Isolated atoms vs. large group of atoms In an isolated atom: •electrons are restricted to sets of discrete energy levels within atoms. •large gaps exist in the energy scale in which no energy states are available. Electrons in solids are: •restricted to certain energy ranges and are not allowed at other energies. The basic difference between the case of an electron in a solid and that of an electron in an isolated atom: In the solid the electron has a range, or band, of available energies. © Nezih Pala EEE 6397 – Semiconductor Device Theory 60 Bonding forces in solids 1. Ionic bonding All electrons are tightly bound to atoms. There are no loosely bound electrons to participate in current flow–this material is insulator. Example: NaCl (Sodium Chloride –table salt) Na (sodium, Z= 11) is 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s1 Cl (chlorine, Z= 17) is 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p5 In the NaCl lattice each Na atom gives up its outer 3s electron to a Cl atom, so that the crystal is made up of ions with the electronic structures of the inert atoms Ne and Ar (Ar has the electronic structure [Ne] 3s23p6). 2. Metallic bonding The forces holding the lattice together arise from an interaction between the positive ion cores and the surrounding free electrons –metallic bonding. Example: Na (sodium) Electronic structure of Na (sodium, Z= 11) is 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s1 The single electron in th eouter orbital is loosely bound and is given up easily in ion formation –the outer electron of each atom is contributed to the crystal as a whole, so that the solid is made up of ions with closed shells immersed in a sea of free electrons. These “free” electrons are free to move about the crystal under the influence of an electric field providing good electric conductivity. © Nezih Pala EEE 6397 – Semiconductor Device Theory 61 Bonding forces in solids 3. Covalent bonding The bonding forces arise from a quantum mechanical interaction between the shared electrons : Each electron pair constitutes a covalent bond These two electrons are indistinguishable, except that they must have opposite spin to satisfy the Pauli exclusion principle. Covalent bonding is also found in certain molecules, such as H2. Example: Si (silicon) Electronic structure of Si (Z= 14) is 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p2 Si has four electron in the outer orbit. No free electron is available to the lattice in the covalent structure. © Nezih Pala EEE 6397 – Semiconductor Device Theory 62 Energy bands (A General and Simplified Approach) •When isolated atoms are brought together to form a solid, various interactions occur between neighboring atoms. •The forces of attraction and repulsion between atoms will find a balance at the proper interatomic spacing for the crystal. •In this process, important changes occur in the electron energy level configurations, and these changes result in the varied electrical properties of solids. •When two atoms are completely isolated from each other, they can have identical electronic structures •As the spacing between the two atoms becomes smaller, electron wave functions begin to overlap. The Pauli exclusion principle dictates that no two electrons in a given interacting system may have the same quantum state; thus there must be a splitting of the discrete energy levels of the isolated atoms into new levels belonging to the pair rather than to individual atoms. © Nezih Pala EEE 6397 – Semiconductor Device Theory 63 Energy bands -2 © Nezih Pala EEE 6397 – Semiconductor Device Theory 64 Energy bands -4 © Nezih Pala EEE 6397 – Semiconductor Device Theory 65 Energy bands -5 Energy levels in Si as a function of atomic spacing. The core levels (n=1,2) in Si are completely filled with electrons. At the actual atomic spacing of the crystal, the 2N electrons in the 3s subshell and the 2N electrons in the 3p subshell undergo sp3 hybridization, and all end up in the lower 4N states (valence band) while the higher lying 4N states (conduction band) are empty separated by a band gap. 1s2 ⇨ 2N states 2s2 ⇨ 2N states © Nezih Pala 2p6 ⇨ 6N states 3s2 ⇨ 2N states EEE 6397 – Semiconductor Device Theory 3p6 ⇨ 6N states 66 Energy bands -6 In a solid, very large number of atoms is brought together. This causes that the split energy levels form continuous bands of energies. Example: Formation of energy bands as a diamond (C) crystal is formed by bringing together isolated carbon atoms. Electronic structure of C (Z= 6)is 1s2 2s2 2p2 © Nezih Pala EEE 6397 – Semiconductor Device Theory 67 Energy bands -7 Each C atom has available two 1s states, two 2s states, six 2p states, and higher states. If we consider N atoms brought together, there will be 