IBM Smart Cloud guide started

IBM Smart Cloud guide started
1. Overview
Access link:
We are going to work in the IBM Smart Cloud Enterprise. The first thing we are going to do is
to sign in.
So, the dashboard is composed in four parts:
Overview. We can see and access the main options to be managed.
Control panel. Add images, create instances and control the storage.
Account. Manage users inside instances and permissions.
Support. Help and guide you to use the IBM Cloud.
Overview panel
This window gives us information about our instances and our recent activity in SCE
Control Panel
In this case we can do the things we want such as create instances, delete it, reboot etc. Also,
we can establish predefined images and specifics storage for large data sets.
These tools allow us to manage fixed IPs and keys for connecting machines.
2. Create and access to instances
You can create different kind of instances such as predefined or your own images. In this
document we can focus in preinstalled images and how to configure.
First of all, we have to learn how to work and manage instances by command lines. A link with
a couple of examples:
These examples show us how to create and describe instances. Also we can delete it or ask for
a lot of information about everything show in the dashboard told before.
When we create an instance, we have to say which private key we want. I recommend that this
key must the same for all the instances. So we can connect between instances by the same
key. This key allows us to connect for the instance too by software. For that, we have to
download the key by the dashboard when we create a private key in the account window.
If we want to connect by ssh (i.e: by putty) we
have to do these steps:
Firstly, we have to generate a .ppk with the
software Puttygen. Click on Load button and
select de private key downloaded in the
After that, write the instance’s IP.
Click in the option – Allow attempted changes
of username in SSH-2 – and select de private
key (*.ppk) previously created by putty.
3. Configure instances
3.1. Use MPI in the instances
The only thing we need is (after installing in one machine in a usual way) copy the folder in
other machines and establish the PATH environment. In the last page of the document we can
describe the steps in each part
Linux Command Line
If we want to manage by command line we have to download the tools and establish the JAVA
environment. The following link helps us:{F1466F46-A4AB-3879D883-1A26A43BF046}&v=1.4.1&fid=&tid=&post=
To access your IBM account by command line you have to create a file with a passphrase.
There is a command line to create that called:
ic-create-password -u|--username username -p|--password password
-w|--passphrase passphrase -g|--file-path filepath [-h|--help]
See the documentation about the command line necessary to manage the IBM Cloud.
Pseudo code for managing instances using MPI:
1. Create Master instance:
Or Add Instance
by command line
by dashboard web interface
2. Configure Master instance:
a. Copy MPI directory (mpich) and copy directory “command line tools”.
b. Environment variable PATH for MPI and JAVA_HOME
Export PATH=$PATH:/home/idcuser/mpich/bin
Export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/jre-1.6.0-openjdk
c. Copy Directory keys. Inside
key.priv & pass.txt for accessing IBM. The
key.priv allows us connect the Master with any worker the first time (by ssh).
This file we already have it (previously downloaded in the dashboard)
Pass.txt is a file generated by command line tool to access the IBM Cloud. See
the documents for creating the file
d. Stop IPtables: “sudo /sbin/service iptables stop”
e. Generate public key for ssh: ssh-keygen –t rsa. This provides us a file called We use that for allowing Master to connect workers.
Permissions to authorize ssh and connect it:
chmod 700 .ssh
chmod 600 key.priv
cat .ssh/ > .ssh/authorized_keys2
chmod 600 .ssh/*
3. Create Workers instances:
while nº PE < Max do
./ –u user – w passphrase –g pass.txt –t
instanceType (i.e: COP32.1/2048/60 –k imageID (see dashboard information) –L region
(i.e: 61 for Germany) –n “instance name” –d “description” > instance.txt
./getID instance.txt newID.txt
It is a software that create a file with
only the ID for the new instance. This file generated help us later to configure each
instance created by this master instance.
Nº PE = Nº PE - 1
end while
4. Configure workers by master instance.
a. Copy mpich directory and establish the PATH environment.
b. Copy key into the file authorized_keys2 to allow the master to
connect this machine. We can do this with an scp with the parameter –i. The
key can be sent for the master machine. It is the key file downloaded in the
dashboard. An example:
Don’t forget to change the key.priv permissions: chmod 600 key.priv
c. Change permissions for ssh:
chmod 700 .ssh
chmod 600 .ssh/*
d. Stop iptables: sudo /sbin/service iptables stop
e. Create the directory for MrCirrus: software, data, etc. Also it is necessary to
create a little script called “” because MrCirrus-Worker when it
finished, execute this script to send the partial result to the Master machine. If
you use a previous version for MrCirrus, that step is not necessary.
Create directory called the same name of the tools directory of the IBM
command line tools. It is necessary because the mpirun has to change the
execution directory (step e) and the worker machine has to have the same
directories for that. Example:
The Master has the following directory.:
cmdTools with the command line tolos and software
necessary to prepare and send the configuration to workers.
testMPI with the MrCirrus software, sequential app and data.
So, the worker machine has to have the same name of these directories.
g. Once you have configured the machines, you can test if all is right. Try to
connect via ssh from the Master machine: ssh “IPworker” and also test the
data and directories are rights.
