TO: NSPE Board of Directors cc: State Society Executives

NSPE Board of Directors
State Society Executives Committee
Mark J. Golden, FASAE, CAE
Executive Director
2 February 2015
Board Update: January 15-31, 2015
1. Member Value
The joint efforts by the Licensure and Qualifications for Practice Committee and the Professional
Engineers in Higher Education interest group to integrate the NSPE Engineering Body of
Knowledge (EBoK) into university freshman course assignments, first discussed in my last report,
continues to build momentum. New Mexico State University used the exercise in its ENGR 100
class late last month. According to NSPE PEHE BoD Director David Rockstraw: “Initial feedback
indicates the assignment was very successful and opened freshmen eyes to requirements of
becoming an engineer beyond mathematics. Concepts such as ethics were foreign to them, and
the EBoK helped them to realize the broad range of skills they would need to develop to be
successful.” LQPC/PEHE continues to pursue other opportunities at Florida International
University and the University of New Hampshire.
Following up on the board’s approval in Florida, NSPE has made it even easier for members to
access professional development and continuing education with the launch of the PE Institute,
which has a catalog of live educational events, webinars, and conferences for the professional
engineer. As engineering disciplines become more specialized, continuing education becomes
more crucial to managing a rising career. All events provided by NSPE, its state societies, and
partners are available to members at a discount. We strongly feel this is an invaluable new way
for state societies to promote and sell their own CE programs. I urge all directors to encourage
their state societies to take advantage of this free, national marketing platform.
In the last calendar year (our first in partnership with Boxwood), the NSPE online job board
1,465 job postings;
which were viewed 838,412 times;
444 employers registered with the site; and
2,731 job seekers registered with the site.
This activity generated $123,000 in non-dues revenue for NSPE. NSPE negotiated terms with
Boxwood that would permit state societies to create state-specific sections within the network at
favorable terms. To date two state societies (New Jersey and New York) have taken advantage
of this opportunity.
NSPE Executive Director Report to the BoD, February 2, 2015; pg. 1 of 7
The Engineers Joint Contract Documents Committee (EJCDC) has released 2015 editions of
documents addressing owner and engineer for professional services agreements and a new
contract document for design-build projects:
EJCDC E-520, Short Form of Agreement between Owner and Engineer for Professional
Services, intended primarily for use for professional services of limited scope and
EJCDC E-525, Agreement between Owner and Engineer for Study and Report
Professional Services, used to retain an engineer to prepare a study and report, e.g.,
feasibility studies, facility needs, treatment options, or siting challenges.
EJCDC D-580, Teaming Agreement to Pursue Joint Business Opportunity for DesignBuild Project, a new contract document for use by design-build firms that wish to work with
an engineering firm to pursue a design-build opportunity.
The 2015 editions of all EJCDC documents will remain in the legacy format and delivery system.
Formatted in Microsoft Word, there is no software to install or learn, saving users time and money.
The documents are downloaded at the time of purchase and saved directly to the user's computer.
They can be customized easily to suit each project's unique goals and regulatory.
NSPE members get a 50% discount when they purchase EJCDC documents through our website:
2. Advocacy
NSPE Government Relations and Legal staff have been consulting with numerous state societies
as legislation is introduced in their respective state legislatures. We have been providing counsel
on an array of issues, such as procurement (QBS) and Good Samaritan laws, among others. As
state legislatures reconvene for new sessions, if NSPE can be of any assistance to your state,
please do not hesitate to reach out to Art Schwartz and Arielle Eiser.
Arielle Eiser met with top staff for the newest PE in the United States Congress, Representative
Bruce Westerman, PE (Republican, Arkansas) to discuss opportunities for collaboration and
support. NSPE looks forward to working closely with the PE caucus in the Congress.
The NSPE Political Action Committee (PAC) Board of Trustees is developing a message to be
sent to full membership to kick off the 2016 election cycle. NSPE-PAC had a very productive and
successful 2014 campaign. The next two years provide an opportunity to substantially build on
this success. To learn more about NSPE-PAC and contribute you can visit:
I was delighted to see a terrific press release from the Army Corps Nashville District, recognizing
five new PEs in their district and also going into great depth/detail on the value of the license:
NSPE will again co-sponsor the 2015 Engineering Public Policy Symposium on Capitol Hill, April
21st. That role will be highlighted in all communications and signage related to the event.
NSPE Executive Director Report to the BoD, February 2, 2015; pg. 2 of 7
3. Content
On Tuesday of this week, numerous NSPE volunteers and I will participate in an online workshop
taking the development of a competency model for the engineering profession to the next level.
As I have previously reported, this project was initiated by the American Association of
Engineering Societies (AAES) Life Long Learning Working Group, of which I am a member. It is
being pursued by AAES in partnership with the US Department of Labor, and partially funded by
a grant from the United Engineering Foundation.
