Position Management Roster Overview

Position Management Roster –
A Brief Overview
The Roster will include many tabs to guide you through the exercise. Examples of these tabs are
Definitions: An explanation of each field pulled into the Roster, including the location of the field in HCM, any automated
validations, and how to clean-up the data in HCM.
Position Roster: Main Position Roster which includes data pulled from HCM and PRT.
Data Collection: Positions that currently do not exist in either the PRT or HCM system and are vacant can be entered on
this tab. A validation of data will be performed to verify validity of positions entered.
The following roster contains details with which positions would hypothetically be created at the time of conversion. All data has
been pulled from either HCM or PRT for specific details. If there are multiple distribution lines that need to be converted - there
will be more than 1 row of data for a unique position number.
The Roster is a tool to help you manage your data before conversion to HCM Position Management. Any actions you take to
increase the accuracy of your data will help your division when implementing CalPlanning Phase 3. Some actions you might
take include:
Review fields highlighted in RED because there could be a potential issue that may require cleanup of data in one of the
source systems (HCM or PRT). Possible reasons the field is highlighted are in the "Definitions" tab of the Roster. An
abbreviated list is on the next page.
It is NOT necessary to review every line of data. Review a representative sampling instead.
DO NOT make edits to the Roster. The Roster CAN be used to track errors that manually need to be fixed post go-live
(ex: Level 7 Department incorrectly derived through logic)
Position Management Roster –
Definitions (Abridged)
Position Management is a new module in HCM. As such, some fields are new and do not already exist in PRT or HCM. Therefore, the Position Management Team used
logic to derive a value for the cell. Though we are confident in the logic, in some cases, the derived value could be incorrect. Highlighted cells are meant to draw your
attention to possible inconsistencies.
Validation Required
A derived field to define a single Level 7 Department for
each individual position. Department is derived based on
the Paid Departments that exist on the Job Earnings
Distribution page based on the following logic:
a. Level 7 has to be within the Level 4 Department
Derived Dept
b. Level 7 with the highest Distribution %
c. Level 7 closest to 0 if multiple still exist
HCM: Derived Field
(Corresponding Position Roster cells highlighted in RED
represent an automated validation error)
How to Clean-up
Validation 1: Multiple Deptid - Lvl 7 sets exist within
Job Earnings Distribution page within Job Data. This is
FYI as it could present an issue at the time of
conversion if the incorrect Level 7 department is
This field does not currently exist in the current state
of HCM. As a result, the data derived in the
Position Roster cannot currently be cleaned up in
an individual source system. Please make note of
any discrepancies and they can be made online
after conversion. **Please note - at the time of
conversion there will be a report outlining any
occurrences where there were multiple Level 7
Departments at the distribution level.
Validation 2: No Deptid - Lvl 7 can be determined in
Job Earnings Distribution
A derived field that will store an FTE value for each
individual position. The field is derived based on the
Validation #1: If the budgeted FTE value is used and
following criteria:
the value is less than 1.0. There could potentially be
For situations where remaining FTE exists – these
Position FTE A. If the Sum of the Budgeted FTE is greater than the Job remaining FTE existing on the Position in PRT that will should be noted and the individual positions in HCM
will need to be changed after go-live.
FTE then use the Sum of the Budgeted FTE
need to be added to the HCM position at the time of
B. Else: Use the Job FTE value
HCM: Derived
Employee ID of the employee’s supervisor
Supv ID
Validation 1: If there is NOT an active Supervisor ID
Change the Supervisor ID in HCM to be the correct
located on the Job Information tab or no Supervisor ID
HCM: Pulled from the "Supervisor ID" Field on the Job
Information Tab
Value as defined on the individual Job Code. As of July 1st, Validation #1: Account is different than Account
there is only a single Account used for each job code.
defined on the Job Code. This is not necessarily an
error due to retro-like occurrences in the system - but
HCM: Pulled from the Job Earnings Distribution Page
trying to identify where there is a potential for an issue.
At the time of conversion funding will be created for each
position. The funding used at the Position level should
correlate to where the Position is expected to be funded on
Validation 1: All rows that are not defined as a
a long-term basis.
"Regular" funding type and is defined as one of the
a. REGULAR ONLY – Regular Distribution lines existed on
other Funding Types that are listed to the left. Rows
Job Earnings Distribution and this data was pulled.
should be verified that they are correct. As defined b. PRT ONLY – PRT distribution rows currently exist. Since
Funding Type these are the distribution rows attached to the PRT system, for budgeting purposes, the Position Funding should
only contain the "Budgeted Funds" for that particular
these will be used for conversion purposes.
position. There are certainly situations where there will
c. OTHER – If no regular-like or PRT earnings codes exist
not be Regular-like Earnings (Without Salary for
with the Job Earnings Distribution page, the distribution
rows that exist will be converted.
HCM: Derived
Insert new distribution rows and copy over the
previous data. The correct Accounts should default
in at this point.
If "Regular" funding can be setup on these
distribution rows - insert the correct distribution rows
within the Job Earnings Distribution page. Note:
This has a direct impact on Payroll.
Position Management - Conversion Scope
Position Management Conversion Criteria
Positions will be created in HCM from three sources: HCM, PRT, and data collection. Data from these
Position Management
sources will be evaluated based on the following criteria. Data that meet all source criteria will be
converted to Positions
in HCM
Position Management.
Job Data
Positions will be created when
ALL the following conditions are
Positions will be created when
ALL the following conditions are
Employee Status of Active,
Leave with Pay or Leave
without Pay.
Appointment End Date is
blank or in the future.
It is not a Contingent Job
Code (those starting with a
Position Status is set to
Position FTE is greater than
Remaining FTE amount is
equal to the Position FTE.
Overall Budgeted Amount is
greater than zero.
Potential Data
Positions will be created
based on data directly
collected from units because
there is no current Job data in
HCM, and the vacancy cannot
be tracked in PRT.
Data collection should not
include those positions that
could be tracked within PRT.
Which PRT Positions will be converted?
Positions are created when ALL of the following conditions are met:
Position Status is set to “Active”
Remaining FTE amount is equal to the Position FTE
Position FTE is greater than zero
Overall Budgeted Amount is greater than zero.
Scenario 1
Scenario 2
Scenario 3
Scenario 4
Scenario 5
Status: Active
FTE = 1.0
Remaining FTE = 1.0
Budget = $100K
Status: Inactive
FTE = 1.0
Remaining FTE = 1.0
Budget = $100K
Status: Active
FTE = 1.0
Remaining FTE = 0
Budget = $100K
No Position
No Position
Status: Active
FTE = 1.0
Remaining FTE = 1.0
Budget = $0
No Position
Status: Active
FTE = 1.0
Remaining FTE = 0.5
Budget = $100K
No Position