J. C. Watson
Mississippi State University - Meridian Campus
1000 Highway 19 North
Meridian, Mississippi 39307
601.484.0188 (office) 601.484.0280 (fax)
Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.), Counseling and Counselor Education (2003)
Department of Counseling and Educational Development (CACREP accredited program)
The University of North Carolina at Greensboro
Major: Counselor Education and Supervision, Clinical Mental Health Counseling
Dissertation: The effects of athletic participation, expectations about counseling and gender on
attitudes toward help-seeking behavior among college students
Master of Education (M.Ed.) Guidance and Counseling Services (1999)
Department of Counseling and Educational Leadership (CACREP accredited program)
Clemson University, Clemson SC
Major: Community Counseling
Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) Psychology (1997)
College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
University of Connecticut, Storrs CT
Major: Psychology
Licensed Professional Counselor, State of Mississippi (#1045)
Licensed Professional Counselor, State of North Carolina (#3860)
National Certified Counselor, National Board for Certified Counselors (#67142)
Approved Clinical Supervisor, Center for Credentialing Education (#525)
Associate Professor (2009-Present)
Assistant Professor (2003-2009)
Division of Education, Counselor Education Program
Mississippi State University-Meridian
J. C. Watson
Responsibilities include: teaching graduate courses (2/3 course load) in the counselor education
program; advising masters, educational specialist, and doctoral students; directing and serving on
dissertation committees; maintaining an active research agenda; securing external funding for
research and training projects; and providing department, university, and professional service.
Courses taught:
 Advanced Assessment in Counseling
 Advanced Educational and Psychological Statistics
 Psychosocial Rehabilitation
 Psychological Testing in Educational and Related Settings
 Counseling Skills Development
 Educational and Psychological Statistics
 Counseling Theory
 Introduction to Clinical Mental Health Counseling (formerly Community Counseling)
 Psychopharmacology for Counselors
 Adolescent Behavioral Assessment
 Introduction to Brief Therapy Techniques
Instructor and Internship Supervisor (2000-2002)
Department of Counseling and Educational Development
The University of North Carolina at Greensboro
Responsibilities included: teaching undergraduate courses in the counselor education program,
facilitating the practica experience for several master’s level counseling courses, and facilitating
weekly supervision session (individual and group) for five counseling interns each semester.
Courses taught:
 Helping Skills
 Career and Life Planning
 Practicum and Internship
Graduate Teaching Assistant (1998-1999)
Department of Counseling and Educational Leadership
Clemson University
Responsibilities included: co-teaching Group Counseling, Appraisal Procedures, and
Community Counseling courses through the Clemson/Eckerd Youth Alternatives grant program.
Executive Director (2006-2009)
MidState Behavioral Health Services, LLC
Meridian, Mississippi
J. C. Watson
Responsibilities included: Assuming all administrative duties of a privately owned counseling
and consulting practice; offering counseling services to individuals, groups, and families;
coordinating staff schedules; providing consultation services to local non-profit community
agencies; managing school-based retention programs and conducting behavioral assessments for
K-12 schools in Starkville, Columbus, and West Point; and supervising counselors seeking state
licensure (LPC) credential.
Behavioral Health Assessment Counselor (2001-2003)
High Point Behavioral Health
High Point Regional Health Systems: High Point, North Carolina
Responsibilities included: Conducting intake evaluations on adult and adolescent clients,
arranging for admission to necessary level of care, facilitating client discharges and/or transfers
to other treatment facilities, and providing after hours crisis response coverage for local hospital
emergency department.
Case Manager (2000, doctoral internship)
Smith Psychiatric Center, Chemical Dependency Unit
High Point Regional Hospital: High Point, North Carolina
Responsibilities included: Managing a continuing caseload of current and discharged clients,
providing individual and group counseling services to resident and day treatment clients,
coordinating hospital-based AA and NA schedules, teaching psycho-educational sessions on
relapse prevention and recovery programs, and arranging all physician and healthcare provider
referrals and consults.
College Counselor (1998-1999)
Counseling and Psychological Services
Redfern Student Health Center, Clemson University
Responsibilities included: Managing an individual caseload of 15-20 clients; coordinating annual
campus-wide depression, anxiety, and eating disorders screenings; attending bi-monthly
specialized training sessions with senior staff counselors; and serving as a member of the
University health care advisory committee.
Rehabilitation Counselor (1998, graduate internship)
South Carolina State Vocational Rehabilitation Center
Seneca, South Carolina
Responsibilities included: Managing a continuing caseload of 5-10 clients, conducting all new
client intake assessments and monitored client progress throughout the program, and cofacilitating job skills training classes with other staff counselors.
J. C. Watson
American Counseling Association (ACA)
Association for Assessment in Counseling and Education (AACE)
American College Counseling Association (ACCA)
Association for Counselor Education and Supervision (ACES)
o Southern Association for Counselor Education and Supervision (SACES)
Chi Sigma Iota Counseling Academic & Professional Honor Society International (CSI)
Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society
Mississippi Counseling Association (MCA)
o Mississippi Association for Counselor Education and Supervision (MACES)
Executive Editor, Journal of College Counseling (2010-Present)
Editorial Board Member, American Counseling Association Vistas (2013-Present)
Associate Editor, American Counseling Association Practice Briefs (2012-Present)
Editorial Board Member, Journal of Professional Counseling: Practice, Theory, and
Research (2006-Present)
Editorial Board Member, Journal of Addiction and Offender Counseling (2005-Present)
Guest Reviewer, Psychologica (2013)
Editor, Chi Sigma Iota JobLinks (2009-2012)
Editorial Board Member, Journal of College Counseling (2005-2010)
Editor, Newsnotes AACE division newsletter (2006-2009)
Ad Hoc Editorial Reviewer, Journal of Counseling and Development (2005-2006)
Articles in Refereed Journals
Ratliff, L. J., Watson, J. C. (2014). A descriptive analysis of public school educators
arrested for sex offenses: Lessons for administrators. Manuscript submitted for
publication to the Journal of Child Sexual Abuse, 23, 1-12.
Ratliff, L. J., & Watson, J. C., Ratliff, P. (2013). Public school principals’ perceptions
concerning the hiring of social studies teachers. The Councilor: A Journal of the Social
Studies, 74, 11-24.
J. C. Watson
Watson, J. C. (2012). A comparison of counselor-in-training development between
online and traditional face-to-face training programs. The Professional Counselor, 2(2),
Lemon, J. C., & Watson, J. C. (2011). Early identification of potential high school
dropouts: An investigation of the relationship among at-risk status, wellness, perceived
stress, and mattering. Journal of At-Risk Issues, 16(2), 17-24.
