volleyball drills

VOLLEYBALL DRILLS 20 DRILL STARTER PACK 5 x Setting Drills 5 x Spiking Drills 5 x Blocking Drills 5 x Serving Drills
Volleyball Drills Starter Pack 1 CONTENTS Setting Drills 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Double setter attacking drill .……………………………. Dig, set, spike from both sides ..….……………………. One on one setting drill …………………………………. Three player back setting drill .…..…………………….. Setting to the outside .……….………………………….. 5 6 7 8 9 Hitting Drills 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Outside hitting & tipping drill .…………………………... Hitting technique drill ­ wrist snap …...…….…………... Quick ball hitting …………….…………………………... Defense to Hitting Transition …………………………... Hitting from a pass .……………………………………... 11 12 13 14 15 Blocking Drills 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Blocking in pairs drill ……………………………………. Blocking ball snatch drill ..………………………………. Continuous blocking drill ..………………………………. Double blocking transition drill..………………………… Blocking and hitting drill ………………………………… 17 18 19 20 21 Serving Drills 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Around the world serving drill ….………………………. Beginner jump serving drill ….…………………………. Serve receive drill ………………………………………. Serving race drill ..………………………………………. Serving relay drill ………………………………………... Volleyball Drills Starter Pack 23 24 25 26 27
2 INTRODUCTION Congratulations on purchasing your own copy of Volleyball Drills Starter Pack! In this pack you will find some of the most popular volleyball drills for Setting, Hitting, Blocking and Serving. These drills have been professionally developed with clear diagrams and easy to follow instructions. Just print out the drills and use them at your next training or coaching session to add more variety and fun back into your sessions. Please note that the primary purpose of this pack is to provide you with lots of drills that you can use immediately. If you need information about how to perform a particular skill necessary for a drill, please see our Volleyball Skills Pack series. We hope you enjoy this pack and please send us your feedback or questions you may have as we are always striving to improve our products. SPECIAL OFFER At the end of this pack you will find information about some of our other volleyball drills pack that are available and a special offer to all our new customers – just to say thanks! Copyright Notice: The information contained in this pack is subject to copyright and no part of it may be reproduced, sold, shared or given away without prior written permission.
Volleyball Drills Starter Pack 3 SETTING DRILLS
Volleyball Drills Starter Pack 4 Drill Double Setter Attacking Drill Purpose Setters practice their sets while transitioning from defense to attack and then back into the defense position Notes Can do with one setter 1 2 Starting Positions: • 3 hitters, just outside the attack line • 2 alternating setters, one on each side • Coach is behind the middle player • Coach passes the ball to the 1 st setter • The setter runs in from his/her starting position • The setter decides which one of the 3 hitters will get the ball • All three hitters are to call for the ball and practice their approach throughout this drill 3
4 • After completing the set, the setter quickly transitions back to his/her starting position ready for the next shot. • The coach slaps the ball and passes it to the setter on the other side. • The setter runs in and sets to one of the 3 hitters. • Setter transitions back into defense position immediately after the set. • Repeat entire drill with the 1 st setter again. Volleyball Drills Starter Pack 5 Drill Dig, Set Spike From Both Sides Drill Purpose Setters practice their sets while running in and hitters practice outside hitting from both sides of the court. Passes practice the passing technique but concentrating on accurate passing to the setting target. Notes Rotate players in each position to allow them a chance to practice each technique. 1 Starting Positions: • Three row of players at the baseline. • 1 hitter, 1 passer and 1 setter. • The coach slaps the ball and passes the ball into the middle back of the court. • All 3 players run in as soon as the ball is put into play • The hitter goes wide, anticipating an outside set. 3 • Next 3 players move forward, note that the setter and hitter are now on opposite sides of the court. • The coach slaps the ball and passes the ball to the middle back. • All 3 players transition into their positions. 2 • The passer receives the ball and passes the ball to the setting target. • The setter then sets the ball outside for the hitter • The hitter takes his approach and hits the ball down the line. • After the play, all 3 players go back to the baseline and join a different line. 4 • The passer receives the ball and passes the ball to the setting target. • The setter then sets the ball outside for the hitter • The hitter takes his approach and hits the ball down the line. Variations: • Change the type of setting and hitting from outside hitting to something else • Don’t change the setter to allow for maximum setting practice but have players rotate through the passing and hitting roles
Volleyball Drills Starter Pack 6 Drill One on One Setting Drill Purpose Working in pairs, players practice their forward and back setting techniques. When setting long distance, setters strengthen their wrists and arms and makes them better at setting short distances. Notes Ensure correct footwork and posture is used throughout this drill. Good setters will perform this drill without moving away from their positions. 1 Starting Positions: • Pair off players and line them up facing each other across the width of the court. • Players are required to set the ball to themselves first (approx 0.5 to 1 m above) • Setting the ball to their partners on the other side of the court. 3 Back set • Repeat above set but this time use a back set to pass the ball to partner. • Players set to themselves • Turn around with their backs facing their partner • Set the ball backwards to partner. Variations: 2 • Their partners are required to repeat with a set to themselves first and then set back to their partner. • If sets are falling short of the target, work on their arm and leg extension for that extra pushing power. 4 • Partners repeat the same moves including a back set. • Excessive back arches indicate players are struggling to make the distance and are over compensating. • Players need to ensure, their sets are straight as in a game situation, they will be back setting along the net. If the set isn’t straight, it will get too close to the net. • Vary the distance between the setter, start out small and gradually increase. • Make it competitive and interesting for players by racing each other to be the first to set 20 each or the most sets in 10 mins.