2N states of type 1s, 2N states of type 2s, and 6N states of type 2p. As the interatomic spacing decreases, energy levels split into bands. As the "2s" and "2p" bands grow, they merge into a single band composed of a mixture of energy levels. This band of "2s-2p" levels contains 8N available states. © Nezih Pala EEE 6397 – Semiconductor Device Theory 68 Energy bands -8 E © Nezih Pala EEE 6397 – Semiconductor Device Theory 69 Energy bands -9 Two atoms Six atoms Solid of N atoms Electrons must occupy different energies due to Pauli Exclusion principle. © Nezih Pala EEE 6397 – Semiconductor Device Theory 70 Energy bands -10 As the distance between atoms approaches the equilibrium interatomic spacing of diamond, the band of "2s-2p" levels splits into two bands (conduction band and valence band) separated by an energy gap Eg. A semiconductor crystal has two bands of available energy levels separated by an energy gap Eg wide, which contains no allowed energy levels for electrons to occupy. © Nezih Pala EEE 6397 – Semiconductor Device Theory 71 Energy bands A Formal Approach A more formal and mathematical approach of derivation of energy bands in solids more particularly semiconductor crystals involves quantum mechanics, Bloch’s Theorem and Kronig-Penney Model. Felix Bloch (October 23, 1905 – September 10, 1983) was a Swiss physicist, working mainly in the U.S. He received his doctorate in physics in 1928 at the University of Leipzig under the supervision of Werner Heisenberg. His doctoral thesis established the quantum theory of solids, using Bloch waves to describe the electrons. Ralph Kronig was a German-American physicist (March 10, 1904 – November 16, 1995). He is noted for the discovery of particle spin and for his theory of x-ray absorption spectroscopy. His theories include the Kronig-Penney model, the Coster-Kronig transition and the Kramers–Kronig relation. © Nezih Pala William George Penney, Baron Penney (24 June 1909 – 3 March 1991) was a British physicist who was responsible for the development of British nuclear technology following the World War II. A mathematician by training, he became an expert on wave dynamics. He was tasked with the development of the British atomic bomb. EEE 6397 – Semiconductor Device Theory 72 Electrons in Periodic Potential When we wan to examine the properties of an electron in a periodic lattice, we need to consider Schrödinger's; equation such that the potential energy term V(r) reflects the fact that the electron sees a periodic potential. In a one dimensional lattice, ionized atoms form a periodic potential distribution for electrons due to Coulomb potential. U(x) x 1 ( Zq)(q) U ( x) 4 0 | x| Schrodinger’s equation can be written as 2 2 V (r ) (r ) E(r ) 2m where the potential energy term is periodic V(r)=V(r+T) and where T is the crystal translation vector. © Nezih Pala EEE 6397 – Semiconductor Device Theory 73 Bloch’s Theorem Bloch’s theorem applies to waves in periodic structures in general. In a periodic potential distribution, wave function solutions of Schrodinger’s equation can be written as the product of a plane wave and a periodic function. jk.r (r ) u(r )e where k is the wavevector to be determined (called the Bloch wavevector) and where u is periodic u (r ) u (r T ) Thus jk.(r T ) jk.r jk.T jk.T (r T ) u(r T )e u(r )e e (r )e It is important to note that the Bloch theorem shows that the electronic can propagate through a perfect periodic medium without scattering(i.e. without hitting the atoms). © Nezih Pala EEE 6397 – Semiconductor Device Theory 74 Kronig – Penney Model of Band Structure -1 As an approximate model for one dimensional crystal can be given as a V=V0 V=V0 V=V0 V=0 -a2 0 V=0 0 xa 0, V ( x) V0 , -b x 0 a1 where a=a1+a2 is the period of the lattice. This is known as Kronig-Penny model. In the region -a2 ≤ x ≤ 0, the potential V=V0, and the solution of Schrödinger's equation is I ( x) Ae jx Be jx where 2m( E V0 ) 2 In the region 0 ≤ x ≤ a1, the potential V=0, and the solution of Schrödinger's equation is II ( x) De jx Fe jx © Nezih Pala where EEE 6397 – Semiconductor Device Theory 2mE 2 75 Kronig – Penney Model of Band Structure -2 Using Bloch theorem ( x) u( x)e jkx and u ( x) u ( x a ) ( x a) u( x a)e jk ( xa ) u( x)e jk ( xa ) ( x)e jka therefore Using these relationships the wavefunction in the period a1 ≤ x ≤ a1+a can be written as Ae e ( x) Ae j ( x a ) Be j ( x a ) e jka , j ( x a ) Be j ( x a ) jka , a1 x a a x a1 a Enforcing the continuity of Ψ and Ψ’ at x=0 and x=a1 leads to the eignevalue equation, if 0 < E < V0 2 2 cos ka cos(a1 ) cosh(a2 ) sin(a1 ) sinh(a2 ) 2 and if E > V0 2 2 cos ka cos(a1 ) cos(a2 ) sin(a1 ) sin( a2 ) 2 © Nezih Pala EEE 6397 – Semiconductor Device Theory 2m(V0 E ) 2 76 Kronig – Penney Model of Band