Watson, J. C., & Lemon, J. E. (2011). A profile of adolescent wellness: Implications for
working with a help-seeking population. The Journal of Humanistic Counseling,
Education, and Development, 50(1), 70-83.
Watson, J. C., Harper, S., Ratliff, L., & Singleton, S. (2010). Perceived stress and
wellness: Predicting job satisfaction among beginning teachers. Research in the Schools,
17(1), 30-38.
Booth, C. S., & Watson, J. C. (2009). Technology in counseling: Global implications for
the 21st century. North Carolina Counseling Association Journal, 3(1), 38-43.
Watson, J. C., & Spurgeon, S. L. (2009). Development of the managing client resistance
self-efficacy (MCRSE) scale. Journal of Counseling Research and Practice, 1, 64-73.
Watson, J. C. (2009). Native American racial identity development and college
adjustment at two-year institutions. Journal of College Counseling, 12, 125-136.
Wesley, M. C., Minatrea, N. B., & Watson, J. C. (2009). Animal-Assisted Therapy in
the Treatment of Substance Dependence. Anthrozoös, 22(2), 137-148.
Cashwell, C. S., Rivera, D., Watson, J. C., Paredes, D. M, & Barrio, C. A. (2009).
Preference for counselor disclosure among White, African-American, and Puerto Rican
respondents. Journal of Multicultural Counseling and Development.
Wozny, D. A., Porter, J. Y., & Watson, J. C. (2008). Planning of a student peer
program as a key component of a campus suicide prevention project: Utilizing NAPP
programmatic standards. Perspectives in Peer Programs, 21(2), 48-58.
Watson, J. C. & Kissinger, D. B. (2007). Athletic participation and wellness:
Implications for counseling college student-athletes. Journal of College Counseling,
10(2), 153-162.
Swindell, M. L., & Watson, J. C. (2007). Ethical delegates and creative pedagogy in the
social work classroom. Journal of Social Work Values and Ethics, 4(1), Article 2.
Retrieved from
J. C. Watson
Swindell, M. L., & Watson, J. C. (2006). Teaching ethics through self-reflective
journaling. Journal of Social Work Values and Ethics, 3(2), Article 4. Retrieved from
Watson, J. C. (2006). Student-athletes and counseling: Factors influencing the decision
to seek counseling services. College Student Journal, 40(1), 35-42.
Watson, J. C. (2005). Internet addiction diagnosis and assessment: Implications for
counselors. Journal of Professional Counseling: Practice, Theory, and Research, 33(2),
Kissinger, D. B., & Watson, J. C. (2005). Counseling college student-athletes: A
working alliance model approach. Academic Athletic Journal, 18(1), 42-55.
Watson, J. C. (2005). College student-athletes’ attitudes toward help-seeking behavior and
expectations of counseling services. Journal of College Student Development, 46, 442-449.
Watson, J. C. (2005). Factors influencing the online learning efficacy beliefs of
counselors-in-training. Journal of Technology in Counseling, 4(1), Article 10. Retrieved
Watson, J. C. (2003). Computer-based supervision: Implementing computer technology
into the delivery of counseling supervision. Journal of Technology in Counseling, 3(1),
Article 6. Retrieved from
Watson, J. C. (2002). Assessing the potential for alcohol-related issues among college
student-athletes. Athletic Insight, 4(3), Article 2. Retrieved from
Editorials in Refereed Journals
Watson, J. C. (2014). Expanding the knowledge base of college counselors: Paving the
way for the implementation of evidence-based practices on college campuses. Journal of
College Counseling, 17(1), 3-5.
Watson, J. C. (2013). Addressing student retention: The role of college counselors.
Journal of College Counseling, 16(3), 195-197.
Watson, J. C. (2013). The changing face of college counseling: New services for a new
campus population. Journal of College Counseling, 16(2), 99-101.
Watson, J. C. (2013). Rethinking the provision of counseling services: A paradigm shift
for college counselors. Journal of College Counseling, 16(1), 3-5.
Watson, J. C. (2012). Integrating assessment into the counseling process: Effective
strategies for college counselors. Journal of College Counseling, 15(3), 195-197.
J. C. Watson
Watson, J. C. (2012). Examining the relationship between attachment behaviors and
college student health and wellness. Journal of College Counseling, 15(2), 99-100.
Watson, J. C. (2012). Managing college stress: The role of college counselors. Journal
of College Counseling, 15(1), 3-4*
*Ranked as the #5 most downloaded JCC article in the Wiley Online Library in 2012 (515 downloads)
Schwitzer, A. M., & Watson, J. C. (2011). Journal of College Counseling special issue:
A new bridge between research and practice in college counseling and mental health.
Journal of College Counseling, 14(2), 99-100.
Watson, J. C. (2011). Addressing current trends in college counseling. Journal of
College Counseling, 14(1), 3-4.
Watson, J. C., & Schwitzer, A. M. (2010). The wide reach of college counseling.
Journal of College Counseling, 13(2), 98-99.
Chapters in Edited Books
Flamez, B., Watson, J. C., & Clark, A. (in press). Accessibility in online supervision:
Challenges and solutions. In T. Rousmaniere & E. Renfro-Michel (Eds.). Using
technology to enhance counselor supervision: A practical handbook. Alexandria, VA:
American Counseling Association.
Watson, J. C. (in press). A holistic wellness approach toward counseling college studentathletes. In E. Comeaux (Ed.). Making the connection: Data-informed practices in
academic support centers for student-athletes. Charlotte, NC: Information Age
Watson, J. C. (in press). Internet addiction. In R. L. Smith (Ed.). Treatment strategies
for substance abuse and process addictions. Columbus, OH: Pearson.
Flamez, B, & Watson, J. C. (2014). Solution-Focused Brief Therapy. In R. Parsons & N.
Zhang (Eds.). Counseling theory: Guiding reflective practice. (pp. 311-342). Thousand
Oaks, CA: Sage.
Watson, J. C. (2013). Career Decision Self-Efficacy Scale. In C. Wood & D. G. Hays
(Eds.). A counselor’s guide to career assessment instruments 6th edition (pp. 315-318).
Broken Arrow, OK: National Career Development Association.
Watson, J. C., Erford, B. T., Kaplan, D. M., & Eliason, G. T. (2013). Professional
counseling organizations, licensure, certification, and accreditation. In B. T. Erford (Ed.).
Orientation to the counseling profession: Advocacy, ethics, and essential professional
foundations 2nd edition (pp. 28-64). Columbus, OH: Pearson.
