TRANSVERSE LIGAMENT RUPTURE SUBLUXATION YIZHAR FLOMAN, LEON From We report four children treated by posterior fusion IN KAPLAN, Hadassah years intervals atlas-dens at C1-C2 after the failure stabilisation level trauma drosis the in children usually are causes etal cases have even more a fracture rare, through since the local four traumatic ruptures of Two of (Blatt (Table University I). One hit by vehicles in an accident. child when All The had head injuries, depressed fracture of the skull; two and one had a supracondylar fracture one with had fractured ribs, ofthe humerus. Floman, MD, ProfessorofOrthopaedic Surgery Kaplan, MD, Instructor in Orthopaedic Surgery Elidan, MD, Senior Lecturer in Otolarygology Umansky, MD, Senior Lecturer in Neurosurgery Hadassah University Correspondence © Hospital, should Jerusalem of the patients were before the fusion. treatment is likely to a 91120, and Joint in the diagnosis six diagnosis three of of ligamentous the children and a painful and one one two 14 days, Cl-C2 had had long when the was made, conservative for six to eight this had tract ligament and instability a trial of casts Despite one some of transverse to in Minerva in traction. torticollis, had treatment, weeks, the atlanto- axial subluxation persisted, and the patients were referred spine centre. Lateral radiographs ofall four showed an intact dens with increase in the atlas-dens interval (ADI) of 6, 7, 8 to our 13 mm and respectively views decreased In the child be fixed near forward between with calcified in three an ADI of 13 mm, with cervical the dens and dystrophic the the of the Flexion- in flexion four children. of the dens anterior atlas (Fig. Sc). tissue remnants to block 3). increased appeared to part of the atlas and did not extension (Figs 4 and 5), the the posterior presumably 1, 2 and that the ADI in extension with move space (Figs showed the being This ruptured filled tissue, ligament, movement. TREATMENT Israel. All four children sublaminar be sent to Dr Y. Floman. 1991 British Editorial Society ofBone 0301-620X/91/4152 $2.00 J Bone Joint Surg [Br] 1991 ; 73-B : 640-3. 640 all four from ranged appeared Y. L. J. F. delay rupture and two to nine years, were seen at Hospital over an 11-year period had fallen from a height, two were walking and one was a car passenger four ligament In one child with quadriparesis All the children had signs of quadriparesis extension aged children, 13 mm; of the odontoid was performed level of suspicion. Conservative treatment, with 1981). Hadassah of the transverse treatment. signs. PATIENTS The tears of 6, 7, 8 and frank synchon- C1-C2 subluxation. briefly reported elsewhere been traumatic is indicated. of the dens. We report four children transverse ligament and the four UMANSKY rare in this age group since trauma usually causes a resulted from falls or motor vehicle accidents, with (ADI) Trauma to the cervical spine in adults most commonly involves its lower part, but in children, although such lesions are rare, they are mostly found in the region of Cl and C2 (Fielding 1984). Ligament injuries at the atlantoaxial FELIX Jerusalem ofconservative and a fixed ADI of 13 mm, transoral anterior resection Diagnosis of this traumatic lesion requires a high fail; surgical ELIDAN, Hospital, with This is extremely injury. The injuries ATLANTO-AXIAL CHILDREN JOSEF University two to nine aged atlas and atlanto-axial subluxation. skeletal rather than a ligamentous considerable delay in diagnosis. Flexion radiographs showed AND Surgery grafts. halo-cast surgery. had wires, Three which a posterior using were was In one child THE performed retained a ‘rigid’ JOURNAL C1-C2 autogenous after fusion, iliac immobilisation for six to eight collar OF BONE two with crest AND in a weeks was used. JOINT bone The after child SURGERY TRANSVERSE Table I. Clinical details LIGAMENT of four RUPTURE children treated by C1-C2 fusion Age (yr) Sex Injury Other Injury Delay In diagnosis 1 9 M Fall Concussion 12 days 2 5 M RTAt Pedestrian Concussion Fracture of and 3 2 F RTA Car passenger Concussion 4 4 F RTA Pedestrian Depressed of skull Fractured *ADI, atlas-dens tRTA, fusion road traffic accident preceded by transoral Fig. flexion. ATLANTO-AXIAL Case humerus Case AND 3. Figure Figure 1 2 - ligament rupture Conservative ADI (mm) Neurology management Operation 7 Normal Traction 3 weeks Fusion 12 days 8 Hyper-reflexia Halo-cast 6 weeks Fusion 14 days 6 Normal Minerva 6 weeks fracture 6 days 13 Quadriparesis Minerva halo-cast 3 months ribs resection Fig. of a two-year-old confirming Fig. 73-B, No. 4, JULY 1991 Gallie fusion Gallie fusion of the dens the increased girl injured atlas-dens 2 Fig. in a motor-vehicle interval. Figure 3 accident, - After Cl-C2 showing posterior an atlas-dens fusion Case 4. Figure 4 - Lateral radiograph of a four-year-old girl knocked down by a car. There is extreme displacement of the dens, with an ADI of 13 mm. Figure Sa - Initially, a CT scan in a Minerva cast shows that the AD! is only moderately increased. Figure Sb - Another section at a later date shows flecks of bone avulsed from the atlas. Figure Sc - The space between atlas and dens contains calcified dystrophic tissue. VOL. plaster interval radiograph CT scan for transverse 641 IN CHILDREN ribs 1 Lateral - SUBLUXATION Sa Fig.5b Fig. 4 Fig. Sc with 3 interval sublaminar of 6 mm in forward wires. 