УДК 821.111 – 3 + 821.161.2 – 3] 091 Kruk A. A. FATE AS A CONCEPT IN OUTLOOK OF T. HARDY, I. NECHUYLEVITSKY, PANAS MIRNY, IVAN FRANKO Over the past decade, the notion of concept and conceptual actively included in the scientific revolution. Occupying a central position in literary science at the present stage of its development, the notion of concept actively correlated with the nature of mental activity. Direct and indirect links between manifestations of national mentality, peculiarities of the psyche, traditions, customs and concepts of "fate", "spirit", "soul", "will", etc. can be traced in the works of both national and foreign literature of the late XIX - early XX century. European fiction era borderlands showed a high frequency of use in texts such iconic writer for the artistic conception of concepts as freedom, time, eternity, life, destiny, soul. In this paper, we proceed with the interpretation of the concept as a term that explains the unity of mental or psychological resources of information structure that reflects the knowledge and experience of the person. In the mental vocabulary of European peoples attention is drawn to the concept of fate: the widespread use of this category is largely due to the secularization of public consciousness, with loss of the Christian view of the forces that rule the world. After all, Christianity is no concept of fate: it is assumed that man is by nature corrupt fall prone to evil (known thesis of Augustine), although both have free will itself entirely responsible for their sins: they bring evil into the world, while God is absolute good. Instead, the pagan systems that preceded the Bible, the destiny of man prejudge dark and inscrutable forces like Greek Moir through criminal Sophocles' Oedipus, like "guilty unpunished" and is only compassion. So, back to the pagan idea of fate as a certain incomprehensible deity means erosion of the Christian idea of human responsibility, and loss of taste for spiritual self-improvement work and struggle with temptations: to replace this "medieval" experience in the secular culture comes admiration passions, active justification "sinful" man, and as a result, a return to the concept based on "pre-determined" by some obscure forces of life. The topic of this article is the concept of fate in the works of Thomas Hardy, considered in correlation with the Ukrainian art practices of the late XIX - early XX century. Relevance of the article is determined by studying the failure of this component poetics T. Hardy. Although research on the work of English writer in Ukraine in general is not enough, research on rethinking the concept of fate in his prose nor in English nor in Ukrainian literary criticism there. The novelty of the work lies in the fact that the first attempt to look at the important information for T. Hardy conceptual domain in terms of religious, philosophical and artistic principles. In addition, a large English prose writer analyzed in relation to the typological novels I.Nechuy-Levitsky, Panas Mirny, I. Franko. Being associated with the philosophical ideas of the time, the work of Thomas Hardy reached mythological and religious primordial. Philosophical kontseptsiynist English prose writer actualized problem of national character and social engagement. In a way Thomas Hardy belonged to the galaxy of writers who took the responsibility of leading legislators aesthetic themes and motifs uvyraznenyh English tradition and depth in the next decade. Nasnazheni archetypes of human psychology, mifotvorchym experience millennia, stories and novels T. Hardy contributed to rethinking the concept of fate according to the needs of his time. The development of the outlook T. Hardy essential to interpret it the problems of human destiny. Open to human suffering, the writer never stayed out of social issues. As an aesthetic phenomenon, creativity T. Hardy aimed at disclosing person's self-contained multi-dimensional world. Dominant ideological model T. Hardy is a synthesis of traditional principles of national perceptions and religious and moral doctrine, which in principle is the basis of classical English literature. In Uesseksky cycle of novels T. Hardy successfully combines the concepts of environment and nature. Because human behavior is often masked by the upper classes social conditions, and therefore the true nature of man is not easy to discern. The representatives of grassroots action is a direct expression of the inner life, because that character is revealed in behavior and can be described. Describing the tragic fate of his heroes, T. Hardy reveals the social basis of psychological conflicts against the dead moral standards of the Victorian era. Addressing the contradictions of reality, T. Hardy as an artist petty bourgeoisie sees solutions. Reality depresses the writer, the determined total tragic tone of his works. In the novel "Tess of the genus d'Erbervilliv" see how honest woman going on offense for their happiness, dying on the scaffold; actors "Jude unrecognized" usually seen as victims of social morality; hero "Mera