Teacher and Student Web Resources Environmental Education • Project WET, Idaho Project WET provides teachers and resource professionals with 15-hour accredited workshops designed to provide nonadvocacy, hands-on, interdisciplinary water education materials and instruction. Website: http://boise.uidaho.edu/default.aspx?pid=33434 • Project Learning Tree, Idaho Project Learning Tree (PLT) is an award-winning, interdisciplinary environmental education program for educators working with students in PreK through grade 12. PLT helps students gain awareness and knowledge of the natural and built environment, their place within it, and their responsibility for it. Website: http://www.idahoforests.org/plt1.htm • Project Wild, Idaho Project WILD enables teachers throughout Idaho's school districts to receive training and information about ecological topics in workshops conducted throughout the state. The goal of Project WILD is to assist learners of any age in the development of awareness, knowledge, skills and responsible behavior and constructive action for wildlife and the environment. Website: http://fishandgame.idaho.gov/cms/education/project_wild/ • EPA Water Sourcebook K-12 education activities This environmental education program explains the water management cycle using a balanced approach showing how it affects all aspects of the environment. The Water Sourcebooks contain 324 activities for grades K-12. Website: http://www.epa.gov/OGWDW/kids/wsb/index.html • USGS Water Science for Schools We offer information on many aspects of water, along with pictures, data, maps, and an interactive center where you can give opinions and test your water knowledge. Website: http://ga.water.usgs.gov/edu/ • Idaho Environmental Education Association The Idaho Environmental Education Association is dedicated and committed to the advancement of environmental education in Idaho. We provide, support and promote education about the environment to clarify our understanding of the world and our roles in it. Website: www.idahoee.org • Digital Atlas of Idaho The Digital Atlas of Idaho Project (DAI) delivers natural history information to a variety of audiences, including K-12 educators, college students, agency personnel, businesses, non-governmental organizations, and the public at large. Website: http://imnh.isu.edu/digitalatlas/ Water Resources Protection • Adopt a Stream Foundation The Adopt-A-Stream Foundation (AASF), a non-profit 501(c)(3) environmental education and habitat restoration organization, to assist people in becoming actively involved in stream enhancement and environmental education. AASF offers people the tools to play a vital role in protecting and enhancing the watersheds in which they live. Website: www.streamkeeper.org/index.htm • EPA Adopt Your Watershed To encourage stewardship of the nation's water resources, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is leading an "Adopt Your Watershed" campaign. Through this effort, EPA challenges citizens and organizations to join others and us who are working to protect and restore our valuable rivers, streams, wetlands, lakes, ground water, and estuaries. Website: http://www.epa.gov/adopt/ • EPA Surf Your Watershed Find your watershed then search for citizen based groups that are active in your watershed. Website: http://cfpub.epa.gov/surf/locate/index.cfm • Partners For Clean Water (Storm Drain Marking) Partners for Clean Water is a group of six agencies that work together to keep stormwater clean in the Treasure Valley. Website: www.partnersforcleanwater.org/ • Water Education Foundation The Water Education Foundation is your resource for information about water resource issues. Website: www.water-ed.org/ • Water - Use It Wisely "Water – Use It Wisely" is a colorful, fun, and empowering campaign that measurably increases consumer's knowledge of water saving devices and techniques to reduce overall water consumption. Website: www.wateruseitwisely.com/ • World Water Monitoring Day World Water Monitoring Day™ is an international education and outreach program that builds public awareness and involvement in protecting water resources around the world by engaging citizens to conduct basic monitoring of their local water bodies. Website: www.worldwatermonitoringday.us/ • World Water Day In 1992, the UN General Assembly designated March 22 as "World Water Day" to draw international attention to the critical lack of clean, safe drinking water worldwide. Website: www.worldwaterday.net/