Division: J October ~ CLASSROOM FIT CAMP Fitness Station Cards Chair Squats Begin in a standing position. Sit down and then stand up (straight arms extended in front at shoulder height). Division: J October ~ CLASSROOM FIT CAMP Fitness Station Cards Push-Ups On the floor, do full push-ups (i.e., hands and toes on floor, head to toe in a straight line), or modified (i.e., hands and knees on floor, head to knees in a straight line). Division: J October ~ CLASSROOM FIT CAMP Fitness Station Cards Chair Toe Taps Stand facing a chair and lift alternate feet, tapping toes on the top of the chair. Division: J October ~ CLASSROOM FIT CAMP Fitness Station Cards Calf Raises Standing behind the chair and holding on to the chair back, rise up on toes and then lower heels to the floor. Division: J October ~ CLASSROOM FIT CAMP Fitness Station Cards Bicep Curls Standing on tubing and holding each end with straight arms by sides, slowly bend elbows to lift hands from sides to shoulders, and return slowly to starting position. Division: J October ~ CLASSROOM FIT CAMP Fitness Station Cards Triceps Extension Sit on a chair and hold on to tubing, which goes under the chair. In the starting position with arms lifted up over the head and elbows bent so hands are at shoulders, slowly straighten the elbows so hands are high over the head, then lower the tube by bending elbows (elbows remain high above shoulders) Division: J October ~ CLASSROOM FIT CAMP Fitness Station Cards Fast Feet/Slow Feet Run quickly on the spot for 20 seconds, march with high knees for 10 seconds, repeat. Division: J October ~ CLASSROOM FIT CAMP Fitness Station Cards Shoulder Press Sit on a chair and hold on to tubing, which goes under the chair. In the starting position with arms lifted up over the head and elbows bent and hands at shoulders, slowly push the hands up (straighten the elbows) so hands are high over the head, then lower the tube and return to starting position. Division: J October ~ CLASSROOM FIT CAMP Fitness Station Cards Bicycle While sitting on a chair, simulate riding a bicycle (leg pedaling action) while holding onto the seat of the chair. Division: J October ~ CLASSROOM FIT CAMP Fitness Station Cards Seated Bench Press Sitting on a chair, with the band wrapped around the back of the chair, grasp each end of the tubing. In the starting position with arms bent, elbows at sides and hands at shoulders, slowly push straight out in front (straighten elbows) so arms are parallel to floor, and return to starting position. Division: J October ~ CLASSROOM FIT CAMP Fitness Station Cards Kick Box Alternate forward arm punches (left and right arm individually) with front kicks (left and right leg individually). Division: J October ~ CLASSROOM FIT CAMP Fitness Station Cards Upright Row While standing on the centre of the tubing, holding each end, pull hands to chin, with elbows lifted out to the side at shoulder height.