J. C. Watson
Flamez, B., Cavazos, J., Sangganjanavanich, V. F., & Watson, J. C. (2012). Developing
scholarship through mentoring and self-reflection: A transformative process for doctoral
students. In C. J. Boden & S. M. Kippers (Eds.). Pathways to transformation: Learning
in relationship (pp. 111-129). Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.
Watson, J. C., & Simpson, L. (2010). Predictive Designs. In C. J. Sheperis, J. S. Young,
& M. H. Daniels (Eds.). Counseling research: Quantitative, qualitative, and single
subject design (pp. 61-79). Columbus, OH: Pearson.
Watson, J. C., Erford, B. T., Tasch, K., Kaplan, D. M., & Eliason, G. T. (2010).
Professional counseling organizations, licensure, certification, and accreditation. In B. T.
Erford (Ed.). Orientation to the counseling profession: Advocacy, ethics, and essential
professional foundations (pp. 24-54). Columbus, OH: Pearson.
Kissinger, D. B., & Watson, J. C. (2009). Promoting student-athlete mental health: The
role of campus counseling services. In D. B. Kissinger & M. T. Miller (Eds.). College
student-athletes: Challenges, opportunities, and policy implications (pp. 93-108).
Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.
Watson, J. C. (2009). Correlation Coefficient. In American Counseling Association
(Ed.), The ACA encyclopedia of counseling (pp. 123-124). Alexandria, VA: ACA.
Litchfield, M., & Watson, J. C. (2009). Mental Health Counseling. In American
Counseling Association (Ed.). The ACA encyclopedia of counseling (pp. 101-103).
Alexandria, VA: ACA.
Wozny, D. A., Porter, J. Y., & Watson, J. C. (2008). Commuter campus suicide
prevention program challenges: Engaging nontraditional students and college
faculty/staff. In G.R Walz, J. C. Bleuer, & R.K. Yep (Eds.), Compelling counseling
interventions: Celebrating VISTAS’ fifth anniversary (pp. 187-197). Ann Arbor, MI:
Counseling Outfitters.
Wozny, D. A., & Watson, J. C. (2006). Counselors’ questioning skills repertoire: What
we use and what we don’t. In G.R Walz, J. C. Bleuer, & R.K. Yep (Eds.), Vistas:
Compelling perspectives on counseling 2006 (pp. 139-142). Alexandria, VA: ACA.
Watson, J. C. (2006). Walker Problem Behavior Identification Checklist Review. In B. T.
Erford (Ed.). Counselor’s guide to clinical, personality, and behavioral assessment (pp.
150-154). Boston, MA: Lahaska Press.
Monographs, Conference Proceedings, ERIC Documents, and Newsletter Articles
Watson, J. C., & Sheperis, C. J. (2010). Counselors and the right to test: Working
toward professional parity (ACAPCS-31). Alexandria, VA: American Counseling
J. C. Watson
Watson, J. C. (2010). CSI JobLinks page to receive a new look. Chi Sigma Iota
Exemplar, 25(2), 14.
Watson, J.C., & Sheperis, D. S. (2009). An Introduction to psychopharmacology for the
non-medical mental health professional. Unpublished CE course. (92 pp.)
Sheperis, C. J., & Watson, J. C. (2009). Mississippi board qualified counseling
supervisor training: Participant manual. Unpublished CE course. (100 pp.)
Wozny, D. A., Porter, J. Y., & Watson, J. C. (2007). Campus suicide prevention:
Addressing barriers. Suicide 2007: Proceedings of the 40th annual conference of the
American Association of Suicidology. Washington, DC: American Association of
Watson, J. C. (2006). The retention of Native American students at Mississippi public
community colleges: Examining the influence of racial identity on college adjustment.
(No. PRS-06-1). Meridian, MS: MidSouth Partnership for Rural Community Colleges.
Watson, J. C. (2006). Addressing client resistance: Recognizing and processing insession occurrences. Retrieved from
Watson, J. C. (2005). Voices from the field: Changing student perceptions about
psychological testing. Lahaska Expressions, 1(B), 4-5.
Watson, J. C. (2003). Overcoming the challenges of counseling student-athletes. (Report
No. CG-03-01). Greensboro, NC: Counseling and Student Services Clearinghouse.
(ERIC Document Reproduction Services No. ED475387).
Watson, J. C. (2003). The effects of athletic participation, expectations about counseling,
and gender on attitudes toward help seeking behavior among college students (doctoral
dissertation). Available from ProQuest Dissertations and Theses database. (UMI No.
Watson, J. C. (2000). Rational emotive behavior therapy: Origins, constructs, and
applications (Report no. CG-029-710). Greensboro, NC: Counseling and Student
Services Clearinghouse. (ERIC Document Reproduction Services No. ED436712).
Watson, J. C. (1999). Book review: Resources for counselors and clients. Chi Sigma Iota
Exemplar, 14, 20.
Commissioned Book Reviews
Watson, J. C. (2013). [Review of the book Case conceptualization and interventions for
counselors: Understanding and treating mental, emotional and behavioral disorders].
Sage Publications.
J. C. Watson
Watson, J. C. (2010). [Review of the book Handbook of advanced statistical methods
made easy: New tools for knowledge building for the applied social sciences]. Wiley.
Watson, J. C. (2006). [Review of the book Basic and advanced counseling skills:
Assessing mastery, transfer and client outcomes]. Lahaska Press.
Watson, J. C. (2006). [Review of the book SPSS for intermediate statistics, 2nd Ed.].
Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
Watson, J. C. (2006). [Review of the book Basic and intermediate statistics for the
social sciences]. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
Watson, J. C. (2005). [Review of the book Assessment for counselors]. Lahaska Press.
Watson, J. C. (2004). [Review of the book Foundations to mental health and community
counseling: An introduction to the profession]. Merrill/Prentice-Hall.
Contracted Books
Watson, J. C., & Flamez, B. (in press). Counseling Assessment and Evaluation:
Fundamentals of Applied Practice. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Flamez, B., & Watson, J. C. (under contract). Diagnosing and Treating Children and
Adolescents: A Guide for Mental health Professionals. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons.
Manuscripts in Progress or Submitted for Publication
Watson, J. C. (under review). Athletic identity salience among community college
student-athletes. Manuscript submitted for publication to the Community College Journal
of Research and Practice.
Sumrall, J. L., Clary, R., & Watson, J. C. (in progress). Evaluating pre-existing geologic
and meteorological sense of place in an online classroom. Manuscript being developed
for submission and editorial review.
Watson, J. C. & Shirley, T. S. (in progress). The mediating effect of family structure on
adolescent self-esteem. Manuscript being developed for submission and editorial review.
Watson, J. C. (in progress). Adolescent wellness and school connectedness: The
mediating role of mattering and academic performance. Manuscript being developed for
submission and editorial review.