Structure -3 In the preceding equations, the energy E is the only unknown parameter. For a solution to exist, we must have 1 cos ka 1 Therefore the right hand side of the last two equations denoted as r(E) must obey this condition. A typical plot of r(E) vs E is as follows: k 0 k a The figure makes it that there are certain allowed values of energy, called allowed energy bands and certain unallowed values of energy , called band gaps. That is if E is in an allowed energy band, Schrodinger’s equation has solution, and if E is in an allowed energy band there is no solution. Within an allowed band, energy can take any value (i.e. it is not discretized). Note that as energy increases , the allowed energy bands increase in width, and so the forbidden bands decrease in width. © Nezih Pala EEE 6397 – Semiconductor Device Theory 77 Kronig – Penney Model of Band Structure -4 Since cos ka r ( E ) we can generate an important figure called dispersion diagram, which is a diagram of energy versus wavenumber (E vs. k). To generate the dispersion diagram, start at E=0 and compute r(E). If |r(E)|=|cos ka|>1, we are at a forbidden energy (i.e. in a bandgap) and we need to increase E a bit and try again. If |r(E)|≤ 1, we are at an allowed energy (i.e. in an energy band) and in this case the corresponding wavenumber is k 1 cos 1 (r ( E )) a Since cosine is an even function –k will also be a solution. By increasing E by a small amount and checking the value of r(E) , we can generate the plot of allowed and unallowed energy bands. One form of the result will look like as follows. This depiction is known as the extended zone scheme. © Nezih Pala EEE 6397 – Semiconductor Device Theory 78 Kronig – Penney Model of Band Structure -5 The various sections of wavenumber space are divided into what are called Brillouin zones with the range a k a Denoting the important first Brillouin zone. The second Brillouin zone is the range 2 k , a a a k 2 a and so on for higher zones. © Nezih Pala EEE 6397 – Semiconductor Device Theory 79 Kronig – Penney Model of Band Structure -6 Another depiction arises from noting that the energy bands in the higher Brillouin zones can be all translated to the first Brillouin zone by shifts of n2π/a . This results in what is called reduced zone scheme as shown below. This is the most common format for describing the band structure. © Nezih Pala EEE 6397 – Semiconductor Device Theory 80 Kronig – Penney Model of Band Structure -7 We concluded that, due to the periodic potential associated with the crystalline lattice, there are allowed and disallowed energy bands. Let us look at how carrier transport is affected if a band is filled with electrons or not. 1. If an allowed band is completely empty of electrons, obviously there are no electrons in the band to participate in electrical conduction. This can happen, for example, in a high-energy band where the energies of the band are above the energies of the systems electrons. 2. Similarly, and surprisingly, if an allowed band is completely filled with electrons, those electrons can not contributive to electric conduction either. } } Conduction Band Valence Band 3. Only electrons in a partially filled energy band can contribute to conduction. © Nezih Pala EEE 6397 – Semiconductor Device Theory 81 Kronig – Penney Model of Band Structure -8 A schematic description of allowed energy levels and energy bands in an atom and in crystalline materials. © Nezih Pala EEE 6397 – Semiconductor Device Theory 82 Kronig – Penney Model of Band Structure -9 The concept of allowed bands of energy separated by bandgaps is central to the understanding of crystalline materials. Near the band edges it is usually possible to define the electron E–k relation as 2 2 (k k0 ) E 2m * where k0 is the k-value at the band edge and m∗ is the effective mass. The concept of an effective mass is extremely useful, since it represents the response of the electron–crystal system to the outside world. E vs. k diagram for Si © Nezih Pala EEE 6397 – Semiconductor Device Theory 83 Kronig – Penney Model of Band Structure -10 One obtains a series of allowed energy bands separated by bandgaps as shown schematically in the previous slides. Each band has an E vs. k relation. Examples of such relations called bandstructure will be shown later in this chapter. The product of and the k-vector behaves like an effective momentum for the electron inside the crystal. The smallest k-values lie in a k-space called the Brillouin zone (see figure below). If the k-value is chosen beyond the Brillouin zone values, the energy values are simply repeated. Brillouin zone of the face centered cubic lattice (left) and the hexagonal lattice (right). © Nezih Pala EEE 6397 – Semiconductor Device Theory 84 Kronig – Penney