Volleyball Drills Starter Pack 7 Drill Three Player Back Setting Drill Purpose Working in groups of 3, players practice their back setting technique. Accuracy and consistency of the set is more important than distance in this drill. Notes Setters should follow the balls trajectory as they turn around – always keep your eyes on the bal. Ensure setters contact the ball close to their heads to allow maximum arm extension. 1 Starting Positions: • 3 players line up in a row • The player 1 passes the ball to player 2 (middle) • Player 2 back sets to player 3 and turns to face player 3 2 • Player 3 sets the ball high back to player 2 • Player 2, already facing player 3 back sets to player 1 • Repeat the drill starting from figure 1. • Keep the ball nice an high to allow plenty of time for player 2 to turn around. 3 Rotation • After a set time or specified number of balls each, rotate the players in an anticlockwise direction to allow all players are chance in the middle. 4 • Repeat the drill as described above Variations: • Introduce a long set by having the outside players to set to each other following a set from the middle setter. • Make competitive by counting the most number of sets with out a fumble in a set period of time e.g. 10 min
Volleyball Drills Starter Pack 8 Drill Setting to The Outside Drill Purpose Fast paced drill for players to practice passing accurately to the setting target. Setters practice transitioning into the setting position and accurately setting to the outside. Notes Emphasize accuracy throughout this drill, stop if necessary and correct bad technique. 1 Starting Positions: • 2 rows of players on either side of the court. • The front row players will be either a passer or a setter. • The passer passes the ball accurately to the setting target • The setter transitions quickly to set the ball to the outside player 1 (outside hitting position) 3 • The passer from the first line passes the ball to the new setting target. • The setter transitions into the setting position from the opposite line to the passer. 2 • Player 1 sets the ball high back to the front row player in the first row. • The original setter transitions from the front of the court and joins the back of line, opposite their starting line 4 • The setter sets the ball outside to player 2 (outside hitting position) • Setter moves off the front and joins the back of the line • Player 2 sets the ball up for the opposite passer where the entire sequence is repeated. Variations: • Add blockers on the opposite side to shadow the ball. This simulates game situation and allows the setters to practice keeping an eye on the opposing blockers.
Volleyball Drills Starter Pack 9 HITTING DRILLS
Volleyball Drills Starter Pack 10 Drill Outside Hitting & Tipping Drill Purpose Practice outside hitting and tipping techniques with specific targets in mind. Helps hitters to think ahead and plan the type of hit or tip they will execute. Notes 1 Starting Positions: • Form a row of hitters, coach is in the middle front with a ball feeder behind him. Have shaggers on the other side of the court for balls and to keep score • Mark out four hitting targets, you can use tape, chairs, mats or bags anything that helps the hitters see their targets 2 • Coach slaps the ball and throws it high to the outside • Hitter approaches and either hits or tips the ball • The objective is to hit one of the marked targets • After the shot, the hitter joins the back of the line for another hit • 2 Point is scored if a target is hit and 0 if not, –1 points if the hit is out 3 • For added complexity, add a blocker to the drill • The hitter has to hit past the blocker or tip around the blocker but still has to get the target. • Same point scoring can be used Variations: • To move through this drill faster, you can create a second line of hitters with a second ball tosser. • All hitters still go for the marked hitter targets on the opposite side of the court. • Add a second blocker to make it even harder for the hitters
Volleyball Drills Starter Pack 11 Drill Hitting Technique Drill­ Wrist Snap Purpose Hitters practice the correct hitting technique by performing the right approach and snapping their wrists. This is also a great drills for practicing hitter jumping. Notes This drill requires tennis balls 1 Starting positions • Have three feeders positioned as above who will be handing tennis balls to hitters. • The hitter starts in front right, takes a tennis ball from the first feed and approaches the net. 3 • Hitter approaches the net at the middle and throws the ball down into the opposing front line without touching the net. • Hitter comes off the net and transitions to feeder 3. • Hitter approaches the net for the final time. 2 • Hitter jumps up and snapping his/wrist throws the tennis ball down into the front part of the opposing court without touching the net. • Hitter then comes off the net and goes to the second feeder to take another tennis ball 4