3.2. Hadoop
In Hadoop (hadoop-streaming in this case) you have to create a script to upload and download
the necessary files to run your application. There are some command lines to do all this things.
The script depends on the software. There is an example in this document to prepare a Blast
execution for hadoop. This example is necessary to send for all hadoop machines (slaves)
before running the job
Some of the command line to manage hadoop-streaming are:
Manage files:
Hadoop dfs –get “Hadoop-directory/file” “my machine directory”
Hadoop dfs –put “my machine directory” “Hadoop-directory/file”
Hadoop dfs –rm “Hadoop-directory/file”
Hadoop dfs –rmr “Hadoop-directory”
Execute hadoop-streaming:
Hadoop jar /mnt/biginsights/opt/ibm/biginsights/IHC/Contrib/streaming/hadoop-0.20.2streaming.jar –mapper “scriptCreated” –input “script-map” –output “Hadoop directory”
scriptCreated is the script showed in this document.
script-map is a file with each execution line.
3. Scripts examples.
Create instances:
Example: ./ 4 testIBM /home/…/passFile
prefix=$2 #prefix for the names of the machines created.
pass=$3 #directory of passFile created by command line
while [ $nproc -ne 0 ]
#crear instancias segun numero de procesadores.
echo "creando instancia..."
./ -u -w bitlab -g
$pass -t COP32.1/2048/60 -k 20032564 -c keyRHEL -L 61 -n
"$prefix$nproc" -d "Instance created by command line" >
nproc=`expr $nproc - 1`
echo "instancia creada...faltan $nproc ."
cat instances.txt >> first.txt
./getIDs instances.txt IDsAux.txt
cat IDsAux.txt >> newIDs.txt
Configure instances:
First of all, I have sent this script to the worker and I execute it by ssh from the Master Node.
Example: ./ “IPMaster” “Directory of MrCirrus (only the name)”
# Copy Directory MPI from master
scp -r -i key2.priv -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no
$miIP:/home/idcuser/mpich/ /home/idcuser/
chmod 777 mpich/bin/*
echo "export PATH=/home/idcuser/mpich/bin:$PATH" >>
scp -i key2.priv -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o
StrictHostKeyChecking=no $miIP:/home/idcuser/.ssh/
chmod 700 .ssh/
chmod 600 .ssh/*
sudo /sbin/service iptables stop
#una vez preparado hay que copiar los datos
mkdir cmdTools
mkdir $dirMPI
scp -r -i key2.priv -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o
StrictHostKeyChecking=no $miIP:/home/idcuser/$dirMPI/soft
scp -r -i key2.priv -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o
StrictHostKeyChecking=no $miIP:/home/idcuser/$dirMPI/data
# When the Worker finish, MrCirrus execute a script called This script depends of the application. In this
case AllFrag is the app used.
echo "scp -i /home/idcuser/key2.priv -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no
/home/idcuser/$dirMPI/bin* $miIP:/home/idcuser/$dirMPI/" >
echo "ls -l > ls.txt" >> /home/idcuser/$dirMPI/
echo "rm bin*" >> /home/idcuser/$dirMPI/
chmod 777 /home/idcuser/$dirMPI/
Hadoop script
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# running a C program using Hadoop
# Written by Oscar, 2011
read offset CMD
echo "offset = $offset, CMD = $CMD" >&2
# Splits CMD into individual words (white space delimiter)
set $CMD
# Check directory contents
ls >&2
if [ ! -f $app ]
echo "soft get $app" >&2
hadoop dfs -get $folder/$app $app
if [ ! -f $db ]
echo "hadoop dfs -get $folder/$db $db" >&2
hadoop dfs -get $folder/$db $db
if [ ! -f $db.nhr ]
echo "hadoop dfs -get $folder/$db.nhr $db.nhr" >&2
hadoop dfs -get $folder/$db.nhr $db.nhr
if [ ! -f $db.nin ]
echo "hadoop dfs -get $folder/$db.nin $db.nin" >&2
hadoop dfs -get $folder/$db.nin $db.nin
if [ ! -f $db.nsq ]
echo "hadoop dfs -get $folder/$db.nsq $db.nsq" >&2
hadoop dfs -get $folder/$db.nsq $db.nsq
if [ ! -f $seq2 ]
echo "hadoop dfs -get $folder/$seq2 $seq2" >&2
hadoop dfs -get $folder/$seq2 $seq2
echo "Launching: $app -p $algorithm -d $db -i $seq2 -o
$output_file -b $paramb -v $paramv" >&2
chmod 777 $APP_PATH/$app
$APP_PATH/$app -p $algorithm -d $db -i $seq2 -o $output_file -b
$paramb -v $paramv
ls >&2
echo "Uploading to IBM $output_file $folder" >&2
hadoop dfs -put $output_file $folder/$output_file
# Writes something to standard output
echo "File $seq2 processed over the DB $db. Output file is
$output_file !!"
# Script report status
exit 0