Competency models for almost every industry in the United States are collected and showcased
by the Department of Labor and others for use in a number of ways1. Specifically for the
engineering profession, the competency model will establish a more consistent
employment guideline for employers, and provide employees, prospective employees, workforce
training providers, educators and others a clear understanding of how best to enter, advance, and
succeed in the industry. With the gamut of professional opportunities offered by the engineering
sector, and our leading position in creating employment opportunities in our nation’s economy,
this represents a critical and foundational workforce development.
Subject Matter Experts from AAES member societies2, representing both industry and academia,
have been working for several months with the Department of Labor to develop the current draft
Engineering Competency Model and survey the AAES member societies.
Following the survey and webinar, the results will be collated and further revised in a validators
meeting, April 22nd in Washington. We anticipate that the Competency Model will be ready in early
summer 2015, at which time we will seek broader industry approval with a goal to publish it in
final form on the US Department of Labor's Competency Model Clearinghouse in the fall of 2015
and publicize its availability to a broad base of stakeholders.
Obviously, no one organization or individual can take credit for such a broad-based and
collaborative a project; however, it is worth noting that NSPE’s fingerprints are all over the current
competency model draft. NSPE’s EBoK content is heavily reflected in it. Indeed, behind the
scenes "evangelization" for EBoK with NCEES leadership (NCEES chairs the competency model
committee) started long before the project itself did. NSPE was heavily involved in getting AAES
to take on the project, securing the grant that is now funding it, and seeding the working groups
with EBoK-aware individuals.
4. Collaboration
The EWeek Foundation will host a short webinar on Thursday, February 19th at 1:00 pm (Eastern)
to announce the nominees for the “New Faces of Engineering (Professional and College Edition).”
Feel free to join in by registering at:
For an example of a competency model (in this case, for the advanced manufacturing industry) and how the Department of Labor
uses them in their “Career One Stop” website, see:
NSPE’s Subject Matter Representative on the working group is Past President Terri Helmlinger-Ratcliff, PhD, PE, FNSPE.
NSPE Executive Director Report to the BoD, February 2, 2015; pg. 3 of 7
EWeek is also kicking off its 2015 Educator Awards, spotlighting educators around the world who
are inspiring tomorrow's generation of innovative engineers in 6th to 12th grade classrooms. Three
winners will receive a trip to Washington, D.C., a $2,000 cash prize, and a 3M gift pack of
classroom supplies. Eight runners-up will receive $500 each and gift packs. The deadline for
nominations is March 16, 2015. More information can be found at:
EWeek’s “Introduce a Girl to Engineering Day” is February 26th, and our state societies are
encouraged to post any state/local plans and events on the DiscoverE online events calendar:
This year, DiscoverE is producing a new social media campaign for Girl Day called: “There is a
little engineer in every girl: #Bring it Out.” Aimed at parents, teachers, and other adult influencers,
a call to action in this campaign will go out soon.
There will also be a short webinar on February 11th at 12:00 noon (Eastern) to give Girl Day
partners a sneak peak at the campaign and video resources. If you'd like to participate, please
register at:
NSPE will again host its popular hands-on activity “Pop Fly: Catapults in Action” at the 22nd
annual Discover Engineering Family Day on February 28 at the National Building Museum. This
event draws thousands of kids and families from the DC metro area for activities and exhibits
designed to introduce kids to the wonder of engineering. For more details on the event, and to
see photos/videos from last year, visit:
5. Member Engagement
Overall, the total number of NSPE members as of December 31, 2014 (all membership
categories) is down 1.78% (from 33,616 to 33,016) from December 31, 2013. 18 of 53 state
societies saw net membership increases in calendar year 2014, with New Hampshire, Oregon,
Guam, DC and South Carolina achieving double-digit percentage increases. An additional ten
states were essentially flat, with membership numbers decreasing by 0 to 2%.
Collectively, NSPE is actually up 780 members from the start of the fiscal year (July 1, 2014) to
date, however bear in mind that the largest cohort of renewals falls on December 31st and nonrenewals do not hit these figures until the end of March. We are doing all we can with outreach to
those members, including the now annual outsourced telemarketing effort that will take place in
We started outreach to December 31st expires a month earlier than usual this year, which ironically
may have depressed December renewal numbers, compared to last year, since we are spreading
renewal receipts out over three months instead of two. A hopeful sign: we are also experiencing
heavier than usual January renewals.
NSPE Executive Director Report to the BoD, February 2, 2015; pg. 4 of 7
6. Professional and Leadership Development
NSPE Fellow member nominations are being received at NSPE headquarters, and as of January
30th, 23 nomination packets have been reviewed and found to be in compliance with the strict
nomination instructions. The Council of Fellows Executive Committee has targeted mid-March for
submission of its final report and recommendations to the NSPE Board of Directors.
7. Finance, Administration, Operations and Staff Alignment
December financials have been reviewed by the Treasurer and circulated to the staff. NSPE
revenues are $127,000 under budget for the six month reporting period, largely offset by
expenses being held $98,000 under budget. A major source of this revenue shortfall is attributable
to delays implementing a more productive investment strategy for association reserve funds3.
NICET’s bottom line for the same period is $326,000 ahead of budget, leaving the Society’s
combined operations on solid financial footing.