• Hitter snaps his/her wrist and throws the ball down into the front line of the opponents court. • Hitter rotates back to the hitters line. • Once all hitters have been through at least once, change the feeders to allow them a shot Variations: • To move through this drill quickly, have the next hitter start as soon as the previous hitters as moved off the net. This way, hitters won’t interfere with each other. Volleyball Drills Starter Pack 12 Drill Quick Ball Hitting Drill Purpose Hitters practice their A Quick and B Quick hitting techniques in quick succession. Notes A setter is not used in this drill to keep balls consistent for the hitters and allow the coach to see how each hitter is performing. 1 Starting positions • Coach is at the front and will toss balls to hitters. • Balls are being passed to the coach by a feeder • A line of hitters to perform the A quick and B quick hits • Coach slaps the ball before tossing a perfect ball into the air. • Hitter approaches quickly and should be in the air as the coach tosses the ball 3 2 • Hitter hits the ball and quickly transitions back into the defense position, ready for the B quick. • Remember to keep the balls low and fast for the quick balls. The aim is to execute quickly so that your opponents don’t have enough time to mount an effective block. • If done correctly, there is every possibility that you will have no middle blocker or at maybe just a single blocker for the A quick. • Communication and timing is crucial for this to work so make sure hitters are calling out for the balls and work on timing their approach with the setter or in this case, the ball toss.
• Coach slaps a ball and tosses the ball for a B quick. • Ball should be about 1 metre off the net and no more than 2 m away from the coach. • Hitter approaches the net and hits the ball Variations: • You can have two lines of hitters instead of just one. This is handy when you have lots of players to get through. • Add a setter to make the drill a little more dynamic Volleyball Drills Starter Pack 13 Drill Defense to Hitting Transition Drill Purpose Hitters practice their transition from defense to attack. Notes Ensure hitters don’t cheat by not returning back into their correct hitting positions. 1 Starting positions • Coach is at the front controlling the play and tossing the ball to the outside hitter. • A line of outside hitters ready to go. The first hitter starts off at the net with hands in the air as if blocking. • Coach slaps the ball and the hitter quickly transitions back. 3 • Hitter hits the ball deep down the line or deep across the court. Volleyball Drills Starter Pack 2 • Coach tosses the ball high for an outside hit • Hitter moves out and approaches at an angle. 4
• To added realism, replace the coach with a setter and add a couple of blockers. • To get your team through this drill quickly set up another line of hitters but hitting from the opposite side. 14 Drill Hitting From a Pass Drill Purpose Hitters practice their passing skills and hitting off a pass instead of a set. It’s a good reminder for hitters to not rely entirely on the setter as from time to time, all players need to be able to pass well and hit off a not so perfect pass. Notes This drill also reinforces the need for good communication between the passers. 1 Starting positions • Players form 3 lines at the base line • First row of passers take to the court in a defense setup • Coach puts the ball into play from the other side of the court. Can be a free ball or anything that is appropriate to the team 3 • In this example the ball has gone to the right so it is hit by the passer on the right. • Notice that the left passer has also moved into hitting position. Doing so gives your team more attacking options but also helps in case the pass is off. Volleyball Drills Starter Pack 2 • The passer that received the ball has to pass a high ball and good enough for one of the other two to hit it. 4
• Repeat the drill so that each of the passers has had a chance to pass and hit before rotating off. • Next set of passers come on. 15 BLOCKING DRILLS
Volleyball Drills Starter Pack 16 Drill Blocking In Pairs Drill Purpose Blockers practice their footwork and timing against an opposing player. This drill can be quite strenuous so ensure that players are properly warmed up. Notes Good timing is crucial in this drill. Players with poor timing and form will not be able to consistently touch the blocker’s hands on the opposite side. 1 Starting positions • Start with two lines of blockers, one on each side of the net. • The first blocker from each line will approach the net and simultaneously jump and touch each others hands over the net. • Making sure that their hands are clear of the net. 3 • The sequence, is jump, block (hands touch), side step and then jump again. • For safety reasons, make sure that there is a gap between the blockers to prevent collisions. 2 • As they come down, the will take a side step and jump up and block. • Ensure arms are are up and ready to spring into action at the next jump • As the first blockers move through, the next set of blockers will move down and start to do the same drill. 4