Kesterbridzha" dooms itself to moral suicide . Thus, the characters of T. Hardy always struggling with indifferent - not "good" but not "evil" - forces are in conflict with the social environment, their desires, but this fight they always lose. Myths such as the Chinese pair of "yin-yang" definitely are impressed for writers. Starodavni people symbolically associated slogan woman in nature with the concepts of darkness, death, earth, water, moon, even number, etc. (yin). Men's "yang" united south, light, sky, sun, odd numbers. Image Yustakiyi Wei ("homecoming") can be vidchytanyy in the context of this myth. By consistently calls the heroine "Queen of the Night," it illuminates the moon, and then absorbs water. Instead, her husband Klim Ibrayt more associated with the light and sky. "Who-who, and Klim knew heather valley. He was imbued with its images, essence, smell. You could say that he was her creature ... If we take all kinds of hatred that were Yustakiyi Wei in relation to heath river, and turn them into a kind of love - we face the heart Klima "[5, p. 205]. Time and place in relation to the image Ibrayta author means the joyful, bright colors, "It was a sunny day in early summer and heather in wet hollows are moved from brown to green stage. Ibrayt reached the top of the hollow ... "[5, p. 241]. Area of the material and bodily masses interested by less than the spiritual world of the characters. The writer found the means of painting flesh principle characters, describing their progress, gestures, facial expressions, emphasizing, on the one hand, link their fate with the annual cycle of nature, on the other hand, pointing to the tragic gap of people with it, a progressive alienation from uessektsiv viable sources of life. Due to various problems of human existence in social and cultural space, the writer delivers a broad typed picture of reality. Notable is that the concept of fate in the work of T. Hardy is the essential element of the spiritual world of heroes, a symbol of correlation with human universe. Moreover, the fate of his work symbolizes the reality of human life, which is constantly facing various dangers on its existence. Fate to T. Hardy are presented a key concept in general and its conceptual center. "The Fate - a symbol of everything that happens to a man, regardless of his will and chance, and provided and defined in moral categories of good and evil, judgment and sentence, revenge and retribution, reward" [1]. It is this concept can be traced in the creative legacy as a sign writer. Heroes works of T. Hardy inevitably fall into a situation of moral choice, and from what it will be depends on their fate. Some of his novels T. Hardy traces the marginalization of strong individuals who fall into the unbearable conditions of life. Similar problems raised in his work I.Nechuy-Levitsky, Panas Mirny, Franko, based on this comparison can be made, which sets the interaction works of Ukrainian writers of European literature. In general, the writers of the late XIX - early XX century. understand human life as being determined by fate. In Ukrainian classics one of the leading reasons is the motive of obedience and worship of destiny. The concept of fate in some works by Ukrainian writers often takes the dominant color with fatalistic pessimistic prospect. Share in their works more often combined with definitions of "evil", "evil", "unhappy", "bitter", "unwell", "hard". In the semantics of these tokens emphasizes ideological content of ideas about man poor, abandoned, lonely. Bright and optimistic awareness fate remains marginal, because it is connected with the influence of Christianity and the contamination of the concept of fate with grace in Christianity. Obviously, the formation of ideas about the fate of the world in the image of Ukrainian affected tragic manifestations in the history of Ukraine. Legitimate human desire for happiness is usually not crowned success because happiness - just a coincidence in the drama of suffering. Chance and necessity in nature and philosophy is dialectical opposites, the transition from one another. In view of the law T. Hardy and Ukrainian writers, philosophers in his writings, especially in their final parts come to determinism and fatalism. For example, fatal role of heredity or fate, which arose as a result of the evolution of character, is the engine of the plot not only in the works of "Tess of the genus d'Erbervilliv", "Mayor Kesterbridzha" T. Hardy, but "Nicholas Jerry" I.NechuyLevitsky, "do not roar when mangers are full," "Prostitute" by Myrnyy, which also determines the dramatic and even tragic ending. The concept of fate has several semantic colors. Fate can be happy, and may serve as fate, destiny as Pocar for sin or temptation. It is equally important to understand the conceptual T. Hardy is a conceptual parameters antinomy 'wealth poverty. " Many works based on this contrasted. For Ukrainian welfare is an important component of a happy life, but money can not buy happiness, as they say. Sometimes on the contrary, proves that the novel "do not roar when mangers are