Dr. Mervyn J. Kowalsky Fall Semester – 2015 1 CE 725 – EARTHQUAKE STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING COURSE OBJECTIVE At the conclusion of the course, students will (1) Develop an understanding for the effects that earthquakes have on structural systems and the importance of ‘Capacity Design’. (2) Develop an understanding of basic aspects critical for seismic design, assessment, retrofit, and modeling. (3) Apply the basic principals of Performance-Based Earthquake Engineering, through the use of Direct Displacement-Based Design, to a variety of structural systems. PREREQUISITES Structural Dynamics (CE 527 or equivalent). Courses in structural design (concrete) helpful. TEXT Displacement-Based Seismic Design of Structures. M.J.N Priestley, G.M. Calvi, and M.J. Kowalsky. IUSS Press, 2007. Available online via the IUSS press at: http://www.iusspress.it/pc/viewCategories.asp?idCategory=21&lvl1=17 Also available via the NCSU bookstore. NOTE: I will place a group order for books for interested students at the start of the semester. This will result in significant savings as shipping costs and book costs reduce with increasing numbers of books. GRADING Homework – 40% (8 Assignments) NOTE: While I encourage you to discuss concepts and homework in groups if you like, all homework assignments must be done individually, and be unique to each student. Final Exam - 50% Journal and Text Readings – 10% (2 Research Article Reviews; 6 Text Summaries) Final grades are obtained based on a relative scale with the course average in the B+ range. In the past, the course average has varied from 87% to 89%. LECTURES Tuesday and Thursday, Location Withers 125: 10:15am-11:30am. The only electronic device to be used in class is your calculator. Keep your phones and other devices silenced and stored away from your desk. OFFICE HOURS Monday 1:30-3:00 Tuesday and Thursday 3:00-4:00 (1) If times other than the above are needed, please contact me to request an alternate time. (2) On campus students - please do not ask technical questions by email. Come see me in my office hours such that we may discuss your question. EOL students: Phone calls during the above times, or other arranged times possible. Dr. Mervyn J. Kowalsky Fall Semester – 2015 Lecture Date Topic 1 8-20 2 8-25 3 8-27 4 5 6 7 8 9-1 9-3 9-8 9-10 9-15 9 10 11 12 13 14 9-17 9-22 9-24 9-29 10-1 10-6 10-8 10-13 10-15 10-20 10-22 10-27 10-29 11-3 11-5 11-10 11-12 11-17 11-19 11-24 11-26 12-1 12-3 Introduction: Earthquake Characteristics, Seismicity and History Introduction: Earthquake Characteristics, Seismicity and History Performance-Based Earthquake Engineering Overview PBEE and Capacity Design Overview Ductility and Non-Linear Behavior – Cross Section Ductility and Non-Linear Behavior – Cross Section Ductility and Non-Linear Behavior – Member Earthquake Representations: Time History and Response Spectra Design Spectra Design Spectra and GMPEs Inelastic Spectra Equivalent Viscous Damping Equivalent Viscous Damping Substitute Structure Method Fall Break - NO CLASS Overview of FBD and DBD Methods of Analysis: Force-Based ELF Methods of Analysis: Force-Based ELF Methods of Analysis: Displacement-Based SDOF Methods of Analysis: Displacement-Based SDOF Methods of Analysis: Displacement-Based MDOF Methods of Analysis: Displacement-Based MDOF Methods of Analysis: Displacement-Based MDOF Methods of Analysis: Displacement-Based MDOF Methods of Analysis: Displacement-Based MDOF Methods of Analysis: Displacement-Based MDOF Comparison – DBD and FBD NO CLASS Thanksgiving Holiday – NO CLASS Wall/frame systems/Wharves Wall/frame systems/Wharves 15 16 17 18 19* 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 HOMEWORK PROBLEMS HW 1: Section Ductility HW 2: Member Ductility HW 2: Response Spectra HW 4: Substitute Structure Analysis HW 5: SDOF FBD and DDBD HW 6: FBD for a Frame HW 7: DDBD for a Frame HW 8: DDBD for a Bridge 2 Read HW pages by Due J1 133-146 147-170 170-192 J2 H1 37-61 GMPE Reza T1 H2 T2 H3 1-35 63-95 95-115 127-132 221-250 H4 T3 H5 T4 H6 T5 465-512 H7 192-220 T6 H8 Dr. Mervyn J. Kowalsky Fall Semester – 2015 JOURNAL ARTICLE REVIEWS AND TEXTBOOK READINGS: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Journal Article on Seismicity of an area of your choosing (J1) Journal Article on Performance-based earthquake engineering (J2) Chapter 4 of Textbook p133-192 (T1) Chapter 2 of Textbook p 37-61 (T2) Chapter 1 of Textbook p 1-35 (T3) Chapter 3 of Textbook