642 Y. FLOMAN, with fixed atlanto-axial dislocation resection of the odontoid process fusion (Fig. 6). L. KAPLAN, had anterior before the J. ELIDAN, transoral posterior and ranging from children had a satisfactory pain and torticollis. Two a 4 mm interval. neurological to 10 years, fusion with had a normal There signs was in both complete relief of ADI and one had resolution affected all the of the abnormal children. and Chung 1978). that an ADI pathological Locke, that widest most the were of 4 mm in children. Gardner ADI 3 mm or less. or more Cattell should be and Filtzer an ADI of 3 mm or more in 20% of the age of seven years, but consider that displacement by over 5 mm in flexion indicates ligament rupture, especially with a history of trauma. Filipe, Demay and Zakine (1989) believe that anterior displace- endanger 1968). the age of seven fractures (Sherk, Traumatic rupture in They (1965) reported children under must Cervical spine injuries are rare under years, and 75% of these are odontoid while children, ment of over 10 to 12 mm signifies a tear of the ligamentous complex. In such a case, the displaced DISCUSSION Nicholson was 3.5 mm, consider considered six months of 200 normal (1966) found In a review Van Epps flexion RESULTS At follow-up, F. UMANSKY Such possibility 1957). the spinal excessive ofobstruction entire dens cord in the ‘safe zone’ (Steel displacement also raises the of the vertebral arteries (Werne of the transverse ligament is extremely rare in children, since the synchondrosis of the dens is usually weaker than the ligaments. In their classic paper on this ligament injury, Fielding et al (1974) reported 11 patients, only one being under six years of age, while the others were young adults or teenagers. Pennecot et al(1984)reported three children with traumatic atlanto-axial instability, ofwhich one was shown at post-mortem to have a transverse ligament rupture. Birney and Hanley (1989) surveyed 84 paediatric and adolescent cervical spine injuries finding only two cases of transverse ligament rupture. We have seen four paediatric cases in 1 1 years. Ligament insufficiency or rupture secondary to inflammatory or rheumatoid disease may be seen (Werne 1957 ; Fielding to trauma The 1984) is found transverse and transverseligament in adults (Levine rupture and Edwards due Fig. 6 1986). ligament is a tight band between the tubercles on the medial side of the lateral masses of the atlas, passing behind the dens and holding it against the articular notches on the posterior surface of the anterior arch of the atlas. It provides primary stability and is supplemented by the alar, apical cruciate, accessory and capsular ligaments. et al (1974) found two In a biomechanical modes of failure Atlanto-axialligament leading, in our own study, Fielding of the transverse ligament : usually the body of the ligament ruptured, but occasionally a fleck of bone was avulsed from the lateral masses of the atlas (see Fig. Sb). Mechanisms ofinjury to the ligament include forced forward flexion and axial loading of the atlas, opening the ring and causing secondary rupture of the transverse ligament, as in a Jefferson fracture with atlanto-axial subluxation. In cadaveric specimens, Spence, Decker and Sell (1970) showed that a 6 to 9 mm displacement of the lateral masses of the atlas will rupture the transverse ligament. The diagnosis radiological. will maintain, flexion anteriorly or extension. and of transverse ligament An intact atlanto-axialligamentous in adults, an ADI of 3 mm Injury increases allows the ADI. the atlas rupture complex or less during to be displaced Case 4. CT scan after transoral resection of the dens, showing the defect in the anterior arch of the atlas and absence ofthe odontoid. Some calcified remnants are still visible at the site of the dens. is diagnosis and previously is important, cases injuries may easily be missed, to several days delay in up to five years (Pennecot since in those et al 1984). neurological few cases A high level compromise published of suspicion or deterio- ration may occur. The atlanto-axial subluxation may become fixed, as in one of our patients (Fig. 5). Fielding et al, in 1974, stated that treatment for transverse ligament rupture should be surgical, but in 1984 Fielding suggested that conservative measures should be tried. We consider that conservative treatment is unlikely to succeed or to provide a stable atlanto-axial articulation. Conservative treatment failed to produce a stable reduction in our series : we consider that a posterior fusion, method, and in the reduced is the treatment Hawkins odontoid process 1978). position, preferably by the Gallie of choice (Hensinger, Fielding Where in the ‘safe THE JOURNAL there zone’ OF BONE is fixation of Steel, AND of the a transoral JOINT SURGERY TRANSVERSE approach should decompress be used the spinal LIGAMENT RUPTURE to resect the displaced (Fang and Ong cord AND dens ATLANTO-AXIAL and Filipe 1962 ; P#{225}sztor 1985). We wish to thank Doctors 3 and 4 to our care. No benefits in any from a commercial party this A. Hannani and E. Frish for referring cases form have been related directly received or or indirectly will be received to the subject of Hensinger Levine and Locke Blatt Catteil Fang TJ, Hanley adolscence. EN Jr. Traumatic cervicalspine Spine 1989; 14:1277-82. JM, Shiloni E, Robin GC, ligament with atlantoaxial Transac 1981 ; 5:184. Floman subluxation Ong GB. 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