Watson, J. C. (in progress). Constructing a predictive model of holistic wellness among
middle school students. Manuscript being developed for submission and editorial review.
J. C. Watson
PI or Co-PI on 12 internal and external grants that have resulted in $345,202 of funding
Wozny, D. A., Porter, J. Y., & Watson, J. C. (2009). Campus wellness-based primary
suicide prevention program. Grant proposal submitted to the Substance Abuse and
Mental Health Services Administration’s Campus Suicide Prevention Grant Program.
(Funded at $229,347 for 3 years)
Lemon, J. C., & Watson, J. C. (2009). Early identification of high school dropouts: An
investigation of the relationship among at-risk status, wellness, perceived stress, and
mattering. Grant proposal submitted to Chi Sigma Iota International. (Funded at $400)
Watson, J. C. (2008). Development and Validation of a Counseling Skills Self Efficacy
Instrument. Grant proposal submitted to the Mississippi State University Office of
Research and Economic Development. (Funded at $1,930)
Watson, J. C. (2006). The influence of online instruction on the counseling self-efficacy
of counselors-in-training. Grant proposal submitted to the Southern Association for
Counselor Education and Supervision. (Funded at $500)
Wozny, D. A., Porter, J. Y., Watson, J. C., & James, M. D. (2006). Efficacy of campus
suicide prevention on a commuter campus: Early identification and referral of at-risk
college students to private mental health providers. Grant proposal submitted to the
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration’s Campus Suicide
Prevention Grant Program. (Funded at $104,775 for 3 years)
Watson, J. C., & Spurgeon, S. L. (2006). Gender differences in African American
student retention: An exploratory study. Grant proposal submitted to the American
College Counseling Association. (Funded at $500)
Watson, J. C. (2005). Assessing wellness among an adolescent clinical population.
Grant proposal submitted to the Nicholas A. Vacc Counseling and Consulting Clinic
Wellness Research Fund. (Funded at $500)
Watson, J. C. (2005). Wellness and the college student-athlete. Grant proposal submitted
to the American College Counseling Association. (Funded at $500)
Watson, J. C. (2004). Investigating the effect of racial identity development on the
retention rates of Native American community college students. Grant proposal submitted
to the MidSouth Partnership for Rural Community Colleges. (Funded at $4,400)
Watson, J. C., & Spurgeon, S. L. (2003). Client resistance and the counseling practicum
and internship curricula. Grant proposal submitted to the Southern Association for
Counselor Education and Supervision. (Funded at $350)
J. C. Watson
Watson, J. C., & Wozny, D. A. (2003). Multimedia recruitment strategies. Grant
proposal submitted to the MSU Office of Graduate Studies Recruitment Fund. (Funded at
Watson, J. C. (2002). Student-athletes and counseling services. The University of North
Carolina at Greensboro Graduate School Summer Research Grant. (Funded at $1,500)
Invited International/National Presentations
Watson, J. C. (2012, March). Finding your place in AACE. Invited AACE-sponsored
session presented at the American Counseling Association World Conference, San
Francisco, CA
Watson, J. C., & Jett, E. (2011, March). Finding your place in AACE. Invited AACEsponsored session presented at the American Counseling Association World Conference,
New Orleans, LA
Watson, J. C., Sheperis, C. S., & Sheperis, D. S. (2011, March). Initial development of
the counseling assessment self-efficacy scale (CASES). Invited AACE-sponsored session
presented at the American Counseling Association World Conference, New Orleans, LA
Watson, J. C. (2010, October). Publishing in the Journal of College Counseling. Invited
session at the 5th American College Counseling Association National Conference, St.
Louis, MO
Lemon, J. C., & Watson, J. C. (2010, March). Early identification of high school
dropouts: An investigation of the relationship among at-risk status, wellness, perceived
stress, and mattering. Invited CSI-sponsored session presented at the American
Counseling Association World Conference, Pittsburgh, PA
Sheperis, C. J., Balkin, R., Sheperis, D. Simpson, L., & Watson, J. C. (2009, March).
The counselor as scientist practitioner: The ethical choice. Invited AACE-sponsored
session presented at the American Counseling Association World Conference, Charlotte,
Watson, J. C., & Schwiebert, V. (2007, March). Finding your place in AACE. Invited
AACE-sponsored session presented at American Counseling Association World
Conference, Detroit, MI
J. C. Watson
Watson, J. C. (2006, April). Racial identity and college adjustment among Native
American students. Invited AACE-sponsored session presented at the American
Counseling Association World Conference, Montreal, Canada
Refereed International/National Presentations
Lemberger-Truelove, M., Balkin, R. S., Duffey, T., Farley, N., Glavin, K., Hays, D.,
McCarthy, C., Noah, B., Peluso, P. R., Robinson, E. H., Southern, J. S., Watson, J. C., &
Baker, C. (2014, March). Publishing in ACA refereed journals: Suggestions from the
Council of Editors. Session presented at the American Counseling Association World
Conference, Honolulu, HI
Walz, G. R., Bleuer, J. C., Hof, D., Watson, J. C., & Jackson-Cherry, L. (2014, March).
