Phylum Chordata Phylum Chordata

Rebecca Jenkins
Megan Paynter
Sara McCarvill
Shalen Trask
Title: Jun 5­2:46 PM (1 of 13)
• Organisms that at some time in their development have a stiff rod (notochord) running down their back, a hollow dorsal nerve tube and gill slits.
• They make up only 5% of all known animal species and some common examples of chordates are: Koalas, Rhinos and Mice.
Title: Jun 5­3:01 PM (2 of 13)
Did You Know.....
There is a term "invertebrate chordates" which lack a backbone. This group represents a transition period between invertebrates and vertebrates. These can be found in the subphyla Cephalochordata and Urochordata. They are "filter feeding" marine organisms, such as Lancelets and Tunicates.
Phylum Chordata
Subphylum Cephalochordata
Title: Jun 5­3:22 PM (3 of 13)
Subphylum Vertebrata
Cold Blooded (ectotherms)
­body temperature changes with surroundings
Warm Blooded (endotherms)
­body temperature generally remains constant
regardless of external changes in temperature. ­this makes these organisms more independant in their environments.
Title: Jun 5­3:59 PM (4 of 13)
• 95% of chordates are in subphylum vertebrata, and all of them have vertebra (plural=vertebrae) which are skeletal structures that protect the nerve cord.
• they have vertebrae
• jointed endoskeleton
• large brain, protected by a skull
• advanced nervous system
• special outer covering (skin)
• 1 or 2 pairs of appendages (arms, legs, fins etc.)
• large coelom, which contains vital organs
• complex heart (2 to 4 chambers)
• closed circulatory system
Title: Jun 5­3:31 PM (5 of 13)
7 Classes of Vertebrates
Agnatha (Ag­na­tha )
Chondrichthyes (Kon­drik­thees)
Osteichthyes (Oss­tee­ick­thees)
Amphibia (Amf­ib­eeya)
Reptilia (Rep­till­eeya)
Aves (Ah­vays)
Mammalia (Mam­ayl­eeya)
Title: Jun 5­3:38 PM (6 of 13)
• Cold blooded
­> Jawless fish
­ex. Lampreys, HagFish
• Cold blooded
­>Cartilaginous Fish
­ex. Sharks, Stingrays
• Cold blooded
­>Bony Fish
­ex. Trout, Salmon, Cod
Title: Jun 5­3:42 PM (7 of 13)
• Cold blooded
­ex. Frogs, Salamanders, Toads
• Cold blooded
­ex. Turtles, Snakes, Lizards
Title: Jun 5­3:47 PM (8 of 13)
• Warm blooded
­> Birds
­ex. Robins, Hawks, Vultures
Note: These 2 classes are the only warm blooded!
• Warm blooded
­ex. Humans, Whales, Kangaroos
Title: Jun 5­3:54 PM (9 of 13)
Adaptations for life on land
• The first fully terrestrial vertebrates were the reptiles about 310 million years ago.
• The greatest advance was the development of the amniotic egg. It provides a self contained environment for the embryo. It can also be produced by birds and some mammals.
• It's shell is described as leathery or calcified. Inside there are four membranes to nourish and protect the embryo.
Title: Jun 5­4:04 PM (10 of 13)
The Amniotic Egg
• The amnion is a fluid filled sac that cushions and keeps the embryo in place. It has a yolk sac that has a yolk ( stored food which the embryo feeds on.)
• The allantois holds wastes from the embryo and with the amnion provides an oxygen and carbon dioxide exchange through the shell.
• The chorion lines the inside of the shell and encloses the other three membranes.
Title: Jun 5­4:12 PM (11 of 13)
Title: Jun 6­2:51 PM (12 of 13)
10 Systems
Integument­ epidermis and dermis with various epidermal structures
Digestive system­ typical digestive tract + pancreas and liver (glands)
Circulatory system­ 2 to 4 chambered heart, closed system
Respiratory system­ gills in lower aquatic forms, lungs in land forms
Excretory system­ most have kidneys ~ liquid wastes
Nervous system­ central & peripheral nervous systems & sense organs
Endocrine system­ glands produce hormones to control organs + glands
Skeletal system­ endoskeleton of bone or cartilage; notochord may persist
Muscular system­ muscles for movement + muscles to form walls of organs
Reproductive system­ separate sexes for most; lower forms external fert.
Title: Jun 11­9:13 AM (13 of 13)