Model of Band Structure -11 As shown in the figure for the fcc lattice, the maximum k-value along the (100) direction is 2π/a(1, 0, 0). This point is called the X-point and there are five other equivalent points, due to the cubic symmetry of the lattice. Similarly, along the (111) direction, the maximum k-point is π/a(1, 1, 1) and seven other similar points. This point is called the L-point. Thus we commonly display the E-k diagram with k going from the origin (called the Γpoint) to the X-point and from the origin to the L-point. © Nezih Pala EEE 6397 – Semiconductor Device Theory 85 Effective Mass -1 An electron in empty space has a well defined constant mass. However, sometimes, it is useful to view mass merely a proportionality constant between force and acceleration, remembering the Newton’s second law F=ma. dp d (mv) Force Fint Fext dt dt where Fint is the collection of internal periodic crystal forces, and Fext is the externally applied force. It is inefficient to solve this complicated problem involving the periodic crystal potential (which is obviously different in different semiconductors) every time we try to solve a semiconductor device problem. It is better to solve the complicated problem of carrier motion in the periodic crystal potential just once, and encapsulate that information in what is called the bandstructure, (E, k), whose curvature gives us the effective mass, m*.The electron then responds to external forces with this new m*. Newton's law is then written as: d ( m * v) Fext dt This is clearly an enormous simplification compared to the more detailed problem. The periodic crystal forces depend on the details of a specific semiconductor; therefore, the effective mass is different in different materials. © Nezih Pala EEE 6397 – Semiconductor Device Theory 86 Effective Mass -2 On the other hand, complete band structure of material does not need to be known, since only electrons in certain regions of band are of interest. We typically are more interested in the behavior of electrons near the band edge (conduction band or valence band) since they contribute to the conduction most. In this case only the local behavior of E-k curve is important. © Nezih Pala EEE 6397 – Semiconductor Device Theory 87 Effective Mass -3 From Newton’s law of motion dvg d (k ) F m* dt dt vg And from the group velocity definition 1 d dE 1 d 2 E d (k ) 2 dt dt dk dk 2 dt dvg Hence w 1 E k k 2 m* 2 d E dk 2 1 d 2 E d (k ) d (k ) m* 2 2 dk dt dt In a real three dimensional crystal, effective mass is E mx , y , z * 2 k x . y , z 2 1 2 © Nezih Pala EEE 6397 – Semiconductor Device Theory 88 Effective mass –4 Consider a free electron for simplicity p mv k 1 2 1 p2 2 2 E mv k 2 2 m 2m Take the second derivative wrt k Effective mass m* is inversely proportional to the curvature (second derivative) of the E - k relationship. 2 2 d E 2 2 d k m 2 m 2 d E 2 2 d k The term k responds to the external forces as if it is the momentum of the electron, although, as can be seen by comparing the true Newton’s equation of motion, it is clear that k contains the effects of the internal crystal potentials and is therefore not the true electron momentum. The quantity k is called the crystal momentum. © Nezih Pala EEE 6397 – Semiconductor Device Theory 89 Effective Mass -5 Mathematically, the effective mass is inversely proportional to the curvature of an E vs k plot. m* is positive near the bottoms of all bands. m* is negative near the tops of all bands. A negative effective mass simply means that, in response to an applied force, the electron will accelerate in a direction opposite to that expected from purely classical considerations. The negative effective mass helps to describe, conceptually and mathematically, charge transfer (and therefore conduction) in a partially filled band. We define an empty state left behind an electron as a positive charge and a positive effective mass and call it hole. © Nezih Pala EEE 6397 – Semiconductor Device Theory 90 Effective Mass –6 In any calculation involving the mass of the charge carriers, we must use effective mass values for the particular material involved. mn*–the electron effective mass mp*–the hole effective mass The n subscript indicates the electron as a negative charge carrier, and the p subscript indicates the hole as a positive charge carrier. Material mn*/m0 mp*/m0 Si 1.18 0.81 Ge 0.55 0.36 GaAs 0.066 0.52 © Nezih Pala m0–mass of electron in rest m0= 9.10938188×10-31kg EEE 6397 – Semiconductor Device Theory 91 Effective mass –7 In crystalline material, we must use altered values of particle mass (effective mass) to take into account the influence of the periodic potential on carrier behavior. © Nezih Pala EEE 6397 – Semiconductor Device Theory 92 Effective mass –5 E