VISTAS: ACA’s unique database of counseling resources. Session presented at the
American Counseling Association World Conference, Honolulu, HI
Watson, J. C. (2013, October). A primer on multiple regression analyses: Selecting the
appropriate model for your study. Session presented at the Association for Counselor
Education and Supervision National Conference, Denver, CO
Watson, J. C. (2013, October). Publishing in the Journal of College Counseling. Session
presented at the American College Counseling Association National Conference, New
Orleans, LA
Flamez, B., & Watson, J. C. (2013, September). Diagnosing and treating children and
adolescents with DSM-5 disorders. Session presented at the Association for Assessment
and Research in Counseling National Conference, Houston, TX
Lemberger-Truelove, M., Balkin, R. S., Duffey, T., Farley, N., Glavin, K., Hays, D.,
McCarthy, C., Noah, B., Peluso, P. R., Robinson, E. H., Southern, J. S., Watson, J. C., &
Baker, C. (2013, March). Publishing in ACA refereed journals: Suggestions from the
Council of Editors. Session presented at the American Counseling Association World
Conference, Cincinnati, OH
Watson, J. C. (2012, October). Publishing in the Journal of College Counseling. Session
presented at the American College Counseling Association National Conference, Orlando,
Watson, J. C. (2012, March). Developing a Model of Middle School Wellness: An
Analysis of the Factors Predictive of Wellness among Early Adolescents. Session
presented at the American Counseling Association World Conference, San Francisco, CA
Watson, J. C. (2012, January). The influence of online instruction on the counseling selfefficacy of counselors-in-training. Session presented at the Hawaii International
Conference on Education, Honolulu, HI
J. C. Watson
Watson, J. C., & Harper, S. (2012, January). Holistic wellness and perceived stress:
Predicting job satisfaction among beginning teachers. Session presented at the Hawaii
International Conference on Education, Honolulu, HI
Watson, J. C. (2011, October). A primer on multiple regression analyses: Selecting the
appropriate model for your study. Session presented at the Association for Counselor
Education and Supervision National Conference, Nashville, TN
Balkin, R. S., Watson, J. C., & Perepiczka, M. (2011, October). Selecting an
appropriate quantitative method. Session presented at the Association for Counselor
Education and Supervision National Conference, Nashville, TN
Perepiczka, M., Balkin, R., & Watson, J. C. (2011, October). Student learning outcomes
in statistics courses. Session presented at the Association for Counselor Education and
Supervision National Conference, Nashville, TN
Watson, J. C., & Lemon, J. C. (2011, September). Early identification of potential high
school dropouts: An investigation of the relationship among at-risk status, wellness,
perceived stress, and mattering. Session presented at the Association for Assessment in
Counseling and Education National Conference, Fort Worth, TX
Dixon, A. L., & Watson, J. C. (2011, March). The Search for Mattering: Validating the
Construct of Mattering for Use in Counseling. Session presented at the American
Counseling Association World Conference, New Orleans, LA
Spurgeon, S. L., & Watson, J. C. (2010, September). Assessing the self-efficacy beliefs
of counselors toward managing client resistance. Session presented at the Association for
Assessment in Counseling and Education National Conference, Memphis, TN
Perepiczka, M., Balkin, R., & Watson, J. C. (2010, September). Assessing outcomes of
statistics courses and implementing changes for CACREP-accredited programs. Session
presented at the Association for Assessment in Counseling and Education National
Conference, Memphis, TN
Spurgeon, S. L., & Watson, J. C. (2010, September). Assessing the self efficacy beliefs of
counselors toward managing client resistance. Session presented at the Association for
Assessment in Counseling and Education National Conference, Memphis, TN
Watson, J. C. (2010, March). Developing a model of middle school wellness: An
analysis of the factors predictive of wellness among early adolescents. Session presented
at the American Counseling Association National Conference, Pittsburgh, PA
Spurgeon, S. L., & Watson, J. C. (2010, March). The Managing Client Resistance Selfefficacy Scale - Development and validation. Session presented at the American
Counseling Association National Conference, Pittsburgh, PA
J. C. Watson
Porter, J. Y., Wozny, D. A., & Watson, J. C. (2009, October). Using student peer
mentoring groups to promote mental wellness on a commuter college campus. Session
presented at the Association for Counselor Education and Supervision National
Conference, San Diego, CA
Watson, J. C. (2009, September). Perceived stress, job satisfaction, and wellness among
beginning teachers. Session presented at the Association for Assessment in Counseling
and Education National Conference, Norfolk, VA
Watson, J. C., & Spurgeon, S. L. (2009, September).Development of the Managing
Client Resistance Self Efficacy Scale. Session presented at the Association for
Assessment in Counseling and Education National Conference, Norfolk, VA
Wozny, D. A., Porter, J. Y., & Watson, J. C. (2009, April). Campus suicide prevention:
The role of a student peer helper program. Session presented at the American
Association of Suicidology National Conference, San Francisco, CA
Wozny, D. A., Porter, J. Y., & Watson, J. C. (2009, January). MSU-Meridian Campus
Suicide Prevention Program: SAMHSA Grantee Showcase. Session presented at the
SAMHSA Campus Suicide Prevention Grantee Meeting, Phoenix, AZ
Sheperis, C. J., Balkin, R., Sheperis, D. Simpson, L., & Watson, J. C. (2008, September).
The counselor as scientist practitioner: The ethical choice. Session presented at the
Association for Assessment in Counseling and Education National Conference, Dallas,
Watson, J. C. (2008, September). Racial identity and college adjustment among Native
American students. Session presented at the Association for Assessment in Counseling
and Education National Conference, Dallas, TX
Wozny, D. A., Porter, J. Y., & Watson, J. C. (2008, April). Campus suicide prevention:
Anti-stigma project. Session presented at the American Association of Suicidology
National Conference, Boston, MA
Watson, J. C. (2008, March). Assessing wellness among an adolescent clinical
population. Session presented at the American Counseling Association National
Conference, Honolulu, HI
Watson, J. C., & Eaves, S. H. (2007, November). Adolescent wellness: Assessment and
practical applications with a clinical population. Session presented at the Association for
Assessment in Counseling and Education National Conference, Atlanta, GA
Eaves, S. H., & Watson, J. C. (2007, November). Informal assessment of sexually risky
behavior in adolescents. Session presented at the Association for Assessment in
Counseling and Education National Conference, Atlanta, GA
J. C. Watson
Watson, J. C. (2007, October). The influence of online instruction on the counseling selfefficacy of counselors-in-training. Session presented at the Association for Counselor
Education and Supervision National Conference, Columbus OH
Wozny, D. A., Porter, J. Y., & Watson, J. C. (2007, October). Implementation
challenges of a commuter campus suicide prevention program. Session presented at the
Association for Counselor Education and Supervision National Conference, Columbus
Wozny, D. A., Porter, J. Y., & Watson, J. C. (2007, April). Campus suicide prevention:
Addressing barriers. Session presented at the American Association of Suicidology
National Conference, New Orleans, LA
Watson, J. C., & Spurgeon, S. L. (2007, March). Practical skills for successfully
identifying and working with client resistance. Pre-Conference Learning Institute
presented at the American Counseling Association National Conference, Detroit, MI
Watson, J. C., & Kissinger, D. B. (2007, March). A wellness approach toward
counseling college student athletes. Session presented at the American Counseling
Association National Conference, Detroit, MI
Watson, J. C. (2006, April). Racial identity and college adjustment among Native
American students. Session presented at the American Counseling Association National
Conference, Montreal, Canada.
