Chadia Abras - Johns Hopkins University School of Education

Chadia N. Abras
Curriculum Vitae
Johns Hopkins University
School of Education
Center for Technology in Education
1907 Indian Head Road
Baltimore, MD 21204
Home: 410-616-9680
Cell: 410-802-4362
Ph.D. 2003 University of Maryland Baltimore County, Language Literacy and Culture
Doctoral Program: Specialty in Educational Technology.
Dissertation: Determining success in online academic and health communities:
Developing usability and sociability Heuristics
Adviser: Dr. Jennifer Preece, Dean of the iSchool, University of Maryland.
M.A. 1989
University of Maryland College Park, French Literature
1986 University of Maryland Baltimore County, BA, Modern Languages & Linguistics
2015-Present Associate Dean, Online Teaching & Learning and IT / Associate Professor, Johns
Hopkins University School of Education, MD
Program Director for Distance Education / Assistant Professor, Johns Hopkins
University School of Education, Center for Technology in Education, MD
Director, Educational Technology & Distance Learning, Goucher College, MD
Assistant Professor, Department of Modern Languages and Literatures, Goucher
College, MD
Assistant Director, Center for Language Initiatives at UMBC, MD
Instructor, Department of Modern Languages and Linguistics, UMBC, MD
Instructor, Department of Foreign Languages, Loyola College, MD
Vice-President , The American Institute of Medical Practice (AIMP)
Chadia Abras
Curriculum Vitae
Cohen, P., (PI) Eisner, J., (Co-PI) & Abras, C. (Co-PI) (2014-2015). Innovative technology for
personalized foreign language education. $150,000. Baltimore, MD: Science of Learning
Grant, Johns Hopkins University Science of Learning Institute.
Sunshine, P. & Abras, C. (2009). Designing an online program in special education, $145,000.
Baltimore, MD: Maryland State Department of Education.
Abras, C. (2004). Guidelines for successful temporary online communities: The case of elearning communities, $5,000. Baltimore, MD: Goucher College Faculty Summer Grant.
Abras, C. (2002) National Science Webshop Fellow Award. University of Maryland College
Park, sponsored by NSF.
Abras. C. (2002). Scholarship for Best Research Project. University of Maryland Baltimore
County Graduate Programs.
Abras. C. (1988). Best Teaching Assistant Award. University of Maryland College Park
Graduate Programs in Modern Languages and Literature.
PHI SIGMA IOTA, Modern Languages Honor Society since 1987.
Journal Articles and Conference Proceedings (Peer Reviewed)
Abras, C., & Harnett, C. (2013, February). Creating reusable learning objects for Just-In-Time
Training. Proceedings of the 12th World Congress on Stress, Trauma, and Training:
Navigating the Next Era of Crisis & Disaster Response. Ellicot City, MD: ICISF, Inc.
Abras, C. (Spring, 2012). Information technology in the medical school curriculum. Maryland
Medicine, the Quarterly Journal of MedChi 13(1), 11-13.
Abras, C. (2007). Course creation and faculty training for online delivery. In T. Bastiaens & S.
Carliner (Eds.), Proceedings of World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate,
Government, Healthcare, and Higher Education 2007 (pp. 595-596). Chesapeake, VA:
Abras, C., Ozok, A. & Preece, J. (2005, November). Research methods for validating and
deriving guidelines for e-learning online communities. Journal of Interactive Technology
and Smart Education, ITSE 2(4), 207-219. doi: 10.1108/17415650580000045
Chadia Abras
Curriculum Vitae
Abras, C., Ozok, A. & Preece, J. (2005). Discovering the sociability needs of two types of
discussion board communities. In M. Khosrow-Pour (Ed.), Managing Modern
Organizations with Information Technology (pp. 595-598). San Diego, CA: Information
Resources Management Association. doi: 10.4018/978-1-59140-822-2.ch145
Abras, C. (2005). Exploring guidelines for building e-learning communities: A case study. In C.
Stephanidis, (Ed.), Internationalization, Online Communities and Social Computing:
Design and Evaluation of the Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on
Human-Computer Interaction (vol. 10). Mahwah, NJ: Laurence Erlbaum Associates.
