based on the materials presented during the previous week's lectures. Twelve quizzes are planned for the semester. A student's quiz grade will be determined by summing each student's highest ten quiz scores and dropping the remaining ones. Each quiz will be worth 10 points. Only students with documented university-approved absences will be allowed to makeup missed quizzes (e.g. university sports - participation, health/injury. etc.). Students need to contact their recitation leaders (not their lecturers) to discuss any issues related to quiz policies. The quiz content, specific makeup policies, partial credit rubric, etc. are all determined by your individual recitation leader. Self-Assessment Tests Self Assessment Tests are posted under the Lessons tab at your Math 110 Angel website. The Self Assessment Tests provide additional problems/examples that allow you to further explore the key concepts introduced in the lecture classes and assigned homework problems. After submitting the tests, a numerical score is calculated and feedback provided on the correct approach for solving each problem. Each instance of the Self Assessment Test is unique, so you may take these tests several times and still benefit from working through the problems. Similar to homework problems, calculators may be useful to fully explore the problem solutions. Although the self-assessment tests are scored, their purpose is mainly selfdiagnostic - the numerical results are not included in the determination of your course grades. Example Practice Exams Models of previous Math 110 exams are included in a folder under the Lessons tab in your Math 110 Angel website. Care should be taken in the usage of these models during the preparation for each exam, i.e., students should understand that the exams for this semester are not based strictly on the practice exams. Good study/preparation habits include the review of lecture notes, completion of assigned homework problems, completion of self-assessment exercises, and where appropriate, attendance at supplemental instruction help sessions. Your lecturer will provide specific guidance prior to each exam on the specific topics included/excluded. Suggested Homework A list of suggested homework problems appears at the end of this syllabus. These homework problems will not be turned in for a grade. The purpose of doing the homework is to better understand the material discussed in the lectures and to prepare oneself for the quizzes and exams. Since much of this material builds upon previous material, you are encouraged to complete many of the suggested homework and keep up with the suggested homework, even though it will not be collected. Solutions to the suggested homework problems are posted in a folder under your Angel Lessons Tab. Academic Integrity Academic integrity is the pursuit of scholarly activity in an open, honest and responsible manner. Academic integrity is a basic guiding principle for all academic activity at The Pennsylvania State University, and all members of the University community are expected to act in accordance with this principle. Consistent with this expectation, the University's Code of Conduct states that all students should act with personal integrity, respect other students' dignity, rights and property, and help create and maintain an environment in which all can succeed through the fruits of their efforts. Academic integrity includes a commitment not to engage in or tolerate acts of falsification, misrepresentation or deception. Such acts of dishonesty violate the fundamental ethical principles of the University community and compromise the worth of work completed by others. Based on the University's Faculty Senate Policy 49-20, a range of academic sanctions may be taken against a student who engages in academic dishonesty. Please see the Eberly College of Science Academic Integrity homepage for additional information and procedures. Disability Services Penn State welcomes students with disabilities into the University's educational programs. Every Penn State campus has an office for students with disabilities. The Office for Disability Services (ODS) Web site provides contact information for every Penn State campus: For further information, please visit the Office for Disability Services Web site: In order to receive consideration for reasonable accommodations, you must contact the appropriate disability services office at the campus where you are officially enrolled, participate in an intake interview, and provide documentation: If the documentation supports your request for reasonable accommodations, your campus’s disability services office will provide you with an accommodation letter. Please share this letter with your instructors and discuss the accommodations with them as early in your courses as possible. You must follow this process for every semester that you request accommodations. Grading Your course grade will be determined by your exam scores and your quiz scores. Total possible points follow: Examination I Examination II Quizzes Final Examination Total 100 100 100 150 450 The exact point requirements for each letter grade will be decided at the end of the course. General University guidelines follow: Grade %-Score Points A 93 - 100 417 - 450 A- 90 - 92 403 - 416 B+ 87 - 89 390 - 402 B 83 - 86 372 - 389 B- 80 - 82 358 - 371 C+ 77 - 79 345 - 357 C 