Spurgeon, S. L., & Watson, J. C. (2005, October). Development of the Resistance to
Counseling Self-Efficacy Scale. Session presented at the Association for Counselor
Education and Supervision National Conference, Pittsburgh, PA
Watson, J. C. (2005, September). The effect of racial identity attitudes on college
adjustment among Native Americans students. Session presented at the Association for
Assessment in Counseling and Education National Assessment Conference, Athens, GA
Watson, J. C., & Spurgeon, S. L. (2005, September). Assessing the efficacy beliefs of
counselors-in-training toward resistant clients. Session presented at the Association for
Assessment in Counseling and Education National Assessment Conference, Athens, GA
Watson, J. C., & Spurgeon, S. L. (2005, April). Skills and techniques for the successful
recognition and processing of client resistance. Pre-Conference Learning Institute
presented at the American Counseling Association National Conference, Atlanta, GA
Watson, J. C. (2003, March). College students’ attitudes toward seeking college
counseling services. Session presented at the American Counseling Association National
Conference, Anaheim, CA
J. C. Watson
Watson, J. C., & Shurts, W. M. (2002, October). Infusing technology: How do I know
where to begin? Session presented at the Association for Counselor Education and
Supervision National Conference, Park City, UT
Watson, J. C., & Booth C. S. (2001, March). Cyber-Counseling: Utilizing technology to
expand your counseling practice. Session presented at the American Counseling
Association National Conference, San Antonio, TX
Refereed Regional Presentations
Watson, J. C. (2008, October). Online instruction and counseling self-efficacy beliefs: A
study of beginning counselors. Session presented at the Southern Association for
Counselor Education and Supervision Conference, Houston, TX
Watson, J. C., Wozny, D. A., & Porter, J. Y. (2008, October). Assessing college mental
health: Conducting a campus-wide needs assessment. Southern Association for
Counselor Education and Supervision Conference, Houston, TX
Kissinger, D. B., & Watson, J. C. (2006, November). A wellness approach toward
counseling college student athletes. Session presented at the Western Association for
Counselor Education and Supervision Conference, Las Vegas, NV
Watson, J. C. (2004, September). E-Learning in Counselor Education: The online selfefficacy of counselors in training. Session presented at the Southern Association for
Counselor Education and Supervision Conference, Athens, GA
Spurgeon, S. L. & Watson, J. C. (2004, September). Teaching counselors-in-training to
effectively use client’s resistant behaviors. Poster presented at the Southern Association
for Counselor Education and Supervision Conference, Athens, GA
Watson, J. C. & Spurgeon, S. L. (2003, September). Managing Clinical Challenges:
Training counselors to manage resistant client behaviors. Session presented at the
Southern Association for Counselor Education and Supervision Conference, Chattanooga,
Jordan, J. P., Juhnke, G., & Watson, J. C. (2000, October). Relapse prevention
techniques for substance-abusing adolescents. Session presented at the Southern
Association for Counselor Education and Supervision Conference, Greensboro, NC
Watson, J. C., & Spurgeon, S. L. (2000, October). Therapeutic resistance: maximizing
the counselor/client relationship. Session presented at the Southern Association for
Counselor Education and Supervision Conference, Greensboro, NC
J. C. Watson
Invited State/Local Presentations
Watson, J. C. (2013 September). Diagnostic issues in counseling practice: A review of
the DSM-5. Workshop presented as part of the Wellness Therapy Institute Professional
Development Series, Meridian, MS
Watson, J. C. (2010 April). Clinical supervision issues. Workshop presented as part of
the Wellness Therapy Institute Professional Development Series, Meridian, MS
Watson, J. C. (2010, March). An introduction to psychopharmacology for non-medical
mental health professionals. Workshop presented as part of the Community Seventh Day
Adventist Church Health and Wellness Series.
Watson, J. C. (2009, May). Effective communication: Skills and techniques for
maintaining a successful relationship. Workshop presented as part of the Community
Seventh Day Adventist Church Health and Wellness Series.
Sheperis, C. J., & Watson, J. C. (2008 June). Mississippi Board Qualified Supervisor
Training. 30-hour training workshop for licensed professional counselors, Hattiesburg,
Sheperis, C. J., & Watson, J. C. (2008 April). Mississippi Board Qualified Supervisor
Training. 30-hour training workshop for licensed professional counselors, Meridian, MS
Watson, J. C. (2006 February). Brief Counseling. Workshop presented as part of the
Expressive Therapy Institute Professional Development Series, Meridian, MS
Watson, J. C. (2005, October). The Resistant Client. Workshop presented as part of the
Expressive Therapy Institute Professional Development Series, Meridian, MS
Watson, J. C. (2005, August). Ethical issues for school counselors. Session presented at
the Choctaw Tribal Schools District Professional Development Meeting, Pearl River, MS
Watson, J. C. & Thomas, G. M. (2004, October). Developmental challenges of college
student-athletes. Session presented at the Mississippi Association of Colleges Conference,
Philadelphia, MS
Watson, J. C. (2000, October). Identifying resistance in the counseling process. Invited
lecture in CED 310: Helping Skills course, UNC Greensboro.
Watson, J. C. (2000, September). Identifying resistance in the counseling process.
Professional development workshop presented for the Upsilon Nu Chi chapter,
Greensboro, NC
J. C. Watson
Refereed State/Local Presentations
Lemon. J. C., & Watson, J. C. (2010, November). An investigation of the relationship
among wellness, perceived stress, mattering, and at-risk status for dropping out of high
school. Session presented at the 2010 Mississippi Counseling Association State
Conference, Jackson, MS
Watson, J. C. (2009, November). Understanding the medicated child: A primer for
school counselors. Session presented at the 2009 Mississippi Counseling Association
State Conference, Jackson, MS
Watson, J. C. (2009, April). Adolescent perceptions of self and wellness: Suggestions for
clinical practice. Session presented at the 28th Annual F. E. Woodall Spring Conference,
Cleveland, MS
Watson, J. C. (2008, November). Psychopharmacology 101: What every counselor
should know about their clients and the medications they take. Session presented at the
2008 Mississippi Counseling Association State Conference, Tunica, MS
Watson, J. C. (2006, April). Online counseling: What it’s all about. Session presented at
the 2006 Mississippi Counseling Association State Conference, Tunica, MS
Watson, J. C. (2006, April). Addressing client resistance in treatment planning. Session