vs. k diagram for Si © Nezih Pala EEE 6397 – Semiconductor Device Theory 93 Effective mass –6 © Nezih Pala EEE 6397 – Semiconductor Device Theory 94 Effective mass –7 In any calculation involving the mass of the charge carriers, we must use effective mass values for the particular material involved. mn*–the electron effective mass mp*–the hole effective mass The n subscript indicates the electron as a negative charge carrier, and the p subscript indicates the hole as a positive charge carrier. Material mn*/m0 mp*/m0 Si 1.18 0.81 Ge 0.55 0.36 GaAs 0.066 0.52 © Nezih Pala m0–mass of electron in rest m0= 9.10938188×10-31kg EEE 6397 – Semiconductor Device Theory 95 Direct and indirect semiconductors –1 •The real band structure in 3D is calculated with various numerical methods, plotted as E vs k. Where k is called wave vector. •p(k) = ħk, where p(k) is momentum. •For electron transition, both E and p(k) must be conserved. •A semiconductor is direct if the maximum of the conduction band and the minimum of the valence band has the same k value. •A semiconductor is indirect if the maximum of the conduction band and the minimum of the valence do not have the same k value. •Direct semiconductors are suitable for making light-emitting devices, whereas the indirect semiconductors are not. © Nezih Pala EEE 6397 – Semiconductor Device Theory 96 Direct and indirect semiconductors –2 A typical bandstructure of a semiconductor near the top of the valence band is shown in the next slide. We notice the presence of three bands near the valence bandedge. These curves or bands are labeled I, II, and III in the figure and are called the heavy hole (HH), light hole (LH), and the split off hole bands. The bottom of the conduction band in some semiconductors occurs at k = 0. Such semiconductors are called direct bandgap materials. Semiconductors, such as GaAs, InP, GaN, InN, etc., are direct bandgap semiconductors. In other semiconductors, the bottom of the conduction band does not occur at the k = 0 point, but at certain other points. Such semiconductors are called indirect semiconductors. Examples are Si, Ge, AlAs, etc. Due to the law of momentum conservation, direct gap materials have a strong interaction with light. Indirect gap materials have a relatively weak interaction with electrons. When the bandedges are at k = 0 it is possible to represent the bandstructure by a simple relation of the form 2 2 E (k ) EC k 2m * where Ec is the conduction band edge, and the band structure is a simple parabola. The equation for the E–k relation looks very much like that of an electron in free space as noted previously. © Nezih Pala EEE 6397 – Semiconductor Device Theory 97 Direct and indirect semiconductors –3 2k 2 E (k ) EC 2m * A semiconductor is direct if the maximum of the valence band and the minimum of the conduction band do have the same k value. © Nezih Pala A semiconductor is indirect if the maximum of the valence band and the minimum of the conduction band do not have the same k value. EEE 6397 – Semiconductor Device Theory 98 Direct and indirect semiconductors –4 Thus an electron making a smallest-energy transition from the conduction band to the valence band in GaAs(-direct semiconductor) can do so without a change in k value. On the other hand, a transition from the minimum point in the Si conduction band to the maximum point of the valence band requires some change in k. © Nezih Pala EEE 6397 – Semiconductor Device Theory 99 Direct and indirect semiconductors –5 Silicon The most important semiconductor is silicon. Silicon has an indirect bandgap as shown in the figure. The bottom of the conduction band in Si is at point (∼ (2π/a)(0.85, 0.0); i.e., close to the X-point. There are six degenerate X-points and, consequently, six conduction band edge valleys. The near band edge band structure can be represented by ellipsoids of energy with simple E vs. k relations of the form (for examples for the [100] valley) 2 2 2 2 k x2 (k y k y ) E (k ) 2ml * 2mt * where we have two masses, the longitudinal and transverse. The six constant energy surfaces of Si are ellipsoids and shown in the figure. The next valley in the conduction band is the Lpoint valley, which is about 1.1 eV above the bandedge. Above this is the Γ-point edge. Due to the six-fold degeneracy of the conduction bandedge, the electron transport in Si is quite poor because of the very large density of states near the bandedge, leading to a high scattering rate in transport. © Nezih Pala EEE 6397 – Semiconductor Device Theory 100 Direct and indirect semiconductors –6 GaAs GaAs is a direct gap material with small electron effective mass. The near bandedge bandstructure of GaAs is shown in the figure. The bandstructure can be represented by the relation (referenced to Ec) 2 2 E (k ) k 2m * with m∗ = 0.067m0. A better relationship is the non-parabolic approximation E (1 E ) 2k 2 with α = 0.67 eV−1. 