70 - 76 313 - 344 D 60 - 69 268 - 312 F 0 - 59 0 - 267 After the second exam and before the late-drop deadline, if required, the grade-line cutoffs for the major grades (A, B, C, D, F) will be updated to facilitate your planning for the remainder of the semester. The +/- gradelines will be assigned after the final exam. The unavoidable consequence is that some students are just a point away from a higher grade. For reasons of fairness, the policy in this course is to NOT adjust individual grades in such circumstances. Note: Your grade will be based exclusively on the midterm examinations, final examination, and quiz scores. There is no extra credit work. Students are encouraged to discuss their performance with their lecturers and recitation leaders regularly during the semester, and if appropriate, work out strategies to improve overall study, problem solving, and knowledge retention skills. Deferred Grades: Students who are unable to complete the course because of illness or emergency may be granted a deferred grade, which will allow the student to complete the course within the first six weeks of the following semester. Note that deferred grades are limited to those students who can verify and document a valid reason for not being able to take the final examination. For more information, see DF grade. Class Attendance Although regular classroom attendance will not be used to determine your grade in a tangible way, you are strongly encouraged to regularly attend class. Attending classes is beneficial to your understanding of the materials described in the text. Seeing the material presented in a lecture is extremely helpful as the presentation will often be different than the text in order to clarify and enhance the reading assignments. Additionally, material not present in the text may be presented in class; you will be held accountable for this material on quizzes and exams. Classroom Protocol Please turn off all cell phones and put away all materials not directly related to the course (e.g. newspapers). Since noises are greatly amplified in the lecture halls, it is important that non-essential conversations are minimized. Finally, if you must leave early, please notify your lecturer at the beginning of class and sit near an exit to minimize classroom disturbance. Calculator Usage A graphics-business calculator is highly recommended, but any calculator that can compute "x to the power y" is sufficient. It may be used, as appropriate, in the lectures, self-assessment tests, and homework, but will not be allowed on the in-class quizzes, two midterms and final examination. Obtaining Assistance There are various avenues for obtaining assistance for this course: • • • • Your lecturer - office hours appear above Your recitation instructor - they will also hold office hours each week The Math Tutoring Center (part of Penn State Learning located on the 2nd floor Boucke building) Guided Study Group (part of Penn State Learning - Times TBA later) Hopefully Helpful Hints o o o o Learn for the long term. Strive to retain the knowledge that you acquire. Do not simply try to learn material a couple of days before an exam with the goal of forgetting it right after finals. View the learning of the material as an active process, not a passive one. (You are here to learn, not to receive grades.) Learning is a process, not an event. Strive to know the material, to understand it at a very deep level, rather than a superficial one. Do the homework with as little help (solutions manuals, friends, etc.) as possible. Balance the use of group learning with individual study so you actually know the material. Ask questions, either in class or during office hours. o o o o o o Read the textbook before the planned lecture. The tentative schedule of classes gives you a guide as to what to read in advance. Carefully study and rework the examples in the text. Re-read and rewrite your notes. Study for exams progressively, over a long period of time. Begin the studying process at least one week prior to the date of the exam. Manage your time wisely. Plan to spend at least two hours outside of class for every hour in class, if not more! Take responsibility for your education. Work the selfassessment tests and learn from the objective feedback. Final Comments It is our hope that your appreciation for mathematics will grow during this semester. Although the applications we cover are limited in scope, the application of mathematics extends to many areas in your chosen careers. The Calculus skills developed in this class provide a solid foundation for addressing many of the questions that surface during the introduction of standard business models in your future coursework. Tentative Class Schedule (Lectures) Day Date Material Covered Other Information M 1/13 Course Overview First Day of Classes W 1/15 2.1 F 1/17 2.2 M 1/20 W 1/22 2.3 F 1/24 2.3, 2.4 M 1/27 2.4, 2.5 MLK Day No Classes Regular Drop Deadline W 1/29 2.5 F 1/31 2.6 M 2/3 3.1 W 2/5 3.2 F 2/7 3.3 M 2/10 3.4 No Intermediate Value Theorem Applications • • • • W 2/12 3.4 F 2/14 3.5 M 2/17 3.6 • Marginal Revenue, Cost, Profit Marginal Average Revenue, Cost, Profit Elasticity Elasticity and Revenue Related Rates - Basic Algebraic/Geometric Applications Related Rates - Business Applications W 2/19 3.6 F 2/21 4.1 M 2/24 4.2 W 2/26 4.2 Starts Exam 2 Material Application of Second