presented at the 2006 Mississippi Counseling Association State Conference, Tunica, MS
Watson, J. C. (2005, June). Recognizing resistance in counseling. Session presented at
the Mississippi Graduate Student Counseling Association Annual Conference, Meridian,
Watson, J. C. (2005, April). Engaging the reluctant and resistant client. Session
presented at the 24th Annual F. E. Woodall Spring Conference, Cleveland, MS
Watson, J. C. (2004, November). Brief counseling techniques for counselors. Session
presented at the Mississippi Counseling Association State Conference, Biloxi, MS
Watson, J. C. (2004, November). Effective counseling with the resistant client. Session
presented at the Mississippi Counseling Association State Conference, Biloxi, MS
Wozny, D. A., Watson, J. C., & McDonald, R. (2004, November). Honing your clinical
skills with suicidal clients. Session presented at the Mississippi Counseling Association
State Conference, Biloxi, MS
Watson, J. C., & Cashwell, C. S. (2001, February). Counselor self-disclosure: Client
preferences across culture. Session presented at the North Carolina Counseling
Association State Conference, Greensboro, NC
J. C. Watson
Watson, J. C., & Paredes, D. M. (2001, February). Empowering change: Fostering selfefficacy in chemically dependent clients. Session presented at the North Carolina
Counseling Association State Conference, Greensboro, NC
Watson, J. C. (2000, February). Reaching beyond the classroom: Implementing
technology into a counselor education program. Session presented at the North Carolina
Counseling Association State Conference, Charlotte, NC
Watson, J. C., & Spurgeon, S. L. (2000, February). You can’t make me if I don’t want to:
Motivating resistant clients. Session presented at the North Carolina Counseling
Association State Conference, Charlotte, NC
National Organizations
American Counseling Association (ACA):
 Member, Executive Committee (2013-Present)
 Member, Awards Committee (2012-Present)
 Member, Governing Council (2011-Present)
 Chair, Council of Journal Editors (2011-2012)
 Member, Publications Committee (2011-2012)
 Member, Cyberspace and Technology Task Force (2010-2011)
 Proposal Reviewer, National Conference (2007, 2009, 2012)
 Chair, Computer Technology Committee (2007)
 Member, Computer Technology Committee (2004-2007)
Association for Assessment and Research in Counseling (AARC; formerly AACE):
 Member, Strategic Planning Committee (2011-2012)
 Past-President (2011-2012)
 President (2010-2011)
 President-Elect (2009-2010)
 Member-at-Large / Awards Chair (2006-2009)
 Webmaster (2007-Present)
 Newsletter Editor (2007-2009)
 Chair, Conference Committee (2008, 2010)
 Electronic Newsletter Editor (2002-2005)
 Member, Position Statements and Standards Committee (2002-2003)
Educational Testing Services (ETS):
 Member, Praxis Guidance & School Counseling National Advisory Committee (2006Present)
 Item Writer, Praxis II School Guidance and Counseling National Examination (2005-2007)
J. C. Watson
Other National Service/Leadership Activities:
 Chair, CSI JobLinks Committee (2010-2012)
 Chair, Professional Development Committee, American College Counseling Association
 Member, Membership Committee, Association for Counselor Education and Supervision
 Member, CSI Excellence in Counseling Research Awards Committee (2006-2010)
 External Evaluator, United Kingdom (UK) Alcohol Education and Research Council (2007)
Regional/State/Local Organizations
Mississippi Counseling Association (MCA):
 Vice President, Mideastern Region (2007-2008)
 Treasurer, Mideastern Region (2005-2007)
 Member, Bylaws Committee (2006-2007)
Southern Association for Counselor Education and Supervision (SACES):
 State Ambassador, New Faculty Interest Network Mentoring Program (2007-2009)
 Co-Chair, Technology Interest Network (2004-2006)
 Member, Community Counseling Interest Network (2000-2003)
Chi Sigma Iota (CSI) Local Chapters:
 Faculty Advisor, Phi Upsilon Chapter, Mississippi State University-Meridian (2003-Present)
 President, Upsilon Nu Chi Chapter, UNC-Greensboro (2000-2002)
 President-Elect, Upsilon Nu Chi Chapter, UNC-Greensboro (2000)
 Member, Service Committee, Upsilon Nu Chi Chapter, UNC-Greensboro (2000-2001)
 Webmaster, Upsilon Nu Chi Chapter, UNC-Greensboro (1999-2001)
 Chair, Awards Committee, Upsilon Nu Chi Chapter, UNC-Greensboro (1999-2000)
 Treasurer, Chi Upsilon Chapter, Clemson University (1998-1999)
 Chair, Membership Committee, Chi Upsilon Chapter, Clemson University (1998-1999)
Chair, MSU-Meridian Division of Education Promotion & Tenure Committee (2012-Present)
Member, Counseling and Educational Psychology Department Retention Committee, (2012Present)
Member, Mississippi State University Graduate Faculty, Level I (2004-Present)
Faculty Advisor, Phi Upsilon Chapter of Chi Sigma Iota International (2003-Present)
Member, Counselor Education Admissions Committee, MSU-Meridian (2003-Present)
Member, University Grievance Committee (2011-2012)
Member, Institutional Review Board (IRB), Mississippi State University (2006-2012)
Member, College of Education Research Committee, Mississippi State University (20082012)
J. C. Watson
Chair, MSU-Meridian Curriculum and Instruction Department Faculty Search Committee
Member, Distance Learning Advisory Council, Mississippi State University (2008-2010)
Member, MSU-Meridian Psychology Department Faculty Search Committee (2010)
Member, Mississippi State University, VP Academic Affairs/Provost Search Committee
Member, MSU Counselor Education Department Faculty Search Committee (2008)
Chair, MSU-Meridian Curriculum and Instruction Department Faculty Search Committee
Member, MSU-Meridian Comm. College Leadership Department Faculty Search Committee
Member, Research Focus Area Working Group, MSU Office of Research and Development
Faculty Mentor, AOCE/CTL Faculty Training Program, Mississippi State University (2008)
Member, College of Education Faculty Council, Mississippi State University (2006-2008)
Chair, MSU-Meridian Educational Leadership Department Faculty Search Committee (2007)
Member, MSU-Meridian Campus Dean Search Committee (2007)
Member, MSU-Meridian History Department Faculty Search Committee (2007)
Member, MSU College of Education Assistant Dean for Research Search Committee (2007)
Member, MSU-Meridian Counselor Education Department Faculty Search Committee
Member, Research Advisory Committee, East Mississippi State Hospital (2013-Present)
Member, Health Advisory Council, Meridian Public School District (2007-2011)
Member, Board of Directors, Student Athlete Leader Training and Education Institute (20062008)
Meritorious Service Award, American College Counseling Association (2011)
Ralph F. Berdie Memorial Research Award, American Counseling Association (2010)
Distinguished Service Award, Association for Assessment in Counseling and Education
President’s Special Merit Award, Association for Assessment in Counseling and Education
Outstanding Research Award, American College Counseling Association (2006)