Preece, J., Abras, C., & Maloney-Krichmar, D. (2004). Designing and evaluating online
communities: Research speaks to emerging practice. International Journal of Web-based
Communities 1(1), pp. 2-18.
Abras, C., Maloney-Krichmar, D., & Preece, J. (2003). Evaluating an online academic
community: ‘Purpose’ is the key. In J. Jacko & C. Stephanidis (Eds.), Human-Computer
Interaction: Theory and Practice, Part II, (vol. 2, pp. 829-833). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence
Preece, J., & Abras, C. (2003). The Challenges of teaching HCI online: It’s mostly about
creating community. In J. Jacko & C. Stephanidis (Eds.), Human-computer interaction:
Theory and practice, Part I, (vol. 1, pp. 391-395). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.
Maloney-Krichmar, D., Abras, C., & Preece, J. (2002). Revitalizing an online community. In J.
Herkert (Ed.), Social Implications of Information and Communication Technology:
Proceedings of the 2002 International Symposium on Technology and Society (pp. 1319). Raleigh, NC: IEEE. doi: 10.1109/ISTAS.2002.1013790
Books & Book Chapters
Thomas, P., & Abras. C. (2015). Step 4: Educational strategies - Accomplishing educational
objectives. Manuscript in preparation. In D. E. Kern, P. A. Thomas, & M. T. Hughes
(Eds.), Curriculum development for medical education: A six-step approach (3rd ed., pp.
to be determined). Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press.
Abras, C., & Sunshine, P. (2008). Implementing distance learning: Theories, tools, continuing
teacher education, and the changing distance-learning environment. In S. Goertler & P.
Winke (Eds.), Opening doors through distance language education: Principles,
perspectives, and practices (vol. 7, pp. 175-201). San Marcos, TX: CALICO.
Abras, C. (2006). Online communities. In G. Salvendy (Ed.), Handbook of human factors and
ergonomics (3rd ed., pp. 1246-1261). London, UK: Weiley & Sons.
Abras, C., Maloney-Krichmar, D., & Preece, J. (2004). User-centered design. In B., W., Sims
(Ed.), Berkshire encyclopedia of human-computer interaction (vol. 2, pp. 763-768). Great
Barrington, MA: Berkshire Publishing Group.
Chadia Abras
Curriculum Vitae
Preece, J., Maloney-Krichmar, D., & Abras, C. (2003). History of online communities. In K.,
Christensen & D., Levinson (Eds.), Encyclopedia of community: From village to virtual
world (pp. 1023-1027). Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications.
Conference Presentations
Abras, C., Eith, C., & Harnett, C. (2015, April). Factors affecting class size, faculty workload,
and perceptions of success in online courses. Paper presented at the Ireland International
Conference on Education (IICE-2015), Dublin, Ireland.
Harnett, C., Abras, C., & Eith, C. (2015, April). Fostering development of dispositions through
distance learning: Models for course and curricular design. Paper presented at the
Ireland International Conference on Education (IICE-2015), Dublin, Ireland.
Abras, C. N., Eith, C., & Pape, S. J. (2014, April). Innovative pedagogy in online doctoral
education: Exploring the impact of situating experiential learning within a professional
context. Paper presented at the 4th International Conference on Professional Doctorates,
Cardiff, UK.
Pape, S. J., Eith, C., Abras, C., & DeSimone, J. (2014, April). JHU SOE EdD: Innovation in
doctoral education focused on contexts of professional practice. Paper presented at the 4th
International Conference on Professional Doctorates, Cardiff, UK.
Abras, C., & Harnett, C. (2013, February). Creating reusable learning objects for Just-In-Time
Training. Paper presented at the 12th World Congress on Stress, Trauma, and Training:
Navigating the Next Era of Crisis & Disaster Response. Baltimore, MD.
Abras, C. (2007, October). Course creation and faculty training for online delivery. Paper
presented at the E-Learn 2007, Québec City, Canada.
Abras, C., & Sunshine, P. (2007, October). Creating community through technology in the
classroom. Paper presented at the 2007 CEASOM Invitational Leadership Conference:
The Best of the Best Practices. Baltimore, MD.
