QUANTICO, VA 22134-5003
GMK 1014
APR 2011
1. Given Marine Corps orders, directives, and references, maintain personal appearance to present a professional
military appearance. (MCCS-UNIF-1003)
1. Without the aid of references, select references that define professional military appearance without error.
2. Without the aid of references, define the weight and body composition management program for the Marine
Corps without error. (MCCS-UNIF-1003b)
a. Personal Appearance. Marines will present the best possible image at all times and continue to set the
example in military appearance.
(1) Mutilation of the body or any body parts in any manner is prohibited.
(2) Attaching, affixing, or displaying objects, articles, jewelry, or ornamentation through or under the skin,
tongue or any other body part is prohibited. Female Marines, however, may wear earrings consistent with MCO
(3) Tattoos or brands on the neck and head. In other areas of the body, tattoos or brands that are prejudicial to
good order, discipline and morale or are of a nature to bring discredit upon the Marine Corps are also prohibited.
b. Marine Corps Uniform Standards Of Grooming. Regulations do not allow eccentric or faddish styles of
hair, facial hair, nail polish/make up, jewelry, or eyeglasses. Because it is impossible to provide examples of every
appropriate or unacceptable style of "conservative" or "eccentric" grooming and attire, the good judgment of
Marines at all levels is key to enforcement of Marine Corps standards in this issue, as in other issues.
c. Appropriate Military Presence. The use of chewing gum, chewing tobacco, cigarettes, hands in pockets; or
the consumption of food or drink while walking in uniform or while in formation, are examples of activities that
detract from an appropriate military presence.
d. Unauthorized Articles. Examples of such articles include but are not limited to the following: cell phones,
pencils, pens, watch chains, fobs, pins, backpacks/bags, hydration systems, jewelry (except as authorized in MCO
1020.34_), handkerchiefs, combs, cigarettes, pipes, tobacco pouches/canisters, barrettes, hair ribbons/ornaments,
flowers (corsages/boutonnieres, etc.) or other similar items.
e. Authorized Articles. Articles that may be worn while in uniform include inconspicuous wristwatches and
rings. Sunglasses may be worn on leave, liberty, and in garrison but not in formation with troops, unless the need to
wear sunglasses has been certified by medical authorities. Eyeglasses/ sunglasses, when worn, will be conservative
in appearance. Eccentric or conspicuous eyepieces are prohibited. Chains, bands, or ribbons will not be attached to
eyeglasses; however, eyeglass restraints are authorized for safety purposes, but must be of conservative style/design.
GMK 1014-1
f. Temporary Revocation. Subject to temporary revocation due to health, safety, or mission requirements,
Marines may wear neat and conservative religious apparel items, as follows:
(1) Articles of religious apparel which are not visible or apparent when worn with the uniform.
(2) Visible articles of religious apparel with the uniform while attending or conducting divine services or
while in a chapel or other house of worship.
(3) Visible articles of religious apparel with the uniform which do not interfere with or replace required
uniform articles.
(1) No eccentricities in the manner of wearing head, facial, or body hair will be permitted. If applied, dyes,
tints, bleaches and frostings, which result in natural colors, are authorized. The hair color must complement the
person's complexion tone. Color changes that detract from a professional image are prohibited. Fingernails will be
kept clean and neatly trimmed so as not to interfere with performance of duty, detract from military image or present
a safety hazard. Nail polish for male Marines is not allowed. Nail polish as it applies to female Marines will fall
under standards in subparagraph 1004.5.c(5) of MCO 1020.34_.
b. MEN
(1) Men will be well groomed at all times and will abide by the following:
(a) Hair will be neat and closely trimmed. The hair may be clipped at the edges of the side and back and
will be evenly graduated from zero length at the hairline in the lower portion of the head to the upper portion of the
head. Block-style trimming of hair on the back of the head is not authorized. Hair will not be over 3 inches in
length fully extended on the upper portion of the head. The bulk of the hair shall not exceed approximately 2 inches.
Bulk is defined as the distance that the mass of hair protrudes from the scalp when styled. The back and sides of the
head below the hairline may be shaved to remove body hair. Sideburns will not extend below the top of the orifice
of the ear. Sideburns will not be styled to taper, come to a point or flare. The length of an individual hair of the
sideburn will not exceed 1/8 inch when fully extended.