full?" by Panas Mirnyy. Possible to mention the more specific match in the analyzed works. Thus, the motivation of rural idyll brings pages of the book "Under the green wood" T. Hardy from "Nicholas Jerry" I.Nechuy-Levitsky, novel "do not roar when mangers are full?" Myrnogo. Natural landscape against which vyyaskravlyuyutsya event "Nicholas Jerry", endowed, like the novel "Under the green wood" T. Hardy, existential transcendence and mithopoetic symbols. Pear, beneath which sleeps Nicholas Jerry, shall sign the world tree. Young guy lying on the ground, sees through the foliage blue sky, sees the orange sun rays penetrates every leaf. On top of pears he understood it "a strange bird with gold and silver feathers. Poultry dissolved broad wings dissolved gorgeous, like a peacock, tail, and all singing and all down to below the branches. With golden wings shaken fire sparks fell on spring crystal letter, and the letter is even better rang and sang together with poultry. Poultry everything down to lower and lower. Nicholas zamanulos it vpiymat ... He stretched out his hands, and iskryana bird again purhnula up to the very vershechok only sparks showered on the grass, his hands on his cheeks and fierce "[2, p. 36]. Rays of sun, crystal letter, amazing bird with gold and silver feathers - a model mifopoeticheskoy scheme with elements which bind man dreams about luck. Nature of Wessex by T. Hardy is classified as "medium" is the protagonist of the first novel of the series "Under the green wood." She cyclised, rytmizuye story in the book, causing its division into four parts ("Winter", "Spring", "Summer", "Autumn"), defining the nature of narrative and time-space. In fact, the nature of the work brings out a happy ending, ending the traditional wedding, picking some way magical-ritual. Wedding played on the edge Yolberi (which literally means "fertile countryside"), under an old spreading tree with large branches which every year hundreds of nesting birds, and its bark is fed lots of rabbits. Language Suite echoes the nightingale roulades. Nightingale sings this song clearly on the motif of Shakespeare, and the tree becomes a mythological world tree, the axis of the world, the source of life. Lesya Ukrainian In "Utopia in fiction," said a psychological dependence modernist writers of the ancient "allegories, metaphors and symbols," and among the richest characters real world images called "tree of life", "tree of knowledge of good and evil", "healing and life-giving water ". According to researchers, the tree is a universal symbolic complex "structures which mithopoetic model of the world, gives it coherence and fully characterize its structure at all levels" [3, p. 43]. Living space T. Hardy novel organizes tree, each of which (roots, trunk, crown) refers not only to certain classes of living beings (insects, birds, rabbits), but also designs the overall pattern of relationships. Text structure which consisted of 4 parts determines the grouping of the main characters: Fancy girl has three contenders for her hand. The rivalry between the two men fight resembles the Old to the New Year. In mifopoeticheskogo image of Mother Nature, which reveals a tender, the relaxed attitude towards their children, the important role played by mythology in the novel "annual cycle". This symbol is included in the system of basic concepts of world culture. Scientific understanding of the annual cycle was initiated by scientists Cambridge school, their work is not left unnoticed T. Hardy. After researching this myth fruitfully studied D. Lindsay [6]. Annual cycle - a dynamic renewal of nature, understood in all mythological systems. Triad "life - death - rebirth" in which tragedy beginning (as withering autumn, winter as death) dialectically linked with joy spring-summer resurrection and renewal of life, available in Pagan and Christian worldview. Here it would be appropriate to mention that in Ukrainian literature of the early twentieth century. appeared a number of works where the sequence of events correlated with annual calendar cycle. And above all this "Forest Song" Lesya Ukrainian, with its deep philosophical analysis of conceptual phenomena of human life and human destiny. The works of Ukrainian artists closer to the realities of life and the fate of a specific character, and thus the fate of the people, as compared with T. Hardy. One of the most important features of Ukrainian prose is that it is present by a different type than in English Novels. Ukrainian artists approached the concept of fate with internal rather than an external perspective, reflections on the fate of the person they are gaining social and political nature. When the hero of "cross paths" Franko Eugene Rafalovych encounters in the field erring farmer who was looking beast, the sad reflections of a young lawyer on the life of the farmer are symbolic conversion in his mind. He sees the fate of the unfortunate fate of the people: "Exhausted hard luck, he wanders without being able vtrapyty on its way, and is like a farmer otsey devious, including path between the past and the