Abras, C. (2006, May). Collaborative work online: The importance of group dynamics. Paper
presented at the Academic Technology Conference, Goucher College. Baltimore, MD.
Abras, C. (2006, March). Synchronous & asynchronous technologies in online graduate courses.
Paper presented at NEMLA. Baltimore, MD.
Abras, C. (2005, July). Exploring guidelines for building e-learning communities: A case study.
Paper presented at the 2005 HCI International conference, Las Vegas, NV.
Chadia Abras
Curriculum Vitae
Abras, C. (2005, May). Supporting a new culture of learning. Paper presented at the Academic
Technology Conference, Goucher College. Baltimore, MD.
Abras, C., Ozok, A., & Preece, J. (2005, May). Discovering the sociability needs of two types of
online communities. Paper presented at the 2005 Information Resources Management
Association, IRMA, International Conference, San Diego, CA.
Abras, C. (2004, June). A la recherche d'un rêve : Beyrouth à travers les films. Paper presented
at the 18th Congrès International sur la Francophonie, CIEF. Liège, Belgium.
Abras, C. (2004, May). The communicative approach in the foreign language classroom. Paper
presented at the Conference on Communicative Approaches, Goucher College.
Baltimore, MD.
Abras, C., Maloney-Krichmar, D., & Preece, J. (2003, June). Evaluating an online academic
community: ‘Purpose’ is the key. Paper presented at the HCI International. Crete, Greece.
Maloney-Krichmar, D., Abras, C. & Preece, J. (2002, June). Revitalizing an online community.
Paper presented at the Social Implications of Information and Communication
Technology: 2002 International Symposium on Technology and Society. Raleigh, NC.
Abras, C. & Preece, J. (2002, September). Developing heuristics and metrics to evaluate online
Communities. Paper presented at the HFES: Human Factors Engineering Society
Conference, Baltimore, MD.
Abras, C. (2002, April). What makes a skillful online teacher?. Paper presented at the Graduate
Research Conference, UMBC. Baltimore, MD.
Invited Presentations and Interviews
Abras, C., Bollinger, B., Dorman, T., & Jeffries, P. (2014, April). Distance learning: Today
JHUSOM, tomorrow the universe. Panel Discussion at the Third Institute for Excellence
in Education (IEE) Education Conference and Celebration, Johns Hopkins University
School of Medicine. Baltimore, MD.
Abras, C. (Since 2011- Present, January). Use of information technology to support medical
education. Presentation at the Longitudinal Program in Curriculum development, Johns
Hopkins University Bayview Medical Center. Baltimore, MD.
Abras, C. (2008, October). Five (or six) questions for Chadia Abras: Interview with Lisa Neal
Gualtieri, Editor-in-Chief. eLearn Magazine: New York, NY: ACM Publisher. Retrieved
Abras. C. (2008, April). Web 2.0 and social networking: Applying technology in education.
Paper presented at the CTLT Technology Conference, Goucher College. Baltimore, MD.
Chadia Abras
Curriculum Vitae
Abras, C. (2005, January). Heuristics for success in e-learning online communities. Key Note
presented at the International Workshop on e-Learning Online Communities-eLOC 2005,
Workshop at the 3rd ACS/IEEE International Conference on Computer Systems and
applications. Cairo, Egypt.
Abras, C. (2004, March). Heuristics drawn from two different research approaches. Paper
presented in a Graduate Course: Online Community Building, UMBC. Baltimore, MD.
Abras, C. (2004, March). Online education: What users need. Paper presented in a Graduate
Course: Cyberspace and its Impact on Society, UMBC. Baltimore, MD.
Abras, C. (2003, October). Heuristics for success in online communities. Paper presented at the
Technology Conference, Goucher College. Baltimore, MD.
Abras, C. (2003, May). French influence in the Levant. Paper presented at the Espaces Series
lectures, UMBC. Baltimore, MD.
Abras, C. (2002, February). Online education: What research shows. Paper presented in a
Graduate Course: Cyberspace and its Impact on Society, UMBC. Baltimore, MD.
