Mr. Hicks, English Department
Overview: Read three books on your own this summer. A list of student-selected books is
attached. You will write three one page book reports and present them to the class the first week
of school. The three reports should feature two non-fiction book reports and one fiction report.
You have the option of summarizing a second fiction book in addition to the main assignment.
This project will constitute a significant portion of your first five week grade. The reports
should be completed on a word processor, and you will need to keep a copy for yourself.
INTRODUCTIONState the Title and Author of the book
Tell us why you selected it for your independent reading
II. SUMMARYb. State a theme or main idea in the book
How does the book start?
How is a central problem revealed?
Describe the main characters. What kind of people are they?
III. KEY POINTSChoose one key point or theme in the book.
A key point is a symbolic word, image, phrase, or event that occurs in the story. It can be the
point where you realize what the meaning of the story is, or where you find out what a main
character is really like because of an action he takes or a decision that he undertakes. It can also
be a word or image that reappears in the story and helps the reader to understand or appreciate.
IV. EXCERPTChoose one paragraph or sequence that you like and write it down. Include the page number
where it appears in the book. Explain why this paragraph is significant.
V. CLOSINGFinish with the following statement: “What I learned from this book is…….”
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I have read the requirements for the assignment, and understand that the book reports are due the
first day of school.
Student Signature
Parent Signature
7th Grade Magnet Summer Reading List Non-­Fiction A Journal of the Plague Year 1665 Abe Lincoln Grows Up Defoe, Daniel Boy: The tales of Childhood Chinese Cinderella Dahl, Roald Londoner who describes the horrors of the bubonic plague The life of Abraham Lincoln as a teenager Autobiographical tales of a veterinary surgeon Man helps hundreds during the 1990s Rwandan Genocide Autobiography Ma, Adeline Yen Story of an unwanted girl child Come Back to Afghanistan Akbar, Said Ayker and Burton, Susan Coyotes Bronson, Wilfrid Diary of a Young Girl Frank, Anne First they Killed my Father Gandhi, Great Soul Ung, Luong An Afghan teenager living in California, visits homeland after 9/11 How coyotes are related to other wild and domestic dogs A 13 year old Jewish Girl hidden from the Nazis during WWII A privileged Cambodian family suffers in their search for freedom biography All Creatures Great and Small An Ordinary Man Genghis Khan: Conqueror of the World Global Warming Sandburg, Carl Herriot, James Rusesabagina, Paul Severance, John B. De Hartog, Leo Helen Keller: The Story of my Life Hitler Youth: Growing up in Hitler’s Shadow In My Hands Alvin, Virginia Silverstein Keller, Helen The story of the Mongolian conquest of Asia Explains global warming and the Greenhouse effect Autobiography Beatoletti, Susan Campbell Gut, Irene Boys who were raised to carry out Hitler’s vision Polish girl observing the Holocaust Into Thin Air Krakauer, John Ishi in Two Worlds Kroeber, Theodora It’s Our World Too Hoose, Philip Joan of Arc Pickels, Dwayne Survival on Mt. Everest though the eyes of a mountain climber A California Native wanders out of the woods in 1916. How does he react to modern America? Children from different races talk about peer pressure and communities Biography of a Medieval heroine Journey of the Heart Pettit, Jane Maya Angelou’s childhood Kaffir Boy Mathabane, Mark Last Chance in Texas: Redemption of Criminal Youth Madame Curie Hubner, John Story of a black you coming of age in Apartheid Africa A troubled juvenile who finally gets things straight Curie, Eve **Scientist who discovered radiation Mai Jameson, First African in Space Mark Twain, an Autobiography Martin Luther King Jr. For people who want to try Twain, Mark **His life as a famous writer and a great American humorist Autobiography Michelangelo Stanley, Diane Mohandas Gandhi Shields, Charles J. My Family and Other Animals My Season with Penguins: An Antarctic Journal Passionate Nomad: The Life of Freya Stark Pirates Durrell, Gerald King, M.L. Webb, Sophie Pride of the Malay Race Geniesse, Jane Fletcher Carpenter, John Reece Palma, Dr. Rafael Rascal North, Sterling Seabiscuit Hillenbrand, Laura Traitor, The Case of Benedict Arnold Fritz, Jean The story of one of the greatest artist who ever lived and how he created his vision Gandhi’s legacy for the Indian people Dr. Durrell has authored several books about animal behaviors Female explorer maps the Arabian peninsula How pirates lived Biography of Jose Rizal, Philippine hero About respecting the nature of a wild Animal Bottom level racehorse who becomes a champion because people believe in him How a leader of the emerging United States decides to betray the new country 7th Grade Magnet Summer Reading List Fiction Adams, Richard Adams, Douglas Angelou, Maya Blume, Judy Chaucer, Geoffrey, adapted by Hastings, Selena Cisneros, Sandra Conan Doyle, Arthur Green, Hannah Hamilton, Virginia Hamilton, Virginia Le Guin, Ursula Mc Caffrey, Anne Morrison, Toni O’Dell, Scott O’Dell, Scott Poe, Edgar Allen Potok, Chaim Sewell, Anna Shelley, Mary Wollstonecroft Soto, Gary Stevenson, Robert Louis Sutcliff, Rosemary Sutcliff, Rosemary Tolkien Tolkien White, T.H. Watership Down The Hitchhiker’s Guide To The Galaxy I know why the Caged Bird Sings Are you there God? It’s Me, Margaret Canterbury Tales House on Mango Street Sherlock Holmes Min. of 3 stories or one novel I never promised you a Rose Garden Sweet Whispers, Brother Rush The People could Fly The Wizard of Earthsea (3 vols.) Dragonriders of Pern (3 vols.) Bluest Eye Island of the Blue Dolphins Road to Damietta Collected Short Stories Minimum of 3 The Chosen Black Beauty Frankenstein Baseball in April and other Stories Treasure Island Black Ships Before Troy: The Story of the Iliad Light Beyond the Forest The Hobbit Lord of the Rings (3 vols) Once and Future King 