p63-132 (T4) Chapter 5 of Textbook p221-250 (T5) Chapter 10 of Textbook p465-512 and Chapter 4 p192-220 (T6) There are many resources available online through the library – I suggest Compendex. Many articles will be available in electronic format through the library. Some journals include: Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics; Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering; All of the ASCE Journals; Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors; Earthquake Spectra; Journal of Earthquake Engineering; Seismological Research Letters; Bulletin of Seismological Society of America; Bulletin of the New Zealand Society for Earthquake Engineering, Journal of the American Concrete Institute. Journal reviews are limited to 2 pages, 1.5 spacing. Text summaries are limited to 1 page, 1.5 spacing. In each case, this is not just a summary, but also a discussion in your own words about what you learned, how it relates to course content, and any questions you would like raise. HOMEWORK SCHEDULE For On-Campus Students: Assignments are due at the beginning of class. For Distance Students: All assignments are to be sent as one PDF file to the EOL office by 5PM on the due date for the assignment. Send homework to: homework_eol@ncsu.edu Late homework accepted only with a valid written excuse. FINAL EXAM -The final exam will be held Tuesday, Dec. 15 from 8-11AM. -EOL Students must take the exam in any 3 hour window between 8AM Saturday Dec. 12 and 11AM Tuesday Dec. 15 (student’s local time). The exam must be received by fax or email at EOL by 3:00PM Eastern on Tuesday Dec. 15 -The exam will be closed book/notes. Only FE exam approved calculators will be allowed in the exam. No other electronic devices of any kind are allowed. Please see: http://ncees.org/exams/calculator-policy/ -I will provide equations as appropriate. You will be asked to sign the NCSU Honor Pledge on the final exam. A missed exam can only be made up if there is a valid excuse. 3 Dr. Mervyn J. Kowalsky Fall Semester – 2015 4 CAPTURED LECTURES This on campus course will be captured and distributed via the Internet and/or electronic media as part of the Engineering Online (EOL) program for the distance students. These video recordings may contain an image of you entering the classroom, asking a questions or being a part of the studio class. Please notify Dr. Linda Krute, Director of EOL, in writing at ldkrute@ncsu.edu if you DO NOT want your image to be included in the lecture presentation. If we do not hear from you after the first week of the class, we will assume that you are in agreement with this procedure. ATTENDANCE POLICY Attendance is mandatory, unless prior arrangements are made, or due to illness or other emergencies. Students are responsible for all material presented in class. See http://policies.ncsu.edu/regulation/reg-02-20-03. This is an EOL course, and all students will be given access to all online materials, including video lectures. On-campus students must still attend class, with the exceptions noted above. ACADEMIC INTEGRITY STATEMENT Students will adhere to the academic policy set forth by University Code of Student Conduct (http://policies.ncsu.edu/policy/pol-11-35-01) Plagiarism and cheating are attacks on the very foundation of academic life, and cannot be tolerated within universities. Section eight (8) of the Code defines academic dishonesty and provides information on potential sanctions for violators of academic integrity. You will be asked to sign the following statement on each test and on the final: “I have neither given nor received any unauthorized aid on this test.” NCSU STATEMENT FOR STUDENTS WITH DISABILITIES: Reasonable accommodations will be made for students with verifiable disabilities. In order to take advantage of available accommodations, students must register with Disability Services for Students at 1900 Student Health Center, Campus Box 7509, 515-7653. http://www.ncsu.edu/provost/offices/affirm_action/dss/ For more information on NC State's policy on working with students with disabilities, please see http://policies.ncsu.edu/regulation/reg-02-20-01 CONTACT INFORMATION Phone: Email: 919-515-7261; Mann 400 kowalsky@ncsu.edu; COURSE WEBSITES http://courses.ncsu.edu/ce725/ (to enter message board) http://courses.ncsu.edu/ce725/lec/601/ (to download files) http://engineeringonline.ncsu.edu/onlinecourses/coursehomepages/FALL-2015/CE725.html for engineering online video and note access)