• As the blockers traverse the length of the net, they will rejoin the back of the line. Variations: • Instead of just doing a side step and then jumping straight up and down, blockers can do swing blocking. As they move, they turn their bodies 90degrees to the net, take a big step and then swing the arms and jump up. • Good timing is crucial in this drill. Volleyball Drills Starter Pack 17 Drill Blocking Ball Snatch Drill Purpose Practice transitioning between blocks and correct jumping and hand movements. Notes For safety, ensure loose balls are removed quickly before players begin to jump. 1 Starting positions • Three players (1,2,3) standing on blocks or chairs on the opposite side of the blockers. • These players will each hold up a volleyball just above the net and but still on their side. • Blockers will move to each of the three and jump up and snatch the ball. 3 • At the middle point, the Blocker jumps up, snatches the ball and lands back in court without fouling. • Pass the ball back to the player under the net and transition to the last point. 2 • A blocker will start on one side of the court opposite a player holding a ball and jump up and snatch the ball and land back in court without dropping the ball or touching the net. • The ball is passed back to the player under the net and the blocker transitions to the middle point. 4
• The blocker performs the same actions at the final point and rotates back into the line. • The next blocker from the line moves forward and repeats the entire drill as per the blocker prior to him. • Replace the three players holding the balls to give them a chance to practice this drill as well. Volleyball Drills Starter Pack 18 Drill Continuous Blocking Drill Purpose This drill allows players to practice their blocking as well as hitting techniques. Blockers are pushed to transition quickly and mount double blockers against two lines of hitters. Notes The pace of this drill is governed by how quickly the coach tosses the ball to the hitters. 1 Starting positions • Two row of hitters against two blockers. • The coach tosses the ball to the outside and the hitter makes his approach. 3 • Next play, the coach tosses the ball to the other side (middle or just past the middle) and the two blockers transition. 2 • The two blockers watch the hitter’s angle of approach and attempt to form a solid double block and shut out the blocker. 4
• Middle hitter attempts to hit the ball through the blocks. • No tipping is allow this drill is for hitting and blocking practice. • Allow blockers to do 3 blockers against each hitter and then replace with new blockers. Variations: • Introduce a third line of hitters so increase difficulty for blockers • Replace ball tosses with a setter to simulate game situation Volleyball Drills Starter Pack 19 Drill Double Blocking Transition Drill Purpose Allow players to practice transitioning and blocking without using a ball. Players learn to react to calls from the coach and fine tuning their timing and jump with their team mate. Notes 1 Starting positions • three blockers start in the middle of the court together. • The coach is on the other side of the court to direct and monitor their blocking techniques. • Coach will call out positions of where the next ball is going to be “hit” and the blockers have to quickly transition and mount an effective double block. 3 • After the block, blockers return to the middle for the next call by the coach. 2 • Coach yells "Left Side" and the middle and left blockers transition to the left outside position and form a block. • Blockers need to work on their timing to ensure that they go up together without any drifting. • Hands must be spread out and penetrate deep into the opposing side with out touching the net. 4
• Coach yells "Right Side" and the middle and the right blocker transition quickly to form an outside block on the right. • If the coach yells "Middle" then all three players are required to block to form a triple block. • Rotate players to give them a chance to practice at each location. Variations: • Coach can throw a ball, instead of just calling so players have to watch where the ball is and respond accordingly. Volleyball Drills Starter Pack 20 Drill Blocking and Hitting Drill Purpose This drill allows players to practice both their hitting and blocking skills. Tipping is not allowed since this drill is to practice blocking through repetition. Notes 1 Starting positions • Form 3 lines of hitters with the coach tossing balls to the hitters. • On the other side, 3 blockers are tasked to block out all the balls. • Coach decides where the ball is going to be hit from. 3 • Coach tosses ball to the other side and the 2 closest blockers transition to block. • The off blocker transitions back to cover 2 • Coach tosses an outside ball and the 2 closest blockers transition to form a double block. • The off blocker transitions back to cover tips or off block hits. 4
• Coach tosses a ball for the middle and the blockers attempt to form a double block. • Since balls in the middle are generally quick, it may only be possible to mount a single block. • If this happens, the remain 2 blockers should fall back and cover. Variations: • After all players have had a go at blocking and hitting, divide players into teams and play a game but focus on using the same techniques to reinforce the drill. Volleyball Drills Starter Pack 21 SERVING DRILLS
Volleyball Drills Starter Pack 22 Drill Around the World Serving Drill Purpose Practice serving to a target while under pressure and having some fun. Each team is required to serve to 6 designated target areas from 1 to 6. Notes 1 2 Target positions