future ... and do not know where to go, no strength or hope to reach the goal "[4, p. 322]. Mouth of his hero Franko asks, "Who is he that will show you the way who fail thee, my poor people?" [4, p. 322]. Ukrainian literature the concept of fate are determined moral and ethical contradictions of society and topical social reality. The first thing that catches the eye when analyzing work of I.Nechuy-Levitsky, Myrnyy - a continuous antithesis of "fate" and "trouble" that leads to the formation of dichotomous series: happiness-unhappiness, good, evil, life, death, sin, righteousness , high-low. Prose these writers - weighty evidence that the fate of the individual, its successes and failures are caused by social relations and economic realities that under their influence a person fully reveals its character, and not in the relationship, as in clashes in the public arena (" Nicholas Jerry "," do not roar when mangers are full?"). Franko represents the direction of Ukrainian artistic and philosophical tradition, one of the most important features of which are ekzystentsiynist. Characters of his prose "was born to" be on the outside, pass through internal search and self-conscious choice. The concept of fate in his novels ("Cross-path") shall primarily philosophical and psychological interpretation. Within definite concept Franko fully realized the issue indissoluble unity of personal, social and national pervniv. Tracing typological manifestations author's ideas in English and Ukrainian prose, we note that the concept of fate represented both in subjective (concrete human life), and in the field of objective (sacred, eternal life). Between these two areas there is a systemic interaction. The concept of fate in the analyzed works presents a detailed plot and conflict factor related to the ideal of self-fulfillment hero or heroine. Buying values happiness in Novels T. Hardy, this concept finds its existential burden, and with existential-experiential time he is identified with the life of man. Identical vision of reality that marks their concept of fate, observed in Ukrainian prose of the late XIX - early XX century. So typological analogies observed in the works of T. Hardy, Myrnogo, I.Nechuy-Levitsky, Ivan Franko, identified the main focus of their analysis. Comparing the artistic fabric of English and Ukrainian artists at the philosophical and aesthetic principles, we conclude that the concept of fate, each focused on a writer's life experience. Correlating with the archetypes of world culture, this concept in various spiritual states exemplifies the essence of the author's life, not only contributes to the identity of the character but also the author. Fate as one of the key conceptual images worldview models in T. Hardy fundamental constants world view of his countrymen. In this respect, we can speak of a roll of his work on philosophical and aesthetic foundations and poetry writers of Ukrainian art XIX - early XX century. List of references 1. Kolesov V.V "Dolya" i "schastye" v russkoy mental’nosti. - Mode of access: http://anthropology.ru/ru/texts/kolesov/misl11_07.html 2. Nechuy-Levitsky Mykola Dzerya. I. Nechuy-Levitsky //Collection of works: In 10 books. Kyiv, Naukova Dumka, 1968. B. 3., p. 34-142. 3. Skupeyko L. I Mythopoetica "Lisovoyi pisni" Lesi Ukrainky. Kyiv,: Phenix,2006. p - 416 4. Franko I. Perchresni stezhky .Collection of works: In 50 books. Kyiv, Naukova Dumka, 1979.B. 20. - p. 173-459. 5. Hardy T. The Return of the Native. London: Penguin Popular Classics, 1994. - 486 p. 6. Lindsay J. Short History of the World Culture. London, 1962. - 312 p. Анотація Статтю присвячено висвітленню проблеми взаємодії української та англійської прози кінця ХІХ – початку ХХ ст. з урахуванням наповнення концепту долі. Доведено, що осмислення буття під кутом зору проблеми долі англійським письменником Томасом Гарді і його українськими побратимами І. Нечуєм-Левицьким, Панасом Мирним, Іваном Франком виражає національні етнопсихологічні характеристики. Ключові слова: концепт долі, фатум, трагедія, конфлікт, реалізм, архетип, екзистенційність. Аннотация Статья посвящена исследованию проблемы взаимодействия украинской и английской прозы конца XIX – начала ХХ в. с учетом наполнения концепта судьбы. Доказано, что осмысление бытия под углом зрения проблемы судьбы английским писателем Томасом Гарди и его украинскими собратьями И. Нечуй-Левицким, Панасом Мирным, Иваном Франко выражает национальные этнопсихологические характеристики. Ключевые слова: концепт судьбы, фатум, трагедия, конфликт, реализм, архетип, экзистенциальность. Summary This article envisages the problem of Ukrainian-English prose correlation of the late XIX – early XX ct. taking into account the content of the concept of destiny. It was investigated that the being interpretation under the point of view of the fate’s problem of the English writer Thomas Hardy and his Ukrainian fellows I. Nechui-Levitsky, Panas Myrny, I. Franko expresses ethnopsychological national characteristics. Key words: concept of fate, destiny, tragedy, conflict, realism, archetype, existentialism.