(b) Head hair will be styled so as not to interfere with the proper wear of uniform headgear. Hair, which
protrudes from beneath properly worn headgear in an unsightly manner, is considered excessive, regardless of
length. Male hair styles will conform to the natural shape of the head without eccentric directional flow, twists or
spiking. One (cut, clipped or shaved) natural, narrow, fore and aft off centered part (placed no further than the outer
corner of the eye and will not extend down the back of the head) is authorized. The following hair style types are
considered eccentric and are not authorized (this list is not all inclusive): (1) hair styling which include single
patches of hair on the top of the head (not consistent with natural hair loss); (2) hair styled to run as a strip down the
center of the scalp (i.e. “Mohawk” fashion); (3) hair styled to leave an unusually large open (bald) area on the top of
the head (not consistent with natural hair loss); and (4) hair styles which include the etching of letters, signs or
figures, not considered natural in appearance. Braiding of the hair is not authorized for male Marines. When used,
hair gel/mousse should provide a conservative, natural appearance.
(c) No male Marine will be required to have his hair clipped to the scalp except while he is undergoing
recruit training or when such action is prescribed by a medical officer. This does not prohibit a male Marine from
having his hair clipped to the scalp if he so desires.
GMK 1014-2
(d) The face will be clean-shaven, except that a mustache may be worn. When worn, the mustache will be
neatly trimmed and must be contained within the lines of B-B', C-C', D-D' and the margin area of the upper lip, as
shown in figures 1-1 and 1-2. The individual length of a mustache hair fully extended must not exceed 1/2 inch.
(e) No male Marine will be required to have his chest hair clipped except that which is so long as to
protrude in an unsightly manner above the collar of the visible under shirt when worn, or the long sleeve khaki shirt.
(1) The requirement for hair regulations is to maintain uniformity within a military population. Women's
hairstyles require non-eccentric styles. Female Marines will be well groomed at all times and when in uniform will
abide by the following:
(a) Hair may touch the collar, but will not fall below the collar's lower edge. Hair that would fall naturally
below the collar's lower edge will be neatly and inconspicuously fastened or pinned. During physical training
periods in which physical training clothing is worn, hair will be allowed to fall naturally, without being fastened or
pinned. This does not apply when conducting physical training in the utility uniform. Medium/short length hair
may be worn down for organized PT, except when considered a safety hazard. Long hair must be secured. Pony
tails are authorized. When hair-securing devices are worn (i.e. barrettes, small pony tail holders…), they must be
consistent with the hair color. Examples of hair accessories not authorized for securing hair for PT are; scrunchies,
bows, ribbons, alligator clips. When wearing boots and utes in a PT environment, hair should be secured using the
PT guidelines identified above. When boots and utes are worn in a non-PT related environment, hair must be
secured per the regulations detailed in the hairstyle regulations provided in paragraph 1004.5.c.1.a-b.
(b) Hair will be styled so as not to interfere with the proper wear of the uniform headgear. All headgear
will fit snugly and comfortably around the largest part of the head without distortion or excessive gaps. Hairstyles,
which do not allow the headgear to be worn in this manner, are prohibited.
(c) Faddish and exaggerated styles to include shaved portions of the scalp other than the neckline, designs
cut in the hair, unsecured ponytails and styles which are distinctly unbalanced or lopsided are prohibited. Multiple
braiding is authorized. If hair extensions are used in the braiding of the hair, the extensions must have the same
general appearance as the individual's natural hair. Braided hairstyles will be conservative, and conform to other
guidelines listed herein.
(d) Barrettes, combs, rubber bands, etc. are authorized, if concealed by the hair. Inconspicuous hair pins
and bobby pins, if required, are authorized. Hairnets will not be worn unless authorized for a specific type of duty.
Wigs, if worn in uniform, must look natural and conform to the above regulations.
(e) Cosmetics, if worn, will be applied conservatively exaggerated or faddish cosmetic styles are
inappropriate with the uniform and will not be worn. If worn, nail polish and non-eccentric in shades of red may be
worn with all uniforms. Colored nail polish will not be worn with the utility uniform. Fingernails with multiple
GMK 1014-3
colors and decorative ornamentation are prohibited. Nail length will be no longer than 1/4 inch from the tip of the
(f) No female Marine will be required to remove leg hair except where considered unsightly and cannot be
covered with appropriate hosiery.
a. It is essential that every Marine maintain established standards of health and physical fitness.
b. Objectives. The objectives of the Marine Corps’ BCP are:
(1) Provide Marines information and assistance in order to modify the attitudes and behavior consistent with a
healthy lifestyle.