2m * For high electric field transport, it is important to note that the valleys above Γ-point are the L-valleys. There are eight L-points, but, since half of them are connected by a reciprocal lattice vector, there are four valleys. The separation ΔEΓL between the Γ- and L- minima is 0.29 eV. The L-valley has a much larger effective mass than the Γ-valley. For GaAs, m∗L ∼ 0.25m0. This difference in masses is extremely important for high electric field transport as will be discussed later. The valence band of GaAs has the standard HH, LH, and SO bands. Due to the large spin–orbit splitting, for most purposes the SO band does not play any role in electronic properties. © Nezih Pala EEE 6397 – Semiconductor Device Theory 101 Direct and indirect semiconductors –5 E vs. k diagram for Si and GaAs. © Nezih Pala EEE 6397 – Semiconductor Device Theory 102 Direct and indirect semiconductors –6 InN, GaN, and AlN The III–V nitride family of GaN, InN, and AlN have become quite important due to progress in the ability to grow the semiconductor. These materials are typically grown with a wurtzite structure, and have band gaps ranging from ∼1.0 eV to over 6.0 eV. This large bangap is very useful for short wavelength light emitters and high power electronics. In the figures we show the band structure for nitrides. © Nezih Pala EEE 6397 – Semiconductor Device Theory 103 Metals, semiconductors, and insulators –1 Every solid has its own characteristic energy band structure. This variation in band structure is responsible for the wide range of electrical characteristics observed in various materials. Current flow in solids can occur only if: 1 An electric field is applied AND There are empty energy states 2 . available to the electrons to move to © Nezih Pala EEE 6397 – Semiconductor Device Theory 104 Metals, semiconductors, and insulators –2 For example: There can be no charge transport within the valence band of a semiconductor at T= 0 K, since no empty states are available into which electrons can move. There are no electrons in the conduction band, so no charge transport can take place there either. Semiconductor materials at 0 K have basically the same structure as insulators –a filled valence band separated from an empty conduction band by a band gap containing no allowed energy states. © Nezih Pala EEE 6397 – Semiconductor Device Theory 105 Metals, semiconductors, and insulators –3 The difference in electrical properties of solids lies in the size of the band gap Eg Insulator An insulator typically has Eg≈10 eV Diamond: Eg= 5 eV © Nezih Pala Semiconductor The semiconductor Si has a band gap Eg= 1.1 eV EEE 6397 – Semiconductor Device Theory Metal The bands in metals either overlap or are only partially filled 106 Metals, semiconductors, and insulators –4 •Metals have free electrons and partially filled valence bands, therefore they are highly conductive. •Semimetals have their highest band filled. This filled band, however, overlaps with the next higher band, therefore they are conductive but with slightly higher resistivity than normal metals. Examples: arsenic, bismuth, and antimony. •Insulators have filled valence bands and empty conduction bands, separated by a large band gap Eg (typically > 4 eV), they have high resistivity. •Semiconductors have similar band structure as insulators but with a much smaller band gap. Some electrons can jump to the empty conduction band by thermal or optical excitation. Eg=1.1 eV for Si, 0.67 eV for Ge and 1.43 eV for GaAs © Nezih Pala EEE 6397 – Semiconductor Device Theory 107 Metals, semiconductors, and insulators –5 Band gap energy Eg of semiconductor materials: Semiconductor Bandgap Energy Eg (eV) Carbon (diamond) 5.47 Silicon 1.12 Germanium 0.66 Tin 0.082 Gallium arsenide 1.42 Gallium nitride 3.49 Indium phosphide 1.35 Boron nitride 7.50 Silicon carbide 3.26 Cadmium selenide 1.70 © Nezih Pala EEE 6397 – Semiconductor Device Theory 108 Electrons and holes –1 As the temperature of a semiconductor is raised from 0 K or when energy is transferred from a photon to an electron in the valence band, some electrons can receive enough energy to be excited across the band gap to the conduction band. An empty state in the valence band is referred to as a hole. If the conduction band electron and the hole are created by the excitation of a valence band electron to the conduction band, they are called an electron-hole pair (abbreviated EHP). After excitation to the conduction band, an electron may occupy any of a large number of empty energy states. © Nezih Pala EEE 6397 – Semiconductor Device Theory 109 Electrons and holes –2 Example: Typical equilibrium number of electron-hole pairs in pure Si at room temperature (T≈300 K) is about 1010 EHP/cm3 while the Si atom density is Compare 5×1022 atoms/cm3 Thus the few electrons in the conduction band are free to move about via the many available empty states. 