Outstanding Research Award, American College Counseling Association (2005)
J. C. Watson
President’s Special Merit Award, Association for Assessment in Counseling and Education
President’s Special Merit Award, Association for Assessment in Counseling and Education
Fellow, Chi Sigma Iota International (1999; one of ten fellowships awarded nationally)
Distinguished Research Award, Mississippi Counseling Association (2006)
SACES Emerging Leader Fellow, SACES Annual Conference, Greensboro NC (2000)
Tiffin Family Faculty Award, College of Education, Mississippi State University (2011)
Research Award, Office of Research & Economic Development, Mississippi State
University (2011)
Richard C. Adkerson Faculty Award, College of Education, Mississippi State University
Herb Handley Research Award, College of Education, Mississippi State University (2010)
Faculty Research Award, Mississippi State University-Meridian Campus (2009)
Lucinda Rose Teaching Award, College of Education, Mississippi State University (2008)
Research Award, Office of Research & Economic Development, Mississippi State
University (2008)
Faculty Research Award, Mississippi State University-Meridian Campus (2008)
Faculty Research Award, Mississippi State University-Meridian Campus (2007)
Faculty Research Award, Mississippi State University-Meridian Campus (2006)
Faculty Research Award, Mississippi State University-Meridian Campus (2005)
Outstanding Service to Chapter Award, Upsilon Nu Chi Chapter of Chi Sigma Iota (2002)
American Counseling Association World Conference
Cincinnati, Ohio
San Francisco, California
New Orleans, Louisiana
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Charlotte, North Carolina
Honolulu, Hawaii
Detroit, Michigan
Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Atlanta, Georgia
Kansas City, Missouri
J. C. Watson
Anaheim, California
New Orleans, Louisiana
San Antonio, Texas
San Diego, California
Association for Assessment in Research and Counseling National Conference
Houston, Texas
Orlando, Florida
Fort Worth, Texas
Memphis, Tennessee
Norfolk, Virginia
Dallas, Texas
Atlanta, Georgia
Greensboro, North Carolina
Athens, Georgia
Association for Counselor Education and Supervision National Conference
Denver, Colorado
Nashville, Tennessee
San Diego, California
Columbus, Ohio
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Park City, Utah
New Orleans, Louisiana
American College Counseling Association National Conference
New Orleans, Louisiana
Orlando, Florida
St. Louis, Missouri
Savannah, Georgia
Reno, Nevada
Southern Association for Counselor Education and Supervision Regional Conference
Houston, Texas
Athens, Georgia
Chattanooga, Tennessee
Athens, Georgia
Greensboro, North Carolina
Montgomery, Alabama
J. C. Watson
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration Grantee Conference
Baltimore, Maryland
Bethesda, Maryland
Orlando, Florida
Phoenix, Arizona
Mississippi Counseling Association Annual Conference
Jackson, Mississippi
Jackson, Mississippi
Tunica, Mississippi
Tunica, Mississippi
Philadelphia, Mississippi
Biloxi, Mississippi
Philadelphia, Mississippi
North Carolina Counseling Association Annual Conference
Raleigh, North Carolina
Greensboro, North Carolina
Greensboro, North Carolina
Charlotte, North Carolina
Mississippi State University CTL: MyCourses: Introduction to Blackboard Learn (2013)
Web 2.0 Technology Training, Meridian MS (2011)
Mississippi State University CTL: Best Practices in Online Education Training Course
SAMHSA Garrett Lee Smith Campus Suicide Prevention Grantee Meeting, Bethesda, MD
Mississippi State University Faculty Leadership Program, Starkville MS (2010-2011)
ACA Summer Institute for Leadership Training, Washington DC (2010)
SAMHSA Garrett Lee Smith Campus Suicide Prevention Grantee Meeting, Orlando, FL
ACA Council of Presidents and Regional Chairs (COPARC) Meeting, Alexandria, VA
SAMHSA Garrett Lee Smith Campus Suicide Prevention Grantee Meeting, Phoenix, AZ
Psychopharmacology and psychotherapy: Ethical considerations for the clinical practitioner
CSI Leadership and Training workshop, ACA World Conference, Montreal Quebec, Canada
J. C. Watson
CACREP On-site accreditation team member training (2005)
Treating destructive beliefs, feelings and behaviors: Therapeutic methods that work (2002)
American Red Cross disaster mental health training (2002)
Technology in counselor education workshop, Winston Salem, North Carolina (2001)
SACES emerging leader training, Athens, Georgia (2000)
Committee Chair (Mississippi State University)
Brooks, Capri
Golson, Angel
Lemon, Jan
Nunnery, Rosanne
Hampton, Oya
Wilson, Dwyla
Counselor Education
Counselor Education
Counselor Education
Counselor Education
Counselor Education
Counselor Education
(degree awarded in 2012)
(degree awarded in 2010)
(degree awarded in 2011)
Committee Member (Mississippi State University)
Alexander, Ben
Ammons, Rachael
Bradley, Cedric
Bradley, Lagena
Brantley, Lundy
Brown, Aimee
Brown, Emily Claire
Burchfield, Tessa
Cash, Jon
Cummings, Leslie
Coburn, Ulissa
Coleman, Leroy
Collins, Albert
Daniels, LaMetrius
Davis-Strehle, Suzanne
Gregory, Brent
Harwell, Dana
Hatcher, Cynthia
Hollingsworth, Stacey
Howton, Russell
Lee, Trena
Lowery, David
Lyons, Evadna
Marlowe, Monica
Oakley, Nathan
Educational Administration
Counselor Education
Community College Leadership
Community College Leadership
Education Administration
Education Administration
Counselor Education
Community College Leadership
Curriculum & Instruction
Community College Leadership
Community College Leadership
Education Administration
Community College Leadership
Education Technology
Community College Leadership
Community College Leadership
Curriculum & Instruction
Curriculum & Instruction
Community College Leadership
Community College Leadership
Community College Leadership
Curriculum & Instruction
Community College Leadership
Community College Leadership
Community College Leadership
(degree awarded in 2009)
(degree awarded in 2010)
(degree awarded in 2012)
(degree awarded in 2009)
(degree awarded in 2009)
(degree awarded in 2010)
(degree awarded in 2006)
(degree awarded in 2010)
(degree awarded in 2009)
(degree awarded in 2010)
(degree awarded in 2006)
(degree awarded in 2012)
J. C. Watson
Ratliff, Patricia
Reed-Nolan, Kimberly
Rush, Debra
Sanders, Lydia
Scott, Andrea
Shirley, Tory
Skinner, Elroy
Spearman, Mejilda
Tucker, Carolyn
Weir, Karla
Wiley, Marla
Word, Carol
Yin, Lishu
Curriculum & Instruction
Community College Leadership
Education Administration
Education Administration
Community College Leadership
Curriculum & Instruction
Education Technology
Counselor Education
Curriculum & Instruction
Counselor Education
Community College Leadership
Community College Leadership
Curriculum & Instruction
(degree awarded in 2011)
(degree awarded in 2012)
(degree awarded in 2009)
(degree awarded in 2012)
(degree awarded in 2013)
(degree awarded in 2013)
(degree awarded in 2007)