(2) Contribute to the health and well being of every Marine through continuous monitoring of weight, body
composition and military appearance.
(3) Motivate Marines to set the example by maintaining established weight and body composition standards.
(4) Ensure compliance through supervised oversight, remedial conditioning and professional assistance.
c. Requirements. The requirements of the MCBCMAP are:
(1) Purpose. The MCBCMAP establishes, evaluates and enforces compliance with optimal weight, body
composition and military appearance standards that are essential to the preservation of good order and discipline and
necessary for the maintenance of combat readiness Marine Corps-wide.
(2) Scope. All Marines will be periodically be evaluated for weight and military appearance. However,
Commanders/OICs are authorized to conduct unit/individual weigh-ins, BCP or MAP assessments as often as
deemed necessary. Weigh-ins may be conducted on the same day as the PFT/CFT.
(3) Standard. Marines are considered to exceed standard when their body weight and body fat percentage
exceeds the maximum allowable limits for their height (see charts) or if they have improper distribution/excessive
accumulation of body fat.
d. BCP Formal Program.
(1) Commander’s BCP. If Marines do not meet established BCP standards, they will be notified of their
deficiencies and processed for BCP assignment. Commanders are responsible for ensuring the BCP processing
period is completed as soon as possible and not longer than 60 days. During this period, and any other time a
Marine is out of standards, administrative actions (restricted or withheld/delayed promotions, denied reenlistment,
GMK 1014-4
denied special school/special duty assignments, etc) apply whether processing results in BCP assignment or not. The
Commander also has the power to determine that although a Marine is outside height and weight and body
composition standards that his or her uniformed appearance is equal with that of a squared away Marine. Should that
be a Commander’s determination, the Commander has the opportunity to seek a waiver for the Marine through the
chain of command.
(2) BCP Formal Assignment. Commanders/OICs possessing Special Courts- Martial Convening Authority
will assign Marines to the BCP who fail to comply with established weight and body composition standards, in
accordance with MCO 6110.3. Commanders/OICs will utilize the BCP Evaluation Form found in the order to notify
Marines of their formal BCP assignment. Marines on their first BCP assignment will not be removed from the
program until their initial six-month assignment has expired. This measure is required in order to ensure healthy
weight and body fat loss techniques are employed and appropriate attitude and lifestyle adjustments are made.
(3) BCP Removal.
(a) Marines on their first BCP assignment who comply with established weight and body composition
standards at the conclusion of their 6-month assignment period will be removed by their Commander/OIC.
(b) Marines on their second or subsequent assignment who comply with established weight and body
composition standards can be removed at any time during their 6-month assignment.
(c) Marines who fail to comply with established weight and body composition standards due to
unsatisfactory progress will receive a page 11/6105 counseling entry and be processed for administrative separation
(Weight Control Failure).
(d) Marines who fail to comply with established weight and body composition standards due to
indifference or apathy will receive a page 11/6105 counseling entry and be processed for administrative separation
(Unsatisfactory Performance).
(e) Administrative separation procedures for officers who fail to comply with established weight and body
composition standards will be performed in accordance with SECNAVINST 1920.6C.
e. Military Appearance Program (MAP) Formal Program
(1) Commander’s MAP. Because Marines come in all shapes and sizes, there is an imperative to ensure that
the Commander has a continuous say in the assignment of his Marines to programs dealing with body composition
and military appearance. The authority of the Commander is such that should he or she decide that a Marine is
within height and weight standards, the body composition percentages, or both, that Marine can still be assigned to
the MAP. Such an assignment would normally be oriented towards weight redistribution, vice loss. Should an
assignment to the formal program be necessary, the Commander will provide the appropriate resources, counseling,
and unit diary entries. Should a Marine not show progress while on the program, reenlistment and promotion
opportunities could be denied. To maintain fairness and impartiality, Marines assigned to the MAP will have the
right to appeal their status to the next higher officer in the chain of command.