1010 EHP/cm3 << 5×1022 atoms/cm3 © Nezih Pala EEE 6397 – Semiconductor Device Theory 110 Electrons and holes –3 In a filled valence band, all available energy states are occupied. If we even apply an electric field, the net current is zero. Let’s suppose that there are N electrons/cm3 in the filled valence band. Then, the current density in a unit volume can be written as N J ~ q vi 0 i 1 where (–q) is a charge of an electron; vi–velocity of the i-th electron. © Nezih Pala EEE 6397 – Semiconductor Device Theory 111 Electrons and holes –4 Let’s remove now one j-th electron from the valence band. That creates a hole in it. The net current density in the valence band is now the sum over all velocities, minus the contribution of the j-th electron we have removed: N J ~ (q) vi (q)v j 1 i 0 This is the current density in the valence band when j-th electron is missing. It is equivalent to that of a positively charged particle with velocity vj, created by the removed electron: +qvj © Nezih Pala EEE 6397 – Semiconductor Device Theory 112 Electrons and holes –5 Of course, the charge transport is actually due to the motion of the new uncompensated electron (j'). Its current contribution (-q)(-vj) is equivalent to that of a positively charged particle with velocity +vj. So, we may treat empty states in the valence band as charge carriers (holes) with positive charge and positive mass. In all the following discussions we shall concentrate on the electrons in the conduction band and on the holes in the valence band. The current flow in a semiconductor can be described by the motion of these two types of charge carriers: electrons and holes. © Nezih Pala EEE 6397 – Semiconductor Device Theory 113 Electrons and holes –6 This movement of electrons from right to left is equivalent to travel of the hole from left to right. © Nezih Pala EEE 6397 – Semiconductor Device Theory 114 Intrinsic materials –1 A perfect semiconductor crystal with no impurities or lattice defects is called an intrinsic semiconductor. In such material there are no free charge carriers at T= 0 K, since the valence band is filled with electrons and the conduction band is empty. At higher temperatures electron-hole pairs are generated as valence band electrons are excited thermally across the band gap to the conduction band. These EHPs are the only charge carriers in intrinsic material. If one of the Si valence electrons is broken away from its position in the bonding structure such that it becomes free to move about in the lattice, a conduction electron is created and a broken bond (hole) is left behind. The energy required to break the bond is the band gap energy Eg. © Nezih Pala EEE 6397 – Semiconductor Device Theory 115 Intrinsic materials –2 Since the electrons and holes are created in pairs, the conduction band electron concentration n (electrons per cm3) is equal to the concentration of holes in the valence band p (holes per cm3). Thus for intrinsic material n= p= ni where ni is concentration of EHPs in intrinsic material or intrinsic concentration. ni depends on temperature (!) Obviously, if a steady state carrier concentration is maintained, there must be recombination of EHPs at the same rate at which they are generated. Recombination occurs when an electron in the conduction band makes a transition (direct or indirect) to an empty state (hole) in the valence band, thus annihilating the pair. © Nezih Pala EEE 6397 – Semiconductor Device Theory 116 Intrinsic materials –3 Band diagram for intrinsic semiconductor © Nezih Pala EEE 6397 – Semiconductor Device Theory 117 Extrinsic materials –1 In addition to the intrinsic carriers generated thermally, it is possible to create carriers in semiconductors by purposely (controllably) introducing impurities into the crystal. This process is called doping. By doping, a crystal can be altered so that it has a predominance of either electrons or holes. There are two types of doped semiconductors: •p-type (mostly holes) •n-type (mostly electrons) © Nezih Pala EEE 6397 – Semiconductor Device Theory 118 Extrinsic materials –2 When a crystal is doped such that the equilibrium carrier concentrations n0 and p0 are different from the intrinsic carrier concentration ni, the material is said to be extrinsic. Donors Acceptors Dopants increasing electron concentration Dopants increasing electron concentration P (phosphorus) B (Boron) As (Arsenic) Ga (Gallium) Sb (Antimony) In (Indium) Al (Aluminum) © Nezih Pala EEE 6397 – Semiconductor Device