Derivative • F 2/28 4.3 M 3/3 4.4 Law of Diminishing Returns (not discussed in textbook) Exam 1 – Monday Mar 3 6:30-7:45 Room Assignments Posted under Angel - Lessons tab W 3/5 4.5 • • Absolute Extrema Optimization - Business Applications F 3/7 4.5 • Optimization - Basic Algebraic / Geometric Applications Optimization - More Advanced Business Applications • Spring Break March 9-15 M 3/17 5.1 W 3/19 5.2 F 3/21 5.3 M 3/24 5.3 W 3/26 5.4 F 3/28 5.4 M 3/31 5.5 W 4/2 5.5 F 4/4 6.1 M 4/7 6.1 • • • • Compound Interest Continuous Interest Effective Rates of Interest Present Value Starts Materials for the Final Exam Exam 2 Tuesday, April 8 6:30-7:45 Room Assignments Posted under Angel - Lessons tab W 4/9 6.2 F 4/11 6.2 M 4/14 6.3 W 4/16 6.4 F 4/18 6.5 M 4/21 6.5, 6.6 W 4/23 6.6 F 4/25 6.7 Late Drop Deadline • • • M 4/28 6.7 W 4/30 6.7 F 5/2 6.7 Consumer / Producer Surplus Future/Present Value of Continuous Income Stream Annuity Amount and Present Value Last Day of Classes Final Exams May 5 - 9 Suggested Homework Problems Section Problems 2.1 1-13 odd, 23-34, 39-50, 51-58 2.2 1-23 odd, 25-34, 43-52, 64, 65, 66 2.3 1-7 odd, 9-14, 17, 18, 51, 53, 55, 66-69, 72, 73 76 2.4 1-8, 17-22, 23-39 odd, 49-66, 73-80, 83 2.5 1-14, 15-20, 21-35, 39-44, 45-55, 57-60, 73, 74 2.6 9-21, 23, 24, 34, 35, 47-52 3.1 1-36, 37, 38, 41-46, 67 3.2 1-29, 35-41, 46, 48, 56 3.3 1-53 odd, 61-64, 85 3.4 3-17, 23-33 3.5 1-19 odd 3.6 1-8, 9-29 odd, 41-47 4.1 11, 12, 13-35 odd, 37-43, 45-48, 49-65 odd 4.2 1-8, 11-14, 25-59 odd, 61-75 odd, 94 4.3 1-10, 11-27 odd, 37-57 odd, 62 4.4 1-8, 9-27 odd, 40, 45-47 4.5 5, 8, 9, 10, 17 5.1 1-18 odd, 17-26 5.2 1-11 odd, 17-20, 21-28, 35-42 5.3 1-28 5.4 1-28, 33-40, 43-46, 63, 67 5.5 1-33 odd, 41-50, 51-58 6.1 9-48, 51-58, 67-70 6.2 1-46 odd, 59 6.3 3, 5, 7, 13, 15 6.4 5-16, 17-40, 41, 42, 43 6.5 1-27, 29-41 odd, 57, 61 6.6 1-16, 17-33 odd 6.7 1-18, 22 Learning Objectives Upon successful completion of Math 110, the student should be able to: 1. Identify polynomial, rational, power, exponential, and logarithmic functions. 2. Calculate the domains of polynomial, rational, power, exponential, and logarithmic functions. 3. Calculate the sums, differences, products, quotients, and compositions of functions. 4. Model cost, revenue, profit, supply, and demand business functions. 5. Calculate equilibrium points within supply/demand markets and interpret the results. 6. Calculate or estimate finite/infinite limits of functions given by formulas, graphs, or tables. 7. Calculate one-sided limits of functions. 8. Determine whether a function given by a graph or formula is continuous at a given point or on a given interval. 9. Determine whether a function given by a graph or formula is differentiable at a given point or on a given interval. 10. Distinguish between average and instantaneous rate of change and interpret the definition of the derivative graphically. 11. Determine derivatives of some functions using the definition of derivative of a function. 12. Calculate derivatives of polynomial, rational, power, exponential, and logarithmic functions, and combinations of these functions. 13. Calculate derivatives of implicitly defined functions. 14. Apply the ideas and techniques of derivatives to related rate problems to include basic algebraic/geometric models and cost/average cost, revenue/average revenue, profit/average profit, supply, and demand models 15. Apply the ideas and techniques of derivatives to perform marginal analysis of basic economics models. 16. Apply the ideas and techniques of derivatives to calculate elasticity of basic economics models. 17. Apply the ideas and techniques of derivatives to determine intervals where a models/graph is: (a) Increasing/decreasing (b) Concave up/down 18. Apply the ideas and techniques of derivatives to determine points in a model/graph that are: (a) Relative extrema (b) Absolute extrema (c) Critical (d) Inflection 19. Identify vertical and horizontal asymptotes 20. Apply the ideas and techniques of derivatives to graphing or recognizing the graphs of functions. 21. Apply the ideas and techniques of derivatives to optimization problems to include basic algebraic/geometric models and cost, revenue, profit, supply, and demand models. 22. Apply the ideas and techniques of derivatives to solve: (a) Compound interest (b) Continuous interest (c) Effective interest rate (d) Present value business models. 23. Determine the point-of-diminishing returns for a model/function. 24. Calculate the derivatives of functions using logarithmic differentiation 25. Calculate the Riemann sum for a given function, partition and collection of evaluation points. 26. Describe a definite integral as the limit of a Riemann sum. 27. Determine anti-derivatives of basic algebraic functions. 28. Calculate values of definite integrals using anti-derivatives and areas. 29. Apply concepts of integration to solving basic business model applications 30. Apply substitution techniques to integrate basic functions. 31. Apply the ideas of definite integrals to solve problems of areas. 32. Calculate the average value of business models using the definite integral. 33. Apply the ideas and techniques of the definite integral to evaluate: (a) Consumer/producer surplus (b) Future/present value of income streams (c) Future/present value of annuities business models. =====================================================