Starting positions • One player (the target) from each team is sitting in position 1 on the other side. They have to catch the ball that is served to them by their team mates. 3 • Once the target has caught a ball in position 2, she moves to position 3 and so on until they have been through all positions. • Team 1 and 2 attempts to server to target A & B respectively. • If target A catches the ball, she moves to position 2 and her team mates have to serve to a new location. • If the service is bad or the target fails to catch the ball, them she remains in position 1 until she does catch another serve. 4 • When targets get to positions 4,5,6 her team has to really work on their service accuracy as the target is harder to hit. • The first team to finish one round, wins. Variations: • To make this drill longer simply add the number of target players that have to go through positions 1 to 6. • Alternatively, use a set time and the team with the most targets through the circuit wins. • A simple penalty or award introduced can make this drill even more interesting and competitive. Volleyball Drills Starter Pack 23 Drill Beginner Jump Serving Drill Purpose Practice the correct approach, take off and hitting techniques for a jump service particularly for beginner jump servers. Players need to get the basics of approach and timing right before attempting to serve hard. Notes Us two coaches for this drill in order to move through it quickly. 1 Starting positions • Start with two rows of servers, each row has a coach tossing the ball. • Have a few players on the other side shagging balls. 2 • Servers start off the baseline as the ball is tossed, run up and jump just before the baseline and hit the ball at the highest possible reach. • Make sure you land inside the court, this gives more forward momentum and power to the serve. • Have each player perform 3 consecutive serves before going to the other side to shag balls. 3 • Coaches should be correcting errors as they are being made. This way, each player gets one on one attention during this drill • As players improve their timing and take off, remove coaches and allow each player to toss their own ball. • This way, the service is broken down into manageable chunks with the timing and takeoff being the most important to master firs Variations: • To further build on this, after players have warmed up sufficiently, have players increase the power of their service. • It doesn't matter if the balls are going out or hitting the net, the aim here is for players to fell comfortable with hitting the ball hard.
Volleyball Drills Starter Pack 24 Drill Serve Receive Drill Purpose Practice accurate serve and passing in this serve receive drill. Notes Introduce points to make it fun and challenging. 1 Starting positions • Start with a server at each end of the court, a passer in the middle back and a setter at the front. • The server and the passer have to be accurate in their shots. 2 • Server 1 has to hit the ball to the passer. The passer is not allow to move more than one step from her position. • The passer has to make a perfect pass to the setter who is also not allowed to move more than 1 step from her position. • The setter catches the ball with her hands in the air as if about to set and then passes the ball back for the next serve. 3 • Each person has 3 shots and then rotate through. Server becomes the passer, the passer becomes the setter and the setter joins the service line. Variations: • To make interesting, award 1 point for each perfect serve and perfect pass. If the passer or the setter has to move more than 1 step then no points are awarded. • Have two teams compete against each other, the first team to x points wins or the most
Volleyball Drills Starter Pack 25 Drill Serving Race Drill Purpose Practice serving and having a little fun along the way. Notes 1 Starting positions • Divide players into two teams and have each serve from a side of the court. Each player has to serve 10 balls. • If a player hits the ball out, they have to stand on the opposite side of the court. 2 • Players continue to stand in the court until one of their team mates has served a ball that hits them. • Once hit, players return to their side and continue with their service. 3 • As more and more players miss or hit out, they will be standing in the opposite court. • At the end of the 10 serves, the team with the least number of players on the other side wins. Variations: • Have players perform a specific serve e.g. float etc. • Use time limit instead of a fixed number of serves each.
Volleyball Drills Starter Pack 26 Drill Serving Relay Drill Purpose Practice to serve consistently. This is especially important during crucial parts of a game. Notes 1 Starting positions • Divide players into two equal teams. • Each player has to serve a ball over and then race to retrieve it and pass it to their team mate. • The team mate will serve and also retrieve his ball. • If the serve is out or touches the net the player has to serve again until a good serve is made. This forces players to slow down and think about their serve under pressure. • The all the members of a team has finished their serve, they win the game. Variations: • Depending on the number of players in your squad, you can form more the two teams and they all compete against each other.
Volleyball Drills Starter Pack 27 SPECIAL OFFER
Volleyball Drills Starter Pack 28 SPECIAL OFFER TO NEW CUSTOMERS 50% off 50% off 50% off 50% off SPECIAL OFFER To get 50% off any of the above Volleyball Drills and Skills Packs, just visit our site and enter your email address along with your receipt number from a previous purchase to get a whopping 50% discount. CLICK HERE
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