Theory 119 Extrinsic materials –3 © Nezih Pala EEE 6397 – Semiconductor Device Theory 120 Extrinsic materials –4 When impurities or lattice defects are introduced into an otherwise perfect crystal, additional levels are created in the energy band structure, usually within the band gap. n-type semiconductors An impurity from V-column of the periodic table (P, As, and Sb) introduces an energy level very near the conduction band in Si or Ge. This level is filled with electrons at T= 0 K, and very little thermal energy is required to excite these electrons to the conduction band. At T about 50–100 K virtually all of the electrons in the impurity level are "donated" to the conduction band. Such an impurity level is called a donor level. Thus semiconductors doped with a significant number of donor atoms will have n0>> ni or p0 at room temperature. This is n-type material. © Nezih Pala EEE 6397 – Semiconductor Device Theory 121 Extrinsic materials –5 n-type Semiconductor Si (Z= 14): 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p2 Dopant (donor) As (Z= 33): 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 3d10 4s2 4p3 © Nezih Pala EEE 6397 – Semiconductor Device Theory 122 Extrinsic materials –6 Band diagram for n-type semiconductor © Nezih Pala EEE 6397 – Semiconductor Device Theory 123 Extrinsic materials –7 Atoms from III-column (B, Al, Ga, and In) introduce impurity levels in Ge or Si near the valence band. These levels are empty of electrons at 0 K. At low temperatures, enough thermal energy is available to excite electrons from the valence band into the impurity level, leaving behind holes in the valence band. Since this type of impurity level "accepts" electrons from the valence band, it is called an acceptor level, and the column III impurities are acceptor impurities in Ge and Si. Doping with acceptor impurities can create a semiconductor with a hole concentration p0much greater than the conduction band electron concentration n0 or ni( this type is ptype material) © Nezih Pala EEE 6397 – Semiconductor Device Theory 124 Extrinsic materials –8 p-type Semiconductor Si (Z= 14): 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p2 Dopant (acceptor) B (Z= 5): 1s2 2s2 2p1 © Nezih Pala EEE 6397 – Semiconductor Device Theory 125 Extrinsic materials –9 Band diagram for p-type semiconductor © Nezih Pala EEE 6397 – Semiconductor Device Theory 126 Extrinsic materials –10 Example: Calculate the approximate energy required to excite the extra electron of As donor atom into the conduction band of Si (the donor binding energy). Solution: Let’s assume for rough calculations that the As (1s2 2s2 2p2 3s2 3p6 3d10 4s2 4p3) atom has its four covalent bonding electrons rather tightly bound and the fifth “extra” electron loosely bound to the atom. We can approximate this situation by using the Bohr model results, considering the loosely bound electron as ranging about the tightly bound "core" electrons in a hydrogen-like orbit. We have to find energy necessary to remove that “extra” electron from As atom. © Nezih Pala EEE 6397 – Semiconductor Device Theory 127 Extrinsic materials –11 We can approximate As dopant atom in Si lattice by using the Bohr model: the loosely bound “fifth” electron is ranging about the tightly bound "core" electrons in a hydrogen-like orbit. The magnitude of the ground-state energy (n= 1) of such an electron in the Bohr model is mq 4 E1 2K 2 2 Constant K in this case is K=4πεrε0 where εr is relative dielectric constant of Si © Nezih Pala Approximation of As dopant atom in Si lattice. EEE 6397 – Semiconductor Device Theory 128 Extrinsic materials –12 Besides relative dielectric constant of Si, we have to use conductivity effective mass of electron mn* in Si in the formula for energy E: mn* q 4 mn* q 4 E 2 2 2(4 0 r ) 8( 0 r h) 2 1.18(9.1110 31)(1.6 10 19 ) 4 E 8(8.85 10 12 11.8 6.63 10 34 ) 2 1.18 9.11 (1.6) 4 (10 107 ) 8 (8.85) 2 (11.8) 2 (6.63) 2 10 92 70.45 10 107 20 1 . 837 10 (J) 6 92 3.835 10 10 1eV 1.6 10 19 J E 0.1 eV © Nezih Pala EEE 6397 – Semiconductor Device Theory 129 Extrinsic materials –13 Generally, the column-V donor levels lie approximately 0.01 eV below the conduction band in Ge, and the column-III acceptor levels lie about 0.01 eV above the valence band. In Si the usual donor and acceptor levels lie about 0.03-0.06 eV from a band edge. When a semiconductor is doped n-type or p-type, one type of carrier dominates. For example, when we introduce donors, the number of electrons in conduction band is much higher than number of the holes in the valence band. In n-type material: holes –minority carriers electrons –majority carriers © Nezih Pala In p-type material: holes –majority carriers electrons –minority carriers EEE 6397 – Semiconductor Device Theory 130