Literary Terms Quiz Prep Name___________________ Sample

Literary Terms Quiz Prep
Monday’s quiz will be worth 20 points and will be divided into four sections:
1. Matching and fill-in – 7 points
2. Conflict identification – 4 points
3. Irony identification – 3 points
4. Story application – 6 points
Use your yellow packet to prepare for the quiz. You are responsible for the following terms:
 Plot (exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, denouement)
 Setting
 Conflict (internal and external)
 Theme
 Characterization (six methods)
 Protagonist/Antagonist
 Flat/Round, Static/Dynamic
 Allusion
 Irony (dramatic, verbal, situational)
 Motif
Sample Questions
Directions: Match each word to its definition
1. Round
2. Antagonist
3. Denouement
A character that provides a struggle for the main character
A complex character with many traits
The tying of loose ends or the resolution of a story
Directions: Identify the type of conflict – internal or external – in each of the following examples.
____________________4. Will worries he won’t find the ideal woman to marry.
____________________5. Sammy and Pricilla got into an argument over who got to get the last
copy of The Hunger Games out of Red Box.
Directions: Identify the type of irony – dramatic, situational, or verbal – in each of the following
____________________6. A preschool teacher doesn't want to have children because she says she
does not really like kids.
____________________7. When the driver was pulled over by the police officer for speeding, the
police officer said, "maybe you didn't see the posted speed limit –we only
put six speed limit signs up on this street."
Directions: Read the story below and answer the questions that follow.
Little Red Riding Hood knew the Big Bad Wolf had eaten her grandmother and was dressed
in her clothing.
She said to the wolf, “My, what big teeth you have.”
The wolf replied, “All the better to eat you up!” and pounced on the girl.
Little Red Riding Hood pulled out her sling shot, aimed right between his eyes, and flung the
stone she had hidden in her pocket.
The wolf passed out, a local woodsman took him away, and Red Riding Hood went home for
a dinner of porridge.
8. Circle a passage above that demonstrates an action of Riding Hood.
9. Next to it, write what you as the reader know about her because of her actions.
10. What is the climax of the story? Explain why.
11. Is the wolf a static or dynamic character? Explain your answer.