(2) MAP Formal Program. Commanders/OICs possessing Special Courts- Martial Convening Authority will
conduct a MAP assessment and make a formal assignment determination. Assessments will include a review of all
relevant MAP documentation and a Commander/OIC Summer Service 'C' uniform inspection. Commanders/OICs
will utilize the MAP Evaluation Form found in MCO 6110.3 to notify Marines of their initial 60-day formal MAP
assignment. Because of the intrinsic link between the BCP and MAP, Marines who do not present a suitable military
appearance will be evaluated by medical prior to MAP formal assignment in order to rule out the possibility of an
underlying medical condition or disease as a primary causal factor behind the improper weight distribution.
(a) The MAP processing period includes the right of the Marine to appeal pending MAP assignment to the
next higher level commander in the chain of command within five (5) working days. MAP appeal authority may not
be delegated. Appeal authority will be provided access to all relevant MAP information and can respond to the
request in writing or may require a personal assessment conducted in the service C uniform. MAP appeal requests
GMK 1014-5
should be adjudicated in a timely manner. If MAP appeal authority concurs with the initial assessment, the Marine
will be assigned to MAP.
(b) If MAP appeal authority rules in favor of the Marine, the Marine will not be assigned to MAP.
(c) Only after assignment to MAP, either following a denied appeal or if the Marine accepts the initial
MAP assignments decision, will it be reflected in proficiency/conduct marks or on fitness reports.
(3) MAP Removal. Commanders/OICs that possess Special Courts-Martial Convening Authority will
immediately remove Marines from the MAP as soon as they present a suitable military appearance. No further
administrative action is required once a Marine is removed from MAP.
(4) MAP Failure. Marines who are formally assigned to the MAP and fail to conform to established body
composition standards within the initial 60- day formal MAP assignment period will be subject to adverse
administrative action that may affect promotion, assignment, and retention.
f. Promotion/Retention.
(1) Promotion.
(a) Enlisted. Enlisted Marines are placed in a promotion restriction status while assigned to the BCP or
MAP, regardless of combat zone assignment or BCP status. Enlisted Marines will no longer be in a promotion
restriction status once removed from the BCP or MAP.
(b) Officers. Commanders may request promotions be delayed for those officers who are deemed not
physically qualified for promotion, regardless of combat zone assignment or BCP status.
(2) Retention. Marines who do not meet established weight and body composition standards or fail to present
a suitable military appearance are not eligible for reenlistment or voluntary extension regardless of combat zone
assignment or BCP status.
g. Medical considerations.
(1) Pregnancy. Pregnant Marines, as verified by a health care provider, will not be evaluated for MAP or
BCP assignment. If already formally assigned, Marines will be placed in an inactive status during pregnancy and
for 6 months after Return to Full Duty following 42-day (post-partum) convalescent leave.
(2) Light/Limited Duty. Marines who are assigned light or limited duty or pending Medical Evaluation
Board (MEB)/Physical Evaluation Board (PEB) screening are required to comply with established body composition
and military appearance standards and may be evaluated for assignment to the BCP or MAP
(3) Neuro-Musculoskeletal (NMS) Injuries. NMS injuries may reduce or inhibit an individual’s normal
activity and without a resultant decrease in caloric intake, weight gain will occur. While the location of the injury
will be the determining factor in how activity is limited, NMS injuries are normally of such short duration that they
do not serve as a basis for exemption from assignment to the BCP or MAP.
(4) Underlying Medical Condition/Disease. When diagnosed with an underlying medical condition or
associated disease, the medical officer will make an appropriate annotation in the Marine's Health Record and make
the following recommendation(s)/take the following action(s):
(a) Treat/alleviate the medical condition, return Marine to RTFD, and recommend for assignment to the
(b) Hospitalize the Marine for obesity treatment.
GMK 1014-6
(c) Diagnose the condition/disease as untreatable or permanent in nature and forward to a Performance
Evaluation Board (PEB) for determination of fitness to continue military service.
(d) Marines will be placed and remain in an inactive status until the condition is resolved.
GMK 1014-7
1. Marine Corps Physical Fitness Program
2. Marine Corps Uniform Regulations
3. Marine Corps Body Composition and Military Appearance Program
GMK 1014-8
MCO 6100.13
MCO P1020.34 W/CH 1-4_
MCO 6110.3