Instructional Theory for Online Learning (Online EdD)
Technology & Creative Learning (Online EdD)
Instructional Strategies I & II (MEHP)
Leader as Teacher: Influencing Communities and Individuals
Action Research Design Adviser
Special Project Seminar: Practicum in Teacher Leadership in Technology
Leading Technology Based Learning for Improved Student Learning
Teacher Leadership in Technology-Based Learning
Local/Global Connections
Topics in Computer Science: Interaction Design
Cyberspace & Society
Special Topics in French Literature: Contemporary Francophone Literature
French Culture and Influences in the Levant
Bouillon de Culture
French Conversation & Composition
French Grammar (Wrote the Book & Accompanying Exercise Manual)
French Language courses (All three levels)
Chadia Abras
Curriculum Vitae
2011-Present Member of the Middle States evaluation team, Expertise in Distance Education
2007-Present On the Advisory Board of Cogito. Cogito is a collaborative effort by the Johns
Hopkins University Center for Talented Youth and eight partners
On the Editorial Board of “Future Learning”, a peer-reviewed journal that aims to
provide the current best thinking, research, and innovation for the effective
utilization of technology for educators in higher education, professional
education, workplace learning, continuing education, and life-long learning
On the board of the International Conference in Online Communities in
Association with the 14th HCI International Conference in, Orlando, Florida,
USA: 9-14 July 2011
Chair of the Teaching & Learning strand for the WCET conference
Vice Chair of the Teaching and Learning strand for the WCET conference
On the board of the Third International Conference in Online Communities in
Association with the 13th HCI International Conference in San Diego, CA, USA,
19-24 July 2009
On the committee of The Educational Technology Strand at the WCET's 20th
Annual Conference, November 5-8, 2008, Phoenix, AZ
On the board of the Second International Conference in Online
Communities in Association with the HCI International Conference in
July 2007, in Beijing, China
On the board of MICCA (MICCA is dedicated to providing leadership for
advancing meaningful uses of technology in the educational communities of
Maryland) in the higher education strand, representing Goucher College
Organized a special session for the HCI International Conference in July 2005.
The session is entitled: “Teaching Online Communities”
Conducted a workshop at Goucher College October 12, entitled “Where Are Your
Educational Edges?" in which Learning, information transfer, and the new
transformative education were examined
Consultant on a large NSF funded project: “The International Online
Digital Library”
Chadia Abras
Curriculum Vitae
Conducted a workshop with Jenny Preece in the HCI International Conference in
Crete, June 21-27. The full day workshop instructed the participants on how to
build successful online communities
Co-editor and co-founder of the LLCreview. A journal for interdisciplinary
studies, designed for graduate students at UMBC
Advisory Committee for Web Accessibility at JHU
Advisory Committee for technology integration for faculty development at JHU
Faculty Development Committee at JHU SoE
2013-Present Member of the Faculty Governance Committee at JHU SoE
2012-Present Member of the JHU SoE Doctoral Committee
Member of the JHU SoE Faculty Affairs Committee
2012-Present MEHP Curriculum Committee at JHU SoE
2013-Present EdD Curriculum Committee at JHU SoE
2011-Present Member of ITAC (Instructional Technology Advisory Council) committee at JHU
2014-Present Member of the Faculty Group for Digital Initiatives through the office of the Vice
Provost for Digital Initiatives at JHU
2014-Present Member of the Teaching & Learning Group for Digital Initiatives through the
office of the Vice Provost for Digital Initiatives at JHU
2014-Present Member of the Online Initiatives Group through the office of the Vice Provost for
Digital Initiatives at JHU
Member of the MOOC Advisory Committee through the office of the Vice
Provost for Digital Initiatives at JHU
Chadia Abras
AACE, Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education
WCET, Western Cooperative for Educational Telecommunications
Sloan-C now OCL
ACM, The Association for Computing Machinery
SigCHI, Computer Human Interaction, a subdivision of ACM
IRMA, Information Resources Management Association
ACTFL, American Council of the Teaching of Foreign Languages
CIÈF, Conseil International d'Études Francophones
ISTE, International Society for Technology in Education
Native fluency in Arabic, French, and English
Available upon request
Curriculum Vitae