As I discussed with the board in Hollywood, although the Society is operating on a sound basis,
the current year’s budget projections have proven to be unreliable. (Oversimplifying, NSPE
operations used overly optimistic projections; NICET projections have proven to be impractical in
scope and overly pessimistic in projections.) I have mapped out a process for FY16 budget
development (for the year beginning July 1st) that will start by making more realistic projections
for the current year. This refined budget will establish a more reliable baseline for planning and
allow for a higher confidence level in projections to be incorporated into next year’s budget.
This year’s budget planning will also more fully engage individual staff program and budget
managers in developing their own program budgets4. We are planning to incorporate major
simplifications in the chart of accounts in the FY16 budget. This is something the auditors
recommended. It adds an additional level of required effort to the budget development process
and will make financial reports much more straightforward and meaningful.
The work plan is predicated on having staff’s advance work on a draft budget completed by the
middle to end of March, allowing plenty of time for budget committee engagement and review,
and presenting a budget for board review and approval on its April 22nd conference call meeting
(nearly two months ahead of last year’s schedule).
I am pleased to report that we are getting a large number of responses to our posting for the chief
staff financial officer position. So far, approximately 12 applicants have presented strongly enough
on paper to warrant an interview. I have first round interviews with the five strongest candidates
scheduled for this week.
NSPE has traditionally not invested reserves in anything other than CDs, which continue to have historically low rates of return. Per
the Finance Committee’s direction, we are reaching out to the Educational Foundation and EWeek Foundation regarding forming a
joint Investment Committee, and starting a process of creating an investment policy (setting the investment parameters and risk
tolerance the board is comfortable with), prior to selecting an appropriate investment manager.
NSPE had historically centralized financial planning in a manner that resulted in less realistic budgets and reduced individual staff
budget manager accountability. Changing the culture and approach to budget planning and administration has been a focus for me.
NSPE Executive Director Report to the BoD, February 2, 2015; pg. 5 of 7
The Missouri Society of Professional Engineers informed us this week that they will be taking over
billing of three-tier members in the state, effective with July 31st renewals. We will work closely
with the Society to ensure a seamless transition.
On the NICET front: staff has increased efforts to encourage past candidates to test. This has
begun with those in disciplines that are being or will soon be transitioned to the new Standard
Model/Computer Based Test exams, more specifically in Special Hazards Suppression Systems
and Highway Construction. Several direct communications have been sent to all current
certificants in these specialty areas, and we have continued to note the transition timetables/dates
in each quarterly newsletter and on the NICET website.
NICET is also continuing its efforts to expand existing testing activities into new markets: e.g.;
active-duty military personnel, and US employers working internationally.
In the critical area of program maintenance activities, staff has begun to update the Water-Based
Systems Layout – Level III examinations to the 2013 editions of the referenced NFPA standards
as planned. It has successfully updated all three levels of the Inspection & Testing of Water-Based
Systems examinations. Staff is now focused on development efforts with the newly-approved Fire
Alarm Systems Inspection & Testing program.
In regard to Candidate Evaluations and customer service standards, NICET staff has already
begun to establish and adhere to shorter turnaround times. Along with these faster turnaround
times, staff has increased their efforts to work with candidates over the telephone and through
email to explain our requirements and what information is needed in order to correct the more
minor issues without requiring the delays inherent in a Conditional Decision Letter (CDL) or
Supplemental CDL.
8. Governance
This year the Candidate Screening Committee will be screening two candidates for the position
of NSPE 2015-16 Vice President (to serve as NSPE President in 2017-18) and one candidate for
re-election to the position of Treasurer. The Virginia Society of Professional Engineers nominated
Thomas G. Conway, PE (Alexandria, Virginia) for Vice President; the Kansas Society of
Professional Engineers nominated Thomas C. Roberts, PE, FNSPE (Manhattan, Kansas) for the
same position. The Texas Society of Professional Engineers nominated Julia M. Harrod, PE,
FNSPE (Austin, Texas) for a second term as Treasurer.
The first phase of the screening process has begun with a series of questions submitted to the
VP candidates requesting the return of their written responses by March 2nd. After the committee
has reviewed these questionnaires, preparations will begin for the personal interview phase of
the screening process. The committee is on track to have its written report presented to the NSPE
Secretary by, or before, the May 15th deadline set forth in the bylaws.
NSPE Executive Director Report to the BoD, February 2, 2015; pg. 6 of 7
Following up on the board’s actions in Hollywood, Florida, we have formally completed the
 communicated NSPE’s comments on ABET EAC Criteria 3 and 5;
 submitted approval of ABET’s constitution amendments, and
 relayed our support of the “Educating Engineers to Meet the Grand Challenges” to AAES.
Finally, please remember that access to NSPE leadership resources is always available to you in
the Leadership Toolbox at You will need to log in with your user name and
You can also review a detailed calendar of NSPE and state society events on the website at:
NSPE Executive Director Report to the BoD, February 2, 2015; pg. 7 of 7